Sodium thiosulfate 10 instructions for use. Sodium thiosulfate - instructions for use in ampoules, internal and external use, analogues, indications, contraindications, action, side effects, dosage, composition

Sodium thiosulfate is a remedy that has become famous for its numerous beneficial properties. Initially, the drug was supposed to be used only against poisoning. But subsequently sodium thiosulfate found application in other areas of medicine and even cosmetology.

Indications for use of sodium thiosulfate solution

Today it is - powerful tool, which has a complex effect. Sodium thiosulfate is an excellent antitoxic drug that saves from poisoning of varying severity and easily relieves inflammation. Using sodium thiosulfate, the patient does not have to worry - among other things, the product has a desensitizing effect, which allows it to prevent and combat possible allergic reactions.

Most often, sodium thiosulfate solution is used for the following diagnoses:

  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • purulent wounds;
  • arthritis;
  • infections caused by staphylococci;
  • allergy.

Many specialists prefer sodium thiosulfate in the treatment of psoriasis.

Gynecologists did not ignore the drug either. Many specialists use a product to remove cysts in the ovaries. Medicine knows of cases where sodium thiosulfate even helped overcome infertility.

Useful properties and uses of sodium thiosulfate

It is enough to listen to a couple of grateful reviews to understand that sodium thiosulfate is truly high-quality and useful remedy. Many recommend taking the drug not only for urgent need, but also regularly for prevention.

Sodium thiosulfate can be used both intravenously and intramuscularly. The results of using the drug are pleasantly surprising:

  1. The body is effectively cleansed, which improves overall well-being.
  2. Sodium thiosulfate prevents the penetration of toxins and compounds harmful to the body through the mucous membrane into the blood.
  3. Regular use of the product improves metabolism. Sodium thiosulfate enhances intestinal motility, thereby accelerating the elimination of toxins. Work gastrointestinal tract normalizes.
  4. It is not for nothing that cosmetologists and hairdressers liked this medicine. Treatment with sodium thiosulfate helps improve skin condition, prevents nail splitting, and strengthens hair.
  5. Many adherents alternative methods Treatment with sodium thiosulfate got rid of atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, and osteochondrosis.

Sodium thiosulfate powder is used infrequently. In most cases, preference is given to the finished solution. If necessary, you can prepare a Thiosulfate solution yourself. The product should be diluted with ordinary purified water or pharmaceutical saline solution.

It is not recommended to use more than 2-3 grams of a 10 percent product at one time. For intravenous administration used 30% thiosulfate solution. The amount of the drug is selected depending on the complexity of the disease and the patient’s condition.

When sodium thiosulfate is used according to a special scheme. In this case, the product is rubbed into the skin. A 60% solution of Thiosulfate is most suitable for the treatment of psoriasis. Gently rub the product into the diseased areas. rotational movements for 2-3 minutes. When the skin is dry, repeat the procedure with 6% hydrochloric acid and wait until crystals form. After this, you are allowed to wash no earlier than three days later. This is the main problem of treatment. But the result can exceed all expectations.

The drug "Sodium thiosulfate" is a sulfur-containing compound, a complexone (crystalline substance, easily soluble in water).

In the reference book for doctors “Medicines” M.D. Mashkovsky we find a description of this drug in the section “Specific antidotes”. Means, this drug refers to antidotes - agents that weaken or stop the effects of toxins.

What kind of poisons does the medicine “Sodium Thiosulfate” neutralize? The reference book states that when interacting with the drug, it forms rhodanium compounds, which are much less toxic to the body. An aqueous solution of "Sodium thiosulfate" neutralizes Negative influence iodine, bromine. This tool used for poisoning with heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury). 50 milliliters of a thirty percent solution is administered intravenously for poisoning with cyanide compounds.

The reference book contains indications that the medication has an anti-inflammatory effect, so sodium thiosulfate solution orally is prescribed for the treatment of arthritis, neuralgia and allergic diseases.

Doctors prescribe the drug "sodium thiosulfate" for oral administration, 2-3 g in the form aqueous solution(10%) or it is recommended to dilute the medicine with sodium chloride.

The method of external use in the treatment of scabious skin lesions is also described in detail (for this, a 60% solution is used in combination with a six percent

There is no information in this reference manual about side effect medications and nothing is said about contraindications. It seems that we have found a very cheap, versatile and absolutely safe remedy for the treatment of any disease, but do not rush to conclusions.

The drug "Sodium thiosulfate" - patient reviews

The medicine has no odor. Many people do not like the taste of the solution (salty-bitter). Among those who used the named medicine intravenously as prescribed by a doctor, there were patients who complained about the pain of the procedure. At the same time, some people talk about the absolute painlessness of the drug "Sodium Thiosulfate". The reviews are clearly contradictory. Why? There is an opinion that in this case the qualifications of the person performing the procedure are important. The medicine should be administered very slowly. If the solution gets under the skin rather than into a vein, the sensation can be very painful. In addition, some patients experienced a noticeable decrease in blood pressure after taking sodium thiosulfate. Reviews from doctors confirm these facts.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that this medicine has a mild laxative effect. That is why adherents healthy image life, lovers traditional methods treatment and cleansing of the body at home, it is recommended to drink a solution of “sodium thiosulfate”, dividing the contents of a 5-ml ampoule in half and diluting the medicine in water. The course is 10 days.

According to reviews, as a result of taking this remedy, the intestines and liver are cleansed, as a result, allergies go away and are cured skin diseases, sleep improves, digestion is normalized. Cases described successful treatment alcoholism by intravenous administration of the drug "sodium thiosulfate". Reviews from doctors indicate that this drug (in combination with other medicines) helps fight alcohol withdrawal syndrome. However, you should not take risks and prescribe yourself a course of treatment without consulting a doctor.

Although the drug is not toxic, its constant uncontrolled use can lead to hypovolemia (reduction in circulating blood volume), which in turn can lead to damage to the kidneys, liver, brain and cardiac arrest.

Medicine with detoxification and antihistamine action. Sodium thiosulfate is a salt that is used primarily in the form of solutions.

Release form

  • sterile solution for intravenous administration (in ampoules)
  • powder (directly, the substance itself)
  • 60% solution, which is used to treat scabies

pharmachologic effect

The drug has the following therapeutic effect on the body:

After intravenous administration, it spreads into the extracellular fluid. Excreted by the kidneys. The half-life is 0.65 hours.


  • Sodium thiosulfate is very effective for psoriasis
  • It is an antidote for poisoning with toxic substances - lead, hydrocyanic acid, bromine, iodine salts, arsenic, mercury, etc.
  • Both orally and intravenously, according to the instructions for use, sodium thiosulfate is prescribed for neuralgia, allergies, arthritis
  • External use of the solution is indicated for scabies
  • In gynecology, sodium thiosulfate is prescribed intravenously for the treatment of infertility, for tuberculosis of the genital organs and for the elimination of cysts in the ovaries
  • In addition, this remedy is used for treatment of staphylococcal infections, with lupus erythematosus, osteochondrosis, diseases internal organs(liver, pancreas)


There are few contraindications to the use of this medicine due to its low toxicity. However, the instructions for use of sodium thiosulfate specify that during pregnancy and breastfeeding it must be used with caution and absolute contraindication is the patient's individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects

A side effect of using sodium thiosulfate intravenously, orally and externally is an allergic reaction to the substance in case of individual intolerance.

Instructions for use

  • How to dilute sodium thiosulfate for intravenous administration? This is not necessary; pharmaceutical companies have already taken care of maintaining the required concentration by producing a 30% sterile solution in ampoules.
  • For oral use, a 10% solution is used (this concentration is considered the most effective for poisoning). The patient takes 2-3 grams during intoxication active remedy, 5-50 ml of a 30% solution is injected intravenously.

Important! The exact dosage in case of poisoning depends on its type and severity.

  • In case of cyanide poisoning, the drug is combined with other auxiliary drugs
  • To get rid of scabies, a more concentrated solution is used - 60%. It is rubbed into the arms, legs and torso for 2-3 minutes for each part of the body.

Important! You can wash only two days after such rubbing.

  • To cleanse the body, one ampoule of the medicine is diluted in a glass of water and drunk half a glass in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (before bedtime)
  • To treat tuberculosis of the genital organs, the solution is administered intravenously in 10 ml doses with a break of 1-2 days. There are 40-50 injections per course of treatment
  • It is important to know how to administer sodium thiosulfate intravenously, as incorrect administration may cause a fall. blood pressure And severe pain at the injection site. Such injections should only be performed by an experienced specialist. The main principle in this case is a very slow introduction, in addition, the patient must remain under the supervision of medical staff for some time.


Cases of overdose with this drug have not been described.

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Sodium thiosulfate is inexpensive and effective means when it comes to poisoning. IN official medicine it is usually prescribed for acute intoxication with various poisons. It is also used to treat skin diseases, allergic manifestations, in gynecology. The popularity of the drug as a means to cleanse the body is growing. They drink it to get rid of excess weight and at alcohol intoxication.

What is sodium thiosulfate and how does it affect humans? Does the drug have contraindications and side effects? Can it be given to children? How is the medicine used and does it have analogues? - below are the answers to all these questions.

What is sodium thiosulfate

Sodium thiosulfate (sodium thiosulfate) is a highly water-soluble crystalline powder that has a strong antitoxic effect, therefore it is actively used both in cases of acute poisoning and to relieve chronic intoxication.

In composition, sodium thiosulfate is a derivative of thiosulfuric acid. Other names for this substance:

  • sodium sulfate;
  • sodium salt of thiosulfuric acid;
  • sodium hyposulfite.

The chemical formula of sodium thiosulfate is Na 2 S 2 O 3. This is powder white, which has a crystalline structure. The crystals of the substance are transparent, have a salty-bitter taste, and dissolve well in water.

Release form

This medicine is made by several manufacturers, but the form of sodium thiosulfate is not very diverse.

Sodium thiosulfate is not available in tablets.

How does sodium thiosulfate act on the human body?

The drug activates detoxification processes that occur in the liver. According to their own chemical properties Sodium thiosulfate is a supplier of free sulfur, which has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of necessary enzymes. It is used mainly in the form of a 30% solution by injection into a vein. With this administration, the substance is quickly distributed in tissues and organs, and is also quickly excreted unchanged by the kidneys - its half-life is just over half an hour.

Is it possible to drink sodium thiosulfate? - yes, but for this purpose it is necessary to take a 10% solution. And you need to take into account that the effect of the medicine will occur more slowly and not as strong.

Sodium thiosulfate has a variety of effects on the body:

The substance also indirectly improves the condition of hair, nails and skin generally.

Applications of sodium thiosulfate

What is sodium thiosulfate used for in official medicine? Indications for prescribing the drug are as follows:

  • poisoning;
  • allergic conditions of the body;
  • neuralgia;
  • dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • scabies;
  • arthritis.

But the indications for the use of sodium thiosulfate are not limited to this list. Studies are being conducted showing that this medicine gives positive result in the treatment of tuberculosis, purulent wounds, atherosclerosis and even in the treatment of certain mental disorders.

This drug is also popular among those who want to rid their body of waste and toxins.

The solution is used in three ways:

  • intravenous injections;
  • applied to the skin - externally;
  • taken orally.

In some cases it is allowed to do intramuscular injections mainly for a quick antitoxic effect when acute poisoning(when administering the solution into a vein is difficult).

Let's take a closer look at the use of sodium thiosulfate for each individual indication.

Use for poisoning

Sodium thiosulfate is effective against poisoning with the following poisons:

The mechanism of action of the drug is slightly different in each case. Thus, with heavy metals, sodium thiosulfate forms non-toxic salts that are easily excreted from the body. It converts cyanides into less toxic thiocyanate compounds, and is also a supplier of sulfur, which enhances the liver’s own activity in neutralizing the cyano group.

For acute poisoning, a 30% sodium thiosulfate solution is administered intravenously. The dose of the antidote depends on the type and quantity of poison entering the body, and ranges from 5 to 50 ml.

Use for cleansing the body

In order to remove waste and toxins from the blood and lymph, sodium thiosulfate is taken orally in the form of a 10% solution. In terms of pure powder, a single dose is 2–3 grams.

How to take sodium thiosulfate to cleanse the body?

How long to take sodium thiosulfate to cleanse the body? The course is designed for 10 days, and the maximum duration of taking the drug should be no more than 12 days. At the same time, the maximum daily dose equal to 30 ml.

In the first days of cleansing the body, various rashes on the skin are possible. This is due to the release of toxins and waste from cells. There is no need to worry - in two days the skin will calm down.

In parallel with cleansing the body with sodium thiosulfate, it is useful to improve the health of blood vessels. To do this, additionally take antioxidants and vitamins. It is also recommended to give enemas to quickly cleanse the intestines of toxins.

Cleansing the body according to Kondakova’s method

Cleansing the body with sodium thiosulfate has a scientific basis. For the first time this drug is in non-standard therapeutic purposes applied by a practicing physician, candidate medical sciences Valentina Maksimovna Kondakova - treated the consequences with them alcohol addiction in one of the drug treatment hospitals in Moscow. Having obtained good results in patients with alcoholism, doctor Kondakova successfully used this drug to treat many other pathologies - hypertension, allergies, asthma, osteochondrosis, liver and pancreas diseases.

This technique is also used in the treatment of diseases of a tumor nature - mastopathy, fibroids. Good results Cleansing is helpful if there are symptoms such as lethargy, swelling, frequent colds, headaches, cough.

Dr. Kondakova’s method is based on cleansing the blood and intercellular space, and the cells themselves, from waste and toxins. It is believed that clean cells have high energy potential and cope with diseases on their own.

The following effects from taking sodium thiosulfate are noted:

  • increased performance;
  • improvement appearance hair and nails;
  • restoration of cartilage in joints;
  • getting rid of headaches.

In addition, the overall incidence of illness in the body decreases and intestinal function improves.

How to take sodium thiosulfate according to Dr. Kondakova’s method? Key points the following.

  1. The drug is taken daily in the evening two hours after meals.
  2. The dosage is calculated based on the patient's weight. It ranges from 10 to 20 ml (1–2 ampoules).
  3. The drug should be diluted in 100 ml of water.
  4. It is recommended to snack on your drink with a slice of lemon to neutralize the unpleasant taste.
  5. The duration of taking the medicine is 10 days.

On the first day of cleansing, there may be an intestinal upset, but on the second, digestion returns to normal, the tract is cleansed, toxins are dissolved and removed, liver function improves, bile is released more easily, and peristalsis increases.

Already two days after the start of the course, a rush is felt vitality, it’s easy to get up in the morning, your head becomes clearer.

The solution can also be taken for preventive purposes. Annual body cleansing courses are recommended for workers in hazardous industries and residents of environmentally disadvantaged areas.

Use for allergies

Of course, if allergic reactions worsen, you should consult a doctor to select medications. For allergies, doctors prescribe sodium thiosulfate together with antihistamines.

At acute dermatitis and allergic reactions, a 30% solution of the drug is administered intravenously or placed as a dropper once a day. The effect of using sodium thiosulfate occurs on the 5th–6th day of therapy.

At skin rashes If the solution is of an allergic nature, it can be used externally, lubricating the affected areas with it. This reduces swelling and soothes itching.

Use for the treatment of female diseases

Treatment is carried out with microenemas of sodium thiosulfate solution or the drug is administered intravenously.

Microclysters are used in therapy inflammatory processes V reproductive organs and the presence of adhesions in the pelvic cavity. A solution with a concentration of 10% is heated in a water bath to a temperature of +37–40 °C and injected into the rectum in a volume of 30–50 ml.

In the absence of ovulation, sodium thiosulfate is used in addition to electrophoresis with nicotinic acid and Actovegin injections.

For genital tuberculosis, the drug is prescribed intravenously together with vitamin E and Lidase. Application regimen: 10 ml of solution every other day. The course of treatment is long, the patient is prescribed 40 to 50 injections.

Use for psoriasis

Psoriasis is practically untreatable, but the use of sodium thiosulfate significantly alleviates the patient’s condition. A 30% solution is used. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effect, which prolongs the state of remission. After thorough cleaning with sodium thiosulfate, the course of most chronic diseases and the immune system is normalized, which is important for psoriasis.

The medicine is prescribed intravenously, which only a doctor should do, but it is also possible to take the drug orally. Courses last from 5 to 12 days.

How to take sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis? To do this, dilute one 10 ml ampoule in a glass of water and divide the resulting solution into two doses. The first part is drunk in the morning before breakfast, the second - before dinner. For psoriasis, three courses per year are recommended.

External use is also practiced: the skin in affected areas (psoriasis plaques) is treated with a solution of the drug.

Use for scabies

To treat scabies, use a sodium thiosulfate solution with a concentration of 60%. It is applied to the skin of the arms, legs and torso, rubbing in for several minutes. After drying, small crystals form on the skin.

After this treatment against ticks, you should not wash for 3 days.

Application for weight loss

Sodium thiosulfate for weight loss is drunk according to the same scheme as for general cleansing of the body, however, while following a diet. To reduce the load on the kidneys these days, you should not eat meat and dairy products, but rather lean more on fruits and vegetables.

One of the advantages of losing weight with the help of this drug is that the weight does not return again after a cleansing course.

Sodium thiosulfate and alcohol

What is the compatibility of sodium thiosulfate and alcohol? The drug relieves toxicosis and neutralizes the breakdown products of ethanol. It is used to treat delirium tremens (delirium tremens).

Prescribed intravenously as a dropper. But you can also use it internally, using a 10% solution or sodium thiosulfate powder (must be diluted in drinking water). According to the experience of narcologist V. M. Kondakova, sodium thiosulfate in case of alcohol intoxication quickly relieves a hangover and stabilizes mental condition, reduces cravings for alcohol.

As stated above, the dosage of the drug depends on the patient’s weight and ranges from 10 to 20 ml of a 10% solution orally.

Use in children

Sodium thiosulfate is not usually prescribed to children under 14 years of age. The exception is cases of poisoning with heavy metals, aniline, halogens, cyanides, and phenols.

The doctor may also prescribe the child to drink sodium thiosulfate for dermatitis and other allergic conditions.

Side effects

There are practically no side effects from the use of sodium thiosulfate. The substance itself is non-toxic. In experiments on dogs, with continuous intravenous administration, a decrease in circulating blood volume was noted (presumably due to a diuretic effect). This fact suggests that the drug may have an indirect negative effect on patients with diseases of the kidneys, heart and vascular system.

Reactions may occur when the drug is administered hypersensitivity. This occurs due to individual intolerance to sodium thiosulfate. There may also be pain at the intravenous injection site (as a reaction of the body).

Pain and swelling also develop if part of the solution is mistakenly injected past a vein under the skin - this is where swelling occurs. chemical burn fabrics. As a result, they may develop severe complications, up to cell death and damage to veins and nerves. What should you do if sodium thiosulfate gets under your skin? The nurse should additionally inject saline solution through the same needle, apply a compress to the site of swelling with an absorbable drug (alcohol or heparin), and inject the burn with Novocaine. In case of complications, inform your doctor, who will prescribe electrophoresis and other procedures to relieve swelling and pain.


A contraindication to the use of sodium thiosulfate is individual hypersensitivity.

It is prescribed with caution for kidney diseases, high blood pressure, heart pathologies and edema of various origins.

Sodium thiosulfate should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since studies on its effect on the fetus and child have not been conducted. There is also no data on the effect of the drug on reproductive function.

Interaction of sodium thiosulfate with other drugs

Sodium thiosulfate actively interacts with some medications, so this fact must be kept in mind.

  1. Combined use of sodium thiosulfate with iodine or bromine preparations will neutralize the effect of these drugs.
  2. It is not allowed to mix sodium thiosulfate solution and nitrates or nitrites in one syringe.
  3. The drug suppresses pharmachologic effect antibiotics from the streptomycin group.


There are analogues for sodium thiosulfate, although it is not completely identical to other drugs.

Sodium thiosulfate as an antidote for poisoning with various toxic substances can be replaced by the following drugs:

Glutathione and succinic acid can be used as drugs that support the liver and reduce the toxic effects of other drugs.

In conclusion, it can be said that sodium thiosulfate is effective as an antidote for various poisonings. The drug is also used for some other diseases, in particular allergic and gynecological ones. They practice using sodium thiosulfate and cleanse the body, which should be carried out after consultation with a doctor, since there is a risk of side effects from use - the drug can have a negative effect on people with kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

Dosage form:  solution for intravenous administration Compound:

Active substance: sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate - 300.0 mg

Excipients : sodium bicarbonate - 20.0 mg, water for injection - up to 1.0 ml


Transparent colorless liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Complexing agent ATX:  

V.03.A.B Antidotes


When introduced into the body, it has a detoxifying effect. Forms non-toxic or low-toxic compounds with cyanides. The main mechanism of detoxification in case of poisoning with hydrocyanic acid and its salts (cyanide) is the formation of less toxic rhodanium compounds (thiocyanate) with the participation of the enzyme rhodonase - thiosulfate cyanide seratransferase (found in many tissues, but exhibits maximum activity in the liver). The human body has the ability to endogenously detoxify cyanide, however, the rhodonase system works slowly, and in case of cyanide poisoning, its activity is not enough for detoxification, and therefore, to accelerate the reaction catalyzed by rhodonase, it is necessary to introduce sodium thiosulfate into the body, which is a sulfur donor.

Pharmacokinetics:After intravenous administration, 20-50% of exogenously administered sodium thiosulfate is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. The volume of distribution is 0.15 l/kg. Half-life (T 1/2) after intravenous administration of 1 g sodium thiosulfateis approximately 20 minutes when administered more high doses in healthy people volunteers (150 mg/kg, i.e. 9 g per 60 kg body weight) T 1/2 is 182 minutes. Indications:

As an antidote for cyanide poisoning.


Hypersensitivity to sodium thiosulfate.


Renal failure (slow elimination of formed compounds), elderly age(due to possible violation kidney function), childhood (clinical researches There are no studies evaluating the safety and effectiveness of sodium thiosulfate in the pediatric population, however, there are reports in medical literature on the use of sodium thiosulfate in combination with sodium nitrite in pediatric patients for cyanide poisoning, and therefore dosing recommendations for pediatric patients are based on theoretical calculations of the potential detoxifying effect of the antidote, by extrapolation of data from animal experiments, and small quantity medical histories).

Pregnancy and lactation:

There are no adequate and strictly controlled studies in pregnant women. The use of sodium thiosulfate during pregnancy is possible if potential benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. Not recorded in epidemiological studies congenital anomalies in children born to mothers who took it during pregnancy. In animal studies, there were no teratogenic effects in the offspring of rodents exposed during pregnancy to sodium thiosulfate at doses similar to those administered intravenously for cyanide poisoning in humans. Other studies in rodents show that treatment with sodium thiosulfate for maternal poisoning reverses the teratogenic effects of cyanide. In studies in mice, rats, hamsters and rabbits, there was no embryotoxic or teratogenic effect when administered at maternal doses of up to 550, 400, 400 and 580 mg/kg/day, respectively.It is unknown whether it penetrates breast milk in humans. Since it is administered only for life-threatening conditions, breastfeeding is not a contraindication to its use. Due to the fact that many drugs pass into breast milk, caution should be exercised when using sodium thiosulfate in nursing women. There are no data on when it is safe to resume breastfeeding after administration of sodium thiosulfate.

Directions for use and dosage:

Intravenously slowly. Treatment should begin as soon as possible after diagnosis.

Adults are administered a single dose of 50 ml of solution, children at the rate of 250 mg/kg body weight.

If symptoms of cyanide poisoning reappear, it is necessary to repeat the administration of the drug at a dose of 50% of the original.

During administration, blood pressure must be monitored; in case of a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, it is necessary to reduce the rate of administration.

Side effects:

Because strictly controlled studies evaluating the adverse event profile of sodium thiosulfate are lacking, the frequency of these adverse effects reported in the medical literature cannot be estimated.

Allergic reactions, lowering blood pressure, headache, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, prolongation of bleeding time, salty taste in the mouth, feeling of warmth throughout the body.

Rapid administration or administration large doses sodium thiosulfate was accompanied by a higher incidence of nausea and vomiting.

Overdose: Data on overdose of sodium thiosulfate are limited. Oral intake of 3 g sodium thiosulfate per day for 1-2 weeks in humans was accompanied by a decrease in the degree of saturation arterial blood oxygen below 75%, which was associated with a shift to the right in the dissociation curve of oxygen and hemoglobin. Restoration of the degree of arterial blood oxygen saturation to the initial level was observed 1 week after discontinuation of sodium thiosulfate administration. It was reported that one-time administration of 20 ml of 20% sodium thiosulfate solution did not change saturation indicators blood oxygen. Interaction:

Chemically incompatible with hydroxocobalamin, which is why they cannot be administered through the same intravenous device.

There have been no reports of chemical incompatibility between sodium thiosulfate and sodium nitrite administered sequentially through the same intravenous line. Studies of the interaction of sodium thiosulfate with other drugs have not been conducted.

Special instructions:

In case of cyanide poisoning, simultaneous administration of sodium nitrite is recommended, administered after sodium nitrite. In case of cyanide intoxication, delay in administering the antidote should be avoided (rapid administration is possible). death). The patient should be closely monitored for 24-48 hours due to the possible return of symptoms of cyanide poisoning. If symptoms return, the administration of sodium thiosulfate should be repeated at half the dose.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to monitor hemoglobin and hematocrit. In the presence of methemoglobinemia, oxygen saturation measurements using standard pulse oximetry techniques and estimated oxygen saturation values ​​based on measured ROg are unreliable.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:Negative impact on ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms, not identified. Release form/dosage:

Solution for intravenous administration 300 mg/ml.


5 or 10 ml in ampoules of colorless neutral glass type I with a colored break ring or with a colored dot and notch, or without a break ring, colored dot and notch. The ampoules can additionally be coated with one, two or three color rings and/or a two-dimensional barcode, and/or alphanumeric coding, or without additional color rings, two-dimensional. barcode, alphanumeric coding.