Irish moss: medicinal properties. The healing properties of Icelandic moss - traditional medicine recipes for treating children and adults

The red algae Chondrus crispus or Irish moss grows near the coast of Ireland, from which a useful nutritional supplement has been obtained for many years. The algae is dark red in color and looks like a vertical bunch of tentacles, reaching 30 cm in height. After several treatments, extraction and washing, the sea moss is ready for use.

The red algae Chondrus crispus or Irish moss grows near the coast of Ireland, from which a useful nutritional supplement has been obtained for many years.

In China, chondrius was in use long before our era, but it gained worldwide popularity thanks to the Europeans. Brought from Ireland to New England during a famine in the mid-19th century to grow on rocky shores, red algae expanded its range and still grows as mosses in the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean, reaching as far as Jamaica. Second only to cabbage and blueberries, moss is gaining increasing popularity as an excellent food additives, rich in antioxidants.

Until the 20th century, seaweed was collected by hand, sailing in small boats during spring low tides. The receding waters revealed the rocky Irish shores, allowing men to use long forks and rakes to rip away the deep red vegetation from the rocks. It was laid out in sunny places and left for 2 weeks - this was enough to dry the raw materials. In the mid-19th century, when famine struck Ireland for 2 years, residents of coastal areas saved themselves from starvation by eating edible moss.

Industrial production of moss began only at the beginning of the 20th century. One of the main producers is the Philippines, where, thanks to the climate, sufficient weight for harvesting is achieved by carrageenan in 3 months. At a shallow depth, piles are installed, between which cables are stretched - Irish moss ripens on them. Next comes collection, drying and sending to the factory, where the material is crushed, washed and packaged.

Gallery: Irish moss (25 photos)

Irish moss or bryozoan (video)

The value of Irish moss

The use of the supplement depends mainly on the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. Irish moss useful for anemia. 50% of cases low content red cells in the blood occur as a result of iron deficiency. The body's cells do not receive enough hemoglobin to normal operation, due to which immunity decreases. A person feels a lack of energy, a general loss of strength. High content The iron in Irish moss (pearl moss) helps prevent or relieve anemia.

In addition, the healing properties of the product increase concentration, help absorb information and process it, and ease of movement appears.

The use of moss has a positive effect on the immune system and improves digestion. Iron promotes proper absorption of nutrients, transporting them to damaged organs and tissues, preventing the occurrence of infection and disease.

The remedy treats the syndrome restless legs and sleep disorders. Timely delivery of iron and oxygen to muscles relieves spasms and pain, and normalizes sleep.

Until the 20th century, seaweed was collected by hand, sailing on small boats during spring low tides

Taurine and sulfur amino acids found in Irish moss promote the healing of sports injuries and sprains, while sulfur increases resistance to inflammation and reduces swelling. Joints are strengthened and connective tissues, damaged organs are restored.

Gels made from natural ingredients include Carragian, which is rich in Irish moss. Face masks are made from creams containing carragian. Medicinal properties sulfur in cosmetics allows you to use them to restore damaged skin.

Icelandic moss, or Icelandic cetraria ( Latin name - Cetraria Islandica), often used in recipes traditional medicine, as well as for the preparation of some pharmaceutical medicines, since official medicine has recognized the plant as a medicinal raw material. However, calling cetraria a plant or moss is not entirely correct, because from a biological point of view it is a lichen, a very peculiar type of living organisms. Today we will learn about the features Icelandic moss and its wide range of health applications.

Biological description: where does Icelandic moss grow?

This living organism is a symbiosis of green algae and fungi. Outwardly it looks like a low bush, up to 15 cm in height. The thallus (lichen body) consists of branched lobes that look like deer antlers. The color of the thallus can be different: olive, light turquoise, gray-green, brown-brown and interspersed with white.

Did you know?Cetraria does not take root in gassed, polluted areas, and is extremely sensitive to toxic substances in water, air and soil, harmful products processing, therefore it grows exclusively in ecologically clean areas. This feature of the plant is used to determine the cleanliness of the environment. Absolutely all types of lichens are bioindicators, which, when the ecosystem is disrupted, gradually die out and disappear.

The color of a lichen's body is determined by lighting, humidity, and other climatic conditions habitats. With the help of special processes - rhizoids - the lichen attaches to old stumps, tree trunks, and the ground.

This plant is an epiphyte, which means it does not have a developed root system.

The lichen is characterized by very slow growth; it prefers highlands, tundra and forest-tundra, peat bogs, coniferous forests with open sunny areas, and swamps. It thrives on rocky and sandy soil that provides good drainage.

Loves moisture and does not tolerate drought, needs sufficient light. It is found mainly in the northern regions: in the USA, Canada, Russia, lichen can be found in the Far East, in the highlands of Altai and the Sayan Mountains, in Siberia, in the Far North.

Chemical composition

The ratio of BJU in Icelandic moss is as follows:

  • proteins - up to 3%;
  • fats - 2%;
  • carbohydrates - more than 80%.

The plant contains the following components:

  • polysaccharides;
  • lichen acids;
  • starchy substances;
  • micro- and macroelements: iron, iodine, copper, manganese;
  • wax;
  • gum;
  • pigment substances;
  • vitamins: B12, C.

The main active component of cetraria is lichenin - a polysaccharide, the share of which in lichen reaches 40%. When mixed with water it forms a jelly mass. Has a great nutritional value, but is not absorbed by the human body.

Did you know? Although lichens grow slowly, their lifespan can be thousands of years. They are long-lived organisms. And the oldest find in the form of fossilized lichen is more than 400 million years old. Lichens have spread throughout the planet, including Antarctica and the Arctic.

Medicinal properties

Cetraria-based products and preparations have the following effects on the body:

  • antibacterial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • oncoprotective and antioxidant;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • hemostatic;
  • mild calming effect;
  • increase the production of gastric juice;
  • increase appetite.
  • Cetraria has the strongest antimicrobial properties, which are provided by the presence organic acids. Cetraria preparations are successfully used to suppress tubercle bacilli, staphylococci and streptococci, and Helicobacter pylori.
    Effective external use for wounds with infectious lesion. Moreover, lichen successfully suppresses the growth of pathogenic fungi and viral agents.

    Indications for use

    This plant was recognized as a raw material official medicine in the 19th century, however traditional healers began to use cetraria many centuries earlier.

    Since ancient times, lichen has been used for the following diseases and conditions:

    • burns, wounds, ulcers, dermatitis, acne;
    • inflammation of the stomach, intestines;
    • bronchopulmonary ailments: bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, whooping cough;
    • poisoning with vomiting;
    • runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis;
    • diseases oral cavity: inflammation of the gums, stomatitis;
    • angina;
    • immunodeficiency states, loss of strength, after long-term treatment and interventions;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • neoplasms;
    • genitourinary diseases in men.

    Important! Cetraria has many names, including: reindeer moss, reindeer moss, lung moss, lopastyanka, parmelia, prickly moss, moss moss. This plant is often confused with Irish moss. However, these two are completely different types- Irish moss (carrageen) is an algae that grows in the ocean.

    Uses of Icelandic moss

    Let us consider in more detail the most common cases of using this lichen for various diseases and in different age groups.

    For children

    The undoubted advantage of cetraria is its absolute safety and non-toxicity in the treatment of the youngest patients. Doctor's permission is often not even required before starting therapy. Most often, lichen is used for childhood respiratory diseases, flu, cough, and runny nose.

    Due to the high concentration of acids, plant-based products have a bitter taste, which is why children often refuse to take medications.
    To eliminate bad taste, and enrich the healing potion with useful components, you can add honey or milk.

    For bronchitis and tuberculosis

    In the treatment of tuberculosis active substance Cetraria contains usnic acid. It is able to suppress the growth of gram-positive bacteria, including Koch's bacillus, which is the causative agent of tuberculosis.

    This property of cetraria was discovered back in 1809 and since then it has been included in many drugs prescribed for this disease. Lichen is also often used to treat bronchitis.

    It suppresses the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, has an enveloping, soothing and softening effect on irritated mucous membranes. Promotes expectoration and mucus release. Based on cetraria, many are produced pharmaceutical drugs for cough and bronchitis in the form of syrup, lozenges and lozenges.

    For weight loss

    If excess weight called endocrine disorders, Cetraria will also come to the rescue. It normalizes activity thyroid gland, resulting in improved metabolism. Of course, you should not rely entirely on Icelandic moss if you are severely obese.

    However, together with literate physical activity, proper nutrition And in a healthy way in life, cetraria-based products can help achieve the desired weight and shape. At extra pounds Cetraria is most often consumed in the form of jelly or decoction.

    For potency

    For prostatitis of bacterial origin and other bacterial ailments of men genitourinary area cetraria also shows effectiveness. It helps restore potency and can also be taken for preventive purposes.

    Usnic acid not only inhibits the growth of bacteria, but also has a wound healing effect, which promotes rapid recovery after illness.

    For the body as a whole

    Cetraria can be taken to prevent illnesses, strengthen and heal the body, increase immunity and improve well-being. She has a soft sedative effect, eliminates insomnia, helps to cope with stress more effectively. After a course of administration, plants increase vitality and energy.

    Procurement of raw materials

    For cooking medicines The body of the lichen is used, which is collected by hand in late summer and early autumn. For collection, you need to choose dry, sunny weather, since wet raw materials are extremely difficult to dry properly. The raw materials need to be sorted out, dead parts, pine needles, and soil must be removed.

    Important!Even if the lichen is contaminated with sand and soil, it cannot be washed! Dirt should be gently removed with a cloth.

    To dry, you need to prepare a clean cloth, spread the raw materials in a thin layer and leave them in a dry room with good air circulation. Dry outdoors sun rays not recommended, as some useful components may be destroyed.
    After drying, the finished raw materials need to be packaged in wooden or glass containers; you can also use bags made of thick fabric. If you store the workpiece in a dry, dark place, the shelf life will be 2 years.

    Harm and side effects

    Cetraria is on the list of those few plants that cause virtually no side effects and do not cause harm to the body. Lichen-based products can be taken even during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. However, before use, you must consult a doctor.

    If you take cetraria for a long time, or exceed the dosage, you can provoke digestive problems and liver pain. In this case, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor.


    This plant has two significant contraindications: individual reaction and the presence of autoimmune diseases (lupus, vasculitis, diabetes Type I and others).

    How to take Icelandic moss

    Cetraria-based products can be purchased at pharmacies in various pharmacological forms. Thus, there are medicines in the form of syrups (Gerbion, Icelandic moss, Pectolvan), lozenges, tablets, ointments and even powders (Sodium usinate) for dilution and external use.

    However, you can always prepare plant-based products yourself. Next, we will consider the main methods of preparing and using moss-based potions.


    For preparation you will need:

    • 1 tbsp. l. raw materials;
    • 500 ml water.

    The water needs to be brought to a boil, add dry raw materials and boil for 5 minutes, then cool and strain. The general dosage is as follows: drink 3-5 tablespoons of the decoction during the day.
    Indications include all of the above ailments, obesity, as well as skin lesions. For external use, you can reduce the amount of water to 250 ml when boiling.


    When preparing infusions, you can use boiling water or heat the mixture without boiling. To prepare the infusion, take:

    • 4 tbsp. l. raw materials;
    • 500 ml water.

    The mixture should be poured into cold water, brought to a boil and immediately removed. The product is infused for 15 minutes and filtered. You need to consume up to 5 tablespoons of infusion per day. You can also pour dry raw materials hot water(but not boiling water! the temperature should be about 90°C).

    This remedy helps with digestive and respiratory systems, calms and relaxes, tones the body and improves immunity. Decoctions and infusions should be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

    Important!Please note that after cooling, decoctions and infusions based on cetraria acquire a gelatinous consistency, do not be alarmed by this, this is a completely normal process, since cetraria contains a lot of starchy substances.


    To prepare tea, take:

    • 2 tsp. cetraria;
    • 200-250 ml of water.

    The raw materials need to be poured into cold water, brought to a boil over low heat, turned off and cooled. This remedy is useful for coughs, bronchitis, and colds. During the day you can take up to 3 glasses of this drink.

    To soften the taste, you can use milk instead of water or add a little honey to the finished drink. It is advisable to prepare a fresh drink each time. To relieve coughing attacks, you can prepare a mixture of cetraria and coltsfoot in equal parts.
    If you drink this remedy in the morning, before eating, it will be much easier to remove the phlegm that has accumulated overnight.

    Other variations of tea various ailments(all ingredients are mixed in equal parts):

    • whooping cough: cetraria and thyme;
    • impotence: cetraria, toadflax, male orchis;
    • for joint pain: cetraria, lemon balm, linden, birch and sweet clover;
    • inflammatory processes in the stomach: cetraria and flaxseed.


    Cetraria ointment is used for infectious wounds, cuts and burns, boils, acne, rashes, dermatitis. To prepare you need to take:

    • 100 g Vaseline;
    • 2 tbsp. l. raw materials in powder form (can be purchased at a pharmacy).

    The ingredients are mixed and placed in a water bath for 5 hours. You can also use ready-made pharmaceutical products, for example, Icelandic moss cream, but this product has cosmetic effects rather than healing ones.
    This product must be stored in the refrigerator and applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day.

    Cough syrup

    As noted earlier, when cooled, infusions and decoctions of Icelandic moss acquire the consistency of jelly, so the above recipes can be used to prepare syrup. The greater the amount of raw materials, the thicker the product will be in the end.

    For adults, syrup can be prepared with water; for children, it is better to use milk. Products based on Icelandic moss gently and effectively relieve the body of respiratory diseases and infections of various natures, and also tone, strengthen and increase resistance to illnesses.

    You can prepare the raw materials yourself, if possible, or purchase them at a pharmacy at affordable price. If there are children in the house, cetraria will definitely be an indispensable remedy.

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on the site, there may be Irish moss or awl-shaped bryozoan, which, unlike grass, does not require increased care and maintenance. Not everyone has heard about this wonderful plant, so let’s lift the veil of secrecy over it and reveal this creation of nature to the world.

Why is the awl-shaped bryozoan attractive?

The plant deservedly gained its popularity. Indeed, unlike other green lawn plants, it does not need to be pruned or cut, since it is only 5-7 cm in height, but at the same time it perfectly covers the soil of any terrain with a dense carpet.

Irish moss does not require any care at all - it can be fed or not fertilized; watering should be regular only when the plants are just planted in the ground. Bryozoan does not mind growing both in open sunny areas and in partial shade. And the small white flowers that decorate the green carpet from the beginning of summer exude a wonderful, unobtrusive aroma.

From Irish moss in two different shades (light and dark green) you can create original compositions. They can beautifully decorate an alpine hill or paths in the garden, or completely sow a recreation area with it, without worrying about trampling. The point is that even if the Irish moss is damaged, it will heal the problem area in a few days, and the more you compact it with your feet, the denser and more picturesque the rug will become. This is why the plant is gaining momentum in popularity in our country, especially since the winter hardiness of the awl-shaped bryozoan is very high and only in very cold regions does it require shelter for the winter.

Where does Irish moss grow?

As the name suggests, Irish moss grass must grow in Ireland, where it, in general, grows. In addition, this is common ground cover plant throughout Western Europe. We have about 12 species of bryozoans, and three of them are ubiquitous. This:

  1. Subulate- a plant that pleases the eye all year round thanks to the dark evergreen foliage in the form of small soft needles. Blooms throughout the summer.
  2. Bryozoan– light green needles form dense cushions, which are a pleasure to grow.
  3. Recumbent– this plant is a weed, but quite a noble one, since they grow it specifically in their garden plots. The most stable species of them all, which reproduces with virtually no human intervention.

How to grow Irish moss in the country?

Planting bryozoans on your plot is very simple and there are two ways to do this - sow it with seeds for seedlings, or buy already grown seedlings and wait for them to multiply, and this happens quite quickly.

You can purchase seeds both on the Internet and in any relevant store. Like other seedlings, small seeds are sown at the end of March, but are not buried in the soil, but left on the surface for better germination and covered with glass or film.

A week later, the first needles rise above the soil surface and actively begin to grow, increasing in size several times. By picking them up in separate cups after a couple of weeks, you can save the plants from injuring the root system when planting them outside, although some gardeners, especially in the north, immediately place them in a container in order to bring it into a more suitable place in winter. warm room and save until next season.

In May, you can plant plants in the garden, remembering to water them 2 times a week. In summer, watering needs to be reduced somewhat so that adult bryozoans do not rot, since they cannot tolerate excess moisture.

If the seeds are immediately thrown into the ground in spring or autumn, they will also germinate, and no picking or subsequent planting will be required. By the end of the season, the lawn will be pleasing to the eye, and by next year The plants can now be distributed to neighbors.

Features of the use of Irish moss

Irish moss is a representative of marine red algae. Popularly called pearl moss. Distributed on the coast of Ireland, the North Atlantic and the Far East. The healing properties of Irish moss were originally used in Chinese traditional medicine.

The healing properties of Irish moss

The plant is officially recognized as medicinal, therefore it is widely used in pharmacology, cosmetology and folk medicine. The extraction of algae is industrial in nature; it is used for food.

Source: Depositphotos

Irish moss can most often be purchased dried and crushed.

For the manufacture of pharmacological drugs and cosmetics receive an extract from algae. It is rich in biologically active components with anti-inflammatory effects.

The healing properties of Irish moss are due to its composition:

  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • pigments;
  • starch;
  • zinc, sodium, iron, phosphorus, manganese;
  • vitamins A, C, K, E, group B, D, choline.

Fresh, dried raw materials or algae extract have antioxidant, healing, regenerating, and expectorant properties. When consumed as food, it is a source of easily digestible minerals and vitamins.

Remedies from the plant have a calming effect, relieve stomach cramps, and improve intestinal function. Moss has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. In China, seaweed extract is used to prevent re-development oncological tumors.

Scope of application, contraindications

Pearl moss is used in dietary nutrition. Calorie content of 100 g of product is 49 kcal. Used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers. The starch content makes the plant useful for stool problems. Stimulates intestinal motility and easy bowel movements.

Diseases for which the use of Irish moss gives results:

  • eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, sunburn;
  • spicy respiratory diseases with cough and bronchitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • diabetes;
  • heat, fever.

Seaweed - strong tonic, which increases vitality, strengthens the immune system and helps recover after illness or surgery. Used for immunodeficiency conditions.

Both adults and children can use moss for prevention or treatment. Pregnant women need additional specialist advice. Not recommended for people with Crohn's disease or taking anticoagulants.

During seasons of changing weather, winter, spring, autumn and even summer, people get sick. When they get sick, they go to doctors, who write them multi-page prescriptions for rare drugs. But all this is not necessary. Because there is Icelandic, also known as Irish moss, also known as lichen with the romantic name “cetraria”. This article is dedicated to what Icelandic moss is (medicinal properties, recipes, reviews).

Irish moss: description

In former times, cetraria was especially widespread in the north-west of the European continent in Denmark, Iceland, Sweden. It was also known to ancient healers. Being a moss, cetraria, due to its structure, receives from a woody and earthen base nutrients. Cetraria is sensitive to changes in weather and temperature conditions. If it’s dry, it turns brown, if it’s humid, it becomes a beautiful olive color and, due to its hygroscopicity, actively absorbs moisture.

Icelandic moss can be found in ecologically clean alpine and subalpine meadows, in swamps, forest edges and hills, in light and dry coniferous and deciduous forests, mainly with sandy soil, as well as in the tundra and forest-tundra, where it has become the food preferred by reindeer. In Russia, this extremely resilient plant is found everywhere: from the Crimea and the North Caucasus to the northwestern regions, for example, in Karelia.

Icelandic lichen can be prepared yourself on dry days and crushed. It should not be specially dried using an electric dryer or oven. Cetraria should be dried in a dry, warm place away from sunlight.

Living but dry moss in its entirety can remain alive for two - three years. Dried and crushed cetraria is good for three months if stored in an airtight dark glass jar.

Composition of Irish (Icelandic) moss

Properties of Irish moss

Decoctions, poultices, powders and compresses with preparations based on Icelandic moss are characterized by the following properties:

These properties make it possible to use Icelandic lichen as medicinal drug for diseases of the digestive, excretory, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as in the treatment of anemia and skin diseases.

Icelandic lichen is indicated for adults, children and expectant mothers, however, if in doubt, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist.

Surprisingly, this plant has practically no contraindications, its individual intolerance or side effects not identified except for its use as an ingredient alcohol tincture, which, like any drug containing alcohol, is not indicated for children, pregnant or lactating women.

Icelandic moss: application

  • Irish moss for cough: decoction recipe

Take two tablespoons of cetraria, pour a glass of cool water into it, let it boil and leave for five minutes. After cooling the broth, consume a tablespoon three times a day. Useful for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, including cough, tracheitis and bronchitis.

  • Irish moss for coughs, how to brew to get milk tea for children

Heat a glass of milk, without bringing it to a boil, pour a tablespoon of cetraria into it. Boil over low heat or a water bath for about half an hour. Strain and give to children before bedtime.

  • Cough tea: how to brew Icelandic moss

Cetraria tea helps adults with colds, pneumonia and bronchitis. The preparation recipe is similar to brewing regular tea. Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dry lichen. And after three minutes it can be consumed, adding honey to taste to soften the unusual bitterness. It is better to do it at night for at least a month and a half.

  • Whooping cough tea

To prepare a single serving, take a teaspoon of dry crushed thyme and moss, brew with a glass of “white” boiling water, cover and wait about ten minutes. Drink the tea filtered, cooled or warm, three times a day.

  • Irish moss aqueous extract

Option 1. Having prepared the cetraria decoction according to the recipe described above, evaporate it by half or three times over low heat.

Option 2. Pour into a glass cold water two tablespoons of cetraria, cover with a cotton cloth and put away for a day in a place away from light. Then, after straining, evaporate in a water bath by half and three times.

Store in the refrigerator. Take it for at least two weeks to normalize intestinal transit. three times a day, about thirty minutes before meals.

  • Alcohol tincture of cetraria

To treat diarrhea, anemia, cough and diseases of the digestive system, place 50 grams of dry or dried fresh lichen in a dark glass vessel with a ground stopper and fill with a glass of sixty percent alcohol or vodka. Seal and leave to infuse in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Strain the portion before using. Store in a dark place.

  • Cetraria decoction, accelerating the treatment of tuberculosis

Pour a glass of chilled moss into a saucepan with two tablespoons of Irish moss. boiled water, put on the fire, after boiling, cook for another five minutes. After cooling and straining, take a quarter glass six to eight times daily.

  • Irish moss jelly to strengthen the digestive system

To prepare a one-day serving, take a tablespoon of cetraria, add a glass of cold water and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Use the resulting jelly before meals, adding honey if desired.

  • Restoring jelly from Icelandic young moss

Young green plants fill in cold water in a ratio of 1:10 and cook over low heat or a water bath for four hours. The remedy is indicated for seriously ill patients - a spoonful during the day. It is acceptable to use with the addition of honey, provided there is no intolerance to honey.

Kissel can be prepared in a thermos or slow cooker.

  • Collection based on cetraria for stomach ulcers

Take a tablespoon flaxseeds, marshmallow root and Icelandic moss and pour a liter of boiling water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain. Use about thirty minutes before meals daily, at least five times. A single serving is half a glass.

  • Collection based on Irish moss for inflammation of the respiratory system

Take crushed fragrant violet root, cetraria and pine buds in equal parts. To use a single serving, pour a glass of cold water over a spoonful of the mixture, leave to steep for two hours, then boil and, after boiling for about five minutes and straining, take before meals.

  • Collection based on Irish moss to strengthen male power

Take equal parts of crushed orchis tubers, toadflax, Icelandic lichen and lemon balm. Mix and store dry raw materials in a place protected from moisture and light. To use a single medicinal portion, brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and, wrap it up, let it brew for about two hours. Strain and drink a glass three times a day. It is convenient to prepare the product in a thermos.

To strengthen the immune system, as well as for anemia, add a teaspoon of chopped moss, fresh or dry, to dairy products(airan, yogurt, kefir, etc.), as well as in cottage cheese or cream cheese, in yeast-free dough or vegetable salads and main courses.

Icelandic moss: reviews

I have two children, the same age, five and six years old. Both have psoriasis. On the advice of the nanny from kindergarten, I give the boys a spoonful of infusion and smear it on their skin. Within a week there was an improvement. I wipe my face too, and in the same week I almost got rid of inflamed acne.

Nina, 32, Norilsk

I want to warn you. If the decoction of Icelandic moss seems unbearably bitter, you should urgently go to the doctor. This is not because of the moss, but because of some problems with the liver. That's why it's so bitter. It was like that with my grandfather. Okay, we arrived on time. And by the way, it helped in the treatment. But, as prescribed by the doctor.

Roman Korobov, Crimea, 25

It's hard to say that cetraria is tasty. Slightly bitter, salty, with a slight sourness. We spent a week getting used to it when we heard about Icelandic moss for coughs. Then we learned how to brew with milk. I give my children tea with honey and milk. Especially useful in the wet season. The cough goes away easily.

Elena, 34, Moscow

My name is Askar, I'm 55. I'm from St. Petersburg. At first, like many others, I preferred expensive imported chemicals in the fight against my ailments. But when they began to suggest that I increase the dosage, and I was getting worse, I realized that it was time to change everything. I'm lucky. My wife and I were vacationing with her mother in Karelia, where I had another attack of gallstones. My mother-in-law began to brew me a bitter herb and gave it to the city with her. After three weeks, I not only forgot about the pain, but also surprised my doctor beyond words. It's all gone!