What thins human blood. How to thin the blood with folk remedies at home - recipes for herbal infusions and decoctions

Thick blood causes impaired blood supply and contributes to the formation various pathologies - high blood pressure, varicose veins, headaches. You can liquefy it simple use water, as well as the use of products with an anticoagulant effect.

Blood thinners: mechanism of action

You can make your blood more fluid with products that:

  1. prevent the formation of blood clots and thin the blood directly;
  2. cleanse and improve the functioning of the liver and intestines.

The first group of thinning agents acts faster, but does not have a systemic effect. These products do not affect the cause of the problem - a contaminated liver, but thin the blood flow itself and alleviate the painful condition.

The second group acts directly on the cause of the disease - a contaminated liver. The effect of its use does not appear as quickly, but lasts longer. Let's consider what products can thin human blood and improve blood circulation.

Blood thinner water

Water is the first and main solvent in the body. Lack of water affects blood volume - it decreases from the prescribed 5-6 liters to 4-4.5 liters of liquid. In order to replenish the volume of internal fluid, a drinking regimen is prescribed - drink water in an amount of at least 2 liters per day. It is important to use it correctly: drink in small sips and always half an hour before meals.

Coffee is a diuretic, so lovers of a morning cup of an invigorating drink need an additional 0.5 liters of water per day to prevent blood clotting.

In addition to water, you can also drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices. They not only replenish fluid volume, but also initiate liver cleansing and subsequent blood cleansing, which means they normalize its composition.

During the digestion of food, internal fluid is spent on synthesis gastric juice. Therefore, they drink water before meals. If you drink liquid after eating, it is excreted along with the food bolus through the intestinal cavity and does not thin the blood.

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices additionally cleanse liver cells, especially apple, beet, and orange.

Human internal fluids are a solution of minerals (salts). Therefore, to thin the blood if you are prone to thrombosis, you need to drink salted water. This rule is the same for patients and healthy people, athletes, lactating or pregnant.

Anticoagulant products

A substance, product or drug that can liquefy and prevent the formation of blood clots is called an anticoagulant.

Let's consider which products thin the blood and normalize blood circulation; they have the most powerful anticoagulating effect.

Vitamin C in berries and fruits

The most famous pharmaceutical anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting is acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin. This is artificially synthesized vitamin C. It is this that provides aspirin with anticoagulating properties. This vitamin has a complex effect. It dilutes the cerebrospinal fluid directly, and at the same time strengthens the walls of blood vessels, initiates cleansing of the intestines and liver. Therefore, eating sour-tasting foods containing vitamin C is beneficial for people with thick blood.

Vitamin C is found in the pulp and peel of many berries and fruits. In addition to liquefaction, it also increases strength vascular walls. In vegetables and fruits, this vitamin creates a characteristic sourness, by which its presence can be determined. List of foods that contain acidic vitamin C:

Fresh fruits and vegetables have a complex effect. In addition to vitamin C, they supply enzymes to the body. Their quantity also affects the thickness and fluidity of internal fluids. With enzymatic deficiency, food is not completely digested; under-oxidized protein and lipid (fat) particles enter the blood, which make it thicker and initiate the formation of blood clots.

In contrast to fresh fruit, cooked foods exhibit thickening properties. It contains no vitamins and makes digestion difficult.

Herbs with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also found in herbs. The most famous suppliers of vitamins that strengthen blood vessels and improve immunity:

  • hibiscus, also known as hibiscus or Sudanese rose;
  • willow bark;
  • artichoke;
  • gingko biloba (grows in China and is imported in dried, ground form, as part of food supplements)
When consuming vitamin herbs, it is important to understand that some of the vitamins are lost during brewing.

Also, a number of herbs help restore and cleanse liver cells. Therefore, consuming them in powder or tea form also thins the blood.

Increased blood viscosity negatively affects its transport function, since delivery nutrients and oxygen supply to organs and tissues is slowed down, which causes multiple diseases. In addition to the reception special drugs you should know which foods thin the blood: a list of the most effective ones included in the diet will help you cope with the problem. Thick blood is also dangerous due to the increased risk of blood clots. Often formed clots contribute to the development of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, and provoke strokes and heart attacks.

Who needs this information

The reasons why the composition of the blood changes are quite numerous. The increase in the activity of the coagulation system is influenced by hormonal and age-related changes, taking specific medications and, of course, poor nutrition. You should pay attention to your diet when:

  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • diagnosed coronary disease brain and heart;
  • vascular atherosclerosis (especially obliterating, which can lead to gangrene and amputation of the legs);
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased coagulation rates during pregnancy;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • excessive consumption of fatty and sweet food, as well as carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • hereditary and acquired blood diseases (thrombocytosis, erythremia);
  • pathologies of the pancreas and liver.

In addition, a simple lack of fluid in the body can increase the thickness of the blood. This condition occurs when dehydration occurs due to vomiting or diarrhea, as well as insufficient daily intake of water and other drinks.

Important! Age-related changes bleeding inevitably begins after 40 years. Women and overweight people are most at risk.

List of effective blood thinning products

After diagnosing increased blood clotting, anticoagulants and other drugs with similar effects are usually prescribed. However, they all have a number of contraindications and side effects. For example, aspirin often causes stomach ulcers and vascular fragility. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, you need to reconsider your usual diet and increase the proportion of the following products in it:

  • Among the vegetables, the most useful for thinning the blood are tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, Bell pepper, zucchini, eggplant, onion and cabbage(the latter is especially effective when fermented).
  • Among fruits, preference should be given to all types citrus fruits, since lemons, oranges and others are rich ascorbic acid , reducing blood viscosity. Also recommended for use plums, grapes and apricots.
  • Practically all varieties of berries useful for increased coagulability. You should eat fresh garden and forest berries more often in summer, and viburnum fruits in winter.
  • Rich in valuable omega-3 acids fatty fish. These include salmon, trout, salmon, as well as more budget-friendly mackerel, herring and sardine. Fish fat normalizes blood composition and also reduces cholesterol levels and, accordingly, the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Since taurine and iodine have a positive effect on blood concentration, thinning it, the daily menu should include any seafood and seaweed (it can be consumed either raw or taken with dried seaweed powder).
  • Useful spices include cayenne pepper, horseradish, garlic, dill, ginger root, cinnamon and mint. By the way, ginger can be used not only as a seasoning for meat, fish and baked goods: tea with its addition also perfectly reduces the viscosity and thickness of the blood.
  • Vegetable oils (especially sunflower, olive, rapeseed and flaxseed).
  • All fermented milk products.

Special attention should pay attention to the drinking regime. Lack of fluid in the body naturally thickens the blood, so you need to drink plenty of water every day. Drinks recommended for increased clotting include tea (green and black), fruit juices and compotes, berry fruit drinks, and herbal infusions. As for alcohol, it should be completely excluded from the diet.

What you can't eat

Having included healthy and most effective foods for reducing blood viscosity in your daily menu, you must at the same time give up harmful ones. These include, first of all, fatty foods.

  • Any animal fat, as well as cream and butter from them, increase cholesterol levels and blood viscosity. Soups with rich broth and pork for main course are prohibited.
  • and a variety of confectionery products are also contraindicated. An excess of fast carbohydrates increases blood concentration and also contributes to the development of diabetes and obesity. Therefore, your favorite buns, pastries, cakes and White bread you will have to replace it with fruits from the list above, and add honey to your tea instead of sugar.
  • We'll have to give up tempting ones too. sausages, smoked meats, pickled and canned products.
  • It is not recommended to eat lentils, potatoes, walnuts, bananas and mangoes. They contain a lot of vitamin K, which increases blood clotting.
  • Alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet. There is an opinion that a glass of dry red wine a day will only bring benefits, but most doctors recommend refraining from drinking any alcoholic beverages. In addition, high-quality wine is quite an expensive pleasure, and cheap wines are contraindicated even for completely healthy people.

Blood thinning products during pregnancy and vein diseases

Change hormonal levels during the period of bearing a child, it very often affects the composition and concentration of the blood, and prescribing anticoagulants is quite dangerous. To reduce clotting, nutritional correction is usually used. Pregnant women are advised to eat more products from the list of useful ones, with the exception of spices and herbs(they can provoke placental abruption). In a relationship drinking regime There are also restrictions: increasing the volume of fluid consumed often causes swelling.

For thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, it is necessary to exclude from the list of permitted products spicy seasonings. Existing venous transformations progress significantly with regular consumption of pepper and other hot spices.

Diet correction is carried out only with the permission of the attending physician. In addition, combining a diet to reduce blood clotting with taking anticoagulants can lead to serious complications. Information about which foods thin the blood and full list The most effective of them, if used correctly, will help prevent many dangerous diseases.

Thick blood - what to do (video)

Blood thickening leads to the development of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, the formation of blood clots. Therefore, people with a history of such diseases are prescribed blood thinners and a diet with increased content certain blood thinning products.

Why does the blood thicken?

The human body contains from 4 to 6 liters of blood, depending on age and size. When blood loses fluid, it not only thickens, but also decreases in volume.

One of the main reasons is insufficient fluid intake. To support water balance, an adult needs about one and a half to two liters clean water per day - excluding drinks and first courses. When the body experiences a lack of moisture, it draws it from the blood.

An increased risk of blood clots and hypertension occurs when:

It confirms official information most medical institutions.

Also contribute to blood thickening:

  1. A diet rich in fats and carbohydrates - fried foods, sweets, baked goods.
  2. Eating foods high in animal protein also thickens the blood.
  3. Indigestion, inflammatory processes in the intestines, due to which the water drunk is not fully absorbed.
  4. Lack of vitamins, especially groups B, C and E.
  5. Hormonal imbalance.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Bad habits and addictions that cause dehydration - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use.
  8. Constant stress and nervous tension. The body is able increased anxiety and danger seeks to get rid of water supplies.
  9. Some diseases are atherosclerosis, diabetes, varicose veins.
  10. Large amounts of coffee and tea - they contain a lot of caffeine, which removes fluid from the body.

Varicose veins are one of the common reasons increased coagulability. With this disease the walls blood vessels become thin and can tear easily. To prevent this, the body itself regulates clotting parameters: after all, the thicker the blood, the easier it will be for it to “clog” the damage.

Products that thin the blood and prevent blood clots

Who needs blood thinning?

For people whose blood is already thick or has a tendency to hyperclotting, dietary adjustments and taking certain medications are necessary.

The following categories of patients should undergo a clotting test:

They need to monitor their blood clotting parameters at least once a year in order to undergo treatment on time and prevent complications.

What medications thin the blood? (table)

To reduce blood clots, medications are used in tablets and injections - for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

The table shows a list of the most effective drugs preventing the formation of blood clots.

Active substanceHow to use
Aspirin and its analogues, NurofenUsed in emergencies, acts quickly but is irritating digestive tract. Should not be taken in long courses by patients with peptic ulcer generally contraindicated.
Clopidogrel and drugs based on itAlso liquefies quickly thick blood. It costs much more, but there are minimal side effects.
HeparinIt acts quickly – both on platelets and other blood parameters. Available in tablets and ampoules for injection to speed up the effect. But while taking it, bleeding often occurs, especially if the dosage is chosen incorrectly. Therefore, this remedy is rarely used, and mainly in hospital settings. While taking heparin-containing drugs, it is necessary to monitor blood counts.
Magnesium-based preparationsBlood thinners and blood vessel wall strengtheners that normalize blood circulation. Particularly effective when used against the background of disorders cerebral circulation, memory impairment, with frequent headaches.
Vitamin complexes with flavonoidsThey strengthen blood vessels, improve their elasticity, dissolve existing blood clots, and thin the blood.

Choosing vitamin complexes, you need to pay attention to the presence in them:

In most cases, patients require constant use of such drugs. But they have one serious thing side effect: they irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, contributing to the occurrence of gastritis, colitis and ulcers.

Therefore, you need to take them correctly:

  • During meals, drink plenty of water;
  • Take as a course (not from time to time);
  • Get regular blood tests to monitor effectiveness.

Blood thinners (table)

For those for whom taking anticoagulants is contraindicated, there is only one way out: to include in the diet foods that help thin the blood - natural anticoagulants.

Product groupList of anti-clotting foods
FruitsApples, lemons, oranges, pomegranates, tangerines.
BerriesAlmost everything, especially viburnum, blueberries, cranberries, currants
VegetablesCabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers.
Vegetable oilsOlive, flaxseed, sea buckthorn. It is important to consume them fresh, avoiding heating and boiling.
JuicesCombinations of several types are especially effective. Store-bought canned ones are less effective because they contain sugar. It is much healthier to make fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
SeasoningsCinnamon, ginger, mint, garlic. Can be added to main dishes or tea.

What other products can reduce blood viscosity:

It is also important to adhere correct mode nutrition - avoid prolonged fasting and overeating.

People who are faced with this problem are interested in: which product is best for reducing viscosity, what should you eat to get a quick effect - like taking medications?

It is worth paying attention to:

Features and restrictions when consuming food that thins the blood:

  1. For vascular diseases, especially varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, you need to limit the amount of hot spices - they can provoke an inflammatory process.
  2. During pregnancy, the use of blood thinning drugs is limited, and products - natural way do it. It's better to choose plant foods: vegetable salads with vegetable oil, unsweetened juices and fruits.

Video - what food is good for blood vessels?

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Products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels: for varicose veins, preventing the formation of blood clots. What to choose for thrombophlebitis, what is prohibited to use, folk remedies.

Who needs such food products?

The wrong foods, combined with venous disease, can cause increased blood viscosity and the formation of dangerous blood clots. This is why people need to adhere to a certain diet.

Men and women need to periodically clean their blood vessels. at different ages. Especially for those who suffer from varicose veins and excess weight.

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Why thin the blood at all: reasons

There are diseases in which it is simply necessary to thin the blood. This is important for varicose veins, since a natural increase in the content of fibrin protein begins, which leads to the appearance of clots. In turn, regular use of blood thinning products helps strengthen blood vessels and prevents their dilation.

Blood clots have the ability to negatively affect arteries. They settle there, which leads to loss of elasticity. This condition gradually leads to atherosclerosis. Blood may become thicker due to overuse squirrel.

In this case, flakes are formed, which leads to hypertension. A disease such as thrombophlebitis involves inflammation of the veins caused by the formation of blood clots.

Thinning the blood and strengthening the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins

Therapy for varicose veins involves a fairly long course of taking certain medications. The important thing here is not just to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but deal with the root cause. For this purpose, drugs are prescribed to thin the blood and strengthen the vascular walls.

They help restore venous tone, avoid thrombosis, cope with inflammation and normalize microcirculation.

Drugs such as Aspirin and Curantil help thin the blood. To strengthen the vascular walls, Detralex and Venarus are used. These drugs can be prescribed in combination or separately.

In addition, they can be used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes. Also, people with varicose veins are advised to observe certain restrictions.

For thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis manifests itself in the form of blockage of veins. The disease can also cause certain inflammations. Often thrombophlebitis affects the veins in the area lower limbs. In order to prevent complications, you must follow certain rules nutrition.

People suffering from thrombophlebitis are prohibited from eating fried and fatty foods, as this leads to the formation cholesterol plaques. In this case, food should be selected carefully. This helps thin the blood and strengthen the vascular walls.

Products that thin the blood for thrombophlebitis. Be sure to eat dried fruits, vegetables, fruits and grains. Also beneficial properties has red pepper, ginger root, hawthorn, and onion. In addition, you need to take special medications that can not only thin the blood, but also absorb blood clots.

Anticoagulant drugs for stomach ulcers should be selected only under the supervision of a doctor. In this case, aspirin, which is often included in such drugs, is contraindicated.

During pregnancy in women

Blood thickening occurs quite often in pregnant women. This condition can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the organs and the unborn child. In this case, special treatment cannot be avoided.

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During pregnancy, you should be very careful when choosing medications. They should only be prescribed by a gynecologist. The most common remedy in this case. It not only thins the blood, but also strengthens blood vessels. In addition, you should follow a special diet.

What is prohibited to consume

Some thicken the blood even more. That is why people with the problem are prohibited from consuming:

  • rich broths;
  • grilled meat;
  • bananas;
  • salo;
  • black currant;
  • baked goods;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • legumes;
  • beef liver;
  • cabbage

Compliance with restrictions helps to thin the blood and accelerate the effect of drug treatment.

Folk remedies, herbs and plants

There are recipes for popular traditional medicine, which help thin the blood and are good for health. Verbena herb is quite effective in this case. You need to pour boiling water over it and take the resulting infusion.

Blood is a combination of plasma and blood formed elements (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes). The so-called “viscosity” of blood depends on their concentration. Its overestimated indicators have an extremely negative impact on. But what does that viscosity depend on?

Is it possible to somehow reduce it by including certain foods in your diet? Which vegetables are the most effective for thinning human blood?

How does nutrition affect blood viscosity?

And platelets, and leukocytes, and erythrocytes - all this is produced by the body itself using micronutrients and vitamins. And the basis of plasma is the most ordinary water with minerals, metals, and some groups of vitamins (mainly E and B groups) dissolved in it.

And normalize the viscosity The following list of microelements helps:

  • vitamin E;
  • folic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium compounds (but with their excess, blood viscosity only increases).

And it is extremely important to monitor the water-salt balance. Ideally, drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, liquid from vegetables and fruits is absorbed faster and the nutrient content in it is higher.

For rapid decline blood viscosity, you should also avoid “heavy” fatty foods (rich in animal proteins. Foods and dishes containing such elements only slow down metabolic processes, but at the same time supply the body with cholesterol - it is precisely this that accumulates in the blood (and with excess content - leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots).

15 Healthiest Vegetables

Nutritionists say that the best vegetables in this regard are those with a high content of indigestible fiber (it helps cleanse the intestines and also retains fluid in it) and greens.

1. Ginger

because he rich in phytoncides– they help cleanse the blood of cholesterol and toxins, and at the same time normalize the absorption of iron and the production of hemoglobin.

In fact, almost all seaweeds provide this benefit.

11. Peas

Especially useful when fresh. Peas contain a huge amount of flavonoids, B vitamins, as well as organic acids, which help digest carbohydrates(excess blood glucose also significantly increases plasma viscosity).

But it is worth considering that if you have dysbacteriosis, it is better to avoid peas - it accelerates the proliferation of all bacteria gastrointestinal tract, slows down the synthesis of bile acids.

12. Kalanchoe

Mainly used as medicinal plant, but until recently it was actively used in cooking as a seasoning for various kinds of vegetable salads.

Helps comprehensively normalize biochemical composition blood, and also helps the body get rid of toxins derived from viruses (it will be useful when recovering from a prolonged flu, for example).

13. Chestnut

In principle, this plant is widely used in the treatment of most diseases. of cardio-vascular system.

May flowers will help thin the blood best. horse chestnut. They are brewed with boiling water or infused with alcohol. They have one of the most high content phytoncides based on organic acids, which help normalize the concentration of formed elements in the blood.

The only caveat is that such “folk remedies” are strictly contraindicated for children.

14. Olives

They contain whole spectrum tannins , which are mostly composed of calcium. Green olives are considered healthier. They also contain fiber, vitamins KK, D, E.

But you shouldn’t overuse olives - they are quite “heavy” for the gastrointestinal tract and can slow down metabolism (but for those who have overweight– this is only a “plus”).

15. Pumpkin

. Can be included in the diet pumpkin seed oil- it also contains B vitamins and folic acid.

But it’s better to cook pumpkin casserole, but add fructose instead of sugar - this turns out to be a low-calorie dish, but high in vitamins and fiber. Just keep in mind that the finished pumpkin casserole should be stored for no more than 10 hours. Then it begins to gradually lose its beneficial qualities.

Can also be included in the diet pumpkin seeds. They are especially useful when chronic diseases intestines, dysbacteriosis due to individual physiology. But at the same time, when they are heat treated, their benefits do not decrease (but the oil concentration decreases).

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In summary, including certain vegetables in your diet can really reduce the viscosity of thick blood. For chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, they should definitely be consumed daily.

And don’t forget that you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and you should also give up protein, carbohydrate, and excessively fatty foods (especially if they contain animal and trans fats - they increase blood density the most, but the number of shaped elements does not change).