What to do at home if your kidneys hurt: useful recommendations from experts to eliminate pain

Kidney disease is very common, and the causes of the pathology can be as simple as a cold or pain after a course of antibiotics. Seeing a doctor is not always an option. Therefore, it is important to know what can help with kidney pain and how to quickly stop attacks. If there is a patient nearby who suffers from kidney disease, you need to keep home medicine cabinet medications for pain in the kidney, but you should carefully study the symptoms of renal syndrome in women and men in order to know which drugs will relieve pain and which will only aggravate the disease.

Important! Absolutely any kidney disease is dangerous and serious. Therefore, even if the attack has passed, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo full examination and begin treatment in accordance with the specialist’s recommendations

What causes kidney pain?

It should be remembered that kidney diseases always start asymptomatically! No specific signs, except for unpleasant sensations in the lower back, which quickly pass. But obvious and vivid signs are visible only during the development of diseases, which makes kidney diseases not only the most common, but also life-threatening for patients. So, if your kidney hurts:

  1. One of the most common diseases that causes severe pain is considered urolithiasis pathology. The reason is the high salt content in the urine, which causes crystals to form. The initial stage of the disease does not manifest itself, then mild pain occurs. But as soon as the calculus begins to move through the vessels and tubules, the pain becomes unbearable and if the patient is not immediately given first aid, the person may lose consciousness.
  2. Pyelonephritis is a bacterial disease leading to a severe inflammatory process. The renal pelvis and calyx are affected. Symptoms: difficulty urinating, feeling of bladder fullness. The pathology is dangerous in its development: developing into chronic process, the infection can spread and cause a lot of complications that are life-threatening to the patient.
  3. Kidney failure- a disease that until recently was considered incurable. Damage to organs leads to destruction of work and sometimes the kidneys fail completely. Without dialysis, diet and/or organ transplantation, the patient will not live long. Symptoms of the disease appear depending on the severity and form: chronic or acute.

Signs and causes of kidney pain

If you suspect kidney problems due to back pain, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • localized lumbar pain of varying intensity and duration, radiating to the leg, groin, and abdomen;
  • decrease in total daily urine volume;
  • change in urine characteristics: odor, color, appearance of blood, cloudiness, sediment;
  • frequent urge to urination;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • jumps in temperature, blood pressure;
  • decreased vision;
  • body itching, change in skin color;
  • severe fatigue, inability to perform even simple household tasks;
  • headache, swelling: the face swells in the morning, arms and legs swell in the evening;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Additional symptoms that occur with pain in the kidneys indicate a dysfunction of the organs and require treatment. And now a little more about the different types of pain:

  1. If it hurts left kidney. This will require diagnosis, but if signs appear: cloudiness, sand, pain during bowel movements, burning, blood - this means that there is a suspicion of pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, fibroma, adenoma, cancer, nephroptosis.
  2. If your kidneys hurt at night or in the morning, this may be a sign of kidney failure, nephritis, stones, residual phenomenon from operations performed, bacterial complications, the presence chronic diseases, poisoning of the body. Pain during sleep can be a consequence of heavy physical exertion.
  3. Pain during the premenstrual period in women can be a sign of cystosis, adhesions in the pelvis, inflammatory processes or reduced immunity. The signs here are: fast fatiguability, irritability, loss of appetite, cloudy urine, frequent urge.
  4. Kidney pain after drinking alcohol is a sign of poisoning. You need to drink a lot of water to remove toxins, take several tablets activated carbon, try to avoid heavy loads and stick to healthy regime nutrition.
  5. Pain in men can be a sign of the onset of inflammatory processes, displacement (the organ is displaced relative to the pelvis), renal colic arising from stones/sand, cystosis, neoplasms.
  6. If the right kidney hurts, then the cause is urolithiasis or neoplasms. A mandatory full examination will be required! It is categorically impossible to start possible tumors, since from early diagnosis The patient's life depends.
  7. When inhaling. This also happens, which means that the kidney was injured by heavy physical work or a blow, and the process of sand/stones loss has begun. The presence of signs such as hematuria, sand, cloudy urine and burning when emptying the bladder will only confirm the suspected diagnosis.

Important! Often the kidneys hurt when inhaling during a stroke. Additional symptoms: sharp, increasing intensity of pain radiating to the groin, thigh, ilium, chills, fever, pain when urinating, rapid heartbeat, temperature fluctuations, blood pressure

  1. After taking a course of antibiotics, you will have to treat your kidneys, restoring the microflora. The drugs destroy pathogenic bacteria, but at the same time make changes to the normal functioning of organs. Symptoms: nagging long-term pain in the lower back, sometimes nausea, dizziness, headache and severe fatigue.
  2. If discomfort occur when walking, you need to be examined for gynecological diseases. However, sharp pain is a sign of renal colic, the beginning of the waste of sand and stones.
  3. During pregnancy, renal pathology requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, since the cause may be nephroptosis, hydronephrosis is dangerous pathologies for future mother and baby. A decoction of 200 grams will quickly help relieve kidney pain. carrot seeds brewed in a glass of boiling water. Boil the infusion for 5 minutes, strain and drink warm in small sips. And immediately see a doctor!

In addition to the above, lower back pain can occur due to cold, for example, swimming in cool water. In addition, pathologies often develop against the background venereal diseases sexually transmitted diseases. If in the first case it is enough to follow the thermal regime and diet, then in the second you will need long-term treatment for pain in the kidneys. The process cannot be started, so as not to have severe consequences that are dangerous to the patient’s life.


What to do if the process is of the acute inflammatory type? Diet! Be sure to clear your stomach and drink herbal tea based on chamomile, mint, sage or raspberry. Will begin increased sweating, so it is better to put the patient to bed, cover him and give him fluids more often. Warm water, herbal teas, and lingonberry fruit drinks will do.

Important! In the case of renal colic or stone passage, treatment at home comes down to first aid. A warm bath, antispasmodics, drinking, calling an ambulance and a heating pad to the location of the pain - this is what needs to be done immediately, before the specialists arrive

Medicinal herbs

Traditional methods sometimes help no worse than medications, especially when it comes to disease prevention. The most popular are considered herbal teas diuretic properties. They improve the functioning of organs, helping to remove toxins and decay products, and facilitate the removal of sand and stones. The following herbs have worked well:

  • Bearberry, horsetail, strawberry leaf, knotweed, corn silk, birch leaves and buds, flax seed. A decoction is prepared, filtered and taken as tea.
  • Lingonberries as a compote, infusion, or fruit drink are an ideal remedy if your kidneys are sick and for relieving the most sharp pain. In addition, lingonberry in berries or leaf is in a great way strengthen the immune system, give the kidneys all the necessary microelements and minerals.
  • Juice from 50 gr. fresh parsley with a teaspoon of honey three times a day - this will help replace medical supplies anti-inflammatory action.
  • Half a glass of juice fresh cucumber and mix a glass of carrot juice, add 100 g. fresh beet juice and drink the entire volume of liquid in small sips throughout the day. The product helps very well to remove sand, relieve pain and alleviate the patient’s condition during febrile symptoms of an acute inflammatory process.
  • 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds or 50 gr. Brew fresh twigs with a glass of boiling water, drink warm, strained - this is to relieve acute pain.
  • If your back hurts all night, there is swelling, 1 tsp will help relieve symptoms. corn silk, brewed 1.5 tbsp. boiling water Keep the mixture in a blanket or towel for 10 minutes, strain and drink it like tea, brewing as needed.
  • Bath or hot bath(not boiling water) will help with severe pain. But if you don’t always go to the bathhouse with acute pain, then a bath is an excellent solution. Even after lying for a short time in normal hot water, you can reduce the most strong sensations. By the way, this is the most good way, how to relieve pain from urolithiasis or renal colic.

Tablets, medications

Various medications are taken to relieve pain symptoms. There are a lot of tablets, however, you should carefully read the instructions for use and try not to abuse uncontrolled treatment. So, medicines that will help:

  1. How to relieve kidney pain: No-shap, Spazmolgon, Ketanov, Baralgin, Ketarol;
  2. Antibiotics: Furadonin, Phytolysin and Canephron (these are herbal preparations), Negram, Furazolin;
  3. For men: Palin, Urotractin;
  4. Analgesics to cure nagging pain on the left: Aspirin, Nurofen, Analgin, Askofen.

Important! Pain in right kidney, associated with colic, is eliminated with No-spa, then a hot sitz bath and an immediate call to the doctor! You can take Baralgin and drink more fluids. If an older person has kidney problems, taking a hot bath is not recommended. Severe pain is relieved with rosehip decoctions, local heat in the area of ​​pain (mustard plaster or heating pad)

How to treat renal pathologies, choose for yourself, but in mandatory After symptoms disappear, you should consult a doctor. But the prevention of all pathologies will be a nutritious and hydrating diet: “I am what I eat and drink” - this saying is perfectly suited for the treatment of kidneys.

Urolithiasis occurs in every fourth patient who consults a urologist with complaints.

Many people believe that if an ultrasound does not reveal stones, then they are safe. This is a common misconception.

Ultrasound shows only formed stones, but it may be that they are still forming. Only cytology can accurately determine the presence of urolithiasis, which causes severe renal colic.

Renal colic causes severe pain, sometimes almost unbearable. It is necessary to take certain actions before the ambulance team arrives.

In most cases, it is impossible to do without doctors, since the patient needs not only injections, but also IVs. But sometimes the right actions help reduce pain and even stop the process at home.
To do this, it is important to comply with two components:

Many other diseases, including psychosomatic pain disorders, can imitate colic. Therefore, it is important to be sure that this attack is renal colic.

The appearance of pain indicates that a stone has begun to move towards the ureter.

When passing through the ureter, the middle pebble will cause pain, for this he just needs to take an “uncomfortable” position. Medium stones block the outflow of urinary flow.

Most stones leave the body unnoticed and painlessly, especially if it is sand.
If a patient is diagnosed with urolithiasis, it is necessary to determine the type of stones: phosphates, oxalates, struvites, urates, cystine and xanthine. Because the possibility of getting help without going to the doctor for colic depends on this. For struvite stones, for example, any non-drug treatment does not produce results. Moreover, a prolonged attack with such stones leads to shrinkage of the kidney. Therefore, there is no opportunity to provide help at home.

There is a prerequisite: an accurate diagnosis . Don't forget that relief at home is not always possible.

Emergency care for colic at home - first phase

How to relieve renal colic at home? First of all, we realize that if we don’t know the exact cause, there is no history of nephritis or urolithiasis, we call the doctors.

This is not a behavior variation, but the only way out. If the exact reason is known, we place the patient on a warm bed and wrap him up.

The first task: to restore, at least partially, the outflow of urine and stop the spasm. The kidneys are very sensitive to heat, so a warm bed and a heating pad are a must. The heating pad can be placed between the legs and pressed to the perineum. It should not be boiling water; the patient himself will tell you when he feels comfortable.

After this, you need to give an antispasmodic injection: Spazmalgin, Baralgin. Injections of these drugs are allowed without establishing an accurate diagnosis. Now you need to lay the person down so that the kidneys are higher than the bladder.

The urge to urinate cannot be tolerated; we immediately urinate into a special vessel. It is necessary to collect all the separated urine until the stone passes its path and comes out. As soon as the medicine takes effect, the urge will appear. Now you need to sit the patient down and apply a second heating pad to the sore kidney.

Do not give any extra medications “just in case.” At this moment, the kidneys are working at their limit, the outflow of urine is minimal.

Any pill will increase intoxication and worsen the condition. Until the flow of urine is restored, nothing more can be done.

Second phase of assistance

Ask the patient how he is feeling: does he feel relief. It may take several hours to restore outflow.

If significant relief has occurred during this time, it is useful to take a comfortable bath. The water is no higher than 40 degrees. Remember that the intensity of heating provokes abscesses.

The patient can take a bath for 20 minutes, put ammonia and Corvalol next to him.

It is important not to give the patient painkillers unless there is an accurate diagnosis. Drugs such as Ketorol are allowed to be taken only if an ambulance has already been and a diagnosis of renal colic has been made. Otherwise, Ketorol will blur all the symptoms and seriously complicate the diagnosis.

After 6 hours from the onset of the attack, we give the patient Asparkam or Panangin. This will strengthen the heart muscle, which suffers greatly. Asparkam contains magnesium, it perfectly fights crystallization and dissolution. But magnesium may not be absorbed under such conditions, so we stimulate the process by taking or injecting vitamin B6.

While the spasm is going on, the gaps where the stone could get stuck will not expand and it will not move further. If the attack has not passed and the intensity of the colic has not decreased, we repeat Baralgin, Nosh-pu or do Ketorol, Ibuprofen. Nosh-pa is much weaker, but you can take it. Sometimes it helps when combined with previous medications.

Ketorol – 20 tablets of 10 mg

To relieve severe pain, you can inject a mixture of Analgin and Pipolfen. Last sedative, after the injection, the patient will fall asleep soundly for several hours, which will cause complete relaxation of the body.

Please note that Pipolphen will cause thirst after waking up, but you should not drink a lot in the first hours. Therefore, give the patient weak tea with lemon. Can be replaced cranberry juice or rosehip. It is important to continue to monitor your urination until the colic goes away completely.

Renal colic is a painful attack due to urolithiasis. The frequency of pathology is 10% of all patients with urolithiasis. , outpatient in adults, children and pregnant women, read carefully.

Read about why salt diathesis develops.

Kidney pain is often unbearable, so you need to relieve the symptom as quickly as possible. Here is information about painkillers for pain in the kidneys - traditional methods, analgesics, antispasmodics and other remedies.

When an emergency call is necessary

Even if you are confident in the diagnosis, there are situations where treating colic at home puts his life at risk. Here you cannot hesitate and you need to immediately call a doctor. The maximum that can be allowed is taking an antispasmodic. To make things easier to understand, let's list these situations:

  • the patient has one kidney;
  • colic affected both kidneys;
  • one of the kidneys is wandering;
  • there is no improvement after two days of treatment;
  • the temperature rose to critical levels;
  • the patient vomits and feels sick;
  • no urine;
  • my right kidney hurts.

If such signs are present, the patient can be saved only with the help of narrow-profile methods.

You cannot delay and wait for improvement, otherwise the person will simply die from kidney failure or blockage urinary tract.

Nutrition for the treatment of colic

In general, renal colic is not even a disease. It is simply a sign or symptom of a ureteral problem. Colic can be severe when the patient does not have time to eat. But it may be restrained or already declining. Diet food- one of the basics that allows you to minimize attacks. Be sure to take into account the type of stones you have, as there are foods that specifically affect their formation.

The diet is based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Everything heavy and irritating to the gastrointestinal tract is removed from the diet:

  • spices;
  • fried meat and fish;
  • legumes;
  • canned food;
  • muffins;
  • eggs in any form;
  • most of the greenery;
  • almost completely remove salt and salty foods;
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa.

A light broth based on white chicken meat is allowed. Can be given in small portions boiled fish, only sea and without salt. Drink more, rose hips and cranberries are ideal here. The patient needs to drink fruit drink more often and in large quantities, not only at the time of exacerbation. Cranberry kills infections in the urinary system and promotes the excretory process.

It is healthy to eat: fresh fruits, sour milk, cucumbers, apricots, quince, pears. The meals are fractional, but always satisfying. Natural cereals and vegetable soups. After recovery and achievement of remission, the doctor should analyze your diet and condition. Some products will be returned in minimal quantities.

Pay attention to the type of stones. If oxalates are present, exclude from your diet:

  • salads;
  • legumes;
  • sorrel;
  • milk;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes.

If you have urate stones, you should not eat:

  • spinach;
  • radish and radish

Phosphates require the exclusion of dairy products, including cottage cheese.

You must understand that alcohol, hypothermia and exercise are prohibited. It is necessary to pay attention to every little thing that could potentially provoke colic.

ICD is one of those dangerous diseases that must be treated carefully, following all recommendations.

Even if a few stones pass, this does not mean recovery. Stones are a process caused by serious disturbances in metabolic processes. This means that the release of stones does not change anything.

Long-term treatment of the disease is necessary to restore the previous condition. Even after ICD goes away, the patient always remains at risk of relapse.

Basic precautions must be taken when ordinary life. For example, do not overheat or overcool. Maintain proper drinking regimen, otherwise the kidneys will not be able to function normally. It is also important not to carry heavy objects or overuse physical activity. Even if you gain weight, you are not allowed to lose weight on your own. At home, you can help yourself relieve renal colic, but it will certainly return if you violate the recommendations.

If a person has suffered from urolithiasis once, he must understand: the disease has a tendency to frequent relapses. Until the end of days, periodic examination will be required, especially if the diet is violated. The minimum examination includes:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • visit to the doctor;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys (cytogram if necessary).

Block from the author

Stones are mostly harmless; rarely are they large enough to completely block the excretory system. More often, pebbles and sand leave the body painlessly. Renal colic puts a heavy burden on the entire body, especially the heart. Do not forget to make his work easier during an attack, especially if there is vascular diseases. Follow your diet necessary diet, protect yourself from the cold, then the risk of renal colic will be significantly reduced.

Kidneys can hurt not only with urolithiasis, but also with other diseases. Not all people can recognize that it is the kidney that hurts. In the following article: , you will find detailed information about the signs of kidney disease and how to deal with the symptom.

The type of pain in the kidneys can roughly determine the disease. What diseases are indicated by sharp, acute, nagging and aching pain, read in the material.

Video on the topic

Drink plenty of fluids. This is the simplest, but at the same time very effective method to relieve kidney pain. To a healthy person While you should drink two to three liters of water daily, you may need much more to pass kidney stones. Water helps remove bacteria and dead cells from the kidneys. Stagnant urine in the kidneys is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Drinking enough water will help ensure a constant flow of fluid through your kidneys, thereby preventing the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

Rest. Sometimes bed rest helps reduce pain. If the pain is caused by a kidney stone or kidney injury, excessive movement and physical exercise may lead to bleeding in the kidney.

Apply a warm compress to relieve pain. You can apply a hot compress or warm cloth to the painful area to temporarily relieve the pain. Heat improves blood circulation and relieves nervous tension, which in both cases helps to remove painful sensations. A warm compress will be especially helpful if your pain is caused by muscle spasms.

  • The compress should not be too hot, otherwise you risk getting burned. Apply a heating pad, soak in a hot bath, or apply a cloth soaked in hot water (not boiling water).
  • Take an analgesic (pain reliever). Some pain relievers are available without a prescription and may help relieve kidney pain. To relieve pain caused by infection and kidney stones, doctors usually recommend taking acetaminophen/paracetamol. Before taking any medicine, check with your doctor first, as some medicines may worsen kidney problems or other medical conditions.

    Talk to your doctor about taking antibiotics. Antibiotics should be taken if you have any urinary tract infection. Kidney stones can cause urine to stagnate and flow back into the kidneys, which in turn causes bacterial growth and can lead to infection. In this case, your doctor will prescribe you to take antibiotics.

    • Common antibiotics used to treat such an infection: trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin, cephalexin. If the infection is not too severe, men should take antibiotics for 10 days and women for 3 days.
    • Be sure to take the full course of prescribed antibiotics, even if your condition improves and your symptoms disappear.
  • Do not overuse vitamin C. In general, vitamin C is beneficial for human body, especially when it comes to wound healing and bone formation. However, excess vitamin C is converted to oxalates in the kidneys. Oxalate can later turn into stones, so limit your vitamin C intake if you or anyone in your family is prone to kidney stones.

    Kidney pain is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon.

    And renal colic, resulting from the movement of stones and disruption of the outflow of urine, is considered one of the most severe pain, which can sometimes be calmed only with the help of potent medications.

    How to determine that it is the kidneys that are hurting and how to alleviate this condition? This article will help you choose the optimal pain reliever for kidney pain, as well as procedures that contribute to this.

    Signs of kidney pain

    Everyone knows that the kidneys are located in the lumbar region, and often regard any discomfort in the lower back and above the pelvis as pain in the kidneys.

    In fact, the pain is localized a little higher - closer to the ribs, since the kidneys are located in the upper half of the lower back.

    As for the nature of the pain, in most diseases they can be constant or periodic, more often mild, nagging, aching, accompanied by fever, weakness and other signs of inflammation.

    Renal colic is characterized by acute, sharp pain that does not go away in any position, vomiting, general serious condition patient.

    It is not easy for a person who is experiencing kidney pain for the first time to independently identify them, because there are other organs nearby that can also give discomfort in the same area: the liver, spleen, appendix, spine.

    Taking painkillers without a doctor's prescription can distort clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis of the disease. Before using medications, visit a specialist to clarify the diagnosis!


    Acute pain in the kidneys is often caused by stones migrating or stuck in the ureter and problems with urinary drainage. To relieve this condition, it is necessary to ensure the expansion of the lumen of the urinary ducts to facilitate the passage of the stone into the bladder.

    Antispasmodics cope well with this task: they relax the smooth muscles of the ureters and eliminate spasm, restoring the patency of the ducts:

    • No-shpa;
    • Papaverine;
    • Platyfillin.

    These are myotropic antispasmodics based on drotaverine, used for spasms of the urinary tract. They are helping relieve kidney pain, oh however, in conditions of renal colic they are less effective.

    And here is all about traditional methods of treating cysts. Find out how beneficial herbal tea can be and what the principles of proper nutrition are for such diseases.

    • Spasmalgon;
    • Spazgan;
    • Spasmonet;
    • Baralgin;
    • Took;
    • Revalgin;
    • Baralgetas;
    • other analogues.

    These medications are administered intramuscularly or orally, 1-2 tablets per dose.


    If pain occurs, the most logical solution is to take a pain reliever. What pills help “for kidney pain”? Drugs sold freely in pharmacies are divided into 2 groups:

    1. Antipyretics are simple analgesics based on analgin and paracetamol. These include such popular drugs as Analgin, Pentalgin, Tempalgin, Baralgin, Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol. These medications have an analgesic effect and reduce fever.
    2. NSAIDs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that, in addition to analgesic and antipyretic effects, reduce the severity of inflammation. This group includes Aspirin, Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Citramon, Askofen and others.

    Only in cases of excruciating, unbearable pain can the attending physician authorize the administration of narcotic analgesics.

    You may need . You can also read reviews and contraindications for this type of treatment for the urinary system.

    And there is detailed information about the treatment of pyelonephritis at home. How to achieve therapeutic effect when taking herbs and medications?

    These are drugs with a powerful analgesic effect that affect the central nervous system patient and used to relieve pain in oncology, heart attacks, postoperative conditions.

    Analgesics of the opiate group include Morphine, Fentanyl, Promedol, codeine. These kidney pain medications can be purchased with a special prescription or received in an inpatient setting.

    Carefully! Narcotic painkillers are physically and psychologically addictive and are used only in extreme cases!

    Additional Help

    If discomfort occurs in the kidney area, you should see a doctor, and if colic occurs, call ambulance. How to treat pain in this case? Warmth and active “rinsing” of the urinary tract help relieve pain in kidney diseases.

    1. Place a warm heating pad on the kidney area (from the side of the affected organ), hold for 15-30 minutes. The heat will relax spasms and reduce the intensity of pain.
    2. Take a hot bath for half an hour. This method of pain relief is contraindicated for patients with cardiovascular pathologies, gynecological and intestinal diseases.
    3. Drink more fluids (2 liters per day), take diuretics and drinks - pathogens, sand, salts will be washed out of the kidneys with urine, reducing the severity of inflammation and pain.

    The principle of action of diuretics

    For colic caused by the movement of sand or pebbles, the following procedure is recommended:

    1. Give an injection or take 2 tablets of a combined antispasmodic.
    2. Prepare a thermos of hot tea with lemon.
    3. Place all the necessary things next to you: tablets, phone, book, since you will not be able to get up for several hours.
    4. Lie on the bed so that your kidneys are above your bladder; if necessary, place a pillow under your back and shoulders.
    5. Take 2 heating pads or warm water bottles. Clamp one of them between your legs, place the second under the lower back on the area of ​​​​the sore kidney. Lie as long as you can, drink tea periodically.
    6. At night, take a Panangin or Asparkam tablet and a Magne B 6 tablet.
    7. The next day, repeat the procedure if the colic does not stop.

    You should not take diuretic tablets or place a heating pad on your kidneys if the outflow of urine is impaired. First, restore urinary flow, for example, by drinking an antispasmodic.

    If you feel that it is not getting any easier, call a doctor and go to the hospital.

    Folk remedies

    Treatment of kidney pain only with the help traditional methods hardly possible.

    But still, the use of recipes with anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects for nephropathologies is recommended even by official medicine.

    1. When taking a warm bath to relieve pain, add to the water essential oils(cypress, juniper) and a decoction of oat straw.
    2. A fruit drink made from cranberries and juniper fruits fights inflammation and has a soothing effect on irritated mucous membranes. Drink the drink without sugar or with a spoonful of honey.
    3. Infusions of burdock and dandelion leaves cause increased urine production, which helps “wash out” bacteria and stones from the kidneys.

      All painkillers have a very strong effect on the liver. Well, if you choose among the safe ones, then Nimesan is very effective for pain, and besides, it dissolves in water, so it’s a pleasure to use, well, something like that..

      • I support! Good drug! I’ll say right away that when the doctor recommended Nimesan, I didn’t really count on this drug. I periodically have headaches, especially when I'm nervous. I started taking Nimesan, and it works. It’s not that the pain goes away completely, but it dulls the pain significantly. I don’t seem to notice any side effects, I only take pills when I have a headache. Yes, the drug is inexpensive. I recommend it to anyone looking for pain relief. By the way, the tablets can be dissolved in water - this is an excellent property. It is sometimes very difficult to swallow with a sore head; those who have suffered will understand. Who else has tried Nimesan for pain? What do you think?

        I agree about Nimesan. In all modern research Scientists have proven that enduring pain is harmful. You should always take painkillers. The doctor advised me to drink Nimesan for pain. Has anyone taken it?

      Thank you, to the point and useful...

      Thank you! Very extensive and useful article.

    Kidney diseases are not the least important among all human diseases. Women are especially susceptible to such problems. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy they bear the maximum load. Although, of course, men can also suffer from kidney disease. It is important to know how to treat kidney pain at home.

    Important! All kidney diseases are dangerous and serious. Therefore, before starting home treatment, you need to see a doctor, get diagnosed, find out about traditional methods treatment.

    What diseases can cause kidney pain?

    The most common diseases:

    • urolithiasis disease. It affects men more. The disease occurs due to high content calcium or other salts in the urine, which leads to the formation of crystals. On initial stages It is difficult to independently suspect the development of the disease, then weak and transient pain begins;
    • pyelonephritis. The disease is caused by bacteria that lead to the onset of the inflammatory process. During the disease, the renal pelvis and calyx are affected. Significant symptoms include problems with urination, bladder fullness, kidney stones, prostate enlargement (in men with concomitant prostatitis). The disease is dangerous and requires compulsory treatment, because without treatment the inflammatory process will not stop and will constantly spread, capturing healthy areas of the body;
    • renal failure. Refers to pathological conditions, the kidneys may be partially or completely unable to form urine and, accordingly, to excrete it. Symptoms vary depending on the acute and chronic form diseases. Renal failure does not directly cause pain, but this symptom may indicate an underlying disease.

    Symptoms and causes

    If you doubt whether your kidneys really hurt, then pay attention to the main symptoms. The presence of such signs indicates kidney disease:

    • lower back pain;
    • urinating in significantly smaller quantities;
    • the urine contains mucus, suspended matter, blood, it becomes cloudy;
    • there is often a feeling of urge to urinate, a desire to empty the bladder;
    • pain during urination;
    • elevated temperature;
    • swelling;
    • itching on the body;
    • vision decreases.

    If it hurts on the left side

    Pain in the kidneys on the left is not necessarily associated with a malfunction of this particular organ. This clearly requires special diagnostics. The main symptoms for pain in the left kidney:

    • frequent or very infrequent urination;
    • cloudy urine mixed with sediment, possibly blood;
    • frequent urge, but urination in small quantities;
    • burning after emptying the bladder;
    • itchy skin;
    • vision becomes worse.

    Such symptoms can be a signal of several diseases:

    • pyelonephritis;
    • nephroptosis;
    • adenoma, fibroma;
    • hydronephrosis;
    • urolithiasis disease.

    In the morning or during sleep

    The presence of a factor such as pain in the kidneys in the morning may be a sign of:

    • urolithiasis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • hydronephrosis;
    • consequences of taking certain medications;
    • complications after operations;
    • other chronic diseases;
    • intoxication of the body.

    Pain during sleep can indicate many diseases. To prevent them further development, You can:

    • drink plenty of fluids, at least two liters a day;
    • consume cranberry and lingonberry juice;
    • exclude chocolate, strong tea and coffee, fatty meat, spicy and salty foods from the diet;
    • include watermelon and cucumbers in the menu;
    • limit heavy physical activity.

    Among women

    If a few days before menstruation a woman experiences pain in the kidneys, this may be due to the following reasons:

    • cyst (formed above or inside the ovary);
    • neoplasms;
    • pelvic adhesions (presence of chronic diseases for which treatment was not sought);
    • low immunity;
    • inflammatory processes.

    The main signs of kidney disease in women are: lack of appetite, fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, headaches. Pains in muscles and joints may also appear, temperature and blood pressure may increase, discomfort in the lumbar region, frequent urge to urinate, and cloudiness of the urine coming out may occur.

    After alcohol

    If you have pain in the kidneys after drinking alcohol, and you don’t know what to do, then doctors recommend following the rules:

    • strictly follow a diet (exclude from the diet salty, smoked, spicy, sweet foods, including table salt);
    • avoid heavy physical activity;
    • maintain bed rest;
    • do not overcool;
    • drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day, do not drink carbonated drinks.

    To remove toxins, you need to drink activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). More effective drugs Enterosgel, Atoxil are considered. Herbal preparations (Cyston, Nephroleptin) are used for treatment; dietary supplements (Aquanorm, Gentos forte) can be taken in combination.

    In men, unpleasant sensations may appear due to inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), displacement (the organ descends). Pain can also be caused by renal colic (it is caused by the formation of stones accumulated in the urinary ducts), the formation of cysts, tumors (leading to disruption of the kidneys and an increase in their size).

    With a deep breath

    Often the appearance of pain in the kidneys with deep breath is a sign of renal colic. It is caused by urolithiasis. Also piercing or cutting pain may cause:

    • vascular diseases;
    • inflammatory processes in the body;
    • diseases of the kidneys, urinary system;
    • trauma, tumor;
    • increased internal pressure of the kidneys.

    Painful sensations when inhaling can also indicate other diseases - for example, the formation of an abscess in this area, so you need to know its symptoms:

    • sharply increasing pain;
    • pain radiates to other organs, thigh, groin area;
    • chills, fever, elevated temperature;
    • painful urge to urinate, pain;
    • rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure.

    Women with similar symptoms have an ectopic pregnancy.

    After antibiotics

    Taking antibiotics can cause pain in the kidney. To avoid consequences of this kind, it is necessary to simultaneously take other drugs that reduce the appearance of side effects. To restore kidney function, non-prescription prescriptions are often used. traditional medicine, but they must be discussed with the attending physician, since it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics body.

    One of the frequently used recipes: mix strawberry leaves, nettle, birch and flax seeds in a ratio of 1:2:2:2, take 10 g of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket, let it brew for 18 hours in a dark place. Take 1 glass of infusion per day half an hour before meals. Not recommended for patients with heart disease.

    When walking

    Such a symptom may indicate health problems, perhaps not even related to the kidneys. If acute pain occurs suddenly, then most likely you are faced with renal colic. To treat and get rid of unpleasant symptoms, prepare a decoction at home: 1 tbsp. l. carrot seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, strain and drink before each meal 5 times a day.

    During pregnancy

    Lower back pain in the first trimester may not only indicate kidney disease; most likely, this is due to a shift in the center of gravity. But after the twentieth week (in the second trimester), this factor may signal pyelonephritis. If a woman had this disease before pregnancy, the symptoms may not be so pronounced. However, a course of treatment must be completed.

    If your kidneys hurt in the early stages, follow the general recommendations:

    • food must be dietary;
    • maintain a drinking regime, drink 2 liters of water daily;
    • include cranberry juice in your diet;
    • when there is an urge to urinate, empty your bladder;
    • adhere to hygiene standards;
    • do not wear tight underwear;
    • It is recommended to wear cotton underwear.

    Treatment should be carried out by a doctor. As a rule, herbal medicine, diet, antibiotics (for pyelonephritis, cystitis) and probiotics are prescribed. In the early stages, to relieve pain, it is allowed to take No-shpa and Papaverine in suppositories.

    The appearance of such a symptom in the third trimester is much more likely than in the first. This happens against the background of increased load on the lower back, swelling, and increased blood pressure. To avoid illness during this period:

    • follow a diet;
    • control the amount of liquid you drink;
    • stick to your daily routine;
    • do accessible physical exercises;
    • take care of personal hygiene;
    • Don't get too cold.

    By cold

    If you think that the cause of pain in the kidneys is cold, then to clarify the diagnosis you need to take blood tests, urine tests, and do an ultrasound. The main symptoms are:

    • backache;
    • pain when urinating;
    • swelling of the face;
    • the formation of “bags” under the eyes;
    • general weakness;
    • intoxication.

    During this period, it is important not to open the lumbar region, keep it warm, maintain bed rest, drink herbal teas (brew bearberry and drink like regular tea).

    Kidney pain from STDs

    Sexually transmitted diseases most often occur unnoticed. But kidney pain may be one of the symptoms infectious disease. Therefore, at the first “bell” it is recommended to consult a urologist. The specialist will prescribe urine tests and undergo ultrasonography. Self-medication leads to complications of the disease.

    Proper nutrition is the key to kidney health

    If problems arise with the described organs, then treating kidney pain at home requires mandatory and strict adherence to a diet. The diet is aimed at overall improvement of the condition and promotes rapid recovery.

    For kidney problems, meals should be fractional, you need to control the amount of fluid consumed. It should not be less than 1.5 liters per day, including soups. Salt is strictly limited: no more than a pinch per day. Vegetables and fruits are the main products in the diet for the problems described. Meat and buns should be completely abandoned.

    What to exclude from your diet:

    • spicy;
    • bitter;
    • everything is salty;
    • foods prepared by pickling;
    • black coffee, strong tea;
    • any type of chocolate;
    • sweet drinks with gases and a lot of sugar;
    • semi-finished products;
    • products prepared by smoking.

    For the treatment of acute inflammatory process, a method of therapy exclusively with diet is suitable. You need to drink tea based on medicinal herbs(mint, sage, linden, raspberry are suitable). The main food should be easily digestible, steamed or baked. Fasting for kidney disease is strictly prohibited, as are mono-diets, especially protein diets.

    Use of medicinal herbs

    Treatment of kidney pain at home involves the active use various herbs. The most popular are various diuretics that will improve the functioning of organs and rid the kidneys of stones and sand.

    A good diuretic mixture can be made based on the following herbs: bearberry, horsetail, birch leaves and its buds, flax seeds. You can also prepare lingonberry decoctions for diuretic purposes for kidney pain.

    Interesting! Lingonberry decoction is great for traditional treatment kidney diseases. This is because this type of drinking enhances the absorption of all medicines, has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

    Other folk recipes treatment of kidney pain:

    • chop the parsley using a blender. Squeeze the juice and drink 50 ml, mixing with a small spoon of natural bee honey. Take a tablespoon three times a day;
    • mix half a glass of cucumber juice and 250 ml of carrot juice, pour in 100 ml of fresh, just squeezed beet juice. Take during the day;
    • radish juice You need to grate the radish, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth and drink several tablespoons throughout the day;
    • at acute pain immerse yourself in a warm bath for a quarter of an hour. Add a decoction of sage or oregano, linden or chamomile, birch to the water. A bath will soothe the pain, then you should just lie in the warmth for a few hours. The method is only suitable for renal colic; it is prohibited for pyelonephritis.

    Bath as another method of treatment

    People have always believed that if your kidneys are sick, you should go to the bathhouse. In principle, this opinion is not refuted by doctors. Happens in the bathhouse increased sweating, toxins are released through the skin, which are often the cause of many inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

    Also, after going to the bathhouse, it is eliminated from the body. excess liquid, which means the load on the kidneys is immediately reduced several times. Besides, water treatments have always been considered effective for relieving pain associated with the kidneys.

    But even if you take a warm bath in a sitting position, you can significantly reduce pain symptoms. It is worth considering:

    • Is it really the kidneys that hurt;
    • does the patient suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
    • there are no intestinal ailments.

    When is surgery required?

    So, home treatment Kidney pain is possible only with the consent of the doctor. Any problems with this organ are serious and self-medication, without medical supervision, often leads to serious consequences.

    Important! There is a list of kidney problems that can only be cured by surgical intervention. Self-medication will not help in such situations.

    Treatment with medications

    In addition to following a diet, taking warm baths and herbal decoctions, kidney problems should be treated using traditional medicine. This cannot be done without consulting a doctor.

    Commonly used medications:

    1. Among the drugs that reduce spasms, the following are prescribed: No-shpa, Spasmol, Spasmoverine, Bespa, Papaverine.
    2. Medicines for pain relief: Ketanov, Ketorolac, Analgin, Baralgin, Tramal, Ketorol, Sintodon.
    3. Antibiotics - fluoroquinols are most often used, the nitrofuran series is less often used: Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Furadonin, Negram, Furazolin.
    4. If necessary herbal preparations preference is given to Canephron, Phytolysin.
    5. Drugs that are prescribed individually to men with concomitant prostatitis: Urotractin, Palin.
    6. It is possible that they may be prescribed a course of vitamins B, C and calcium, as well as immunostimulants.


    Tablets are widely used for kidney diseases:

    1. The first thing to do is to get rid of spasms and relax smooth muscles: Papaverine, No-shpa, Platyfillin.
    2. Antispasmodics recommended for acute pain have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect: Baralgin, Baralgetas, Bral, Revalgin, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Spazmonet.
    3. They will help you remove kidney pain preparations containing analgin and paracetamol, antipyretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Analgin, Nurofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Citramon, Askofen.


    No-spa is an antispasmodic based on drotaverine, which is quickly absorbed and distributed throughout smooth muscle tissue. A single dose is no more than 80 mg, and a maximum of 240 mg can be taken per day. To avoid side effects(dizziness, itching, urticaria, insomnia, nausea, decreased blood pressure), the drug must be taken strictly following the instructions, without a doctor’s prescription - no more than two days.

    Treatment depending on the nature of the pain

    Pain in right kidney

    It is important that your treatment takes place under the supervision of a doctor. If you are sure that this is due to renal colic, then you need to take a hot bath in a sitting position. To eliminate the spasm, take a painkiller, antispasmodic drug(No-shpa, Spazmalgon). If this is not the first attack, apply a heating pad to your lower back and drink Baralgin. Do not self-medicate in the future, but call an ambulance or a doctor.

    Severe pain

    If piercing pain occurs in the lumbar region, do not use heat. For renal colic, you need to take a hot bath while sitting (contraindications – elevated temperature, elderly age, heart disease). For such pain, you can get by with mustard plasters on the lower back. The patient must be provided with peace, not to be nervous, and the food must be dietary. After an accurate diagnosis by a doctor, consult about taking decoctions of rose hips, juniper, parsley, and flax seeds.

    Aching pain in the kidneys

    You must call a doctor and follow the following instructions:

    • take an analgesic and antispasmodic drug (Ketanov, No-shpu, Spazmalgon, Ketorol);
    • take advantage people's councils(mix 50 g of lemon juice, olive oil, cognac and honey, place in a water bath until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take 50 g on an empty stomach every morning for four days);
    • If there are problems with the outflow of urine, hospitalization is required.

    Sharp pain

    Common reasons:

    • pyelonephritis;
    • salt deposits in the kidneys, kidney stones;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • adenoma, fibroma, cancer (malignant, benign tumors);
    • organ prolapse, hydronephrosis.

    Nagging pain

    To eliminate unpleasant and annoying symptom, nagging pain in the kidneys, which causes a lot of discomfort, you need to take a painkiller: Ketanov, No-shpu, Ketorol. When pulling sensations It is important to see a doctor immediately. You won’t be able to make a diagnosis on your own, so choosing a treatment won’t work either. However, you can maintain your condition with diet, drinking regimen, and herbal teas.


    Such pain is relieved with narcotic drugs or potent analgesics. The first aid can be a timely warm bath with a mug of tea (can be replaced with a decoction of herbs). During the treatment period it is also necessary to perform this procedure. In the afternoon (from 15 to 19 hours) it is recommended to perform the exercises: stand on your toes and return to your heels, repeat 30 times, then take a 5-10 minute break and do the exercise again.

    After this, you can proceed to bath therapy, drink hot tea, and rosehip decoction will also be useful: 2 tbsp. l. crushed plant roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, let cool, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day for 2 weeks.


    To choose treatment, you need to undergo a full examination by a doctor to make a diagnosis.
    Among the drugs recommended: No-shpa, Papaverine, Ketanof, Analgin, Baralgin. Perhaps the body has become intoxicated, so a few tablets of activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) will not harm. Makes it easier unpleasant symptoms a cup of hot herbal tea.

    After physical activity

    The appearance of such pain can be warned about the presence of diseases: nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, urolithiasis and others. With these diseases, pain occurs that is dull or sharp, pulling, cutting and aching. They appear when physical activity due to voltage on weak muscles and ligaments.

    After cystitis

    Pain in the kidneys after cystitis suggests improper treatment diseases. Many people make the mistake of taking warm or hot baths for inflammation. urethra. However, doing this is strictly prohibited. The moment your body is immersed in warm liquid, you relax, the blood vessels dilate, and meanwhile the infection moves to the kidneys. If you have such symptoms, consult your doctor and you will be prescribed a course of treatment with antibiotics and probiotics.

    The absence of a fever does not mean there is no cause for concern. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Perhaps the disease is completely unrelated to the kidneys, since most renal pathologies accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Until the diagnosis is clarified, dry heat and drinking plenty of fluids.

    Dark urine

    There are several diffuse diseases kidney disease, which causes a noticeable change in the color of the urine. Most likely, this is due to a disease of the genitourinary tract. Dark color leaked urine may indicate stone damage to the pelvis or ureter. It is imperative to be examined (take blood and urine tests, do an ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and abdominal cavity). Afterwards, an individual treatment regimen is prescribed based on the diagnosis.