Gel for joints horsepower. People's reviews about the balm. Horse gel for the treatment of joints

Balm-gel Horsepower - cosmetic product for body care. It contains natural ingredients that soften, moisturize the skin, and stimulate its regeneration. The gel is used as aid in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. After applying the balm to the joints, the severity of swelling decreases, painful sensations, the range of movements increases.

The cosmetic product contains no components that have a toxic effect on the human body. This explains the small list of its contraindications for use. But there is a possibility of local allergic reaction. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor about the safety and advisability of using Horsepower.

Composition and release form

Relaxing gel Horsepower is produced by a Russian cosmetics factory. It is a greenish, homogeneous, jelly-like substance with a pleasant odor essential oils. The balm gel is packaged in 500 ml white plastic bottles equipped with a dosing device. Secondary packaging cardboard box with instructions for use included inside.

The active ingredients of Horsepower are tocopherol acetate, menthol, peppermint and lavender essential oils. The auxiliary composition is represented by the following components:

  • demineralized water;
  • soybean oil;
  • glycerin;
  • carbopol;
  • triethanolamine;
  • methylparaben;
  • propylparaben.

Additional ingredients ensure maximum transepidermal absorption of fat-soluble vitamin and essential oils. They also enhance the therapeutic properties of natural components and promote their uniform distribution in the epidermal layers.

pharmachologic effect

Gel Horsepower does not contain ingredients with pronounced therapeutic effect. His ability to relax skeletal muscles, eliminate puffiness is based on the properties of menthol, mint, lavender essential oils. Natural components prolong and enhance each other’s effects.

Other brand products.

These cosmetic ingredients are characterized by the following clinical activity:

  • menthol. Metabolite of plants of the Lamiaceae family, obtained from mint essential oil. It has a local irritating, distracting effect, reduces the severity of pain, swelling, and itching. Shows weak anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial activity. The irritating effect is expressed in a feeling of cold immediately after applying the product, followed after some time by a slight burning or tingling sensation;
  • lavender essential oil. It has a disinfectant, antiexudative, bacteriostatic effect. Stimulates tissue regeneration due to cupping. When inhaling the vapors of lavender oil, nervous excitability decreases, sleep improves, anxiety and restlessness disappear, and the psycho-emotional state normalizes;
  • peppermint essential oil. It has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, inhibits inflammatory processes provoked by infection of the skin by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and pathogenic fungi. Eliminates muscle spasms, stimulates the restoration of connective tissue structures. After application to the skin, it affects the nerve endings, distracting from;
  • vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant that prevents the destruction of tissues by free radicals, preventing premature aging skin. Tocopherol increases cell resistance to oxygen starvation, inhibits the activity of enzymes that destroy cell membranes. The fat-soluble vitamin has a healing effect. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen, contractile proteins in skeletal and smooth muscles.

Gel-balm regulates work sebaceous glands, prevents the production of excess secretions. Course use Horsepower helps cleanse the skin of rashes, saturate it with moisture, nutrients and biologically active substances.

Indications and contraindications for use

Gel-balm Horsepower can be used in the composition complex therapy any chronic course. It is used for inflammatory diseases- , metabolic arthritis.

Using the gel, joint stiffness and swelling are eliminated at the stage of remission of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies:

  • , including;

Horsepower is used for inflammatory lesions of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus (epicondylitis,) in rehabilitation period. The balm is also used on recovery stage after carrying out the main therapy of dislocations, ruptures of muscles, ligaments, tendons for the purpose of relief and joints.

But the main purpose of the Horsepower gel is a relaxing effect on the body and skin care. It helps eliminate leg discomfort after intense exercise. sports training or a hard day at work, suitable for relaxing massage treatments. With regular use of the balm, the condition of the skin improves. It becomes moisturized, more elastic, elastic due to stimulation of blood circulation.

The cosmetic product should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the active or auxiliary ingredients. The possibility of its use during lactation and while pregnant should be discussed with your doctor.

Instructions for use

The duration of the therapeutic course of Horsepower is not limited - the gel is intended for permanent use. It is applied to the entire body or the area of ​​sore joints 1-2 times a day and rubbed in with light massaging movements. The cosmetic product is used in any quantity, as it cannot cause an overdose. Enhance therapeutic effect Applying balm under a breathable bandage and additional insulation will help.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the regularity of use of Horsepower. If discomfort does not disappear within 2-3 days or its intensity increases, you should consult a doctor. After conducting a series of studies, he will draw up a therapeutic regimen, including local or systemic pharmacological drugs.

There have been no cases of chemical interaction between Horsepower and drugs. The instructions recommend applying the gel-balm an hour after using medications.

Side effects and special instructions

The active and auxiliary ingredients of Horsepower do not penetrate the bloodstream, and therefore do not cause systemic side effects. If you are hypersensitive to one of the components, a local allergic reaction may develop. Clinically, it manifests itself in swelling and redness of the skin, the formation of rashes, itching and pain. Any of allergic symptoms becomes a signal to stop using the gel. Its remnants should be washed off under running water, dry the skin and apply any antihistamine external preparation- Fenistil, Gistan, Psilo-balm. Then you need to see a doctor to prescribe another remedy for treating joints.

Do not apply the balm gel to the skin if it has damage - cuts, cracks, burns, scratches, open wound surfaces.

Storage conditions and periods

The shelf life of the gel is 24 months. Thanks to the dispenser, it does not shrink after opening primary packaging. Horsepower should be stored in places protected from direct penetration sun rays at temperatures from 5 to 25 °C. Do not use a cosmetic product if its consistency, color or smell changes. Small children should not have access to the package with the balm, as if it gets on the mucous membranes it can cause a burning sensation.

Dispensing from pharmacies and price

Balm Horsepower is available over-the-counter. It can be freely purchased not only in pharmacies, but also in cosmetic stores. The cost of a 0.5 liter package is 490 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of relaxing gel-balm Horsepower
pros Minuses
Absence large quantity restrictions on use Lack of active ingredients that have a pronounced therapeutic effect
Large package, which is enough for 1-2 months of regular use Feasibility of use only at the stage of stable remission
Can be used for an unlimited amount of time A feeling of coldness on the skin, which not all patients like
Rare occurrence of adverse reactions If individual hypersensitivity is detected, it is necessary to get rid of large packaging
Convenient packaging, presence of a dosing device Presence of a specific odor

When first meeting the Horsepower gel, patients are distrustful of this medicine. This attitude is due to the fact that the drug is used in veterinary practice, and a completely logical question arises - how will the gel for horses help humans? Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of joint diseases of various etymologies.

IN medical practice“Horsepower” gel is prescribed as an adjuvant in complex therapy.

The product has a positive effect:

According to doctors, the Horsepower gel is not an alternative to medications. Each diagnosis is individual and requires careful study and prescription of appropriate medications.


The action of the drug is based on three active components:

  1. Vitamin E. A natural antioxidant that protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals. The vitamin regulates the flow of oxygen into cells and normalizes blood circulation. The substance takes an active part in the synthesis of fibrin and collagen - without them recovery is impossible muscle tissue and ligaments. As a result of using the drug, the healing time of superficial wounds is reduced, and scars do not appear in their place. In addition, vitamin E slows down the aging process of the skin and maintains its attractive appearance.
  2. Peppermint essential oil. The substance restores protective functions joints and ligaments. Menthol has a cooling effect, normalizes blood flow and neutralizes excess tension in muscle tissue. Mint also has a vasodilating effect, as a result, discomfort in the joints disappears, and other components of the gel penetrate faster and deeper into the skin, directly to the source pathological changes. In addition, mint has a calming effect and restores strength.
  3. Lavender essential oil. The main effect is to eliminate redness, swelling and signs of inflammation. Metabolic processes in cells are normalized, this minimizes the risk of scar formation. Lavender tones, thanks to which vascular spasm is neutralized. Lavender essential oil gives the product a pleasant aroma.

The following additional components are used:

  • Stabilizers and preservatives that prevent the spread of dangerous microorganisms;
  • Organic ingredients - glycerin or soybean oil - maintain the gel-like structure of the product.

Original products are presented only in the form of gels. There are no ointments or creams under the “Horsepower” brand.

Indications for use and effect of the drug

The main indication for use of the balm:

  • Tendon injuries of various origins;
  • Various ligament injuries;
  • Joint pathologies – all forms of arthritis, arthrosis;
  • Pathologies such as myositis, osteochondrosis of all forms and degrees.

The product is often used by athletes as massage product and for the restoration of joints after damage and injury.

Also, Horsepower gel is prescribed in the following cases:

  • In order to prevent sprains and strains of muscles and ligaments;
  • To eliminate fatigue in muscle tissue;
  • To eliminate pain;
  • For swelling of the legs and for relaxation.

As a result of regular use:

  1. Pain arising from the musculoskeletal system disappears;
  2. Motor activity is restored;
  3. Swelling and cramps disappear;
  4. The muscular system relaxes;
  5. Blood circulation and metabolic processes are normalized;
  6. The feeling of overstrain in muscles and ligaments after training disappears.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindications to the use of the product are individual intolerance and allergic reactions. In order to exclude Negative consequences, you need to apply a small amount of gel to the elbow and monitor the reaction.

An absolute contraindication to the use of the gel is during pregnancy. Active substances drugs may negatively affect the child’s development and condition expectant mother. It is also not recommended to apply the gel during lactation, since the components get into breast milk, provide Negative influence on the baby's condition.

The drug should be used with caution when bronchial asthma and oncological pathologies.

Using a gel involves applying the product to the problem area. Then rub the product until it is absorbed. The maximum course of treatment is two weeks. The frequency of procedures is three times a day - morning, afternoon and evening.

The gel is used in combination with other measures - drug therapy, massage, special physical therapy

For normalization metabolic processes To eliminate tension and swelling, a course of wraps using the “Horsepower” gel is prescribed.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Apply the product in a thin, even layer in the area of ​​pain;
  • Wrap the area in plastic;
  • Cover the top with a woolen scarf or lie under a blanket for half an hour;
  • After 30 minutes, remove the woolen item and film, and rinse the gel with warm water.

If the gel gets on the mucous membranes, the area should be washed with running water and soap.

When using the product, different sensations arise - the skin may feel cold, or vice versa - a feeling of heat may arise. The active substances provide an analgesic effect after a quarter of an hour. Essential oils provide a relaxing effect and eliminate spasms. The duration of therapy is selected according to the complexity of the disease and the patient’s well-being.

The traditional treatment regimen involves using the gel for 1.5-2 weeks, then a week break is required. If during this time the patient’s well-being does not improve, therapy is extended after an individual consultation with a doctor.

The main mistake is stopping therapy before the end of the course when improvement occurs. In order for the effect of the drug to be maximum, it is necessary to complete the course. Do not apply the gel to the skin if it has abrasions, scratches or open lesions.

Precautionary measures

  1. Before using the gel, you need to check the expiration date. If the period has expired, the product must be thrown away.
  2. After each use, close the container with the gel tightly.
  3. The gel should be stored in a place protected from children.
  4. The gel should not get on the mucous membranes.

If the treatment regimen is not followed, a rash, burn and other allergic reactions may appear on the skin.

Cost of the drug

The cost of the drug varies from 500 to 900 rubles.

The price depends on various factors:

  • Region;
  • Place of purchase – pharmacy or online store.

Not worth buying too cheap remedy, most likely, this indicates the low quality of the drug. The original packaging must contain instructions.

Experts' opinion

The opinion of doctors about the effectiveness of the drug is ambiguous.

Despite the positive reviews from patients, doctors strongly recommend in the following cases:

  • For one-time relief;
  • To eliminate the feeling of fatigue and tension after physical activity.

Horsepower gel is not prescribed for the treatment of serious pathological processes.

Doctors' concerns are primarily due to the lack of clinical trials facilities. In addition, the strong analgesic effect can harm the patient. The fact is that pain is one of the forms of the body’s protective reaction. If a person experiences pain, it is imperative to pay attention to it. While relieving discomfort with the help of a gel, a person continues to load the joints to the usual extent, and this only aggravates the patient’s condition. Weakened cartilage tissue cannot cope with loads, pathological process develops faster, the condition worsens.

What is the secret of the popularity of the gel? According to patient reviews, the main advantage of the drug is its speed of action - the active components almost instantly eliminate pain and restore motor activity.

Horse gel for joints, unexpectedly for many it became enough popular means from human joint and muscle diseases. Nowadays, it is already forgotten that such compounds were developed to help veterinarians in their work and were not originally intended for treating humans. But at one fine moment there was a daredevil who tried the product on himself, and now, under the brand name of horse ointments, balm compositions, ointments, creams, gels are produced, which are widely advertised as medicines against arthrosis and arthritis for people. Horse joint gel includes medicinal extracts and can actually be used effectively in the treatment of human diseases.

Essence of the remedy

Currently, there are quite a lot of different equine drugs available that are suitable for treating humans. They are recommended in the treatment of arthrosis (osteoarthrosis), arthritis, various injuries bones, ligaments, articular and muscle tissues and are successfully used for localizing lesions in the spinal, cervical regions and limbs. Safety is guaranteed by the composition of ointments, which include natural components of plant and mineral nature.
The use of horse creams and gels provides the following positive effects: improvement of the condition of the skeletal system, including the spinal column and lumbar region; muscle relaxation; pain relief; normalization of articular motor function; relaxation after physical overload; reduction of swelling; beneficial effect on vascular system; relieving fatigue.
The most popular horse remedies suitable for treating humans include: “Horsepower”, “ZooVIP”, “Alezan”, “Gel” double acting" and some others. The form of release of such products for horses is ointment, cream, gel, balm.

Remedy "Horsepower"

The most popular horse ointment“Horsepower” (“Horse Force”), produced by Dr.Foerster (Germany). Full composition The product includes the following ingredients: specially purified water; pine needle extracts Siberian fir, field mint, horse chestnut seeds, mountain arnica, rosemary; menthol, camphor oil, ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, alkyl acrylate crosspolymer, glucose, lactic acid, potassium hydroxide and sorbate, sodium benzoate and sulfate, cosmetic colors and fragrances (limonene, linalool).
The composition contains a number of elements that are included in the structure of the ingredients and have a therapeutic effect:

  1. Vitamin E has a healing effect, normalizes blood circulation, eliminates blood clots, and has antioxidant properties.
  2. Peppermint oil, menthol - relaxation effect, catalyst for the action of other components, regulates capillary tone, has a relaxing and cooling effect.
  3. Essential oils have an analgesic and tonic effect, a beneficial effect on subcutaneous tissue, ligamentous and muscle tissues.
  4. Horse chestnut - normalization of metabolic processes, regeneration of joint tissues;
  5. Glucosamine - rehabilitation, prevention and recovery.
  6. Chondroitin activates the formation of hyaluronic acid.
  7. Camphor oil is aimed at reducing inflammatory reactions and reduction of pain.

Use of the drug

The ointment has optimal thickness and pleasant aroma, can be used as a rub in the area of ​​​​a damaged or diseased joint, during a therapeutic or stimulating massage, to normalize and treat the skin of the body. Method of use: apply to the skin in the desired area and rub with smooth hand movements. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day. Penetration of the ointment onto the mucous membrane and into open wounds.
Effective use for pathological pain in the back and lumbar area, helps eliminate pain in spinal column. Fir and camphor oils, as well as rosemary, help restore joint tissue and muscles in this area.
Balm “Horsepower” is recommended for the treatment of joints and muscles of the neck, sprains. It is possible to treat and colds. After applying the gel, it is advisable to massage. Ingredients useful in this area include mint and rosemary, arnica, chestnut and fir: they relieve pain, restore motor abilities, eliminate spasms and muscle tension.
Positive reviews are received when using the gel to treat the knee joint. The beneficial effects of mint, menthol, and fir have been noted in the treatment of elderly people.

The balm relieves swelling and heaviness well. lower limbs; The product can be used by anyone over 12 years of age.

Application of gel "ZooVIP"

Another effective horse remedy that has proven itself in the treatment of human joints is the cream-gel “ZooVIP” (“Horse Gel”). This product contains eucalyptus and mint oil, camphor oil, and pepper extract. The medicine is considered a low-allergic drug. It normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes, reduces swelling, and has a restorative, healing, cooling, and relaxing effect. Apply horse gel for joints with circular movements of the hand 2-3 times a day, and after rubbing the sore joint should be rested for 25-30 minutes.
The Veda company, a manufacturer of cream-gel, offers several varieties of ZooVIP:

  1. A double-action gel with a cooling and warming effect contains camphor oil and menthol and is used for injuries in the form of sprains and ligament tears, for arthralgia, to relieve inflammation of the joints and relax muscles;
  2. Cream with a balm effect for the treatment of joints - rehabilitation after injuries, resuscitation of joint tissues;
  3. A gel with cooling properties includes menthol and eucalyptus, relaxes muscles and joints, relieves pain and has an antitumor effect;
  4. Muscle relaxation gel - a remedy for the treatment of the skeletal system and musculoskeletal system;
  5. A gel with a warming effect has a warming and relaxing effect to maintain the functions of the ligaments.

Composition of cream "Alezan"

Horse gel for joints "Alezan" is a new development and can provide effective assistance in treatment musculoskeletal system. The composition of this product is based on the following components: herbal extracts (wormwood, peppermint, celandine, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, fennel, pine needles, yarrow, licorice root, caraway, rose hips, pharmaceutical chamomile, thyme), glucosamine, sea ​​buckthorn oil, mumiyo. The cream has an effective effect on cartilage tissue, contributing to its restoration; normalizes calcium metabolism; strengthens bone tissue.
The product is produced by the AVZ company, which produces several versions of the Alezan gel:

  1. With a warming effect - normalization and increased blood circulation.
  2. Cooling with an anti-traumatic effect - constriction of blood vessels, weakening of microcirculation of blood and lymph.
  3. Double action - cooling-warming effect: pain relief, anti-inflammatory effect, removal of lactic acid from muscle tissue, positive effect on radiculitis, joint dislocations, synovitis, sprains, neuritis, bruises.

Double action composition

A positive effect is noted when using the veterinary product “Double-action gel with camphor and menthol.” This cream contains: high purity water, menthol, camphor oil, glycerin composition, red pepper juice, propolis, carbomer, clove essential oil, Eucalyptus oil, sodium tetraborate, food coloring. Horse gel has proven itself especially well when applied to the knee joint. The composition is applied to the affected area and left for 30-40 minutes. The course of treatment is 30-40 days.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that such a wide range of drugs helps to quickly get rid of the disease. But before using this or that product, you should consult a doctor.

The “Horsepower” gel, intended for the treatment of joints and the elimination of some other pathologies associated with blood circulation and the musculoskeletal system, is most often provided with a characteristic picture.

Because of it, in combination with original name people often think that the drug is intended to treat animals. However, this is not a completely correct assumption.

What is “Horsepower” gel, and why is it often associated with the treatment of animals?

The first drugs with the same name were actually produced for the treatment of animals. Now, modern developments have revised the composition of gels and made them optimal for use by people.

There are 2 theories according to which the product received this name:

  1. The first is based on the fact that horses are extremely sensitive to chemicals, and the “Horse Power” balm contains exclusively natural ingredients.
  2. Second theory – horse chestnut as part of the product gave this name to the drug, which was invented by Dr. Dr. Forster.

Companies in Russia and abroad produce gels of different spectrum of action under the name “Horse Power”. They have a similar method of action, but give different results depending on individual characteristics this or that person.

Why should you try it?

Initially, the gel was intended for the treatment of veins and joints of horses, but modern formulas have become significantly different from the first generation of drugs.

Here's why the gel is great for people:

  • There is not a single component in the products that is harmful or has an aggressive effect.
  • The vast majority of people who try the drug experience a noticeable reduction in pain.
  • The original composition was designed for animals that do not need marketing tricks and hooks. The cream would either work on them or not. Therefore, the manufacturer had to create a truly high-quality product.

Horsepower gels are excellent for treating all forms of degenerative diseases(arthrosis, arthritis), in which noticeable inflammatory and painful processes occur.

It is also used for recovery after injuries to the musculoskeletal system, as well as after bruises, sprains and inflammation in the skeletal muscles. Balms are used for therapeutic massage.

Used to combat any pain in the back, muscles and joints, as stated by the manufacturer. “Horsepower” will help get rid of progressive radiculitis, osteoarthritis and other similar diseases.
For the purpose of prevention, the drug can be used by all people engaged in physical labor and athletes.

Composition of Horsepower products

The recipe for any horse power cream contains only natural ingredients.

Main active ingredients– essential oils and vitamins, as well as plant extracts.

The basic set of ingredients looks something like this:

  • vitamin E– has a rejuvenating effect, restores skin, protects against blood clots and enhances metabolism;
  • mint oil– affects blood circulation, improves vascular tone, penetrates deep and restores nerve fibers;
  • lavender oil– tones, heals, relieves pain, penetrating deep into the joint capsule;
  • menthol– fights germs, relieves irritation, removes inflammation;
  • phenoxyethanol– antibacterial drug;
  • euksil PE-9010– natural preservative;
  • carbomer– emulsifier to obtain a gel structure;
  • glucosamine sulfate– helps relieve pain and starts regeneration processes in joints;
  • triethanolamine– cleanses and moisturizes the skin, removes excess fat from the surface.

The formula includes beneficial essential oils that warm and treat affected joints, help with varicose veins and eliminate muscle pain (oil of cloves, eucalyptus, cinnamon).

How does Horsepower work?

You can select positive action gel on the body and joints:

  • Powerful pain relief in the musculoskeletal system.
  • Improving blood circulation in blood vessels, muscles, veins.
  • Elimination of acute inflammation.
  • Relieving muscle spasms.
  • Constriction of dilated veins.
  • Combat muscle tension.
  • Relaxation on an emotional level.
  • Normalization of joint functions.
  • Improving mobility and metabolic processes in all elements of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications and contraindications

Natural products have few contraindications: open wounds, abrasions, skin diseases and burns.

Do not use if you are allergic to the components, have oncology or during pregnancy/lactation.

Where to buy Horsepower gel?

The gel can be purchased at the pharmacy. However, most often it will be cheaper to order it at any online pharmacy, for example.

The cost of 500 ml of the product in a pharmacy is in the range of 500-700 rubles, while in an online pharmacy the drug will cost you only 450-550 rubles.

Varieties and analogues

There are 2 Horsepower products that have been in production longer than others and are generally considered staples: gels from Horse Force and Dr. Forster.

Gels from Horse Force were previously produced in 2 types, but now they have been combined and an additional 2 products have been made with a different spectrum of action.

The second product from Hourse Force is a toning gel in green packaging. It contains chestnut and extract from medical leech, as well as many other useful components.

In addition to treating joints, this product is suitable for relaxation and elimination of tension, to combat swelling and varicose veins. It eliminates rosacea and gets rid of bruises and cellulite.

Common analogues

Most analogues of “Horsepower” are produced in Russia, have many additional components in their composition and effectively fight the same diseases as the original product.

Gels and creams "Alezan"

There is also “Horsepower” cosmetics created for hair. It is produced on the basis of shampoos and conditioners for horses.

Today, a huge number of people suffer from joint diseases. For their treatment, various modern drugs, both internal and external use. Among the latter, the most popular is the “Horsepower” balm for joints. Is it really as effective as they say it is? And is it possible to get rid of or with the help this tool?

Horse balm for joints contains active components that penetrate deep into the epidermis, reaching bursa. Absorbed into its liquid, the balm eliminates inflammatory processes, helps normalize microflora, removes excess liquid, which provides strong pressure on joints, and normalizes metabolic processes.

As a result of this action horse balm promotes their rapid regeneration and inhibition of deformation processes. After applying the product to the diseased joint, its mobility is restored and pain is relieved. In addition, the “Horse Power” balm has an antipyretic and anti-edematous effect.

To understand exactly how this remedy affects diseased joints, it is necessary to take a closer look at its composition. That's what we'll do now.

Balm “Horsepower” for joints: composition

Cream balm for joints “Horsepower” is a very advertised product. In the advertisement, the manufacturer claims that this medicinal product contains only natural ingredients, that it has no contraindications and gives good results in the treatment of joint diseases. Having studied the annotation for this medicine, we can truly say that the balm is natural and does not contain chemical elements.

So, horse joint balm contains the following components:

  1. Vitamin E. This is the main ingredient, thanks to which pain is eliminated and cartilage tissue is restored. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on skin, accelerating the regeneration process and preventing the formation of scars. In addition, this chemical element is a powerful antioxidant that helps slow down the aging process and destruction of cells, providing them with a complete supply of oxygen. It is also worth noting that vitamin E has a tonic and strengthening effect on blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots in them and normalizing blood circulation. As a result of a good flow of blood, diseased joints begin to receive all the necessary micro and macroelements, which helps normalize metabolic processes and restore cartilage tissue.
  2. Peppermint essential oil. This component has several actions at once. Firstly, due to its cooling effect, mint ensures normalization of skin temperature (as a rule, with arthritis at the site of inflammation it is always higher than on other parts of the body) and relief of pain. Secondly, mint promotes muscle relaxation, which relieves pressure from inflamed joints. And thirdly, mint contains components that are a conductor for other substances, increasing their permeability.
  3. Lavender oil. This component does not have any therapeutic effect other than a tonic. But thanks to his presence Horsepower Balm gel for joints has a very pleasant smell.

In addition to these components, the drug in question also contains other substances - caropol, glycerin, propylparaben, soybean oil and water.

It is worth noting that there is also a “Horsepower” balm on sale with a warming effect. It contains all the active ingredients described above, as well as pepper and chestnut extract, which also have a healing effect on sore joints.

The use of horsepower balm for joints can occur in different ways. It can be used both for rubbing joints and for applying therapeutic compresses.

In the first case, the product is applied to the skin with light massage movements. Rub it in until the balm is completely absorbed. In this case, do not allow the gel to come into contact with mucous membranes and areas of skin with cuts, wounds and ulcers. It is recommended to do rubbing at least 2 times a day for several weeks.

As a compress, the product is applied to the inflamed joint in a thick layer, after which a bandage of polyethylene and a bandage is applied. The compress is kept for several hours. You can leave it on all night. Such healing procedures It is recommended to do it once a day for several weeks.

The first results of using the balm are noticeable after 5-7 days. However, the pain syndrome disappears literally after just a few uses of the drug.

Despite the fact that horse joint balm has reviews mainly positive character, it should not be used without first consulting a doctor. Self-medication can lead to dire consequences.

Balm “Horsepower” for joints: contraindications

Balm “Horsepower” is a medicinal product that has its own contraindications for which it cannot be used. First of all, I would like to note that applying the product to the skin with mechanical damage It’s not worth it, as this will cause severe burning, inflammation and redness of the skin.

In addition, this product is contraindicated for use if there is an allergic reaction to its components (this especially applies to essential oils and plant extracts) and oncological diseases of any nature.

It should also be noted that the Horsepower balm has a local irritating effect. If you have hypersensitive skin, then you should not use this product to treat joints. It can provoke the appearance of hematomas, minor hemorrhages, as well as the development. Therefore, do a test before using this product. Apply the balm to the area of ​​the affected joint and observe your body’s reaction for 12 hours. If no unpleasant symptoms is not observed, then you can safely use the “Horsepower” balm to treat joints.