How to make facial stubble grow: the most effective ways. How to make stubble grow on your face: the most effective ways What to do if stubble grows unevenly

Many male representatives do not understand why stubble does not grow everywhere, in uneven patches? When you want your beard to be thick, healthy, beautiful, but your body cannot cope with this task - do not flatter yourself, modern world There are a huge number of methods that cope with this disease. But first you need to find out the reason why hairs do not appear on your face in the right quantity. There are many factors that negatively affect the stable development of hair follicles. The following harmful causes are often considered the main ones.

Quite often, situations arise when some guys have full growth of hair in the lower part of the cheeks, neck, chin, while others have stubble that does not grow everywhere, in sparse tufts. Therefore, many young men wonder why this happens? It turns out that every young guy has his own individual schedule, exactly according to which things happen. puberty. Only after the end of this maturation can one begin to judge the thickness of the hairline. Therefore, young guys should not immediately expect a thick, uniform beard. After the end of maturation, the hormonal background stabilizes, therefore, it becomes clear how much hair has developed on the neck, chin, and cheeks. At this time it is not recommended to carry out various medical procedures stimulating hair growth.

Genetic predisposition

Many representatives of the stronger sex wonder why stubble on the cheeks and neck does not grow in places? Hair growth patterns are strictly individual for each guy. One of the most important factors that determine these features is precisely genetic predisposition. The presence of dense vegetation varies by nationality. Therefore, representatives of Caucasian appearance have a fairly thick, uniform beard, while blondes, inhabitants of the East, have practically no dark, thick, evenly distributed hair surface on the cheeks, neck, and mustache. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to influence this factor, since even modern medicine is not able to understand such a concept - genetics.

Delayed puberty

When a hormonal disorder occurs in a young body, then the stubble does not grow everywhere, but in uneven patches. In this situation, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist who will conduct necessary tests, will reveal the exact reason for the failure in the hormonal system. After which he will prescribe proper treatment. Often specialists prescribe hormone therapy, which over a short period of time will help stabilize the functioning of hormones, and therefore improve the functioning of hair follicles. Also, regular physical activity, which increases the level of testosterone in the blood, will help cope with hormonal imbalance. Testosterone is male hormone, responsible for the direct, normal growth of hairs not only on the cheeks, but throughout the body.

Bad heredity

Often, beard growth in adolescents proceeds similarly to the father's puberty. Guys whose stubble does not grow everywhere should find out from their ancestors at what age they began to develop a beard. Therefore, an important factor influencing the thickness of the cheeks is heredity. Bad genetics is not a death sentence, you can grow healthy stubble with the help of special traditional methods, which are quite effective, and in the event that they do not help, they will come to your aid medical methods. With the help of medicine, you can more effectively influence hair growth.

Improper shaving

If the shaving procedure is carried out incorrectly, the structure of the follicles can be damaged, as a result of which the hairs will stop growing. That’s why when guys don’t grow stubble in places, it’s important to pay attention to shaving technique. Always use only sharp blades that quickly and effectively shave off unwanted hair. It is also recommended to use only high-quality shaving gels that have a softening effect on the hairs. After shaving procedures, it is recommended to apply lotions with vitamin B to the skin. This type of cosmetics has a soothing effect on the hair follicles, skin.

What to do if your stubble grows unevenly

One of the very first rules is to eat properly. Eliminate from your diet all harmful, fried foods that have a negative effect on the functioning of the hair follicles. When a male representative’s stubble does not grow in places, it means that there is an acute lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body. The diet should include only foods that contain large amounts of magnesium, biotin, vitamins A, C, E, B, iodine, and calcium. These products include:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • whole grain products;
  • liver.

By consuming this food, you will once and for all say goodbye to poor hair growth in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin, and mustache. Also try to avoid stressful situations, they have a negative impact on beard growth.

For full recovery hair structure, it is recommended to stop shaving within four weeks. During this time, the structure of the hairs is completely restored, improved, and strengthened. Many guys torment themselves with the question why stubble does not grow everywhere, what methods prevent this disease? The answer is quite simple, let your beard grow evenly. It is within a month that hairs begin to appear in those places that did not grow before this time. After two weeks, you are allowed to trim the hair using a trimmer, then the beard will acquire a more beautiful, uniform shape.

Follow all the recommendations, then you will not be tormented this problem never ever. The most important thing is when you have set a firm goal to grow a healthy, beautiful, thick, brutal, courageous beard, to reach the victorious end. To do this, it is necessary to regularly follow all the doctors’ orders, take all the necessary courses of vitamins at the specified time, and carry out the recommended procedures. Then you will forget once and for all about the painful question of why stubble does not grow everywhere, has such a meager, miserable appearance, sprouts in uneven clumps, and spoils your style?

Published: 01/21/2016

Facial hair on a man is a sign of masculinity, strength and good genetics. Many women note that it is the mustache and beard that determine a man’s strength of character, brutality and charisma. In addition, the latest fashion trends will favor bearded men, as beards of all types and types are popular again. But what should men do if their stubble does not grow evenly and thickly?

First you need to see a trichologist or endocrinologist. Exactly medical specialist will be able to accurately determine the reasons why stubble on the cheeks and chin does not grow. Then, based on the established factors, you can select suitable techniques to enhance the growth of facial hair. It can be folk recipes, home care or the use of cosmetic and medicinal products.

Psychologists and sociologists note that a man's beard makes its owner sexy and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Many people manage to use a thick beard or stubble to hide imperfections in appearance, some flaws and facial asymmetry. But to grow a beard, many men have to put in a lot of effort and work to stimulate hair growth.

For all men, the period when mustaches and beards begin to grow begins at at different ages. Some people are lucky and get their first fuzz at the age of 16; others fail to grow a beard even at the age of 30. Much depends on the nationality of the man, genetic factors, lifestyle, as well as the course of puberty. It begins at age 14 and lasts until age 20, during which time facial hair may begin to grow.

Main factors influencing stubble growth

To predict the age at which stubble begins to grow or to determine why it does not grow, you need to pay attention to influencing factors. Experts note several such reasons, this may be hereditary characteristics a man’s body, his age, state of health, lifestyle, hormonal and psycho-emotional background and much more.


If stubble does not grow well, you must first analyze your nationality and what features are typical for it. For example, for men of eastern blood and type of appearance, there should be no problem with a beard and other body hair. These guys manage to grow mustaches and stubble already in adolescence. But for northern peoples, Slavic nationalities, Chinese and Japanese, stubble and mustaches are completely atypical; they may appear much later.

For reference! There are peoples whose stubble does not grow at all, for example, Indians, Asians and peoples of the far north.


Many men want to grow a thick and manly beard, but only a sparse fluff grows. You need to pay attention to your genetics and heredity, since many appearance and character traits are passed on through generations along the family line. And if there were no men in the family with a thick and long beard, it is unlikely that a man will have the opportunity to change this trend.

Lack of testosterone

If the beard grows poorly in some places or all over the face, most likely the cause may be hormonal imbalance. The sex hormone testosterone is responsible for facial and body hair. When there is an excess of it, men often begin to lose hair on their heads, forming bald patches, and when there is a deficiency of the hormone, stubble and mustaches do not grow thickly and evenly. Can affect testosterone levels excess weight, poor nutrition, low mobility or exhausting workouts, as well as bad habits.

Young age

Many guys believe that a beard should already be actively growing at the age of 18. In fact, much depends on the period of puberty, the state of health of the young man and his hormonal levels. At the age of 14-18 years the most high level testosterone, which is also not entirely beneficial for stubble growth. Therefore, for most men of Slavic nationality and type of appearance, the beard begins to grow after the end of puberty, that is, at 18-20 years old.

Delayed puberty

For some men, due to heredity and genetic predisposition, puberty may begin a little later and be delayed. This is also facilitated various diseases, chronic illnesses and other disorders in the body. Accordingly, due to the delayed sexual development of a guy, the growth of stubble is also delayed for some time.

Wrong lifestyle

An important factor in why stubble on the cheeks does not grow is the man’s lifestyle. In this case, a man needs to reconsider his rhythm of life, habits, addictions, nutrition and much more. It is known that smoking and drinking can affect hormonal levels and testosterone levels. alcoholic drinks, and overuse products containing caffeine. Special attention You need to pay attention to weight, as it also disrupts the balance of hormones. .

Vitamin deficiency

Doctors note that for full and timely growth of stubble, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet so that the body replenishes its reserves of resources. In addition to food, a vitamin-mineral complex or simple multivitamins from a pharmacy can be a source of the necessary vitamins. To grow stubble you need:

  • vitamin A to moisturize hair follicles;
  • vitamin B3 to speed up blood flow;
  • vitamin B5 to improve metabolic processes;
  • vitamin E to saturate hair follicles and improve blood flow.

Also vitamin B9 or folic acid helps hair grow faster and thicker, and biotin or vitamin B7 prevents baldness and hair loss. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances, protects blood vessels from fragility, promoting normal blood flow.


A depressed psycho-emotional state, stress and neuroses negatively affect overall well-being, the immune system and health. The body spends more resources on recovery, leading to vitamin deficiency and deficiency of necessary substances. All this causes hair loss, deterioration of a person’s external appearance, exacerbation chronic diseases, which negatively affects the growth of stubble in a man.

Skin damage from improper shaving

Every man must be able to shave his stubble correctly, otherwise it will negatively affect its further growth. Improper shaving disrupts the hair structure, leading to ingrown hairs.. Over time, the beard will begin to grow unevenly, with sparse patches of bald spots.

What to do if your growth is poor?

In fact, there are only so many options for what to do if there is no growth of stubble - this is to be patient and wait until the age comes for the first facial hair to appear, as well as contact a specialist in this field, that is, a trichologist. The doctor will perform diagnostic tests to rule out any internal violations and illness, after which the situation should change radically.

Particular attention should be paid to your lifestyle, which can delay the period of beard growth. Ideally, a man’s morning should begin with exercise, the diet will be varied and balanced, walks fresh air long-term and frequent, and bad habits and junk food there shouldn't be any room. Physical activity speeds up blood flow, improves metabolic processes and increases testosterone levels.

You can take care of your facial skin using oils - and, as well as esters. After mixing the components, the oil solution is heated with the palms of the hands and rubbed into the skin of the face along the line of stubble growth. You need to wash off the mask after an hour with warm water and soap. You can add mustard powder, eucalyptus or pine oil, and red pepper to the oils. Any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor.

For reference! Cosmetic products and preparations that contain the substance can accelerate the growth of stubble. But they must be used after a doctor's prescription and long time to consolidate the results obtained.

When should you start worrying?

The maturation of the male body occurs over a period of 25 years, and if by this time the growth of stubble has not begun, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing comprehensive examination in the clinic. Most likely, there are some internal disorders or genetic characteristics that inhibit puberty and beard growth. A healthy man at this age should have a beard that grows evenly and thickly.

Doctors advise all men to look at their fathers and grandfathers, at their facial hair, in order to understand what kind of stubble they themselves should have. And in order not to delay this moment, you need to avoid stress, insomnia, neuroses, poor nutrition and exhausting exercise in the gym. You need to take vitamins periodically to male body, and also have your health status checked at the clinic.

Hormonal levels affect all criteria of a man - fertility, sexual activity, appearance, weight, hair on the head and body, voice, strength and much more. Therefore, to normalize the level of sex hormones, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well, maintain physical activity and regularly donate blood to determine the level of testosterone in the body.


If the stubble on the face does not grow, although the man’s age implies a thick beard, mustache and sideburns, you should pay attention to internal state health and genetics. Some along the family line should wait for the appearance of stubble much later, while others simply do not have enough testosterone in the body or essential vitamins. A thick and long beard is primarily a sign of a healthy and strong man without bad habits and internal pathologies.

Men spend a lot of time and effort every day shaving or trimming beard and mustache hairs. However, not a single representative of the stronger sex will agree to get rid of facial hair forever. After all, stubble is a sign of masculinity, style, and puberty. That's why guys get extremely concerned when they don't have stubble on their cheeks. They are interested in the reasons for poor growth and ways to get rid of the problem.

Why doesn’t stubble grow on the face, but instead there is fluff on the cheeks and chin? This question is often asked by teenagers who want to quickly turn into courageous guys. Experts advise boys not to do anything to speed up hair growth on their cheekbones, but to wait until puberty is over. Until the end of this period, the beard and mustache will have an extremely unattractive appearance: they grow unevenly with unequal density and length of hairs.

At what age is the growth of stubble expected? The process of puberty occurs individually for each teenager. For some guys it ends in high school, others acquire signs of masculinity after 20 years. The reason for late transformation may be a genetic predisposition. Therefore, before you do anything about your facial hair, find out from the older generation of your family at what age they started shaving.

The growth of stubble is directly affected by a person's nationality. Yes, men eastern countries have always been famous for their dark, dense facial hair, which appears on young men as early as at a young age. Representatives of Slavic and northern peoples are predisposed to late maturation.

Stubble on their cheeks often appears after 22-25 years. Asians, Indians and peoples of the far north do not grow stubble at all. Modern people They are not able to accurately determine their nationality, so the reason for the slow growth of their mustache may be a relative from Asia or northern countries.

Medical problems

If stubble grows poorly in adult men, they need to consult a doctor. There are several medical reasons, affecting the condition of the mustache. First of all, this is a deficiency of testosterone, since it is this hormone that can force the follicles to work at full capacity. The patient does a blood test for hormones, and based on the results, the specialist prescribes hormone therapy. In what ways can you take testosterone supplements?

Most often, facial hair does not grow due to testosterone deficiency.

  • Oral. Tablets have the weakest and most gentle effect, so their use is recommended for people with minor deviations from the norm or as a preventive measure.
  • Injectable. The advantage of this method is the absence of irritation of mucous tissues. oral cavity and the ability to maintain the same testosterone levels thanks to the oily injection liquid that slowly disintegrates into its components.
  • Percutaneous. Sparse stubble on the cheeks and chin will become thicker after saturating the body with male sex hormones through a special gel applied to the skin.
  • Subcutaneous. This method involves implanting a small capsule under the skin in the navel area. Slowly releasing testosterone, the implant maintains a certain level of this hormone in the body.

A bald spot on the cheeks or several bald spots on which hair grows poorly may occur due to the development of autoimmune processes. Thus, in the body of some men, cells of the immune system mistakenly identify hair follicles as foreign elements. White blood cells attack the follicles and weaken their functioning. To make stubble grow faster in these places, you need to do diagnostic test and cure the cause of this pathological process.

Poorly growing facial hair is sometimes a symptom of skin ailments such as seborrheic dermatitis or ringworm. In addition, baldness or stunting of stubble on the cheeks can be a complication of diseases endocrine system, digestive tract or venereal diseases. Once the underlying problem has been treated, patients notice that their beard is growing quickly and thickly again.

Improper care

There is a misconception that facial stubble grows faster with frequent shaving. This myth was debunked back in 1963 by the editors of Science Digest magazine. They experimentally found that cutting or shaving hairs does not change their structure and does not affect the condition of the bulb or the rate of growth. However, using dull blades and poor-quality cheek care products can worsen the appearance of your mustache and beard.

Due to frequent shaving, the beard does not grow faster.

What to do to make stubble grow? First of all, do not neglect hygiene procedures. Particles of epithelium, sweat, dust, and food accumulate on the mustache and beard. Therefore, morning and evening washing should be carried out with special care. If the skin of the face is not cleansed, pimples, pustules, and scratches will appear on it, in place of which there will be areas with weak hairs. Because of this, the overall appearance of a person will deteriorate significantly.

How to make stubble thicker? To do this, you need to make masks based on dry mustard or pepper infusion several times a week. These components irritate the skin receptors, as a result of which more blood with oxygen and nutrients flows to the cheeks.

This blood attack awakens the dormant hair follicles, and after a few weeks the person becomes more bristly, meaning his beard looks much better.

Nutritionists also know how to make stubble grow. Due to the fact that the hair shaft contains various proteins, and its surface is covered with fats and acids, a man’s diet should consist of nutritious healthy dishes. So, the daily menu should include following products power supply:

  1. Fermented milk products.
  2. Low-fat varieties of fish and meat.
  3. Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Greens, mushrooms, nuts.

During the spring-winter period, vitamin deficiency must be replenished by taking vitamin-mineral complexes. Growing a beard will be much easier if the hair follicles receive all the necessary substances. After all, precisely because of the shortage useful elements stubble has stopped growing in many representatives of the stronger sex. In pharmacies you can purchase vitamin preparations designed to improve the health of hair on the head and face. After a few months of regular use, a man will notice that his stubble grows much faster.

What to do if the stubble on your face is not growing fast enough? What are the reasons for the slowdown in growth? And how to help a thick beard grow in a short period of time? Experts advise young men not to rush time, and adult men who are dissatisfied with the condition of the hair on their cheeks to consult a doctor. If tests do not show the development of the disease, it is necessary to strengthen your diet, take vitamins, and purchase high-quality skin care products.

A man must have brutality. Especially if he wants to attract women, please them, evoke sympathy and a desire to get to know each other. It has long been the case that one of the main features of a real man is stubble. And although many glossy publications and fashion shows are now trying to break the stereotype by promoting gentle handsome men with absolutely smooth skin, the tradition does not change. Girls love those who have facial hair. And not a sparse mustache or a thick beard (although many people like such images), but sexy stubble. But how to grow it, and even quickly? Let's talk about this.

The meaning of stubble or why it attracts women so much

We are talking about light stubble, not a beard. It's important to understand the difference here. Of course, many women like the second option, but many more beauties prefer male stubble. Preferably about three days. What's the secret?

It’s not just about stereotypes, but also about ideas about a real male that have become entrenched at the level of consciousness. Man, although rational, is still an animal; he is characterized by instincts. A woman chooses a partner based primarily on what kind of offspring he can produce. Often the choice occurs unconsciously and is based on appearance.

Stubble is a sign of firmness, confidence, and masculinity. She is unconsciously associated with that same “real male” who is able to take responsibility not only for the girl herself, but also for future children. A beard is a completely different matter. Often it increases age and is perceived as an attribute of an already elderly person, an old grandfather. Now they are trying to break stereotypes, but it is very difficult to do. Therefore, it is stubble that attracts girls much more. And it is more practical, easier to care for, and grows much faster and easier.

Why do men grow stubble?

It would seem that the answer to this question is simple: to please the opposite sex. But in fact, there are more reasons:

  • Because it’s so fashionable, a man wants to be in style and follow the trend;
  • Because stubble is integral to his lifestyle;
  • Because you like to look like this or you just want to change something in your appearance;
  • Because there is simply no time to shave, or it doesn’t matter at all.

Whatever your reason, the main thing is that your facial hair looks well-groomed and neat. But first it needs to be raised. Let's figure out how.

The simplest thing is to stop shaving. For many men, facial hair grows very quickly, and by the end of the first day, the chin and cheeks will begin to prickle. The main thing is to follow the shape so that the bristles grow evenly. Hairs that have gotten beyond the desired border can simply be shaved off or removed using special tweezers.

But what to do if the stubble does not grow as quickly as you would like? It's simple: there are several secrets that help speed up the appearance of sexual stubble.

  1. Cosmetics to the rescue. In pharmacies you can often find products that promote rapid hair growth. For example, the well-known burdock oil. It activates the bulbs, makes them come to life and stretch towards the light. Special vitamins for hair and nails help a lot. Also pay attention to special sprays to accelerate hair growth, especially Minoxidil lotion.
  2. Folk remedies: awaken life. Our people know how to achieve what they want. To improve the condition of hair, he has long invented special masks. They can be roughly divided into process-accelerating, nutritious and complex. If you need rapid growth, use homemade masks with the addition of hot ingredients. For example, pepper tincture, mustard, onion and garlic, even vodka. They irritate the surface of the skin and awaken those bulbs that do not want to come out. By the way, this action also causes another effect: the stubble becomes thicker.
  3. Folk remedies: improve nutrition. There is another view: in order for vegetation to appear faster, it needs to be well nourished. Apply various masks and creams enriched with all the necessary substances to your skin and see how quickly hairs appear. Good ingredients for products would be honey, raw egg, gelatin, fruit and vegetable pulp. For example, for rapid growth hair many women use a mixture of crumbs rye bread with kefir. This recipe is also suitable for a beard. Best result will give A complex approach: nutrition + burning component + regular use.
To keep your stubble beautiful, you need to take care of it. Constantly straightening and trimming, giving the desired length and shape - that's not all. Buy special means care In particular, moisturizing gel and medications that relieve irritation. At the stage of getting used to the new image, they may be needed.

Another important point: Facial hair should be combined with head hair. In other words, hair and stubble should complement each other, creating harmony rather than coming into conflict.

A man should look reliable and stylish. In fact, this is a stereotype, and you should not rely on it. Every person has the right to be himself and look the way he is comfortable. Therefore, we advise you to grow stubble only if you yourself want to.

Video: how to speed up beard growth

Complete information on the topic “how to grow a beard if fluff is growing” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

Beard fashion motivates many men to let go of stubble and even grow a thick and long beard in order to look more serious, older, brutal and even somewhat stylish. But not every man can afford the luxury of a thick and long beard, since in its place only sparse and unsightly fluff grows. Experts in this field can tell you how to turn fluff into bristles.

First of all, you need to delimit the time frame when fluff is a natural phenomenon for young guy, and when we are talking about an adult man who has gone through puberty, which means that instead of a fluff, hard and thick stubble should grow. In the first case, if fluff grows and not a beard, you just need to wait patiently. But the second case requires attention and decision-making.

What to do if stubble does not grow, but fluff does?

A beard is a sign of a man’s good genetics, his masculinity and strength. If for some reason it does not grow and only sparse and soft fluff appears, there are reasons for this. A beard should grow in men during puberty, but first (from the age of 14 onwards) every guy has a fluff, and by the end of this period (16-18 years) the hairs should turn into stubble.

In order to get rid of the fuzz and get a coarse, mature beard in its place, a guy needs to learn how to shave properly. Shaving should be:

  • on hair and facial skin steamed with warm water;
  • using a new sharp razor blade;
  • along the hairline;
  • using shaving cream or foam.

At the end of shaving, be sure to moisturize your skin with a special aftershave product to protect yourself from irritation, infections, rashes and redness of the skin. Such manipulations must be carried out exactly until the fluff is replaced by thick and hard bristles. You can stimulate beard growth by scrubbing your face with a scrub every day.

To strengthen hair, you can use burdock and Castor oil! Take vitamins and special drugs. You can also resort to ointments.

Cardinal methods of dealing with fluff

You can stimulate beard growth with the help of potent drugs. In this case, such a technique is appropriate only after examination in the clinic and approval of the attending physician. If the reason for the lack of growth of full stubble is low level testosterone, the doctor may prescribe hormone therapy through androgens. But there is a long list of such drugs side effects, accordingly, this is an extreme measure to grow stubble.

Another option for stimulating beard growth is the use of Minoxidil. This drug dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation, which enhances nutrition of hair roots and improves metabolic processes in the body. Minoxidil tablets also suggest side effects, it is very important to choose the right dosage and take the drug for a long time.

Is it true that if you shave more often, the fluff will turn into stubble?

How quickly the fuzz on the face will turn into a thick, real beard depends on the hormonal background and heredity of a man. There is an opinion that the frequency of shaving determines how quickly the stubble will grow in the future. Back in 1963, the opposite was proven that there is actually no relationship with shaving and the rate of stubble growth.

In fact, after shaving the fuzz, the stubble at the base of the root is distinguished by its thickness and strength. Therefore, the effect is created as if the new bristles are growing thicker and faster. Only the correct shaving technique can influence the growth of stubble. If you shave incorrectly, a man will develop ingrown hairs, and the stubble will grow unevenly and sparsely.

Bearded man's opinion

Many men wonder what will happen if they shave off the fluff on their cheeks, will stubble appear in its place or, on the contrary, should they not shave off the fluff? Experts insist that everything has its time, and in order to achieve a thick and coarse beard, a man needs to carefully care for it as follows:

  1. When a fluff appears, shave it off regularly according to the rules.
  2. After shaving, moisturize your facial skin with balm or gel.
  3. Rub warm burdock and castor oil into clean and dry facial skin up to 3 times a week, then rinse off after 1 hour. TO vegetable oils You can add mustard powder or red pepper, but in this case, keep the mask on your face for about 15-30 minutes.
  4. Take vitamins to improve the health of your skin, nails and hair, or special products to stimulate stubble growth.
  5. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well and maintain physical activity.

Do not forget about these three rules in order for a fluffy beard to appear on a man’s face instead of a fuzz - timely shaving, moisturizing the skin and scrubbing. You can also periodically donate blood to check the level of sex hormones responsible for stubble growth. If you have any problems with hormones, you should consult an endocrinologist.

If a man has been growing fuzz on his face for a long time, and not a beard, perhaps the reason for this is hereditary predisposition, age of puberty (14-10 years) or delayed puberty. In any case, you need to visit a trichologist and be examined to prevent any disorders within the body and eliminate hormonal imbalances.

In the future, the fuzz on the beard should be shaved regularly, the skin should be moisturized with cosmetics, cleaned with a scrub, and stubble growth should be stimulated with castor and burdock oil. Only comprehensive care and patience will help a man grow a thick beard.

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    What to do if your beard grows poorly: how to grow a thick one?

    Since ancient times, the beard has been considered a symbol of masculinity and dominance of the stronger sex.

    The fashion for clean-shaven faces has long since exhausted itself; today men with brutal, thick beards are popular.

    But is the process of growing a beard so simple, especially from scratch, and what problems may a man encounter when striving for the ideal of women’s dreams?

    Why do you need facial hair?

    At all times, the beard has been interpreted differently by each nation.

    For example, according to the laws of the Muslim world, men are prohibited from getting rid of facial hair, and the genetic peculiarity of Indians reduces the growth of facial hair to almost zero.

    Why do they grow a beard? Experts agree that facial hair is essential for men in order to not only look like a dominant individual, but also to stand out from the surrounding crowd.

    Men and women are radically different from each other in appearance, and a beard only enhances this difference and helps the stronger sex appear even more courageous compared to fragile women.

    Growing facial hair is not only fashionable, but also healthy. There is at least 5 factors why you should become the owner of a beard:

    • defence from allergic manifestations and diseases. The beard acts as a kind of filter, just like the hairs in the nose. It does not allow allergens and all kinds of bacteria to enter the human lungs and provoke asthma attacks and other unwanted diseases;
    • cancer prevention. The beard blocks harmful ultraviolet rays by 95%, which significantly reduces the risk of developing skin cancer;
    • prevention skin infections. With constant shaving, the skin becomes irritated and causes wounds. By growing a beard, the problem of regular rashes and ingrown hairs can be significantly reduced, if not completely solved;
    • thermal properties. The hair on the face and neck protects from the cold, warms and does not release heat to the outside;
    • preservation of youth. The beard does not allow straight sun rays influence the skin, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. In addition, shaving dries out the skin, exposing the bare face negative influence sun and cold wind. A beard leaves the skin moisturized due to the retention of moisture and the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

    Today on the streets you can meet owners of the most beard different shapes and size, which often select special hairstyles for it.

    Paradox - a huge number of representatives of the stronger sex strive to grow a lush, chic beard in the absence of hair on the head. But the fact is that the fashion for bald, bearded men is gaining momentum every year. Why does a man need a beard, look at the video.

    I want a thick beard, what should I do?

    In the process of growing a thick beard, many men face problems in the form of sparse hair or lack of hair.

    There are several methods that can help facial hair gain fullness and thickness.

    • Vitamin supplements– such complexes contain special vitamins and microelements that increase the rate of hair growth. Any medical supplies, including seemingly harmless vitamins, should be taken after consulting a doctor.
    • Proper nutrition - to achieve a thick beard, the body must receive nutrients along with food.

      The menu should include a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, grains and dairy products.

    • Active lifestyle– sport promotes the production of testosterone, which is responsible for male sexual characteristics. As a result, hair growth throughout the body begins to increase.
    • Hormonal balance - in some cases, the lack of facial hair is due to a malfunction in the hormonal system, so you should undergo medical checkup and normalize hormone levels in the body.
    • Oils for hair growth– regularly lubricating your beard with slightly warmed castor or burdock oil will help accelerate beard growth.
    • Agents that accelerate the growth of vegetation (for example, Minoxidil) are based on the effect on the hair follicles, which activates the growth of new hair.

    To maintain ideal appearance beards you should shave it regularly. You can make the correction at home, but when performing the procedure for the first time, it is better to seek help from a beard trimmer.

    How long will it take?

    How long does a beard grow per year? On average, a beard grows 1-1.5 cm per month, about 15 cm per year.

    It will take about one to two months for your facial hair to grow into a proper beard.

    The most difficult period in the growing process will be the beginning: Hair will grow unevenly and be distributed in patches across the face.

    How long does it take to grow a beard? How long does it take for a beard to grow? It is important to know that the growth rate and thickness of a beard largely depend on genetics and the natural level of testosterone produced in individual quantities for each body.

    If you shave your beard, will it grow faster? No. The rumor that frequent shaving of the beard increases its thickness is just a legend. How fast does a beard grow?

    After shaving, facial hair will receive a slight boost, accelerated beard growth, but will soon return to its original speed. Find out how to shave your beard correctly by following the link.

    Immediately after shaving The stubble at the base begins to grow thicker and coarser than at the ends. But when the hair reaches a specific length, there will be no difference. You will see in the video how long and how long it takes to grow a beard.

    Possible growing pains

    At first glance, growing a lush, beautiful beard seems as easy as shelling pears, but this process can bring some inconvenience and difficulties.

    In addition to problems with hair color, characterized by the presence of red and white hairs, there are difficulties in the form of slow beard growth or low density.

    You will see one of the problems why a beard grows poorly in the video.

    Only on the chin

    The problem encountered in large quantity men, and spoiling their appearance. If the beard grows only on the chin, not reaching the neck, cheeks and area under the nose, then The reasons may lie in the following factors:
    • genetic trait- Very important factor, because only this science can determine what shape, density and color the hair on the face and body will be;
    • overweight - it is scientifically proven that men who are overweight or obese are prone to stubble localization on the chin;
    • heredity– if ancestors on the father’s side had poorly growing stubble, then the likelihood of correcting this ailment is negligible;
    • lack of testosterone - this male sex hormone is responsible for the activity of hair follicles. A small amount of it can lead to uneven growth of stubble and its localization in one area;
    • incorrect shaving process– this manipulation, if used incorrectly, can disrupt the structure of the hair follicles and lead to the growth of sparse and unhealthy stubble;
    • unbalanced diet - lack nutrients and microelements also contributes to poor functioning of hair follicles.

    To grow a beard evenly over the entire face You should stop shaving for a certain time and allow the hairs to fully germinate where they did not have time to break through.

    If the cause of the disease is a deficiency of testosterone or androgens, then it is necessary to increase them without harm to health with the help physical activity. It is also recommended to adhere to a certain diet and exclude harmful foods from the menu.


    Uneven beard growth causes a man discomfort and self-doubt. Exists there are many reasons why a beard does not grow evenly everywhere.
    1. Features of the body– every guy has his own puberty schedule and only after its formation can one judge how the beard grows. During puberty, facial hair may be concentrated in patches or in the form of a fluff above the upper lip.
    2. Hormonal imbalance - in this case, hair grows unevenly or is absent altogether. Properly selected hormonal therapy will help to cope with the problem.
    3. Genetic predisposition.
    4. Heredity.
    5. Incorrect shaving procedure.
    6. Excess weight.

    When the hairs begin the process of breaking through the skin and stubble appears, it seems as if hair grows only on the cheeks. Beards don’t grow everywhere, what should I do?

    The proper functioning of hair follicles must be controlled from the inside. You need to familiarize yourself with the list of food products that contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for beard growth, and include them in your daily menu.

    Uneven beard growth - you will see how to deal with it in the video.

    Doesn't grow well on cheeks

    Many men are concerned about the problem of poor hair growth in the cheek area. They dream of a thick and lush beard, but some distinctive features the body does not allow this to be achieved.
    1. Lack of vitamins and microelements.
    2. Aggressive cosmetical tools– the use of such products can damage the skin and interfere with normal hair growth.
    3. Late puberty and lack of testosterone - the onset of beard growth depends on puberty, which is directly related to heredity and individual for each person. The first beard in young men usually begins to appear by the age of 14-16 years. If a beard does not grow even at 25-30 years old, then you should pay attention to the state of hormonal levels and the level of testosterone in the body.
    4. Unbalanced diet.
    5. Incorrect shaving procedure.
    6. Genetics and heredity.
    7. Skin diseases.

    What can I do to grow a beard on my cheeks? To understand how to deal with the lack of a thick beard on the cheeks, you should carefully understand the physiology of the growth process of facial hair and identify the cause of this phenomenon.

    The beard on the cheeks is not growing well, what should I do? Hair on different areas Skins grow at different rates, so first you should wait a while and not shave for several weeks. A month will pass and impressive vegetation will probably appear in problem areas.

    How to grow a beard on your cheeks? It is imperative to improve your diet, include protein foods, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts and berries in your daily menu. Dehydration - dehydration of the body - can also slow down hair growth, so it is important to drink 2-2.5 liters of water daily. To get things going digestive system It is worth limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    An unusual method for accelerating hair growth on the cheeks is to rub this area with your palms, which will lead to a rush of blood and an increased supply of nutrients to the hair follicles.

    As an option, you can consider using special irritating masks, for example, a mixture of red pepper, eggs and oil. Absorbed into the skin, the mask will cause severe irritation and will increase blood flow to the hair follicles.

    Do not forget about the existence of specific sprays that not only awaken dormant hair follicles, but also thicken and moisturize the hairs.

    If stubble does not grow in adolescents at the age of 16, then you should understand the genetic characteristics of the body and not use medications in vain. For each young man, puberty depends on genetics and can occur at different ages. What to do if the beard does not grow well on the cheeks, watch the video.

    Hair grows in different directions

    Every man has his own genetics, so some manage to grow the beard of their dreams without any problems, while others have to cope with new difficulties.

    One of these problems is beard growth in different sides (not exactly).

    The main reason for this growth is the location of the hair follicles, some of which can even be dispersed in a circle.

    Therefore, you should not despair because of unruly hairs; competent and timely care will help you set the right direction for your hair:

    • after washing it is necessary wipe your face properly: cheeks and chin - downward, mustache - to the sides, throat - inward;
    • use a comb as hair grows;
    • While resting at night, lie down on your side in such a position that the hair on your face takes the desired position.

    Sparse beard

    The reasons for rare beard growth can be hormonal development, heredity and genetic predisposition, improper facial hygiene and shaving, unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals.

    To change the situation the cause should be identified first why beard grows poorly and pick up the best way struggle with a thin beard. Find out how to make your beard grow faster here.

    To improve beard growth and make it thicker, you should follow these beard growing tips:

    • improve nutrition and use special nutritional supplements;
    • seek help from a doctor to normalize hormonal levels;
    • use folk remedies, stimulating hair growth and strengthening it;
    • stick to healthy image life and actively engage in sports.

    With stable and coordinated work beard growth will not be accompanied by pathologies. Whether to grow a beard and whether it’s worth it, you decide for yourself after reading this material.

    If problems cannot be avoided and they seriously affect self-esteem, you should seek help from specialists. They will check the condition of organs and systems and select the optimal set of measures to solve the problem on an individual basis. It is also important proper care for the beard, with all possible means (soap, balm, wax) Visually see how to grow a beard if it does not grow.

    I remember a time when I had exactly the same problems with my beard, although I was about thirty years old, but the beard, strangely enough, did not grow, there was a noticeable fluff and only, although I started shaving at the age of twenty-five, this moment greatly embarrassed me because everything my peers already walked around with stubble or facial hair, I read on the Internet that in order for hair to grow quickly, it is necessary to wash it three times a week with beer, beer promotes hair growth and after three months I felt the result.

    My boyfriend recently became interested in growing and styling the now insanely fashionable brutal beard. And it turned out that it suits him so well! For thickness and good growth he rubbed one egg into the bristles and washed it off after 15-20 minutes; he also used kefir. Beard growth is also influenced by a man’s testosterone level; the higher it is, the thicker the manly beard.

    And I always wondered how it happens - my head goes bald, but my beard is thick. If density depends on hormones, then why is there such a difference in the level of vegetation? Or is the relationship reversed - a man begins to grow a thick beard, and the hair on his head begins to thin out?

    Testosterone certainly plays some role in beard thickness. But I knew one peasant, a former neighbor. The face is courageous, the masculinity of course was complemented by the beard, but there were obvious problems with testosterone, since he often ran to doctors in search of lost potency, it probably all ran away into the beard. So, density is not always an indicator, and such fake brutals are a dime a dozen :-)