Syrups, cough tablets, expectorants

Expectorants are a set of drugs that improve the removal from respiratory tract bronchial secretion. Production and removal of bronchial secretions naturally- a mechanism designed by nature for proper operation respiratory tract. If this procedure fails, coughing begins. This is what doctors use when prescribing expectorants. Since coughing causes a lot of inconvenience, and people want to save money, they have a question: which expectorant drugs should be inexpensive but effective?

Folk expectorants

The cheapest, safest and most sufficient effective means- these are folk. Their main advantages are that:

You can prepare all the necessary ingredients for preparing decoctions yourself or buy them at any pharmacy for literally pennies;
they do not contain any chemical components.

At the same time, you will have to spend time preparing infusions. You must also strictly adhere to the recipe instructions, without exceeding the dosage, since many medicinal herbs in high concentrations they can be poisonous.

Cough infusion - recipe No. 1

For cooking you will need herbs from this list:

Liquorice root;

Cooking method:

1. 2 tbsp. l. dry herb of one or more types pour 1 liter hot water(not boiling water!).
2. Cover the container and leave for 2 hours to infuse.
3. Strain through cheesecloth or a strainer.

Important! Take 3 times a day (no more!) 0.5-1 glass between meals.

Cough remedy - recipe No. 2

Another plant that is widely used in medicine is eucalyptus. Infusions and inhalations from the leaves provide an analgesic and antiseptic effect.

Method for preparing the infusion:

1. 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves, pour 1 liter of hot water.
2. Wait time for infusion.
3. Strain, you can dilute it a little with plain water.
4. Take 2 tbsp. l. or 0.5 tbsp. up to 3 times a day.

Important! Eucalyptus inhalation provides an excellent therapeutic effect for coughs. In this case, dilute the prepared infusion hot water and breathe over the container for up to 20 minutes. Another option is to purchase an inexpensive inhalation device to simplify your task and pour the solution into it. These can be found in any pharmacy today.

Inexpensive effective expectorants - tablets

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of cough medicines, but the following cheap drugs are in constant demand:

1. Pectusin. The composition contains eucalyptus and menthol oils. It is used to treat symptoms of tracheitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis in children over 7 years of age and adults. Not suitable for pregnant women, with intolerance to the components, or with the appearance of laryngospasms.

2. Mukaltin. The cheapest and most effective remedy for diseases of the lower respiratory tract based on Althea officinalis. It has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory, restorative effect on damaged tissues. The range of applications even includes pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and milder diseases. It has practically no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components.

3. Travisil. This medicine is created on the basis of 15 plant extracts. Excipients- lemon, mint, orange oils, sugar and liquid glucose. Due to this composition, high efficiency of therapy for dry and wet cough, but there are restrictions on admission for children under 3 years of age and patients with diabetes.

Medicines for plant based– syrups

Syrups are also presented in pharmacies in a wide range, but expensive ones do not always give the expected effect, and the low-priced drugs offered below really quickly help improve the patient’s condition.


One of the cheapest but most effective expectorant preparations based on herbal extracts - thyme or thyme, and potassium bromide. Helps transform a dry cough into a wet one, accelerates the liquefaction and removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.

Directions for use: 3 times a day:

Children over 3 years old - from 0.5 tsp;
adults - 1 tbsp. l.


Allergy to one of the components;
heart and liver diseases;
children under 3 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding - due to the presence in the composition small quantity ethyl alcohol.

Important! Pertussin is recommended for complex treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Analogs are “Doctor MOM”, “Doctor Theiss”, but their price is slightly higher, although the component composition includes a larger number of plant extracts: ginger, plantain, turmeric, aloe, lemon balm, .

Liquorice root

Licorice root syrup has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, regenerating, immunostimulating and analgesic effects. Suitable for the treatment of dry and wet coughs in various colds, including bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis.


Licorice root syrup;

Directions for use: diluted with cold water from 1 drop (children under 2 years old) to 1 tsp. (adults), no more than 3 times a day.

Important! Licorice root should not be taken if you have gastrointestinal diseases or asthma. It is recommended to limit intake if you are allergic to components, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.


Gedelix cough syrup is one of the safest cough remedies that can be used even by children from birth. It has an expectorant and antispasmodic effect, and dilutes sputum well.

The composition of the finished solution does not contain ethanol, dyes, sugar, but includes the following components:

Ivy extract;

Important! Contraindicated in cases of laryngospasms, metabolic disorders (urea excretion). Within 2-3 days of use, the condition of the patient with bronchitis and the upper respiratory tract improves, but is not recommended for asthma.

An analogue is "Gerbion", the basis of which is extracts of plantain and mallow. They are equally effective, but Gerbion cannot be used by people with diabetes.


Another herbal medicine that is effective and fast action, which is based on plantain and thyme extracts. Additional components - sucrose, fructose, alcohol.

Action of "Evkabal": anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bactericidal, quickly liquefies and removes excess secretions. Suitable for children over 6 months.

Important! It is used not only for viral and bacterial diseases of the respiratory tract, but also for coughs caused by smoking or poisoning chemicals. Contraindications are limited only to personal intolerance to the components of the drug.

Other popular means plant-based cough remedy

1. Althea syrup.
2. Links.
3. Bronholitin.
4. Bronchicum S.
5. Overslept.
6. Chest charges No. 1, No. 2, No. 4.
7. Insti.

Now you have a list of the most effective and inexpensive cough medications. Choose suitable remedy together with a doctor, especially for treating children, and get better quickly!

Each of us periodically faces a cold, experiencing everything unpleasant symptoms of this condition, including a barking, dry cough. To alleviate the condition and speed up recovery, the doctor prescribes expectorants to the patient.

Why are expectorants needed?

To understand the issue, let’s say that the glands of the bronchus and trachea produce approximately 100 ml of tracheobronchial secretion daily - biological fluid, which helps the lungs cope with viruses and bacteria, as well as eliminate them from the body harmful substances entering the respiratory tract with air. However, if an infection has entered the body, the volume of tracheobronchial secretion can increase to 1.5 liters, becoming a beneficial environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. In this case, a cough occurs, because the body in this way tries to get rid of excess pathological sputum.

True, getting rid of infectious fluid is not at all easy, because it becomes thick and difficult to separate. This is where expectorants come to the rescue, as they perfectly dilute mucus and facilitate its removal from the lungs. But is it worth purchasing expectorant drugs at the pharmacy, which, like any other medicines, cause harm to the body, if in nature there are a dozen equally effective expectorant plants. Such drugs have much fewer side effects, and besides, in comparison with pharmaceutical drugs, actually free.

In this article we will look at the most effective expectorants, which will be a worthy alternative to tablets and suspensions.

Top 7 best expectorant folk remedies

1. Licorice root

One of the most effective remedies that perfectly dilute mucus and promote its removal is the licorice plant, or rather its root. It contains valuable flavone glycosides and other compounds that improve secretory function mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. In addition, licorice root perfectly fights inflammation, which helps not only get rid of cough, but also prompt treatment diseases. The advantages of this folk remedy include the fact that products based on licorice root are very sweet, which means they will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

However, it should be taken into account that despite all the benefits of licorice, not everyone can use products based on its root. For example, the infusions and decoctions in question are contraindicated for persons with cirrhosis of the liver, with renal or liver failure, as well as those who have a deficiency of potassium in the body. During pregnancy and childbearing, this medicine is also prohibited.

To prepare an expectorant decoction, you need to take 10 g of licorice root, pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, and keep it in a water bath for 15–20 minutes. After this, you need to let the product brew, then strain it and add boiled water, bringing the volume of liquid to the original 200 ml. For a dry cough, take 1 tbsp. up to five times a day. The main thing with such a medicine is not to overdo it, because long-term use Licorice root can lead to swelling, increased blood pressure and sexual dysfunction.

2. Coltsfoot

This perennial It has been used to prepare expectorant infusions for more than 600 years. At the same time, the property of liquefying tracheobronchial secretions is complemented by anti-inflammatory activity and a disinfectant effect on the body. We can say that coltsfoot is an ideal herb for those who are faced with a cold or suffer from chronic bronchitis. Finally, the leaves of this plant are used for diaphoretic and chest remedies, which means they can prevent and cure even pneumonia.

Contraindications to taking coltsfoot-based products may include breastfeeding and childbearing, alcoholism, liver disease, and individual intolerance.

To prepare an expectorant decoction from the foliage of coltsfoot, you will need to take 1 tbsp. dry leaves of the plant and place in an enamel bowl. Pour 200 ml of boiled water into the container, cover it with a lid and place it in a water bath for about 15 minutes, constantly stirring the broth. After removing the pan from the heat, you need to let the product cool at room temperature, and then replenish the volume of boiled liquid, bringing it to 200 ml. The duration of storage of such a product in a cool place is 2 days. You need to take it warmed, a third of a glass, 2-3 times a day, which will help get rid of a sore dry cough in just 3 days.

This plant has been known throughout the world since the time of Hippocrates, who claimed that this herb could cure nine diseases. Hence the name - elecampane. The beneficial effects of this plant on the body are extremely diverse. Elecampane eliminates problems with thyroid gland, improves bowel movements, treats hemorrhoids, gets rid of worms, is used as a diuretic and a means to combat inflammation. But more importantly, among the diseases that elecampane successfully copes with are respiratory tract pathologies, such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis. Products based on this plant are especially useful for sputum with a thick and viscous consistency, because a decoction based on the rhizome of this plant helps to liquefy and remove sputum, and the transition of a dry cough to a wet one.

You just need to remember that infusions and decoctions based on elecampane should not be taken in case of heart and vascular diseases, kidney pathologies, hypotension, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, children under 6 years old can be given elecampane-based products only in extreme cases.

Preparing a decoction of elecampane does not take much time. For this, 1 tbsp. dry crushed root should be poured with 2 glasses of water and simmered over low heat for 15–20 minutes. After leaving the product to cool to room temperature, all that remains is to strain it, and you can drink 2 tbsp. every hour up to 8 r/day.

There is another way to prepare the product. Send 2 tsp. crushed root into a thermos, add a glass of boiling water there and, closing the thermos, leave the product for 6 hours. You should drink 1/3 cup of the infusion 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

4. Althea

Another amazing plant healing properties which came to us from ancient times. Marshmallow is known as an excellent pain reliever, a remedy for treating stomach ulcers and liver pathologies. In addition, it is used for problems with gums, skin and, of course, for pathologies of the respiratory system. In case of bronchitis, tracheitis and chronic cough, preparations based on marshmallow have a softening and relaxing effect. It is not surprising that the use of such products helps to cough better, removing pathogenic microbes from the lungs and bronchi.

This useful herb also has contraindications, in particular, individual intolerance, chronic constipation, the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as a violation respiratory function lungs. These drugs are prescribed with caution to “diabetics”, as well as to children. infancy. Also, products with marshmallow can cause allergic reactions and result in nausea and vomiting in case of overdose.

An infusion of marshmallow root is prepared as follows. To do this, just pour 15 g of crushed plant material boiled water in an amount of 0.5 l, and leave the product to infuse for 24 hours. You need to be treated with this infusion until complete recovery, taking 1 tsp each. 4-5 r/day.

If you need a decoction of marshmallow root, 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water (1 cup) of dry crushed raw materials and, bringing to a boil on the stove, keep it on the fire for fifteen minutes. After drinking the product, add boiled water to it to get the initial 200 ml and take half a glass after meals up to four times a day.

5. Black radish

This is another completely inexpensive, but effective natural remedy from the most various diseases. Black radish has an immunostimulating effect, kills viruses and bacteria, and also has a general strengthening effect. It is not without reason that it is used to prevent infection with ARVI and influenza. This valuable vegetable is also famous for its ability to fight coughs, both acute and protracted. Black radish juice can make a cough more productive and protect the patient from hoarseness and wheezing in the lungs. In this regard, the vegetable crop in question is often used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Let's just say that this product has some contraindications. In particular, black radish juice can cause allergies. People with stomach ulcers and gastritis in the acute phase of the disease should not take it. Pregnant women and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should take black radish with caution.

Here is the most popular recipe for using black radish. You just need to wash one whole vegetable, cut off the top and cut out its core. Liquid honey should be poured into the formed depression, leaving a little space for the juice that the radish will secrete. It is best to carry out the described manipulations in the evening in order to begin treatment in the morning. This medicine should be taken 2 tsp. drugs every five to six hours until complete recovery.

In this green plant growing along the roadsides, you will not immediately recognize a real healer who is able to rid our body of the most various ailments. Since time immemorial, plantain has helped people replenish vitamin C reserves and get rid of scurvy, prevent and treat diseases gastrointestinal tract, get rid of digestive disorders and poisoning. Finally, plantain is recognized as one of the most the best means cough treatment. Due to its expectorant properties, this beneficial green is used to treat tracheitis and bronchitis, laryngitis and pneumonia, whooping cough and pulmonary tuberculosis.

It is only important to remember that plantain-based products increase blood clotting, which means that such folk remedies are not suitable for persons with a predisposition to vein thrombosis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. In addition, plantain leaves increase the acidity of gastric juice, which means that plantain is also not suitable for “ulcer sufferers” and people with gastritis.

Take a test to control your asthma -

Expectorants are inexpensive but effective

Cough is cold symptom that every person faces. This symptom persists for a long time, which is why it bothers me the most. In addition, if not completely cured, it can cause serious complications. Therefore, for maximum effective treatment proven medications must be used. They don't have to be expensive. In pharmacies you can find expectorant drugs that are inexpensive but effective.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the root cause of the cough. The cough itself is not dangerous. It helps cleanse the respiratory system of bronchial secretions, foreign particles and harmful microorganisms.

Frequent cough indicates the presence of the disease. Most people associate a cough with a cold, but this belief is wrong. After all, the reasons for this can be not only infections (ARVI, influenza, whooping cough, pneumonia), but also:

  1. Reactive respiratory diseases. This group of reasons includes bronchial asthma, Chronical bronchitis, as well as smoker's bronchitis.
  2. Gastroesophageal reflux.
  3. Inhalation of contaminated air or inhalation of a foreign body.
  4. Oncology and others serious illnesses respiratory system.

Choosing medicines For effective elimination cough, you need to be guided by a number of aspects. The main aspect is to decide whether your cough is dry or wet. After all, different medications are used for cough therapy, the cost of which also varies. In the first case, medications are used that suppress the cough reflex. In the second - mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

IMPORTANT! IN medical practice It is not uncommon for emergency medical intervention to be required. Because the patient harmed himself by self-medicating. If you have been coughing for more than 3 weeks, contact your doctor immediately.

Characteristics and classification of expectorant drugs

Expectorants are drugs that help remove bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract. The process of producing and removing bronchial secretions is a natural mechanism. But in case of disorder and malfunction This mechanism causes a cough. In asthma, the cough is paroxysmal in nature and is associated with hyperreactivity.

Expectorant drugs are not clearly classified, but in pharmaceutical practice there is the following division:

  • drugs with irritating effects, which include medicinal plants;
  • sulfhydryl group (acetylcysteine ​​and carbocysteine), which is prescribed for;
  • drugs derived from vasicin (for example, ambroxol or bromhexine);
  • combined group of expectorant drugs.

Because of the inconvenience associated with coughing, people try to eliminate it as quickly as possible. In the case of asthma, inconvenience develops into limitations in life activity, which means that coughing attacks must be eliminated as soon as possible. as soon as possible. Due to the length of treatment for asthma, most patients seek more inexpensive drugs. Therefore, the question will always be relevant: what inexpensive, but effective drugs for bronchial asthma?

Expectorants for bronchial asthma

If bronchial asthma is diagnosed, the expectorant drug most often prescribed to the patient is Bromhexine or Ambroxol (aka Lazolvan), as well as Carbocisteine ​​(Fluditek, Libexin-Muco), the cost of which is much higher .

“Bromhexine” is a well-known inexpensive and effective expectorant, which is almost completely absorbed into the blood 30 minutes after administration. After complete absorption, bromhexine is metabolized and converted into the equally used ambroxol. Hence, pharmachologic effect and the indications for these drugs are almost identical. Their prices are also almost the same.

"Bromhexine" and "Ambroxol" have 3 main forms of release: tablets, baby syrup and drops for oral administration and manipulation with the inhaler. "Ambroxol" is also available in the form of plates that need to be dissolved.

Domestic bromhexine medicines are effective and inexpensive means. But the price of imported analogues is no longer so economical.

Carbocysteine-based expectorants are also in demand among asthmatics. This group of medications does not provoke bronchospasm, and also does not interact at all with. Products based on carbocisteine ​​are available in the form of capsules and syrup.

IMPORTANT! When treating asthma with agents based on bromhexine or carbocysteine, it must be remembered that as the course of the disease improves, the dosage should be reduced.

Inexpensive expectorants for children

Anyone, whether he is one year old, 5 years old or 13 years old, takes medicines in the form of syrup better. However, both domestic and foreign pharmacology have in their arsenal not only syrups. There are tablets, capsules, as well as relatively inexpensive and equally effective tablets and warming ointments.

Expectorants in syrup form are absorbed faster, so their effectiveness can be felt within half an hour. In addition, unlike mucolytics, they do not provoke a cough and can be taken before bed.

Inexpensive and effective expectorants for children in syrup form include:

  1. "Doctor Mom" It is an expectorant and bronchodilator in syrup form. It perfectly relieves swelling and inflammation of the respiratory tract. 2 teaspoons after breakfast, lunch and dinner is the daily dosage.
    It is also worth noting that Doctor Mom is available in the form of tablets and ointment, which has a warming effect and copes with any type of cough.
  2. "Gedelix" is an inexpensive and effective anti-inflammatory and expectorant syrup that restores breathing and clears the respiratory tract of mucus. He is considered the most safe means With affordable price and is prescribed to children from birth. It must be taken 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon. An analogue of Gedelix is ​​Gerbion, but it should not be taken by children with diabetes.
  3. "Pertusin". One of the most inexpensive, but incredibly effective expectorant medicines. Its basis is medicinal plants (thyme and thyme) and potassium bromide. With the help of "Pertusin", a dry cough quickly turns into a wet one, and sputum is easily liquefied and removed from the relevant organs.

An analogue is “Doctor Theis”, but its price is higher due to the addition of other extracts (plantain, chamomile, lemon balm).

In addition to the above-mentioned syrupy medications, there are a number of drugs that are excellent for treating coughs in children (for example, Lazolvan or Prospan). However, you should consult a doctor before using any of them.

Effective expectorants for smokers

To relieve a smoker of a cough, it is necessary to use herbal-based medications, the purpose of which is to regenerate tissue, soothe irritated mucous membranes and increase immunity. Fulfilling the last condition will help preserve the lungs during colds.

“Licorice Root” is considered the best inexpensive, universal and at the same time effective expectorant medicine for coughs caused by constant smoking. By irritating the receptors, “licorice root” promotes expectoration of sputum. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes irritation and enhances the body's immune function.

Due to the fact that “Licorice root” is a medicine plant origin, it is not in tablet form. For smokers, it is recommended to brew licorice root in the form of tea with thyme, oregano or marshmallow root, or use or chew the dried roots at the pharmacy.

In addition to Licorice Root, the use of the syrupy herbal medicine Eucabala is effective. This medicine has protective, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antispasmodic characteristics. It contains plantain, thyme, sucrose, fructose and alcohol. The price of Eucabal is low, but it perfectly thins and removes excess bronchial secretions.

IMPORTANT! It is best for smokers to use herbal-based products, which, in addition to their intended purpose, also increase and strengthen the immune system. Plantain, mint and eucalyptus are perfect for this.

Inexpensive and effective expectorants in tablet form

The pharmaceutical industry has a variety of cough medications. At the same time, prices for inexpensive expectorant drugs vary between 25-70 rubles. The most popular and cheapest medications in the form of tablets include Pectusin, Mukaltin and Travisil.

“Pectusin”, which contains menthol and eucalyptus, is used for tracheitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and is also an excellent treatment for both children (prescribed from 7 years old) and adults. Pectusin tablets are not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, or if laryngospasms occur.

"Mukaltin" is the most inexpensive medicine based on Althea. It perfectly envelops and restores damaged tissue and has an anti-inflammatory effect. "Mukaltin" is indicated for use even for pneumonia, tuberculosis and asthma. Contraindications for use: hypersensitivity to individual components.

Travisil contains 15 plant extracts, 3 types of oils (lemon, mint and orange), sugar - glucose. Due to this composition, the tablets quickly cure dry and wet coughs. However, these tablets have significant contraindications: do not use for treating children under 3 years of age and for diabetes mellitus.

The selection of cough medications should definitely be carried out by a doctor, because self-medication can lead to complications. In addition, before use, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the dosages indicated therein.

Poll: What is the most effective expectorant?

The expectorants used for dry cough increase its effectiveness - they stimulate the secretion of the tracheobronchial glands and remove pathological sputum.

Dry cough, also known as non-productive cough, is natural reaction body to a stimulus, and can be called viral infections or allergies. In this condition, tracheobronchial mucus is not secreted.

Dry cough - causes

A sore throat may be due to various problems with health. Some people start coughing when inhaling dry, heated air, others just out of habit.

Chronic coughing is usually caused by irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa from cigarette smoke, environmental irritants, allergies, runny nose or asthma. Row chronic diseases lungs also cause an annoying cough.

The most common causes of a nonproductive cough reflex are:

  • Viral infections (flu, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.);
  • (for plant pollen, animal hair, dust, etc.);
  • Fungal diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Air pollution (the effects of chemical irritants, tobacco smoke);

Another cause of sore throat is acid (gastroesophageal) reflux. When gastric juice rises up to the back of the throat, some of it can enter the lumen of the respiratory tract, causing inflammation and a cough reflex.

Other reasons include:

  • Side effect from taking medications. Certain medications, particularly blood pressure medications, cause a nonproductive cough.
  • Psychological conditions, when the cough reflex becomes a habit. This type of cough is called psychogenic. There's no hiding behind it physical illness, and the person may not even notice that he is coughing. Typical for such a reflex is its spontaneous cessation during sleep.
  • Nervous disorders, experiences. Many people develop a cough when stressful situations. There is increased breathing, which provokes coughing.

Constant dry cough

A sore throat that persists for more than three weeks may indicate an underlying illness, such as:

Asthma is a recurring disease inflammatory airways and their partial blocking. As a result, the patient experiences attacks of suffocation, which are accompanied by a dry expectorant cough.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Heart problems cause heart failure, fluid accumulation in the lungs and persistent coughing, especially at night.

Lung problems, including cancerous tumors. Constant coughing may be specific sign pulmonary pathologies.

Tuberculosis is a highly infectious bacterial pathology that primarily affects the lungs. In the early stages it causes an incessant paroxysmal cough.

Whooping cough is a bacterial disease the causative agent of which is Bordetella bronchispetica. It is characterized by coughing attacks followed by exhalation of air with a distinctive “whistling” sound.

Source: website

Why are expectorants needed?

The common belief that the production of tracheobronchial mucus starts only during illness is erroneous.

This process is constant, and under normal conditions human body produces up to 100 ml of mucus per day.

The secretion produced helps the body cope with irritants that enter it when inhaling air, and also removes dead particles along with coughing.

During illness, the volume of mucous material produced increases to 1.5 liters per day.

Gradually it thickens or dries out completely, thereby clogging the bronchi and gluing the cilia of the ciliated epithelial tissue.

The thick, difficult-to-remove mucus begins to actively multiply bacteria, resulting in complications of the disease, such as pneumonia. At the same time, there is a change in the nature of the cough - it becomes unproductive.

The solution to the problem is the use of expectorants, which help to liquefy and. The mechanism of action of these drugs is different, so when different states you should choose different medications.

Expectorants for dry cough: types

There are two main groups of expectorants: direct resorptive and reflex action.

Drugs with a direct effect upon absorption dilute the exudate, suppress inflammatory process in the bronchopulmonary tree.

Such medications are available as tablets, syrups, and powders. Among the most effective medicines this group:

  • Bromhexine
  • Lazolvan
  • Ambrobene
  • Carbocisteine, etc.

Pharmaceutical drugs of reflex action, when they enter the stomach, stimulate peristalsis of the bronchial muscles, which leads to hypersecretion of tracheobronchial exudate and improvement of the expectoration process.

They are available as syrups, extracts, herbal teas. They contain herbal ingredients– thyme, chamomile, elecampane, marshmallow root, licorice, thermopsis. Common drugs:
  • Thermopsol
  • Gerbion
  • overslept
  • and others.

There is a third group of antitussive drugs that have a combined effect. They simultaneously have an expectorant, antimicrobial, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Such pharmaceuticals are stronger and therefore have side reactions. They are prescribed strictly by a doctor when chronic pathologies, accompanied unproductive cough. Representatives of this species:

  1. Codelac Broncho
  2. Eufillin
  3. Ascoril
  4. Cashnol syrup
  5. Bronchicum and others.

Expectorants for dry coughs for children

Not knowing what medications can be given to children for cough, most parents make a huge mistake - they resort to self-medication without thinking about adverse reactions. Among the antitussive medications approved for the child:

Of the safe “grandmother’s” products for pregnant women - warm milk with butter, honey and soda, honey or linden tea with lemon.

Expectorants for dry cough: folk remedies

Despite the wide variety of pharmaceuticals for stimulating expectoration, alternative medicine still as popular as ever.

For decades they have demonstrated their effectiveness in treating coughs. of various etiologies. In addition, these products are relatively cheap. Recipes for the most effective and safe for children and adults are given below.

    1. Milk decoction with figs. Grind the fruit, pour 1 tbsp. milk, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Serve warm in small sips.
    2. Milkshake with garlic. Grind 5 cloves of garlic, add to 500 ml of fiber and boil. Strain and cool. Take 100 ml orally every 2 hours. To enhance medicinal properties You can add this folk expectorant to a dry cough. single dose cocktail 1 tsp. honey
  1. A decoction based on licorice root. Pour 100 g of dried raw material into 500 ml of water. Boil and simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours. Cool and take in 1 tbsp. every time before meals.
  2. . Select the pulp from the radish, fill the vegetable with honey and leave in a warm place for 12 hours. Take 1 tbsp in the morning and evening.
  3. Thyme tea. For 100 g of dried herb, use 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse the drink and drink as tea 3-4 times a day.
  4. . Eucalyptus trees are suitable for these purposes. essential oils, salt and soda solutions, boiled potatoes, herbal compositions. The duration of the procedures is 15 minutes for adults, 10 minutes for children, performed 2 times a day.

Doctors prescribe antitussive drugs to patients suffering from, or wet cough , in which thick sputum is poorly separated. Depending on the patient’s condition, he is prescribed either mucolytics (allowing you to dilute sputum), or expectorants (which can facilitate the discharge of sputum). These can be both synthetic drugs and plant-based drugs.

Despite the fact that most people prefer to take herbal medicines, you need to understand that all medicinal plants, regardless of whether they have positive properties, have certain contraindications and provoke side effects, as well as drugs of synthetic origin. In addition, most medications contain a number of other substances that cause negative effects.

It should also be taken into account that any medicine for phlegm in the lungs, including folk remedies from sputum, can cause manifestations different types. Therefore, all drops, tablets, syrups and other medications can be taken only after approval by a doctor and according to the regimen that he has determined.

Classification of antitussives

There is the following division of antitussive drugs:

Expectorants that stimulate the expectoration process

Expectorants are used for wet coughs, since expectorant tablets, syrup and other medications stimulate the process of mucus discharge.

If you characterize the general list of expectorant drugs, you need to take into account that they are divided into two types.

Reflex medicines

They irritate the gastric mucosa, resulting in stimulation of the vomiting center. The production of mucus in the respiratory tract is activated. There is also increased peristalsis of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium, which removes mucus into large bronchioles and into the trachea. As a consequence, such expectorants wet cough facilitate expectoration and removal of phlegm.

Basically, these are preparations based on expectorant herbs for bronchitis, ARVI, etc.: wild rosemary, thermopsis, coltsfoot, thyme, etc. Expectorant folk remedies are also prepared on the basis of these herbs, but such folk recipes patients who are worried coughing, also need to be agreed with your doctor.

Direct resorptive agents

Provoke irritation of the bronchial mucosa after being absorbed into digestive tract. As a result, the secretion of liquid sputum increases.

It should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to choose a good and strong cough expectorant on your own, without a preliminary examination by a doctor, since it is necessary to take into account all the features of the course of the disease. The doctor also selects the optimal drug for smokers. Such drugs should be selected very carefully for pregnant women.

Any expectorant drugs, despite their composition, can be used only after approval by a doctor. Even herbal expectorants during pregnancy cannot be used uncontrolled, as allergies and negative effects on the woman and fetus are possible. If sputum does not clear well during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Each expectorant for children should be used only after prescription. Despite the fact that many drugs for children (tablets, syrups for children, herbs) are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, how to treat an expectorant cough in a child is determined by the pediatrician, taking into account all the characteristics of the disease. Therefore, parents are not recommended to ask directly at the pharmacy about what good expectorants for children over 1 year of age the pharmacist will recommend to them.

Mucolytic drugs

It is necessary to take into account when using mucolytics , that this is a remedy that thins phlegm, which ultimately helps to remove it faster. Mucolytics are medications prescribed for bronchitis , pneumonia and other respiratory tract ailments. The list of mucolytic drugs is quite wide. It should be borne in mind that this mucolytic effect may be as follows:

  • mucolytic drugs for children and adults that affect the viscosity and elasticity of mucus in the bronchi (and others);
  • mucolytic agents for children and adults that activate the removal of sputum (,);
  • Drugs that have a mucolytic effect are a reduction in mucus production ( glucocorticoids , anticholinergics , ).

When choosing any of the drugs with this effect, you need to take into account that such a mucolytic drug should only be prescribed by a doctor, since there are many important points that need to be taken into account.

Both adults and children should not be given such medications at the same time as antitussives; they are not prescribed if the cough is strong and wet.

The doctor prescribes all antitussive drugs for children and adults in the presence of certain symptoms and characteristics of the disease. Therefore, look at the pharmacy for effective, cheap and good medicine for cough and bronchitis only after a diagnosis has been established.

Preparations Althea

Such cough remedies for children and adults are indicated for acute and chronic respiratory ailments - for bronchitis , obstructive bronchitis , emphysema .

These are effective cough remedies if the patient experiences the formation of sputum that is difficult to separate and has a strong viscosity.

How does it work?

Adult and pediatric medications based on marshmallow herbs produce an effect by stimulating the peristalsis of bronchioles. There is also an anti-inflammatory effect; the product dilutes bronchial secretions.


High sensitivity to the drug, peptic ulcer . The syrup should be used with caution in case of fructose intolerance and.

Use with caution during pregnancy, also in children under 3 years of age. Cough medicine for children over 3 years of age is used according to indications.

Side effects

Treatment may be accompanied by allergies, vomiting, nausea,


The medicine is used as an expectorant for children 3 years of age and older. If there is a need to give cough tablets to children, then children over one year old can first dissolve one tablet in 100 g of water. Adults use 1-2 tablets. Mukaltin 4 r. per day, treatment can last from 1 to 2 weeks.

Reviews of cough tablets for children indicate that Mucaltin is an inexpensive and good remedy.

Price from 200 rub.


At cough with hard-to-clear sputum .


Not prescribed for children under 3 years of age, if high sensitivity, with peptic ulcer.

Side effects

How to drink?

Children - 5 ml every 3 hours, adults - 10 ml every 3 hours.


Medicines based on this herb act as an expectorant and also produce an analgesic and antimicrobial effect. They have the same indications and contraindications as plantain.

Herb – from 50 rubles, essential oil – from 100 rubles.

How to drink?

To prepare the decoction, 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. water and boil for 15 minutes. After this, filter and bring the contents to 200 ml. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 r. per day for 2-3 weeks.

Syrup and lozenges are produced. Cough lozenges and syrup provide an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Lozenges, like syrup, are indicated for paroxysmal cough, difficult to separate sputum.

From 150 rub.

How to drink?

Syrup can be given for treatment to a child from 6 months - half a tsp. twice a day. Children from 1 to 6 years old - 1 tsp. twice a day, children 6-12 years old - the same dose three times a day. Adults are advised to drink 2 tsp. three times a day.

Lozenges for children from 6 to 12 years old – 1 pc. three times a day. Adults - 1-2 lozenges three times a day.

What is better - syrup or lozenges - is determined by the doctor. It is important to take into account the patient’s age (for example, a 4-year-old child should not be prescribed lozenges), as well as what helps get rid of cough more effectively, taking into account the patient’s experience.

Bronchicum TP

It contains primrose and thyme.

How to drink?

Children from 1-4 years old - 0.5 tsp. three times a day (for a child 6 months and older - only under the strict supervision of a doctor). Children from 5 to 12 years old - 1 tsp. 4 rub. per day, adults - the same dose 6 r. in a day. It is important to apply Bronchicum at regular intervals.



Age up to 2 years, pregnancy, pulmonary hemorrhage. Take with caution for diseases of the adrenal glands, liver and kidney failure.

Side effects

Headaches, tinnitus, stomatitis , vomit , bronchospasm , pulmonary hemorrhage, skin rash.

How to drink?

It is better to take medications with such an active ingredient after meals. It should be taken into account that a stronger diluting effect is observed if a person drinks a lot of liquid at the same time.

Children 2-5 years old - 100 mg 2-3 times a day, 6-14 years old - 100 mg, adults - 200 mg three times a day. Treatment should not last more than 7 days, but if acute bronchitis the doctor may extend the therapy.

How to take ACC in sachets depends on the disease. As a rule, ACC is recommended to be dissolved in half a glass of tea, water or juice and taken immediately after dilution.

This active substance contains the drug (cough medicine for children, tablets, drops for children), (in addition to bromhexine hydrochloride drops contain levomenthol, anise oil, eucalyptus, fennel, mint, oregano oils), Solvin (tablets, syrup).

An expectorant and antitussive effect is noted.


Age up to 6 years (mixture and syrup - up to 2 years), pregnancy (first trimester), breastfeeding, high sensitivity.

Side effects

Nausea, allergies, vomiting, dizziness, headaches.

A pronounced effect is observed after 2-5 days of treatment.

How to drink?

Children from 2 years old - 2 mg, children from 6 years old - 8 mg three times a day. For adults, 8-16 mg 4 times is recommended. in a day. It is possible to use these drugs in the form of inhalations, which are carried out twice a day. To do this, you need to dissolve the product with distilled water or saline solution. For children 2-10 years old, the dose is 2 mg, from 10 years old – 8 mg.

The use of this mixture for children under one year of age is not practiced. A list of medicines for infants can be obtained from your doctor.

Combination cough remedies

Such drugs include,. These medications can only be used if there are strict indications - they are prescribed for obstructive syndrome.

The price of Joset syrup is from 200 rubles, Ascoril – from 300 rubles, Cashnol (manufacturer India – from 150 rubles). The products are available in the form of tablets and syrup.

The composition includes guaifenesin, bromhexine, salbutamol.


At COPD , asthma , emphysema , tracheobronchitis , pneumonia , tuberculosis , chronic bronchitis .


Pregnancy and lactation, age up to 3 years, liver and kidney failure, myocarditis , diabetes , ulcer , tachyarrhythmia , aortic stenosis .

These cough syrups and tablets for children and adults are not used simultaneously with medications - non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blockers, antitussives, MAO inhibitors.