If you sweat a lot at night. Why is there heavy sweating during sleep - what are the reasons?

Night sweats usually go unnoticed by a sleeping person, so the patient’s complaint “I sweat a lot at night” alarms an experienced doctor, as it may signal the development of serious illnesses.

Possible reasons for increased sweating intensity at night are divided into external ones, which depend on sleep conditions and environment, and internal, depending on the general condition of the body.

External causes of heavy sweating during sleep

Before you start looking for a disease that causes profuse sweating, it is worth analyzing and objectively assessing the condition of the room and bedding that a person uses while sleeping.

Bed dress

Too warm blankets and mattress. When choosing bedding, have full confidence in the natural origin of the materials from which they are made. Modern blankets and pillows are often stuffed with synthetic material, which does not allow enough air to pass through and causes the body to sweat, especially in the hot season. You should also be wary of thick terry synthetic sheets, which significantly affect a person’s body temperature.


One of the reasons for increased sweating during night sleep may be incorrectly chosen nightwear. If your pajamas are made of silk or satin, your body will have difficulty breathing. It is better to opt for pajamas or a cotton shirt.

Environmental conditions

If the bedroom is very hot, profuse sweating during sleep a person is simply guaranteed. A comfortable temperature for a bedroom is considered to be no higher than 20 degrees. The room should be well ventilated, the air in the bedroom should circulate and be renewed.


A large dinner with drinking alcoholic beverages may well provoke the appearance of severe night sweats liveliness. The presence of many spices and hot seasonings in the menu activates blood circulation and increases the intensity of sweating.

Taking medications

On the list side effects Many medications may have the ability to cause night sweats. If the medicine contains hydralazine, niacin, tamoxifen, nitroglycerin, then there is a possibility that these components were the culprits of such a reaction in the body.

Physiological reasons

If external factors have been successfully eliminated, and sweating has not decreased, you should look for the causes of the disease in internal diseases and seek advice from a doctor.

Sweating is natural and important function body, with the help of which a constant body temperature is maintained. An increase or decrease in temperature by 2-3 degrees indicates an unhealthy state of a person. The same can be said about sweating. Severe sweating during sleep may be evidence of severe diseases.

For respiratory viral infection, sore throat, inflammatory processes in sinuses and other diseases, severe night sweats act as protective function body from overheating.

Lung diseases, including tuberculosis, can also cause excessive sweating at night. Therefore, when examining a patient who complains of sweating at night, a doctor should take an X-ray of the lungs.

In addition, excessive sweating at night can be caused by cancer, an imbalance in hormones, metabolic disorders, and diabetes.

Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, which are inherent in patients with hypertension, tachycardia and sleep apnea, can cause hyperhidrosis during night rest.

The stress and anxiety that await a person at every step during the day pour out in profuse sweat during night sleep.

Why do women sweat at night?

The causes of profuse night sweats in women are explained by physiological features and may be associated with hormonal changes in the body that occur during premenstrual period, during pregnancy and with the onset of menopause.

During these three periods in a woman’s life, the level of hormones in the blood fluctuates, which causes disturbances in night sleep, increased sweating, and nervousness. Usually, all these symptoms disappear without a trace as soon as the dangerous period ends and do not require medical intervention.

Why do men sweat at night?

One of the causes of night sweats in men is age-related androgen deficiency, or in other words, andropause. During adulthood, men's testosterone levels decrease, which leads to increased sweating. This is also facilitated by the stress that many people experience as the body ages.

In addition, night sweats in men are often caused by excessive drinking. Entering the body, alcohol increases blood circulation, dilates pores and blood vessels, which provokes intense work of the sweat glands.

How to get rid of night sweats

In order to reduce night sweats, cosmetic and medicines, folk recipes have not been forgotten.

Here are some simple tips that will help reduce during night sleep:

Folk remedies against sweating at night

To reduce night sweats, you can use ancient recipes traditional medicine. Infusions from medicinal herbs will help reduce sweating and provide restful sleep throughout the night.

Viburnum bark can be used to make a sweat wipe. For this you need 1 tbsp. l. bark pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. The cooled and strained decoction should be wiped on the skin before going to bed.

Sunflower infusion

Pour crushed flowers and sunflower leaves with vodka in a ratio of 1:4 and leave for 24 hours. Take orally as a medicine, 20 drops 3 times a day.

Sage leaves 1 tbsp. l. connect with 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take half a glass with food 3 times a day.

Folk remedies can reduce night sweats only if there are no serious internal diseases. Therefore, it is first important to determine the causes of profuse sweating, and then choose treatment methods.

When is it time to see a doctor

The appearance of profuse sweating during a night's rest does not always indicate serious internal problems, and most often this pathology can be dealt with by ventilating the sleeping area, changing bedding, or establishing strict control over your diet.

  • every night
  • night sweats are caused by sudden, inexplicable anxiety;
  • the day was spent in extreme heat and the body overheated.

Thus, the causes of increased night sweats can be very different. At night this phenomenon is as unpleasant as during the day. And even though few people see a person at night and he doesn’t have to be ashamed of his wet armpits, wet pajamas and a disgusting restless sleep in the morning will not improve his mood in any way. Therefore, if you cannot cope with the disease without outside help, you should not delay a visit to the doctor, who will determine the causes of increased sweating and prescribe the correct treatment.

Sweating is a natural process for the body to get rid of excess liquid to maintain thermoregulation. Excessive sweating - hyperhidrosis, often signals various diseases that occur in a latent form. Why do you sweat and freeze at night? Having experienced this once, few people think about it. When such signs accompany sleep every night, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

For many reasons, a person can sweat and feel cold at the same time in their sleep.

Excessive sweating can be explained not only by the heat and stuffiness in the room. Hyperhidrosis is not a separate disease, but a symptom of a disease. A person can sweat and feel cold at the same time in his sleep for many reasons. Factors that provoke chills and cold sweat, can be divided into two groups: non-pathological and pathological.

A person can sweat and at the same time feel cold due to the following reasons:

  • Using a warm blanket, especially in hot weather.
  • The choice of sleeping clothes is not according to the season.
  • Having bad habits – smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Exceeding the average temperature in a room, which causes a person to sweat profusely.
  • Wrong diet.

“A person may feel cold due to increased sweating during night sleep due to emotional instability and stressful situations. Violation of thermoregulation is often explained by a person’s habit of consuming large amounts of spices and herbs. Spicy foods lead to expansion of the walls blood vessels. Blood begins to circulate faster, pressure increases. The person sweats more intensely.”

Profuse sweating can be caused by stagnant air in the room if it is not regularly ventilated. The skin does not receive enough oxygen. The lack of fresh air flow leads to clogged skin pores. The man sweats a lot. Over time, various skin diseases may arise if it does not have the ability to fully “breathe.”

If you sweat excessively at night, you should consult a doctor.

When a person begins to sweat and feel cold at the same time during sleep, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. It is necessary to understand the reasons for this human condition, as these are signs various diseases. A person may sweat and feel cold while sleeping if they have the following diseases:

  • all types of diabetes;
  • initial stages of tuberculosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • dysfunction thyroid gland.

Frequent chills with hyperhidrosis can be caused by sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a rather dangerous condition for the body. The pathology is characterized by sudden, short-term cessation of breathing during sleep. When breathing stops, a large amount of the hormone adrenaline is released into the blood. The body, getting rid of excess substance, removes it through the pores of the skin with water.

Excessive sweating at night should not be ignored. There are many reasons for sweating with chills - from a simple cold to HIV and AIDS. Many diseases on early stages occur without a pronounced symptomatic picture. It is not for nothing that a person begins to sweat and freeze only at night. Such symptoms require a comprehensive diagnosis.

If a woman sweats and at the same time feels cold before menstruation or during menopause, then this is normal

Women may sweat and feel cold during sleep. The combination of such symptoms is a common complaint from a gynecologist. One of the most common reasons sweating with chills in women - restructuring hormonal levels. A woman begins to sweat and feel cold at the same time during night sleep a few days before the onset of her period. Sweating and a feeling of cold are common during pregnancy and menopause. Other symptoms of hormonal changes usually appear during the day. The woman has a tightening in her lower abdomen and increased irritability.

Women experience cold with severe sweating due to the difference between the levels of the hormone estrogen and progesterone. When hormonal fluctuations occur, the hypothalamus, which carries out thermoregulation, receives a corresponding impulse. The body begins to rapidly produce cold sweat. Sweating and at the same time feeling cold before menstruation or during menopause is the norm. No treatment is required for these symptoms.

Causes of icy sweat in men

Men may sweat heavily in their sleep and experience chills at the same time due to bad habits. A lot of coffee, frequent alcohol consumption and smoking are reasons for sweating in your sleep. If a man, in addition to hyperhidrosis, is cold, this is often a sign of andropause. It occurs due to age-related changes in organism. The production of the hormone testosterone decreases. A man frozen in his sleep wakes up with his skin and clothes wet from sweat.

In men, andropause often provokes a stressful state. Emotional stress is another reason for freezing at night due to profuse sweating.

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the symptoms in order to stop sweating and freezing during sleep

Why a person sweats in his sleep and at the same time gets cold - there can be many reasons for this. The factor that provokes the symptoms of such a set of conditions can be identified by medical examination. If a person continues to sweat and feel cold in his sleep for a long time, a blood test is prescribed. Based on its results, the doctor gives a referral for other, more detailed examinations.

Exist simple methods to combat excessive sweating at night:

  • Light dinner, avoid alcohol, spicy foods, and pickles. Drink more warm drinks, such as chamomile or lemon balm tea.
  • Warm shower.
  • Taking a bath with soothing medicinal herbs.
  • Applying a decoction based on oak bark to the skin.
  • Use of antiperspirants.

If during sleep a person begins to sweat profusely and at the same time feel very cold, medications are prescribed. Recommended medications: Formagel, Teymurov ointment. To stop sweating and freezing during sleep, it is important to eliminate the cause of the symptoms.

Sweating is the removal of fluid and waste products dissolved in it from the body by the exocrine glands. The process is regulated by the autonomic nervous system, so a person cannot consciously control sweating. Let's take a closer look at what hyperhidrosis is, when you can cope with the syndrome on your own, and in what cases a mandatory visit to the doctor is required.

Thanks to this function, the body maintains a certain body temperature, removes metabolic products, forms a specific individual odor, and creates a barrier to infectious agents. There are two types of glands - apocrine and eccrine. The latter are located throughout the body, producing sweat of low concentration, practically odorless. Apocrine - grouped in the skin of the eyelids and external auditory canals, in the armpits, groin areas, areola mammary glands, perineum, genitals. Their secretion is thicker and saturated with pheromones.

Excessive sweating at night causes weight discomfort and may be the “first sign” of the disease. Hyperhidrosis can seriously poison life, especially for the fair sex.

Signs of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in women

A woman at any age can face this problem. A damp bed and spoiled sleep are not all the troubles that night sweats in women are fraught with. During sleep, the intensity of the sweat glands decreases.

It is important to know! If a lady suddenly begins to sweat excessively in her sleep, this leads to frequent awakenings, fatigue, psychological discomfort, disruption of general well-being. The irritating effect of sweat contributes to changes in skin acidity, which provokes the development of dermatological diseases.

Doctors classify hyperhidrosis as follows:

  • local and widespread;
  • physiological and pathological;
  • occurring at certain times of the year and permanent;
  • primary idiopathic and symptom of another disease.

Increased sweat production is diagnosed by the amount of fluid secreted on the surface of the body for five minutes. If adult woman sweat volume exceeds 100 ml, this is regarded as a violation. The degree and localization of sweating depends on environmental factors, the type of glands involved in the process, and neurohumoral changes in the body.

The main factors in the development of sweating

The process of sweating is inextricably linked with heat transfer, but the regulatory center reacts not only to changes in body temperature, but also to endocrine, emotional stimuli, and muscle activity. That is why, at the moment of excitement, fear, intense physical labor, sweat production increases.

Highlight following reasons, causing profuse sweating:

Primary hyperhidrosis occurs with childhood, due to genetic predisposition. Secondary – occurs due to pathological changes.

Typically female reasons

The causes of night sweats in women are caused by hormonal changes due to pregnancy, lactation, menopause, ovarian diseases, stage monthly cycle. Expectant mothers, especially in the first trimester, often complain to obstetricians that they sweat a lot at night. This is due to the restructuring of the endocrine glands, a phenomenon drug treatment does not require, after childbirth it disappears on its own.

Menopause causes a decrease in estrogen production. Profuse night sweats during menopause are regarded as the equivalent of hot flashes. The condition requires the advice of an experienced doctor. With the onset of postmenopause, heavy sweating gradually ceases to be a concern.

In some women, the intensity of the apocrine glands increases during and several days before the onset of menstruation. A woman may sweat heavily both during the day and at night. If hygiene procedures is not enough, it makes sense to contact a specialist.


The situation is more serious when the cause of hyperhidrosis is illness. Before dealing with excess sweat on your own, it is important to exclude endocrine, infectious, malignant, neurological pathology, metabolic disorders.

List of some diseases accompanied by hyperhidrosis:

Excess sweating associated with the disease may have associated symptoms:

  • hyperthermia;
  • a sharp decrease or increase in body weight;
  • palpitations;
  • tremor;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • dizziness;
  • cough;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;

Advice! If at least one of the above phenomena is present, you should not try to get rid of excess sweating during sleep on your own. Timely contact with a specialist will help diagnose pathological process at an early stage, quickly start adequate therapy, maintain health.

Taking medications

Side effects of antidepressants, anti-inflammatory, and antihypertensive drugs can cause severe sweating in women at night. If you have a headache, arthrosis, or increased body temperature, it is important to remember that a painkiller tablet will not only relieve general state, but will also have a strong stimulating effect on the sweat glands. You should also not overuse medications to improve your mood or reduce hypertension without first consulting your doctor.

Food and excessive sweating

Excessive filling of the stomach with food causes an increase in internal temperature body, to which thermoregulation centers respond. The process of cooling the body is ensured by the inclusion of sweat glands. This is why overeating itself can cause excessive sweating.

Too hot food and high-calorie dishes can poison the night, turning it into a struggle with wet sheets. To prevent excessive sweating, it makes sense to avoid drinking alcohol, strong tea, coffee, fast foods, seasonings, and spices.

Other possible explanations

It is important to take a close look at your surroundings, because the causes of heavy sweating in women at night sometimes turn out to be trivial and easily remediable.

Hyperactivity of the sweat glands during sleep is triggered if:

  • the room is too hot;
  • bedding and clothing made of synthetic fabrics;
  • the person smokes or abuses alcoholic beverages.

The psycho-emotional state also matters. A scary dream can make you wake up in a cold sweat.

Help with hyperhidrosis in women

Secondary hyperhidrosis requires treatment of the underlying disease. Experts consider increased sweating in various nosologies as a protective compensatory mechanism. Therefore, before deciding on an expensive operation, you must undergo full examination. Doctors in a self-respecting clinic will definitely refer the patient for additional diagnostic procedures to exclude pathology.

Medical trip

Correction of hyperhidrosis in women and men is carried out conservatively and with the help of surgical intervention. It is important to remember that treatment must be comprehensive and supervised by an experienced specialist.

Therapeutic methods:

  • hypnosis;
  • taking medications;
  • use of antiperspirants;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

Psychotherapy is aimed at eliminating fears and emotional stress. Sedatives are prescribed medications, as well as substances that reduce the excitability of the autonomic nervous system. The principle of action of antiperspirants is the narrowing and blockage of the ducts of the sweat glands. Physiotherapeutic methods include electrosleep, hydrotherapy, electrophoresis, and laser exposure. Botulinum therapy has proven itself well - injection Botox.

Surgical techniques:

  • closed curettage of the axillary region;
  • local liposuction;
  • excision of skin in the hyperhidrosis area.

The operations are low-traumatic, but have their own contraindications and complications. Thus, excision of skin in armpit can cause restriction of movement, therefore it is more often performed in elderly patients.

To the radical operative surgery hyperhidrosis includes sympathectomy. The essence of the method is clamping or destruction of the sympathetic nerve trunk.

Attention! The operation gives positive effect, but resort to it in extreme cases due to the danger of complications - bleeding, compensatory hyperhidrosis in the area of ​​the face, neck, décolleté after eating spicy and hot dishes, ptosis, constriction of the pupil.

Home measures

The fight against nocturnal hyperhidrosis can be continued at home. Experts advise taking a bath (pine, with sea ​​salt), wipe the areas of accumulation of apocrine glands with a decoction of oak or willow bark, drink a weak herbal soothing tea.

Prevention of heavy sweating at night in women

Creating a comfortable environment in the bedroom will significantly reduce sweating. It's important to take care of normal temperature air, a comfortable shirt, bed linen made from natural fabrics. It makes sense to refuse a large dinner immediately before bedtime, to exclude spicy, fried, smoked foods, and alcohol from the diet.

You should not use antiperspirants at night; a cool shower will be much more effective. It is necessary to try to minimize the effects of stress and overexertion. Self-training and reading positive literature will help with this. Experts advise avoiding evening viewing of thrillers and stories containing scenes of violence.


Excessive sweating at night is a problem that can and must be combated. The main thing is to promptly identify the cause and eliminate it correctly. You cannot isolate yourself and treat hyperhidrosis on your own. The local doctor will help with diagnosis and treatment, and, if necessary, refer for additional examinations and procedures.

The human body produces sweat around the clock; under conditions of high humidity or high temperatures, sweat production increases. If you have any disease, one of the symptoms may be excessive sweating. This can often be observed at night. Increased sweating at night is called nocturnal hyperhidrosis. Reasons for the appearance this phenomenon there may be a disease, in which case sweating is an accompanying symptom. And in the absence of illness, night sweats manifest themselves on their own.

Note: It is mainly necessary to pay attention to the ventilation of the room, bed linen, clothes in which you fall asleep, all this can affect the heat transfer of the body and provoke increased sweating.

Therefore, before looking for any diseases that could provoke sweating, it is necessary to analyze the environment during sleep.

In order to understand why a person sweats in a dream, it is necessary to carry out full diagnostics the state of his body, assess his standard of living, the severity of work, the nature of his diet, and the environmental situation. By carefully analyzing these factors, you can determine the main causes of night sweats.

First of all, all provoking factors can be divided into two groups:

  1. Medical - these include those reasons that are directly related to diseases, and in this case you can get rid of sweating only with the help medical methods.
  2. Non-medical - in this case, night sweats appear due to everyday factors, and changing your lifestyle will help get rid of this problem.


Most often, the cause of sweating is a disease, and the body begins to fight it. The temperature rises and the the immune system, inflammatory factors. And in order to maintain high body temperature at a constant level and prevent overheating, as well as remove dangerous toxins from the body, sweat begins to be released intensely. Sweating at night during sleep occurs when the following diseases:

Often the cause of night sweats is diseases of the genital organs, which disrupt their normal functioning and the synthesis of sex hormones.

It is due to hormonal imbalance during illness that increased sweating at night is observed.

Psychological factors

Excessive sweating due to nervous overexcitation is attributed to independent disease - idiopathic hyperhidrosis. In this case, the main cause or disease that provokes sweating is not determined, and sweating is associated with an overexcited human psyche.

Most often, sweating during sleep is observed in people who have suffered severe stress, are constantly nervous, have mental illness. Night sweats are also common in depressed people, you need to pay attention to them Special attention, and deal not only with the treatment of excessive sweating, but also with depression itself. Prone to heavy sweating people who engage in heavy mental work, or those who often fall into stressful situations, worry while working.

Food and water

They are the main factors in maintaining the normal state of the body. How much a person sweats can depend on the type of diet. So, if you frequently eat too spicy, salty, hot, or fatty foods, you may experience increased sweating. It is often found that after the meal itself there is excessive sweating.

The nature of sweating can be affected by the amount of water you drink per day. So when abuse of water, the body tries to get rid of its excess, while urination becomes more frequent, and the intensity of sweating also increases.

Alcohol and drugs

When consumed large doses Alcohol causes severe dehydration. Alcohol provokes dilation of peripheral blood vessels, which causes blood to rush to the skin, resulting in more sweat. Blood filtration in the kidneys worsens, which leads to greater release of water from the bloodstream.

Drugs have a powerful effect on nervous system and the human psyche, therefore often when used psychoactive substances sweating increases. If a person sweats a lot after sleep or during sleep, this may indicate development withdrawal syndrome.

Sleep disturbance

For normal functioning, a person needs to get enough sleep. In case for some reason for a long time it is not possible to sleep normally, the person develops corresponding symptoms. This is a sign that the brain is tired and its energy reserves are depleted. Because of this, severe sweating, nervousness, irritability appear, and hallucinations may appear.

Night sweats due to breathing problems mainly occur due to oxygen starvation. The body, compensating for the lack of oxygen in the body, dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to organs and tissues, and increases the heart rate. The sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for all this, which, when activated, also increases sweating. Therefore, often sick people can wake up at night in a cold sweat, while experiencing difficulty breathing.

Hormonal background

To a greater extent the problem relates to . Women are characterized by constant fluctuations in the level of sex hormones. At the onset of menstruation there is a surge in sex hormones, which may be accompanied by increased night sweats. During pregnancy, the body is rebuilt, all organs and glands are prepared to bear a child. Estrogen is produced to a greater extent, which, when interacting with the hypothalamus, stimulates an increase in temperature and dilation of peripheral vessels. And in order to normalize and maintain the temperature, increased sweat production begins, which helps cool the skin.

During menopause, another restructuring of the body occurs. At the same time, there is a decrease in the level of sex hormones, which also leads to increased sweating.


The nature of sweating is significantly influenced by a person’s lifestyle. If you are constantly in a sitting position, rarely play sports, use large quantity carbohydrates observed accelerated gain body fat mass. Because of this, the body’s normal heat exchange with external environment, to normalize it begins increased sweat production. Thus, low physical activity becomes another reason why you sweat a lot at night.


First of all it is necessary evaluate your lifestyle and the environment during sleep. You can choose high-quality bed linen, blankets and pillows that will better allow air to pass through and cool the body.

Preferably normalize your diet. You need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume and eat more protein-rich foods. It is correct to limit the consumption of fatty, smoked and spicy food.

If sweating continues, it is recommended visit a therapist. He will appoint everything necessary research, and will also refer you for consultations to other specialists. This will help determine the cause of excessive night sweats, and then begin effective treatment.

Night sweats are not necessarily a sign that a person has a medical condition or hormonal imbalance. As a rule, this is a sign of ordinary overheating of the body due to high ambient temperatures, warm pajamas or bed. In rare cases, this is a sign of a certain malfunction in the body’s thermoregulation mechanisms, which is often harmless and very rarely severe and difficult to treat.

The human body is a single balanced system in which the function of thermoregulation plays an important role. Its task is to protect the body from overheating by internally adjusting the temperature. The slightest failure in the system leads to illness. Hyperhidrosis develops, which can result in excessive sweating at night.

In accordance with the change of internal and external factors, the temperature regime of the body also changes. To ensure the full operation of all systems, there is a special mechanism for temperature coordination.

Recognizing thermoregulation receptors constantly monitor temperature fluctuations in the environment and the human body.

Information comes from receptors. Then it is transmitted to the highest regulatory center located in the brain - the hypothalamus. This structure plays a leading role in regulating vegetative functions. It is profuse sweating at night that can be the body’s autonomic response to irritation of certain areas of the hypothalamus caused by one reason or another.

Lately, everyone has been suffering from this pathology. more people. And the cause of the problem is not always the influence of external factors, such as:

  • heat in the room;
  • close location of heating devices;
  • bed linen made of synthetic fabrics;
  • very warm blanket.

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating at night is, first of all, a restless sleepless night, and as a result - morning fatigue. Most often, such a violation is caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • imbalance in metabolic processes;
  • mental disorders;
  • influence of stressful situations.

Sometimes profuse sweating at night is triggered by terrible dreams or unpleasant recent events. Such night sweats are caused by sharp increase adrenaline in the blood (it promotes profuse sweating), does not require treatment.

It is enough to refrain from a heavy dinner. Go to bed in a well-ventilated room or take a small dose sedative. Failure of the thermoregulation mechanism is often harmless and can be easily corrected. But sometimes it can cause severe and difficult-to-treat consequences.

Even slight night sweats are often evidence of serious illness. And dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system does not play a significant role. The problem lies much deeper.

Causes of nocturnal hyperhidrosis

Night sweats sometimes have quite serious causes. They cannot be ignored. Such symptoms are characteristic of severe pathologies.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects many organs and systems in the human body. The main manifestations by which the disease can be suspected are loss of body weight, long-term increase fever, weakness and profuse sweating at night.

Bacterial infections - endocarditis, osteomyelitis, various abscesses are accompanied by night sweats. With lymphogranulomatosis - cancer, profuse sweats occur at night, peripheral The lymph nodes. Similar manifestations are characteristic of initial stage diseases associated with human immunodeficiency syndrome.

Other causes of night sweats can include any infectious diseases. They are accompanied by an increase in temperature at night.

Some hormonal disorders provoke increased sweating, both day and night. These include diseases of the thyroid gland or pheochrocytoma - a tumor in the tissues of the adrenal gland. Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is also common diabetes mellitus, in which glucose metabolism in the body is disrupted. The result is intense night sweats. Taking insulin, antidiabetic and oral medications, provokes this symptomatology. Profuse sweating occurs when neurological disorders, it is characteristic.

Night sweats often occur, the causes of which are caused by taking antidepressants and antipyretics. The problem can be caused by taking medications that include hydralazine, piacin or tamoxifen and nitroglycerin.

Manifestations of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in women

The cause of night sweats in women is not necessarily illness, hyperhidrosis or hormonal disorders. This may be normal night overheating due to a warm bed, clothing or a stuffy room. Some people sweat more at night, some less, this is a feature of the body. But if increased sweating occurs only at night, then you need to pay attention to your health. Night sweats in women can sometimes serve as a signal of the presence of a disease.

Night sweats in women are most often associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or. In these conditions, hormonal changes occur. This condition can occur at any time:

  • during puberty;
  • in connection with the approach of menstruation and before menstrual cycle;
  • with the onset of pregnancy and menopause.

In most cases, with the above conditions, night sweats do not cause much trouble or discomfort. It is considered natural and does not require treatment. The exception is severe menopause.

The pituitary gland and hypothalamus regulate hormonal balance in a woman's body. An increase or decrease in estrogen levels leads to disruption of thermoregulation, the center of which is located in the hypothalamus. The body reacts to these changes by increasing overall body temperature, which is the cause of night sweats.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in every woman's body. This imbalance leads to increased night sweats. Pregnant women do not require any treatment. This is a temporary condition and does not pose any health hazard.

A few days before the start of the menstrual cycle and during menstruation, the level of estrogen in the blood increases. Arises premenstrual syndrome. The woman feels tired, weak, headache, nervousness, night sweats appear.

But night sweats are especially common in women, worsening during premenopausal and menopause when there is a radical hormonal change in everything female body. The production of the hormone estrogen decreases sharply, and thermoregulation is disrupted. Due to hormonal imbalance, the hypothalamus receives the wrong signal. Heat is being released copious discharge sweat, although the body is not hot at all. Fever appears and increased sweating occurs. Similar condition not always. The attacks are called hot flashes, they happen several times a day, but the woman sweats most intensely at night.

Night sweats in women during menopause - serious problem, she requires treatment.

It is imperative to undergo an examination and check the level of sexual female hormones. If there is a deficiency, the doctor may prescribe medications that increase production or support biologically active substances at the required level. These are usually combined estrogens and gestagens. Hormonal correction drugs have contraindications. To avoid worsening the condition and side effects, you should not self-medicate; it is better to trust a specialist in this matter.

In Russia, biologically active supplements based on medicinal plants. They are able to reduce symptoms and ease the course of menopause. The herbs in these drugs have a calming effect and also contain phytoestrogens - natural substitutes for female sex hormones, very similar in composition to them. In Sweden, dietary supplements are not recommended and are not prescribed by doctors, since their mechanism of action and side effects have not been studied. In Sweden, only proven and studied drugs are prescribed.

Manifestations of nocturnal hyperhidrosis in men

Men also tend to hormonal surges, but they develop in a slightly different way. Female hormones are produced in male body, but there are much fewer of them than women. Insufficient output male hormone testosterone provokes additional formation of female hormones estrogen. This condition is accompanied by sudden flushes of blood, a feeling of heat and profuse sweat.

Sweating during sleep occurs with strong psychomotor agitation. Its appearance is facilitated by the release of large amounts of the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) into the blood.

Profuse sweating is typical for men who like to drink at night. alcoholic drinks or suffering from chronic poisoning drugs or chemicals. If profuse sweating is not the result of emotional or physical activity, but appears constantly, this is a compelling argument for a medical examination.

General recommendations for the treatment of night sweats in men and women

The solution to the problem is individual and treatment is prescribed in accordance with the results of the examination. Therapy for excessive sweating involves:

  • drug or hormonal treatment;
  • physical therapy or acupuncture;
  • a balanced diet.

Conservative treatment is recommended to be supplemented natural means. It is good to infuse a decoction of dry chamomile and string (1 liter of water and 3 tablespoons of dry mixture). Then add herbal remedy into a warm bath. A procedure lasting 15-20 minutes will provide a relaxing effect, help eliminate excessive sweating and calm the nervous system. The ingredients can be combined with willow or oak bark, with alcohol tincture on birch buds.

Baths with sea salt in combination with aromatic herbal shower gels help with sweating.

To reduce the unpleasant phenomena associated with night sweats, improve the quality of life and night rest, you need to reconsider your habits and lifestyle. Doctors recommend following simple rules.

Physical activity during the day, walking fresh air, will provide good dream and make the process of falling asleep easier.

The temperature in the bedroom should be cool. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. Choose bedding and clothing made from natural fabrics. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through and increase sweating.

A diet that excludes spicy, fatty and too hot foods will help reduce night sweats. Alcohol, strong coffee and tea are prohibited. If there is a problem with excess weight, it definitely needs to be solved. Drink more water to replenish its loss due to excessive sweating. But before going to bed, it is better to limit your fluid intake. Avoid stress, learn to control your emotions. A positive attitude will help you deal with this problem faster.