Treatment for rashes near the nose in adults. Perioral pimples around the mouth. Treatment of oral dermatitis

Perioral (perioral) dermatitis is a chronic or recurrent inflammatory disease skin around the mouth. It affects mainly women, especially young women (25-40 years old), and looks very similar to or. Only an experienced specialist is able to distinguish between these diseases, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Localization and prevalence

Localized perioral dermatitis on the face, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle (chin, nose, skin around the lips). Moreover, directly next to oral cavity there is a thin stripe healthy skin. In rare cases, changes affect the neck, forehead and area around the eyes (periorbital dermatitis).

This problem affects 1% of residents globe. As we have already said, most patients are women of reproductive age; very rarely the disease affects men.

Perioral dermatitis in children

IN Lately Cases of perioral skin inflammation in young patients have become more frequent. This is mainly due to long-term treatment moderate and strong corticosteroids (for example, Lorindene, Flucinar, Dermovate, etc.). The side effect occurs due to the uncontrolled use of such drugs without the knowledge of the doctor for several months or even years.

Often, perioral dermatitis is associated with teething in a child, diathesis and allergic reactions. The fight against this disease should only be done under the supervision of a specialist in combination with general therapy. With age, the problem may disappear on its own.

Causes of perioral dermatitis

  1. It is believed that the inflammatory process around the mouth is caused by certain components of decorative cosmetics and frequent skin irritation.
  2. Excessive use of facial care products is also a common cause. Permanent use fatty creams and oils cause swelling and increase the fat content of the epidermis. The result is pimples and redness.
  3. The appearance of perioral dermatitis is facilitated by the abuse of toothpastes and other oral care products that contain sodium lauryl sulfate and fluoride.
  4. Another cause of the problem is the chronic use of topical glucocorticoid drugs.
  5. Hormones also play a role in the development of the disease. Therefore, patients often become women who take oral contraceptives
  6. Other risk factors are solar radiation, a genetic tendency to develop vasomotor reactions, and the presence of other dermatological diseases (for example, acne).

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis causes changes that may resemble acne—papules, pustules, and blisters on reddened skin. As we have already said, the rashes occupy the area of ​​the chin and nasolabial triangle, leaving free zone around the mouth. The epidermis in these places is tense, there are signs of peeling. Sometimes the patient complains of itching and burning in the affected areas.

The disease has a chronic course, lasting from several weeks to several months.

Important! Perioral dermatitis easily confused with acne and rosacea! The difference is that with dermatitis there are no comedones (as is the case with acne), and the redness is localized strictly in the mouth area (unlike rosacea, which affects the cheeks).

Diagnosis of perioral dermatitis

If you suspect you have this disease, you should visit a dermatologist who will rule out others. skin problems. In order to diagnose perioral dermatitis, histopathological analysis and epidermal testing will be needed.

The doctor will also question the patient about the use of steroid ointments, lifestyle, genetic predisposition to inflammatory dermatological diseases.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

So, you have been diagnosed with perioral dermatitis. How to treat this disease? This decision must be made by the doctor.

Therapy is difficult and lengthy. The first step is to stop taking corticosteroids - this technique is called “zero treatment”. If the cause of inflammation lies precisely in these drugs, there is a high probability that the rash will disappear spontaneously. The patient should also temporarily refrain from using cosmetics - lipsticks, lip balms, face creams, etc. It is recommended to wash your face carefully clean water no soap.

In severe cases, the patient is prescribed oral antibiotics (such as azithromycin, erythromycin, metronidazole) derivatives of vitamin A and azelaic acid. Sometimes good effect They give drugs from the imizadol group (metronizadol, trichopolum).

To accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis and eliminate redness, mild moisturizing and anti-inflammatory agents, such as Ivostin cream, are used. When severe itching and irritation, general antihistamines (for example, Fenistil) are prescribed. Since Malassezia fungi can develop against the background of inflammatory lesions (which significantly complicates the healing process), the doctor may prescribe topical antifungal agents that provide a good anti-inflammatory effect (for example, Lamisilate cream). All these drugs do not belong to the group of steroids, which means they are completely safe for adult patients and children.

During the period of therapy, it is better to give up coffee, alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks, spicy and smoked foods, processed foods and fast food. Try to avoid stress and direct sunlight.

If, after recovery, the patient is concerned about aesthetic problems (spots, spider veins and scars remain on the face), it is necessary to seek the help of a cosmetologist. The specialist, based on the client’s condition, will prescribe laser procedures, treatment liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation and other procedures.

Treatment with folk remedies

Since ancient times, our ancestors fought against any rashes with the help of herbs, roots and plant seeds. They have an astringent and antibacterial effect, soothe irritation and itching, and, most importantly, do not cause side effects. You can successfully combine traditional pharmacotherapy with home techniques.

Facial lotion

Wipe your skin or wash your face with this lotion, and over time all rashes will disappear. Here is the prescription:

  • 4 tablespoons dried sage;
  • ¼ teaspoon of borax;
  • 4 tablespoons of alcohol;
  • 3 tablespoons witch hazel extract;
  • 10 drops of glycerin.

Infuse the sage herb in alcohol for 2 weeks, then strain. Dissolve borax in witch hazel extract, mix with strained sage tincture, then add glycerin. Pour the lotion into the bottle and cap tightly. Shake the product before use.

Herbal mask
Make herbal masks for yourself every three days. They heal affected areas much faster than pharmaceutical ointments. We give the recipe for one of the most effective masks for your illness:

  • a teaspoon of chamomile flowers;
  • a teaspoon of linden blossom;
  • a teaspoon of lavender;
  • teaspoon of sage.

Place all ingredients in a glass or porcelain bowl and pour a small amount boiling water to form a thick paste. Cover the bowl and set aside for a few minutes to thoroughly wet the herbs. After this time, add a little more boiling water. Apply a warm mask to the affected areas (but you can treat the entire face - this will only bring benefits). After 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

Herbalists recommend lubricating the nasolabial triangle area with natural oils 2-3 times a day. It could be sea ​​buckthorn oil, almond, argan, flaxseed, peach, and grape seed oil. Patients notice the therapeutic effect already in the second week of regular use of this technique.

Prognosis and consequences of perioral dermatitis

Timely consultation with a doctor guarantees successful treatment and absence of relapses. Otherwise, the following complications are possible:

  • eye damage (inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis);
  • the appearance of acne and rosacea;
  • extensive lesions;
  • dark spots after rashes.

In addition, nodules and papules in the mouth area look very unsightly, causing psychological discomfort to the patient.

Prevention of perioral dermatitis

To prevent recurrence of pathology, it is necessary to use local corticosteroid ointments with caution. Do not exceed the duration of their use and dosage, but it is best to completely abandon such drugs.

People with increased vasomotor sensitivity should sunbathe moderately and avoid saunas and hot baths. It is best to wash your face with soft gels that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Choose organic, fluoride-free toothpastes. After washing, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with creams with a light texture (without overusing cosmetics).

Update: September 2019

Perioral dermatitis - in medicine it is also called rosacea-like or perioral dermatitis. This is a rare disease, occurring in approximately 1% of the population, most often in women 20-40 years old.

With perioral dermatitis, small papules and pimples appear on the skin around the mouth and on the chin, the skin turns red, irritation appears and papules grow over a larger area. This creates considerable aesthetic, physical and psychological discomfort for a person.

This is how most patients describe the onset of the disease - “... recently I noticed that several small red pimples had formed on my chin, I began to use acne cream and wash my face more often, but this only made it worse.

Within a few months, the skin around the mouth and chin became simply red, and when the acne healed, it left dark spots. Moreover, between the lips and the affected areas around the mouth there is a clear strip of healthy skin without redness...”

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis

If these symptoms appear:

  • Pain, itching, burning, redness, a feeling of tightness of the skin, and small red pimples appear in the area of ​​the chin and mouth.
  • Pimples may have heads that release clear liquid when emptied; over time, pimples become ulcers.
  • Pimples form colonies, group clusters
  • The skin in the inflamed areas begins to become covered with thin transparent scales, which then fall off

Most likely, this skin inflammation is caused by perioral dermatitis. But to clarify the diagnosis, you should definitely consult a dermatologist, since the appearance of acne and irritation on the face can be due to other reasons:

  • Diffuse
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Acne vulgaris, rosacea, steroid acne.

To isolate the microflora of the lesion site and determine the pathogen, a bacterial culture of the scraping or contents of the rash is carried out.

The skin around the mouth may not be changed and present a normally colored border of up to 2 cm. Usually, the rashes are located on slightly reddened skin or the skin does not change color.

Causes of perioral dermatitis

  • Decreased humoral and cellular immunity
  • Climate change, overexposure ultraviolet radiation
  • Increased sensitivity to bacterial allergens
  • Long-term or even short-term use of topical corticosteroids in the form of creams, ointments (see. full list all hormonal creams and ointments - )
  • Predisposition to allergic reactions, presence of bronchial asthma
  • Enough sensitive skin faces
  • Excessive use of various facial cosmetics
  • Hormonal imbalance in gynecological disorders
  • Use of dentures, toothpastes containing fluoride
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, endocrine system

If dermatitis is caused by cosmetics, carefully study the composition of all creams, lotions, etc. Here is a list of some ingredients that most often cause perioral dermatitis:

  • Paraffin
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Cinnamon flavors
  • Isopropyl myristate
  • Petrolatum

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

Treatment of this skin disease is quite long, the duration of therapy ranges from 1.5 to 3 months and depends on the severity of the manifestations of perioral dermatitis. Treatment of perioral dermatitis is prescribed by a dermatologist, and the sooner you contact a specialist, the more effective the result will be. Even with proper treatment, relapses of the disease are possible in the future, but they are much easier and are eliminated faster.

Use of corticosteroids ( hormonal ointments, creams) are contraindicated for perioral dermatitis.

Zero therapy

The first thing that is recommended to be done after diagnosis is called zero therapy. That is, cancel all ointments, creams, cosmetics used, especially with corticosteroid substances, and also change the toothpaste to regular one. In this case, the condition may worsen for some time, and then after a few weeks it should improve.


At this time, it is possible to use antihistamines (Suprastin, etc., see All), sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride.


For oral dermatitis, treatment with antibiotics is quite effective. The administration of Metronidazole gel or cream 0.75% or Erythromycin gel 2% stops the progression of the disease. Apply the product 2 times a day until the rash stops.

The doctor may prescribe an oral antibiotic - this is Minocycline or Doxycillin 100 mg 2 times. per day until the rash goes away, then for a month, 100 mg once a day and another month, 50 mg per day. And also taking Metronidazole orally (this is not an antibiotic, but an antiprotozoal drug).

Or Tetracycline according to a similar regimen, only 500 mg/2 times, then 500 mg/1 time and 250 mg/1 time. After starting the use of antibiotics, deterioration may occur, but after 3 weeks the condition of the skin usually improves noticeably.

Elidel Cream (Pimecrolimus)

Pimecrolimus can be used for oral dermatitis only as prescribed by a doctor when other treatments are ineffective.

Elidel is a cream that has long-term adverse effects; the effect of the drug has not yet been fully studied, but it is believed that pimecrolimus suppresses the secondary immune response and there have been cases of the development of skin tumors and lymphomas after its use. Therefore, the use of this remedy should be treated with caution.

Skin care for perioral dermatitis

For this disease, gentle facial skin care is recommended. After washing, you should not wipe your face with a towel, but only blot it. The doctor can select for you indifferent powders, cooling, moisturizing creams that do not contain substances that aggravate the symptoms of the disease. (cm. , )

Herbal infusions

When acute process to relieve symptoms, you can use cooling lotions from chamomile infusion (if you are not allergic) or 1% boric acid, as well as from infusions of St. John's wort and calendula.

Normalization of the general condition of the body

If there are foci of infection, then it is necessary to treat concomitant diseases, as well as normalize the endocrine and nervous systems, work gastrointestinal tract. If necessary, general strengthening, immunostimulating drugs, and drugs that normalize the function of the central nervous system are prescribed. Monthly courses of vitamin therapy, B vitamins, vitamin C and A, and folic acid are recommended.

Sun protection

During the treatment period, you should protect yourself from direct sunlight, since ultraviolet radiation aggravates the symptoms of perioral dermatitis. In summer, you should use sunscreen daily with a protection factor of at least 30.


Almost every person of any age has encountered such a nuisance as a rash on the chin. Of course, the presence of small rashes does not look quite aesthetically pleasing, so there is an urgent need to eliminate the existing problem. It is important to understand the reasons for its occurrence and only then begin treatment.

Symptoms of rashes on the chin

The term “perioral dermatitis” in medicine refers to a skin disease that is characterized by inflammation and small rashes (papules) in the mouth and chin area.

The term “perioral dermatitis” in medicine refers to a skin disease that is characterized by inflammation and small rashes (papules) in the mouth and chin. This disease occurs most often in women, and much less often in children and men.

If you have priororal, then it is characterized by the following symptoms:
or on the skin around the eyes;
the skin around the pimples is inflamed and irritated, and has a red color;
upon close examination of the skin around the mouth, you will see that although it has spread to the skin around the mouth and lips (namely, a small strip has appeared, several millimeters wide), the skin looks healthy, i.e. it is of normal color and without rashes. There seems to be a clear boundary between non-inflamed and inflamed skin.

Pimples can appear in groups, and very large clusters form. Upon careful examination, you can see on the inflamed areas of the skin of the face.

People who develop perioral dermatitis report burning, itching, or even pain in the affected areas of the skin.

Causes of chin rash

To get rid of rashes on the face, you need to find out the nature of their appearance.

The first thing you need to do in order to get rid of unbearable ones is to find out the nature of their appearance.

Indeed, in the presence of such a phenomenon as a rash on the chin, the reasons can be very diverse:
● weak immune system;
● predisposition to;
● change in climatic conditions;
● disruptions in the hormonal system;
● disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
● unbalanced diet or deficiency.

Excessive use of decorative cosmetics, especially low quality ones, can provoke the appearance of a rash. The hereditary factor also has an influence, because if one of the parents often had a similar rash, then there is a high probability of its occurrence in the next generation.

The appearance of a rash in children

Rashes in the chin area can affect not only adults, but also children

However, small rashes in the chin area can affect not only adults, but also children.

Infants, whose skin is just beginning to adapt to the environment, are especially susceptible to this.

According to medical terminology, the presence of a rash on the chin, particularly around the mouth, in babies is called oral dermatitis.

Basically, a rash on a child’s chin occurs for one of the following reasons:
profuse salivation;
● allergy to complementary foods;
● chapping of the skin;
● infectious diseases.

In any case, at the first signs of a rash, you should consult a doctor who can accurately determine the factor that led to its formation and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of rash in the chin area

To begin treatment for a chin rash, you need to undergo a series of tests, after which you can begin to eliminate the problem that has arisen.

In order to begin treatment of the rash and, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests, the list of which is prescribed by the therapist purely individually. Only after this is it possible to begin to eliminate the problem that has arisen, called a rash on the chin.

There are several effective ways treatments for this problem, which are actively practiced in modern medicine.
1.Zero therapy– stop using any cosmetic products for facial care, taking medicines is also cancelled, especially those containing corticosteroids.
2.Application antihistamines – after clarifying the individual diagnosis, it is possible to prescribe drugs such as Cetrin, Suprastin.
3.Prescription of antibiotics– medications that kill pathogenic flora or creams that contain antibiotics are prescribed.
4.Use of special creams– in cases where other methods have not given full results, a special cream, Elidel or Pimecrolimus, may be prescribed.

It should be remembered that any remedy should be used only after a doctor’s prescription.

Traditional methods for eliminating rashes

It is best to approach the issue of treating minor rashes in the chin area comprehensively, combining drug treatment and traditional methods

It is best to approach the issue of treating minor rashes in the chin area comprehensively, combining drug treatment and auxiliary methods.

At home, you can prepare many remedies that are designed to complement the treatment. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory decoctions are well suited, which are preferably used in the form of compresses, lotions, steam baths and washes.

It should be remembered that inflammation on the face should never be squeezed out. In order to quickly get rid of such a nuisance as a rash on the chin, it is best to combine drug treatment and folk remedies. However, before using any of the home recipes, it is better to consult your doctor.


Elvira, 27 years old:
- Tell me, can the accumulation of toxins cause rashes in the chin area?

Other causes of this rash may include: lack of skin care, allergic reactions, infection with the herpes virus, etc.

Rash under the nose: causes

The appearance of a rash under the nose may be associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, a decrease in immune properties body, hypersensitivity to allergens, the use of various creams and ointments, high sensitivity of facial skin to negative factors. In addition, there may be internal causes of the formation of a rash, such as pathologies of the digestive system, disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine system, nervous strain and stress.

Rash under a child's nose

In children, the appearance of pimples in most cases indicates the presence of dermatitis. In such cases, you should contact your pediatrician and visit a dermatologist, especially if the child is less than three years old. You cannot give your baby any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Non-pathological causes of a rash under the nose in children can be:

  • dirt. Children often touch their faces with dirty hands and put various objects into their mouths. This may lead to rashes. If, apart from the rash, there are no symptoms of the disease, then you need to strengthen control over the baby’s hygiene, and lubricate problem areas with baby cream;
  • weather conditions. Often, after a walk in windy or frosty weather, a child may develop small pimples or areas of damaged skin. You can cope with them with the help of baby cream, Bepanten, Summed and other similar products.

Rash under the nose in adults

Rashes under the nose, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, are often found in adults. The reason for this is the increased activity of the fat glands in this area. When bacteria enter the pores of the glands, an inflammatory process can begin, which leads to the formation of pimples, blackheads and rashes. However, the causes of a rash under the nose can be not only local; some serious diseases can provoke such a reaction.

Most common cause the appearance of acne and rashes near the nose is due to insufficient hygiene. If you are prone to developing a rash, you should use special products that reduce skin oiliness, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Of the common factors leading to rashes under the nose and on the skin of the face, hormonal imbalance is considered the most common. In women, pimples can occur during pregnancy or during menstruation. Pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems can also cause a similar reaction.

Types of acne under the nose

There are several types of rashes under the nose. They differ in size, appearance, quantity and reasons for their appearance. Thus, small white pimples and blackheads usually occur due to lack of care. They are sebum or dirt particles trapped in the pores. White pimples are formed when a pore is clogged; subsequently they often become purulent and significantly increase in size, drawing surrounding tissues into the inflammatory process.

Small red rash under the nose

Various dermatitis appear as a small red rash on the face. They can occur as a result of an allergic reaction to ointments and creams, detergents or cosmetics used for treatment.

Rashes with dermatitis appear gradually, first the skin turns red, and then small nodules or pimples form on it. They may merge with each other, spread to other areas, but the lips and skin around them remain free of the rash. Itching and discomfort are often absent. Treatment of such rashes consists, first of all, in eliminating the cause of the allergy, and also includes a gentle diet and skin care.

Acne under the nose

Before acne appears, there is usually redness of the skin and the formation of several small pustules. Such rashes are accompanied by itching and pain. Acne under the nose can have several causes:

  1. Insufficient care.
  2. Hormonal disruptions and changes. Acne often occurs in teenagers adolescence, women expecting a child or who have recently given birth.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Allergies to medications, food or household chemicals.
  5. Stressful situations.
  6. Hot weather or elevated physical exercise which are accompanied by profuse sweating.
  7. Internal problems of the body.

Pimples under the nose

Purulent pimples under the nose are often isolated, less often massive. The reasons for their appearance are similar to the reasons for the formation of acne. Often such rashes occur due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, weakened immunity and internal diseases. From external reasons The most common are: improper facial skin care, poorly selected diet, exposure to adverse factors, etc.

Subcutaneous acne

Subcutaneous pimples are not as noticeable in appearance as purulent ones. They may appear as a bump of skin with no change in color, but may be reddish or pink. Such rashes are usually accompanied by severe pain. The reasons for their appearance can be various microorganisms, hypothermia, skin contamination and other factors. Subcutaneous pimples often become inflamed and purulent.

Preventing rashes under the nose

Preventing a rash under the nose involves changing your diet and lifestyle. It includes:

Treatment of rash under the nose

Treatment of a rash under the nose includes, first of all, proper facial care. You should not squeeze out the pimples that have formed or try to hide them under a thick layer of cosmetics. Problem areas should be cleaned twice a day using special lotions; these areas should also be treated with hydrogen peroxide and ointments that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects should be applied to them. It is better to avoid decorative cosmetics during treatment.

Folk remedies that help in such cases are compresses and rubbing with herbal decoctions (sage, yarrow, chamomile, calendula and others), treating the affected area with oil tea tree, aloe juice, birch decoction, calendula tincture. You can also conduct a course of steam baths with mint, chamomile, burdock and other herbs.

You don’t even know about the real reasons for the appearance of acne on the wings of the nose!

Skin displays internal state body, and pimples on the wings of the nose are the first “bell” to think about your health and way of life. Below we will look at the main causes of rashes and how to “part with them” as quickly as possible.

It would also be a good idea to read the article about the causes of acne on the tip of the nose, which also often “terrorize” the face.

The main causes of acne on the wings of the nose

I have identified 4 main reasons for the appearance of acne in the area of ​​the wings of the nose: clogged pores, hormonal imbalance, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and bad habits (smoking, alcohol). To understand what needs to be used to treat rashes in each case, we will look at our “culprits” in a little more detail.

Clogged pores of the top layer of skin

This reason is the No. 1 culprit for both acne and blackheads on the nose. In this case, your main weapon is thorough and daily facial skin care.

Sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands, protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. But if, over time, sebum accumulates in the sebaceous ducts and is not cleared, the area becomes inflamed and a pimple forms.

Also, do not neglect banal facial cleansing using cosmetics.

Hormonal imbalance in the body

Inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the wings of the nose due to hormonal surges often occurs in adolescents during puberty, or in women and girls during menstruation, pregnancy or lactation.

Very often, a lack or excess of certain hormones causes acne on the wings of the nose. The appearance of acne can be triggered by banal overexcitement or a stressful situation.

If the pimples go away after a short period of time, then there is no reason to worry. But if your skin condition only gets worse over time, you should definitely consult a dermatologist.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

In this case, acne occurs due to poor nutrition, for example, when eating large quantity fatty, sweet or dairy foods.

In addition, bad habits can provoke such a problem: smoking or excessive drinking.

If you analyze and adjust your lifestyle, diet and habits, you can greatly reduce the risk of acne in the future!

By the way, these reasons apply to both pimples under the nose and pimples near the nose - frequent “companions” of acne on the wings. True, the approach to treatment is slightly different. And if you do not want to allow these problems, read the articles on the links.

Get rid of rashes on the wings of the nose forever!

What methods exist to combat small and large pimples on the wings of the nose? And how can you avoid harming your own body?

If the pimples on the wings of the nose are small and there are a small number of them, it is quite possible to get by with anti-inflammatory lotions or creams that contain antibiotics. Such products will cleanse the upper layers of the dermis and eliminate the source of infection.

It is highly advisable to consult a doctor who specializes in problems skin– to a dermatologist. It will help you find the most effective method treatment and get rid of the problem in a short time.

If there is a lot of white and purulent acne, then complex drug treatment is necessary. Typically, the doctor prescribes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Propolis helps against acne in this group 5+. This is one of the best and cheapest solutions!
  2. Cosmetics for topical use;
  3. Adsorbents;
  4. Medicines that promote the removal of toxins from the liver, or hepatoprotectors;
  5. Drugs that restore normal intestinal microflora.

For representatives of the fairer sex, dermatologists still very often prescribe oral contraceptives that normalize hormonal background.

Be sure to check your cosmetics, medications, clothing and underwear for elements that provoke an allergic reaction, which can also regularly cause rashes.

You should also pay attention Special attention on your diet, habits and daily routine. Sometimes, to get rid of acne and blackheads around the wings of the nose, it is enough to simply adjust your diet.

So, first of all, reconsider your eating habits - an anti-acne diet can help you significantly improve your skin condition. Be healthy!


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Rash around the mouth, nose and eyes due to perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis is a characteristic scaly, papular rash around the mouth, nose, and eyes that occurs almost exclusively in women. The rash may start around the mouth, but can also affect areas around the nose and eyes. The disease is asymptomatic, sometimes itching is noted.

Patients sometimes try topical steroids, which provide temporary relief but may contribute to a torpid progression.

Perioral dermatitis typically affects young women and can occur in children. Isolation of a Fusobacterium culture suggests a bacterial etiology. Routine use of moisturizing cosmetics and fluoridated products can cause the disease.

Clinical picture of perioral dermatitis

Pinhead-sized papules and pustules with a red, scaly base are localized on the chin and nasolabial folds. The border zone around the lip border is not affected. Pustules on the cheeks in the area adjacent to the nostrils are typical. Sometimes the localization of perioral dermatitis is limited only to the perinasal area.

Pinhead pustules in the nostril area may be the first sign or the only manifestation of the disease.

Papules the size of a pinhead and similar pustules observed in the nostril area sometimes appear at the lateral corners of the eyes.

In children, lesions are often located in the perinasal and periocular areas.

Diagnosis of perioral dermatitis

Differential diagnosis of perioral dermatitis is carried out with the following diseases:

Course and prognosis of perioral dermatitis

The degree of damage varies. Persistent rashes last for months. With systemic treatment of perioral dermatitis, most problems resolve within 2 weeks. Relapses are typical. Patients are also re-treated actively, sometimes requiring long-term maintenance treatment.

Treatment of perioral dermatitis

Topical treatment of perioral dermatitis involves daily use of metronidazole, sodium sulfacetamide, clindamycin or erythromycin solution or gel, pimecrolimus cream, and tacrolimus ointments.

If a 4-6 week course of local treatment is unsuccessful, systemic antibiotics are prescribed. Tetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline or minocycline are prescribed for 2-4 weeks.

Long-term use of topical steroids on the face may worsen the disease. Stopping the use of topical steroids causes a flare of the disease, but it is necessary for treatment.

“Rash around the mouth, nose and eyes with perioral dermatitis” and other articles from the section Cosmetological skin problems

Redness around the nose

The skin around the nose is rich in sebum due to large sebaceous glands, which makes her prone to acne (blackheads). This problem may be accompanied by redness. But this is far from the only reason for red skin around the nose.

Hello. 2-3 years ago I developed a rash on both sides of my nose, not on the nose itself. After a few months, she just... disappeared. Well, about 2 months ago it came back again, but this time it does not go away, but remains dry, and a crust begins to form. Sometimes it looks scary, and sometimes it's barely noticeable.


Rosacea around the nose (veins, papules and blackheads)

“Rosacea is a long-term facial skin condition characterized by redness, slight superficial expansion blood vessels, papules, pustules and edema."

Symptoms characteristic of this disease include:

  • facial flushing (increased blood flow), in which a person may experience quick and short bouts of pinking of the skin and a feeling of warmth on it;
  • redness on the nose, its sides and partially affecting the cheeks;
  • red pimples, swelling of the nose and nostrils;
  • Sometimes rosacea is characterized by small cystic acne;
  • oily skin forehead;
  • In some cases, there is redness, dryness and itching in the eyes.

These symptoms may flare up or wane over varying periods.

The pimples that appear are usually small and may be caused by hyperemia. It itself can aggravate the course of rosacea or make the problem chronic. Other negative factors that can provoke this condition include:

This disease, as a rule, is not dangerous, but creates aesthetic and psychological discomfort for a person.

Perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis appears as eczema that forms in the mouth or lips. But it can spread to the areas under the eyes and the sides of the nose. It manifests itself in the form of characteristic redness or red pimples; with exacerbation, peeling of the skin appears.

  • long-term use of nasal sprays, corticosteroids, and topical steroid creams;
  • using certain facial cosmetics containing petroleum jelly or paraffin;
  • rosacea;
  • some toothpastes;
  • some bacterial and fungal infections.

NOTE: Although this condition does not occur based on age, race, or ethnicity, it is more common in young women, including teenagers.

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis:

  • red rash on the sides of the nose, folds under the nose and eyes, on the chin and forehead;
  • in more severe cases, the rash appears with peeling of the skin at the sites of inflammation;
  • burning and itching.

According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, recurrent perioral dermatitis can develop into rosacea. In this case, a differential diagnosis is required for more successful treatment.

Seborrheic dermatitis – redness and flaking around the nose

In addition to perioral dermatitis, seborrheic eczema can also occur around the nose.

Characterized by flaking and redness, seborrheic dermatitis can occur on the face, in the folds around the nose, forehead, and around the eyes, although it most often occurs on the scalp. According to, seborrhea can appear as "powdery or oily scales on the face or other parts of the body with a burning sensation," similar to oral dermatitis. However, unlike it, seborrheic dermatitis is chronic, but not contagious.

Although the condition is not dangerous, if you experience red, dry, flaky skin around your nose, consult a dermatologist for confirmation of diagnosis and treatment.

Redness from acne (blackheads)

Acne can be made worse by propionibacteria. While feeding on excess sebum in the pores, this type of bacteria produces inflammatory waste products, which include dead skin cells and sebum. Which is the reason for the formation of pustules.

Nose redness due to piercing

If you have just had your nose pierced, it is a natural reaction to experience pain and slight swelling in the area of ​​the piercing, which may be accompanied by redness. Sometimes this may be accompanied by bleeding. A red nose or redness of the skin around it after a piercing is temporary and will go away within a day with proper care. Notably, redness tends to be more noticeable in people with fair and sensitive skin. But, if the piercing was not done correctly, these symptoms may worsen.

If you ignore safety rules during the puncture procedure and installation of jewelry, then pain, redness and bleeding in most cases can become symptoms of infection. Contact your piercer if this type of inflammation does not go away over time.

Lupus pernio

Lupus pernio (lupus pernio) is the most common form of cutaneous sarcoidosis. There is a change from red to purple (due to increased vascular network) skin color on the nose, cheeks, lips or ears. At the same time, it swells and shines.

Women are twice as likely to suffer from the disease, especially older women. Lupus pernio is usually asymptomatic and rarely causes itching or pain. The most common complaint is cosmetic disfigurement. Despite numerous studies, the cause of the appearance remains unclear.

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in many parts of the body. Symptoms are very varied and depend on the severity of the disease in a particular person.

Symptoms usually begin in early adulthood, anywhere from the teens to 30s. People with lupus typically experience flare-ups of symptoms followed by periods of remission. That's why early symptoms easy to miss. In addition, they are common to many diseases (fatigue, fever, dry mouth, problems with joints and various organs, etc.). The characteristic skin manifestations on the face are called “butterfly rash” and consist of redness around the nose. But lupus does not always cause a rash.

A CPAP mask may cause redness around the nose.

People who suffer from sleep apnea or acne and use CPAP equipment are likely to suffer from irritation, especially in the areas where the face and mask meet.

An unsuitable mask due to excessive tension of the straps is one of the serious problems which will lead to inflammation. It can be resolved by switching to an alternative treatment or another route suggested by your doctor. You can also try adjusting the cushions and straps to avoid inflammation caused by the mask.

However, if ulcers or discolored outlines appear on your facial skin, consult a doctor immediately.

Other reasons


Treating facial redness sometimes requires professional intervention. Below we will briefly look at treatments for common problems affecting the skin of the nose. Keep in mind that some of them may not be treatable.

Treatment of dermatitis (seborrheic and perioral)

Without proper treatment, symptoms of dermatitis can remain for a long time. These tips can improve your skin condition while avoiding the causes of possible relapse.

Local antibacterial and antifungal drugs

Antibacterial creams help relieve symptoms. But dermatologists most often prescribe drugs for internal use. Ointments that are used to combat seborrheic dermatitis include products based on zinc pyrithione, ketonazole, Sudocrem, Nystanin.

Before treating perioral dermatitis, it is recommended to stop using steroid ointments, hydrocortisone, face creams and nasal sprays. This applies if you have redness of the skin around your nose, rash, or other symptoms of perioral dermatitis.

Rosacea treatment

There is no cure for the redness around the nose caused by rosacea, but depending on the severity and subtypes, symptoms can be fairly easily relieved. Because rosacea manifests itself differently for each person, differential diagnosis may be required to treat the condition.

Antibacterial therapy and treatment

It includes prescription antibiotics to clear up the red bumps and pustules caused by rosacea. These include oral antibiotics such as isotretinoin and antibacterial ointments that contain brimodine tartrate.

Treatment of Lupus and Lupus pernio

The goal of treatment for Lupus pernio has had varying success and is to improve appearance patient and prevent scarring. The treatment chosen may depend on the severity of systemic symptoms. Options include: corticosteroids, steroid injections, laser therapy, and systemic therapy including systemic corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate, and biologic agents (infliximab, adalimumab).

Systemic lupus erythematosus is an incurable disease and the patient requires lifelong treatment. It involves using hormonal drugs to suppress the immune system to prevent damage. immune cells body tissues. Also important is the implementation of rules and recommendations that help prevent exacerbations, which consist primarily of avoiding exposure to the sun, if possible, refusing vaccinations and surgical operations, proper nutrition, minimizing the risks of infectious diseases.

Natural and folk remedies

Application essential oils and vitamins A, E and C can sometimes help relieve symptoms in some patients. Below are some natural remedies, which can be a good alternative in treatment.

Colloidal oatmeal mask

Useful remedy for people who have facial redness such as eczema. In addition to reducing redness, colloidal oatmeal mask has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties.

To make the mask, you will need a glass of pure colloidal oatmeal. Just mix a few teaspoons with a little water. Then apply and let dry. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a week.

Chamomile, green tea and peppermint

According to health research, the polyphenols in green tea have anti-aging properties for the skin. This is good news for green and peppermint tea drinkers.

However, this method is not suitable for people with allergies to the plant.

Green tea can improve the condition of patients, especially those suffering from rosacea.

Other common remedies that can be used for treatment are Apple vinegar, grapefruit seed extract and honey.

Due to the fact that some diseases are incurable, an attempt to raise awareness and acceptance preventive measures through behavior change is a step towards avoiding unnecessary discomfort. Here are some good measures:

  • Avoid medications that may worsen the condition or cause redness of the skin. These medications include progesterone (only pills that worsen acne in women), steroid ointments, and corticosteroids.
  • Avoid puncturing or rubbing facial areas that have red rashes or pustules.
  • Patients with rosacea should avoid products that cause skin irritation. for example, such as alcohol, methanol, exfoliating creams, facial scrubs, etc.
  • reduce salty and spicy foods in your diet
  • use concealers (camouflage products). The effect is temporary, since they do not get rid of facial redness, but only hide it. One of the disadvantages of using concealers is that if you choose the wrong concealer for yourself, it can even cause your appearance to deteriorate.

Thus, redness around and under the nose is a fairly common problem, which can be caused by various factors. When treating diseases associated with facial redness in general, you cannot rely on just one method. Insufficient measures or improper treatment of such diseases can only worsen the condition of the skin and aggravate the symptoms.

Causes of a rash under the nose in an adult

A rash under the nose causes a lot of inconvenience, but identifying the causes of its appearance can be quite difficult. Only a dermatologist who has studied your medical record can determine them accurately. A rash around the nose brings not only aesthetic inconvenience, but severe discomfort, and when infected can pose a serious threat to human life.

Causes of rashes under the nose

The causes of a rash near the nose can be different. Rashes in the nasal area can be caused by:

On sunny days, the appearance of a rash under the nose is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin. The skin often reacts with a rash due to allergies: to foods, medications. In addition, a rash may appear due to changes in the quality of water, both drinking and washing.

Important! Errors in diet can lead to the appearance of rashes, especially if you have gastritis or oily skin. Most often, the causes of a rash under the nose are associated with factors that do not pose a danger to the body and can be easily corrected.

Rash under the nose in adults

Tray rashes often appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. This is caused by increased activity of the strong glands in this area. Excessive oil production causes rashes. If an infection gets into the pores, but the raw material can degenerate into pimples or blackheads.

Poor hygiene or improper skin care often causes a rash under the nose in adults. Thus, alcohol-containing products irritate the skin and cause irritation. To cleanse the skin and remove excess sebum, products with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects should be used. Also the reason may be:

  1. Using dirty towels and bed. Dirty bed and towels are an excellent environment for pathogens that cause skin irritation. Don't forget to change your linens promptly and store your towels on a heated towel rail rather than on a clothesline.
  2. Errors in diet. A rash in the nasal area often appears due to diet disorders. Smoked foods, fatty meats, spices, foods with a lot of sugar, carbonated drinks, and alcohol can trigger rashes on or around the nose. You can get rid of rashes only by correcting your daily diet.
  3. Intoxication of the body. When intoxicated, the body cannot cope with the stress, resulting in irritation on the skin. Intoxication can be caused by poisoning, fever, liver disease.
  4. Violation of the rest regime. Insomnia or improper daily routine (late rising, sleepless nights) can cause rashes on the skin, most often the area around the nose, forehead and chin is affected. Also, the appearance of acne or rashes can be caused by sleeping under a warm blanket, which causes a person to sweat a lot.

Please note: bedding and towels must be changed weekly, otherwise they accumulate pathogens that cause rashes and pimples.

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. Rashes appear due to a violation hormonal balance. Women may also experience it before or during menstruation. Men also have physiological cycles that affect hormonal levels and can cause regular skin irritations. In addition, endocrine system disorders are often accompanied by a rash.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. Violations digestive system always affect the condition of the skin. The cause of the rash may lie in a disruption of the stomach or intestines. Diarrhea or constipation can also cause a rash under the nose, forehead or chin.
  3. Dermatitis. Minor rash red color is a sign of dermatitis, which can occur due to an allergic reaction. With dermatitis, rashes appear gradually: the skin turns red, then pimples or nodules form on it. They may merge into one spot or spread to other areas, but the area around the lips remains clean.

Important! Chronic diseases cause serious deviations in the functioning of the skin. However, rashes and pimples disappear after the acute phase of the disease is over.

  1. Acne. Adults often suffer from acne. The lesion begins with redness of the skin, later formation small pustules. The formations are accompanied by pain and itching.
  2. Purulent acne. Pimples with pus can be multiple or single. They can occur not only due to hormonal disorders or insufficient care, but due to a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, weak immunity and poor nutrition.
  3. Subcutaneous acne. These pimples are not that noticeable, but they cause discomfort. They may be reddish or the color of healthy skin. The rash protrudes slightly above the skin and is painful.
  4. Increased sweating. Sweat under the nose often irritates the skin. Sweating can be caused stressful situations, physical activity, hot weather, clothing that is too warm, or physiological characteristics body.
  5. Runny nose and its consequences. When you have a runny nose, the skin under the nose suffers from secreted mucus, as well as frequent rubbing with paper or cloth handkerchiefs. As a result, a rash forms under the nose. The affected area turns red, peels, and may have small red dots or pimples. With a bacterial runny nose, the skin can also be infected with pathogenic organisms, and then the redness under the nose may not go away even after the runny nose is cured.

To prevent rashes in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, general recommendations should be followed:

  • Conduct a cosmetics audit. This will help you get rid of expired products that caused irritation;
  • If you have a runny nose, use a paper tissue, which should be thrown away immediately. Wet tissues promote the spread of bacteria on the skin in the nose area;
  • With frequent rashes, it is necessary to introduce more foods rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber into the diet;
  • Change bed linen and towels more often;
  • Use antibacterial facial skin care products.

Attention! Do not squeeze or scratch rashes and pimples in the nose area. The nasolabial triangle is the most vulnerable area of ​​the face, which has no physiological protection. Infection of the rash in the nasal area can cause serious abnormalities and leave scars. In addition, the infection can enter the bloodstream.

Important: if you regularly experience a rash under your nose that is not related to your cycle, you should consult a doctor. You should not only conduct an examination by a dermatologist, but also check the internal organs for pathology.

Rash on the wings of the nose

what a strange rash on one cheek under the eye.

I don’t even know, try applying Bepanten cream and if it goes away, it’s definitely something allergic.

HELP! My son (4 years old) has a rash on his chin and peeling skin

go see a dermatologist

Sun spots

pimples on the face

Hello. what did you end up with? We have the same pimples on our nose now.

Lilush, this is how we do it food allergy manifests itself.

hormonal may recur.

What do pimples say...

What do pimples say...


The main thing is to properly care for your skin, wash your face with foam in the morning and evening, and then wipe your face with a lotion, most importantly, without alcohol. It is very important to carry out morning procedures, it’s like night sebaceous glands work intensively. Alcohol lotion can be used for spot cauterization. If you have acne, you can’t scrub it with a scrub; you spread this poop all over your face. In general, there are a lot of nuances, if you are interested, I can write in a personal how I personally got rid of it, if I had known before how and what, I would have avoided skin problems in my youth.

Clearwin, cream... only in the pharmacy... and the one for the face, because there is also one for the body...

The eldest son also had small ones on his nose, on his wings, anointed them a couple of times - and everything was clean! very good good cream... it's only herbal, without any chemicals... try it!

I created the same post not so long ago, but I didn’t dare to buy the recommended ointments and creams. Let's wash ourselves tar soap Bye. I noticed that if you wash your face with it for a long time, there are much fewer blackheads and pimples!

Acne on the face

Give up sweets. How to live then?! I read a lot about this problem. Hormonal changes very often lead to the formation of acne. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, before menstruation. I went through all these stages. But if hormonal changes during pregnancy - feeding are temporary, then critical days come every month. The cosmetologist recommended me to use Zerkalin. I pre-cleanse the skin twice a day and treat the rashes with a cotton swab. At the same time, it is important to monitor your diet (limit salted, smoked, flour, canned foods, and include in the diet dairy products). Long night sleep is recommended hiking, physical exercise. If there is no improvement, consult a dermatologist.

Believe me, all my organs are acting up)))) My whole face is sprinkled and continues to sprinkle

The skin near the wings of the nose is red and itchy: what to do?

During pregnancy, redness appeared near the wings of the nose; in my opinion, this began after a runny nose. It itches, sometimes it burns so much that it’s impossible to touch. 4 months have passed since the birth, but the problem remains. I applied metranidazole, betazone ultra, betasalik, but there was either no effect at all or only a temporary improvement. Recently they diagnosed perioral dermatitis and prescribed ornidazole 1 t. x 2 r. per day, tetracycline ointment and tannin lotion. The treatment helped around the lips, but there was still redness near the wings of the nose. Please advise what to do.

Try doing lotions daily. The simplest options: 2-3% water solution boric acid, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), a water infusion/decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage or eucalyptus). The main rule is that the lotion liquid should be cool. Soak a gauze pad in the prepared antiseptic solution, wring it out and apply to the inflamed skin. As it heats up (

every 5-7 minutes), lower the napkin into the cool mixture again. It is advisable to carry out the procedure within an hour.

It’s easy to prepare a solution for lotions: dissolve 2-3 g. boric acid in 100 ml hot water, then cool to a temperature of degrees

If itching and redness still persist, then most likely you have either rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis - changes in hormonal status during pregnancy sometimes provoke skin ailments.

A differential diagnosis can be made only on the basis of microscopy of a scraping: with rosacea, the laboratory technician will see demodex mites, with seborrheic dermatitis - yeast-like fungi. Consult a dermatologist. He will order tests and, based on the identified pathogen, prescribe adequate therapy. if you accept hormonal drugs, be sure to inform your doctor.

Under the guise of “harmless” perioral dermatitis, both demodicosis and seborrheic dermatitis can be hidden - skin diseases that require long-term treatment

Lack of treatment or inadequate therapy (self-medication) can lead to the spread of redness and peeling throughout the face

Symptoms, causes and treatment of herpes in the nose and on the nose

Many people think that herpes is painful blisters on the lips caused by a cold, but in fact, the location of the rash during the primary infection depends on where the herpes virus enters the body. Colds on the nose occur as often as rashes on the lips, since they are caused by the same type of virus ( herpes simplex type 1 or(less often) 2nd type). The virus itself, entering the body mainly through contact, migrates along sensitive nerve endings into clusters of nerve cells and is integrated into their genetic apparatus, where it can remain for a long period without manifesting itself at all. A sudden rash near the nose is sometimes mistakenly perceived by patients as a manifestation of dermatitis, so people try to self-medicate, which worsens the situation. Herpes also appears in the nose, affecting the mucous membrane, but a person cannot always see the rash on his own, he just feels that it hurts inside the nose.

In order to know how to treat a cold on the nose, it is important not only to correctly diagnose the disease, but also to understand its causes.

Causes and signs of the disease

Infection occurs through contact with patients who have fresh herpetic rashes, as well as with carriers who release this virus into the environment. Infection occurs due to the contact of viral particles with the nasal mucosa or skin. Herpes in this case can be transmitted:

  1. When kissing and other direct contact;
  2. Through contaminated items (towels, bed linen, toys, etc.);
  3. During childbirth (intrauterine infection). Occurs during primary infection of a pregnant woman herpetic infection and subsequent entry of the virus into the circulatory system, and then to the embryo.

Airborne transmission of the virus also occurs, but it is quite rare.

From the moment of infection until the first signs of the disease appear, 1 to 26 days pass (this depends on the person’s immunity).

Diagnosis is possible only with external signs of the disease, i.e. when a rash appears, because initial stage The disease has no obvious symptoms, and the virus is detected only through laboratory tests.

A cold on the nose never appears for the first time without accompanying symptoms:

  • Unpleasant sensations at the site of infection (burning sensation, itching, pain in the nose).
  • Increased temperature (in some cases);
  • Deterioration in health.

Then, on the wings of the nose or inside the nose, bubbles appear located close to each other, containing clear liquid. The base of the rash appears inflamed. After a few days, the liquid becomes cloudy, the bubble bursts and in its place there remains a wound that becomes covered with a crust. Usually the lesions are single and formed by 3-5 blisters. When all the blisters burst, a painful erosion with wavy edges forms. Over time, a slowly disappearing reddish-brown spot forms at the site of erosion, and the herpes on the nose disappears completely within a day.

A cold in the nose externally looks like a rash with a smooth bottom of a red hue, soft to the touch. Herpes of the nasal mucosa can only be detected at the stage of the appearance of rashes, since patients usually do not pay attention to tingling and mild itching. But already the first bubbles that appear cause quite strong painful sensations (the pain is felt stronger than with a rash on the lip). Externally, the vesicles are slightly different from a rash on the lips - the surface of the vesicle is covered with a denser layer of cells, and the vesicle itself resembles an abscess. You can see what herpes looks like in the nose in the photo. Herpes localized in the nose proceeds in the same way as herpes near the nose, but the wounds heal faster.

You should not self-medicate, even if the patient feels severe pain in the nose - the causes of pain can be different (sinusitis, boil, etc.).

Herpes inside the nose is in most cases caused by an infection that enters the body through airborne droplets, and herpes near the nose usually manifests itself due to relapses of the disease. If the patient has ever had herpes on the nose, the symptoms may be more blurred, and the clinical manifestations disappear faster. Relapses can be frequent (herpes almost always “decorates” the face), or they can be so rare that a person completely forgets that he once had herpes.

Causes of relapses of the disease and possible complications of the disease

When the herpes virus enters the body, the immune system begins to produce specific antibodies that block virus particles circulating in the blood. Because the herpes virus is embedded in nerve cells a person, it is not possible to completely destroy him, but he does not manifest himself. At favorable conditions the virus is activated and causes relapses. If you have a second herpes on your nose, the reasons for its appearance may be different, but they all relate to factors that reduce immunity. It can be:

  • past diseases (ARVI, etc.);
  • excessive overheating or hypothermia;
  • stress and depression;
  • hypovitaminosis caused by poor nutrition;
  • previous operations;
  • frequent use of antibiotics without objective reasons;
  • pathological state of immunity (allergy, autoimmune response, tumors and infections immune system, immune deficiency);
  • somatic diseases ( diabetes and etc.);
  • menstrual cycle;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • various poisonings.

Smoking and alcoholism also weaken the immune system.

If a cold has popped up in your nose, and this situation repeats quite often, you need to visit an immunologist, since with good immunity, a recurrence of herpes is extremely rare.

Some patients do not see the point in treating the disease if the symptoms disappear on their own. But in some cases, herpes has complications, and this is worth remembering when thinking about how to treat a cold on the nose (folk remedies only eliminate external manifestations, but do not affect the virus).

The most common occurrence is the same herpes on other parts of the body. If a patient rubs the wings of the nose affected by the virus, the infection can spread to the hands and cause herpetic eczema. Ophthalmoherpes is quite dangerous, reducing visual acuity and in severe cases can cause vision loss.

In addition, the herpes simplex virus provokes diseases such as:

  • meningitis, encephalitis, sympathoglioneuritis (paravertebral nerve nodes are affected), as the virus travels along the nerve endings;
  • gingivitis, viral stomatitis;
  • sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, ear pain and hearing loss, disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  • illnesses genitourinary system(prostatitis, urethritis and infertility in men, damage to the cervix and urethra, endometritis, colpitis, chorionitis and infertility in women);
  • herpetic pneumonia;
  • various lesions of the adrenal glands and kidneys;
  • inflammation of the retina, etc.;
  • phlebothrombosis (formation of blood clots in deep veins);
  • colitis, herpetic hepatitis, proctitis;
  • myocardiopathy, myocarditis and other diseases.

There is also a connection between herpes and Alzheimer's disease.

If you have sores in your nose for which you do not know the cause, be sure to consult a doctor. It is precisely in order to avoid complications (and the connection between an outbreak of herpes and the diseases listed above is often not traced, since the patient does not attach importance to herpes), it is necessary to carry out adequate treatment of the disease.

Prevention of disease and complications of herpes on the nose or in the nose

The best prevention of herpes infection is to avoid close contact with the patient and support your own immunity.

Usually, people with strong immunity simply need to follow the rules of hygiene and eat right. If you are at risk (pregnancy, etc.), your doctor may prescribe preventative treatment.

Important: Self-prescribing immunostimulants is strictly prohibited. Before appointment specific drug The immunologist not only studies the patient’s immunogram, but is also well aware of the long-term effects of various drugs.

If you have herpes on your nose, you need to know what to do so that the herpetic rash does not spread to other parts of the body, and you do not become a source of infection for others. Do not do it:

  1. Touch the blisters, much less pick them out or squeeze them out, otherwise the infection will spread due to the leaked liquid to other areas of the skin or mucous membrane;
  2. Rub and comb the affected area when itching, even if there are no rashes yet, as you can further infect the affected area;
  3. Use a shared towel and other household items (pillowcases, etc.).
  • drink enough fluids and fresh fruits;
  • Keep the affected area clean so that another infection does not occur.

Treatment of herpes that appears on the nose or in the nose

On at this stage It is impossible to completely cure the disease, but it is possible to eliminate the symptoms, achieve long-term remission and improve the quality of life of the infected person with the help of fairly effective drugs.

If irritation of the nasal mucosa occurs, treatment should begin with antiviral drugs. Immunostimulants may also be used ( Virogel, Cycloferon, etc.), antihistamines to relieve itching ( Suprastin, Loratadine, etc.)

When wondering how to treat herpes on the nose, the patient usually strives first to eliminate itching, pain and rashes. If the rash has not yet appeared, nasal cold ointment is applied to the swollen areas. Applicable:

  • Acyclovir, which prevents the appearance of new elements of rashes and reduces the likelihood of herpes spreading through the skin. This drug reduces pain, accelerates the appearance of crusts, prevents complications and has an immunostimulating effect. It helps most patients, which is why doctors most often prescribe this relatively inexpensive drug;
  • Zovirax and Acyclovir-acri are drugs that prevent the development of the virus and contain acyclovir;
  • Panavir (gel), which is an antiviral drug made from plant shoots.

Nasal ointment for colds is applied regularly at intervals of 4 hours, from the edge of the rash to the center. The full course is usually 5 days. The remedy for herpes on the nose is applied with clean hands, which must then be washed thoroughly.

When treating herpes, tetracycline or zinc ointment is also used for the nasal mucosa. The same ointments are used to treat wounds in the nose - treatment with these drugs prevents secondary infection.

Erazaban, a new generation cream (ointment) for colds in the nose, has also recently begun to be actively used. The substance docosanol included in the cream prevents the penetration of the virus into cells.

Treatment of herpes in the nose also allows the use of antiviral tablets ( Valaciclovir and Famciclovir).

Herpes on the nose during pregnancy is dangerous for the baby only if the pregnant woman is infected with this virus for the first time. If a woman had outbreaks of herpes before pregnancy (the expectant mother is a passive carrier of the virus), her body has already produced antibodies that neutralize the virus, and these antibodies will pass through the mother’s blood to the baby. Thanks to this, the newborn will be protected from herpes 3-5 months after birth.

Since most drugs used to treat herpes are contraindicated in pregnant women, you should consult a specialist before treating a cold in the nose. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use interferon and Zovirax and Acyclovir ointments, since they are practically not absorbed into the blood and therefore have no effect on the child.

Important: How to treat herpes on the nose, the doctor must decide in each specific case (for example, when choosing how to treat wounds on the nose, immunologists often prescribe Fukortsin (pink solution) and Celestoderm B ointment).

If herpes appears on the child’s nose, but general state the baby is not affected, you just need to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body, since many drugs are contraindicated under 12 years of age. Since herpes does not pose a great danger with good immunity, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil, which have a disinfecting and softening effect, are used to speed up the healing of already formed wounds and prevent secondary infection. Propolis tincture is also used, fir oil, aloe juice and camphor alcohol. These folk remedies can be used for herpes on the nose for both children and adults.

All information is provided for informational purposes. And it is not an instruction for self-treatment. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

The disease affects the inner surface of the lips. It is a viral pathology leading to inflammation with purulent manifestations. The rash is extremely painful and spreads quickly in the mouth.

In medical practice, there are cases when stomatitis is brought out. In most paintings this happens when the form is neglected. In turn, stomatitis causes diseases:

  • Herpes. Due to the weakening of the immune system, a favorable environment is created for the virus, which quickly activates and multiplies;
  • Streptococcal and staphylococcal infection lead to the formation of ulcers and wound surfaces in and around the mouth. Severe pain makes it difficult to eat;
  • Enterovirus affects inner part oral cavity, but is capable of being transferred to the lips and the area around them.

Most often, a rash around the mouth is caused by a combination of several negative factors that enhance harmful influence each other.

Let's look at several reasons for the appearance of redness of the skin around and under the nose.

One of the most common causes of redness and flaking of the skin of the nose is the negative consequence of a previous or current acute respiratory infection. As a rule, acute respiratory infections are accompanied by a runny nose, in which a person is forced to use handkerchiefs, various sprays and ointments that harm the delicate skin of the wings of the nose, causing microcracks, and redness appears underneath.

When the wings of the nose peel off, it is very difficult to hide the unpleasant appearance of the skin, and cosmetics are not able to bring improvement, but only spoil an already not very pleasant picture.

Necessary treatment: use of local healing anti-inflammatory ointments and sprays that help soften flaky skin and accelerate regeneration. You can use Bepanten or Panthenol ointments.

The next reasons for the development of peeling of the skin of the nose and the appearance of redness are various allergic reactions, often leading to redness of the entire face. In addition to the unhealthy appearance of the skin, swelling and unbearable constant itching appear.

Before starting treatment, you should visit a dermatologist for consultation and an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms oral dermatitis similar to other diseases. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  1. Seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. Steroid acne.
  3. Diffuse neurodermatitis.
  4. Allergic contact dermatitis.
  5. Rosacea vulgaris.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe an examination aimed at identifying pathogenic microorganisms at the site of the lesion. To do this, a culture of scrapings from this area is carried out.

The reasons for the development of oral dermatitis may be the following:

  1. Increased individual susceptibility to certain bacteria that are allergens.
  2. Decreased general or cellular immunity.
  3. Tendency to allergies, the presence of diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and the like.
  4. Climate change, excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Hormonal imbalance in gynecological diseases.
  6. Long-term local application ointments and creams that contain corticosteroids, sometimes short-term application of such medications can cause such a reaction.
  7. Using fluoride toothpastes or dentures.
  8. Too sensitive facial skin.
  9. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine, nervous or digestive system.
  10. Excessive application of cosmetics.

If you are prone to dermatitis, to prevent the appearance of a rash on the chin, you need to carefully study the composition of the product. Most often, oral dermatitis is provoked by the following substances contained in cosmetics:

  • cinnamon flavorings;
  • paraffin;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • petrolatum;
  • isopropyl myristate.

A rash on the nose, the causes of which are explained by the peculiarity of the structure of the skin of this area of ​​the face, unfortunately, has the right to exist. Since the skin of the nose is equipped with wider pores compared to other areas of the appearance, when the sebaceous duct is clogged, a pimple appears as its narrowed closing part.

Pimples in the form of acne are typical for adolescents and are associated with the production of increased subcutaneous sebum due to the increased activity of the corresponding glands.

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When an adult’s nose becomes “decorated” with a rash of acne, he will need to consult a specialist who will probably prescribe treatment with hormonal drugs.

Acne with the presence of a blackhead in adulthood is classified as hormonal acne, where the blackhead is the result of sebaceous oxidation. If, by maintaining hygiene, you prevent infection from entering the affected area of ​​the skin, then such a pimple itself will not pose a danger other than an aesthetic nuisance.

Etiology of rash around the mouth in adults

The medical name for a rash in the mouth area is perioral dermatitis. This pathology refers to dermatological diseases, accompanied by rashes and the presence of pimples. They appear not only around the mouth, but also under the nose, in the mouth, and on the palate.

Depending on the specific clinical manifestations, the disease can be infectious or non-infectious.

Causes of infectious dermatitis

Herpes is a viral disease that begins with the appearance of one pimple in the lip area; the pathological element is filled with transparent contents. After a short time, skin numbness and itching are observed. Lack of therapy leads to the formation of wounds with a dry surface.

Impetigo develops due to damage to the body by staphylococci. Neoplasms around the mouth are characterized by large sizes. Initially they are white in color, the edges are distinct, then they open, which leads to the formation of ulcers.

Causes of non-infectious dermatitis

Rash on the face of a child: types, photos, characteristics and treatment

Children's skin is especially sensitive. Parents may be concerned about the appearance of a rash or redness. The reasons for this are different. Changes in the epidermis do not always signal the presence of diseases.

In some cases, the rash goes away on its own and does not cause any discomfort to the child. Despite this, the baby should be shown to a pediatrician. There may be an infectious disease.

In this article we will tell you what the reasons for the appearance are, and also show in the photo what an allergic reaction caused by infectious diseases and other types of rashes on the face, head and neck, body and arms infant and an older baby, is it necessary and how to treat it.

Types of rashes on the nose are divided into only two types, which are characterized as a group of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne. They are quite easy to distinguish.

The inflammatory representative of this disease is immediately visible: the skin around it will, as a rule, be inflamed and painful, but it itself has a characteristic red color and, in most cases, an accompanying blister filled with purulent fluid.

Not for acne inflammatory in nature These include those that do not have pronounced signs of inflammation, look inconspicuous, have a whitish tint, and, as a rule, are crowned on top with something like a black dot.

How can I tell if my skin problems may be related to perioral dermatitis? What symptoms and signs does it present?

"…I am 25 years old. A few months ago, I noticed that I had a few small pimples appearing on my chin.

MORE ABOUT: Treating small pimples on the face like a rash

I began to wash my face with soap more often and use a special anti-acne product, but this does not help - over time, the acne becomes more and more, and the skin on the chin and around the mouth has become constantly red, with dark spots that remain from acne that heal .

I can't figure out what it is. I had acne in my youth, but it went away quickly and hasn’t appeared for a long time...”

This is usually how people who experience perioral dermatitis describe the problem.

Most often, perioral dermatitis develops in young women, much less often in men and children.

You can assume that your skin problems are related to perioral dermatitis if you notice the following symptoms:

  • You have a lot of small pimples on your chin (or generally on the skin around your mouth);
  • The skin around pimples looks inflamed and irritated (red);
  • Examining the skin around the mouth, you notice that although the inflammation spreads to the skin around the mouth, directly around the lips (a strip of several millimeters wide) the skin looks healthy (normal color, without pimples) and that there seems to be a clear boundary between non-inflamed and inflamed skin.

Rash on the chin - a symptom of oral dermatitis

Depending on the pathological processes, occurring in the body, other clinical manifestations are observed. Their presence makes it easier to search for the nature of the pathology and allows you to quickly establish an accurate diagnosis.

Associated symptoms:

  • A high temperature indicates an infection. The patient experiences lethargy, weakness, headaches, decreased performance;
  • Allergic reactions almost always occur against a background of severe itching and burning;
  • Pain, swelling, hyperemia of the oral mucosa are direct symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • Loss of body weight in combination with enlarged lymph nodes is a sign of an oncological neoplasm, usually of a malignant nature;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes in combination with fever – infection or inflammation.

By external signs one or another disease may be suspected.

The main symptom of oral dermatitis is a rash on the chin and around the mouth in the form of small pimples and papules. The skin under the rash is irritated and red. Over time, papules can grow and occupy a large area. The disease, firstly, gives a person aesthetic and psychological problems.

Rash on the nose: treatment

No matter how normal the rash may seem, it will take a fair amount of time. Treatment of a rash around the mouth involves several components at once.

  • Gentle nutrition. Refusal of fatty, flour, sweet, carbonated, smoked and alcohol.
  • Drug therapy based on: antibiotics, vitamins and imidazole.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures: darsonval, cryomassage, electrolysis.
  • Refusal from usual creams and toothpastes containing hormones, fluoride and other irritating components.

The rash around the mouth seems completely harmless at first glance. And only after realizing how much work will be required to get rid of it, you begin to understand that you need to act immediately. Comprehensive treatment of rashes around the mouth allows not only to solve a cosmetic problem, but also to get rid of many toxins accumulated in the body.

Treatment for nasal rash is best done under the supervision of an experienced dermatologist. Only he will be able, when prescribing a set of treatment measures, to accurately determine all the features of the patient’s condition and prescribe an adequate course of action. Treatment carried out by the patient according to his own own initiative, can harm his health.

MORE ABOUT: Infectious rash in children with and without fever

If a rash in the nose appears with a certain frequency, while medical supplies Treatments do not provide any effect, radical methods should be resorted to. These include treating rash-affected skin areas with liquid nitrogen, water therapy, passed the procedure ozonation and distillation, as well as facial cleansing corresponding to the severity of the disease.

In addition, it is possible to administer drugs under the skin in microscopic doses, selected individually for each patient.

Ointments for rashes in the nose

Treatment of a chin rash can take quite a lot of time; its duration can last up to three months or more, depending on the severity of the disease. Only a doctor can select the correct and complete course of therapy based on examinations and taking into account individual characteristics.

However, even if the treatment was carried out correctly and in full, the possibility of repeated rashes or relapses of perioral dermatitis remains.

It is important to remember that for the entire duration of treatment you must completely avoid creams and ointments that contain corticosteroids.

Nasal rash: preventive measures

A rash in the nose tends to spread among the patient’s surroundings, so it is recommended to carry out a complex preventive measures when she appears. To prevent the appearance of a rash, you need to wash your hands more often, do not touch the affected areas with them, dress only in separate underwear, eat from separate dishes and, if possible, avoid contact with other people.

After applying the ointment against the virus, you should throw away the cotton wool and stick that were used for this application.

To prevent relapses of the disease, it is recommended not to violate the diet, carry out hardening procedures, consume sufficient amounts of vitamins, try to avoid infection with influenza and ARVI viruses, do not overcool, and generally follow a healthy lifestyle.

Prevention of a rash on the nose consists of following standard hygiene rules, which leaves as little chance as possible for pimples to appear on the nose.

  • You should touch your face and, in particular, your nose with your hands as little as possible;
  • IN mandatory wash off makeup before going to bed;
  • Have a separate towel for your face, which should be changed at least once a week;
  • Use only products that suit your skin type to wash your face;
  • After washing, oily skin needs additional care, so it should be wiped with a special cleansing lotion.
  • Use for skin care herbal infusions plants such as calendula, mint or chamomile.
  • Do not try to get rid of pimples by squeezing them, so as not to run the risk of infection;
  • Organize proper nutrition with the necessary content of vitamins in its composition;
  • Take regular walks in the fresh air.