Causes of excessive salivation. Increased salivation - causes, treatment in adults

Our body produces a lot of fluids that it needs for full functioning. And one of them is saliva. It performs many functions - it helps digest food, protects the oral cavity and teeth from many diseases, can remove metabolic products, etc. However, in some cases it healthy saliva begins to cause discomfort, being released in excessive quantities. What could cause such a situation? Let's try to understand the problem of increased salivation in a little more detail, discuss the reasons for this problem in adults, and answer the question of what to do in case of excessive salivation.

Why does increased salivation occur, what reasons lead to this?

In general, the process of salivation is carried out by three pairs of large salivary glands, and in addition several small glands that are located in oral cavity. Normally, the human body produces about two liters of saliva per day. With some ailments, this amount may increase, and this disorder is called hypersalivation.

It is believed that excessive activity of the salivary glands can be provoked by a variety of factors. A natural increase in the production of such fluid is observed if a person is faced with certain conditioned stimuli - smell or food. However, sometimes this phenomenon is provoked by the consumption of certain medications that have such by-effect. These medications can be represented by cardiac glycosides, which contain digitalis alkaloids, pilocarpine, as well as muscarine and physostigmine.

Salivation increases significantly if a person suffers from a tumor or inflammatory lesion of the salivary gland. In addition, a natural increase in such production is observed in almost all ailments of the oral cavity - sore throat, gingivitis, dental problems, stomatitis, etc. The body tries to produce more saliva if various foreign bodies enter the mouth, the role of which can be played by dentures, dental procedures, etc. .

A significant increase in salivation is observed with ailments of the digestive tract, which can be represented by gastric ulcers, acute or chronic gastritis, tumor lesions of the stomach, as well as a foreign body in the esophagus.

Diseases of the pancreas also have reflex effect for salivation. Thus, an increase in saliva production is observed with pancreatitis and tumor formations of this organ.

Salivation may be caused by irritation vagus nerve, this situation is typical for gastritis (acute and chronic type), ulcerative lesions or stomach tumors, increased intracranial pressure and meningitis. In addition, the vagus nerve is also irritated during pregnancy, seasickness, menopause, against the background of encephalitis, parkinsonism and critical period tabes spinal cord.

In certain cases, excessive salivation is a consequence of trigeminal neuralgia.

Among other things, it is worth considering that sometimes this pathological condition observed in completely healthy people and has unclear etiology.

It is also worth highlighting cases of increased salivation with ptyalism, in which case the patient experiences an involuntary outflow of saliva from the oral cavity. This situation can occur with facial paralysis and other pathological conditions.

How to eliminate increased salivation, what to do for this?

If you have excessive drooling, you should first consult a doctor; it is best to first go to an appointment with a therapist. If necessary, such a specialist will refer you to specialized doctors.

Treatment for increased salivation depends primarily on the causes of this disorder. When the underlying disease is corrected, this symptom is usually neutralized.

In addition, there are certain specific methods that the doctor can use.
So, to eliminate increased salivation, anticholinergic drugs can be used that can suppress the production of salivary fluid. Drugs of this type include riabal, platiphylline, and scopolamine. However, it must be taken into account that these compounds can provoke excessive dryness in the oral cavity, as well as cause visual impairment and tachycardia.

In certain cases, selective removal of certain salivary glands may be necessary, and there is a risk of disruption of the innervation of the facial nerves.

The doctor may also recommend radiation therapy, contributing to the death and scarring of certain salivary ducts. But such a procedure can cause destruction of tooth enamel.

Among other things, correction of excessive salivation can be carried out using Botox injections. This manipulation allows you to block the secretion of saliva for about six months. However, before carrying out it, you must consult with doctors, find out about the indications, contraindications, possible side effects, etc.

In the event that active salivation is a reaction to neurological disorders or ischemic stroke, in addition to the main treatment, exercise therapy and massage are also required facial area.

Among other things, increased salivation in adults can be treated with homeopathic medicines, which should be taken only after consultation with a qualified homeopath.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Increased salivation can happen at the sight of food, while eating - and this is natural. However, sometimes such a symptom can be associated with certain specific conditions of the body or even diseases. The process of salivation is necessary and important function salivary glands. Normally, about 1 ml of saliva should be released every 5 minutes, but sometimes much more is produced.

Causes of increased salivation

An increase in saliva production is most often observed with exposure to certain conditioned stimuli: smell, type of food. Normal salivation should occur even in the absence of any factors - this process is necessary to maintain the oral mucosa in a moist state, as well as for normal digestion.

When saliva is secreted in larger quantities than is sufficient, we speak of increased secretion, or so-called hypersalivation. There are several factors that contribute to the development of this condition:

Sometimes an increase in saliva production can be observed in adolescence. This condition is not a pathology, it is just a consequence of a change hormonal levels during puberty.

However, it has been proven that over time in adult patients, saliva production gradually decreases as age-related changes may inhibit the functioning of the secretory glands.

Hypersalivation is common in people with dental problems, but after dental treatment, salivation usually returns to normal.

Increased saliva production is also observed in those people who smoke a lot: salivation is provoked primarily by nicotine and tar, as well as tobacco smoke, which irritates the mucous membrane and gland receptors.

Symptoms of increased salivation

Patients usually complain of increased excessive production of salivary fluid in the oral cavity and a reflexive desire to constantly spit. Examination reveals an increase secretory function salivary glands more than 5 ml in 10 minutes (at a norm of 2 ml).

In some cases, increased salivation is associated with a disorder of swallowing function due to inflammation in the oral cavity, trauma to the tongue, and disturbances in the innervation of the bulbar nerves. In this case, the amount of saliva is within the range normal indicators However, patients have a false sensation of excessive salivation. The same symptoms are typical for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Sometimes increased salivation can be combined with changes in taste sensations, with a decrease, increase or perversion of taste sensitivity.

May be observed various options increased salivation:

Increased salivation at night

Normally, less salivary fluid should be produced during sleep than during wakefulness. But sometimes the salivary glands wake up earlier than the person: at such moments we can observe the flow of salivary fluid from the sleeping person. If this does not happen often, there is no cause for concern. Often, salivation at night is associated with a lack of nasal breathing (during colds, nasal congestion): after the nasal passages are restored, salivation from the mouth stops. Also, salivation at night can be associated with an incorrect bite or missing teeth: such problems can be solved by visiting a dentist. When a person sleeps enough sound sleep, he may at some point lose control of his body, which manifests itself in the form of increased salivation.

Increased salivation and nausea

Such symptoms can occur in combination during pregnancy, damage to the vagus nerve, inflammation of the pancreas, gastritis and gastric ulcers. To clarify the cause, you should be examined by a specialist.

Increased salivation after eating

Normally, salivation begins when eating and stops immediately after eating. If the meal is over and salivation does not stop, this may be a sign helminthic infestations. Worms can affect almost any organ: liver, lungs, intestines, heart and even brain. Increased salivation after eating, appetite disorders, constant fatigue- the main initial signs of such a lesion. For more accurate diagnosis you need to visit a specialist.

Belching and increased salivation

Such symptoms are observed in diseases of the stomach (acute, chronic or erosive form of gastritis): in this case, belching can be either sour or bitter, occurring more often in the morning and combined with the release of a significant amount of salivary or mucous fluid. In diseases of the digestive system that are associated with obstruction or poor passage of the food tract (spasms, tumors, esophagitis), increased salivation, a lump in the throat, and difficulty swallowing may be observed. All of these signs are quite serious and require consultation with a medical specialist.

Increased salivation and sore throat

These signs may be symptoms of lacunar tonsillitis. Clinical picture, in addition to the listed signs, is characterized by an increase in temperature to 39 C, a feverish state and general malaise, headache. IN childhood the disease may be accompanied by vomiting. On examination, swollen and reddened tonsils with areas of light plaque are observed; an increase in cervical tonsils is possible lymph nodes. This type of sore throat lasts about a week and requires mandatory treatment.

Increased salivation when talking

This pathological discharge saliva can be observed when there is a lack of coordination of the oral muscles, which manifests itself in cerebral palsy and some neurological diseases. A violation can provoke an increase in salivation hormonal balance, which can often be found in pathologies thyroid gland and other endocrine disorders, in particular diabetes.

Increased salivation in women

Early menopausal women may also experience increased salivation, which occurs along with increased sweating and flushing. Experts associate this with hormonal changes in the body. Typically, such phenomena gradually disappear without requiring special treatment.

Increased salivation during pregnancy

During the gestation period, manifestations of toxicosis can affect cerebral circulation, which provokes an increase in saliva secretion. This symptom may be accompanied by heartburn and nausea. Also, a major role in the causes of drooling during pregnancy is played by a lack of vitamins and a decrease in immune defense, which can be compensated by appointment vitamin complexes and maintaining a nutritious diet.

Increased salivation in a child

Drooling in children in the first year of life is a completely normal condition that does not require use. therapeutic measures. Such children “slobber” due to an unconditional reflex factor. Later, salivation can be observed during teething: this is also not a pathological condition and does not require intervention. Older children should not drool. If such a symptom appears, a brain injury or other pathology may be suspected. nervous system: It is necessary to show the child to a specialist.

Increased salivation in infants

kids infancy may also suffer from increased salivation due to infection or some irritating substance in the oral cavity. Sometimes the amount of salivary fluid is within the normal range, but the baby does not swallow it: this happens when there is pain in the throat or there are other reasons that impair or make swallowing difficult. A common cause of increased salivation in infant Cerebral palsy is also considered.

Diagnosis of increased salivation

What is the diagnosis of increased salivation?

Remember that effective treatment of increased salivation is impossible without determining the true root cause of this condition.

Treatment of increased salivation

What to do if you have increased salivation? First, you should consult a doctor, for example, a therapist. If the need arises, he will prescribe you a consultation with more specialized specialists.

The main point in treatment is to determine the predisposing factor that could cause drooling. Further therapy directly depends on the underlying disease: this could be anthelmintic treatment, dental correction, or the prescription of drugs to improve digestion.

There are a number of specific methods that can be used at the discretion of the doctor:

  • prescribing anticholinergic drugs that suppress the secretion of salivary fluid (platifillin, riabal, scopolamine). In addition to the therapeutic effect, drugs can cause excessive dry mouth, blurred vision, tachycardia;
  • surgical method selective removal of the salivary glands, may be accompanied by a violation of the innervation of the facial nerves;
  • radiation therapy, which causes death and scarring of the salivary ducts. May cause destruction of tooth enamel;
  • Exercise therapy and massage of the facial area, carried out for ischemic strokes and neurological disorders;
  • injections of Botox (botulinum toxin) into the area of ​​the salivary glands blocks the secretion of salivary fluid for at least six months. Before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol, nor take antibiotics or blood thinners;
  • cryotherapy method is a long-term course of treatment that allows you to reflexively increase the frequency of swallowing saliva.

Can be used homeopathic treatment, for example, the tableted product Mercurius Heel, consisting of potentized mercury. The drug effectively reduces and normalizes salivary secretion. Take three times a day in the amount of one tablet for resorption under the tongue. Mercurius is also produced in ampoules, which can be used as intramuscular injections, or dilute with water and drink. The use of the drug must be agreed with the doctor.

Treatment of increased salivation with folk remedies

Sometimes, in the absence serious reasons increased salivation, you can influence the pathology using folk remedies:

  • extract or tincture of water pepper (sold in a pharmacy). Dilute a tablespoon of tincture in a glass of water, rinse the mouth after each meal;
  • Lagochilus intoxicating. Take 20 g of plant leaves, pour 200 ml hot water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Rinse your mouth several times a day after meals;
  • viburnum berries. The fruits are pounded in a mortar, poured with boiling water (2 tablespoons of fruits per 200 ml of water), after 4 hours, strain and use for rinsing the mouth, can be added to tea and drunk several times a day;
  • tincture of shepherd's purse. Dilute 25 drops of tincture in 1/3 glass of water and rinse the mouth after each meal.

You can rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction, oak bark infusion, or any vegetable oil. It is recommended to brush your teeth more often, avoid starchy foods, and take vitamin complexes.

Drinking unsweetened tea or water with lemon juice has a good effect.

If people's councils do not help, do not waste time and consult a doctor: perhaps the cause of drooling lies much deeper, which requires additional diagnostics and qualified treatment.

Prevention of increased salivation

Prevention of increased salivation consists, first of all, in preventing pathologies that can provoke this manifestation. This includes following the rules of oral hygiene, dental care and timely visits to the dentist, proper and nutritious nutrition, and an active lifestyle. It is necessary to promptly treat infectious diseases, pathologies of the oral cavity, and observe measures to prevent helminthic infestations.

The prognosis for increased salivation may be favorable if effective treatment underlying disease that could cause drooling.

Increased salivation can be a sign of many diseases, so before starting treatment it is recommended to undergo qualified diagnostics and consultation with a specialist.

Increased salivation is a problem for many people with neurological or neuromuscular disorders. It has many causes, which can be divided into two main categories: excess saliva and failure to control saliva properly. As a result, excessive salivation can lead to local complications, the development of infections, and subsequent dehydration of the body. In addition, they appear psychological problems, behavior change in social interaction.

Please note: Experts believe that excessive salivation in the mouth can be a side effect of medications such as tranquilizers, antiepileptic drugs, and drugs for early dementia.

Excess fluid may cause Parkinson's disease, hormonal imbalance and dental reasons. If the cause of increased salivation in adults is considered, then this situation often arises due to the inability to control one’s own reflexes. This may be due not only to the fact that excess fluid is released. A lot of saliva accumulates due to weakness of the muscles in the oral cavity. For example, after a stroke or Bell's palsy, in people with chronic nasal congestion and swallowing problems.

Some have increased negative symptoms occurs at night. Due to numerous potential causes accumulation of saliva in the mouth, you need to consult a doctor, undergo a thorough examination, identify the causes and eliminate them. A therapist can help with this issue. general practice, dentist, ENT doctor, neurologist. Increased salivation can be treated with medications, occupational therapy, surgical intervention, speech exercises.

Causes of increased salivation in adults

If ptyalism in infants causes only tenderness, drooling in adults has more serious causes, which are not always corrected by independent application of force. Excessive saliva production while awake and during sleep is not a general indicator of serious illness. However, it is an irritating factor in everyday life when the mouth becomes filled with excess fluid, so it is important to find a solution by visiting a doctor immediately. Older teens may produce excess saliva for many reasons, just like adults. Let's look at the first five reasons, which occur most often:

  1. GERD - increased salivation has good reasons. Reflux disease creates fluid in an attempt to fight acid that is released from the stomach up into the esophagus. This is the most common reason, which causes fluid levels in the mouth of adults to rise, but can also affect teenagers. Children are not immune from GERD due to high consumption of drinks containing citric acid - soda, energy cocktails, soda.
  2. Poorly conducted orthodontic treatment- explains the reason for excessive salivation in a person by the fact that the clamps or braces are poorly fitted, preventing proper swallowing. Talk to your dentist to see if bite correction can explain the problem. Strong salivation can also be caused by an incorrectly installed implant or dentures.
  3. Medicines such as clonazepam (Klonopin), clozapine (Clozaril), pilocarpine (Salagen), carbidol-levodopa (Parcopa, Sinemet) can create increased salivation in the mouth. Check carefully whether these drugs are included in your first aid kit.
  4. Allergies and sinusitis are triggers for provoking symptoms. It is necessary to meet with an allergist or ENT doctor to discuss excessive salivation, causes and treatment that will help get rid of the problem.
  5. Pregnancy - Hormonal imbalance, nausea and GERD combine to create the perfect environment. If an older teenager begins to experience excessive salivation, the reasons may lie in recent conception.

In most cases, the problem is temporary and is associated with one of the reasons listed above. Having detected it, you can exclude more serious preconditions for the development of the disease.

Having considered a lot of salivation, its causes and provoking factors, we will study what will help stop the pathology during sleep and daytime, so that an adult does not feel awkward. To stop the anomaly, you need to understand the mechanism of liquid formation and its features. In this case, drooling at night has common causes in adults, which means that you can fight it with the basic recommendations of homeopaths.

Saliva is a watery substance secreted by specialized glands. It consists of 99.5% water, and the remaining 0.5% contains electrolytes, mucus, glycoproteins, enzymes, antibacterial components, bacterial compounds. The answer to the question of why a lot of saliva is released in the mouth in women and men is simple. It is produced in excess by the salivary glands. You can correct the situation using home remedies. We present home remedies that successfully eliminate the causes of nausea and drooling:

  • Cloves - chewing 2-3 cloves a day is effective in reducing the amount of fluid secreted. The spice has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • A mixture of black pepper, ginger, long hot pepper (100 g each) with the addition of a teaspoon of honey - if excessive salivation in women, the reasons exclude pregnancy, feel free to mix the ingredients to get a magical elixir. It is enough to take a little of the composition twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime.
  • Cinnamon tea - if you have excessive salivation and nausea, the reasons are not clear, but you do not want to put up with this condition, drink tea. A pleasant procedure will have a beneficial effect on the current situation. For a glass of boiling water, take 1/4 teaspoon of powder and 2 teaspoons of honey.
  • Amla powder - stops increased salivation, the causes of which lie in increased acidity stomach. Corrects the acidic environment, eliminates the acidic taste in the mouth. Consumption by women and men involves diluting the powder in boiling water.

General tips for eliminating heavy salivation, the causes of which can be very different, include a number of recommendations:

  1. Avoid Excess Sugar – If you're wondering how to get rid of excessive salivation, don't forget that it's the sugar in food and drinks that stimulates the situation.
  2. When you drink, do not hold your chin up - this can cause choking and activate the glands to work harder.
  3. Avoid consuming dairy products - they cause increased salivation and lead to excess mucus in the throat.

The home remedies listed above are safe, healthy and effective. The only contraindication can be allergic reaction, individual intolerance. They stop excessive salivation well, allowing you to improve your quality of life. Take recommended products on a regular basis. This will stop the increased secretion of saliva and achieve the desired results.

Excessive salivation during sleep

If you felt uncomfortable on your pillow in a dream and woke up to find it all wet, you are not alone. Many people experience similar symptoms. If there is a lot of salivation in the mouth, the reasons for this are known to you, you can easily learn to control your condition during sleep. In fact, you produce even less saliva than when you are awake. However, during sleep, you cannot control increased salivation, which is why it seems that the pillow is thoroughly flooded, and the excess liquid reaches record levels. This happens because you breathe through your mouth. Breathing through your nose does not provide you with the proper level of oxygen, so drooling during sleep easily manifests itself in reality. The nose at this time may be blocked from allergies, colds and other factors.

Pay attention to the position in which you sleep. If you sleep on your stomach or side, copious saliva flow is unimpeded. The jaw is slightly open, allowing fluid to seep out. When you sleep on your back, profuse drooling impossible. Saliva collects in the back of the throat, triggering an automatic swallowing reflex.

How to reduce salivation during sleep

To understand how to reduce drooling, it is important to understand why it happens. If simple nasal congestion is to blame, use nasal sprays or to clear the space for unobstructed air flow. As long as your nose is free, you won't experience increased drooling. Another thing is that these funds are temporary. And as soon as their effect comes to an end, congestion forms again. To stop drooling during sleep, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water, resting, and taking vitamin C.

For allergy sufferers, it will be useful to consult a specialist, take allergy tests, and eliminate allergens from the home that cause pathological reaction. If everything can be resolved, salivation during sleep will return to normal, since rhinitis will not bother you. For chronic sinus infections, a doctor's consultation is also necessary. The specialist will quickly determine where the drooling came from and the causes of the violations. He will draw up a long-term treatment plan, following which you will avoid unpleasant symptoms.

Sleep on your back, because it is impossible for a person to salivate profusely in this position. Of course, this is easier said than done. However, once you set a goal, you will gradually come to it. When you wake up while sleeping on your side or stomach and find a lot of saliva in your mouth, roll over again, accustoming yourself to a properly organized night's rest. To eliminate the temptation to turn your head, buy a special orthopedic pillow that gently fixes the head in the desired position. This is another way to stop drooling by learning to sleep on your back.

Causes of excessive salivation in women

As mentioned above, the causes of increased salivation in women can be caused by taking certain medications. Talk to your doctor about replacing these medications with analogues; they may not cause similar reactions in the body. In addition, excessive salivation in humans can be controlled nearby pharmaceuticals. They affect the glands, suppressing their activity and causing them to produce less resources. If you feel a lot of saliva in your mouth, why this is happening can only be found out after a thorough examination. Be prepared that you will never find a reasonable explanation for the anomaly.

Excessive salivation in a person is rarely a symptom of serious medical problem. Perhaps this is for the best. You can gradually cope with unpleasant symptoms, but improving your health is not always possible. But there is another risk here. In very rare cases, strong salivation causes fluid to enter the lungs along with breathing. This is dangerous because it contains a lot of bacteria that live in the oral cavity, which can cause the development of pneumonia. This once again proves that only a doctor knows how to get rid of excessive salivation. He will prescribe a treatment that will have an effect.

If you produce a lot of saliva that stains your pillow, wrap your sleeping bag in an absorbent towel. Another fabric or a spare pillowcase will do, too, so that your beautiful linens don’t get dirty. When nausea and excessive salivation are present, the causes of which are not clear, it can affect the quality of sleep. Try to control the process using the methods described above. But you can find out why there is increased salivation, how to get rid of it and stop night torment only from a specialized specialist.

Video: what you need to know about saliva

Sometimes there is an increased secretion of saliva that is not associated with food intake. TO this symptom It is worth paying attention to, it may indicate serious problems in the body. About the norms of salivation and possible diseases related to the abundance of secreted fluid will be discussed in the article.

Salivation norms

Average salivation rate: 2 ml of fluid per 10 minutes.

Hypersalivation causes a lot of inconvenience to a person, reduces the quality of life, and provokes various complications. But how can you tell if fluid is being released in excessive amounts? To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with standard indicators.

In healthy people, the salivary glands secrete about 2 ml of fluid in 10 minutes., and it does not flow out of the mouth. Any pathologies and irritants provoke the reproduction of saliva, which is noticed by increased swallowing and the desire to spit out the contents of the oral cavity.

You should contact a specialist immediately if, in addition to intense salivation, other symptoms are noted: nausea, sore throat, heartburn. Changes in the color and smell of saliva should also alert you. U healthy person The liquid is transparent without a characteristic odor. In some diseases, saliva becomes cloudy and foul-smelling.

TO natural processes The following cases of excessive saliva production include:

  • teething in babies;
  • changes in hormonal levels in adolescents and women after 40 years of age;
  • while carrying a child;
  • when wearing dentures and decor;
  • while eating.

Symptoms of increased salivation

Nausea is one of the most common accompanying symptoms hypersalivation.

Hypersalivation is often accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • difficulty and pain when swallowing food;
  • temperature increase;
  • general physical weakness;
  • signs of intoxication;
  • changes in the functioning of taste buds.

There is also a decrease in human activity, a deterioration in the psycho-emotional background due to discomfort associated with intense saliva production. With excessive salivation and sore throat, redness is visible, which indicates the development of inflammatory process.

Hypersalivation is manifested in particular by drool appearing in the corners of the mouth. At night, salivary fluid leaks onto the pillow.

Due to constant exposure to moisture skin covering redness forms around the mouth and small rash from irritation.

Causes for women and men

The causes of increased salivation in women and men can be illness, poisoning or lack of vitamins.

There are quite a lot of factors that stimulate the intensive work of the salivary glands. Among the main ones are:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis);
  • angina;
  • intoxication;
  • side effect from taking medications;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • worms (cestodes, nematodes, trematodes);
  • vascular pathologies;
  • endocrine/infectious diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • menopause;
  • removal of a tooth;
  • foreign bodies (prostheses, braces, piercings, etc.).

Hypersalivation is observed in patients who do not control their behavior, infected with rabies and epidemic encephalitis. Sometimes excessive salivation is associated with a deficiency in the body nicotinic acid.

Increased salivation is one of the symptoms of chemical poisoning(bromine, mercury, iodine, tin, copper).

Causes of excessive salivation in children

In children, increased drooling is most often accompanied by teething.

In newborns aged 3-12 months, excessive salivation is considered a natural phenomenon associated with teething, and therefore does not cause concern.

Hypersalivation in infancy may also indicate the presence viral infection or violations by gastrointestinal tract.

The normal discharge rate is 2 ml per 10 minutes. In other cases, increased salivation indicates a pathology occurring in the body. You can't do it without qualified help.

Reference! Increased saliva production in children may indicate complications after a head injury, the presence of helminths in the body, or signal a concussion.

Toxicosis is often accompanied by hypersalivation.

In adolescence, intense secretion and swallowing of saliva may indicate the following disorders:

  • changes in hormonal levels due to the process of puberty;
  • malocclusion;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • destabilization of the psycho-emotional background due to stress or psychological trauma;
  • heart diseases.

Pregnant women often develop toxicosis, which affects the functioning of the brain center. This provokes copious secretion of saliva. Heartburn and nausea are also considered predisposing factors. Intense salivation can be eliminated with a specially designed diet enriched useful vitamins and minerals.

In older people, intense salivation is often associated with the following reasons:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • problems from outside endocrine system;
  • side effect after taking medications;
  • due to malocclusion or pathologies of the lower jaw.

Only a specialist can determine the cause of excessive saliva production.


Hypersalivation– the phenomenon of copious secretion of salivary fluid, according to the classification, can be true or false. There are also several varieties of ptyalism.

Types of hypersalivation
Name Description
True Intensive work of the salivary glands under the influence of one of the etiological factors.
The reason for the abundant production of saliva lies in the disruption of the process of swallowing it. This happens for a number of reasons: disorders in the brain; when the facial muscles are atrophied; when you lose the ability to close your mouth; if the lips are damaged as a result of injury or illness (tuberculosis).
Night The main provocateurs of increased salivation are worms and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.


Excessive salivation occurs for several reasons: due to inflammation and irritation of the oral mucosa; in case of digestive disorders; with mumps or inflammation of the salivary glands; because of foreign body in the mouth.

True hypersalivation is conventionally divided into several types:

  • bulbar and pseudobulbar– manifests itself in cerebral vascular pathology, poliomyelitis, neurodegenerative diseases;
  • medicinal– a symptom of increased salivation is side effect medications taken;
  • somatic– observed with toxicosis in pregnant women, helminthiasis, ulcerative stomatitis, radiation therapy, oncology;
  • psychogenic– abundant production of saliva appears under the influence of traumatic factors.

Associated symptoms and what they mean

Increased salivation and thirst may be symptoms diabetes mellitus.

Diagnosis is carried out taking into account associated factors, which, in combination with hypersalivation, indicate a specific problem.

Excessive production of salivary fluid during constant nausea indicates problems in the digestive system or pregnancy. When the cause is eliminated, the functionality of the glands is quickly restored.

In combination with thirst, increased salivation indicates the likelihood of developing diabetes. Problems in the larynx are also possible (tonsillitis in severe form, angina).

The feeling of a lump in the throat with intense saliva production signals inflammation occurring in the larynx. Sometimes a lump in the throat prevents you from swallowing liquid, causing painful sensations. Most often, the cause lies in the following diseases: sore throat, stomatitis, purulent tonsillitis, abscess. If the symptom of increased salivation is complemented by an increase in body temperature, fever, and swollen lymph nodes, you should not hesitate. Delaying treatment allows complications to develop that threaten the patient’s life.

Also, a lump in the throat with strong salivation is felt with obstruction of the esophagus and volvulus. This is accompanied by nausea and pain syndrome V abdominal cavity.

The sudden appearance of intense salivation may indicate hormonal fluctuations and deterioration of psycho-emotional mood. Through this sign expresses the body's response to stress and fatigue.


To identify the cause of the disease, start with an appointment with a therapist.

During the diagnostic process, a number of studies are carried out:

  • examination of the patient;
  • identifying associated symptoms;
  • familiarization with hereditary factors;
  • functional analysis, which makes it possible to determine the amount of saliva secreted.

Reference! After establishing a preliminary diagnosis, a highly specialized specialist conducts more thorough laboratory research(blood, urine, stool tests, ultrasound, etc.).


After the examination, the doctor will determine for you optimal scheme treatment. Don't try to do this yourself!

The development of a treatment regimen for hypersalivation largely depends on the provoking factors. The main therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes of excessive salivation. The following methods are used to combat symptoms.

  • Exercise therapy and facial massage are prescribed for neuralgia.
  • Cryotherapy is a cold treatment that stimulates swallowing reflexes.
  • Special anticholinergic agents that reduce the degree of salivary secretion (Scopolamine, Tifen, Metacin, Riabal, Spasmolitin, Tropin, etc.).
  • Carrying out the irradiation procedure.
  • Injections whose active drugs reduce saliva production.
  • Removal of glands.

Traditional treatment can be supplemented with home recipes, which involve repeated mouth rinsing with infusions and decoctions. medicinal plants(chamomile, calendula, oak bark, etc.).

The treatment regimen is selected taking into account the main problem. Used to suppress excessive salivation different means:

  • special drugs(only in emergency cases);
  • cryotherapy;
  • facial massage and gymnastics;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity.

Possible complications

If complications develop, it may be necessary to remove the salivary glands.

Increased salivation indicates problems in the body that require immediate solutions. Ignoring a symptom leads to various complications:

  • dehydration;
  • development of infections in the mouth and upper respiratory tract;
  • transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • jade;
  • myocarditis;
  • disruption digestive system;
  • insomnia, destabilization of the psycho-emotional background.

Often, copious secretion of saliva is observed in serious diseases, which, in the absence of drug treatment, provoke complications in the functioning of internal organs and of cardio-vascular system.

Complications can also develop during treatment, when using radiation and surgery to remove glands. In such cases, the risk of facial asymmetry and facial nerve dysfunction increases.

Preventive measures

Don't ignore regular dental checkups!

In order to prevent pathologies that provoke increased salivation, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • carry out in a timely manner hygiene procedures, including the oral cavity;
  • take place once every six months preventive examination at the dentist, do professional cleaning teeth;
  • review your diet, use more fresh vegetables and fruits to enrich the body with vitamins and microelements (you should give up salty, smoked and fatty foods);
  • lead an active lifestyle, relax in nature, visit fitness centers;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

If excessive salivation is a symptom of any disease, you need to undergo drug treatment prescribed by a doctor. Eliminating the problem in this case depends on complete recovery.

If salivation increases, you should immediately seek qualified help. It is easier to eliminate any problem if you start treatment at the initial stage.

Hypersalivation – serious illness associated with increased secretion of the salivary glands. The presence of increased salivation in infants from 3 to 6 months is considered a natural phenomenon that does not require drug intervention. However, in an adult, such a pathological condition as excessive drooling not only causes discomfort in everyday life, but also indicates serious health problems.

Initial signs of hypersalivation

Typically, during normal salivation, about 2 ml of saliva is released every 10 minutes. If this figure in an adult increases to 5 ml, then so-called hypersalivation occurs.

Increased salivation is accompanied by the presence in the oral cavity of excessive large quantity liquids. This leads to a reflex swallowing or the desire to spit out the accumulated salivary secretions.

In children with excessive salivation, the mouth remains wet all the time, and the clothes around the chest are damp. They may also constantly choke on secretions from the salivary glands in their mouth. After sleep, the presence of saliva stains on the pillow indicates possible problem salivation. Also, signs of hypersalivation include changes in taste sensitivity, and sometimes nausea and vomiting, but these symptoms are quite rare.


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There are many reasons that can cause hypersalivation.

Excessive salivation is a direct indicator of health problems. In addition, drool flows profusely when it acts as a reaction to certain irritants, or as a consequence of the inflammatory process in the organs (more details in the article:). Excessive salivation may be a sign of infection in the body or a symptom of a neurological disease.

In adults - men and women

Among the main causes of excessive drooling in adult men and women are:

Why do children drool?

As for children, up to one year of age, increased drooling is the norm. The main reason for high salivation is unconditioned reflexes. Another one natural cause associated with the eruption of the first milk teeth. Both factors do not require treatment. Also, increased salivation can serve as a protective reaction of the child’s body. Bacteria are removed along with saliva.

However, there are a number of more serious reasons why a child collects a high amount of drool in his mouth:

  • Helminthiasis. The most susceptible to helminth infestation are Small child as he pulls into his mouth foreign objects and bites his nails.
  • False hypersalivation. Found in infants due to impaired swallowing, which is caused by paralysis or inflammation in the pharynx. Saliva production remains normal.
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Viral diseases.

In older children, the problem may be related to psychological processes. With the development of higher nervous activity children are susceptible to strong emotional experiences, which contributes to copious discharge saliva.

During pregnancy

Most often, hypersalivation occurs on early stage pregnancy, being a consequence of toxicosis and frequent vomiting. Trying to stop an attack of vomiting at an early stage, pregnant women involuntarily reduce the frequency of swallowing, which leads to a feeling of excess saliva. Salivary glands however they work fine.

Second possible reason Increased salivation during pregnancy is called heartburn. The secretion of saliva softens the acid. Another significant factor in impaired salivation during pregnancy is increased sensitivity to all medications.

What does involuntary drooling during sleep mean?

At night, the amount of saliva produced is less than when a person is awake. If traces of saliva on the pillow begin to appear regularly, this indicates hypersalivation. Its causes in a dream may be:

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of the problem comes down to a number of activities:

  • Compilation big picture health status based on existing symptoms and analysis of a person’s vital activity.
  • Examination of the mouth, throat, and tongue for ulcers, injuries and inflammation.
  • Enzymatic analysis of salivary secretions to determine their quantity.
  • Additional consultation with other specialists. These include a dentist, a psychiatrist and a neurologist.

Treatment of increased salivation

Prescribing appropriate treatment for hypersalivation directly depends on the factors that provoked it. Therapy is often aimed not at reducing the amount of saliva produced, but at eliminating the very cause of the problem.

However, there is treatment that is directly designed to help cope with hypersalivation:

How to stop swallowing with folk remedies?

You can overcome the problem of increased secretion at home using folk remedies. However, it is important to understand that they are only auxiliary. Consultation with a doctor is required. Main folk method is rinsing:

  1. A decoction of chamomile, nettle, oak bark or sage. Allows you to temporarily reduce symptoms. For 1 tablespoon herbal collection You will need half a liter of boiling water. Leave for 40 minutes. Carry out 4-8 rinses per day.
  2. Tincture of viburnum. Do it 3-5 times a day. Crush 2 tablespoons of viburnum and add 200 ml of water. Let it sit for about 4 hours.
  3. Tincture of water pepper. For 1 teaspoon of pharmaceutical composition you need to take a glass of water. The minimum course of rinsing is 10 days. Rinse after eating.
  4. Tincture of shepherd's purse. The proportion is: 25 drops of liquid per 1/3 glass of water. Rinse after every meal.
  5. Brine cabbage.
  6. A weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Another effective way is tea or plain water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. Sometimes vegetable oil is used to combat hypersalivation.