Advice from Dr. Komarovsky. What to do if your child’s body temperature rises. The child is sweating after a fever, good or bad

Parents of sick children often wonder why the child does not sweat at high temperatures. Before answering, it is necessary to find out whether the child sweats normally, healthy condition- in hot weather, during physical activity. Make sure that his sweating processes are normal. If the answer is no, you must diagnostic methods look for reasons in neurological pathology, and also pay attention to the work of the sweat glands.

If a child with high temperature If you don't sweat in the first few days, that's normal.

An inspection by a specialist is required. If everything in the first point is normal and the child does not sweat at high temperatures, you should clarify when he does not sweat. It is considered normal if a baby with a high temperature does not sweat in the first few days, and then sweats profusely. Profuse sweating should be present during the process of reducing it.

During a viral or bacteriological disease, the heat exchange of a sick person changes. A developing fever is his answer protective systems, preventing the penetration of viruses or bacteria. Therefore, an increase in body temperature is an adequate response of the body to such an intervention.

They begin to influence it after exceeding a certain threshold, when it becomes dangerous for the child. There is no need to rush with antipyretics.

When the temperature rises, the balance of heat transfer and heat generation is disrupted. At the beginning of the disease, when foreign microorganisms penetrate into the body, thermoregulation is disrupted, and our body begins to compensate for this imbalance. Moreover, the compensatory mechanism of an adult and a child is completely different.

Processes of heat transfer and heat generation

The body of adults reduces the release of its heat to the outside, but does not increase the formation of heat. The temperature rises due to a decrease in the amount of heat given off to the outside.

A child's body reacts completely differently. Its temperature rises as a result of heating. This happens because its heat generation increases with constant heat transfer.

This is how the processes considered in adults and children are fundamentally different.

Fever has 3 stages

The algorithm for its development includes 3 stages: increasing, maintaining and decreasing temperature indicators.

  • At the first stage of fever, peripheral vessels spasm, the child does not sweat at fever. The skin turns pale. As a result of spasm of peripheral vessels, goose pimples. The patient feels trembling and chills.
  • The second stage begins - heat transfer indicators do not change, reaching a certain peak point. At this time, the processes of heat removal and generation come into equilibrium. Chills and trembling disappear. A feeling of heat appears because the spasm of blood vessels stops, the blood tends to the surface of the skin. They become pink and wet. The temperature fluctuates throughout the day, rising more in the evening.
  • The third stage is recovery. Thermoregulation returns to normal. The process can occur either gradually or abruptly. The brain perceives the temperature as elevated, activates mechanisms to reduce it, trying to increase the release of excess heat. The outflow of fluid from the body increases, and the sweating and urination systems (diuresis) become active.

Having studied the processes of heat transfer and heat generation during the course of an infectious disease, it becomes clear why the child does not sweat at fever.

How to help your child if he has a fever

Body t indicators when medicinal measures are taken to knock it down:

  • above 38.5° healthy people any age;
  • above 37.5° in people with chronic pathology;
  • above 38° in children.

In other cases, it is necessary to resort to other methods of reducing the temperature:

  1. Physical. The essence of the method: return excess by the body heat. What you can do: do not wrap or overdress, use wipes, a damp, cold cloth on the forehead. If possible, use ventilation to lower the temperature in the room. The apparent simplicity of these actions will reduce the fever by 0.5 - 1 ° C, which may already be sufficient. Does not inhibit the body's resistance and does not interfere with its natural thermoregulation processes. Physical methods may be used frequently, if different meanings the patient’s temperature, focusing on his well-being.
  2. Chemical. Application drug treatment antipyretics. There are many pharmacological drugs for these purposes, but among them there are contraindications: children should not be given aspirin (can cause Reye's syndrome).

How to help your child sweat

To increase resistance child's body To infectious diseases To make him sweat at high temperatures, it is necessary to create the right conditions.

The child does not sweat - analyze sufficient water regime. Often, panicking, parents simply forget about this. Which further leads to deterioration of the condition and dehydration. You need to offer your baby to drink a lot and often, drinking it even if he doesn’t want to.

Plain water, fruit juice, compote, tea (you can add lemon there) are perfect for these purposes. Sometimes Regidron solution is used.

With increased fluid intake, if the child does not sweat, parents need to monitor regular urination so as not to miss the appearance of possible edema.

There are cases when the baby does not have a temperature, but he is sweating

There are situations when there is no fever, but the child is sweating. There are safe and dangerous reasons.


  • incorrect choice of children's clothing for the weather;
  • emotional experiences;
  • overweight;
  • genetic predisposition.


  • rickets;
  • diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • development of apnea (short-term cessation of breathing, mainly during sleep);
  • tuberculosis;
  • lymphatic diathesis.

Preventing excessive sweating:

  • control the humidity and temperature in the room;
  • dress not according to the season, but according to the weather;
  • get into the habit of drinking water regularly.

Sweat is an important sign for assessing a child's health, just as body temperature is a symptom of the development of a disease.

Temperature human body maintained within a certain narrow range.

This is done using the following mechanisms:

  • extension blood vessels skin - this increases blood flow to the surface of the body and active loss of excess heat;
  • stimulation of sweat glands - liquid evaporating from the skin promotes rapid cooling.

Sweat can be produced without an adequate stimulus, i.e. when there is no hyperthermia. This is how the sympathetic nervous system in most cases responds to some painful processes occurring in the body.

When children are hot, they move actively and become wet; this does not surprise or frighten parents.

When a child sweats at night or during the day for no apparent reason, many simply panic, especially if this happens often.

The term " cold sweat" is most often used as sweating at normal temperature, when the body is not hot to the touch.

Why do children have sticky sweat?

At heavy sweat and when it dries on the skin there is a feeling of stickiness. This occurs due to the mixing of sweat salts with sebum. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of painful conditions, some of which require emergency medical attention.

Cold clammy sweat - possible causes:

  • diseases of the circulatory system, heart defects;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • taking popular painkillers and antipyretics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen;
  • increased emotionality;
  • pathology nervous system;
  • sticky cold sweat that appears during sleep is a common symptom beginning rickets;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypotension;
  • low blood sugar;
  • past viral infection with complications.

In infants, this sign indicates:

  • about a lack of vitamin D;
  • disturbance of phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • physical stress during breastfeeding.

Teething can also be accompanied by sweating, just like any other inflammatory process with pain syndrome.

Some infections cause fever and sticky cold sweat:

  • flu;
  • mononucleosis;
  • viral gastroenteritis;
  • kidney infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pancreatitis, etc.

Cough and cold sweat are a common combination that often indicates diseases of the respiratory system, complications of ARVI:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tonsillitis (tonsillitis), etc.

Sweating as a symptom of emergency conditions

As mentioned above, the factors that provoke sweating can be completely non-life-threatening conditions. But it also happens that you need to react quickly and clearly.

Of course, cold sweat in itself is not terrible, but in combination with other symptoms it indicates the following: serious problems with health:

  • hypoglycemia – sharp drop blood glucose levels. This condition occurs not only when diabetes mellitus, but in healthy children;
  • sudden hypotension - decrease blood pressure against the backdrop of heavy allergic reactions, infections, etc.;
  • acute hypoxia – lack of oxygen in the body. Occurs as a result of poisoning, asphyxia, serious illnesses lungs, etc.;
  • shock – its causes are varied. There are several types of shock - anaphylactic, cardiogenic, hypovolemic, septic and neurogenic. The bottom line is that the blood supply to organs and tissues is sharply disrupted.

And more common reasons:

  • seasickness (motion sickness);
  • repeated vomiting;
  • vasovagal reaction;
  • severe pain, etc.

Why does a child have cold sweats and low temperature?

When parents see a mark below 36˚C on the thermometer, this often frightens parents. Possible reasons a lot of. Some of them do not require medical intervention, while others can threaten health and even life.

In any case, you need to try not to panic and remain calm. Think about why this could happen.

Here are the likely ones:

  • taking antipyretic medications;
  • treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • viral diseases;
  • exhaustion.

Monitor the child's condition carefully. He needs to be seen by a doctor if the following additional symptoms are present:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • cold sweat;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • malaise, etc.

If the numbers on the thermometer continue to decrease, then before the doctor arrives, it is necessary to begin warming measures:

  • wrap the child in a blanket;
  • maintain the room temperature at least 20˚C;
  • ensure that clothing and bed sheets were dry;
  • drink hot tea.

Cold sweat in a child during sleep

For normal growth and development, a child needs healthy, uninterrupted sleep. What to do if your baby is sweating but has no fever? This phenomenon often occurs in children of all ages. Their sleep becomes more shallow, they toss and turn and wake up frequently.

Inappropriate factors are most often to blame environment. However, there may be other reasons that need to be ruled out.

The child’s body and physiology have the following characteristics:

  • sleep is in the deep phase longer;
  • thermoregulation is unstable due to the immaturity of the system;
  • The density of sweat glands per unit area of ​​skin is greater compared to adults.

This explains why childhood sweating against the background of general medical well-being is very common.

Sweating is a nonspecific phenomenon, on the basis of which it is impossible to diagnose any pathology. It may indicate either a cold or the development of a serious illness. If cold sweats appear frequently and are accompanied by other symptoms, you should take your child to the doctor.

What could this mean?

Most common places increased sweating are legs, arms, armpits, head and face. But the whole body can be covered in perspiration.

The causes of cold sweat in a child during sleep can be the following factors:

  • overheating due to warm pajamas, a hot blanket and stuffy room;
  • infections;
  • taking medications, side effect which is sweating;
  • excess body weight;
  • excessively vivid emotional dreams or nightmares;
  • eating spicy foods and seasonings, especially in the evening;
  • fever - in this case, sweating can be so severe that the baby needs to be changed regularly. In principle, this is not considered a bad sign. Many parents specifically give medications that cause sweating;
  • attacks of sleep apnea (breath holding);
  • impaired nasal breathing due to a runny nose, stuffy nose, cough;
  • stress, fear, fears.

A cause for concern is increased night sweats due to high body temperature, snoring or breathing problems (difficulty, intermittent). Also, if the child sleeps with his mouth open or is bothered by weakness, tiredness and fatigue during the day. Be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Additionally, cold sweats at night can be caused by:

  • autoimmune diseases ( multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, fibromyalgia, lupus);
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • cerebral palsy (the main symptoms in this case are developmental delay, seizures, hearing problems and impaired motor functions).

What parents should do

Sweating is common in children. In most cases, the problem goes away as you grow and mature.

However, if it is observed for a long time, it is still recommended to consult a doctor and, if necessary, examine the child.

What you need to do first to help your baby:

  • maintain comfortable conditions in your home not only during the day, but also at night;
  • avoid consuming foods that cause sweating - Coca-Cola, spices, smoked foods, etc.;
  • take a walk before bed. Fresh air and moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole organism;
  • make sure that the clothes are light, natural and breathable;
  • remove thick, hot blankets;
  • If a child breaks out in a cold sweat, this may be a sign of stress. Try to find out if he has any worries, fears or other reasons for this.

Why does a child sweat after a fever?

Fever during infectious processes occurs as a result of the effect on the hypothalamus of white blood cells (leukocytes) and other pyrogenic substances (interleukins and prostaglandins). The destruction of some bacterial species also releases pyrogenic endotoxins from their cell walls.

Neurons of the hypothalamus, which are responsible for the level of the thermoregulation set point, increase its value.

Body temperature begins to rise, and this has an important physiological protective function:

  • prevents the proliferation of viruses and bacteria;
  • stimulates immunity and phagocytosis;
  • the production of antibodies, interferon, etc. is activated.

Cold sweat after a fever of infectious origin in most cases means that the body has begun to recover!

When the body copes with the infection, the number of pathogenic microbes decreases and they die, the set point returns to its previous level. However, the temperature may not drop immediately. Therefore, the sweat glands begin to work in an enhanced mode, i.e. a mechanism to get rid of excessive heat is triggered.

Doctors' opinions on this problem

Krasnoselsky V.I.

Hyperhidrosis can begin at any age

Sweating in children can be a manifestation of hyperhidrosis. Moreover, most often this concerns teenagers, although in principle age does not really matter.

The task of parents is to trace what is the provoking factor - exercise stress, some food, drinks, stressful situations, anxiety, etc. This is not so easy to do, so medical advice is necessary.

Early diagnosis of hyperhidrosis helps initiate treatment and prevent psychological problems in future.

Buchatskaya Yu.Yu.

Sweating is an important diagnostic sign

Everyone knows about this disease bronchial asthma. The incidence is increasing every year throughout the planet.

People interested in medicine will probably easily name its main symptoms. And cold sweat at night is one of them. The fact is that problems associated with asthma often manifest themselves during sleep.

Also, classic asthma attacks are accompanied by sweating, which is caused not only by impaired breathing, but also high level anxiety and fear during suffocation.

An increase in body temperature is a typical manifestation not only of ARVI, but also of any infectious disease. The body thus stimulates itself, producing substances that will fight the pathogen.

The main one of these substances is interferon. Many people have heard about it, if only because it is quite often prescribed by doctors in the form of nasal drops. Interferon is a special protein that has the ability to neutralize viruses, and its amount has a direct relationship with body temperature - that is, the higher the temperature, the more interferon. The amount of interferon reaches its maximum on the second or third day after the temperature rises and that is why most ARVIs end safely on the third day of illness. If there is little interferon - the child is weak and (cannot respond to an infection with a high temperature) or the parents are “very smart”: they quickly brought down the temperature, then there is almost no chance of ending the illness in three days. In this case, all hope lies in antibodies, which will definitely put an end to the viruses, but the duration of the illness will be completely different - about seven days.

By the way, the information provided largely explains two facts: it answers the question of why “unloved” children get sick for three days, and “favorite” children get sick for a week, and explains on a scientific level folk wisdom- “Treated flu goes away in 7 days, and untreated flu goes away in a week.”

Each child is individual and tolerates fever differently.

There are kids who calmly continue to play at 39 degrees, but sometimes it’s only 37.5, and he almost loses consciousness. Therefore, there cannot be universal recommendations regarding how long one should wait and after what number on the thermometer scale one should begin saving. The main thing for us is the following. When the temperature rises, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat - by evaporating sweat or by warming the inhaled air.

Two required actions:

1. Drink plenty of fluids - so that you have something to sweat.

2. Cool air in the room (optimally 16-18 degrees).

If these conditions are met, the likelihood that the body itself will not cope with the temperature is very small.


When the body comes into contact with cold, skin vessels spasm. It slows down blood flow, reduces sweat formation and heat transfer. Skin temperature decreases, but temperature increases internal organs. This is extremely dangerous! You cannot use the so-called “ physical methods cooling": heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, cold enemas, etc.

People! You can’t imagine how many children paid with their lives for being rubbed! If the child is already sweating, the temperature will drop on its own. And if you rub dry skin, it’s crazy, because through the delicate baby skin, what you rub with is absorbed into the blood. Rubbed with alcohol (vodka, moonshine) - alcohol poisoning was added to the disease. Rubbed with vinegar - added acid poisoning. The conclusion is obvious: never rub anything!

The higher the temperature, the more sweating, the warmer the room, the more actively you need to drink. The optimal drink for a child of the first year of life is a decoction of raisins, after a year - a compote of dried fruits. If a child drinks too much - I will do this, but I won’t do that - then it’s better to drink anything than not drink at all.

When does it make sense to reduce fever with medication?

    Poor temperature tolerance.

    Concomitant diseases of the nervous system.

    Body temperature is above 39 degrees.

Paracetamol is optimal for use at home (synonyms - dofalgan, panadol, mexalen, dolomol, efferalgan, Tylenol; it is advisable to have at least one of the above in candles). If there is no effect from taking it, consult a doctor immediately.

You will find more advice on treatment in Dr. Komarovsky’s book “Child Health and common sense his relatives"

Children sweat not only because of excessive activity or when it's too much outside. hot weather, but also when the temperature rises. There are more than enough reasons that lead to an increase in body temperature. Most often, in children, symptoms of high fever occur due to the development of colds, which causes damage to the autonomic system. The vegetative system is responsible for the secretion of sweat, therefore, with strong changes in it, the functionality of the body is weakened, as a result of which it releases a protective protein. Sweating is a protective reaction of the body, through which the development of overheating of the body is excluded. In the material we will pay attention to the question of why sweat appears when the temperature rises, as well as what this indicates.

When a child has a cold, he or she sweats: reasons

When symptoms of a cold occur, the child’s body temperature will necessarily increase. There is an increase in temperature for a reason, but for the simple reason that the immune system strives to quickly remove pathogenic microorganisms from the body that cause colds and other diseases. The higher the child’s fever, the more complex the disease. When the temperature rises, the child sweats, which is normal occurrence. The absence of sweat when the temperature rises indicates only one thing, that the process of thermal regulation in the baby’s body is disrupted.

If a child sweats a lot, then toxic substances, as well as remnants of viruses and toxins, are removed from the body along with sweat. People say that in order to get well, you need to sweat a lot. In reality this is true, but for adults and for children this phenomenon can be deadly. First of all, this is dangerous because in order to sweat well, the child is wrapped in several blankets. This will indeed cause the baby to sweat a lot, but at the same time the temperature will rise significantly. The result of such self-medication will be the development febrile seizures or vascular spasms.

It is important to know! It is strictly contraindicated to wrap a child in warm clothes at high temperatures so that the baby sweats. If the temperature rises above 40 degrees, death can occur.

The child’s immune system produces antibodies according to a certain pattern:

  1. At a normal body temperature of 36-6-37.4 degrees, there is an active spread of viruses and microbes that have entered the body. As soon as the immune system begins to produce antibodies, the temperature increases, as a result of which the bacteria gradually die. At 40 degrees, the death of all existing microorganisms in the baby’s body occurs.
  2. Viral breakdown products are eliminated from the body with the help of liquid, so it is important to provide your baby with plenty of fluids. Even if bacteria and viruses are neutralized, their presence in the body is no less dangerous, which can lead to intoxication. Sweating allows these harmful dead bacteria to come out.
  3. If you start lowering the child’s temperature below 38-38.5 degrees, this will lead to the development of complications. As soon as it falls low-grade fever before normal values, then the signs of sweat disappear. Created favorable environment for the spread of viruses, resulting in a serious exacerbation of diseases.

The child has a fever, but there are no signs of sweating

We now know why a child sweats when signs of fever increase. But what does it mean when the body temperature increases but the child does not sweat? Is it good if the baby does not sweat at fever or is it bad? This is quite rare, but very dangerous situation, in which the temperature rises quite sharply, and antipyretic drugs do not have any effect desired result. The child suffers greatly due to severe overload, which leads to the need to urgently call ambulance.

In order to exclude the development of such consequences, it is necessary to initially determine the causes unusual reaction. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following factors:

  1. Neurological abnormalities.
  2. Impaired functioning of the sweat glands, which requires the intervention of a specialist.
  3. If the temperature is elevated, and the child does not sweat at first, but after a while he begins to sweat, then in this situation the parents have nothing to worry about. This is a completely acceptable phenomenon.

How to make your baby sweat at high temperatures in order to increase the body's resistance to negative factors. To make your baby sweat, you need to give him liquid. Very often, parents in a state of panic and signs of illness forget to feed their child, which entails a deterioration in his condition and the development of dehydration.

Parents should definitely monitor the following actions:

  1. It is quite difficult to give children water to drink. If the baby forcibly refuses to drink liquids, and the mother forces him, then this will only provoke an increase in temperature. You shouldn’t make such mistakes; when your little one is sick, he shouldn’t be nervous. If the baby does not want to drink water, then it is better to offer him something more pleasant, for example, compote, juice, jelly. All of these types of liquids are great to drink, so be sure to keep this feature in mind.
  2. If there are no signs of sweat, you need to monitor the quality and quantity of urine excreted. If the child urinates little, and the color of the urine is not natural (it should be light), then appropriate measures must be taken. In this case, you need to unsolder the child and call an ambulance.
  3. When desoldering, the baby may not sweat, but signs of swelling appear. This is due to the fact that fluid is not removed from the body.
  4. Take temperature measurements regularly every 20-30 minutes.

It is important to know! If you have a high temperature, the absence of signs of sweat should be checked at the doctor's office, which will require some tests. Based on the results, the reason why there are no signs of functioning of the thermoregulation process will be identified.

Signs of sweating without fever

Having understood the situation when a child does not sweat at a temperature, it is necessary to find out one more feature. If a child sweats, but the child’s temperature does not increase, what might this property indicate? First you need to identify the reasons why this happens. The reasons can be divided into 2 types: dangerous and safe.

Safe reasons why a sweating baby does not feel very hot are due to the following factors:

  1. The absence of an increase in temperature, accompanied by increased sweating, may be due to the wrong choice of clothing. If the mother dressed the baby inappropriately for the weather, this will ultimately lead to serious consequences. Sweating is just a small part of what your baby will experience. After some time, signs of overheating will lead to an increase in body temperature.
  2. The absence of intense heat, manifested by profuse sweating, also indicates emotional overload. When children are nervous, worried, afraid or excited, this leads to profuse sweating.
  3. Excessive sweating toddler may be a sign overweight. It is important for parents to know that if the baby is well-fed beyond his years, then this should be dealt with.
  4. Genetic predisposition to profuse sweating.

Dangerous reasons why the baby is sweating, but there are no signs of fever, include:

  • Development of rickets. For treatment, it is necessary to give the child vitamin D.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. In this case, when signs are detected increased sweating for a long time, you need to inform your doctor.
  • Development of apnea disease. It is a short-term cessation of breathing while the baby is resting, which often happens to children who were born prematurely.
  • Development of tuberculosis disease.
  • Signs of lymphatic diathesis, especially if these symptoms are diagnosed in children over 3 years of age.

Preventive actions

To eliminate the appearance of signs of excessive sweating, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Adjust two parameters in the children's room: humidity and temperature.
  2. Dress your baby strictly according to the weather, but not according to the season.
  3. Let your baby relax before going to bed, you can give him a massage.
  4. Teach your child to drink water regularly from childhood.

If sweating decreases after an increase in temperature, you should not try to find out the reasons on your own. In this case, it is better to trust an experienced medical worker. And remember that sweat is an important sign by which you can judge the baby’s health, just like high body temperature indicates the development of diseases.

Why does a child sweat when he has a fever?

Sweating occurs not only due to safe reasons– activity, heat or dressed too warmly, the child sweats due to fever, colds, lack of vitamin D, neurological problems. Why is this happening?

During colds, it is also affected vegetative system, responsible for the secretion of sweat. And therefore, with strong temperature fluctuations and weakened body functions, protective protein begins to be produced.

Increased sweating:

  • Helps the body not to overheat;
  • Saves him from the destructive limits of the temperature regime, which is fraught with serious consequences;
  • Helps the body get rid of harmful toxins.

Also, the child may sweat at a temperature after taking medicines.

Important: after the temperature normalizes, the baby continues to sweat excessively, since the running mechanism does not immediately stop. So if the baby continues to sweat for some time after illness, it’s not scary.

So the answer to the question whether a baby needs to sweat at a fever is obvious - it’s not just necessary, but mandatory to maintain temperature balance, which in children normalizes only by the age of 3.

The child has a fever and is not sweating

It is a completely different matter if the child does not sweat at high temperatures, this is a very dangerous situation. In this case, the temperature jumps by several degrees in a couple of hours, antipyretics help for only a short time, and the baby suffers from severe stress.

Our recommendation! For the treatment and prevention of hyperhidrosis (sweating) and diseases caused by excessive sweating, our readers successfully use the Olga Larina Method. Having carefully studied this method, we decided to bring it to your attention. View more details...

To cope with this phenomenon, first of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for such an unusual reaction of the child’s body:

In any case, sweat production at high temperatures also depends on the amount of liquid the baby drinks. This is why you should be especially careful about this:

  1. Give your child water even if he refuses to drink by force;
  2. If sweat does not appear at temperature, monitor the quantity and quality of urine. It should be light and in the usual amount; at the slightest deviation from the norm, take measures so as not to miss the onset of dehydration of the body;
  3. Also, make sure that swelling does not appear; this can happen if you give the baby something to drink, but the liquid does not come out;
  4. Do not miss the appearance of white fever and hyperthermia in a child.

The child is sweating without fever

If the baby begins to sweat heavily without fever, it is necessary to identify the cause by exclusion. To do this, first divide all the reasons into 2 groups - harmless and dangerous.

Safe reasons include:

  • A very large amount of clothing or it is not in accordance with the season and temperature conditions. Children's clothing should be natural with excellent breathability. You should also take into account the child’s temperament; if he is too active, you need to put lighter clothes on him;
  • Sweat can occur in a child due to emotional outbursts and mental disturbances, both positive and negative. Therefore, you should find out what alarmed him so much, try to distract him, calm him down;
  • Heavy sweating appears due to excess weight, this should be monitored, because if the baby is overweight, more problems will arise in the future. serious consequences;
  • Excessive sweating is sometimes a genetic predisposition.

Among dangerous reasons:

  1. Severe sweating is a sign of the development of rickets. In this case, it is necessary to give the baby vitamin D, take him out into the sun more often, which promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body.
  2. Severe sweating during sleep for no obvious reason - the temperature and humidity in the children's bedroom are optimal, the child is lightly dressed, healthy, teething, spent the day actively, and sweats in 3 streams. This should be reported to a specialist immediately; such sweating can be a harbinger of heart problems and in some cases can be fatal.
  3. Also, you should not delay a visit to the doctor if the baby, along with heavy sweating, is pale or, on the contrary, becomes covered with red spots, is not gaining weight well, all this can be a sign of apnea - a short-term stop in breathing during the night's rest.
  4. Sweating due to malfunctions of the nervous system, in this case certain parts of the body sweat - 1 palm, forehead, back, for example, on top, the sweat has a too liquid or very thick structure and an unpleasant pungent odor, the baby sweats unexpectedly for no obvious reason, all this reason to visit a specialist.
  5. Strong discharge sweat promotes tuberculosis.
  6. If a child sweats a lot after 3 years, it may be lymphatic diathesis, which does not require treatment, but requires special conditions of personal hygiene and nutrition.

Preventing excessive sweating

Before going to bed you should:

  • Adjust the temperature and humidity in the nursery;
  • Do not dress too hot; the body should rest from clothing during sleep;
  • Let your baby relax before bed - stop all active activities in the late afternoon, add herbs to the bath and sea ​​salt;
  • Teach your child to systematically drink clean water.

Important: if sweating is very high for several months, you need to seek help from a neurologist-vegetologist, who will prescribe biochemical analysis blood to accurately determine the problem of the sweat glands. It may be necessary to consult an endocrinologist if the cause is the thyroid gland.

In any case, when a reason appears, you should not immediately rush to extremes; it is important to determine the cause of sweating, and then take immediate measures.

DO YOU STILL THINK THAT HYPERHIDROSIS IS HARD TO CURE? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against excessive sweating diseases is not yet on your side... And you have already thought about surgical intervention? This is understandable, because the sweating system is very important, and its functioning is the key to health and well-being. Wet armpits, unpleasant smell, awkwardness to take off your shoes in front of people, sweat marks on the bed... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the opinions of experts on hyperhidrosis... Read the article >>

Fever and profuse sweating

Colds, flu, and other infectious diseases are always accompanied by copious discharge sweat. Sweating during a cold is usually accompanied by fever, general poisoning of the body caused by waste products of viruses and bacteria. The above symptoms are the body’s protective reaction to infection, and increased sweating can be considered natural method cold treatment.

Sweat can be produced intensely during illness, which indicates the body's reaction to infection.

Why does sweat appear when you have a cold?

Fever- companion of a cold. The reason for this condition is the emergence of viruses. The higher the fever, the greater the risk of complications. And if you don’t sweat during this period, thermal regulation is impaired, the person experiences headaches and weakness. Need to create favorable conditions to cool the body. With sweat, toxic substances and virus residues will come out through the pores, and the person will feel relief.

Sweating at temperature is necessary to stabilize the body's thermal balance.

The immune system produces antibodies according to a certain pattern:

  • A normal body temperature of 36.6 degrees is fertile ground for emerging microbes. The body temperature rises - the bacteria die, so the immune system begins to contribute to its increase.
  • Liquid can remove the products of the immune system, which is why profuse sweating is important. Dead bacteria are harmful; they come out with sweat. An increase in temperature and profuse sweating indicate the functioning of the immune system and the beginning of recovery. This is why it is bad to lower the temperature below 38.5 degrees.
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What is the role of sweating in the healing process?

The purpose of sweating is to create conditions for normal thermoregulation, cool a hot body and remove dead bacteria. That is why the action of many medications is aimed at copious fluid secretion. Bed rest, blankets, and drinking plenty of fluids are essential components of the healing process.

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What to do if the body does not sweat when you are sick?

There are situations when, during an illness, the patient does not begin to sweat much, but only feels a headache, general weakness, dizziness. The symptoms are unpleasant, and to reduce the feeling of discomfort, you need to provoke increased secretion sweat. The reasons for this condition may be different. It is necessary to strengthen control over the situation; consultation with a doctor and suitable prescriptions are necessary.

Let's sweat at home. Most often, colds in adults and children are treated at home, so let’s give an example of several methods that can cause increased sweating: drinking copious amounts of liquid (warm tea, compote). Increasingly, people are trying to use herbal remedies, so when they are sick, they drink herbal teas to sweat.

The tea may include: raspberries. Delicious berry It has not only a diaphoretic effect, but also an antipyretic effect. Used as fresh berries, branches, and raspberry jam. It is necessary to pour raspberries not with boiling water, but with warm water:

  • Ginger is an amazing plant that can induce sweating, strengthen the immune system, and relieve pain. Half a teaspoon of finely grated ginger root needs to be poured into a liter hot water. To improve the taste, add honey and lemon. Drink tea with ginger warm, but not hot. The properties of the plant are so intense that taking it when high temperature not worth it.
  • Honey. A strong diaphoretic effect is caused by natural honey that has not undergone heat treatment. For therapeutic effect It is added to any tea or water. It is important to remember: do not add honey to boiling water, it will lose all its beneficial properties.

  • Linden. Brewed hot water Flowers and leaves of the plant can increase sweating, relieve headaches, and reduce inflammation.
  • Collection of herbs: rose hips, chamomile, linden, mint. It is recommended to mix all the herbs in equal quantities and brew with boiling water and leave. Drink the herbal infusion no later than 10 minutes after brewing.

To increase the effect, the patient needs to be wrapped in a warm blanket and given a drink. warm tea. Sleeping during this period of time will have a beneficial effect that promotes recovery.

Hyperhidrosis can be provoked not only by teas. There are several methods that are criticized by doctors, but time-tested. Used only for adults; the following recipes from our grandmothers are contraindicated for children:

  • Steam room. High air temperature helps to expand pores, increasing the body's release of fluid. After a bath, sauna, steam room, the patient is wrapped up and given a liquid to drink for recovery water balance.
  • Rubbing. The area of ​​the chest, back, and armpits is wiped with alcohol and vinegar diluted in water.
  • Alcohol. A small amount of alcohol (30 - 50 g) dilates blood vessels, “warms up” the patient, causing the release of fluid. You can use vodka, cognac or warm wine.

The more moisture is released through the skin, especially on early stage colds, the less time the body will then spend restoring strength.

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Why is hyperhidrosis dangerous during illness?

We see sweat as a way to cure disease. But any medicine has contraindications, it is worth remembering them. Reasons why the use of the above methods is prohibited:

  • Heat. A rise in the mercury column to 38 degrees and above gives a signal that hot temperatures are prohibited. Even hot tea can cause an additional rise in temperature.
  • Cordially - vascular diseases. All methods aimed at stimulating sweating cause a surge in pressure and dilate blood vessels - this can lead to serious complications.
  • Digestive diseases create additional complications in the treatment of colds. The use of many medications and herbs with an unhealthy stomach and pancreas is prohibited. Pay attention to this and try to agree on the list of medications with your doctor.

Elevated body temperature can cause serious complications. The main thing during this period is compliance with bed rest. A frivolous perception of the situation and a negligent attitude towards it can lead to aggravation. Very wet skin and clothing increase the risk of complications.

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Precautionary measures

Strong manifestation cold symptoms poses a threat not only to health, but sometimes to human life. Taking care of the body during such a period is not considered easy. hygiene procedure, but the need to protect the body from complications. The burst of sweating can be sudden, especially at night, even without using special means.

Deserves special attention night sweats, especially in children. The main task with increased sweating at night is to prevent exacerbations. Change clothes and bedding as often as needed. The child must wear dry clothes. Sputum can cause not only pneumonia, but also other equally serious complications, both in adults and children.

Maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room, no drafts when you are sick - preventive measures that preserve human health.

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Antipyretic drugs for colds

What are the benefits or harms of antipyretic drugs? Should you drink them and when? Many patients ask these questions. A patient's fever indicates the functioning of the immune system. A defensive reaction is activated aimed at restoring vitality. The use of antipyretics for primary symptoms is more bad than good. Here are two reasons to prove it:

  • First. The drugs provide a sharp decline heat, breaking down defense reactions, suppressing the immune system. This action increases the recovery time. At the same time, the head also hurts a lot, and a runny nose interferes. The reason for this condition is the suppression of sweat secretion by antipyretic drugs, through which a huge amount of toxic substances are released. “Cleaning” occurs at 38.5 degrees, so the level below this limit should not be artificially lowered.
  • Second, no less important reason- damage to kidney tissue by drugs. The human body is a smart mechanism. When they get sick individual organs or the entire body as a whole, help is needed. Avoid uncontrolled use of antipyretics, which aggravate the situation.

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The cold has passed, but the sweating remains

An important task after suffering from a cold is to restore strength. For protection from harmful bacteria The immune system has spent a lot of energy, so weakness, weakness, headache after the disease are felt in all patients. During such a period, the body's systems work uncoordinated, and thermoregulatory is no exception. Therefore, after the symptoms of a cold disappear, low-grade fever and weakness remain. There is nothing dangerous in such a state; to restore strength and proper operation systems will take about 14 days.

Children are known to sweat excessively. They sweat more often when they are healthy, and they sweat well when they have a cold or runny nose. Sweating continues even after a cold. The symptoms have passed, but the sweating process cannot stop quickly, and the child continues to sweat even at normal temperature. If the cause of excessive sweating is past illness, you don’t need to do anything special, after a couple of days you will have this condition baby will pass on one's own.

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Treating a cold is a responsible undertaking. After drinking tea, taking medications, when patients sweat, it is mandatory bed rest. Wiping your forehead, hands, and entire body will help remove the products of the immune system that appear on the skin with sweating.

Monitor your condition, control weakness, headaches. If fatigue does not leave you, or complications arise, be sure to contact your doctor.

Low temperature in a child and sweating: what should parents do?

The process of sweating is normal reaction body. Sweat is excess fluid in the body that is released through skin. Often a person sweats when he is hot, but there are other reasons this phenomenon. Cold sweat in a child confuses parents, so it is important to pay attention to the reasons for this phenomenon.

The main causes of cold sweat

What is cold sweat? Most often, parents discover this phenomenon while the child is sleeping. Cold sweat occurs not only when the baby normal temperature body, but also reduced. The reasons for this phenomenon are due to natural physiological processes in organism. This manifestation may be hidden in the following types of diseases:

  • rickets or insufficient vitamin D;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • colds that are viral in nature.

When parents notice cold sweating in a child along with cough symptoms, they need to consult a doctor. In this case, this may indicate that a viral infection has entered the body, which should be fought.

It is important to know! If the baby develops cold sweat without signs of deterioration in health, then parents should monitor the condition of their baby. In this case, there is no need to take measures to eliminate the symptoms of cold sweats or hyperhidrosis.

If the baby has a low temperature along with hyperhidrosis, vomiting and paleness, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. The causes of cold sweat are not only ailments of the body, but also factors such as a too warm bed or high performance room temperature over 25 degrees. If, after eliminating these factors, body temperature returns to normal, then parents should think about changing the microclimate in the room. If the baby's bed is very warm, then the baby will not only show signs of cold sweat, but he will also be susceptible to frequent illnesses.

Cold sweat during illness

If a baby exhibits symptoms of cold sweat, parents immediately begin to imagine the worst. Reduced temperature in children can be diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • Cold;
  • Pneumonia.

Initially, pneumonia should be excluded, so at the slightest sign of hoarseness, the doctor sends the patient for an X-ray of the lungs. Pneumonia often occurs with an increase in temperature to 39 degrees, but an asymptomatic form of the disease is also rare. When a baby is sick, the following signs are observed along with the symptoms of significant sweating:

Asymptomatic pneumonia occurs against the background poor immunity, whereby the body cannot cope with infections on its own. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to spread throughout the body, which leads to disruption of the functioning of certain organs and systems. Children with asymptomatic pneumonia become lethargic, pale and inactive.

If a child develops cold sweats and a temperature below 36 degrees, which appears at night without additional symptoms, then you should not panic. It is especially important to take into account the fact that if these signs are observed after an illness, then this is absolutely normal. If a high temperature is frequently brought down during an illness, a decrease in temperature may be observed, which manifests itself together with the release of cold sweat. A low temperature in a child can be diagnosed after taking antibiotic drugs. If during antibiotic treatment there is a significant decrease in body temperature, you should consult a doctor.

It is important to know! Cold sweat may indicate that not all pathogenic bacteria have been neutralized during treatment.

Causes of cold sweat in children under one year old

Cold sweat together with a low temperature in children under one year old may indicate the presence of a number of various pathologies and ailments. If parents find that the baby often sweats, but the body temperature does not rise above 37 degrees, then they need to contact a pediatrician with similar signs. The pediatrician will refer you to an endocrinologist or neurologist to rule out serious pathological abnormalities The child has. You will need to visit a neurologist if you have the following symptoms:

  1. Excessive sweating is detected during sleep or rest.
  2. Startling of the child during sleep.
  3. The baby's discharge looks like sticky feces.

Disorders of the nervous system manifest themselves in the form of periodic sweating on the head. In this case, you will need to contact a neurologist, endocrinologist and cardiac surgeon in order to exclude disorders of vital organs.

In infants, signs of low temperature may be detected after vaccinations. Most vaccines contribute to the development of adverse symptoms in children, so it is important to report negative consequences to your local doctor. Side symptoms may represent the consequences of allergic reactions, so it is important to eliminate such disorders in the body.

What parents should do if their child has a low temperature

Often, cold sweat in a child appears periodically during sleep, and does not pose any particular danger. If a low temperature and signs of cold sweat are observed regularly, then measures should be taken to find the causes and eliminate them. What should parents do when they observe such signs in their child? Parents' actions should be as follows:

  1. Maintaining comfortable conditions in the room where the baby spends most of his time. The room temperature should be between 18 and 22 degrees, and the air humidity should be around 65-70%. In addition, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, which will increase the protective function of the body.
  2. Do not give children “harmful” foods.
  3. Dress your baby according to the weather, but under no circumstances should you bundle him up on hot summer days.
  4. Take walks on fresh air.
  5. Cover the child not with warm woolen materials, but with light and “breathable” blankets.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If the child low temperature and sweating, you should consult a doctor if these signs are regularly diagnosed together with the following manifestations:

  • cough and runny nose;
  • tearfulness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • rashes on the skin.

The main symptoms that require you to contact an endocrinologist are:

  1. Excessive sweating for no obvious reason.
  2. Unpleasant smell of sweat.
  3. The child flinches.
  4. Strong excitement.
  5. Sticky sweat.

It is important to know! Do not give to a child medications without prior consultation with a doctor.


Children tend to sweat if there are no other negative consequences. In order to identify the causes of low temperature and the presence of cold sweats, you need to consult a doctor. To determine the causes, the doctor may prescribe the following manipulations:

  • Urine and blood analysis.
  • Ultrasound examination hearts.
  • Ultrasound of the brain and cervical vertebrae.
  • Glucose test.
  • Examination of sweat glands.

It is forbidden to take any action unless the exact reasons for the baby’s low temperature are established. Reduced temperature often occurs in children born prematurely. The treatment procedure may take long time, therefore, it is important to be patient and follow all the recommendations and instructions of your doctor. You should not try to make a diagnosis and carry out treatment on your own, as this can negatively affect the health of the little patient.

Is sweating during a cold dangerous?

Sweating during a cold is one of the accompanying symptoms flu or other viral infection. Intense sweating usually occurs against the background of high temperature and general intoxication of the body associated with the activity of causative agents of colds. This phenomenon should be considered a natural protective reaction of the body.

Failure to comply with precautionary measures and bed rest during profuse sweating during a cold it is fraught with numerous complications:

  1. Sharp fluctuations in blood pressure.
  2. Hemodynamic disorders.
  3. Encephalopathic disorders (cerebral edema).
  4. Pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia.
  5. Sinusitis, otitis, frontal sinusitis and other purulent formations.

High temperature significantly increases the risk of complications. Proper care, monitoring and proven treatment methods can not only prevent Negative consequences sweating during a cold, but also use it for a speedy recovery.

Why do we sweat when we have a cold?

Excessive sweating may occur at a certain stage colds. The need to get rid of toxins accumulated in the body appears when they are sufficiently concentrated, when the disease enters the acute phase. This process may be accompanied by fever and severe chills, but its onset indicates that the body is fighting the disease and the healing process has begun.

The role of sweating in the treatment of colds

Many medications prescribed for colds, as well as treatments, are directly related to the process of sweating. Herbal decoctions, which can be prescribed as a drink for colds, very often contain components that contribute to this. Yarrow, chamomile, linden flowers, coltsfoot, pine buds, etc. have such properties. Jars, mustard plasters, compresses, rubbing with ointments and alcohol-containing substances are used for the same purpose. A prerequisite for the occurrence positive effect To prevent sweating during a cold, wear warm and dry clothes, a warm blanket and bed rest.

Is it necessary to specifically induce sweating when you have a cold?

A cold may not always make the body sweat. Symptoms such as headache, fever, weakness and general malaise are much more common. To alleviate the patient's condition and remove unpleasant symptoms You can deliberately induce the process of sweating. For this purpose, doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids, honey, hot tea and bed rest under a warm blanket. Sweating during a cold in a sauna can also play a positive role. Such treatment methods are justified in case of mild symptoms, when body temperature does not deviate too much from the norm.

The danger of excessive sweating during a cold

If severe cold symptoms occur and at high temperatures, baths and saunas are contraindicated. In this case, bed rest is recommended, non-compliance with which can result in severe complications and further deterioration of well-being. Sweating during a cold can be accompanied by severe fluid secretion, and wet body and clothes are increased factor risk of cold complications.

When are special precautions required?

When acute symptoms colds, body care becomes a prerequisite not only for personal hygiene, but also for maintaining one’s health. Attacks of sweating during a cold can occur suddenly and be very intense. Wet clothes may cause unpleasant complications, especially if the sick person is in a draft, or on the street during the cold season. At the first signs of increased sweating during a cold, it is recommended to immediately leave the street, room where there are drafts, workplace. It is necessary to immediately change into warm and dry clothes after showering.

The role of antipyretic drugs

Taking antipyretic medications can stop the sweating process. High body temperature itself can cause profuse sweating, especially when wearing thick clothing or under a warm blanket. With sharp fluctuations in body temperature under the influence of antipyretic drugs, the effect of cold sweat may occur.

Sweating after a cold

Why do we sweat after a cold? The answer to this question is that the course of a cold may be accompanied by a repetition of the acute phase, when the concentration of viruses and toxic substances in the body again reaches peak values. Typically, this phenomenon occurs before recovery, since the immune system has already received certain signals and is ready to finally overcome the disease. But after your health returns to normal, you may experience sweating for some time. This is due to the need for self-cleansing of the body from the consequences of infection and indicates that the disease has been defeated and recovery has occurred.

The child has a temperature of 39, what should I do?

Ekaterina Bykova

12.07.2015 | 474

Let's figure out how to help a child if he has a high fever.

It is important for parents to understand that an increase in body temperature is not always a consequence of ARVI or infection. The child’s body can react in this way to overwork, stress in the form of a change in environment, and if we are talking about an infant, the appearance of the first milk teeth is almost always accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

How to help a child with fever?

If the child is often active, and you notice that he has become lethargic and lacking initiative, it is quite possible that the baby has a fever. It must be measured.

If the mark on the thermometer does not exceed 38 degrees, it is not recommended to “bring down” the temperature. In this way, the body fights the infection that has arisen and, quite possibly, can cope on its own without the help of any medications. If the temperature is higher than this figure, antipyretics should be used.

To alleviate the child’s condition, the following actions must be taken:

  • It is important that in the room where the child is, the air temperature is no higher than 21 degrees, and the air is not too dry.
  • Undress your baby down to his panties, put him in bed and cover him with a light sheet. This will make it much easier for the child to tolerate high body temperature.
  • Give your child more warm liquid: it can be water, berry fruit drinks, compotes, herbal decoctions. To help your child sweat properly, you can give him tea with raspberries (but only after he has drunk enough liquid to have something to sweat with).

What should you not do if your child has a fever?

Many parents, with good intentions, harm their children. Moms and dads should know what to do if their child has a fever.

  1. You can’t wrap a child in “a hundred clothes” to make him sweat. After all, the body temperature will increase even more, which can lead to heat stroke.
  2. Do not wipe your baby with alcohol, vodka or vinegar. This barbaric method of “treatment” can lead to alcohol or acid poisoning of the child. These remedies can lower body temperature for a while, but then it will rise by 2 degrees or more.
  3. Do not use hot water bottles with ice or sheets soaked in cold water, and cool water enemas. During contact of heat and cold, vascular spasm may occur, sweat formation and heat transfer may decrease. The body temperature may drop, but the temperature of the internal organs will increase.

Be sure to visit a pediatrician so that the doctor examines the child, prescribes a series of tests and finds out the cause of the increase in body temperature.

Adhering to such simple tips, you will cope with your child’s high temperature without unnecessary panic and fuss. Remember that your anxiety and fear can be passed on to your child. He will begin to worry, cry, and be capricious. Therefore, in any case, be in a cheerful mood, encourage the baby and convince him that everything will be fine.