What drugs are prescribed to children for poisoning? The best medicines for poisoning. Medicines to treat food poisoning in children

According to emergency medical services statistics, the largest number of drug poisonings in children occurs in the winter and cold seasons. There are several reasons for this. First of all, children get sick more often, which means their parents treat them more often; in addition, children spend more time at home in winter, which means they have more opportunities to play hospital and doctor, treating themselves with familiar medications that are within their reach.

Remember, a child can be poisoned even by vitamins that parents give to their children that seem safe at first glance. loading doses ascorbic acid tablets, not realizing all the harm from these drugs. They give the baby 2-3 multivitamins to strengthen the immune system, thereby only harming, not helping. And how many problems arise from forgetful grandparents who leave their pills on the bedside tables, table or in other places accessible to the child! However, in adults, drugs are usually serious, especially those used for blood pressure and to treat heart disease. They can become deadly. But, most poisonings in children occur due to parental negligence in the treatment of common colds and runny noses.

There are different types of poisoning.

It is impossible to say which medications may be the most dangerous for children. The fact is that in case of poisoning, much depends on the type of medicine, its dosage form– tablets, syrups, solutions, and the amount of the drug taken. Almost all drugs that are not prescribed to a child by a doctor pose a threat to life. And even medications prescribed by a doctor can become dangerous if they are not taken according to the rules, or if the dosage or frequency of administration is violated. The more pleasant the tablet is to the baby’s eye, the sweeter its shell tastes, the more delicious the syrup smells, the higher the chances that the baby will eat or drink it. Even vitamins must be strictly dosed and given by the mother to the baby, and then stored under lock and key!

What's heavier?

Symptoms of drug poisoning are usually nonspecific, manifesting either depression or stimulation of the nervous system, digestive symptoms, and changes in the blood. Everything will depend on the specific active ingredient. But in general, one way or another, digestion and nervous system always suffer.
Under equal conditions, tablets are more dangerous than syrups, since if a child gets into a medicine cabinet, they usually taste one syrup, but tablets, due to their variety, taste all or most of them, especially if they have bright shells and are not bitter in taste . In this case, the severity of the condition is affected not only active substance one tablet, but the mutual effect of several drugs, sometimes mutually reinforcing each other. If you suspect that your child has eaten several tablets from the medicine cabinet, you should not sit and hope for a miracle, or wash out the stomach yourself - immediately call a doctor and take your child to a toxicology department.

Children's syrups or flavored syrups for adults are also dangerous. The pleasant taste and smell can make your baby take a sip or even drink the entire bottle of medicine. If it is syrup with iron supplements, it can be very dangerous in terms of the development of irreversible breathing problems, and if it is cough syrup with codeine - even worse, there may be a sharp depression of the respiratory center.

What to do?

Naturally, you cannot leave products from yours in a visible place or in cabinets or boxes accessible to the baby. home medicine cabinet. But, if trouble has already happened and you have well-founded suspicions about it. If the child drank something, what should I do then? There is a certain algorithm of actions required at the first signs of poisoning, which must be followed so as not to cause panic and help the baby.

  1. First of all, call immediately ambulance, even if it was 1-2 tablets, the child’s body’s reaction to adult drugs is unpredictable. It is better to make sure that everything is in order and get a scolding from household members for leaving medications unattended, than to start the process until the moment when medicine is powerless.
  2. Before the ambulance arrives, give the child plenty to drink - ideally, it should be cool boiled water and a volume of up to 1-2 liters, but if this is not available, tap water will do. It is important to dilute the concentration of the medication and induce vomiting in order to flush out any remaining medication that has not yet been absorbed from the stomach. Vomiting can be induced with your fingers or a spoon by pressing on the root of the tongue. If a child loses consciousness, vomiting should not be induced.
  3. After gastric lavage, the child needs any sorbent - activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta, which is available at home. They are dissolved in water and given to the baby to drink. If there is not a single sorbent, run to the refrigerator, beat the egg whites into a strong foam and let them drink.
  4. In case of poisoning, you should not give milk to a child or feed him; this will help the medicine be absorbed into the blood faster and more actively. Additionally, you can give your child an enema, especially if he took the medicine a few hours ago.

Attention, even if there are no signs of poisoning, and you don’t have enough tablets, or they are scattered on the floor, and the baby says that he ate them, you still need an ambulance and methods of examination and treatment. The medicine just might not have worked yet.

Naturally, all medications that are not intended for him and are not prescribed will be dangerous for the baby. But, among the many drugs, there are the most dangerous means, which absolutely should not get into the baby’s body. In terms of danger, the following are in first place:

  • antiarrhythmic drugs, cardiac glycosides and blood pressure medications,
  • drugs from the group of antidepressants and barbiturates (including phenobarbital for the treatment of jaundice),
  • preparations containing minerals - potassium, calcium, iron,
  • psychotropic substances, hypnotics, neurological drugs.
  • anticonvulsants and sedatives.

Now I want to talk about some special types of poisoning.

Poisoning with cold remedies.

This type of poisoning in children is encountered in almost every emergency room, and almost regularly. This is a completely man-made poisoning of children by their own parents. Moreover, it occurs when concentrations are slightly exceeded, is poorly recognized and very dangerous. Children can be poisoned by such drugs as naphthyzine and its derivatives (in the form of sanorin, galazolin, rhinazoline or naphazoline), and they can also be poisoned by other derivatives - oxymetazoline and others, especially in drops and sprays that are not appropriate for their age.

Why is the remedy for the common cold so dangerous? If the dosage is exceeded, and this can be done, since the medicine is produced in plastic dropper bottles, the drug penetrates through a special barrier - the blood-brain barrier, into the area of ​​the nervous system. This group of drugs are alpha adrenometic agents, that is, they simulate the parts of the brain responsible for inhibiting all processes. This also affects blood vessels and a sharp decline blood pressure, decreased cardiac output and slowed heart rate.

Most often, such poisoning occurs in children under three years of age, since they most often need to take drugs of this kind for a runny nose. Naphthyzin in children (and its other analogues) is used in a concentration of 0.05% and no more than 1-2 drops of solution are needed for each nasal turbinate. This constricts blood vessels and eliminates the symptoms of a runny nose, making breathing easier. Naphthyzin and its derivatives should not be used more than once every 8 hours. Moreover, even at such a dose, symptoms of mild depression of the nervous system may occur, which occurs within an hour of use. The medicine is removed from the body within 5-10 hours.

With a mild degree of poisoning, lethargy and weakness appear, the child turns pale, his appetite decreases, if you count the heartbeats, there will be a decrease in them, the pressure decreases slightly. At moderate severity manifestations include severe drowsiness with severe pallor, refusal to breastfeed or eat, complete apathy, a sharp decrease in pressure and a decrease in heart rate, a decrease in body temperature. There may be a sharp constriction of the pupils, but they react to light. In case of severe poisoning, consciousness may be impaired to the point of coma, the skin becomes pale, cold to the touch, the heartbeat is sharply slowed down, and the blood pressure is reduced to a critical level.

Such manifestations require immediate medical attention and hospital treatment. And by the way, such cases are not uncommon, and naphthyzine poisoning is mistaken for manifestations of the disease. Stubbornly continuing to drip drops into the baby’s nose and adding new portions of medicine to the severity of the condition. What is necessary is to completely stop taking it.

First aid for poisoning with cold remedies.

First of all, if the baby accidentally drank this drug, it is necessary to rinse his stomach using enterosgel or smecta, activated carbon. It is necessary to rinse the stomach quickly and without delay until the ambulance arrives. When the ambulance arrives, show them the bottle of medicine and ask how many times, when and in what dose you dropped the medicine, and how the baby reacted. The ambulance uses - if there is a pronounced decrease in heart rate, they administer atropine, a drug that blocks the effect of naphthysine. It is injected subcutaneously, depending on the age of the baby. Next, prednisolone, a hormone that supports the functioning of the heart and nervous system, is added to the therapy.

For mild degrees of poisoning, hospitalization and restoration of fluid loss through the mouth with leaching of the drug by the kidneys and liver may be sufficient, with mild degree all negative manifestations of the action of naphthyzine disappear within an hour or two; in case of severe poisoning, you will have to stay longer in the hospital - up to 2-3 days under observation. However, usually such poisonings pass without a trace, deaths are very rare and occur only when accidentally swallowing a full bottle of medicine and late contact with doctors.

Poisoning with antipyretic drugs.

These are also very common drugs for treating children, and the most commonly used, despite the restrictions and prohibitions of doctors, are the following groups of drugs:

  • salicylates, that is, aspirin derivatives,
  • pyrazolones (analgin, amidopyrine and butadione preparations),
  • anilines (phenacetin and paracetamol preparations),
  • ibuprofen derivatives.

Each group can have its own character traits, but in general the picture of poisoning may be quite typical. Let's start with Nurofen, which is used most often. The most basic manifestation of Nurofen poisoning is a sharp drop in temperature to 36 degrees or below, lethargy, weakness and cold sweat at the baby's. This usually happens when taking Nurofen several times a day, regardless of the temperature increase and the stage of the process. Then the accumulation of the product leads to a sharp decrease in temperature and an increase in well-being. It is important to stop taking the drug immediately and drink plenty of water. In addition, due to the glycerol content in Nurofen, it can cause severe diarrhea - this must also be remembered.

Aspirin and its derivatives.

All doctors unanimously say that these drugs should not be given to children under 12 years of age. But parents stubbornly give them, especially when there are no other remedies in the medicine cabinet, and fever occurs at the most inopportune time. Aspirin causes changes in the composition of the blood and its thinning, as well as irritation of the digestive system, especially the walls of the stomach.

Manifestations of poisoning when taken salicylic acid or its analogues (especially in solutions) are pain and burning along the esophagus, pain in the stomach, repeated episodes of vomiting with blood, stool mixed with blood. Tinnitus, visual disturbances, or hearing loss may occur. Such children are excited, they experience euphoria, there is tinnitus, increased breathing and may be coma. Salicylates may reduce blood clotting and may cause nosebleeds, digestive tract or uterus in girls. But when timely treatment the forecasts are good.

Help with poisoning.

After the stomach has been washed, it is given orally Vaseline oil or an age-appropriate laxative. Enhanced alkaline drinking in the form of a solution is also prescribed baking soda to neutralize acid and prescribe soda enemas. This is necessary for the restoration of breathing and the reaction of blood and urine. Application shown large doses ascorbic acid as an antidote to aspirin. If bleeding occurs, it is necessary to use Vicasol, calcium chloride, or even an infusion of coagulation factors. All this is done in a hospital.

Poisoning with analgin and its analogues.

Many mothers give these tablets to children “from the head” or at fever, although in childhood they are also strictly prohibited, like aspirin. When symptoms of poisoning occur, nausea and tinnitus occur, there may be vomiting, general weakness with a sharp drop in temperature, palpitations and shortness of breath. If you take a lot of pills, you may experience drowsiness with convulsions, the development of delirium with loss of consciousness, and possible coma. At medium degree The severity of poisoning may include swelling, hemorrhagic rash and bleeding from the digestive system. Treatment is similar to that for aspirin poisoning, but anticonvulsants and potassium supplements are also added.

Poisoning with paracetamol and its derivatives.

If you overdose paracetamol by 50-100 times, that is, taking about 30-50 tablets, the liver may fail. But such cases are rare in children. But an overdose of paracetamol during treatment, when it is given three to four times a day regardless of temperature, can have very serious consequences. unpleasant symptoms. Digestion in paracetamol poisoning is slightly affected, but the damage to the blood is less pronounced. Methemoglobin may be formed - paleness with blueness appears, the skin color becomes brownish. In case of severe overdose, pupil dilation, shortness of breath with convulsions, and vomiting with a chemical smell occur. There may be anemia and toxic nephritis. Therapy is similar to previous cases, but additional fluid must be taken to avoid renal failure.

Antibiotic poisoning.

Antibiotics can also cause significant poisoning, since children take them quite often and sometimes very unreasonably. Not only the outcome of treatment, but also the development of complications of antibiotic therapy depends on their correct prescription and use. In addition, it is worth remembering that antibiotics do not act on viral particles, but only on microbes. Long-term use of antibiotics can do more harm than good for an infection.

Antibiotic poisoning occurs mainly when taking them in syrup, if they are diluted incorrectly, or if the baby accidentally drinks sweet syrup. When taking large doses of antibiotics, hearing may be affected due to damage auditory nerves or there may be kidney damage and development of renal failure. The same thing can develop with long-term use antibiotics, especially those that have an ototoxic (hearing) effect.

What should be done? First of all, if a large dose of medication is taken, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance and directly remove the drug from the body by washing the stomach and taking sorbents - smecta or enterosgel. They don't affect normal microflora, removing toxins and drugs. If hearing sharply decreases, hemodialysis or forced fluid intake with diuretics is indicated; if the kidneys are affected, treat renal failure. During the recovery period, probiotics are taken to neutralize bad influence antibiotic on the intestines, populating it with beneficial flora. Only bio-yogurt and kefir are recommended; milk should not be taken.

The toxic effect develops in the digestive system, kidneys, retina and nervous system. Poisoning is manifested by abdominal pain, vomiting with diarrhea and headaches; there may be visual disturbances in the form of violet and yellow color recognition, convulsions and tremors. In severe poisoning, liver damage, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and respiratory paralysis. There may be a rash, fever, and blood in the urine.

With timely recognition of poisoning anthelmintic drugs everything passes without a trace, but many parents respond to such manifestations by thinking “the worms are dying” and do nothing. Then the process progresses, and the nervous system, kidneys and liver are affected, and these may be irreversible phenomena. These drugs are especially dangerous for allergy sufferers, often ill and weakened children, therefore, first, children are given a third of the dose and their tolerance is checked, and only then they are given a therapeutic one if they need to remove worms. For the purpose of prevention, it is better not to give them at all!

Poisoning with iron preparations.

Iron supplements are actively used in children's practice, and at the same time they are trying to create them in such a form that they are better absorbed and taste good. Due to this, children get used to the taste of the drug, without considering it tasteless, and they know the bottles that their mother gives periodically for treatment. Therefore, they can be the object of a “hospital game” if little hands can reach them. Iron preparations are the most dangerous in terms of poisoning; they can cause deaths, irreversible health consequences and very serious clinical outcomes. Therefore, they should be under the strictest control of parents and only in places inaccessible to children.

A lethal dose can be a single dose of 1 to 30 iron tablets, or its equivalent in a bottle of 3 to 10 grams. This poisoning occurs extremely quickly and severely, since iron is one of the active substances in the body and quickly enters into biological reactions in the body. Up to 50% of such poisonings have an extremely unfavorable outcome in terms of recovery. What's so special about it? When receiving iron supplements in large doses in digestive system The baby experiences irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines and a strong cauterizing effect on the membranes. In this case, reflex vomiting may occur, severe diarrhea and the normal intestinal barrier function, which normally regulates the absorption of iron and other nutrients. With this condition of the intestine, the absorption of iron into the blood increases sharply, the concentration of iron in the blood plasma increases sharply, and iron binds especially strongly to plasma proteins.

Due to the fact that iron passes in the blood plasma from its ferrous form to its oxide form, the acidity of the plasma is sharply disrupted, special enzyme systems are inhibited and lactic and citric acids accumulate in the blood. When large portions of iron enter the liver through the veins, its normal function is disrupted, the level of prothrombin, which regulates coagulation, increases, the blood clotting function is disrupted, the number of platelets decreases and the formation of fibrin, the protein of blood clots, is disrupted. Ferritin, a special protein with iron, is actively formed in the mucous membrane, which blocks the action of adrenaline and norepinephrine. It thus reduces arterial pressure, which puts the child in a state of vascular shock.

In addition, the permeability of blood vessels to blood plasma increases, due to which the liquid part of the plasma goes into the tissues, the pressure decreases even more, and the blood sharply thickens. Vomiting occurs half an hour to an hour after swallowing the drugs, it is repeated and is accompanied by abdominal pain, and the vomit itself is stained with blood and contains iron impurities from syrup or tablets. After some time, as the drug passes through the intestines, melena (bloody diarrhea) occurs. Dehydration occurs due to severe diarrhea and vomiting. Manifestations progress vascular insufficiency- pressure drops sharply, blueness appears around the mouth and on the fingers, the pulse is weak and frequent. In severe cases, pulse and pressure are not determined.

The child gradually loses consciousness, may not respond to surrounding objects and actions, there may be delirium and increased excitability. Up to 20% of children die from a progressive coma in the first six hours after poisoning. If treatment is started in a timely manner, the condition slowly improves. The second dangerous period may be the time from 12 to 48 hours from the moment of poisoning. When taking large doses of drugs, the symptoms of toxicosis resume, blood pressure progressively decreases, and coma may occur due to the penetration of iron into the brain centers.

How is iron poisoning treated?

You need to start by calling an ambulance, and before it arrives, by washing the stomach with a solution baking soda. This helps convert highly soluble iron into less soluble iron salts and reduce its absorption. The antidote to iron in the body is thetacine-calcium, which forms strong insoluble compounds with iron and is excreted from the body. It will be administered intravenously in the hospital at intervals of about 4 hours. This will help bind portions of iron absorbed from the intestine as it moves through food masses. Another antidote is desferal, which is administered orally and strongly binds iron, especially in the stomach and its acidic environment. If it is injected into a vein, it will bind all the iron in the plasma and remove it through the kidneys. It is also administered in portions over several hours.

In addition, toxicology will carry out measures to increase blood pressure, administer hormones and other drugs, treatment will not be quick, you will have to spend at least a week in the hospital. Therefore, when treating anemia with iron supplements, be vigilant, do not leave the drug in visible places and within the reach of children.

Poisoning with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Potassium permanganate poisoning occurs as a result of careless storage of crystalline powder or highly concentrated solutions. Sometimes they occur when treating poisoning using “ traditional therapy" - taking a solution of potassium permanganate orally! Attention - this is strictly prohibited, especially for children. Crystals should be stored as especially dangerous poisons! Lethal dose powder for children is only 1-3 grams. There is evidence of poisoning when children bathe in strong solution potassium permanganate and accidental ingestion.

Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent; in tissues it forms caustic alkali, oxygen and manganese oxide. All these substances give severe burn fabrics. It is due to the burn that pain occurs when swallowing, increased secretion saliva, abdominal pain, vomiting blood and bloody diarrhea. Pinpoint burns from crystals appear on the skin and mucous membranes, the mucous membranes swell, acquire a purple or brown color, and if a burn of the larynx occurs, there may be laryngospasm and inability to breathe. Shock develops, and the absorption of manganese into the blood results in manifestations of convulsions, motor agitation, and damage to the liver and kidneys. There is an increase in potassium and a toxic effect on the myocardium, and signs of cardiovascular failure occur. Typically, signs of severe damage to the mucous membranes are accompanied by secondary infections and renal failure.

First aid measures.

If potassium permanganate is swallowed, you must immediately call an ambulance; before its arrival, the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach must be washed with a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 3% acetic acid. In this case, hydrogen peroxide reduces potassium permanganate, and the acid prevents the formation of alkali and oxygen. If there are none, at least rinse with water until the water is clear, but due to the swelling due to the burn, this can be very difficult to do. Usually, washing is done in the hospital through a gastrostomy tube under anesthesia. Additionally, a special solution of EDTA is introduced; it binds manganese that has entered the blood and tissues. The remaining actions will be carried out by resuscitators and toxicologists. That's why. Be careful - poisoning with potassium permanganate is a disability in 90% of cases.

Memo on the prevention of drug poisoning in children.

I think it would be useful to remind you all once again the most basic rules prevention of severe drug poisoning in children. They are simple, but for some reason we stubbornly ignore them until disaster happens. So:

  • Toxic, poisonous substances and absolutely all medications must be stored in a strictly locked, preferably locked, box, suspended at least 2 meters from the floor. About a meter away, the children stand on chairs and take out the treasured pills and bottles. If you store medications in the refrigerator, this should be the most top level and a closed compartment.
  • Always check the compliance of the drug with the dosage, the integrity of the packaging and the expiration dates of the medications. Expired medications can become poisonous due to chemical reactions that occur in them. You cannot miss deadlines even by a day.
  • Never use adult products on children, even diluting the concentration as you think is correct. Today, there are enough special children’s dosages to risk the life and health of the baby by taking medicine that is not appropriate for their age.
  • Do not allow children to play even with empty medicine bottles, they may later confuse them with full and usable ones and drink the contents.
  • Do not leave medications that you take yourself on the refrigerator, on the table or in places accessible to children, even for a minute and even if it is just one tablet. One may be enough for him! Give the same strict punishment to sclerotic grandparents; strictly control their medication intake yourself so that they don’t forget their pills anywhere. Remember - your vigilance is the key to the health of your children.

In everyday life we ​​are surrounded by many chemical reagents that can become a source of poisoning in a child. But more often than not we are the culprits. painful condition our children when we cannot refuse them a dubious-looking delicacy or we do not hide medications and chemicals far enough. Usually we deal with the problem on our own.

But there are some symptoms that, when poisoned in children, threaten health and even life. Let's look at all possible options for the course of the pathology. We’ll also figure out what you can do and what to give your child if he’s poisoned.

Body reaction and routes of exposure

  • Chemical substances, when swallowed, enter aerogenously or through mucous membranes and skin, enter the bloodstream and affect internal organs.
  • The situation is different with medications. Some medicines are either tasteless or even sweet. They have the effect for which they were created. And the child’s low weight and high dosage lead to an extreme degree of severity of the effect.

Food poisoning in children is associated with pathogenic microorganisms entering the gastrointestinal tract. Their endo- and exotoxins cause a violent reaction from the intestinal tube, and when absorbed - all other signs intestinal infection.

  • Toxins from plant poisons are quickly absorbed and affect vital organs.


  • Household and automotive reagents, paints and varnishes, various “cides”, perfumes, household and carbon monoxide, combustion products.
  • Medicines and veterinary drugs.
  • Poisonous and conditionally poisonous mushrooms and plants (outdoor and indoor).
  • Expired and improperly stored food, products with synthetic additives.
  • Unwashed fruits or vegetables, dirty hands and toys.



Causes pronounced salivation. Depending on the composition, they can cause redness of the mucous membrane and pain in the mouth, lacrimation, cough, nausea and vomiting, neurological symptoms and mental disorders. The temperature in children with this poisoning does not change.


Signs drug poisoning in a child depend on the class of drug. Eat medicines with rapid (within 15-30 minutes) and delayed action. The first group is much more dangerous.

  • If we are talking about heart medications, the child may develop arrhythmia and change blood pressure.
  • Neurotropic drugs lead to lethargy and drowsiness, up to good sleep, or vice versa – to hyperexcitability.
  • Nasal drops cause weakness, pallor, cold sweat, and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Cough syrup poisoning in a child manifests itself as toxic gastritis with vomiting and abdominal pain.
  • A large dose leads to sweating, a drop in temperature, drowsiness, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting.

Biological poisons

All of the above symptoms are possible with the addition of nerve conduction disturbances and hallucinations.

Food poisoning

Manifested by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. These are typical symptoms of poisoning in children and you can begin treatment yourself at home. They develop in a period of half an hour to two days. The typical ones can be joined by dangerous symptoms, which you will learn about from the video.


A correctly collected anamnesis plays an important role. It is important for doctors to know what the child was poisoned with, how much time passed after the poison entered the body before the onset of symptoms. Remember in what order and what symptoms appeared. You must provide a list of medications that you managed to give when the first signs of poisoning appeared in children. Also, be sure to leave food suspected of poisoning, samples of vomit and feces for examination.

In the hospital, medical staff also collect biological fluids for research. In addition, using blood and urine tests, the state of water-salt metabolism, liver and kidney function is assessed.


It is not worthwhile to independently treat poisoning in children - this is the domain of doctors. Moreover, there is no universal cure for poisoning for children. It all depends on the reason.

Chemical poisoning

  • When swallowing chemicals, doctors recommend calming the child, giving him a sorbent and laying him on his side. You should not rinse your stomach; this may worsen the situation. But sorbents in dosages for children in case of chemical poisoning will begin to inactivate toxins even before the doctor arrives.
  • If a child has inhaled toxins, he must be changed into clean clothes and provided with access to fresh air.
  • In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, rinse these areas well with plenty of water and remove to clean air.

Other types of poisoning

You must start urgent action For faster elimination toxins.

Important! Children under 5 years of age are strictly prohibited from giving anything if they are poisoned. Their stomach is washed through a tube and this procedure should be entrusted to doctors. Lay him on his side and wait for the ambulance.

  • For children from the age of five, try to rinse the stomach using the tubeless method. For this, water at a temperature of 37-40°C is used. Good effect In case of such poisoning, a weak solution of Polysorb will also affect the child. Later it is used in the form of a suspension and for therapeutic purposes.
  • After drinking liquid, call baby vomiting, irritating the tongue soft palate clean fingers or spoon. The “liquid-vomit” manipulation must be done 2-3-4 times.
  • Then give the sorbent. Most accessible remedy against poisoning for children and adults – Activated carbon, which is even available in the car first aid kit. Enterosgel and Polyphepan are more effective. But the most successful remedy for poisoning in children is Smecta. This is a complex drug that neutralizes toxins and microbes and envelops inner wall intestines, preventing their entry into the blood.
  • Now begin rehydration: give your baby a warm clean water a few sips at a time. Liquid drunk in one gulp will return back along with vomiting.

Sometimes the severity of symptoms is a reason for hospitalization. In the hospital, nonspecific therapy is started, and when the cause is established, specific therapy is started. Nonspecific – consists of detoxification, rehydration and restoration of salt balance.

Specific therapy for poisoning in children consists of prescribing antidotes, antibiotics and antiviral agents. Preference is given to complex drugs. For example, in case of poisoning in a child, Enterofuril not only fights a variety of infections, but also has an antidiarrheal effect.

Video about food poisoning

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in what cases you cannot do without the help of a doctor, and what needs to be done in case of food poisoning in a child. Clarifies the principles of their prevention. Focuses on diet in case of poisoning in children.

Prevention of non-food poisoning

  • Hide all chemicals away.
  • Keep your medications locked up.
  • Repair heating appliances and hoods.
  • Limit access to gas equipment and tell children about their dangers.
  • Teach your child the rules of behavior in case of fire.

A child can get poisoned anywhere and with anything. Comply with everything preventive measures and you will not have to face this pathology.

Do you have first aid supplies for poisoning in your home medicine cabinet? Do you take them on the road? Share with us in the comments.

Our children are our joy and hope. All parents want their children not to get sick, but this is an elusive goal. Exploring the world, a child does not know that many dangers lurk around him. A sense of caution comes with age and experience. Poisoning in children is a fairly common occurrence, unfortunately. And adults need to know how to help a child in such cases.

How can a baby be poisoned?

Children, especially small ones, are inquisitive and are drawn to everything interesting. A bright jar, bottle or packaging can attract the baby’s attention. And the desire to look at an interesting object and even taste it is often irresistible for a little person. If the baby is left to his own devices, then he can get to a variety of things that are present in the house:

  • medicines;
  • cleaning and detergents;
  • solvents, gasoline, glue, varnishes, acid, alkali, paints, etc.;
  • houseplants.

Every apartment has this, a child may become interested in it and get seriously poisoned. If adults are busy with their own affairs, this may not be noticed.

Also, children are not afraid of unwashed hands and unwashed fruits, which can also cause poisoning.

The refrigerator stores foods that pose a potential threat to children's health, because... may turn out to be spoiled. Before giving your child food, you need to make sure that it is of good quality. Foods that are most often the cause food poisoning in children:

  • milk, dairy products, cottage cheese, ice cream;
  • eggs;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • salads;
  • sausages and meat products, pates, products with meat filling, etc.;
  • confectionery with cream;
  • mushrooms, vegetables, fruits;
  • canned food

It is difficult to list everything that can harm a growing children's body. Any food that has been poorly stored or improperly prepared is food for pathogenic microorganisms. They enter the child’s body along with food and are activated there. In the course of their life activity they reproduce in nutrient medium and release toxins, which leads to intoxication of the body. TO dangerous diseases The microorganisms that cause these infections include botulism, salmonellosis, and staphylococcus. These diseases can cause significant harm to the health of children and cause serious complications.

Signs of poisoning

Due to their age, not all children can describe what exactly is the deterioration in their health. But attentive parents can notice signs of poisoning in children, especially since symptoms usually appear suddenly:

  • lack of appetite, nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen (parents of even the smallest person will see that the child is worried about the tummy);
  • loose stools, sometimes with a pungent odor, mixed with blood or mucus, greenish in color;
  • the baby’s skin takes on an unhealthy pale color;
  • apathetic state;
  • chills, cold sweat, fever;
  • in case of poisoning chemicals is usually observed increased salivation, you may notice redness or burns of the mucous membranes in the mouth.

Sometimes these signs increase, and the child may:

  • Very heat(37.5°C and above);
  • due to dehydration of the body, the process of urination becomes rare, the amount of urine is small, and its color acquires a brownish tint;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • increased heart rate and breathing;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions.

These signs indicate that the body has become intoxicated and the child needs urgent help.

Important: similar symptoms can be observed in cases of meningitis, encephalitis, etc., therefore, only a doctor can finally identify the reasons for the deterioration of the child’s health and give an opinion after conducting clinical studies.

First aid

First, try to find out what caused the poisoning so as not to make mistakes when providing assistance. For example, if your baby is poisoned by gasoline, alkali or acid, do not try to induce vomiting - this can lead to a burn to the esophagus. You need to give him 1-2 glasses of water and call an ambulance.

Also, you should not rinse the stomach of children under 10 months of age and those who are unconscious. The child may choke on vomit. Gastric lavage here should be done by a physician using a special probe.


  • give any medicine without a doctor’s recommendation (this applies to antibiotics, anti-diarrhea drugs, antipyretics, etc.);
  • feed and give the child water (except water);
  • add potassium permanganate to the water (children have delicate and sensitive mucous membranes, potassium permanganate can cause burns);
  • apply warm or cooling compresses to the abdomen.

In any case, if signs of poisoning appear, seek medical attention. medical care. To alleviate the child’s condition before the doctor arrives, it is recommended:

  • Clear your stomach as much as possible. To do this, children are given warm boiled water to drink at the following rate: 10-12 months – 20 ml per 1 kg of baby’s weight, 2-6 years – 16 ml/kg, 7-14 years – 14 ml/kg. It is important to ensure that the child vomits. If vomiting does not occur naturally, induce it artificially (press on the root of the tongue with your fingers or a spoon). This procedure will help if the child was poisoned less than 2 hours ago. If this has happened before, it is wise to use a cleansing enema with boiled water a little lower room temperature. We smear the tip of the enema with baby cream, place the child on his left side and carry out the procedure.
  • After cleansing the stomach (or intestines, if an enema was used), you can give the child a sorbent (activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel). Activated carbon should be given at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of child’s weight. It is better to crush the tablets. The sorbent will bind toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and remove them from the body, preventing them from being absorbed.
  • To prevent dehydration, children need to drink frequently. Offer your child 20 ml of water every 15 minutes. In addition to water, it is allowed to give rosehip decoction, weak sweet tea or a water-salt solution (for 1 liter of boiled water - 1 teaspoon of soda and salt). From pharmaceutical preparations, solutions of Regidron and Citragluxolan are suitable.
  • Monitor the temperature. If it rises, dry the child with a damp towel. If the temperature rises above 38°C, take emergency measures and call an ambulance. Do not give antipyretic drugs internally. The only medicine for fever that is allowed without consulting a doctor is rectal suppositories(Cefekon, etc.).

Treatment and diet

A doctor prescribes complex treatment for poisoning a child, based on tests, research and dynamics. As a rule, for food poisoning, the treatment regimen, in addition to combating dehydration and taking sorbents, includes:

  • antimicrobials or antibiotics for certain indications;
  • means for restoring intestinal microflora and combating dysbiosis (Linex, Motilium, Smecta, etc.);
  • other drugs depending on the child’s condition (if severe infections, in order to avoid complications, various medications and procedures are possible to maintain vital processes and organs).

Once the acute phase of the disease has passed, the body needs strength to recover. Important the right approach to eating. You can eat often, but in small portions. small child Feed him his usual baby food. Older children need to eat:

  • low-fat broths;
  • light porridges (with water or milk with water, without butter);
  • dishes made from boiled or stewed vegetables and fruits (soups, purees);
  • dairy products;
  • stale barn or crackers.

Gradually introduce pureed meat or fish into your diet.

It is prohibited to use:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • fruit juices;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • fat;
  • fried;
  • large amounts of carbohydrates;
  • spices.

This diet should be provided to children for 2-3 weeks after poisoning. Remember to consult your doctor about possible destination vitamin and mineral complexes for the child. His weakened body after suffering from an illness needs support.

Prevention of poisoning in children

No one is immune from such troubles as food poisoning. However, if certain rules are followed, the risk can be significantly reduced. We must not forget that we are fully responsible for the life and health of our children. Do not neglect precautions:

  • Store chemical substances, medical supplies in places where children cannot reach them.
  • Keep an eye on your child and do not leave him unattended.
  • Pay attention to the child’s hygiene (washing hands after going outside, using the toilet, etc.).
  • Try to prepare food for your child yourself, follow sanitary standards and subject the products to thorough heat treatment.
  • Keep food fresh in the refrigerator.
  • Buy products for your child after you are sure of their composition and expiration date.
  • Do not feed your child ready-made salads, semi-finished products, or fast food from unverified outlets.
  • Be careful when giving your baby homemade pickles, canned food, etc.
  • If you suspect poisoning, take action. The faster you do this, the less risk there is.

Poisoning in children is very unpleasant moment. In addition to childhood torment, it can have the most Negative consequences in future. Pay attention to the health of your children, be careful, do not neglect medical care and do not forget about your responsibility.

We recommend:


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Nata Ser

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Good Sunday morning!

This Thursday (which was), I was at a consultation with a psychologist in kindergarten. At first I wanted to ask questions, but then I realized that, in principle, I still have a daisy child, with, of course, his quirks, desires and self-indulgence, of course, and hysterics (without this there is nowhere). After this consultation, the mothers who were there approached the teacher and asked how they (the children) behaved in the group. And the teacher said about mine: “Of course she’s a hooligan, what could we do without it. She’s stubborn. But she’s like that girl in the video, if they beat her, she’ll rather lie down and lie down, she likes to feel sorry for children, those who cry.” In principle, I was happy for my daughter. But, there is a small “but”, is this right, they will beat her, but she will lie down. Of course, I wouldn’t want her to hit her and take part in fights, but I also don’t want her to lie down and be beaten. Can this be fixed somehow or is it not worth it, maybe I’m worrying about it in vain? So that she doesn’t give up, but fights back. Now I’m worried, but life is long. Of course, in the future I plan to enroll in some club so that I know the techniques (for every firefighter).


Children often suffer from gastrointestinal disorders. The task of parents is to promptly recognize food poisoning in a child, its symptoms and treatment. To do this, you need to know what can poison your baby, what signs appear first, and what needs to be done before the doctor arrives.

The most common cause of poisoning in a child is expired food. If food begins to spoil, it produces toxins that are hazardous to health. At the same time, as a rule, the expiration dates of the products have not yet expired, because no mother will knowingly buy an expired product. It's all about improper storage, without observing the required temperature conditions. Therefore, most food poisoning occurs in the summer.

Sometimes a child may eat a product that is poisonous. These can be mushrooms, plants, berries or household chemicals. In addition, food poisoning in children can be a consequence of incorrect dosage of medications.

Food poisoning can occur as a result of improper preparation of certain products. As a rule, this is food of animal origin in which it has fallen.

Eating raw fruits and vegetables can cause food poisoning if proper precautions are not taken. In this case, the nitrates on which these products were grown are to blame.

Many people say that you can be poisoned by unwashed fruits or vegetables, since various bacteria live on their surface. This is not entirely true. Of course, in order to avoid health problems, it is necessary to wash all fruits, but such a violation is an intestinal infection, not poisoning.

List of “dangerous” products:

  • seafood and fish;
  • dairy products;
  • raw eggs;
  • meat dishes that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • salad greens and root vegetables;
  • cream in confectionery products.

How is poisoning different from an intestinal infection?

It is important to be able to distinguish between these 2 ailments. After all, if a baby is poisoned by food, he can be treated at home under the supervision of a pediatrician; hospitalization is required only in the most severe cases. But if a child has an intestinal infection, treatment is possible only in a hospital. What is the difference?

So, if a child is poisoned, the first signs appear within 48 hours, no more. In the case of an intestinal infection, from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, it can take from 1 to 30 days, or even more.

Symptoms of food poisoning in children appear suddenly and disappear very quickly. The onset of infection rarely lasts less than 7 days.

The main symptom of an intestinal infection is a high body temperature that lasts for several days. If the temperature passed quickly and did not exceed 38°C, then this is food poisoning.

Symptoms of the disorder

How quickly signs of food poisoning appear in children depends on the type and amount of toxin and the child's metabolic rate. By the way, by the speed at which symptoms appear, you can determine which organ responded to the toxin.

If it is the stomach, it will appear 30 minutes after poisoning. The intestines react within 4-6 hours. It takes a little longer for the toxin to reach the liver and pancreas (up to 48 hours).

Nausea - natural reaction body, after exposure to the toxin, the child soon begins to vomit. Thus, the body tries to cleanse itself.

From the intestines there are various painful sensations. Most often these are cramps or cramps in the lower abdomen, rumbling and bloating are observed.

Diarrhea is another way to cleanse the body of toxins. It appears in case of intestinal irritation. may be single or multiple. However, according to pediatricians, most often in cases of poisoning, children experience vomiting without diarrhea.

The child’s general well-being is disrupted, he becomes lethargic and sleepy, refuses food and complains of headache. In case of dehydration, symptoms such as:

  • pale and dry skin;
  • convulsions;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • acidosis.

This condition is very dangerous and can lead to fatal outcome, so you need to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital, where the child will be given an IV,

Of course, serious dehydration occurs when you lose fluid 10-12 times a day. But after the third attack of vomiting or diarrhea, the child needs help in restoring the water and electrolyte balance. In this case, special solutions will help.

General intoxication leads to an increase in body temperature. As a rule, it does not exceed 38°C. But in children under 5 years of age, body temperature can reach 39.5°C.

First aid for poisoning

What to do if your child shows symptoms of food poisoning? First of all, call a pediatrician. If the doctor is not able to examine the child in the next few hours (late evening or weekend), you need to call an ambulance. In case of mild poisoning, they will not be hospitalized, but they will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

Before the doctor arrives, the child needs to be given a sorbent. In case of vomiting, to avoid a bad reaction, the drug is diluted in water and given to the child in small portions every 5-10 minutes.

You can do gastric lavage, but only if the child is over 6 years old. You need to take warm water 10 ml/kg body weight and dissolve 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate in it. After the solution has cooled, the child needs to drink it completely, followed by vomiting and cleansing of the stomach. This method is effective if symptoms appear 30-60 minutes after consuming the toxin and it is still in the stomach.

You can cleanse the intestines with an enema. It is necessary to take an age-specific dose of sorbent (activated carbon, Smecta), dissolve it in water and give a cool enema. Its volume depends on the age of the patient:

  • 1-2 years - 70 ml;
  • 2-3 years - 140 ml;
  • 3-4 years - 200 ml;
  • over 4 years 250-300 ml.

In case of poisoning, the child must fast for the first 24 hours. This is very difficult for mom, but you need to remember that if you put stress on your stomach, all the acute symptoms will return. In addition, it is advisable that the baby observe bed rest.

Treatment of food poisoning

How to treat poisoning? After all, all of the above will only help alleviate the child’s condition, but will not eliminate the main cause.

For treatment is carried out drug therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, it consists of taking medications such as:

  • sorbents;
  • probiotics;
  • products containing enzymes;
  • antibiotics;
  • electrolyte solutions.

As mentioned above, sorbents are the first medicine that should be given to a patient with food poisoning. The drug can be absolutely anything, the main thing is to determine the required age dose. Sorbents bind toxins and remove them from the body without harm to health, so why earlier child starts drinking them, the fewer toxins will enter the bloodstream.

Special solutions will help restore the fluid level; they can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most popular solution is Regidron; it needs to be diluted in boiled water and give it to the child several times a day, as well as after each attack of vomiting or diarrhea. If you give the entire portion at once, the taken solution may provoke another attack of vomiting.

If it is not possible to purchase a solution, children often get poisoned on vacation, you can prepare its analogue. The product is slightly less effective, but its components are always at hand. Required:

  • 1 liter of cold boiled water;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

This solution can also be given in case of fever due to infectious diseases.

Once the symptoms go away, you need to resume work gastrointestinal tract. This will require probiotics (Linex, Yogurt) and preparations containing enzymes, for example Creon (to improve digestion). They will restore the intestinal microflora, reduce pain symptoms, and speed up recovery. They are used both for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders.

Only a doctor can decide whether a child needs antibiotics. prescribed in case of intestinal infection.

If a child is poisoned, it is advisable to stop vomiting if it recurs. This will prevent dehydration. As a rule, pediatricians recommend the drug Domrid. But you can take it only after consulting a doctor.

Antidiarrheal medications will help relieve severe diarrhea. 1 tablet of Loperamide will significantly improve the child’s condition. Also suitable are drugs such as Enterofuril or Nifuroxazide. But we must remember that uncontrolled reception antidiarrheal medications will do more harm than good.


You can speed up your recovery if you supplement your home treatment with prescriptions. traditional medicine, but only with the permission of a doctor. The most common of them is a decoction of rice or oatmeal.

Rice water combats both diarrhea and vomiting. You will need 1 part rice and 5 parts hot water. The cereal needs to be poured and put on fire, after boiling the product is boiled for 2-5 minutes, filtered and taken several times a day.

To prepare a decoction of oatmeal, you need 2 tbsp. l. pour the flakes hot water and cook for at least 5 minutes. Take the medicine in the same way as rice water.

It will also help decoction from chamomile and marigold, 1 tsp. mixture of herbs per 1 liter of water.

In case of poisoning with meat or fish effective means is cinnamon tea, 2-3 sticks of bark need to be poured with water and brought to a boil. After 5 minutes, remove the product from the heat and filter. Take 1 glass twice a day.

Alteyka helps not only with coughs. In case of food poisoning, 2 tsp is needed. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the root and leave for 30 minutes. Take the product 1 tsp. 4 times a day, you can add a little honey.

Diet for food poisoning

As a result of the ingress of toxins, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines becomes inflamed, and the pancreas and liver are subjected to severe stress. Therefore, nutrition should be as gentle as possible.

On the first day after poisoning, you must completely abstain from food. The child can only drink. The exception is children under one year old; they need food within 3-4 hours after disappearance acute symptoms. But you can only give breast milk(if the mother did not consume a toxic product) or an adapted milk formula.

Important! A day after the condition has returned to normal, the child should eat. When fasting for more than 2 days, the only possible variant- this is hospitalization and artificial feeding through a probe.

Diet rules after food poisoning:

  • all food must be ground;
  • you need to eat in small portions;
  • eating 5-6 times a day;
  • food should be boiled, stewed or steamed.

In cases mild poisoning, already on day 2 the baby may feel great, but you must stick to it for at least 5-7 days.

What to give a child if poisoned? For children over one year old, porridge cooked in water is suitable; it is better to give preference to rice, oatmeal or buckwheat. Can you suggest mashed potatoes without butter and milk, as well as puree soup with water. Broths should be excluded for the entire duration of the diet.

On the third day, you can offer your child some cottage cheese or low-fat kefir, baked apples, and sweet crackers. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Meat dishes are allowed for the baby no earlier than the 4th day. Rabbit, turkey and lean fish are suitable.

After poisoning, it is prohibited to eat foods such as:

  • smoked, pickled and spicy;
  • juices, raw vegetables and fruits;
  • fatty or fried;
  • canned food;
  • sweets;
  • fresh bakery.

During the recovery period of the gastrointestinal tract, food should be mainly vegetarian, since animal products are much more difficult to digest.