Recipe for making clove tincture with vodka (alcohol, moonshine). Clove decoction and its healing properties Clove tincture with vodka for treatment

Some people use alcohol tincture for cloves as a strong drink. Typically, such products, prepared at home, have a unique taste and are much safer than dubious alcoholic drinks from stores. But there are also other properties that the tincture of cloves with vodka is useful for - its use as a medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases, as well as for their prevention.

Cloves - seasoning medicinal properties which we recently described. It is very popular in cooking all over the world. It is used in both sweet desserts and meat dishes. What we usually call a carnation is nothing more than an unblown flower bud of clove trees belonging to the myrtle family. The most useful thing about them is high level content of essential oils, tannins, as well as beneficial for the human body organic acids, vitamin and microelements. Such a rich composition gives the spice a well-defined and recognizable aroma. Besides, high content useful substances makes cloves useful not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Healers recommend using it for cooking various means, - decoctions and tinctures that can be used to improve your health and well-being.

The plant has a powerful antimicrobial and analgesic effect, and also has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect. The products that contain it help fight helminths and also effectively destroy pathogenic microflora. Women value this plant very much for its help in treating infertility. Decoctions made from cloves gently eliminate inflammatory diseases genitourinary system. Clove oil is used to enhance erection and more sensual sexual intercourse, since the components it contains act as powerful aphrodisiacs.

To make useful things from cloves medicine, it is important to choose the right spice. Yes, it turns out that not all buds in a row can be used for treatment. The buds need to be placed in a container of water. If they completely sink to the bottom or are held vertically in the water, then they can be considered of high quality and suitable for use. Otherwise, the spice is completely unsuitable.

Clove tincture - application

To prepare tinctures, you can use vodka, alcohol and even red wine. All these remedies turn out to be medicinal and useful.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is treated like this. You need to take 150 grams of vodka and ten grams of dry clove buds. Prepare the tincture in a dark glass container; do not use plastic containers to avoid adverse reactions. Leave for 7-8 days, shaking the composition daily and putting it back in a dark place. After this, strain and store in the refrigerator. In case of illness, lubricate the affected areas of the body with cotton wool soaked in the tincture.

Recipe for women's health– helps eliminate the inflammatory process in the cavity fallopian tubes, restore the menstrual cycle and make it regular, regenerate the female after a miscarriage or artificial termination of pregnancy. To prepare the tincture you will need 30 grams of washed clove buds, 0.5 liters of good quality vodka. Pour in the cloves, seal well and shake the contents in the container, put them in a place where they do not fall Sun rays. Leave to infuse for 15 days, remembering to shake periodically.

After 15 days, we take out the tincture, filter it, but do not pour out the remaining grounds. Fill in what is left with another 250 ml of vodka and again remove to infuse for 15 days. Store the previously drained tincture in the refrigerator until preparing the second part. After two weeks, mix both halves. The resulting tincture should be taken 20 ml before meals, but no later than after the next six hours.

Another recipe for women. It does not require buds, but the root part of the clove. Rinse the rhizome well, chop it, pour one liter of vodka. Place in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and take the finished tincture 2 teaspoons in the morning, at lunch and before bed. This good remedy at inflammatory processes, pain in the ovaries, irregular menstrual cycle.

The following recipe can be used for general strengthening immunity, to restore the body after suffering viral diseases, flu and sore throat. You will need 300 ml of vodka, 5 cloves, half a lemon with zest, half an orange. Cut all ingredients into small slices and add vodka. You can take a tablespoon a day after three days. This remedy not only improves overall well-being, but also normalizes arterial pressure, helps get rid of dizziness.

Instead of vodka in recipes, healers also advise using real red wine. You need to take 100 clove buds and add one liter of dry wine. Place the tincture in a cool place without light for 15 months. Strain the resulting product and can be stored in the refrigerator. The tincture eliminates well headache, frequent migraines. In addition, this recipe helps with eye pain after prolonged work at a computer monitor.

Tincture of cloves with vodka is ideal for disinfecting the oral cavity and for severe toothache. It acts as a local anesthetic. It is useful to take a tablespoon alcohol infusion ki for diarrhea and intestinal infections. The substances contained in this plant destroy harmful microbes and thereby neutralize their pathogenic effects.

Who are contraindicated in recipes with cloves and vodka?

Despite a large number of beneficial properties, tincture of cloves with vodka for treatment may not be useful for everyone. It should not be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers. You should not get carried away with tinctures and those who have been diagnosed with peptic ulcer. Although cloves have a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, in case of ulcers and intestinal dyskinesia, it can only be consumed after consultation with a doctor.

Those who suffer from increased nervous excitability, depression, and hypertension should not include this plant in their diet. In no case should the indicated doses of use be exceeded, as this can cause a dangerous burn of the mucous membranes.

Very often, a clove tincture with vodka is prepared at home. Few gourmets, when mentioning cloves, think of a strong alcoholic drink. Most citizens associate this wonderful plant with seasonings or marinade. But cloves are included in many varieties of punch and liqueurs. The unopened buds of the plant are widely used in medicinal cooking, which is very popular in India. An excellent tonic and medicinal remedy is tea with cloves.

Useful properties of cloves

Dry buds of the clove tree are used in cooking. It's forever green plant belongs to the myrtle family. Clove buds contain a unique multivitamin complex and tannins. Eugenol oil contained in the plant gives a pleasant aroma to foods and drinks.

Clove tincture is good antiseptic, promotes fast healing wounds, improves blood circulation in the human brain, strengthens memory, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. Essential oils contained in the plant help cope with nervousness and depression. It is recommended to take this remedy for asthma sufferers. Connoisseurs of the plant's properties use clove tincture to increase sexual arousal.

Advice. When choosing buds, you need to pay attention to their elasticity. They should not be too dry. Good quality the fruits do not break, but also do not leave an oily mark on the paper. They should not float on the surface of the liquid.

Their beneficial features the plant does not lose for a very long time. Store the buds in an airtight container.

Recipe for making vodka or alcohol tincture

At home, clove tincture in alcohol or vodka can be prepared not only

Clove tincture with vodka

for medicinal purposes. Strong drinks infused with its buds can be used for festive table. For these purposes, the range of taste of the product is enriched with additional ingredients. Lemon goes well with cloves. This product can be taken as a medicine and as a regular strong alcoholic product. It's good to add it to tea.

The product contains 1 liter of vodka. If preparing alcohol tincture, then take 0.5 liters of strong drink. Place 8 buds of the plant, the zest of 4 lemons, and cinnamon on the tip of a knife at the bottom of the prepared container. It's all pouring in strong alcohol, is sealed and sent to infuse in a dark room at room temperature.

Advice. It is better to prepare the product in ordinary glass jars. They are easy to clean, and you can always see the state of the drink behind their walls without much difficulty. This is important for monitoring the readiness of the product.

Moonshine tincture is made in the same way. Before preparing it, the moonshine passes additional cleaning or distillation. After 25-30 days, the product is filtered. Lovers of liqueurs can dilute the product with sugar syrup prepared with the addition of vanilla. The sealed product is sent to a dark and cool place for storage.

Advice. Ready-made tinctures cannot be filtered through carbon filters. They are used to improve the quality of colorless alcoholic drinks. The tinctures are filtered through a regular cotton-gauze filter.

There is no big secret in how to make a healing tincture with alcohol. The alcohol tincture is infused for only 3-4 days. For 200 ml of alcohol, take 15-20 grams of dry buds of the plant.

In almost every kitchen you can find cloves among the spices. It is widely used in cooking, but few people know about the medicinal properties of cloves. Many people use it to make desserts, liqueurs or preserves. Today it is sold in every grocery store, but in ancient times cloves were difficult to obtain and were highly prized.

What we used to call cloves is in fact the seed of the clove tree. Seeds are obtained from the yet unopened buds of a plant that is six years old. This tree blooms twice a year, the seed is collected, dipped in boiling water, and then dried. It is in this form that it ends up on store shelves.

Beneficial features

Properly prepared alcohol tincture, essential oils or decoctions can provide analgesic and antiseptic effect on the body. Cloves are also infused in vodka, triple cologne or moonshine.

The most valuable thing that can be obtained from cloves is essential oil. It is this that gives the plant its tart pleasant aroma. Infusions, decoctions and oils of the plant have found application not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Often clove oil is one of the components of plant mixtures. It is actively used in cosmetic procedures, dentistry or in the manufacture of perfumes. It relieves inflammation, accelerates healing, disinfects and relieves pain.

Clove tincture with vodka helps cope with severe cough in case of illness respiratory tract. You can strengthen your immune system by regularly taking cloves infused with wine. Medical alcohol in combination with this plant will help with sore throat and toothache. In addition, the alcohol infusion relieves itching and burning from mosquito bites and other insects. Sore throat can also be treated by infusing cloves in cognac. Clove infused in cologne is very popular among people suffering from arthrosis, arthritis and neuralgia.

It is not necessary to use tinctures containing alcohol or cologne. Various purulent or burn wounds are treated with clove oil mixed with vegetable oil. A tampon with this mixture can be placed under a bandage to reduce pain and relieve irritation. To relieve tooth pain, you can apply a tampon with a few drops of clove ether. In addition, essential oil is also used to prepare a solution for sore throat. The oil has also found its use in massage procedures. It relieves muscle tension and pain well.

A decoction or tincture is used for various diseases such as headache, cold or indigestion. For each ailment you can choose your own recipe.

Recipes for clove tinctures

Recipe 1.

To prepare a vodka infusion, you need 50 grams of clove seeds ground into powder and pour 100 grams of vodka over them. The mixture is heated over low heat, and drink half a teaspoon for headaches. This tincture relieves headaches, just take a quarter liter of vodka and two teaspoons of cloves and leave in a dark place for seven days. The medicine is taken diluted with water.

Recipe 2.

You can strengthen your immune system and tone your body with wine tincture.

To do this you need:

  • red wine (one and a half glasses);
  • one orange;
  • half a lemon;
  • several clove seeds;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Citrus fruits must be cut into large slices, all ingredients must be mixed and brought to a boil. When the drink has cooled, you need to strain it and take one tablespoon at a time.

Recipe 3.

At neurological diseases you need to take one liter of alcohol, add two hundred grams of clove seeds and leave in a dark place for thirty days. The use of this remedy is also effective for toothaches and insect bites. It also helps with sore throat, but you should not gargle with alcohol concentrate; it is diluted with water.

Recipe 4.

Sore throat is also treated with a glass of cognac with clove buds. The mixture is infused for two weeks and dripped onto inflamed areas and ulcers. For children, the tincture should be diluted with water.

Recipe 5.

Everyone knows the healing properties of triple cologne, and in combination with spices it is simply irreplaceable for joint pain. To prepare the medicine you need to take 150 grams of cologne and a spoonful of buds. After ten days, the tincture of cologne can be used in medicinal purposes. But it is worth considering that the bottle must be made of dark glass.

Recipe 6.

IN for cosmetic purposes, for those who want to have luxurious Thick hair, a product made from onion peels and clove seeds is suitable. This is an alcohol mask, for the preparation of which you need six buds, a half-liter bowl of husks, all this is filled with vodka to the brim and infused for ten days. After which the strained infusion is applied to the hair roots and kept under polyethylene for two hours. Then the mask can be washed off with regular shampoo.

Homemade cinnamon drink

From clove buds you can cook not only effective medicine, but also pleasant alcoholic drinks, which in moderation will benefit the body. A tincture made from cinnamon, cloves and lemon zest is very popular.

To prepare you will need:

  • one liter of vodka or moonshine;
  • six clove buds;
  • 4 lemons;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • sugar (optional).

Mix clove buds, cinnamon and lemon zest with alcohol, leave for about a month, shaking the jar occasionally. Strain the finished drink. Clove buds not only give the drink a pleasant aroma, but also remove bad smell, which often accompanies moonshine.


For all its benefits, clove tinctures have a number of contraindications. Allergies may occur to certain components, and alcoholic tinctures or products with cologne can harm people with high blood pressure and women during pregnancy and lactation. Self-medication in any case can be harmful, so do not neglect consultations with specialists.

Cloves are not only flowers familiar to everyone, but also an excellent medicine that helps in the treatment of various diseases. Only in this case we are talking about a clove tree, and not about clove bushes.

Botanical description of the clove tree

The clove tree is an evergreen plant that grows to the size of a shrub or small tree, but favorable conditions grows 15-20 meters in height. The crown is pyramid-shaped, and the thin trunk is covered with gray bark.

Its leaves have a pleasant gloss, leathery, are arranged oppositely, and have the color of grass: forest green. It produces small, bright red flowers.. They grow in inflorescences that resemble umbrellas.

The clove tree should be distinguished from the usual carnations, which are herbaceous plants, but never grow to the size of a tree. Garden carnation and clove tree are part of the same family Dianthus, but form different types and varieties.


Latin name plant literally translates as “flower of Zeus.” It was given by the famous Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus due to the bright red color of the flowers.

Places where the clove tree grows

Interestingly, the islands of the Malay Archipelago, located in the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean, are considered to be the biological homeland of the clove tree. The plant mainly grows there today: it is cultivated in India, the islands of Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as in Ceylon, Tanzania and Madagascar.

Types of cloves

The genus Carnation includes more than 300 species. Each of them is described by scientists.

Carnation multicolored

This perennial forms herbaceous forms, as well as subshrubs. It has a woody, erect stem that grows no more than half a meter in height. The leaves are narrow and reach 5 cm in length.

The flowers of such plants have small petals (up to 3 cm) and have bright red, rich pink shades. They bloom in mid-summer and bear fruit until early autumn. The species is widespread throughout Central Europe and is widely found in Russia - from the European part to Siberia and the Far East. It has adapted well to our latitudes due to its drought resistance and undemanding soil requirements.

Features of the use of clove tree (video)

This species has exclusively beautiful flowers different shades: there are pink, purple, scarlet monochromatic, as well as multi-colored: snow-white petals with a bright red center.

Breeders managed to develop several dozen varieties of this species, thanks to which they adapted to different climatic conditions. They grow no more than half a meter in height. These carnations live for several years, therefore, you need to choose a place for planting especially responsibly - you should take into account that the flower loves warm places that are not exposed to even a small shadow.

This is a perennial groundcover grass that grows no more than 15 cm in height and spreads along the ground. Produces bright red flowers with interesting colors: There are varieties with white edging. They will fit harmoniously into any garden and decorate empty spaces well.

Such flowers can be planted quite densely - 40-50 plants per square meter: then you will get a real flower lawn. It should be noted that this species also loves lighted places, but does not tolerate excessive moisture - therefore it is better to pre-drain the soil.

Lush carnation

This species is found throughout Central Europe and almost the entire territory of Russia, covering ravines, meadows and forest edges. It is well adapted to extreme climatic conditions and grows even in Siberia.

The plant reaches a height of half a meter and sometimes up to 60 cm. The flowers are large and have pleasant pink and lilac shades. Their diameter is small - about 4-5 cm. Interestingly, in warm autumn conditions they can bloom in October (primary flowering in July).

Useful properties of cloves (video)

Active ingredients of cloves

  • vitamin A, E, C, K;
  • B vitamins;
  • trace elements (Na, K, P, Fe. Zn, Se, Mn);
  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • tannins.

Thanks to such a rich chemical composition The plant has a complex effect on the body:

  • bactericidal and antifungal;
  • pain reliever;
  • preventing spasms (antispasmodic);
  • wound healing;
  • antitumor.


Research by scientists has proven that the special substance eugenol contained in cloves has a depressing effect on development cancer cells and thereby contributes to the fight against cancer.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of cloves

Cloves are used in folk medicine to treat many diseases:

  • colds, cough, runny nose;
  • ear pain;
  • arthritis;
  • inflammation in the eyes infectious nature;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • obesity.

Everyone also knows that thanks to its fragrant aroma Dried clove flowers are used in cooking as a spice. They are added to soups and main courses.


Traditional for many European peoples alcoholic drink Mulled wine is brewed using red wine with the addition of sugar (or honey), as well as spices: cinnamon, cloves and zest (or orange and apple slices). It helps to warm up well on winter evenings and is consumed at Christmas. There are also non-alcoholic drink options for the little ones.

Use of cloves in folk medicine

In folk medicine, cloves are taken both externally (in the form of oil) and internally (decoctions, infusions of water and alcohol or vodka). If it is not possible to prepare the raw materials yourself, you can purchase cloves at the pharmacy. It is sold in several dosage forms:

  1. Pharmacy balm based herbal infusion cloves and mint, fir and eucalyptus oils. It is taken internally and externally.
  2. Powder in capsules used as a dietary supplement.
  3. Essential oil used to treat colds, skin diseases and also for arthritis.

Preparation and use of clove tincture with vodka

Vodka infusions are prepared using 5 large spoons of crushed clove buds per 100 grams of vodka. Accordingly, 25 tablespoons are taken for a half-liter bottle. Infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place. Such tincture is used for colds and bronchitis, and also for headaches - take half a teaspoon before each meal (it is better to dilute it in tea or a glass of water).

How to use dry cloves

Interestingly, the plant also helps in dry form. For example, for severe toothache, you need to put a couple of buds on the tooth, chew slowly and hold for half an hour.

Dry cloves also help with infectious intestinal disorders, as well as in the treatment of worms. To do this, several buds are chewed (or crushed in advance) and taken orally. The powder is washed down with water - this should be repeated 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

Clove oil

Plant oil is used externally– compresses are mainly used for purulent lesions, rashes, eczema, wounds and boils. It can also be recommended to teenagers to treat age-related skin problems.


The aroma of clove oil acts as a mild soothing, promotes normalization heart rate and stabilization of pressure. Therefore, it can be used in aroma lamps, filling the house with a pleasant atmosphere.

Clove decoctions and infusions

Decoctions are prepared using boiling water - as a rule, the raw materials are crushed and infused for several hours. There are many ways to use this tea, here are some of them:

  1. For cough and shortness of breath The following recipe is used: pour a tablespoon of boiling water into a glass, leave for 2 hours and take 2 large spoons three times a day before each meal until complete recovery. The same recipe is used for gastritis and cystitis.
  2. From bronchial asthma As an emergency remedy, make a decoction of 4 crushed buds and pour half a glass of boiling water over them - you need to consume the entire glass during an attack. You can add honey.
  3. Infusion of a teaspoon of cloves in a glass of boiling water used in the treatment of stye: apply an appropriate compress during the day and at night.
  4. To combat excess weight Green tea is used, to which a pinch of ginger powder and half a teaspoon of crushed clove buds are added. Infuse a glass of boiling water and drink the entire contents throughout the day, dividing into three equal portions before each meal. Of course, weight loss tea is drunk without sugar, but if you wish, you can put a plastic lemon in it.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Only the buds are used for medicinal purposes - they are harvested. In this case, several rules are taken into account:

  1. Flowers are collected only with unopened buds.
  2. Buds are taken only from plants that are at least 6 years old.
  3. They pick off the buds along with the flower stalks (use a knife).
  4. Then the flower stalks are removed and dried naturally or outdoors, but the temperature should not be higher than 40 o C.

The resulting raw materials are stored in bags made of natural fabrics in conditions of low air humidity.

Contraindications and overdose of cloves

Harm from the action of cloves can only appear if the dose is significantly exceeded. permissible doses.The following categories of people should take any medications orally with caution:

  1. Hypertensive patients.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Those who are allergic to any of the components of cloves.
  4. Children under 5 years of age should abstain.

How to use cloves for diabetes (video)

Cloves are an excellent medicine, and not just a plant that traditionally decorates garden plot. However, it should be observed certain rules taking medications based on it, and when observing any side effects stop the course immediately and consult a doctor.

Cloves are the dried buds of the clove tree. This is a plant from the myrtle family. Clove buds contain a lot of vitamins and tannins, as well as eugenol oil, which gives an excellent aroma to the drink.

Tincture of cloves in vodka, alcohol or moonshine is an excellent antiseptic that helps accelerate skin regeneration and improves cerebral circulation, has a positive effect on memory, and also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Clove tincture will help cope with depression and excessive nervousness thanks to essential oils, which are contained in the plant. This tincture is recommended for people suffering from asthma. Interestingly, it is also used to increase sexual arousal.

Recipe for clove tincture on moonshine


  • moonshine – 3 l;
  • cloves – 50 g;
  • sugar – 1000 g;
  • water – 600 g.


  1. The cloves should be crushed into fine crumbs and mixed with moonshine. To prepare it, use.

    Getting such an alcoholic base at home is easier than it seems at first glance. If you approach the issue correctly, the process will go like clockwork. on our portal they will help you avoid mistakes and (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a steam steamer of the brand) that is suitable for you. And for those who like to do everything on their own, there are tips on how.

  2. Pour into the prepared bottle and seal tightly.
  3. Store in a warm place for a week.
  4. Next, you need to prepare sugar syrup: to do this, you need to dissolve the sugar in heated, but not boiling water, stir thoroughly and bring to a boil.
  5. After the syrup has cooled, mix it with moonshine and leave for another day, then filter.

Now you can taste the clove tincture on moonshine!

Recipe for clove tincture with vodka


  • vodka – 1 l;
  • cloves – 8 pcs;
  • cinnamon – 1 g;
  • lemons – 2 pcs.


  1. Remove the zest from the lemons using a fine grater or special tool.
  2. Place cloves, lemon zest and cinnamon into the prepared container.
  3. Fill with alcohol, seal tightly and leave for a week at room temperature in a place protected from light.

The clove vodka tincture is ready!

Recipe for clove tincture with alcohol


  • cloves – 20 g;
  • cinnamon – 6 g;
  • lemons – 2 pcs;
  • alcohol – 2 l;
  • sugar – 600 g;
  • water – 1l.


  1. Wash the lemons thoroughly, dry them and remove the zest with a fine grater or a special tool, without touching the white part of the lemon so that the drink does not taste bitter.
  2. Place the zest in the prepared container, add cinnamon and crushed cloves.
  3. Add alcohol to the spices and seal tightly.
  4. Leave in a dark and warm place for 20 days.
  5. When the infusion period has come to an end, it is necessary to prepare sugar syrup.
  6. Strain the drink and mix it with cooled syrup, filter the resulting mixture.
  7. Pour the prepared clove tincture with alcohol into bottles, seal it tightly and store in the dark in a cool place.

After 10 days, you can safely treat your friends.