Cashew benefits for diabetics. Cashew nuts in a diabetic diet. How does eating cashews affect the health of a diabetic?

Diabetes - serious illness, which today affects many older people. It is accompanied by metabolic disorders and changes in blood sugar levels, due to which blood clotting is greatly impaired. The disease, of course, is quite serious, since it has a large number of complications, but it is curable. Therefore, we invite you to figure out how to cure diabetes mellitus most effectively.

Cashew - a helper for diabetes

First, let's look at what we know about cashews. Most of you have probably seen this miracle nut in stores. By appearance it looks like a small comma and tastes very good. But who knows where cashew “came” to us from, and what properties it has?

Cashew is a Brazil nut collected from evergreen bushes on huge plantations. In terms of the structure of the peel, it is very similar to a walnut, the only difference being that it has a poisonous layer of juice. This is a kind of plant protection from insects, which Brazil has in abundance. This is why cashew bushes are not very attractive to insects.

Today there are legends about the properties of cashews. This is a real storehouse of useful elements, especially for female body. Being a natural aphrodisiac, the nut can normalize cell regeneration after childbirth and saturate the body very much. important vitamin E, responsible for reproductive health person. The ability to normalize is very important for people suffering diabetes mellitus, because the level of vitamins in their body is impaired, as a result of which the immune system suffers. Cashews consumed both raw and fried will help to cope with this and stabilize the functioning of all organs.

Another one important feature cashew nuts - the absence of an allergic reaction that accompanies other types. This feature made it possible to include them in many diets, and also opened up their use by diabetics.

What else are cashews good for diabetics?

According to Canadian scientists, the extract prepared from its seeds is a real find in the field of medicine. He truly has magical power, forcing muscle tissue absorb sugar from the blood, thereby normalizing its level in the body. It is surprising that neither the leaves nor the bark of the cashew bush have such miraculous powers.

Finally, I would like to note the fact that if you have diabetes, you need to carefully think through your diet, adding essential vitamins And useful elements and excluding everything unnecessary and harmful. Among other things, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. He will tell you in what proportions to eat nuts and other products, and will also help you make right choice. Be healthy!

Various tasty and healthy jams, jellies and compotes are prepared from cashew apples. The disadvantage of apples is their short shelf life. Short term storage of fruits is due to the presence in them large quantity tannin.

Eating cashews practically does not cause allergies, unlike other types of nuts.

This product plant origin is a common ingredient in national Asian cuisines.

The nuts are used to produce oil that resembles peanut butter in its properties.

The energy value of one gram of nuts is about 5.5 kcal. Nuts are used to prepare a variety of sauces.

Before eating cashews, they should be cleared of the surface shell and shell, which contains such caustic compounds as anacardic acid and cardol. These components of the peel, if they come into contact with the skin, can cause skin irritations in humans.

Availability specified compounds is the reason why nuts are never sold unshelled.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about diabetes

Doctor medical sciences, Professor Aronova S. M.

I have been studying the problem of DIABETES for many years. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to announce the good news - Endocrinological Research center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences succeeded in developing a medicine that completely cures diabetes. On this moment The effectiveness of this drug is close to 100%.

Another one good news: The Ministry of Health has achieved adoption special program, which reimburses the entire cost of the drug. In Russia and the CIS countries, diabetics before can get the remedy FOR FREE.

Find out more>>

Chemical composition of cashew

The nuts are tender and buttery in taste, in some cases they may seem greasy, which is not entirely true.

be careful

According to WHO, every year 2 million people die from diabetes and its complications around the world. In the absence of qualified support for the body, diabetes leads to various kinds of complications, gradually destroying the human body.

The most common complications are: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can also lead to the development cancerous tumors. In almost all cases, a diabetic either dies fighting a painful disease or becomes a real disabled person.

What should people with diabetes do? Endocrinological scientific center RAMS succeeded make a remedy completely cures diabetes mellitus.

Currently taking place Federal program"Healthy nation", within which every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS this drug issued FOR FREE. Detailed information, look at official website MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

It should be noted that this product contains significantly less fat than other types of nuts, such as walnuts, almonds and peanuts. Cashews contain a large number of beneficial chemical compounds.

The nutritional and medicinal benefits of this product are difficult to exaggerate. Cashews are of particular value for diabetes mellitus due to the presence of a huge number of biologically active components in their composition.

Nuts contain a whole range of compounds that are very beneficial for diabetics, the most important of which are:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • vitamin E;
  • 18 most important amino acids, including tryptophan, glycine and lysine;
  • phytostyrene;
  • magnesium;
  • almost all vitamins belonging to group B;
  • tannin;
  • vegetable protein.

Additionally, the nuts contain a high content of microelements such as:

  1. Copper.
  2. Zinc.
  3. Selenium.
  4. Manganese.
  5. Calcium.
  6. Magnesium.

In addition, nuts contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, used to successfully combat bad cholesterol in organism. These components help strengthen the heart muscle and all elements vascular system. Medicinal properties nuts contribute to the fact that the product is used not only to enrich the diet of a patient with type 2 diabetes, but also as a preventive measure.

Our readers write

Subject: Conquered diabetes

From: Lyudmila S ( [email protected])

To: Administration

At the age of 47, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In a few weeks I gained almost 15 kg. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, vision began to fade. When I turned 66, I was already steadily injecting myself with insulin, everything was very bad...

And here is my story

The disease continued to develop, periodic attacks began, and the ambulance literally brought me back from the other world. I always thought that this time would be the last...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article helped me completely get rid of diabetes, supposedly incurable disease. Over the last 2 years I have started to move more, in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day, my husband and I lead an active lifestyle and travel a lot. Everyone is surprised how I manage to do everything, where so much strength and energy comes from, they still can’t believe that I’m 66 years old.

Who wants to live a long, energetic life and forget about this forever? terrible disease, take 5 minutes and read this article.

Go to article>>>

Cashew prevents the development of diabetes mellitus if there are prerequisites for it in a person.

Benefits of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are considered a product with high degree nutritional value and capable of exerting a powerful healing effect on the body of a diabetic patient.

Eating this nut helps improve brain function and strengthens the functioning of the brain. immune system, which is important for diabetes.

In addition, the introduction of this product into the diet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of almost all body systems.

Eating cashews helps:

Stories from our readers

Conquered diabetes at home. It's been a month since I forgot about sugar spikes and taking insulin. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant fainting, calls to the ambulance... How many times have I gone to endocrinologists, but they only say one thing - “Take insulin.” And now it’s been 5 weeks and my blood sugar levels are normal, not a single injection of insulin, and all thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with diabetes!

Read the full article >>>
  • lowering cholesterol levels in the diabetic body;
  • restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of the sexual function of the body;
  • restoration of the vascular system and heart;
  • strengthening metabolic processes, in which fatty acids take part.

Very often, nuts are used as an additional remedy if the patient has the following diseases:

  1. Anemia in diabetes mellitus.
  2. Psoriasis.
  3. Disorders of the body's functioning affecting metabolic processes.
  4. Toothache.
  5. Dystrophy.
  6. Bronchial asthma.
  7. Diabetes
  8. Bronchitis.
  9. Hypertension.
  10. Inflammatory processes in the throat cavity.
  11. Disorders in the functioning of the stomach.

The substances that make up cashews have pronounced antibacterial, tonic and antiseptic properties.

Nuts can be used in the treatment of diseases such as dysentery.

In India, the product is used in the preparation of a decoction used as an antidote for the bites of some snakes.

In Africa, a decoction of the shell is used to treat injuries. skin, warts and various dermatitis.

Using cashews for diabetes

The effect of nut extract on cells that absorb glucose from blood plasma has been reliably proven; for this reason, cashews for type 2 diabetes can not only be eaten, but should also be done.

According to most researchers, this property may be the basis for the development of new medicines used for type 2 diabetes.

It has been reliably proven that regular consumption of cashews for diabetes helps stabilize sugar levels in the body and does not provoke the appearance of side effects. Such healing effect may help maintain the disease in remission.

Cashew, when consumed for diabetes, has a complex effect on the body, which is easily explained by its rich chemical composition.

The use of this product by diabetics helps to normalize metabolic processes in the patient’s body. First of all, the influence of the product is manifested on the course of metabolic processes of protein and lipid metabolism.

An important factor for a diabetic is the ability of nuts to enhance the body’s antibacterial resistance and tone it.

The complex effect on the body makes it possible to prevent the development in the body of a patient with diabetes of various complications, which are frequent companions of progressive diabetes.

Eating cashews

Cashews are one of the safest varieties of nuts. This is due to the fact that this product does not provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. This property of the product allows it to be used as food regularly.

Most experts recommend introducing nuts into a sugar-free diet gradually. Diabetics will be interested in the fact that this product has a fairly low glycemic index of 15 units. Such a low glycemic index allows you to consume nuts at any time of the day. Cashew nuts are allowed to be consumed in childhood. Most doctors recommend consuming 50 to 60 grams of nuts per day.

For diabetes mellitus, the product can be eaten both raw and fried. It is recommended to add this product to oatmeal and eat it during breakfast. In addition, nuts can be used to make dietary cookies.

There are many salad recipes that are prepared with the addition of cashew nuts.

A dessert made from pears using honey and cashews is very tasty.

To prepare the dessert, the core is removed from the pear fruit, and the resulting cavity is filled with nuts and filled with honey.

The pear is baked in the oven. The duration of preparation of the dessert is from 15 to 18 minutes. In addition, a similar dessert can be prepared using avocado or apple for this purpose.

About the benefits and harm of cashews (video)

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones have diabetes.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and medications for diabetes. The verdict is:

If all drugs were given, it was only a temporary result; as soon as the use was stopped, the disease sharply intensified.

The only drug that has given significant results is Difort.

At the moment, this is the only drug that can completely cure diabetes. Especially strong effect Difort pointed to early stages development of diabetes mellitus.

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Typically, when patients ask what to eat if they have type 2 diabetes, they are talking about foods that help control their blood glucose levels. And it is right.

But it is equally important to know which foods help not only keep sugar under control, but also protect against the development of severe complications diabetes, for example, from cardiovascular pathologies or blindness.
Listed below are 12 basic foods that are not only allowed for diabetics, but are strongly recommended for them, as they are prophylactic agents development of severe complications.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 acids. Moreover, their most useful forms are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
It is important for diabetics to include significant amounts of oily fish in their diet for two reasons.
Firstly, omega-3 acids are a means of preventing heart and vascular diseases. And people with diabetes have a much higher risk of developing these diseases than the average population.
It has been proven that if you eat fatty fish 5-7 times a week for 2 months, the concentration of triglycerides in the blood, which are associated with cardiovascular diseases, will decrease, as well as some markers of inflammation, which are also associated with vascular pathologies.
In this material you can read in more detail about why taking omega-3 fatty acids is beneficial.
Secondly, fatty fish necessary for weight loss. And this is very important for patients with type 2 diabetes, since almost all of them are overweight.

The statement that diabetics are advised to eat eggs may seem rather strange. After all, it is traditionally believed that eggs in diabetes should be strictly limited. If there is, then only protein. And if possible, omit the yolk completely. This is what the famous Soviet diet No. 9 says for type 2 diabetes.
Unfortunately, what he says is wrong. Because recent scientific evidence suggests that diabetics not only can, but should eat eggs.
There are several explanations for this statement.
Eggs help you lose weight. And this is extremely important for diabetics.
Eggs protect against heart disease, which is so acute in diabetics. Exactly. And they don’t provoke them, as was previously believed.
Regular egg meals help improve the lipid profile, which is necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Eggs increase lipoprotein concentrations high density(“good” cholesterol) in the blood. In addition, they prevent the formation of small sticky particles of low-density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol), which form atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.
If the menu contains a sufficient number of eggs, instead of small sticky particles of “bad” cholesterol, large lungs are formed that do not know how to stick to the walls of blood vessels.
Eggs improve the body's sensitivity to insulin.
It was shown that diabetic patients who ate 2 eggs daily had lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels compared to those patients who avoided eggs.
Eggs also have another important quality: useful for diabetics. They contain a lot of antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, which protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts - two diseases that very often affect patients with diabetes and can lead to total loss vision.

Fiber-rich foods

Products that contain a lot of fiber must occupy a very significant place in the menu of every diabetic. This is due to several beneficial properties of fiber:
the ability to suppress appetite (and often it is overeating that underlies the development of diabetes and the inability to get rid of it);
the ability to reduce the amount of calories that the body absorbs from food consumed simultaneously with plant fiber;
we lower high blood pressure, which is also very important for many diabetics;
the fight against chronic inflammation in the body, which is present in all diabetics without exception and which is responsible for the development of those complications of this disease.

Dairy products

Contains probiotics and thanks to this normalizes work intestinal microflora. Which, in turn, has a positive effect on reducing cravings for sweets and increasing insulin sensitivity. That is, it helps fight the main cause of diabetes – insulin resistance. Since malfunctions in the intestinal microflora inevitably lead to distortion eating behavior, recruitment excess weight And hormonal problems, including insulin.


One of best products nutrition, both for those who suffer from diabetes and for everyone who wants to lose weight and stay healthy.
Sauerkraut combines the benefits of two classes of food products indicated for diabetes - foods with vegetable fiber and with probiotics.


Nuts are rich healthy fats, proteins and plant fiber. And they are poor in easily digestible carbohydrates. That is, they have exactly the same ratio of the main nutritional components that is indicated for diabetes.
Several studies have shown that regular consumption of nuts in people with type 2 diabetes reduces levels of sugar, glycated hemoglobin, low-density lipoprotein and some markers of chronic inflammation.
One scientific study demonstrated that diabetic patients who ate 30 grams daily for a year walnuts, not only lost significant weight, but also lowered their insulin levels. Which is extremely important. Since diabetes is often associated precisely with high, and not with low level of this hormone.

What nuts can you eat if you have type 2 diabetes?
Brazil nuts;
But it is better not to eat cashews if you have diabetes, since they contain more easily digestible carbohydrates than other types of nuts.

Olive oil

Olive oil has many beneficial properties. But for diabetic patients, the most important thing is that this oil improves lipid profile(reduces triglycerides and increases “good” cholesterol), which is almost always impaired in this disease. Which is the cause of numerous complications on the cardiovascular system.
But when you include olive oil in your diet, you need to be able to distinguish a genuine product from a fake and then be able to store and use it correctly. Otherwise, no benefit will be gained. In this material you can find basic recommendations for selecting and storing olive oil.

Magnesium Rich Foods

More recently, already in the 21st century, scientists have found that the likelihood of diabetes mellitus and the severity of its course are directly affected by the level of magnesium in the body.
The exact mechanism of magnesium's effect on the development of type 2 diabetes has not yet been established. Apparently, several molecular mechanisms are involved. Moreover, the microelement affects both the production of the hormone insulin and the sensitivity of cell receptors to it.
At the same time, food rich in magnesium, can have a beneficial effect on both diabetic patients and those who are still in a prediabetic state.
All foods rich in this microelement are beneficial, especially pine nuts.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity and lowers fasting sugar levels. It also reduces the rise in blood sugar by 20% when taken simultaneously with food containing easily digestible carbohydrates.
One study even showed that patients with very poorly controlled diabetes could lower their morning sugar levels by 6% if they took 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at night.
Attention! Apple cider vinegar slows down stomach emptying. And this is often a good thing, as it helps keep you feeling full for a long time. But this can be dangerous if you have gastroparesis, a condition that occurs quite often in diabetics, especially those who suffer from type 1 diabetes.
When starting to take apple cider vinegar, start with one teaspoon per glass of water, gradually increasing its amount to two tablespoons daily.
And try to use only natural Apple vinegar, prepared independently at home.

Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries...
All of these berries contain anthocyanins, which help maintain more correct glucose and insulin levels after meals. Anthocyanins are also known as powerful tools prevention of heart disease, including for people with type 2 diabetes.
There is only one “but”. Some berries with a high concentration of anthocyanins contain a lot of fructose, and this compound is strictly contraindicated for diabetics. Therefore, preference should be given to those berries that contain little sugar (including fructose). These are blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries. But grapes are strictly contraindicated for diabetics, despite the fact that they also contain a lot of anthocyanins.

The beneficial effect of cinnamon on the condition of diabetic patients has already been confirmed in almost no scientific research. It has been found that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels. And more importantly, improve insulin sensitivity.
Moreover positive influence cinnamon has been demonstrated in both short-term and long-term studies.
Cinnamon is also useful for normalizing weight. And this is so important for diabetics.
In addition, it has been shown that cinnamon can reduce triglyceride levels, thereby preventing the development of heart and vascular diseases.
Including cinnamon in your diet large volumes, you should remember that only true Ceylon cinnamon is useful. In no case is cassia, as much as possible permissible dose which, due to the presence of a large amount of coumarin in it, is 1 teaspoon per day.

IN currently Turmeric is one of the most actively studied spices. Her beneficial features have been proven many times for diabetic patients.
lowers blood sugar levels;
fights chronic inflammation;
is a means of preventing heart and vascular diseases, including in diabetics;
protects diabetic patients from renal failure.
But in order for turmeric to be able to reveal all these beneficial properties, it must be eaten correctly. For example, black pepper is a charming addition to this spice, as it increases the bioavailability of the active constituents of turmeric by 2000%.

Several scientific experiments have shown that garlic can reduce chronic inflammation, as well as blood sugar and “bad” cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus significantly increases the risk of developing many deadly diseases.
However, including the foods listed above in your menu on a regular basis makes it possible to maintain sugar levels at a more correct level, increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and fight chronic low-grade inflammation.
In other words, it helps to avoid serious complications of diabetes, especially such as atherosclerosis and neuropathy.

Snacks can help reduce the calorie content of main meals. If food comes in small portions throughout the day, stress from hunger does not occur. The body stops “stocking up” and storing fat.

Nuts are often used for snacking. But they can be consumed in strictly limited quantities. Should cashews be included in the diet of diabetics? Let's consider the effect of nuts on the body.


The largest plantations of this crop are in Brazil. This plant is also known as Indian nut. Cashew kernels are located in a dense shell. They are distinguished by a crispy core, pleasant sweet taste and delicate aroma.

Nuts (100 g) contain:

  • proteins 18.5 g;
  • carbohydrates 22.5;
  • fats 48.5.

Calorie content - 600 kcal. Glycemic index– 15. Quantity grain units – 1,8.

The product shelf life is 3 months. Due to the large amount of fats included in the composition, they quickly deteriorate. But fresh ones are extremely beneficial for people. When consumed, the body is saturated with:

  • fatty acids (Omega-3, 6, 9);
  • vitamins PP, K, E, B6, B5, B2;
  • tryptophan;
  • phosphorus, iron, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, potassium.

Patients with diabetes who decide to add nuts to their diet should exercise caution. They are a source of large amounts of carbohydrates and fats. If consumed daily, there is a risk of increased sugar levels. Endocrinologists allow them to be eaten in strictly limited quantities. Only compliance with the recommended dosages allows you to avoid hyperglycemia.

Use for diabetes

People who have been diagnosed with carbohydrate metabolism disorders should monitor the amount of substances entering the body. It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that break down into sugars. First of all, these are simple carbohydrates.

But excluding sweets, baked goods and ready-made breakfasts from the diet is not enough to forget about the disease. It is necessary to completely reconsider the diet. Restrictions are also set on nuts.

For type 2 diabetes, doctors advise adding cashews to the menu in strictly limited quantities - no more than 20-25 g per day. If the patient knows that it will be difficult for him to limit himself to the recommended amount, then it is better to completely abandon such a product.

Benefits and harms

When eating cashews, the body is saturated with acids, vitamins, and minerals. Doctors advise adding them to the menu because the substances included in the composition have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, increasing their lumen. Regular consumption promotes:

  • getting rid of cholesterol plaques;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of the hematopoietic process;
  • improving blood clotting;
  • reducing the risk of malignant tumors due to its anticarcinogenic effect.

Nuts are a source of easily digestible plant proteins, which are not inferior in properties to animal proteins. The fruits have a tonic, antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

Diabetics need to remember the high calorie content of cashews. Their inclusion in the diet in large quantities contributes to excess weight gain and increases the likelihood of developing allergies.

For gestational diabetes

Gynecologists advise expectant mothers to include nuts in their daily diet. But you should follow the recommended dosage. They are good for prevention iron deficiency anemia, normalization of hematopoietic processes, harmonious development heart and blood vessels.

When gestational diabetes is detected, nutrition is completely reviewed. But it is not necessary to exclude cashews from your diet: the fruits have a beneficial effect on the body, neutralizing Negative influence higher level glucose. Women who cannot get rid of hyperglycemia through nutrition are prescribed insulin injections. The hormone has to be injected until the birth.

On a low carb diet

An effective method of improving the condition and preventing the development of diabetes complications is to review the diet. All foods that can significantly increase sugar are excluded. You will have to give up simple and complex carbohydrates. Changing the regime also includes physical activity.

When eating a low-carb diet, nuts are not completely prohibited, but you need to understand that ten pieces contain 5 g of carbohydrates. If the patient can stop after eating the specified amount, then they can be consumed. If you lack willpower, it is better to eliminate it completely.

Found, in my opinion, interesting information. I'm sharing with you.
Canadian scientists have made another discovery - cashew grain extract can be successfully used in the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes.

I just love these nuts. They resemble small bagels in shape, have a specific taste, are very soft and personally never get clogged in my teeth (who would doubt it, my teeth are always white and healthy).

This exotic Brazilian fruit belongs to the Sumakhov family and is cultivated especially in the tropics.

Canadian and Cameroonian scientists tested cashew grains on laboratory rats and received positive results.

After analyzing the leaves, bark and grains, they found that it was the grain extract that promoted the absorption of sugar in the blood. Active substances, which they contain, can become effective means to combat high sugar.

It must be said that cashews are a fairly popular snack. Nuts are eaten sweet and lightly salted; cashews are popular in almost all vegetarian diets, it is used to make sauces and added to cakes and cookies.

In terms of composition, cashews contain 54% monosaturated fats, 18% polyunsaturated fats, and only 16% saturated fats (including 9% palmitic acid and 7% stearic acid).

Cashew nuts are healthly food, which contains virtually no cholesterol. Diabetic patients often suffer from cardiovascular diseases and it is very important for them to keep their cholesterol under control.

I bring to your attention an excellent cashew curry recipe, which will complement an individual diet for diabetes.
You can add chickpeas, chicken, soy tofu, whatever you like.

Cashew nuts - 250 g.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
Onions (shallots) - 5 pcs.
Curry (leaves) - 5 pcs. (or half a teaspoon curry powder)
Lemon zest - 1 pc.
Coriander - 1 tbsp.
Turmeric - ½ tsp.
Salt - ½ tsp.
Jalapeno Chiles (finely chopped) - 2 pcs.
Garlic - 2 teeth.
Ginger - 2 pcs.
Coconut milk(unsweetened) - 15 g.
Cilantro (chopped) - 2 tbsp.

Chop and fry the onion in olive oil for 10 minutes until light golden brown. Then add curry, lemon, saffron, chiles, garlic, ginger, salt and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Add the remaining ingredients and simmer until thickened for another 10 minutes. The dish is almost ready - remove the curry leaves, now you can serve it with brown rice.

Bon appetit!

Per dish thanks a lot Linda Miller and her cookbook for diabetics.