Atarax side effects. Tranquilizer Atarax: clear instructions for use and real reviews

Atarax is a drug that serves as a mild tranquilizer. It slightly suppresses nervous excitement, as well as unmotivated aggression in children and adults.

Composition and release form

Atarax release form:

  • Solid dosage forms. Pills.
  • Liquid dosage forms. Injection.
  • Solid dosage forms. Rectal suppositories.

Composition of the medicine in tablet form

The tablet form of the drug has oblong dimensions and is covered with a film. Has a risk.


  • Hydrosizine hydrochloride is the main substance in Atarax.
  • Lactose monohydrate.
  • Polysaccharide with small inclusions of crystals.
  • Colloidal silicon anhydride.
  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
  • Macrogel 400.

Atarax tablets are produced in the form of a blister, which is located in a cardboard package. The tablets are taken orally using large quantity liquids.

Composition of solution for injection

Atarax injection solution is available in cardboard box and a small box with cells containing up to 5 ampoules. They are transparent in color and contain a colorless solution inside. They contain the following substances:

  • Hydrosizine hydrochloride
  • Distilled water.

Syrup composition

Atarax syrup is available in bottles with a total capacity of 200 ml. It contains only active agent in the form of hydrosizine hydrochloride, as well as auxiliary elements, including sucrose, flavorings and magnesium stearate.

pharmachologic effect

In addition, Atarax has a whole range of medical effects: the drug calms the nervous system; has an antiemetic function; prohibits the effects of neurotransmitters on the respiratory system, skin, and gastrointestinal tract; and also has an m-anticholinergic effect. Prohibits the effect of these receptors on the entire human body and the activation of subcortical zones. Astarax does not have an irritating effect on the production of secretions and acid in the gastrointestinal tract.

When using the drug, sleep time increases, there are no sudden awakenings during the night, and relaxation appears in the muscle structure. The drug does not cause habit or dependence – even after a long period of taking it. The medicine reduces all irritations caused by allergic reactions or rashes. The duration of the ban on the effects of neuromodulators on the respiratory system can be up to 4 days in case of insufficiency of the hepatic system.

When taking Atarax, it is rapidly absorbed and dissolved, first in the stomach, and then throughout all organs - through circulatory system. After just a couple of hours a large number of the drug appears in the plasma. With a new intake of Atarax, it increases to 35%. Bioavailability is about 85%. All components of the drug have the peculiarity of absorption through tissues rather than cells. The active component, hydroxyzine, crosses the placenta and blood-brain barriers. Transformed in the liver section. When excreted, less than 1% of Aparax falls to the kidneys. Everything else comes out through the intestines. Depending on age, this period may vary. So, in a child, the period of release of the medicine takes up to 7.5 hours. For young people and middle-aged people it takes up to one day, and for older people - a little more than a day.

Liver and kidney disorders. In case of insufficiency in the hepatic-renal system, the elimination period can last up to 40 hours.

Atarax is available in the form of tablets, injection solution and syrup.

Indications for use of Atarax

The drug in any form of release has its own indications, contraindications and side effects. When taking this drug you should pay special attention to them.

The medicine must be taken for the following indications:

  • Treatment of anxiety.
  • Sedation before surgery.
  • Treatment of itching.
  • A state of exceptional and unmotivated irritability.
  • Problems with the central nervous system, leading to hyperarousal.
  • Severe alcoholism.
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Eczema.
  • Vomit.
  • Neurotic conditions.
  • Relieving cramps in gastrointestinal diseases.


Instructions for use prohibit taking the drug if you have at least one of the following diseases:

  • Individual intolerance to certain components.
  • Porphyria.
  • Galactose intolerance.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Atarax should be prescribed with caution when:

  • Myasthenia.
  • Prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Difficulty passing urine.
  • Constipation.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Presence of rhythm disturbances.
  • Kidney or liver failure.

Side effects

Instructions for use warn of the following side effects:

  • Paradoxical stimulation nervous system.
  • Increased sensitivity.
  • Dry throat.
  • General weakness.
  • Disturbance in space.
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Fever.
  • Bronchospasm.

If the dosage of Atarax is exceeded, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Decreased response of the central nervous system.
  • Stomach disturbances such as nausea or vomiting.
  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Trembling of the limbs or head.
  • Violation of reality.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Hypotension.
  • Coma state.

It is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach and induce forced vomiting. Samples should be taken to identify the presence of alcohol or drugs incompatible with Atarax. It is necessary to administer certain drugs: naloxone, thiamine and glucose, physostigmine. If other types of medications are used to suppress depression, the latter drug may be life-threatening.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage of tablets

The dosage, as well as the duration of treatment with the drug, are prescribed by the attending physician, and depend on the degree of the disease, as well as its duration. However, the general dosage regimen involves taking 50 mg tablets per day, and total term treatment reaches a month.

Method and dosage of injections

The instructions suggest taking the drug in the form of an injection solution intramuscularly. At the same time, it is important to follow the main rule of its administration: administration is carried out slowly. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor, but is up to 300 mg in clinical cases.

Method and dosage of syrup

Atarax in the form of syrup is used in cases where taking tablets is impossible. The total dosage of the drug will be up to 50 ml per day. It is recommended to use the syrup after meals with a small amount of water.

Atarax in the treatment of diseases

The drug is used in certain dosages, depending on the nature of the disease. So, when treating anxiety, you need to take 50 mg per day. In case of deterioration, the dosage can be increased to 300 mg. This dosage will be the same for tablets, solution and syrup.

In case of surgery, you should take from 50 to 200 grams 1 hour before it begins. In addition, it is possible to take Atarax orally or intramuscularly before administering anesthesia. If the patient experiences itching, he needs to take 25 grams of the drug at once. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 250 g. At the same time, it remains important to prevent an overdose, because maximum dose should be no more than 300 mg or ml. per day.

People old age, as well as those suffering from kidney and liver disorders, should take all dosages of Atarax at half the standard dosage. If a short-term effect is necessary, you should take half a tablet, or an oral dose, or a syrup.

Atarax for children

Accept this drug It is also recommended for children, however, under strict medical supervision. This is due to the fragile psyche of the child, which may react to one or another component in the wrong way. Admission is allowed for children from several months. This drug can be effectively treated the following diseases:

  • Allergy. It can be treated from 3-4 months of age. The Atarax brand drug reduces itching and calms the child’s nervous system.
  • Reduces all fears. Thus, it helps the child fall asleep soundly and relax. This is especially effective if the child is afraid of the dark and afraid of loneliness.
  • Dermatitis. More serious reason allergies. Atarax relieves itching and allows the child to have a restful sleep.
  • Bronchial asthma. This is a modified form of dermatitis. Atarax relieves allergies and bronchial convulsions.
  • Calms the child's nervous system, relieves anxiety, strengthens the psyche.

Its use by children is possible only in the form of tablets.

Dosage for children for various diseases

The amount of Atarax depends on the child’s body weight and age.

  • From 1 year to 6 – up to 3 mg per 1 kg per day. Needs to be taken several times.
  • From 6 years – 2 mg per 1 kg per day. The drug is taken several times.

For ease of administration, the tablet should be crushed into fine crumbs.

Side effects from using Atarax in a child

  • Unusual behavior.
  • hand tremors
  • fever.
  • fainting.

Before the ambulance arrives, you should tilt the child's head back and rinse the stomach. In difficult cases, he is hospitalized.

During pregnancy and lactation

The instructions prohibit the drug Atarax for the entire duration of pregnancy. In newborns, deviations from this drug were observed such as: low blood pressure, impaired motor functions, signs of suffocation. During breastfeeding, taking Atarax is also contraindicated. If severe depression and neurosis are observed, then taking Atarax is allowed provided that breastfeeding is excluded.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Atarax with drugs containing opium, barbiturates, ethanol - atarax increases their degree therapeutic effects on the body.
  • Atarax and antipsychotics, antidepressants – increased anticholinergic effect.
  • Atarax and phenytoin - changes its effect on epileptic seizures towards improvement or deterioration.

Domestic and foreign analogues

The following synonyms and substitutes for Atarax are distinguished:

  • Hydroxyzine.
  • Adaptol.
  • Afobazol.
  • Gidazepam.
  • Phenazepam.
  • Relanium.
  • Grandaxin.
  • Diazepam.
  • Diazepex.
  • Zolomax.
  • Stremaza.
  • Vinpotropil.
  • Teraligen.
  • Phenibut.

The drug Atarax contains Hydroxyzine hydrochloride (active ingredient) and microcrystalline cellulose , lactose monohydrate, Magnesium stearate , colloidal silicon anhydride , macrogoal , titanium dioxide , hydroxypropyl methylcellulose .

Release form

Available in the form of oblong tablets with a white coating. They have
dividing cross mark on both sides. Tablets of 25 mg are packaged in blisters of 25 pieces, sold in cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

The main active ingredient of the drug Atarax is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride is derived diphenylmethane . The drug is not a central nervous system depressant, but it can have a depressing effect on the activity of certain zones of the subcortical region.

Atarax has a bronchodilator and antihistamine effect on the body. If taken in a therapeutic dose, there is no effect on the secretory and acid-forming functions.

Renders effective influence during therapy skin itching , allergic dermatitis , . If the patient has impaired liver function, the duration of the antihistamine action increases to 96 hours.

There is a sympatholytic, antispasmodic, mild analgesic effect. After taking the drug, patients note an increase in the total duration of the sleep period, a decrease in awakenings at night and their period, and a decrease in muscle tone. In this case, no memory impairment occurs.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug Atarax is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and quickly enters the blood. The highest concentration in blood plasma is observed 2 hours after taking the tablets. Bioavailability after oral administration is 80%. Active substance hydroxyzine spreads throughout the body and predominantly accumulates in tissues.

Hydroxyzine can cross the placental and blood-brain barriers. As a result, it accumulates in high concentrations in fetal tissues. Metabolites also pass into breast milk.

During the metabolism of hydroxyzine, it is predominantly formed cetarizine , which has the properties of a histamine receptor antagonist.

Metabolites medicine are excreted unchanged from the body in urine.

It should be taken into account that in older people, as well as in those who suffer from impaired liver and kidney function, during treatment with the drug there is an increased concentration of metabolites in the blood. Therefore, so as not to appear side effects, you need to reduce the dose. In this case, how many tablets can be taken should be determined by the attending physician.

Indications for use

Atarax tablets are prescribed for the treatment of adult patients in the following cases:

  • In order to eliminate symptoms of anxiety, internal tension, psychomotor agitation, high irritability in the treatment of patients with neurological, somatic, and mental diseases.
  • For chronic alcoholism, as well as to eliminate withdrawal syndrome, which is accompanied by psychomotor agitation.
  • As a somatic remedy during premedication.
  • As a symptomatic remedy to eliminate .

Indications for the use of Atarax are determined by the attending physician. As a rule, indications for the use of the drug are available for a variety of skin diseases which are accompanied by severe skin itching.


Atarax should not be taken if a person has the following diseases or conditions:

  • labor activity;
  • porphyria;
  • high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • high sensitivity to cetirizine , derivative piperazine , as well as to ethylenediamine or .

Due to the fact that the product contains lactose, Atarax should not be taken by those who have hereditary intolerance galactose, impaired absorption of glucose and galactose.

Side effects

Atarax may cause side effects due to the drug's effect on the central nervous system. In particular, sometimes it causes depression of functions, paradoxical stimulation, and has an antichodinergic effect.

  • Functions of the cardiovascular system : rarely decreases, heart rate increases.
  • Functions of vision : decreased clarity of vision, impaired accommodation.
  • Functions of the gastrointestinal tract : feeling of dry mouth, rarely - vomiting, nausea, problems with intestinal motility and, as a result,.
  • Functions immune system : hypersensitivity, may rarely develop anaphylactic shock.
  • Functions of the urinary system : Urinary retention is rarely possible.
  • Respiratory functions : rarely – bronchospasm and suffocation.
  • Neurological disorders : drowsiness, headache, insomnia, rarely – convulsions.
  • Mental disorders rarely appear: excitement is possible, , hallucinations.
  • Skin : itching, rash, rarely - swelling.
  • General violations : weakness, fever, fatigue.

Instructions for use of Atarax (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Atarax must be strictly followed when treating with the drug. The medicine is taken orally. When treating anxiety, it is recommended to use 0.05 tablets daily. If the patient has severe anxiety, 0.3 g of the drug can be taken per day.

If itching is being treated, the patient is initially recommended to use 0.025 g of the medicine. If necessary, this dose of Atarax can be taken 3-4 times a day. The largest dose taken at the same time should not exceed 0.2 g, and the dose per day should not exceed 0.3 g.

When treating itching in children preschool age(from 3 years old) a daily dose of 0.001-0.0025 g/kg of child weight is used.

Wikipedia shows that the dose is most often selected individually. It depends, first of all, on how the body responds to treatment.


In case of an overdose of the drug, the following phenomena may occur:

  • increased anticholinergic effects;
  • paradoxical stimulation or depression of the central nervous system;
  • manifestations of involuntary motor activity;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • disturbance of consciousness and hallucinations;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • in rare cases with severe overdose - convulsions , tremor , .

When taking too much of the drug, it is important to induce vomiting and rinse the stomach. Activities are practiced that are aimed at supporting the vital functions of the body. The patient is monitored until all symptoms of intoxication disappear.


The effect of the drug on the body is enhanced if taken simultaneously with medicines, which suppress the function of the central nervous system. If there is a need to take such drugs at the same time, the doctor selects doses on an individual basis.

You should not take Atarax and drugs that belong to the group at the same time MAO inhibitors And anticholinergics .

If taken simultaneously Cimetidine and Atarax, the concentration of hydroxyzine in plasma increases, the concentration of metabolites decreases.

Atarax disrupts the metabolism of drug substrates for uridine diphosphate And glucuronyltransferase .

When taking Atarax, the effect of drugs that depress the central nervous system is potentiated: barbiturates , opioid analgesics , tranquilizers , sleeping pills, ethanol.

Atarax suspends the pressor effect A (adrenaline ) and anticonvulsant effect phenytoin , prevents the effects And cholinesterase blockers .

Terms of sale

Can be purchased in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

Atarax must be stored in a dark and dry place where the temperature is no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

The drug can be stored for 5 years.

special instructions

If the patient needs to undergo allergy tests, treatment with the drug is stopped five days before the test.

Patients who drive should note that the drug may affect reaction speed and concentration.

If the patient has a history of seizures, then treatment with the drug should be administered very carefully.

Considering the fact that Atarax has an anticholinergic effect, it should be used with caution to treat patients with, constipation , . You should avoid taking sedatives while taking this drug.

Prescribe the drug with caution to patients with cardiac arrhythmia , those who apply antiarrhythmic drugs. When treating older people, half the dose of the drug is initially prescribed.


You can purchase analogues of this drug in the pharmacy chain. One of the analogues of the drug is Hydroxyzine . The price of this drug is lower (about 260 rubles per pack of 25 tablets). Other analogues of the drug do not have a completely similar composition.

Which is better: Phenibut or Atarax?

For children

The medicine is used to treat children from one year of age, but it is necessary to strictly adhere to the indicated dosage and use Atarax only after a doctor’s prescription.

With alcohol

Alcohol and Atarax cannot be combined, since drinking alcohol increases the effect of the drug. The use of Atarax with alcohol causes significant depression of central nervous system functions. This combination can increase the state of intoxication, lower blood pressure, and cause allergic reactions.

During pregnancy and lactation

Atarax should not be used to treat pregnant women, as well as during labor activity. The drug penetrates the placenta and enters directly into the fetus. In the process, the drug can disrupt labor, as it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus and prevents its contraction. When breastfeeding, Atarax passes into the mother's milk, and a child under one year of age is not treated with this drug.

There are contraindications. Before starting use, consult your doctor.

Commercial names abroad (abroad) - Hizin, Hidroxina, Hydroze, Masmoran, Neurax, Orgatrax, Otarex, Vistaject, Vistaril.

Currently, analogues (generics) of the drug are NOT FOR SALE in Moscow pharmacies!

All tranquilizers (anxiolytics).

All drugs used in neurology and psychiatry.

You can ask a question or leave a review about the medicine (please, do not forget to indicate the name of the drug in the text of the message).

Preparations containing Hydroxyzine (ATC code N05BB01):

Atarax (Hydroxyzine) - instructions for use. The drug is a prescription, the information is intended only for healthcare professionals!

Clinical and pharmacological group:

Tranquilizer (anxiolytic).

pharmachologic effect

A derivative of diphenylmethane, it has moderate anxiolytic activity; It also has a sedative, antiemetic, antihistamine and m-anticholinergic effect. Blocks central m-cholinergic receptors and histamine H1 receptors and inhibits the activity of certain subcortical zones. Doesn't call mental dependence and addiction. Clinical effect occurs 15-30 minutes after taking the drug orally.

Renders positive influence on cognitive abilities, improves memory and attention. Relaxes skeletal and smooth muscles, has bronchodilator and analgesic effects, and a moderate inhibitory effect on gastric secretion. Hydroxyzine significantly reduces itching in patients with urticaria, eczema and dermatitis. At long-term use No withdrawal syndrome or deterioration of cognitive functions were noted. Polysomnography in patients with insomnia and anxiety clearly demonstrates an increase in sleep duration and a decrease in the frequency of night awakenings after a single or repeated dose of hydroxyzine at a dose of 50 mg. Decline muscle tension In patients, anxiety was noted when taking the drug at a dose of 50 mg 3 times a day.



Hydroxyzine in high degree absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax is observed 2 hours after taking the drug.

After a single dose of the drug in a single dose of 25 mg or 50 mg in adults, the plasma concentration is 30 ng/ml and 70 ng/ml, respectively.

Bioavailability when taken orally and intramuscularly is 80%.


Hydroxyzine is more concentrated in tissues (particularly skin) than in plasma. The distribution coefficient is 7-16 l/kg.

Hydroxyzine penetrates the BBB and the placental barrier, concentrating more in the fetal tissues than in the mother's body. Metabolites are found in breast milk.

Metabolism and excretion

Hydroxyzine is metabolized in the liver. The main metabolite (45%) is cetirizine, which is a histamine H1 receptor blocker. The total clearance of hydroxyzine is 13 ml/min/kg. T1/2 in adults is 14 hours. Only 0.8% of hydroxyzine is excreted unchanged in the urine.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

In children, the total clearance is 4 times less than in adults, T1/2 in children aged 14 years is 11 hours, in children aged 1 year - 4 hours.

In elderly patients, T1/2 is 29 hours, the distribution coefficient is 22.5 l/kg.

In patients with impaired liver function, T1/2 increases to 37 hours, the concentration of metabolites in the blood serum is higher than in young patients with normal liver function. The antihistamine effect can last for 96 hours.

Indications for use of the drug ATARAX®

  • adults: to relieve anxiety, psychomotor agitation, feelings of internal tension, increased irritability in neurological, mental (including generalized anxiety, adaptation disorders) and somatic diseases, chronic alcoholism; withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism, accompanied by psychomotor agitation;
  • as sedative during the period of premedication;
  • skin itching (as symptomatic therapy).

Dosage regimen

The drug is taken orally.

For symptomatic treatment for itching in children aged 12 months to 6 years, the drug is prescribed in a daily dose of 1-2.5 mg/kg body weight in several doses; children over 6 years of age - at a dose of 1-2 mg/kg/day in several doses.

For premedication in children, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight 1 hour before surgery, and additionally the night before surgery.

For the symptomatic treatment of anxiety, adults are prescribed a dose of 25-100 mg per day in several doses during the day or at night. The average dose is 50 mg per day (12.5 mg in the morning, 12.5 mg in the afternoon and 25 mg at night). If necessary, the dose can be increased to 300 mg per day.

For the symptomatic treatment of itching, the initial dose is 25 mg; if necessary, the dose can be increased 4 times (25 mg 4 times a day).

Maximum single dose should not exceed 200 mg, the maximum daily dose is no more than 300 mg.

In elderly patients, the initial dose should be reduced by 2 times.

Patients with renal failure moderate and severe severity, as well as liver failure dose reduction is necessary.

Side effect

Side effects associated with anticholinergic effects: rarely (mainly in elderly patients) - dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, impaired accommodation.

From the side of the central nervous system: drowsiness, general weakness(especially at the beginning of treatment), headache, dizziness. If weakness and drowsiness do not disappear after a few days from the start of therapy, the dose of the drug must be reduced. Very rarely (with a significant overdose) - tremors, convulsions, disorientation.

From the cardiovascular system: arterial hypotension, tachycardia.

From the outside digestive system: nausea, changes functional tests liver.

Other: increased sweating, allergic reactions, fever, bronchospasm.

When using the drug in recommended doses, no clinically significant respiratory depression was observed. Involuntary motor activity (including very rare cases of tremors and convulsions), disorientation were observed with significant overdose.

Side effects observed when taking Atarax® are usually mild, transient and disappear within a few days of starting treatment or after reducing the dose.

Contraindications to the use of the drug ATARAX®

  • porphyria;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of labor;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to cetirizine and other piperazine derivatives, aminophylline or ethylenediamine.

The drug should be prescribed with caution for myasthenia gravis, prostatic hyperplasia with clinical manifestations, difficulty urinating, constipation, increased intraocular pressure, dementia, tendency to seizures; with a predisposition to the development of arrhythmia; at simultaneous use drugs with arrhythmogenic effects; simultaneously with other CNS depressants or anticholinergics (dose reduction required). A reduction in the dose of the drug is required in patients with severe and severe renal failure. medium degree, with liver failure, in elderly patients with decreased glomerular filtration.

Use of ATARAX® during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Atarax® is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and labor.

If necessary, use of Atarax during lactation should be discontinued. breast-feeding.

Use for liver dysfunction

Patients with liver failure require a dose reduction.

Use for renal impairment

Patients with moderate to severe renal failure require a dose reduction.

special instructions

If allergy tests are necessary, Atarax should be discontinued 5 days before the test.

Patients taking Atarax® should avoid drinking alcohol.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Patients taking Atarax®, if necessary to drive a car or operate machinery, should be warned that the drug may affect concentration and the speed of psychomotor reactions.


Symptoms: increased anticholinergic effects, depression or paradoxical stimulation of the central nervous system, nausea, vomiting, involuntary motor activity, hallucinations, impaired consciousness, arrhythmia, arterial hypotension; rarely - tremors, convulsions, disorientation, which occur with a significant overdose.

Treatment: if spontaneous vomiting is absent, it is necessary to induce it artificially or perform gastric lavage. Carry out general measures aimed at maintaining the vital functions of the body, and monitor the patient until the symptoms of intoxication disappear in the next 24 hours.

If it is necessary to obtain a vasopressor effect, norepinephrine or metaramenol is prescribed. Epinephrine should not be used. There is no specific antidote. The use of hemodialysis is ineffective.

Drug interactions

Atarax® potentiates the effect of drugs that depress the central nervous system, such as opioid analgesics, barbiturates, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, ethanol (combinations require individual selection of drug doses).

Atarax®, when used simultaneously, interferes with the pressor effect of epinephrine (adrenaline) and the anticonvulsant activity of phenytoin, and also interferes with the action of betahistine and cholinesterase blockers.

With simultaneous use, Atarax® does not affect the activity of atropine, belladonna alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive drugs, histamine H2 receptor blockers.

Co-administration of Atarax with MAO inhibitors and anticholinergics should be avoided.

Hydroxyzine is an inhibitor of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme and, when used in high doses, may cause interactions with CYP2D6 substrates. Since hydroxyzine is metabolized in the liver, an increase in its concentration in the blood can be expected when co-administered with liver enzyme inhibitors.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of reach of children, in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 5 years.

Atarax is universal drug, which is produced in the form of tablets and is intended for the treatment of various pathological conditions nervous system. This is a tranquilizer that has a sedative effect.

In contact with

Properties of the drug

The medicine is developed on the basis of hydroxyzine dihydrochloride. Atarax not a central nervous system depressant.

It is characterized by the presence of antihistamine and bronchodilator properties. If taken in a therapeutic dosage, the secretory and acid-forming functions of the stomach will not be impaired. The drug is widely used for the treatment of dermatitis of various etiologies.

If the patient has impaired liver function, the duration of the antihistamine action can reach 96 hours. Atarax has antispasmodic, sympatholytic and analgesic properties. Thanks to the universal effect of the tablets, an increase in sleep duration and a decrease in awakenings at night are ensured. This product helps reduce muscle tone.

The active ingredient of Atarax is maximum quickly absorbed from the digestive system. After 2 hours after taking the medication, the maximum concentration is observed active substance in organism. Active substance penetrates the placenta and can also pass into breast milk.

Indications for use

The use of Atarax must be carried out in strict accordance with the indications. It widely helps with itching that occurs in the background allergic reactions. This medicine often used to treat patients after surgical intervention.

Indications for use – disorders of the central nervous system which are accompanied by anxiety and nervous overexcitation. If a patient is diagnosed with anxiety and other disorders due to a bruise or concussion, then he needs to take this medicine.

Neurosis is often cured with the help of medication. The indication for the use of Atarax is neurotic enuresis. Pharmacists recommend prescribing the medicine to patients diagnosed with Tourette's disease.

Atarax is recommended for children if there are genetic disorders of the nervous system. If at panic attacks if shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, fear of death and other symptoms are diagnosed, he is advised to take medication.

Important! Atarax tablets should be used strictly in accordance with the indications, which will eliminate the possibility of developing undesirable effects.


Atarax tablets are characterized by the presence of contraindications, which must be taken into account before use.

At hereditary predisposition use of the drug is not recommended. Contraindications to the use of the drug include porphyria.

It is not recommended to use the drug for angle-closure glaucoma. Representatives of the fairer sex are prohibited from using the medicine during pregnancy. If a woman is breastfeeding a newborn baby, then treatment with the drug should also be abandoned. If there is urgency in using the product, then during the treatment period it is recommended replace breastfeeding with artificial.

Atarax is not prescribed to children and adults if the absorption of fructose and galactose is impaired. If the patient has increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, then it is not recommended to use it. It should be taken with extreme caution when:

  • myasthenia gravis;
  • dementia;
  • difficulty urinating.

If a man has prostatic hyperplasia, then using the medicine is allowed only after prior consultation with a doctor. With increased intraocular pressure Atarax is taken with caution.

Attention! If the human body is predisposed to arrhythmia, it is recommended to first consult a doctor.

Features of use

Instructions for use contain information about the features of using Atarax. The medication should be taken orally. The dosage is determined only by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the disease and individual characteristics patient.

If the patient experiences anxiety, it is recommended to take half a tablet every day. In case of severe pathology, 0.3 grams of the drug can be taken.

When treating itching, it is recommended to use 0.025 grams of the drug. If the need arises, the drug can be taken 3-4 times a day at this dosage. Daily dose medication should not exceed 0.3 grams. If children are being treated, the dosage of the drug should be from 0.001 to 0.0025 grams per kilogram of the baby’s weight. That, How long you need to take the pills is determined by the doctor in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

After production of the medicine, its use is permitted for 5 years. The medicine should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct exposure. sun rays. During storage of the medicine, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is no more than 25 degrees.

Undesirable effects

Taking the medicine incorrectly can lead to the development negative consequences. The drug may adversely affect cardiovascular system, which manifests itself as an increase heartbeat and decrease blood pressure . Patients may complain of decreased vision during the course of treatment. Side effects may manifest themselves in the form of impaired accommodation.

Taking pills incorrectly can also lead to malfunctions gastrointestinal tract. Some people complain of dry mouth. Some patients may experience vomiting, nausea, and impaired peristalsis.

Atarax tablets lead to hypersensitivity. Some patients are diagnosed with anaphylactic shock. During treatment with the drug, the process of urine excretion is delayed.

Treatment with Atarax in rare cases leads to bronchospasm. Enough serious side effect is suffocation. The drug can cause a variety of neurological disorders, which manifest themselves as:

  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • seizures

In rare cases, there is an occurrence mental disorders in the form of overexcitation, hallucinations and disorientation. During the treatment period, some patients experience the appearance of rash and itching. In rare cases it is diagnosed swelling skin . Irrational use of the medicine leads to general disorders - fever and weakness. Patients report the appearance constant fatigue, even when doing usual things.

Overdose and analogues

It is necessary to take the drug in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Otherwise, an overdose will occur. In this case, anticholinergic effects are enhanced in patients. Taking medication in excess large doses may cause paradoxical stimulation or depression of the nervous system. Patients may also experience involuntary motor activity.

Excessive amounts of the drug may cause nausea and vomiting. Some people have experienced hallucinations during an overdose. Some patients noted disturbances in consciousness. Patients may diagnose arterial hypotension or arrhythmia. Quite rarely, an excess amount of medication caused tremors and seizures. Sometimes disorientation was observed in those taking Atarax.

If a patient exhibits signs of a drug overdose, he or she must be urgently prescribed serious treatment. In the absence of spontaneous vomiting, the patient is recommended to undergo artificial gastric lavage.

In this case, it is recommended to general events, with the help of which vital important functions body. In case of overdose, it is recommended to give Activated carbon in the amount of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of patient weight. It is also recommended to monitor the patient's condition throughout the day.

If a patient has contraindications to the use of Atarax, then it is recommended to use analogues for its treatment. In most cases, the following is recommended:

  • Afobazole;
  • Sedavita;
  • Sedamina;
  • Herbastress;
  • Nervonorm, etc.

The selection of analogues must be carried out in strict accordance with the indications. Self-prescribing the drug is strictly prohibited.. That is why, if there are contraindications or unwanted effects, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor.

Important! Atarax and alcohol are incompatible concepts. That is why the patient must stop drinking alcohol during the treatment period.

Useful video: features of taking Atarax tablets

Atarax is highly effective drug, which is used to treat a variety of neurological disorders. The product is available in tablet form, which makes it easy to use. Only a doctor prescribes the drug in accordance with the individual characteristics and severity of the disease.

Atarax therapy can cause a number of side effects. However, after analyzing patient reviews...
  • Instructions for use... The drug atarax is available in the form of tablets of twenty-five milligrams in a special coating with a score...
  • Atarax may have some effect on reaction speed and concentration. It's necessary...
  • The drug is prescribed orally in the form of tablets to adult patients:
    To relieve anxiety, 25 - 100...
  • The use of Atarax by special... 1. Atarax is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy. In addition, during infancy...
  • Tranquilizer atarax... A group of scientists from the Moscow Science Center mental health at the Russian Academy of Sciences held...
  • Atarax or hydroxyzine is an anxiolytic or tranquilizer. A medicine that relaxes emotional stress, relieves fear and groundless worries, and has a beneficial effect on the brain. The technology of the drug’s influence consists of influencing the subcortical layers of the brain, which simultaneously provokes a relaxing effect on the muscles and a calming effect on the nervous system. Relieves muscle tension and internal organs (bronchi – is a bronchodilator), as well as blood vessels - is an antispasmodic. Relaxation of the muscles of the internal organs causes a decrease in pain.

    It is useless to use hemodialysis; there is no antidote to the drug.
    Atarax should not be used together with other medications that suppress the functioning of the central nervous system, as their effect is enhanced. Such drugs include barbiturates, narcotic painkillers, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and drugs containing alcohol.

    The combined use of the drug and belladonna alkaloids, blood pressure lowering drugs, and cardiac glycosides is allowed.
    When the drug is used together with liver enzyme inhibitors, its level in the blood increases.

    Russian scientists conducted clinical researches on the use of atarax in the treatment of children and adolescents. Fifty children aged from five to eighteen years old, suffering from various mental illnesses and constantly undergoing therapy at the Central Hospital “Child Psychiatry” took part in the study. Among the patients there were fifteen girls and thirty-five boys. Among the participants there were such mental disorders such as anxiety after bruises and concussions, asthenic disorders, social phobias, anxiety and depressive disorders, hypochondriacal disorders and others.

    Before starting treatment, all patients were examined using special tests that characterize basic personality traits.

    Patients were prescribed atarax in the form of tablets in an amount of 25 - 100 milligrams for one month. Additional testing was carried out after 2 and 4 weeks of therapy. The decrease in patients' anxiety was very significant - from 13 to 5 points. In addition, patients became less irritable and began to sleep better. In children suffering from neurotic enuresis, the manifestation of the disease decreased. Without exception, all participants in the experiment experienced a decrease in symptoms such as moodiness, nervousness, and tearfulness in just two weeks of treatment.
    Three children developed paradoxical phenomena in the first two days, and therefore therapy had to be discontinued.

    The drug is prescribed orally in the form of tablets to adult patients:

    • To relieve anxiety, 25 to 100 milligrams per day, divided into one to four doses. The average dosage of the drug is fifty milligrams per day ( divided into three parts: 12.5 milligrams in the morning and at lunch and 25 milligrams before bed). At in serious condition patient ( psychiatric illness) are prescribed three hundred milligrams per day. Most often, the duration of taking the drug is one month.
    • To relieve itching: the first dose is 25 milligrams, which can be increased to 100 milligrams per day ( divided into four doses). You can take a maximum of two hundred milligrams at a time, and three hundred milligrams of atarax per day.
    Use in pediatrics.
    • For young patients, the drug is prescribed depending on body weight and age.
    • For children from one to six years old, to relieve itching, 1 - 2.5 milligrams per kilogram of weight per day, divided into several doses.
    • For patients from the age of six, 1 - 2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day, divided into several doses.
    Use by injection
    If an urgent effect of the drug is needed, an injection liquid is prescribed, which is injected deep into the muscle. As a component of premedication, the drug is used in doses of fifty to two hundred milliliters ( 1.5 - 2.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight) 60 minutes before the start of surgery. For small patients, 1 milligram per kilogram of weight is used for premedication 60 minutes before the intervention, as well as to improve sleep.

    The drug atarax is available in the form of tablets of twenty-five milligrams in a special coating with a score, twenty-five pieces per pack, and also in the form of liquid for injections in glass ampoules of two milliliters - six ampoules per pack.

    The main active component of the medicine is hydroxyzine hydrochloride. In addition, the drug contains auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon anhydride, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, and macrogel 400.

    Indications for use of the drug atarax are:

    • Anxiety states ( including a generalized form, as well as violations of adaptive functions), overexcitation of the psyche and motor function, nervousness accompanying mental illness, dysfunctions of the nervous system, as well as somatic disorders, chronic alcoholism, kidney, liver, constipation, arrhythmia and convulsions.
      3. If the medicine is prescribed to patients with suppressed liver function, the amount of the drug should be reduced.
      4. The dosage is also reduced if the patient is elderly ( the course of therapy begins with 1 usual dosage).
      5. If during treatment with atarax it is necessary to undergo allergy tests, no later than five days before the tests you should stop using the drug. Otherwise, the research results will be incorrect.
      6. Atarax injection liquid is used exclusively for intramuscular injections. At the same time, when the injection is made intramuscularly, you need to carefully insert the syringe so as not to get into blood vessel. If the medicine penetrates the skin, cell destruction is likely, and if intravenous administration hemolysis is likely.
      7. The drug provokes a sedative and hypnotic effect, so it must be used very carefully by people driving or working with dangerous machinery.