Review of effective ointments for arthrosis. Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint Effective ointments, gels, creams for arthrosis

The knee joint suffers from various disorders most often. One of the most mobile joints is subject to heavy loads throughout life. As a result, arthrosis develops in adulthood. The disease is chronic and progressive, requiring complex therapy to maintain limb mobility and good health. Treatment necessarily includes external remedies that significantly alleviate the condition. Let us consider in detail what ointments are used for arthrosis of the knee joint, their types, rules of use, and effectiveness.

Features of external treatment of knees

Gonarthrosis is a pathology of the knee joint, in which destruction of cartilage tissue occurs with subsequent deformation of the leg. The disease is chronic in nature with periodic exacerbations.

Accompanied by a whole set of unpleasant symptoms:

  • pain during movement and at rest;
  • poor limb mobility;
  • the formation of bone spurs that pinch nerve fibers;
  • swelling, hyperemia, local inflammation;
  • muscle spasms and congestion in the knee.

Without special complex therapy, rapid degradation of the joint cavity and immobilization of the limb occurs. Along with systemic medications, they are prescribed local drugs. Their function is primarily to relieve painful symptoms, which is important for maintaining activity and well-being.

Arthrosis is one of the most common joint pathologies, most often diagnosed in the knee area

External remedies for gonarthrosis include:

  • ointments;
  • cream;
  • gels;
  • rubbing mixtures.

They contain both synthetic and natural components. Buy ready-made product You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself.

Important: ointments for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint are not able to cure the pathology; they are used exclusively as an auxiliary symptomatic remedy.

The benefits of ointment for gonarthrosis

Local remedies in the form of ointments for the treatment of knee arthrosis have a number of advantages and useful properties:

  • reduce the intensity of inflammation;
  • fight swelling and redness;
  • improve microcirculation and blood flow;
  • reduce painful symptoms;
  • eliminate muscle hypertonicity, increase their elasticity;
  • activate metabolic processes in tissues;
  • slow down the destruction of cartilage;
  • have some disinfectant and antiseptic effect;
  • warm and distract from uncomfortable sensations.

Treatment of arthrosis involves A complex approach including the use of medications

Despite the locality of the effect, which is to some extent a disadvantage, ointments have clear advantages over systemic drugs:

  • penetrate directly into the affected area;
  • do not have a negative effect on internal organs;
  • rarely cause adverse reactions;
  • a life-saving remedy in the presence of serious illnesses;
  • available for sale over-the-counter;
  • easy to use.

Regular use medicinal ointments increases the effectiveness of oral medications and speeds up recovery. But this does not mean that they can be used constantly and uncontrollably. Only the right medication after consultation with a doctor guarantees a positive result.

Types of ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint with names

There is no universal ointment for gonarthrosis. The choice of drug is made depending on clinical picture and stages of the disease.

IN different cases Application shown:

  • anti-inflammatory ointments - reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in acute period, relieve moderate pain, remove swelling, redness, hyperemia, elevated temperature(“Diclofenac”, “Ortofen”, “Indomethacin”, “Ketorol”, “Dolobene”, “Nise”);
  • warming - improve microcirculation and cellular nutrition of cartilage, stimulate blood flow in tissues, reduce spasms and pain, act as a distraction (Gevkamen, Viprosal, Apizatron, Espol);
  • chondroprotective – promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue, trigger restoration processes in the joint (“Chondroitin”, “Teraflex M”, “Arthro-Active”, “Shark fat”, “CONDROnova”).

Ointments that can alleviate the condition of a patient with arthrosis are available in all pharmacies and are relatively inexpensive

Pharmacy drugs

According to the active substance, all ointments and creams for arthrosis of the knee joint are divided into several groups.

The pharmacy chain contains drugs based on:

  • non-hormonal (non-steroidal) anti-inflammatory components - “Diklak”, “Ketonal”, “Nimulid”, “Fastum”, “Dolgit”;
  • salicylic acid and its derivatives - “Efkamon”, “Doloxen Fast”, “Bom-Benge”, “Kamfart”;
  • capsaicin (capsicum alkaloid) - “Espol”, “Kapsin”, “Nicoflex”;
  • chondroitin and glucosamine - “Chondrolone”, “Chondroitin”, “Chondoxide”, “Teraflex M”;
  • natural ingredients of plant, animal, mineral origin (homeopathic) - Vishnevsky ointment, “Viprosal V”, “Ungapiven”, “Apizatron”, “Alflutop”, “Gevkamen”, “Traumel S”.

External agents with different pharmacological compositions have different therapeutic effect. They are available over-the-counter, but to achieve a quick positive effect, you should first consult your doctor.

Rating of the most effective and popular means

There are a huge number of ointments for knee arthrosis. Many are similar in composition or therapeutic effect. Some act as analogues and substitutes for each other. This complicates the choice and at the same time significantly simplifies it in case of individual contraindications and intolerance to certain components.

This ointment is known to almost every person who has had to deal with joint diseases
  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Ketorol";
  • "Ortofen";
  • "Nise."


An anti-inflammatory drug from the group of non-steroids with the active substance of the same name. The use of Diclofenac for arthrosis of the knee joint involves applying a thin layer of gel to the affected area up to 4 times a day.

Regular use helps:

  • reducing the inflammatory process;
  • pain relief;
  • eliminating redness and swelling;
  • moderate antirheumatic effect.

Indicated in the treatment of arthritic pathologies of the shoulder, elbow, hip, ankle joints. Contraindicated in case of allergies to the composition, peptic ulcer, pregnancy. Rarely, local skin reactions may occur.


Gel based on ketorolac from the group of NSAIDs with pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Mechanism therapeutic action consists in blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins, which contribute to the conduction of pain impulses and disruption of thermoregulation. The dimethyl sulfoxide included in the composition enhances the penetration of the drug deep into the affected tissues.

It fights pain very well, but, like other ointments, it does not have any clinically significant effect directly on the causes of arthrosis.

Direct readings:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • inflammation synovial membrane(synovitis);
  • damage to joints and soft tissues.

Apply 3-4 times a day by applying to clean skin. Ketorol injections are also available, which can quickly relieve knee pain. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor individually.


Ointment for arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joint with diclofenac sodium. Copes well with unpleasant joint symptoms:

  • reduces pain in a calm and mobile state;
  • eliminates morning stiffness and stiffness of the limb;
  • increases range of motion;
  • relieves swelling of the knee;

With long-term use, it activates protein metabolism in cartilage and has some antiallergic effect.

Dosage regimen: apply 4 g of ointment three times a day to the painful area for 14 days. Do not use during pregnancy, erosive gastrointestinal pathologies, asthma, or in childhood.

Most common in cream/gel format


Combined drug in gel form made in India. The composition contains four active ingredients:

  • nimesulide (10 mg in 1 g of gel);
  • methyl salicylate (100 mg);
  • menthol (50 mg);
  • capsaicin (0.25 mg).

"Nise" is a new generation non-steroidal drug with strong analgesic, anti-edematous, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a moderate local irritating effect and increases local blood flow.

Combined ointments for osteoarthritis of the knee joint

External products with a combined composition are highly effective. The interaction of several active components gives a stronger and longer-lasting therapeutic result.


Main active substance– heparin, which promotes healing, prevents blood clots and degeneration connective tissue. Other ingredients - dimethyl sulfoxide and dexpanthenol - eliminate inflammation, swelling, pain, and accelerate regeneration processes. The gel is used for rubbing into the knee joint for arthrosis, as well as for the phonophoresis procedure.

The drug Dolobene belongs to the group of direct-acting anticoagulants and has pronounced analgesic, anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and anti-thrombotic properties

"Viprosal V"

Warming, locally irritating, analgesic ointment made from viper venom, camphor, salicylic acid, turpentine oil. Indicated not only for gonarthrosis, but also for joint and muscle pain in the arm, foot, and back. Apply in the standard way twice a day until relief occurs. Increased sensitivity can cause dizziness, skin rashes, and headaches.

"Teraflex M"

Cream with glucosamine and chondroitin has a chondroprotective effect, protecting cartilage from destruction. Camphor and mint oil improve blood circulation and act as weak analgesics. Rub into the knee 2-3 times a day for a month. There are no strict contraindications or side effects.

Multicomponent ointments are effective in complex therapy of arthrosis as auxiliary symptomatic agents of local action.

Home Recipes for Knees

ethnoscience offers many options for ointments for gonarthrosis based on simple and natural ingredients.

The ointment penetrates the skin, affects the foci of the pathological process, eliminates or significantly reduces pain, spasms and inflammation

  • honey ointment – ​​mix 50 g of honey with 5 g of mumiyo, rub the knee before going to bed every day;
  • clay ointment - dilute dry white clay with water to a paste consistency, heat, add a pinch of red pepper, apply to the kneecap area, rinse after cooling;
  • paraffin balm - 3 tbsp. l. liquid paraffin, add a pinch of salt and mustard powder, mix and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, lubricate overnight;
  • herbal cream - 15 g each of dried motherwort, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow, corn silk mixed with eucalyptus oil, rub the knee until relief occurs.

Homemade ointments are relatively harmless, but they should not be used without consulting your doctor.

Rules for dosing and use of ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint

The method of using ointments for gonarthrosis is quite simple. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, simple rules should be followed:

  • first conduct a skin sensitivity test to the composition of the prescribed drug;
  • Before the procedure, rinse the knee with warm water and dry;
  • squeeze about 2-3 cm of cream (3-5 g) onto your finger and apply to the knee;
  • Rub into the skin with light massage movements;
  • do not cover or wrap your leg;
  • frequency of application – 2-4 times a day, depending on the specifics of the product;
  • in the presence of allergies, skin lesions, dermatoses, local treatment is not carried out;
  • Warming ointments should not be used during periods of acute inflammation.

Treatment with ointments is carried out approximately the same, but some drugs have their own peculiarities. It is recommended to read the instructions before the procedure.

Unlike tablets with a similar effect, the ointment is characterized by a much lower tendency to provoke various side effects

Duration of treatment

The duration of local therapy depends on the severity of clinical manifestations and the type of medication:

  • It is not advisable to use drugs from the NSAID group for more than 2 weeks, especially if there is no improvement;
  • drugs with a distracting and irritating effect are used on average for 7-10 days, a long course is not provided due to the risk of a negative effect on the condition of soft tissues and ligaments;
  • chondroprotectors require long-term therapy (4-6 weeks);
  • home treatment can also be carried out for a long time until a lasting result occurs.

Any ointment is prescribed by a doctor, and accordingly, the regimen is selected individually.

When to expect results from local therapy

The effect of ointments for arthrosis of the knee occurs in different ways. The result is influenced by many factors: the age of the patient, the type of medication, the complexity of the condition, the susceptibility of the body.

Standard external agents:

  • reduce inflammatory manifestations and pain 20-50 minutes after application;
  • bring lasting relief after 5-7 days of regular use;
  • give some therapeutic effect after 2-4 weeks of continuous use, to a greater extent this applies to chondroprotectors ( cartilage tissue recovers very slowly).

It is important to understand that a miraculous recovery will not occur after local treatment. Arthrosis – systemic disease, requiring complex therapy with medications, physiotherapy, and additional measures.

To increase the effectiveness of using ointments, a specialist may recommend using them in combination with physiotherapy

General contraindications

Despite the local effect and the absence of a significant systemic effect on the body, ointments have a number of contraindications.

  • hypersensitivity to the composition;
  • history of allergic reactions (rashes, angioedema, anaphylactic shock);
  • wounds, cracks, erosions, damage to the skin in the knee area;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • severe renal, liver failure;
  • ulcerative-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute period.

Pregnant and lactating women and elderly people should approach treatment with caution. Many drugs are prohibited for use in pediatric practice.

Side effects

Adverse reactions to local therapy ointments are not common, mainly due to violations of medical prescriptions and individual sensitivity.

The most common manifestations:

  • skin rash;
  • itching and burning at the site of application;
  • redness and swelling of soft tissues;
  • headache;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness.

Overdose phenomena are extremely rare when applied topically

In most cases unpleasant symptoms pass on their own. A significant overdose or accidental ingestion of the drug requires emergency medical care with symptomatic measures.

Storage conditions for drugs

Rules for storing ointments depend on their composition and purpose. The required information is indicated at the end of each instruction. The shelf life of most external medications is 2-3 years at room temperature (20-25°), in a dark place, in the original packaging. Perishable natural products are placed in the refrigerator immediately after preparation or purchase at the pharmacy. Expired medications should not be used. They not only lose their healing properties, but can be harmful to health.

It is advisable for people with chronic gonarthrosis to always have a first aid remedy in their home medicine cabinet to relieve painful symptoms.

What to choose - homemade or pharmacy ointment

There is no clear answer to the question of whether a pharmaceutical product is better or one prepared independently. It all depends on the individual situation of each individual patient.

Many people constantly buy knee ointments at the pharmacy:

  • sold ready-made, no need to waste time and effort on preparation;
  • have a quick and targeted effect;
  • passed clinical trials;
  • recommended by experts.

Traditional treatment has also earned many positive reviews thanks to:

  • 100% natural composition;
  • minimum side effects and contraindications;
  • absence of fakes and falsifications;
  • cheap price and availability.

The best option is to try different products and choose the ones that suit your personal feelings. But do not forget about mandatory consultation with a doctor in order to avoid unforeseen complications.

You need to treat knee arthrosis with ointments wisely, following all the rules and medical recommendations. Then the effect will be positive, activity and good health will remain for a long time.

The whole truth about: ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint and other interesting information about treatment.

In the modern world, such an ailment as arthrosis of the knee joint is not uncommon among elderly and young people. The disease is accompanied by pain, which significantly affects the health and fullness of a person’s life. Modern medicine offers many tools to help successfully combat this pathology. Everyone can choose for themselves suitable medicine, for example, ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint. However, the choice here is huge, depending on the mode of action of the drug. Find out what's right for you.

What ointments help with arthrosis

Ointments are medicinal substances with a viscous consistency that penetrate the skin layer and have a gentle effect on the affected area. But it is a mistake to believe that ointment alone can completely cure a particular ailment. Doctors use an integrated approach in the treatment of arthrosis (or gonarthrosis), sometimes even with surgical intervention and bed rest. But the ointments play important role in this process:

  • relieve pain;
  • warm the area affected by gonarthrosis;
  • relieve inflammatory symptoms;
  • maximize blood flow to affected tissues;
  • are antiseptic;
  • improve the access of nutrients to the affected joints with cartilage.

Medicinal ointments that alleviate suffering from this disease may contain natural ingredients such as snake or bee venom, and plant extracts. These include “Ungapiven” or “Apizatron”. There are many ointments based on shark oil. They help relieve pain and have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. The negative point of such soft dosage forms there is a high risk of allergic reactions.

Other ointments for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint contain other chemical components. These medications help significantly alleviate the course of the disease. To distinguish ointments, depending on their mode of action, they are classified into the following subgroups:

  • Preparations with non-hormonal anti-inflammatory substances (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac, etc.). They have an analgesic effect and relieve swelling. This subgroup of ointments includes medications such as “Ketonal”, “Finalgel”, “Nise”.
  • Ointment for leg joints with a burning effect (the substance capsaicin has this effect). These include Espol, Finalgon, Capsicam, Nakorflex, Kapsin.
  • With salicylic acid. An ointment with this component relieves inflammation well. Such drugs include “Bom-Benge”, “Efkamon”, “Viprosal”, “Ben-Gay”, “Nizhvisal”, etc.
  • WITH complex composition homeopathic substances. For example, "Dimexide".

The best ointments, gels and creams for the treatment of knee arthrosis

If you want to get the best effect, it is important not to self-medicate, but to immediately contact the appropriate doctor. You will be given an accurate diagnosis, which will increase the guarantee that you will receive qualified, effective help for knee gonarthrosis. In most cases, doctors take a comprehensive approach to treatment and prescribe several anti-inflammatory ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint. These drugs are designed to:

  • put away painful sensations;
  • improve the mobility of the affected joint;
  • nourish articular cartilage as much as possible to speed up recovery processes;
  • increase blood flow to affected tissues and joints;
  • remove pressure from the affected joint areas;
  • increase the firmness and elasticity of the muscles that are located in the area of ​​the diseased joint.

With a warming effect

Warming creams effectively relieve pain; they create a pleasant feeling of warmth in the area of ​​application. These drugs have a good vasodilator effect. These ointments improve microcirculation in the affected area and normalize the nutrition of cartilage and bone tissue. They are good to use in combination with other medications that enhance their effect. Study the instructions and characteristics of various ointments, creams, and gels with a warming effect, presented below.


  • Ingredients: menthol, benzocaine with procaine.
  • Indications: menovazine is used as a local drug for pain relief and relief of itching symptoms.
  • Application: the ointment is intended for external use, so it should be applied to the affected area. Rub the area thoroughly until a cooling sensation appears. For treatment to be effective, it is recommended to use the product at least two to three times a day.
  • Cost: from 12 rub.


  • Ingredients: clove oil, paraffin, petroleum jelly.
  • Indications: used as an anesthetic for arthritis, neuralgia, etc.
  • Application: for external use. A small amount of ointment is easily rubbed into the painful area of ​​the skin until completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated two to three times a day.
  • Cost: from 25 rub.
  • Ingredients: the drug contains capsaicin, which causes a burning sensation.
  • Indications: widely used to eliminate pain during radiculitis, history of joint pathology, sprains and muscle ruptures, dislocations.
  • Application: applied to the skin in areas where there is pain. A small amount of ointment should be rubbed in until a warming sensation appears. Apply two to three times a day. The maximum treatment period is 10 days.
  • Cost: from 137 rub.

Nicoflex cream

  • Ingredients: capsaicin, salicylic acid, ethyl nicotinate.
  • Indications: used to relieve pain during neuritis, arthrosis, muscle and ligament injuries. Widely known among athletes as a drug that warms up muscles before and after sports activities.
  • Application: Apply a small amount of ointment to the area of ​​pain and rub in. After use, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly so that the product does not get on the mucous membranes.
  • Cost: from 220 rub.

Based on bee venom

Ointments containing bee venom produce an irritating effect in the affected joint area. They have a good effect on the elasticity of ligaments and muscles. Despite the huge number of positive reviews about such ointments, doctors still use them with caution due to possible severe allergic reactions and inflammation. Before choosing a product, make sure you are not sensitive to the components used. Check out the characteristics of ointments that contain bee venom and their prices.


  • Composition: the main active ingredients of this medicine are bee venom and analgesics (methyl salicylate, allyl isothiocyanate).
  • Indications: relieves pain during osteoarthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia.
  • Application: Apisatron ointment is applied in small quantities to the area of ​​the affected joints. It needs to be lightly rubbed until a warming sensation appears. To check for an allergic reaction, leave a small trace of the drug on the affected area and wait a few minutes. If there is no feeling of itching or other inflammatory reactions, the product can be safely used.
  • Cost: from 160 rub.


  • Ingredients: main active substance – bee venom.
  • Indications: effective for arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other neuralgic diseases.
  • Application: apply to the skin where there are pain symptoms. Use a small amount of ointment and rub the product into damp skin for about three to five minutes, up to three times a day. Treat for no more than 4 weeks.
  • Cost: from 45 rub.


  • Ingredients: main active ingredients – bee venom, viper venom, salicylic acid.
  • Indications: used for effective treatment from arthritis, myositis, neuralgia.
  • Application: apply to the area of ​​pain in an amount of up to 10 grams. Rub in up to 2 times a day until pain disappears.
  • Cost: from 183 rub.

Based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

Drugs based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances are non-hormonal NSAIDs. They are designed to eliminate pain and eliminate inflammation in the joints. These drugs do not have a therapeutic effect - they only relieve some symptoms of the pathology. They are not recommended for long-term use. Here are descriptions of such ointments and their prices:


  • Composition: indomethacin has an active effect in this drug.
  • Indications: use the product during inflammatory processes such as arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc.
  • Application: Apply a small amount to intact areas of the skin in areas of pain. Frequency of use per day – up to three times and no more than two weeks.
  • Cost: from 43 rub.


  • Composition: contains one active substance – phenylbutazone.
  • Indications: relieves inflammation, relieves pain, relieves fever. Its action is effective for rheumatism, various arthritis, burns, and insect bites.
  • Application: Apply a small amount to the affected area. Repeat up to three times a day for acute symptoms and gradually reduce the dose as the condition improves.
  • Cost: from 75 rub.
  • Ingredients: ibuprofen
  • Indications: the active ingredient of this drug helps relieve inflammation, swelling and relieves pain. Used to treat rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis, etc.
  • Application: apply Dolgit in a small amount to the surface of the skin in the area of ​​painful sensations. Rub until the product is completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure up to four times a day for no more than three weeks.
  • Cost: from 85 rub.


  • Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​diclofenac sodium.
  • Indications: Voltaren-gel effectively relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces fever. It is widely used in neuralgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, migraine.
  • Application: Apply the gel externally to the affected area. Apply up to three times a day, maximum treatment period is 14 days.
  • Cost: from 116 rub.
  • Ingredients: ketoprofen.
  • Indications: used for various diseases of the joints, muscles, skin. Effectively relieves pain in affected areas.
  • Application: squeeze out a little gel and rub into the area of ​​inflammation. The maximum treatment period is up to 14 days.
  • Cost: from 235 rub.

Many ointments or rubs are made using various medicinal herbs and components that grow in nature. Our ancestors have been preparing such remedies for a long time. In the modern world, effective medicines at home are also possible. Watch an interesting video that describes in detail effective recipe creating an ointment for arthrosis at home:

Feedback on results after treatment

Anna, 45 years old: I have been suffering from arthrosis for 5 years now. I have used a lot of products. Recently I have been using Viprosal, it helps especially well after a busy day at work. It becomes much easier for the legs, and the joint hurts much less. It's comparative cheap remedy fast acting, which has a warming and analgesic effect.

Katerina, 55 years old: I know firsthand how important it is to treat arthrosis comprehensively. The doctor prescribed me the painkiller “Dolgit”. I bought its equivalent at the pharmacy - Advil, which did not help for long, the pain returned. Later it turned out that I had arthrosis of the second degree, and the doctor advised me to undergo treatment with Viscoplus (this is an injection with hyaluronic acid directly into the joint). Since then I have not complained of pain or arthrosis.

Nadezhda, 39 years old: Just recently I began to be bothered by pain in my knee, sometimes it’s even impossible to stand on my leg. A medical friend recommended an ointment called Voltaren-gel. I started using it and the pain stopped immediately. But I know that you shouldn’t rely on this ointment alone, so I’m going to undergo a full examination so as not to progress the disease to more serious stages.

Arthrosis is one of the most common joint pathologies, most often diagnosed in the knee area. The essence of this disease comes down to a degenerative-dystrophic process, which results in thinning, disruption of the normal structure and subsequent destruction of cartilage and bone tissue with the concomitant involvement of surrounding muscles, tendons, etc. in the process.

Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint

Treatment of arthrosis involves an integrated approach, including the use of medications, manual and physiotherapeutic methods, etc. To increase the effectiveness of treatment and more quickly eliminate local symptoms, the use of external local application in the form of ointments. They will be discussed in the course of the subsequent narration.

Creams, gels and ointments for external use

Ointments that can alleviate the condition of a patient with arthrosis are available in all pharmacies and are relatively inexpensive. Along with this, doctors strongly advise against uncontrolled self-medication. We fully support them: any information about ointments for arthrosis is provided for informational purposes only. Before purchasing and starting to use the drug, be sure to consult your doctor about this.

The doctor will write a prescription for a suitable drug

The ointment penetrates the skin, affects the foci of the pathological process, eliminates or significantly reduces pain, spasms and inflammation.

The ointment penetrates deeply, relieves inflammation and pain

The advantage of ointment over injections is its extreme ease of use: to apply the product you do not need to be a specialist or have any special skills. Unlike tablets with a similar effect, the ointment is characterized by a much lower tendency to provoke various side effects.

Ointments have few side effects

Along with this, ointments cannot be considered as a replacement for drugs taken orally or by injection - the active ingredients of products for external use penetrate the skin in an amount of no more than 10% (on average 3-5%), which is why they are much less effective and help only if used in combination with other drugs.

Treatment must be comprehensive

To increase the effectiveness of using ointments, a specialist may recommend using them in combination with physiotherapy, for example, phonophoresis - this is a common physiotherapeutic procedure during which problem areas of the body are exposed to ultrasound, which helps improve their condition.

Types of ointments

Depending on the components used as the basis for ointments, the latter are classified into several main groups. About them in the table.

Table. Types of ointments against arthrosis

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory substances

These are mainly ibuprofen and diclofenac; the possibility of using ketoprofen is not excluded. Products based on the listed components are most widely distributed on sale under the names Nise, Finalgel, etc.


The component obtained from red pepper helps warm up the treated areas, reduce the severity of inflammation and the intensity of pain. Examples include ointments such as Nicorflex and Finalgon.

Salicylic acid

Ointments based on it show high effectiveness in the fight against inflammation. The most popular products are Efkamon, Viprosal, etc.


Mostly this homeopathic remedies, which have a powerful complex effect on disturbing parts of the body. For example, a homeopathic ointment on a complex basis, known under the trade name Dimexide, is very popular.

The most popular and effective ointments against arthrosis

A qualified specialist will recommend the specific product that is best suited for your case. We will provide general information and excerpts from the instructions for the most popular ointments.



This ointment is known to almost every person who has had to deal with joint diseases. The product is applied to the skin of the affected area in a thin, even layer. It is recommended to use 2-3 times during the day.

Diclofenac gel

The ointment is made on the basis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components. It is not recommended to use longer than 2 weeks in a row - there is a high risk of side effects. If you do not feel any improvement within the specified time period, consult your doctor about choosing another aid.

Orthoflex diclofenac ointment

Among the contraindications to the use of Diclofenac, the following points should be noted:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • acute ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • asthma.

Opened tube of Diclofenac

Regarding the possibility of using the ointment during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should individually consult with your doctor.

Composition of the ointment

Important! Diclofenac should not be applied to skin that has any kind of external damage. After using the product, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


No less popular medicine. Most common in cream/gel format. Effectively fights pain characteristic of joint diseases.

White ointment

Apply a small amount to the skin and rub a little. Recommended for use 2 times a day. After applying Ortofen, wash your hands thoroughly.

The scheme of use is the same as in the case of Diclofenac - the drugs are developed on approximately the same basis.

Composition of Ortofen

This remedy, like any preparations for local external use in general, gives the greatest positive effect when used on initial stages pathological process.

The ointment should not be used for compresses.

Important! Ortofen should not be used for compresses, i.e. You cannot wrap the treated areas with gauze, a towel or any other things.


It fights pain very well, but, like other ointments, it does not have any clinically significant effect directly on the causes of arthrosis.

Regarding the appropriate dosage, consult a specialist - it is impossible to give universal recommendations in the case of this remedy. Only a doctor can determine how often the ointment should be used and in what quantity to apply.

Transparent ointment on the hand - photo

Important! Ketorol is contraindicated for use by pregnant women and young mothers during breastfeeding.

Also, patients with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, asthma, and kidney disease should refrain from using this ointment.

Ketorol gel 2% 30g.


The ointment contains non-hormonal components. The product is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The only subjective drawback is the fact that the first positive results The use of Nise is observed on average a month after the start of its use.

Nise gel color

The total required duration of treatment, as well as the frequency of use of the ointment, is determined by the doctor. The decision regarding this point is influenced by many factors, the main of which are the characteristics of the patient’s individual reaction to the drug and the intensity of the manifestations of the pathological process.

Gel packaging with annotation

It is important to take into account such a point as individual intolerance to the drug. It can cause various side effects. Mostly this is peeling of the skin and itching, but such manifestations as urticaria and even a change in normal skin color are also possible. In such conditions, the decision on the possibility of further use of the ointment is made by the attending physician.

Photo of anti-inflammatory gel Nise

In some situations, the use of Nise leads to changes in blood counts. If this happens, the drug is discontinued and another remedy is selected.

About combination ointments

Effective drugs made primarily using capsaicin and salicylic acid. The mixture of components allows you to quickly combat painful manifestations and reduce the severity of inflammatory processes.

For a better effect, in addition to the substances mentioned, other elements are included in the ointments, for example, bee and snake venoms, turpentine, various essential oils, etc.

Cobratoxan (snake venom ointment)

Result of use combination ointments manifests itself in the form of the following changes:

  • dilation of blood vessels and normalization of internal circulation processes;
  • a significant reduction in existing swelling;
  • high-quality beneficial heating of the affected areas;
  • getting rid of muscle spasms;
  • reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • eliminating painful sensations.

Gel with bee venom

Remember: ointments for arthrosis, as well as any other medications, should be used with caution, according to the results of a medical prescription and under the supervision of a treating specialist. Before starting to use any medications, be sure to consult your doctor. He will appreciate your general state and will select the most effective and safe ointment, minimizing the risks of unwanted side effects.

Be healthy!

Video - Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint

Ointments and gels are the first remedy that patients take when they experience joint pain. Unlike tablets, local preparations act quickly, are well tolerated and have virtually no contraindications. To combat knee arthrosis, both ready-made pharmaceutical forms and homemade products are used. How effective are all these tools, and how should they be used correctly?

Pharmacy drugs

The entire range of pharmaceutical pain-relieving ointments can be reduced to 4 classes of drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
  • chondroprotectors,
  • homeopathic remedies,
  • warming rubs.

Each of these groups has its own application features.

  1. External NSAIDs effective for acute attacks of arthrosis. By suppressing the activity of inflammatory enzymes in the joint cavity, they help quickly eliminate pain, swelling and redness.

Currently, the range of such drugs is very large, largely due to the release of the same active compounds under different trade names. For the treatment of joint diseases, experts recommend using products based on ketoprofen, diclofenac or ibuprofen. They exhibit the highest analgesic activity; moreover, unlike other NSAIDs (indomethacin, phenylbutazone), they do not cause destruction of cartilage tissue.

The drugs are applied daily 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Longer use may lead to the development of systemic negative reactions, characteristic of internal non-steroidal drugs (dizziness, nausea, discomfort in the stomach).

Topical NSAIDs are available in three forms: ointments, creams and gels. Ointments and creams begin to act faster (within a few minutes after application). But gels are better absorbed and have a stronger and longer-lasting effect.

A brief overview of modern external agents with NSAIDs:

Trade name Active substance Side effects Contraindications
Ketonal creamFastum gelBystrum gel

Febrofid gel

Flexen gel

Artrosilene gel

Ketoprofen There may be redness of the skin at the application site. Wounds on the skin at the site of application, eczema, age under 12 years, individual intolerance.
Ortofen ointment Voltaren gel Diclofenac (gels, creams and ointments)

Diclak gel

Naklofen (gel and cream)

Diclovit gel

Diclofenac Increased skin sensitivity to UV rays, allergic reactions (itching, redness, peeling). Exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic disorders, age under 6 years, pregnancy, lactation, skin damage at the site of application.
Dolgit (cream and gel) Nurofen gel Ibuprofen Allergic reactions are possible at the application site (burning, redness). Aspirin “asthma”, childhood. Use with caution during pregnancy, lactation, and for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive tract.

General rules for the use of NSAIDs:

  • cannot be applied under a bandage,
  • Do not rub into damaged areas of the skin,
  • If an allergic reaction occurs, the drug should be washed off and not used in the future.
  1. Chondroprotectors are used both for the treatment and prevention of knee arthrosis. Ointments and gels of this group contain natural components (glucosamine and chondroitin), which are involved in the construction of cartilage tissue. Their use helps reduce pain, restore joint mobility and prevent further deformation.

However, compared to NSAIDs, chondroprotectors have less pronounced analgesic effect. Therefore, it is advisable to use them in the final stages of exacerbations or during periods of calm of the disease. The course of treatment is from 3 weeks to 2 months. Frequency of application - 2-3 times a day.

From side effects in rare cases, the development of skin allergic reactions (urticaria, itching, peeling) is noted. Contraindications are:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​the diseased joint,
  • individual intolerance.

The most popular local chondroprotectors include the following ointments and gels:

  • Chondroxide,
  • Chondroitin-Acos,
  • Kondronova,
  • Arthro-Active,
  • Joint Forte.
  1. Warming drugs have a local irritating and vasodilating effect. Due to this, pain is reduced, blood flow in the knee joint improves, and recovery processes begin to proceed more actively.

The active components of such products are:

  • bee venom (Apizartron),
  • snake venom (Nayatox, Viprosal B),
  • capsicum extract - capsaicin (Capsicam, Espol, Nicoflex, Efkamon),
  • nicotinic acid derivatives (Finalgon),
  • turpentine, camphor, essential oils (Gevkamen, Ben Gay, Camphor and Turpentine ointments).

Warming agents should not be used when acute conditions, otherwise stimulation of blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation can lead to increased swelling. You should start using them no earlier than 3-4 days after the onset of the attack.

For the first time, the drug is applied in a very small amount and the skin reaction is observed. If the product is well tolerated and does not cause allergies, then it can be used on the entire joint.

Apply the ointment or cream in a very thin layer, then wait 1-2 minutes until a feeling of warmth appears, and only then thoroughly rub it into the joint. If the burning becomes too strong, part of the drug can be removed using a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil or Vaseline.

Warming agents should not be used:

  • for dermatoses,
  • in the presence of wounds, scratches.

The drugs are applied 2-4 times a day. Duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

  1. Action homeopathic ointments(Tsel T, Traumeel S) is due to the presence of natural components in their composition, which, with long-term use, have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant effects.

The ointments are rubbed into the knee joint daily up to 3 times a day for 1-2.5 months. It is possible to apply the products under a bandage, as well as introduce them using electrophoresis. The effect of use develops no earlier than 3-5 days from the start of the course. From adverse reactions skin allergies may develop.

Home Remedies

You can prepare the following pain-relieving ointments at home:

  1. 2 tbsp. Melt tablespoons of unsalted butter in a water bath. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed meadowsweet leaves. Cool. Store in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days. Lubricate the knee joint daily up to 5 times a day. Salicylic acid, which is part of meadowsweet, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Pour 100 g of alcohol into a cup, add 2 tbsp. spoons of camphor and 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mustard. To stir thoroughly. Add 2 whipped egg whites. Apply the resulting liquid ointment to the sore joint every day at night. In the morning, the dry film should be washed off the skin with a cotton cloth. Camphor and mustard increase blood flow in the joint, reduce pain, and have a beneficial effect on the restoration processes in cartilage tissue.
  3. Another recipe for a warming liquid ointment. Mix 1 teaspoon each of pharmaceutical bile, ammonia and formic alcohol. Add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin. Rub into the joint overnight, wrapping it in a warm scarf. Repeat the procedure daily for 2 weeks.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. The patient cannot walk properly due to constant pain.

Ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint are an effective way to cope with discomfort and restore mobility to the leg.

How does the ointment work?

This is a soft dosage form. It has a viscous consistency. Medicinal substances are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the drug. They penetrate the skin and are gentle on the affected area.

Ointments and gels:

  • reduce pain and inflammation;
  • improve blood supply to the joint;
  • warm;
  • remove muscle spasms, promote relaxation;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • improve cartilage nutrition;
  • have antiseptic properties.

However, the disease cannot be overcome with ointments alone. They are good only as symptomatic therapy. To cure gonarthrosis, complex therapy will be required.

Classification of ointments

According to the active substance:

  • based on natural ingredients such as snake or bee venom, plant extracts;
  • based on non-steroidal (non-hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • with salicylic acid;
  • complex homeopathic;
  • with a burning effect.

By method of influence:

  • anti-inflammatory and painkillers, they include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances: indomethacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.;
  • warming and vasodilating (stimulate blood flow), they can be based on both plant and chemical components;
  • chondroprotectors, i.e. agents that promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue of a damaged joint.

Composition of ointments

The composition of the products differs depending on what type a particular drug is.

Thus, the first above-mentioned group will necessarily contain the main active component - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Can also be added Excipients.

For example, in Indomethacin ointment the main active ingredient is indomethacin, its content is 10%. Sometimes in the recipe you can also see dimexide. Another manufacturer adds lavender oil.

Be sure to use binding components and substances that improve viscosity, allowing the drug to be better applied. NSAIDs include Dolgit, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Nise, etc.

Vasodilator ointments contain biologically active substances. They stimulate blood flow in the affected area. Poisons of bees and snakes, hot pepper extract (capsaicin), camphor, menthol, and essential oils (for example, eucalyptus) have this effect. Of course, in the preparation the main active ingredients are diluted to the required concentration.

This group includes “Espol”, “Voltaren”, “Kapsikam”, “Gevkamen”, turpentine ointment and etc.

IN the composition of chondroprotectors includes substances that stimulate cartilage regeneration. For example, in Chondroxide ointment it is chondroitin and dimethyl sulfoxide. In addition to them, auxiliary substances are also added. This group includes drugs such as Arthra, Dune, Chondroxide, Teraflex, etc.

Directions for use and dosage

The method of using all gels and ointments is the same: take a small amount and begin to rub it into the affected area. Movements should be soft, light, careful. You can lightly massage the sore joint while applying the product.

The dosage is selected individually. If the product is squeezed out of the tube, then it is usually limited to 1-2 cm per joint. Sometimes dosage in grams is used. In this case, it is usually not recommended to use more than 3-4 g at a time. The drug can be applied 2 to 4 times during the day.

Duration of treatment

Much depends on the type of drug. Thus, NSAIDs are not recommended for use longer than 7-10 days. Then you need to either take a product with a different active ingredient, or switch to something that works on a different principle.

The same applies to products based on poisons, especially bee poisons. With prolonged use, it can negatively affect the condition of ligaments and tendons.

Warming agents are also used for a short time. They help relieve acute pain well. Prolonged heating can cause increased inflammation and further progression of the disease.

Chondroprotective ointments, on the contrary, need to be used for a long time, up to 3 months, since tissue regeneration requires a long time.

Can also be used for a long time (usually 2 to 4 weeks) herbal preparations and homemade remedies.

In any case, you should not self-medicate. It is better to select the drug and the duration of its use on the advice of a doctor.

When to expect the effect of using ointments

Much depends on what is meant by “effect”: pain relief during acute attack, relieving inflammation, etc.

Thus, warming and anti-inflammatory ointments are used to relieve acute pain. It takes 20 to 60 minutes for noticeable relief to occur. It all depends on the drug and the severity of the disease.

To relieve inflammation, a minimum 5-7-day course is required. In some cases, the drug must be used for up to 2 weeks.

It takes several months for chondroprotectors to show their effect, since tissue regeneration occurs very slowly.

Benefits of using ointments

The use of ointments for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is completely justified. It has a number of advantages compared to other methods:

  • gentle effect on the body;
  • local application, i.e., affecting only a specific affected area;
  • ease of use;
  • most soft-form medications are sold without a prescription and are easy to purchase;
  • a small number of side effects and contraindications;
  • absence of destructive and irritating effects on the stomach and entire digestive tract;
  • affordable price;
  • 1 tube lasts for a long time;
  • gentle effect on the affected area.


Ointments have some contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • renal or liver failure (a certain percentage of the drug is absorbed into the blood);
  • skin diseases in the affected area;
  • the presence of abrasions and cuts in the place where the gel will be applied;
  • tissue necrosis.

Side effects

Side effects of ointments are few and far between. The bulk consists of various allergic reactions: skin rashes, urticaria, redness of the skin, swelling, etc.

Reactions from the digestive system are less common: stomach upsets, dyspepsia. Reactions from the autonomic nervous system are also possible: dizziness or headaches.

When is it better not to use ointments without consulting a doctor?

Any gels and other external preparations should not be used without prior consultation with a doctor, as there is a risk of choosing the wrong product, which best case scenario will be ineffective, and at worst will cause various side effects.

The selection of medications during pregnancy requires special attention. Many anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated for expectant mothers, because even when used externally they can affect the health of the fetus.

It is also difficult to choose the right product for allergy sufferers.. You need to know exactly which chemicals or plant components can cause a negative reaction.

How to choose the right ointment for gonarthrosis? First, in any case, you need to consult a doctor and, if necessary, get tested.

The most effective ointments

The list of remedies for knees is quite long. Many drugs are interchangeable, have the same active ingredients, and have similar effects. List of the most effective medications for arthrosis:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ortofen;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • heparin ointment;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketorol;
  • Nise;
  • Traumeel ointment;
  • Fastum-gel;
  • Voltaren;
  • Gevkamen;

How to properly store ointments

Different means require various conditions storage Most pharmaceutical external medications, especially NSAIDs, can be stored simply in a room or cool place, without placing them in the refrigerator.

Products made from natural ingredients require a certain temperature regime. Usually it is no higher than 15-20 degrees. Therefore, it is advisable to place them in the refrigerator.

Homemade ointments also deteriorate faster in warm conditions. Therefore, it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

All products do not like direct contact with them. sun rays. Therefore, it is advisable to keep ointments in a dark cabinet, in a darkened glass jar (if this is a home remedy).

Pharmaceutical drugs must be stored so that the expiration date is always visible. Expired medications should not be used.

What is better: a pharmaceutical remedy or a homemade one?

The question often arises, which ointments are better: homemade or pharmacy? It is definitely difficult to answer this question, but you can compare the drugs with each other:

  • Pharmacy products are sold ready-made; there is no need to spend resources on their creation. It will take time to prepare a home remedy. Some still need to “mature” and infuse for several days.
  • But by preparing the ointment yourself, a person can be sure that he is using a real, genuine product.
  • The effectiveness of many pharmaceutical products has been proven in clinical trials, which cannot be said about “grandmother’s” recipes.
  • The price of drugs varies. However, home remedies are often cheaper.

In the treatment of arthrosis of the knees, as well as other joints, ointments are not prescribed; they are mainly used as local and accessible remedy to relieve pain and relieve symptoms at home.

Main effects:

  1. Relieving pain and spasms.
  2. Reduction of inflammatory phenomena.
  3. Warming effect that stimulates blood flow in the tissues of the periarticular area.
  4. By improving blood circulation, nutrition of joint tissues is stimulated.
  5. Antibacterial action.
  6. Increase the therapeutic effect of other drugs.

Before you start using ointments, there are some aspects to consider:

  • Most of them are made on the basis of over-the-counter drugs, however, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting use - for acute pain in the knee joint, various remedies can be used. It is also worth considering that in case of inflammation large joints For example, for the knee or shoulder, some drugs are used, for others;
  • ointment for arthrosis is a means of local action, but has the same contraindications and side effects characteristic of the active substance in the composition;

  • penetration and availability of the active substance is improved if the drug is used in conjunction with electrophoresis;
  • This type of external remedy is not recommended for arthrosis if the patient has a history of peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney pathologies, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • like any medicine, ointment for arthrosis has its own regulations for use - usually this product is not used for more than two weeks and is not applied more than 2-3 times a day;
  • for effect with one application, it is enough to use 2-5 cm strips of the drug;
  • Usually the ointment works already with the first applications, as a local remedy. If no relief of symptoms is observed, you need to replace it with another one;
  • When purchasing, it is worth considering that there are analogues in the composition of the active component, different in cost, but with the same effect.

Classification of ointments for the treatment of arthrosis

These funds are divided into the following main groups.


Anti-inflammatory with an analgesic effect are ointments containing ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, ketoprofen, nimesulide, naproxen and other similar compounds. Among the well-known representatives of ointments are Diclofenac, Dolgit, Fastum-gel, Nise gel, Ketonal-gel, Dolobene.

Treatment of arthrosis in this group is prescribed in a limited course under the supervision of a physician in order to avoid side effects caused by NSAIDs. They help during periods of exacerbations and at the onset of the disease.

Vasodilators and warmers

Vasodilators and contain biologically active substances: snake venom and bee venom, pepper extract, essential oils of clove and eucalyptus, camphor, menthol. Among the well-known remedies of this group are Voltaren, Espol, Apizartron, Gevkamen. The principle of action is based on stimulating blood flow in the tissues of the affected joint, which reduces spasms and pain. Also, their use improves the trophism of joint cartilage and soft tissues, and enhances the effect of other medications.

Considering the composition, these ointments for arthrosis should be used, remembering some points:

  1. They should not be rubbed in if there is damage to the skin.
  2. Use is also contraindicated if you are allergic to the components of the drug.
  3. Ointments with poisons are not used for a long time, as they are likely to have a negative effect on the ligaments of the fingers and toes.
  4. Warming ointments are applied at night.

This group is prescribed for long-term arthrosis.


Separately noted are ointments containing chondroprotectors - substances that regenerate joint cartilage. The list of chondroprotectors is quite extensive, but currently the following drugs are most often used:

  • Artra;
  • Structum;
  • Teraflex;
  • Elbona;
  • Chondrolone;
  • Formula-C;
  • KONDROnova;
  • "Toad Stone";

Commonly used ointments and indications for their use

Names of ointments and indications for their use:

  • – Voltaren, and others. Relieves inflammation. Optimal for arthrosis, gout and other diseases of the joints of the limbs and fingers and toes;
  • Naproxen. The good analgesic properties of the drug allow it to be used as a component of an ointment to relieve painful phenomena during exacerbations of knee arthrosis, and it is also effective for;
  • Ketoprofen. The drug is part of Fastum-gel, Ketonal, Bystrum-gel. Has a high analgesic effect. Prescribed when closed injuries joints, and bursitis;
  • . Included in indomethacin ointment, it effectively reduces. Indications include arthrosis of the knee, ankle, hip and other large joints, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, psoriatic and;

  • Ibuprofen. It is prescribed for the same indications as indomethacin; the drug has also proven itself in the local treatment of sprains, dislocations, and joints, bursitis, etc. Ibuprofen and indomethacin ointments are used with caution in case of increased skin sensitivity, diagnosed eczema, discontinuing use if peeling and rash occurs;
  • Nimesulide is another NSAID, included in Nise, Nimulid, Nimesil, etc. Indications include knee gonarthrosis, arthrosis of the hip, shoulder and other joints, polyarthritis of various etiologies.

The following drugs are effective in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint:

  1. NSAIDs – Ketonal, Nise, Finalgel.
  2. Ointments with salicylates to relieve inflammation - Bom-benge, Viprosal.
  3. Ointments containing capsaicin (pepper extract substance) – Capsicam, Finalgon.
  4. Homeopathic Dimexide.

Also used in - means that promote the regeneration of cartilage tissue, prescribed only by a doctor. These can be drugs for internal reception, and Chondroxide ointment.

Inflammation and pain due to arthrosis of the knee joint can also be relieved using gels and ointments based on, such as:

  • propolis ointment - propolis, linseed oil and turpentine are mixed in a ratio of 4:1:1. The mass is applied to the joint twice a day when heated. The ointment is stored in a cool place;
  • ointment with bee venom and wax - propolis, wax, horseradish roots and bee venom are crushed and mixed in a ratio of 10: 3: 2: 0.5 to a pasty state, after which the mixture is applied to the affected area twice a day;

  • herbal ointment - grind 10 g of St. John's wort, sweet clover and hops, mix with 50 g of pharmaceutical petroleum jelly, leave in a glass container for 2 hours. Rub the mixture onto your joints twice a day;
  • Ural ointment - 100 g of mustard powder is mixed with paraffin and 200 g of boiled ointment in a glass container to form a paste, infuse under the lid for 12 hours. Apply at night and wash off in the morning with warm water. Stored in a dark place;
  • a compress with Vishnevsky ointment is a well-known remedy that is also used in the treatment of arthrosis symptoms - applied to the sore knee and covered with a cloth moistened with vodka, alcohol or pharmaceutical lead lotion, the knee is wrapped in a bandage and left for 2-3 days. Vishnevsky ointment relieves pain. This can be used to treat not only knees, but also shoulder, hip, elbow and other joints.

Ointments for gonarthrosis of the knee joint and lesions of other large joints of the musculoskeletal system, as well as pathologies of small joints of the fingers and toes, are an additional means of therapy that relieves swelling and other inflammatory phenomena. It is ineffective to use them in isolation, and before use it is necessary to consult an orthopedic doctor.

Arthrosis of various localizations is today diagnosed in most older people, but the disease is gradually getting younger and affecting everything more people young or middle aged. Today, the disease is dangerous for all people; doctors recommend prevention even in the absence of symptoms. Among all clinical cases of arthrosis, the most dangerous, and also the most common, is arthrosis of the knee joint. Modern medicine offers the opportunity to eliminate joint pain and partially restore their function using a cream for knee arthrosis.

Indications for use

Various creams used for arthrosis of the knee joint have different compositions and principles of action, but lead to approximately the same result - relief of well-being, improvement of nutrition of cartilage tissue and fight against inflammatory process.

Medicines are applied to the joint to:

  • additions to the complex therapy of diseases of the knee joint and other areas;
  • pain relief;
  • eliminating swelling and hyperemia of a specific area;
  • restoration of blood circulation in the extremities;
  • prevention of diseases of the joints and spinal column.
Inflammatory or dystrophic diseases of the joints occur in all age groups

Main indications for the use of creams:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • diseases leading to metabolic disorders;
  • rheumatisms;
  • neuralgia.

The number of ointments for arthrosis is really large and it is not possible to determine the appropriate option without the participation of a specialist. Before starting therapy, it is important to make an appointment with a rheumatologist or orthopedist and undergo diagnostic procedures.

Benefits of use

Treatment of the knee joint is impossible with the help of ointments alone; oral medications, physical therapy, diet, physiotherapy and other procedures are additionally prescribed. Each course of treatment contains ointments, this is due to a number of their advantages in comparison with other medications.

Main advantages:

  • gentle effect on the diseased area;
  • local use – helps accelerate the penetration of active components into the target area and prevents the occurrence of systemic complications;
  • ease of use. The cream is simply applied to the skin and immediately begins its active action;
  • almost all topical medications are available without prescription;
  • minimal number of complications and contraindications;
  • do not cause harm internal organs. To use a number of tablets and injections, an important condition is the presence of healthy kidneys and liver, which process and remove metabolites from the body. The creams penetrate the bloodstream in a small dosage, which relieves the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and liver;
  • low cost and large volume of the tube, usually enough for several weeks of use;
  • mild effect on the painful area (except for irritating drugs).

Prescription of ointment preparations is carried out from the very beginning of the development of pathology


For arthrosis and arthritis of the knee joint, ointments with various active substances are prescribed. Depending on the components used as the basis, creams are divided into several groups.

Main groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are used to make the patient feel better and fight inflammation. Diclofenac and Ibuprofen are most often prescribed, but Ketoprofen is also allowed. In pharmacy chains, creams with the listed components are sold under the names Finalgel, Nise, etc.
  • Capsaicin is obtained from red pepper extract. The drugs act on the affected area, warming it up, reducing the severity of the inflammatory process and reducing the intensity of pain. For a certain time, the tissues receive more nutrients, and the patient feels good. This group includes Finalgon, Nicoflex and others.
  • Salicylic acid is especially effective against inflammatory phenomena. It is added to popular drugs: Viprosal, Efkamon.
  • Complex preparations that simultaneously include several components; they often belong to the group of homeopathic medicines. The complex effect is much more powerful; such medications are used in more complex clinical cases. Dimexide is the most popular in this group.
  • Chondroprotectors improve tissue regeneration. Each course of treatment contains medications from the group of chondrotectors. These include: Chondroxide, Teraflex.

The most numerous category of ointments used for arthrosis are drugs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The most popular and effective ointments against arthrosis

Determining the best cream for arthrosis of the knee joint is possible only in each individual case. An experienced specialist will prescribe an ointment with a suitable effect for a specific stage of arthrosis. The following are ointments that have a good reputation and patient reviews.


The ointment is very well known; every patient with arthrosis or other joint pathologies has heard about it. It is applied to the skin in a thin layer, rubbing evenly over the area, then an analgesic effect occurs. It is better to apply 2-3 times per day.

Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory cream for arthrosis based on NPS substances. The maximum course of treatment is 2 weeks; it is not recommended to exceed it on your own. Only a doctor has the right to extend therapy, since side effects often occur when the course is exceeded. Usually, six months of treatment is enough to improve your well-being; if positive changes are not observed, you should consult a doctor.

The drug is the best remedy for arthrosis of the knee joint due to the possibility of effective treatment and minimal risks side effects. Contraindications include only allergies to the substance, exacerbation of gastric ulcers and asthma. Pregnancy is a relative contraindication; the doctor will have to determine the risks for the mother and fetus.

This ointment, like others against arthrosis, cannot be used on skin with damaged integrity. After using the medicine, you should wash your hands well using hygienic soap.

Diclofenac sodium belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


It is not inferior in popularity to Diclofenac. Most often used in the form of a cream/gel. It quickly and effectively eliminates the pain syndrome that accompanies the inflammatory process.

Ortofen is an analogue of the previous drug; it is used according to a similar scheme. The process of use is just as simple - squeeze out a little mixture from the tube and rub it over the knee, slightly grabbing nearby tissue. Better cream apply 2 times a day. To prevent skin irritation, wash hands under running water and soap after application.

Recommended for use in the initial stages of arthrosis. The method of application depends on the form of the disease, but usually the duration of one course is 2 weeks. It is recommended to apply the cream not only to the joint, but also to the surrounding area, then it is possible to eliminate pain when walking.

Ortofen is not intended for use in compresses. Any wrapping with cloth is prohibited; the cream must be absorbed into the skin on its own.

Ortofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug


It is applied to a joint affected by arthrosis and relieves symptoms and helps in treatment oral medications. The disadvantage of the drug is that the main elements of the composition do not have a significant effect on the root causes of arthrosis.

It should be remembered that the best effect of the drug occurs when correct selection dosage, this can only be done by a doctor. The use of ointment does not have a universal recipe that is equally suitable for all patients.

Among the contraindications to the treatment of sore knees, there is a record of pregnancy and the lactation period, since the drug has a composition that is easier to enter the bloodstream than other drugs. Additionally, other restrictions apply in patients with ulcers, asthma and kidney problems.

Ketorol belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


The use of Nise ointment brings positive results in most patients. Used for severe pain. Nise is made with the addition of Nimesulide, which is also the closest analogue. The composition uses non-hormonal components.

Anti-inflammatory cream Nise has one important drawback - the effect occurs only with long-term use, a significant improvement in well-being appears only after 1 month of regular use. When treating arthrosis, the duration of therapy is prescribed by a specialist. Determining the course depends on numerous factors, some of the main ones being the reaction to the drug and the advanced stage of the disease.

Be sure to take into account the absence of intolerance to the ointment, as well as the fact that excessively long use can lead to side effects: peeling skin, itching and others allergic manifestations(hyperemia, urticaria and others). If a doctor treats arthrosis on an outpatient basis, he should be informed about the presence of unforeseen complications - the specialist will prescribe other ointments or change the course.

Sometimes Nise cream provokes a biochemical change in the blood. This phenomenon has a negative impact on health, with this violation the medicine is discontinued.

Nise is a drug in the form of a gel that has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

About combined

Recipes for ointments and creams with a combined composition are most effective. It is based on salicylic acid and capsaicin; they are used for intense pain and other severe symptoms. The drugs help quickly combat the manifestations of arthrosis and inflammatory phenomena.

To expand the effect of the cream, other additives are used: bee or snake venom in low concentration, turpentine, essential oils and other components.

The use of combined ointments leads to the following positive changes:

  • has a vasodilating effect;
  • metabolic processes and the quality of blood supply are restored;
  • swelling of the knee is eliminated;
  • the knee joint and adjacent tissues are effectively warmed up;
  • muscle spasms are removed;
  • the intensity of inflammation decreases;
  • pain is relieved.

The best ointments, gels and creams for the treatment of knee arthrosis

Obtaining the best effect from any drug requires strict adherence to the instructions, regular application, completion of the entire course of therapy and compliance with additional doctor's orders. One of essential drugs for arthrosis of the knee are anti-inflammatory drugs, they are common in the form of ointments.

Espol has an analgesic, distracting, warming, absorbable, anti-inflammatory and local irritant effect

The task of creams:

  • remove pain;
  • restore joint mobility;
  • create conditions for sufficient nutrition of the joints;
  • activate local blood circulation;
  • eliminate excess pressure on the diseased area;
  • restore muscle condition: remove spasms and increase elasticity.

With a warming effect

Warming medications are first aid for severe pain. They act by heating the affected area. An increase in local temperature provokes a vasodilator effect, which restores blood circulation and metabolism of bone and cartilage tissue. They are best used as part of a complex with other medications that increase the effectiveness of heating creams.

Common creams with a warming effect:

  • Menovazine consists of benzocaine, procaine and menthol. Used to relieve itching and pain. The ointment is applied to the affected area and rubbed thoroughly, a cooling sensation should appear. Application 2-3 times a day shows itself to be effective. Price – 12-20 rubles.
  • Gevkamen includes essential oil cloves, Vaseline and paraffin. It is often prescribed as an anesthetic for neuralgia and arthritis. The cream is squeezed into a thin strip onto the knee and rubbed until the substance is completely absorbed. It is worth repeating the procedure 2-3 times a day. Price – 30-80 rubles.
  • Espol is made using casaicin, which provokes a burning sensation. It is actively used in the treatment of radiculitis, joint diseases, muscle damage and dislocations. Apply only to the area that is the source of pain. Rub the ointment until you feel a warming effect. Apply 2-3 times/day. The maximum therapeutic course is 10 days. Price – 140-160 rubles.
  • Nicoflex cream includes salicylic acid, capsaicin and ethyl nicotinate. It is used for severe pain due to damage to ligaments, muscles, neuritis and arthrosis. Often used in the sports field, it pre-warms muscles before and after intense exercise. The product is rubbed into the affected area, protecting the mucous membranes from contact. After rubbing, the substance should be washed off your hands. Price – 220-250 rubles.

The drug is prescribed to patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by inflammation in the joints

Based on bee venom

Creams containing bee venom irritate the skin they come into contact with. The mucous membranes need to be protected from them, as the burning becomes especially severe. Such ointments have a positive effect on the elasticity of muscle fibers and ligaments. Doctors are still wary of such drugs, although they have already been tried by numerous patients.

The use of drugs is associated with the risk of an acute allergic reaction and the development of inflammation. Before starting use, it is important to ensure that you are not sensitive to the components of the medication. There are options with snake venom, but their principle of influence is identical.

Main drugs:

  • Apizarthron consists of analgesics (allyl isothiocyanate, methyl salicylate) and bee venom. The drug effectively relieves pain in various joint pathologies. Apply a small amount to the affected area. The ointment is rubbed into the joint until a slight burning sensation appears. Before application, it is better to check for allergies; initially, apply a drop of the drug to the affected joint for 2-3 minutes. If burning, itching or redness does not occur, apply the product to the entire knee. The price starts from 160 rubles.
  • Zdorov differs from its analogues in the use of various beekeeping derivatives: death, wax, poison, propolis. For pain in the joints, Zdorov ointment is prescribed. Apply the cream with massaging circular movements. It is better to be in a state of calm for the first 10-15 minutes, and then get to work. The natural product costs 990 rubles.
  • Ungapiven includes bee venom, which is used for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis and neuralgia. Apply to an area with severe pain. It is recommended to use the ointment in a small dosage, rubbing the substance into the moistened skin for 3-5 minutes, 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is up to 1 month. Price – 45-60 rubles.
  • Viprosal includes not only bee venom, but also viper venom, as well as salicylic acid. Used for arthritis, neuralgia and myositis. Apply up to 10 g to the affected area at a time. Rub the ointment 2 times a day until the pain disappears. Price – 180-210 rubles.

Apizartron occupies a special position in the line of drugs for external use

Based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

Local medications based on non-steroidal components with an anti-inflammatory effect are often prescribed. Thanks to the active components, the medicines relieve pain and inflammation in the joints. Their long-term use can be harmful to health, so you should not try to exceed the duration of treatment or increase the dosage.


  • Indomethacin. Includes the active substance - indomethacin. Prescribed during the course of inflammation in joint diseases. Apply small quantities to the sore area. The number of uses per day is no more than 3 times. The course must be completed within 14 days. The price ranges from 45-60 rubles.
  • Butadionic. Contains 1 active ingredient – ​​phenylbutazone. Effectively fights inflammation, relieves pain, eliminates fever. It effectively acts on arthritis and arthrosis of various etiologies, and also helps with insect bites and simple burns. To feel the effect, just apply the substance to the affected area. The procedure is carried out only during the period of exacerbation of the pathology. Number of applications – 3 times/day. As the condition improves, the dosage is slightly reduced until treatment is completely stopped. The price is in the range of 75-90 rubles.
  • Dolgit includes the active ingredient ibuprofen, which helps eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain relief. Recommended for the treatment of radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism. Apply a small layer, gradually rubbing until the substance is completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day for a course of up to 3 weeks. Price – from 85 to 100 rubles.
  • Voltaren-gel consists of diclofenac sodium. The gel is in demand due to the rapid removal of pain, relief of inflammation and reduction of temperature. Apply the standard external method 3 times a day. It is not recommended to exceed the course of 2 weeks. The price is 120-140 rubles.
  • Fastum has a formula with the addition of the active component - ketoprofen. Intended to relieve well-being in various pathologies of muscles, joints and skin. Is different effective elimination even severe pain. The gel is squeezed out a little onto the knee and rubbed over the entire joint area. The maximum duration of therapy is 2 weeks. The price is about 250 rubles.

Fastum gel is a drug that represents the pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for local use

Folk recipes

Treatment of knee arthritis with folk remedies is effective only when used correctly and as part of complex therapy. The recipes are based on medicinal herbs and are prepared at home.

Traditional cream recipes:

  • with mustard. Take dry mustard, add paraffin and salt to it. The composition is mixed until a homogeneous substance is obtained, then placed in an airtight container, which is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Recommended for application before bedtime;
  • cream with a collection of herbs. In the presence of inflammation, take 10 g of: St. John's wort, yellow border and hops. After mixing the composition, add Vaseline to it and mix the mixture again. The cream needs to brew for 3 hours in a sealed container. The recipe is applicable at all stages of the disease;
  • comfrey-based gel. Comfrey extract is added to the composition (accelerates healing, the body’s regenerative abilities and eliminates pain), chondroitin sulfate is an active substance that increases the elasticity and motor abilities of the joint. Additionally, badyagi extract, glucosamine and essential oil are added, preferably from clove, juniper or eucalyptus.

Directions for use and doses

Creams for arthrosis of the knee joint differ in composition and permissible concentration of active components. The dosage is determined by the attending physician; it rarely goes against the instructions in the instructions.

All ointments can be used approximately the same:

  1. The knee is washed under warm water. Heat expands blood vessels and pores, which increases the absorption of the active substance and its effectiveness.
  2. Squeeze out a little cream from the tube, which will be enough to cover the knee and adjacent tissues.
  3. Rub the ointment over the entire knee with massaging movements for several minutes until the medicine is completely absorbed.
  4. Hands are washed under running water and soap.

Not always expensive pharmaceutical drugs help as perfectly as homemade medicines


Creams are not prescribed to people with:

  • allergic reactions, hypersensitivity to a particular component of the drug;
  • the presence of ulcers on the skin;
  • hepatic and renal failure(relative contraindication, the appropriateness of using medications is determined by the doctor);
  • diseases of the skin on the affected joint;
  • cuts, injuries, abrasions and other damage to the skin on the knee;
  • purulent foci.

Use during pregnancy

Almost all ointments are allowed for use during pregnancy, but require increased caution. They are prescribed exclusively by doctors after examinations.

Storage conditions

All products have different storage conditions, but most ointments can be stored in a cool place or at room temperature without using a refrigerator. Folk recipes consist of natural substances, which quickly deteriorate, it is better to store them in the refrigerator or in a cold place at a temperature of up to 15-20°C.

It is better to store ointments in a position in which the expiration date will be visible. If it has already passed, the medicines become unusable and are thrown away.

Joint diseases occur in people different ages. They start at various reasons, have different etiologies, but equally bring pain and discomfort. That's why pharmacists in pharmacies so often hear the same question - "Which one?" But the pharmacist cannot give an absolutely precise answer to this question - only the doctor prescribes treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.

Joint problems

The problem of joint diseases, limited mobility, and therefore a deterioration in the quality of life affects more and more young people over the years. There are many reasons for this, the main ones being improper rhythm of life, nutritional principles, and decreased physical activity. But there are a lot of joint diseases, and not all of them are associated with age or a sedentary lifestyle. There are diseases that begin with a hormonal imbalance, with an infection entering the body, with an injury. Almost all joint diseases have the particle “arthro” in their names, which means “joint” in Latin. The vast majority of ordinary people have heard or know first-hand about problems such as arthritis and arthrosis. Despite the fact that these names are very similar, they mean completely different diseases. All treatment, including ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint should be prescribed by the attending physician after diagnosis.


The term "arthritis" unites a group of joint diseases caused by an inflammatory process. It can occur for the following reasons:

  • avitaminosis;
  • infections;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis;
  • injuries.

The characteristic signs of arthritis are:

  • pain in the joint;
  • restriction of organ mobility;
  • skin redness;
  • swelling of the joint;
  • morning stiffness.

Ointment for arthritis of the knee, elbow, and finger joints should help in treating the disease.


By this term, doctors mean joint diseases s caused by tissue destruction. This occurs not only due to natural age-related processes in the human body, but also in connection with some pathological processes and injuries.The main signs of arthrosis are:

  • pain in the joint area;
  • crunching sound when the organ is working;
  • limited mobility;
  • joint deformation.

If arthrosis is diagnosed, then therapy should be comprehensive. After relieving discomfort with ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint, treatment continues with the help of physiotherapy and other medications prescribed by the attending physician.

What's the help?

Any joint problem is, in the vast majority of cases, unpleasant sensations. And most often in pharmacies people ask to sell anti-inflammatory and pain relievers ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint, for various arthritis. But the main task is not only to relieve pain, but also to help the joint cope with the problem. That is why, first, it is necessary to establish absolutely precisely why such a pathology arose and what its cause was. Then the doctor will select the necessary comprehensive treatment. MMedicine for arthrosis of the knee joint, as well as other forms of medicines, is used to obtain a complex result:

  • relieves pain;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • enhances the access of nutrients to joint tissues.

All medications that are used in the treatment of joint diseases most often have a complex effect that can maximally satisfy the need for an external remedy. Each of the medications has its own composition and, accordingly, its own scope of action.

Nonsteroidal drugs for joints

Inflammation is a secondary sign of arthrosis, because the main problem of this disease is the destruction of the joint body, its deformation, salt deposits, and a decrease in joint fluid. All this leads to inactivity of the organ, pain not only during movement, but even at rest. The inflammatory process occurs as a consequence of impaired functionality of the articular apparatus. Many prescribed by specialistsointments and gels for arthrosis of the knee joint and not only have anti-edematous and analgesic effects. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are mainly used to treat joint diseases associated with the inflammatory process. Such, for example, as:

  • ibuprofen;
  • indomethacin;
  • ketoprofen;
  • diclofenac;
  • phenylbutazone.

These are active substances that are the main components of many dosage forms - ointments, creams, gels. Which one to choose in a particular case can only be said by the attending physician, taking into account the form of the disease, its stage, manifestations, and the patient’s concomitant pathology. It should be remembered that NSAIDs cannot be used in treatment for a long time, as they have quite extensive side effects.

Hormonal agents

In the treatment of arthrosis, they are often prescribed for use. hormonal agents. An ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint based on such substances may contain corticosteroids as an active component,but the bioavailability of such drugs in the form of external agents is low. There is no point in replacing prescribed injections into the cavity of the affected organ with ointments and creams used mainly in dermatology - they simply will not reach the required area of ​​influence, and treatment will not be carried out.

Warming drugs

Another group of popular and effective remedies for arthrosis are ointments with a warming effect. They increase blood circulation in small vessels at the site of application, helping the joint tissues receive nutrients. These drugs also have a distracting ability, warming the affected organ. Asking at the pharmacywhat ointments help with arthrosis of the knee joint, first of all, the patient will receive an answer about such warming agents. Among them there are new products, and there are time-tested drugs, for example, Menovazin. This medication contains menthol, benzocaine and procaine. Active substances penetrate the skin, increasing blood circulation, providing an antipruritic and analgesic effect. "Menovazin" has an analogue in the form of an ointment called "Menovazan". It is applied with rubbing movements to the area of ​​the sore joint until a slight cooling sensation appears.

A substance obtained from capsicums, capsaicin, can often be seen as a component medicinal ointments, used in the treatment of joint diseases. For example, Espol ointment is widely used for various arthrosis and arthritis to warm and improve blood microcirculation. The same active ingredient works in Nikoflex cream. These preparations are applied to the skin with light massaging movements without actively rubbing into the skin.


Chondroprotective ointments for arthrosis of the knee joint or other joints are most often recommended for use. According to pharmacists, such drugs penetrate the joint and restore its tissue. The effect of such medications is ambiguous. To restore damaged, worn-out cartilage, it is necessary surgical intervention. And according to many studies, chondroprotectors only help protect the joint by replenishing necessary substances, but do not in any way contribute to the restoration of the tissue itself.

The most commonly used chondroprotectors are glucosamine and chondroitin. These can be either single drugs or combination drugs. Such medicines are constantly being improved. Today we can talk about the fourth generation of chondroprotectors, which are multicomponent. They contain not only glucosamine and chondroitin, but also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. All additional funds, used in the medicine, help relieve pain and replenish missing nutrients for joint tissues. They help blood supply to the diseased organ, improving the dynamics of treatment. Often, such superficial agents are supplemented with drugs of the same name, taken orally and working systemically, penetrating the joint tissue through the blood. Such medications include, for example, Teraflex ointment and capsules, which are widely advertised and used in arthrosis clinics and have advisory reviews.


Quite often, when answering the question “What ointments should I use for arthrosis of the knee joint?” both from pharmacists and from those who have encountered such diseases, you can hear about apitherapy - treatment with beekeeping products. Preparations with bee venom are one of the most popular drugs in the treatment of various painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system. They have a distracting, warming effect that increases the elasticity of ligaments and muscles. Due to this, the patient's well-being improves. as pain is reduced. The only “but” of these medications is a fairly strong allergenicity, therefore, before using drugs with bee venom in treatment, you must undergo an allergy test and consult your doctor. The apigroup drugs include Apizartron, Viprosal, Ungapiven.

Biotoxins to the rescue

Biotoxins, such as various poisons of animal and plant origin, have been used in the treatment of various diseases since ancient times. Modern medicine does not deny them active action, confirming the benefits of some of these remedies through scientific research and testing. For example, snake venom is a widely used component of many drugs, including for the treatment of joint diseases. Snake venoms are divided into two groups according to the principle of operation:

  • neurotoxins;
  • hemovasotoxins.

To treat joint diseases, including arthrosis, poisons from the group of neurotoxins are used. They have a local effect and do not penetrate the blood. Such drugs include popular means"Viprosal", "Vipratox", "Nayatox".Any ointment for arthritis of the knee joint with snake venom or any other biotoxin can be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician, taking into account the general health, concomitant diseases, and the patient’s medical history.

Traditional recipes for joint diseases

People have always suffered from joint diseases, causing pain, immobility and a deterioration in the quality of life. Traditional medicine is rich in ancient recipes for helping with such diseases. Ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint, which can be made at home, contains natural herbal ingredients. How to prepare such a medicine?

There are many recipes. For example,ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint can be prepared based on turpentine and propolis. To do this, you need to take 4 measures as a basis: linseed oil, one measure of turpentine and one measure of propolis. Heat everything slightly and mix thoroughly. This product should be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator, and heated in a water bath before applying to the joint. The ointment must be rubbed into the sore joint. You can do this at night, then wrap the area of ​​application with a woolen scarf.

As herbal remedy clover, St. John's wort, and hops are also used, taken in equal proportions. It is best to take these herbs raw. They are finely crushed and then mixed with medical Vaseline. The product is applied to the sore joint, wrapped in cling film, a warm bandage and left overnight.

Joint diseases are a social problem, because such pain significantly reduces people’s standard of living. That's why pharmaceutical industry develops new tools to help fight pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. But even age-related changes in the body and in the joints, including those that are a common cause of the development of arthrosis, can be corrected by changing lifestyle. Proper nutrition, physical activity in compliance necessary security measures, refusal bad habits will allow for long years keep healthy and active. Any ointment for arthrosis of the knee joint, as well as for any form of arthrosis or arthritis, is just a medicinal aid to eliminate pain. Today, the joint itself can only be restored by an operation to implant an artificial structure that replaces the affected organ. There is no other way yet. Therefore, you need to take care of your body from childhood, not allowing age-related changes flow too quickly, taking away health and vitality.