Useful properties of melon and contraindications for its use. Possible harm to melon. The benefits of melon for the nervous system

Melon is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, a species of the Cucumber genus, a melon crop, and a false berry.

Africa and the East Indies are considered the birthplace of melon. Melon is a warm and light-loving plant, resistant to soil salinity and drought, and does not tolerate high air humidity. Depending on the variety and place of cultivation, one plant can produce from two to eight fruits weighing from 1.5 to 10 kg. Melon fruits are spherical or cylindrical in shape, green, yellow, brown or white in color, usually with green stripes. The ripening period is from two to six months.

The earliest information about melon dates back to hoary antiquity (Arabian Peninsula, Ancient Egypt), in the Middle Ages in the countries of the Muslim world (Central and Western Asia) it was perhaps the most popular food product, especially during the period of long fasting before the holiday of Ramadan, when the Koran prescribes only plant foods. Already in the XII-XIII centuries. melon is known in Rus'.

Calorie content of melon

The calorie content of raw melon is only 35 kcal per 100 g of product, so it is recommended for absolutely everyone, including people who are obese. However, it is worth remembering that it stimulates the appetite. Also, do not get carried away with dried melon, 100 g of which contains 341 kcal. Her overuse may lead to excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of melon

Chemical composition melon depends largely on the variety. The fruit pulp contains sugar (up to 16-18 and even 20%), carotene, vitamin B9, provitamin A, a large number of folic acid and iron (which largely determines the medicinal properties of melon), pectin, fats, mineral salts.

Both the pulp and seeds of melon contain up to 30% fatty oil, which is quite suitable for use as food. In addition, melon has a beneficial effect on the digestion process, and folic acid, participates in hematopoiesis. Melon is very useful for atherosclerosis, anemia, and cardiovascular diseases.

How remedy Melon has been used for a long time and very widely. Ancient Russian herbalists recommended its pulp for stomach diseases, various mental disorders(in a state of depression), for tuberculosis, rheumatism, scurvy, gout, as an anti-inflammatory, antitussive and anthelmintic. Traditional healers prescribed and still prescribe a decoction of melon seeds in milk for urinary retention and bladder stones, and melon juice for constipation and hemorrhoids. Water infusion seeds, which is famous as an effective diuretic and mild laxative, is very useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder.

As you know, melon quenches thirst well and calms the nervous system. Nutritionists prescribe it as a therapeutic food for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver diseases (the healing properties are explained by the high content of vitamins B9 and C, iron and potassium salts).

Healing properties melons depend on its ripeness. For example, insufficiently ripened fruits are not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers and acute gastritis. It is not recommended to eat melon on an empty stomach - it is considered safest to eat melon between meals so that it can mix with other foods eaten.

In folk medicine, melon has long been prescribed to debilitated patients, especially after suffering from liver diseases, after operations. Melon is generally famous for its ability to cure ailments that are not usually advertised.

Once upon a time, gonorrhea was treated with a decoction of the seeds, and the stomach was cleansed with a decoction of the peel and roots.

Today, nutritionists recommend melon juice or its pulp to improve digestion. In addition, this is an excellent remedy for helminths - primarily for children.

Nourishing and toning masks are also prepared from melon pulp. If melon masks (crushed pulp) are used regularly for a month, maximum one and a half months, the skin becomes elastic and takes on a white-ruddy color with a matte tint.

Dangerous properties of melon

Melon is contraindicated for nursing mothers (it can cause severe dyspepsia in the baby), for diabetes

Many of us love melon for its subtle aroma, sweetness and juiciness. However, not everyone knows what effect melon has on the body; the benefits and harms of this fruit are undeniable. Traditional medicine covers a large list of plants that can cure many diseases. This list includes the product in question. So, what are the health benefits of melon, and to whom it is contraindicated, will be discussed in detail below.

Asian countries - India and Africa - are called the homeland of melon. From there it was brought to Europe during the Middle Ages. Since then, this fruit has settled on the tables of our compatriots for a long time. Thanks to this, contemporaries have the opportunity to feast on this delicious fruit.

Before finding out what melon is valued for and what its calorie content is, you should take a short excursion into botany. So, what kind of “type” is this before us?

In biology, melon belongs to the pumpkin family and the cucumber genus. It is an annual herbaceous crop. Its fruit is called a berry (pumpkin), the weight of which can vary significantly from 200 g to 20 kg. The plant has a creeping rounded-faceted stem with tendrils, with large leaves of a rounded-ovate or palmate-lobed configuration. The flowers are male and female, pale yellow. Flowering begins in early summer, and the fruits ripen at the end of summer.

What makes the composition of the culture unique?

The light yellow beauty on the shelf of our refrigerator is a treasure trove active substances, thanks to which the beneficial properties of melon are multifaceted. It contains the following components in abundance.

Folic acid. This element is present in the fruit in inexhaustible quantities. During heat treatment, it can be destroyed, while the chilled melon pulp provides it “on a silver platter.” It is precisely because of the presence of folic acid that melon is indicated for breastfeeding for women and while expecting a baby, as well as during menopause. In addition, the benefits of melon from this perspective are obvious during periods of depression, stressful situations and when you need to improve brain functions (for example, memory).

Fiber is what melon is good for the body and is why it is actively exploited modern medicine. Melon fibers in the structure of the pulp are involved in cleansing the body (mainly the intestines) from the harmful effects of toxic and clogging substances.

Vitamin C helps ensure the body's invulnerability to various viruses in the autumn, spring and winter. Vitamin reserves help improve performance immune system.

Tocopherol (group of vitamins E), being a natural antihypoxant and antioxidant, binds free radicals formed in the digestive system and eliminates their destructive effect on body cells. In addition, the substance improves cellular oxygen saturation. The properties of tocopherol are manifested in immunomodulation, health promotion in the fight against diseases, protection nervous system from harmful influence.

Nicotinic acid. Due to this substance, the condition of capillaries and blood improves, thrombus formation is eliminated, blood flow in the brain is normalized, the body gets rid of toxins, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and the risk of developing cholesterol plaques are reduced.

The set of microelements clearly characterizes the melon fruit. In particular, silicon affects the improved condition of the hair and skin, regeneration of hard tissues. Iron is considered an excellent preventive measure against anemia. Potassium and magnesium are beneficial for cardiovascular diseases.

Beta-carotene is also essential for skin and hair. In addition, it improves the functions of skin pigmentation during the period of irradiation. sun rays, allowing you to get an even tan with an amazing shade and long-lasting effect.

The beneficial properties of melon seeds for men are quite obvious, because they are an inexhaustible source of zinc. Thanks to this element, the quality of male sperm improves, sperm acquire greater activity and mobility, which has a positive effect in the fight against male infertility. In addition, the beneficial properties of melon seeds are reflected in improving potency and reducing symptoms of chronic form prostatitis and the disappearance of the risk of developing prostate adenoma. A large concentration of folic acid is found in melon seeds. Therefore, pregnant women should focus on melon seeds.

Superoxide dismutase enzyme. This substance relieves stress, helps fight insomnia, irritability, and fatigue. Improves the structure of skin tissue.

Thanks to melon pulp, the water-salt balance in the body can be restored quickly. The texture of melon water helps dull the feeling of thirst.

And yet, how many calories does a melon contain if this product is dietary? A little more than watermelon, only 35 kcal per 100 grams of product, which explains its demand in diets and fasting days.

Who benefits from eating melon, and in what areas is it used?

Melon should become an integral diet product for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and liver, and central nervous system.

The high level of ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, macro- and microelements in the fruits makes it possible to prescribe melon-based medications for the treatment of rheumatism, anemia, gout, hemorrhoids, obesity, and constipation.

Melon pulp and seeds are very popular in folk medicine, especially in the field of cosmetology. Active use The juice and soft part of the fruit are found in the elimination of vitiligo, dermatoses, baldness, and lichen planus. They are made from different means skin care. Preparations created on the basis of melon fruits exhibit tonic, rejuvenating, healing and nutritional effects.

Melon juice is included in recipes that improve hair structure. Melon is given special honor in Eastern countries, where it is considered a miraculous remedy for giving beauty to the skin. There they make preparations from it that are aimed at combating many skin defects. For example, to eliminate fine wrinkles and pigmented areas. The use of these allows you to make the dermis smooth, elastic and soft.

In cooking, melon has gained no less fame. Its aromatic and taste characteristics allow the product to be served fresh. In addition, it can be dried and dried. Melon pulp is used to make preserves, jams, jams, and candied fruits. And the seeds are a source of oil used in Food Industry. These are the benefits and harms of melon seeds too. How does it manifest itself?

In what cases can melon be contraindicated?

Despite the many beneficial properties of the product, the health benefits and harms of melon appear simultaneously.

If you consume the fruit in unlimited quantities, contraindications may appear.

So, what can excess fruit consumption result in for a person? Depending on the situation, harm may occur in relation to:

Separately, it should be said that harm can also manifest itself in a toxic effect on any healthy body, if the melon pulp has absorbed an abundance of nitrates and fertilizers added by farmers during the growing period. Penetrating inside human body, chemicals can cause severe forms of poisoning with signs of vomiting and diarrhea. In this regard, the most reasonable decision is to refuse to purchase melons in unknown places or from producers whose integrity is not completely certain.

A false berry belonging to the pumpkin family is considered to be a melon that has various shapes– round or oval. Shades can also be different - from white to brown, even with stripes of green.

Melon brings both benefits and harm to health. It reaches full maturity in a couple of months, and can weigh up to 10 kilograms. The birthplace of this product is Asia Minor and Africa, but today it can be found in almost any region.

Melon has many beneficial components for the human body, in particular sugar, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fiber. To understand how beneficial melon is for the body, it is worth considering each component in detail:

  1. This fruit contains a lot of sugar, which gives it the appropriate taste. This ingredient can also boost energy levels and mood.
  2. Melon contains an amino acid that precedes serotonin, the hormone responsible for a joyful mood. It is this, to a greater extent than sugar, that helps lift a person’s spirit. But this same component does not allow diabetics to consume this magnificent fruit.
  3. A mineral such as silicon, found in melon, has a positive effect on connective tissue, helping to strengthen hair, cleanse the skin, strengthen blood vessels and nerve fibers. Moreover, it is in a very large quantity in the melon, making it a kind of reservoir for silicon.
  4. The benefits of melon for the body also lie in vitamins A and C. They strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on vision. B vitamins, together with folic acid and vitamin PP, help the normal course of processes such as metabolic and energy, putting the central nervous system and skin in order.
  5. Melon contains a large amount of fiber, which gives it special benefits, making the intestines work better, and also influencing the digestive system.

Melon juice is also capable of providing therapeutic effect, being an excellent diuretic. If we compare it with beet juice, which crystallizes the liquid, then a melon drink does not do this, which allows everyone to drink it without any restrictions for health reasons. It normalizes renal activity, including bladder and the entire excretory system.

Melon juice is also used to treat dermatoses and various skin rashes, including allergic ones. It is successfully used even for psoriasis. This drink is also good for hair, stimulating the appearance of new hair. hair follicles, and strengthening existing ones. This is an excellent remedy against baldness.

Even in ancient times, melon was successfully used to treat many health problems:

  • Various gastrointestinal diseases with mental disorders;
  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • Removed stones from the urinary organs;
  • Various skin diseases;
  • CNS disorders, including melancholic and depressive states.

Melon helps boost the immune system. Low calorie diet helps overweight people improve their figure by following this diet for a while. But before you start self-treatment any problem, you should consult a specialist.

This berry can relieve fatigue and eliminate insomnia from nervous disorders. Melon seeds solve the male problem by increasing potency. To do this, you need to grind them to a pulp, taking 1 tsp 3 times a day. before eating.

This fruit can also improve your appearance, as it nourishes dry skin, filling it with radiance, softness and elasticity.

The benefits and harms of melon - contraindications

The benefits and harm of melon, photo

Melon can be harmful to health in the following cases:

  1. While breastfeeding.
  2. If you have a stomach ulcer or duodenum, as well as other gastrointestinal diseases manifested in acute form.
  3. Personal intolerance, manifested by an allergic reaction.
  4. Diabetics should consume this fruit in moderation, after consulting with their doctor in advance.

Pregnant women can and should eat melon if there are no health problems listed above. But at the same time, observe the measure without overeating, and this is a maximum of 200 g. And also following the following recommendations:

  • You should not eat it on an empty stomach or drink it with any drink, including water;
  • Melon should be consumed separately from all other products, maintaining a pause of one hour.

To get only benefits from eating melon without harm to health, you need to approach its purchase wisely:

  1. The fruit must have a beautiful and aesthetic appearance without any kind of dents or other damage.
  2. The presence of a bright aroma with the presence of vanilla and pear notes.
  3. You should definitely listen to its sound by tapping a little on the body of the melon. The sound should be a little dull.
  4. The junction of the melon with the stalk should be smooth and dry.
  5. On a melon ripened in a melon, a small dent will appear when pressed lightly. And when you run your fingernail over the surface of the fruit, you will see greenish flesh.

Considering all these descriptions, there is no need to worry about the quality and excellent taste of such a berry.

This berry is successfully used in such areas as ethnoscience and cooking. For example, to get rid of kidney stones, you need to prepare the following decoction:

  • Melon seeds - a handful crushed and poured hot water– 20 ml;
  • Leave for a day, then strain and drink a third of a glass before meals.

It should be taken twice a day, having previously received permission from your doctor.

Cough is treated with this drink - juice is squeezed out of the melon pulp and taken 3 times a day, half a glass.

The following recipe for a great dessert will delight you with its taste and aroma:

  • Divide the fruit into two parts, removing the seeds;
  • Place grapes in the cavity;
  • Gelatin is soaked separately - 1 pack, diluting it with sugar - 25 g, heating it all in a water bath;
  • Add cherry juice to the resulting mixture;
  • Pour all this into the melon and put it in the refrigerator.

Cut the finished dish into slices and serve.

You can make a melon cocktail:

  • Grind the pulp using any available method;
  • Add sugar - 25 g, lemon juice and mint - all to taste.

Beat all this well, dilute with water, add ice and serve.

By consuming this magnificent fruit in moderation, you can solve many health problems, become an energetic and cheerful person, and simply enjoy the wonderful taste and unsurpassed aroma.

Fragrant melon is a delicacy that is appreciated by both adults and children. But in addition to excellent taste, the fruit has many health benefits. Let's find out what the benefits and harms of melon are, how and in what quantities you can eat it, and also for what diseases it is recommended to use products based on it.

Melon is a berry or fruit

The first question worth answering is whether melon is a fruit, berry or, in general, a vegetable. It is more common to call it a fruit - it is aromatic, juicy and sweet, suitable for fruit salads. But the fruit does not grow on a tree, like an ordinary fruit, but on the ground, like a berry. Just like berries, melons have a juicy center and hard seeds.

But from a biological point of view, melon is a vegetable. It is an edible fruit herbaceous plant, which is typical for vegetables. It has a root system similar to the root of a cucumber, as well as leaves similar in shape, color and texture.

Composition and calorie content of melon

Next interest Ask– how many calories are in melon. The calorie content of melon per 100 grams is only 33 kcal. It contains 0.6 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 7.4 g of carbohydrates. It contains the following minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.

The fruit also contains a significant amount dietary fiber, which is typical for fruits and vegetables.

What vitamins are in melon

The benefits of melon for the body are largely due to the presence of vitamins in it. Despite the fact that most of the weight of the fruit is water, it is rich in vitamins A, group B, C, E, H, PP.

Useful properties of melon

Now let’s look at what health benefits the product has:

  1. The ability to saturate, provide energy, lift your spirits and improve your emotional state.
  2. Cleansing the skin, strengthening hair, blood vessel walls and nerve fibers - all thanks to silicon.
  3. Improving intestinal function and digestion of food in general due to the large amount of fiber.
  4. Normalization of energy processes in the body, which is provided by vitamins PP and folic acid.
  5. Improvement appearance skin, for which B vitamins are responsible.
  6. Easy diuretic effect, which melon juice possesses.
  7. Strengthening the nervous system thanks to B vitamins, potassium and silicon.
  8. Beneficial effects on the heart and blood quality provided by vitamins B1 and B2.
  9. Immune system support with vitamins A and C.

It’s worth talking separately about the beneficial properties for men’s and women’s health.

What are the benefits of melon for men?

Men can use melon products to treat prostate diseases. The fruit also contains zinc, which improves sperm quality.

The benefits of melon for women

Folic acid in the composition alleviates the difficulties of pregnancy and menopause. Thanks to silicon, the condition of the skin improves: rashes and irritation disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out. A-antioxidants are also beneficial for the skin - they increase elasticity and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Melon for weight loss

The fruit is suitable as a component of the diet due to its low calorie content. The diuretic effect, which relieves swelling, as well as the ability to remove toxins will also be useful.

Important! Despite its low calorie content, melon contains carbohydrates, the daily amount of which is important to monitor when losing weight.

The fruit consists of 90% water, so it saturates well without overloading the body with extra calories.

At what age can you give melon to a child?

During the summer season, parents may be concerned about whether their children can eat melon. Pediatricians do not recommend giving it to babies under one year old. This may harm the baby's digestive system. Children over one year old will benefit from the product: folic acid has a beneficial effect on the formation of blood cells, and vitamin A will improve vision and support growth processes.

Is it possible to eat melon during pregnancy?

This unique vegetable is beneficial for the body. expectant mother and the child thanks to the following properties:

  1. Increase in hemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen and supplying it to the fetus.
  2. Improved intestinal motility, which helps remove toxins and fight constipation.
  3. Removing fluid from the body, due to which swelling is reduced.

However, it is not recommended to use the product in the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy due to possible harm. Enhanced peristalsis intestines can cause an increase in myometrial tone. Therefore, there is a possibility of miscarriage at short terms or premature birth in the 3rd trimester.

Melon during breastfeeding

A nursing mother can eat melon, observing certain conditions:

  1. The first portion should be eaten in the morning and in small quantities to check the child’s reaction.
  2. The fruit should be eaten separately from other foods, as a separate meal.
  3. It is important not to overeat - even the most harmless food in large quantities can be harmful.
  4. It is advisable to eat melon during its ripening season. You should avoid eating imported fruits, and instead receive the benefits of candied melon.

The body of every woman and child is individual, so in any specific case it is important to take into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Melon for diabetes

The fruits do not accumulate glucose, so they are safe for diabetics to consume. Nevertheless, the composition contains sucrose, the negative effects of which even vitamins cannot eliminate. It turns out that melon must be eaten with other foods, but there are not many foods that can be combined with it. Therefore, before using it diabetes mellitus It is important to consult a doctor who will determine the acceptable limit for the patient.

Is melon harmful for pancreatitis?

With this disease, eating fruit is not allowed, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. The product increases the amount gastric juice, which harms the pancreas.
  2. Fiber and sugars cause a fermentation process, which causes profuse stool, gas formation and discomfort.
  3. Carbohydrates, of which the fetus mainly consists, load the endocrine structures of the pancreas.

During the remission stage, the product can be eaten in the form of jelly or mousse. If negative influence did not follow, then small pieces of the fruit can be consumed fresh, but not earlier than a week after the exacerbation.

The benefits and harms of dried melon

Dried melon is no less healthy than fresh: it retains all the valuable components. It is thanks to them that the product has beneficial properties:

  1. These dried fruits will have a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, hair, heart and blood vessels.
  2. The product contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestines of waste products.
  3. A special enzyme contained in dried fruits helps with stress, insomnia, and restores strength.

However, due to the high amount of sugar, diabetics should be careful with the dried fruit. Dried fruits, like fresh ones, can lead to eating disorders due to poor compatibility with other products.

Beneficial properties of melon juice

Melon juice is a healthy and nutritious drink that quenches thirst well and has a positive effect on the body:

  • improves kidney function;
  • cleanses the body of chemotherapy products;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • relieves joint pain.

Juice is especially useful for older people. The components in its composition prevent the deterioration of memory and concentration and rejuvenate the body. The juice is prepared not only from the pulp of the fruit, but also from its peel - this drink has an anti-stress effect thanks to essential oils.

Melon seeds: benefits and recipes of traditional medicine

The benefits of melon seeds are explained by the large amount of potassium, sodium and magnesium. They also contain B vitamins, which promote tissue repair. The seeds also have other beneficial properties:

  • remove heavy metals and pesticides from the body;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • improve potency;
  • prevent prostate adenoma;
  • enhance the effect of medications;
  • have a positive effect on metabolism.

These positive characteristics make fruit seeds effective means traditional medicine.

Against cholecystitis

To treat this disease, an infusion of seeds is prepared. 1 tsp. seeds, crushed into powder, are poured with boiled milk and boiled for an additional 4 minutes. You need to take the product 2 times a day.

Against urolithiasis

To remove kidney stones, 1 kg of seeds must be boiled in 5 liters of water. When about 3 liters of water remain in the pan, the broth should be cooled, bottled and refrigerated. The product should be drunk half a glass three times a day before meals.

Application in cosmetology

Masks based on fruit pulp rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, soothe irritation, and also make hair beautiful and healthy.

Face masks

To nourish the skin 2 tbsp. l. pureed pulp should be mixed with 1 tsp. honey and apply to facial skin. Keep the mask on for about 30 minutes.

To get rid of irritation, you need to mix a mashed piece of fruit pulp with 1 tbsp. l. cream cheese and 1 tsp. pumpkin oil The product is kept on the face for 15 minutes and removed with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

Melon for hair

To soften and moisturize your hair, you need to mix a few pieces of melon, 100 g of cognac and 150 g of strong black coffee. Apply the mask to clean and slightly damp hair, rubbing it into the roots. You can wash off the product after 40 minutes.

To strengthen your hair, you can make a mask based on melon juice, butter and sour cream. Mix half a glass of juice with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. The product is applied to the hair and left for 40 minutes.

How to eat melon correctly

The fruit can be divided in half and cut into long slices, after removing the seeds. In this case, it is eaten in the same way as watermelon. Melon, cut into pieces with the peel, can be eaten with a spoon. The pieces, which are served without crust, are eaten with a fork and knife.

Use of melon in cooking

Most often, the product is eaten fresh, as an independent dish. In addition, you can make preserves, jam, and marmalade from melon. Compote is also made from the pulp of the fruit, and candied fruits are prepared from the peel. Melon marmalade is also delicious.

Attention! Eating melon with fermented milk products and alcohol is extremely undesirable - it will cause unpleasant consequences for the stomach and intestines.

How to choose a melon

To choose a tasty and healthy fruit, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. There should be no dents or stains on the peel.
  2. The aroma of the ripe fruit is pleasant and sweet, and does not smell like grass.
  3. If possible, it is advisable to look at the color of the pulp - the richer it is, the riper and healthier the fruit.
  4. A high-quality fruit produces a dull, dense sound if its surface is lightly patted.
  5. The stalk and its attachment point must be dry.

The peel of the fruit on the opposite side from the stalk should be easy to press. This suggests that the melon was ripened in the melon field, and was not picked while still green. It is best to buy the product in August-September in trusted places.

Melon harm and contraindications

In addition to the benefits, the product can also cause harm to the body:

  1. A large amount of the product burdens digestion, causing stomach upset.
  2. The fruit can cause fermentation, which leads to flatulence and bloating.
  3. The product is contraindicated in patients with infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Excessive consumption of the fruit can cause hypervitaminosis, which harms the intestines and heart.

Overall this delicious fruit, is more useful than harmful. The main thing is to observe the measure and take into account possible contraindications.


The benefits and harms of melon largely depend on the state of health and method of consumption. If there is it in small quantities taken as an independent meal, the benefits to the body will be obvious. Medicinal properties Melons allow it to be used in folk medicine, and its pleasant taste and aroma make the delicacy especially popular in the summer.

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Melon is a “man-made” pseudo-berry, it is cultivated by man, bred from a wild breed either in India or in Asia Minor.
This is a low-calorie product (36 kcal per 100 g) with numerous beneficial properties, although you can also come across the following opinion: melon is a harmful vegetable. For ulcer sufferers, for example. Let's figure it out.

Melon - composition:

Vitamins. Melon contains vitamins A, P, PP, B1, B2, E, carotene, folic acid, ascorbic acid(in terms of the content of the latter, melon is the champion among melons).

Minerals. Contains a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, etc. Rich in silicon.

Sahara. Melon contains a lot, up to 13%, of easily digestible sugars and pectins.

Melon contains fiber, proteins and fats.

Beneficial properties of melon berries

Melon has many benefits. Without exaggeration it can be called home first aid kit. Judge for yourself how many systems of the human body benefit from melon.
  • Melon improves mood and is beneficial for the nervous and hormonal systems.

The substances that make up melon help produce serotonin, another name for which is the “happiness hormone.” You may have noticed that a couple of pieces of this sweet berry really improve your mood (you can check it if you haven’t noticed).

  • Melon is great for helping with excess weight, constipation and hemorrhoids.

High amount of fiber coupled with mass useful substances improves digestion, condition intestinal microflora, allows you to cleanse and rejuvenate the body, reset excess weight. Melon is useful because it is a real cleaner.

Important! The melon diet for weight loss should be carried out wisely, since sugar is not very comfortable for overweight people.

  • Melon is beneficial for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

It is known that it produces bad cholesterol and refers to, which means it should be recommended for those suffering from atherosclerosis. In addition, melon is a storehouse of potassium and other important minerals. It is recommended for ischemic and rheumatic patients.

  • Melon is good for the circulatory system.

The berry contains enzymes involved in hematopoiesis, which makes melon useful for ulcers and postoperative period. Indicated for anemia, increases hemoglobin (lots of iron and potassium).

  • Melon has a mild diuretic and antitoxic effect.
  • The rejuvenating effect of melon is also well known.

First of all, it is associated with the action of silicon, which is part of melon. Recent studies have led scientists to the conclusion that silicon is responsible for the regulation physiological processes, affects the condition of hair, skin and hard tissues in general. This element also affects the cerebral cortex; the state of the nervous system, the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and others depends on its presence and quantity. internal organs. In order to extract silicon, you need to eat the pulp right down to the peel.

  • Nutritionists note the benefits of melon for gout and for improving immunity. Beneficial features melons - support for male strength, female beauty and children's health.

The benefits for men, according to folk medicine, are melon seeds, which for “Viagra purposes” are dried, ground into powder and taken three times a day, a teaspoon before meals.

Traditional medicine, that is, a field of knowledge not confirmed by science, believes that melon is useful for children, as it can relieve them of helminths. In addition, melon reduces seborrheic teenage skin disease. Believe it or not, check it.

But it is certainly known empirically that melon beauty masks rejuvenate, which is why they are very popular among women.

In the end, we feel the effect of the beneficial properties of melon in an extraordinary way. feeling of lightness saturation and well-being.

What can you cook from melon?

Melon is a product that is consumed mainly fresh. You can also make a lot of delicious things from melon. Candied fruits, marmalade, jam, jam, and even honey are obtained from it. Dried and dried melon are real delicacies, incredibly aromatic and filling. Melon compote perfectly quenches thirst. Unripe berries (green meat) can be pickled and cut into salads.

Is the harm of melon exaggerated?

Melon as such has no harm at all. But there are cautions associated with how to properly eat melon.

Melon should be consumed as a separate meal and in moderation. She has this peculiarity
- overload the intestines, hence the complaints. You can't connect it with cold water, fermented milk drinks and alcohol - it's guaranteed to upset your stomach. And you shouldn’t eat it on an empty stomach either - in this case, you will turn the most useful product of melon into a harmful side, with consequences for digestive system. The ideal option is to enjoy the benefits of melon in between meals, and after 2 hours if the lunch was heavy.

Important! Since this is a sweet berry containing a large amount of sugar, it is recommended to consume it in limited quantities for diabetics, ulcer sufferers and all those who do not benefit from sugar.

Of course, the melon must be fresh and grown without chemical hazards, at least obvious. The fact is that when they talk about the dangers of melon, they usually mean not the berry itself, but the notorious nitrates that are “fed” useful product. And nitrates, as you know, can turn into poison everything that grows on the ground and under it.

And the last thing that is usually written in the instructions for any medicine: “There are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the drug.” What are we talking about? The fact that you can react to melon with an allergy - we are all living human systems.

How to choose the right melon

Choosing the right melon is even easier than choosing a watermelon; its advantages are obvious and do not require any skills from the buyer.

  • A good ripe melon exudes a very tasty and fresh aroma.
  • If you slap it with your palm, it will make a ringing sound.
  • The “readiness” of the melon is checked by the degree of hardness of the rind: for a ripe one, it springs slightly when pressed, and for an unripe one, it is hard. You need to check in the area opposite the tail. And pay attention to the tail too, it should be dry
  • Choose the right melon, follow simple recommendations use this product correctly and stay healthy.