What to take to lower cholesterol. What are the dangers of low blood cholesterol and how to increase it correctly?

Everyone knows that increased level cholesterol in the blood is a very dangerous condition that leads to diseases such as atherosclerosis, and subsequently to a stroke or heart attack. We are accustomed to the fact that the level of this compound in the blood must be reduced by everyone possible ways, to avoid negative consequences for your health. But in this article we will look at the opposite situation: low cholesterol in the blood, what this means, what consequences this condition entails and what measures need to be taken.

Functions of cholesterol

Cholesterol, as a compound necessary for the functioning of the human body, is produced by certain internal organs and participates in many internal processes. Basically, the body contains “native” cholesterol, and only a small part of it comes with food.

Why do we need cholesterol so much? The process of cell formation cannot do without this compound - it serves as a kind of framework for various cellular elements. IN childhood this is especially important, since the child has many rapidly dividing cells. In an adult body, a lack of cholesterol can cause various pathologies. Here is an approximate list of functions performed by cholesterol:

  • actively participates in the production of hormones, mainly of the sexual sphere: testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, progesterone;
  • is the main element that participates in the formation of vitamin D under the influence of sunlight;
  • strengthens the cell membrane, thereby protecting the cell from negative influence free radicals;
  • participates in the production of bile salts, which plays a major role in the digestion of fats supplied with food;
  • improves the condition of the intestinal walls;
  • takes part in the functioning of serotonin receptors.

Cholesterol supports normal work nerve cells, ensures the performance of muscles and bones, takes part in metabolic processes, in the production of insulin, helps the body resist stress, promotes the absorption of vitamins A, K and E. Research shows that there is inverse relationship between cholesterol levels and the likelihood of developing oncological diseases– in other words, it prevents the development of tumor processes.

What can a lack of cholesterol lead to?

A deficiency of this compound is dangerous to human health. It may entail the following consequences:

  1. Mental disorders, depression, suicidal tendencies.
  2. Infertility, decreased libido.
  3. Osteoporosis;
  4. Obesity different shapes heaviness, even severe.
  5. Stomach upset and increased intestinal permeability.
  6. Thyroid dysfunction, hyperthyroidism.
  7. Stroke of hemorrhagic type.
  8. Lack of vitamins K, A, D, E.
  9. Diabetes.

As can be seen from the above, a lack of cholesterol in the body leads to severe consequences for health, pathologies in mental and physical condition. Studies have shown that when cholesterol levels are much lower than normal, the risk of suicide, clinical depression, liver cancer, drug addiction and alcoholism, asthma, emphysema, and stroke greatly increases.

Why does cholesterol deficiency occur?

Due to close attention science focused on problems high cholesterol, the reverse situation has not been thoroughly studied. But it is reliably known that this condition can be caused by various reasons. Among them is poor nutrition: a total lack of fat in the body, anorexia, fasting, poor diet or vegetarianism, with simultaneous increased content Sahara.
Since it is the liver that produces cholesterol, if its functioning is disrupted, a shortage of this substance in the blood may occur. Diseases digestive tract, processes that interfere with the proper absorption of food contribute to an imbalance of bad and good cholesterol. Also, a lack of lipoproteins can cause incorrect operation thyroid gland.

Lack of cholesterol is possible as a result of severe poisoning or infections that lead to prolonged febrile state: sepsis, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis. Being in a constant state of stress leads to various health problems. Among these problems is a significant reduction in cholesterol levels. Another factor influencing the level of this substance is genetic predisposition.

Very often too low cholesterol in athletes who have not chosen the right nutrition for themselves and it does not cover the need for the necessary substances that are required for their loads. The causes of low cholesterol include a case where, with borderline levels of this substance in the blood, the doctor prescribed statins, and under their influence, a sharp decline lipoprotein levels.

Signs of Low Cholesterol

The symptoms of this condition are very vague, so it is difficult to accurately determine low level cholesterol can only be done by having a blood test for biochemistry. However, such a pathology can be suspected based on a number of signs. Among them, the most common are: loss of appetite or poor appetite, muscle weakness, general bad feeling, decreased reflexes. May increase The lymph nodes, in feces there is a predominance of the fatty fraction.

Often, reduced cholesterol levels make themselves felt by discomfort in the mental area: mood swings, depression or, on the contrary, an aggressive state are possible, problems with libido, and decreased sexual activity may occur.

How to cure this condition?

The main rule is not to prescribe treatment for yourself. There are specialists for this, but the disease is quite serious and it is very easy to harm yourself. Your first step is to go to an endocrinologist. He will appoint necessary tests, in particular, will advise you to donate blood for cholesterol and determine real reasons reduced content of this substance. Next, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

A good prevention of this pathology is a healthy lifestyle. A healthy varied diet is very important, in moderation physical activity. You can periodically, on the recommendation of a doctor, cleanse the liver with honey and mineral water.

To improve liver function you can take lipoic acid, milk thistle, glutadione. There will be great help here traditional methods– active consumption of beet and carrot juice. Lipoprotein balance must be maintained from the very beginning young However, in old age, the imbalance of these substances makes itself felt more clearly. Maintenance on normal level cholesterol will give you a guarantee of sanity after fifty.

Nutrition should be complete: eat foods that contain a lot of Omega-3, walnuts, fatty fish, cheese, vegetable oils, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds, egg yolks, beef liver, brains and kidneys. At the same time, add more fruits, herbs and vegetables to your diet. Vitamin C, which has high antioxidant properties, helps reduce the negative effects bad cholesterol. Also limit the amount of sugar and foods such as pasta, White bread, baked goods.

Cholesterol is an important component that ensures the normal functioning of all cells human body. But at the same time, any deviation in the amount of a component from the norm is very dangerous and leads to the development of various pathologies. Therefore, it is recommended to increase low cholesterol levels.

In both men and women, the causes of low cholesterol can be very different. Therefore it is important after biochemical analysis blood showed insufficient content of this substance, you need to undergo full examination. Only after this can the doctor give correct recommendations for promotion total cholesterol in blood.

Causes of low cholesterol in the blood

Most often, the reasons for lowering blood cholesterol levels are associated with vegetarianism. Various methods can also reduce the amount of a substance. medications, for example, contraceptives.

Advice! If the examination has confirmed the above reasons, then the level of the substance in the blood can be stabilized by changing the diet and stopping taking medications.

There are a number of serious diseases that increase total cholesterol in the blood. Among them:

  • Hyperthyroidism, which develops when the functions of the thyroid gland are impaired.
  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Sepsis, which leads to general blood infection under the influence of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Infectious diseases
  • Organ diseases respiratory system, in particular tuberculosis.

Also, low blood cholesterol levels in both women and men can be observed against the background genetic predisposition and constant stress.

Cholesterol test

In order to determine cholesterol levels, it is necessary to conduct a special biochemical blood test in a certified medical laboratory. Blood sampling is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning. Wherein:

  • Meals should be taken at least 12 hours before;
  • Fatty foods should be excluded from the diet at least two weeks in advance;
  • Before donating blood, you should not smoke and you need to relax for a quarter of an hour.

Analysis results are usually provided the next day. A level of less than 3.1 mmol/l is dangerous. But at the same time, it is necessary to take measures to increase blood cholesterol after the analysis in men or women shows a result of less than 4.0 mmol/l.

Advice! You should know that if there is a deviation in blood cholesterol levels from the norm, a repeat test is required.

Symptoms and dangers of low cholesterol

The following symptoms may prompt the need for a blood test to determine the content of the substance:

  • Deterioration of appetite, against the background of general malaise;
  • The occurrence of muscle weakness;
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Decreased reactions and worsening reflexes;
  • Steatorrhea, which is manifested by greasy, oily stools.

Such symptoms, regardless of what caused them, indicate a possible decrease in blood cholesterol levels. If not accepted emergency measures, then in both men and women its deficiency will lead to a deterioration in the elasticity of blood vessels, and therefore the risk of their ruptures. The most a terrible consequence This can result in a hemorrhagic stroke, which leads to disability and, sometimes, death.

It has been proven that low cholesterol provokes various nervous disorders, especially depression and aggression. Men very often experience a decrease in sexual activity against a background of depression. Since lowering cholesterol disrupts metabolism, this provokes the development of obesity in older men and women.

Advice! You should know that timely normalization of blood cholesterol levels will prevent the development of infertility. This is due to the fact that without it, sex hormones do not work in both men and women.

Treatment for Low Cholesterol

After a biochemical study has confirmed a low level of cholesterol in the blood, hypocholesterolemia is diagnosed. First of all, after this, you need to contact an endocrinologist who will examine the patient to determine the cause of the decrease in cholesterol.

Advice! You should know that this is very serious illness, which means that you cannot self-medicate!

After receiving the examination results, appropriate treatment will be prescribed, which requires strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations. But in any case, when the analysis showed low cholesterol levels, you need to reconsider your diet and adjust your diet.

Recommended foods that, when included daily in the diet, will help raise cholesterol levels to normal levels:

  • Caviar and beef brains (for reference: 100 g of product contains 2 g of cholesterol).
  • Dutch hard cheese.
  • Nuts;
  • Eggs.
  • Beef liver and kidneys.
  • Butter.

Advice! The diet must be agreed with the doctor.

The misconception is that when low cholesterol you need to saturate your diet with fatty and nutritious dishes. This can lead to an increase in the level of the harmful fraction, and, therefore, increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

You need to increase your blood cholesterol levels healthy products. It is very important to normalize metabolism by eating greens in unlimited quantities. Parsley and dill are especially useful.

It is also recommended to include salads from the diet daily. bell pepper, carrots, cabbage, celery, seasoned with olive oil. A piece of boiled or stewed meat goes well with this salad. In order to normalize liver function, after consultation with a doctor, you should cleanse the liver using special recipes.

Thus, in the absence of serious pathologies health, you can quickly normalize blood cholesterol levels by balancing your diet. In addition, for general health improvement the body has an important preventive component, which involves a correct lifestyle with moderate physical activity and giving up various harmful addictions.

It is widely believed that cholesterol is extremely dangerous to health. This theory is actively supported by pharmaceutical companies that produce statins, drugs that lower blood lipid levels. In the USA, for example, it was even developed special diet, recommended for all Americans starting at age two. It consists of limiting the number of eggs to two per day, replacing many natural products synthetic analogues. The main principle of the American national program to combat atherosclerosis is that the less fat in food, the better. But scientists have proven that a lack of cholesterol is no less dangerous than its high content.

Cholesterol is a vital substance for the body

So what is the reason? Cholesterol - organic compound, vital for the body. Its deficiency in food inevitably affects the physical and emotional state person. “Cholesterol” hunger is very dangerous for young children.

Biological role

Cholesterol was discovered in 1815 by French chemist Michel Chevrel. Subsequently, it was proven that, in terms of its chemical structure, it belongs to alcohols. Hence its second name - cholesterol. This fat-like substance is part of the cell membranes of almost all living organisms. Only about 20% of cholesterol enters the human body with food, the rest is synthesized by the liver, kidneys, ovaries, etc.

Function of cholesterol:

  1. Structural. It is an essential element of cell membranes and membranes nerve fibers, especially a lot of cholesterol is required during cell division and growth.
  2. Regulatory. Without it, the synthesis of testosterone and estrogen, adrenal steroid hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids is impossible.
  3. Protective. Excess fat is deposited in subcutaneous fat and protects organs from injury and hypothermia. If necessary, the cholesterol supply is converted into simpler molecules with the release of energy.

Why is low cholesterol so dangerous? In adults, a lack of it in food inevitably affects the functioning of reproductive system. In women, menstruation may stop completely; in men, testosterone production may decrease, which leads to a decrease in potency. Long-term diets or fasting ultimately result in infertility.

Low cholesterol levels can lead to infertility

Low cholesterol levels in food have a particularly negative impact on the health of young children.

A growing organism requires it as a building material for actively dividing cells. Skin cholesterol is also affected by sun rays turns into vitamin D, necessary for education bone tissue. With a lack of fat, the child will inevitably lag behind both physically and mental development.

Forms of cholesterol

Cholesterol circulates in human blood both in free form and in combination with fatty acids and lipoproteins. Greatest medical significance have the following fractions:

  • Total cholesterol.
  • Lipoprotein cholesterol high density(HDL).
  • Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Lipid profiles vary depending on gender and age

The first indicator includes all of the above varieties. Its meaning varies depending on the age and gender of the patient.

Normally, in men it is 3.21 – 6.32 mmol/l, in women – 3.16 – 5.75 mmol/l.

The normal level of HDL is 0.78 - 1.63 mmol/l for men, for women - 0.85 - 2.15 mmol/l. HDL is otherwise called “good” cholesterol; the higher its content in the blood, the lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis. The danger is low HDL levels, which significantly increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.

A decrease in LDL concentration, on the contrary, is considered a favorable factor in the prognosis of atherosclerosis. Its normal blood level for men is 1.71 – 4.27 mmol/l, for women – 1.48 – 4.25 mmol/l. As the concentration increases, it begins to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques.

Symptoms of hypocholesterolemia

Hypocholesterolemia or low blood cholesterol - what does it mean? This pathological condition is not a disease in itself. However, in this situation, it is recommended to consult a specialist to determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment.

Factors leading to hypocholesterolemia:

  • Prolonged fasting.
  • Diet with insufficient fat.

Low cholesterol levels may be related to diet

  • Diseases of the liver, digestive tract.
  • Poisoning with salts of heavy metals.
  • Sepsis, anemia.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Irrational prescription of medications.

You should remember the dangers of any liver disease - they can lead to a decrease in lipid levels.

This is explained by the fact that most of the cholesterol is synthesized by this organ. Uncontrolled and often unfounded prescription of statins is fraught with consequences. Such treatment, especially with borderline lipid profile values, is often accompanied by a significant drop in cholesterol levels.


  • decreased appetite;
  • muscle weakness;
  • osteoporosis;
  • apathy, depression;
  • decreased libido;

Hypocholesterolemia may manifest as decreased sexual activity

  • developmental delay in children;
  • memory and intelligence impairment;
  • steatorrhea.

If these symptoms are left without proper attention, hypocholesterolemia can ultimately end in disaster. Insufficient synthesis of sex hormones leads to infertility, which is why young girls are not recommended to go on fat-restricted diets for a long time. In addition, this is useless for the prevention of atherosclerosis - until menopause, female blood vessels are protected from harmful effects. In this situation antiatherogenic effect exhibit estrogens - female sex hormones.

Lack of cholesterol levels also affects the condition of blood vessels - they become more fragile. This increases the risk of hemorrhage. Subsequently, both small hematomas on the skin and hemorrhagic stroke may appear. Also, according to statistics, if cholesterol long time lowered in the blood, the risk of developing cancer increases.

If there is insufficient fat content in food, the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins is impaired. This inevitably affects the condition of the entire body (hair loss, dry skin, digestive problems, etc.). Due to the increased permeability of intestinal capillaries, toxins and waste products easily penetrate into the blood, leading to general intoxication of the body.


If your blood cholesterol is low, you should consult a general practitioner or endocrinologist for diagnosis and treatment. The specialist may prescribe additional examinations and relevant tests. Treatment primarily comes down to eliminating the root cause pathological condition. For example, if it is determined that there is little cholesterol in the blood due to improper prescription of statins, then it is recommended to immediately stop taking the medications. For diseases of the liver or thyroid gland, appropriate therapy is prescribed.

Diet is also important for the treatment of hypocholesterolemia.

Fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for the body.

At the same time, you should not lean too much on fatty and overcooked foods. Such a diet will lead to an increase in “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. If cholesterol is below normal, the diet should be enriched with healthy foods rich in cholesterol, such as eggs, sour cream, liver, butter, cheese, boiled or stewed meat. Sea fish and seafood are very healthy; they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. To enhance the synthesis of high-density lipoproteins, it is necessary to consume fresh herbs, vegetables, nuts, berries, and olive oil daily.

Frankly speaking, treatment with drugs is widespread among people. alternative medicine. If low cholesterol in the blood is due to liver pathology, then thistle infusion is very effective. It helps normalize liver function and remove toxins from the body. A fairly common method for stabilizing lipid levels is the carrot diet. It consists of daily use carrot juice and fresh carrots along with onions, parsley and celery.

Important medicinal and preventive measure With low cholesterol, maintaining the rules is considered healthy image life. Refusal bad habits, active lifestyle combined with proper nutrition will help normalize indicators and prevent lipid metabolism disorders in the future. This will help maintain your health for a long time.

Hypocholesterolemia is a condition of the body in which there are reduced values total cholesterol. Cholesterol is involved in many processes in the body, including hormonal, metabolic and others. It is extremely difficult to overestimate the importance of this substance. But not only high values, also low ones can have a negative effect on the human body.

Hypocholesterolemia can occur with various states and diseases

Indicators of female and male body blood cholesterol levels vary. IN female body synthesized a large number of sex and other hormones. Failure of the reproductive system, intake oral contraceptives affects cholesterol levels.

Features of blood lipoproteins

Cholesterol is a fatty alcohol that is present in the blood of people of all ages. The synthesis of 1 gram of cholesterol is carried out per day. About 50% of the substance is formed in the liver, 15-20% in small intestine, the remaining part is in the skin, adrenal cortex, and gonads. About 300-500 mg of cholesterol comes from food. Cholesterol and its esters, due to their hydrophobicity, can be transported throughout the body only in the form of lipoproteins. About 300 different proteins are involved in cholesterol metabolism. At the same time, the synthesis of cholesterol requires at least 100 reactions performed in turn.

Total cholesterol is the combined value of lipoproteins of different densities.

A negative effect on the body is caused by a change in the balance towards bad (low density) lipoprotein. With age, the norms corresponding to early indicators begin to increase. Pathologies of the body are noted when the limit changes below or above the corresponding values.

Normal blood lipoprotein levels in women are:

  • Total cholesterol: 3.0-5.5 mmol/l.
  • LDL (low density lipoprotein): 1.95-4.5 mmol/l.
  • HDL (high density lipoprotein): 0.85-2.28 mmol/l.
  • TG: 0.5-2.6 mmol/l.

Reasons for the decline

Several reasons can contribute to a decrease in blood levels. This can often be due to taking a number of medications, especially statins. But not only treatment pharmacological drugs may lead to hypocholesterolemia.

Other causes of low blood cholesterol in women:

  • Intake of large quantities of easily digestible carbohydrates and consumption of fats in the minimum required quantities, or malnutrition and poor absorption of food.
  • Pathology of the hepatic system.
  • Stress, emotional overstrain.
  • Heredity.
  • Diseases endocrine system, in particular with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

Among the reasons that can cause a decrease in cholesterol levels there may be others. Pathology of the hematopoietic system (anemia), infectious inflammatory processes, fever, sepsis also contribute to changes in the boundaries of the norm. Intoxication of the body, poisoning with salts of heavy metals also have a lowering effect on the level of blood lipoproteins.

Patient symptoms and possible complications

Low cholesterol in the blood cannot be seen externally. Changes can only be detected by conducting a biochemical study. However, if a medical examination has not been carried out for a long time, and the patient has not previously been diagnosed with any somatic disease, then according to a number of indirect signs a change in blood lipoprotein levels can be assumed.


  • Decreased appetite or lack thereof.

Hypocholestrinemia may manifest as decreased appetite

  • Steatorrhea: stool containing fat.
  • Muscle asthenia, general decrease in tactile sensitivity, motor reflexes
  • Depressed (even to the point of depression) or aggressive state.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Women, just like men, experience a decrease in sexual desire. Low performance blood lipoproteins can lead to the development of serious complications in the body. Given that cholesterol has a scaffolding function in vascular wall, there is a high probability of developing hemorrhagic stroke. This occurs against the background of a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels, in which, under the load of blood flow, ruptures occur, with the release of bloody contents into the soft tissues.

The depressed state is caused by insufficient functioning of serotonin, the hormone of joy. Its functional activity depends on the level of blood cholesterol. An insufficient level can lead to the development of depression, with suicidal tendencies. IN old age possible development of dementia, Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin D is synthesized with the participation of complex lipoproteins and therefore a lack of this link can lead to the development of osteoprosis. Fat-soluble vitamins are not absorbed without the participation of cholesterol. If there is an imbalance in lipid metabolism, difficulties arise in the process of processing fats. All this leads to the development of obesity.

Osteoporosis is characterized by increased bone fragility

Cholesterol is a structural element of sex hormones. Its deficiency can immediately affect erectile function.

In women, low blood lipoprotein levels can cause infertility.

What to do?

Solve the problem yourself low content cholesterol is not recommended for women. The appearance of symptoms of body imbalance is an indication to consult a doctor. After the examination, the doctor will send you for a test additional research, with the help of which it will be possible not only to establish low values ​​of blood lipoprotein, but also to identify the reason causing this decrease.

It is recommended to first contact a general practitioner or endocrinologist. An endocrinologist must be completed by representatives of the fair sex. Because delay in diagnosing and treating low lipoprotein levels can cause infertility. There is no medicine as such to eliminate cholesterol deficiency. Therefore, correction is performed using nutrition.

The attending physician, together with a nutritionist, develops a special diet based on replenishing fat deficiency. Increase the consumption of foods rich in Omega-3 acids: sea fish, seeds, nuts, cheese, egg yolks, olive and butter. It is preferable to use meat with low fat content. It is mandatory to include beef in the diet: liver, brain, kidneys. These organs have a high cholesterol content.

Liver, like other animal products, contains cholesterol

Greens, fruits, and vegetables must be present in the diet. Consumption of sweets and pasta should also be reduced.

It is impossible to prepare dishes by frying, or to use animal products with a high fat content, as this replenishes bad cholesterol (LDL), the excess content of which can lead to the development of atherosclerosis and the risk of developing a number of cardiovascular diseases.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper diet nutrition, timely medical examination by a specialist for cholesterol levels (at least once a year) will minimize the risk of developing pathologies of organs and body systems.