What else besides brilliant green is used to smear chickenpox? How to smear chickenpox, except brilliant green: a review of the best ointments, gels and other colorless products for treating crusts in children. Local antiviral drugs

Treatment of pimples that appear when a virus enters the body chickenpox, traditionally made with a solution of brilliant green. However, this method of treatment is not as effective as many people think: the drug is not capable of killing the virus, which means the effect is limited only by external influences, which are also very short-lived. What other than brilliant green can you apply to a rash that appears? Let's turn to modern medicine to answer this question.

How to smear acne with chickenpox and whether it is necessary to treat watery blisters at all - this is what interests a person suffering from such an illness. Often nothing comes to mind other than greenery. However, doctors say that brilliant green does not affect virus cells: its use causes unpleasant consequences in the form of dry skin and soiled clothes. In addition, to get results, it is suggested to often smear pimples, which takes a lot of time. Fortunately, there are now drugs that can alleviate the patient’s condition and avoid inconvenience.

Antiviral agents

For chickenpox in children, especially in severe form, a mandatory component complex therapy aimed at treating the disease are antivirals. Here's what you can use to smear the abscesses that appear:

Apply anti-inflammatory agents to pimples if chickenpox is severe. Such drugs are used especially carefully during pregnancy or infancy.

Medicines to relieve itching

Most unpleasant symptom Accompanying the disease is constant scratching of the affected areas of the skin. Researching the best way to apply pimples to pimples, doctors came to the conclusion that the following are suitable for treatment:

You shouldn’t try to cover every pimple that appears, especially with heavy breakouts.

If large areas are treated, an overdose of drugs occurs, which is fraught with complications.

Drying and burning acne

To prevent the active phase of the disease from lasting long, the affected areas should be dried. The following drugs have a good cauterizing effect that gives quick results:

At simultaneous use ointments and antipyretics, carefully monitor your health: this can cause dizziness, nausea and other negative symptoms.

Help with inflammation

Relieving inflammation is an important stage in healing from chickenpox. It is these processes in the body that cause elevated temperature bodies and pain syndrome. Recommended for use in complex therapy the following means:

  • Kamistad. An ointment containing a strong anesthetic component – ​​lidocaine. Helps relieve pain in affected areas. In addition, it effectively disinfects emerging wounds and helps eliminate infection.
  • Ibuprofen. Reduces body temperature and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for treating emerging pimples in children.

The drugs are used only as prescribed by the attending physician: it is quite difficult to independently calculate the dosage and frequency of use.

You should not self-medicate for chickenpox. It is best to contact a specialist.

For scar healing

Besides painful sensations and a general feeling of malaise with the onset of chickenpox, another problem arises - an aesthetic one. During acne healing, scars often remain, which are difficult to get rid of at home. To ensure that there are no scars on your body and face reminiscent of the disease, take care of proper healing in advance:

  • Bepanten. Promotes accelerated regeneration of skin tissue, preventing the appearance of marks and scarring of wounds. It has a moisturizing effect, eliminating dry skin observed after chickenpox.
  • Mederma. Used after wounds have healed, it helps get rid of remaining marks. There is no need to treat the affected areas too often: several times a day is enough.

Timely use of healing products will allow the skin to remain clean and without damage. Even with severe forms of chickenpox, using such ointments does not leave unsightly marks.

When there is a rash on the mucous membrane

Adults usually experience severe chickenpox damage: pimples appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Most ointments are not suitable for treating damaged areas of this kind: their use is limited to external use.

If ulcers are detected on the mucous tissue, the rashes are treated with a solution of furatsilin. Most often, rinses with a designated product are prescribed, but you can simply lubricate the pimples with a drug diluted in the proportions specified by the doctor.

Traditional medicines

Supporters alternative medicine You also don’t have to wait for the virus to disappear on its own. A number of herbs help get rid of the itching and relieve inflammation. First of all, you should pay attention to:

  • Calendula. Alcohol tincture used to cauterize papules.
  • Chamomile. A sedative that reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes.
  • A series. Relieves itching on affected areas.

In addition to decoctions from medicinal herbs Soda may be used. The powder added to the bath disinfects acne and wounds, and also eliminates itching. However To avoid drying out the skin, taking the product more than once a day is not recommended.

Chicken pox is a disease that causes a lot of trouble. But if you know what means to fight it with, you can reduce the consequences of the disease to a minimum.

Chicken pox – viral infection, which affects mainly preschool and younger children school age. It is practically impossible to avoid the disease. A characteristic symptom infection is a rash all over the body. Literally the next day, every pimple that pops up turns into a vial with liquid contents. When its membrane ruptures, it is important to prevent secondary infection of the resulting wound. In this case, it is recommended to use antiseptic solutions. Most often, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used brilliant green and Fukortsin. But they leave an unsightly color on the body and face. What colorless ointment for chickenpox or colorless solution can be used instead of the listed antiseptics is discussed below.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of chickenpox are a rash all over the body, including scalp heads. Pimples can also be localized on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and genitals. The rash is accompanied by an increase in temperature, but not always. Often the child shows all the signs of intoxication. This may include weakness, lethargy, apathy, and lack of appetite.

Important: for the entire period of the rash, bathing the child is strictly prohibited. Water helps spreadeniarashes on the body and opens the gate for infection to enter the wounds.

Fighting rashes

Fighting the chickenpox virus is useless. In general, all treatment comes down to relieving symptoms. That is, it is necessary to bring down the temperature, if any, and properly treat all pimples and pockmarks. To prevent the patient from tearing itchy blisters and causing secondary infection, it is necessary to use any antiseptic solution or chicken pox ointment instead of brilliant green. All drugs in this group provide high-quality protection of the epidermis from secondary infection and additionally relieve itching. In addition, most of the drugs listed below actively listen to wounds and relieve swelling, if any. It is advisable to carry out high-quality hygiene of the patient’s body with frequent changes underwear.

Important: when looking for a colorless drug for chickenpox instead of brilliant green, it is worth remembering that colored solutions allow you to monitor the presence of new rashes on the patient’s body. This is important in the context that after the last crust has dried, another five days will pass and the patient will be non-infectious to healthy people.

Creams, gels and balms for treating rashes

A kind of colorless greenery with chickenpox is an antihistamine and antiseptic drugs in the form of balms, gels and creams. The most effective in this case are:

  • Psilobalm. The product has a mild antihistamine effect on the patient's body. In addition, the gel relieves swelling, cools the itchy rash and relieves pain. The drug should be applied one to four times a day directly to each pockmark. It is forbidden to use Psilobalm if you are individually intolerant to its components, if you are in direct sunlight or if you are consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Fenistil. The product is available in gel form. Thanks to the antihistamine effect, the itching of chicken rash is relieved almost instantly after applying the product. In addition, it is worth remembering that the gel should not be applied to large damaged areas of skin. Especially for children.
  • Zovirax. This cream contains the active ingredient acyclovir. Therefore, an analogue of Zovirax is the colorless ointment for chickenpox Acyclovir. The drug is effective because it has an antiviral effect on the patient’s body. That is, it stops the process of virus reproduction in the body. Zovirax should be used frequently - up to six times a day. Apply the product pointwise. It is prohibited to use the drug for children under one year of age, pregnant women and women during breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to use external preparation, if prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is expected. In addition, patients with a history of obstruction should be especially careful with external agents. Bladder, bronchial asthma, glaucoma or prostate adenoma. Zovirax can provoke a burning sensation, manifestation allergic rash and dry skin.
  • Viferon. The drug is produced in the form of helium. Thanks to the active substance interferon, the product not only has an analgesic effect, but also significantly restores the skin after the opening of smallpox pimples. That is, wound healing occurs faster.

Colorless ointments for chickenpox

As for colorless ointments for chickenpox instead of brilliant green, the following drugs will be relevant and effective:

  • Zinc ointment for chickenpox. Tradename Tsindol. The drug works as an antiseptic, astringent and adsorbent. Thanks to this drug, the patient’s irritation is reduced and neutralized inflammatory process. In addition, zinc ointment for chickenpox in children forms an additional film on the surface of the skin, which softens the skin as wounds heal. However, it is worth considering that zinc ointment It is prohibited to use in case of purulent phenomena and in case of secondary infection of wounds. Tsindol can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.
  • Acyclovir. Another clear chicken pox ointment for children. The product has proven itself to be the most effective to date. The safety of the drug allows it to be used by both adults and children. Subject to absence hypersensitivity In addition to the component of Acyclovir, the drug promotes rapid healing of wounds, relief of itching and general restoration of the skin.

Application of lotions

Another remedy that helps fight the itchy rash of chickenpox is Calamine lotion. His therapeutic effect due to its constituent components:

  • Zinc oxide and carbonate;
  • Phenol and glycerin;
  • Purified water;
  • Sodium citrate.

Due to the fact that all components of the lotion are absolutely harmless, the drug can even be used in the treatment of chickenpox in children. Calamine actively eavesdrops on the crust of burst blisters, reduces swelling, and eliminates itching. In addition, the lotion prevents secondary infection of open wounds. If you are allergic to one or more components of the drug, it is not recommended to use it.

In addition to Calamine from liquid colorless solutions, you can use:

  • Fukortsin is colorless;
  • Casteliani antiseptic solution;
  • A solution of manganese provided that its crystals are completely dissolved in water.

If the patient experiences infection in the wounds and their suppuration, then the use of ointments that contain an antibiotic is indicated. But the prescription of such an ointment for chickenpox should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Especially young children.

One of the most common infectious diseases, which is more common in childhood– chickenpox (also known as chicken pox). The concept that chickenpox is essentially not a terrible disease does not save any mother from worrying about her child. Therefore, sooner or later, almost every parent has to decide the question: what, other than brilliant green, can be used to treat chickenpox rashes?

When suffering from chickenpox, the main thing is timely and correctly selected treatment. The right approach to treatment will avoid complications and the child will recover faster.

Chickenpox: basic rules of treatment

Treatment of the disease is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Rest and strict bed rest. In case of chickenpox, in order to prevent complications, the patient must create the most comfortable conditions for rest and peace. During the first few days of illness, experts do not recommend that the patient get out of bed. Strict bed rest ends gradually, after the cessation of the appearance of new foci of rash.
  2. Drink plenty and frequently. Helps the body get rid of the disease faster drinking plenty of fluids. Warm herbal infusions, compote and tea, and plain (non-carbonated) water are used. Juice and carbonated drinks are not recommended, since during illness, ulcers form in the mouth, and these liquids can irritate them.
  3. Treatment of rashes. Many people associate the disease chickenpox with brilliant green and the terrifying appearance of the patient. It should be noted that modern medical workers In no civilized country in the world does brilliant green be used to treat chickenpox.
  4. Bathing mode. It is prohibited to take a bath if you have chickenpox. It is considered useful in this situation cold and hot shower, or dousing with water to which a decoction of herbs (chamomile, oak bark, calendula). The procedures help relieve itching for a while. When bathing, do not use soap or a washcloth. The body is not wiped, but dried with gentle blotting movements. After bathing, any rashes should be re-treated.

It is necessary to smear chickenpox rashes in order to avoid scratching the pimples in the first place and to prevent infection from entering the wound.

If the treatment is over, and chickenpox has left scars on the child’s skin, what should I apply? The choice of medicines is quite extensive. Bepanten helps normalize metabolism in the skin and restore it after illness. Apply the product 1-2 times a day. The drug normalizes metabolism in skin cells and helps strengthen collagen fibers.

Medical products help prevent the formation of scars: Dermatix, Contractubex, Medgel. Ointments must be applied immediately after the scab falls off, following strictly the doctor’s instructions.

Complications after the disease in children are extremely rare, more often in weakened children. More often it is bacterial infections that occur when scratching the rash. Therefore, rashes must be treated with an antiseptic.

Many decades traditional means brilliant green is used to treat chickenpox rashes. However, at present, experts note that the use of this drug is inappropriate. Scientists have proven that brilliant green has a weak antibacterial effect, slightly dries out wounds, and the drug does not have a direct effect on the virus itself.

Using brilliant green for chickenpox does more harm than the expected help. Zelenka causes a strong burning sensation, which children do not tolerate well. The cauterizing effect of the product promotes the spread of the virus to nearby tissues. Zelenka is poorly washed off the skin and causes dry skin.

The bright green pigment makes it difficult to assess the condition of the rash. Application of the product only helps to color the elements of the rash, and as a result, it helps parents or a specialist to determine in the future the presence of new characteristic rashes or their absence during the recovery period. It is possible to alleviate the condition of a sick child, relieve it completely or reduce it as much as possible by using new modern drugs.

Modern and effective methods of treating chickenpox

What means can be used to cauterize chickenpox in children? First of all, experts recommend antiseptics, which have the ability to prevent the occurrence of purulent dermatitis and the addition of a secondary infection.

Zinc ointment. For chickenpox in children, the drug is used very often, as it is considered essential and highly effective. The product is non-toxic and safe, therefore it is prescribed to both infants and older children. The effect of the drug is as follows:

  • relieves itching;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • has a cleansing effect;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • dries out the resulting rashes.

Fukortsin. The drug is prescribed for rashes in children older than 6 months. The drug is able to prevent the addition of a secondary infection, has a unique drying effect of already opened blisters, eliminates the resulting inflammatory process, and has an antimicrobial effect. From the age of three, Fucorcin ointment is used to treat chickenpox.

Acyclovir. For chickenpox, the use of acyclovir helps achieve an antiviral effect. The ointment relieves inflammation, soothes itching of the skin, reduces the activity of the virus, and prevents its free reproduction. The result is a significant reduction acute period chickenpox. It is used depending on the severity of the disease.

Fenistil. This drug has an effective and gentle effect; in case of chickenpox, it is prescribed to a child from one month. The product reduces the feeling of itching within a few minutes after application. The drug is absorbed into the skin quite quickly and has an effect for 4-6 hours. In infants, there are practically no allergic reactions when used.

Furacilin. Use a solution of this drug as a rinse for rashes in oral cavity or for washing in case of a rash on the child’s genitals 2-3 times a day. A solution of Furacilin is prepared from tablets at home, which is used no more than 3 times a day. Preparation of the solution: grind 2 tablets of furatsilin into powder, pour the resulting powder into 200 milliliters (a glass) of warm water (about 40 degrees) and stir thoroughly until the solid particles are completely dissolved. The solution is safe to use at any age.

Infagel. For chickenpox in children, experts recommend lubricating rashes at the stage of red spots (before they turn into blisters) with Infagel. This drug has a pronounced antiviral effect and helps activate your own immunity. The product alleviates the symptoms of the disease, helps eliminate itching and relieve swelling, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used in children over 3 years of age.

Manganese solution. The solution used for treatment is usually 5%. It’s easy to prepare it at home: buy a 3-gram bottle of potassium permanganate at the pharmacy, combine all the manganese with 75 milliliters of boiled or distilled water and mix thoroughly. Strain the resulting solution and it is ready for use. The tool provides antibacterial action, eliminates itching even in complex forms of the disease, promotes the formation of crusts. The use of manganese solution has no restrictions on the age of the child.

Is it possible to use iodine in the treatment of chickenpox?
Smearing pimples or ulcers with chickenpox in children with iodine solution is strictly prohibited. Treatment with this product worsens the disease and causes severe itching in babies.

Using medications to relieve itching
Discomfort during the disease primarily appears as a result of itching and allergic reaction. Special measures will help reduce these manifestations. medical supplies: Tavegil, Diazolin, Suprastin. The prescription of these drugs is carried out only by a specialist.

Antipyretic medications
The first necessary condition for the treatment of chickenpox is a decrease in temperature (above 38 degrees). For this purpose, antipyretics that do not contain aspirin are used. Doctors recommend Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nurofen for children. The dose is determined by the doctor and depends on the age of the child.

Antiviral medications
As a rule, the body copes with the disease on its own. But in case of complex shapes diseases in children, experts recommend the use antiviral drug Acyclovir. Accept this medicine, can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Diet for chickenpox

Diet is of particular importance in the treatment of chickenpox. Like any infection, the disease is accompanied by a decrease in immunity, which prevents a rapid recovery. Therefore, doctors recommend special nutrition.

In the first few days of illness, in order not to irritate the oral mucosa, it is necessary to exclude salty foods, sweets, smoked and fried foods from the menu. The recommended food is slightly warm, liquid, not spicy or salty. In child nutrition mandatory There should be vitamins, decoctions of dried fruits, herbal infusions.

How long and how often should you apply the rash?

When the first rash appears and a specialist makes an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to immediately begin treating the pimples. antiseptic. In more than 90% of cases of chickenpox, the rash on the skin lasts for about 7 days. To prevent complications, it is necessary to avoid scratching the rash. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day, and lasts until the last crust falls off.

Smear larger number Once a day, experts do not recommend it, as an overdose of the drug may occur. Important: many of the drugs have the property of drying out the skin, and this causes scarring of the wounds, so an overdose is contraindicated.

If a child under one year old has chickenpox, treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The possibility of hospitalization cannot be ruled out, since in infants the disease is severe with high fever. Children under 10–12 years of age tolerate the disease easily, without complications. The older age group of children and adolescents suffer from severe chickenpox.

When treating chickenpox in children, parents should remember: before using any medical product you need to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assess the child’s condition and, depending on the severity of the disease and the patient’s age, correctly select the medications necessary for treatment and their dosage.

Video: chickenpox in children - symptoms and treatment

Chickenpox – infection, the causative agent of which is herpes type 3. It spreads by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy one. Statistics show that children are more susceptible to chickenpox preschool age. In them, the disease progresses much faster, easier, and complications almost never arise. If chickenpox occurs in an adult, the risk of developing serious consequences extremely large. In addition, the rashes on the skin of such persons will be more extensive and may even appear on the mucous membranes.

Basic rules for treating chickenpox

It is very important that chickenpox treatment is carried out under the full supervision of the attending physician. Remember, the sooner you start therapy, the faster you can get rid of such a lesion. The most important thing is to regularly treat the skin by special means. Also for a quick recovery you need:

  • Drink a large number of clean water, compotes or fruit drinks.
  • Stick to bed rest for the entire duration of treatment.
  • Follow a special diet that helps prevent the development of viruses in the body.
  • Change regularly bed sheets and clothes.
  • Every 2 hours, ventilate the room, make sure there is cool air in it.
  • Take antipyretic medications if your temperature rises.
  • Avoid taking baths to prevent irritation of damaged skin.

Using brilliant green for chickenpox

Brilliant green solution is a fairly common remedy used to treat skin covering with chickenpox. It prevents the further spread of the rash, and also perfectly dries out weeping wounds. Despite this, brilliant green for chickenpox has quite significant disadvantages. Firstly, many doctors believe that after using this product, people are left with scars on their skin. Secondly, brilliant green dries out the skin, which is why severe itching intensifies. Another disadvantage is that diamond green leaves a mark on clothes and it is almost impossible to get rid of them.

If you don't know whether chickenpox occurs in children or adults, you can ask your doctor. If you do not want to dry out your skin, it is best to use brilliant green once every 5 days. You can also perform additional targeted processing of new formations. You should not treat the delicate skin around the eyes or in the mouth with brilliant green - Furacilin is used for these purposes.

How to smear chickenpox, if not brilliant green?

If you don’t know what to apply to chickenpox, other than brilliant green, be sure to ask your doctor about it. He will be able to name the most optimal options for you, which will speed up the healing process and also relieve you of itching and burning. Many experts are categorically against the use of brilliant green; they identify the following products as a replacement:

  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Methylene blue
  • Furacilin.
  • Calamine.
  • Fukortsin.
  • Rivanol.
  • Zinc ointment.
  • Acyclovir.
  • Virolex.
  • Gerpevir.
  • Syntomycin emulsion.
  • Vegetable oil: flaxseed, sunflower or olive.

How to treat a rash in the mouth?

When a rash appears in the mouth, a person immediately faces severe discomfort. It should be noted that this manifestation of chickenpox most often affects adults - this form of damage rarely occurs in children. To reduce the degree of itching in the mouth, doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids. For these purposes, boiled water, weak tea, berry or fruit compote, rosehip infusion or fruit juice are used. Also, during therapy, the patient should eat only semi-liquid food, so as not to injure the sores. To treat the symptoms of chickenpox in the mouth most effectively, the following are used:

  • To prevent further spread of infection throughout the body, it is necessary to rinse your mouth 3 times a day with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid, potassium permanganate, Furacilin or Miramistin.
  • Lysozyme baths will help quickly get rid of rashes in the mouth. To do this, Lysozyme is dissolved in novocaine. You need to gargle with the resulting solution 2 times a day until the symptoms of chickenpox disappear.
  • Lubricating them with sea buckthorn oil or Chlorophyllipt will help reduce the pain from ulcers; Kalgel anesthetic ointment is also used for these purposes.
  • A special paste called Solcoseryl will help you quickly get rid of rashes in your mouth. Thanks to this product, a protective film is formed on the mucous membrane, which prevents the rash from spreading to healthy areas.

Remember, you need to rinse your mouth until the rash completely disappears. To relieve symptoms, you can also irrigate with a water-salt solution, tincture of calendula or propolis. Applying ice cubes to damaged areas of the mucous membrane will help to quickly relieve burning and unbearable itching. We strongly do not recommend self-medication or wasting time on applying methods traditional medicine- this way you risk provoking the development of serious complications. It is best to consult a qualified healthcare provider.

Diet for chickenpox

With chickenpox, a person suffers from severe and unbearable skin itching. He also develops a red rash on his skin, within which a cloudy liquid appears over time. Over time, with proper treatment, such sores begin to dry out and crusts appear in their place. It is very important not to tear off or injure them, so that scars and scars do not remain on the skin. To speed up the treatment process, the patient must adhere to special diet. Its basic principles boil down to consuming large quantities:

  • Dairy products.
  • Semi-liquid food.
  • Liquids.
  • Fruit and vegetable purees.

You can dilute the diet of a person with chickenpox with chicken pox cutlets and stewed vegetables. The most important thing in therapeutic nutrition– the absence of products that could damage the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and are difficult to digest in the digestive tract. Also, food should be light and quickly digestible.

Chickenpox, called chickenpox by patients, occurs in almost 90% of children only. Adult patients suffer from the disease much more difficult, and they always experience heat, in some cases, hospitalization is required due to severe weakening. Treatment of chickenpox involves taking antiviral drugs that can eliminate viral damage and increase protective functions the patient's body. It is also recommended to smear the spots that appear with a special solution or a number of other antipruritic and antiseptic medications. You can get acquainted with them below.

Before starting treatment, you need to know the most important facts about chickenpox:

  • the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, which causes its immediate spread in children's groups;
  • Under no circumstances should the blisters that have formed be scratched, otherwise they will remain on the skin. noticeable marks even after the skin has healed;
  • the disease is provoked by the herpes virus, which quickly spreads throughout the body;
  • after entering the bloodstream, the infection may not make itself felt for two to three weeks;
  • directly to the hatchery the period is running the most intense infection of others;
  • brilliant green does not restrain the disease in any way; when using it, you can see old and new papules, and the process of drying out and reducing the intensity of itching occurs.

Attention! It is believed that you can only get chickenpox once, but some patients do not develop the necessary resistance to the virus and may suffer from the disease again.

Fukortsin for chickenpox

Available medicine in the form of a purple solution. The composition of the medicine includes: active substances, How boric acid, phenol and resorcinol. Fukortsin has a powerful antiseptic and healing effect, while simultaneously reducing the appearance of itching.

The drug should be applied up to 4 times only to the affected areas, and this should be done strictly at regular intervals. After using the solution, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation and pain, which goes away on its own and does not require replacement. medicinal product. But this is only if, simultaneously with the burning sensation, the skin does not begin to swell and significant redness does not appear around the treated area.

Fukortsin also heals scratches and scratches well, which may appear at the site of papules if the child constantly touches them. The medication can only be used on rashes, since extensive treatment can cause severe intoxication of the body.

It manifests itself in the form of dizziness, breathing problems and collapse. It is not advisable to use Fukortsin on children under three years of age. Also, under no circumstances should the affected areas be treated due to exposure to infection in pregnant and lactating women.

The drug has no serious contraindications. The exception is alcohol intolerance, since the solution contains Fukortsin, and individual intolerance to any component.

Attention! It should be taken into account that, unlike brilliant green, Fukortsin takes a very long time to be washed off from the skin. Purple spots can remain on the skin for about four weeks.

Calamine for chickenpox

The drug is available in the form of a lotion, which can eliminate virtually any dermatological problem. This effect is achieved due to the active effects of zinc oxide. A special feature of Kalamine is that the oxide is mined in the cleanest areas of Greece and Transbaikalia.

In addition to zinc oxide, the composition also includes iron oxide. Both of these substances, when interacting, have a strong antiseptic effect. The natural origin of Calamine determines its good tolerance and the absence of accumulation of toxic substances. Only in exceptional cases due to strong sensitivity there were side effects in the form of a mild headache and swelling of the skin. The lotion contains no alcohol, hormones or allergic components.

When using Calamine, you should strictly follow the instructions, which will allow you to use the medication even on infants:

  • First you need to shake the container with the medicinal solution well;
  • Using a clean, preferably sterile, swab, stick or bandage, apply lotion only to the affected areas of the skin;
  • do not put on clothes until the skin is completely dry;
  • You can use the lotion up to four times a day, and you can repeat the application procedure until the symptoms disappear completely, especially good result Calamine shows when combined with antihistamines;
  • you should carefully ensure that the lotion does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory organs and oral cavity;
  • good results when using Calamine should be visible already in the first five days; if no improvement is observed, the patient’s condition begins to deteriorate, the medication should be discontinued immediately.

Attention! The drug has a very high price, which confuses many parents. But at the same time, this particular medicine received the most good feedback in the treatment of chickenpox.

Yellow Rivanol against chickenpox

The medicine is available in the form of a powder, which should be diluted independently in clean boiled water. Yellow rivanol actively eliminates itching, significantly disinfects the skin and prevents the formation of ulcers and wounds.

The exact number of daily applications for a child should only be determined by the attending physician, since Rivanol has a relatively aggressive effect on the body. Typically the dose is 1-2 applications. For adults, the dosage is at skin rashes 1-4 uses of a 0.05-0.2% solution of the drug. Use medicinal solution an individually selected amount of time follows.

The use of the medication is strictly prohibited in the presence of any pathologies with the kidneys, as this can lead to kidney failure. Wherein a complete contraindication the use of Rivanol is the presence of even small traces of protein in the urine. The solution should not be used to treat children under three years of age, as it is difficult to predict their body’s reaction to the therapy.

Sometimes, when using yellow Rivanol, side effects such as redness, severe swelling, and pain in the area where the medication was used occurred. In this case, you should immediately discontinue the drug and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

Attention! Rivanol colors the skin intensely yellow. The solution is also washed off much worse than brilliant green. The drug also does not tolerate combination well with other topical medications.

Potassium permanganate solution against chickenpox

It should be used very carefully to prevent the development of a burn, since even one undissolved crystal can severely damage the skin. For cooking medicinal solution take 250 ml warm boiled water and mixed with potassium permanganate, the water should be pink. After that, it is wetted in this water cotton swab and all pimples are lubricated with it.

The medical solution does not leave any marks on the skin, does not burn and does not cause any discomfort if you dissolve all the crystals and do not overdo it with their quantity. To do this, just monitor the color of the water. Potassium permanganate can be used at any age and even on pregnant and lactating women. Potassium permanganate solution is used exclusively for topical application.

Attention! Potassium permanganate can also be used in other ways. To do this, you need to fill a bathtub and add a few crystals of the substance to the water so that the liquid becomes light pink color. You should bathe your child in this water once before bedtime..

Video - How to treat chickenpox in adults and children without brilliant green

Fenistil gel for chickenpox

A traditional antiallergic remedy that reduces the intensity of itching and prevents the child from scratching the papules. You can use the drug from the first day of life, since the composition of the gel is as safe as possible even for the smallest children. The medication is applied up to 4 times a day exclusively to the affected areas of the skin; it is better to do this with a cotton swab.

After using the medicinal product, do not allow it to come into contact with your skin. for a long time straight Sun rays, since the epidermis becomes very sensitive to any influences. You can use the gel until the disturbing symptoms disappear completely, but only on the condition that the result appears already in the first two to three days.