Rash on the face near the nose. A detailed explanation of perioral dermatitis (acne, rash on the chin) in adults and children: what it is, causes, effective treatment. Acne under the nose

A rash around the mouth in an adult may indicate problems in the body or a certain disease called perioral dermatitis.

Photo 1: There can be many causes of rashes around the mouth, and you can determine what caused the problem by the nature of the acne and the additional symptoms that accompany it. Source: flickr (#Shuba #Norka).

Causes of the rash

  1. Formations around the lips and on the chin can occur as an allergic reaction for: cosmetics; cold; animal fur; toothpaste; hormone-containing drugs.
  2. Pimples near the lips may also indicate digestive problems., namely about a disruption in the functioning of any part of the intestine. Dysfunction, in turn, may occur due to a condition nervous system, long-term use antibiotics, and due to the constant consumption of junk food.
  3. Acne formations (inflamed comedones, papules) indicate blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the skin. This happens with: hormonal imbalances; stress (the skin produces more fat); overweight; endocrine diseases; constant intoxication of the body (alcohol, nicotine, harmful substances).
  4. If the rash around the mouth appears as clustered small red bumps, causing the area to appear pinkish-red, a dermatologist may diagnose perioral dermatitis. The symptoms of this disease, in addition to rashes, are late stage include itching and flaking of the skin, it changes color after inflammation passes. This disease manifests itself gradually, usually the skin around the mouth turns red after eating hot or spicy food, then small rashes begin to appear. They have a symmetrical pattern, leaving a free strip of skin directly around the lips.

Most often women suffer from this disease, this is due to:

  • hormonal imbalances; stress;
  • use of hormonal drugs, creams, ointments;
  • using toothpaste with fluoride;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • a chronic process occurring in the body.

If treatment is not started in time, complications will arise., such as pigmentation of the area around the mouth, the appearance of wrinkles, and in severe cases, the disease can lead to demodicosis.

You cannot start treatment on your own, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, and pass necessary tests on the content of hormones in the blood.

As a preventive measure you need to strengthen your immune system, take care of facial hygiene, do not use cheap cosmetics, and do not self-medicate hormonal drugs.

Photo 3: Correct mode nutrition, healthy food and refusal bad habits will be a good help in maintaining general health body. Source: flickr (janelle).

Homeopathy against rashes around the mouth

A drug
To boost immunity and remove toxins from the body.
  • Chole-gran
For problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Dysbacteriosis, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, stomach pain.
Gastrointestinal diseases, menopause, gynecological tumors.
Pustular rash on the face, around the mouth; severe itching of rashes on the face associated with allergic manifestations.
Inflammations of a severe, advanced nature on the face, which lead to scarring.
The skin of the face is prone to the formation of acne, small red and painful ulcers.

The skin around the mouth is much thinner and more delicate than most areas of the body. It also does not have a good moisturizing function. The rash can occur due to physical trauma, dryness and intense sunlight.

Sometimes the rash can spread to the surface of the lips, but there are certain types that only affect the skin and never affect the lips themselves.

For some people, the rash around the mouth is chronic, permanent state, for others it may occur by chance. Here are some of the most common causes of dryness skin rash around the mouth.

  • Contact dermatitis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Climate change, lip licking and certain medications

Common reasons

Let's discuss in more detail the causes of rashes that can occur in adults and children:

Contact dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis like a reaction to mango juice

This is a disease that is characterized by inflammation at the site of skin contact with an allergen or irritant. Therefore, contact dermatitis can be allergic when the immune system reacts to a certain substance, or is irritable - the skin is exposed to some chemical substance. The first appears after a few hours, and the second much earlier.

Looks like red plaques that may be accompanied by itching and pain. Most often, this type of reaction occurs to certain cosmetic products, plants (poison ivy) or certain skin care products.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis around the mouth usually appears in the first 6 months. As he ages, his rash moves mainly to his arms and legs

They also say - atopic eczema. It is also a skin condition that causes irritation and inflammation around the mouth, and may also cause a rash on the legs, face, knees (usually with reverse side) and hands. The rash is characterized by itching, redness, swelling, thickening of the skin and the formation of scales.

There are several factors that cause this rash around the mouth, including extreme temperatures, stress, and some chemical substances. But to the end the nature of appearance atopic dermatitis not known. It usually affects children, but can sometimes persist with age.



This skin condition is caused by an allergic reaction to food, medications, stress and some other factors. Angioedema (angioedema) is a condition very similar to urticaria, but much more dangerous, with a rash and swelling also appearing on the lips.

This disorder most often affects women and causes groups of small red bumps to appear around the mouth. May extend to upper lip, chin and cheeks, making these areas of skin very dry and flaky.

People with oily skin types, as well as those who use cosmetics containing strong chemicals, are slightly more susceptible to this type of dermatitis.

Associated symptoms

Externally, the rash looks like red bumps. Sometimes it can become scaly and spread to the area under the eyes, forehead and chin. The bumps may be filled with pus or other fluid, causing them to resemble acne.

You may also experience symptoms such as burning or itching, especially as the condition worsens.

Causes in children

Causes of rashes in babies include:

foot and mouth disease

This is a skin problem caused by a virus known as Coxsackie. With this disease, the rash is accompanied by fever.


This bacterial infection, which causes a rash consisting of raised red bumps and a light brown crust around the baby's mouth and nose.

Smearing food around the mouth

Children often get dirty with food while eating. If they are not washed in time, inflammation may appear, which opens the way for bacterial infection.


Because of the pacifier, the skin around the baby's mouth is constantly smeared with saliva, which is known to be an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria.


This problem mainly affects infants. Prolonged skin contact with saliva can cause a rash.

The main causes of rash around the mouth in children

Rash with burning

This condition of the skin around the mouth can be caused by:

Chemical burns

May occur when skin comes into contact with strong chemicals such as acids. Chemical burn may cause redness, pain, or blistering of the skin.



Although more often the rash with herpes appears on the lips (the so-called “cold on the lips”) or on the mucous membranes oral cavity(oral herpes), but it can also appear on the skin around the mouth. These are burning, fluid-filled small blisters that eventually burst and crust over.

Other burning rashes

  • Allergic reaction
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Angular cheilitis

Rash before menstruation

This is due to the rare skin disease called autoimmune progesterone dermatitis (APD), which appears cyclically, according to menstrual cycle. It is believed that this is a skin reaction to hormonal changes that occur just before menstruation.

When progesterone levels in the blood rise, an autoimmune response occurs in the form of a rash. As progesterone levels decrease, the rash goes away. This is repeated every cycle.

Itchy rash around the mouth

Perioral dermatitis is characterized by groups of itchy and tender small red papules. The disease is named so based on the area where the rash spreads. The reason for its appearance is unknown. It is described in more detail at the beginning of the article.

The causes of a rash under the nose can be different. One of them is perioral dermatitis. This disease does not occur often, mainly in women. It manifests itself by the appearance of small reddish pimples on the skin of the face, in the area of ​​the mouth and nose.

Other causes of such a rash can be: lack of skin care, allergic reactions, infection with the herpes virus, etc.

Rash under the nose: causes

The appearance of a rash under the nose may be due to exposure to the skin ultraviolet radiation, decrease immune properties body, hypersensitivity to allergens, the use of various creams and ointments, high sensitivity facial skin to negative factors. In addition, it is possible internal reasons rash formations, such as pathologies of the digestive organs, disorders normal operation endocrine system, nervous overstrain and stress.

Rash under a child's nose

In children, the appearance of pimples in most cases indicates the presence of dermatitis. In such cases, you should contact your pediatrician and visit a dermatologist, especially if the child is less than three years old. You cannot give your baby any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Non-pathological causes of a rash under the nose in children can be:

  • dirt . Children often touch their faces with dirty hands and put various objects into their mouths. This may lead to rashes. If, apart from the rash, there are no symptoms of the disease, then you need to strengthen control over the baby’s hygiene, and lubricate problem areas with baby cream;
  • weather conditions. Often, after a walk in windy or frosty weather, a child may develop small pimples or areas of damaged skin. You can cope with them with the help of baby cream, Bepanten, Summed and other similar products.

Rash under the nose in adults

Rashes under the nose, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, are often found in adults. The reason for this is the increased activity of the fat glands in this area. When bacteria enter the pores of the glands, it can begin inflammatory process, which leads to the formation of pimples, blackheads and rashes. However, the causes of a rash under the nose can be not only local; some serious diseases can provoke such a reaction.

The most common cause of acne and rashes near the nose is insufficient hygiene. If you are prone to developing a rash, you should use by special means, reducing skin oiliness, having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Of the common factors leading to a rash under the nose and on the skin of the face, the most common is considered hormonal disbalance. In women, pimples can occur during pregnancy or during menstruation. Pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems can also cause a similar reaction.

Types of acne under the nose

There are several types of rashes under the nose. They differ in size, appearance, quantity and reasons for appearance. Thus, small white pimples and blackheads usually occur due to lack of care. They are sebum or dirt particles trapped in the pores. Pimples white are formed when a pore is clogged, subsequently they often become purulent and significantly increase in size, drawing surrounding tissues into the inflammatory process.

Small red rash under the nose

Various dermatitis appear as a small red rash on the face. They may arise as a result allergic reaction on ointments and creams, detergents or cosmetics used for treatment.

Rashes with dermatitis appear gradually, first the skin turns red, and then small nodules or pimples form on it. They may merge with each other, spread to other areas, but the lips and skin around them remain free of the rash. Itching and discomfort most often absent. Treatment of such rashes consists, first of all, in eliminating the cause of the allergy, and also includes a gentle diet and skin care.

Acne under the nose

Before acne appears, there is usually redness of the skin and the formation of several small pustules. Such rashes are accompanied by itching and pain. Acne under the nose can have several causes:

  1. Insufficient care.
  2. Hormonal disruptions and changes. Acne often occurs in teenagers adolescence, women expecting a child or who have recently given birth.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Allergy to medicines, food or household chemicals.
  5. Stressful situations.
  6. Hot weather or increased physical activity, which is accompanied by profuse sweating.
  7. Internal problems of the body.

Pimples under the nose

Purulent pimples under the nose are often isolated, less often massive. The reasons for their appearance are similar to the reasons for the formation of acne. Often such rashes occur due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, weakened immunity and internal diseases. From external reasons the most common are: Not proper care facial skin care, poor diet, exposure unfavorable factors And so on.

Subcutaneous acne

Subcutaneous acne outwardly not as noticeable as purulent ones. They may appear as a bump of skin with no change in color, but may be reddish or pink. Such rashes are usually accompanied by severe pain. The reasons for their appearance can be various microorganisms, hypothermia, skin contamination and other factors. Subcutaneous pimples often become inflamed and purulent.

Preventing rashes under the nose

Preventing a rash under the nose involves changing your diet and lifestyle. It includes:

  • A complete proper diet;
  • Refusal of drugs that cause an allergic reaction;
  • Regular facial skin care, including mandatory cleansing;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Full, restful sleep;
  • To give up smoking;
  • Taking vitamin complexes;
  • Nourishing facial masks and peelings.

Treatment of rash under the nose

Treatment of a rash under the nose includes, first of all, proper facial care. You should not squeeze out the pimples that have formed or try to hide them under a thick layer of cosmetics. Problem areas should be cleaned twice a day using special lotions; these areas should also be treated with hydrogen peroxide and ointments that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects should be applied to them. It is better to avoid decorative cosmetics during treatment.

Folk remedies that help in such cases are compresses and rubbing with herbal decoctions (sage, yarrow, chamomile, calendula and others), treating the affected area with oil tea tree, aloe juice, birch decoction, calendula tincture. You can also conduct a course of steam baths with mint, chamomile, burdock and other herbs.

Perioral (perioral) dermatitis is a chronic or recurrent inflammatory disease skin around the mouth. It affects mainly women, especially young women (25-40 years old), and looks very similar to or. Only an experienced specialist is able to distinguish between these diseases, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Localization and prevalence

Localized perioral dermatitis on the face, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle (chin, nose, skin around the lips). In this case, there is a thin strip directly near the oral cavity healthy skin. In rare cases, changes affect the neck, forehead and area around the eyes (periorbital dermatitis).

This problem affects 1% of residents globe. As we have already said, the majority of patients are women reproductive age, very rarely the disease affects men.

Perioral dermatitis in children

IN Lately Cases of perioral skin inflammation in young patients have become more frequent. This is mainly due to long-term treatment moderate and moderate corticosteroids strong action(for example, lorinden, flucinar, dermovate, etc.). The side effect occurs due to the uncontrolled use of such drugs without the knowledge of the doctor for several months or even years.

Often, perioral dermatitis is associated with teething in a child, diathesis and allergic reactions. The fight against this disease should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist in combination with general therapy. With age, the problem may disappear on its own.

Causes of perioral dermatitis

  1. It is believed that the inflammatory process around the mouth is caused by certain components of decorative cosmetics and frequent skin irritation.
  2. Common cause is also the excessive use of facial care products. Permanent use fatty creams and oils cause swelling and increase the fat content of the epidermis. The result is pimples and redness.
  3. Appearance perioral dermatitis contributes to the abuse of toothpastes and other oral care products that contain sodium lauryl sulfate and fluoride.
  4. Another cause of the problem is the chronic use of topical glucocorticoid drugs.
  5. Hormones also play a role in the development of the disease. Therefore, patients often become women who take oral contraceptives
  6. Other risk factors are solar radiation, genetic predisposition to the occurrence of vasomotor reactions, the presence of other dermatological diseases(for example, acne).

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis causes changes that may resemble acne—papules, pustules, and blisters on reddened skin. As we have already said, the rashes occupy the area of ​​the chin and nasolabial triangle, leaving free zone around the mouth. The epidermis in these places is tense, there are signs of peeling. Sometimes the patient complains of itching and burning in the affected areas.

The disease has a chronic course, lasting from several weeks to several months.

Important! Perioral dermatitis can easily be confused with acne and rosacea! The difference is that with dermatitis there are no comedones (as is the case with acne), and the redness is localized strictly in the mouth area (unlike rosacea, which affects the cheeks).

Diagnosis of perioral dermatitis

If you suspect you have this disease, you should visit a dermatologist who will rule out others. skin problems. In order to diagnose perioral dermatitis, histopathological analysis and epidermal testing will be needed.

The doctor will also question the patient about the use of steroid ointments, lifestyle, genetic predisposition to inflammatory dermatological diseases.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

So, you have been diagnosed with perioral dermatitis. How to treat this disease? This decision must be made by the doctor.

Therapy is difficult and lengthy. The first step is to stop taking corticosteroids - this technique is called “zero treatment”. If the cause of inflammation lies precisely in these drugs, there is a high probability that the rash will disappear spontaneously. The patient should also temporarily refrain from using cosmetics - lipsticks, lip balms, face creams, etc. It is recommended to wash your face carefully clean water no soap.

In severe cases, the patient is prescribed oral antibiotics (such as azithromycin, erythromycin, metronidazole) derivatives of vitamin A and azelaic acid. Sometimes good effect They give drugs from the imizadol group (metronizadol, trichopolum).

To accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis and eliminate redness, mild moisturizing and anti-inflammatory agents, such as Ivostin cream, are used. When severe itching and irritations are prescribed general antihistamines(for example, Fenistil). Since Malassezia fungi can develop against the background of inflammatory lesions (which significantly complicates the healing process), the doctor may prescribe topical antifungal agents that provide a good anti-inflammatory effect (for example, Lamisilate cream). All these drugs do not belong to the group of steroids, which means they are completely safe for adult patients and children.

During the period of therapy, it is better to give up coffee, alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, spicy and smoked foods, processed foods and fast food. Try to avoid stress and direct sun rays.

If after recovery the patient is concerned about aesthetic problems (spots remain on the face, spider veins and scars), it is necessary to involve the help of a cosmetologist. The specialist, based on the client’s condition, will prescribe laser procedures, processing liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation and other procedures.

Treatment with folk remedies

Since ancient times, our ancestors fought against any rashes with the help of herbs, roots and plant seeds. They have an astringent and antibacterial effect, soothe irritation and itching, and, most importantly, do not cause side effects. You can successfully combine traditional pharmacotherapy with home techniques.

Facial lotion

Wipe your skin or wash your face with this lotion, and over time all rashes will disappear. Here is the prescription:

  • 4 tablespoons dried sage;
  • ¼ teaspoon of borax;
  • 4 tablespoons of alcohol;
  • 3 tablespoons witch hazel extract;
  • 10 drops of glycerin.

Infuse the sage herb in alcohol for 2 weeks, then strain. Dissolve borax in witch hazel extract, mix with strained sage tincture, then add glycerin. Pour the lotion into a bottle and cap tightly. Shake the product before use.

Herbal mask
Make herbal masks for yourself every three days. They heal affected areas much faster than pharmaceutical ointments. We give the recipe for one of the most effective masks for your illness:

  • a teaspoon of chamomile flowers;
  • tea spoon linden color;
  • a teaspoon of lavender;
  • teaspoon of sage.

Place all ingredients in a glass or porcelain bowl and pour a small amount boiling water to form a thick paste. Cover the bowl and set aside for a few minutes to thoroughly wet the herbs. After this time, add a little more boiling water. Apply a warm mask to the affected areas (but you can treat the entire face - this will only bring benefits). After 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

Herbalists recommend lubricating the nasolabial triangle area with natural oils 2-3 times a day. It could be sea ​​buckthorn oil, almond, argan, flaxseed, peach, and grape seed oil. Patients notice the therapeutic effect already in the second week of regular use of this technique.

Prognosis and consequences of perioral dermatitis

Timely access to a doctor guarantees successful treatment and no relapses. Otherwise, the following complications are possible:

  • eye damage (inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis);
  • the appearance of acne and rosacea;
  • extensive lesions;
  • dark spots after rashes.

In addition, nodules and papules in the mouth area look very unsightly, causing psychological discomfort to the patient.

Prevention of perioral dermatitis

To prevent recurrence of pathology, it is necessary to use local corticosteroid ointments with caution. Do not exceed the duration of their use and dosage, but it is best to completely abandon such drugs.

People with increased vasomotor sensitivity should sunbathe in moderation, avoid saunas and hot bath. It is best to wash your face with soft gels that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Choose organic, fluoride-free toothpastes. After washing, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with creams with a light texture (without overusing cosmetics).

A rash under the nose causes a lot of inconvenience, but identifying the causes of its appearance can be quite difficult. Only a dermatologist who has studied your medical record can determine them accurately. A rash around the nose brings not only aesthetic inconvenience, but severe discomfort, and when infected can pose a serious threat to human life.

Causes of rashes under the nose

The causes of a rash near the nose can be different. Rashes in the nasal area can be caused by:

  • runny nose;
  • allergy;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • violation of the rules of care.

IN sunny days The appearance of a rash under the nose is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin. The skin often reacts with a rash due to allergies: to foods, medications. In addition, a rash may appear due to changes in the quality of water, both drinking and washing.

Important! Errors in diet can lead to the appearance of rashes, especially in the presence of gastritis or oily skin. Most often, the causes of a rash under the nose are associated with factors that do not pose a danger to the body and can be easily corrected.

Rash under the nose in adults

Tray rashes often appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. This is caused increased activity strong glands in this zone. Excessive oil production causes rashes. If an infection gets into the pores, but the raw material can degenerate into pimples or blackheads.

Poor hygiene or improper skin care often causes a rash under the nose in adults. Thus, alcohol-containing products irritate the skin and cause irritation. To cleanse the skin and remove excess sebum, products with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects should be used. Also the reason may be:

  1. Using dirty towels and bed. Dirty bed and towels are an excellent environment for pathogens that cause skin irritation. Don't forget to change your linens promptly and store your towels on a heated towel rail rather than on a clothesline.
  2. Errors in diet. A rash in the nasal area often appears due to diet disorders. Smoked foods, fatty meats, spices, foods with a lot of sugar, carbonated drinks, and alcohol can trigger rashes on or around the nose. You can get rid of rashes only by correcting your daily diet.
  3. Intoxication of the body. When intoxicated, the body cannot cope with the stress, resulting in irritation on the skin. Intoxication can be caused by poisoning, fever, or liver disease.
  4. Violation of the rest regime. Insomnia or improper daily routine (late rising, sleepless nights) can cause rashes on the skin, most often the area around the nose, forehead and chin is affected. Also, the appearance of acne or rashes can be caused by sleeping under a warm blanket, which causes a person to sweat a lot.

Please note: bedding and towels must be changed weekly, otherwise they accumulate pathogens that cause rashes and pimples.

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. Rashes appear due to a violation hormonal balance. Women may also experience it before or during menstruation. Men also have physiological cycles that affect hormonal background and can provoke regular skin irritations. In addition, endocrine system disorders are often accompanied by a rash.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. Violations digestive system always affect the condition of the skin. The cause of the rash may lie in a disruption of the stomach or intestines. Diarrhea or constipation can also cause a rash under the nose, forehead or chin.
  3. Dermatitis. Minor rash red color is a sign of dermatitis, which can occur due to an allergic reaction. With dermatitis, rashes appear gradually: the skin turns red, then pimples or nodules form on it. They may merge into one spot or spread to other areas, but the area around the lips remains clean.

Important! Chronic diseases cause serious impairments in functioning skin. However, rashes and pimples disappear after the acute phase of the disease is over.

  1. Acne. Adults often suffer from acne. The lesion begins with redness of the skin, later formation small pustules. The formations are accompanied by pain and itching.
  2. Purulent acne. Pimples with pus can be multiple or single. They can arise not only due to hormonal disorders or insufficient care, but due to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, with weak immunity and poor nutrition.
  3. Subcutaneous acne. These pimples are not that noticeable, but they cause discomfort. They may be reddish or the color of healthy skin. The rash protrudes slightly above the skin and is painful.
  4. Increased sweating. Sweat under the nose often irritates the skin. Sweating can be caused by stressful situations, physical activity, hot weather, too warm clothes or physiological characteristics body.
  5. Runny nose and its consequences. When you have a runny nose, the skin under the nose suffers from secreted mucus, as well as frequent rubbing with paper or cloth handkerchiefs. As a result, a rash forms under the nose. The affected area turns red, peels, and may have small red dots or pimples. With a bacterial runny nose, the skin can also be infected with pathogenic organisms, and then the redness under the nose may not go away even after the runny nose is cured.

To prevent rashes in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, general recommendations should be followed:

  • Conduct a cosmetics audit. This will help you get rid of expired products that caused irritation;
  • If you have a runny nose, use a paper tissue, which should be thrown away immediately. Wet tissues promote the spread of bacteria on the skin in the nose area;
  • With frequent rashes, it is necessary to introduce more foods rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber into the diet;
  • Change more often bed sheets and towels;
  • Use antibacterial agents for facial skin care.

Attention! Do not squeeze or scratch rashes and pimples in the nose area. The nasolabial triangle is the most vulnerable area of ​​the face, which has no physiological protection. Infection of the rash in the nasal area can cause serious abnormalities and leave scars. In addition, the infection can enter the bloodstream.

Important: if you regularly experience a rash under your nose that is not related to your cycle, you should consult a doctor. You should not only have an examination by a dermatologist, but also check internal organs on pathology.