Rash on face near mouth. Symptoms and treatment of dermatitis localized around the mouth. Perioral dermatitis in children

A rash on the face is a manifestation of a food allergy or oral dermatitis? There is only one cause of food allergies, dermatitis has many of them, it is not just an allergy on the face. The nutritional factor plays only a minor role. Read more about this and other aspects of the disease in the article.

Red dots, small nodules, pustules on the chin, around the lips, near the nose - these can be manifestations of food allergies, but most often doctors diagnose oral dermatitis.

What is oral dermatitis?

Oral dermatitis, also known as oral rosacea, steroid dermatitis of the face is not an allergy, on the face food allergy in isolated form in adults it is quite rare. Oral dermatitis is a chronic skin disease that can have a variety of causes, including those associated with food intolerance and allergic diseases of the digestive system. Oral dermatitis occurs more often in women aged 19-45 years, very rarely in children and men, which is apparently due to hormonal characteristics female body. By the way, this is why such rashes on a child’s face are usually regarded as manifestations of food allergies.

Although oral dermatitis does not affect general condition patient, the presence of an aesthetic defect in the skin on the face often becomes the cause of psychological problems.

Causes of food allergies and oral dermatitis

While the cause of food allergies is actually intolerance to certain food products, oral dermatitis can be caused by many factors, and it is impossible to say exactly which ones. At the same time, it has been proven that the basis of dermatitis in most cases is an allergy to medical supplies, and oddly enough, most often rashes appear due to the use of hormonal and corticosteroid ointments, usually prescribed for allergic skin reactions, including allergies on the face. The nutritional factor plays a role in the occurrence and exacerbation of dermatitis, as an element of provocation gastrointestinal diseases. In women, dermatitis is often caused by contact with detergents and the use of cosmetics.

The appearance of a rash in the perioral area is provoked by:

  • ultraviolet healing;
  • stress and autonomic dysfunction nervous system;
  • endocrine disorders and hormonal changes;
  • hot and humid climate;
  • spicy and chronic diseases leading to decreased immunity.

Symptoms of oral dermatitis

At the beginning of its development, oral dermatitis does not cause special concerns. Redness in the area around the mouth occurs only when taking hot and spicy food And
soon goes away on its own. However, as the disease progresses, the hyperemia becomes persistent, and small nodules and pimples appear against it, somewhat reminiscent of acne.

The rashes are usually located symmetrically, often merge, but never reach the red border of the lips; between it and the redness there is always a pale strip of healthy skin.
Sometimes the rash spreads beyond the bridge of the nose, to the area around the eyes, to the temples - that is, there is total damage to the face. Typically, with oral dermatitis, the patient is practically not bothered by itching of the skin, and there is no pain.

In the absence of proper treatment, the skin at the site of the rash begins to peel off, thickens, becomes rough, becomes covered with wrinkles and age spots.

Treatment of oral dermatitis

Traditional therapy for oral dermatitis, first of all, involves eliminating the factor that caused the development of the disease. It is recommended to avoid using hormonal ointments, fluoride-containing toothpastes, cosmetics and detergents.

The need to follow a gentle diet is due to the frequent combination of dermatitis and diseases gastrointestinal tract. Hot, spicy, salty, smoked foods, alcohol, strong tea and coffee are excluded from the diet.

Drug therapy includes the prescription of imidazole drugs and antibiotics. Additionally, it is necessary to take vitamins, especially ascorutin, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B6.

During the period of skin restoration, physiotherapeutic procedures are used: cryomassage, darsonval, electrolysis, which make it possible to remove telangiectasias and dark spots in the oral area.

During the entire course of treatment, you should not appear in the sun without protective equipment, and it is better to avoid solar insolation altogether. Not recommended long stay in hot rooms and trips to hot countries.

The skin around the nose is rich in sebum due to large sebaceous glands, making it prone to acne. This problem may be accompanied by redness. But this is far from the only reason for red skin around the nose.

Hello. 2-3 years ago I developed a rash on both sides of my nose, not on the nose itself. After a few months, she just... disappeared. Well, about 2 months ago it came back again, but this time it does not go away, but remains dry, and a crust begins to form. Sometimes it looks scary, and sometimes it's barely noticeable.


Rosacea around the nose (veins, papules and blackheads)

“Rosacea is a long-term facial skin condition characterized by redness, slight superficial expansion blood vessels, papules, pustules and edema."

Symptoms characteristic of this disease include:

  • facial flushing (increased blood flow), in which a person may experience quick and short bouts of pinking of the skin and a feeling of warmth on it;
  • redness on the nose, its sides and partially affecting the cheeks;
  • red pimples, swelling of the nose and nostrils;
  • Sometimes rosacea is characterized by small cystic acne;
  • oily forehead skin;
  • In some cases, there is redness, dryness and itching in the eyes.

These symptoms may flare up or wane over varying periods.

The pimples that appear are usually small and may be caused by hyperemia. It itself can aggravate the course of rosacea or make the problem chronic. Other negative factors that can provoke this condition include:

  • spicy food;
  • alcohol;
  • face mite infestation;
  • intestinal infections.

This disease, as a rule, is not dangerous, but creates aesthetic and psychological discomfort for a person.

Perioral dermatitis appears as eczema that forms in the mouth or lips. But it can spread to the areas under the eyes and the sides of the nose. It manifests itself in the form of characteristic redness or red pimples; with exacerbation, peeling of the skin appears.


  • long-term use of nasal sprays, corticosteroids, and topical steroid creams;
  • using some cosmetics for the face containing petroleum jelly or paraffin;
  • rosacea;
  • some toothpastes;
  • some bacterial and fungal infections.

NOTE: Although this condition does not occur based on age, race, or ethnicity, it is more common in young women, including teenagers.

Symptoms of perioral dermatitis:

  • red rash on the sides of the nose, folds under the nose and eyes, on the chin and forehead;
  • in more severe cases, the rash appears with peeling of the skin at the sites of inflammation;
  • burning and itching.

According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, recurrent perioral dermatitis can develop into rosacea. In this case, for more successful treatment differential diagnosis required.

Seborrheic dermatitis – redness and flaking around the nose

In addition to perioral dermatitis, seborrheic eczema can also occur around the nose.

Characterized by flaking and redness, seborrheic dermatitis can occur on the face, in the folds around the nose, forehead, and around the eyes, although it most often occurs on the scalp. According to rosacea.org, seborrhea can appear as "powdery or oily scales on the face or other parts of the body with a burning sensation," similar to oral dermatitis. However, unlike it, seborrheic dermatitis is chronic, but not contagious.

Although the condition is not dangerous, if you experience red, dry, flaky skin around your nose, consult a dermatologist for confirmation of diagnosis and treatment.

Redness from acne (blackheads)

Acne can be made worse by propionibacteria. While feeding on excess sebum in the pores, this type of bacteria produces inflammatory waste products, which include dead skin cells and sebum. Which is the reason for the formation of pustules.

Nose redness due to piercing

If you just got a nose piercing, the pain and... mild tumor in the puncture area, which may be accompanied by redness, is natural reaction. Sometimes this may be accompanied by bleeding. A red nose or redness of the skin around it after a piercing is temporary and will go away within a day with proper care. It is noteworthy that redness tends to be more noticeable in people with fair and sensitive skin. But, if the piercing was not done correctly, these symptoms may worsen.

If you ignore safety rules during the puncture procedure and installation of jewelry, then pain, redness and bleeding in most cases can become symptoms of infection. Contact your piercer if this type of inflammation does not go away over time.

Lupus pernio (lupus pernio) is the most common form of cutaneous sarcoidosis. There is a change from red to purple (due to an increase in the vascular network) in the color of the skin on the nose, cheeks, lips or ears. At the same time, it swells and shines.

Women are twice as likely to suffer from the disease, especially those aged 45-65 years. Lupus pernio is usually asymptomatic and rarely causes itching or pain. The most common complaint is cosmetic disfigurement. Despite numerous studies, the cause of the appearance remains unclear.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in many parts of the body. Symptoms are very varied and depend on the severity of the disease in a particular person.

Symptoms usually begin in early adulthood, anywhere from the teens to 30s. People with lupus typically experience flare-ups of symptoms followed by periods of remission. That's why early symptoms easy to miss. In addition, they are common to many diseases (fatigue, fever, dry mouth, problems with joints and various organs, etc.). The characteristic skin manifestations on the face are called “butterfly rash” and consist of redness around the nose. But lupus does not always cause a rash.

A CPAP mask may cause redness around the nose.

People who suffer from sleep apnea or acne and use CPAP equipment are likely to suffer from irritation, especially in the areas where the face and mask meet.

An unsuitable mask due to excessive tension of the straps is one of the serious problems which will lead to inflammation. It can be solved by switching to alternative treatment or another route suggested by your healthcare provider. You can also try adjusting the cushions and straps to avoid inflammation caused by the mask.

However, if ulcers or discolored outlines appear on your facial skin, consult a doctor immediately.

Other reasons

Vascular network may cause redness
  • abuse of drugs that affect the cardiovascular system;
  • facial spider veins and damaged capillaries.

Some viral infections, such as erythema infectiosum, are very dangerous, so if you notice redness on your nose and cheeks, you should consult a doctor to get a differential diagnosis.


Treating facial redness sometimes requires professional intervention. Below we will briefly look at treatments for common problems affecting the skin of the nose. Keep in mind that some of them may not be treatable.

Treatment of dermatitis (seborrheic and perioral)

Without proper treatment, symptoms of dermatitis can remain for a long time. These tips can improve your skin condition while avoiding the causes of possible relapse.

Local antibacterial and antifungal drugs

Antibacterial creams help relieve symptoms. But dermatologists most often prescribe drugs for internal use. To ointments that are used to combat seborrheic dermatitis include products based on zinc pyrithione, ketonazole, Sudocrem, Nistanin.

Before treating perioral dermatitis, it is recommended to stop using steroid ointments, hydrocortisone, face creams and nasal sprays. This applies if you have redness of the skin around your nose, rash, or other symptoms of perioral dermatitis.

Rosacea treatment

There is no cure for the redness around the nose caused by rosacea, but depending on the severity and subtypes, symptoms can be fairly easily relieved. Because rosacea manifests itself differently for each person, differential diagnosis may be required to treat the condition.

Antibacterial therapy and treatment

It includes prescription antibiotics to clear up the red bumps and pustules caused by rosacea. These include oral antibiotics such as isotretinoin and antibacterial ointments that contain brimodine tartrate.

Treatment of Lupus and Lupus pernio

The goal of treatment for Lupus pernio has varied success and is to improve the patient's appearance and prevent scarring. The treatment chosen may depend on the severity of systemic symptoms. Options include: corticosteroids, steroid injections, laser therapy, as well as systemic therapy, including systemic corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate and biological agents (infliximab, adalimumab).

Systemic lupus erythematosus is an incurable disease and the patient requires lifelong treatment. It involves using hormonal drugs to suppress the immune system to prevent damage. immune cells body tissues. Also important is the implementation of rules and recommendations that help prevent exacerbations, which consist primarily of avoiding exposure to the sun, if possible, refusing vaccinations and surgical operations, proper nutrition, minimizing the risks of infectious diseases.

Natural and folk remedies

Application essential oils and vitamins A, E and C can sometimes help relieve symptoms in some patients. Below are some natural remedies, which can be a good alternative in treatment.

Colloidal oatmeal mask

Useful remedy for people who have facial redness such as eczema. In addition to reducing redness, colloidal oatmeal mask has a moisturizing effect and anti-inflammatory properties.

To make the mask, you will need a glass of pure colloidal oatmeal. Just mix a few teaspoons with a small amount water. Then apply and let dry. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a week.

Chamomile, green tea and peppermint

According to health research, the polyphenols in green tea have anti-aging properties for the skin. This is good news for green and peppermint tea drinkers.

However, this method is not suitable for people with allergies to the plant.

Green tea can improve the condition of patients, especially those suffering from rosacea.

Other common remedies that can be used for treatment are Apple vinegar, grapefruit seed extract and honey.

Due to the fact that some diseases are incurable, an attempt to raise awareness and acceptance preventive measures through behavior change is a step towards avoiding unnecessary discomfort. Here are some good measures:

  • Avoid medications that may worsen the condition or cause redness of the skin. These medications include progesterone (only pills that worsen acne in women), steroid ointments, and corticosteroids.
  • avoid piercing and rubbing facial areas, on which there is a red rash or pustules.
  • Patients with rosacea should avoid products that cause skin irritation. for example, such as alcohol, methanol, exfoliating creams, facial scrubs, etc.
  • reduce salty and spicy foods in your diet
  • use concealers (camouflage products). The effect is temporary, since they do not get rid of facial redness, but only hide it. One of the disadvantages of using concealers is that if you choose the wrong concealer for yourself, it can even cause your appearance to deteriorate.

Thus, redness around and under the nose is a fairly common problem, which can be caused by various factors. When treating diseases associated with facial redness in general, you cannot rely on just one method. Insufficient measures or incorrect treatment similar diseases can only worsen the skin condition and aggravate the symptoms.

A rash around the mouth in an adult may indicate problems in the body or a certain disease called perioral dermatitis.

Photo 1: There can be many causes of rashes around the mouth, and you can determine what caused the problem by the nature of the acne and the additional symptoms that accompany it. Source: flickr (#Shuba #Norka).

Causes of the rash

  1. Formations around the lips and on the chin can occur as an allergic reaction for: cosmetics; cold; animal fur; toothpaste; hormone-containing drugs.
  2. Pimples near the lips may also indicate digestive problems., namely about a disruption in the functioning of any part of the intestine. Dysfunction, in turn, can occur due to the state of the nervous system, long-term use antibiotics, and due to the constant consumption of junk food.
  3. Acne formations (inflamed comedones, papules) indicate blockage of the sebaceous ducts of the skin. This happens when: hormonal imbalances; stress (the skin produces more fat); overweight; endocrine diseases; constant intoxication of the body (alcohol, nicotine, harmful substances).
  4. If the rash around the mouth appears as clustered small red bumps, causing the area to appear pinkish-red, a dermatologist may diagnose perioral dermatitis. The symptoms of this disease, in addition to rashes, are late stage include itching and flaking of the skin, it changes color after inflammation passes. This disease manifests itself gradually, usually the skin around the mouth turns red after eating hot or spicy food, after which small rashes begin to appear. They have a symmetrical pattern, leaving a free strip of skin directly around the lips.

Most often women suffer from this disease, this is due to:

  • violations hormonal levels; stress;
  • use of hormonal drugs, creams, ointments;
  • using toothpaste with fluoride;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • a chronic process occurring in the body.

If treatment is not started in time, complications will arise., such as pigmentation of the area around the mouth, the appearance of wrinkles, and in severe cases, the disease can lead to demodicosis.

You cannot start treatment on your own, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist, and pass necessary tests on the content of hormones in the blood.

As a preventive measure You need to strengthen your immune system, take care of facial hygiene, do not use cheap cosmetics, and do not self-medicate with hormonal drugs.

Photo 3: Correct mode nutrition, healthy food and refusal bad habits will be a good help in maintaining general health body. Source: flickr (janelle).

Homeopathy against rashes around the mouth

A drug
To boost immunity and remove toxins from the body.
  • Chole-gran
For problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Dysbacteriosis, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, stomach pain.
Gastrointestinal diseases, menopause, gynecological tumors.
Pustular rash on the face, around the mouth; severe itching of rashes on the face associated with allergic manifestations.
Inflammations of a severe, advanced nature on the face, which lead to scarring.
The skin of the face is prone to the formation of acne, small red and painful ulcers.

Acne around the mouth is a problem that plagues many young people, most often girls. Everyone wants to look beautiful, but at the same time, if the area around the mouth is strewn with acne, it is simply impossible to achieve beauty. That is why many people are interested in what causes this problem and, of course, how to cure acne around the mouth. This is exactly what the article will be about.

Acne and perioral dermatitis

If you have acne around your mouth, then the first thing you should do is determine what is happening to your skin. The fact is that the situation may turn out to be diametrically opposite. These can be either regular acne or symptoms of a disease called perioral dermatitis, which will be discussed below. But first we need to deal with more simple option. If pimples around the mouth appear pointwise and periodically, then this is not a disease - these are the most common acne and ulcers. The cause of their occurrence is non-compliance with personal hygiene. You just need to purchase products with which you will care for your facial skin and use them constantly. Then acne will not appear, and you will achieve the beauty effect you have always dreamed of. However, the cause of rashes is not always insufficient or improper care. Many people who regularly take care of their skin still develop pimples around their mouth and chin. What could be causing this?


So, if you take proper care of your facial skin, but the rashes around your mouth do not disappear and are widespread rather than local, then the situation is more complex. The fact is that you most likely have perioral dermatitis - a disease from the field of dermatology that requires attention on your part. However, why do these pimples appear around the mouth? The reason for this phenomenon, unfortunately, has not yet been established - there are only a number of assumptions, which you will read in this article. Distinctive feature of this disease is that its signs are observed exclusively in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle - random pimples do not pop up on the cheeks, neck or anywhere else. That is why the disease is called perioral dermatitis, that is, one in which the rash spreads around the mouth.

What is this dermatitis?

Statistics show that acne most often appears around the mouth in women, and the reason for this will be discussed a little later. Now it’s worth paying attention to exactly how to recognize that you do not have ordinary acne and ulcers, but dermatitis. As mentioned earlier, the main difference is the localization of acne - they are located around the mouth and on the chin. Please note that with perioral dermatitis, a narrow strip of skin around the lips is not affected - if pimples appear there, they are very small, pale, almost invisible. You should also understand that this inflammatory process, that is, your pimples will not “ripen”, pus will not appear in them, as in abscesses. They look like bright red mounds and bumps that can cause discomfort not only in their appearance, but also in pain and itching. The rashes appear in large numbers, which can cause the skin to become rough, and it will take you a lot of time to get it in order after you get rid of the disease. But why do pimples appear around the mouth and on the chin? The reasons can be very different. As mentioned above, no single specific cause has been identified, so a number of possible factors stimulating the development of perioral dermatitis will be listed below.


No, we are not talking about using steroids directly. If you have acne around your mouth, it's worth paying attention to whether your skin care products contain these substances. Face creams and various ointments often contain prednisolone or hydrocortisone, which cause irritation in some people. Therefore, you should carefully study the composition of your products and try to stop using them for a while to determine whether they are the cause of the disease. Please note that the rashes do not disappear immediately after you stop using the cream that causes them to appear. Most often, the phase of active growth of acne is observed first, that is, there may be even more of them, they will become redder, and the sensations will become even more painful. But after a short period of time, this phase passes, and after it, the pimples gradually disappear from your face.


Small pimples around the mouth can also appear when using various cosmetic products. The range of these remedies is quite wide, but the cause of this disease is most often Foundation, it is also not uncommon for perioral dermatitis to appear due to the use of certain makeup removers. In this case, you need to do the same as in the previous one - stop using specific products for a while to see if this will affect the acne around the mouth. The reason (in women this problem is observed much more often, since they use much more cosmetic products) is clear? Great! Take note, fight, and we move on.

Natural influence

It also cannot be ruled out that the occurrence of acne in the mouth area was caused by certain external factors, in particular - natural phenomena. Among them, perioral dermatitis can most often cause strong wind or excessive exposure sun rays. It's not all as easy to figure out as you'd like, but in most cases, if you just stop going out in the sun for a couple of days, your pimples will begin to gradually disappear - so you can quickly figure out whether something is causing your problems.


Now you know the main reasons why acne around the mouth can occur. However, many doctors also talk about toothpaste that contains fluoride. In most cases, it cannot cause this disease by itself, but if you have already developed it, then using such a paste can lead to unpleasant consequences. Fluoride intensifies the disease, pimples around the mouth begin to increase in size, become brighter, and the discomfort becomes more pronounced.


This disease can also be caused by skin infection. This is one of the cases when you should not experiment and try to cure yourself - it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe you the necessary medications. If you self-medicate, you can trigger the disease and bring yourself to a much more serious condition. Remember that acne goes away without a trace only if you get rid of it quickly. If you delay, then after healing, traces will remain at the site of the rash that will spoil your appearance.

Hormonal background

It's no secret that hormones can greatly affect the health of the body as a whole and its individual organs and systems in particular. In some cases, their fluctuations affect the condition of your skin. As in the case of cosmetics, this reason most often causes the appearance of defects in women - acne around the mouth may appear during menstrual cycle or during pregnancy. However, when it returns to normal, acne also disappears. As in the previous case, in case of hormonal imbalances, you should not try to deal with the problem on your own - it is best to contact a specialist who will accurately determine the specific cause of the disease, and then prescribe exactly the medicine that will most likely help you.


Well last reason reason why you may develop perioral dermatitis is to take oral contraceptives. This point is closely related to the previous one - the fact is that such drugs lead to a strong change in hormonal levels, which, as you have already learned, can lead to the appearance of acne around the mouth. In this case, you should contact a gynecologist to choose the means of protection that will not cause a similar reaction in your body. It would also be a good idea to visit a dermatologist who will help you eliminate the effects of the disease from your face.


So, now you know the main causes of acne around the mouth, and therefore it’s time to put this knowledge into practice. What should you do if they start appearing on you? First of all, you need to determine the extent of the lesion. If there are few acne, they appear not only around the mouth, but also on other parts of the face, and also eventually “mature” - this means that the problem lies in personal hygiene, that is, in the lack of it. The pores become clogged, they need to be cleaned using special means skin care.

However, if the pimples are located exclusively around the mouth, there are a lot of them and they do not look like ulcers or acne, then you have perioral dermatitis. If the disease has just begun to manifest itself, it is worth trying home methods - avoiding creams containing steroids, certain types of cosmetics, as well as toothpaste with added fluoride. Pay attention to the environment, weather factors and monitor how certain of your actions affect the condition of the skin around your mouth. If you can’t get rid of acne at home, don’t delay - go to a specialist, otherwise you will endanger not only your health, but also appearance in the future, as acne may leave unsightly marks. A dermatologist will help you sort out your problem, he will find out why you have these acne, and will also prescribe a specific course of treatment or write a referral to the appropriate specialist. Depending on the specific cause of the disease, the treatment method is selected. To stabilize hormonal levels, special hormonal drugs, to treat infection - antibiotics. So if you are convinced that the reason is not in your cream or environment, go to the doctor immediately. This way you can quickly and effectively overcome the disease and regain your beauty.

Skin is a mirror image internal state the whole body. Rash around the mouth in an adult - not only cosmetic defect, but also an internal problem. Food allergies, incorrectly selected cosmetics, depression, and intake can lead to a rash. medicines, disruption of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract, etc. Treatment is always aimed at the source, which helps get rid of the symptom.

What kind of rash happens?

Rashes are of primary and secondary nature. Primary - bubbles, blisters, spots, nodules in the mouth. They appear in a changed area skin. Secondary - ulcerative lesions, scales, erosions, develop as a result of the evolution of the primary ones.

The rash is classified according to clinical manifestations:

  • Bubbles are localized in the epidermis or under it, filled with light contents. Often accompanied by chickenpox, herpes and pemphigus;
  • Pustules vary depending on their location in the skin - deep and superficial. The cavity is filled with cloudy liquid;
  • Blisters are characterized by the absence of a cavity. Occurs for a short time. The main reasons are insect bites and allergies. Almost always accompanied by severe itching;
  • Spots are discolored skin. There are inflammatory and non-inflammatory, pigmented;
  • The nodules are localized under the epidermis. Only in some pathologies is their growth and fusion observed, for example, candidiasis;
  • Ulcer – evolution of vesicles, ulcers. Detected in severe form chickenpox, purulent infections skin, lupus erythematosus;
  • Scales appear as strong or weak peeling.

Please note that rashes around the mouth are caused by for various reasons. Some of them are harmless - an allergic reaction to food or cosmetics, while others are life-threatening - cancer.

Etiology of rash around the mouth in adults

The medical name for a rash in the mouth area is perioral dermatitis. This pathology refers to dermatological diseases, accompanied by rashes and the presence of pimples. They appear not only around the mouth, but also under the nose, in the mouth, and on the palate.

Depending on the specific clinical manifestations, the disease can be infectious or non-infectious.

Causes of infectious dermatitis

Herpes is a viral disease that begins with the appearance of one pimple in the lip area; the pathological element is filled with transparent contents. After a short time, skin numbness and itching are observed. Lack of therapy leads to the formation of wounds with a dry surface.

Impetigo develops due to damage to the body by staphylococci. Neoplasms around the mouth are characterized by large sizes. Initially they white, the edges are distinct, and then open, which leads to the formation of ulcers.

Causes of non-infectious dermatitis

There is an opinion that pimples around the mouth are the prerogative of people with oily skin. But in reality this is not true. Dry skin is more susceptible mechanical impact, so a pathogen can penetrate even the smallest damage.

Types of dermatitis that lead to the formation of rashes around the mouth:

  1. Hormonal type. Evolving in the background hormonal imbalance in organism. In most cases in puberty, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Sometimes it signals disorders of the reproductive system.
  2. Atopic appearance. It is quite rare in adults. As a rule, it is transmitted from mother to child. Long time inflammation is in a latent state, but is activated under the influence of negative factors.
  3. Allergic type is the most common. Rashes affect the area around the mouth due to the harmful effects of irritants. The reason is low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics, environmental conditions, and food products.
  4. Seborrheic appearance; characterized by malfunction sebaceous glands. The etiology is based on frequent stress, depression, neuroses, nervous experiences, and emotional instability.

Important: symptomatic treatment will not eradicate the problem, but will worsen it clinical picture, leading to even greater cosmetic defects.

Stomatitis as a cause of mouth rash

The disease affects inner surface lips It is a viral pathology leading to inflammation with purulent manifestations. The rash is extremely painful and spreads quickly oral cavity.

IN medical practice There are cases when stomatitis is brought out. In most paintings this happens when the form is neglected. In turn, stomatitis causes diseases:

Most often, a rash around the mouth is caused by a combination of several negative factors that enhance harmful influence each other.

Allergic rash on the face in adults

The main cause of allergies is the negative impact of an irritant. Unlike food allergic reaction, clinical manifestations in and around the mouth due to many factors:

  1. Use of medications – corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, hormonal ointments, creams and gels.
  2. Contact with chemicals, which are contained in lipstick, toothpaste, etc.
  3. Allergic symptoms can be caused by fillings or objects that come into contact with the lips, for example, a musical instrument.
  4. Endocrine disorders in the body lead to changes in hormonal levels, which is manifested by rashes on the face.

The very first sign of an allergy is a slight swelling in the lip area. Only then does a rash, pimples and redness appear. According to the clinical manifestations, the symptoms are similar to herpes rashes.

Important: blue lips, difficulty breathing are warning signs anaphylactic shock requiring emergency medical care.

Symptoms accompanying the rash

Depending on the pathological processes, occurring in the body, other clinical manifestations are observed. Their presence makes it easier to search for the nature of the pathology and allows you to quickly establish an accurate diagnosis.

Associated symptoms:

  • A high temperature indicates an infection. The patient experiences lethargy, weakness, headaches, decreased performance;
  • Allergic reactions almost always occur against the background severe itching and burning;
  • Pain, swelling, hyperemia of the oral mucosa are direct symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • Loss of body weight in combination with enlarged lymph nodes is a sign of an oncological neoplasm, usually of a malignant nature;
  • Increase lymph nodes in combination with fever – infection or inflammation.

By external signs one or another disease may be suspected.