The drug Omez is a real aid to digestion. The drug "Omez": use and precautions during treatment with it

Omez is an effective medicine intended for the treatment of stomach ulcers. The action of the drug is aimed at inhibiting the production of gastric acid, which promotes rapid relief inflammatory reaction And pain syndrome with an ulcer. How to take Omez depends on the indications. You should consult your doctor before starting therapy with this drug.

Composition and release forms

The main active ingredient is omeprazole. It belongs to the class of blockers proton pump. The antiulcer agent is available in three forms - capsules, ampoules and sachets. Enteric capsules contain 20 or 40 mg active substance. They are available in packs of 10 and 30 capsules each.

The second form of release is ampoules. They contain the powder necessary to prepare the solution. Each bottle contains 40 mg of active ingredient; the drug should be diluted with water for injection and administered intravenously.

Another form of release is a sachet. The drug is like this dosage form presented in pharmacies under the commercial name Omez Insta. The contents of the sachet are diluted in a small amount of water and taken orally. Each sachet contains 20 mg of active ingredient.

  • Note! Omez tablets are not available; the drug is presented only in capsules, bottles and sachets.

Powder in sachet is in demand due to convenient form reception and a pleasant mint aroma.

Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics

The medicine belongs to the class of inhibitors proton pump or proton pump. These are drugs used in the treatment of acid-related gastrointestinal diseases.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the ability of omeprazole to inhibit secretion gastric juice. However, the active substance itself is weak chemical compound, which is active only in the acidic environment of intracellular tubules in parietal cells.

The choice of a release form such as enteric-coated capsules ensures better transport of the active substance and high bioavailability of the drug, which reaches 65%. The main feature of omeprazole is fast action. The maximum concentration of the active substance is observed 30-120 minutes after taking the therapeutic dose of the drug. The half-life of omeprazole is 1 hour, the active substance is quickly metabolized by the kidneys and liver.

Indications for use:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • peptic ulcer duodenum;
  • reflux esophagitis;
  • gastrinoma;
  • drug-induced gastropathy.

It is advisable to take the drug for recurrent ulcers; the medicine also helps with heartburn. Omez for gastritis should be prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that the drug will be effective only if the stomach acidity is high, so before you start taking it, you need to clarify the diagnosis. Omeprazole is often used in the treatment of gastritis, which occurs as a side effect of long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (medical gastropathy).

The drug helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane and eliminate pain in gastrointestinal and gastrointestinal ulcers.

Moreover, the therapeutic effect is due to the impact on the very cause of discomfort - the high acidity of gastric juice.

How to take the drug correctly?

The injection solution is used for exacerbation of a stomach or intestinal ulcer with bleeding, which reduces the effectiveness of the capsulated form of the drug. Usually 40 mg of the drug is prescribed intravenously once a day for 3-4 days. After infusions, the patient is transferred to taking the drug in capsules.

The recommended initial dose of the drug is 20 mg or 1 capsule per day. If the effectiveness is insufficient, after a few days you can double the dose by taking 40 mg of the drug. Doctors usually prescribe medication once a day.

For peptic ulcers, the drug is prescribed for 3-4 weeks. This time is enough for the ulcer to begin to heal. In severe cases, the drug should be taken for 8 weeks.

The drug can be taken by children, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Children weighing more than 20 kg are prescribed 20 mg of the drug per day. It is recommended to use Omez Insta, since the suspension is preferable for small children than large capsules that are difficult to swallow. Daily dosage – 1 sachet.

  • Powder for preparing a suspension can be used to treat heartburn. In this case, a single dose of the drug one hour before meals is sufficient.

While carrying a child, it is allowed to take only the capsule form medicine.

Drug interactions

Omez reduces gastric acidity, which may affect the pharmacokinetics of other drugs, the absorption of which depends on the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug reduces the absorption of the following drugs:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Itraconazole

If you need to take these medications with antiulcer capsules, you should consult your doctor about changing the dosage.

Omez increases the bioavailability of Diazepam and Phenytoin, so the doses of these drugs should be reduced.

Simultaneous use with antacids is not contraindicated. Concomitant use of the drug with Nelfinavir and Atazanavir is prohibited.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Contraindications for medications containing omeprazole:

  • intolerance to the active substance;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • acute renal failure;
  • lactose intolerance (for capsule form).

For children, the medicine is prescribed with caution and only by a doctor. No dosage adjustment is required in elderly patients, except in cases of severe renal failure.

In general, the drug is quite well tolerated and does not cause severe adverse reactions.

Possible negative reactions of the body:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • cephalgia;
  • allergic reaction ( skin rash and itching).

Intolerance to the drug is manifested by urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm.

If Quincke's edema develops, immediate medical attention is needed.

Upon admission large doses An overdose of an antiulcer agent is possible. Its symptoms: tachyarrhythmia, confusion, nausea, cephalgia. In this case, you need to call an ambulance at home. In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is practiced, since hemodialysis is ineffective.

Drug analogues

Finding analogues of the drug is not difficult. Drugs with the same composition and dosage - Omeprazole, Proton, Diaprazole.

If you are intolerant to omeprazole, you should consult your doctor about prescribing a medicine from the same pharmacological group, but with a different active ingredient in the composition.

This is a drug that is in demand in the treatment of many stomach diseases, ranging from mild disorders to severe pathologies. Omez is popular due to its consistent effectiveness when taken at any time, rare side effects, affordable price. It is also important that even with long-term use the medicine is not addictive.

Omez - composition

Common reason stomach ailments - production of hydrochloric acid in excessive quantities. In such cases, the drug Omez is prescribed - the instructions for use state that the medication is included in pharmacological group drugs that suppress the secretion of the glands of this organ. In the language of pharmacists and doctors, the medicine, according to the description, has complicated name: an inhibitor (i.e. blocker) of a proton pump or pump. Simply, it is an enzyme, without which the cells of the gastric mucosa cannot produce hydrochloric acid.

The product is available in gelatin capsules. They consist of two parts, each marked: OMEZ. They contain small white granules. Manufacturer – India. The Omez product - the composition in various modifications differs in the concentration of the active substance: is available in 10, 20 and 40 mg of omeprazole ( international name). The drug Omez-D, as the instructions say, contains domperidone (Motilium), which has antiemetic properties and accelerates the evacuation of food from the stomach to the intestines.

In addition to capsules, the drug is produced in powder form in bottles. This is the basis for a solution that is introduced into the body in the following way: intravenous injections. Omeprazole is a dose-dependent substance, the mechanism of action of which is triggered when a therapeutic concentration is reached in the organ. A decrease in acidity occurs half an hour to an hour after taking the drug and lasts about a day. Maximum effect the medication is achieved on the 5th day of treatment and disappears after 3-4 days from the moment of its cessation.

Omez - instructions

The therapeutic range of this drug and its analogues is associated with the ability to reduce excessive gastric acidity. Omez helps many - indications for use are detailed in the annotation. The drug is prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • hyperacid gastritis (with increased acidity);
  • gastroesophageal reflux (pathological reflux of liquid food from the stomach into the esophagus);
  • ulcers of the stomach, duodenum, unspecified localization;
  • destruction or reduction in the number of pathogenic flora Helicobacter pylori (together with);
  • precancerous neoplasms of the endocrine (mammary, pancreas) glands;
  • damage to the gastric mucosa by painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic nonsteroidal drugs.

Efficiency therapeutic effect The medication does not depend either on the type of factor that provokes irritation of the delicate gastric mucosa, or on the time of food intake. Instructions for Omeprazole special instructions warns: before starting to use this medication, it is necessary to check whether the patient has malignant neoplasms. Taking medication may mask true symptoms pathology of the stomach and lead to an error in determining the diagnosis!


When treating most diseases, doctors, according to the instructions, prescribe a standard daily dose: 1 capsule of 20 mg once. In case of exacerbations, peptic ulcer disease, active reproduction, as a rule, a higher concentration of Omez is required - the dosage is doubled. Pancreatic adenoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome) is more difficult to cure, so the use of the medicine is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the degree of gastric secretion. The dose is increased from 40-60 to 80-120 mg.

The instructions say: there is no need to adjust dosages taking into account older age. Capsules are intended for use entirely, unchanged. Often the medication is prescribed before bedtime, since at night the production of gastric juice is activated. may vary from one week to several months. Thus, the number of Helicobacter pylori decreases after 7-14 days. Ulcers in most cases heal within 1-2 months. If the need arises, after a two-week break the course is repeated.

An overdose of the drug may cause discomfort. There is no antidote for Omeprazole. In such cases it is only possible symptomatic treatment using, for example, the drugs Cerucal, Betaserc, Anaprilin, Citramon or Analgin. Although the chemical compatibility of Omez with alcohol is allowed, it is nevertheless harmful to drink alcohol when treating gastric pathologies.

Omez for children

Sometimes it happens that a pediatrician prescribes this drug at half the dosage to a child, especially of school age. However, the instructions contain an unambiguous indication: Omez should not be given to children under 18 years of age. Gastritis in a child should be treated with diet, not pills. Instead of omeprazole, it is possible to prescribe safer analogues, for example, Almagel suspension, Phosphalugel, Famotidine tablets.

During pregnancy

Evidence that the medication has harmful influence for fruit, no. However, according to the instructions, the use of Omez during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. It is undesirable for side effects to occur. Pregnant women are allowed to use this remedy only when it is impossible to find a more harmless similar medicine. In this case, you should take the drug with omeprazole only under the supervision of a therapist and gynecologist.

Use of Omez for gastritis

According to the instructions, the medication is prescribed when the acidity of gastric juice is clearly increased. How to take Omez for gastritis? Every morning, 1 capsule on an empty stomach. How to take Omez correctly if you experience heartburn or mild pain at night? Additionally, 1 capsule is prescribed before dinner. The use of Omez for gastritis lasts on average 2-3 weeks, but in case of severe exacerbation of the disease it can last 1-2 months.

For pancreatitis

To treat this disease, the medication is prescribed as part of a complex drug therapy. The use of Omez for pancreatitis depends on the severity of the disease and can last 2 or 3 weeks. The medicine does not have any direct effect, acting indirectly. By reducing excessive acidity of gastric juice, heartburn, and pain, the product helps alleviate its condition. How to drink Omez? Following the instructions, first take 40 mg daily, then reduce the dose by half.

For heartburn

Unpleasant feeling burning, “fire” in the stomach - a signal of dangerous disturbances in digestive tract. The use of Omez is not recommended on your own, without the advice of a gastroenterologist. Sometimes, if it becomes very strong pain, you can use Omez one-time as ambulance. However, then you should seriously take care of your digestion and get examined.

For prevention

The medication is often used in doses of 10-20 mg as a means of helping to avoid recurrence of ulcerations in the stomach or duodenum. The use of Omez is also practiced to prevent the possible entry of acidic gastric secretions into Airways the patient being operated on during anesthesia (Mendelssohn syndrome). The patient is given 2 capsules of medication an hour before surgical intervention. In addition, omeprazole is a reliable protection for the gastric mucosa from the aggressive ingredients of many potent drugs, especially those containing Aspirin.

Side effects

The medication has a very extensive list of possible undesirable effects. However, they occur rarely and are reversible, disappearing when you stop taking the capsules. Relatively often they can only appear allergic reactions, more often – skin rash, urticaria. So, Omez - side effects, which rarely occur when used:

  • malaise;
  • flatulence;
  • painful sensations in a stomach;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • taste perversions;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • headache;
  • increased sweating;
  • local swelling;
  • depression;
  • gynecomastia (in men - swelling mammary glands);
  • weakened vision;
  • alopecia (hair loss);
  • formation of cysts in the stomach.

Very rare:

  • drying out oral cavity;
  • muscle fatigue;
  • joint pain;
  • bronchospasms;
  • blood composition disorders;
  • stomatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • nephritis;
  • extremely severe allergic reactions.

Omez - contraindications

Excessive sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug is equally rare. You need to take it very carefully if you have kidney problems, liver failure. Omez has contraindications:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age of children under 18 years of age;
  • obstruction of the stomach, intestines;
  • perforation of the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • stomach, intestinal bleeding;
  • brain tumors.

Analogues and substitutes

The active substance omeprazole is part of synonymous drugs:

  • Orthanol;
  • Ultop;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Losek;
  • Gastrozol et al.

How to replace Omez? Analogues are drugs that are similar in action, but different in composition. This:

  • Ranitidine – tablets, solution for injections in ampoules;
  • De-Nol - tablets;
  • Nexium – capsules, tablets, powder;
  • Nolpaza – tablets, powder;
  • Zulbex - tablets, etc.


The cost of medications in pharmacies depends on the concentration of omeprazole and the number of capsules in the package. You can find medicines inexpensively in the catalog, quickly order and buy them in the online store. So, how much does Omez cost?

  • Omeprazole-Akrikhin - price 45-65 rubles;
  • Omeprazole-Richter - price 80-170 rubles;
  • Omeprazole-Teva – price 45-145 rubles;
  • Omeprazole-Sandoz – price 40-320 rubles;
  • Orthanol – price 90-500 rubles;
  • Ultop – price 110-810 rubles;
  • Losek - price 340-630 rubles.


Omez belongs to the antiulcer drugs among proton pump inhibitors, which slow down the stimulated release of hydrochloric acid from gastric juice.

After using the drug, absorption from the intestine occurs quickly, and the effect of its influence develops within 1 hour and persists throughout the day.

After stopping the use of the drug, restoration of natural functions exocrine glands gastric mucosa occurs on days 3-5.

1. Instructions for use

The drug, released in capsule form, contains the active substance in acid-resistant granules that dissolve only in the intestines. Its maximum content in plasma occurs after 30-6 minutes. with the bioavailability of omeprazole 40%.

Metabolism of the drug occurs in the liver and 80% is excreted by the kidneys. The main metabolite of omeprazole is hydroxyomeprazole.. When Omez is administered intravenously, dose-dependent inhibition of gastric secretion occurs.

Indications for use

Omez is prescribed for the following diseases:

Mode of application

The solution for infusion is prepared before administration. For this purpose use 5% dextrose solution or 0.9% sodium chloride. It is added to the bottle in an amount of at least 5 ml and shaken until the contents are completely dissolved. Time of administration: 100 ml. The solution should be at least half an hour. Omez capsules are swallowed whole, without breaking or chewing.

The dosage, form of medication and course of treatment depend on the specific disease:

  • For Zollinger-Ellison syndrome take capsules with an initial dose of 3 pcs. per day, daily dose 60 mg. If it is impossible to take the drug orally, it is injected intravenously with an initial dosage of 60 mg per day, which can be increased. If necessary daily dose distributed over 2 infusions;
  • During exacerbations of duodenal ulcer , Omez take 1 capsule daily for a month. Sometimes the dosage is increased by 2 times. The drug is taken regardless of food intake;
  • For peptic ulcers complicated by bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is administered intravenously with an initial dose of 80 mg and an administration rate of 8 mg/h. Then, from days 3 to 21, they switch to oral administration of 20 mg/day;
  • During exacerbations of gastric ulcers and erosive and ulcerative manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract caused by treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and during ulcerative-erosive esophagitis, the course of treatment lasts up to 2 months, during which the drug is taken daily, 1-2 caps. (20 mg each), or administered intravenously at 40 mg. per day;
  • When implementing measures to eradicate Helicobacter pylori , Omez, along with other drugs, is taken twice a day for 1 week. 1 capsule each;
  • In the treatment of Mendelssohn's syndrome the drug is used intravenously at 40 mg or higher 2 hours before surgery;
  • For anti-relapse treatment of reflux esophagitis and ulcerative manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract , the drug is taken for six months, 1 capsule per day.

Before prescribing a course of treatment with the drug, an endoscopy of the stomach and duodenum is performed to identify the presence of malignant tumors, since Omez is able to neutralize its symptoms, and treatment can prevent the correct diagnosis.

Release form, composition

The following release forms are provided for the drug Omez:

1. Capsules of 10 and 20 mg, each containing:

Active substance – omeprazole;

Excipients: dibasic sodium phosphate, sodium lauryl sulfate, sucrose, water.

2. Lyopholisate in bottles for the preparation of infusion solution (40 mg of active substance), contains:

  • Active ingredient: omeprazole;
  • Auxiliary components: anhydrous sodium carbonate.

Interaction with other drugs

Omez interacts with other drugs as follows:

2. Side effects

After using Omez, the following may occur: side effects:

  • Very rare in hematopoietic organs : pancytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia;
  • In the digestive organs : sometimes – nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea; rarely – taste disturbance, high activity of liver enzymes; very rarely - stomatitis, dry mouth, liver failure;
  • Very rare in OPA : myalgia, arthralgia, myasthenia gravis;
  • IN nervous system : in patients with concomitant somatic diseases - headaches, dizziness, depression or agitation. In patients who have undergone serious disease liver – encephalopathy;
  • Rarely on the skin : itching or rash, sometimes alopecia, photosensitivity;
  • Allergic manifestations, sometimes : bronchospasm, angioedema. edema, anaphylactic shock, fever; Quite often – urticaria;
  • Others, rarely : peripheral edema, malaise, sweating, gynecomastia, visual impairment, with long-term therapy – the occurrence of gastric glandular cysts.

An overdose of Omez may cause drowsiness, headache, confusion, nausea, arrhythmia, tachycardia. Treatment is symptomatic; hemodialysis is ineffective.


Omez is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Childhood.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, Omez is contraindicated.

3. Storage conditions and periods

Packages of medicine should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C, capsules - for 3 years, lyophilisate - 2 years.

4. Price

Depending on the location of the pharmacy chain and its markup, the cost of Omez is as follows:

1. Average price in Russia:

  • Capsules 10 mg – from 63 to 78 rubles;
  • Capsules 20 mg – from 156 to 173 rubles;
  • Lyophilisate 40 mg – from 139 to 182 rubles.

2. Average cost in Ukraine:

  • Capsules – from 64 to 69 UAH;
  • Lyophilisate 40 mg – from 100 to 106 UAH.

5. Analogs

The following drugs are similar to Omez in terms of pharmacological effects:

  • Veloz;
  • Proxicum;
  • Geerdin.

Video on the topic: 5 rules for protecting yourself from stomach ulcers

The drug "Omez", which belongs to the proton pump inhibitors, helps suppress the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In addition, the drug protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, enveloping them. The drug "Omez", the use of which has a prolonged effect, quickly causes relief, which lasts for a day or more.

Indications for use of the drug "Omez" are:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase;
  • peptic ulcers (severe forms);
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome;
  • refluxesophagitis.

The drug "Omez": use and precautions

It is not recommended to take Omez if you are allergic to omeprazole or other benzimidazole drugs, such as Vermox (mebendazole) or Albenza (albendazole). In any case, the appointment must begin after consultation and appointment of a qualified specialist. Take the drug "Omez" with extreme caution when cardiovascular diseases, liver complications and reduced levels of magnesium in the blood. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have at least one of the following symptoms before starting treatment with Omez, the use of which, however, is not able to quickly relieve heartburn:

  • stomach ache;
  • weight loss for no reason;
  • frequent pain in the heart area;
  • heartburn lasting more than 3 months;
  • vomiting (with the presence of a black substance and blood in the vomit);
  • stools are black or have traces of blood;
  • discomfort or pain when swallowing.

How to drink Omez?

Omez is taken only as prescribed by the attending physician. It is recommended to drink the product in the morning before meals once a day, and the capsule is swallowed without chewing, with a small amount of water. For patients with observed resistance to antiulcer drugs, the dosage is increased to two capsules per day. The course of treatment, depending on the complexity and course of the disease, is 4 to 8 weeks. The effectiveness of the drug is not reduced by taking it with food.

You should immediately see a doctor if you are using Omez, the use of which has caused symptoms such as difficulty breathing, hives, swelling in the throat, tongue or face. Contact your doctor immediately and the following symptoms:

  • spasms;
  • shortness of breath or severe cough;
  • involuntary muscle contractions;
  • uneven or rapid heart rate;
  • confusion, dizziness.

Less serious side effects include: headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, increased gas formation, abdominal pain, sneezing, nasal congestion, increased body temperature.

How long can you take Omez?

Particular care is taken when prescribing the drug "Omez" to patients over 50 years of age. The point is that when long-term treatment by using this tool there is an increased risk of fractures and thinning bone tissue. On average, the medicine is taken for 1 - 2 months. It is not prescribed during breastfeeding or pregnancy. Children under one year of age are given the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In order to avoid masking symptoms and delaying the correct diagnosis, a prerequisite before starting therapy with the drug "Omez" is to exclude the presence of a malignant process (especially with a stomach ulcer).

Despite the fact that Omez can be taken without a doctor’s prescription and is available in pharmacies without a prescription, it is necessary to consult a specialist if you are already taking any of the following at the same time as this drug:

  • nutritional supplements containing iron;
  • drugs for the treatment of AIDS (“Saquinavir”, “Nelfinavir”, “Atazanavir”);
  • ampicillin;
  • ketoconazole;
  • phenytoin;
  • cyclosporine;
  • disulfiram;
  • digoxin;
  • diazepam;
  • clopidogrel;
  • cilostazol;
  • diuretics;
  • warfarin (or other blood thinning medications).

Many patients diagnosed with gastritis are interested in how to take omez correctly. Main active substance this drug is omeprazole, which reduces stimulated and basal secretion and has an antiulcer effect. When exposed to an acidic environment, the active substances are activated. Moreover, the effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the type of pathogen.

The effect of the drug on the body and the form of release of the drug

In addition to omeprazole, the composition includes D domperisone, which increases the tone of the lower sphincter and stops vomiting. When gastric emptying is delayed, D domperisone helps accelerate this process. The effect of taking Omez usually occurs quickly - a maximum of 2 hours after administration. The effect of the drug continues throughout the day. Even a single use of the drug is enough to reduce gastric secretion. The maximum effect of treatment is achieved after approximately 4 days and continues for another 4 days after stopping the medication. For peptic ulcers, Omez can support optimal level pH for 17 hours.

Omez is produced in the following pharmacological forms:

  1. Omez D capsules, which contain 10 mg of omeprazole and domperisone. Available in white opaque capsules with a purple cap. Each package contains 10 capsules.
  2. Omez in capsules of 20 mg of active ingredient. The capsules are transparent with a pink cap.
  3. Powder (lyophilisate) for making a solution. Each ampoule contains 4 mg active substance. The powder is used to dilute the solution for infusion.

To direct the solution into the ampoule with Omez powder, you need to add a 5% glucose solution (5 ml). Then the bottle must be carefully turned over several times so that the powder is completely dissolved. Then take the entire resulting solution into a syringe and add it to an ampoule with 100 ml of a 5% glucose solution.

How to take Omez for gastritis?

It is recommended to take omez for gastritis with high acidity. The active elements of the drug will slow down the synthesis of acid, reducing its effect on the stomach. Omez is prescribed in the following cases:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • erosive formations of the mucous membrane;
  • pathological hypersecretory state.

The duration of the course varies depending on the stage of the disease and can last up to 8 weeks. You do not need to chew or open the capsules, but you can take them with water. It is advisable to take the drug before meals, about 30 minutes. It is not worth doubling the dosage, regardless of the reason, as this can be dangerous. If for some reason you had to miss one dose of the medicine, it is better to continue the course without taking the missed dosage. As soon as possible, you should see a doctor so that he can help you adjust your treatment.

The only contraindication to taking this drug for gastritis is considered to be individual intolerance to individual components. Omez for gastritis is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Continuing to take the drug longer than the prescribed period is acceptable, but it is worth remembering that this may increase the likelihood of side effects: allergies, headache, diarrhea. Usually these symptoms go away quickly.

Taking the drug for other diseases

You can take Omez for stomach pain, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract. How to take Omez and in what dosage will depend on the type of disease, its form and severity.

For stomach ulcers, the drug is prescribed in capsule form. Evening reception should be at 8-9 o'clock; After taking the medicine, it is forbidden to eat. It is prohibited to violate the integrity of the capsules in any way: crushing, chewing, opening, etc. The capsule can be taken with a small amount of water. The course of treatment, as stated in the instructions for use, is from 2 to 8 weeks.

If the peptic ulcer is severe, accompanied by the appearance of ulcers, the drug is prescribed in the form of a solution for infusion. The solution for infusion can be diluted only before the procedure itself. intravenous administration. Omez is prescribed to treat Zollinger-Ellison disease, a pancreatic tumor that can lead to ulcers in the pancreas. duodenum. For treatment, an infusion of a drug solution in a higher dosage is prescribed.

For pancreatitis, Omez is prescribed as an addition to the main treatment. Taking the drug Omez is necessary because it helps prevent ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, the drug normalizes acid production and reduces the impact of digestive enzymes. In addition, for pancreatitis, Omez is used for abdominal pain, as well as to relieve heartburn symptoms.

To eliminate dyspeptic disorders due to cholecystitis, patients are prescribed Omez. The drug allows you to restore the normal outflow of bile and the patency of the gallbladder ducts, and relieve pain. The daily dosage of the drug for cholecystitis is divided into two doses (morning and evening).