What are the benefits of dogwood when eaten: dogwood jam. Beneficial properties of dogwood berries for the body Use of dogwood in cooking

The end of summer and autumn gives an abundance of various berries and fruits; I give a special place to dogwood berries. In Crimea, these vitamin berries have already ripened, and we still collect late varieties of dogwood throughout September and October. Dogwood is a shrub with bright red berries, the berries have pleasant aroma, slightly astringent taste. The berries are very useful due to their medicinal properties.

The fact that dogwood is a medicinal remedy has been known for a long time. The chronicles mention that the peoples of the Caucasus prepared cakes from dogwood and thereby saved themselves from the development of scurvy. Dogwood fruits contain sugar, organic acids, pectin and tannins, and the vitamin C content exceeds even currants, rowan berries, gooseberries and lemon fruits. It also contains vitamins: rutin (vitamin P), provitamin A. Berries are rich in minerals.

As for this plant, not only berries are used in folk medicine, but also dogwood leaves and bark. Soaked fruits with leaves were used for forehead compresses. They were believed to help cure migraines. Bathing in the form of dogwood decoction is recommended for people suffering from rheumatism and arthritis. Traditional medicine also uses this plant as an antipyretic, colds and to strengthen the body's resistance.

  1. Dogwood berries are very useful for patients with diabetes, as they lower blood sugar levels and improve food digestion.
  2. Dogwood decoction can be used as tonic, for this purpose, dogwood berries need to be boiled 1:5 (water and berries) and drunk daily, half a glass twice a day.
  3. Few people know, but dogwood is an excellent remedy for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and for swelling of the legs.
  4. Dogwood is a rich source of iron. This is an element found in hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells. In turn, red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to all cells of our body. If our body does not have enough iron, oxygenation does not work properly, which can lead to anemia. Then the skin becomes pale, weak, we have brittle hair, fat and we suffer from insomnia and headaches. Thus, dogwood fruits can be used to treat anemia.
  5. Dogwood has long been used for stomach diseases. He owes these properties organic acids, phytoncides and other active substances. Due to the presence of tannins, it also has beneficial properties. So we can use its decoction or Fresh Juice when we are struggling with diarrhea or stomach colic. Dogwood is also suitable for people who have problems with excess weight and obesity, as it improves metabolism.
  6. It's no surprise that dogwood is recommended during times of increased risk of colds and flu. The fruits of this plant also contain anthocyanins, known antioxidants that are responsible for fighting free radicals and, together with ascorbic acid, slow down the aging process of the skin.
  7. If any of you are struggling with kidney problems or urinary tract, you can also buy dogwood. The berries have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, increasing the excretion of water and sodium from the body along with urine. Thus, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  8. The pectin substances contained in dogwood berries cleanse the body of metabolic products. Dogwood promotes the removal of oxalic and uric acid. Dogwood berries also contain seeds that can be crushed and prepared as a decoction. This decoction is useful for nervous and mental disorders, acts as a sedative.
  9. Dogwood fruits are believed to increase appetite. They have antiscorbutic, antipyretic and astringent effects.
  10. Dogwood is used as prophylactic in case of danger of poisoning with mercury, lead and other toxic substances. The pectins contained in dogwood bind harmful substances, help remove them from the body. An infusion of dogwood fruits is used for gastrointestinal disorders.

In addition to its medicinal properties, dogwood also has valuable taste. For this reason, it is often used in the kitchen, after freezing or raw.After freezing or raw. It is also used in the production of jams, preserves, syrups, juices, liqueurs and tinctures. Sometimes they also make dogwood filling for various sweets.

Use of dogwood in cooking

Dogwood berries can be used to prepare delicious jam, compote, jelly, fruit drink. Possible at winter period prepare jam, which can be used as a filling for pies and pies. In the Caucasus, they make lavash from dogwood (they prepare the marshmallow first, and then the lavash). And the Persians once used dogwood to produce salty delicacies.

Dogwood jam in finished form has a tart taste and a pleasant aroma.

Ingredients for dogwood jam

  • dogwood - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Sequence of making dogwood jam

Sort out the dogwood berries, rinse, pierce each berry with a wooden stick, then pour in the prepared syrup and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Then cook over low heat in two batches for 20 minutes. After each use, set aside for 1 hour, and then continue the cooking process again.

That’s basically all, finally pour it into sterile glass jars, screw the lids on tightly, turn the bottoms up, make a warm “thermos” from a blanket and leave it in that position until the next day.

Dogwood tincture - an old recipe

Dogwood tincture is good to use in finished form for colds and strengthening the body. Traditional healers also advise using treatments for skin diseases or skin infections. From the tart taste of dogwood berries, some experts in making infusions advise adding plums or dried blueberries, then it acquires a noble taste and smell. Now let’s proceed to the sequential preparation of the tincture.

Ingredients for preparing dogwood tincture

  • dogwood (ripe berries) - one kilogram;
  • sugar - 100-150 grams;
  • vodka - two glasses;
  • alcohol 96% - 500 milliliters.

Technology for preparing dogwood tincture

First, wash the berries, then pierce or chop them to release more juice. Then transfer to a clean glass jar and fill with vodka and alcohol according to the recipe presented, close the lid tightly and place in a warm place for one month. You need to shake it from time to time.

After this time, you need to strain the future tincture, leave the juice with alcohol in one bowl, and the berries with added granulated sugar in another. After a few days, strain the berries with the resulting syrup through cheesecloth, and then mix with the alcoholic tincture and leave for a week so that the tincture is well mixed. Finally, filter and leave the tincture for at least six months. And now you're ready!

Dogwood in cosmetology

Dogwood pulp is actively used in cosmetology in the fight for the beauty and youth of the skin. It is especially useful to make masks with the addition of dogwood pulp for those over 45 years old. Prepare a dogwood face mask: pour boiling water over the berries, let them stand for 10 minutes, then mash with a fork and add egg white and starch. This mask tightens pores and refreshes the skin. After 20 minutes, wash off cold water and your skin will glow with freshness and a light blush will appear.

Dogwood has been known since the times Ancient Greece. Currently, this berry is grown in many regions of our country and abroad. The plant has many useful qualities helping with treatment various diseases. Healing properties have not only berries, but also leaves, branches and bark of this shrub. Dogwood is also widely used in cooking; preserves, jams, compotes, fruit drinks, tinctures, and liqueurs are made from it.

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    Composition and description

    Dogwood represents common shrub and looks like a small tree from the dogwood family. Its aromatic fruits are distinguished by a bright burgundy color, tart taste with sweet and sour notes. Their juiciness is due to the large amount of water they contain – about 85% of the berry’s weight. Often, without knowing the description of the plant, it is confused with cotoneaster, the fruits of which are completely inedible and have a decorative function.

    Dogwood berries can be called a real storehouse of vitamins. Their chemical composition:

    • vitamin C. In terms of ascorbic acid content, these fruits are superior to black currants and citrus fruits;
    • vitamins A and P;
    • pectin and tannins;
    • trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc;
    • minerals;
    • fiber in the form of coarse plant fibers;
    • organic acids: succinic, malic, tartaric, citric, gallic;
    • glucose and fructose.

    The calorie content of berries is low and amounts to 44 kcal per 100 grams.

    What are the benefits of dogwood?

    Beneficial features plants for the human body have been known since ancient times. In folk medicine, dogwood is used in the treatment of many diseases.

    He provides next action on the body:

    1. 1. Strengthens. Including dishes made from this berry in the menu will help strengthen the immune system and restore a weakened body.
    2. 2. Relieves heat and inflammation, fights bacteria. Dogwood tinctures and teas help not only with colds and flu, but also effectively fight dysentery and typhoid infectious agents.
    3. 3. Improves intestinal microflora, relieves diarrhea. Pectins, which are part of the plant, remove toxins, and tannins strengthen the surface layers of the mucous membranes.
    4. 4. Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
    5. 5. Normalizes blood pressure, useful for cardiovascular diseases, eliminates headaches.
    6. 6. Reduces blood sugar levels. Recommended as aid at complex treatment diabetes mellitus
    7. 7. Improves metabolism, helps with obesity, restores metabolism, increases hemoglobin.
    8. 8. Has a hemostatic effect. Used for gastric and uterine bleeding.
    9. 9. Has a wound healing effect.
    10. 10. Relieves pain from rheumatism, arthritis, gout.
    11. 11. Calms. Dogwood is used for nervous disorders, stress and depression.
    12. 12. Tones.
    13. 13. Strengthens vascular walls, so it is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

    In order for berries to bring maximum benefit to the human body, they should be consumed only when fully ripe.

    Methods of application

    In folk medicine, not only dogwood berries are used, but also other parts of the plant: leaves, branches, bark and roots of the bush. The effectiveness of fruits does not depend on the form in which they are offered.

    For diabetes

    For this disease, dogwood berries are used in in various forms. But fresh fruits are especially useful, because they contain acids that lower blood sugar levels. To notice positive result, you must drink at least one glass fresh fruits per day. They are taken half an hour before meals, divided into three doses. Unripe berries are prohibited for this disease.

    To prepare the infusion, take two tablespoons of fruit in a glass of boiling water, brew them and leave to infuse overnight. The strained infusion is taken three times a day half an hour before meals.

    Using dogwood juice for diabetes lowers blood sugar levels. For preparation you will need 1 kg of ripe garden dogwood berries. They are covered with 400 grams of granulated sugar and left in a warm room until the juice is released. The resulting liquid is brought to 95 °C and poured into sterilized containers.

    For colds and infectious diseases

    Dogwood fruits have the ability to increase immunity and have a general strengthening effect on the body. To reduce fever, relieve cough and prevent the development of bacterial complications, it is useful to drink special tea made from dried berries. 10 grams of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. You can drink no more than three glasses a day.

    A healthy drink is obtained from the bark of the bush. The crushed raw material in the amount of one teaspoon is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. After filtering, the total volume is divided into three parts and taken throughout the day.

    The drink prepared according to the recipe has a general strengthening and tonic effect, for which you will need:

    • Dogwood berries – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Water – 200 ml.

    The ingredients are boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, then left for eight hours.

    Dried dogwood will help you get rid of cold symptoms faster and boost your immunity. A few pieces a day are enough.

    The leaves of the plant also have medicinal properties; they can reduce fever, relieve inflammation of the mouth, and even help in the treatment of tuberculosis and typhoid.

    The leaves are collected in mid-summer and dried. The shelf life of raw materials is three years. To prepare a decoction for 35 grams of leaves, take 400 ml of water, boil the mixture and cook for 20 minutes, then squeeze.

    To prepare the tincture, two tablespoons of leaves are boiled in 250 ml of water for ten minutes, then infused for eight hours.

    For diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Dogwood is used to prepare products that normalize blood pressure, strengthen vascular wall. Dogwood decoction, which is prepared from one tablespoon of raw material and a glass of water, is a good remedy for heart pain. The ingredients are boiled for a couple of minutes after boiling, then left for two hours. The strained drink is drunk ¼ glass before meals three times a day.

    From two spoons of fruits and 250 ml of water you can prepare a tonic decoction:

    1. 1. After boiling, wait 20 minutes.
    2. 2. You need to insist for 8 hours.
    3. 3. Take 0.5 cups per day.

    If you add rose hips to dogwood, you get effective remedy from overwork and stress. Add two tablespoons of dogwood to one tablespoon of rose hips, dilute with 500 ml of water and cook over low heat for half an hour. After removing from the stove, the drink is infused for about an hour. Take 100 ml three times a day, you can add honey.

    Dried dogwood also helps with low blood pressure and heart disease.

    For other diseases

    Various parts of dogwood are useful for skin diseases. The root of this plant is used to heal wounds and treat abscesses and boils. A decoction of it will also help with rheumatism, fever and the fight against viral infections.

    The root is dug up in autumn or spring, dried and crushed. The product is prepared according to the following recipe:

    1. 1. Take one teaspoon of powder per 300 ml of water.
    2. 2. Cook for 20 minutes.
    3. 3. Leave for two hours and strain.

    When treating skin inflammation, compresses containing a decoction of the root, honey and rye flour will help. A cake made from the mixture is applied to the area of ​​the body where inflammation has developed.

    The seeds of the plant, which are rich in essential oils. They help with hemorrhoids. Seed tincture improves the healing process. After preparation, it is placed in a thermos and, if necessary, swabs are moistened and applied to the sore spot.

    For weight loss

    Dogwood products have the ability to burn fat. This remedy gives a boost of energy to men, helping with heavy physical exertion and fatigue. To leave excess weight, it is enough to consume 200 g of berries during the day. It is best to do this in the morning, as they have a strong tonic effect.

    For those who are on a diet, you can include decoctions, compotes, and dogwood fruit drinks in your daily menu. It is advisable not to add sugar; you can get by with honey.

    Dried dogwood fruits will be a tasty and healthy treat for those losing weight.

    Dogwood during pregnancy

    For women expecting a baby, it is useful to include dogwood berries in various variations in their diet. Iron, which is contained in large quantities in fruits, increases hemoglobin. This plant also helps expectant mothers improve their immunity and improve their bowel habits in case of frequent constipation. But during pregnancy, you should not get too carried away with this berry, so as not to harm your health.

    Before taking, you should consult your doctor.


    Despite all the benefits, dogwood also has contraindications. It should not be eaten:

    • at increased acidity;
    • for constipation - due to increased astringent properties, this will lead to even greater problems;
    • small children;
    • for people with an unstable nervous system - a high tonic effect can lead to insomnia and overexcitation.

    Due to the strong diuretic effect, dogwood fruits are prohibited. urolithiasis.

    You should not include overripe ones in the menu. berries , as they can cause fermentation in the stomach and diarrhea.


    To prepare dried dogwood, slightly unripe fruits are taken. They are thoroughly washed in warm water, sorted out of debris and laid out in one layer on thick paper or fabric. It is better to dry the berries in the shade outdoors and bring them indoors at night. Drying is carried out for five days. The finished berries are placed in fabric or paper bags and stored in a dry place. You can dry the berries in the oven if it has a low temperature function. The blanks are first dried at a temperature of 20 °C and then dried at 50 °C.

    The process of preparing dried dogwood is quite simple, but time-consuming. To prepare this healthy delicacy, 500 g of fresh dogwood will require 250 g of sugar and 250 ml of water. Recipe:

    1. 1. The berries are carefully sorted, removing rotten, spoiled and unripe ones, and then washed in running water.
    2. 2. The seeds should be carefully removed, after which the dogwood is covered with sugar and left for a day at room temperature e. The container must be covered.
    3. 3. After the allotted time, the juice formed in the vessel is drained. It can be used for food.
    4. 4. Syrup is made from water and sugar and poured over the berries.
    5. 5. After 10 minutes, the syrup is drained, the berries are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 20 minutes, preheated to 70 °C.
    6. 6. After this, the dogwood is cooled, then the drying procedure in the oven is repeated three more times.

    Dried dogwood is stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container.

    Dried dogwood

    Jam will be a wonderful dessert for evening tea.

    To prepare it you will need fully ripe, but not overripe berries. Per kilogram of fruit you need 500 ml of water and 1.3 kg of sugar. They are sorted out so as not to come across any dented, damaged or rotten ones, and they are washed thoroughly. Make a syrup from sugar and water, pour in the dogwood and leave for 5-6 hours. Then the mass is boiled for ten minutes over low heat and immediately poured into dry containers.

Dogwood berries, roots and leaves have a lot of medicinal properties. They provide great benefit our body, enriching it useful vitamins and microelements. Therapeutic effect achieved with the help of decoctions, teas and special infusions.

The list of healing qualities of the plant extends to different areas of the body. The fruits of the bush are beneficial for colds. Before use, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications to prevent harmful effects on the body.

Uses of dogwood for health

For the health of the body, the use of the beneficial properties of the shrub has shown effective results. The fruits of the plant are used to prepare desserts in the form of jams, jellies, and jams.

You can improve your body's health by cooking decoction or an infusion of plant fruits. The leaves and roots of the bush are used to prepare decoctions. It is known to use the beneficial properties of the plant during pregnancy to increase immunity.

The benefits and harms of dogwood

Dogwood, whose beneficial properties are invaluable to the body, is endowed with a large supply of vitamins and microelements, necessary for a person. In addition to glucose, which is often included in berries, the plant contains useful nitrogenous and pectin substances. Lemon, apple, amber, ascorbic acid are part of the composition of the fetus.

The benefit of dogwood is the presence of vitamins(A, C, rutin), mineral salts(potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, calcium), flavonoids. The beneficial properties of the seeds in dogwood berries are represented by essential oils. The roots and bark of the bush are saturated with useful substances necessary for the body. Vitamins C and E are produced in the leaves of the plant.

The main benefit is represented by its antibacterial property. The plant has a beneficial effect on the digestive system:

  • increased appetite;
  • decrease in acidity;
  • getting rid of heartburn.

The plant will be beneficial if a person has a blood disease:

  • increase in hemoglobin volume;
  • improvement of pressure indicators;
  • positive effect on the walls of blood vessels.

The benefits of using the plant are in the rapid healing of wounds.

Despite the benefits for the body, the fruits of the plant can cause harm. There are known contraindications that prevent the use of dogwood-based products due to possible harm:

  • personal intolerance;
  • high acidity;
  • disorders nervous system, overexcitement.

If you prepare the remedy from the fruits of the plant incorrectly, you can cause significant harm to the body. The berries of the plant have diuretic effect, which can cause harm to the body due to urolithiasis.

Berries picked recently are good for men. Eating fresh fruits increases potency.

It is believed that the benefit for women is to increase the desire for an intimate nature. Special attention focuses on the beneficial properties of the plant for women, affecting the condition of the skin in better side. For women, among the beneficial properties, those that help with weight loss are important.

Low calorie content and fat burning for women are key indicators of use. Reduced pain in menstrual period included in the list of beneficial properties for women.

Unripe berries can be harmful. Eating overripe berries can be harmful to the body, contributing to intestinal upset.

Dogwood uses and healthy recipes

The use of fruits and plant parts is varied. Masks are made from the fruits of the bush to promote rapid healing of wounds. You can improve immunity, increase protective function for the body if used healthy recipes decoctions based on the fruits of the plant.

It is known to use the medicinal properties of the plant for diabetes, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels.

There are many recipes that are useful for endocrine system. Berry compote and the use of fresh fruits help treat anemia. The problem of hemorrhoids can be solved with the beneficial properties of the plant.

Recipe Ingredients useful tincture:

  • 500 g dried fruits;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 2 spoons of honey.

Combine the ingredients in a sterile glass container, leave for 3 months, strain.

The benefits of dogwood during pregnancy

For women during pregnancy, when consuming it, it is necessary to know the beneficial properties and contraindications of dogwood. Benefits of fruits during pregnancy plants for the body is represented by the presence of vitamins and useful substances.

The presence of iron in the fruits of the plant helps to increase hemoglobin in a woman’s blood during pregnancy.

The antibacterial properties of the plant increase the protective function, which is beneficial for the body when immunity decreases during pregnancy. Great benefit from use during pregnancy will be provided if a woman suffers from constipation.

Before use during pregnancy, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications. Contraindications include high level acidity, overexcitability. During pregnancy, you should carefully use dogwood for the first time to find out if there is a personal intolerance to the plant. Correct use will not cause harm.

Do not consume the plant at night. A large amount of berries consumed per day during pregnancy can be harmful in the absence of contraindications. During pregnancy, you should not abuse freshly squeezed juices; it is better to give preference to compotes and decoctions.

What are the benefits of fruit drink and dogwood juice - recipe

The fruits of the bush are the basis for making fruit drinks or juices. The juice of the plant's fruits contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the body.

Special the benefits of juice are manifested by use when diabetes mellitus . Juice helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetes. The juice of the berries will have beneficial effect for diseases of the stomach and pancreas, it will increase its enzymatic function.

To prepare juice from dogwood fruits, you need to follow the recipe:

  1. clean and dry ripe berries in a volume of 1 kg are filled with 400 g of sugar;
  2. the mixture is left warm until the juice is released;
  3. To store the juice, you need to bring it to 95 degrees and pour it into a sterile container.

Dogwood fruit drink, the beneficial properties of which are not lost when the right way preparations, can be consumed if the use of fresh fruits or juice is not suitable for the body.


  • The fruit drink recipe consists of a liter of water, 250 g of fruit, 100 g of sugar. Sugar can be replaced with honey. The fruits of the plant are soaked in cold water and infused for 5 hours. Boil the fruit drink after boiling for an hour and a half, leave for an hour until it reaches room temperature. To remove the seeds, you need to strain the fruit drink.

How to use dogwood for diabetes - recipes

The beneficial properties for diabetics include the ability to normalize the level of sugar calculated in the blood. Level reduction in diabetes occurs with the help of various acids found in the composition. useful fruits plants.

  • Particular benefit for diabetes in the absence of contraindications, the use of one glass of fresh plant fruits per day will be achieved. For diabetes, the indicated volume is administered in 3 doses, half an hour before meals. The berries must be ripe. Unripe fruits can cause harm to the body in diabetes.

Berry compote The plant has beneficial properties for the body in diabetes.

  • A glass of berries per liter of water is cooked after reaching a boil for 15 minutes. The benefits for diabetes include compote and berries, which should be consumed before meals.

The infusion recipe is often used for diabetes:

  • Use 2 tablespoons of fruit per glass of just boiled water, leave overnight. After the straining procedure, the infusion is taken for diabetes in three doses, half an hour before meals.

Contraindications for using products based on plant fruits for diabetes include personal intolerance, high acidity, and nervous excitability. In diabetes, dogwood is used with caution so as not to cause significant harm to the body or aggravate the course of the disease.

Dogwood tea for colds - recipe

The beneficial properties of the plant are manifested in increased functions immune system. The benefits of dogwood tea include: in relieving symptoms of cough, fever, reducing inflammation.


  1. The tea recipe includes a teaspoon of dried shrub bark and a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 15 minutes, filtered, and divided into 3 parts.
  2. To prepare tea, you can use 5-25 drops of the plant tincture, the dosage is calculated for 3 doses.
  3. You can make tea from 10 g of dried berries, poured boiling water into a glass. The tea steeps for an hour. Daily norm limited to three glasses. Larger amounts may be harmful.

The benefits of dogwood for weight loss

The beneficial properties of the plant include its ability to burn fat. The benefits of berries for women are manifested in the low calorie content of the product. Dogwood fruits have tonic properties and charge with energy. For women and men, the beneficial property of a boost of energy helps withstand long periods of time. physical exercise, enriching the body with vitamins.

  • The benefits for weight loss are manifested in the consumption of 200 g of dogwood fruits per day. It is better to apply it in the morning part of the day.

Despite the benefits of the plant, it is worth remembering that it enhances the functioning of the pancreas, causing hunger. The diet should include foods that are low in calories.

  • When using dogwood in your diet, you can use recipes for decoctions and compotes. The compote contains 100 g of berries, boiled in a liter of water after boiling for a couple of minutes. The recipe should contain a minimum of sugar.
  • For maximum benefit It's better to do without sugar. You can add honey to the prepared broth to taste.
  • Lavash, which contains a kilogram of dogwood, has a beneficial property for losing weight. The berries are washed and ground. The mass is rolled out into a cake, the liquid must be evaporated over low heat, after which the cake is dried.

Beneficial properties of dogwood for the heart - recipes

Dogwood has beneficial properties for the prevention and treatment of heart diseases. Products containing dogwood increase blood pressure and tone the walls of blood vessels.

Dogwood decoction will be beneficial for heart disease:

  • The recipe includes spoons of dried fruits per glass of water. The broth should be brought to a boil, cook for 1 minute, and leave for a couple of hours. The strained broth is taken a quarter glass three times a day before meals.

A tonic decoction will help increase blood pressure:

  • You can get the drink according to the recipe: two spoons of berries per glass of water, boiled for 20 minutes after boiling. Leave for 8 hours. The berries should be mashed. Use half a glass per day.

Will bring benefits a combination of two tablespoons of dogwood and one spoon of rose hips per half liter of water. After boiling, cook for half an hour, leave for 45 minutes after cooking.

How are dogwood seeds useful?

Dogwood seeds are rich in essential oils. The properties of oils contribute to anti-inflammatory procedures. When using kernel oils, fast healing wounds, disinfection, skin regeneration.

  • You can feel the benefits of using fruit seeds if you eat fresh berries and chew them thoroughly to break up the seeds. Microelements and vitamins contained in the seeds will provide therapeutic effect on human organs and body.

It is known to use dogwood seeds to create a tincture, the benefits of which are manifested in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Dogwood leaves beneficial properties and uses

The beneficial properties of dogwood leaves will help with viral diseases. You can reduce the heat with the help of an infusion from the leaves of the bush. It is known to use the beneficial properties of plant leaves in therapeutic therapy tuberculosis.

Among the diseases that are treated with products based on the leaves of the bush is typhus. The healing effect of a decoction of the leaves is provided for inflammation of the oral cavity. A tincture of the leaves will be beneficial for diarrhea.

  • To prepare medicinal products, the leaves need to be collected in June or July. After collection, the leaves need to be dried; dried leaves can be stored for 3 years.

The recipe for a decoction of bush leaves contains:

  • 35 g of leaves per 400 ml of water;
  • bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes;
  • separate the cake from the broth.

A medicinal tincture from the leaves of the plant can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. a couple of tablespoons of dried leaves are boiled in a glass of boiling water for 10 minutes;
  2. You can get the tincture after standing for 8 hours.
  • An infusion that has a therapeutic effect on diabetes, anemia, and liver problems is prepared from a tablespoon of leaves and a glass of boiling water in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After filtering, the infusion, which has beneficial properties, is brought to its original volume with boiled water.

The benefits of dogwood honey

Dogwood honey is a variety obtained in May. Main The benefits of using honey obtained from the flowers of the bush are to treat diseases:

  • stomach;
  • intestines;
  • hearts;
  • kidney;
  • liver.

Dogwood honey is considered rare.

You can make honey with dogwood berries:

  • For cooking remedy you need to pour honey into a sterile container, lay out a layer of berries, then pour honey. Alternate layers until the container is filled. Keep useful remedy in the cold. Honey with the fruits of the bush will provide special benefit for a cold.

Dogwood root medicinal properties - recipes for tinctures

The root of the shrub has properties beneficial for wound healing. Dogwood root helps to ripen abscesses faster and cure boils. A decoction of the plant's root is used in the treatment of malaria.

Among the uses of the shrub's root is rheumatism. It is useful to use a decoction or tincture to reduce fever, fight viral infections.


  • To prepare a decoction or tincture from the root of a shrub, you need to collect the root in early period in autumn or spring, dry. The recipe for a decoction from the root of the bush includes 300 ml of water, a teaspoon of crushed dried root. The broth is boiled for 20 minutes, infused for a couple of hours, and filtered.

A tincture from the root of the shrub can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • a teaspoon of root per glass of boiling water;
  • leave for 2 hours;
  • separate the root from the tincture.

Compresses are prepared from the root to treat skin inflammation. The compress recipe includes a decoction of the root, rye flour, and honey. You need to make a cake from the mixture and apply it to the inflamed area.

The benefits of dogwood seeds for hemorrhoids - method of application

The beneficial properties of fruit seeds promote wound healing and vasoconstriction. The benefits of using berry seeds for hemorrhoids are known. Seed tincture has an astringent effect and improves the healing process of hemorrhoids.

  1. Tincture recipe contains crushed seeds and boiling water. The tincture ingredients must be placed in a thermos for half a day.
  2. Application is carried out using a tampon soaked in tincture and applied to the area of ​​hemorrhoid formation. There are ready-made suppositories for hemorrhoids containing shrub tincture.
  3. It is possible to use bones for hemorrhoids daily intake 5 fresh berries, thoroughly chewed.

Dried dogwood beneficial properties and contraindications

Dried dogwood, whose beneficial properties are preserved for a long time, is useful for consumption in winter and autumn. Among the beneficial properties, there is a high content of vitamin C, which has a therapeutic effect against colds. The dry product will be beneficial for problems with the stomach and intestines.

Dried fruits are used in diets for weight loss, to diversify your diet. Dried fruit should be taken for heart problems, vascular diseases, low blood pressure. Among medicinal benefits Dried fruit is considered to prevent sclerosis. Dried berries has diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic properties.

Among the contraindications that may be harmful when using a dried product are: diseases of the intestinal mucosa, acute stomach, chronic form .

Contraindications include emotional instability. You should not eat dried fruit if you are constipated.


  1. To make jam, you need to wash the berries, separate the seeds, and pour boiling water over them a couple of times.
  2. After each treatment, immerse in boiling water cold water.
  3. The recipe includes a kilogram of bush fruits, 1.5 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water.
  4. Pour the berries into the prepared sugar syrup and leave for a couple of hours.
  5. Cook the jam to the desired thickness.
  6. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add 3 g of citric acid.

Compote, prepared from dogwood, can be drunk for benefits to the body or for medicinal purposes.

To cook compote, you need:

  • 0.5 kg of berries;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

The washed fruits are placed in water, and after boiling, sugar is added. The compote should be boiled for 10 minutes, left covered until completely cooled.