Rapid heartbeat causes and treatment. Rapid heartbeat: what to do at home if your pulse is high. Increased heart rate and low blood pressure

The heart is beating fast.

The heart is a motor that ensures the functioning of all the most important human organs. This is the only organ that “does not rest” and takes care of us around the clock.

It often happens that his work also fails. Such situations require constant monitoring and immediate action if necessary.

Sometimes disruptions in the functioning of our heart occur due to fatigue in the body, but sometimes this can indicate more serious problems.

So, today we will talk about rapid heartbeat, the causes of this problem and consider methods of combating the disease.

How many beats per minute should a healthy person's heart beat?

A certain number of heart beats per minute is called the pulse. So, at rest, in a healthy person, the pulse is approximately 60-80 beats per minute.

  • It is very important to know that the pulse is measured only in a calm environment. This refers to the case when you want to find out how many beats per minute your heart produces when you are feeling well.
  • The pulse, by the way, cannot be the same all the time. It is always different and depends on many factors. Temperature and air humidity, pressure, and a number of other factors play a role here. internal factors: experiences, sudden changes in mood.
  • If we talk about babies, their heart rate is significantly different. In newborn babies, the pulse reaches 130-140 beats per minute and this phenomenon is absolutely normal. In children aged 6-7 years, the heart rate decreases to approximately 100 beats per minute. A heart rate similar to that of an adult appears at the age of 15-18 years.
  • Problems in the operation of our “engine” can be expressed in the form of arrhythmia, tachycardia and bradycardia.
  • Arrhythmia is a disease in which the heart rhythm is unstable, that is, the heart beats, sometimes less often, sometimes more often. Tachycardia is characterized by an increased heart rate, but bradycardia is, on the contrary, decreased.
  • For any deviation, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

What is the name of the disease when the heart beats quickly? Why the heart beats quickly and strongly at rest: reasons

Rapid heartbeat is a problem for many people. Most often, the heart beats quickly during tachycardia.

  • Tachycardia is one of the types of cardiac arrhythmia, during which the heartbeat increases to 90 or more beats per second.
  • It is worth saying that sometimes tachycardia is normal. Athletes, people who simply engage in strenuous physical activity, and those who are subject to emotional stress may experience heart palpitations. But if we are talking about tachycardia as a disease, then this is clearly related to diseases cordially- vascular system.
  • It is also useful to know that tachycardia is often observed with high temperature air, after drinking alcohol, in stressful situations. Children under 7 years old also very often suffer from rapid heartbeat, but this is considered to be the norm. If a child of this age has tachycardia, there is no need to panic, but “keeping your finger on the pulse” still won’t hurt.
  • With pathological tachycardia, that is, tachycardia that appears due to any pathologies of the heart, the volume of ejected blood decreases significantly, the pressure decreases and blood circulation in the body is disrupted. Due to poor blood circulation, organs receive insufficient amounts of blood and, accordingly, oxygen. Long-term problems of this nature can cause complications in the form of other serious illnesses.
  • There are also sinus and ectopic tachycardias. Both the first and second are not the norm for work human heart and require constant monitoring and treatment.
  • Now let's talk in more detail about sinus tachycardia. With this disease, the heart rate can increase to 130-220 beats per minute, which, of course, is not the norm.

There are many reasons why the heart can behave unstable and incorrectly. One has only to say that if the work of the heart changes at rest, then most likely you are dealing with tachycardia and in this case there is no need to postpone a visit to a cardiologist. So, the causes of tachycardia:

  • Effect on the body harmful substances. What is meant here is overuse alcohol and, of course, smoking. Since childhood, we have been told that bad habits have a detrimental effect on our health and the body as a whole, however, people pay attention to their health even when there is a problem and it needs to be solved
  • Increased amount of thyroid hormones. Excess hormones thyroid gland may lead to tachycardia
  • Effect of medications. It has long been proven that medical supplies can affect the functioning of our organs. So, taking medications such as antidepressants, hormones, diuretics and many others can easily disrupt the heart rhythm
  • Diseases respiratory system. When the body does not receive enough oxygen, the blood is not sufficiently enriched with it. In this case, the organs do not receive proper nutrition and “ oxygen starvation" The heart tries to solve this problem and for this purpose increases the heart rate, hence we get tachycardia
  • And, of course, heart disease. This may be inflammation of the heart muscle, various heart defects, ischemic disease, as well as heart diseases, in which structural and functional changes in the heart muscle occur
  • Constant stress, tension, emotional instability, depression. All this clearly has a negative impact on our health. That is why we are taught from childhood to take care of our nerves, because they cause all diseases

In order to understand why your heart is not working correctly, you definitely need to see a specialist, because the heart is most important organ, which ensures the functioning of the whole organism.

I hear my heart beating loudly, quickly, strongly and often, it hurts, it’s hard to breathe - symptoms of what disease?

Of course, all of the above symptoms may indicate the disease we have previously described - tachycardia. You already know why this disease appears, how it manifests itself and what to do about it. However, it is worth saying that in the presence of respiratory dysfunction, we can talk about other diseases.

  • Very often, signs such as pain in the heart, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing may indicate heart failure.
  • In case of heart failure, the heart cannot provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen and, as is known, “oxygen starvation” begins.
  • In a calm state, a person can feel absolutely normal and satisfactory, but in a stressful situation or during emotional and physical stress, the heartbeat quickens, shortness of breath and pain in the heart appear.

  • In such a situation, a person needs to ensure peace and Fresh air. The patient should relax and try to calm down. Breathing should be very deep and smooth when inhaling, and on the contrary, sharp when exhaling.
  • You can take Valocordin or Corvalol.
  • Also tachycardia and difficulty breathing may indicate a stroke or heart attack. At the same time, pain in the heart may still appear, chest, dizziness. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What causes the feeling that your heart is beating in your throat?

At normal operation we hardly feel it, or at least we simply don’t pay any attention to its beats. However, there are times when it is simply impossible not to feel the work of our “engine”. This happens when the heart begins to beat in the throat. Indeed, sometimes a person can very clearly feel the heartbeat in this place, let's figure out why and when this happens.

  • The most harmless reason for this phenomenon is increased physical stress on the body. Very often we feel a pulse in the throat after running, squats and push-ups, that is, when the body is under intense stress. At the same time, it may also increase arterial pressure, which leads to ringing, tinnitus, and dizziness.
  • Palpitations in the throat can also be felt after drinking coffee, alcohol or cigarettes. Coffee, cigarettes, and alcohol are generally considered irritants. The substances contained in their composition negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle, causing it to contract even faster.
  • Stress and panic attacks make the heart beat much faster than normal. The state of a panic attack can be accompanied by suffocation, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the throat and chest.
  • A heart that goes into the throat can be a symptom of a serious illness - anemia. With anemia, as this disease is also called, the body, its cells and tissues do not receive the required amount of oxygen, which leads to “oxygen starvation.”

  • Inflammation of the heart muscle is another cause of “heart in the throat.” This disease manifests itself as shortness of breath, tachycardia, and even enlargement of the liver and heart.
  • The heart may also beat in the throat due to heart defects. Defects can be either congenital or acquired. Signs of heart defects include weakness, shortness of breath, enlargement of the heart and its parts, painful sensation in heart.
  • The heart can also be felt in the throat in moments of strong excitement, sudden stress and a number of neurological problems. And such palpitations are manifested not only by the fact that it radiates into the throat, but also by dizziness, the inability to swallow saliva, as if “there is a lump in the throat,” numbness of the limbs, impaired respiratory function, and heaviness in the chest when inhaling.
  • If you feel that your heart is beating in your throat, but you exclude the possibility of overwork, you did not exercise the day before and are not under stress, then you need to consult a doctor. After full examination a specialist will determine the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Why does the heart beat strongly when excited, from alcohol, or with a hangover?

Most people experience that when they are nervous, their heart literally “jumps out” of their chest. It is also not uncommon for cases when the heart reacts very violently to alcohol and makes itself felt not only while drinking alcohol, but also after, during the so-called hangover. Why is this happening?

  • Anxiety, as a rule, is always accompanied by a change in the state of the body. Some people are less susceptible to anxiety and worry, others more, and everyone’s anxiety manifests itself differently. Some people's hands are shaking and their palms are sweating, some people suffer from “constriction” of the throat, which makes it difficult to speak, and some people’s heart begins to beat very quickly.
  • Sometimes this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body to a stressful situation, but sometimes a rapid heartbeat in situations atypical for a person may indicate the presence of various diseases. It could be vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is characterized by a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, anxiety, fatigue, instability of blood pressure, and other diseases of both the cardiovascular system and the endocrine and nervous systems.
  • It is very important to pay attention to the nature of the heartbeat, and, in fact, the frequency. If, after the source of excitement disappears, the heart quickly recovers, if the pulse does not increase very much, then this is a completely normal reaction of the body.

  • Now let's move on to alcohol. The condition of a person who is in drunkenness, changes significantly. The work of the heart does not stand aside either. Alcohol, acting on heart tissue, changes the functioning of our “engine”. Blood pressure at these moments, as a rule, rises, quite sharply, the pulse quickens, and this in turn leads to poor circulation.
  • Small vessels sometimes even burst, and the heart, of course, experiences “oxygen starvation.” Systematic intake of alcohol clearly has a negative effect on the heart muscle, it becomes flabby and inelastic. Alcoholic tachycardia greatly wears out the heart and uses up its resources completely for other purposes.
  • If we are talking about rare cases of alcohol consumption and if the pulse does not exceed 90 beats per minute, and your condition is generally satisfactory, then there is no need to worry. If these symptoms are accompanied by others - dizziness, loss of consciousness, vomiting, nausea, then you definitely cannot do without an ambulance.
  • With a hangover, the heart may beat faster in cases where there are any diseases. Because in an absolutely healthy person, even with a severe hangover, the heart does not jump out.

Heart beats when excited

Here are a few reasons why your heart rate increases after consumption:

  1. Intoxication, that is, alcohol poisoning. Alcohol is considered a strong toxin that can impair the functioning of the heart.
  2. Because of malfunction vessels. After drinking alcohol, the blood vessels absorb it and it is for this reason that they cannot always deliver blood to where it is needed. The heart is looking for a way out of the current situation and begins to work in accelerated mode.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins and nutrients.
  4. If you are a “not a drunkard” person, but even after small quantity If you drink alcohol, your heart works differently, you need to urgently consult a doctor, because this condition is normal.

When I go to bed my heart beats strongly - I can’t sleep: causes, symptoms of what disease?

When a person is getting ready for bed or has already gone to bed, then, in principle, there is no reason for a rapid heartbeat. This means that the person is not anxious, is not worried about anything, and is not in a stressful situation. Normally, a person's heart rate during sleep should be approximately 60-80 beats per minute.

So, the reasons for a strong and rapid heartbeat in this case may be:

  • Fright
  • Stressful state
  • Emotions, both good and bad
  • Previously drunk coffee or energy drinks
  • Allergic reaction to medications or by-effect
  • Colds that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature
  • Anemia
  • Poor indoor air circulation
  • Heart diseases and endocrine system

Your heart beats fast when you sleep

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons and most of them are very serious. Such a human condition leads to even greater stress, can cause a number of other equally serious diseases and is expressed in insomnia and anxiety.

  • In order to begin treating or eliminating this problem, you first need to understand what exactly is causing your heart palpitations.
  • It is important to be very careful about your health. Try to remember the first time you encountered a similar problem, which was the day before. If this condition has been bothering you for a long time, consult a doctor immediately. After all, this symptom may indicate a serious illness.
  • If palpitations occur due to stress, unpleasant dream, a previously experienced emotional outburst, then ordinary sedatives. It could be valerian or motherwort. You can also wash your face cold water and ventilate the room. Controlling your breathing also helps a lot: try to inhale deeply and slowly, and then exhale sharply, do this exercise several times.

What to do if your heart beats strongly and frequently - how to calm it down: tips, recommendations

If your heart is beating really fast and strong, then a visit to the doctor is the first thing you should take care of. Anyone, even a completely healthy person, can have problems with their heart function, but constant rapid heartbeat is not the norm.

If your heart rate of 100-150 beats per minute takes you by surprise, you can try the following:

  • You need to try to calm down, remove your excitement. It is clear that doing this is more difficult than saying that it is necessary, but try to calm your body as much as possible.
  • Open indoor windows or doors. The main thing is to find a source of fresh air.
  • Lie down on the bed or sit down. Stop any activity, especially sports.
  • You can drink validol, corvalol or valerian.
  • Valerian can be drunk either in drops or made into a decoction. For this you will need 2-3 tbsp. l. valerian and 200-300 g of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the ingredient, let it brew, and then drink 50-70 ml 3 times a day.

  • A decoction of hawthorn or motherwort will also help calm the heart. Pour boiling water over the necessary ingredients and leave for 2-3 hours, and then drink in small portions 2-3 times a day. For a decoction of 300 ml of water you will need 3-4 tbsp. l. ingredient.
  • It is also recommended to massage the right carotid artery. However, such a massage must be done correctly and in in the right place, so it is best to consult your doctor regarding this.
  • You can also resort to massaging your little fingers. To do this, pay attention to the area of ​​the finger near the nail.
  • Avoid drinking coffee and energy drinks. This is what may contribute to your experiencing tachycardia.
  • Remember, the heart reacts very sensitively to all changes in your body, so sometimes a rapid heartbeat is nothing more than a signal from your body that it’s time for you to rest. Therefore, in such a situation, put aside all even the most important things and just spend the day without worries: get some sleep, lie in bed, watch your favorite movies and give your body time to recuperate.

As you can see, a rapid heartbeat can be either a sign of a serious illness or a normal reaction of the body to stress and emotions. It is very important in such situations to sensibly assess all risks and objectively assess the state of health. If you find it difficult to independently determine the severity of your problem, consult a doctor immediately. It is better that this trip turns out to be preventative than that you waste time and do not start treatment on time. Take care of yourself, your heart and be healthy.

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Video: How to calm your heartbeat?

The human cardiovascular system is designed in such a way that in a calm state, in an adult, it works optimally at a heart rate of 60-80 per minute. Every person has experienced an acceleration of the pulse, and usually it does not cause any discomfort, and the frequency returns to normal quite quickly. But if the patient is still bothered by rapid heartbeat, causes, treatment and methods of prevention dangerous complications A cardiologist, whom you should consult for advice, can best explain.

What is and how does rapid heartbeat manifest itself?

A person cannot feel a normal heartbeat. But disruptions in the rhythm and its frequency, especially if they are repeated, become noticeable and disrupt the patient’s usual way of life. An acceleration of the heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute in people with various diseases is considered pathological.

The acceleration of heart contractions in a healthy person is accompanied by

  • increased breathing,
  • redness of the skin,
  • sweating

If palpitations are a consequence of diseases, in addition to the feeling of the “heart jumping out of the chest,” patients note the following conditions:

  • shortness of breath that occurs during normal household activities;
  • discomfort, localized in the projection of the heart;
  • severe weakness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • dry cough;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • sense of anxiety.

Heart beating strongly - physiological reasons

Any person's heart begins to beat faster if he

  • performs physical exercise or work;
  • experiences excitement, fear, panic, any strong emotions;
  • is in the heat or in a stuffy room.

Physiologically, the heart speeds up its work when the muscles need oxygen more than usual. This happens either under load, or under stress and the release of adrenaline into the blood, which also prepares the muscles for intense work (with anxiety, panic, a person is biologically inclined to run and escape, the muscles are tense). Overheating and stuffiness also deprive the body of oxygen.

A normal pregnancy also speeds up the heart rate - due to an increase in the overall load on the body and increased blood volume.

Rapid heartbeat: causes, treatment of pathological conditions

Pathological heartbeat is characterized by the sudden onset of an attack. It ends just as abruptly. An increase in heart rate (HR) is not considered a separate disease. This is a symptom accompanying diseases of the heart, blood vessels and other organs and systems:

  • arterial hypertension, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, heart defects;
  • endocrine disorders - thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, menopausal disorders, pheochromocytoma;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system;
  • lung diseases, especially when treated with drugs that increase heart rate;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, diaphragmatic hernia, stomach ulcer;
  • stress, neuroses, sleep disorders;
  • massive bleeding;
  • inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • oncological pathology;
  • imbalance of electrolytes that affect cardiac contractility - potassium, magnesium;
  • shock – traumatic, burn, hemorrhagic;
  • smoking, alcoholism, intoxication.

Bringing heart rate back to normal is carried out as an integral part complex treatment illness accompanied by rapid heartbeat. To eliminate tachycardia, the following medications are used:

  • Sedatives. Preference is given to herbal preparations - Persen, Novo-passit, tinctures of valerian, motherwort. If the effect is unsatisfactory, therapy is intensified with Phenobarbital, Phenazepam, Diazepam and other synthetic drugs.
  • Antiarrhythmics. There are several groups of such drugs, each intended to treat a specific type of tachycardia. Therefore, only a doctor prescribes such medications after diagnosis.

Is also carried out surgery rapid heartbeat. For example, part of the thyroid gland is removed in case of tachycardia resulting from thyrotoxicosis. Or they replace the heart valve with pathological heart rate associated with rheumatic heart disease, the focus of abnormal electrical activity in the myocardium is destroyed during palpitations characteristic of WPW syndrome.

Rapid heartbeat at night - causes

Attacks of rapid heartbeat at night can occur for the same reasons as in daytime. Doctors note that nocturnal tachycardia is more annoying to patients with heart disease, pathology of the endocrine organs and nervous system. When such patients go to bed

  • experience feelings of anxiety, fear,
  • taking medications that increase heart rate
  • drink caffeinated drinks, alcohol,
  • smoke,
  • overeat heavy fatty and sweet foods,

then nighttime palpitations are more likely to occur.

Heart beats fast after drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol leads to increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Heart cells suffer from toxic effects. If this condition is repeated frequently, the body, heart and blood vessels quickly age and wear out, and cardiomyopathy occurs.

As a result, the heart cannot pump normally, and the body forces it to work at a higher frequency to provide oxygen to the tissues. Wherein high doses Alcohol contributes to the narrowing of small blood vessels, which further impoverishes tissue. Occur in the body irreversible changes. And even giving up alcohol is not able to restore your former health.

Therefore, all alcohol lovers should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • don't skip snacks
  • do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach,
  • Don’t “drown” stress with strong drinks.

Sudden palpitations - what to do

If an attack of palpitations occurs for the first time, it is necessary to undergo an examination to determine its cause. The doctor will recommend effective ways to combat this condition.

There are a number of symptoms that, when combined with a rapid heartbeat, require urgent medical attention.

  1. Strong heartbeat, uneven pulse, severe pain behind the sternum, in the shoulder blade, cold sweat– may indicate the development of myocardial infarction.
  2. Frequent heartbeat, shortness of breath, cough with foamy sputum, feeling of lack of air are signs of decompensated heart failure. There is a high probability of developing pulmonary edema.
  3. Frequent, irregular heartbeat, alternating fast and rare pulses are signs of serious arrhythmia, an attack of atrial fibrillation, or heart block. This condition can lead to cardiac arrest.
  4. Palpitations, accompanied by darkening of the eyes and sudden onset of shortness of breath, are often a sign of ventricular extrasystole or tachycardia - a deadly arrhythmia.

Rapid heartbeat - what to do at home

If an attack of tachycardia occurs, first of all it is necessary to call medical care. Before her arrival, you can try to alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • lay him down with his head raised;
  • ensure air flow - open the window, remove tight clothing;
  • do cold compress on the head;
  • give a soothing infusion or Herb tea– Novo-passit, valerian, motherwort and the like;
  • do breathing exercises - holding at the height of inspiration, coughing strongly, almost to the point of vomiting; deep breaths, small exhalations, sticking out your tongue;
  • apply moderate pressure eyeballs with eyes closed;
  • wash with cold water.

Heart palpitations are a consequence of other diseases, so the root cause should be treated first. The best thing to do is try to change your lifestyle, eliminate bad habits, and establish a routine. physical activity and nutrition.

Rapid heartbeat can occur not only when various diseases, but also manifest from others physiological reasons, in no way related to internal disorders. In some life situations Frequent heartbeat occurs in every person, including children. As a sign of a disease, it is observed in a wide variety of diseases, not just cardiovascular diseases.

If it is not possible to find out the reasons for this manifestation on your own, you need to contact specialists from various medical fields to evaluate other accompanying symptoms and making a diagnosis. At a normal heart rate, a person does not feel his heart beating, but if for some reason the rhythm becomes faster, it becomes immediately noticeable - the person experiences a strong pulsation in the neck or strong blows to the chest.

The normal heart rate of a healthy adult is up to 80 beats per minute. If the heart beats more than 90 times, this means that the person has cardiopalmus. If this symptom is not noticed in time and the process or disease that caused it is not identified, it can cause the development of heart failure and also lead to complete cardiac arrest. An increased heart rate can occur not only in an adult, but also in a child, but do not forget that for children under seven years of age this is a completely normal process.


As mentioned above, it can cause heart palpitations a large number of factors that are not always related to serious illnesses. Causes of rapid heartbeat in an adult or child who does not have health problems:

  • a rapid heartbeat is often observed after alcohol, especially when taken in large quantities;
  • tendency to show nervousness before important event in life;
  • influence stressful situations at work or at home;
  • performing intense physical activity, which ordinary life not typical for humans;
  • work or long time being under the direct influence sun rays, as well as in a poorly ventilated area;
  • drinking large quantities of drinks with high content caffeine;
  • the use of pills, the side effect of which leads to an increase in heart rate;
  • an irrational daily routine when a person sleeps insufficiently or suffers from insomnia;
  • with too high or low blood pressure;
  • age category. Elderly people are most susceptible to rapid heartbeat;
  • Eating a large amount of fatty foods, especially before bed, can cause rapid heartbeat after eating, which, in turn, causes insomnia;
  • hormonal activity, for example, during menstruation or during, and also often occurs with strong sexual arousal;
  • height if a person is forced to work for a long time at altitude or for any other reason it turns out to be above sea level, for example, during tourism or when playing sports, blood pressure decreases and the heart rate increases;
  • increased impressionability from any action, process or event. It occurs very often in a child.

Pathological causes of rapid heartbeat:

  • wide range of infections;
  • heart pathologies, as well as their untimely treatment;
  • lack of vitamin C in the body;
  • decreased blood levels;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • disruption of the endocrine system, in case of removal of one or both parts of the thyroid gland;
  • internal hemorrhages;
  • various shock situations - increased rhythm due to bleeding, severe pain, oxygen deficiency, acute. Shock leads to a decrease in blood pressure, which causes this symptom;
  • cancer or other brain lesions;
  • congenital heart pathologies.

Rapid heartbeat often occurs during pregnancy - this is due to the fact that during this period of life a woman’s body undergoes many changes that affect the functioning of internal organs and systems. After the birth of the child, this symptom goes away on its own. Treatment of pregnant women takes place under the full supervision of doctors, because not all medications and pills can be taken during this period.


Frequent heartbeats that continue for a long time have the following classification, depending on the location:

  • atrial or supraventricular - characterized by rapid contraction of the atria, while the ventricles of the heart operate normally;
  • ventricular – rapid contraction is observed in the ventricles of the heart;

Depending on the heart rhythm, palpitations can be:

  • sinus - an impulse occurs in a certain node at the same periodicity;
  • arrhythmic - there is a violation of the normal rhythm, the impulses are rapid and there is no sequence of them.

U small child A proximal type of rapid heartbeat may occur, which is characterized by a sudden onset and cessation of a period of rapid rhythm.

By clinical manifestation distinguish:

  • atrial fibrillation – heart rate reaches up to 700 beats per minute;
  • atrial flutter – the heart rhythm is stable and can be up to 350 beats per minute;
  • fibrillation and flutter of the ventricles - due to the high frequency of beats, the heart does not pump blood.

Treatment for each of these types is prescribed individually.


Since increased heartbeat that continues for a long time is itself a symptom, people usually also exhibit symptoms characteristic of the illness that provoked the rhythm disturbance. The following signs are often observed:

  • increase in heart rate;
  • intense pulsation of the carotid artery;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion;
  • attacks of severe dizziness;
  • constant anxiety;
  • discomfort in the chest and heart;
  • darkening before the eyes;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • dry mouth;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • cough without sputum.

Despite the fact that for a child, a rapid heart rate is quite normal phenomenon, parents should consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • increased sweating and trembling;
  • acquiring a pale skin tone;
  • uncharacteristic breathing;
  • capriciousness - in infants it manifests itself as constant crying;
  • gagging;
  • intestinal dysfunction in the form of diarrhea.


If you do not promptly treat the cause that caused rapid heartbeat, this can cause a number of complications not only in an adult, but also in a child:

  • the occurrence of blood clots;
  • heart attack;
  • loss of consciousness, which will continue until measures are taken emergency care to normalize the rhythm and bring a person out of fainting;
  • acute heart failure;
  • swelling of the lungs;
  • severe weight loss;
  • sudden death of the patient.

In order to avoid consequences, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease in a timely manner.


In order to determine why the rapid heartbeat occurs, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, consisting of the following measures:


Since many people are faced with this problem, doctors often hear the question of what to do with a rapid heartbeat. The main thing is to reduce the frequency of heart impulses. If an attack occurs at home or at work, but there are no medications at hand, you need to take a lying position, try to calm down and get rid of tight clothes, hold your breath for a while, and then exhale slowly. Treatment with medicines consists of the following:

  • sedatives;
  • tablets that normalize heart rhythm;
  • drugs to eliminate other symptoms. Medicines are prescribed for each patient individually, since the signs and causes are different;
  • medications that improve the flow of oxygen throughout the body.

Treatment with surgical intervention occurs only when the patient does not respond over a certain period of time to other methods of therapy. During this treatment, small electrodes are implanted in a person, which will be responsible for the rhythm frequency.


To ensure that a child or adult never has problems with heart rhythm, it is necessary:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • Perform regular moderate-intensity physical activity;
  • promptly treat any diseases that may cause the manifestation of this symptom;
  • Eliminate caffeine, fatty and salty foods from your diet, and eat foods high in calcium.

Tachycardia at rest. Photo by BillWard

Tachycardia- this is a rapid heartbeat (over 80 beats per minute). Tachycardia itself is not a disease, but it is important symptom a large number of diseases, primarily the cardiovascular system.

There are 2 main types of tachycardia:

  1. Normal tachycardia. when the heartbeat quickens as a result natural causes. For example: due to physical exertion, anxiety or fear.
  2. Pathological tachycardia. when a person experiences heart palpitations at rest. without any reason.

It is pathological tachycardia that occurs at rest that is dangerous to human health and life.

Relationship between resting tachycardia and mortality

Most often, heart rate is measured by athletes during training. Few of them ordinary people thinks about heart rate Everyday life. However rapid pulse is a risk factor for early human death.

Studies have been conducted that looked at statistics and information on several thousand people who did not suffer from heart problems. Analysis of the data from this study showed that people who have tachycardia at rest die more often and earlier than people with normal pulse.

The results and conclusions of the study show that 15 extra hits(85 beats per minute) increase the risk premature death by 16%. Also, tachycardia with an increased heart rate of 12-27 beats (82-97 beats per minute) in combination with smoking increases the risk of early death by 20%.

What does resting tachycardia mean?

Your pulse can tell you a lot. Therefore, you should not neglect this parameter. Heart rate indicates the level of physical endurance of a person, the state of the heart, blood vessels, autonomic and central nervous systems.

Tachycardia at rest is a symptom indicating that a person has some kind of health problem. Very often, resting tachycardia appears when hormonal disorders from the adrenal glands, pancreas, problems with the thyroid gland. Resting tachycardia can appear against the background of hypertension, obesity, early stages of heart failure and many other myocardial pathologies. In such cases, a rapid heartbeat is a kind of compensatory reaction of the body.

How to measure your pulse yourself

You can measure your pulse rate with your fingers on the wrist, neck, temples, and also in the heart area. Most people find it most convenient to measure their heart rate at the wrist. To do this, you need to place three fingers of one hand on the wrist of the other hand and try to find the main artery. You should feel a pulsation.

Measure your pulse and count the number of beats for 10 seconds. After this, multiply the result by 6. Thus, you have measured your pulse (the number of heart beats per minute).

At rest, a normal heart rate is between 60 and 80 beats per minute. An elevated heart rate at rest is called tachycardia, and a low heart rate is called bradycardia.

During exercise, your heart rate increases. Each type of exercise has its own acceptable threshold. On average, the permissible heart rate for sports can be calculated using the formula “from the figure 220 subtract your age." But remember that you cannot carry out the entire session with such a maximum heart rate. This pulse is acceptable once or twice per workout.

Take care of yourself

If you notice that you have tachycardia at rest (when you measure your pulse at rest, it turns out to be more than 80 beats per minute), you need to be examined by a doctor to prevent possible development cardiovascular pathologies in the future. If you have tachycardia, you need to see a cardiologist or therapist.

Such a precaution will allow timely diagnosis and identify diseases early stage. The doctor will also be able to give you valuable advice on physical activity, nutrition, taking certain medications.

Anaerobic exercise, proper nutrition. normalization of sleep, timely treatment and refusal bad habits is the basis of health and prevention of the development of a large number of fatal diseases and, including resting tachycardia as their symptom. Observe simple rules health, monitor your resting tachycardia, and stay healthy!

Causes of rapid heartbeat

Good health, dear readers of the MEDIMARI website!

We continue the conversation about the causes of the frightening rapid heartbeat, which indicates problems in our health. As you know, not only various emotional and physical stress can affect the increase in the rate of contraction of our heart, but also changes in health are often the reason for this.

There can be many reasons for a rapid heartbeat. And here it is important to be able to distinguish between natural causes and pathological ones. Natural ones include normal reaction the body to stress or physical activity, to pathological ones - increased heart rate or tachycardia as a result of health problems.

Causes of heart palpitations at rest

A rapid pulse that occurs at rest most often indicates ill health, namely:

    • disruptions in the endocrine system
    • nervous system disorders and disorders mental state person
    • poisoning of the body with poisons, toxins, for example, alcohol or large amounts of nicotine
    • febrile conditions during infectious (especially purulent infections) and colds
      • During the period of flu and colds, when the body temperature rises, the heart rate inevitably increases. So, every extra degree at infectious disease increases frequency heart rate about 10 beats per minute
    • physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle
    • dehydration of the body, removing calcium and magnesium
    • bleeding and anemia
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia

Risk group for tachycardia

All this contributes to unhealthy lifestyle of a person. People most often at risk are those who:

      • due to a disruption in their daily routine, they suffer from insomnia or their sleep is restless and of little value for recovery
      • lead lives of conflict and stress
      • have excessive long-term physical activity
      • do not rest enough, relax and do not switch to different types activities
      • use randomly or immoderately both medications and various substances that stimulate activity to maintain activity: antidepressants, aphrodisiacs, narcotic substances, energy drinks, strong coffee and tea, alcohol, large amounts of chocolate
        • Experts have different opinions about coffee: they say that rhythm disturbances are mainly influenced by a low-quality product and its excessive consumption
      • are overweight, and hence the increase in cholesterol and blood pressure
      • The older a person is, the more often he experiences tachycardia

Main diseases causing tachycardia

The main causes of pathological rapid heartbeat or tachycardia are disorders of the cardiovascular system, endocrine and hormonal pathologies.

Tachycardia occurs as a result of:

1. Heart diseases .

    • disease of the heart muscles, namely the myocardium - myocarditis;
    • deformation of the heart muscles - cardiomyopathy;
    • nutritional disorder muscle tissue heart – myocardial dystrophy;
    • changes in the structure of the heart valves that disrupt the movement of blood - heart disease;
    • increased blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg – hypertension
    • myocardial infarction or frequent attacks of angina – coronary heart disease

2. Endocrine changes and hormonal disorders

    • Thyroid diseases, e.g. hypothyroidism, myxedema, amenorrhea
    • Climax
    • Tumors of various etiologies(benign, malignant)

Reasons to urgently consult a doctor for help

As you can see, there can be many reasons for a rapid heartbeat: these are both natural manifestations of changes in life, and pathological results of ill health. Only a specialist can determine whether it is a disease or not. Therefore, do not delay visiting your doctor, especially if frequent attacks of tachycardia are accompanied by:

- shortness of breath

- weakness

- darkening of the eyes

- dizziness

- chest pain

- dry mouth

In the next article we will talk about what to do if tachycardia or rapid heartbeat bothers you and interferes with your normal life.

Resting tachycardia is a sign of mortal danger


It is customary to measure heart rate per minute only when playing sports. Nobody thinks about what the heart rate is during the rest period or immediately after sleep. It turns out that understanding a person's resting heart rate can tell whether they are at risk of premature death.

Scientists have proven through long-term monitoring that apparently healthy people who do not suffer from cardiac pathology, but observe increased heart rate, are at risk of dying earlier. Why is this happening? Which evidence-based research this?

Over the course of a number of years, a study was carried out on 3,000 people who did not suffer from heart problems. Analysis of data from this monitoring showed that those who had tachycardia at rest died significantly more often than those studied with a normal pulse or bradycardia. The facts are clear: 15 additional beats to the normal heart rate of 70 increases the risk of premature death by 16%. Tachycardia with an increase in the number of beats 12-27 above normal in combination with smoking increases early mortality by 20%. It is interesting that there is no special relationship between mortality and the level of physical training was not found. Although no one can rule out the influence of cardiorespiratory endurance on the state of the body and life expectancy.

Pitfalls of resting tachycardia

It would seem that the pulse can tell. In fact, it indicates the level of physical endurance, the condition of the heart, blood vessels, the health of the autonomic and central nervous systems. Tachycardia, although it can be physiological, is not constant and does not increase the contraction frequency above 20-30. In addition, resting tachycardia in most cases appears due to problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal disorders of the adrenal glands, pancreas, and central nervous system. It can appear against the background of obesity, hypertension, initial degree of heart failure and other myocardial pathologies, and in this case be a compensatory reaction. In itself, resting tachycardia is already evidence of a health problem. This is a warning about the need to be examined and prevent the development of possible cardiovascular pathologies in the future.

In any case, if when you try to measure your pulse during rest, the readings turn out to be above 80, then this is a reason to make an appointment with a cardiologist and therapist. Such precautions and attentiveness to oneself will allow for timely diagnosis, treatment or prevention. possible pathologies. Doctors will adjust your diet, lifestyle, workload, and help with advice, preventive and therapeutic medicines. Anaerobic exercise, balanced diet, normalization of sleep and rest patterns, treatment chronic pathologies and timely abandonment of bad habits is the basis for preventing the development of diseases and resting tachycardia as their symptom. Don't neglect simple rules health, because life and health are at stake.

Rapid heartbeat can occur in adults at any age; the reasons for the development of the pathology are different, but the situation always requires control, timely therapy and lifestyle correction.

Heart palpitations can occur even in healthy people

Why does heart palpitation occur?

Rapid heartbeat is called tachycardia and occurs in various diseases. Often, malaise is observed even in healthy people after overeating, drinking alcohol, and occurs during stress or after physical exertion. Attacks occur suddenly and last for several seconds, hours or days.

A rapid heartbeat in itself is not considered a disease - similar condition signals problems in the body.

Main causes of heart palpitations

Physiological tachycardia – natural reaction the body to fear, stress, overwork, laughter and crying, while the pressure is normal or slightly increased.

During sex, the number of heartbeats reaches 135 beats per minute, and during orgasm it reaches 180; this state is even beneficial for the body, since the myocardium is trained and strengthened. The pathological form of the disease is characterized by attacks that occur in a calm state for no apparent reason.

  • What causes tachycardia:
  • chronic insomnia, poor sleep quality;
  • long-term use of antidepressants, narcotic drugs, aphrodisiacs;
  • abuse of caffeine-based drinks, alcohol, chocolate;
  • obesity;

old age.

Tachycardia is more common in overweight people

Heart rate increases with temperature during the flu, ARVI - each additional degree increases the heart rate by 10 units. Women suffer from tachycardia more often than men due to their emotionality and tendency to mood swings. Rapid heartbeat often occurs in people who are domineering, demanding, or those who suffer from bouts of depression or self-flagellation.

Normally, in healthy people, the heart contracts at a frequency of 60–80 beats/minute. The diagnosis of tachycardia is made when the pulse increases persistently to 90 beats.

What diseases cause palpitations Tachycardia is a frequent companion to cardiovascular pathologies and develops against the background endocrine pathologies , hormonal imbalance. Seizures have

characteristic symptoms – shortness of breath, fever, discomfort in the chest, feelings of fear, panic and anxiety, weakness, the person’s vision becomes dark, it’s hard for him to breathe. The pulse increases with increased blood pressure due to increased work of the heart muscle against the background of intense physical activity, after drinking alcohol, and with excess weight. Tachycardia with low blood pressure is a consequence of bleeding, anemia,

purulent infections

  • , various kinds of shock states.
  • Diseases in which the heart rate increases:
  • myocardial diseases;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • congenital or acquired heart defects;

At ischemia, heart attack; deformation or malnutrition of the heart muscle.

atrial fibrillation

Another cause of tachycardia is pheochromocytoma, this is a special type of tumor that causes active synthesis of the hormone adrenaline. The disease is accompanied by severe migraines, high blood pressure, heavy sweating, hands begin to shake, nausea torments, breathlessness.

If your heart rate increases after eating, this may indicate stomach problems. diabetes mellitus, often unpleasant sensations after eating occur in overweight people when they overeat.

Tachycardia in pregnant women and children

Increased heart rate occurs in women during pregnancy and after childbirth against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin and the level of red blood cells in the blood. At the same time, you can feel your heart pounding, the woman complains about chronic fatigue, weakness, dizziness, skin becomes pale and dry. Normally, pregnant women should have a heart rate that is 10 units higher than it was before conception.

Causes of tachycardia in pregnant women:

  • calcium deficiency, ascorbic acid, magnesium;
  • stress;
  • dehydration with severe toxicosis in the early stages;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia – accompanied panic attacks, pain in the sternum, difficulty breathing;
  • on later tachycardia develops due to increased oxygen demand in the child.

Vegetovascular dystonia is expressed in feeling unwell and increased heart rate

Tachycardia in the fetus occurs due to chromosomal abnormalities, intrauterine infection, abnormal formation of the placenta, Rh conflict, multiple pregnancy.

Fluctuations in a child's heart rate are normal and are caused by frequent changes body needs. If the heart begins to beat quickly in a calm state, then we are talking about tachycardia. The reasons for the development of pathology are the same as in adults - infectious, viral, heart diseases, stress, overwork.

How smaller child, the faster his heart beats. For newborns, the norm is 120–160 beats/minute, in preschoolers the rates drop to 130 beats, in teenagers the pulse approaches adult values, tachycardia can occur against the background of a hormonal surge.

Increased heart rate and sleep

Frequent attacks of tachycardia at night have a negative impact on the entire body - internal organs wear out quickly, heart failure and angina develop, and the risk of heart attack increases. Attacks during sleep are accompanied by fear, a feeling of lack of air, a person often wakes up in a cold sweat, and after waking up the heart beats strongly.

Causes of tachycardia during and after sleep:

  • heart attack, endocarditis bacterial origin, myocarditis, pericarditis;
  • cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, ischemia;
  • asthma, lung disease, pneumothorax;
  • disruption of the adrenal glands;
  • allergy;
  • a sharp decrease in blood glucose or sodium levels.

Attacks of tachycardia in the morning are more pronounced, since after waking up all systems begin to work actively, often the heartbeat quickens with a sharp change in body position.

Tachycardia at night indicates ischemia

Why is a rapid heartbeat dangerous?

Tachycardia is especially dangerous for children, as it can provoke the development of severe heart pathologies. During pregnancy, a rapid heartbeat negatively affects the woman’s condition and the development of the fetus.

Consequences of tachycardia:

  • high likelihood of blood clots, which can cause a stroke;
  • heart failure develops, organs begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • convulsions.

In any form of the disease, cardiac arrest may occur during a prolonged attack.

If tachycardia is not treated, heart failure may develop.

Which doctor should I contact?

At frequent attacks tachycardia should be visited. Based on test results, ECG, ultrasound and other diagnostic methods, a cardiac surgeon may be required.

If you have palpitations, you should visit a cardiologist

What to do at home?

Because signs of tachycardia always begin suddenly, it is important to know how you can quickly lower your heart rate on your own.

First aid for palpitations

When the first signs of an attack of tachycardia appear, you need to calm down, remove or loosen the pressing elements of clothing.

How to deal with palpitations:

  1. Drink depressant– Valerian, Valocordin, hawthorn tincture.
  2. You can have a drink cold water with gas, wash.
  3. Take a horizontal position.
  4. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for 35–45 seconds, do not strain, and exhale slowly. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
  5. Apply gentle pressure on the eyeballs for a few seconds.

Carbonated water will help normalize your heart rate

At severe attack You can try to induce vomiting, which will help get rid of the spasm. If the condition does not improve, you should call a doctor.

Medicines for high heart rate

Treatment of tachycardia is aimed at identifying and eliminating the underlying diseases that provoked an increase in heart rate. In addition to basic medications, the patient is prescribed tablets that normalize the pulse rate.

How to treat tachycardia:

  • natural sedatives - Novo-passit, Persen, they can be taken for therapeutic and preventive purposes;
  • synthetic drugs with a sedative effect - Diazepam, Seduxen, Relanium;
  • fast sodium channel blockers - Bonnecor, Quinidine;
  • β-blockers – Anaprilin, Escomol;
  • blockers potassium channels– Amiodarone;
  • slow blockers calcium channels– Verapamil;
  • cardiac glycosides – Strophanthin, Digoxin;
  • drugs for normalizing thyroxine levels in thyroid diseases - Microiod.

If tachycardia occurs against the background of hyperthyroidism, heart disease, ischemia, treatment is carried out with surgical intervention.

Novo-passit - a sedative made from natural ingredients

Folk remedies

Methods alternative medicine will help normalize heart rhythm and enhance the effect of medications.

Means to combat tachycardia:

  1. Mix yarrow and rue juice in equal parts, dissolve 22–25 drops of the resulting product in 50 ml of water, drink the medicine twice a day.
  2. Brew 15 g of crushed hawthorn fruits with 240 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed container for 2 hours, drink 70 ml 2-4 times a day.
  3. Pour 5 g of herb or valerian roots into 250 ml of boiling water, simmer the mixture in a steam bath for half an hour, add water to the original volume. Drink the entire dose of the medicine before going to bed.

Hawthorn decoction is a good sedative

To prevent the development of tachycardia, you can prepare a mixture of four lemons, they need to be crushed, 30 ml of honey, 15 geranium inflorescences. Add 15 raw almonds, 10 ml each of hawthorn and valerian tincture. Take 15 ml of medication a quarter of an hour before meals 2-4 times a day. Duration of treatment is 6–8 weeks.


Any heart disease is easier to prevent than to treat, simple measures prevention will help normalize the heart rate and avoid the development of severe pathologies.

How to avoid tachycardia:

  • give up bad habits;
  • Drink less caffeinated drinks;
  • exercise moderately but regularly, swimming is especially beneficial;
  • do yoga, meditate - this will help eliminate signs of stress;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • eat right - citrus fruits, milk, fish, bananas, grapes, honey are good for the heart;
  • spend more time outdoors.

In order to notice the onset of the disease in time, you need to measure blood pressure and pulse every day, regularly monitor cholesterol and blood sugar levels, check the functioning of the thyroid gland, women need to take hormonal tests, especially at the time of menopause.

- a sign of many cardiovascular diseases, endocrine diseases, problems with digestive system. Rare attacks of tachycardia are not dangerous, but if unpleasant sensations appear frequently and do not go away for a long time, you should undergo a comprehensive examination.