What can you use to make an inhalation for coughing? Steam inhalation at home for a runny nose. Antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs

Inhaling vapors of medicinal herbs and drugs improves sputum discharge, moisturizes the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx, and relieves inflammation. Carrying out inhalation at home relieves colds, helps cope with coughs, sore throats, and runny nose. To carry them out, you need to have a regular teapot, a small saucepan or a special device on hand - a nebulizer.

For ailments associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract(cough, runny nose, stuffy nose), four types of inhalations are used:

  • steam;
  • heat-moist;
  • wet;
  • oil

To carry out steam inhalations at home, you do not need to have special equipment. The temperature of the inhaled steam should be maintained between 45 and 55 °C. Steam is used to treat just the beginning of a cold, which is accompanied by a cough, poor discharge mucus, sore throat, liquid discharge from the nose. They use infusions medicinal herbs, essential oils, pharmaceutical products.

The solution for warm-moist inhalation is heated to 40-45 °C. It contains medications, which have anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator properties. These can be simple remedies: salt, soda, saline, or hormonal medications and mucolytics. This type of physiotherapy helps to improve the discharge of sputum from the lungs; it is practiced for inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.

To carry out wet inhalations, purchase a nebulizer. With its help, ENT diseases are treated at home using medications of different effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • antihistamine;
  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial.

Working temperature medicinal solution from 30 to 40 °C. The device is convenient to use and makes inhalation easy. infants and young children.

Essential oils contain medicinal substances in concentrated form. Using oil inhalation, inflammation of the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx is relieved. To carry out the aromatic procedure, take water heated to 50 °C.

What can you do with inhalations?

There are many options for medications that can be used for home inhalation. Medicines help in the treatment of respiratory diseases traditional medicine and pharmaceutical drugs.

For rhinitis

On early stage Warming up with steam helps the disease. Eliminate nasal congestion, reduce the volume of mucus, restore nasal breathing can be done using infusions prepared from medicinal herbs:

  • calendula (flowers);
  • chamomile;
  • linden flowers;
  • mint;
  • yarrow.

Boiled potatoes in their jackets help a lot, lightly knead them directly in the pan and breathe over the steam. The steam procedure reduces cold symptoms, warms all parts of the nasopharynx, and suppresses reproduction pathogenic microflora. Enhance the effect by adding 4-7 drops of aroma oil. Fir, anise, and thyme are good for a runny nose.

  • raspberry fruits (3 tsp), eucalyptus (1 tsp), calendula flowers (1 tsp);
  • celandine (1 tsp), chamomile (2 tsp), St. John's wort (1 tsp), yarrow (3 tsp);
  • plantain (2 tsp), celandine (2 tsp), mint (3 tsp).

The collection components are crushed and mixed in the specified proportions. For brewing, take 4 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture and boil for 5 minutes.

Adults and during pregnancy

Pregnancy - difficult period In a woman’s life, the body at this time is more susceptible to colds than usual. The fetus may be harmed by taking medications, so the choice of treatment regimen is approached with extreme caution.

Inhalation procedures using saline are safe for expectant mothers. They treat wet cough, nasal congestion due to rhinitis. At elevated temperatures inhalations have to be abandoned.

Linden decoction helps with attacks of dry cough. Take 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. crushed raw materials, boil for 2 minutes, breathe in healing vapors, covered with a blanket. It is useful for mothers and safe for the fetus to inhale warm vapors of mineral water during a dry cough.

Pour 0.5 cups of Borjomi into 1 liter of heated water and calmly and deeply inhale the alkaline vapors. Inhalation procedures are carried out 2 to 3 times a day. When coughing and sore throats, breathe through the mouth, and when you have a runny nose, inhale steam through your nose.

For children

For a child with a cold, inhalation is given for about 5 minutes. Folk remedies do not cause allergies. The doctor recommends steam procedures at the first sign of respiratory disease if the child's body temperature is normal.

Among plants, children are allowed to use infusions of eucalyptus, sage, and chamomile. Potato steam, inhalation with soda, salt, propolis (aqueous solution), and mineral water will not harm the child. Among the medications, the doctor may prescribe for inhalation:

  • "Pertussin";
  • "Mukaltin";
  • "Berodual";
  • "Atrovent";
  • "ACC";
  • "Lazolvan."

How to make an inhaler correctly

Those who are used to doing everything in the house with their own hands have no problem constructing inhalers from scrap materials. The fastest way to build a device for steam procedures is from a small teapot (teapot) and a sheet of A4 writing paper.

A funnel is made from it, which serves as an analogue of a mask for inhaling steam. Insert it into the spout of the kettle. When heated, vapors come out through a spout and a paper funnel. It is convenient to inhale them, they are concentrated in one place.

Rules for inhalation at home

Incorrectly carried out inhalation will bring harm to the sick person instead of benefit. First of all, if you have symptoms of illness, go to the doctor. Only a specialist can say for sure whether a patient needs steam procedures, in what quantity and quality.

Before starting aerosol (steam) treatment, familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. It includes the following items:

  • age limit - from 0 to 2 years;
  • purulent processes in the nasopharynx;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal (herbal) product;
  • serious pulmonary and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • increase in body temperature.

If all of the listed contraindications are not relevant to the patient, then he can choose the method of performing the procedure and the type of inhalation.


If the doctor prescribes for inhalation therapy pharmaceuticals, you will have to purchase a nebulizer. They are always on sale, so all that remains is to decide on the type of device, there are only three of them:

  • compression;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mesh nebulizer.

The compression device is suitable for coughs. Spraying of drugs occurs in fairly large drops. Solutions are used in several types: medicinal, herbal, oil.

The entire procedure can be described as a sequence of stages:

  • At the first stage, the device is filled with a medicinal solution; its volume cannot exceed 4 ml.
  • The next step is to rinse and dry the mask. It can only be washed with mild detergents diluted in warm water.
  • The dry mask is put on and adjusted to the size of the face using clamps.
  • The duration of the procedure for a child is 5 minutes, an adult inhales the medicine until it ends.
  • The inhalation ends by washing all parts of the device.

Additionally, you need to follow some more rules. Do not smoke before and after the procedure for 60 minutes, take food 1.5 hours before (after) inhalation. If the problem is a runny nose, then the medicine is inhaled through the nose and released through the mouth.

Steam treatments

Observing general rules inhalations, achieve success in the treatment of ENT diseases. For colds, doctors recommend using at home baking soda. It disinfects mucous tissues and neutralizes harmful microorganisms.

Soda inhalation is carried out no more than 2 times a day. At the same time, the steam temperature is always monitored. It should not exceed 55 °C. Soda solution recipe:

  • hot water (55 °C) - 1 l;
  • soda - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • iodine - 1 drop.

Inhaling the vapors of onion and garlic helps with a cold. The heads are cleaned, crushed to a pasty state, take 50 g of each ingredient, mix with 2 tbsp. l. boiling water and inhale medicinal vapors for 10 minutes.

You should have a bottle of eucalyptus oil at home. At the first sign cold runny nose You need to make an inhalation solution from boiling water (1 l) and 5 drops of aroma oil once a day. The duration of the procedure is only 10 minutes.

To avoid getting burned by hot steam, you need to know how to breathe correctly during the procedure. Most often, inhalation injuries - burns of the mucous membrane - occur during steam procedures over a pan. It depends on the type of cold whether you breathe through your nose or mouth. If you have a runny nose, do this with your nose, if you have a cough, do it with your mouth. Breathing should always be calm and measured.

Basic mistakes: bending low towards a container with hot liquid, sharply inhaling vapors, starting the procedure when the working solution has high temperature. To avoid burns, inhalation steam treatment is recommended for children under 8 years of age only with a nebulizer. The above describes how to do inhalation with its help.

Inhalations at home without an inhaler

Without an inhaler, the procedure is carried out using a pan or other container. There is always a risk of burns, so this method of treatment is not recommended for children, people old age, patients with poor coordination of movements and overexcited.

How to make the procedure as effective as possible in terms of treatment and as comfortable as possible, everyone decides for themselves. Everyone will benefit from simple tips:

  • The handles of the container are not metal;
  • The walls of the pan and the bottom are thick, retaining heat for a long time;
  • furniture for the steam procedure includes a table and a comfortable chair; do not place the pan on your knees or on a soft surface, as it may tip over;
  • You will need 2 large terry towels, one to wrap tightly around the sides of the pan, and the other to cover your head.

Before using medicinal solutions with herbs, medications, and aromatic oils, exclude the possibility of allergic reactions.

For achievement therapeutic effect control the temperature of the treatment solution, observe the recommended duration and frequency of steam procedures, do not start treatment immediately after a meal, do not eat, drink drinks, do not talk, do not smoke after its completion for 30-60 minutes.

Inhalations, which are carried out using a nebulizer, differ from the usual varieties of boiled potatoes or essential oils. The device allows you to adjust the size of the sprayed particles and the depth of penetration of the drug. Electric inhalers disinfect and warm infected tissues of the bronchi, larynx and lungs. They thin mucus and speed up recovery, but only when used correctly.

Solutions: indications and contraindications

The nebulizer is used for a runny nose, which is accompanied by a cough, and pharyngitis of a viral or allergic type. The steam penetrates the alveoli, thinning the mucus and removing phlegm. Facilitates the discharge of purulent secretions and reduces inflammation. An electric inhaler is filled only with special means which are selected by the doctor. The specialist may prescribe:

  1. A course of antibacterial medications if bronchitis occurs with complications, as well as antibiotics.
  2. Hormonal medications. Glucocorticosteroids relieve severe inflammation and strengthen the immune system.
  3. Expectorant solutions and mucolytics. They are recommended for wet and dry cough. Inhalations with such agents reduce the viscosity of purulent secretions and help the body cleanse itself of mucus.
  4. Antihistamine solutions. Discharged when allergic cough. Prescribed to patients with asthma. The drugs suppress the production of substances responsible for inflammation, relieve swelling of the bronchi and larynx.
  5. Antitussives. Medicines are prescribed for swelling of the larynx, laryngitis, spasms in the bronchi and allergies. Medicines soothe inflamed and swollen mucous membranes and soothe dry coughs.
  6. Bronchodilators. Helps with asthma attacks and protects against asthma, removes chronic diseases lungs.

It is prohibited to introduce solutions from hard tablets or cough syrups into the device. Home remedies clog the nebulizer tube and cause the device to break down.

In electronic and ultrasonic nebulizer You cannot introduce solutions from essential oils. The components adhere to the alveoli and create a film. The body is unable to clear the oily layer from the respiratory system, inflammation intensifies, and ordinary bronchitis turns into pneumonia.

Essential oils not only harm health, but also remain on the tube and other parts of the device, reducing its service life.

Do not put into the nebulizer herbal infusions. In water and alcohol tinctures homemade microparticles of plants remain. Pieces dried leaves, stems and pollen settle on the mucous membrane of the lungs and injure the alveoli. The inflammatory process worsens, the patient’s well-being worsens with each new inhalation.

Instead of homemade decoctions, they use pharmaceutical alcohol tinctures of propolis and calendula, as well as “Chlorophyllipt” and “Rotokan”. They are recommended for a runny nose and dry cough. Products containing alcohol are contraindicated for children. Alcohol causes intoxication of the body and worsens the well-being of the little patient.

A doctor should select the means for preparing solutions. Some drugs cannot be combined. For example, mucolytics with antitussives or antibiotics with hormonal ones.

If you can’t consult a doctor, use it for inhalation mineral water. Children are advised to buy saline solution. The sterile liquid softens the mucous membrane and flushes out phlegm, relieving coughs and relieving spasms.

Dosage and duration

The patient uses 3–4 ml of solution at a time. Expectorants and hormonal drugs, mucolytics and antibiotics are diluted mineral water. Open the bottle with the liquid base and wait until all the bubbles come out. Then the workpiece is heated to 20 degrees and introduced into a special container. For inhalation, buy special mineral water. Such medicinal options as “Narzan” and “Borjomi”, as well as “Essentuki” are suitable. Medicines intended to treat cough in a child are diluted with saline solution.

The duration of the first procedure is 3–4 minutes. Afterwards you may feel dizzy or start coughing. Some patients experience nausea. Symptoms appear due to hyperventilation of the lungs. When the patient learns to inhale and exhale the vapors correctly, dizziness and other side effects will no longer bother him.

The duration of one procedure is gradually increased to 5 minutes, and then to 10. From 2 to 6 inhalations are performed per day with breaks of 1.5–3 hours.

  1. First, inhale saline or mineral water to moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and bronchi. The vapors dilute purulent secretions and stimulate expectoration of sputum.
  2. The bronchi will clear mucus in 2–3 hours and prepare for the second stage. Now a solution with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs is injected into the nebulizer chamber.

Mineral water or heated saline solution is poured into the cup of an electric inhaler. Use a sterile syringe with a clean needle. Then a drug for bronchitis or runny nose is added to the liquid base.

If a nebulizer is used to prevent influenza and colds, a special container is filled with sodium chloride or mineral water. No tinctures or antibiotics. Inhalations are carried out once a day. The device is used after an evening walk, returning from the garden, school or work.

Features of the procedure

A nebulizer does not cure a simple runny nose. The electric inhaler is designed to combat rhinitis, which is accompanied by cough, sore throat and bronchitis, as well as asthma, allergic and viral pharyngitis.

Adults and small patients are carefully prepared for the procedure. 1.5–2 hours before inhalation, feed tightly to prevent dizziness. But the nebulizer is not used on full stomach, otherwise nausea or even vomiting will occur.

The throat and nasal passages are washed saline solutions or decoctions, clearing accumulated pus. Mucus impairs the absorption of drugs. Rinsing is carried out 1.5 hours before inhalation. Antibacterial agents rinse the mask or nebulizer tube. The special solution is replaced with fifteen percent soda.

Inhalation is carried out in a warm room. The patient wears a loose T-shirt or jacket that is not too tight chest and belly. During the procedure you need to take deep breaths and exhales. Tight clothing gets in the way and causes discomfort.

You need to exercise at least an hour before inhalation. Before using the nebulizer, it is forbidden to run, jump, swim or do exercises. Children should not play too active games. Children and adults are advised to lie down and relax before the procedure to normalize their breathing and calm their heartbeat.

Inhalation with a nebulizer is carried out in vertical position. Adults have no problems fulfilling this condition, but small patients begin to be capricious and refuse to sit quietly for all 10 minutes. They spin around, try to jump up, scream and break free. A TV or tablet with your favorite cartoons can help calm and distract your child.

Infants aged 6–7 months who cannot sit independently on a sofa or chair should be supported by their parents. If you use a nebulizer while the child is in horizontal position, there will be problems with breathing and lungs.

An adult sits the baby on the edge of a chair or bed, hugs the child’s legs with his lower limbs, A top part holds the body with the right or left hand. The second holds a tube or mask, which he presses against his face. It will be more comfortable if the baby rests his back against mom or dad's stomach.

While one parent is busy with the nebulizer, the other distracts the child: making faces, shaking a rattle, or turning on cartoons on the tablet. If the baby is frightened and cries a lot, inhalation is canceled, otherwise the hot air will provoke spasms in the bronchi and an attack of suffocation.

How to breathe

A tube with a mask or mouthpiece is connected to the device filled with the solution. For rhinitis, nasal cannulas are used. The nebulizer is checked before turning on. The spray chamber must be straight. The lid of the medication compartment is tightly closed and airtight.

The inhaler is connected to the mains. The cannulas are inserted into the nasal passages and the mouthpiece into the mouth. The mask is pressed to the lower half of the face. For rhinitis, the vapors are inhaled and exhaled through the nose. The drugs reach the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and the maxillary sinuses.

For bronchitis and lung diseases, steam is taken by mouth. Slowly inhale hot air, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds and empty your chest. You can push carbon dioxide out through your nose or mouth, but do it smoothly and without sudden jerks. Talking during inhalation is prohibited. Immediately after the procedure, you should not jump off the couch or go outside. The patient is recommended to lie down for 30–40 minutes under a blanket in a warm room with the windows closed. The body will rest and breathing will normalize.

Hygiene procedures

After cooling, the nebulizer is disassembled into parts and washed soda solution. Pharmacies sell special disinfectants for the care of electric inhalers. Take out the medicine container, disconnect the tube and nozzle. After disinfection, the parts are dried on a clean waffle towel. Twice a week the mask, mouthpiece and other parts of the device are boiled.

After inhalation, the patient wipes his face with a soft napkin. If solutions of antibiotics or corticosteroids are poured into the nebulizer, the throat and nasal passages are washed boiled water with salt or soda.

Before inhalation, wash hands and face with antibacterial soap. Do not allow germs to get on the mask or mouthpiece. The syringe used to inject mineral water and the drug into the nebulizer is thrown away immediately after the procedure.


  1. Any inhalations cannot be carried out at a temperature of 37.5 degrees and above.
  2. The nebulizer is not used for arrhythmia, tachycardia, cerebral atherosclerosis, heart failure and hypertension. The procedure is prohibited if the patient has experienced a heart attack or stroke.
  3. Steam inhalations are contraindicated when spontaneous pneumothorax, respiratory failure 3 degrees and bullous emphysema.
  4. It is not recommended to use a nebulizer to treat coughs and sore throats with regular nosebleeds.

After the procedure, you should not eat, smoke or exercise for 1–1.5 hours.

An electric inhaler is a useful and convenient device. At correct use it will replace cough syrups and antibiotics, and will save parents from endless childhood colds and sick leave. The nebulizer will strengthen the child’s immunity, protect him from pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other serious complications.

Video: nebulizer inhalation for bronchitis

Pulmonary specialists often recommend inhalation as a safe and effective method getting rid of the disease that accompanies many colds, as well as pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The therapeutic procedure involves inhaling vapors or crushed particles active substance. Thanks to this method of entry into the respiratory tract, the selected pharmacological agent begins to actively act directly in the lungs and bronchi.

With the help of inhalations, you can provoke the separation of sputum when it is wet, help remove it when it is wet, and also help suppress the cough reflex in case of allergic reactions or asthmatic attacks.

The type of reaction to the body depends on the type of pathology and the chosen drug for its treatment.

Inhalation using a nebulizer

Inhalations as a method of treating cough have very few contraindications, since the drugs do not enter the bloodstream and gastrointestinal tract, heading immediately into the respiratory tract. This helps maintain normal functioning immune system, do not have a destructive effect on other vital internal organs.

Previously, the inhalation procedure could only be carried out in medical institutions. Modern pharmacies offer a choice a large number of special compression and ultrasonic ones that allow inhalation at home. Pharmacies also have a large number of special medicinal solutions recommended for use through a nebulizer. Each of them contains detailed instructions for use with a dosage regimen, so it is almost impossible to overdose the drug if the rules are carefully followed.

Inhalations using a nebulizer can be performed even when the patient suffers from fever. For adults, a breathing session lasts about 10 minutes, for children, depending on age, up to 5 minutes.

The devices themselves are classified according to the method of substance distribution as follows:

  • compressor - sprays medicinal substance by aerosol type. It is considered the easiest to operate and also belongs to the low price category, but at the same time the device is quite bulky and noisy, which complicates its use in small children and patients with disabilities movement;
  • electron mesh - the most high-tech nebulizer. Sprays medicinal substances applied to a metal mesh using small and very fast vibrations. The resulting aerosol is delivered into the respiratory tract using a pump;
  • ultrasonic nebulizer is a high frequency wave generator. With their help medicine is broken down into tiny substances so tiny that they can penetrate much further than the particles created by a conventional compressor. Its disadvantage is that it changes the properties of some medications, so not all pharmacological agents for inhalation, you can inhale through this type of nebulizer.

After the procedure has been completed, any device is thoroughly washed so that no particles of the drug used remain, and dried.

We recommend reading:

Pharmacological preparations for inhalation with a cough nebulizer

The following groups of drugs used for bronchopulmonary pathologies accompanied by cough are used for inhalation using a nebulizer:


Herbal medicines have additional immunostimulating and vasoconstrictive effects, facilitating nasal breathing due to the high concentration of essential oils, but they cannot be used by patients suffering from asthma and prone to allergic reactions.

  • And (Pulmicort, Dexamethasone, Cromohexal). Prescribed exclusively by a medical specialist. AND used for acute and chronic pathologies respiratory tract. They have antitussive, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. These drugs contain highly effective aggressive hormonal components, so they are rarely prescribed to children, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
  • Antimicrobial and (Fluimucil antibiotic, Furacillin, Dioxidin, Gentamicin, Miramistin). Addresses the immediate cause of the problem - pathogen, which provoked bronchopulmonary disease. They have a strong antiseptic effect, cleanse the respiratory tract from harmful substances. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and help reduce swelling caused by pathology.


Fluimucil antibiotic compares favorably with others for the treatment of cough, as it is able to perform both an expectorant effect and suppress the activity of most known bacteria, causing diseases respiratory tract.

  • ( , Derinat ). Helps strengthen and restore the body's natural defenses. They help immune cells fight the infection that caused the disease on your own. Contribute to effective treatment and prevention of colds of any etiology.
  • Vasoconstrictors (Adrenaline, Naphthyzin). Used to reduce swelling caused by the inflammatory process and increased vascular permeability. Most often prescribed by otolaryngologists for laryngeal stenosis, laryngitis, and laryngotracheitis.
  • Antitussives (Lidocaine, Tussamag). Used for obsessive dry cough, painfully radiating behind the sternum. They have an analgesic effect, suppressing the activity of the bronchi and significantly reducing the degree of irritation.

The use of any of the medications must be agreed with the attending physician and carried out strictly according to the instructions specified in the annotation for the pharmacological drug.

Dilution table for cough medicines

All medications used by inhalation through a nebulizer are pre-diluted with saline to facilitate penetration into the body and interaction with it, as well as for better spraying of the active components by the device.

The table below shows the amount of active substance and solvent for each of the most prescribed cough medicines in pharmacological groups:

Pharmacological group

A drug

Dose for adults and children over 12 years of age

Dose for a child

Dilution with solutionNaCl



Not required




Dilution 1:1

Lazolvan, Ambrobene

Dilution 1:1




Sodium chloride

The dose is not limited. Filling according to the size of the dispenser cap for the medicinal substance

Narzan, Borjomi

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Rotokan, alcohol tinctures calendula, eucalyptus, mint

Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs

10-15 drops

10-15 drops

Tonsilgon N

Antihistamines and glucocorticoids


Add to 2 ml


Diluted in a ratio of 1:6


No dilution required

Antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs

Fluimucil antibiotic



1 ml 1% solution

1 ml 1% solution



6 ml NaCl solution per 1 ml


4 ml without dilution



2 ml solution based on isotonic saline solution

Vasoconstrictor drugs


Naphthyzin 0.05%


Lidocaine 1%


Rules for inhalation when coughing

In order for the inhalation procedure to provide long-lasting positive effect, it is necessary to observe the following rules during its implementation, regardless of the chosen drug:

  • the procedure is carried out one and a half hours after eating or physical activity;
  • For inhalation, only products approved by the attending physician are used;
  • after the procedure, you cannot talk, eat, drink or smoke for about an hour;
  • for a faster anti-inflammatory effect and reduction of swelling, it is recommended to inhale medicinal substances not only through the mouth, but also through the nose;
  • After each inhalation, it is recommended to hold your breath for a few seconds so that the medicinal substance successfully reaches its destination in the respiratory tract and is not exhaled back;
  • When using the inhaler, personal hygiene and sterility measures are carefully observed: hands and face are thoroughly washed with soap, and the parts of the device are treated with antiseptic solutions;
  • can not use oil products V ultrasonic nebulizers- the device will not be able to spray them enough for inhalation;
  • Do not allow the steam from the nebulizer to come into contact with the skin of the face - this may cause irritation.

Kuznetsova Irina, pharmacist, medical observer

Why are inhalations needed?

Inhalations are used in treatment for two simple reasons:

  1. Firstly, in order to be treated purposefully. Inhalation affects the respiratory tract where there is infection. That is, it does not act comprehensively, but has an effect on the affected area.
  2. Secondly, to cleanse the respiratory tract. To treat bronchitis, runny nose or bronchial asthma, it is necessary to systematically cleanse the airways.

In general, there are many inhalation methods that do not require an inhaler.

How can you do inhalation at home without an inhaler?

Of course, it is convenient to carry out this procedure for bronchitis or other upper respiratory tract disease using an inhaler. This method is the most useful, safe and very convenient, but few people have this device. That is why people in order
saving resort to other, more simple ways performing inhalations at home.

Typically, two are used possible options, one of which involves the use of kitchen utensils - pans. It is necessary to pour hot diluted medicine into it, cover it with a towel and breathe in the steam that is released. An ordinary teapot is also suitable for this procedure. You need to make a funnel out of thick cardboard so that your mouth and nose fit into it. The narrow part must be put on the spout of the kettle, after pouring hot water into this vessel. medicinal solution. Next, you need to inhale the steam for several minutes.

Which inhalations are most useful and who can do them?

If you do not wish to use special drugs for inhalation, it makes sense to prepare your solutions for herbal based. But before use, you should definitely consult a doctor and only after his approval proceed with the procedure. Good inhalation procedures with herbs such as:

  • Chamomile, linden flowers, mint, sage, lavender and juniper. They have a disinfecting effect, which reduces pain and sore throat. These plants have virtually no side effects, therefore it is advantageous to use them for inhalation.
  • Bergamot, eucalyptus, Siberian cedar and others. They soften the throat and fight bacteria.

It is also good to do inhalations with soda or mineral water. They are able to dilute sputum and improve its discharge with cough
reflex. The onion and garlic option is one of the oldest methods of treatment. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers also used these crops for treatment. You need to prepare a pulp from onion or garlic, and then squeeze it thoroughly. Afterwards the juice is mixed with water 1:10 and heated. Inhaling this solution helps counteract viral activity.

Is it possible to give inhalations to children?

Most pediatricians are inclined to believe that it is better not to inhale a child under 6 years of age, since it is unknown how his body will react to inhalation of hot air. Some risk carrying out similar procedures on children under one year old, but this is not entirely correct.

Moreover, it is very difficult for a baby to select inhalation products. Here without qualified medical care can’t be avoided, otherwise you can seriously harm the baby. If you decide to inhale your baby, be sure to consult with your doctor first so that he can tell you in detail how to carry out this procedure and what products to use. Only in this case is it possible to successfully cure a cough or runny nose.

To summarize, we note that inhalation is good way painlessly and quickly cure respiratory tract disease. Of course, if the disease is serious, then inhalation procedures alone cannot be done. But in most cases, in the early stages after several inhalations, positive result. The main thing is to know how to carry out them correctly and be sure to consult a specialist about a particular treatment solution.

Inhalations are considered effective method, which helps cope with various colds.

It helps with bronchitis, runny nose, allergies. Thanks to the procedure, the airways are perfectly moistened and the removal of abnormal secretions is facilitated.

Many people are interested in how to make inhalation without an inhaler at home.

This procedure affects the respiratory tract local impact . That is why she successfully copes with colds. During the session, the patient inhales vapors or a medicinal suspension - it all depends on the type of inhalation.

The drug in this type of therapy has an effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and penetrates into the blood much faster.

The procedure is often used to remove sputum. In addition, inhalations help ease breathing and are excellent for coughing.

In some cases, home inhalations are sufficient for complete deliverance from abnormal symptoms. To do this, you need to immediately conduct a session if you experience soreness, itching in the throat, nasal congestion and general weakness.

As the disease progresses, inhalation accelerates the recovery process. In such a situation, this method must be combined with other medications and procedures.

The main indications for inhalation include the following:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis.

As a rule, inhalations do not provoke negative reactions, because they provide local action . It is important to take into account that the effect of the procedures may differ depending on their type:

  1. Steam inhalation- carried out over the pan. This method helps with sore throat and nasal congestion.
  2. Warm-moist inhalation– the vapor temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. This procedure helps with problems with sputum discharge.
  3. Wet inhalation– promotes the treatment of pathologies of the lower respiratory tract. During the procedure, use a composition with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Typically, such manipulations are carried out using a nebulizer.

Effective drugs

Many people wonder how to do inhalations without an inhaler. For this purpose, a variety of medications. They should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the existing problems.

When mucus accumulates in the bronchi, irritation occurs, which leads to coughing. At the same time, mucus is an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

The main task of inhalation is the removal of pathological secretions. Mucolytic drugs perfectly thin mucus and stimulate respiratory tract motility.

This helps normalize mucus removal. To the most effective means This category includes inhalations with Lazolvan, ACC, Ambrobene.

These drugs are aimed at eliminating bronchospasm and relaxing the muscles of the respiratory tract. Due to this, the diameter of the bronchi increases, which improves their cleansing.

In addition, with a cough that is associated with damage to distant areas bronchial tree, phlegm can completely clog them. To facilitate the removal of mucus and suppress the cough reflex, there is a need to dilate the small bronchi.

To solve these problems, you can carry out inhalations with Berodual, Atrovent and Berotek. If shortness of breath and cough are caused by an asthma attack, you need to use stronger bronchodilators - these include, in particular, Salbutamol.

Cough is not independent pathology- This is just a symptom of another disorder. The most common cause is an infection of the respiratory system.

To cope with pathology, antibiotics are used and antiseptics. These substances help eliminate the cause of cough.

To cope with infections, the following antibiotics are used:

  • Gentamicin and other aminoglycosides;
  • Fluimucil;
  • drugs to which bacterial microorganisms are sensitive.

In addition to antibacterial substances, they are used for inhalation antiseptic compounds with a disinfecting effect. These include the following:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Furacilin;
  • Dioxidine.

Diseases that provoke coughing are often caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes. This leads to irritation of the bronchial tissues, which causes increased coughing. Anti-inflammatory substances are used to combat this problem.

TO simple means that help cope with inflammation include herbal remedies– Rotokan or Romazulan.

These drugs include medicinal herbs. The main ingredient of the products is pharmaceutical chamomile. Before use, the medicine is mixed with saline solution.

Also deal with inflammatory processes glucocorticosteroids help. This category includes the following substances:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Hydrocortisone.

This group includes hormonal substances that have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Such products can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

For a cold cough, hormonal substances are not prescribed. Indications for the use of such drugs are allergic reactions, systemic autoimmune diseases, which are often accompanied by cough.

To cope with irritation of inflamed mucous membranes when coughing, you can perform inhalations with saline solution.

This product can be purchased at a pharmacy. Using the substance, you can make sputum more liquid and remove it from the respiratory tract.

Inhalations with this drug can be done different ways. The frequency of the procedure is 5-6 times a day. However, in some cases, such manipulations can be performed more often - up to 9-10 times a day.

There are quite a lot folk remedies that help cope with the main symptoms of viral pathologies:

Inhalations for rhinitis help achieve excellent results and clear mucus from the sinuses. Essential oils of pine and eucalyptus are used for the procedure. You can also use chamomile to perform the procedure.

Warm-moist inhalations help to cope with a runny nose. They help warm up the sinuses. One of the most effective means inhalation using propolis tincture is considered. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of the drug per 1 liter of water.

The child needs to relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes very carefully. Steam procedures are prohibited in this case. Children's mucous membranes are much thinner, and therefore there is a risk of getting burned.

For children under 1 year of age, only wet inhalations are suitable.. This will help prevent your baby from overheating. Before starting therapy, you should definitely obtain medical advice.

Children over 1.5 years old are allowed to inhale using a kettle. However, adults must be nearby and monitor the temperature. During the procedure, the baby should not be distracted or talk.

The duration of the procedure for children should not exceed 3-5 minutes. After the session is completed, the child should be put to bed. He should not move, speak, or eat or drink.

In order for inhalation to bring only benefits, during its implementation you need to adhere to a number of recommendations:


Although inhalation does not cause adverse reactions and are easy to perform, there are certain contraindications to their implementation.

The main restrictions include the following:

Carrying out inhalations at home helps cope with various manifestations viral diseases. To minimize the risk of adverse reactions, you must strictly follow the rules of the procedure.