The rarest blood group. Third blood group - compatibility during pregnancy, nutrition and human character

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This genetic blood type is characterized by the fact that red blood cells contain the B antigen and do not have the Rh antigen. It looks like this: B(III) Rh-. Its owners make up only 1-3% of the population.

This genetic blood type is characterized by the fact that red blood cells contain the B antigen and do not have the Rh antigen. It looks like this: B(III) Rh-. Its owners make up only 1-3% of the population. It is inherited if one of the parents has this antigen in the blood in the following variants:

  • 3rd plus 4th group;
  • 3rd or 4th plus 1st group;
  • 3rd or 4th plus 2nd group.


Characteristics and lifestyle also affect the health of those with the third blood group. The ability not to take everything to heart and not to worry saves them from serious problems with the heart and blood vessels, peptic ulcer, they have good immunity, adaptability to any conditions and resistance to colds. In general they are in good health.

On the other hand, excessive mobility and a relaxed attitude towards life contribute to the development of the following diseases:

  • various injuries
  • urinary tract infections;
  • urolithiasis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • periodic bouts of depression;
  • intestinal diseases.

Read also the article on our website.

The need for constant change can create a feeling of boredom, and people with a weak nervous system, in search of thrills, without realizing it, can fall into alcohol or drug addiction.


People with the third negative blood group, as a rule, are omnivorous and unpretentious, different good appetite. But when there is a large choice, they give preference to meat products, smoked meats, overly spicy and salty dishes, which leads to intestinal problems.

Dietary recommendations to maintain their health include moderate consumption of meat - lamb, poultry, preference for protein foods from fish and seafood. Any cereals, low-fat dairy products and cheeses, nuts, legumes, and almost all vegetables and fruits are recommended. Black tea and coffee are recommended to be consumed in moderation.

  • fatty meat of pork, chicken, duck;
  • smoked meat and fish products;
  • crustacean dishes, shrimp;
  • baked goods, ice cream, cakes;
  • tomatoes and ketchup;
  • alcohol;
  • from herbs and infusions - aloe, hops, linden.

Will be very useful herbal teas and drinks made from rose hips, mint and lemon balm, ginger, sage, that is, they have a calming effect on nervous system and improving digestion.


Women with a third negative blood group should remember the possibility of an Rh conflict, especially if in the past there were abortions or births from Rh-positive partners, or children were born with jaundice. In order to avoid the development of abnormalities in the fetus and spontaneous termination of pregnancy, you should register as early as possible and strictly follow all doctor’s instructions for examination, including for the presence of Rh antibodies.

There are four types of this biological fluid. Among them there is the most rare group blood in humans, and the most common.

How to determine group and rhesus

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists developed a conditional classification into groups from 1 to 4, each of which is divided into two subtypes - negative or positive - depending on the Rh factor.

The difference lies in the content of specific proteins on the surface of red blood cells - agglutinogens A and B, whose presence affects the belonging of a particular person’s plasma to a certain group.

If antigen D is present, then Rh is positive (Rh+); if antigen D is absent, it is negative (Rh-). This separation allowed for safe transfusion, but previously the procedure often ended fatal due to the patient’s body’s refusal to accept donor material.

Factors defining the group

In Russia the following designation applies:

  • the first – 0 (zero), or I, no antigen;
  • the second - A, or II, contains only antigen A;
  • the third - B, or II, there is only antigen B;
  • the fourth is AB, or IV, both antigens A and B are present.

The blood type is determined at the genetic level by passing on antigens A and B to offspring.

Principle of classification

Over many centuries of history, the type of plasma was formed as a result of natural selection, when people had to survive in different climatic conditions. According to scientists, initially there was only 1 group, which became the ancestor of the rest.

  1. 0 (or I) - the most common, was present in all primitive people, when the ancestors ate what nature gave and managed to get - insects, wild plants, parts of animal food left over after the meal of large predators. Having learned to hunt and having destroyed most of the animals, people began to move from Africa to Asia, Europe, in search of best places for living and food.
  2. A (or II) arose as a result of forced migrations of peoples, the emergence of a need to change their way of existence, the need to learn to adapt to living in a society of their own kind. People were able to tame wild animals, took up farming and stopped eating raw meat. Currently, most of its owners live in Japan and Western Europe.
  3. B (or III) was formed in the process of merging populations, adapting to changing climatic conditions. It first appeared among the Mongoloid race, who gradually moved to Europe, entering into mixed marriages with Indo-Europeans. Most often, its carriers are found in Eastern Europe.
  4. AB (or IV) is the youngest, which arose about 1000 years ago not as a result of climate change and living conditions, but due to the mixing of the Mongoloid (carriers of type 3) and Indo-European (carriers of type 1) races. It turned out as a result of the merger of two different species - A and B.

The blood type is inherited, although the descendants do not always match the parent’s. It remains unchanged throughout life, even through transfusion or transplantation bone marrow are unable to change its appearance.

Rare and common blood

The most common people in any country are people with types 1 and 2, they account for 80–85% of the population, the rest have groups 3 or 4. Species differ from one another in biological characteristics, the presence of a negative or positive Rh factor.

Nationality and race determine the presence of a certain type of plasma.

Among Europeans and residents of Russia, the 2nd positive one predominates, in the East – the third one, among representatives of the Negroid race the first one dominates. But in the world, IV is considered the rarest; in isolated cases, the fourth negative is found.

The majority of the planet's inhabitants are Rh positive (almost 85% of the European population), and 15% are Rh negative. As a percentage, among residents of Asian countries, Rh “Rh+” occurs in 99 cases out of 100, in 1% it is negative, in Africans – 93% and 7%, respectively.

The rarest blood

Many people are interested in whether their group is rare or not. You can find out this from the table below by comparing your own data with statistical data:

How often it occurs, %

According to statistics, the first negative is also rare; less than 5% of the world’s population are carriers of it. In third place in rarity is the second negative, occurring in 3.5% of residents. It is very rare to come across owners of the third negative - 1.5% worldwide.

Scientists not so long ago, in the 50s of the 20th century, discovered another type, called the “Bombay phenomenon,” because it was first identified in a resident of Bombay (now Mumbai).

The absence of antigens A and B makes it similar to the first group, but it does not have antigen h, or it is present in a weakly expressed form.

On Earth, a similar type occurs in a proportion of 1:, in India this happens much more often: 1:8,000, i.e. one case of convicts, respectively.

Uniqueness of group IV

In addition to the fact that it is the rarest in the world, the group is inherited only in half of the cases, and only if both parents are its carriers. If only one of them has type AB, then only in 25% of cases will children inherit it. But the offspring receives groups 2 and 3 from their parents in 70 out of 100 cases.

Liquid AB has a complex biological composition, antigens are often similar to type 2 or 3, sometimes it is a combination of them.

The main feature of this blood is that when used for donation, it is only suitable for patients who have the same blood. It is not suitable for transfusion to anyone else, regardless of the Rh factor.


If a patient requires a transfusion, it is imperative to find out which group he has and his Rh factor, since the patient’s health and life depend on this. For example, biomaterial of group I can be used for any person, II - for people with the second and fourth, III - for carriers of the third or fourth.

People with type AB blood are allowed to receive transfusions of any type that matches Rhesus. The most universal type is considered to be type 0 with negative Rhesus, suitable for transfusion to any person.

Liquid with Rh “-” is also suitable for people who have a positive Rh value, but in the opposite situation, transfusion cannot be done.

The difficulty for donation is represented by people who have the “Bombay” type, for whom only the same type is suitable. The body will not accept any other, but they can be donors for carriers of any group.

It is important for every person to know his own blood type and its Rh, since in a critical situation this information is necessary to save the life of one’s own and the one who needs help.

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The rarest blood type

Blood groups are distributed differently: certain groups blood are common, while others are very rare. In this article you will learn about the rarest blood groups.

Fourth negative and third negative are the rarest blood types in the world. There is also a blood type known as Bombay phenomenon: it has not yet been fully studied and is extremely rare in people.

We know that there are four blood groups (first, second, third, fourth) with positive or negative Rh factor(I+ I- II+ II- III+ III- IV+ IV-) . The most common group is the first positive, while the rarest is the fourth negative.

Rare blood groups

Fourth negative is the rarest blood group in the world. Only 1% of the world's population has this blood type. More precisely, the fourth negative blood type is observed in only 0.45% of the world's population, that is, in one person. It is also the rarest blood type in the United States. People who have this group blood can be transfused with any other blood group with a negative Rh factor.

The second rarest blood type is third negative. It is observed only in 1.5-2% of the planet's population (in two people). People with this blood type can only receive third-negative and first-negative transfusions.

The first negative, second negative and fourth positive are also rare types blood and occur in 3%, 4% and 5% of the world population, respectively. In each country, blood types are distributed differently among the population. But overall, the figures remain the same around the world.

Very little is known about the Bombay phenomenon, one of the rarest blood types in the world. It received this name because the first case was identified in Bombay (now Mumbai). In other parts of the world, the Bombay phenomenon was identified in one person from. But in India (in the east) this blood type is not so rare: one person has the Bombay phenomenon. This blood group contains the h-antigen, although it is not pronounced.


Blood groups and the Rh factor were discovered in 1901 by the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner.

According to Dr. Landsteiner, blood is made up of proteins known as antigens. Depending on their presence, blood is classified into four groups. We now know that blood type can be positive or negative. This is characterized by the Rh factor. He plays important role when determining a person's blood group. The Rh factor with D antigen determines whether a person's blood is positive or negative. If antigen B and Rh factor with antigen D are detected in a person’s blood, this means that he has a third positive blood group. In the absence of antigen B, the blood will be third negative.

The first negative is universal group blood that can be transfused to a person with any blood type. On the other hand, the fourth positive is a universal recipient, that is, people with this blood can be transfused with all blood groups. However, now, before transfusing blood, they always find out the exact blood type in order to avoid reactions.

Currently, there are several organizations and blood banks where you can find a donor for a rare blood type. Although blood type can be easily determined in a laboratory, it is better if a person knows his or her blood type. If you don't know your group, do some analysis.

Detection and determination of blood groups has become greatest discovery last century, as it helps in the prevention and treatment of various life-threatening diseases.

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3rd blood group with negative rhesus

The third blood group, Rh-negative, is not as common as the 1st and 2nd, therefore, we can say that it is rare. In general, it characterizes people as nomads. This belief dates back to ancient times, when primitive people They were truly nomads and they often had to adapt to their new place of residence. Most often this concerned a new home, food and possibly climate.

The compatibility of this blood type is not as great as that of the first and second groups. First of all, this concerns the transfusion itself and the search for a donor. Rh positive or negative plays a significant role in this matter. Most often there are people with a positive Rh factor of the 3rd blood group, but a negative one is a little less common. Thus, you can donate blood to recipients with the third and fourth, but only receive it from a person with the third and first. With this compatibility, it is worth considering that Rh must be negative for all groups. This is the main nature of blood selection, because plasma cannot be mixed with protein and its absence.

Main characteristics

As a rule, any blood type has a certain meaning. Most often it is a person’s character, nutrition and compatibility. Thus, we highlight the main areas of interest. The character of the 3rd blood group differs from all others in delicacy, calmness and impressionability.

Such people have increased demands not only on themselves, but also on others, regarding cleanliness, work and culture, in general. The nature of communication is structured in such a way that third-graders often point out and teach their interlocutor, trying to bring this or that matter to the ideal. It cannot be said that their character is very boring and biased, but compared to others, their demands are too high. It is also worth paying attention to the nutrition of people of blood type 3. Since they have been accustomed to moving all the time since ancient times, the digestive tract is accordingly not so picky.

Such people can easily afford different products, even mixing them in the most different combinations. The nature of such nutrition does not lead to the appearance excess weight or any other complications. This is one of the advantages of the 3rd blood group - Rh-negative. You can eat any meat, fish, various dairy products, cereals and eggs. As for vegetables, it is better to limit yourself to olives, corn, tomatoes and pumpkin.

Even though there are practically no restrictions, it is best not to overload on pork, as it is quite fatty and contains a large amount of cholesterol. As for the direct compatibility of this blood type, it is not as rare as the fourth, so donation is not too difficult.

Pregnancy also goes quite calmly and successfully. It happens that there are cases when there is no compatibility due to the fact that the blood of the mother and father is not suitable for fertilization. But this happens very rarely. Fortunately, modern medicine has developed its techniques so much that this problem can be easily dealt with, the main thing is to seek help in time and do not despair prematurely.

If there is no compatibility between the child and the mother, which most often happens due to the Rh factor being positive or negative, then in this case they also undertake the necessary methodology and the child is born normal and healthy. In this case, the main thing is to get checked in time and predict the further nature of the pregnancy. Sometimes a rare check leads to the most serious consequences. One of these may be a miscarriage of the fetus or death in the womb.


Nutritionists classify such people as not picky, since their lifestyle has been adapted to their environment from the very first times. Thus, in this case, the products can be very different. For regular consumption there may be such products as eggs, liver, veal, licorice root, cabbage, pineapple juice, grapes and green tea. Such compatibility does not give negative results, and accordingly the figure will be fine. But on the other hand, you should limit yourself from foods such as peanuts, tomatoes, buckwheat, pork and corn dishes.

Despite the fact that blood type 3 is quite rare, nutrition is practically unlimited. Roughly speaking, you can eat anything, the main thing is not to overeat and not indulge in forbidden foods. This especially applies to those who monitor their figure and health. Many nutritionists claim that people with blood type 3 are not afraid of Rh-negative overweight, since they have a fast metabolism and “smooth” work digestive tract. Now you can easily adjust your figure and lose quite a lot of kilograms if you adhere to the compatibility of certain products.

For sports fans, the following can be noted that active loads on the human body of the 3rd blood group Rh-negative have a fairly good effect. Compatibility proper nutrition And physical activity, this is the best thing that can happen for such people. Then not only will things get better healthy image life, but also, in general, the state of health. It is surprising that such a rare blood type as the 3rd blood group has so many priorities for the person himself, even regardless of the Rh factor. No less important is the nature of the mood, because a person needs activity and determination. Especially purposefulness is the rarest characteristic that pushes one to perform certain feats.

Most often, when certain health problems are detected, a blood test is immediately taken to verify certain factors. Therefore, if you have some health problems, then perhaps your blood type will provide answers to the questions posed. After all, each person is individual and one of many diseases can be characterized by blood type and give the correct answers.

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Characteristics of carriers of negative blood group 3

People with negative Rhesus blood group 3 are found less often than those with the first and second groups. In ancient times they were called nomads. At this time, the population was constantly nomadic, and it often had to adapt to new climatic conditions and food.

The housing of the speakers of the third group also constantly changed. The population with this group appeared during times of mass migrations and in our time, about 20% of the world's inhabitants have a third blood group.

People who are Rh positive are more common than people who are Rh negative. They can help patients with the third and fourth groups, but only the third and first groups are suitable for infusion. Compatibility should be with groups only with negative Rh. Do not mix incompatible blood components, as this can lead to the death of the patient.

Characteristics of the characteristics of the third blood group

Each group has its own individual characteristics. These include power, media specifications, and compatibility. Let's look at each feature separately.

The character of people who have the third blood group is characterized by calmness, romanticism and a sensitive attitude towards others. They also require others to try to be clean, hardworking and cultured. They constantly act as a teacher in order to bring the work they and their interlocutor started to an ideal result. Their demands are quite high and therefore others seem to be a little boring and demanding.

Let's talk about the nutrition of the owners of group 3. These people constantly moved, so their stomach easily adapted to new conditions and diet. Third-graders can easily combine various products and not feel discomfort in the stomach. Such nutrition does not make them fat and any complications are excluded. The third group with negative Rh has such advantages and nutritional privileges.

Products useful for them:

Undesirable vegetables:

It is much easier to find a donor for this blood group than for 4.

There are no negative indications for pregnancy in carriers of group 3. It proceeds quite calmly and effectively. It rarely happens that the nature of the blood of the father and mother is not suitable for conception. There are very few such cases. IN modern world Medicine has made great strides forward, so doctors can cope with any problem. The main thing is to apply on time and believe that everything will be fine.

Sometimes it happens that the Rhesus of mother and child is incompatible, but even in this case, our medicine has a special technique to help give birth healthy baby. You need to do everything on time and the doctor will help you carry the baby and give birth on time without any problems. The sooner a woman in labor contacts a gynecologist, the sooner she will be helped, otherwise a miscarriage may occur or the baby will die in the womb.

Healthy food for nomads

The third blood group belongs to picky people, because they always adapted to new living conditions, and their digestive system became strong. Different types products suitable for their nutrition. They can constantly use:

  • liver and veal;
  • egg;
  • cabbage and licorice root;
  • green tea and pineapple juice.

The compatibility of these products has a positive effect on their figure, so they will always be in shape. The third group with a negative Rh factor can eat everything, but not overeat and abuse prohibited foods. People who care about their figure and health should follow these recommendations.

Rh negative blood group III helps its carriers to have an excellent digestive system and proper metabolism. The compatibility of different food groups helps these people quickly lose weight and achieve correct correction of your body.

Active sports and Fresh air perfectly helps negative Rh factor group 3 maintain their health long years. Compatibility of proper nutrition and sports activity, best recommendations for these segments of the population. This rare third blood group gives quite a lot to its owners, even regardless of the Rh factor.

The basis of the diet for “nomads” is fruits, vegetables and dairy products. The permissible interval between meals should be at least three hours. Portions should not be large. Moderation in every meal is their motto. Greens are very useful for them, leaf salad, soy products and all green vegetables. Eggs and lean meats are the main foods that group 3 populations should consume.

Chicken and turkey meat are not suitable for them at all. Fatty fish also not very desirable on the table of “nomads”. Flounder, cod, sardine and tuna are healthy food for them.

Oil from olives, pumpkin, flax and sunflower is necessary to have in the diet of this group.

It is contraindicated for people with such blood to consume semolina and buckwheat. Wheat, corn, olives and coconut significantly reduce the body's metabolism and reduce insulin production, which has a bad effect on the removal of moisture from it and the appearance of excess weight. Seafood is also not their food.

With green tea, representatives of the third blood group can cleanse their body, and herbal infusions will support immune system. Cocoa is the best drink for these people, helping to replenish vital energy the whole body. Juices from cranberries and cucumbers, as well as cabbage pickle will help speed up metabolic processes in the human body.

Tomato juice and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited for representatives of this blood group.

Compatibility of soybean, legume products, dried fruits, walnut And egg yolk helps supply their body with magnesium and lecithin, which help prevent sclerosis and other problems that arise with age.

“Nomads” should spend more time in the sun, which supplies vitamin D to their bodies, and eat more plant food, rich in vitamin Q. Their bodies always need these vitamin supplements.

The diet for the third group with negative Rh, given above, has only general postulates. Each person is individual and only a nutritionist can correctly draw up nutritional rules specifically for him. But these recommendations will tell you what you can consume and what is strictly prohibited.

The nature of the attitude should always only be purposeful. If you have any health problems, you need to take blood tests, according to which the doctor will determine what characteristics of your disease. There are diseases that can only be recognized by certain characteristics of the blood group. Having completed full examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe for you correct treatment and help overcome the problem that has arisen.

Many people respond positively to this diet. When carriers of negative Rh factor group 3 follow all the recommendations correctly, then the result is good. If patients think that they can deviate a little from the rules recommended by the diet, then the result is negative.

Healthy food always helps those with any blood type look young and have excellent health, regardless of the person's age. Be active, athletic and cheerful and your body will delight you for many years, until old age. By polluting him and offending him, he will answer you various diseases and early old age.

Love yourself and your body - these are the most correct recommendations for each blood group.

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Third negative blood group

This genetic blood type is characterized by the fact that red blood cells contain the B antigen and do not have the Rh antigen. It looks like this: B(III) Rh-. Its owners make up only 1-3% of the population.

This genetic blood type is characterized by the fact that red blood cells contain the B antigen and do not have the Rh antigen. It looks like this: B(III) Rh-. Its owners make up only 1-3% of the population. It is inherited if one of the parents has this antigen in the blood in the following variants:

  • 3rd plus 4th group;
  • 3rd or 4th plus 1st group;
  • 3rd or 4th plus 2nd group.

The Rh factor is inherited depending on which parent has the dominant (stronger) antigen, according to the laws of genetics.


According to the theory of the evolution of blood groups, the third group is younger than the previous ones. When, due to natural disasters on earth, people were forced to change their place of residence and move. Traditionally, representatives of the third blood group were considered nomads. Historians have established that it spread during migrations from Africa east to Asia. And proof of this is the largest percentage of this blood type in the population of China, as well as Israel.

So, nomads, travelers. Their character is attributed to excessive mobility, a desire to change the situation and social circle. They have little attachment to their place of birth, land, their loved ones and circumstances, and are “easy-going.” Such people are optimistic, cheerful, unlucky, and easy to be with. But, on the other hand, the disadvantages are not too serious attitude To life values, optionality, low sense of responsibility for what has been done.

Such people are cunning and diplomatic, they know how to get away with it, establish relationships, and show the ability to persuade others. They can be highly erudite and even brilliant. Both men and women in this group have more high content hormones than in representatives of other groups.

Families with men with the third blood group often break up. As for women, they are still more responsible, and, having found a family, they become good wives and mothers.


Characteristics and lifestyle also affect the health of those with the third blood group. The ability not to take everything to heart and not to worry saves them from serious problems with the heart and blood vessels, peptic ulcers, they have good immunity, adaptability to any conditions and resistance to colds. In general they are in good health.

On the other hand, excessive mobility and a relaxed attitude towards life contribute to the development of the following diseases:

  • various injuries
  • urinary tract infections;
  • urolithiasis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • periodic bouts of depression;
  • intestinal diseases.

The need for constant change can create a feeling of boredom, and people with a weak nervous system, in search of thrills, without realizing it, can fall into alcohol or drug addiction.


People with a third negative blood group are, as a rule, omnivorous and unpretentious, and have a good appetite. But when there is a large choice, they give preference to meat products, smoked meats, overly spicy and salty dishes, which leads to intestinal problems.

Dietary recommendations to maintain their health include moderate consumption of meat - lamb, poultry, preference for protein foods from fish and seafood. Any cereals, low-fat dairy products and cheeses, nuts, legumes, and almost all vegetables and fruits are recommended. Black tea and coffee are recommended to be consumed in moderation.

  • fatty meat of pork, chicken, duck;
  • smoked meat and fish products;
  • crustacean dishes, shrimp;
  • baked goods, ice cream, cakes;
  • tomatoes and ketchup;
  • alcohol;
  • from herbs and infusions - aloe, hops, linden.

Herbal teas and drinks made from rose hips, mint and lemon balm, ginger, sage will be very useful, that is, they have a calming effect on the nervous system and improve digestion.


Women with a third negative blood group should remember the possibility of an Rh conflict, especially if in the past there were abortions or births from Rh-positive partners, or children were born with jaundice. In order to avoid the development of abnormalities in the fetus and spontaneous termination of pregnancy, you should register as early as possible and strictly follow all doctor’s instructions for examination, including for the presence of Rh antibodies.

If necessary, it is prescribed completely reliable prevention Rh conflict by administering anti-Rhesus globulin. For women with an Rh-conflict pregnancy who wish to have children in the future, it is recommended that after childbirth or abortion, administration of globulin is also recommended to eliminate the formed antibodies.

Due to the tendency to diseases of the genitourinary tract, which can then cause complications after childbirth, it is necessary to undergo an examination in advance by a urologist.

What is remarkable about the third blood group with negative Rh?

Scientists have discovered the fact that the four blood groups known to many did not always exist. The oldest group is the first, whose designation is I (0). It is believed that this is the blood of hunters. Some time later, with the emergence and spread of agriculture, when people chose a sedentary lifestyle as a basis, the second group A (II) appeared.

The third B (III) appeared even later, when humanity began to travel. Researchers associate the formation of this blood type with the spread of nomads of the Mongoloid race. IN currently The owners of this group are approximately 10-11% of the total population of the planet. Of these, a small percentage are endowed with a negative Rh factor; more are found to be positive.

Blood group third negative

In the characteristics of this type of blood, we can highlight some features of character formation, taste preferences and compatibility. It is generally accepted that such people are individualists, prone to mood swings, which does not prevent them from being patient when necessary and being able to find a diplomatic approach to solving a problem. They are emotional and good at speaking. They find themselves in activities related to the public.

The third negative blood group in women affects their love of cleanliness. The house of such a housewife is always tidy and mess is not held in high esteem. Sometimes this character trait has a negative impact, since a woman demands that others maintain order, which not everyone can do. However, conflicts that arise on this basis are quickly smoothed out thanks to diplomacy.

The third negative blood type in men makes them leaders who are demanding in their performance. job responsibilities At work. They rarely agree to compromise decisions in the field of their professional activities.

People with blood group 3 and Rh negative have a characteristic taste preferences formed as a result of the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors. The digestive system is adapted to any type of food; they find dairy products especially attractive. It is considered a huge plus that such people are not overweight and do not need long-term and frequent diets. The following will be useful for use in everyday nutrition:

  • meat, excluding poultry and pork;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • seafood;
  • eggs.

Corn, margarine, certain oils and nuts should be avoided. Frequent use of fatty fish and meat will not have the best effect. It is advisable to avoid their presence in the diet. Avoid drinking carbonated water from drinks. rich in carbohydrates, and tomato juice.

Third blood group, Rh negative: diseases

Life of a nomadic type strengthened the immunity of the ancestors of people with blood group 3 and negative Rh. The characteristics of the immune forces of their body were so strengthened that they made it possible to survive severe epidemics and plague. But this does not make them completely invulnerable. There are a number of pathologies to which they are predisposed:

  • V postoperative period their body is more susceptible to infections than others;
  • Group 3 with negative Rh in girls contributes to the occurrence of complications after pregnancy;
  • vulnerability to autoimmune diseases;
  • predisposition to inflammatory processes respiratory system;
  • joint diseases and the risk of osteochondrosis;
  • vulnerable to depression and often experience symptoms of fatigue that become chronic.

If a person faces an acute question about transfusion, then it is necessary to take into account that people with III group blood, donor biomaterial of the same group or I is suitable. The latter option is an alternative and requires additional analysis for compatibility. Group B donor material is suitable for the same blood type or for group IV.

Pregnancy in women with 3 negative blood group

Women with this type of blood usually do not have problems with conception: they can easily become pregnant and carry a baby to term. But planning a pregnancy should be taken with full responsibility, since some troubles are possible due to the negative Rh of the expectant mother in combination with the positive Rh of the father.

In this case, the baby may inherit the father’s Rh indicator, which will lead to an Rh conflict between the fetus and mother. The pregnant woman’s body will begin to produce antibodies that perceive the fetus forming in the womb as a hostile object that needs to be attacked. Under such circumstances, spontaneous abortion is possible.

If the pregnancy is not terminated natural reasons, and a woman manages to carry a child, there is a high probability of pathologies occurring in the baby’s body. May manifest as problems with visual and hearing aid, disorders in the functioning of the brain. The expectant mother and baby need constant monitoring. It is important to take a blood sample to determine the formation of antibodies.

Important! When antibodies are detected in the mother's blood, the situation becomes critical. To maintain pregnancy and reduce the risk of pathologies, a blood transfusion may be prescribed.

Planning pregnancy and 3 negative blood group

In women, the Rh characteristic affects the course of pregnancy and its outcome in the case when the girl is negative, and the guy who will become the father is positive. In this case, you need to see a doctor for advice.

Usually the first pregnancy with such indicators passes without disturbances and risks for expectant mother and a child. Future pregnancies will require close monitoring by a gynecologist.

Rh conflict tends to occur in the last period of pregnancy. To avoid the development of such a scenario, doctors refer the young couple to undergo an Rh test. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to draw conclusions.

If a woman who is Rh negative carries a child who is Rh positive, doctors will offer an anti-Rh globulin vaccine. A timely visit to the clinic for specialized help will give confidence in the successful development of pregnancy without subsequent complications.

The interesting video below will help you get an idea of ​​the evolution of blood.

Since the last century, based on the hereditary characteristics that store the red blood cells of the body, scientists have divided people into four separate categories. Over time, research has advanced even further, and now blood type, in principle, determines not only medical indicators, such as transfusion compatibility. Blood type 3 determines the characteristics of character and behavior, as well as the compatibility of partners when planning a family.

Descendants of nomads

The third blood group, according to various sources, is characteristic of 11 to 20 percent of the inhabitants of our planet. The characteristics of the type of this category of people consisted of centuries-old traditions and customs of ancient nomadic peoples. The third positive one, according to historians and geneticists, was formed about 10 thousand years ago. 3 negative group is much less common. Today, representatives of this type can be found in every corner of the world. It is believed that people with blood type B or III first appeared as a result of mass migrations, which were characteristic mainly of Asian peoples.

Due to extreme conditions, men and women of this type needed strong immunity and endurance to survive. Evolutionary development has given this ability to people with 3 positive blood group. They are amazingly efficient gastrointestinal tract, however, are not resistant to rare viruses and may suffer from lactose intolerance.

If a blood transfusion is required and the recipient has a 3 or B negative blood group, donor biomaterial with a positive RH cannot be used.

People with blood type B tend to be open-minded and optimistic. They are not capricious when it comes to personal comfort indicators. For this category of the population, traveling on foot with a backpack through the impenetrable jungle is no worse than a comfortable flight to a prestigious resort. They value adventure and will take any chance to escape boredom and do something truly interesting.

Compatibility of men and women

Blood type 3 positive leaves its mark on a person’s character traits and behavior pattern. People belonging to this category combine courage, determination, emotionality and high intelligence. More than a third of such people independently move towards their goals and achieve success. They can honestly say: no one promoted me in this, I achieved everything myself. In love, they also take victories and defeats lightly. Men strive for intimacy, but do not perceive refusal as an insult, but prefer to remain friends.

In union with a woman like:

  • They strive to search for new sensations; adherence to traditional national or religious values ​​can save the relationship.
  • Dominant in relationships. There is no place for boredom in such a marriage; a man is always ready to experiment.
  • A clash of temperaments can either strengthen or destroy a relationship.
  • The man plays a dominant role, but the family is a unified team.

Women of blood type 3, on the contrary, love flirting, but most often do not seek further acquaintance. Paired with a man like:

  • An active union of two versatile personalities.
  • A sensible and sensual couple who literally divides everything in half.
  • A calm union that is not spoiled even by a rare physical connection.


In fact, the blood type number does not play as important a role in family planning as the Rh factor (RH). If a woman’s RH is positive and a man’s is negative, the expectant mother should be under close medical supervision throughout the entire pregnancy. In most cases, pregnancy proceeds without any complications or pathologies.

As a result, a healthy baby is born.

Both expectant parents should have laboratory tests done in advance to be prepared for any surprises that pregnancy may bring. You can calculate it yourself, but there is no guarantee of the result. There is only a probability, which is calculated as a percentage.

  • If parents have the first and third groups, then with a 50% probability the child will inherit the blood type of one of them.
  • Parents with blood types 1 and 4 or 3 and 4 in 50% of cases give birth to children with blood type 3.
  • In a union of two people with the second and third groups, the probability of getting a child of any of the 4 known types is 25%.
  • Parents with 2 and 4 or 4 and 4 types of erythrocyte cells in 25% of cases have children with blood group B (3).
  • Incredibly, if both parents have blood type B, then the chance of passing it on is only 75%. In other cases, children are born with the first group.

Proper diet

The body's ability to digest one type of food better than another is affected only by the Rh blood type or RH does not matter much, even if it is negative. The diet is varied from meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. This is an almost “omnivorous” category of people that perfectly digests lamb, veal, turkey and rabbit meat.

The 3rd negative blood group does not prohibit eating salted and pickled fish. Almost all types of fish, except eel and smoked salmon, are allowed for consumption. The same applies to dairy products. Versatility digestive system allows you to absorb nutrients from almost any product except ice cream.

Among familiar products, which can be found on the shelf of any grocery store, any corn derivatives (cereals, starch, flour, etc.) should be excluded. Buckwheat, grain bread, pearl barley and barley porridge are also poorly digestible. You will have to give up the usual vegetables - tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, and radishes.

It is better to abstain from flour and large quantity sweets.

As a rule, this category of men and women very rarely faces the problem of excess weight or obesity. Diet food should be aimed at maintaining or strengthening the immune system. The main health threat is chronic fatigue, depression, joint diseases and autoimmune diseases. With sufficient intake nutrients and vitamins, the body will be able to adapt to life in almost any conditions.

Negative RH and the fact that such a situation occurs rarely does not impose any restrictions on a person. 3rd positive blood group has the same distinctive features and recommendations for caring for the body. As measures to maintain health, doctors recommend walking, daily creative activities, or good rest to your favorite music or any other hobby. Physical health integral to the psycho-emotional state.

In contact with

When planning a child, a woman should consult a gynecologist, undergo a full examination of the body and preventive vaccination to avoid problems during pregnancy. If the third negative and third negative prevail among sexual partners and future parents positive group blood, a Rh conflict is possible, which is dangerous for the mother and intrauterine development of the fetus.

3 positive and 3 negative blood groups in parents means a high risk of developing Rh conflict, which in most cases leads to unwanted termination of pregnancy. In addition, doctors suspect extensive pathologies at the intrauterine level, fetal stillbirth or premature birth. However, with a competent approach to the problem, such consequences for children’s health can be avoided; the main thing is to regularly see a specialist and undergo scheduled and unscheduled screenings in a timely manner.

The appearance of a child with the third blood group

3 predominates among future parents
negative and 3 positive, this does not mean at all that the baby
will also be born with a third blood group. To get this result,
The following combinations are required:

and third blood group;

(fourth) and first blood group;

(fourth) and second blood group.

You can determine the “blood affiliation” of a child based on the results laboratory research both
parents, however, the composition of the blood, as is known, is updated several more times in
human life.

When planning a pregnancy, women ask their personal gynecologist the same question:
"If I have 3 negative,
My husband has 3 positive, is there any reason for concern?" Actually
In fact, there are significant concerns, since when carrying a fetus in such a combination in
dangerous antibodies can form in a woman’s blood; however, this only happens if the fetus is from
the father will inherit a positive Rh factor. The situation is uncommon, but also
present in extensive obstetric practice.

such a medical verdict does not mean at all that a progressing pregnancy
is doomed to be interrupted, because modern medicine highly effective methods are known, such as
help a pregnant woman carry and give birth to a completely healthy child.
Of course, you will have to remain under close supervision of a specialist for the entire 9 months, but, as shows
practice, the results are really worth it.

or expectant mother has a positive Rh factor, and the father is negative, then
there is no problem as such, but a Rh conflict during pregnancy
you don't have to worry about it. When such a pathological process does occur,
the expectant mother must understand that in her case there is no question of abortion
Maybe; Otherwise, getting pregnant again will be very difficult.

in a mother who was positive for the Rh factor, a fetus was formed in the womb with
negative Rh factor, then the newly appearing antibodies in the blood will appeal to it
rejection. In the overwhelming majority of cases, pregnancy is terminated
early pregnancy, miscarriage and pathological birth occur. When
the child chooses a positive Rh factor for himself, like his mother’s, then his
nothing threatens health and the intrauterine period. This is the most valuable
information that all women should know reproductive age at
having a partner with a negative blood group.

blood group affiliation does not matter at all,
Doctors place the main emphasis on the Rh factor.

Useful information about donation

Today, the third blood group is considered rare, and its owners are donors who are very valuable for medicine. They can assist patients with blood groups 3 and 4 in accordance with the predominant Rh factor. If they themselves need blood, donors with group 1 or 3 of the corresponding Rh factor will come to the rescue.

Before donating blood as a donor, the doctor studies in detail clinical picture and asks about the presence of diseases such as one of the forms of hepatitis, HIV and others. If there are no such diagnoses and have not been, then the blood provided is suitable for people in need. Afterwards, the existing blood type is determined using special tests, and the diagnosis takes only a couple of minutes.

Pregnancy with negative Rh factor

If a woman with a third blood group with a negative Rh factor carries her first pregnancy, then complications are possible throughout the entire period. The fact is that the formed antibodies gradually accumulate, and in the third trimester they remind themselves of themselves pathological birth and intrauterine pathologies.

It is very important that the first pregnancy is not terminated, since the fetus is removed from the womb surgically, but the formed antibodies in the blood retain their previous concentration. This means that a subsequent pregnancy may not occur, because dangerous enzymes suppress ovulation or contribute to the rejection of a fertilized egg.

All women expecting a baby in mandatory take an analysis to determine your blood type and rhesus. This is necessary in order to identify women with a negative blood group during pregnancy as early as possible. Why do doctors need to know the Rh factor of the blood of the expectant mother, and what effect does this have on the development of the child?

In this article we will look at what the Rh factor and Rh conflict are, why 1 negative blood group is dangerous during pregnancy, and how to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, despite the negative Rh factor of the mother’s blood.

What is the Rh factor and Rh conflict

Rh factor- a special protein that is located on the surface of blood cells. If this protein is present on blood cells, then they say that the Rh factor is positive and, when indicating the blood type, they write the letters Rh, and put a plus next to it. When there is no protein on the blood cells, they consider that the Rh factor is negative, and this is indicated by a minus sign. I would like to note that 85% of all people on the planet have a positive Rh factor.

There is such a thing as Rhesus conflict- this is a situation in which a woman carrying a baby has negative Rh blood, and the unborn child has positive Rh. For example, if a woman has a negative blood type 4 during pregnancy, and the baby’s father has a positive blood type 3, then there is a chance that the child will have positive Rh blood.

This is due to the fact that inheritance of the Rh factor occurs according to certain laws:

  • if the father and mother are Rh positive, then the baby will also be positive;
  • if both parents have a negative Rh factor, then the child will have the same;
  • If one of the parents is Rh negative and the other is positive, then the Rh of the baby’s blood is determined with a probability of 50% to 50%.

Situations when a woman has a negative blood type 1, 2, 3 or 4 during pregnancy, but the child she is carrying is positive, are dangerous to the health of the baby.

What is the danger when a woman has a negative blood type during pregnancy?

The mother and the child in her belly are closely connected to each other. Despite the fact that the blood movement of a woman and a baby occurs in different ways blood vessels, there is a possibility of blood mixing due to certain factors, for example, placental abruption. Why is the situation dangerous when the blood of a baby with a positive Rh factor enters the bloodstream of a woman with a negative blood type 3 during pregnancy?

The immune system of the expectant mother will perceive the child’s blood cells as foreign and begin to produce antibodies against them, which will then enter the baby’s body and try to destroy the “enemy.” As a result, increased breakdown of red blood cells (red blood cells that carry oxygen) occurs in the child’s blood, which leads to damage internal organs baby because oxygen starvation. The brain, kidneys, liver, and spleen suffer the most. This condition is called hemolytic disease of the fetus. If the Rh conflict is severe, intrauterine fetal death is possible. In cases where a negative blood type during pregnancy leads to a “mild” Rh conflict, the baby is born with newborn anemia or jaundice.

Mixing of the blood of a woman with a negative Rh factor and the blood of a child with a positive Rh factor can also occur during labor activity, at the time of placental rupture. In such cases, doctors talk about hemolytic disease newborns. Such babies are given a blood transfusion with a negative Rh factor. Moreover, this operation must be performed within 36 hours after the baby is born.

If a woman has a negative blood type 2 during pregnancy, and the father of her child is positive, then a Rh conflict does not always occur. There is a possibility that the baby will be born safely and without complications. And already during the birth process, the blood will mix, and the woman’s body will still produce antibodies to cells with a negative Rh factor.

If a woman with a 4 negative blood group during pregnancy for the first time did not have a Rh conflict with the child, or it occurred in mild form, then there is a high probability that during the subsequent pregnancy she will have a severe Rh conflict. Since after the first pregnancy, antibodies have already formed in her body that will attack blood cells with a positive Rh factor.

How to give birth to a healthy baby

If a woman has negative blood group 2 during pregnancy, this is not a death sentence for the health and life of the baby. In our time medical science has stepped far forward, and drugs have long been developed to help prevent or reduce the degree of Rh conflict between mother and child. The main thing that a woman with a negative Rh factor needs to do if she wants to carry and give birth to a healthy baby is to register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic on time, regularly visit a gynecologist, and take all necessary tests and, of course, follow all doctor’s instructions.

When the expectant mother has a negative blood type 3 during pregnancy, she must donate blood once a month from the very conception of the child until the 32nd week of gestation. venous blood for the determination of antibodies to Rh-positive blood cells. From 32 to 35 weeks of pregnancy, a woman donates blood from a vein twice a month, and then weekly. The results of these tests allow gynecologists to dynamically track the concentration of antibodies in the blood of a pregnant woman and timely notice the onset of Rh conflict between mother and child.