Lump on the labia majora treatment. Ball on the labia

Any changes on the surface of the female external genitalia cause us concern, because they can be symptoms of many dangerous diseases. And for them effective treatment it is necessary to diagnose and identify the causes of formations.

Lump on the female genital organs - possible causes:

  1. Inflammation of the hair follicle.
  2. Local irritation.
  3. Blockage of the sebaceous gland.
  4. Bartholinitis.

Below we will look more specifically at each factor.

Inflammation of the hair follicle

This is the most common reason why a lump appears on the labia majora or minora. Epilation and depilation contribute to the ingrowth of hair into the skin, as a result of which an inflammatory process often begins. The neoplasm is initially small in size and can be slightly felt with your fingers. Over time, the lump fills with fluid and pus and grows. If the inflammation is not stopped and infection is not prevented, the abscess will burst under the skin and the infection will spread to nearby tissues. In this case, bumps may also appear near the labia.

Local irritation

There are enough factors that cause skin irritation:

  • shaving the intimate area;
  • poor quality linen;
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • uncomfortable clothes;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • long cycling or horseback riding, etc.

Initially, irritation manifests itself in the form of redness and small rash, it may disappear on its own. The addition of infection entails purulent inflammation and abscess. It looks like a lump on the female genitals and can be painful.

Sebaceous gland blockage

Excessive dryness of the skin or inappropriate hygiene products lead to the fact that the pores become narrower and the sebum cannot come out. As a consequence, sebaceous gland becomes clogged with its own contents, and it gradually accumulates, turning into a subcutaneous seal. Most often it looks like a large, hard lump on the labia that does not hurt or cause any discomfort. special concerns. If you press hard, the contents of such a wen may come out, but it is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself.

Bartholinitis - cyst of the labia gland

The Bartholin gland is located near the vagina and, due to damage to the excretory duct of this gland and its tissues, a small painful lump on one labia or on both labia. The causative agents of the disease are:

  • staphylococcus;
  • gonococcus;
  • trichomonas vaginalis;
  • coli;
  • mixed infections.

Sometimes bartholinitis goes away on its own after some time, and the lump and swelling around it disappear without a trace. In other cases, infiltration and pus accumulate in the clogged gland, and a purulent lump forms directly inside the labia or on the labia in the vestibule of the vagina. An abscess follows, the formation becomes very painful and often oozes.

Lump on the labia - treatment

In cases of inflammation of the hair follicles and local irritation therapeutic measures come down to applying local antiseptics or antibiotics. It is also recommended to pay more attention to personal hygiene and wear high-quality cotton underwear.

If the lump appears due to a blockage of the sebaceous gland, it is better to consult a gynecologist and surgeon. It is advisable to remove such tumors before inflammatory process surgically or with the help of absorbable drugs.

Treatment of bartholinitis must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The scheme usually consists of relieving inflammatory processes and opening the cyst, followed by its drainage.

Various formations on the labia majora and minora can occur due to a huge number of reasons. The etiology of the appearance may be infectious, tumor, allergic or associated with external irritants. Some of the neoplasms on the labia can go away on their own, some require certain treatment, and some are a sign of a dangerous sexually transmitted disease. Since treatment tactics will depend on the cause of acne, it is worth classifying them depending on the etiology.

  1. Violation of personal hygiene. Pimples on the labia minora and majora can appear due to poor personal hygiene. Girls may neglect to shower and do not change pads or tampons in a timely manner, which naturally leads to irritation and then the appearance of pimples. Also, the reason why acne appears on the labia may be synthetic panties, due to which the skin is not ventilated enough. By the way, all of the above leads to excessive proliferation of bacterial fauna, which can cause inflammation.
  2. Hypothermia. The female genital organs are very sensitive to low temperatures. Even slight hypothermia leads to the appearance big pimple on the labia. Pimples are characterized by severe constant itching, are very hard and do not hurt. It is important to know that such seals easily become infected with the formation of a secondary infection.
  3. Pore ​​blockage. clogged sebaceous glands lead to the appearance of a lump inside the labia, which is characterized by painlessness, high density and does not cause discomfort. This morphological element is called a tubercle and it does not require special treatment, however, you should carefully monitor its dynamics so that it does not turn into, for example, .
  4. Injuries. Damage to the skin in the genital area can vary. For example, poor-quality hair removal can lead to ingrown hairs into the skin and the appearance of white pimples on the labia. In such situations, pimples on the labia minora will hurt and fester. A completely different type of damage occurs due to blows, bruises, after abortions and similar factors. In these situations, hematomas of the labia occur, which look like blue-burgundy formations, painful on palpation. A hematoma of the labia often requires emergency medical care, since, in fact, it is internal bleeding, and the genitals are famous for their dense network blood vessels.

Pathologies of non-infectious nature

  • Tumor formations. A lump on the inner labia is warning sign and is often of oncological origin. And although tumors on the genital organs are most often benign, they should not be treated with disdain.

Benign neoplasms on the labia include:

  • Myoma (located in the form of a ball inside the labia);
  • Fibroids (a lump inside the labia majora formed by muscle tissue);
  • Lipoma (small nodule or several nodules located near the vulva);
  • Hydradenoma (occurs rarely and also looks like a nodule).

A lump on the labia minora or majora in the form of a large node or tubercle is most often a malignant formation that requires immediate medical attention.

  • Nervous overstrain. Although rare, pimples are still present labia minora may appear due to frequent stress and tension. The rashes resemble allergic or mechanical factors.

Infections leading to the appearance of lumps in the labia area

  1. HPV. The human papillomavirus enters the body when immunity decreases and is transmitted sexually. There are several types of HPV. Some are papillomas in the form of papillary skin growths, which are considered a precancerous condition. And the latter cause the appearance of condylomas on the labia, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet. They look like cauliflower and can also lead to cervical cancer. They grow quickly and appear instantly. There are known cases when they disappeared on their own, falling away. However, most often only surgical treatment will help get rid of them.
  2. Bartholinitis. Bartholin's glands are located near the entrance to the vagina and can become inflamed due to blockage of the ducts. Symptoms of the disease appear gradually and characteristic feature The pathology is a seal on the labia majora, which develops only a couple of weeks after the onset of inflammation. The tubercles when wearing tight underwear cause discomfort and pain, and subsequently swelling appears on the labia. During the disease, pain and burning are noted in the perineum. Sometimes the development of the disease ends in suppuration, but, fortunately, this rarely happens. This pathology does not imply complex therapy, however, it is impossible not to treat bartholinitis at all, since it can develop into a recurrent form, and subsequently turn into a cyst.
  3. Syphilis. Serious venereal disease, which in the primary period is characterized by the appearance of hard chancre (that is, an ulcer in the area where the pathogen enters). If the ulcer develops into internal pimple on the labia, the disease passed into the secondary period, affecting more and more organs and systems of the body. Pimples on the labia with syphilis can be various types and size. They can be ordinary papules, or they can be purulent formations. Most often there will be pimples. Those suffering from syphilis will not have any subjective manifestations in the form of burning or itching, but such rashes should not be ignored. It is useless to try to remove them at home, since syphilis can only be treated with special drugs, and the sooner you start therapy, the better less consequences will remain after this disease.
  4. Candidiasis. The second name of the disease is thrush. The main symptoms of this pathology will be vaginal discharge white, as well as subjective sensations in the form of itching. However, in rare cases, a pimple may form on the labia majora, either one or several. Education differs large sizes, painless. Treatment can only be special, prescribed by a doctor.
  5. Genital herpes. The main problem with all types of herpes is that it is incurable. Fortunately, its manifestations occur only during periods of decreased immunity. A rash of herpetic etiology is a small watery pimple in the vaginal area that is itchy and very painful. After some time, the pimples burst, forming painful ulcers. Treatment of rashes is carried out using special drug, suppressing the herpes virus, however, therapy is completely symptomatic, since the pathogenic agent will still remain inside the body.

  • Acne that occurs due to poor personal hygiene or other external factors, do not require specific therapy. It is enough to remove the irritant, and the rash will go away on its own. However, to reduce itching and burning, if present, you can use antiseptic ointments and tinctures. You can also use drying agents - zinc ointment or baby powder. Even baby diaper cream can alleviate the condition.
  • Hematomas, if general state women are normal, treated by applying cold. However, it should be remembered that any deterioration in the girl’s general condition or the growth of a hematoma requires immediate consultation with a doctor.
  • Due to nervous tension In addition to soothing ointments, you should pay attention to the general condition of the body, the normalization of which will immediately lead to the disappearance of pimples.
  • Tumor-like asymptomatic balls inside the labia require a visit to a gynecologist, and then, most likely, a visit to an oncologist.
  • There are a number of signs (they are inherent mainly in formations of an infectious nature), the appearance of which requires an immediate visit to a gynecologist:

If within a week or two the rash does not disappear, and even worsens, then contacting a gynecologist becomes a priority task. Treatment at home helps only with ordinary irritations, but not with serious pathologies.

  1. Rapid growth of the rash;
  2. An ulcer that turns into a pimple and vice versa;
  3. Swelling of the genital organs;
  4. Watery acne;
  5. Enlargement of many groups of lymph nodes and elevated temperature.

As it becomes clear from the above, seals on the labia minora and majora are most often an unfavorable sign.

Many girls are worried about the appearance of a bump on their intimate place. In medicine, this disease is called bartholinitis. It arises in intimate area human, directly on the Bartholin gland (hence the name). A lump on the labia is an inflammatory process that requires treatment.

A lump formed on a woman’s labia may be a symptom dangerous disease.

Bartholinitis and its types

Bartholinite gland - paired organ, located directly between the labia. These glands are designed to produce a lubricant that softens friction during sexual intercourse. Lubrication is produced when sexual attraction. A teenager does not develop lumps on the labia because the gland is not yet fully developed.

Depending on the inflammatory process and the nature of its course, bartholinitis is divided into two types:

  • acute stage of the disease - painful sensations in the patient’s intimate area are accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • chronic stage - the disease can periodically worsen and is characterized by a long course.

In the chronic form of bartholinitis, the glands are clogged and compacted. The secretory fluid does not come out, forming cysts (bumps). At first, this process may not bring the person any pain or discomfort. However, the addition of bacteria leads to an inflammatory process. If you do not contact a specialist in time, a purulent formation will form near the genitals. It is important to undergo diagnosis and therapy to eliminate lumps on the labia.

Causes of infection

Gynecological specialists have identified the main causes of lumps on the labia minora and labia majora:

  • The inflammatory process in the hair follicle is a fairly common cause, which is why subcutaneous lump on the genitals. For the sake of beauty, girls struggle with hair in the intimate area. This leads to hair damage and inflammation. On inside a small lump is felt in the vagina. On initial stage it is small in size. The lump then enlarges and fills with pus. It is necessary to get rid of inflammation as quickly as possible to avoid the spread of infection.
  • Disturbance of local microflora. A large number of factors leads to irritation inside the vagina. These are synthetic underwear, poor personal hygiene, tight clothing and other reasons. The first signal of a microflora disturbance is redness and discomfort on the outer and inner labia. Sometimes these symptoms may go away on their own over time. However, an infection may occur, after which the patient discovers that a purulent lump has popped up on her lip.
  • Infectious process. The Bartholinite gland is located next to the vagina. If the gland becomes infected, a small soft bump. The following microorganisms cause the disease: gonococci, coli and staphylococci. Recovery takes place under the supervision of a specialist and with the help of antibiotics.

Routes of infection

Infection of the labia occurs through circulatory system or urethra. The risk group includes women and girls who lead a promiscuous sex life and do not undergo an annual medical examination. Patients pay attention to changes in the size of the genital organs and discomfort when urinating. After this, they notice that a lump has appeared.

Symptoms of lumps in intimate places in women

The first thing the patient pays attention to is discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination. There is redness near the upper part of the vagina and a constant burning sensation. The absence or decrease in the amount of lubricant should alert you. Many people do not attach importance to the symptoms that appear, which leads to the transition of bartholinitis to chronic form. From the outside, the lump on the labia increases in size and causes mass discomfort. After I got out internal lump, it is necessary to contact a specialist as early as possible in order to diagnose the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

With untimely treatment, lymph nodes in the groin area in women become enlarged. Progression of the disease leads to increased body temperature and difficulty moving. Depending on the stage of the disease, the following signs may be observed: the presence of uncharacteristic discharge (change in color or admixture of pus) and different sizes labia If a purulent lump appears, it should not be opened. This can lead to blood poisoning or infection of new areas of skin.

If lumps appear on the labia, you should consult a gynecologist.

It is possible to diagnose the disease even at home. When examining the genitals, it is clear that a lump has popped up on them. If you press it, you feel subcutaneous seals, which resemble a small grape. On early stages The disease causes slight red swelling. Next the bump becomes bluish tint. There is an increase in the temperature of the labia. Female body loses protective forces, so you feel tired and weak.

At a medical facility, the doctor examines the genital organs, paying attention to the location where the lump appears on the lip. A specialist takes a swab from the vagina to check for sexually transmitted infections. An examination of the condition of the vaginal microflora is required. After receiving the diagnostic results, the doctor prescribes therapy.

A lump on the labia does not always indicate the presence of a serious pathology and in some cases may disappear on its own even without any treatment. specific treatment. However, this cannot be a reason for postponing a visit to the appropriate specialist, since there is a possibility that the seal in the labia majora has arisen due to the development of malignant processes in the body. These types of formations look like tubercles or small nodules that form in the area of ​​the external female genitalia. In most cases, these tubercles are the result of inflammation in the ducts of the Bartholin glands or an allergic reaction.

Etiological factors

The most common reasons that provoke the appearance of pimples in the intimate area include:

  • the presence of hormonal disorders, which most often occur during pregnancy;
  • infectious or fungal diseases(for example, urogenital herpes, thrush and HPV - human papillomavirus, accompanied by the development of genital warts). Such diseases are characterized by the formation of skin growths in the genital area;
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  • vulvitis (inflammation of the vulva);
  • allergy;
  • abnormalities in organ development reproductive system having an innate character;
  • the presence of a tumor formation of benign or malignant origin.

The most common reason causing the appearance a kind of compaction on the labia, a disease such as bartholinitis is considered. The pathology is the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the excretory ducts of the Bartholin gland, which ultimately leads to their blockage. The main task of this gland is to produce mucous secretion, which acts as a lubricant during sexual intercourse. The disease occurs as a result of the introduction of various infectious and pathogenic microorganisms. Often, germs are introduced from the vagina or urethra.

Bartholinitis develops due to significant weakening immune system human, which in turn provokes intensive reproduction of opportunistic vaginal microflora, as well as insufficient adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene.

Diagnosis of the pathological condition

A woman can often detect a lump in the labia on her own, but in order to find out the nature of such a formation, it is still necessary to contact an appropriate specialist, that is, a gynecologist. During the history taking process, the doctor should conduct gynecological examination external genitalia using a special chair and a magnifying mirror.

During this procedure, the doctor assesses the condition of the pubis, anus, labia minora and labia majora. In addition, the gynecologist draws Special attention for the presence of any neoplasms and structural integrity skin in the intimate area. The examination is based on palpation (feeling) of the following anatomical structures: the clitoris, the external opening of the urethra, the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina, the anus and the large glands of the vestibule. If the patient has leucorrhoea ( liquid discharge) an additional sample is taken, after which it is examined under a microscope (cytological examination). If necessary, the uterus and its appendages are examined.

For diagnostics pathological formation also used in the vagina instrumental methods diagnostics The main ones are:

  • lymphography (study of the condition of nodes lymphatic system for the purpose of possible detection in their structure cancer cells- metastases, which can enter the lymphatic tissue from other internal organs along with the bloodstream). The procedure is done using intravenous injection of a contrast agent into the lymphatic vessel. Its movement is then monitored using x-rays;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvis. Today, ultrasound is considered the safest diagnostic technique. During its implementation, the condition of the organs is assessed genitourinary system person. This procedure has virtually no contraindications and therefore can be used under any circumstances. However ultrasound scanning It is not recommended to perform it during menstruation, since at this time the indicators are somewhat distorted, which will significantly complicate further diagnosis;
  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs. Such diagnostic techniques represent layer-by-layer scanning of anatomical structures and are non-invasive (that is, they do not require direct penetration into the body of the subject through the skin or mucous membranes) and highly accurate procedures.

In addition, if the lump on the labia is of a malignant nature, the patient will be prescribed an additional consultation with an oncologist.

Associated symptoms

Depending on the reason that caused the formation of a neoplasm in the vagina, clinical manifestations, accompanying its development, may be different. However, there are general signs, characteristic of such a problem. The most common of them are:

  • redness of the labia. This symptom observed already on initial stage the appearance of an inflammatory process in the intimate area;
  • painful sensations localized in the perineum. Intensity pain syndrome increases significantly during urination and physical activity (walking);
  • the appearance of a visible nodule or tubercle on the labia;
  • severe swelling of the outer part of the vagina, which often reaches the vaginal area;
  • symptoms of body poisoning harmful substances, released from the source of inflammation. For example, feeling constant fatigue, increase in body temperature (up to 39ºС), headache and nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • change in skin tone in the intimate area;
  • groin sizes lymph nodes increase. This phenomenon is determined during palpation;
  • purulent, watery or bloody fluid may be discharged from the genital organ.

Ways to combat the disease

The tactics for treating vaginal lumps completely depend on the factors that triggered the development. pathological condition. To establish its etiology, a sick woman needs to seek help from a qualified specialist who, after studying all the results of instrumental and laboratory research will prescribe the most effective treatment plan. If the reason that caused the formation of a neoplasm in an intimate place lies in the course of various infectious or fungal diseases, then the patient will be prescribed antibacterial and antifungal drugs. In this case, the use of antipyretic, immunomodulatory and analgesic medications is allowed.

Remedies will help relieve inflammation in the perineum traditional medicine, having anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects (for example, ointments, infusions, baths prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs).

If the factor that provoked the occurrence of compaction is a violation hormonal levels, then the disease will be treated hormone therapy, the main task of which is to normalize the activity of the adrenal glands and ovaries.

To eliminate a neoplasm of allergic origin, a sick woman just needs to exclude from her Everyday life contact with the relevant allergen. This could be wearing underwear made from synthetic materials, using low-quality personal hygiene products, and so on.

If the main reasons for the development of a tumor on the labia lie in the course of malignant processes, then chemotherapy will be used, radiation therapy And surgery, that is, surgical removal of a malignant tumor.

Induration of any etiology in the area of ​​a woman’s reproductive organs cannot be left without due attention; it is important to begin treatment as quickly as possible!

Pimples, bumps around or inside the vagina often cause discomfort and anxiety. Most women tend to believe that they are caused by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or more dangerous reasons, such as cancer. But there are many other possible causes that are harmless.


Pimples and bumps in groin area can occur in groups or as single manifestations, they can be small or large in size, painful or painless. Some of them look more like sores than bumps.

To better understand that you have a lump in your intimate area, below are messages from two women from the forums:

“3 days ago I woke up with no bumps, but as the day went on, the area of ​​skin to the left of my vagina became increasingly painful. Only when I got home did I decide to look at the troubling area. There was a hard ball there, about the size of a pea, and you could push it a little. I thought it was a cyst, but could it have developed within 8 hours? I usually have a little vaginal discharge, but it seems to have increased in the last few days. What could it be? I don’t think it’s an STD, because I haven’t seen my boyfriend for a long time... so I haven’t had sexual relations (he is my only partner). I’m worried because the lump appeared suddenly and it hurts when walking (when it rubs against underwear).” Grace11

“Can a pimple appear on the outer area of ​​the vagina? I often unprotected sex with my boyfriend, with whom I have been for more than three years, but I undergo examinations every year, and so far nothing has been revealed. Recently, during penetrative sex, I felt some discomfort... not internally, but when touched externally. Then I discovered a bump that was painful to the touch and looked like a pimple. When I tried to put pressure on it, the pain did not intensify. It passes slowly. Should I be worried about herpes? Anonymous


Some of the causes of bumps and pimples are harmless, while others can potentially cause complications.

Ingrown hairs

If you often shave or remove hair in your intimate area with wax, then ingrown hairs are one of the possible causes of acne in the genital area.

Ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs “form when the sharp end of a hair curls or grows sideways under the skin from a hair follicle.” This is not only a women's problem, it can also affect men.

To prevent them, it is necessary to ensure proper hair removal techniques and procedures, such as using a sharp razor, shaving in the direction of hair growth, using shaving gels or creams, choosing the optimal pubic hair removal, etc.

Ingrown hairs usually heal without treatment. However, sometimes the resulting pimple can become red, warm, painful, and irritated, especially if it is infected. In this case it may be necessary health care, such as removing the ingrown hair and using antibiotics to fight the infection. A prescription can be obtained from a dermatologist.


Second possible reason vaginal lumps is a cyst. These are “sac-like bumps filled with liquid, air, or other contents.” Blocked glands, ducts, or injury are common causes of their formation.

Types of Vaginal Cysts

Common types of vaginal cysts include Müllerian duct cysts, Hartner's duct cysts, Bartholin's gland cysts, and epidermal cysts (the most common type, which are small and found on the underside of the vaginal walls).

Signs and symptoms

When cysts are not infected, they are usually painless, ball-shaped and movable when touched with fingers, resembling pimples, and located under the skin. However, when they become infected, they often become swollen, tender, and filled with white or grayish pus, which may have a foul odor.


In most cases, cysts do not require any treatment. However, a biopsy may be recommended to ensure they are not cancerous. If infected, antibiotics may be needed.

Large cysts may require drainage by a gynecologist.

If there is pain, you should try baths - sitting in a basin filled with warm water just a few centimeters.


In addition to Bartholin's gland abscess, which occurs when they open, become blocked and become infected, STIs and other bacteria can also cause an abscess on the vagina and therefore lumps, meaning "an abscess can be the result of bacteria, including those that cause diseases of the genital organs, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia."

If the abscess is large (more than 1 centimeter), painful, enlarges, red spots appear, or the pain spreads to the rectal or groin area, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, you may want to use home remedies, such as warm compresses, but do not poke or squeeze the abscess.

Acne (pimples)

Like any other part of the body where there are sebaceous glands and hair follicles, acne can also occur in the intimate area.

Common types of acne that can occur on the body, including the genital area (for example, labia, inner part thighs, pubis), include whiteheads, comedones, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.

A pimple is a small papule or pustule that "occurs when the sebaceous glands located at the base of the hair follicles become overactive" and, along with dead skin cells, can clog pores. When this happens, it develops favorable environment for bacteria to multiply, and thus pimples or blackheads appear.

For some women they tend to occur during menstruation, but for others they are cyclical, especially when associated with hormonal changes (during puberty and pregnancy).


Common causes of this problem include tight clothing, dirty hands, hormonal changes, excessive sweating, certain medications, stress, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other external factors.


There are many prescription creams, lotions, serums, oral medications or even injections, which are often recommended once the cause of acne has been determined.

Common ones include benzoyl peroxide, retin-A, sulfur, azelaic acid, salicylic acid, resorcinol, isotretinoin, photodynamic therapy, oral antibiotics, oral contraceptives, light therapy, spironolactone, etc. It is worth consulting a doctor for help in choosing best option treatment.

Home Remedies

When treating acne in the intimate area, many people choose home remedies such as neem, burdock, essential oil lavender, tea tree, calendula, comfrey ointment, acalypha bristly and others.

Since these remedies have no scientific backing, there is no way to say whether they are effective or not. Some people claim that they work miracles, while others have a different opinion.

You can try a warm compress to relieve the pain. You should also use Epsom salt baths and maintain proper hygiene.

Cautions in treatment

Avoid using products intended to treat pimples or blackheads on other parts of the body and use only non-perfumed products. antibacterial soaps, do not squeeze pimples, wear loose, breathable clothing, especially underwear made of natural fabric, avoid getting dirty and maintain personal hygiene!


Another cause of bulging vaginal bumps and pimples is sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Most of these diseases have some others associated symptoms. Common STIs that can cause bumps or blisters include the following:

This is the most common cause of ulcers, not just pimples, in the groin area. It's caused by a virus herpes simplex Type 2 or less commonly, herpes simplex virus type 1, which affects both men and women. Manifestations of watery pimples and ulcers often affect the buttocks, anus and mouth in women and men, the vaginal area, cervix and external genitalia in women, and the penis, urethra, and scrotum in men.

Signs of herpes include pain, burning and itching that occurs within 10 days of sex with an infected partner, as well as "small red bumps or tiny light-colored blisters that may appear several days later." Ulcers form after blisters rupture, ooze and bleed, then scab (scab) appears as they begin to heal. Other symptoms may include body pain, increased vaginal discharge, swollen lymph nodes and fever.

Genital herpes herpes type 2

There is no cure for genital herpes. However, antiviral drugs can be used to reduce the severity and frequency of its occurrence.

Genital warts – HPV

Genital warts are “small, fleshy growths, bumps, or skin changes that appear on or around the groin or anal area” caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Although in most cases they may be painless, sometimes these "growths cause pain, discomfort and itching."

In some cases, HPV can lead to complications such as cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis and rectum.

Once HPV enters the bloodstream, it cannot be treated. However, to reduce the appearance of genital warts, you can try medications such as podophyllin and podofilox, imiquimod, or trichloroacetic acid.

Visible genital warts that do not go away may require surgical removal because some types of HPV can lead to cancer. Finally, vaccination can be used to reduce the risk of contracting the human papillomavirus.

Syphilis in the early stages

During the primary stage of syphilis (about 21 days after infection, up to 90 days), syphilitic sores, often called chancre, may develop at the point of contact with the bacterium Treponema pallidum. They can occur in the mouth, lips, vagina, anus, rectum, penis, etc. Depending on the place where the bacteria entered the body. Chancres can be solitary or occur in clusters

They are usually round, painless and firm to the touch, and last 3 to 6 weeks on the skin and may heal with or without treatment. But this does not mean that syphilis has gone away unless certain treatment has been used.

This disease is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi. It can cause “open sores, usually on the penis, rectum and female genitalia, especially around the vaginal opening, which may form pus and be painful,” as well as swollen lymph nodes.

In addition, the sore is usually soft, painful, with well-defined borders, covered with a grayish or yellowish material, may bleed, and its diameter ranges from 0.3 to 5 centimeters.

The ulcers are usually located on the labia, inner thighs and the area between the genitals and anus, i.e. “four or more red bumps on the labia, between them and the anus, or on the thighs.”

Treatment is with antibiotics, and if the lymph nodes are inflamed and become very enlarged, local surgery or a needle may be used to drain them.

Molluscum contagiosum is viral skin infection, which causes formations or damage in any area of ​​the body, and the genitals are no exception. It often lasts for 6-12 months, in some cases it may remain longer.

The lesions are “small, raised, and usually white, pink, or flesh-colored with a dimple in the center.” They are smooth, hard and have a slight depression.

They can range in size from a pinhead to 2-5 mm, and are common on the neck, arms, legs, abdomen and genital area, where they can be found in clusters or singly.

According to the CDC, "Treatment for molluscum is usually recommended if the lesion is in the genital area (on or near the penis, vulva, vagina, or anus)."

Treatment is carried out by physical removal using cryotherapy, laser therapy or curettage. Oral cimetidine therapy is recommended if you are concerned about the pain and experience associated with cryotherapy, laser therapy and curettage, especially for young children.

In addition, a cream containing subphyllotoxin can be used (if you are not pregnant or are not planning a pregnancy). Finally, your healthcare professional may recommend other oral medications such as salicylic acid, iodine, tretinoin, cantharidin, and imiquimod.


Acrochordons (soft fibroids)

Acrochordons (soft fibroids) are harmless small, painless and soft skin growths that are characteristic of the armpits, neck, groin folds, eyelids and under the breasts. Sometimes they can appear in the genital area, especially the vulva or labia.

They occur when collagen clumps and blood vessels become trapped in thicker areas of the skin, and are common in pregnant women, people with diabetes, people with HPV, those who use steroids and are obese.

Since they can easily be confused with genital warts, you should consult a gynecologist for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Treatment is carried out by freezing, cauterizing, cutting and tying with thread.


Any of the common types of eczema (eg atopic, seborrheic, allergic and irritant contact dermatitis) can affect the female genital area, causing a red, itchy rash and bumps on the vulva. Sweating, tight clothing, friction against the surface of the skin, soap, shower gels, bubble baths, talcum powder, wipes, deodorants, perfumes, antiseptics and hemorrhoidal medications sometimes cause eczema in the intimate area.

To avoid further irritation, you should consult a doctor for treatment. Emollients and steroids are often used to reduce itching and irritation. Finally, anti-itch medications may also be recommended in severe cases.

Vulvar or skin cancer

Skin cancer, especially vulvar cancer, is rare, but probable cause formation of cones. It is a slow-growing skin cancer that accounts for about 4% of all types gynecological diseases. It affects many older women.


When caused by cancer, the bumps may change color, are larger than 5mm, grow larger, have an uneven outline, and they may be asymmetrical. In addition, they may bleed after sexual intercourse, accompanied by painful sensations or burning.


At early detection Vulvar cancer can be cured, especially during the precancerous stages. Treatment is through surgery, including laser and scalpel surgery, as well as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology: “Angioma is benign education“consisting of small blood vessels,” which can be located on any part of the body. Angiomas are usually dark red, purple or bluish in color and do not bleed when squeezed.


Exist Various types angiomas, including cherry angioma, venous lake and spider angioma, which can occur in the genital area.

They usually get worse with pregnancy. However, being non-cancerous, angiomas do not require treatment unless they bleed or cause discomfort. For treatment, fulguration (cauterization with plasma), laser or a liquid nitrogen(cryosurgery).


At first, folliculitis may look like “small red bumps or white bumps around the hair follicles—the tiny pockets from which hair grows.” If ignored, it can spread and become crusty sores that do not heal.

Although this condition is not life-threatening, you may experience pain, itching, discomfort, or a large, swollen lump. Severe, recurring infections can lead to scarring and hair loss in the affected area.

Shaving, tight clothing, the use of substances that block or irritate the follicles, as well as HIV and diabetes may increase the risk of this problem.

Treatment of folliculitis is carried out with benzoyl, as well as antibiotics. To speed up healing and soothe itching, try a warm, salty compress.