Viburnum red: a wonderful gift of nature and a symbol of love. Useful properties and contraindications of red viburnum. Viburnum berry: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harms

Branched shrub with red fruits - Viburnum vulgare is an ancient folk remedy for treatment various ailments.

The benefits of viburnum are in its fruits, flowers, and leaves.

The roots and bark of the plant are also used in the treatment of common diseases.

Viburnum: calorie content and composition

The chemical composition of viburnum is unusually rich. It contains saponins, resin, phlobaphenes, glycosides, tannins, phylloquinones, etc.

In addition, viburnum contains formic, acetic, isovaleric, caproic, butyric, linoleic, cerotinic and other acids.

Viburnum has beneficial properties due to the vitamins it contains (A, E, C, P, K), magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, pectin, essential oils.

The calorie content of viburnum is low and amounts to 28 kcal per 100 g of product.

Viburnum is used to treat a whole range of diseases from the common cold to more serious ones.

1. For the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, a decoction of viburnum bark is used - the most beneficial remedy for human health. It is prepared according to this recipe: simply pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed bark (about 2 tablespoons).

Then the mixture is put on fire and boiled for a short time - 5-10 minutes. As usual in such cases, the composition is infused and, after straining, drunk half a glass in two doses, adding a spoonful of honey to the composition for effectiveness.

This mixture is also used against colds. Combine thyme, chamomile, mint (a spoonful), add the same amount of viburnum bark and half a glass of freshly squeezed juice of the plant’s berries.

Mix everything well and pour boiling water over it, then heat it in a water bath for a little while. After the manipulations, the product is infused, filtered and drunk for general malaise and colds, half a glass, adding a little honey for taste (if there is no allergy to it).

2. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to use it to overcome bronchitis and pneumonia. The recipe for preparing medicine for such diseases is special. You should slightly heat the honey (200 g), stirring it with a spoon. Then separately you need to grind a spoonful of viburnum fruits and pour melted honey over them.

The composition should sit well (about 5 hours), and then it can be taken as remedy as an addition to the main therapy (a tablespoon several times a day).

3. If you have a strong hacking cough, you can prepare the following composition: pour boiling water (2 cups) over viburnum fruits (100 g). Boil the mixture over very low heat for at least half an hour. Then the mixture should be allowed to stand. Drink the healing composition of viburnum, which is extremely useful for promoting health, a couple of tablespoons after a meal.

Do not forget to add a little honey to the mixture for greater effectiveness.

4. Viburnum is useful for hypertension, constant headaches, and discomfort in the heart.

In the first case, mix the shoots of the plant (crushed), motherwort herb and valerian root (take everything in equal parts). 2 tablespoons of the healing mixture are poured with boiling water (1 glass) and be sure to boil for a couple of minutes over low heat.

After cooling and straining, drink this remedy just a few sips a day.

For heart pain, use a traditional infusion of viburnum berries (3-4 spoons per glass of boiling water), and for persistent headaches, drink a glass or two of fresh viburnum juice daily (you can add honey).

5. Viburnum is beneficial for the body because it helps cleanse the liver. To prepare a healing remedy, you need to boil 500 g of fruits until soft (not large quantities water). Then you should strain the mixture through a sieve and combine it with honey (1 cup).

Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Be sure to consume on an empty stomach in the morning and evening (2 weeks).

6. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to successfully use the plant in the fight against problems such as stomach pain, indigestion, ulcers, constipation, loose stool.

In such cases, use a simple recipe: pour a couple of tablespoons of berries into a glass of boiling water and drink the mixture like tea.

7. Viburnum is widely used to treat fatigue and chronic fatigue. It’s easy to prepare a remedy that will relieve stress. You just need to grind the plant bark, combine it with universal medicinal herb- chamomile (in equal proportions) and brew the composition in the classic way - a spoon in a glass of boiling water.

8. Viburnum is also used for skin diseases. Freshly squeezed plant juice is used to treat boils, ulcers, and eczema, using it as a compress on problem areas of the skin.

9. Kalina is a real healer. It is used for the treatment and prevention of cancer. Viburnum juice with honey (1:1) is beneficial. It is consumed several spoons up to 4 times a day.

10. Viburnum tincture, which is easy to prepare at home, is very helpful in treating almost all diseases. You should pour half a kilogram of berries with half a liter of vodka and let the mixture brew, as is customary, in the far corner of the cabinet.

After 3-4 weeks of infusion, the composition must be strained and squeezed out, poured into a clean container and used for its intended purpose.

The tincture is taken orally or applied to the diseased areas of the skin.

Viburnum: what are the benefits for the body?

Due to its beneficial properties, viburnum has gained popularity as a remedy used in the treatment of many diseases.

What is the power of viburnum?

It has a pronounced choleretic effect.

Treats gastrointestinal diseases and cardiovascular pathologies.

Thanks to its powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective against colds.

Viburnum normalizes blood sugar levels.

Helps with irregular periods and alleviates the condition of women during menopause.

It has a strong hemostatic property, therefore it is used for bleeding.

Famous for its mild soothing effect. Relieves insomnia, anxiety, irritability.

Outputs excess liquid from the body. Viburnum is low in calories, so it is allowed for obesity.

It is actively used in the treatment of skin diseases due to its ability to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, whitening and toning it.

Viburnum is a natural antipyretic. This quality makes the plant indispensable for colds associated with increased body temperature.

Viburnum decoction is effective for sore throat, hoarseness and loss of voice, and inflammation in the oral cavity. The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant make it possible to short term get rid of these ailments. It is enough to gargle more often or oral cavity healing composition of miracle berries.

The low calorie content of viburnum allows it to be used for weight loss. Those who want to get rid of extra pounds are recommended to consume the juice of the plant’s fruits (separately or in combination with another berry) or add healing fruits to dishes.

Viburnum: what is harmful to health?

The main harm of viburnum lies not so much in the product itself, but in its quantity. Excess even the most useful substances in the body can cause allergic rash.

Viburnum should be taken with caution by people with low blood pressure, as well as those with increased blood clotting and a risk of blood clots.

Viburnum is a real treasure organic acids, but for those who suffer from gout it will do more harm than good.

Viburnum should not be taken long time. It is best to carry out courses of treatment, alternating them with breaks.

Viburnum for pregnant and nursing mothers: benefit or harm?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body is most susceptible to various infections and viruses. In order not to harm the baby, pregnant women are recommended to use natural remedies treatment.

Thus, the unique properties of viburnum make it possible to use it for colds accompanied by lingering cough.

Viburnum is a powerful immunostimulant (and a natural one) and a source of vitamins that a pregnant woman’s body so needs.

However, during the period of bearing the baby, use decoctions and infusions of viburnum official medicine does not recommend. It is enough to drink weak tea from the bright red berries of the plant and use viburnum externally (if necessary).

Despite all the benefits of viburnum for the body, pregnant women should be wary of too much of this product. The fact is that the plant has the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Also, viburnum (in case of overdose) can cause an allergic reaction, which will not please you at all expectant mother. To protect herself from negative effects, a woman should consult a doctor about taking viburnum as a remedy. Only a specialist can say for sure whether the plant can be used in your case.

Viburnum for children: benefit or harm?

Viburnum is a unique plant that is good for children's health. Its rich chemical composition, as mentioned above, has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. Viburnum is used for children's colds, bronchitis, fever, and pneumonia.

As a rule, tea is prepared for a child from healing berries with the addition of honey (if there is no allergy). To begin, grind the berries (2 tablespoons), add water (1 glass) and cook for half an hour over low heat.

When the composition has cooled slightly, add a little honey (a teaspoon). Children are given this healing remedy three times a day, a third of a glass.

In addition, for colds and coughs, sweet jam from viburnum berries is used, which in season is prepared as follows: the fruits of the plant are ground with sugar (1:1).

However, before using any viburnum-based product, you should consult your pediatrician.

As a rule, experts advise using viburnum - most useful remedy for the body of a child from 2 years old.

A plant with properties wide range actions - viburnum is extremely beneficial for health.

Moreover medicinal properties possess all its parts. There are many ways to use viburnum. Only a few have been touched upon in this article. Everyone can choose a recipe for themselves that will relieve one or another disease.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Viburnum must be taken in doses.

Red viburnum

Let's talk today, dear readers. medical blog « Traditional medicine recipes» about viburnum, its use in medicinal purposes. You will find out how viburnum is useful.

“Kalina... Kalinka, my Kalinka...” The favorite shrub, sung in songs and poems, is multi-stemmed and spreading.

Autumn crimson bunches of berries and spring snow-white flower laces of viburnum are a worthy decoration of our personal plots, cottages, gardens and forests.

Since ancient times, the people considered viburnum to be a symbol of girlish beauty and purity; the power of a love spell for a loved one was associated with it - you just had to put a wreath decorated with its flowers on your head. Have you ever wondered where the plant got its name viburnum?

There are many assumptions: some say because of the berries the color of hot coals, others because in the villages of Rus' they put viburnum in the oven to get rid of the bitterness of its fruits.

Chemical composition of viburnum

Viburnum - medicinal properties

Red viburnum (ordinary) (this is the species we will talk about) contains a large amount of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), sugars (up to 32%), organic acids (about 5%), tannins.

The beneficial substances of viburnum have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, carotene, a lot of vitamin P, pectin, catechins, anthocyanins and others active substances, beneficial for the human body.

Viburnum berries contain high levels of copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc and manganese. It has been established with absolute certainty that viburnum fruits are capable of accumulating selenium. The fruits also contain iodine, lead, strontium, bromine and nickel.

When ripe, viburnum berries taste bitter and can irritate the gastric mucosa, but after the first frost, they get rid of the tart taste and become quite suitable for consumption.

Most viburnum lovers freeze the berries in the fall or squeeze the juice out of them, then mixing it with sugar.

Viburnum infusion for the treatment of colds

Red viburnum is used in folk medicine as a diaphoretic, diuretic and tonic for edema of the kidneys and cardiac origin, with low acidity, neuroses of various etiologies, And

It will also help with anemia and uterine atony. Viburnum is used in folk medicine in combination with other drugs for the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

A decoction of viburnum berries and flowers helps in the form of rinses for in a hoarse voice And . Boil viburnum berries with honey and you will get unique remedy from debilitating cough and various.

Viburnum flowers have long been known as a good cosmetic product.

Medicinal juice from viburnum berries

How to make juice from viburnum berries? Rinse 1-2 bunches of berries under running water, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for five minutes, then mash them with a wooden spoon, strain or squeeze out the juice using a juicer and add water in which it was infused.

Heat the resulting Fresh Juice viburnum and drink instead of tea for flu, colds, digestive disorders, in particular with poor liver function or after overeating with bloating.

In the first case, the juice should be mixed with an equal amount of natural honey and the mixture should be taken thirty days before meals three times a day; and in the second - drink freshly squeezed juice on an empty stomach once or twice a day, a teaspoon. For the purpose of prevention, the course of treatment can be repeated every year.

With the help of viburnum juice, you can successfully cure insomnia if you drink 50 ml of this miraculous healing drink every day before bed. By the way, viburnum juice is good for removing headache, so use it instead of antipyretic analgesics.

Treatment of hypertension

Viburnum with honey

An infusion of viburnum berries in combination with honey is used as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and blood purifier; they are also treated hypertension and spasms blood vessels:

- pour a glass of boiling water over the viburnum berries (1 tablespoon), cover the container and leave to steep for two hours, then pass through a layer of gauze; add one tablespoon of honey and drink two tablespoons three or four times a day.

How to prepare a decoction of viburnum fruits

You can prepare a decoction with the same healing properties from dried viburnum berries:

— Place 10 g of raw materials (2 tablespoons) in an enamel bowl, roast, gradually pouring one glass of boiled water; simmer covered for 15 minutes in a water bath, cool the broth, strain it, squeeze it out, add boiled water to one glass and drink 3-4 times a day, ⅓ glass.

Healing vitamin tea from berries

You can brew vitamin tea from dried viburnum berries. And from the bark of young trunks you can prepare medicinal decoctions, which are useful for dermatosis and eczema, menstrual pain, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

A decoction of viburnum bark is used for hemorrhoids

It is prepared as follows:

- per glass of boiling water - 10 g of bark, heat under the lid in a boiling water bath for half an hour, cool to room temperature and add up to 200 ml of boiled water; drink after meals 3-4 times a day, one or two tablespoons.

Delicious recipes with viburnum. Viburnum dishes

The fruits are eaten boiled and steamed, they are used to prepare juices, fruit drinks, jelly, compotes, jelly, marmalade, and, as already mentioned, they are used as filling for pies. A coffee surrogate is made from dried fruits, which can regulate the digestion process. Here are some recipes.


Viburnum fruits - 700 g, flour - 6 tbsp. spoons, granulated sugar - 1 cup. Separate viburnum berries (best to collect after the first frost) from the bunches and rinse. Place some of the berries on the bottom of a cast iron or clay pot (divide the berries into 3 parts).

Place 2 tbsp on the berries. spoons of flour and 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, repeat the procedure until the ingredients run out. Add water to cover the berries. Fill the pot or cast iron 2/3 full so that the contents do not leak out during cooking, so it is better to take a larger container.

Cover the dishes with foil and place in a Russian stove, after it has heated, for 4-6 hours. You can cook it in the oven, but the process will be just as long. During heat treatment of viburnum, quite bad smell, but this shouldn't bother you. Place the prepared viburnum into sterile jars and store in the refrigerator.

Viburnum berries - 3 cups, malt - 0.5 cups, sugar - 1 cup, honey - 2 tbsp. spoons, butter or margarine - 1 tbsp. spoon, ready dough - 1 kg. Wash the viburnum berries thoroughly, sort, removing unripe ones, place in a saucepan, add a little water, add malt, sugar and honey, put in the oven for 5-6 hours.

In the oven, the viburnum will take on a dark red color and become sweet and sour, and the seeds will soften. Roll out the dough, divide equally into two parts. Place the cooled viburnum berries on one of the rolled out circles, cover with another, pinch the edges, grease with oil and place in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Pie with viburnum and apples

For the filling: viburnum berries - 2 cups, apples - 3 large or 5 medium, sugar 2 tbsp. spoons, semolina - 2 tbsp. spoons. For unleavened yeast-free dough: vegetable oil - 0.5 cups, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons, sour cream 20% - 2 tbsp. spoons, egg - 1 pc., granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, salt -1 tsp. spoon, soda - 0.5 tsp, water - 2 tbsp. spoons, flour - 1 cup.

Prepare the filling from viburnum and apples. Wash the viburnum berries and add water to just cover. To make the viburnum seeds soft, you can leave it in the oven for 5-6 hours. The berries will become sweet and sour.

Drain the water and add sugar. Bring to a boil and remove from heat until the sugar dissolves. Add diced apples and semolina. Mix. Mix all ingredients for the dough. Roll out 2 circles. Place 1 circle on greased vegetable oil frying pan

Place the viburnum filling on top. Cover the pie with a wave in the second circle. Grease the surface of the pie with vegetable oil. You can pierce the top with a fork in several places. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Viburnum berries - 2 cups, sugar - 2 cups. Pour boiling water over the berries for 5 minutes, then drain the water and let the berries dry slightly. After this, mash them with a wooden spoon and rub through a colander or large sieve. Add sugar to the resulting mass.

Without a refrigerator, such jelly remains dense for up to 3 months, then gradually begins to liquefy, and on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator remains dense for up to two years. It is very important to accurately keep the viburnum in boiling water.

If you hold it for less than 5 minutes, the skin of the berries does not have time to soften, and when crushed, the viburnum bursts with a lot of splashes. If, on the contrary, you overexpose the viburnum, the jelly will not harden.

Viburnum sauce

Viburnum juice - 200 ml, water - 2 cups, sugar - 30 g, potato starch - 5 g. Dilute the starch in 2 tbsp. spoons of water, pour it into boiling water, add viburnum, sugar and bring to a boil again. Use as a gravy for cereal dishes.

Viburnum marmalade

Berries - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg. Pour boiling water over fresh viburnum berries and rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree and mix. Place the berry puree in the oven over low heat and cook until thickened.

Take a shallow dish and line it with oiled paper. Pour the resulting puree into it, smooth it out and leave to harden. Cut into square pieces and sprinkle with sugar.

Berries - 1 kg, sugar - 800 g, water - 200 ml. Wash the viburnum berries well, place in a saucepan, add water and simmer until soft in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Combine sugar and water in a saucepan, stir, boil and remove the pan with syrup from the heat.

Remove the viburnum from the oven, pour in the prepared sugar syrup and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Then remove from heat, leave for 6 hours and let cool. After this, put the pan with the jam back on the fire and cook until done.

Remove pan from heat, hot viburnum jam Place in sterilized jars, roll up, wrap and let cool.

Contraindications and harms of using viburnum

Viburnum is contraindicated for pregnant women!

Despite the many-sided benefits for the functioning of the human body, viburnum also has some contraindications and limitations. First of all, it is not recommended for pregnant women to consume it due to the content of substances in the berries that are analogues of female sex hormones (estrogens).

Elevated levels of these substances in the blood can lead to premature birth or development all kinds of pathologies in the unborn child.

Do not get carried away with viburnum if you have a decreased arterial pressure(). In such cases, doctors recommend eating no more than one tablespoon of berries per day or drinking no more than one cup of viburnum vitamin tea. Eating viburnum with honey is especially dangerous.

It is not recommended to use viburnum for medicinal purposes in patients with chronic diseases kidneys and increased acidity gastric juice. Viburnum is also contraindicated for patients with gout, urolithiasis, arthritis, various diseases hematopoietic system, kidneys.

Be healthy, my dears, and God bless you!

In the article we discuss viburnum - beneficial properties and contraindications to its use. You will learn pharmacological properties viburnum and the use of viburnum berries in folk medicine. Following our advice, you will learn how to brew tea, prepare infusions, decoctions, and syrups based on the fruits of the plant. We will tell you how to eat viburnum for medicinal purposes for diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular and nervous systems, skin diseases and diabetes mellitus.

Useful parts of the plant (fruits, seeds, bark, flowers)

In folk medicine, the bark, leaves, fruits and seeds of viburnum are used. Viburnum is a genus of deciduous shrubs or small trees of the Adoxaceae family. All parts of the plant are used in folk medicine. Medicinal products are prepared from the bark, leaves, flowers, berries and seeds of viburnum.

Viburnum bark is useful for respiratory diseases. Products based on it strengthen the immune system and eliminate cold symptoms. They normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Viburnum leaves are used as anthelmintic. An infusion of plant leaves cleanses the body and has a disinfectant, diaphoretic and laxative effect.

Viburnum flowers are useful for bronchopulmonary diseases. Remedies based on the flowers of the plant dilute and remove mucus from the lungs, have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.

Based on the fruits of the plant, tinctures and decoctions are prepared to treat diseases. respiratory system And gastrointestinal tract. From fresh fruits viburnums get juice. The drink is consumed internally and used externally to treat skin diseases: eczema, furunculosis, carbunculosis, skin cancer. The product fades freckles and dark spots.

Viburnum seeds are useful for stagnation of bile and gastrointestinal spasms. They are used as a laxative.

In folk medicine, viburnum is used to treat and prevent diseases of the female reproductive system. A decoction of berries and plant bark is effective for mastopathy and uterine bleeding. The product normalizes menstrual cycle and relieves pain.

Knowing how red viburnum is beneficial for women, you can do without expensive cosmetics. An infusion of the plant eliminates wrinkles, age spots and rashes on the skin, making it elastic and pleasant to the touch.

You have learned the beneficial properties and contraindications of viburnum for women. Now let’s look at the beneficial properties of viburnum for men.

Plant-based products normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. An infusion of viburnum berries has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects for cystitis and prostatitis. This is the benefit of viburnum berries.

Chemical and vitamin composition of viburnum

The beneficial properties and contraindications of red viburnum lie in its chemical composition. Viburnum fruits contain:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin P;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • carotene;
  • pectin substances;
  • alkaloids;
  • saponins;
  • tannins.

You learned the chemical composition of viburnum berries. Now let's look at the pharmacological properties and what the viburnum berry helps with.

Pharmacological properties

Viburnum is beneficial for the whole body. The tannin substances that make up viburnum have an analgesic effect, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings. They constrict blood vessels, tighten cell membranes, which leads to a decrease in inflammation.

Viburnum has a diuretic effect. Plant-based products effectively eliminate swelling.

Due to the high content of vitamins in red viburnum, it is used during periods of increased morbidity as a general tonic. Tea with viburnum restores strength and increases the body's defenses.

Valeric and isovaleric acids have an antispasmodic effect and calm the central nervous system. Viburnum enhances the effect of sedatives.

Ascorbic acid has a general strengthening effect on the body. Viburnum is included in vitamin preparations to improve immunity.

Viburnum is good for the gastrointestinal tract. Products based on it have antiseptic and astringent effects, promote the healing of ulcers and stop bleeding. The plant is useful for diarrhea and stomach colic. Preparations based on viburnum normalize digestion and metabolism.

Viburnum has a hemostatic effect. The product increases the tone of the uterus.

Iridoid glycosides have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. A decoction of the plant is used to disinfect the oral cavity for sore throat and stomatitis.

How to prepare viburnum juice

Juice is prepared from ripe viburnum berries; it strengthens the heart, has a diuretic and choleretic action. The drink is used to prevent atherosclerosis.


  1. Viburnum berries - 850 gr.
  2. Granulated sugar - 250 gr.

How to cook: Sort and rinse the viburnum berries, leave them in a colander to drain. Grind the dried berries with a rolling pin to a puree consistency. Transfer the resulting mass to cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Add granulated sugar to the drink and stir until dissolved.

How to use: Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Result: The drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and normalizes digestion.

Tea for colds and fever with viburnum

Viburnum tea has an antipyretic effect. The drink effectively eliminates cold symptoms.


  1. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour viburnum berries into a teapot, pour boiling water over them and leave covered for an hour.

How to use: Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

Result: Tea eliminates colds, restores strength and strengthens the immune system.

A decoction for throat diseases, coughs and sore throats

A decoction of viburnum helps with cough. A decoction of red viburnum is used for diseases of the respiratory system. The product is effective for bronchitis, laryngitis, sore throat, and asthma.


  1. Viburnum berries - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Place the viburnum berries in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil over low heat. Brew the drink for 30 minutes. Ready product strain and add cooled boiled water so that the liquid volume is 250 ml.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon up to 4 times daily after meals.

Result: Viburnum decoction effectively eliminates sore throat, cough and swelling.

Syrup for lung diseases and bronchitis

Viburnum syrup is used for medicinal purposes for diseases of the bronchi and lungs. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect, thins mucus and removes it from the body.


  1. Viburnum berries - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 500 ml.
  3. Honey - 2 tablespoons.

How to cook: Wash the viburnum berries, cover them with water and bring to a boil. Cook the fruits for 20 minutes, then remove from heat, add honey and stir. Cover with a lid, wrap in a towel and leave for 3 hours.

How to use: Take ⅓ glass up to 5 times a day.

Result: Viburnum syrup relieves inflammation and removes phlegm from the lungs.

Viburnum tincture for blood pressure and hypertension

Viburnum tincture regulates work of cardio-vascular system. The product strengthens blood vessels and removes cholesterol. Viburnum is infused with vodka, cognac or diluted alcohol. Consider a recipe for viburnum with cognac.


  1. Viburnum berries - 300 gr.
  2. Honey - 300 gr.
  3. Cognac - 500 ml.

How to cook: Wash and chop the viburnum berries, mix them with honey and pour in cognac. Leave the product in a dark and cool place for 5 days.

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily with meals.

Result: The tincture effectively reduces blood pressure. When taken regularly, the drug normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents pressure surges.

General tonic for nerves and fatigue

Infusions and decoctions of viburnum are used as sedatives for neuroses, epilepsy, hysteria. They calm the nervous and cardiovascular systems.


  1. Viburnum bark - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind the viburnum bark, add water, place in a water bath and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for half an hour.

How to use: Take ⅓ glass up to 4 times daily after meals.

Result: A decoction of viburnum bark strengthens the immune system, calms the nervous system and restores strength.

For more information about harvesting viburnum for the winter, watch the video:

Remedy for diabetes

Viburnum berries and bark are useful for diabetes. Products based on them normalize metabolism, reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.


  1. Viburnum berries - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Viburnum bark - 10 gr.
  3. Water - 300 ml.

How to cook: Wash and chop the berries, combine with the bark and cover with water. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and leave for 4 hours.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Result: Viburnum infusion has a general strengthening effect and lowers blood sugar levels.

Use for skin diseases and neoplasms

To treat skin diseases and neoplasms, use freshly squeezed viburnum berry juice or their infusion. Remedies are effective for eczema, acne, lichen and skin cancer. The drug is applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin and left until completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times a day for a week.

Contraindications for treatment with viburnum

You learned how viburnum is useful and how to use it correctly so as not to harm the body. Viburnum is a potent plant that should be consumed strictly according to the instructions, without violating the dosage.

Viburnum-based products are used with caution during pregnancy. The berries of the plant can cause allergies and provoke uterine contractions.

Contraindications for treatment with viburnum:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • low blood pressure;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • renal failure;
  • gout.

What to remember

  1. The beneficial properties of viburnum for the human body lie in its rich vitamin composition.
  2. Plant-based products are used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, digestive and genitourinary systems.
  3. Viburnum has a number of contraindications for use, which must be familiarized with before starting treatment.

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Hello, dear readers!
Today I want to talk about viburnum. Have you heard a lot about her? Maybe you only remember how you tried this beautiful bright red berry as a child, but immediately winced at its strange taste and viscosity. This was my bitter (literally) first experience with viburnum.
You might be surprised, but in fact this berry can be easily used in many delicious recipes! I will tell you more about this in the continuation of the article. In the meantime, let's briefly discuss how viburnum is useful and how to use it, why housewives generally use the berry and where to find it. And anyway, what is this healing product, which worries us so much, as well as how to use it to benefit the body and treat various ailments folk recipes.
Viburnum benefits and harm to the body are associated with the unique components that make up the plant. It is widely used in many industries, in particular in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Bright taste, rich aroma and rich composition have a positive effect on the human body. Eating berries is beneficial at any age.

From the article you will learn:

Red viburnum: general information about the plant

Viburnum (lat. Viburnum) belongs to the genus of woody flowering plants. She is a representative of the Adoksov family. Today, 160 varieties of the plant are known. Most of them are distributed in the northern hemisphere. Some types of fruits are widely used in cooking, scientific and folk medicine. Other types of plants are ornamental.

Viburnum benefits and harms

The red viburnum berry was an indispensable attribute in many rituals in Rus'. It was used during the wedding of young and folk festivals. Viburnum branches decorated holiday loaves and bouquets for the newlyweds. It is noteworthy that the seeds of viburnum are heart-shaped. In this regard, the plant has become the main attribute of wedding celebrations.

Habitat and where the berry grows

Red viburnum grows as small trees or shrubs throughout the northern hemisphere, but a few types are quite comfortable in the southern hemisphere. In fact, this capricious berry “prefers” a temperate climate, although it is sometimes found in mountainous or tropical areas, but this is very rare. For example, if you travel to the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa, you may be lucky enough to see this familiar red viburnum tree.

In addition to Russia, it grows in some hot countries South America and in southeast Asia. Just look at this beauty, generously producing fruit even when covered with snow.

The plant has about 160 varieties, but only red viburnum has healing properties. The main feature of the berries is their ability to adapt to any weather conditions. The plant grows freely in hot and cold climates. Due to its unpretentiousness, fruit plantations can be found in Central and Asia Minor, Africa, Europe, the Caucasus and Siberia. A small amount of viburnum grows in Madagascar.

In warm regions of Ukraine and Russia, the plant is found everywhere. IN Russian Federation artificial plantings are recorded in Ussuriysk, Solikamsk, Arkhangelsk and Kotlas. Viburnum bears fruit in any conditions.

Isn't it true that the fiery red berries of viburnum combine luxuriously with snow-white snowflakes?

Most likely, this is why there is such a tradition in Ukraine: a branch of this plant has long been used to decorate a bride’s outfit. There, viburnum is considered a symbol of Christmas and is honored as a national one, along with willow. Previously, almost all Ukrainian families planted a viburnum tree next to their house, and with the onset of winter they decorated the windows with bunches of red berries.

According to folk beliefs, when a couple wanted a son, the man carved a sopilka (a Ukrainian wind instrument resembling a flute) from this tree, and then they next child was certainly the successor of the family.

How good it is for the villagers! Just take a hike to the nearest forest - relax with friends by the local river, enjoy the beautiful autumn season and at the same time pick up a bucket of red viburnum. Read on to find out why viburnum is useful and how to use it!

Physical properties of the plant

Representatives of the plant are small shrubs and trees. Viburnum leaves are opposite, often whorled. The buds are bare or covered with scales (exclusively in winter). Inflorescences are simple or complex.

The leaves and fruits of viburnum are the most valuable. The berries are red or black. In rare cases, a yellow drupe with one stone is recorded. The berry has a bright and rich aroma and a bitter taste.

Remember: best time To collect them - late autumn! It is then that they will not yet be overripe and frozen, but already filled with bitter juice and full of a unique taste.

What is the basis of the plant: chemical composition and vitamins

Viburnum is rich in vitamins and microelements. They are responsible for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Vitamins that make up the plant: A, C, E, K and P. Representatives of group A increase the body’s resistance, stimulate growth, improve metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the organs of vision. Vitamins of group C improve protective functions, lower cholesterol and prevent the development allergic reactions. Vitamins of group E actively participate in metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Vitamins of group K are responsible for digestion and brain activity. Representatives of group P increase the elasticity of blood vessels and have an analgesic effect.

Vitamin complexes are correctly supplemented with microelements. The main representatives are:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

Iron prevents the development of anemia, phosphorus normalizes metabolic processes, manganese has a positive effect on functioning nervous system. Zinc accelerates regeneration processes and acts as a natural immunomodulator.

Viburnum contains not only vitamins and microelements, but also organic acids: valeric, formic, acetic, butyric and linoleic. All components, in reasonable quantities, are necessary for the body to function normally.

Viburnum - nutritional value and calorie content

Viburnum is considered a dietary and low-calorie product. 100 grams of fruit contain 7 g of carbohydrates; there are no fats or proteins. Additionally, the plant contains 0.5 g of ash and 86 g of water. The nutritional value The fruit of the plant is unique.

The calorie content of berries is 26 kcal per 100 g of product. Due to its positive properties and unique components, the fruits can be consumed everywhere. They do not affect the figure, but at the same time have a positive effect on the entire body.

Viburnum benefits and harm to the body

The benefits and harm to the body are determined by the substances contained in the plant. Viburnum has a positive effect on the general condition of a person and prevents the development of many diseases. Useful properties of the plant:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • regenerative;
  • painkiller.

The beneficial properties for women include the presence of a whole complex of vitamins and microelements. Regular consumption of the fruits of the plant helps normalize hormonal background and improve reproductive function. The berry has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and helps slow down the aging process.

For men, the fruits of the plant are useful due to the content of vitamins of group P. The male population is susceptible to the development vascular diseases. Regular consumption of berries significantly reduces the likelihood of abnormalities in the cardiovascular system. The fruits have a positive effect on genitourinary system. Viburnum increases libido and sexual desire.

For children, the plant is no less useful; it is responsible for stimulating brain activity. Eating fruits at a young age helps strengthen skeletal system and improved growth.

The product should be used with caution during pregnancy. You should not get carried away with berries if you have gout, arthritis, urolithiasis and low pressure. The minimum amount of berries is appropriate to use when breastfeeding. This issue should be discussed with the supervising physician.

Healing properties of viburnum and treatment

The medicinal properties of viburnum are related to the amount of substances it contains. The benefits of this plant can be constantly mentioned. Thanks to the content of phytoncides, the berry helps cope with colds and viral infections. Additionally, the plant eliminates the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • ulcerative lesions duodenum and stomach;
  • asthma.

Viburnum helps speed up the recovery of influenza, reduce the manifestations bronchial asthma and cough. It is widely used for nosebleeds and vascular spasms. Viburnum acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent.

Teas and decoctions from the fruits of the plant have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, nervous system, liver and blood vessels. To prepare a medicinal potion, you need to take a few leaves and berries of the plant and pour boiling water over it. After the tea has steeped, it can be consumed.

A decoction of the plant has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The product is widely used to relieve colds and infectious lesion body.

Tincture from the plant helps to cope with gastritis and reduce the pain of menstruation. Rinsing with infusion helps eliminate sore throat. To do this, the fruits are poured with vodka and infused for 14 days. For 300 g of berries you need to take 500 ml of vodka. The resulting medicine can be diluted by 25% with water.

Viburnum juice is widely used to eliminate liver disease and jaundice. Fruit juice has similar properties. To prepare the juice, you need to grind the fruits of the plant and mix the resulting pulp with water. Fruit juice is prepared in a similar way, with it being additionally whipped in a blender.

Viburnum: application in cosmetology

The fruits of the plant are used not only in the treatment of many diseases, but also in cosmetology. Yagoda has unique properties, which help speed up the processes of regeneration and slow down aging, restore skin.

For the skin, the berry is used in the form of masks. Its regular use can reduce the appearance of freckles, whiten the skin and eliminate fine wrinkles. The fruits also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. They make them healthy, shiny and silky. Use for medicinal purposes for 14 days eliminates the signs of section. Rubbing berry juice into the nail plate helps strengthen it and soften the skin around the nail.

Viburnum decoction has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. They can be used to wipe the skin of the face, rinse hair, or use after a massage.

Use of viburnum in cooking

The fruits of the plant are widely used in cooking. Viburnum tea has a rich taste and aroma. The fruits themselves are bitter, but this bitterness disappears immediately after the plant freezes. Experts recommend picking berries after the first frost. You can make jam, marmalade, juices, tinctures, decoctions and marshmallows from them.

To preserve all the positive properties, the berries are dried and frozen. When thawed, they are the best addition to pies and pies.


For all its benefits, viburnum has several contraindications. If any of this list applies to you, please do not use viburnum berries for medicinal purposes! Waiting positive effect on the contrary, you can cause great harm to your health.

  • Low blood pressure. Consuming viburnum may cause fainting;
  • Increased blood clotting. Viburnum can promote the process of blood clots;
  • Increased stomach acidity and gout. IN viburnum contains many organic acids;
  • Pregnancy. Using viburnum can lead to allergies.

And of course, remember that eating viburnum berries in excessive quantities is harmful to any organism. This can cause rashes all over the body and other allergic reactions, even in a completely healthy person.

How much fruit can you eat per day without harming your body? 10 fruits per day are enough, this amount is enough to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements. The plant must be used with caution; there are some contraindications. Berries should not be consumed if you are prone to blood clots or if you have low blood pressure.

Features of cultivation

The health benefits are priceless to experience on own experience, you can not only eat berries, but also grow them yourself. This is a simple process that requires compliance with a certain algorithm.

Trees and shrubs can grow only in illuminated places with neutral soil. To improve the properties of the soil, it is recommended to fertilize it with peat or phosphorus a month before planting. Planting is carried out in spring or autumn. For this, a hole about 50 cm deep is prepared. There should be a distance of 3 meters between the bushes. Young seedlings are sent to a prepared hole and watered abundantly. The harvest is harvested after the first frost. In this period berries change their taste, and the bitterness completely disappears.

Harvesting and storing berries

Harvesting takes place after the first frost. When warm, the berry will reveal its flavor characteristics. Bitterness will be replaced by sweetness and tartness. How is viburnum useful in this form? After collection, it is rich in vitamins and microelements. Save positive properties fruits can be obtained through proper storage. To do this, you need to dry and freeze the berries. Storage in the freezer allows you to preserve the positive properties for 6-12 months.

To improve the taste characteristics and enhance the healing properties, the fruits are ground together with honey. In this form, they must be packaged in jars and stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life is 4-6 months.

How much fruit can you eat per day? It all depends on the person's condition. For medicinal purposes, the berry is consumed in the amount of 3 tablespoons of decoction or mixture with honey. For supporting general condition The body needs up to 10 berries daily.

Nature has endowed many berries with beneficial and healing properties. Using the fruits of the presented plant allows you to saturate the body with necessary substances and improve the functioning of many organs and systems. The fruits can be consumed in pure form at any age, in the prescribed quantity.

How is viburnum useful? Now let's look at this issue in detail. Let's look at its composition, and also find out where it is used.

Red berry: what is useful in it?

Viburnum is widely used in folk medicine; it is also used to create anti-aging masks. Contains many useful vitamins and essential minerals. Viburnum viburnum contains ascorbic acid, which is twice as much as in citrus fruits. The berry contains 5 times more iron salts than lemons and oranges.

Viburnum contains a lot of vitamins A and E. Therefore, in the production of cosmetics, masks and various kinds of creams are created from it, which tone, rejuvenate and restore facial skin.

Useful properties and uses of viburnum

How is viburnum useful? Healing properties enclosed in the bark, flowers and fruits of the plant. Infusions and decoctions of viburnum are used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Fresh berries are used as a stabilizing agent for hypertension. Also, such fruits can have a laxative effect.

A decoction of viburnum bark contains a lot of tannins. It will help with nosebleeds. To do this, you need to insert a tampon soaked in a decoction of berries. For hemorrhoids, baths are made with viburnum.

For neuroses, hysteria and insomnia, decoctions from this berry are useful. Next, let's look at one recipe. One tablespoon of dried viburnum bark requires a glass of boiling water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for forty minutes. Cool for ten minutes and apply one tablespoon orally three times a day.

What else is viburnum useful for? Flowers and roots are harvested for medicinal purposes. Viburnum fruits are tonic for seriously ill people. And also for those who have recently undergone surgery.

Viburnum fruits are also useful for edema due to heart and kidney diseases, during exacerbation skin diseases, for liver diseases.

Preparations prepared from viburnum bark are used to stop bleeding. Such agents are not only hemostatic, but also anti-inflammatory. A decoction of young viburnum leaves helps with nervous system disorders and insomnia. Relieves fatigue syndrome and lifts vitality body.

How is red viburnum useful in other cases? Because it has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels if you drink it in the form of juice. It eliminates thrombosis and varicose veins, that is, diseases that affect up to seventy percent of the population in our country.

What else is viburnum berry useful for? Because it lowers blood pressure. Doctors advise people with high blood pressure to eat one tablespoon fresh berries. This will help lower your blood pressure.

Another useful thing about viburnum is that it lowers the temperature. Due to the content of organic acids, you can help a person with a fever if you make, for example, tea or a decoction of berries.

For a sore throat, doctors advise gargling with juice (undiluted) five to six times a day.

Useful for women of any age

How is viburnum useful for women? During pregnancy, it is allowed to use drugs or infusions from viburnum berries. High content ascorbic acid and iron elements support the normal body of the expectant mother.

Viburnum also helps stop bleeding due to the fact that it contains coumarins. Therefore, it will be useful for bleeding. If it is uterine, then it is recommended to use tampons soaked in a decoction of viburnum fruits.

It is also believed that this berry helps with mastopathy. In addition, it reduces discomfort with painful menstruation.

Useful for men who are tired at work

How is viburnum useful for men? The berry can rejuvenate brain cells. After all, it contains a high content of pectin and vitamin C. As a rule, men often work hard work, and viburnum can enhance immune system and also prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

With honey, the berries are even healthier, tastier and sweeter

What are the benefits of viburnum with honey? This sweet “drug” helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. How to cook it? You need to take a few spoons of fresh berries, mix with a tablespoon of honey and eat along with the seeds. This mixture also improves metabolism and prevents oxygen starvation in the tissues and cells of the body. If there is a lack of vitamins (especially in spring), it is necessary to use infusions of berries and viburnum leaves.

Healthy drink

Viburnum honey juice is prepared from two hundred grams of water and one kilogram of fresh or frozen berries. The juice is squeezed out from the fruits themselves and added to the water. Bring to a boil and cool to room temperature. Then four tablespoons of honey are added to the drink. You can drink no more than a glass a day.

Tasty and healthy jam

You can make jam from viburnum berries. To one kilogram of berries you need to add one and a half kilograms of sugar. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour in one hundred grams of water. Put on fire. Wait until the sugar dissolves and it turns into syrup. Then the berries are added along with the seeds and cooked for no more than ten minutes. The jam is cooled. After which it is ready for use. You can eat such a healthy treat in winter time, preserving it in pre-sterilized jars.

By the way, viburnum is often used as a filling for pies and delicious buns. Such products are useful for eating by both small children and adults.

Who is the berry contraindicated for?

Be that as it may, but also healthy berries Red viburnum has contraindications. It should not be used by people who have high blood clotting. Also, it should not be used by those who have been diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity or a stomach ulcer. Although, on the contrary, doctors advise those who have gastritis with low acidity to eat these red fruits.

Viburnum is also sometimes contraindicated during pregnancy (in this case, you should consult a doctor). If you are individually intolerant to the components contained in red berries, you should also avoid consuming them.

If there are no contraindications, then viburnum can and should be consumed. After all, the berry contains various minerals and vitamins, necessary for the body person. Doctors, by the way, strongly encourage the use of this fruit.

A little conclusion

Now you know how viburnum is useful. Perhaps this red berry will help you combat any problem. Just consult your doctor before using it, in case you have reasons why you should give up viburnum.