Vitamins for effectively improving vision. List of vitamins in the form of tablets and eye drops to improve vision list

To keep your eyes from suffering, they need regular rest and the supply of necessary substances. Vitamins for the eyes (the effectiveness rating will be outlined in the article later) give useful substances As much as needs . Their absence has certain consequences and diseases that significantly reduce the performance of the organ of vision.

Indications for use

At poor eyesight Experts advise paying attention to eye vitamins. The effectiveness ratings of the drugs will be revealed later in several categories.

Such complexes are used to ensure that vision does not deteriorate in the future, but becomes better. An ophthalmologist will help in choosing specific vitamins after a special examination.

  • children over 7 years old;
  • people who constantly interact with electronic equipment;
  • people with eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, myopia or farsightedness, diabetes, thrombosis;
  • if the lenses are chosen incorrectly.

Eye medicines that contain vitamins should be taken intermittently and preferably only those that are ranked as the best and are characterized by effectiveness. In this case, the interval between doses should be at least a month.

Vitamins for eye health

Let's consider positive influence vitamins to improve vision:

  • IN 1. Restores both nervous and visual tissues. This vitamin is required for severe fatigue, pain or stinging in the eyes.
  • AT 2. Helps improve the metabolic process in the cornea and lens of the eye. Oxygen flows in better, and breakdown products are removed. The pupil cells are gradually restored. Vitamin B2 is required in cases where a person experiences tearing.
  • AT 3. Does not allow blood vessels to become clogged. Used in prevention for regular supply of oxygen to the organ of vision.
  • AT 6. Helps nerve tissues relax. The vitamin is effective for nervous tics.
  • AT 12. Forms red blood cells, which help strengthen optic nerve.

  • C. Preserves the structure and function of eye cells. The vitamin is necessary if there is hemorrhage in the eyes and the tonic muscles weaken.
  • R. This vitamin is effective only with the use of vitamin C. Strengthens the capillaries of the eyes. If the blood vessels in the eyes weaken, it means there is a lack of vitamin P.
  • E. Has protective functions.
  • F. Establishes intraocular pressure, helps fluid drain. Has a beneficial effect on glaucoma. Vitamin F can help relieve fatigue and eye strain.
  • D. Helps restore vision, reduces various inflammatory processes, slows down the aging of the retina.

As you can see, each vitamin has its own function and effect on eye health, so it is recommended to use not individual vitamins, but vitamin complexes in which they are harmoniously balanced.

Vitamins for eyes in tablets. Efficiency Rating

Vitamin complexes are available in tablet form. They are considered quite effective, since the vitamins contained in them quickly penetrate into all tissues of the organ of vision through the blood and exert their beneficial effects.

Complivit Oftalmo - vitamins for the eyes, leading the rating of the effectiveness of tablet preparations

We can highlight the following most popular vitamins for the eyes (the effectiveness rating is arranged from top to bottom).

Complivit Oftalmo

This drug is very popular. This is a vitamin complex with minerals, which is recommended to be taken for frequent eye fatigue and strain.

Complivit Oftalmo includes vitamins such as C, A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E. They are used mainly for pain and fatigue of the eyes, after certain injuries or prolonged viewing of TV. Treatment lasts 3 months. Adults take 1 tablet per day.

Complivit Oftalmo is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.. There are age restrictions; the use of the drug is possible only from 18 years of age. If these contraindications are not observed, there may be consequences in the form of an allergy, if which occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Vitrum Vision

The modernized drug helps improve vision during prolonged exercise and is also taken for prevention. Contains components such as vitamins C, E, minerals: zinc and copper, as well as betacarotene, lutein, zeaxanthin.

Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to take the drug. If you are intolerant, an allergy is possible. It is not recommended to take Vitrum Vision simultaneously with other fortified drugs.

Blueberry forte with lutein

Lutein is very effective protection for the eyes, protects from sun rays. Blueberries improve vision sharpness. Fatigue gradually disappears. Vitamin C helps improve blood circulation and restores pressure inside the eye. The preparation contains B vitamins that help restore eye tissue. Vitamin B1 improves vision.

The use of Blueberries - forte with lutein is also used as a preventive measure. The treatment period is 2 months. The drug is approved from 12 years of age, the dosage in the instructions is defined as follows: take 2 tablets 2 times a day. Upon completion of treatment, a break of 2 weeks is required.

Star eyebright

The drug is available in capsules. Contains components such as eyebright herb in powder form, vitamin C, zinc, vitamin B2, vitamin A, rutin. The use of this vitamin complex improves visual acuity and reduces inflammatory processes. Treatment period: 1 month, 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals.

Biorhythm vision 24 day/night

The composition includes vitamins E, A, PP, B6, B2, B1. Biorhythm does not apply to medications. At night, it nourishes and restores the tissues of the organ of vision and physiological functions. Not for use by children under 14 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women.


The drug is available in capsules and also in bottles. This vitamin complex is recommended for older people and those who constantly wear contact lenses., as well as people who have had their eyes exposed to laser. Omega 3 is generally taken in combination with moisturizing eye drops.

The dose of the drug per day is 1-2 capsules. It is not recommended to increase the dose without consulting a specialist. The treatment period is 3 months.

Vitamins in drops, their features

In addition to tablet form, eye vitamins are available in drops. Their use is recommended for prevention and treatment or as an addition to any drug.

To maintain eye health, the vitamins contained in the drops are simply necessary.

  • Taufon.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Quinax.
  • Ifiral.
  • Khrustalin.
  • Vita Iodurol.


used for lesions retina eyes, radiation cataract. Reduces intraocular pressure in glaucoma. The treatment period is 3 months. The drug is instilled 3 drops 4 times a day. Later, a month's rest is required.

Before using Taufon drops, consultation with a specialist is required.


Contains a lot of vitamin B. It helps intensive oxygen supply and produces antibodies. Riboflavin is taken to prevent or treat eye diseases. Apply 1 drop 2 times. The treatment period should be prescribed by the attending physician, since the severity and form of the disease vary.


Prescribed for cataract diseases. Drops are instilled 2 drops 5 times a day. Treatment must be completed to the end, otherwise the effect will be insignificant. Application must be strictly according to instructions. When instilled, the lenses must be removed for 30 minutes. It is stored for 3 years, but use after opening the bottle lasts 1 month.


Contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, taken for allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis, eye fatigue. Not recommended for children under 4 years of age and pregnant women. Apply 2 drops 4 times a day. The pause between procedures is 4 hours. This drug is quite effective for prevention. Occupies one of best places in the ranking.


Prescribed for diseases of cataracts and presbyopsia. These drops have a beneficial effect on the lens tissue, provide moisture to the cornea, remove inflammatory processes, and restore visual acuity.

The drug is instilled 1 drop 3 times a day. The treatment period is 3 months. After opening the bottle, it can be stored for no more than a month.

Vita Yodurol

Improves metabolic processes in the lens. It is recommended to drip 2 drops 3 times a day. Strictly prohibited for use by children. Pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor. If Vita Iodurol is prescribed as an adjunct to any medicine, a pause is required between instillations. It is not advisable to wear lenses during treatment.

Agel SEE – modern vitamins for the eyes

Agel SEE vitamins were developed specifically to restore and maintain eye health.

Advantages of Agel SEE:

  • moisturizes the cells of the organ of vision and ensures their healthy functioning;
  • a set of extracts such as grape seeds, blueberries, lutein, have protective properties and have a beneficial effect on the eyes;
  • the drug consists exclusively of plant ingredients that do not contain gluten.

Blueberries support normal vision. The berries contain a sufficient amount of anthocyanin. With the help of this dye, the risk of many diseases is reduced. Blueberries directly relate to the organs of vision: they treat retinal detachment.

Grape seeds have strong antioxidant properties. They are much more effective than vitamin E. They remain in the human body for 3 days, thereby helping to strengthen capillaries.

However, a significant disadvantage of this drug is its price, which is quite high.

Agel SEE - eye vitamins that top the effectiveness rating.

Absolutely all components that are included in eye vitamins have a huge effectiveness rating. However, you should not prescribe any drug yourself; it is better to consult a specialist for these purposes.

Eye vitamins necessary to improve vision. Watch an interesting video:

As trivial as it may seem, we receive 90% of all information about the surrounding reality through vision. Any disturbances in the functioning of this sense and eyes deprive us of the most valuable thing - information.

In caring for vision, the primary role should be given to eye nutrition, that is, vitamins and microelements. It’s worth figuring out exactly how and where to get them.

Why and who needs vitamins to improve vision

Everyone, but first of all, it is important to take them to everyone who is at risk for vision.

These include:

  • People who constantly work at the computer.
  • Suffering from various visual impairments (astigmatism, myopia, glaucoma, farsightedness, cataracts, etc.)
  • In adulthood, especially if the visual load is high.
  • Suffering from diabetes mellitus (this disease affects the veins and arteries of the fundus of the eye).
  • Patients with varicose veins (vision problems are often caused by stagnation of blood in the veins that are in the fundus of the eye).
  • Children, especially elementary school students, because the load on the eyes at school increases greatly and does not correspond to the development of vision at this age.

It is best to take vitamin supplements in spring and autumn, when vitamin hunger becomes especially acute.

What vitamins do the eyes need: beneficial and side effects

Our eyes need two types of vitamins - fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Fat-soluble ones include:

Retinol (vitamin a). One of the components visual pigment rhodopsin - this vitamin plays a huge role in the visual process. This pigment is consumed when a light-sensitive cell (i.e. rod) is excited. That is why if there is not enough rhodopsin, it leads to a decrease visual functions, for example, adaptation to darkness and decreased immunity, and this is fraught with styes and conjunctivitis.

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol– needed for the transfer and absorption of calcium necessary for muscle contraction. A lack of calciferol leads to myopia.

Vitamin E, also called tocopherol– necessary for stabilizing cell membranes; its antioxidant properties are widely known, thanks to which eye tissues are protected from harmful effects bright light and ultraviolet radiation.

Water-soluble include:

Thiamine (vitamin B): needed for transfer to ocular nerves nerve impulses. It also promotes the formation of the enzyme cholinesterase, which reduces intraocular pressure. Without this enzyme, visual acuity decreases, intraocular pressure increases (this is the cause of glaucoma)

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)- also contains a visual pigment that protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation. A lack of this vitamin also leads to poor vision.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3): facilitates the course of glaucoma, and also regulates higher nervous activity and improves blood circulation in the eye.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6): Relieves inflammation of the optic nerve and eye strain.

Cyanocobalamin (B12): has a positive effect on the optic nerve and its condition, prevents glaucoma. Saves from “aging eyes”

Vitamin C: needed for the blood vessels of the eyes, or rather to strengthen them.

Lutein. Refers to carotenoids. Among him unique properties resistance to light can be noted. Accumulating in the retina of the eye, it is able to create a light filter that protects pigment epithelium from light rays, or more precisely, their harmful effects.

Lutein is also needed to inhibit free radicals in the pigment layer of the retina.

Also to the human eye elements such as zinc, selenium and copper are needed.

List of eye vitamins

Eye vitamins are produced in the form of drops and syrups, but most often they are produced in the form of tablets. There are a lot of vitamin preparations for the eyes, but you can stop at the well-known and effective ones.

Dietary supplement with carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, copper, zinc, fish fat, vitamin E (more precisely alpha tocopherol acetate), EPA and DHA, etc.

It is prescribed for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, for older people to preserve and improve the health of their eyes, for dry eyes, after operations on the visual organs, to restore normal functioning of the retina after conjunctivitis, etc.

A drug based on blueberry extract. It also contains beta-carotene concentrate, lyophilized blueberry juice and excipients.

It also contains beta carotene, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins (E and C), etc. Prescribed for visual fatigue, age-related changes in the retina, for the treatment of myopia, primary glaucoma, for visual impairment associated with diabetes, after operations etc.

Adults, as well as adolescents over 14 years of age, are prescribed up to six tablets per day. Take with food.

Among side effects Only allergies are noted with individual intolerance.

A drug with an antioxidant effect, which includes vitamins C and E, lutein, zinc, zeaxanthin and selenium.

Okuwait lutein forte improves the functional state of the visual organs and improves metabolic processes in them.

This is a dietary supplement for those who suffer from degenerative diseases of the retina, myopia, cataracts, twilight vision disorders and age-related changes in the tissues of the eye.


This medicine is homeopathic. It is based on blueberry extract.

Also included eyebright, gelsemium and black cohosh. Available in the form of syrup. This is a drug with an antioxidant effect, which is prescribed both during constant eye strain and to improve the condition of the retina.

Take Mitrikam twice a day, one teaspoon.

The drug contains vitamins E, a and C, rutin, folic acid, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin.

Prescribed as a prophylactic for visual fatigue, age-related changes, and for the prevention of cataracts.

Among the side effects, allergies are sometimes observed.

Antioxidant drug. It contains blueberry anthocyanins, as well as red grape proanthocyanidins and black currant anthocyanins.

Prescribed for glaucoma, cataracts, increased eye strain, as well as diabetic vision impairment.

Take two tablets with food.

Contains lutein, blueberry extract, zeaxanthin, vitamins (C, B2, E, a), selenium, zinc and rutin.

Prescribed for visual impairment associated with diabetes, visual fatigue, myopia, after surgery, and for visual impairment in the dark.

Nutraceutical, which includes fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, red grape extract, etc.

Strengthens the vessels of the retina, protects it from free radicals, or rather, their negative effects.

This bioactive supplement contains: blueberry extract, lutein, zinc oxide, B vitamins.

The drug saves the eyes from fatigue, strengthens the capillaries, and nourishes the eyes with essential substances.

This complex includes substances such as lutein from the petals of marigold flowers, blueberry extract, macro- and microelements vitamins, as well as taurine.

Prescribed as a source of substances necessary for improvement functional state eye.

Instructions for use, price and reviews of vitamins:

Pro-Visio is an ophthalmic dietary vitamin supplement to improve vision.

It contains natural ingredients that help relieve fatigue and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The drug strengthens the eye capillaries and makes it possible to better navigate in the dark. Approved for use by patients with diabetes.

This food supplement helps reduce the likelihood of age-related changes in the eyes and maintain their function under adverse influences. Pro-visio is not medicine and does not replace medications.

The lack of certain vitamins in the body provokes the occurrence of visual dysfunctions and diseases.

Lifestyle also has a detrimental effect on vision: working at a computer, insufficient or, on the contrary, too bright lighting, environmental factors also do not contribute to eye health.

Periodic intake of eye vitamins helps reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Corrective eye complex "Focus" replenishes the daily need for vitamins and is an excellent preventive measure. eye diseases, helps improve vision. The composition was developed by specialists from the Institute of Eye Diseases named after. G. Helmholtz. You can read reviews about the drug Focus at the end of the article.

Vision is a process that plays a major role in human life.

With its help, we receive information about the objects around us, for example, the color of an object.

Sometimes vision can even save our lives. If for some reason it begins to decrease, the doctor may prescribe vitamins.

One of the popular vitamins is Glazorol. They are actively used in ophthalmology. Glazarol has a therapeutic effect at the cellular level. This allows you to prevent any complications associated with visual impairment.

In addition, the drug Glazorol helps prevent eye fatigue while maintaining visual acuity. How to take it correctly this medicine? We'll look at it later in the article.

Attention! On various Internet forums you can find a large number of reviews. A general overview is provided at the end.

The eyes are an organ that we use throughout our lives. We all know that we receive about 90% of information through these organs.

But nevertheless, as a rule, deterioration of vision does not cause a person great concern, because... they take it for granted.

At the same time, if you take the necessary medications in a timely manner, it is possible to stop the process, and sometimes completely restore visual acuity.

When visiting a hospital, an ophthalmologist may prescribe the dietary supplement Normophtal. This is a drug that consists of amino acids. That is why it often improves the functioning of the cornea, as well as the retina. How to take it correctly this drug?

The organs of vision are very vulnerable and often suffer from various lesions and diseases.

These ailments can significantly impair the functioning of the eyes.

To compensate for the lack of certain substances that are necessary for eye health, doctors prescribe various medications to their patients.

One of these drugs is Optix Forte. In this article we will look at it in detail.

Vizivit is a dietary supplement designed to improve vision.

Due to the fact that it contains herbal ingredients and vitamins, the product is completely harmless and is approved for both children and elderly people, who especially often suffer from vision problems.

It is well suited for decreased visual acuity and in cases where the eyes get tired from constant stress and activities that require constant concentration.

For people who subject their eyes to constant stress, as well as those suffering from certain eye diseases, experts recommend taking vitamins in capsules/tablets, ampoules or drops. Yes, many pharmaceuticals contain the following vitamins:

  1. vitamin A (retinol) - its deficiency leads to decreased vision, as well as worse adaptation in the dark;
  2. vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - has a positive effect on the optic nerve, prevents age-related eye diseases;
  3. vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - protects the retina from damaging effects ultraviolet radiation, also supports eye health;
  4. vitamin B1 (thiamine) - participates in the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the organ of vision, helps normalize intraocular pressure;
  5. vitamin B3 (niacin) - improves blood circulation in the eye tissues;
  6. vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - relieves eye strain, improves metabolic processes in the eye tissues;
  7. vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol acetate) is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the aging of eye cells;
  8. Vitamin C - helps strengthen walls ocular vessels, reduces the risk of age-related eye diseases, participates in the regeneration of eye cells.

The complex of vitamins for the eyes that were listed above are contained in eye drops and tablets. Get detailed information about the role of vitamins in maintaining eye health and what foods contain them maximum amount, you can follow the link.
Whatever unpleasant symptoms did not arise, it is important to seek help from a specialist. Even seemingly minor symptoms may turn out to be signs serious illnesses eye. It is important not to delay visiting your doctor if you have been diagnosed with diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts or varicose veins. It is also necessary to obtain prior consultation with a specialist before starting to use an ophthalmic drug if you suffer from allergic reactions, farsightedness, nearsightedness, and your age exceeds 40 years.

Rating of vitamins for eyes

Further in the article we will talk about eye vitamins in tablets. You can read more detailed information about fortified eye drops in the article “ »
Separately worth noting . Such ophthalmic drugs are considered the most effective of eye drops presented on the market of our country. Eye drops from Japan contain a complex of vitamins and amino acids to maintain visual functions, both during periods of severe eye fatigue and with age-related changes in the eyes. Depending on the type of Japanese drops, they contain different vitamins and other active ingredients. Thus, many eye drops made in Japan contain vitamins A, E, B6, B5, B12, B2. Such ophthalmic preparations have an effect already at the first use, eliminating eye fatigue, various types of discomfort and irritation. They have also proven effective against redness, inflammation of the eyes, and constant visual stress. The cost of such drugs ranges from 500 rubles to 1900 rubles.

Below is a list of popular ophthalmic medications for vision and their approximate cost. Only active components are listed in the composition.

"Lutein-Complex"- A dietary supplement necessary to maintain visual functions and healthy eyes during periods of high load on the visual organ, as well as when age-related changes in the eyes appear. Compound: lutein (2 mg), standardized blueberry extract (130 mg), vitamin C (100 mg), natural vitamin E (15 mg), vitamin A (1100 mg), beta-carotene (1.3 mg), zinc (5 mg ), copper (0.5 mg), selenium (15 mcg), taurine (mg). Tablets 0.5 g (30 pcs). Average cost - 250 rubles.

"Optics"- good vitamins for the eyes, which contain vitamins, minerals and plant carotenoids. The drug provides antioxidant protection to the retina, improves visual function (especially in the evening and at night), and also resists the progression of age-related changes in the eyes. Composition (1 tablet): copper (1 mg), beta-carotene (1.5 mg), ascorbic acid (225 mg), lutein (2.5 mg), zinc (5 mg), zeaxanthin (0.5 mg), tocopherol acetate (36 mg). Average cost - 380 rub.

"Doppelhertz Active for eyes with lutein and blueberries" helps improve the functional condition of the eyes, improves the nutrition of eye tissue. The components of the drug help maintain eye health, protecting them from the effects of free radicals, and reduce the risk of developing age-related eye diseases. Compound: zinc oxide (3 mg), lutein suspension (3 mg), vitamin A (400 mcg), bioflavonoid complex, blueberry fruit powder. Average cost - 400 rub.

"Strix Forte"- improves visual acuity, helps slow down age-related changes in eye tissue, eliminates visual fatigue, protects the retina, prevents the development of cataracts, strengthens the walls of the eye vessels. Compound: blueberry extract (102.61 mg), lutein (3 mg), vitamin A (400 mcg), vitamin E (5 mg), zinc (7.5 mg), selenium (25 mcg). Average price - 680 rub.

"Slezavit" recommended to prevent eye fatigue due to prolonged eye strain, prevention visual impairment, age-related changes in the retina, to restore visual functions after operations on the visual organs. Compound: vitamin C - (60.0 mg), blueberry extract - (60.0 mg), vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) - (10.0 mg), lutein - (10.0 mg), zinc oxide - (10 .0 mg), vitamin B2 - (3.0 mg), vitamin B6 - 2.0 mg, vitamin B1 - 1.5 mg, zeaxanthin - 1.0 mg, vitamin A - 1.0 mg, copper sulfate - 1 .0 mg, chromium - 50.0 mcg, selenium - 25.0 mcg. Average cost - 680 rub.

"Vitrum Vision"- effective vitamins for the eyes, prescribed for heavy eye strain, myopia, impaired twilight vision, diabetic retinopathy, as well as for retinal lesions. Compound: betacarotene (1.5 mg), vitamin E (10 mg), vitamin C - (60 mg), vitamin B2 - (1.2 mg), vitamin P (25 mg), zinc oxide (5 mg), selenium (25 mcg), lutein (6 mg), zeaxanthin (500 mcg), blueberry extract (60 mg). Average price - 520 rub.

"Blueberry Forte"- thanks to the stimulation and regeneration of rhodopsin (visual pigment), the drug helps to improve visual acuity, and also increases the adaptation of the eyes in poor lighting. Promotes retinal renewal and also eliminates eye fatigue during prolonged eye strain. Improves blood supply to eye tissue, normalizes intraocular pressure, and increases visual performance. Compound: blueberry extract (2.5 mg), vitamin C (12.5 mg), zinc lactate (18 mg), rutin (2.5 mg), vitamin B2 (0.5 mg), vitamin B6 (0.5 mg) , vitamin B1 (0.375 mg). Cost - from 138 rub.

"Focus Forte"- the components of the drug improve ocular blood supply, help restore the eyes after prolonged stress, resist retinal dystrophy, increase visual acuity (especially in poor lighting). The ophthalmic drug protects the retina from exposure to UV rays, prevents clouding of the lens, strengthens the walls of eye vessels, and has an antioxidant effect. Composition (1 tablet): beta-carotene (1.5 mg), zeaxanthin (0.4 mg), lutein (3 mg), vitamin A (0.4 mg), vitamin B 2 (1.44 mg), vitamin C (70 mg), vitamin E (10 mg), copper (0.5 mg), selenium (0.021 mg), zinc (9 mg). Average price - 450 rub.

"Mirtilene Forte" contains the main active substance- dry blueberry fruit extract 177 mg. Indicated for moderate and high degree, muscular asthenopathy, pigmentary degeneration retina, diabetic retinopathy, acquired hemeralopia, as well as in case of adaptation disorder at dusk. Average price - 905 rub.

Vitamins "Aevit"- a drug containing vitamins A and E. The drug is indicated for changes in the retina of the eye, atherosclerotic vascular pathology. Taking the drug helps improve visual functions, especially adaptation in the twilight. Vitamin E, as an antioxidant, promotes rejuvenation of eye cells. The drug also serves to prevent retinal melting. Ingredients: vitamin A - 0.1 ml (100,000 mg), alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - 0.1 g. Cost - from 46 rubles.

"Star Eyebright"- an ophthalmic drug with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The components of the drug provide nutrition to the eye tissues, have a beneficial effect on visual acuity, and also show positive dynamics in reducing age-related disorders.
Compound: eyebright herb powder (96.46 mg), eyebright extract (37.74 mg), vitamin C (8.75 mg), zinc oxide (4.7 mg), rutin (4.5 mg), vitamin B2 (0. 45 mg), vitamin A (0.25 mg).
Average cost - 142 rubles.

"SuperOptic"- a complex of vitamins for the eyes, which is intended mainly to protect the macula of the retina and lens from damage, which is extremely important for maintaining visual acuity. The components of the drug protect the organ of vision from negative effects. environment, eliminate visual fatigue, increase eye adaptation to darkness, and also support the proper functioning of the visual apparatus. Using the drug will delay the aging process of visual tissues. Compound: Omega-3 fatty acids - 280 mg; vitamin B3 (niacin) - 18 mg; vitamin C - 60 mg; zinc - 15 mg; lutein - 10 mg; vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) - 10 mg; manganese - 2 mg; vitamin B6 - 2 mg; vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 1.4 mg; vitamin B2 - 1.6 mg; vitamin A (retinol) - 800 mcg; copper - 1000 mcg; zeaxanthin - 500 mcg; vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 200 mcg; vitamin B12 - 1 mcg; Velen - 40 mcg. Average cost - 355 rub.

"Complivit Oftalmo"- effective vitamins for the eyes, which have a pronounced beneficial effect on long-term fatigue syndrome. The components of the drug improve the regeneration of eye tissue, maintain the elasticity of eye vessels, improve the functioning of the visual system as a whole, and also provide healthy condition retina. The product protects the eyes from exposure to UV rays, increases the ability of the organ of vision to resist the negative effects of the environment, as well as blue light emitted from gadgets.
Compound: vitamin A - 1.00 mg, vitamin E - 15.00 mg, vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) - 5.00 mg, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 2.00 mg, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - 5.00 mg , vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 50.00 mg, folic acid - 400 mcg, rutoside (rutin) - 25.00 mg, vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - 3.00 mcg, lutein - 2.50 mg, zeaxanthin - 1 .00 mg, selenium (in the form of sodium selenite) - 25.00 mcg, copper (in the form of copper sulfate pentahydrate) - 1.00 mg, zinc (in the form of zinc oxide) - 5.00 mg.
Cost - from 288 rub.

At constant loads the eyes should be periodically given a rest and nourished with the required amount nutrients.

Who needs to take vitamin drops

  • People suffering from visual impairments: farsightedness and myopia.
  • In people over 40 years of age, vitamin drops can not only eliminate all age-related changes in the body, but also strengthen the vascular and heart systems.
  • Office workers and people who spend more than 6 hours a day at the computer.
  • Women who are prone to thrombosis, because this negatively affects the retina of the eyes.
  • For people suffering from glaucoma or cataracts, vitamin drops help inhibit the disease at an early stage.
  • People suffering from diabetes.

Before using vitamin drops for the eyes, you need to discuss all the nuances with an ophthalmologist.

Effect of vitamin drops

Vitamin eye drops have a beneficial effect not only when there is farsightedness and nearsightedness, but also when there is constant stress on the visual organs. According to many ophthalmologists, the effectiveness of taking vitamin drops for the eyes is achieved when they are combined with tablet vitamins. As a result drops have the following effect:

  • Eliminates the feeling of fatigue, redness and eye strain.
  • Act as a preventative against cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Additional saturation with vitamins is extremely necessary for people suffering from diabetes and varicose veins veins After all, these diseases very often develop accompanied by visual impairments.

Useful vitamins included in eye drops

All vitamin eye drops contain vitamin A. Its main function is to ensure the normal functioning of the retina of the eyes. For myopia, drops containing ascorbic acid are considered very effective.

The most useful vitamins for the eyes are:

  • Vitamin A or carotene;
  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Folic acid;
  • Niacin;
  • Cyanocobalamin;
  • Pyridoxine.

The action of the presented vitamins is aimed at relieving fatigue during prolonged work at the monitor or reading. They are actively used for corneal dystrophy. They have a multifunctional effect, so they are actively used in all preparations of similar action.

Taking drops

Vitamin eye drops should be taken in courses. It is not recommended to use them constantly. After three months of use, you should take a month off. Injected vitamins are administered intramuscularly 15 times every other day.

Vitamins for the eyes are not therapeutic, but more prophylactic. They help slow down the development of diseases. However, it is this preventive effect that plays a big role. Vitamins are essential for those people who have various disorders eye.

When choosing a vitamin for the eyes, you need to take into account the recommendations of a specialist and reviews of people who have already experienced the effectiveness of the drugs.


Riboflavin is used in cases of increased eye fatigue, blurred vision, scarring of wounds caused by eye drops and burns. When there is excessive strain on the eyes, they help relieve stress and improve vision. When conjunctivitis occurs, this drug helps eliminate inflammation in 2-3 days.


Taufon is actively used for corneal injury, cataracts, weakened vision, and night blindness. The presented drops help relieve fatigue and discomfort In eyes. They will effectively eliminate the effect of dry eyes, inflammation and redness, providing additional assistance to the eyes during prolonged work at the computer.

Sancatalin and Quinax

The presented drugs are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of cataracts. After their use, vision improvement is observed after just 2 weeks. Also, such drops help get rid of the obstructions in front of the eyes that occur with cataracts and eliminate inflammation in the eyes.

Vitafacol and Katachrom

Vitafacol and Katachrom are actively used in the treatment of cataracts in early stages. They have more psychological than pharmaceutical effects. They also clean the lens and eliminate dry eye.

Cromohexal, Octilia, Prenacid

The presented drops are prescribed to people suffering from eye diseases at the time of flowering of plants, when allergic diseases eye. Positive result observed after 2-3 days. Watery eyes and burning sensation go away. Effective in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

Ifiral and High-krom

These products are very popular for eliminating excessive eye fatigue, allergic conjunctivitis and irritation of the mucous membrane. Eliminate allergic symptoms 2-3 days after administration. Excellent against dry eyes, burning and cutting. Eliminate fatigue and irritation during prolonged work at the computer.

Viziomax, Okovit, Myrtilene Forte and Focus

Each of the presented preparations contains some natural component: parsley, blueberries, carrots, black currants. When treated with these drugs, vision improvement and a decrease in the risk of eye diseases are observed. In addition to restoration of vision, there is an improvement in the body’s well-being.

Eye vitamins to improve vision pharmaceutical industry presented in a wide range. Every year the percentage of people who turn to an ophthalmologist with complaints of eye fatigue and decreased visual acuity increases. Prolonged concentration of vision on nearby objects has a very harmful effect on the condition of the eyes.

Essential vitamins to improve vision

Doctors are increasingly diagnosing dry eye syndrome. Why? Man being long time near a computer monitor, must adapt to changes in brightness and contrast, to constant flickering. In this case, there is increased eye strain and the number of blinks is reduced.

Poor hydration leads to dryness eye membranes, and this creates optimal conditions for the penetration of infectious agents and the development of inflammation.

Vitamins of groups A, C, E, B – necessary components diet, even if no pathologies are detected. But if a person is at risk (hereditary factor, work specifics) or has already been diagnosed with visual impairment, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, riboflavin, niacin are essential vitamins for the eyes to improve vision.

  1. Vitamin A– is responsible for color perception, participates in the formation of light-sensitive pigment located in the retinal rods. When transitioning from light to dark, it supports accommodation. Hypovitaminosis leads to loss of clarity and deterioration of twilight vision.
  2. Vitamins E, C– This is eye protection from solar radiation. Consumption of products containing daily norm of these vitamins, supports the normal functioning of the lens, reduces the risk of developing cataracts.
  3. Vitamin B3– optimizes blood flow to the optic nerve.
  4. Riboflavin– allows you to carry out in the shortest possible time effective therapy dystrophic changes cornea.
  5. Pyridoxine– participates in cellular metabolism.
  6. Cyanocobalamin strengthens the optic nerve, ciliary muscle, reduces tearfulness. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes premature aging eyes, increasing dullness, constant tearing.
  7. Eye vitamins with lutein and zeaxanthinantioxidant protection based on carotenoids. They ensure the safety of the retina in daylight conditions or when exposed to the harmful spectrum of the light environment. Over time, the supply of these substances will be used up. To maintain the concentration of lutein and zeaxanthin at a sufficient level, it is necessary that they are constantly supplied to the body through food.
  8. Zinc contain reticular, iridescent and choroid eyes. This trace element promotes the formation of retinal. Deficiency causes the development of cataracts and color vision impairment.

Indications for the use of vitamins for the eyes

The macula (macula) is central part retina of the eye. This is the most sensitive area. Visual acuity depends on the normal functioning of the macula.

Unfavorable environmental conditions, aggressive exposure to UV radiation, specific work habits, and bad habits lead to decreased vision and the appearance of signs of fatigue.

Vitamins for the eyes to improve vision are indicated for use when:

  • Visual fatigue syndrome.
  • Wearing lenses.
  • Computer syndrome.
  • Conjunctive hyperemia.
  • Impaired twilight vision.
  • Complex therapy of myopia and farsightedness.
  • Retinal dystrophy (central, peripheral).
  • Diabetic retinopathy.
  • Initial stages of cataracts, glaucoma.
  • Rehabilitation period after eye surgery.
Pikovit drops can be used for children over 1 year of age

Due to the active growth of the child, the need for nutrients increases significantly.

Therefore, first of all, you should balance the baby’s diet with all essential vitamins, minerals.

Fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables, meat products are mandatory components of the daily menu.

Examples of tasty and healthy recipes dishes for children from 9 months you can, from 1 year – and from 18 months –.

Also, for preventive purposes, children's eye vitamins can be used 1-2 times a year.

  1. Polivit baby - for babies.
  2. Pikovit - used for children from one year old.
  3. VitaMishki, Strix Kids - from 4 years old.
  4. Vitrum Vision – from 12 years old.

It is important to monitor your child’s vision from a very early age, especially school age when eye strain increases significantly. Therefore, we recommend that you read the article about preschool and school age...

Vitamins in the form of drops

Vizin, Sencatalin, Quinax, Okovit, Myrtilene Forte - all these drugs are presented in the form of eye drops, eye vitamins are their basis.

Let's consider the main mechanisms of influence:

  • Stimulation of metabolic processes.
  • Activation of cell regeneration.
  • Elimination of night blindness by restoring visual acuity in the twilight.
  • Relieving the feeling of fatigue.
  • Slow development ophthalmological diseases: cataracts, glaucoma, retinal dystrophy.

Almost all drops (vitamins for eyes to improve vision) contain essential minerals, multivitamin complexes, antioxidant systems.

It is necessary to dwell separately on Japanese eye drops with vitamins. Two main manufacturing companies: Sante, Rohto. After the first use of the drops, irritation and eye fatigue are eliminated, this good prevention allergies.

Many experts consider Japanese drops the best vitamins for eyes with myopia.

The composition of Japanese drops includes B6, B12. Proserine relaxes the eyes, chondroitin sulfate moisturizes, taurine is a retinoprotector, aminocaproic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. But ? After all, not everything is useful for a baby who is on breastfeeding. You will find the answers in our review.

Eating both tasty and healthy, especially in the first month after childbirth, is an objective reality for nursing mothers. And they will be helped with this.

Many mothers dream of quickly getting in shape after childbirth, and one of the building blocks proper diet– . Many people don't know everyone useful qualities this vegetable, so we advise you to read about it in our article.

7 most effective vitamin complexes

The table presents a list of eye vitamins for improving vision that have proven their effectiveness. beneficial features.

Let's take a closer look at the composition and beneficial properties of the most effective vitamins for eyes. Focus, Super Optic, Strix, Blueberry Forte, Dopelgerts are vitamins for the eyes from the group of dietary supplements.

Before purchasing, we recommend visiting an ophthalmologist to check your vision and record the results. And after completing the course, do a repeat study and find out how much the vitamin complexes helped in your case.

It's important to note that these are not medications.! Complivit Oftalmo, Vitrum Vision - multivitamin complexes.


Operating principle


Adverse reactions


price, rub.


AdultsIntolerance to the components of the drug. Cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.1 capsule per day. Course duration is 1-2 months. Break – 1 month


Multivitamin complexFrom 18 years oldIndividual sensitivity.1 tablet once a day after meals. Course – 3 months


From 12 years oldHypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Dyspepsia.2 times a day, 1 tablet after meals. Course duration 3 months
Biologically active additivesFrom 14 years oldAllergic reaction1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. Course – 1.5-2 months


Biologically active additivesFrom 12 years oldAllergies, signs of dyspepsia1 tablet 1 time per day with meals


Biologically active additivesFrom 4 years oldHypersensitivity to the components of the drugFrom 4-6 years old, 1 tablet per day with meals.
Over 7 years – 1 tablet 1-2 times a day


From 12 years oldAllergies, nausea, vomiting2 tablets 2 times a day. Course – 3 months

Doppelhertz asset

These are eye vitamins with lutein. The drug belongs to the group of dietary supplements and contains:

  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Retinol.
  • Zinc gluconate.
  • Zeaxanthin.
  • Lutein.

Doppelgerts active eye vitamins also include additional substances such as gelatin, glycerin, wax, water, and iron oxide. These eye vitamins are not recommended for children.. The drug is indicated only for adults.

Complivit Oftalmo

Complivit Oftalmo - a drug for improving vision, helps with myopia and visual fatigue syndrome

Includes 8 vitamins:

  • Retinol acetate.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Tocopherol acetate.
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2).
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12).
  • Rutin (R).
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6).
  • Folic acid.

Microelements are represented by copper and zinc oxide. Selenium, lutein, zeaxanthin are also included in the composition multivitamin complex Complivit Oftalmo.

If we talk about vitamins for the eyes for myopia, this drug deserves attention. Possessing good antioxidant properties, it can be used for increased stress on the eyes, in case of development of visual fatigue syndrome.

About the causes of stye on the eye and its drug treatment you can find out from the article.

Vitrum Vision

Tablet vitamins Vitrum Vision are prescribed to increase visual acuity

Vitrum Vision eye vitamins contain:

  • Riboflavin (Vit B2).
  • Tocferol acetate.
  • Vit. WITH.
  • Lutein.
  • Zeaxanthin.
  • Vitamin R.
  • Selenium.
  • Zinc oxide.
  • Dry blueberry extract.

Vitrum Vision produces eye vitamins in tablets. Prescribed to improve visual acuity and protect the eyes from bright radiation.

The drug is also widely used for hypovitaminosis, deficiency of macro and microelements. If you have been diagnosed with impaired night vision, Vitrum Vision is an effective remedy.

Focus Forte

Vitamin complex, indicated primarily for significant eye strain.

Indicated for programmers, as well as people in professions that involve long-term work on computers.

The constituent components of this corrective system improve blood flow, thereby facilitating the flow of nutrients into the eye tissue.

Focus Forte is a drug that reduces eye fatigue and is used to prevent myopia
  • Beta-carotene - acts as a light filter, neutralizing free radicals.
  • Lutein is an integral component of macular pigment.
  • Lycopene has an angioprotective effect.
  • Vitamin B2 – improves visual acuity in low light conditions. Protects the retina from the harmful effects of solar radiation.
  • Vitamin A, as mentioned above, is responsible for adaptation to darkness.
  • Vitamin E – reduces the fragility of blood vessels, normalizes the permeability of their walls. It is also a powerful antioxidant.
  • Zinc protects against the effects of free radicals.

When choosing vitamins for the retina, the Focus corrective system is a good alternative. Also indicated for use in varying degrees myopia.

If we talk about cost, then the standard Focus vitamins for eyes system is on sale, the price is 350 rubles. and Focus Forte for 80-100 rubles. expensive.

Is it worth panicking if... This is important for all parents, without exception, to know.

Super Optician

This complex is indicated for people over 40 years of age due to age-related visual impairment

These eye vitamins contain retinol, vitamin B6, niacin (B3), vitamin E, vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin B12, vitamin C, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2).

The composition also includes omega 3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, microelements (zinc, silicon, manganese, selenium, copper), amino acids.

The antioxidant system, consisting of lutein and zeaxanthin, is an important component of this complex.

The drug is recommended for people over 40 years of age, with age-related changes vision, as well as when spending a long time near a computer screen.

Super Optic is rich in B vitamins, which supports the health of the visual system. By increasing the sensitivity of the retina, it normalizes visual acuity and has a beneficial effect on the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers.


Company manufacturer vitamin complexes Strix combines the presence of blueberry anthocyanins

On the dietary supplement market, the Strix complex is presented in various versions.

These are the usual Strix eye vitamins (intended for both adults and children over 7 years old), Strix Kids (for children over 4 years old) and Strix Forte.

Also on sale are new directions Strix Excellent, Strix Manager, Strix Teen.

Combines all of the above drugs trademark Strix what these are eye vitamins with blueberries.

Blueberry anthocyanins strengthen vascular wall, protect the eyes from UV radiation, improve blood supply, reduce the risk of degenerative changes in the retina, and increase visual acuity both in daylight and at dusk.

Blueberry Forte

Eye vitamins to improve vision. Thanks to high content blueberry fruit concentrate, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, rutin, zinc.

The drug strengthens the wall of blood vessels, relieves fatigue, improves nutrition, enriches eye tissue with essential substances and has an overall positive angioprotective effect.