The skin under the armpits peels off in women. Causes of irritation under the arms and ways to normalize the condition of the skin. Hyperhidrosis and skin irritation

Redness of the armpits is an unpleasant symptom that most of the population encounters at least once in their lives. There can be a great variety of reasons that lead to such redness (from a simple allergic reaction to the presence of some serious illness in the body). Therefore, it is very important to seek help from specialists at the first unpleasant symptoms in the armpits. Doctors, after a thorough examination, will identify the cause of the discomfort and prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of redness

As mentioned above, the causes of redness in the armpits are very diverse. The most common of them are:

Incorrectly chosen hygiene products. Very often, soaps, deodorants, powders used to wash clothes, and cosmetics used to nourish and moisturize the skin leave microparticles on the surface of the skin, which lead to the appearance of unpleasant redness.

Synthetic clothing. Experts do not recommend wearing things made of synthetic fabrics. The thing is that synthetics very often cause skin irritation. In such clothes, the skin cannot breathe normally, which causes redness and itching.

Another reason is the frequent use of razors, the blade of which leaves microscopic wounds on the skin of the armpits.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules. Often, people themselves are to blame for the fact that small red dots begin to appear in their armpits.

You need to take a shower every day. This will prevent the increased proliferation of microorganisms in the armpit.

Availability of such serious illnesses, such as diabetes, dermatitis, hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis and redness of the skin of the armpits

As practice shows, people with excessive sweating most often experience this unpleasant phenomenon. In this case, redness is accompanied by itching, burning, the appearance of pimples and an unpleasant odor. In addition, a patient with hyperhidrosis constantly develops spots under his armpits, which prevent him from communicating normally with people around him and leading his usual lifestyle.

Currently there are very effective methods the fight against hyperhidrosis, which means against red spots in the armpits. Such methods include laser destruction of sweat glands and Botox injections. It is important that this type of intervention is carried out only by qualified doctors. If everything is done correctly, then after a fairly short period of time the itching and redness will disappear.

You can fight this disease with folk remedies. For example, various decoctions and tinctures are very popular.

A decoction of nettle and sage. Excellent tool from red dots in the armpits. 1 spoon each of nettle and sage leaves should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. The product should sit for 2-3 hours. The prepared decoction should be taken orally once every 3 days. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Horsetail tincture. It's quite easy to prepare. 1 spoon of horsetail herb should be poured with 10 spoons of vodka and 5 spoons of alcohol. The resulting liquid must be infused for at least 2 weeks. After this, the tincture must be diluted with water to such a volume that the amount of liquid doubles. The resulting tincture should be lubricated on problem areas of the body several times a day.

Calming tincture. A tincture of motherwort, valerian and belladonna will help get rid of redness and itching in the armpits.

The mixture (a spoonful of each crushed ingredient) is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. The product should sit for about 2 weeks. The prepared tincture should be wiped over the armpits.

Allergic reaction and red spots

Often a person becomes allergic to any cosmetic products that he uses in everyday life.

When an allergic reaction develops in the armpit area, a large amount of histamines enter the bloodstream, which irritate the nerve endings and cause itching.

There is also a dilation of blood vessels in this part of the body, which leads to unpleasant redness and swelling.

Experts recommend using only hypoallergenic cosmetics that are suitable for sensitive skin types. If you are allergic to any product, it is better to get rid of it and replace it with creams and deodorants containing anti-allergenic components that eliminate irritation.

Few people know, but creams and lotions that contain components tea tree or aloe, enrich the skin with vitamin E and soothe the skin. If an allergic reaction occurs in the armpit area, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the main cause of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Improper care

The secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands mixes and forms a protective film on the skin of the armpits. If you do not carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, then this secretion will begin to accumulate in large quantities, which will lead to the formation of redness and irritation in the armpits.

You need to swim daily, and in summer 2 times a day. In the morning after a shower, apply antiperspirant to the dry skin of your armpits. In the evening, a special product should be applied to these areas of the body, which will regulate sweating at night. It is better to purchase this product at a pharmacy.

Irritation after shaving

During shaving, the upper layers of the epidermis are often damaged. As a result of such carelessness, microcracks appear on the skin, which quickly become clogged with dirt. This ultimately leads to itching, redness and an unpleasant burning sensation.

For shaving, you should use only a sharp blade, which will minimally injure the skin of your armpits. After this procedure, the skin must be treated with special emollients. Today in cosmetic stores you can see a large number of similar creams and lotions. You can also treat the armpit area with a simple baby cream. Immediately after shaving, you should wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics. Damaged skin after shaving can be treated with chamomile infusion. 1 spoon of chamomile flowers should be poured into 1 glass of boiling water and left to infuse in a dark place for 1 hour. After this, the liquid must be filtered and the armpits wiped with the prepared decoction. Soon there will be no trace of redness left.

Red spots and serious illnesses

Often, irritation and unpleasant symptoms in the armpit area are the cause of some serious illness.

  1. Psoriasis – this disease characterized by redness, thickening and itching in the armpits. Psoriasis should be treated by an experienced doctor.
  2. Candidiasis - accompanied by a rash, redness and itching. Most often from of this disease People who do not pay enough attention to their hygiene and lovers of public swimming pools and saunas suffer. If candidiasis in the armpits is not treated promptly, it can spread to other parts of the body.
  3. Diabetes mellitus – very often redness and severe itching armpits appear in people suffering from high blood sugar levels. In this case, rely on special hygiene products not worth it. Only an endocrinologist can help.

If, after long-term self-treatment, red spots in the armpit area do not go away, then this is a clear reason to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will quickly identify the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon and prescribe effective treatment.

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Antiperspirants, deodorants, essential oils, powders, powders, ointments - what kind of means has not been invented by man in the fight against sweating and bad smell armpits. We are all accustomed to this part of the procedure as mandatory and daily. But what if a new problem arises - skin irritation? Itching, redness, burning, inflammation - this is only a small part of the bouquet of symptoms that arise. Weight unpleasant moments the resulting sore bothers both men and women, and even children.

In this article we will take a closer look at where this problem comes from and how to solve it.

You will need:

What are the reasons for redness in the armpits?

The causes of irritation in the armpit are varied.


Heavy sweating

During stress, anxiety, and physical exertion, heavy sweating occurs. This is especially true for the armpit area in adults. Armpit sweat has a special composition. It contains fatty acids that give yellow. Everyone is familiar with hard-to-remove yellow stains on clothing.

The release of fluid in itself is not harmful, but fatty acids are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. A bad smell is the result of their vital activity.

Bacteria, multiplying, affect areas of the skin with cracks, pustules and rashes appear. With strong and frequent sweating, diaper rash occurs - a comfortable zone for the development of bacteria and a disease called candidiasis.

Shaving armpit hair

Under no circumstances should you use an old dull blade.

The blade should not be used more than 3 times, after which a new one is required. The machine must be for personal use only.

Borrowing such things is completely contraindicated. If you shave dry armpits and do not use emollient soap solution, and after the procedure you ignore the use of moisturizing creams, then irritation will certainly occur. Peeling and cracking of the skin leads to the surface becoming infected with fungus.

Candida lesion

A common occurrence when personal hygiene rules are not followed. The yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida is especially active in attacking the area in the armpits, groin in men and under the breasts in women. For men, the problem of skin irritation occurs when they ignore the hair removal procedure.

  • With heavy swaddling;
  • hot indoor air;
  • when wearing synthetic clothing;
  • with insufficient hygiene.

In infants, not only the armpit area suffers, but all areas where there are folds on the body. Areas with inflamed skin darken, itch, the skin peels off, ulcers and blisters appear, the child is irritated and worried.

Questions and answers

    What do you call diaper rash under the arms?

    Diaper rash in dermatology is called intertriginous dermatitis. The disease has 3 stages of manifestation. At the last stage, ulcers and erosion occur under the armpits, in which case you should consult a doctor. Minor redness and itching can be relieved at home.

    What causes ulcers in the armpit?

    Wounds in the armpit area can be the result of progressive fungus and other skin diseases, such as dermatitis, lichen, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and others. Some of the main causes of these diseases are:
    Poor nutrition;
    Weak immunity;
    Viral infections;
    Inflammation in the body;
    Excess weight;
    Thyroid diseases.

    What causes irritation under the armpit of a child?

    Irritation may be caused by poor nutrition. Allergenic foods should be excluded. The problem is caused by unsuitable cosmetic products. Unpleasant sensations in a child may occur due to high humidity or high temperature in the room.

    Why does my armpit hurt after shaving?

    The main cause of pain is damage to the upper layer of the epidermis with a razor or epilator. An old razor or dirty blade can cause an infection in the armpit area. The follicles turn red and pustules may appear, which cause pain. In order to remove redness and itching, you should adhere to hygiene rules when shaving (clean razor, sharp blade, use of special shaving products), and also moisturize the armpit area with cosmetics.

    How to shave your armpits without causing irritation?

    Shaving should be done with a clean razor. Before the process, you should prepare the skin. To begin, apply a hot towel to your armpits. Thus, the follicles will open and thereby make the shaving process easier, as the hairs will become softer. Then you should treat the shaving area with a moisturizing cream or gel. After shaving, you should also use soothing products: herbal decoction, baby cream.


Symptoms of irritation include the following signs that occur in the armpit area:

  • White and red pimples;
  • intertrigo;
  • red rash;
  • swelling;
  • redness.

What are the consequences of ignoring the problem?

Dermatitis is one of the manifestations of irritation on the skin in the armpit area. The armpit turns into one big red spot and hurts. Eczema resulting from dermatitis causes severe itching.

Uncontrolled scratching can cause ulcers and infection. The process of inflammation will begin.

There is a risk of fungus in the affected areas. The armpits hurt, their skin is peeling, there is a bad smell, you can see white coating, the surface has a gray-yellow color - these are manifestations of candidiasis, causing discomfort and irritability.

Treatment with medications

It is better to treat armpit skin irritation with medications under the supervision of a doctor. Different stages diseases require their own medical approach.

  1. Normal irritation can be relieved with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. A solution of several aspirin tablets relieves pain and redness.
  3. Vaseline softens the skin.
  4. For cracks and pimples, an ointment containing hormones is indicated.
  5. Products containing cortisone are used once or twice a week.
  6. Zinc ointment relieves irritation and normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands.
  7. Teymurov's Paste, known since Soviet times, will dry, reduce sweating and relieve irritation.
  8. For dermatitis, doctors recommend using baby creams containing aloe or calendula juice.

Areas affected by fungus must be treated with antifungal agents as prescribed by a doctor; sometimes antibiotics and antifungal drugs must be taken orally. The dermatologist will determine the severity and necessary stages of treatment. Self-medication can only worsen the skin condition.


  1. If red spots appear in your armpits after shaving, a decoction of chamomile, sage, mint or just regular black tea will easily relieve inflammation, soften and soothe the skin, and have an antiseptic effect.
  2. Washing with solution sea ​​salt dries the skin, creates an environment that is uncomfortable for bacteria to grow, and normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands.
  3. Drink herbal decoctions will calm down, reduce emotional outbursts that provoke sweating. Green tea, tea made from chamomile, mint, and lemon balm is healthy and effective.
  4. Excessive sweating appears - it is necessary to make lotions from a decoction of oak bark.

You can get rid of the problem using recognized folk remedies if you make it a rule to do the recommended procedures once or twice a week.


Simply applying deodorant will not get rid of sweat and irritation. It will only help A complex approach. To avoid problems in the armpits, you need to follow certain steps:

  1. Reduce sweating by using various means hygiene.
  2. Take a shower regularly, at least once a day.
  3. Indispensable removal of hair from armpits using emollients and disinfectants.
  4. Avoid wearing synthetic or very tight clothing. The armpit needs to “breathe”, and synthetics do not allow oxygen to pass through.
  5. Regularly wipe your armpits with slices of lemon, orange and other citrus fruits.
  6. Apply lotions with vinegar solution.
  7. Rinsing with herbal decoctions.
  8. Rub essential oils into the skin from time to time.
  9. Exclusion from the diet of foods that cause sweating.

Everyone knows that deodorant simply masks the odor, and it is necessary to reduce sweating with antiperspirants.

It is better to block the armpit area with these products in the evening, after taking a shower, when the skin is clean, dry and the pores are open. The applied product is better absorbed into the skin and, over the next day, has its beneficial effect.

In the morning you need to apply another layer of product. Before an expected exciting event, after applying an antiperspirant, it would not hurt to apply a layer of talcum powder or baby powder. To avoid problems, a small child should rinse well after taking a bath with a decoction of string, sage or chamomile. After treatment with mild disinfectants, lubricate the skin with Baby cream, known for its positive action. Wear loose clothing made from breathable materials. The child must be kept in a well-ventilated area, with normal temperature and sufficient humidity. People suffering from hyperhidrosis need to carefully monitor their diet. You will have to exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • Garlic;
  • chili pepper;
  • hot coffee.

It is better to drink coffee chilled, if it is not possible, it is advisable that the drink be decaffeinated.

Hygiene rules

Personal hygiene is a prerequisite for maintaining one’s health and beauty. Taking an evening and morning shower with careful treatment of the armpit area is pleasant and useful procedure, guaranteeing freshness and freedom from bacteria.

Shaving your armpits will eliminate excess sweating. This procedure should also be taken as a rule, but there should be a careful approach to it. It is better to shave after taking a bath or shower, when the hairs and skin are more elastic. A mandatory requirement is the use of special shaving foam.

To avoid irritation, it is necessary to apply softening gels. If cuts and scratches appear, treating with a solution of hydrogen peroxide will not hurt.

After water procedures and shaving are necessary actions to reduce sweating.

Frequently asked questions and answers

    Irritation around the armpits, causes?

    Common causes of irritation in the armpit area:
    excessive sweating after physical activity, or with anxiety and stress. Fatty acid contained in sweat serve as a good environment for the development of bacteria, therefore, when profuse sweating diaper rash and redness appear on the skin under the armpits;

    Deodorants containing aluminum elements, which lead to skin irritation. Frequently using antiperspirant can cause allergies. In this case, you should change the cosmetic product;

    The razor also leads to irritation, since shaving removes the top layer of the epidermis;

    A fungus that occurs mainly due to weakening of the body as a whole. The disease can be caused by stress, poor diet, unhealthy habits, long-term medication, etc.

    Redness of the armpits, what are the causes?

    Red spots in the armpits may appear due to poor hygiene. Insufficient cleansing of the epidermis from sweat leads to the proliferation of microorganisms, which can cause unpleasant odors and infections. Redness can also be caused by the use of deodorants and antiperspirants, which block the activity of the sweat glands. Inappropriate gels, masks, creams, soaps can cause redness. Tight underwear and clothing damage the top layer of skin and cause micro-scratches, causing the armpit area to turn red.

    Redness under the armpits in men without itching, what is the reason?

    Redness in the armpits in men may appear due to dysfunction of the sweat glands, improper cosmetic product(deodorant, shaving gel) or skin disease. Most often, redness without itching causes bacterial infection epidermis erythrasma. The disease begins with the appearance pink spots in the armpit or groin area. Sometimes the areas of the navel, chest and the area between the fingers also become infected. The spots grow and merge, without causing any unpleasant burning sensation. The disease is contagious and can be transmitted through sharing a towel, bathtub, bed linen and during sexual intercourse.

    How to get rid of irritation after shaving your armpits?

    It is best to shave in the evening with a clean and sharp razor, because in this case you can avoid using deodorant, which clogs the skin pores and leads to irritation. After shaving, wipe your armpits alcohol solution or lemon juice diluted in water. Then powder with baby powder or use baby cream.
    Irritation after shaving can be relieved with a decoction of chamomile, mint, sage, and oak bark. Green and black tea will effectively remove inflammation and redness. Aftershave lotions help soothe the skin in the underarm area. Avoiding synthetic clothing and tight underwear will help reduce irritation. To prevent this, wash your armpits daily with a mild cleanser.

    Skin irritation from sweat, what to do?

    To get rid of the disease, you should follow hygiene rules, and then prickly heat will disappear on its own in a few days. If missed, cracks and wounds may appear. The rash can be cleared by using baby powder, cream, or special medications in the form of ointments (Sudocrem or Bepanten).

    What causes the skin of the armpits to peel?

    The skin under the arms may begin to peel as a result of the body's allergic reactions to an unsuitable cosmetic product. To eliminate the problem, you should use anti-allergenic deodorants and moisturizers. Eczema can also cause flaking and scratching in the area under the arms. Along with the falling off of dead skin cells comes an unpleasant sensation, itching and pain. Treatment of the disease is prescribed by the doctor by taking corticosteroids and other biological agents.

    My armpits hurt from deodorant, what should I do?

    Using the wrong antiperspirant, deodorant, or other cosmetic product can cause armpit pain. The pain may be accompanied by a rash, itching or redness. Lotions from herbal decoctions, the use of baby cream or other moisturizers will help remove the problem.
    It could also be a reaction to shaving. If such a problem arises, doctors recommend changing the hygiene product, or completely eliminating the use of cosmetics.

    Redness under the arms and in the groin, why?

    Redness in the armpits and groin can be caused by a fungus. Mycosis is a common disease in children and men. The main reasons for the development of fungus are:
    weakened body;
    excessive sweating;
    metabolic disorder;
    excess weight.

    What are the types of armpit sores?

    The most common diseases:
    Allergy to unsuitable cosmetics.
    Mycosis is a fungal disease. It is characterized by a light white coating on the armpit hair.
    Inflammation of the hair follicle appears after damage due to shaving or injury. The hairline area may fester.
    Incorrect operation internal organs: mastopathy (pathology of the mammary glands in women), heart disease, neuralgia or neuroses, osteochondrosis in the neck or chest, tumors.

    Why do armpits and groin itch?



To avoid irritation of the armpit area and subsequent complications, it is necessary to carefully select cosmetics. Constant body hygiene and care for delicate skin will greatly reduce the risk of problems.

No 1

Underarm irritation is a problem that many people face. It can appear in women and men, in children and adults. Why this happens and what to do, read the article.

The causes of irritation in the armpit can be classified into two groups:

  • violation of hygiene;
  • serious diseases (not only skin diseases).
  • Hygienic reasons

    Most common cause the occurrence of irritation in the armpits is poor hygiene. First of all, this happens because a person sweats a lot (hyperhidrosis), and air does not flow to the armpits, which happens when wearing synthetic fabrics, especially if the clothes are too tight and tight-fitting. Epidermal cells “suffocate”, sweat creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to irritation, and itchy armpits. Hyperhidrosis most often causes the problem in men, as they tend to sweat more.

    The problem can arise from skin care products, especially if deodorant is used incorrectly. First of all, an allergy to deodorant may appear, since it contains substances such as aluminum, quartz, etc. Irritation may occur if the skin in the armpit is not allowed to dry well before applying antiperspirant, since the water cannot evaporate, which will cause diaper rash.

    An equally rare cause is washing powder, particles of which may not be rinsed out of clothes and, upon contact with the skin, irritate the armpits.

    Shaving often causes the problem. If the procedure is carried out carelessly, the epidermis can be damaged. These lesions become irritated. When removing hair using waxing (or other similar methods), ingrown hairs may appear, which cause irritation under the arms. Redness under the arms is more common in women than in men, which is associated with more frequent trauma to the skin during hair removal.

    Increases the likelihood of irritation sensitive skin. This is why diaper rash and irritation often appear in a child. Children's skin becomes sensitive from heat or rubbing, so they need care. For a child, you need to select special means, since adults are aggressive for him.

    Diseases whose symptom is itching

    Itching in the armpits can occur not only for hygienic reasons, sometimes it is a symptom of serious diseases, including:

  • candidiasis - a rash appears, itches in the armpits, the skin turns red, if left untreated, the sore grows and the disease spreads throughout the body;
  • psoriasis - itching and thickening appear in the armpits;
  • diabetes;
  • hidradenitis - a bluish seal appears that is very itchy;
  • furunculosis - boils (huge pimples) grow in the armpit;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • autointoxication.
  • Symptoms and signs

    The symptoms of the disease depend on the provoking factor. Mycoses and candidiasis are characterized by pale rashes, redness and a powdery coating. An unpleasant odor appears. Over time, the rash grows into bubbles, and when they rupture, erosions appear. The patient complains of pain and burning.

    With dermatitis, scales of dying cells appear in the armpits, and the skin in the damaged areas is very itchy. Irritation from sweat is characterized by swelling, a persistent odor of sweat gland secretions, redness and burning. Allergy to deodorant worsens after application of the product. The burning begins.

    Features of treatment

    Before treating a problem, you need to decide what caused it, since therapy depends on the provocateur. If the disease is caused by the use of cosmetic products (for example, an allergy to deodorant), then first of all, they need to be removed and replaced with more suitable ones. You also need to maintain personal hygiene and shower daily. To do this, use hypoallergenic products that do not dry out the skin.

    Irritation under the arms from sweat can be treated with a salt solution (10 g of salt per 1000 ml of water). Severe irritation will help cure Vaseline, cortisone ointments or products that contain zinc oxide ( zinc ointment). If there is hair in the area under the arms, fatty products It is forbidden to apply it, as the follicles may become clogged, which will make it even worse.

    When the cause of the disease became fungal infection, the doctor prescribes ointments for fungi local application, for example, “Clotrimazole”, “Lamisil”, etc. If the disease cannot be treated, the patient needs to take antibacterial agents internally (“Nystatin”).

    A patient with complicated dermatitis is recommended to use a combined hormonal ointment (Pimafukot, Sinaflan). Such medications contain not only corticosteroids, but also antibacterial and antifungal action, which helps to quickly get rid of the problem.

    In case of fungal or bacteriological infection, it is imperative to see a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe laboratory test, which will identify the pathogen. After this, the patient may be prescribed the following remedies for irritations:

  • remedies for fungus, local or internal use;
  • antihistamines (“Suprastin”);
  • sedatives (“Sedavit”, valerian infusion).
  • If the problem occurs in a patient with diabetes, conventional therapy will be ineffective. The patient needs to consult an endocrinologist who will select the appropriate therapy. The patient is often advised to give up carbohydrates and take complex vitamins during treatment. Self-medication in this case is dangerous, as it can worsen the condition.

    For folliculitis (a complication caused by staphylococcus), treatment begins with applying brilliant green to the affected area. Before this, the skin is wiped with alcohol. In severe cases, antibiotics or antimycotics cannot be avoided. Your doctor may recommend UVB therapy. Shaving is prohibited during treatment; hair can be cut.

    If you suspect dermatitis, which develops as a reaction to an allergen, you need to remove all possible provocateurs and wipe the irritation with an alcohol solution boric acid, if excessive dryness occurs, baby cream is recommended.

    For irritation in the armpits, you can use the following products: traditional medicine. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the choice of prescription depends on the cause of the disease.

    If you sweat excessively, you can wipe your skin with chamomile infusion. To do this, 15 g of dry plant needs to be steamed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand for a third of an hour. After this, the solution must be filtered. Add 2 tsp there. apple cider vinegar. The infusion is applied to gauze and the desired areas are wiped up to 4 times a day.

    If severe irritation occurs as a reaction to an antiperspirant, you can use St. John's wort infusion. It will help relieve redness. To prepare it, you need to steam 10 g of dry plant with a glass of boiling water. The infusion should stand for a quarter of an hour. It is recommended to apply lotions to the damaged area three times a day.

    A decoction of oak bark will help get rid of sweating. This product has an astringent effect and normalizes sweat production. It is recommended to wipe the armpit area with water and sea salt to relieve irritation.

    In order not to face the problem of irritation, you need to remember why it can happen. This will help prevent unpleasant itching and discomfort. Preventive recommendations are as follows:

  • do not wear clothes that fit closely to the skin;
  • don't wear synthetic fabrics, give preference to natural clothes;
  • It is necessary to wash twice a day, as pathogenic bacteria develop in sweat;
  • when removing unwanted hair, you must act in accordance with the recommendations for the procedure (moisturize the skin and use special shaving products, completely dry the skin before waxing, etc.);
  • do not apply deodorant immediately after shaving;
  • Before applying antiperspirant after a shower, you need to let your skin dry completely;
  • in case of skin injuries, you need to treat the damage with an antiseptic;
  • It is better to trim long hair before shaving.
  • What are the causes of irritation under the arms?

    To prevent skin irritation in the armpits, you need to know the causes of the pathology and methods of treatment.

    Signs of armpit irritation depend on the factor that provokes it. If skin problems begin from a fungal infection, the disease can be recognized by pale rashes, redness and powdery plaque. Over time, an unpleasant odor appears and the rash turns into blisters with clear liquid. Bursting, the bubbles expose an eroded surface. All these symptoms are accompanied by pain and burning.

    Severe sweating can be treated.

    Irritation under the arms caused by dermatitis is characterized by the formation of scales of dying epithelium and severe itching of damaged areas of the skin.

    Often pathological condition occurs from profuse sweating. In this case, it is characterized by a pungent odor, swelling, redness of the skin, itching and burning. If a person is allergic to deodorants, then after using the product the irritation increases.

    The main causes of irritation in the armpit area:

  • chemicals used to wash clothes, as well as deodorants, antiperspirants and other hygiene products;
  • clothing made of synthetic materials;
  • neglect of personal hygiene;
  • inaccurate shaving, leaving wounds and cuts on the skin;
  • various diseases, including mycoses, dermatitis, hyperhidrosis and others.
  • In infants, abrasions in the armpit area can be caused by tight-fitting clothing or due to food allergies.

    How to get rid of irritation

    To outsiders, irritation under the arms is not immediately noticeable. However, constant itching and the need to control your hands reaching to the disturbing place will lead anyone to nervous breakdown. Therefore, having discovered a problem, you must first pay attention to hygiene and begin treatment of the disease.

    After shaving

    Everyone knows that when starting to remove armpit hair with a razor, you must adhere to the following rules: wash and steam the skin well, use only a sharp and disinfected blade, treat the skin with a disinfectant solution after shaving.

    But it happens that after following all the recommendations, redness and itching appear in the armpits. An ointment with hydrocortisone, Vaseline or a solution of chloramphenicol will help get rid of them. Among folk remedies, a decoction of chamomile or calendula, mint and sage, and lemon juice will have an effective effect on irritated skin.

    If irritation does not go away after using these products, you should consult a doctor.

    From deodorant

    In the case where irritation under the arms occurs as a result of an allergy to a deodorant, you should stop using this drug and replace it with a hypoallergenic one.

    A decoction of chamomile flowers or a solution of sea salt will help reduce inflammation. To prepare chamomile medicine, you need 1 tbsp. l. Brew the inflorescences in one glass of water, let it sit, strain and add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. Treat problem areas with the solution three times a day.

    You can get rid of irritation using a cream with rosemary, tea tree or aloe extract, as well as an ointment with zinc.

    The child has

    Children suffer the most from skin problems. Their irritation may be the result of allergic reactions to foods, insufficient hygiene, or incorrect selection of cosmetics.

    To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, first of all you need to analyze the child’s diet and find out whether the irritation is associated with allergies to foods. If this is not the case, treatment should be carried out using traditional medicine. Problem areas are wiped with infusion of sage, chamomile, and oak bark.

    You can get rid of irritation under the arms using traditional medicine. Here are some simple but effective recipes.

  • Tea spoon table salt dissolve in a glass of water, wipe clean, dry armpits with the resulting solution 2 times a day.
  • A decoction of oak bark is perfect for reducing sweating and irritation in the armpit area. To prepare the product you need 1 tbsp. l. bark brew 1 tbsp. water and leave for 2 hours. Wipe problem areas 2 times a day.
  • St. John's wort will help restore the skin after irritation from deodorant. St. John's wort herb 2 tbsp. l. brew 1 tbsp. water and leave for 20 minutes. Used as lotions.
  • If itching and redness occur, inflamed armpits can be treated with heated sunflower oil.
  • A tobacco compress is considered an effective remedy for skin irritation. To prepare a compress, wrap a pinch of tobacco in gauze and moisten it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Apply for the whole night.
  • Treatment

    When starting to treat your armpits, you should find out the cause of the irritation. If the patient is allergic to sweat, the dermatologist will prescribe antihistamines, for example, Loratodine, Suprastin, Erius.

    The cause of the disease may be a fungus. In this case, ointments against fungal infection Clotrimazole, Lamisil or antibacterial drugs for internal use, for example, Nystatin.

    Dermatitis can be cured with the help of hormonal ointment Pimafukot or Sinaflan. At fungal disease The patient must be observed by a dermatologist. In progress laboratory examination The causative agent of the disease will be identified, and only after that treatment will be prescribed.

    If irritation occurs due to increased sweating, the patient will be offered Botox or Dysport injections, iontophoresis or laser liposuction.

    Did you know that this cheap remedy can save you from hyperhidrosis?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against increased sweating is not yet on your side. Have you already thought about extreme measures? This is understandable, because experiencing constant discomfort and awkwardness becomes unbearable. Wet palms, armpits, back, legs. All this is familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Larina, how she got rid of hyperhidrosis once and for all. Read the article>>

    The axillary zone has the appearance of a pit and is supplied with a huge number of nerve endings. The reasons for the appearance of redness in this area are divided into two types: due to illness and not associated with illnesses. A dermatologist will help you find out the cause and tell you how to remove it. To diseases that cause irritation under the arms skin, relate:

  • psoriasis;
  • hidradenitis
  • There are quite a lot of factors that can provoke itching and irritation of the skin of the armpits in men and women, but are not associated with diseases. Among them:

  • Poor adherence to personal hygiene rules. Pathogenic flora develops with rare use of hygiene products.
  • Wearing underwear made of low-quality materials. It is difficult for skin cells to access oxygen, which causes itchy armpits.
  • Shaving the armpits is not advisable until the purulent formations go away. Scissors are used to remove hairs.

    Drug treatment

    If irritation from sweat under the arms is a consequence of another disease, use medicinal substances. Only a doctor can write a prescription for them; it is not advisable to treat the disease yourself. Such diseases manifest themselves in both children and adults. Pharmaceutical options used for various diseases are listed in the table:

    How to get rid of irritation under the arms: drug therapy and folk remedies

    Often, under the influence of various factors, irritation of the skin under the arms occurs. It brings a lot of inconvenience, often accompanied by itching and sometimes unpleasant painful sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of this problem. To do this effectively, it is important to eliminate the cause. If possible, factors that provoke irritation should be avoided.


    The most common reason that can cause irritation is improper armpit hygiene. In the absence of air and profusely sweating skin (hyperhidrosis), pathogenic bacteria intensively develop, which leads to this problem.

    When wearing clothes made of synthetic fibers, it is difficult for oxygen to reach skin cells, which begin to have difficulty “breathing.” This also happens when wearing tight clothes. The skin becomes irritated, itching and rashes appear.

    Cosmetics and hygiene products (deodorants, antiperspirants), the purpose of which is to make personal care easier for a person, very often contain ingredients that cause irritation or even allergies: quartz, propylene glycol, aluminum and others. A provoking factor for a skin reaction can be washing powders, particles of which can remain on clothing after washing and cause redness and itching upon contact with the skin.

    Underarm irritation can occur after shaving. The epidermis is damaged under the influence of a razor. Microscopic wounds form, which act as foci of irritation under the arms.

    But sometimes such a skin reaction in the armpit can be caused by certain diseases: diabetes, folliculitis. pyoderma. dermatitis.

    Irritation can manifest itself in different ways depending on the reasons that caused it. When affected by a fungus (mycosis, candidiasis), pale rashes or redness and a powdery coating appear on the skin. Fungal infections are characterized by a specific unpleasant odor. Bubbles form in the armpits, which burst, increasing the erosive area. The patient feels itching, burning, pain. Shaving hair during this period becomes a painful procedure. (Find out everything about fungal skin infections. It’s written about fungus on the toenails here. About athlete’s foot in this article. About foot fungus here. About fungus on the hands on this page).

    Against the background of a fungal infection, an infectious inflammatory process of the follicle can occur - candidal folliculitis.

    If a person has dermatitis, then the armpits are covered with dying skin cells of a gray-yellow color. In this case, the affected area is very flaky and itchy. Often contact dermatitis occurs after applying deodorants or aftershave.

    With hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), increased activity of the sweat glands causes swelling and hyperemia. itching and foul-smelling sweat.

    How to cure acne on the head. Find out everything right now!

    This page tells you everything about treating urticaria in adults at home.

    Hidradenitis can also occur under the arms. Find out everything about this disease at this address.

    How to treat irritation under the arms? To eliminate the problem, you first need to investigate the cause of the occurrence. If it is associated with the use of specific cosmetics, they must be eliminated and replaced with better ones that are suitable for sensitive skin.

    The first step to recovery is to practice daily hygiene. You need to wash your armpits with products that do not cause allergic reactions and are suitable for a certain skin type. If the skin sweats more during the summer, a saline solution (2 spoons per 1 liter of water) is suitable for washing.

    To treat severe irritation under the arms:

  • Petrolatum;
  • Ointments containing cortisone (Dermatop, Fluvet, Ultralan);
  • Preparations based on zinc oxide (Zinc ointment, Desitin, Diaderm, Tsindol).
  • Very frequent application of oily products to the affected areas with hair can cause clogging of the follicles, and this will further aggravate the situation.

    In mild cases of fungal skin infections, the use of local remedies is sufficient:

  • Lamisil;
  • Mycoseptin;
  • Lamicon;
  • Clotrimazole.
  • For more severe forms, treatment is required antifungal antibiotics inside:

  • Amphotericin B;
  • Nystatin;
  • Levorin.
  • For complex shapes for dermatitis, combined hormonal ointments are used:

  • Lorinden;
  • Sinalar;
  • Akriderm;
  • Sinaflan;
  • Pimafukort.
  • In addition to corticosteroids, they may contain antifungal and antibacterial components. If the irritation is caused by fungi or bacteria, it should be treated under the supervision of a dermatologist.


  • Novo-Passit;
  • Phytosed;
  • Sedavit;
  • Valerian tincture.
  • Antihistamines:

    To reduce sweating, Botox injections are often used, as well as laser liposuction in the axillary area.

    High blood sugar levels can cause irritation. That's why local remedies will be ineffective. When a blood test confirms high sugar It is necessary to be examined by an endocrinologist so that he can prescribe appropriate treatment.

    For irritation in the armpits, a low-carbohydrate diet and taking a complex of multivitamins and immunostimulants are recommended.

    Folk remedies and recipes

    If discomfort in the armpit area are associated with sweating, you can get rid of them with chamomile infusion. Pour 1 spoon of herb with a glass of boiling water. Let stand for 20 minutes, strain. Pour 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into the product. Wash irritated areas 3-4 times a day.

    For irritation from deodorant, an infusion of St. John's wort will be effective. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over 2 teaspoons of the plant. Let stand for 15 minutes. Wipe with strained broth problem areas 3 times a day.

    IN hot weather a decoction of oak bark will be a remedy that controls the secretion of sweat. It has an astringent effect and normalizes the functioning of the sweat glands.

    You can wash the axillary area with a solution of sea salt (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water). Before use, strain through several layers of gauze.

    Here you can find out the mask recipe with activated carbon from blackheads.

    How to treat dry callus on the toe? This page has the answer!

    In order not to experience itching and discomfort under the arms, you need to protect yourself in advance by following the basic rules:

  • Wear loose clothing that does not fit tightly to the skin. If you are prone to sweating and allergies, choose natural fabrics in clothing (cotton, linen, silk).
  • Sweat is fertile ground for the growth of pathogens. Therefore, the armpits should undergo cleansing procedures 1-2 times a day.
  • Using a dull razor or not moisturizing your skin before shaving can cause irritation.
  • After the procedure of shaving hair in the armpit, the skin must be moisturized, and if damaged, immediately treated with salicylic alcohol or another antiseptic.
  • It is not recommended to use antiperspirants immediately after shaving.
  • To minimize skin damage, it is better to give preference to waxing or chemical hair removal (if there is no allergy).
  • Irritation of the skin under the arms can have a different nature. You can fix this problem at home. But do this only if the cause of this phenomenon is precisely known.

    Self-medication can only be done after consulting a dermatologist. If the drugs are chosen incorrectly, or the course of treatment is not completed to the end, drug resistance may develop and undesirable side effects may occur. side effects, which will lead to a longer healing process.

    Armpits are itchy, red, covered in a rash - what is the reason and what to do

    Redness of the skin, which is often accompanied by itching, causes discomfort and anxiety. In addition to the fact that such manifestations are not aesthetic, they may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body. This also applies to cases where it itches under the armpit. Both women and men can face this problem. Children often encounter it.

    A natural question arises about what to do if your armpits itch, which is not surprising. Itching in this area prevents you from leading a normal lifestyle, communicating freely with people, including members of the opposite sex, playing sports, wearing your favorite clothes, performing daily body care, etc.

    Causes of itching

    They may be associated with poor hygiene or the presence of diseases in the body.

    When considering the issue of hygiene, the following provoking factors can be identified:

  • Excessive sweating combined with infrequent showering or bathing. Depending on the functioning of the body, for some people the standard shower twice a day is not enough. In some cases, enhanced care measures are required;
  • Use of antiperspirants. When choosing products to keep your armpits clean, we don’t always pay attention to which category they belong to. In commercials they promise us that antiperspirant can reliably protect us from the appearance of unpleasant odors within a day, and sometimes two. But manufacturers do not want to emphasize the fact that these products cause blockage of pores and glands. It is this factor that often causes armpit irritation, rash, itching, and redness. Antiperspirant should not be confused with deodorant. The latter only allows you to give the body pleasant aroma. However, if the skin is very sensitive, ordinary deodorant can also cause unpleasant symptoms;
  • Depilation. Women and many modern men prefer to get rid of hair under their arms. If done incorrectly, the result can be itching and skin irritation. After the procedure, you must use emollients - cream, lotion. The best option– baby cream. Depilation must be done in a timely manner - growing hair is hard in structure and can therefore cause itching;
  • Shower and bath products, cosmetics. The reason why a rash under the arm itches and appears may also be due to the products used for hygiene and body care. They may not be suitable for the skin in composition, causing allergies;
  • Underwear, clothes. Elements that are too tight can also provoke an unpleasant phenomenon. The composition of clothing is also important - synthetics do not allow the skin to “breathe”, which causes unpleasant symptoms.
  • Diseases

    If a spot or rash appears on the skin under your armpit, it may be a disease. Such manifestations occur in people suffering from tuberculosis, diabetes, diseases endocrine system, obesity, hormonal imbalance.

    If speak about hormonal imbalance, then it can be caused by pregnancy, puberty, which occurs during adolescence, menopause.

    In some cases, rash and itching may be manifestations of an allergy to certain foods.

    Often unpleasant phenomena are associated with dermatological diseases:

  • Scabies. This dermatological disease is associated with the appearance of a small rash between the toes and hands, in the abdomen. You can confirm or exclude its presence by visual inspection of these parts of the body;
  • Hidradenitis. An edematous seal forms, causing itching under the armpit, it has a bluish color, but why does the disease affect a person? Calls her Staphylococcus aureus, affecting the sweat glands. It is difficult for the whole body, manifesting itself with symptoms such as elevated temperature, general malaise, local inflammation. Having matured, which occurs approximately 10 days after the onset of the disease, the abscess spontaneously opens. The patient becomes much better, but the disease may return after some time;
  • Psoriasis. Noticing a red spot under the armpits, suspicious person may suspect psoriasis. Plaques covering areas of the body are heterogeneous in color and structure. In the affected areas, skin thickening, peeling, and itching are observed;
  • Fungus (candidiasis). The disease is accompanied by redness, rash, and itching. It can strike with improper or insufficient hygiene. In addition, you can become infected by visiting establishments such as a swimming pool, bathhouse, or sauna. If the disease is not treated promptly, it may spread to other areas of the skin;
  • Furunculosis. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of a boil under the arm (sometimes more than one), which itches and differs from the rash in the larger size of the formation. The disease differs from hidradenitis in the presence of a rod at the boil. At proper treatment the plaque is opened, the patient's condition improves.
  • Rash, itching, redness under the armpit in children

    Children experience such manifestations most difficult. They can be caused by food allergies, insufficient hygiene measures, or improper selection of hygiene products.

    These symptoms in a child can also appear due to diaper rash, which is also called “prickly heat.”

    How to rid a child of rashes, redness, itching?

    Analyze the child’s diet; perhaps the phenomenon is caused by some food products. Please pay Special attention for food that the child recently ate for the first time. See if excluding this product from your baby’s menu will give results, or if the causes of the unpleasant phenomenon should be looked for elsewhere than in the diet.

    Traditional medicine recipes are often used for treatment. The affected areas of the skin are washed with decoctions and infusions of sage, chamomile, mint, and oak bark. Children's cream is also used to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

    When a child develops redness in the armpit area, the skin itches, and folk remedies do not bring results, do not delay in seeing a doctor.

    To prevent rashes, itching, and redness in children, make sure that when bathing, all the skin and folds of the toddler are thoroughly washed. In addition, carefully wash off hygiene products from it.

    Diaper rash in babies often occurs due to high humidity and too high a temperature in the room where they are. That is why pediatricians strongly recommend ensuring that these indicators are normal.

    Try to dress your child in clothes made from natural fabrics.

    Prevention and treatment for adults

    Try not to scratch the affected areas of the skin - this can only worsen your condition. You can use folk remedies, just like for treating children. In addition, adults can use vinegar compresses, lotions made from lemon juice.

    These treatment options are not appropriate in all cases. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if the illness is accompanied by swelling, painful sensations, general malaise, fever.

    Pay attention to the hygiene products and cosmetics you use. Perhaps the fact that you have a red spot under your arm or a rash that itches is caused by them.

    Try to wear clothes that do not restrict movement and allow your skin to “breathe.” Avoid synthetics and choose underwear and clothing made from cotton.

    Review your diet and make sure that the rash, itching, and redness are not an allergic reaction to foods.

    Don't use antiperspirants, at least not systematically. Choose a deodorant that will not clog your skin pores.

    If these methods are not effective, consult a specialist. It may well be that solving your problem requires an individual approach, special treatment. Symptoms such as itching, redness, and rash are not always harmless, so be attentive to your condition.

    There are interesting statistics according to which almost 30% of men periodically sniff their armpits. Most likely, women do this much more often due to their great desire to smell good always and everywhere.

    Smell isn't the only thing you need to pay attention to regarding this part of the body. Red spots under the arms are a symptom that can indicate health problems, so ignoring it does not lead to anything good.

    Symptoms appear - we are looking for reasons

    When spots appear in muscle hollows, regardless of color and size, people often complain about the accompanying unpleasant sensations:

    • rash;
    • swelling;
    • microcracks;
    • itching and peeling;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
    • complete absence of sweat;
    • symptoms of body intoxication;
    • formation of dropsy, burning sensation.

    The nerve receptors of the sweat glands of the armpits quickly respond to mechanical stimuli; the armpits respond quite violently to sudden changes in air temperature and negative impacts chemical substances.

    The main causes of underarm spots in adults fall into two main categories:

    • factors associated with diseases;
    • reasons caused by lack of hygiene and other irritants.

    Hygiene, cosmetics, clothing

    After shaving



    If red or other spots and dots appear under the arms, the reasons may not be related to internal state body:

    • lack of cleansing of the skin, improper adherence to hygiene rules;
    • constant use of low-quality or inappropriate deodorant;
    • very tight underwear and clothing, synthetic material.


    In addition to external mechanical irritants, there are diseases that affect the skin. Some of them can manifest themselves not only as a significant change in skin color, but also as a violation of the integrity of the epidermis, the formation of cracks, ulcers and other rashes.


    Extensive inflammation hair follicles. This pathology can also affect neighboring areas of the epidermis. Manifested by swelling and pain. Sometimes small purulent blisters appear; they can grow together, forming weeping eczema.


    Dry inflammatory foci are formed, causing a lot of discomfort; the spots are insignificant. Over time, peeling appears due to loss of large quantity moisture may cause small cracks. This leads to bacterial infection of the inner layers of the skin.

    Contact dermatitis

    Often appears as a result of exposure to various chemicals. Together with changes in the skin, drops of water with cloudy contents form; due to constant friction on the hands, they quickly burst, which causes unpleasant sensations of pain and itching. If treatment is not started, the resulting weeping spots will lead to the development of ulcers.


    It is characterized by the development of spots under both armpits or on one side that itch. Sometimes accompanied by peeling. Allergic reaction may also manifest itself with other signs associated with other parts of the body. Other medications, foods and other irritants also occur.


    It can affect the entire surface of the skin and is often observed in the armpits. Characteristic – itching, formation of dense pink spots, focal development.

    In children

    The formation of spots in a child can be caused by the above factors, but there are several main reasons.

    Infectious diseases

    Chicken pox

    It is characterized by the appearance of small bubbles with transparent or cloudy contents. The first few days there is a high body temperature, severe itching and weakness. A chickenpox rash can develop not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes. A couple of days after dropsy appears, they begin to crack, which leads to unbearable itching.


    Often occurs on food products, especially in infancy. When transferring your baby to regular food, you need to be very careful. But it exists.

    Prickly heat

    Skin irritation that develops due to excessive sweating and slow evaporation of sweat. It appears as small pink rashes with swelling, resulting in red armpits and other parts of the body. Such a rash can bring a lot of discomfort to the child.

    We heal - we don’t cripple

    It is necessary to visit a doctor's office when, along with redness of the skin, itching, inflammatory processes, severe swelling, rash formation. In such cases, we can talk about diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems. Do not put off visiting a specialist for too long.

    Before starting treatment for spots in the armpits, it is necessary to diagnose the exact cause of their development. If this phenomenon is caused by the use of a cosmetic product, you should stop using it and buy another, better one.

    The first step on the path to a quick recovery is regular compliance with all the rules of personal hygiene.

    If you have allergies, your armpits can in some cases be washed with a hypoallergenic solution based on regular table salt (1 tablespoon per half liter of water).


    For therapy severe redness good fit:

    • regular pharmacy Vaseline;
    • ointments based on cortisone (Ultralan, Dermatop);
    • medicines with zinc (Tsindol, Diaderm).

    Frequent use of oily creams can lead to clogging of the follicles, resulting in inflammation and redness.

    In milder forms of fungal diseases, topical agents can be used:

    • Lamicon;
    • Mycoseptin;
    • Clotrimazole.

    In more severe cases, oral antibacterial agents are required:

    • Levorin;
    • Nystatin;
    • Amphotericin.

    For treatment contact dermatitis combination hormonal drugs are used:

    • Lorinden;
    • Sinaflan.

    If a sudden change in skin color is caused by fungal or bacterial diseases, such pathologies must be treated under the strict supervision of doctors using antifungal and antibacterial sedatives:

    • Phytosed;
    • Sedavit;
    • Novo-Passit.

    Folk recipes

    Traditional methods, like medications, are best used after consultation with a doctor. Several recipes:

    1. To prepare it you need to take one spoon of field chamomile and one glass of boiling water. Mix these components and leave for about twenty minutes, then strain, add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the resulting mixture and apply a thin layer to the affected areas.
    2. Used to suppress allergic spots. You need to take two ordinary spoons of St. John's wort and pour about two hundred milliliters of boiling water, leave to infuse for twenty minutes, strain. Use the resulting raster to wipe the affected surface of the armpits.
    3. It would be a good idea to wash your armpits with a solution based on sea salt: two tablespoons per two liters of water. Be sure to strain through cheesecloth before use.

    Preventing the problem

    Aggressive external and internal stimuli can greatly affect appearance axillary area of ​​the body. To prevent irritation, you must follow basic rules personal hygiene.

    Heavy sweating is considered main reason the appearance of various spots in this area of ​​the body. Even after moderate physical training, you need to take a shower, trying to treat the areas increased sweating gommage.

    Sunbathing is recommended only with the use of special creams designed to protect the skin from the sun.

    You cannot use someone else’s or give yours to another person, even a loved one. This rule also applies to razors. It is generally not recommended to use them for shaving, as they seriously damage delicate skin. You need to choose a more gentle way to remove unwanted hair.

    To prevent complications from existing spots, you need to see a doctor who will explain why they occur and how to treat them.

    Underarm irritation is a problem that many people face. It can appear in women and men, in children and adults. Dermatocosmetologists tell us why this happens and what to do.


    The causes of irritation in the armpit are usually classified into two groups:

    • violation of hygiene;
    • serious diseases (not only skin diseases).

    Hygienic reasons

    The most common cause of irritation in the armpits is poor hygiene. First of all, this happens because a person sweats a lot (hyperhidrosis), and air does not flow to the armpits, which happens when wearing synthetic fabrics, especially if the clothes are too tight and tight-fitting. Epidermal cells “suffocate”, sweat creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to irritation, and itchy armpits. Hyperhidrosis most often causes the problem in men, as they tend to sweat more.

    The problem can arise from skin care products, especially if deodorant is used incorrectly. First of all, an allergy to deodorant may appear, since it contains substances such as aluminum, quartz, etc. Irritation may occur if the skin in the armpit is not allowed to dry well before applying antiperspirant, since the water cannot evaporate, which will cause diaper rash.

    An equally rare cause is washing powder, particles of which may not be rinsed out of clothes and, upon contact with the skin, irritate the armpits.

    Shaving often causes the problem. If the procedure is carried out carelessly, the epidermis can be damaged. These lesions become irritated. When removing hair using waxing (or other similar methods), ingrown hairs may appear, which cause irritation under the arms. Redness under the arms is more common in women than in men, which is associated with more frequent trauma to the skin during hair removal.

    Sensitive skin increases the likelihood of irritation. This is why diaper rash and irritation often appear in a child. Children's skin becomes sensitive from heat or rubbing, so they need care. For a child, you need to select special means, since adults are aggressive for him.

    Diseases whose symptom is itching

    Itchy armpits can occur not only for hygienic reasons, sometimes it is a symptom of serious diseases. Dermatocosmetologists distinguish:

    • candidiasis - a rash appears, itches in the armpits, the skin turns red, if left untreated, the sore grows and the disease spreads throughout the body;
    • psoriasis - itching and thickening appear in the armpits;
    • diabetes;
    • hidradenitis - a bluish seal appears that is very itchy;
    • furunculosis - boils (huge pimples) grow in the armpit;
    • contact dermatitis;
    • seborrheic dermatitis;
    • autointoxication.

    Symptoms and signs

    The symptoms of the disease depend on the provoking factor. Mycoses and candidiasis are characterized by pale rashes, redness and a powdery coating. An unpleasant odor appears. Over time, the rash grows into bubbles, and when they rupture, erosions appear. The patient complains of pain and burning.

    With dermatitis, scales of dying cells appear in the armpits, and the skin in the damaged areas is very itchy. Irritation from sweat is characterized by swelling, a persistent odor of sweat gland secretions, redness and burning. Allergy to deodorant worsens after application of the product. The burning begins.

    Features of treatment

    Before treating a problem, doctors warn that you need to determine what caused it, since therapy depends on the provocateur. If the disease is caused by the use of cosmetic products (for example, an allergy to deodorant), then first of all, they need to be removed and replaced with more suitable ones. You also need to maintain personal hygiene and shower daily. To do this, use hypoallergenic products that do not dry out the skin.

    Irritation under the arms from sweat can be treated with a salt solution (10 g of salt per 1000 ml of water). Severe irritation can be treated with Vaseline, cortisone ointments or products containing zinc oxide (zinc ointment). If there is hair in the area under the arms, it is forbidden to apply greasy products, as the follicles may become clogged, which will make it even worse.

    When the cause of the disease is a fungal infection, the doctor prescribes topical antifungal ointments, for example, Clotrimazole, Lamisil, etc. If the disease cannot be treated, the patient needs to take antibacterial agents internally (Nystatin).

    A patient with complicated dermatitis is recommended to use a combined hormonal ointment (Pimafukot, Sinaflan). Such medications contain not only corticosteroids, but also substances with antibacterial and antifungal action, which helps to quickly get rid of the problem.

    In case of fungal or bacteriological infection, it is imperative to see a dermatologist. The doctor will order a laboratory test that will identify the pathogen. After this, the patient may be prescribed the following remedies for irritations:

    • anti-fungal remedies for topical or internal use;
    • antihistamines (“Suprastin”);
    • sedatives (“Sedavit”, valerian infusion).

    If the problem occurs in a patient with diabetes, conventional therapy will be ineffective. The patient needs to consult an endocrinologist who will select the appropriate therapy. The patient is often advised to give up carbohydrates and take complex vitamins during treatment. Self-medication in this case is dangerous, as it can worsen the condition.

    For folliculitis (a complication caused by staphylococcus), treatment begins with applying brilliant green to the affected area. Before this, the skin is wiped with alcohol. In severe cases, antibiotics or antimycotics cannot be avoided. Your doctor may recommend UVB therapy. Shaving is prohibited during treatment; hair can be cut.

    If you suspect dermatitis, which develops as a reaction to an allergen, you need to remove all possible provocateurs, wipe the irritation with an alcohol solution of boric acid; in case of excessive dryness, baby cream is recommended.