Magnesium cold feet. Why are your feet constantly cold even when it’s warm - causes of the disease and methods of treatment. Acute allergic reactions

No need to panic when you are in chilly weather or in a damp room my feet are freezing- this is natural, because at a low temperature, cooled blood is easier to flow to the extremities. However, cold feet and hands can also become cold for other reasons.

Why do my feet often get cold?

  • staying still for too long
  • sitting for long periods of time, especially with crossed legs
  • circulatory disorder
  • The hands or feet are particularly susceptible to poor circulation, which can manifest as numbness and coldness in the extremities.
  • smoking reduces the diameter of all blood vessels; this addiction reduces the blood flow to the various parts body, especially the legs.
  • mineral deficiency, especially iron
  • hormonal changes
  • some medications

More rare causes of cold feet:


We can talk about hypothermia when the body temperature is below 35 degrees. Moderate hypothermia ranges from 27°C to 32.2°C, severe hypothermia is diagnosed when the body temperature is less than 27°C.

The extremities become very cold, primarily due to a decrease in blood flow to the arms and legs.
- Shock

With hemorrhage, severe allergies, severe trauma or heart failure... the extremities become cold and sometimes take on a bluish tint.
- Heat


Don't wrap your feet in newspaper!
Not only will your feet not be comfortable, but then the paper will get wet and will further cool your feet.

How to warm cold feet

1. Foot massage

Massage your fingers and toes at least 2 times a day to stimulate circulatory system, With:
- moisturizing body cream
- warming balm
- roller massager

Warming balm recipe

  • Sterilize the glass jar in boiling water.
  • Heat the following mixture in a water bath: teaspoon beeswax, 8 grams of shea butter and 35 ml vegetable oil hazelnut.
  • Remove the melted mixture from heat, stir well, and then add 15 drops of camphor essential oil.
  • Store in a cool place.

2. Wear two pairs of socks to warm your cold feet

Two pairs of socks one on top of the other better “catch” warm air; if possible, socks should be made of natural fibers. Perfect couple: silk socks with wool on top.

Never wear socks that are too thick, which can compress your feet, cutting off blood flow.

3. Warm your shoes to prevent your feet from getting cold

Before putting on your shoes, stuff them with tissue paper that has been previously heated on a radiator or radiator. Never place shoes on a radiator, you risk damaging their leather!

4. Talc to keep your feet from getting damp

Treat the insoles of your shoes with talcum powder - this is a guarantee of protection from moisture. Dampness and humidity contribute to the feeling of cold.

5. Wear shoes suitable for cold weather.

Shoes that best protect your feet from cold:
- made of genuine leather, with thick soles;
- comfortable shoes in size, but especially loose enough so that you can wear 2 pairs of socks

6. Try heated insoles - you will forget about cold feet!

Heated insoles are equipped with a power source that provides 5-6 hours of operation of the heating element and even a wireless remote control.

Of course, the shoes must be roomy enough to accommodate heated insoles!

7. Shoe protection

Use waterproof neoprene shoe covers.

How to warm your feet if they are constantly cold?

8. Heel to toe

Move your feet from heel to toe - this simple technique improves blood flow and, therefore, you will create heat and warm your feet.

9. Move your fingers

Point your toes up and down 20 times, then roll your ankle clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times. These simple exercises activate blood circulation and warm your feet wherever you are - at home, at work, on the street.

10. Walking warms cold feet

A good walk activates blood circulation in the legs better than power training. Are your feet very cold at home? There is nothing stopping you from doing a dozen laps around your room!!!

What to do if your feet are cold at home, indoors

11. Remove wet socks and shoes

Don't wear wet socks, otherwise any efforts to warm your feet will be useless, and your feet will probably also be cold.

12. Wear slippers indoors to prevent your feet from getting cold

If possible and not contrary to etiquette, wear warm slippers indoors. The ideal option is with socks.

13. Warm cold feet at home

If your feet are cold at home, warm them with a bottle of hot water
- When your feet are cold, use rice, buckwheat or other solid cereals. You need to pour the cereal into a clean sock, tie it in a knot and heat it in the microwave.

14. Get off the couch if your feet are cold.

When you get up from time to time, get up from the sofa, chair or computer chair to improve blood circulation and warm your feet.

15. Your feet feel less cold in a rocking chair.

Sitting in a rocking chair is better if your feet often get cold. The fact is that in such a chair your body is not stationary, it generates energy, and even while sitting, you activate your blood flow, which warms your legs.

16. A hot shower is the ally of warm feet

Everything is clear here - hot water warms the whole body, including the legs. After showering, immediately put on dry socks.

17. The right bath for cold feet

Don't take it too much hot bath for feet, the water temperature should be between 37 ° C and 39 ° C, that is, essentially close to body temperature.

3 Bath Recipes to Warm Your Feet

  1. For a quarter of an hour, lower your feet into a basin filled with 5 liters of hot water, and also add 2 drops of cypress essential oil, 3 drops of black pepper essential oil, 4 drops of lavender essential oil.
  2. Stir one tablespoon of argan oil into hot water. Add 9 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
  3. For 15 minutes, soak your feet in a basin of warm water to which you have added a quarter cup of baking soda.

After the bath, dry your feet with a towel, then cover them with moisturizer and put on thick socks.

What to do when your feet are cold in bed?

18. How to warm your bed so your feet don't get cold

Half an hour before bed, put in bed:
- A bottle of hot water
- A large flat stone that you can heat in the microwave

19. Use a heated mattress or blanket

Today there is a very large selection of similar products for the home; it will not be difficult for you to choose a mattress or blanket that will warm you at night.

So that your feet don't get cold in the morning

20. Warm up your feet immediately

Are you warming up your car engine? So help your own feet!
- Forget about the elevator and go down the stairs on foot;
- Move quickly and as much as possible.

And, try to be strong: to stay fit, you should take at least 10,000 steps a day!

Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional.

Are cold hands and feet a sign of some kind of circulatory disorder in the small vessels of the extremities? Blood doesn't reach the capillaries and doesn't warm your fingers? This is most likely the case if your hands and feet become very cold when it is warm enough outside or in the house. And if the person himself somehow gets used to such phenomena, then acquaintances and those simply around him, accidentally sensing an unusual human body temperature, they rarely do without comments and the question: “Why are your hands so icy?” Of course, you can consider yourself healthy, but cold hands always create some discomfort, and the owner of the problem begins to try to get rid of it.

Even more questions and concerns arise when cold feet and hands are discovered in a child, especially if he is still in infancy. The ones who are most worried about this are grandmothers who have raised their children and have forgotten a little about the physiology of the little ones, therefore having panic fear before hypothermia and colds. Trying to wrap the baby warmly, they constantly touch the hands, then the nose, check whether the feet are cold and give instructions to the young parents. When can cold hands and/or feet be considered normal occurrence, and when should you pay attention to them as a symptom of a disease? The reader will find answers to these and other questions regarding cold extremities below.

"Cold-blooded" women and "hot" guys

Some people, in fairly warm weather, always wear socks and warm sweaters in the house and outside. What's the matter? Why do people tolerate the same ambient temperature differently? Why do they no longer interfere in old age? cabbage leaves» from clothes, and do doctors recommend dressing small children cooler than adults? Here's why:

  • Women Throughout life, right up to menopause, they freeze more - this is by nature. Endless fluctuations hormonal levels, related to female physiology, one way or another, but affect thermoregulation. It becomes even more difficult with the onset of menopause, which can make such changes in the processes of thermoregulation that a woman sometimes ceases to correctly determine and feel the temperature, and she, resigned, perceives hot flashes and colds as symptoms of a not very joyful period and tries to fight it with her own means. , however, not always successfully;
  • Men by no means an athletic build, that is, tall, thin with thin bones asthenics are also a little afraid of the cold, although fewer women. But big-boned, big guys with well-developed muscles or a subcutaneous fat layer walk with their chests wide open; they are not afraid of frost, since their thermoregulation is well established;
  • Heat exchange processes decrease in old age– very elderly people begin to dress warmer;
  • In infants, thermoregulation mechanisms have not yet been adjusted, it is easy to overcool and overheat, but as the child ages, everything falls into place, the system of heat production and release improves, so cold hands and feet no longer frighten parents.

It should be noted that those who are supposedly healthy almost always have a lack of vitamins and microelements in their food. Your hands may begin to freeze if you follow a diet, especially if you are hungry, and if you sit for a long time in a cool room, you can feel that your feet are freezing (you will have to get up and go get your socks), although some people, in fairly warm weather in the house and outside, constantly wear socks, scarves and under blankets.

Meanwhile, if in adults the thermoregulatory system has completed its formation and they themselves often know the reasons for cold feet or hands, then in a child it is still in its infancy, and any deviation from the usual temperature is always perceived as something terrible, especially if it is very cold limbs are found in infants.

A child has icy hands and feet - what could happen?

Cold extremities are normal

In addition to temperature skin limbs healthy child, it would be good for adults to pay attention to their color, after all, it is the skin, or rather, its vessels that are the first to contact the environment and react by narrowing or expanding.

Cool pale pink heels and palms do not mean anything bad not only for a baby, but also for a baby who runs barefoot on the cold floor. When it comes into contact with cold objects, it adapts to their temperature and, giving off heat, cools itself slightly.

However, very cold feet, icy hands with bluish tint should be wary: Most likely, the baby was frozen more than allowed. In any case, we should not forget that we are talking about healthy child, for which optimal conditions are still being selected, trying to create maximum comfort (not cold and not hot). And the baby will be comfortable when ambient temperature will coincide with his needs when he is warm, but not hot - his arms and legs will be moderately warm (rather cool), but not hot and not wet. Due to this It would be useful to remind you that overheating threatens more trouble for a small child than poor cooling, The thermoregulation system in babies is designed in such a way that even prolonged exposure to low temperatures is not as dangerous for them as a short-term “steam room”.

Cold hands and feet with fever

Require special attention febrile conditions in children. At high temperature a child, like an adult, can experience both “pink” and “white” fever, and you need to be able to distinguish between them:

Coldness of a child's extremities due to fever should not be ignored by adults. This sign indicates that heat production has begun to exceed its output, and this already threatens to increase the risk of developing various complications from the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs. Physical methods temperature reduction in similar situation become ineffective, and antipyretics do not fully fulfill their mission, which makes one think about qualified medical care. And the sooner the better.

Hands and feet are freezing - we return to the adults

Nature, physiology and age are not always to blame for cold hands and feet in warm weather. This unpleasant phenomenon has its own reasons, which are often hidden in lifestyle or in one or another pathology.

Stomach - hunger, feet - cold

Normal activities human body is associated with nutrition, or rather, with the supply from the external environment of various substances containing a certain set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins, which, once in digestive tract, are broken down, absorbed and give a person energy. The thermal and mechanical energy obtained as a result of splitting is spent on maintaining constant temperature bodies and performing work, therefore, in order for this process not to stop and to proceed fully, regular replenishment of resources is necessary.

When going on a diet, a person expects that, by depriving his body of new supplies, he will force him to use what was previously accumulated. However, it is not as easy to extract from fat stores as it is from food. In addition, life support carried out through resynthesis cannot continue indefinitely; the reserves will someday run out. And then - not everyone’s fat accumulations are as large as it might seem in the mirror; the nutritional substrate in some (not very well-fed) people is depleted quite quickly, and the cells remain “hungry”, and they need nutrition constantly and continuously. The goal, in general, is achieved: the body loses weight, but at the same time it experiences not only lightness, but also cold. Tormenting themselves with diets, women begin to notice that their feet are cold and their fingers become cold.– the body does not have time to produce heat to warm itself, and there is nothing left at all for release to the external environment.

Although a voluntary transition to starvation diets in order to reduce one’s size cannot be classified as a disease, insufficient intake of necessary microelements and vitamins from food leads to some disturbances in the body, as evidenced by cold fingers and toes.

Complex of symptoms without a specific disease

Most often, the hands and feet become cold in people who are considered practically healthy, but have such an interesting diagnosis as (vegetative-vascular - and many other names for this “semi-pathology”).

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is designed to adapt the body to different conditions external environment, which, unfortunately, it does not always succeed. The adaptation process of the ANS is ensured with the help of its two departments, functioning in opposite directions. Inconsistency in the actions of the parasympathetic and sympathetic sections of the autonomic nervous system, the dominance of one part of the ANS over the other leads to the appearance of various non-fatal, but rather unpleasant symptoms, which include “icy” hands and cold feet. The reason that the heart may become ill, the pulse may increase, the head may become dizzy, and the hands may begin to freeze in such patients can be any, even minor, event (excitement, alcohol intake, poor diet, change in weather).

Iron deficiency

There are always cold hands in patients whose body does not receive enough or for some reason does not include such in exchange chemical element, like iron (iron deficiency anemia, IDA). , the main content of iron and the carrier of oxygen to tissues, cannot go unnoticed and causes various kinds of disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems, where the thermoregulation system suffers along with others. Tissues, experiencing oxygen starvation, cannot fully carry out metabolic processes - fewer metabolic products and heat are produced. In addition to always cold hands, under conditions of hypoxia created by a decrease in hemoglobin levels, the body also suffers other inconveniences, for example:

  • Nails become brittle, hair splits;
  • The skin begins to peel, the tongue begins to hurt, and “jams” appear in the corners of the mouth;
  • The head often hurts and feels dizzy, multi-colored “midges” fly before your eyes;
  • Drowsiness, lethargy appears, mood drops;
  • At times there is shortness of breath, tachycardia, heart pain;
  • Immunity decreases.

The progression of IDA (deepening iron deficiency) comes with an increase in the symptoms of anemia, therefore, the lower the level of this element, the more cold the feet and hands become.

Why doesn't the blood warm up?

Numerous cardiac and vascular pathologies caused by for various reasons. There is no doubt that vascular walls affected by atherosclerosis, slowing of blood flow in the main venous vessels, and various cardiac pathologies will sooner or later lead to impaired blood circulation in the microvasculature. Thus, The cause of cold hands and feet is, first of all, the patient’s existing vascular lesions:

Low hormone levels cool the extremities

The thermoregulation system turns out to be sensitive to hormonal imbalance, namely, to a decrease in hormone levels thyroid gland(thyroxine, in particular).

Hypothyroidism caused by functional insufficiency of the gland or various pathological conditions ( inflammatory processes, removal of the thyroid gland, radiation therapy etc.) is accompanied by a slowdown in redox reactions in tissues, which, in turn, makes it difficult to provide cells with energy.

With a lack of thyroid hormones, along with a slowdown in the rate of metabolic processes, heat production and its release decreases. The result is eternally cold hands and feet.

Everything could be much simpler

In addition to those listed pathological conditions, hands and/or feet may become cold due to other reasons (illness or temporary difficulties):

  • The weather outside is unsuitable for walking or shoes and clothing that are inappropriate for the season;
  • Low temperature in the house due to poor heating or other domestic problems;
  • Too compressive bandage for wounds and fractures, impeding blood circulation;
  • A sharp spasm of blood vessels that occurs at high body temperature (“white” fever) can occur not only in young children - many acute infectious and inflammatory processes are accompanied by chills,

Many of us notice that some people are forced to wear socks not only in winter, but also in the warm season, and weather with a temperature below +25 ⁰C is considered cold by them. Measures for total foot insulation are taken by those who suffer from constant freezing of their feet. There are many factors for the occurrence of such an unpleasant manifestation, and it can be difficult to understand which of them is the initial one without the participation of a doctor. Our article will help you understand the causes of constant freezing of the lower extremities. After all, for effective fight with such unpleasant symptom you need to know what triggers its occurrence.

Why the causes of cold feet may be different for men and women

Features of operation female body cause chilly feet of many women even in warm weather.

The root cause of freezing of the lower extremities is disruption of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This system of our body is designed equally in representatives of both sexes. However, its functioning occurs in different ways, as it is influenced by different factors:

  • the predominance of certain sex hormones;
  • metabolic rate;
  • volume of muscle and fat tissue.

It is these differences that explain the fact that it is the fair sex who are more often susceptible to freezing feet even in warm weather. After all, for most of them, metabolic processes proceed more slowly, and the amount of fat and muscle tissue generating heat is less than that of men.

There are two more reasons that the stronger sex is less susceptible to freezing feet:

  1. The first is that a woman’s body is “programmed” for the birth of a child, and all resources are directed to “warming” the reproductive system.
  2. Secondly, representatives of the fair sex are more emotional; during stressful situations, an additional portion of adrenaline enters their body, provoking a disruption of normal blood flow in the extremities (arms and legs).

Why do my feet get cold?

To answer this question, you should observe whether your feet periodically or constantly become cold, and what circumstances accompany the occurrence of this unpleasant manifestation.

Typically, feet get cold due to the following reasons:

  • uncomfortable shoes (small or narrow) - causes compression of blood vessels, blood circulation becomes insufficient;
  • compressive soft fabrics leg clothing - synthetic tights, socks may be too narrow, in addition, they are not able to retain heat (especially in the cold season);
  • insufficient amount of adipose tissue - the absence of such a layer promotes heat transfer rather than its accumulation;
  • impaired capillary circulation - excessive fragility or narrowing of these smallest vessels can significantly impair blood circulation in the feet;
  • previously suffered - after such an injury, capillary blood circulation becomes insufficient due to damage to the walls of blood vessels by low temperature;
  • abnormal structure of blood vessels, local disturbance of blood flow, frequent spasms of blood vessels - such diagnoses can only be revealed after examination - with these pathologies, blood circulation in the feet is often significantly impaired;
  • decreased thyroid function – with insufficient production thyroid hormones () the body receives less energy due to slowdown metabolic processes, as a result of this, a person often feels chilly;
  • - This endocrine disease in severe, long-term cases, it leads to disruption of the structure and functioning of blood vessels and nerve endings, which causes poor circulation in the feet and other parts of the legs;
  • advanced forms - salts accumulating on the vertebrae pinch the nerves responsible for stable blood circulation, as a result the patient’s limbs begin to go numb and chilly;
  • blood thickening and disturbance water balancethick blood cannot be transported normally through the vessels, blood circulation in the extremities becomes insufficient;
  • horse racing blood pressure– both lead to disruption of vascular tone, pressure surges cause disturbances in the blood flow;
  • – imbalance between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system leads to the development of tachycardia, the occurrence of surges in blood pressure, feelings of anxiety and fear, pain in the heart, nausea, as a result of which the patient (more often in women with an asthenic physique or people 16-35 years old) experiences a release of adrenaline, which provokes vasospasm and circulatory disorders ;
  • smoking - nicotine addiction causes vasospasm, disrupts blood flow not only in the arteries and veins of the legs, but throughout vascular system;
  • – often with low mobility (for example, sitting at a computer or watching TV for 6-10 hours), the blood flow not only to the legs, but to all internal organs;
  • – with this disease, the body’s tissues begin to suffer due to oxygen starvation, the vessels do not receive enough oxygen, their functioning is impaired;
  • taking some medicines– taking drugs based on ergot and beta-blockers (Propranolol, Anaprilin, Atenolol) provokes spasm of peripheral vessels;
  • – worms living in the body produce toxins that have a negative effect on the blood flow;
  • allergic reactions - patients with more often than other people suffer from disorders peripheral circulation and feel their feet freeze.

An analysis of the causes of chilly feet points to the fact that not all causes of such discomfort are harmless and can be eliminated without the participation of a doctor. A person is able to give up smoking himself or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked to a minimum, choose comfortable warm clothes and shoes, minimize stressful situations. However, a number of diseases, the symptom of which is frequent freezing of the feet, can only be eliminated with the help of a doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis.

When to see a doctor

A visit to the doctor is necessary in cases where chilly feet are accompanied by:

  • tingling or numbness;
  • changes in skin tone (for example, the appearance of cyanosis);
  • deterioration of general health;
  • brittle nail plates;
  • greasy hair;
  • increased or decreased heart rate;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • swelling of the feet;
  • freezing feet even in warm weather.

In such cases it will be necessary comprehensive examination and treatment by a specialized specialist.

How to get rid of chilly feet

Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol helps normalize blood supply to the lower extremities, which prevents them from freezing.
  1. Dress according to the weather, choose only comfortable shoes and give preference to clothing made from natural fabrics. Shoes should not allow water to pass through. You should put a warm insole made of natural materials (or a thermal insole) in it. At home it is better to wear warm slippers and socks. Clothes should not squeeze the legs, waist, or hips.
  2. Stop smoking and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.
  3. Reduce consumption of caffeine-containing drinks, which contribute to the narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.
  4. Ensure sufficient physical activity, exercise and sports. Walk more, take a stroll fresh air. If you work in an office, then remember to get up from your desk or computer every hour. Regular fitness or sports activities will help strengthen your cardiovascular system.
  5. Improve your daily diet by including more fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, juices, and Not oily fish and meat, fermented milk products. If there are no contraindications, you can add so-called warming spices to your food: mustard, red and black pepper, ginger, garlic, hot curry, horseradish. In cold weather, it is better to eat fatty fish dishes more often: pangasius, salmon, mackerel. Products included in the diet should contain high level vitamins C, PP, E and P (bioflavonoids). If you have anemia, eating pomegranates, liver, almonds, buckwheat, raisins, and carrot juice will help raise your hemoglobin level.
  6. Take sedative herbal infusions from hawthorn, lemon balm, peppermint, valerian, motherwort. Before preparing such herbal teas, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to taking a particular medicinal plant.
  7. Maintain drinking regime. You should drink a volume of liquid per day that ensures normal blood flow - 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. In addition, normal filling of the bloodstream will help improve blood circulation.
  8. Engage in hardening if these procedures are not contraindicated for health reasons. The most the right time these events will be in the spring and summer. You can start with air baths and rubbing with cool water. After that you can shower yourself cold water– its temperature should decrease gradually. Such measures will improve tone vascular walls and will boost your overall immunity.
  9. Warm up your legs and arms regularly. Such exercises significantly improve blood circulation and eliminate the feeling of chilliness. Self-massage sessions will effectively complement your exercise.
  10. If there are no contraindications, visit the sauna or bathhouse once a week. If this is not possible, then daily cold and hot shower(or foot and hand baths).
  11. Give up the habit of sitting with your legs crossed. This position contributes to significant compression of blood vessels and poor circulation not only in the feet, but also in the lower extremities as a whole.
  12. Use warming gels and ointments for the feet. Such products can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

What to do if your feet are already frozen

To warm up your feet, you can do the following:

  1. Take a warm bath. At the same time, at the beginning of this procedure, the water temperature should be about 22-25 ⁰C, and at the end - about 40-42 ⁰C. You can add dry mustard to the water. After this, you should put warm socks on your feet, and if your feet are very cold, make an alcohol compress.
  2. Drink a cup very warm tea, milk or a drink with ginger and honey (the same ingredients can be added to tea or milk). You can replace such drinks with spicy herbal tea made from 1 teaspoon of sage, mint, valerian root, bay leaf, mint, chamomile, 2 cloves, a piece of ginger, a pinch of coriander and black pepper. The components should be poured with a liter of boiling water and left for an hour. Strain and drink as tea.
  3. Lubricate your feet with warming ointment. Such a remedy can be prepared from any inert cream and camphor, essential oils rosemary or sesame seeds, red pepper extract or cocoa butter. Mix two of these components (optional) with cream (it can be replaced with Vaseline). Apply the product to clean, dry skin of the feet. After this, you should put on wool socks.

Warming cream or ointment can be replaced with red pepper tincture, which is very easy to prepare at home. In a glass container, mix a glass of vodka and 2 teaspoons of ground red pepper. After this, the product is infused for 10 days. It can be used as a foot rub before bed. Before using the tincture, be sure to ensure that there are no allergic reactions or hypersensitivity of the skin. This product for warming the feet is not recommended for children - their skin is too delicate, and red pepper can cause burns on it.

Feeling cold and sometimes completely icy limbs, which are difficult to warm even under a blanket, is very unpleasant. The most common culprit for this phenomenon is poor blood circulation.

To solve the problem, you need to restore proper blood flow and maintain the required level of hemoglobin. Practical recipes and exercises will help with this.

Cold extremity syndrome is a fairly common illness and occurs even in warm countries. Most often, people who have poor blood circulation suffer from constantly cold feet and hands. As a rule, limbs begin to freeze due to a lack of oxygen in the blood and poor blood supply. But cold feet can also be for other reasons, which are related to various problems with health. These include:

  • anemia,
  • chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • restless legs syndrome,
  • peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage,
  • peripheral vascular disease,
  • diabetes,
  • hypothyroidism,
  • Raynaud's disease,
  • hypothermia.

Nutrient deficiencies, alcohol abuse and excessive smoking also contribute to cold feet syndrome. If, in addition to frozen feet, a person experiences symptoms such as changes in skin color, numbness or tingling in the feet, notices open sores or blisters, or roughening of the skin of the feet, then he should immediately consult a doctor.

Everyone may have their own reason why their feet get cold. If this problem has become obsessive and developed into chronic stage, you can’t do without a professional diagnosis and adequate treatment. Homemade recipes and exercises will be a good help in this matter.

Hot oil massage

Massaging your feet using heated oils is an easy way to restore heat, activate blood and strengthen blood vessels. In addition, regular foot massage will help maintain healthy feet and will be a good prevention of flat feet. You need to take olive, almond or sesame oil and heat them on the stove or in the microwave for a few seconds. Then apply to feet and ankles, actively massaging them for about ten minutes. After the massage, you need to put on cotton socks and go to bed. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated throughout the day.

This is one of the most simple ways restore the warmth of your feet. Hydrotherapy includes both cold and warm water procedures. Warm water helps improve blood circulation. You need to take two basins and fill one with cold and the other with hot water. First, the legs are immersed in cold water for two minutes, and then in hot water for one minute. This alternation continues for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wipe your feet dry and put on warm socks. Therapy can be repeated until the desired result is achieved. For greater effectiveness, add a few drops of essential oils of ginger, rosemary, mint or cypress to the water.

Leg exercises

The main reason for constantly freezing extremities is poorly circulating blood, which often happens due to a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise helps strengthen blood vessels. For example, the simplest thing is to walk first on your toes and then on your heels for 10-15 minutes. The following exercises will also be useful:

  1. Stand straight on your toes for one minute and then slowly lower down to your heels. Repeat the procedure for 10 minutes.
  2. While sitting, rotate each foot clockwise and then counterclockwise 10 to 20 times.
  3. Using your toes, try to grab a piece of fabric or some other object lying on the floor. Repeat several times.

Epsom salt

It has many beneficial benefits thanks to magnesium sulfate. Recipes for foot baths with the addition of this ingredient will restore blood flow and warmth to the feet. Magnesium deficiency is one of the causes of cold feet and hands. You need to mix ½ cup of Epsom salts in a bowl of warm water. After the salt has dissolved, immerse your feet in the water and wait for 15-20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated twice a week.

Ginger has long been known for its warming properties. Recipes with this spice restore blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. Just take a tablespoon of finely chopped ginger and put it in a bowl with two glasses of water. After boiling the mixture over low heat for about ten minutes, strain the broth and add honey to it to drink two or three times a day. Foot baths with ginger are useful nutritional supplements. But before taking products with ginger orally, you should consult your doctor.

Green tea

Much is known about the properties of this health drink. One of its advantages includes improving the functioning of blood vessels, and therefore blood circulation, which warms all parts of the body. Two to three cups of green tea throughout the day will be a good help in treating cold feet. For proper brewing, you need one teaspoon of green tea leaves per glass of hot water. The tea is infused under a tight lid for about five minutes, and a little honey is added to improve the taste. For tea baths, steep 3-4 tea bags in a large pan of water for ten minutes. Afterwards, pour the resulting broth into a basin, where the legs are lowered for 10-15 minutes.

Hot pepper

The compound capsaicin, which helps improve blood flow throughout the body, is found in hot peppers. Recipes containing it relieve the symptoms of “icy feet,” reduce swelling and prevent cramps. The easiest way is to use dried red pepper powder. One teaspoon of powder should be evenly distributed inside thick, warm socks. They are worn over a pair of thin cotton socks. At the pharmacy you can buy warming creams based on capsaicin for massaging the feet, or dietary supplements, which can be taken only after consulting a doctor.

In the warm season, it is useful to walk barefoot on grass or sand more often. This early morning walk will be one of the the best ways to increase blood circulation in the legs and reduce the effect of “icy legs”. Walking also strengthens and stretches the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the legs, ankles and calves. During your morning barefoot walk on the grass, you can take beneficial sunbathing to replenish your body's vitamin D stores. Low levels of this vitamin increase the likelihood of anemia and frozen extremities. For the best effect, you need to walk on the grass barefoot for about 20-30 minutes.

Diet for iron deficiency

Anemia and iron deficiency in the body are one of the significant reasons why feet and hands often get cold. This happens because the blood low level hemoglobin cannot provide adequate oxygen supply to various organs and tissues. Women aged 19 to 50 should get 15 to 20 mg of iron per day, and men at the same age category need a dose of about 10 mg per day.

In addition to the main treatment for anemia prescribed by a doctor, it is useful to follow a special diet with iron-containing foods: red meat, liver, buckwheat, lentils, spinach, apples, almonds, dried apricots, olives, beets, etc. This diet will help maintain the desired level of hemoglobin. But without consulting a doctor, increasing the amount of iron in the blood is dangerous: you can exceed the doses required for the body. This will lead to new diseases.

Products containing magnesium

Magnesium is another trace element necessary for good blood circulation and the absorption of vitamin D. Without enough magnesium, the blood circulates poorly throughout the body, unable to provide it with enough oxygen. Magnesium is not stored in the body for very long, so it is important to replenish it regularly. Adult women will need about 300 mg of magnesium per day, and men will need up to 400 mg per day. Natural sources of this trace element include spinach, chard, turnips, broccoli, seaweed, avocados, cucumbers, green beans, baked potatoes, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, etc.

  • When sitting on a chair, do not let your legs dangle without support. Place your feet on a footrest under a table or next to a chair.
  • Master aerobic activities: running, walking and cycling so that the blood evenly enriches all parts of the body with oxygen.
  • During winter, wear warm socks to keep your feet comfortable and warm.
  • You can warm your feet with the help of special electric heating pads and hydrobaths for your feet.
  • It is better for smokers to give up their addiction, since it is the one that most often leads to poor blood flow.
  • A good way to prevent frozen extremities syndrome is to include foods rich in omega-3 in your diet. fatty acids: salmon, walnuts, flax-seed, pumpkin seeds, etc. This will improve blood circulation and prevent blockages in blood vessels.
  • Use these alternative methods treatment and prevention, like yoga and acupuncture.
  • Control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

At low temperatures The limbs of the hands and feet are the first to freeze, but when this happens at room temperature, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. The reaction can develop in diseases such as diabetes mellitus, anemia, Raynaud's disease, venous syndrome. This unpleasant phenomenon often worries men and women over 40 years of age when blood circulation and nervous system activity are impaired.

Cold extremities in healthy people

Reasons that can often cause cold feet in healthy people:

  • It is common for a person to keep his feet constantly warm (in a blanket or wool socks), when there is no urgent need for it. Therefore, even at home, limbs can noticeably freeze at room temperatures without insulation;
  • “Economy class syndrome” - sitting for a long time with legs tucked in leads to disruption of normal blood flow in the extremities, which causes numbness and a feeling of cold due to lack of circulation in such a distant part of the body. This happens to people who work at the computer for a long time;
  • cold feet can be a temporary consequence of hypothermia of the feet when walking in the cold, getting wet shoes in the rain, etc. Until the limbs are warmed, the situation will not be restored. Even if the air temperature is comfortable for a person, but their feet are on damp ground or water, they will still suffer;
  • Women experience numerous hormonal fluctuations throughout their lives that affect thermoregulation. During menopause, the problem is most acute - a temporary loss of correct sensations is possible, women suddenly sweat, and then freeze (hot flashes). Freezing limbs - common problem during pregnancy;
  • in men, thermoregulation may be impaired due to their physique - especially asthenics, tall and thin guys;
  • thermoregulation processes are also disrupted in an elderly person, making cold extremities a common condition;
  • cold feet also bother infants - Small child has imperfect regulation mechanisms, and it is easy for him to become hypothermic.


If your feet are constantly cold, you should think about the causes of pathological origin. The phenomenon of freezing feet is caused by diseases associated with vascular disorders:

  • diabetes- state high sugar in the blood leads to increased fragility of vascular elements, increasing the risk of thrombosis. The symptom of cold feet in diabetes should cause alarm - this may be a harbinger of the disease diabetic foot when, due to the constant deterioration of nutrition of the tissues of the feet, decomposition processes begin;
  • Raynaud's syndrome. Vascular neurosis causes spasms of small vessels, the limbs become sensitive to cold water and low temperature. In such a situation, the person’s hands and feet will be cold;
  • hypertension– chronic high blood pressure. Causes spasm of vascular elements, which negatively affects the blood supply to the extremities;
  • venous stasis followed by thrombosis. In addition to cooling your feet, they become swollen and painful;
  • intermittent claudication- inflammation inner shell arteries, leading to narrowing of the lumen. Feet become cold and physical activity They hurt a lot. Without correct treatment, everything ends in amputation due to tissue necrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia causes the inability to adequately change the degree of vascular lumen to the situation.

Cold extremities can also be the result of other diseases: dysfunction of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism (accompanied by the phenomenon of cold extremities, increased fatigue, lack of energy) and a state of acute allergic reaction of the immune system.

Cause a problem and neurological disorders:

  • herniated intervertebral discs in the lower sections;
  • consequences of conditions acute disorder cerebral circulation, paresis or paralysis of the limbs;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

Other reasons

Situations that are not classified as diseases, but cause changes in the body that lead to the problem of cold feet:

  • vitamin deficiency - insufficient intake of vitamins and mineral components in the body, in particular iron (there is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin - the oxygen carrier, which causes disturbances);
  • smoking – due to vascular spasm, smokers often face the problem of cold extremities;
  • systematic alcohol consumption leads to disruption of metabolic and circulatory processes;
  • the feet become cold due to severe stress - a consequence of vasoconstriction and poor blood flow to the legs;
  • losing weight with mono-diet is a common cause of cold feet. Insufficient intake of components into the body with a monotonous diet causes a shortage of energy resources;
  • taking certain medications (beta-blockers, ergot drugs);
  • consequences of long-term frostbite of the feet. Experiencing something like this once can leave you with the problem of cold feet for life.