Helping a sick guinea pig. How to tell if your guinea pig is sick


Guinea pig diseases can have the most various etiologies and genesis. Pets suffer from viral and bacterial infections, endocrine, cardiovascular pathologies, and invasive diseases. Pathologies can be congenital or acquired. Moreover, most illnesses in guinea pigs occur due to the fault of the owners themselves. An unbalanced diet, unfavorable living conditions, improper care, and frequent stress often provoke systemic and functional failures in the animals’ bodies. Having taken responsibility for the life and health of the animal, owners must not only know what guinea pigs are sick with and how to understand that the pet is sick, but also the main manifestations of the disease. What to do if your guinea pig gets sick? How to treat a sick animal at home?

How can you tell if your guinea pig is sick?

Guinea pigs, which many keep as pets, naturally have strong immunity, resistance and almost complete immunity to viral and bacterial diseases. With proper care and favorable conditions, cute, funny animals can live from 8 to 12 years. But still, do not forget that, like any other living beings, guinea pigs can become infected with any infection or disease. How to understand that an animal is sick?

A healthy pet has beautiful shiny fur, a good appetite, clean, clear eyes, expressive gaze. The animal is active, shows interest in the world around it, and responds adequately to external stimuli.

  • decreased activity, drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • poor appetite, refusal of favorite treats;
  • deterioration of coat condition;
  • the presence of wounds, ulcers, abrasions, scratches, abscesses on the body;
  • shortness of breath, cough, sneezing, difficulty breathing;
  • change in heart rate;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • frequent urination;
  • trembling, convulsions, muscle spasms;
  • increased thirst;
  • change in consistency, color, character of stool;
  • change in behavior (lethargy, anxiety, aggression).

A sick pet becomes inactive, depressed, tries to hide in secluded places in the cage or constantly sits in its house. The pig refuses food, does not take care of its hygiene, and does not respond to external stimuli.

Any of the above signs or a combination of them should alert owners. If your guinea pig is sick, your pet's condition worsens; you should not self-medicate. Some infections have an aggressive course and can cause the death of your beloved pet. In addition, some animal diseases are transmitted to people (rabies, tuberculosis, pasteurellosis), so if the animal gets sick, consult a veterinarian. The specialist will diagnose and select effective treatment.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa pathogenic microorganisms. A guinea pig can become infected from other pets, its relatives, or latent virus carriers. Infection occurs predominantly by contact, airborne droplets, and nutritional routes. Intrauterine infection is possible, in which the fetuses become infected in the womb.

Viral-bacterial infections diagnosed in guinea pigs can develop against the background of hypo-vitaminosis, stress, unbalanced feeding, due to a decrease in immune potential and resistance.


Plague is deadly dangerous infection for guinea pigs. Characterized by lightning-fast development and high mortality. Incubation period lasts from several days to 3 weeks.


  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • mucous, purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • slight trembling;
  • seizures, convulsions;
  • pallor of mucous membranes.

Unfortunately, no treatment has been developed for this infection, and the guinea pig is euthanized.


The disease is characterized by high mortality, aggressive course, digestive disorders, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. At autopsy, small dense nodules are found in the internal organs, which resemble tuberculous tubercles. Infection occurs through the nutritional route.

Main symptoms:

  • profuse diarrhea;
  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
  • deterioration of coat;
  • profuse discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • dirty, wet fur near the anus;
  • convulsions.

Feces have a watery consistency, contain mucus, foam, bloody substances, and emit a sharp, specific odor. In the early stages, if you start treatment, you can save and cure your pet. Broad-spectrum antibiotics and sulfonamides are used in therapy.


Infection can be transmitted through food and water contaminated with bacteria. The disease occurs in acute, subacute, and less commonly, chronic form. Main symptoms: ruffled fur, loss of appetite, a sharp decline weight, green diarrhea, drowsiness, depression, inactivity.

When diagnosing paratyphoid fever, the treatment for a guinea pig will be determined by a veterinarian. The animal is prescribed complex antibacterial medications, tetracycline antibiotics, homeopathic remedies, antityphoid serum, sulfadimezin. Medicines are given with food or dissolved in water.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

A fairly common disease in guinea pigs, which often causes the death of pets. The disease progresses at lightning speed. The duration of the incubation period ranges from 35–42 hours to 5–6 days. In rare cases, the infection becomes latent.

In sick animals, the temperature rises, regional lymph nodes enlarge, and coordination of movements is impaired. The pet becomes inactive and refuses to eat. Once the diagnosis is confirmed in the laboratory, the guinea pig is euthanized.


As a rule, guinea pigs become infected through direct contact with other pets. Dogs, cats, rodents can be carriers of a dangerous virus. The disease is manifested by changes and disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory tract and is characterized by shortness of breath, frequent shallow breathing, cough, profuse catarrhal-serous discharge from the nose and eyes, conjunctivitis, and lethargy. A sick pig throws its head to the side, rubs its muzzle with its paws, shows anxiety and can become aggressive. Appetite is reduced or completely absent.

Treatment for a guinea pig should be comprehensive. Used in therapy antibacterial agents, sulfonamides, complex symptomatic, restorative drugs. Good results noted after intramuscular administration of Baytril, Gentamicin (4–5 mg/kg). The dosage and duration of the course will be prescribed by your veterinarian.


The infection is manifested by general depression, weakness, lack of appetite, increased thirst, tearfulness, and sneezing. Near the nose, the fur is moist due to abundant mucous or purulent discharge. The guinea pig is rapidly losing weight and breathing heavily. When auscultating the sternum, murmurs are clearly audible. The fur becomes brittle and matte. On the body in various places ulcers appear. If the inflammatory process extends into the deep layers of the dermis, blood poisoning is possible.


Unfortunately, this pathology manifests itself in the later stages of the development of the disease, after autopsy, therefore fascioliasis is detected in most cases posthumously. To prevent the development of the disease, pets should be given several times a year for preventive purposes. anthelmintics(Praziquantel), strictly adhering to the dosage indicated in the instructions.


A characteristic symptom is indigestion (diarrhea followed by constipation, vomiting, lack of appetite). The feces contain mucus, foam, and particles of undigested food. In advanced cases, bloody spots may be seen in the stool.

In sick pets, diuresis increases, which can be understood by the bedding quickly becoming contaminated with feces. Animals lose weight and are severely depressed. Mucous membranes are pale, cyanotic. The abdomen is increased in volume. The fur near the anus is wet, dirty, and matted. When palpating the peritoneum, the animals experience severe discomfort and pain.

Skin diseases in guinea pigs require an integrated approach. The choice of drugs depends on the form, stage, and cause of dermatological pathologies.

Diseases of non-infectious etiopathogenesis pose no less danger to the health and life of guinea pigs. A deficiency of nutrients leads to metabolic disorders, rickets, hypo- and avitaminosis, and provokes digestive problems and hormonal imbalances.

The main symptoms of rickets and vitamin deficiency:

  • disturbances in growth and development;
  • poor coat condition;
  • thickening of joints;
  • sagging back;
  • curvature of limbs;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • convulsions, muscle spasms, paralysis;
  • nervous disorders, increased excitability.

If a pig suffers from rickets, hypo-, vitamin deficiency, animals are prescribed multivitamin complexes, mineral and vitamin mixtures. Add 2-3 drops of Tetravit and Trivitamin to drinking water daily. Adjust the diet.

Hypothermia and stress weaken the body and can cause not only respiratory ailments, but also cystitis, stone disease, and other pathologies of the excretory system.

With cystitis or inflammation of the bladder, urination becomes more frequent, pets become inactive, and hide in secluded places in the cage. Mucous membranes are anemic, pale. Urine takes on a brown, red-brown hue. Upon detailed examination, you can see bloody threads, clots, and fibrin flakes in the urine. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, antispasmodics, sulfonamides, and homeopathy. The veterinarian will select treatment depending on the underlying cause.

In older animals, benign, malignant neoplasms. If the cancer has not metastasized and is characterized by a benign course, prescribe surgical treatment, in which the tumor is removed.

Due to injury, animals receive various injuries in fights with relatives. A fall from a height can cause deep wounds, fractures, ruptures, sprained ligaments and tendons.

For wounds and ulcers, drugs for local treatment are prescribed (ointments, gels, liniments, pharmaceutical mash), antiseptic solutions, suspensions, as well as symptomatic drugs for normalization general condition.

For purulent abscesses, ulcers, wounds, Vishnevsky's liniment and streptomycin ointment are applied to the affected areas. Before applying the drug, the hair near the lesion is cut off. The damaged surface is treated with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide), foreign objects are removed, crusts and scabs are removed. After applying the ointment, apply a fixing bandage.

Gastrointestinal diseases

An unbalanced diet and exposure to toxins provoke food allergies, severe poisoning. Gastrointestinal diseases in guinea pigs are manifested by unstable stool (diarrhea, constipation), weakness, lethargy, decreased appetite, refusal of favorite treats, vomiting, weight loss, and decreased activity.

Helminths, which can live in the intestines, liver, lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, disrupt metabolic processes, interfere with the absorption of nutrients, poison the body with toxins, provoke disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems, and can cause seizures and convulsions. A piglet infested with worms can die from a nervous attack, severe exhaustion, severe intoxication, or intestinal blockage.

Treatment and the choice of methods depend on the form, stage of the disease, and the root cause. Animals are prescribed absorbents, restoratives, symptomatic medications, antibiotics, enzymes, probiotics, homeopathic remedies, and decoctions of medicinal plants. For diarrhea, Fthalazol, Enterosgel, Enterosperol are prescribed. You can give your pet rice water or strong tea. Flax seed, chamomile tea will help normalize digestion, herbal infusions.

Eye diseases in guinea pigs

Keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, corneal ulcers, entropion, inflammation of the eyelids are ophthalmological diseases often diagnosed in guinea pigs. They can be congenital or occur due to mechanical damage, trauma, as well as secondary infections and diseases.

When the mucous membranes of pigs become inflamed, the eyes fester and the eyelids swell. Animals are afraid of bright light, become restless or, conversely, very depressed and inactive. Due to abundant mucous, catarrhal, purulent discharge, the fur on the face is constantly wet. Dry crusts appear near the eyes or in the corners. In severe cases, clouding of the cornea, decreased visual function, and complete or partial blindness are noted.

Symptoms depend on the cause, form, location pathological process or inflammation. Treatment is carried out comprehensively. They are used for general and local treatment. The conjunctiva is washed with disinfectant solutions. Medicinal anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops are placed in the eyes and medicinal ointments(tetracycline, chloramphenicol).

If the eye disease is caused by an infection, the sick pet is prescribed antibiotic therapy. Systemic antibiotics of complex action are used. Treatment of guinea pigs is carried out until complete recovery and normalization of general condition.

Ear diseases

If the guinea pig shakes its head, constantly rubs its muzzle with its paw, has become inactive, it is noticeable inside the auricle a large number of sulfur, dark crusts, you may suspect that your pet has otitis media. The disease can be caused by mites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, or foreign objects entering the ear canal that cause inflammation.

With otitis media, the temperature rises. Inner surface the auricle is hyperemic and inflamed. A sharp, specific smell emanates from the ears. On the outer surface you can see wounds, scratches, scratches. With bilateral otitis, the guinea pig becomes lethargic, stretches its neck forward or tilts its head to the side. When examining the ear, redness and severe pain are noted. Dry dark crusts, scabs, and ulcers are visible inside the ear.

Otitis is very often complicated by pathogenic flora and can cause deterioration, partial or total loss auditory function, so treatment should be started immediately.

Animals are prescribed antibacterial medicinal drops, solutions, lotions, and symptomatic medications for general treatment. Before instillation of the ear, the ear canal is cleaned of contamination using antiseptics, and crusts and wax are carefully removed with a sterile cotton-gauze pad. All manipulations are carried out very carefully to avoid damage to the eardrum. Topical medications are instilled into each ear of the pet.

Respiratory system diseases

Respiratory diseases in guinea pigs develop due to decreased immunity, severe hypothermia, and exposure to drafts. Manifested by general weakness, lethargy, impairment, depression respiratory function, cough, sneezing, fever, chills, fever, purulent, mucous, catarrhal discharge from the eyes. Animals are inactive and react sluggishly to external stimuli.

During treatment, owners must strictly follow all recommendations of the treating veterinarian. Before giving your pet medication, carefully read the instructions for the medication. Stick to the indicated dosage. During treatment, as well as after treatment, carefully monitor the behavior and health of your pet.

Guinea pigs have strong immunity. Thanks to him, they cope with almost all diseases on their own. But because of this feature, the disease appears outwardly only in severe stages. Therefore, owners of these pets should carefully monitor their appearance and the condition of their eyes, ears, and skin. If everything is in order, the eyes do not water, there is no excess discharge from the ears, and the skin is clean and dry.

Infectious diseases of guinea pigs


Plague is a viral disease, which is extremely dangerous for guinea pigs to get sick. It's contagious and ends fatal. The incubation period is up to 3 weeks after infection.

Plague symptoms:

  • Fever;
  • Paralysis of the hind legs;
  • Convulsions;
  • Weakness and apathy of the animal;
  • Coordination is impaired.

Diagnose using the necessary tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the animal is euthanized for the reason that there is no treatment.


This disease is very common in guinea pigs. Most pets with pathology die. Main symptom- diarrhea. The pathology got its name because of the bumps resembling tuberculosis on the organs. In fact, it has nothing to do with tuberculosis. As with real tuberculosis, the lungs are not affected.

For analysis, a sample containing pseudotuberculin is taken, but for some reason not every laboratory conducts such tests.

Since the disease develops at great speed and immediately in an acute form, it is difficult to cure. Treatment is with antibiotics, such as tetracycline. The antibiotic is administered in large doses. Sulfonamides are also used for treatment.


A very common disease among representatives of the species. It primarily affects the digestive system.

Symptoms of paratyphoid:

  • Green diarrhea with a specific odor;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Tympany;
  • Lethargy, decreased activity;
  • Disheveled.

Treatment is carried out with the antibiotic tetracycline, dosage up to 100 mg. You need to add it to your pet’s food for a week, every day. Also, use sulfadimezin, dose 0.1 g and anti-typhoid serum.

You should monitor the condition of the guinea pig and note whether there are any improvements. Due to indigestion, the cage should be cleaned more often than usual, keep in mind that the food should be light, and ensure plenty of fluids.


This disease affects both guinea pigs and other animals. It is also dangerous for humans. Appears in pets as an acute respiratory infection.

Symptoms of pasteurellosis:

  • The pet sneezes and has an itchy nose;
  • Catarrhal or purulent discharge from the nose;
  • Heavy breathing and wheezing with it.

Complications may include indigestion and skin damage. There may be seizures. There is a high risk of death among young individuals.

On farms where guinea pigs are bred in large numbers, if any individuals show symptoms, they should be separated to prevent mass infection. Those pets who are in in serious condition It is recommended to euthanize. All individuals with signs of the disease are immediately treated with antibiotics and auxiliary drugs. After the disease has manifested itself for the last time, treatment and quarantine measures can be canceled. Before canceling events All equipment and premises for keeping guinea pigs should be thoroughly disinfected.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

A viral disease with a high risk of death. The danger comes from contact with mice and other animals. Therefore, you should observe quarantine for a month if you need to add a new individual to those that already existed.

Symptoms of lymphocytic choriomeningitis:

  • High body temperature;
  • Weakness.

The diagnosis is confirmed using tests. When infected, the guinea pig is euthanized, since no treatment has been found, and the virus also poses a danger to humans.


For a long time, only dogs suffered from this disease and it was called kennel cough. Later, symptoms began to appear in cats, farm animals, and rodents. In particular, guinea pigs can become infected through contact with other animals. Precautionary measure in this case, quarantine and timely treatment if symptoms are present. Animals are also vaccinated against this disease, but in guinea pigs it is not as effective and only alleviates the symptoms during the course of the disease.

Symptoms of bordetellosis:

  • Sneezing;
  • Breathing is heavy, wheezing is observed;
  • Catarrhal or purulent discharge from the nose;
  • Inflammation of the eyes - conjunctivitis, ears - otitis media;
  • Lack of appetite and weakness of the animal.

The disease is treated with a complex of antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs. Injections are given under the skin at a dose of 5 mg/kg of Baytril, once a day, for five days. Intramuscular injections of the drug gentamicin at a dose of 25 mg/kg or sulfatone 15 mg/kg are also given. Injections are given over 5 days.

Having difficulties When using treatment using inhalations from decoctions of eucalyptus and mint, drugs such as sodium bicarbonate and pectusin can be added to the food of guinea pigs.

For prevention, injections of caffeine or sulfacamphocaine, atropine to remove spasms, and vitamin complexes may be prescribed.

Symptoms of fascileosis:

  • Complete lack of appetite;
  • Apathy;
  • General weakness.

Symptoms become noticeable already at a late stage of the pathology. In this case, it is too late to carry out treatment. This disease is usually diagnosed after the death of a pet.

For prevention, you should feed only high-quality food and clean water, take drugs prazikantel and praziquantel, greens for your pet due to the peculiarity of the development of fascioli are not recommended to be collected in the morning.


The causative agent is a roundworm. Symptoms are usually not observed, however, in young individuals there may be exhaustion of the body, digestive disorders, and feces with blood impurities. Preventive measures should be taken at least twice a year. The drugs used are piperazine, fenbendazole, tabendazole. These medications are given with food and water. The first preventive measures are carried out at the age of two months with the drug fenbendazole, dosage 50 mg/kg.

Symptoms of cystitis:

  • Tenesmus associated with attempts to urinate, which are unsuccessful;
  • Animal anxiety;
  • Blood in the urine.

For treatment, injections of sulfonamide drugs under the skin at a dose of 100 mg/kg, antibiotics, and anti-spasm agents are used. Treatment is carried out for 5 days.

If no improvement is observed on the second day of treatment, the pet needs to have an ultrasound or x-ray of the pelvic area. This will help detect or rule out the presence of kidney stones.

Ovarian cyst

The symptoms do not manifest themselves outwardly. This disease can only be diagnosed during an autopsy after the death of the animal. The only sign of the presence of pathology may be hair loss on the sides. Also, an ultrasound examination can detect this disease.

The most productive treatment There will be an operation to remove the uterus and ovaries, along with which the cyst will be removed.

There is treatment for cysts with medications. Pigs are given injections of a dose of 10 mg of the drug chlormadinoacetate. The procedure must be repeated every 6 months, however, it does not give the desired effect.

Inflammation and injury

A guinea pig can be injured by its own kind. Living in a metal cage, pets can often get injured by their bars.

How to treat a guinea pig's wounds:

  • The fur around the wound is removed using scissors;
  • The wound is washed with hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate;
  • Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the top of the wound;
  • A bandage of cotton wool and bandage is applied.

The wound site is treated every day. On the 4th day you can sprinkle with baneocin or streptocide. To allow the skin to breathe, you no longer need to bandage it. In the meantime, you can give injections with Bicilin 5 antibiotics to prevent the development of infections.

If the guinea pig does not live in a cage, inflammatory processes may form on the pads of the limbs. This phenomenon may appear due to the pet’s movement on a hard floor surface, which does not allow the foot to evenly fall to the floor, as the claws get in the way. The guinea pig may develop a cautious, uncertain gait or lack of mobility at all; it is almost impossible to touch the pet’s limbs. There may be inflammation, abscesses, calluses.

Treatment can be considered difficult due to the possibility of constantly causing new injuries in the process. The ideal treatment option would be to completely immobilize the pet during treatment. Since this is almost impossible to do, you need to resort to another measure. Lay soft bedding on the floor surface to prevent the animal from being injured again.

Hair loss (Alopecia)

Why does a guinea pig lose hair? The appearance of alopecia is associated with stressful situations. In this case, hair loss can be either partial or complete. The main reason for this pathology is the lack of hay in the pet’s diet, and hair loss can occur in both young and old animals. As treatment, it is necessary to fill the deficiency with food and green feed, hay. However, the most difficult thing is to identify the cause of stress in an animal. This may be aggressive manifestations in the nursery, or an unfavorable location of the cage.

Female guinea pigs with diseases of the reproductive system (endometriosis, ovarian cyst) lose hair on their sides. There is a procedure called histo-oophorectomy, which is performed for preventive purposes.

Vitamin deficiency and rickets

Vitamin deficiency and minerals can be triggered by monotonous insufficient nutrition of the guinea pig. With such a diet, many may be missing important vitamins and minerals, so you should monitor your pet’s diet.

With enteritis, due to impaired ability to absorb food, the normal supply of vitamins to the body is disrupted, thus developing secondary vitamin deficiency.

Eating disorders are observed in guinea pigs with rickets. She begins to chew on the bars of the cage, feces, and bedding. These factors cause stomach upset. At the last stage of the disease it manifests itself:

The same symptoms occur with vitamin deficiency. To all this, you can also add a change in the appearance of the fur; it becomes dull and does not shine. Claws may also break and peel off, and calluses may form on the paws.

Treatment involves increasing the diversity of your guinea pig's diet. Make sure your diet contains enough hay and fresh fruits and vegetables. You can add complexes of vitamins and minerals from the preparations.

It is no secret that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, along with preventive measures, adequate feeding and careful care of pets, they must be constantly monitored.

For various deviations in the behavior of a guinea pig, before seeking veterinary help, you should carefully examine the pet at home.

Those who have already encountered diseases in guinea pigs know that a sick animal is fundamentally different in appearance and behavior from a healthy one. Signs of any malaise may be heavy or rapid breathing, a slow reaction to external stimuli, apathy, lack of appetite, tousled fur, watery eyes, elevated body temperature, etc.

If behavior or appearance If the pet causes concern to the owner, it is advisable for him to observe the pig for a while, and then pick it up and carefully examine it. In some cases, an experienced amateur can diagnose his pet himself and, after consulting with a veterinarian, carry out a course of treatment for the sick pig at home.

But you can treat a sick animal yourself only if the owner is absolutely sure of the diagnosis and clearly knows how to properly carry out the course of treatment. After all, quite often inexperienced lovers treat their animals without even giving them a preliminary diagnosis, which is completely unacceptable. Of course, the disease progresses, its exact diagnosis is difficult to determine, and the guinea pig soon dies.

Therefore, at the first signs of an animal’s ill health, you should contact a veterinarian who will prescribe the animal the necessary feeding ration, as well as drug treatment, if such is required, of course.

It is worth noting that the diagnosis of some diseases of mumps is very complex and can only be carried out in well-equipped veterinary laboratories using special methods and reagents, modern technology, experimental animals, etc.

The normal body temperature of a guinea pig is 37.5–39.5 °C. If an animal's body temperature rises to 39.6 °C or more, this indicates that it is sick.

When treating pets, it should be taken into account that since guinea pigs are tens of times lighter than humans, medications, in order to avoid poisoning, are given to them in much smaller doses. At home, sometimes it is simply impossible to measure the required dose of the drug. Therefore, when determining the dosage, amateurs, as a rule, make mistakes, and even a slightly ill animal dies not from illness, but from a large dose of medication.

To take your pet's temperature, place it on its back.

For all these reasons, even with the slightest signs of the disease and the slightest doubt about its diagnosis, it is recommended to transfer the guinea pig to a separate cage and show it to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Regular examination of your guinea pig will help prevent the occurrence and development of possible diseases. By observing the animal, you can recognize the disease at an early stage and take the necessary measures to cure the animal. Symptoms of most diseases can be detected through regular examinations of your pet.

It is advisable to carry out the initial examination of the guinea pig at some distance from the cage or enclosure. When examining your pet, you must pay attention to the following points:

pet behavior;



coat condition;

consistency of excrement.

As a rule, sick guinea pigs huddle in a corner of the cage or in a shelter. The animals look indifferent, cover their eyes and almost do not react to external stimuli. Sick pigs lose their appetite, and in cases of poisoning and intestinal disorders, their excrement has a liquid consistency.

Before contacting a veterinarian, it is advisable to write down the results of your observations in detail in a notebook, as well as answer in writing the questions that the specialist will most likely ask at the appointment:

what age is the guinea pig;

when and where the animal was purchased;

what are the conditions for keeping and feeding the pet (cage, enclosure, temperature and humidity in the room, diet, vitamin and mineral supplements);

when did the first signs of the disease appear;

what was the guinea pig sick with before? whether the animal took part in exhibitions and when.

Having written down the answers to the above questions, you need to pick up the pet and examine it more carefully.

In some rodents, a red discharge called porphyrin regularly appears on the mucous membrane of the eye. This is the secretion of the hardarian gland. It is released as a result of severe stress experienced by the animal. If the pig is healthy, you don’t need to focus on such secretions. But when the animal begins to eat poorly and gets tired, it is best to contact a veterinarian.

The guinea pig is a shy animal. In a normal situation there is no need to force her to do anything, but in some cases it is recommended to do so. During medical examination she will most likely try to run away. In this case, the animal should be held tightly, preferably by the fur on the back of the head.

Pets are often affected by insects. Lice and lice can be seen with the naked eye, but mites can only be seen with a microscope. Their presence can be determined by examining particles of the animal’s skin.

Fur contaminated with droppings in the anus area is in most cases a symptom intestinal disease accompanied by diarrhea.

To measure the body temperature of a guinea pig, place it belly up on the left hand or on some surface, pressing the thumb of the left hand on the groin area of ​​the animal. With the right hand, a medical or veterinary thermometer, disinfected and lubricated with Vaseline, is inserted into the animal’s rectum. Moreover, it is necessary to insert the thermometer in two steps: first, it is held almost vertically, and then lowered to a horizontal position.

If your guinea pig is so weak that it cannot move, it needs to be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

When examining a sick guinea pig Special attention You should pay attention to the condition of the mucous membranes of her nose, which should not contain fresh or dried secretion products.

After examining the nose, you need to pay attention to the animal’s eyes. They should be clear and shiny. Purulent and watery inflammations may indicate a disease of both a local and general nature.

After examining the eyes, you need to examine the guinea pig's ears. The auditory openings should not show signs of inflammation.

Examination of a pet in a veterinary clinic

Sometimes it is necessary to use x-rays when examining guinea pigs.

The duration of exposure depends on the characteristics of the cassette and the timing of its development. When examining an animal, it is recommended to use the type of exposure used for small dogs and cats.

In order to take blood from a guinea pig, you need to use a rubber band to stop the blood flow above the animal's elbow and, after disinfecting Right place, enter into blood vessel igloo If the animal's coat is very thick and it is difficult to choose a place to insert the needle, it is recommended to take nail scissors and carefully trim the fur. Blood for analysis is taken from the cone-shaped hole of the needle or removed directly from the skin near the wound.

Blood can be taken from a guinea pig by puncturing the venous plexus of the eye orbit with a needle. Before the needle is inserted, Ophtocain liquid is dropped into the animal's eyes. Then the veterinarian turns the animal’s eyeball outward and to the side with his fingers and inserts a hematocrit tube into the venous plexus of the orbit of the eye. After taking the blood, he presses his fingers against the pig's closed eyelid for several minutes. Bleeding stops 2–3 minutes after the microtubule is removed.

While examining the pig's bladder, the veterinarian gently presses on it. thumbs hands, and the animal begins to secrete urine, which accumulates on a specially prepared polyethylene bedding. When collecting urine for analysis from males, it is best to avoid inserting a catheter into the urethra.

Diseases caused by vitamin deficiency

There are a huge number of ready-made feed mixtures on sale.

They contain most of the nutritional components, necessary for the body guinea pig. Despite this, 30% of rodents show symptoms of nutritional deficiency from time to time.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiencies can include scurvy, hair loss, skin allergies, etc. Already weakened animals easily catch colds or become infected with various infectious diseases. As a rule, this happens when food shortages are accompanied by incorrect determination of the location for the cage, for example, placing the pig’s home on the floor or in a draft. If a guinea pig suffering from vitamin deficiency also has a cold, then, in addition to eliminating the root cause (vitamin deficiency) of the disease, it is necessary to keep the animal warm.

At the slightest suspicion that a guinea pig suffers from vitamin deficiency, it must be shown to a veterinarian, who will prescribe the animal the necessary multivitamin preparation. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the cause of the disease, because with adequate nutrition, the problem of vitamin deficiency should not arise.

If a guinea pig's cage is in a draft, the animal may develop eye inflammation. In this case, the cage with the rodent must be moved to another place, and then the animal’s eyes should be washed with warm water. If your pig's eyes are still sore after a few days, use eye drops prescribed by your veterinarian to treat your pet.

After consulting with a specialist, it is advisable to slightly change the pet’s diet by including as many vitamin-rich foods as possible in the pig’s menu. This can be either ready-made feed mixtures or a variety of green and succulent feeds.

Vitamin C

A lack of vitamin C has a pronounced destructive effect on the guinea pig’s body: it weakens the immune system, which contributes to the emergence and development of many diseases.

Vitamin C deficiency is characterized by clearly defined symptoms.

To prevent vitamin C deficiency in an animal, it is necessary to include vegetables, fruits and parsley in the rodent’s diet. If a guinea pig is kept at home, it needs to consume up to 20 mg of vitamin C daily. The development of vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy.

True, in their homeland, Peru, where a lot of both wild and domestic guinea pigs roam, they have never suffered from such a disease.

It is we, people, who awarded the unfortunate experimental animals with such a disease.” As already mentioned, during the process of evolution, guinea pigs lost the ability to synthesize vitamin C.

Symptoms of scurvy are loose teeth, and in the advanced form of the disease - attacks, during which the animal usually lies on its side with its paws outstretched.

Only a loading dose of vitamin C, preferably in the form of a solution, which must be given to the pet according to the instructions of a veterinarian, can save a guinea pig from death.

To prevent this disease, it is recommended to give guinea pigs 1 mg daily ascorbic acid with 1 ml of drinking water. The prepared solution must be changed daily for a fresh one, since vitamin C easily reacts chemically with water. The main symptoms of scurvy are loose teeth and sore gums. In the event of a particularly severe attack, the mumps lies on its side and squeaks quietly.

In such a situation, the only thing that can help the rodent is high dose vitamin C diluted in water, which is poured into the animal’s mouth. Vitamin C solution can be given to your pet only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

A guinea pig's diet should not consist only of grain feed.

Guinea pigs need a lot of greens. If an animal eats exclusively prepared or grain feed for a long time, it may develop symptoms of vitamin deficiency: skin allergies, fast fatiguability, hair loss. If your pig's diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, this problem will not arise.

With a weakened immune system, the animal easily gets sick. This happens especially often when the cage is in a draft: near a door or window.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for the condition of the skin of guinea pigs. Retinol enters the animal body in the form of carotene from green food, fruits and vegetables. With a deficiency of vitamin A, a guinea pig's eyes become watery, digestion and the functioning of the reproductive organs are disrupted. In addition, an animal suffering from a lack of vitamin A may experience disturbances in the functioning of the upper respiratory tract.

An excess of retinol in a guinea pig's body has the same negative impact on its health as its deficiency, since an overdose of vitamin A leads to accelerated bone growth, resulting in improper skeletal development.

Vitamin D

In young guinea pigs, normal bone development is possible only if there is sufficient vitamin D in the body, which is responsible for calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Calciferol prevents the development of rickets in baby guinea pigs and bone decalcification in adult animals. The consequences of vitamin D deficiency are dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, curvature of the paws, spinal column, as well as delayed development and growth of young individuals.

Vitamin E

If there is a lack of vitamin E (tocopherol) in the guinea pig's body, the animal's fur loses its inherent shine and looks disheveled. If tocopherol deficiency is not eliminated in time, then the animal may experience irreversible changes in the muscles. In addition, if there is a lack of vitamin E in guinea pigs, fertility decreases.

Vitamin K

In general, a guinea pig whose diet is balanced will rarely be vitamin K deficient.

A deficiency of phylloquinone can occur during long-term treatment of the animal with antibiotics. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the animal loses its appetite and reacts poorly to external stimuli.

Vitamin B complex

With a deficiency of vitamin B1 (thiamine), the guinea pig's appetite worsens, resulting in impaired digestion and general weakness.

Flaw pantothenic acid leads to liver dysfunction, and folic acid deficiency leads to anemia.

Guinea pigs that receive a complete, varied diet do not lack B vitamins, since they are synthesized in the required quantities in the body of rodents.

When there is a deficiency of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in the body, animals experience a sharp decrease in body weight. In addition, the functions of the musculoskeletal system may be impaired in pigs.

Lack of vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin) leads to hair loss. First, the guinea pig's fur loses its inherent shine, and then areas of baldness appear on the animal's body.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The main causes of this disease are infection, chemical and physical irritants. Conjunctivitis can be unilateral (damage to one eye) or bilateral (damage to both eyes).

At the initial stage of conjunctivitis, the animal's eyes become swollen and red, eyelashes stick together, and tears constantly flow. At the next stage, the pig's eyes are constantly closed, and pus sometimes flows from under the closed eyelids. At the last stage of the disease, due to clouding of the cornea, the guinea pig completely loses vision.

To treat conjunctivitis, it is necessary to soak the purulent crusts that have formed in the eyes with a 3% solution of albucid, and then remove them. After some time, tetracycline or hydrocortisone ointment is placed under the animal’s eyelids. If the disease has affected the cornea, you can blow calomel mixed with powdered sugar into the pig's eyes every day. The insufflation procedure should be carried out by the owner or veterinarian 2 times a day until complete recovery.

Rickets is a disease that occurs when the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted or when there is a lack of sufficient mineral salts in the body. Most often, young pigs suffer from rickets. In winter, the risk of rickets increases significantly.

Observed following symptoms: limbs become bent, joints thicken, back sags. Pigs suffering from rickets are significantly stunted in growth compared to their healthy relatives.

To treat rickets, the sick animal is placed in a dry and clean room, and 2-3 drops of trivitamin are added daily to the drinking water for the pig.

During a fight with a relative or as a result of an accident, wounds may appear on the body of a guinea pig. Before starting treatment, the hair around the wound must be cut, washed and cleaned of dirt from the damaged tissue. It is best to wash the wound with a solution of potassium permanganate in a ratio of 1: 1000 or a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. After the wound has dried, it should be lubricated with disinfectant ointment. For this, streptocidal or prednisolone ointment is best suited. The wound must be treated every day.

If the owner of the pig for some reason cannot use special ointments, he can treat the wound with streptocide. Then a bandage is applied.

In the process of breeding guinea pigs, breeders have always paid attention to weak animals, depriving them of the opportunity to reproduce. This also reinforced the rodents' natural need to hide symptoms of illness.

Paraphyte is a disease caused by the activity of microorganisms that enter the pig’s body with drinking water and feed mixtures.

A sick animal refuses food, its fur becomes sticky and thins, and its eyes become dull.

Paraphyte is treated with antibiotics.


The main symptom of pasteurellosis, a disease caused by the activity of microbes, is a runny nose.

At first, the guinea pig only notices moistening of the hairs around the nostrils, then the animal begins to sneeze and rub its nose with its front paws. After some time, mucous and then purulent discharge appears from his nasal cavity. The rodent's breathing becomes heavy, with clearly visible wheezing. In most cases, the guinea pig will experience a decrease in appetite and some lethargy.

Pasteurellosis can last for several months, with the disease either subsiding or worsening.

During an exacerbation of the disease, ulcers may appear on the animal's body, and when the pathogen enters the bloodstream, blood poisoning occurs, accompanied by high fever, general weakness, indigestion, and sometimes convulsions.

If the owner is not sure what his pet is sick with, he should not postpone a visit to a specialist. A competent veterinarian must be found before the disease manifests itself.

Unfortunately, pasteurellosis cannot be cured. Sick animals with obvious clinical signs illnesses put to sleep. If a disease is suspected, guinea pigs are treated symptomatically with antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs.

Mechanical damage to bones

A bone fracture is always accompanied by severe pain, swelling or damage to soft tissue.

The animal's temperature and blood pressure increase. One of the consequences of a fracture is lameness.

If an animal has an open fracture, the wound is treated first and only then a plaster cast is applied. Gypsum bandage is applied taking into account that the wound must be treated daily, so it must remain open.

The bandage is removed after 3-4 weeks and, if the bone has not healed, it is applied again.

Respiratory and digestive diseases

With respiratory diseases, the animal’s body temperature rises, breathing and pulse increase, and appetite decreases. Sick animals prefer to lie down and practically do not react to external stimuli.

The main cause of diseases is hypothermia. Treatment of the animal is mainly carried out with antibiotics.

With diseases of the digestive system, the animal’s appetite worsens and diarrhea begins. The main cause of such diseases is hypothermia or improper feeding.

Before treating mumps, it is necessary to cleanse its gastrointestinal tract. To do this, the animal is forced to swallow a spoonful of castor or vaseline oil. During treatment, the rodent needs to add chloramphenicol or phthalazole, biomycin and synthomycin to its food. Strong tea or a solution of potassium permanganate should be poured into the drinking bowl of a sick animal.

Plague and paralysis

Plague is a fatal disease caused by exposure to an animal virus. The incubation period of plague can last 1–3 weeks. The main symptoms of the disease are impaired coordination of movements, convulsions, weakness and apathy. As the disease worsens, the pig develops paralysis of the hind limbs. Death occurs 10 days after the first symptoms appear. There is no cure for plague, so veterinarians recommend euthanizing the rodent immediately after diagnosis.

Bacteria and viruses

Bacteria and viruses are the main cause of animal diseases. But it is very difficult for an inexperienced amateur to recognize diseases caused by bacteria and viruses, so in most cases only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis of a sick animal.

A diabetic guinea pig should only periodically include food containing small amounts of sugar in its diet.

Very often, the owner of a sick pig tries to help the animal on his own, but giving the animal medications intended for humans only aggravates the situation. If a guinea pig gets sick, it should be isolated from other animals as quickly as possible and taken to veterinary clinic and show it to a specialist.

Among viral diseases, especially dangerous for guinea pigs, the first place is occupied by paralysis and death of guinea pigs.

The symptoms of these diseases are the same: paralysis of the hind limbs and prolonged convulsions.

There are also many other viral diseases that are not so common, but just as dangerous. The main signs of a viral disease are changes in behavior, diarrhea, matted fur, cough, heavy breathing, nasal discharge, festering eyes, exhaustion, paralysis, vomiting, convulsions, etc.

The variety of clinical symptoms of infectious diseases is quite large and, in addition, various diseases may be accompanied by the same symptoms. Therefore, the treatment of a sick animal in each individual case should be determined only by a veterinarian.


Pseudotuberculosis is a contagious disease caused by bacteria; transmitted through food, often affecting guinea pigs. The first symptom of this disease is diarrhea and loss of appetite. Then the animal begins to have convulsions, and sometimes paralysis occurs. As a rule, a guinea pig dies from dehydration or paralysis.

The disease develops rapidly and can kill an entire litter of guinea pigs within a few days or weeks.

To prevent pseudotuberculosis, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the cages and enclosures where pigs are kept. It is advisable to disinfect the animals’ home at least once a week. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the quality of feed and drinking water.

If a guinea pig has an acute respiratory infection, it should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. The mortality rate among animals suffering from acute respiratory infections reaches 50%, since in the absence of qualified help, acute respiratory infections quickly turn into pneumonia. Symptoms of different infectious diseases can be very similar to each other.

Only a veterinarian can determine what the pig is sick with and prescribe the necessary treatment.

If the animal does not receive the necessary veterinary care in time, the disease becomes more severe. Swellings and ulcers appear on the pig's body, which contribute to further bacterial infection.

The infected animal is treated daily with an aerosol or powder. In this case, the owner must ensure that the toxic substance does not get into the pet’s eyes.

It is best if, before starting treatment, the owner of the animal wraps the pig’s face with a paper napkin or cloth.

Infection with worms

There are two types of worms: round and tape.

Roundworms most often take the form of white or pink threads.

They live in the lungs, intestines and liver. Worm eggs are visible upon careful examination of the stool of an infected animal.

Worms enter the body of a guinea pig through contact with a sick animal or when feeding the animal poor quality food.

If worm larvae are found in the rodent's feces, the pig must be taken to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible.

If there is a need to conduct a thorough examination of the animal, it is taken with the left hand behind the back and under the chest so that the thumb and forefinger immobilize the forelimbs and limit the movement of the head. At the same time, with your right hand you hold back animal body.

Tapeworms look like a thin ribbon, which consists of individual small segments.

The membranes of testicles that enter the digestive tract of animals rupture, the embryos damage the intestinal wall and, once in the bloodstream, quickly spread throughout the body.

In the internal organs of the animal, cavities sometimes form, filled with embryos of worms that are dangerous to humans.

Most often, guinea pigs are affected by mites of the Hydrodiskoides species, or scabies.

Scabies is a disease caused by the activity of the scabies mite and transmitted by contact with contaminated objects or sick animals. Scabies can be ear, head or general.

Making passages in the skin, mites cause severe itching in the animal. The animal begins to itch, sometimes scratches itself until it bleeds, loses appetite and loses a lot of weight. After some time, bald spots and scabs appear on its fur, the skin thickens and gathers in folds.

There are three types of scabies mites: skin beetles, scabies and skin mites.

Carpet beetles live on the surface of the skin and eat skin dandruff; zudni live in upper layers skin; cutaneous pierces the skin and suck blood.

All of these ticks are dangerous to humans, so a sick animal must be taken to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible.

If the owner is sure that his pet is affected by scabies mites, then he should immediately begin treatment for mumps, which consists of bathing the animal in a 0.5% solution of bromocyclene.

The procedure is repeated 3 times with weekly breaks. The sooner treatment for mumps is started, the greater the chance of recovery. If the disease is advanced, it is impossible to cure the animal.

At the first suspicion of a disease, the animal must be isolated and the room in which it was previously located must be disinfected.

An infected rodent is treated daily with sulfur ointment, a 3% solution of SK-9 and a mixture of chlorophos with a 1% solution of D-33. The treatment is repeated after 6 – 8 days.

When several guinea pigs are kept in one cage, and only one animal is affected by scabies mites, it is still necessary to treat all animals, and not just the sick pig. And if you keep rabbits and guinea pigs at the same time, rabbits should also be treated, since some types of mites, for example Sarkoptes cuniculi, can infect both.

For treatment ear scabies use carbon tetrachloride mixed with castor oil (per 50 g castor oil 7 g carbon tetrachloride).

Lice and lice

Pediculosis is a disease whose main symptom is severe itching of the skin caused by lice. They live on the skin and fur of pigs. They can be seen with a magnifying glass and under a microscope. Lice testicles are pear-shaped and stick to individual hairs.

In addition to lice, lice-eaters are also found in guinea pigs, especially gyropus ovalis and gliricola procelli, which feed on skin flakes and secretions from glands.

Lice eaters reach 1 mm in length and live in the fur of a rodent. The main symptom of a guinea pig being infected with lice eaters is severe itching. The animal behaves very restlessly and is constantly itching. As a rule, the rodent sleeps little and loses its appetite.

Increased body temperature

If an animal's body temperature suddenly begins to rise, it should not be given medications intended for humans, as this may cause the exact opposite effect.

After the procedure, you need to measure the guinea pig’s body temperature again, and then offer it drinking water with the addition of 1 drop of lemon juice.

It is best to measure a rodent's body temperature rectally, that is, by inserting a thermometer into the anus. Some hobbyists prefer to measure the temperature by feeling the animal's nose. This should not be done, since in some cases it remains wet, despite the obvious ill health of the rodent.

When the temperature rises, it is not recommended to take the rodent to the clinic, since it will have to be taken out into the open air, and under the influence of unfavorable factors the animal’s well-being may worsen.

Hypotemia in guinea pigs may be a consequence low temperature in the room where they are kept.

Alternatively, you can call your veterinarian. If it is not possible to consult with a specialist, it is best to give your pig a quarter of an aspirin tablet.


Alopecia is a non-contagious skin disease caused by stressful situations. This disease causes baldness of some parts of the animal's body and occurs at any age.

Baldness of areas of the body can be not only a consequence of a stressful situation: sometimes the disease develops in pigs that are kept in a cramped cage. Treatment of the disease consists of eliminating the above-described causes.

Another form of alopecia is when animals eat their fur. As a rule, this occurs when there is a lack of roughage, i.e. hay, in the guinea pigs’ diet. The situation can be corrected by increasing the amount of dry grass offered to the rodent.

Sometimes female guinea pigs experience baldness on the abdomen and sides. In this case, the cause of the disease is an ovarian cyst. Sterilization of an animal - the only way therapy.


Most common cause The death of guinea pigs is pneumonia, the causative agents of which can be streptococcus pyogenes, diplococcus pneumoniae, bordetella bronchiseptica and pasteurella multocida.

During the course of pneumonia, it is quite difficult to accurately determine the type of pathogen, however, if the animal died, it is recommended to perform an autopsy in order to reliably find out and determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as to test for resistance, since different kinds Pneumonia pathogens can pose a huge danger to humans.

Guinea pigs often contract pneumonia from humans. As with many infectious diseases, so in this case, the development of infection and the severity of the disease can be influenced by poor maintenance and poor quality food. Pneumonia most often affects rodents weakened by vitamin deficiency.

Pneumonia is a contagious disease of the respiratory system, the main symptoms of which are loss of appetite, lethargy, constant thirst, purulent nasal discharge, rapid, shallow breathing, increased body temperature, and sometimes convulsive muscle contractions. The most common symptom of pneumonia is unusual behavior animal: the pig rubs its nose on the floor or tries to clear its nose of purulent discharge with its front paws.

At the first symptoms of the disease, the animal should be isolated as quickly as possible from other animals, as well as from people.

Even experiencing severe pain, guinea pigs do not make loud, plaintive sounds: they only squeak quietly and stop responding to external stimuli.

It is worth noting that it is not enough to simply place the sick animal separately from other pigs.

A sick animal must be provided with separate feeders, drinking bowls and other equipment.

In addition, the owner should thoroughly disinfect their hands after touching a sick pig to reduce the likelihood of spreading the infection to healthy rodents.

Although the chances of recovery from pneumonia in guinea pigs are low, veterinarians typically try to save sick animals by treating them with parenteral antibiotics so as not to destroy the sensitive intestinal flora.

Guinea pigs are given subcutaneous injections of oxytetracycline (10 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight) or sulfonamide (100 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight).

To prevent pneumonia, pigs need to add sprouted grains of wheat or millet to their food, and also give a small amount of green food, which you can grow yourself in a flower pot. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that during the heating season the relative air humidity in the room where the guinea pigs are kept does not drop too much.

Low air humidity usually leads to respiratory diseases, in particular pneumonia.

After recovery, your guinea pig should be given vitamins and mineral supplements.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis is an infection most often transmitted by mice.

Symptoms of this disease include difficulty breathing, pleurisy, fever, purulent nasal discharge and convulsions.

However, it is possible that lymphocytic choriomeningitis will be asymptomatic.

An accurate diagnosis of this disease can only be established using medical equipment.

This disease is dangerous to humans and cannot be cured.

After confirming the diagnosis, it is best to euthanize the animal and perform an autopsy to determine the causative agent of lymphocytic choriomeningitis.

Herpes is a disease transmitted through contact with a sick animal or contaminated objects.

In most cases, the sick animal has no symptoms of the disease.

But sometimes a guinea pig's body temperature rises and drooling increases.

Herpes does not require treatment; rodents recover completely within 5–10 days after infection.

Anomalies of teeth

Sometimes a guinea pig's teeth grow in length quickly, making it difficult for the animal to eat and causing pain.

In most cases, you can straighten your teeth using side cutters or a drill.

If the animal refuses to take food, but its mouth is filled with saliva, the owner of the pig should contact a veterinarian. Very often, this phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the rodent’s jaws do not close tightly and food debris accumulates in the cheek pouches.

The guinea pig approaches the feeder, tries to eat, but then turns away, its lower jaw and neck becoming wet with saliva. When examining the oral cavity, mushy food remains are found in the cheek pouches. Due to improper closure of the upper and lower molars and, therefore, insufficient abrasion of food, hooks appear on the animal's teeth, growing inward and damaging the tongue (sometimes the hooks grow outward and cut into the oral mucosa, causing inflammation). In some cases, the hooks of the right and left lower teeth may fuse into oral cavity. If the owner suspects that hooks have formed in his pet's mouth, preventing the pig from eating normally, he needs to take the animal to a veterinary clinic for examination.

The operation to remove the hooks takes a few minutes and does not require anesthesia. The veterinarian opens the animal's mouth using a special tool and, having inserted two pairs of scissors into the pig's oral cavity, moves its tongue aside and cleans out any remaining food from the cheek pouches. Then, with one pair of scissors, the veterinarian holds the pig’s tongue, and with the other, he cuts off the hooks.

If abscesses form on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and tongue in places damaged by hooks, then, as a rule, the veterinarian opens them and prescribes antibiotic treatment for the animal. After removing the hooks, the damaged mucous membrane is treated with a cotton swab soaked in an antibacterial drug. In most cases, after 1–2 days the operated animal begins to eat normally.

Enteritis is damage to the digestive organs of a guinea pig. The reasons for the violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora of a guinea pig can be different. Thus, severe digestive upset can occur due to changes in the composition of the feed or due to the lack of sufficient hay in the diet. In addition, violation intestinal microflora occurs as a result of oral antibiotics.

Symptoms of the disease are bloating and diarrhea. When examining urine, ketone bodies are detected.

Therapy consists of restoring normal intestinal flora. For treatment, the animals are given a large amount of high-quality hay for 36 hours, and the droppings of a healthy pig dissolved in water are also injected into the anus.

If during an illness the pig experienced severe diarrhea, then the loss of fluid can be replaced by a subcutaneous injection of glucose and electrolyte solutions.

Another type of infectious enteritis is caused by Escherichia coli, which contributes to changes in intestinal flora. Infection with E. coli can lead to a large accumulation of microbes in the animal's body. The disease develops very quickly, and its outcome is always fatal. The main symptoms of the disease are fever, bloody diarrhea, convulsions and paralysis of the limbs.


The causative agents of this disease are Salmonella bacilli. Salmonellosis is one of the most severe and dangerous forms of infectious diseases and in most cases is fatal for guinea pigs. The disease progresses very quickly in animals; pigs die from dehydration due to severe diarrhea.

It is worth noting that salmonellosis is very dangerous for humans, so the owner must treat a sick pet under the close supervision of a veterinarian.

It is not recommended to bathe your guinea pig during the postoperative period.

Sources of infection are sick guinea pigs, water and food contaminated with salmonella bacilli, as well as protein-rich foods (meat and bone meal, etc.). Salmonellosis can be carried by wild birds, as well as mice and rats.

The main symptoms of the disease are the pig's refusal to eat and diarrhea. In some cases, the disease is transient and after 25 hours ends in the death of the infected rodent.

Salmonellosis is practically incurable. To prevent further spread of the infection, the affected pig should be euthanized immediately after diagnosis.

Alben S belongs to the group of compounds with low toxicity for animals and, in doses recommended by a veterinarian, does not have an adverse effect on the health of animals. Well tolerated by guinea pigs of all ages.

Since salmonellosis is very dangerous for humans, after contact with guinea pigs infected with salmonellosis, you must thoroughly wash and disinfect your hands. In addition, under no circumstances should other pets be allowed near sick animals.

In some guinea pigs, coccidiosis does not manifest itself at all: they can remain carriers of the disease for a long time, constantly releasing oocysts that pose a danger to other animals, especially young animals.

Treatment of coccidiosis is carried out by adding sulfamethacin or a 2% solution of sulfamidine to drinking water. During therapy, guinea pigs should be fed exclusively dry food, and liquid should enter their body only in the form of water.

Heart diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are quite rare in guinea pigs. Their occurrence is associated with frequent stress and high ambient temperatures. The main symptoms of the disease are rapid breathing and pulse, as well as physical weakness.

For treatment, the rodent cage should be moved to a dark, quiet room with an air temperature of not lower than 22, but not higher than 25 °

C. If the animal is in serious condition, you can put a small piece of ice wrapped in a napkin on the back of its head and give an injection of Effortil. Treatment of heart disease in guinea pigs is carried out using glucocorticoids. To prevent the disease, it is very important to provide animals kept in an outdoor enclosure with enough shady space.

Abscesses appear mainly on the pads of a guinea pig's paws. The reasons for this inflammation have not been established.

Treatment of the disease most often takes several months: the rodent must constantly lie down, and its paws must be regularly lubricated with a preparation based on fish oil and zinc ointment. In advanced cases, healing abscesses is almost impossible.

Acidox is a mixture of doxycycline hydrochloride (an antibiotic of the tetracycline group) and ascorbic acid.


Tympany is bloating in a guinea pig, most often occurring in the spring. The cause of the disease is the occurrence and fermentation of gases in the intestines and stomach of the animal.

The main symptoms of the disease are rapid and shallow breathing, severe muscle tension, lethargy and decreased appetite.

If you tap your finger on the stomach of a sick guinea pig, you can hear a sound similar to drumming. This is where the name “tympania” comes from (in Greek tympanon means “drum”).

As a rule, when treating an animal, food should be limited for 24 hours, after which the rodent must be put on a “green diet” consisting of hay, green food, fruits and vegetables.

To reduce the pain experienced by the mumps, you can administer 0.2 ml of bascopan.


In an animal sick with trichomoniasis, you can find a yellowish coating covering the inside of the pharynx. Over the course of several days, and sometimes even hours, the plaque increases, first making it difficult to eat and then to breathe. The pig loses its appetite, loses weight, and begins to have diarrhea. Without timely treatment, an animal infected with trichomoniasis dies from dehydration or exhaustion.

To prevent infection of animals with trichomoniasis, it is necessary to regularly disinfect cages, enclosures, cages, equipment, and also give guinea pigs water and food only in clean containers.

Constipation is a disease in which animals do not have bowel movements for a long time.

When treating constipation, special care must be taken, since the animal's intestinal mucosa is very vulnerable and can be easily damaged.

The best method of therapy is to inject the rodent through anus 2 ml of bascopan and 2 ml of paraffin oil, and then massage the abdomen. You should not give laxatives to a sick animal.

It happens that in these animals, for various reasons, the intestinal lumen closes.


Fascioliasis is a contagious disease.

Its main symptoms are weight loss and general weakness of the animal.

Infection occurs through food. The carriers of the disease are insects.

At a late stage of the disease, treatment with pratsikantel is not effective, and the rodent dies.

The maximum concentration of baytril in the blood of a guinea pig is achieved 1–1.5 hours after administration of the drug, the therapeutic effect persists for 24 hours.

Of all the diseases of the guinea pig urinary system, cystitis is perhaps the most common. The main symptoms of the disease are frequent urination and restless behavior. Treatment of cystitis is carried out for 6 days with the help of sulfonamides and bascopan. If it turns out to be ineffective, the rodent needs to be x-rayed: perhaps the cause of the malaise is urolithiasis disease. In this case, the mumps requires surgical intervention.

Urolithiasis disease

If the owner notices that the guinea pig is acting restless and is emptying its bladder too often, and treatment with sulfonamides does not produce results, then the pet should be shown to a veterinarian, since the possibility of the pig contracting urolithiasis cannot be ruled out.

Bladder stones are removed surgically. To do this, the guinea pig is euthanized and a small incision is made in its abdomen. After removing the stones from the bladder, the veterinarian stitches the animal and gives an injection of sulfonamide. As a rule, the operation lasts no more than 15–20 minutes.

Otitis externa

Otitis externa is a disease in which inflammation of the ear canal occurs. Otitis externa most often occurs due to water, dirt or insects penetrating deep into the ear.

The main symptom of the disease is restless behavior: pigs constantly scratch their ears and roll on the floor. With otitis externa, pus regularly leaks from the affected ear.

When treating the disease, the ear canal should be cleaned with a cotton swab. Do not use alcohol-containing liquids to wet it. After cleaning, the ear canal is treated with a special ointment based on zinc and fish oil.

The treatment procedure must be repeated every 48 hours.

Most often, damage to the ears is observed in animals that are forced to share a cage with other animals.

The result of such proximity is aggression: rodents scratch and bite, while the protruding ears of pigs suffer the most - dirt gets into the wounds, and infection begins.

Keratitis is a disease that occurs when the cornea of ​​the eye is damaged by knots or hay.

Sick pigs usually arrive at the veterinary clinic when the cornea of ​​the eye is already cloudy.

Treatment of the disease is carried out using a fluorescein solution and special eye drops (antibiotics are used only in advanced cases of the disease). Both medications should be instilled alternately into the eyes every 2 hours. Eye ointments containing glucose are used as a supportive treatment.

It is worth noting that due to the danger of perforation of the cornea, eye ointments containing cortisone are contraindicated for guinea pigs.

Ovarian cyst

Ovarian cyst is one of the most common diseases of the genital organs in rodents, differing almost complete absence clearly defined symptoms.

In some cases, areas of skin that are bald as a result of hormonal changes appear on the sides of the infected individual, and a cyst can be detected by palpation in the lower part of the pig’s abdomen.

The most common method of treating the disease is complete sterilization of the animal. If, after surgery, a guinea pig experiences hormonal disorders, such as baldness, it is recommended to inject it with 10 mg of chlormadinone acetate every six months.

Aujeszky – viral disease, which affects the central nervous system of a mammal. Aujeszky is often called false rabies. The spread of the disease is rodents. The incubation period of the disease is 15–20 days. The main signs of the disease are usually itchy skin and restless behavior. Aujesci can be treated only at the initial stage: gamma globulin and hyperimmune serum are injected into the sick animal. If Aujesci is in a neglected state, it is always fatal: the animal loses its voice, its larynx and pharynx are affected by paralysis.


Microsporia is a skin disease caused by pathogenic microscopic fungi and affecting the skin, hair and claws of an animal. Microsporia is often called ringworm.

A sick pig can infect a person, so at the first symptoms of the disease, the rodent should be wrapped in a clean cloth and taken to a veterinary clinic. Guinea pigs most often become infected with microsporia through contact with an affected animal (dog, rat, rabbit). The incubation period of microsporia is 10–30 days.

The main symptom of the disease is that round gray spots covered with uneven scales appear on the scalp, neck and paws. In cubs, the disease is more severe than in adult guinea pigs. Treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian. This disease is very contagious, so the pig owner should be careful and carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene when communicating with their pet.

Caring for a sick pig

A sick guinea pig must be isolated from other animals by placing it in a separate cage. It is advisable to place the cage in a quiet and not too lit place. Under no circumstances should a cage with a sick animal be placed in a draft or too close to heating appliances.

A sick pig should be given as much drinking water as possible. If the animal is not able to drink on its own, then water or tea should be slowly poured dropwise into the cheek pouch using a syringe without a needle.

If a guinea pig needs to be operated on, then 7–10 days before the scheduled day of surgery, it should be given vitamin C daily. The animal should be stopped feeding 12 hours before the operation. After surgery, the guinea pig is kept warm for several days, preferably under a lamp.

If a veterinary examination reveals that a guinea pig suffers from allergies, then the following measures must be taken to treat the animal:

if you are allergic to hay, it is advisable to exclude this type of food from the pig’s diet or give it as much as the animal can eat in one feeding;

If the animal is allergic to the material from which the bedding is made, it is recommended to urgently purchase another one. For example, use special paper or biological litter sold in pet stores instead of sawdust;

if you are allergic to certain plants, they should be excluded from your pet’s diet;

If a sick pig is allergic to medications, then, after consulting with a veterinarian, they are replaced with medications with a similar effect.

A recovering guinea pig needs good nutrition: in addition to vitamins and mineral supplements, the animal is given a large amount of greens, sprouted wheat grains and oatmeal.

Rules for the use of drugs

Guinea pigs, like all herbivores, have a complex digestive system.

The animal’s body cannot completely process plant food on its own, and this work is performed by microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tract - bacteria and some protozoa. Due to their enzymes, they break down plant fibers into substances that are already absorbed in the intestines of the guinea pig.

When any antibacterial drug enters the digestive tract of a guinea pig, then, along with the pathogenic microflora, it also kills the beneficial one, as a result of which the food is poorly digested and the animal experiences indigestion, manifested in the form of diarrhea.

Antibacterial drugs should be prescribed by a veterinarian, and the course of treatment of the animal should be carried out only under his supervision.

The owner of a sick guinea pig needs to know that antibiotics have a therapeutic effect after 2-3 days from the start of administration and the animal’s condition should not worsen.

If after this time there is no positive change in treatment, then it is recommended to replace the antibacterial drug. Of course, appoint new antibiotic Only a veterinarian should. When treating a guinea pig with antibacterial drugs, it is important to adhere to the correct dosage: an overdose and administration of an insufficient amount of medication can worsen the course of the animal’s disease.

It is worth noting that many medications that are used in the treatment of domestic animals, as well as people, are dangerous for guinea pigs. Such medications include:










Medications prescribed by your veterinarian can be administered to your guinea pig in two ways: oral (by mouth) and oral (by injection).

Most oral anti bacterial preparations for animals are available in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste, and guinea pigs accept them without resistance. Such medicines measure with a syringe without a needle, after which the cannula of the syringe is inserted into the animal’s mouth from the side behind the incisors and carefully press the plunger.

Despite the fact that oral suspensions are convenient to use, they, as already mentioned, have a negative effect on the digestive organs of guinea pigs, destroying the intestinal microflora. It is for this reason that veterinary experts recommend administering antibiotics to animals orally.

However, injecting drugs into guinea pigs requires some skill. As a rule, antibiotics are administered to animals intramuscularly (into the thigh muscles). It should be taken into account that the skin of guinea pigs is very thick and a person needs some effort to insert the syringe needle. In addition, a shy animal will likely make a loud squeal and try to escape, so you must hold the pig firmly when inserting the needle.

Regardless of the method of administration of the drug, it is possible that the latter, in addition to (or instead of) the therapeutic effect, will have Negative influence on the guinea pig's body.

The main symptoms indicating that the animal has intolerance to the antibacterial drug are diarrhea, lethargy, lack of response to external stimuli (sometimes lethargy), and loss of appetite.

Before giving your pet medications, you should consult a veterinarian, since many medications are contraindicated for guinea pigs.

The negative impact of antibacterial drugs on the body of guinea pigs can be reduced with the help of probiotics - bacterial preparations containing cultures of beneficial microorganisms that have an antagonistic effect on pathogenic flora and replenish microflora that have died under the influence of antibiotics. It is worth noting that drugs prescribed to people (Linex, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.) do not help guinea pigs, so veterinarians prescribe other medications to treat the latter.

Some guinea pigs exhibit individual sensitivity to medicines, up to severe allergic reactions and intolerance.

In addition to probiotics, dietary nutrition is recommended for guinea pigs during the course of treatment with antibacterial drugs. The animals' diet must contain a large amount of timothy hay, which helps maintain the optimal condition of the intestinal tract of guinea pigs.

While treating an animal with antibiotics, it is not recommended to change the pet’s diet and habitat: you cannot introduce new food into the diet, or move the cage to a room with different temperature conditions.

While treating an animal with antibiotics, it is not recommended to change its diet and habitat: you cannot introduce new food into the diet, or move the cage to a room with different temperature conditions.

Veterinary drugs used to treat guinea pigs

A fairly large number of medications are currently used to treat guinea pigs. However, this section contains only medications used for common diseases of these rodents.

Before starting treatment procedures, you should prepare all the necessary medications and put them on the table.

Alben C

Release form: tablets weighing 0.6 g, packaged in 3 and 6 pieces.

pharmachologic effect: has wide range anthelmintic action at all stages of development of round and tape helminths.

Indications: prescribed for guinea pigs affected by helminths.

Doses and method of administration: 1/10 tablets are dissolved in 10 ml of water and given to guinea pigs once during morning feeding, mixing 1 ml of suspension with a small amount of food or drinking water.

Side effects

Contraindications: Do not give to pregnant or lactating females or guinea pigs under 5 weeks of age.

Amoxiclav (Pulvis Amoksiklav)

Release form: water-soluble white powder with a specific odor in a package weighing 500 g.

pharmachologic effect: has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action.

Indications: bacterial infections, including salmonellosis and pneumonia.

Doses and method of administration: 0.5 g of powder is dissolved in 1 liter of water. The drug is given to guinea pigs at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per 100 g of body weight once a day for 3–5 days.

Side effects: if the dosage is observed, they are not observed.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to penicillin antibiotics.


Release form: light yellow, odorless powder, highly soluble in water. Available in 0.5 kg bags.

pharmachologic effect: has a detrimental effect on mycoplasmas, streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella and coli. Vitamin C, which is part of the drug, increases the immunity of sick animals and has an anti-stress effect.

Indications: infectious diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to tetracycline.

If the owner gives a guinea pig medicine from a syringe, he needs to make sure that the pet does not accidentally inhale the liquid, since getting even a minimal amount of water into the lungs is fraught with dangerous diseases for the animal. Therefore, the syringe should be directed slightly to the side and squeeze out the liquid in small portions.

Doses and method of administration: 1 g of powder is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Guinea pigs are given the drug at the rate of 1 ml of suspension per 100 g of body weight once a day for 3–5 days.

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible.


Release form: injection transparent yellow solution. Available in 100 ml bottles.

pharmachologic effect: has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity.

Indications: bacterial respiratory infections, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system.

Doses and method of administration: administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at the rate of 0.02 ml per 100 g of guinea pig weight 1 time per day for 3–5 days.

Side effects: redness at the injection site, short-term dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications: liver and kidney diseases, nervous system damage, pregnancy, lactation. Do not use the drug if the guinea pig is less than 6 weeks old.


Release form: white powder, soluble in water and saline, packaged in ampoules or vials of 4 and 8 mg.

pharmachologic effect: has antiviral effect, increases the body's resistance to infections.

Indications: viral infections.

Doses and method of administration: the drug is diluted with distilled water or saline (20 ml of water per 4 g of the drug) and administered intramuscularly to guinea pigs, 0.5 ml once a day for 3–5 days.

Side effects: if the dosage is observed, they are not observed.

Contraindications: not installed.

Glauber's salt (sodium sulfate)

Release form: colorless transparent crystals, highly soluble in water, available in powder form.

pharmachologic effect: improves digestion, acts as a laxative, accelerates the release of metabolic products, removes toxins.

Indications: constipation, poisoning, indigestion, lack of appetite.

Doses and method of administration: 1 g of powder is dissolved in 100 ml of water and given to guinea pigs 10 ml once.

Side effects: not identified.

Contraindications: diarrhea.

Release form: colorless liquid, available in 5 ml plastic bottles.

pharmachologic effect: has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, improves metabolic processes in eye tissues.

Indications: conjunctivitis.

Doses and method of administration: the drug is dripped into the eyes, 1 drop 1 time per day for 3–5 days.

Contraindications: not installed.

Doreen (Dorynum)

Release form: reddish powder, available in 5 ml (100 mg) ampoules and 10 ml (300 mg) bottles.

The therapeutic concentration of Dorin in the body of a guinea pig is maintained for 24 hours.

pharmachologic effect: has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action.

Indications: salmonellosis, enteritis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, pasteurellosis and other infectious diseases.

Doses and method of administration: Guinea pigs are given 1 mg of powder, previously dissolved in water, once a day for 3–5 days.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity to antibiotics.

Ointment for treating infected wounds (Unguentum Pro Infectionis Vulneris)

Release form: a homogeneous mass of yellowish color, produced in glass jars of 100, 200 and 500 ml.

pharmachologic effect: has antimicrobial activity and wound healing effect.

Indications: infected wounds, burns.

Doses and method of administration: ointment is applied in a thin layer to the damaged surface of the skin in a volume of about 0.5 g per 1 cm 2 2 times a day until the wound is completely healed.

Side effects: not observed.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to tetracycline.

Salicylic ointment (Unguentum Acidi Salicylici)

Release form: thick homogeneous mass of white or light yellow color, packaged in 30 g.

pharmachologic effect: has antiseptic properties.

Indications: skin diseases.

Doses and method of administration: ointment is applied in a thin, even layer to the affected surface once a day until complete recovery.

Side effects: No.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to salicylic acid.

Streptocide ointment (Unguentum Streptocidi)

Release form: homogeneous mass of white or light yellow color, packaged in jars of 18 and 100 g.

pharmachologic effect: has antimicrobial activity, accelerates tissue regeneration processes.

Indications: wounds, ulcers and burns.

Doses and method of administration: ointment is applied in a thin layer to the damaged surface once a day until the wound heals.

Side effects: No.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity to streptocide.


Release form: light yellow powder, packaged in 0.5 kg bags.

pharmachologic effect: has antimicrobial activity.

Indications: enteritis, salmonellosis, acute rhinitis, pasteurellosis.

Doses and method of administration: 1 g of powder is diluted with 1 liter of water and given to pigs 5 ml once a day for 3-5 days.

Contraindications: kidney diseases.

Enroxil (Tabulettae Enroxil)

Release form: tablets weighing 0.09 g in a package of 30 pieces.

pharmachologic effect: has antibacterial properties.

Indications: bacterial diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin.

The therapeutic concentration of enroxil in the blood of guinea pigs is maintained for 24 hours.

Doses and method of administration: The tablet is crushed to a powder and dissolved in water (100 ml). The suspension is given to guinea pigs 2–3 ml once a day for 3–5 days.

Contraindications: Should not be used to treat guinea pigs under 6 weeks of age.

Medicinal plants used in veterinary medicine

More and more wide application In veterinary medicine, medicinal plants, decoctions, infusions and powders are found, which are used as an effective vitamin supplement and for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Medicinal plants should be harvested during the period of greatest content of biologically active substances in them. Herbal preparations in the required dose must be mixed with a small amount of food or added to drinking water.


Lingonberry leaves need to be harvested in early spring and dried, spread out on a litter in a dark, warm room. They are good to use as a disinfectant. urinary tract facilities.

The use of wild and cultivated medicinal plants for many diseases of guinea pigs eliminates the use of expensive synthetic drugs, in particular antibiotics.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, guinea pigs should be given infusions of 0.5 ml per individual, adding the drug to drinking water. To prepare the infusion, add 1 part of the leaves to 15 parts of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain through a layer of gauze.

Valerian officinalis

Raw materials should be harvested in the fall during the fruiting period of plants. Valerian roots need to be washed with cold water, spread in the shade for 6 hours, and then dried at a temperature of 25–30 ° C.

Valerian root is used in veterinary medicine as sedative. Valerian should be given to guinea pigs in the form of an infusion (1:50) of 0.05 ml per individual in case of aggressive behavior, severe stress and causeless anxiety.

Cornflower blue

The marginal funnel-shaped petals of cornflower should be collected during the period of full flowering of the plant, laid out on paper and dried in a dark, well-ventilated room.

Blue cornflower helps improve digestive processes and accelerates wound healing. To treat guinea pigs, it should be used in the form of an infusion (1:50) of 0.5 ml per individual. Crushed petals should be applied to the wounds.

Three-leaf watch

Leaves with a short part of the petiole are best harvested after flowering (June - September).

The collected plants should be laid out on paper in the shade and left for 4 hours, then dried at temperatures up to 60 ° C.

Three-leaf watch improves digestion, stimulates appetite, and is also used as an anthelmintic. For the treatment of guinea pigs it should be used in the form of infusions (1:50) of 0.5 ml per individual.

St. John's wort

The plant must be harvested during the flowering period and dried in bunches suspended in the shade.

In veterinary medicine it is used for diarrhea, as well as for wound healing.

To treat guinea pigs, you should use an infusion (1: 50 or 1: 60) of 0.05 ml per individual. St. John's wort infusion should be given to guinea pigs once a day.


It is better to collect clover leaves and inflorescences during the flowering period and dry them in the shade.

Clover is used as a vitamin feed containing vitamins C, E, carotene and B vitamins.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, as well as for diseases of the respiratory system, guinea pigs should be given a decoction of clover heads (1:40) prepared in a water bath and strained through gauze, 1 ml per individual.

Coriander sativum

The plant should be harvested after the fruits have fully ripened, tied in bunches, dried in the shade, then threshed.

Coriander is recommended to be given to guinea pigs as a digestive aid and has antimicrobial properties. Coriander powder should be given to guinea pigs along with food in an amount of 0.02 g per individual.

Stinging nettle

It is better to collect nettle leaves when the plant is flowering and dry it under a canopy.

For the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies, nettle infusion (1:40) should be given to guinea pigs 2 times a day, 1 ml per individual.


Flax seeds are used for medicinal purposes. They must be used when inflammatory processes respiratory organs and gastrointestinal tract.

Flax seeds should be given to guinea pigs 7 in the form of a mucous decoction of 1 ml per individual.

To prepare the decoction, add 1 part of the seeds to 30 parts of hot water, shake and leave for 30 minutes.

Bear onion

Harvest flower shoots along with bulbs and young leaves before the plant begins to flower.

Bear onion is useful to use as a vitamin supplement, and also as a digestive aid. To treat guinea pigs, it is necessary to use infusions (1:40) of 1 ml per individual.


It is better to collect the basal leaves in the first half of summer and dry them under a canopy.

Coltsfoot is good for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs of pigs.

In addition, the leaves of the plant contain vitamin C, carotene and trace elements.

Guinea pigs should be given coltsfoot in the form of an infusion (1:40) of 0.5 ml per individual.

male fern

The rhizomes of the plant should be harvested in autumn or early spring, washed with water and dried in the shade.

Powder from the root should be used as an anthelmintic drug, 0.02 g per individual.

Large plantain

Well-developed plantain leaves should be collected throughout the summer and dried in the shade.

Plantain is good to use as a vitamin food (contains vitamins C, K, group B, carotene, organic acids) and as a means of regulating the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

For the treatment of guinea pigs, it is useful to use an infusion (1: 60) of 0.2 ml per individual.

Sunflower annual

The flowers, leaves and seeds of the plant have a beneficial effect on the body of guinea pigs.

When the stomach is clogged, and also as a mild laxative, you should use 0.5 ml of sunflower oil per individual.

Common pumpkin

Pumpkin seeds are good to use as a mild laxative and anthelmintic.

Guinea pigs should be given dried seeds, ground with water, as part of their wet food.

The dose for guinea pigs is 1 g per individual.

If you decide to get an animal like a guinea pig at home, you should be prepared for various surprises. Like other pets, these furbabies can get sick. Moreover, the list of diseases characteristic of these animals is quite extensive. What diseases there are in guinea pigs, their signs and methods of treatment - read about all this in our article.


We bring to your attention a description of the most common disease in these domestic rodents. The causative agent of this disease is pathogenic microflora, which enters the body through spoiled or low-quality food.

Main symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • the animal does not eat anything;
  • After some time, the rodent becomes skinny, which leads to paralysis.

Such a rodent should be immediately isolated and shown to a veterinarian.

Treatment of the disease is carried out in a hospital setting.


This disease is transmitted through food and drink. At the acute stage, the mumps becomes lethargic, inactive, stops eating, and diarrhea. You can tell if a guinea pig has paratyphoid fever by the condition of its fur. The animal's coat becomes disheveled, loses its natural shine and falls out after a while. A sick animal's eyes become dull.

Treatment of the disease is prescribed by a veterinarian. The rodent is treated with antibiotics and additionally given an anti-typhoid bacteriophage.


You can understand that a guinea pig has fallen ill with pasteurellosis by several signs:

  • mucus around nostrils;
  • runny nose;
  • the animal sneezes often.

As a result of such sensations, the pig develops severe irritation in the affected area. The rodent constantly scratches its nose with its paws, and thus aggravates the course of the disease. First, mucous and then purulent white or grayish discharge flows from the nose. Breathing becomes difficult. You can hear the animal snoring or snoring. At an advanced stage, purulent wounds appear on the skin.

The causative agent of this disease is pathogenic microbes. At the initial stage, it is quite easy to destroy the pathogen. For these purposes, the animal is given disinfectants.

If the causative agent of pasteurellosis enters the blood through wounds, the blood system becomes infected. Infection is accompanied by fever, weakness, diarrhea, and in rare cases, convulsions. It is almost impossible to cure an animal whose blood is infected with the causative agent of pasteurellosis. Therefore, it is simply destroyed.

For animals that are suspected of being infected with this infection, the veterinarian prescribes sulfa drugs and antibiotics.

Viruses and bacteria

When affected by viral and bacterial infections, the guinea pig requires urgent Care veterinarian Since such diseases are dangerous not only to health, but also to life pet.

The most dangerous viral diseases include pestilence and paralysis of guinea pigs. Both diseases are accompanied by paralysis and cramps of the hind legs. If you don't want your pig to die, you need to take immediate action and take her to the vet.

Other diseases caused by viruses are less common. They can manifest themselves through diarrhea, baldness, cough, runny nose and purulent nasal discharge.

The first step is to move the infected pig into a separate cage, otherwise infection of other animals is inevitable. For viral and bacterial infections, the animal must be treated with antibiotics. Your veterinarian will tell you which is best.

Respiratory system

The main cause of respiratory diseases is hypothermia. The symptoms are as follows:

  • lethargy and constant fatigue;
  • increased need to drink;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system (snoring, wheezing, coughing);
  • the animal eats practically nothing;
  • the reaction to all kinds of stimuli is inhibited.

In this state, the animal becomes practically motionless and lies all the time.

If you are faced with a respiratory disease in your pet, first of all you need to review the conditions for keeping it at home. Avoid keeping the guinea pig in a draft and ensure proper temperature conditions - within 21-25 degrees.

During colds, acute respiratory infections or other diseases caused by hypothermia, the animal is given sulfonamide drugs.

Digestive system

Such diseases of guinea pigs at home are caused by several factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • infection;
  • unbalanced diet.

It is possible to determine that an animal has problems with the gastrointestinal tract by the deterioration of its general condition. The guinea pig becomes inactive, does not eat anything, and begins to have diarrhea.

Treatment is carried out in several stages. First, the stomach is cleansed of toxins. After this, the animal is given castor or vaseline oil orally. Then a drug is prescribed - Phthalazol, Levomycetin, Syntomycin, Vetom or Biomycin.

Instead of water, the animal is offered a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can also give strong black tea. If the animal is constipated, it is recommended to give castor oil.

If your guinea pig has a minor disorder, drug treatment can be avoided. Instead, offer the animal to chew pomegranate peel or galangal root. But before doing this, you should consult your veterinarian.


There are cases when diarrhea in a guinea pig is not a consequence of any infection or disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. The cause may be dysbacteriosis. In this case, the animal must be treated with special drugs - Bifitrilak, Smecta or Lactobifadol.

It would also be a good idea to offer the animal a litter of healthy animals diluted with water. It normalizes intestinal microflora. Litter (2 pieces) is diluted with water (5 ml). The prepared solution is fed to the animal through a syringe without a needle.


The development of this disease is caused by a lack of vitamins or minerals in the rodent's body. At each stage of this disease there are different symptoms. First, the animal experiences gastrointestinal upset, then a desire to eat inedible foods and objects appears - bedding, calla lilies, soil, lime.

Externally, this disease can manifest itself as follows:

  • hunched over;
  • paws are bent;
  • joints thicken;

Guinea pigs suffering from rickets are noticeably retarded in growth and development.

The greatest likelihood of developing rickets is observed at a young age, with a monotonous diet. The most favorable season is winter. Since it is during this period that the required amount of fruits and vegetables required by the young body is missing.

Animals suffering from rickets are placed separately from healthy animals. During the treatment period they are given trivitamin or trivit. Irradiation procedures are carried out with a quartz lamp (10 sessions of 10 minutes each). Added to dry food fish fat(vitamin D and A concentrate).

Eye diseases

Guinea pigs have different eye diseases. Some of them are very dangerous and can lead to complete loss of vision. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Watery eyes

This reaction of the body in guinea pigs is not uncommon. Because it can be caused allergic reaction for a new food product, bedding. Eyes also become watery due to poor care, when the animal’s home is not cleaned in a timely manner. Therefore, in order to prevent such manifestations, it is necessary to review the food menu and the conditions for keeping the animal.

To alleviate the condition, the animal’s eyes are washed chamomile decoction, bury eye drops- Iris and Levomycetin.


This disease is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The main reason is eye injury. With unilateral conjunctivitis, one eye is inflamed, with bilateral conjunctivitis, both eyes are inflamed. With such diseases, guinea pigs exhibit the following symptoms:

  • tearing, swelling of the eyes;
  • sticking and redness of the eyelids;
  • at an advanced stage there may be purulent discharge from the eyes.

If timely measures are not taken, the animal’s cornea becomes affected and becomes cloudy, and over time, vision completely disappears.

Treatment occurs in several stages. First, remove the dried pus around the eyes by soaking it with albucid (3% solution). After the eye opens slightly, the affected area is lubricated with tetracycline or hydrocartisone ointment using cotton swab. The area around the eyes is also treated with one of these drugs.

At an advanced stage, when the cornea has become cloudy, a mixture of powdered sugar and calomel is blown into the eyes.

Secretions of the Harderian glands

Your piggy has a constant white discharge from his eyes - there may be some kind of infection. Milky leucorrhoea of ​​the Harderian glands can be caused by pathogenic microflora - bacteria, fungus. Only a veterinarian can determine the pathogen.

A bacterial culture is carried out to check for their presence. Treatment is determined according to the cause of the disease.


Cataracts (cataracts) are common in guinea pigs. First, the crystal becomes cloudy, then vision is impaired until it is completely lost. This can be either a congenital or acquired disease. In older animals, cataract is considered a senile pathology. You may notice how the affected eye is enlarged compared to the healthy eye. Cataracts develop for several reasons;

  • injury to the eyeball;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic inflammatory processes.

The affected areas are instilled with eye drops - Tobrex, Tsiprovet, Balarpan. After the drops, Solcoseryl regenerating ointment is applied to the eyes.

Hair loss

There are several reasons why a guinea pig's fur begins to fall out. It could be a fungus, an allergy, or a physiological predisposition.


Domestic animals shed at a young age. This is how Mother Nature created it, when a child’s coat is replaced by an adult’s. The second reason for shedding is caused by the change of season. Compensatory wool replacement occurs due to physical impact - injury, burn, etc. In fact, in all cases, a natural process of wool replacement occurs. During this period of life, animals need to be supported so that they can more easily endure this process. Guinea pigs are given vitamins and their diet is made more varied and balanced.

Now, let's look at each case of pet shedding in detail.


Sarcoptic mange


This disease is caused by microscopic mites living under the skin. It manifests itself through severe itching. In places where scratching occurs, the skin becomes rough, peels and goes bald. At an advanced stage, ulcers and papules with grayish pus appear in places where the lesion is localized. In most cases, the area of ​​the paws and head is affected. Healthy individuals become infected through contact with sick pigs. For humans, this is a dangerous sore, since ticks transmitted through contact begin to infect human skin.

lice eaters

For prevention, guinea pigs are given a special drug - Prazicide. If worms are found, the pet should be taken to the veterinarian. He prescribes special antihelminthic drugs.


Another very unpleasant and dangerous disease, the causative agent of which is a fungus. Ringworm affects the hair follicle and skin.


The presence of lichen can be determined by several signs:

  • in the affected areas, the fur falls off and red, encircling spots appear;
  • the skin peels and constantly itches and hurts;
  • the appearance of rough, sometimes raised spots on the skin;
  • the skin may become scabby;
  • the animal is constantly itching.


If lichen is not treated, the probability of infection in healthy pigs is almost 100%. There are two types of lichen, which most often affect these particular pets:

  • microsporia;
  • trichophytosis.

Spores of these fungi can be active for 2-3 years. They are stored in soil, wool and are distributed safely in the environment. Most often, animals with weak immunity and living in unsanitary conditions are susceptible to infection with lichen.

To detect the fungus, a thorough examination is carried out - shining the affected area under a UV lamp and taking skin scrapings in places of peeling.


Sick animals are moved to a separate cage. By completely sterilizing the home and all its accessories. In affected areas, the hair is completely cut off.

To treat lichen, antifungal medications for guinea pigs are used - Chlorhexidine, Clotrimazole, Miconazole. As veterinary practice shows, the best drugs today no, because positive effect treatment is achieved quite quickly.

Other diseases

In addition to the diseases listed above, guinea pigs can also be affected by other diseases.

Urolithiasis disease

Poor nutrition and poor living conditions can cause the formation of stones and sand in the urinary system of domestic animals. Stones can form in the urethra, kidneys, bladder and ureters.

When fine sand is formed, the disease does not manifest itself clinically. Symptoms when stones appear are as follows:

  • frequent urination or, conversely, its complete absence;
  • bleeding from the anus;
  • hunching when urinating.

Urolithiasis is diagnosed using ultrasound, blood and urine tests. Treatment involves taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers. If there is a blockage in the urinary tract, surgery is required.


Damage to the mucous membranes of the lips and gums is called cheilitis. First, a darkish coating appears on the teeth and the inside of the lips, which eats away the mucous membranes. At an advanced stage, the sore affects the entire muzzle of the pig. A crust and cracks appear in these places. Animal cheilitis is dangerous for humans.

Most often it develops with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Often the cause of this sore is a fungus, herpes virus.

To determine the disease, a scraping is taken from the animal's skin. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to do the following:

  1. Review the animal's entire diet. Everything sour is excluded from the menu - fruits, berries. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals and fats, the animal is offered flax and sunflower seeds in small quantities daily.
  2. The basis of the diet is hay, twigs, and various herbs. The food can be moistened with sesame or flax oil.
  3. The affected areas are first treated with any antiseptic, then lubricated with Surolan, Imaverol or Panolog.

If the cause of this sore is ticks, you must use Ivomec cream. In case of fungal infection, the veterinarian prescribes drugs - Clotrimazole or Nystatin.


Can a guinea pig get rabies? This question interests many livestock farmers.

According to experts, such a disease is very rare among such animals. An animal can get it through infection from already sick pets, and then only after a bite. Which is essentially practically impossible.

Guinea pigs are different good health, but like any living creature, they are susceptible to disease. After the appearance alarming symptoms The main thing is not to waste precious time and start treatment. What are the most common diseases in guinea pigs and how to treat them? - let's figure it out.

Dental problems. Excessive growth of teeth, the appearance of tartar, sharp thorns, and gum infection are not all the problems that guinea pigs face. This is often due to a lack of solid food and minerals; the pig behaves restlessly, refuses food, begins to drool heavily, and constantly touches its face with its paws. Removing sharp hooks, stone, filing teeth - all these procedures can only be performed by a veterinarian. After the operation, your task is to treat the wounds on the mucous membrane with chlorhexidine, camillosan or salviatimol; after complete healing, you need to include hay, tree branches, and mineral stone in the diet.

Enteritis. Disturbance of intestinal flora, it can be caused by an unbalanced diet, infections, antibiotics. The first symptoms of enteritis: bloating, diarrhea, bowel sounds. First of all, it is necessary to undergo tests: if enteritis is confirmed, the animal is prescribed a diet. For 3 days, only fresh hay can be given, antibiotics cannot be taken, it is useful to give live bacteria (bifitrilak, bifidobacterin), fluid loss is replenished by injecting an electrolyte and glucose solution, it is also advisable to feed the pig from a disposable syringe.

Conjunctivitis.This is a dangerous disease that must not be neglected, otherwise the mumps will risk losing its vision. The first symptoms are lacrimation, fear of light, discharge from the eyes, the sore eye seems to be covered with a veil. The cause of conjunctivitis can be infection, mechanical trauma or contact with the mucous membrane chemical substances. First, it is washed with a 2% boric acid solution or weak tea. If there are purulent crusts, they are soaked with albucid, ointment (tetracycline, hydrocortisone) is applied under the eyelid; calomel also gives a good effect (it is mixed with powdered sugar and blown into the pet’s eyes).

Plague. The causative agent is a virus that primarily affects the nervous system of the animal. The incubation period is up to 3 weeks. Symptoms: seizures, apathetic behavior, refusal to eat, poor coordination of movements. In later stages, paralysis of the hind limbs appears and internal organs fail. There is no cure for plague; the mumps dies 9-10 days after symptoms appear, but it is more humane to euthanize it.

Pneumonia.Accompanied by weakness, nasal discharge, elevated temperature, the pig breathes frequently and shallowly, drinks a lot of water, lies down, and reacts poorly to its environment. This is a contagious disease that is often fatal. The pig needs to be isolated and then taken to a veterinarian. They give sulfonamide and tetracycline antibiotics and immunomodulators. Green food, sprouted wheat and oats are introduced into the diet.

Wounds, cracks, fractures.If the wound is deep, it should be thoroughly washed and treated with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. After this, apply streptocidal, prednisolone or synthomycin ointment, and apply a non-pressure bandage. For fractures, the wound is treated by a veterinarian, after which a plaster cast or splint is applied for at least 3-4 weeks; for open fractures, the wound is left open and treated every day.

Pasteurellosis. Bacterial infection, which is manifested by a runny nose, sneezing, purulent flow, the pig breathes heavily, rubs its nose with its front paws, and ulcers may appear on the body. If the pathogen enters the bloodstream, infection begins, which is accompanied by symptoms such as cramps, weakness, diarrhea, and fever. Animals with obvious clinical signs are euthanized; if a disease is suspected, they are given antibiotics (sulfonamide drugs, penicillins, tetracyclines), as well as drugs that support the immune system. The course of treatment is at least 6-7 days. The pig's cage is thoroughly disinfected.

Pseudotuberculosis.A disease of a bacterial nature, infection can occur through food or bedding. The first symptoms are diarrhea, apathy, loss of appetite, later - convulsions and paralysis. The animal dies from dehydration or paralyzed cardiac or laryngeal muscles. Pseudotuberculosis affects not only the lungs, but also other internal organs - nodules containing degenerated cells appear on them, and necrosis begins. Guinea pigs die 3-7 days after infection, and there is no cure for the disease.

Parafit.Pathogenic microorganisms can enter the body through food or water. The pig eats little, lies motionless, the hair thins and sticks together, diarrhea begins, and the eyes become dull. The form can be acute or chronic; in any case, treatment is prescribed after a comprehensive examination. The animal is prescribed a course of antibiotics, immunomodulators and an anti-typhoid vaccine.

Take care of your pet, pay more attention to it, control the quality of water and food, and diseases will bypass your pig!