Fresh cucumbers - benefits and harm for the body. Beneficial properties and harm of cucumbers for the human body


Appearing in Russia back in the 9th century, the cucumber immediately took pride of place on the dinner table. Few vegetables can compare with cucumber in popularity! But this wonderful fruit with an emerald crust is valued not only for its wonderful aroma and taste. Cucumber also has a lot of useful properties, thanks to which it has become an indispensable product.

Let's figure out what health benefits come from fresh and other cucumbers, whether they can cause harm to the human body, find out all their useful, medicinal and harmful properties, let's talk about existing contraindications.

Beneficial features

Hippocrates spoke about the beneficial effects of cucumber on the body. The people of Egypt used cucumber juice as antipyretic and tonic . And this is far from accidental.

Despite the fact that 97% of the vegetable is pure structured water, the remaining 3% contains a unique set of substances. So, what useful material Contained in cucumbers:

Needless to say, impressive list of nutrients This, according to the classification of botanists, contains a false berry belonging to the Pumpkin family.

Thanks to such a rich and varied composition, Eating cucumbers has beneficial effects on the body. So, let's consider whether and how they are useful fresh cucumbers for the human body:

In what form is it best to consume?

Fresh cucumber is most beneficial for the body. It can be eaten in pure form or as part of various salads. It is advisable to eat the crispy fruit with the peel. After all, it contains the bulk of the nutrients. In addition, the peel is a valuable coarse fiber. However, this rule applies only to home-grown cucumbers.

It is advisable to cut off the skin from purchased vegetables.. Due to unscrupulous manufacturers, instead of a storehouse of useful substances, it may contain large doses nitrates, which negatively affect health.

Potential danger and how to avoid it?

With all obvious benefit cucumber has a number of contraindications. The following features should be taken into account:

  • Cucumber is capable increase acidity gastric juice . It is not recommended for use by people with increased acidity stomach, during and gastritis.
  • People who have to limit fluid intake, you should consume cucumbers in moderation. For kidney disease, the recommended amount is no more than 200 g of these vegetables per day.
  • You should eat pickled cucumbers with great caution.. They retain water in the body and are contraindicated for all those who strive to limit salt intake. You should not eat such vegetables if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, obesity or metabolic disorders.
  • There are even more restrictions associated with pickled cucumbers. This method of preservation uses vinegar, which is contraindicated for many diseases.
  • Salted and pickled cucumbers will do more harm than good for the body.. Salt retains water in the body, preventing the removal of toxins, which can cause these harmful substances to enter the body. breast milk. In addition, in canned cucumbers There may be the presence of sodium nitrate, which negatively affects the health of the infant.
  • Pregnant and lactating women can eat fresh cucumbers, but again in moderation and only homemade ones. This will protect them as much as possible from nitrates, which are “fed” with purchased vegetables.
  • Small children should not be fed cucumbers purchased in early spring.. These vegetables are usually grown using large amounts of pesticides.

Healthy pickle lovers shouldn't miss out on this one. unique product, but you need to use it in moderation. Almost all vitamins are destroyed during salting, but enough a large number of trace elements remain. Pickled cucumbers improve digestion, increase appetite and even have a mild laxative effect.

What else are useful?

In addition to eating, the useful product has other uses. It is used in cosmetology, folk medicine and for weight loss:

  • Cosmetology.

    Benefits of application fresh cucumbers and masks made from them on the skin of the face are invaluable. The vegetable is not only an indispensable component of homemade masks and tonics, but also actively used by manufacturers cosmetics for skin care. Who doesn’t know the famous “Cucumber Lotion”.

    What are the benefits of fresh cucumber for facial skin? Wonderful vegetable moisturizes, cleanses, rejuvenates and whitens the skin, and also regulates its fat content. After using cucumber masks, the skin becomes firm, elastic and several years younger.

    Here is just one of the most popular recipes: All you have to do is apply a few slices of fresh cucumber to your facial skin for 20 minutes - and it will noticeably refresh and glow. And with the help of cucumber juice you can get rid of freckles, age spots and even acne.

  • Ethnoscience.

    The fruit itself, flowers and even leaves of the cucumber are part of the set folk recipes for treatment various diseases. Vegetable excellent helps with digestive disorders.

    If eaten daily 100 g of fresh cucumbers combined with honey, you can get rid of such problems as constipation. To relieve pain due to colic in the intestines and stomach, you should drink half a glass of cucumber juice on an empty stomach. Cucumber juice also thins mucus when severe cough and helps with heart problems.

    Powdered cucumber seeds are used in the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, fever and diseases Bladder . Compresses and lotions with the pulp of this product help against sunburn. There are still many time-tested healing recipes using emerald vegetable.

  • The benefits of cucumbers for weight loss.

    Being a low-calorie and high-fiber product, cucumber actively used by women for rapid weight loss. A special one has been developed.

    Its essence is that for a week you need to eat only fresh cucumbers, eating them 2 kg daily, with the addition of a few slices of bread.

    However, such the diet is subject to serious criticism, as it disrupts metabolism and gives only temporary results. After using it overweight are recruited even faster.

In order to lose weight with the help of cucumbers without harm to your health, nutritionists advise consuming them as often as possible during the summer season. For example, it is best to replace bread in sandwiches and large snacks with cucumber slices. And it is advisable to eat more salads with this vegetable throughout the summer. With such healthy approach excess weight It will slowly fade away on its own.

How to choose and how to store?

To ensure that the benefits of cucumbers last as long as possible, it is important to store them correctly. Best for this place them in the refrigerator, where they can last for a week or more. Before sending vegetables there, you need to wash them cold water and wipe dry. This promotes their gradual cooling and increases shelf life.

And still the beneficial properties of cucumber decrease with each day of storage. Therefore, it is most beneficial to consume this unique vegetable freshly picked from the garden.

More important about healing properties cucumbers, watch the video:

Cucumber is Very useful product saturating the body essential vitamins and minerals. However, in order not to harm yourself, it is important to choose only organically grown vegetables and consume them correctly.

In contact with

Perhaps the most common vegetable on earth is the cucumber. They do a lot of things with it: salt it, pickle it, even fry it. And it’s on our table almost every day. But few people think about whether it is possible to eat it uncontrollably. Fresh cucumbers: benefits and harm - that’s what we’ll talk about today.

What are the benefits of fresh cucumbers?

Everyone knows from school that this vegetable consists of 97% water. But the remaining 3% have a very interesting composition of vitamins and minerals. Of course, their number is too small to cover daily requirement human body. But as an addition to a full menu, it’s a real help.

We will not describe the properties of all vitamins and minerals contained in fresh cucumbers, we will simply describe the beneficial effects.

Potassium is recognized as the most valuable component in fresh cucumbers. Laboratory research showed that this trace element is vital for proper operation heart and vascular system.

A large amount of water in the vegetable allows you to achieve a competent diuretic effect when consumed. It should be recognized that fresh cucumbers do not wash calcium and other useful substances out of the body, as chemicals do.

The same water is similar in composition to distilled liquid. Therefore, fresh cucumber juice perfectly quenches thirst. At the same time, it removes harmful substances, toxins and waste from the body.

The magical juice of fresh cucumbers has another amazing property. Thanks to natural organic acid as a part it is capable of:

  • remove salts from the body and joints
  • dissolve sand and kidney stones
  • take away cholesterol plaques from vessels
  • flush out free radicals
  • improve blood properties

As you can see, this ordinary fresh cucumber is not so simple. For example, it greatly relieves gout. general state and relieves pain somewhat.

The pulp and skin of fresh cucumbers are soft fiber. It cleanses the intestines well, and very correctly and without harm, even for a weakened or child’s body.

Crispy green vegetables are rightfully recognized as one of the lowest calorie pumpkin vegetables. Therefore, they are actively included in various diets and therapeutic nutrition. True, it is worth limiting their use, especially in fasting days. Because constantly eating only cucumbers stretches the stomach. As a result, the effect may be exactly the opposite of the desired one.

Some people don't even think about the fact that a simple fresh cucumber can bring unpleasant surprises. No, of course, after eating a couple of greens, a person will not feel a problematic response from the body. But even this famous vegetable has its contraindications.

For example, it is known that the pulp contains a decent amount of iodine. To a healthy person it won't hurt. But for people suffering from dysfunction thyroid gland, this property can cause many unpleasant moments.

The same warning applies to people who know their intestines have a habit of bringing surprises. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is better to avoid fresh cucumbers with their laxative properties.

Due to the strong diuretic effect, people with kidney disease should not get carried away with fresh cucumbers:

  • urolithiasis disease
  • renal failure
  • nephritis

It’s already difficult for the organs to cope with fluid in the body, and now there’s an additive from cucumbers. Therefore, it is better not to use them at all. Or at least only during an exacerbation. Because the least that can come from overusing fresh cucumbers is excessive swelling. And we won’t talk about more, there’s nothing bad about it.

More recently, it has become known that the juice of fresh cucumbers increases acidity. This means, persons with:

  • stomach ulcer
  • gastritis
  • colitis
  • duodenal ulcer

You shouldn’t even think about picking a young vegetable from the garden and eating it.

By the way, about the beds. Seasonal vegetables grown in your own garden will cause the least harm to the body.

No doubt, in winter or late autumn the hand reaches out to the counter for a fresh cucumber. After all, I really want to feel the smell of summer. But refrain. Think about where fresh cucumbers come from in winter? That's right, from industrial greenhouses. And it’s unlikely that anyone there will lovingly nurture every fruit. Most likely, such cucumbers are stuffed with pesticides and nitrates. Therefore, remember - everything has its time.

Facts about fresh cucumbers

Women have known for several generations about the benefits of vegetables in cosmetology. Famous masks made from fresh cucumber rings! Who hasn't seen them or done them? The face looks funny, that’s a fact, but what an effect!

This mask is especially good after sunburn. The skin whitens, tightens, looks young and elastic. And the reason for everything is vitamins A and E, which are part of the pulp, known to everyone as guardians of beauty.

By the way, fresh cucumber juice greatly brightens dark spots during pregnancy. And it perfectly removes fine wrinkles on tired, aging skin. Plus, deep hydration of the inner layers of the epidermis is also a positive thing.

Interesting fact. Laboratory studies have shown that the highest concentration of minerals, trace elements and vitamins is in small fruits, up to 9 cm long. Those cucumbers that grow larger no longer have such a density of useful components. The most useless ones are old cucumbers with yellowed skin. They contain practically no vitamins, but they are full of seeds. And eating such vegetables is not very pleasant.

Well, now you know everything about fresh cucumbers. Their benefits and harms are also no secret. Therefore, you already know how many crunchy vegetables you can afford per day. The main thing is to observe moderation. And don't get sick.

Video: benefits of cucumbers for humans

One of the most common vegetables in our dachas and gardens, unpretentious and very juicy, and at the same time the most ancient vegetable crop. What is this? Of course, cucumber.

This vegetable was given to us by mysterious India, where wild cucumbers are a tropical vine growing in forests. The name itself was given to the vegetable back in ancient times; the Greeks called this vegetable “aguros,” which literally means “unripe, unripe.” Indeed, the smaller, greener and more immature the cucumber, the better and tastier it is.

The ancient use of cucumbers by mankind is evidenced by cucumber seeds found in the ruins of the Khazar city of Sarkep. And in Ancient Egypt cucumbers were depicted on sacrificial tables and placed in the tombs of the most famous pharaohs.

The wide popularity and prevalence of cucumbers is due, first of all, to their unique beneficial properties, which are used traditional healers for the treatment of many ailments. Moreover, not only fresh cucumbers are used, but also cucumber juice and seeds.

Composition of cucumber

Cucumber is the most dietary of all dietary products. The thing is that its composition is 95-98% water, which means it contains a minimum of calories. But in addition to water, cucumber is a source of valuable alkaline salts, vitamins, fiber and other nutrients.

Not everyone knows that the small spines that cover cucumbers serve to remove excess moisture.

100 g of cucumbers contain the following substances:


Vitamin B9

Vitamin PP

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B1

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Vitamin K

15 Health Benefits of Cucumber

  1. Cosmetic properties

    Cucumber is rich in silicon, which is an important component that helps in the development of strong and healthy connective tissues of muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and bones. Cosmetologists often recommend cucumber juice to give the skin a healthy and glowing effect. Thanks cucumber high content water also has excellent moisturizing properties and is often used externally for treatment various types skin diseases, including sunburn and swelling under the eyes. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid found in cucumbers are vital compounds that prevent water loss from the body.

  2. Healthy Digestion

    Cucumbers due to their perfect combination dietary fiber and water help protect your body from constipation and cope with ailments such as ulcers, increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis. Cucumber improves intestinal motility, and also facilitates the work of the pancreas and is easily absorbed in digestive tract and without her participation.

  3. Healthy heart and blood vessels

    Numerous studies show that consuming foods high in magnesium, potassium and fiber normalizes blood pressure.

  4. No to diabetes

    Cucumbers are an excellent food that normalizes blood sugar levels. Besides glycemic index of this vegetable is zero, and the carbohydrates contained in cucumbers are easily digested and do not increase the level of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes.

  5. Healthy bones and joints

    Due to the content of silicon, vitamins A, B1, B6, C and D, calcium, magnesium and potassium, cucumbers have a diuretic property and can actively remove accumulated metabolic products and toxins from the body. All these substances help strengthen joints and bone tissue. Cucumbers have been proven to be effective in treating arthritis and rheumatic diseases, and in combination with carrot juice can reduce the symptoms of gout.

  6. Prevention of cancer

  7. Helps with hangover

    Due to their high content of water, sugar and vitamins, cucumbers cope well with hangover syndrome And unpleasant symptoms, his accompanying people.

  8. Cucumbers are extremely low in calories, do not contain fat, but only water, vitamins and mineral salts. Therefore, the product is an ideal ingredient in any dietary salad or smoothie. Moreover, you can, without fear, eat cucumbers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  9. Healthy teeth and gums

    Cucumber juice is effective in treating gum inflammation and periodontitis, and eating raw cucumber increases salivation and reduces the effects of acids and other substances contained in the food consumed that are harmful to tooth enamel. In addition, eating cucumber after the main meal will reduce bad smell from mouth.

  10. Gets rid of worms.

    It is believed that cucumber seeds, ground into powder, - natural remedy prevention and control of tapeworms in the digestive tract.

  11. Beautiful and healthy hair

    Cucumber juice stimulates new hair growth due to the silicon and sulfur content in its composition. Hair especially needs these nutrients, so experts recommend drinking half a glass of freshly squeezed cucumber juice. For best results It's worth trying combining cucumber juice with carrot juice, lettuce juice, or even green spinach juice.

  12. Healthy eyes

    Everyone knows that cucumber slices thanks to increased content Water is good for relieving inflammation around the eyes and even large circles under the eyes. And vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can support healthy vision.

So, cucumbers:

  1. They normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, as they clean and tighten the walls of blood vessels. If you eat fresh cucumbers several times a day for 3 months, the cardiovascular system 40% cleared of all cholesterol and toxins.
  2. They are excellent antiseptics. Since ancient times, these vegetables have been applied to wounds and bruises; their juice soothes pain and helps with burns, including sunburn. Cucumber juice was included in some painkillers that were used back in the 19th century.
  3. For intestinal problems, cucumbers can be used as an effective laxative. Its advantage is natural base– does not harm the liver and quickly has the desired effect.
  4. Removal of toxins from the body is carried out much faster when eating the pulp of this vegetable. Works especially well with subsequent exposure high temperature on the skin (before going to the bathhouse, sauna, taking hot bath) – wastes come out through the pores as much as possible.
  5. Many catalysts contained in the cortex help speed up brain function and improve impulse transmission by saturating the body with potassium and calcium.
  6. Antioxidants, macroelements and vitamins in cucumbers promote the development and renewal of hepatocytes - liver cells, due to which it has the ability to recover. They are often recommended for patients after operations, when the liver is weakened due to a large amount of medicines and painkillers that destroy cells.
  7. Renew cells and rejuvenate the skin. Masks made from cucumber slices have been known for many years; they refresh the face, tighten the skin, and make the eyes clear. They are often used to make a cream that is applied to the entire body, and the juice is added to hot baths.
  8. The catalysts contained in the vegetable play a major role in metabolism, more precisely, in the dissolution of proteins and fats. A balanced cucumber diet allows you to start losing weight overweight already in the first days of its use.
  9. They are antipyretics. Do you have a high fever, but don’t want to use pills and medications that contain more chemicals than benefits? Then cucumbers are a proven way to combat fever. They can be taken as an addition to tablets, or as a separate drug, drinking the juice and applying masks to the forehead and neck.
  10. Perform excellent prophylactic agents against thyroid dysfunction.

As you can see, the benefits of cucumbers are obvious. They are one of the healthiest vegetables in your garden and, when used correctly, can replace many medications, and, note, there is no negative effect on the liver.

The harm of cucumbers is as obvious as the benefits. There is only one caveat - their danger is subjective and depends on a number of factors, in particular on the method of cultivation and environment. Let's take a closer look at how greens can harm our body.

  1. Ulcers and gastritis develop. But gastritis is aggravated if a person already has the disease. When consumed by a person with a healthy stomach and the correct microflora, they are absolutely harmless and even useful, as they contain a large number of enzymes.
  2. Pickled cucumbers are also harmful to the body, as they greatly upset the balance of salts and minerals. Constantly eating this dish can lead to troubles, in particular to diseases of the liver and pancreas.
  3. The vegetable is a “washcloth” that absorbs absolutely everything from the atmosphere. Have you ever heard about harmful mushrooms near the highway? The situation here is similar, since vegetables absorb all pesticides and nitrates. If you are seriously involved in growing cucumbers, then you need to stock up on a device for measuring nitrates - it costs only 300-400 rubles, but it will bring much more benefits to your health!
  4. Early vegetables that you buy at the market are the primary killers, as they contain a lot harmful substances. If you do not grow them yourself, it is better to buy them in season - you are much less likely to become a victim of unscrupulous farmers who work only for profit.

As you can see, it is impossible to determine exactly what cucumbers are - harm or benefit, since everything depends mainly on where and how they were grown. Check vegetables with nitrate testers, do not buy from dubious sites without documents for activity and take care of your health.

What to do so that cucumbers bring only benefits

In order for these vegetables to be absorbed by the body as best as possible and bring you only benefits, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't eat cucumbers until they're in season, and if possible, eat locally grown vegetables. open ground(they form much more in sunlight organic matter, necessary for the body).
  • Cucumber juice is a healthy thing, but in moderation. Drink no more than 200 grams per day, as it has a high PH environment. It can cause heartburn, especially in people with high stomach acidity.
  • It is better not to eat cucumbers on an empty stomach - they will create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach for several hours until they are digested. If this does happen, it would be best to eat a hot first course - in a few minutes the heaviness will go away and everything will work out.
  • Cucumber leaves can be brewed to stop bleeding, but it is worth remembering that no vegetable or healing herb will not cure the cause of the disease, so you will still have to go to the doctors later.
  • Young cucumbers are much healthier, since old ones absorb much more nitrates and also have less vitamin C. Please also note that it is best to cut off the old peel, as it accumulates many harmful substances.
  • Do not plant vegetables near roads and industrial facilities, and never spray them with pesticides 3-4 weeks before fruiting. It is better to let the pest eat a little of the leaves than to eat poisons.

If you follow these simple rules, diseases will bypass you and you will not be afraid of any harm from this vegetable, despite the warnings of some gardeners and gardeners.

Cucumber is one of the crops that has been known since time immemorial. It is known that in Ancient Greece this vegetable was called "aguros", which meant unripe or not ripe.

And now, after more than five thousand years, this crop is eagerly awaited every summer, because cucumbers delight not only with their taste and medicinal properties. But, despite the fact that this vegetable is present on every table, few people think about the fact that it consists almost entirely of water and its effect on the human body.

Cucumber is a crop that can be grown almost anywhere. Gardeners are pleased that the vegetable is not very picky about the soil, although it likes fairly good watering. It is worth noting that its cultivation is widespread both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. But, of course, those cucumbers that were grown in open ground are much superior to greenhouse cucumbers in terms of beneficial properties.

Beneficial features

According to numerous studies, we can safely say that cucumber is the most healthy vegetable, which also belongs to the category of dietary. Surprisingly, but true: a cucumber consists of 98% liquid, which, accordingly, indicates its low calorie content.

The main components that make up cucumbers and have a positive effect on the body are:

  • various alkaline salts;
  • iodine compounds;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins B1, B2, C, carotene;
  • sugar,
  • folic acid;
  • copper, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, silver, chromium and potassium.

Due to the fact that this vegetable contains alkaline salts, it prevents the formation of kidney stones and also helps slow down the aging process.

In addition, one of the components is iodine compounds, which are easily digestible and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system.

A significant amount of potassium in the vegetable helps remove excess water from the body, reducing blood pressure, remove swelling, and can also have a slight laxative effect.

Cucumber juice has good strengthening, rejuvenating effects, and also helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Application in traditional medicine

Few of us have not seen cosmetic products with cucumber extracts. This is especially true for cucumber face lotions. It is suitable for caring for oily skin types. In addition to rum lotions, modern pharmaceutical companies produce day and night creams, milks, foams and tonics, shampoos, hair conditioners and face masks. It performs the following functions in them:

  • moisturizes;
  • rejuvenates;
  • whitens;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • protects;
  • cleanses.

In addition, the extract from this vegetable has found application in perfumery.

Use in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of cucumbers have been studied for quite a long time. In folk medicine, all parts of this vegetable are used: from the fruit itself to the flowers and leaves.

For example, fresh fruits are used to combat hemorrhoidal bleeding. They help reduce pain and stop the bleeding. It is believed that if you cut out a small oval shape and or add crushed pulp, hemorrhoids will become softer and pain will decrease.

The juice of fresh cucumbers is very useful. It is recommended for stomach problems (gastritis with high acidity, ulcers), hepatitis and colic, constipation, hypertension, hypotension, coronary disease. Often, cucumber juice is mixed with the juices of other vegetables (celery, carrots) or honey. Juice with the addition of honey can thin phlegm when coughing.

A variety of cucumber decoctions and infusions help cleanse the gallbladder. And the seeds of overripe cucumbers can help with bladder diseases, fever or bronchitis. Sometimes the seeds are ground to a powder. This remedy helps with tuberculosis and various tumors.

The flowers and leaves are popular in the treatment of diseases such as malaria. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from these parts of the plant for internal use.

Contraindications for cucumbers

It would seem at first glance that such an ordinary vegetable as a cucumber cannot have contraindications, but they still exist. The contraindications of cucumbers, as well as the beneficial properties, have long been studied.

  • It is not recommended to consume cucumbers if you have an individual intolerance, nephritis, renal failure and other kidney ailments, as well as colic, gastritis and enterocolitis.
  • Pickled cucumbers are not recommended for people suffering from obesity.

In any case, before starting any treatment, you should consult a doctor specializing in your disease, who will advise required dosages and duration of treatment.

Cucumber Recipes

Cucumber is a fairly versatile vegetable that helps with gastrointestinal disorders and bronchitis, and is even used for cosmetic purposes.

  1. Cucumber juice. Cucumber juice is used for many ailments. This vegetable is very juicy, so getting juice from it is not difficult, even if you don’t have a juicer at hand. To do this, fresh cucumbers must be thoroughly washed, peeled, and then grated on a fine grater. The juice must be drained from the resulting mixture, and the remaining pulp can be squeezed out again through cheesecloth. Please note that it is best to do each time before taking Fresh Juice, since it is practically not stored. The only option is to freeze it in ice cube trays. In this form, it is perfect for wiping the skin of the face.
  2. Cucumber decoction. This decoction is good for problems with gallbladder. To prepare it, you need to mix 150 g of pre-chopped (or grated) vegetable with a glass of water. Place on the fire and boil for no more than 5 minutes, after which you should cover the saucepan with a lid and let it brew for 4-5 minutes. Take 100-125 ml of this decoction.
  3. A decoction of overripe cucumber seeds.
    This decoction is good for bronchitis, fever and bladder ailments. To prepare it, you need to remove the seeds from yellow, overripe vegetables. They need to be dried and then ground to a powder. 10 g of this powder is poured into a glass of boiling water and put on fire, but boil it for no more than 3-4 minutes. After this, the product should infuse. When the broth has cooled, filter it and take half a glass 5 times a day.
  4. Decoction of tops.
    To prepare, you need about 50 g of dry tops, which is added to 0.6 liters of boiling water. Place a saucepan with water and tops on the fire and bring to a boil. You need to cook it for no more than 8 minutes, after which you need to close the lid very tightly and leave for at least an hour in a warm place. This decoction is excellent for uterine and intestinal bleeding. It is recommended to take half a glass three times a day.