Zinc ointment for wounds. Acne and zinc ointment. With cosmetic clay

Zinc ointment instruction involves the use of many skin diseases. Reduces inflammation quickly and effectively. By affordable price can be bought at any pharmacy.

Ointment with zinc has a thick consistency white color sometimes may have a yellowish tint. Zinc oxide is mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:10.

Manufacturers can add other components to zinc that enhance it. positive properties. For example, lanolin is needed to soften dry skin, menthol gives pleasant aroma, fish fat saturates the composition with additional vitamins.

What is zinc ointment for? Zinc oxide itself, which is part of the ointments, has many useful properties:

  • promotes rapid healing;
  • protects the skin;
  • has an astringent effect;
  • Zinc ointment is used as an adsorbent (reduces the release of fluid from weeping wounds);
  • has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • prevents the accession of a secondary infection;
  • It is well distributed and absorbed, Vaseline makes the skin soft and moisturized.

The use of zinc ointment leads to the fact that the damaged area dries up, inflammation disappears, itching and pain subside, redness and irritation disappear. The thick consistency is absorbed slowly, so the ointment can be applied at bedtime under a gauze bandage.

The use of zinc cream is also known. It has a more liquid texture, so it absorbs faster. It also quickly copes with swelling and inflammation, promotes the healing of abrasions and cracks in the skin. Produced Zinc oil.

Areas of manifestation of action

Many patients are interested in information about Zinc ointment, which helps.

Zinc ointment for the face does not cause side effects, so it can be safely used for acne and pimples. There are no contraindications. The skin at the site of inflammation is dried, bacteria growth stops. It is useful for protection from exposure ultraviolet radiation.

Using Zinc ointment for acne, the composition is applied in a thick layer to each tubercle. A thin layer is applied to the face to prevent acne.

Due to its effects, the use of Zinc ointment for wrinkles on the face is popular. In vain, some patients consider Zinc Ointment a drug of the last century. The medicine is applied to dry clean skin and evenly distribute with hands over the entire face and neck. The composition must be given time to absorb, so it is recommended to apply in the evening and leave it on all night. Instructions for use notes: "Use the anti-wrinkle composition three times a week for three weeks."

Zinc ointment from nail fungus is widely used. After application to the affected area, a protective layer is created, the nail plate on the hands or feet is restored. If the fungus on the nails is treated, then the itching and burning sensation quickly disappear. Treat the infection until the symptoms go away.

On average, therapy for a fungus lasts about two weeks. The procedure is done at night. Before surface treatment, it is recommended to wash your feet or hands (depending on where the fungus is growing) with a bactericidal soap. You can make a bath with the addition of antiseptic decoctions. Then the affected areas are exfoliated, a layer of ointment is applied and left until completely absorbed.

There are many who used sweat ointment in the armpit. With course use in the fight against sweating under the armpits, it quickly improves the condition. Dries the surface, fights the spread of bacteria, preventing them from creating odors. On the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, the product is applied twice a day for two weeks.

Used for hyperhidrosis. Dysfunction of the sweat glands, which leads to excessive sweating called hyperhidrosis. The development of hyperhidrosis may be associated with disorders hormonal background, diabetes, disorders of the cardiac or urinary system. Sweating underarms, back, forehead, neck. Assign for hands and feet from the appearance of sweat.

Zinc ointments fight sweat and cope with an unpleasant odor.

Zinc ointment from armpit sweating dries the problem area, after application, the pores narrow, and the risk of infection is reduced. Apply to the armpit area a large number of means and leave to absorb. The remedy is also used for sweating of the feet and hands. Helps to cope with the ointment from the smell of feet.

Sweating can also occur in an adult. Zinc oxide effectively fights prickly heat. The inflamed area quickly shrinks, swelling subsides, redness, itching and irritation disappear. You can use any ointment with zinc oxide. They make the skin soft, healthy and supple.

Dyshidrosis is a chronic skin disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of subcutaneous vesicles. Bubbles may appear on the leg or arm. The fingers, palms, and feet are mostly affected. With dyshidrosis, an inflammatory rash worries for up to three weeks. All this time, the bubbles ripen, itch, the skin becomes dry, flaky and inflamed.

A composition with zinc helps with dyshidrosis. It treats inflammation, dries up wounds, envelops the surface, preventing infection from joining, and eliminates itching. After water procedures the ointment is applied to the affected areas up to 4 times a day.

Skin diseases in childhood

Zinc ointment for children is often prescribed. What is the ointment used for in pediatrics? With the help of the drug, care is taken for the delicate, sensitive skin and even newborns.

What are the main indications for the use of Zinc ointment? For children, the main indications for prescribing the drug are:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • Zinc ointment helps with diaper rash, sweating can also be cured;
  • shallow skin lesions (wounds, scratches, cracks);
  • small rashes, pustules on the body of a child.

Zinc ointment for newborns helps with diathesis. This is a skin disease in a child of allergic origin. Red spots appear that itch and bring discomfort. The medicine relieves inflammation, stops the spread of irritation, and thanks to its refreshing effect reduces itching.

Appointment may be from Dermatitis. The disease requires long-term treatment Therefore, zinc ointment is often prescribed. Eliminates everything effectively unpleasant symptoms.

Often used ointment for diaper dermatitis. The disease occurs in children under one year of age due to skin contact with wet diapers or diapers. Attrition, redness appear in the buttocks, thighs. If treatment is not started on time, then redness passes to healthy areas of the skin, papules, crusts, peeling, cracks join.

To prevent complications, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the baby's skin before changing the diaper.

You can find a review of many mothers: "I used the ointment in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in a newborn." This is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of allergic origin. The cause may be any product, dust, wool. The surface becomes inflamed, swollen and itchy. The child becomes irritable, does not sleep well. The zinc composition disinfects the area, prevents the spread of irritation, and heals the resulting wounds. For babies, apply every 4 hours.

Ointment for diaper rash in newborns will quickly solve the problem. Diaper rash can appear not only from wet diapers, but also from hot air, poor-quality clothing, and insufficient hygiene. Zinc ointment can be used to treat baby surfaces with diaper rash. Ointment for diaper rash eliminates redness, heals damaged skin. For diaper rash, it is recommended to apply every three hours.

Zinc diaper rash paste helps to cope with discomfort, itching. The use of paste in the case of diaper rash is more appropriate.

Zinc ointment is used for prickly heat. Children often suffer from this problem. Prickly heat can be found in the folds of the skin of the baby. Often sweating develops due to excessive wrapping, non-compliance with hygiene standards, hot air. Zinc-based paste can help eliminate sweats, inflammation and rashes. If you use the composition, then there is a rapid passage of symptoms. The paste is placed in a thin layer in children older than a year directly on prickly heat up to 6 times a day.

With sweating, the agent is distributed in a thin layer on clean, dry skin of newborns up to three times a day. If necessary, the skin of the newborn can be treated after each diaper change.

Correct use

After carefully studying the instructions, you can find a way to use it. If the skin is dry and sensitive, then before applying the Zinc Ointment, it must be diluted with any moisturizer.

Instructions for use warns that all medicinal properties, you should first wipe the skin with a decoction based on chamomile, calendula, string. Then it takes some time for the skin to dry. If the disease is severe, then the composition is applied in a thick layer.

Which correct application zinc ointment? The use of Zinc ointment is recommended no more than 5-6 times a day. Otherwise, the skin dries out and becomes prone to various damages.

The instructions also contain contraindications. These include individual intolerance to individual components. Often development side effects associated with an allergic reaction to additional components (parabens, oils), which manifests itself in the form of a rash, itching and redness. Treatment may be accompanied by darkening of the skin. But after stopping use, all unpleasant side effects disappear.

It is impossible to treat with Zinc ointment purulent and fungal diseases skin. Should not be used for more than three weeks. Not suitable for treating mucous surfaces.

Possible replacement

If, according to some criteria, Zinc ointment did not fit, analogues are used. We need analogues that basically contain zinc oxide and have similar properties.

  • Similar beneficial features has Pasta Lassara. Apply the product in a thin layer directly on the affected area 1-2 times a day. Side effects include rash, itching, and redness.
  • Skin diseases can be treated with Zindol. Apply the product to the problem area of ​​the skin three times a day. The composition can be used as a prophylaxis.
  • Desitin has a useful property. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to clean, dry skin three times a day. Treatment takes about three days, then you can apply the composition for the purpose of prevention.
  • Sudocrem quickly treats inflammation. It has antifungal, antibacterial properties. You can apply up to 6 times a day.

Careful and attentive skin care will help to avoid the appearance of diseases and complications.

Zinc ointment, the instructions of which are given below, can alleviate many skin diseases and all kinds of damage to the epidermis. Zinc oxide has become the active component of the ointment, it allows you to create a protective barrier on the skin that can prevent further irritation and damage to the skin. From what else you can use such a drug, what is its composition, let's find out.

The composition of the drug

The composition of the drug, depending on the manufacturer, can vary greatly. For example, lanolin and petroleum jelly can be seen as additional ingredients. Zinc ointment, the use of which will be described below, can be produced with salicylic acid and menthol. But in any case, its main component should remain zinc oxide.

Worldwide, a wide variety of industries use more than 1.2 million zinc oxide annually. Over the past few decades, one can observe a change in the area of ​​​​use: for example, it was previously used for the manufacture of linoleum and carbon paper, but now such industries have practically disappeared, the drug has begun to be used in cosmetology.

Many people, having heard the name of the drug, immediately remember about cosmetology, it is part of powders, various ointments, sunscreen lotions and creams. What else is the drug used for? For making rubber, fireproof glass, ceramic glazes, motor oils and more. At the same time, zinc oxide is considered to be a safe component of cosmetic products; it can be used during pregnancy and for children.

The action of the drug

Salicylic-zinc ointment has antiseptic composition- rather weak, but at the same time it helps protect the skin of children and women during pregnancy from various infections. Paste based on zinc ointment helps with certain diseases infectious nature although there is no scientific evidence for this.

The properties of zinc ointment can have an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which it is achieved effective treatment row skin diseases including in children and during pregnancy.

Many centuries ago, the regenerating and healing properties that the drug possesses were known. The researchers managed to find ancient writings that described the composition of the ointment. With its help, the treatment of skin diseases, reminiscent of the description of skin cancer, was carried out.

The healers of that time knew little about such a disease as skin cancer, they did not know the composition of the remedy, but nevertheless they treated the affected areas. Today, the drug is so safe that even zinc ointment for newborns is used.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles is also very effective, it is used in cosmetology, and its safe composition allows you to smear the drug even during pregnancy. What else does the drug help with? From harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause skin cancer. This paste is found in many sunscreens.

Indications for use

What helps such a drug? Zinc ointment, indications for the use of which allows treatment of diaper rash, dermatitis, scratches, minor cuts, acne, hemorrhoids, streptoderma, burns and scratches. Sometimes the composition is effective against trophic ulcers and bedsores.

Salicylic-zinc ointment in gynecology can be used when treatment of vulvovaginitis is required ( inflammatory disease affecting the walls of the vagina and vulva). In addition, the composition can be used to alleviate the condition of cervical erosion, but with such a disease it is not recommended to self-medicate, as it can be harmful to health.

The effectiveness of such a drug depends on what the paste was specifically used for. For example, if zinc ointment is used for acne, in particular severe and moderately severe acne, you may notice a slight improvement in skin condition. In this case, the drug does not help for long, after its withdrawal, a resumption of symptoms is observed.

Indications for the use of zinc ointment is also recommended for hemorrhoids. After its use, you can notice a temporary relief of the condition, but in order to completely get rid of the disease, it is not enough to smear only this drug. In most cases, zinc ointment can give an excellent result when used for prevention, as well as against diseases that occur with mild symptoms.

acne treatment

Zinc ointment for acne and acne has become quite an effective remedy, it helps to eliminate old ones and prevent the appearance of new formations. Zinc is generally considered to be extremely useful tool for people and children suffering from acne formation - an anti-pimple drug can be used in the form of an ointment and tablets containing zinc.

Zinc-based paste is best for acne in combination with an ointment that contains the antibiotic erythromycin.

diaper rash

Zinc ointment for newborns allows you to cope with diaper rash. The drug is recommended to smear on the skin of children every time you change diapers. After changing the diaper, the skin of the children must be thoroughly cleaned and dried - in this case, the paste will help better.

Usually, diaper rash is caused by excessive moisture or prolonged skin contact with feces and urine. Poor air circulation and friction between the skin and tissue can cause diaper rash. Zinc oxide paste helps prevent skin contact with irritants.


Zinc ointment can be used against the symptoms of melasma, a disorder characterized by the appearance of spots on the face. Brown color. Most often, this disease can be found in women. Most often, the disease occurs in people with dark skin.

Skin damage and irritation

Zinc paste is very effective for various skin lesions, it is recommended to use it after all sorts of scratches, burns, cuts. You can use the product in the presence of irritations, which were caused by certain types of plants, for example, poison ivy.

Zinc paste has in its composition special ions that can stay there when they get on the skin. long time while stimulating the healing process various wounds. It is assumed that the paste, which contains zinc, helps to accelerate skin re-epithelialization, although so far it has not been possible to determine the exact mechanism of action. You can smear the affected areas as often as necessary. The paste should be applied to the entire affected surface.

Sun protection

The paste contains zinc oxide, after its application to the skin, reliable protection from ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun is provided. Zinc ointment is the only one of its kind that can be used as a sunscreen for babies under the age of six months.


Zinc ointment against hemorrhoids can provide effective medicinal properties. Such a tool is considered to be one of the most effective means, which can be purchased without a prescription. If you smear the affected areas with a remedy, you can significantly alleviate the symptoms. this disease. Prolonged use contributes to accelerated recovery disease-damaged tissue.

Chickenpox treatment

Zinc ointment for chickenpox can quickly eliminate rashes and associated itching. It is recommended to smear the affected areas in children and adults immediately after the onset of rashes. Therapeutic components will soon eliminate all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease without causing complications.

Precautions and Side Effects

Many preparations against skin rashes, which have zinc ointment in their composition, are highly effective. However, those people who differ in the presence hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment, side effects such as tingling, burning and itching of the skin can be observed.

In some rare situations, the use of this type of ointment can lead to a slight darkening of the skin. In most cases, this side effect disappears by itself after stopping the use of the ointment. In the event that this does not happen, you must definitely see a doctor.

You should not use a zinc-based ointment if you are allergic to any of the components in its composition (in most cases, in addition to zinc oxide, the ointment contains substances such as lanolin, dimethicone, parabens, petroleum jelly, wax and mineral oils). People with an increased allergic reaction to various drugs before using the ointment, in any case, need to undergo a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

To date, nothing is known about possible drug interactions zinc ointment. It is believed that such a drug can be used without fear with other drugs.

Although zinc oxide-based ointment has high antibacterial properties, such a drug is not able to cure fungal and bacterial infections skin. In the event that, using the ointment for one or two weeks, you could not notice any improvements, then you need to urgently consult a doctor - you probably need to prescribe stronger medicines. Take care of your health!

Zinc ointment (INN zinc oxide) is a homogeneous white ointment (a slight light yellow tint is allowed) used in dermatology as an astringent and drying agent. It also has an adsorbing and disinfecting effect. Changes the native conformation of proteins, forms albuminates with the resulting products. When applied to the affected areas of the skin, they suppress the course of exudative processes, stop local inflammatory foci, and eliminate irritation. Forms a protective film on the skin that protects from the effects of aggressive environmental factors. Used externally. Reduces the appearance of serous exudate through the epidermal cells. Used for the following diseases and pathological conditions

Diaper dermatitis (the so-called "prickly heat");

Other types of dermatitis;

Diaper rash, regardless of etiology (bacterial, viral or fungal infection skin folds) and places of occurrence (interdigital, palmar, inguinal-femoral, sub- and intergluteal folds, armpits, etc.);

Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the skin;

Shallow wounds, in which damage affects only the epidermis;

Acute phase of eczema;

Herpes simplex virus;

Streptococcal pyoderma;

Long-term non-healing ulcers resulting from the rejection of dead tissues;

Burns (including those caused by the ultraviolet component of solar radiation);



The use of Zinc ointment in children (for diaper rash, diaper rash, etc.)

e) must be agreed with the doctor. The dose and frequency of use of the drug are determined by the clinical picture and individual features patient. The ointment is applied with gentle, gentle movements in a thin layer on previously cleansed and dried skin. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor depending on the disease, the severity of the symptoms, the effectiveness of the treatment, the nature of the main therapy. The frequency of use can vary from 2 to 6 times a day. When treating wounds and burns, it is allowed to apply an ointment bandage to the damaged surfaces. Zinc ointment can also be used for prophylactic purposes: for example, to prevent diaper dermatitis, it lubricates skin areas that have been in contact with wet linen for a long time. Given the absence of a systemic effect on the body, the drug has a minimum number of side effects, which manifest themselves mainly with prolonged use in submaximal doses: skin irritation, local allergic reactions (itching, redness, rash). In rare cases, there is an individual intolerance to the drug. There are no other contraindications to the use of Zinc Ointment: pregnant and lactating women can use it if the predicted benefit exceeds possible risk for the fetus or child. Cases of overdose or interactions with other drugs in medical literature not described.


It has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and disinfectant effect. Reduces exudation and weeping, which relieves local inflammation and irritation.

Release form

Ointment for external use white or light yellow in the form of a homogeneous mass.

100 g
zinc oxide10 mg

Excipients: vaseline 90 g.

25 g - tubes (1) - packs of cardboard.
30 g - tubes (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 g - tubes (1) - packs of cardboard.
25 g - cans (1) - packs of cardboard.
30 g - cans (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 g - cans (1) - packs of cardboard.
50 g - polymer bottles (1) with caps with a piston for extrusion - packs of cardboard.
100 g - polymer bottles (1) with caps with a piston for extrusion - packs of cardboard.

Due to its affordable price, zinc ointment is an affordable and popular remedy for the treatment of many skin diseases. You can buy it at any pharmacy, but before using it is advisable to consult a doctor. It is important to understand why zinc ointment is needed, and not to self-medicate superficially.

Properties of zinc ointment

This name is medical preparation received according to the effect of the active ingredient. The benefits of zinc can hardly be overestimated, since this mineral is directly involved in all vital processes of the body. The therapeutic and cosmetic effect of zinc ointment is achieved due to chemical composition productive medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight such active components and their medicinal properties:

  1. Zinc oxide demonstrates a regenerating, restorative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, astringent and protective effect directly on the focus of pathology.
  2. Vaseline oil has hypoallergenic and emollient properties, is well absorbed and smoothes upper layer epidermis, helps to soften the porous structure.
  3. Menthol creates a specific smell of the drug.
  4. Lanolin and dimethicone are auxiliary components that are necessary in chemical formula to prevent allergic reaction softening the rigid structure of this medicine.
  5. Fish Oil Demonstrates Benefits of Omega 3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids, retinol, vitamin D.

For acne

enjoy it pharmaceutical agent when symptoms of acne appear, doctors not only allow, but also strongly recommend as part of complex treatment. When combined with oral zinc preparations with topical antibiotics (Azithromycin), the desired effect occurs immediately. If zinc ointment against acne is indicated for treatment, the patient during intensive care notices such changes in appearance:

  • the number of acne is significantly reduced;
  • they become smaller and noticeably turn pale;
  • disappears itching inflammation of the skin;
  • the skin is dried, the process of regeneration of the affected areas is accelerated;
  • a natural blush appears on the cheeks, and not a painful inflammation.

From wrinkles

This medicinal product has found its application in modern cosmetology. It helps to remove not only acne and blackheads, but also mimic wrinkles, deep folds on sensitive skin. Zinc facial ointment is a budgetary way of rejuvenation, which is recognized even by certified cosmetologists. If you use this medicine regularly, you can get the following aesthetic effect:

  • increase the elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • elimination of shallow mimic wrinkles;
  • smoothing out all the irregularities of the skin.

Zinc ointment in cosmetology brings so many benefits that not a single generation of women has heard about its miraculous effect. Proven decades recipes with such a valuable component are passed on from the older generation to the younger, are actively used in practice, provide a grandiose result of rapid rejuvenation and excellent health of the dermis.

With dermatitis

AT detailed instructions it is indicated that this medicinal product is an adjuvant treatment for dermatitis at any age. The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the drug helps to reduce swelling. In addition, it is able to eliminate hyperemia and itching of the skin after the first application. AT childhood zinc ointment helps with atopic dermatitis, because in as soon as possible eliminates unpleasant symptoms on the dermis, returns the joy of life to the child, and parents - good nights. Before using this medication, it is important to consult with the local pediatrician.

Zinc ointment for blackheads

Acne is another indication reflected in the instructions for the medical preparation zinc ointment - which helps, the dermatologist will also tell you. Modern teenagers often use this oil base for treatment acne. Foci of black dots become less extensive and widespread, completely disappear after the first course. Zinc ointment for acne - cheap and effective remedy, which has no contraindications, acts gently and purposefully on the focus of pathology. Can be combined with boric acid so it will help more.

With psoriasis

Speaking of psoriasis, it is chronic illness dermis, which is regularly aggravated under the influence of provoking factors, for example, after a patient has been exposed to the sun for a long time or if therapeutic diet. Not all patients know what zinc ointment is used for with a characteristic ailment, however, dermatologists strongly recommend using it to eliminate puffiness and severe itching.

The medicine helps after the first session, as the skin dries and turns pale. In addition, irritation and an unbearable burning sensation quickly disappear. Zinc ointment for psoriasis is only an auxiliary treatment that helps to accelerate and enhance the overall therapeutic effect. Long-term therapy is needed, so doctors recommend patience.

From depriving

Completely eliminate the focus of pathology with such infectious disease the medicine is not capable, but it can significantly alleviate general state patient. If you rub the depriving zone with zinc ointment 3-4 times a day, inflammation disappears on day 4-5, unbearable itching disappears, and the once pronounced boundaries of the “plaque” become less noticeable to others. How much to be treated, the dermatologist will tell.

For herpes

In such clinical picture the patient should understand that zinc oxide is not very effective against dangerous virus. Zinc ointment for herpes should not be the main treatment, so doctors focus on antiviral agents local application. However, this medication can also be involved in the treatment of herpes, but only to eliminate itching and swelling - no more.

From age spots

Few people know that zinc oxide has bleaching properties. Masks with his participation help to get rid of age spots, freckles and other "drawings" on the skin. In order not to mix different ingredients, wasting time preparing a miraculous recipe, you can buy this medicine at a pharmacy and use it strictly for its intended purpose. Zinc ointment from age spots is highly effective, since the foci of pathology noticeably turn pale after the first procedure.

Zinc ointment for fungus

Such a medicine in modern dermatology helps to solve many skin problems. For example, it is a reliable ointment for nail fungus. When applied to the foci of pathology, the active components penetrate the subcutaneous layer, kill the pathogenic flora, and strengthen the affected nail structure. The product contains zinc oxide, which helps quick recovery destroyed nail, and petroleum jelly, providing soft action without side effects.

From bruises

As you know, a hematoma is an internal hemorrhage. Zinc ointment for bruises helps to quickly get rid of such health problems, because it eliminates not only cosmetic defect but also the reason for its appearance. Zinc oxide dissolves the accumulation of blood under the skin, while removing puffiness, inflammation, and promotes a change in the color of the hematoma. In order to recover sooner, it is necessary to apply the composition in a thin layer on previously cleaned skin, and up to 5-6 sessions per day. Stop treatment when bruising has completely disappeared from the skin.

For eczema

If the weeping form of eczema progresses, the dermatologist as aid appoints zinc ointment. Reviews of such treatment are positive, since the ointment has not only a drying, but also a regenerating effect on the focus of pathology. The patient needs to lubricate the damaged areas 5-6 times a day, even if they are in the hair.

Use zinc ointment for eczema only at the relapse stage, while it is imperative to treat the diseased areas with any antiseptics before applying zinc oxide. The composition forms a thin protective film, the integrity of which is important not to violate. After that, do not wash off, do not apply a bandage, otherwise zinc ointment does not help to heal, but only harms health.

Zinc ointment for burns

At thermal damage skin, you can safely use this medication, because it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, zinc ointment for burns accelerates the process of recovery of injured tissues, relieves swelling and severe redness dermis. Use the composition only on clean and pre-dried skin up to 4-5 times per day. Duration of therapy - until all symptoms completely disappear.

For allergies

The medicine itself has hypoallergenic properties, has no contraindications, is allowed by all categories of patients. Dermatologists often prescribe it for an allergic reaction, which is a consequence of intoxication of the body with certain foods and medicines. Zinc ointment for allergies eliminates inflammation, reduces foci skin rash, prevents the sensation of itching. The product is intended for external use, however, it is first necessary to treat the dermis with local antiseptics.

From sweat

Unlike other medicines, zinc preparations have a drying effect. In case of broken work sebaceous glands it is recommended to use such a medication in order to significantly reduce increased sweating. Zinc ointment for sweating is widely used in adolescence and adulthood, acts instantly, has a lot of positive and grateful feedback from patients. Apply the agent to problematic doses up to 5 times a day, but the patient must first take a shower.

From pinworms

In order to be treated properly, the first step is to wash yourself thoroughly using local antiseptics, and then dry the skin. anus towel. Apply a dose of medicine in a circle anus, and carry out such a procedure up to 4-5 times a day. Additionally, take orally antihelminthic drugs, for example, a tablet of Decaris. Patient reviews report that this is the best combination of drugs in the fight against worms.

With hemorrhoids

With such a disease, the use of zinc oxide is appropriate only for protrusion of external nodes. Treatment can be mixed with folk remedies. Zinc ointment for hemorrhoids relieves inflammation, reduces the size of the pathogenic node, forms a protective film and prevents large-scale blood loss. Some patients consider such a medication obsolete, while others actively use it at the next relapse and are very pleased with the effect obtained. The anus area needs to be lubricated with the composition up to 4-5 times a day, consult a proctologist.

With chickenpox

Chicken pox accompanied not only by the appearance of a skin rash on the body, but also by a strong feeling of itching. Since the disease often develops in children, it is difficult for a small patient to explain why he should not itch. To reduce the feeling of unbearable itching, pediatricians recommend using zinc ointment for chickenpox. The tool is cheap and affordable, does not cause side effects and relieves inflammation of the irritated dermis. It is necessary to lubricate each pockmark on the body with a thin layer up to 3-4 days per day, and perform the procedures until the last crusts fall off.


Zinc ointment is a simple solution to skin disease problems. We are looking for miracle drugs, we believe in advertising, we are ready to pay incredible money, not suspecting that a solution is nearby. Budget option, versatility of use and real results.

Let's take a closer look at its therapeutic possibilities and how to use it correctly.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Means (zinc ointment) belongs to the group of local anti-inflammatory non-hormonal drugs for external use.
Components in the composition of the ointment, release form

Zinc, as the main component, gave the name medical preparation. Without zinc, the processes of regeneration (recovery) of tissues are difficult.

Part remedy zinc is in the form of an oxide. It is he who effectively solves the problem of healing, relieves inflammation, dries weeping inflamed skin.

The basis of the remedy Vaseline oil. Lanolin and dimethicone soften, fish oil is a supplier of vitamins A, D and omega 3, menthol gives a pleasant delicate smell.

Produced in 30, 25, 15 g. in aluminum tubes, or in dark glass jars placed in cardboard box with instructions.

Distinguish ointment with 10%, paste with 25% oxide content.

pharmachologic effect

Zinc oxide as the main active substance, maintains skin health, accelerates its regeneration, dries, has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. The antiviral and antibacterial activity of the drug allows it to be used in combination in the treatment of herpes.

Zinc ointment is a kind of barrier, protecting the skin from damage, the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Active substances The drug acts locally, without penetrating into the blood.

Indications for use

Reviews on the use of zinc ointment vary greatly due to inattentive study of treatment recommendations. The drug will help with problems associated with the restoration of the skin:

  • treatment of diaper rash and redness, prickly heat in infants;
  • treatment of skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema);
  • cosmetic problems of the skin of the face in adolescents (pimples, blackheads);
  • shallow wounds, cuts, scratches, burns;
  • bedsores;

The drug will help reduce unpleasant symptoms, dry weeping wounds, remove skin itching in combination with other drugs for diseases:

  • chicken pox;
  • streptoderma;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • psoriasis;
  • trophic ulcer.

Dosage and duration of treatment

Skin diseases with zinc ointment can be treated for a month, treating the problem area with a thin layer or pointwise up to 4-5 times a day. Because of the slow and careful penetration medicinal product in the upper layer of skin cells, you can apply a bandage with ointment for the whole night. Cases of overdose with this drug are not described.

Mode of application

The effectiveness of treatment with zinc ointment will increase if the following rules are followed:

  1. The drug should be applied to clean, slightly dried skin with a napkin, if possible, treat the problem area with antibacterial solutions (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).
  2. Many skin problems (acne, pimples, rashes, redness) are only a consequence, the cause must be sought in malnutrition, gastrointestinal diseases, and lack of hygiene.
  3. Zinc ointment is not applied to festering wounds, antibiotic therapy should be carried out first.
    There have been so few allergic reactions to treatment with zinc ointment that it is safe to use it even in the smallest patients.

The healing process will be more active with the following methods of application:

  • abrasions, cuts, small wounds - a thin layer 5-6 times a day on clean skin until recovery without rubbing the ointment;
  • thermal and sunburn- a thick layer under the bandage with a sterile bandage or napkin;
  • bedsores - in a thick layer on clean, antiseptic-treated skin under gauze in several layers, change after 3-4 hours;
  • dermatitis, rashes in children - a thin layer on clean skin, before putting on a diaper, you can apply a thin layer to prevent diaper rash;
  • ulcers, purulent rashes - the treated area and around it with a thin layer 3 times a day, at least a month, even with rapid visible improvements;
  • acne, pimples - spot after treatment from black dots, otherwise the situation will worsen due to their complete clogging. Twice a day for two weeks, then after a week break, repeat the course if necessary;
  • age spots - rub a small amount daily into problem areas but not more than two months;
  • small wrinkles - apply a thin layer 2 hours before bedtime, remove excess with a napkin, do not use as a base for makeup.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of using zinc ointment allows it to be used by pregnant and lactating women. Emerging acne, as a result of hormonal failure, abrasions, calluses are easily treated without harming the child.

Successful lightening of age spots on the face was noted. In any case, be careful to avoid accidentally getting the ointment into the eyes or mouth of the child.

Contraindications and side effects of zinc ointment

The use of an ointment for the first time requires careful observation. Individual reactions of the organism to the preparation of zinc oxide, or to accompanying components, are possible.

Paleness or redness of the skin, unnatural burning, discomfort - a reason to remove the drug from the skin and consult a doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug to treat skin problems near the eyes and mouth, in order to avoid getting the product inside. The storage period is indicated on the package, no more than 2 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Zinc ointment is a widely consumed drug, purchased freely in pharmacies, on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Storage conditions

Special conditions are not required, stored at room temperature, preferably in a dark and dry place. An expired drug does not change its color (white, yellowish-white) and smell, but loses its medicinal properties, therefore it must be disposed of.

How does zinc ointment work?

It is no coincidence that 9 out of 10 parts are Vaseline. Thanks to him, the ointment can be easily distributed over large areas of the skin. It creates protection - a film, a kind of barrier that prevents pollution from the outside.

Simultaneously dries, softens and helps tissues recover. Zinc can be an ointment, a paste (with the addition of starch), a cream (it has a lighter texture).

AT recent times the drug is increasingly mentioned in cosmetic procedures. It is noted that it gives the skin elasticity and healthy look, successfully fights fine wrinkles.

On the basis of zinc ointment, creams, gels, products for protecting the skin from the sun have been created. A whitening effect is observed when applying the ointment to freckles.

During the day, you can treat the site of injury up to 5-6 times, easily rubbing a small amount of ointment into the skin.