Soothing herbs: types, description, application. Soothing teas based on herbal plants - an effective method in the fight against stress

A soothing collection of five herbs is an opportunity to very urgently restore nervous system after daily stress and nervous overstrain. The herbs that are included in such preparations are very carefully selected and are completely safe for health.

Unlike chemicals, which can negatively impact the human nervous system and lead to many side effects, herbs do not have such an effect on the body.

For what diseases should sedatives be used?

They will help cope with the following nervous system health problems:

  • Hypertension at the initial stage;
  • Climax;
  • Neuroses;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Neurasthenia.

Also such herbal teas It is good to use for certain conditions, which include:

  • Unreasonable aggression;
  • Feeling of anxiety;
  • Nervous breakdowns;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Trembling of the hands or trembling throughout the body;
  • Arrhythmia or strong and rapid heartbeat;
  • State of lethargy;
  • Increased pressure;
  • Ebbs and flows during menopause.

Calming collection 1:

  • Sagebrush. Helps with unreasonable hysteria and sleep problems.
  • Valerian. Well calms the nervous system and removes feelings of anxiety and increased excitability. But all these actions are possible if the dosage is not exceeded. If the established limits are exceeded, the effect may be the opposite.
  • Adonis. It has very high sedative properties and helps restore the desire to live.
  • Ivan – tea will help with headaches.
  • Mint. Good remedy in the fight against insomnia. Peppermint also helps fight nervous system tension. If you have high blood pressure, the dosage should be reduced or this herb should be excluded from the collection.

The collection is done in equal parts.

Prepare like this:

  1. Take a teaspoon of the mixture and brew it with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Drink in small doses if the situation requires mild stage, then you can take the infusion only before bed, a couple of hours before.
  3. If the problem is more complex, then it is recommended to drink a teaspoon of the infusion throughout the day, preferably before meals.
  4. The course should be no more than a month, after this period you should take a break.

Calming collection 2:

  • St. John's wort. This plant will help cope with feelings unreasonable fear and feelings of anxiety. Contraindicated in case of weak potency in men.
  • Motherwort. He far exceeds positive action valerian has a similar effect. This component should be excluded in case of weak heartbeat and low blood pressure.
  • Yarrow. A good remedy when nervous breakdowns constantly occur.
  • Fireweed angustifolia. This component of the collection effectively fights insomnia and headaches.
  • Chamomile. Helps cope with muscle tension and is very calming. Experts do not recommend abusing chamomile during pregnancy or for stomach upsets.
  1. Mix everything in equal parts and place in a glass container in a cool and dark place.
  2. Take a teaspoon and brew a glass of boiling water, leave for a few minutes, strain and drink in small doses. Best before bed.

If you take the infusion during the day, it is best to eliminate activities associated with danger and reduce driving to a minimum or eliminate it altogether.

Calming collection 3:

  • Black algae. Perfectly fights sleep problems, has sedative effect and has the ability to make your mood much better.
  • Oregano. A good remedy for nervous overexcitability. This component should not be used in its entirety during pregnancy.
  • Mellisa gives complete peace of mind and makes it possible to withstand stressful situations.
  • Creeping thyme. Helps calm and restore good sleep.
  • Valerian.
  1. All components are mixed in equal parts. The resulting collection, in the amount of one teaspoon, is poured into a glass of hot water and placed in a water bath.
  2. The collection is simmered for about forty minutes. Then cool to a comfortable temperature and take in small quantities, preferably a couple of hours before bedtime.

Calming collection 4:

  • Hop cones. good sedative, helping to restore proper sleep. In some cases, pillows are used that are stuffed with these pine cones and people sleep on them for chronic insomnia.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Valerian root.
  • Oregano.
  • Chamomile.
  1. Everything is prepared in equal parts. Take a couple of tablespoons of the mixture per half liter of water.
  2. Leave for an hour in a thermos. This drink is drunk half a glass before events that can cause exciting feelings and stress.

Calming collection 5:

  • Motherwort.
  • Chamomile.
  • Oregano.
  • Mint.
  • Yarrow.
  1. Mix in equal parts and brew two teaspoons in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse for about half an hour and drink thirty minutes before meals. It is advisable to calculate the reception for four times.

The infusion will help get rid of feelings of anxiety, stress and nervous tension.

To ensure that taking herbal drinks brings only benefits and cannot harm the human body, you should follow some rules and adhere to the recommendations of a specialist:

  • Don't overuse it.
  • The course of treatment should not exceed three weeks, after which a break is recommended.
  • It is imperative to know the contraindications of all components of the collection.
  • To prevent the body from showing tolerance to the components of the collection, it is worth changing the components.
  • If you have a tendency to allergies, then you should treat herbal preparations very carefully.
  • Before self-medication, you should consult a specialist, especially in cases of head injuries, alcoholism, and cancer.

It is very important to know that the reception sedative fees may enhance the effect of sleeping pills, medications that are used to combat pain syndrome, as well as tranquilizers. Therefore, the dosage of taking such drugs can be reduced, this will help reduce all the negative effects.

Medicines containing herbs

Sedatives that consist of herbs include:

  • Valerian.
  • Novopassit.
  • Motherwort Forte.
  • Persen.

Videos about calming herbs

Main contraindications for use

  1. Allergic reactions;
  2. It is advisable not to use during work that involves dangers;
  3. Limit your time behind the wheel;
  4. Very low pressure;
  5. Weak heartbeat;
  6. Be careful when taking it together with tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and painkillers;

Possible side effects

  • Decreased performance;
  • Weakness;
  • Allergy in the form of rash and itching;
  • Low blood pressure;
  • Decreased heart rate;
  • Low activity;
  • Apathy.

All these effects do not always appear, but you should still pay very close attention to contraindications and do not ignore visiting a doctor.

  1. Be sure to consider the dosage by weight and age.
  2. If you have a rash, it may not be an allergy, but a release from the liver. This can only mean that you should stop taking herbs, since intoxication has occurred and the liver can no longer cope with warning you about this.
  3. Some collections can be added in pureed form to yogurt and honey.
  4. If you do not have the opportunity to infuse herbs for a long time or simmer them in a water bath, then the simplest and best recipe, this is to prepare the preparations like regular tea. According to the optimal recipe, take a teaspoon per glass of water.
  5. You should not overuse sedative mixtures very often; it is advisable to take good breaks between courses and change the composition of the mixture.

Calming collection of five alcohol tinctures

Sedative and calming properties that many have medicinal herbs, allow modern pharmacology to effectively use them in the creation medicines. The main function of alcohol soothing tinctures is to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Particularly popular is the sedative tincture of 5 medicinal plants. It is quite easy to prepare. Each of the components complements the other, providing a significant healing effect. Her unique substances affect exactly the most problematic areas of the nervous system.

Another plus that speaks in favor of sedatives medicinal fees, is their inexpensive cost in comparison with various antidepressants. Such drugs are not addictive. They can be bought in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, and they have virtually no contraindications. Restoring normal balance psychological state their direct and main purpose.

A soothing collection of five alcohol tinctures consists of:

  1. Valerian.
  2. Hawthorn.
  3. Motherwort.
  4. Peppermint.
  5. Peony.

These products have excellent properties for relieving stress and depression. Alternatively, you can combine a similar composition, replacing mint with Corvalol or eucalyptus tincture. However, according to consumers, the first composition is considered to be the most popular and effective.

A medicinal “cocktail” of these alcoholic tinctures is prepared by mixing all the ingredients in equal parts. For one application, a teaspoon is enough and it is better to dilute the collection in water. It is recommended to take three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is assigned depending on emotional state and individual sensitivity.

Adding Valocardine or Corvalol to this mixture can be addictive. Also, combining herbs with these drugs can provoke slow reaction, drowsiness and apathy. The prepared product should be stored in a cool, dark place. It would be incorrect to take the sedative mixture together with other medications. To avoid negative consequences it is possible for the body if taken in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Application of soothing collection 2 for bathing

Newborn babies are very often capricious, acting excited and tearful. Putting a baby to sleep often requires significant effort from parents. There are many reasons for this condition. Pediatricians recommend bathing newborns before bed in baths with the addition of various medicinal herbs. Some of them relieve irritation and diathesis on the skin, some help disinfect water and improve the healing of the umbilical wound.

One of the most useful sedative collection No. 2. It is intended directly for evening bathing of small children. It can be used for bathing from birth.

Collection composition:

  • motherwort;
  • hop;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • liquorice root.

The proportions of herbal raw materials collected for bathing are maintained in such a way that they are absolutely harmless to children. The only exception can be allergic reaction to components. The product is sold in pharmacies, both packaged in portioned bags and in crumbly form. For bathing, you need to brew four bags or two tablespoons in boiling water.

Pharmacological purpose: both a sedative and a mild antispasmodic. Motherwort helps in the treatment of neuroses, epileptic seizures. It can often be prescribed as a diuretic. Hops have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. Peppermint has a universal sedative effect. Its use for bathing babies is indicated for insomnia, neurotic manifestations, and increased excitability.

Children should be bathed in such a bath for no more than 15 minutes. Recommended course is 10 days. Neurologists recommend such baths for children, because it is not recommended to prescribe sedatives internally to children.

Herbal composition 3 Phytosedan

Pharmacological purpose of the drug: sedative and antispasmodic effect. Experts warn that, despite natural composition, Phytosedan 3 enhances medications, especially sleeping pills. Therefore, it cannot be called harmless.

Phytosedan 3 has unique sedative and hypnotic effects, thanks to the correctly selected composition of medicinal herbs:

  1. Motherwort helps normalize blood pressure and balance heart rhythms. Active substances help have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Flavonoids and glycosides, expand coronary vessels, thereby preventing the development of the sensation of tachycardia.
  2. Oregano is similar in its effect on the body to psychotropic drugs. Totality medicinal substances This plant calms and helps avoid overexcitability of the central nervous system for several hours after consumption.
  3. Thyme is recognized as the most effective natural remedy for lowering blood pressure.
  4. Valerian calms, relieves irritability and aggressiveness.
  5. Sweet clover depresses the central nervous system in moderate quantities. Has an antioxidant effect.

The use of the drug is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy and lactation. You should also exercise caution if you have intolerance to the components. Cannot be used by children under 12 years of age.

Use of Leros soothing collection

Healing herbal remedies help restore health without harm and without side effects. Preserving the body's immune defenses and preventing complications during the rehabilitation period are only a small part of the beneficial uses of medicinal herbs. The natural Leros collection, produced by a famous Czech company, is very popular product in its pharmacological group.

The relevance of the Leros sedative collection is due to its safe use. The purpose of the drug is indicated for increased excitability and disruptions in the activity of the nervous system. Its effectiveness against stress is confirmed by consumers themselves.

The healing collection is represented by the following herbs:

  1. Peppermint helps improve heart function, helps relieve headache And nervous tension.
  2. St. John's wort - unique natural antiseptic. It is recommended to drink it as a herbal tea in a weak solution for prolonged depression.
  3. Valerian, sedative natural remedy No. 1. It improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. Prescribed for insomnia.
  4. Chamomile and hops have natural sedative properties.

Contraindications apply to pregnant and breastfeeding women, allergy sufferers, and children under 12 years of age. The soothing collection is sold packaged in disposable filter bags, ready for use after 10 minutes of brewing. For maximum effect you need to drink one or two 250 ml sachets. The best option reception - morning and evening 40-60 minutes before meals.

Calming collection

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Valerian officinalis is a natural remedy that has a calming effect on the central nervous system. After just a few days of taking the decoction or tablets, increased irritability and nervous tension disappear, sleep normalizes and mood improves.

Preparations based on valerian officinalis are recommended for migraines, hysteria, chronic stress, psycho-emotional instability, sleep disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and cardiovascular diseases.

Passionflower incarnate has a sedative, hypnotic effect and is used for functional disorders of the nervous system, accompanied by headache, insomnia, tension, increased excitability, autonomic disorders in menopause. The main contraindications for taking passionflower incarnate are: hypotension, angina, atherosclerosis, acute myocardial infarction.

Peony evasive helps with neurasthenia, autonomic disorders, insomnia, migraines. With a course of taking the decoction, general well-being improves, performance increases, and mood stabilizes.

Motherwort pentaloba helps with psychasthenia and neurasthenia, has a cardiotonic effect, is recommended for angina pectoris and hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, composed of complex treatment insomnia.

Common hops have a sedative effect. Decoctions are used for sleep disturbances, increased nervous excitability, and menopausal disorders. When using hop cones as part of sedative preparations, you can relieve nervous tension and restore the functioning of the nervous system much faster and more effectively.

St. John's wort is considered a natural antidepressant. At mild form depression, neurasthenia, increased nervous excitability, a course of taking a decoction or preparations based on St. John's wort will help to completely get rid of the problems that have arisen.

Contraindications to taking medicinal herbs for the treatment of the nervous system

Medicinal herbs should not be taken if you have an individual intolerance or allergic reactions. During pregnancy and lactation, before using sedative herbs and infusions, it is worth obtaining a recommendation from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Are you familiar with causeless anxiety and irritability? Do daily worries keep you up at night? These signs indicate that you are stressed or nervous. They can end in moral exhaustion and a nervous breakdown. How to save your nerve cells?

Instead of pharmaceutical drugs causing lethargy and lethargy, try using calming herbs for nerves. They will help restore peace of mind, normalize sleep and improve overall well-being. Read the article about which herbs have a calming effect.

  • Herbs to calm nerves

    Problems in personal life, conflicts at work, excessive mental stress? All this hits the nervous system hard. The situation is aggravated by seasonal vitamin deficiency, debilitating diets and lack of sleep. As a result, even the sweetest and most friendly woman turns into an irritable, touchy person.

    To avoid nervous breakdown Herbal medicine will help. Herbs for nerves are used to prepare tinctures and decoctions, and are also added to relaxing baths.

    What plants will help you calm down quickly?

    In every person's life there are events that happen unexpectedly and unsettle them. Illness of a loved one, betrayal, slander and others unpleasant moments capable of causing nervous shock. The following plants will help you calm down and come to your senses:

    • - the most famous plant that calms the nerves. Root tinctures are taken in small doses.
    • have a relaxing effect. Dill decoction helps to quickly calm down and reduce high blood pressure.
    • - another one effective herb from nerves. It helps to survive nervous shock and cope with insomnia.
    • has a powerful calming effect. Decoctions of the plant are recommended for people with increased nervous excitability and a tendency to hysteria.
    • used to quickly calm and treat neuroses. This herb is recommended for women to relieve premenstrual syndrome.
    • not only helps you calm down, but also relieves headaches.
    • used for hysteria increased anxiety and sleep disorders.

    Interesting fact

    What plants will relieve stress?

    Hard work, preparing for exams, family troubles drive us into stress day after day. Have you begun to sleep poorly and worry about every little thing? Is irritability and the urge to cry exactly what you are experiencing? Then you should seriously think about how to strengthen your nervous system.

    • restores mental balance during prolonged depression, relieves headaches, and helps to establish sleep and wakefulness.
    • relieves tension, relieves physical and mental fatigue, eliminates headaches.
    • Chamomile has a slight sedative effect on the body. Decoctions of the leaves also help to sleep. When taken as a course, chamomile helps cope with stress.
    • contains essential oils that have a mild hypnotic effect. The herb helps cope with bouts of irritability.
    • helps restore the activity of the nervous system, restores normal sleep. It is recommended to drink the herb during attacks of anxiety and panic.
    • can be used for excessive fatigue and insomnia. They help set up heartbeat and blood circulation.
    • helps to get out of depression. The plant gives vigor, improves mood, increases vitality.


    Under stressful conditions, jumps are sometimes observed blood pressure. Hypertensive patients should not use Leuzea and St. John's wort as a sedative!

    Herbs for nerves: folk recipes

    Now you know which herbs calm your nerves. We will tell you how to use them correctly further.

    Tincture of cyanosis for neuroses

    Do you want to overcome stress and insomnia? Then prepare a tincture of blue cyanosis. This herb can be purchased in our online store.

    Instructions for preparing the tincture:

    • put 3 tbsp in a glass jar. l. herbs;
    • pour in 150 ml of vodka;
    • put the jar in a dark place;
    • leave for 2 weeks.

    Take 2 tsp daily. healing infusion.

    Helpful advice

    It is better to take cyanosis tincture before bedtime.

    Dill decoction for insomnia

    Many housewives have it. Check to see if you still have them after the harvesting season? Dill decoction will help you calm down after a hard day at work and fall asleep faster. Write down the recipe:

    • put 1 tbsp in a ladle. l. dill seeds;
    • add hot water(500 ml);
    • cook for 10 minutes in a water bath;
    • let the broth brew for 40 minutes.

    You can take this soothing decoction for 5-7 days. Drink a glass of the drink per day, dividing the liquid into 3 doses.

    Dill seeds slightly reduce blood pressure, so it is better not to use this decoction for hypotensive people!

    Soothing herbal bath

    At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that medicinal plants can be used to prepare herbal baths. They will help relieve not only emotional, but also physical stress. Do you want to calm down and relax? Then use our tips:

    • To prepare a bath, use valerian root, watch leaves and chamomile flowers.
    • Take all medicinal herbs in equal quantities (15 g each) and place in a pan.
    • For 60 g of herbal mixture you will need 2 liters of water: pour in the dried herbs and slowly bring to a boil, then turn off the heating.
    • Infuse the liquid for 90 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.
    • Add the strained infusion to the bath and adjust the water temperature (37±2C).
    • Take a bath for 15 minutes.

    If you take these baths for a week, the symptoms of stress will ease.

    Medicinal plants will help you cope with increased nervous excitability, get rid of insomnia and even depression, so in most cases there is no need to take medications. We wish you health and peace of mind!

  • We can use herbs to calm our nerves and relieve anxiety. Meet the best of them.

    In the society in which we live, our heads simply “explode” from problems, obligations, stress, work pressure, competition, incentives and irritants that affect us every minute.

    We all, from time to time, dream of leaving everything and moving to a quieter place, but, unfortunately, this is not feasible for the vast majority of people.

    However, we can use herbs to calm our nerves and relieve anxiety. Meet the best of them.

    9 Best Calming Herbs


    This plant has a direct effect on our central nervous system and, at the same time, relaxes the muscles. Under the influence of passionflower, the pain that appeared on the nervous soil, as well as, for example, neck pain (due to incorrect posture).

    This herb is also indicated for headaches and menstrual cramps. You can buy passionflower tincture in stores healthy eating, and add a few drops to water, tea or freshly squeezed orange juice.


    In traditional Chinese medicine It is believed that ginseng is able to balance the yin and yang energy in our body. Many people believe that it provokes nervousness or excitement, but this is not the case.

    On the contrary, it stimulates when depressed or chronic fatigue. At the same time, ginseng has a sedative effect on people under stress or anxiety.

    In addition to fresh ginseng root, you can use it in the form of a tincture (pure ginseng extract in alcohol): just dilute a few drops in a glass of water, freshly squeezed juice or tea.

    Lemon verbena

    Lemon verbena, or Aloysia trifolium, has many beneficial properties. It also relaxes the body, which helps with problems associated with stress, nervousness or anxiety, as well as insomnia.

    Some people use it to improve digestion, as verbena helps with intestinal gas, is carminative, and relieves colic (that is, it has an antispasmodic effect).

    You can use the fresh leaves as a seasoning for a variety of dishes or add them to homemade lemonades and juices. If you have dry verbena leaves, you can make your own herbal tea by simply steeping a few leaves in a glass of boiling water.

    You can combine lemon verbena with other herbs, such as valerian, chamomile, or mint.

    St. John's wort

    This medicinal plant contains many useful substances eg flavonoids. However, the most important of these is hypericin, which blocks the action of the hormone dopamine. The consequence of this is an improvement in mood.

    It also reduces the production of adrenaline, so it is a very suitable herb for treating anxiety, nervousness and depression.

    Can buy essential oil St. John's wort, which is applied topically, massaging the skin in a circular motion. Don't forget to mix it with almond or olive oil; pure essential oil should not be used directly on the skin!

    Another alternative is aromatherapy; to do this, drop a couple of drops of oil into an aroma lamp.

    Some people drink St. John's wort tea; to do this, you need to brew a few leaves in a glass of boiling water. You can drink no more than three cups per day.


    This is one of the most famous medicinal plants, which are used to treat nervous disorders and anxiety. Its flowers are used to relieve stress as they contain substances that have a calming effect.

    Valerian helps you fall asleep and promotes have a good rest.It is recommended to reduce pain during menstruation. Make an infusion of a handful of dried valerian root per liter of boiling water. Drink no more than three cups per day.


    The calming properties of this herb are not as widely known as their gastronomic properties, because it is mainly used to add aroma and taste to various dishes.

    But basil also has a digestive effect, so tea made from it is very good after a meal, especially if you overeat at lunch or dinner.

    It also relaxes the nervous system and helps us rest better. This is perfect natural remedy in order to alleviate the condition, which is popularly called “nervous gastritis.”

    Linden blossom

    This remedy is most often recommended for people who suffer from anxiety, nervousness or stress. Decoction or tea from linden color(linden flowers) helps us sleep well, relieve stress and overcome insomnia.

    If you don't like the taste, you can add any other of these three herbs to your linden blossom tea: chamomile, valerian or verbena.


    It also has a lot of useful properties, but among them we can especially highlight one such as the ability to improve the condition at cardiovascular diseases, and even prevent them.

    It is an excellent natural remedy for lowering blood pressure (antihypertensive) and improves blood circulation. Hawthorn also has a sedative effect on the sympathetic nervous system and is prescribed to patients with mild degree nervousness or anxiety.

    You can use hawthorn as a tincture, adding it to juice, water or tea.


    This plant is a honey plant, its flowers are rich in pollen (therefore attracting bees, hence its name, because lemon balm means “bee” in Greek). It is an excellent relaxant that can be used for stress, anxiety or insomnia.

    Melissa also has an antispasmodic effect, so it is recommended for people who play sports or experience physical exercise. But that's not all - lemon balm can also relieve cramps and abdominal pain. published

    A worthy alternative to synthetic sleeping pills, which have dangerous side effects, - herbs. When used wisely, they improve sleep, stabilize the psyche and have a positive effect on overall health.

    Herbs for good night, properties, oral administration, inhalation, baths and rules for taking them, contraindications - in the article.

    Herbs for insomnia


    Also called stone valerian, cat grass or incense, buldyrian.

    The plant has been known since ancient times as adding strength, clarifying thoughts, and driving away melancholy.

    Valerian, which contains more than 100 biologically active components, is used to get rid of depression, neuroses, heart pain, headaches, seizures and many other problems.

    Cat incense strengthens the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

    The hypnotic effect is explained by the strong sedative effect alkaloids and saponins in the composition. It is not for nothing that valerian is found in many sedative medications.

    WITH therapeutic purpose Rhizomes are mainly used; they contain the highest concentration of nutrients.

    Alcohol extract:

    Add 1 teaspoon of crushed roots to 100 ml of high-quality vodka and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 3-4 times a day before meals, 15-20 drops, in the absence alcohol addiction.


    pour a tablespoon of cat grass into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath, let cool for 45 minutes. We filter, bringing the volume of the resulting broth to the original volume. We accept table by table. spoon 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach.


    mix valerian roots with mint or lemon balm 1:1, place in a linen bag, inhale the aroma before bed or place it next to the pillow. A continuous course can last up to 4 months (consult your doctor!).

    If you feel heaviness in your head in the morning, you should reduce the dosage (of herbs and inhalations) and increase the distance to the pillow.


    2 tbsp. Pour spoons of valerian rhizomes into a liter of water, bring to a boil, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for three to four hours, filter and pour into the bath. Bath duration is up to 10 minutes. Course – 10 procedures every three days.

    How to take a bath correctly is at the end of the article.


    Valerian is toxic, start taking it with minimal doses and monitor how you feel.

    Cat incense causes lethargy, which can be dangerous in activities that involve the risk of injury.

    Contraindications: low blood pressure, blood thrombosis, disease oral cavity and liver.

    With caution in old age and with daytime sleepiness.


    The plant is popularly called marina or zhgun-root. Well established as depressant and a natural hypnotic.

    Helps with obsessive fears, mental disorders, chronic fatigue, vegetative-vascular dystonia, sleep disorders. Improves cardiac activity, metabolic processes, stabilizes the psyche.

    Infusion is used for insomnia from the roots of zhgun-grass:

    pour 5g (1 teaspoon) of chopped roots into a thermos and pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 8-10 hours, filter. Take a quarter glass three times a day before meals.

    We continue the course for 40 days, then take a two-week break and repeat if necessary.

    Pharmacy 10% alcohol tincture We take (if there is no alcohol dependence) three times a day about 30-40 drops for a month.

    For all its usefulness, the peony - poisonous plant, and therefore when introducing it into the diet, you should start with the smallest doses.

    Contraindications: age up to 12 years, pregnancy and lactation, increased acidity stomach, low blood pressure


    Chamomile is called the mother herb, rouge, camila, morgun.

    Serves an excellent remedy from insomnia, depression, heart, stomach, intestinal and headaches, neuroses, muscle spasms, viral infections and etc.

    Cleanses from toxins and waste, stops inflammatory processes. In a word, mother herb takes care of the whole body.

    We prepare an infusion of herbs to normalize sleep traditional way(1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, leave for about half an hour) and take 0.5 cup warm half an hour before bedtime.


    We make a fragrant pillow with chamomile and inhale its aroma while we sleep, placing it close to us.

    Herbal cushion. What herbs are best to make from?

    How to care for a herbal pillow. Master Class for making it yourself


    10 table. Brew a tablespoon of herbs with a liter of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for about 3 hours, filter. Course - 10 procedures.

    Contraindications: pregnancy, mental disorders, inflammatory processes in the kidneys and genitourinary system, menstrual dysfunction, allergic reaction to abrasion.

    It is not advisable to combine it with sedative medications.

    4. ORIGIN

    The plant is affectionately nicknamed mother, darling, dushmyanka or zenovka. Well calms and normalizes sleep. Effective for colds, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, kidney, and liver diseases. Reduces blood pressure, heals skin, and many others.

    As we see, popular name“motherboard” - quite justified, so much useful qualities has oregano.


    prepare from 2 teaspoons of crushed dry raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink half a glass warm tea half an hour before going to bed. You can add honey (1 tsp).


    make a herbal pillow and inhale the aroma of the grass while sleeping or before bed.


    for three liters of boiling water add 10 tablespoons. spoons of oregano and leave for three hours. Course - 10 procedures.

    Contraindications: pregnancy, cardiac, vascular, gastrointestinal diseases, high blood pressure.

    5. MELISSA

    The use of lemon balm (lemon balm, honey balm, bee balm) is indicated for many health problems, including insomnia, heart and head pain, neuroses, depression, and hysteria.

    Bee plant reduces stress, anxiety, relaxes and promotes better sleep.

    Lemon balm tea is easy to make:

    Pour boiling water over a few leaves and leave for about 15 minutes. We drink half an hour before bedtime.

    Herbal pillows are made from lemon balm and added to medicinal baths(method described above).

    Contraindications: hypotension, childhood up to 3 years, individual intolerance.

    6. MINT

    The herb effectively calms and relaxes, relieves nervous tension, and restores proper sleep.

    Relieves pain of various types, normalizes metabolism. Helps with liver and intestinal disorders, any vascular problems, as well as in the fight against oncology.

    There are many options healing drink for a good sleep.

    You can add a few mint sprigs when brewing tea or prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of herbs and a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and drink throughout the day and before bed.

    Herbal pillows are made from mint and added to medicinal baths.

    Contraindications: intolerance, hypotension, varicose veins, age up to 3 years, thick blood and thrombosis, infertility.

    7. Motherwort

    The mild action of the herb allows it to be used to calm even the smallest children. Motherwort reduces mental stress, normalizes sleep, high blood pressure, eliminates cramps, etc.

    We make the infusion like this:

    pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, leave until it cools down, filter, bring to the original volume with boiled water.

    Reception options:

    one table at a time. spoon 3 times a day, or half an hour before bedtime 2 tbsp. spoons. In this case, it is possible to take the infusion on its own or as part of tea.

    Motherwort is also effective in the form of inhalations (herbal pads at night) and baths.

    Contraindications: hypotension, bradycardia, pregnancy, lactation, intolerance, age under 12 years.

    Motherwort does not combine with alcohol and sedatives.

    8. THYME

    Our forefathers also attributed amazing healing properties to “Bogorodskaya grass” or thyme.

    Bogorodskaya grass is a treasure trove valuable properties. It is useful for the whole body, without exception: it treats heart, brain, nervous, and gastrointestinal diseases.

    Thyme copes well with insomnia, strengthens the immune system, and relieves depression and overwork.

    To get your sleep back to normal, prepare an infusion in the traditional way (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water) and take a couple of tablespoons three times a day or 100 ml at night. Or add thyme to regular tea when brewing.

    Thyme is also effective in the form of inhalations (herbal pads at night) and baths.

    Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, acute phases of liver, kidney, and stomach diseases.


    Also called butterfly grass, colored grass, lavender and Indian spikelets, the grass has many advantages: powerful bactericidal and antiseptic, a wonderful analgesic, heals wounds and burns, a strong antidepressant.

    Lavender is indicated for many health problems: cerebrovascular diseases, infectious diseases, skin diseases, nervous disorders, headaches, hypertension, seizures and many others.

    Lavender is wonderfully calming and improves your mood.

    Lavender is used in several ways to treat insomnia.


    tea - pour a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for about ten minutes. We drink the drink three times throughout the day.

    Infusion - 1.5 table. spoons of flowers, pour 400-500 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink a quarter glass 4 times

    Inhalation with a lavender pad will help you fall asleep easier and sleep more soundly.

    Lavender bath It is prepared from 50g of herb and a liter of boiling water, the boiled mixture is heated in a water bath for 10 minutes and left for three hours.

    Important! A bath can dramatically lower your blood pressure, consult your doctor.

    Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation.

    10. Fireweed (Ivan-Tea)

    For its noticeable sedative and soporific effect, fireweed is called “drowsy” or “drowsy”. And all thanks to the composition rich in magnesium, flavonoids and B vitamins, which is very beneficial for the nervous system.

    Fireweed heals the whole body, promotes metabolism, lowers cholesterol, gets rid of migraines, heals wounds, strengthens blood vessels, and prolongs youth.

    Ivan tea is a strong antioxidant that resists harmful consequences stress, atherosclerosis, oncology.


    2 tbsp. spoons of dried and crushed raw materials of this plant, pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml half an hour before meals, and the last portion before bed.

    When combined with sedatives and antipyretic drugs, a doctor's consultation is necessary.
    Fireweed has a cumulative laxative effect, monitor the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Use with caution.

    Contraindications: varicose veins, thrombosis, intolerance.

    Baths with fireweed will help you relax and fall asleep, and also serve as prevention inflammatory processes, arthritis.

    Fill a glass of dry raw materials with two liters of boiling water, leave for about an hour, filter and add to the water. Course - 11 baths.

    Bath rules

    • Frequency: once every three days.
    • Body position - reclining or sitting, water should not cover the heart area to reduce the load on it.
    • Duration - 7-15 minutes.
    • Water temperature up to 38 degrees.

    Important nuances

    When using a plant that is new to you, you should start with minimal doses.

    If you feel lethargic in the morning and feel drowsy during the day, you should reduce the dosage or stop taking it altogether.

    Consultation with your doctor is required to exclude side effects and determine compatibility with medications already taken.


    Herbs for good sleep are an excellent substitute. Healing herbs have wide range healing effects on the entire body and predictable result when used correctly.

    Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata