Healthy lifestyle: definition. What is a healthy lifestyle and its components. Healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle Healthy lifestyle, homework

A healthy lifestyle helps us fulfill our goals and objectives, successfully implement our plans, cope with difficulties, and, if necessary, with colossal overloads. Good health, supported and strengthened by the person himself, will allow him to live a long and full of joys life. In this article you will learn how to treat your body correctly and keep it in good shape. These tips are, to a certain extent, suitable for every conscious person who has decided to take the path of recovery and put their life in order. If you have useful experience in this area, feel free to share your advice in the comments and take part in the discussion. The article contains links to other useful materials that talk about proper nutrition, the benefits of vegetables and fruits, as well as exercise and its importance.

Health is an invaluable wealth of each person individually, and of the entire society as a whole. When meeting and parting with people close to us, we always wish them good health, because this is the main condition for a complete and happy life. In our country, more than 30 million people suffer from ARVI and seasonal viruses every year. The reason for this is that more than 80% of the population weak immunity. For the immune system to work like a clock, it must be supported daily, and not just during flu epidemics! How to charge your immunity? The answer is simple - lead

Human immunity is the ability of his body to defend itself from various “enemies”, i.e. foreign genetic information. On the one hand, the immune system protects the body, and on the other, its condition depends on the general health of the person. If an individual is active, strong, mobile, and cheerful, then his immune system will be fine, and if he is weak and passive, then his immune system will be adequate

The immune system protects us from external influences negative factors, this is a kind of line of defense against the negative effects of bacteria, fungi, viruses and the like. Without healthy and effective immune system the body becomes weak and suffers much more often from various infections.

The immune system also protects the body from its own cells with a disturbed organization that have lost their normal properties. It detects and destroys such cells, which are possible sources of cancer. It is well known that vitamins are necessary for education immune cells, antibodies and signaling substances involved in the immune response. One of the main aspects healthy image life is

In addition to proper nutrition, here are fifteen more wonderful ways Charge your immune system, live healthy and live healthy!

1. Play sports.

Physical activity improves general state body and work lymphatic system, removing toxins from the body. According to research, people who regularly exercise are 25% less likely to get colds than those who do not lead a healthy lifestyle. However, don't be too zealous. Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day allows you to become healthier, while more serious exercise will make you weaker. Be sure to include push-ups in your program - they help better job lungs and heart. Be sure to do abdominal exercises - this will improve your work gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.

Daily - a mandatory minimum of physical activity for the day. It is necessary to make it the same habit as washing your face in the morning.

Jennifer Cassetta, a martial arts instructor from New York, says she never gets sick. “I believe that a holistic approach to exercise calms the mind and helps relieve stress,” says Jeniffer. “And cardio training, strength training in general helps strengthen the immune system.” According to Cassette, her health has changed dramatically since she started practicing martial arts eight years ago. Before this, she was a smoking girl who ate late in the evenings and drank a lot of coffee in the mornings. At 20 years old...

2. More vitamins

We all need vitamin D, which is found in salmon, eggs and milk. Research has shown that many people don't get enough vitamin C, says Elizabeth Politi, director of nutrition at the Duke Diet & Fitness Center. Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. “It's a myth that vitamin C prevents colds,” she says. “But getting the right amount of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables boosts the immune system.”

Zinc is also very important for strengthening the immune system; it has antiviral and antitoxic effects. You can get it from seafood, unrefined grains and brewer's yeast. In addition, drink tomato juice - it contains a large number of vitamin A.

3. Toughen up!

Hardening your body can be your assistant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best to start it from childhood. The easiest way of hardening is air baths. Great value in the process of hardening I play and water treatments- strengthening the nervous system, beneficially affecting the heart and blood vessels, normalizing arterial pressure and metabolism. First of all, it is recommended to rub your body with a dry towel for several days, and then move on to wet rubdowns. You need to start wiping yourself with warm water (35-36 C), gradually moving to cool water, and then to dousing. In summer, it is better to take water procedures in the fresh air after exercise

4. Eat protein

Protective factors of immunity - antibodies (immunoglobulins) - are built from protein. If you eat little meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, then they simply will not be able to form.

5.Drink tea.

Just 5 cups of hot tea a day will significantly strengthen your body. L-theanine is released from ordinary black tea, which is broken down by the liver into ethylamine - a substance that increases the activity of blood cells responsible for the body's immunity. It is worth noting that all this applies only to high-quality varieties of tea.

6.Have fun!

According to research, people who have a positive emotional style are happy, calm and enthusiastic, and are less likely to catch colds. Fun and a healthy lifestyle go together

Cohen and researchers from Carnegie Mellon University surveyed 193 healthy person for two weeks every day and recorded information about positive and negative emotions that they experienced. After that, they exposed the “test subjects” to cold and flu viruses. Those who experienced positive emotions had few cold symptoms and greater resistance to developing diseases

7. Take up meditation

Santa Monica, a yoga therapist, believes in her meditation to improve her physical and emotional health. “Doing meditation helps calm my nervous system and allows my immune system to function with less interference,” she says. “A calm mind means a calm body.” “The greatest change is peace of mind and a sense of relief,” says Santa. - “I was sick very often when I was young. My sleep has improved and I have found it easier to deal with constant stress.” In a study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine in 2003, researchers found that volunteers who participated in eight weeks of meditation training had significantly higher levels of flu antibodies than those who did not meditate.

8.Don't be nervous!

Prolonged stress causes a powerful blow to the immune system. By increasing levels of negative hormones, it suppresses the release of hormones that help maintain health. By learning to deal with stress, you will stop the flow of excess hormones that make you fat, irritable and forgetful.

9. Avoid depression

Apathy and indifference are one of the main enemies of a strong immune system. American scientists have found that women suffering from depression experience changes in the functioning of the immune system, and they are more susceptible to viral diseases than those who enjoy life.

10. Minimum alcohol

According to numerous studies, alcohol stops the work of white blood cells that identify and destroy infectious cells and the viruses themselves. Remember that alcohol and a healthy lifestyle are incompatible

11. Sleep

Good night sleep strengthens the immune system. The fact is that during night sleep the level of melatonin increases, which improves the functioning of the immune system

12. Wash your hands!

When you wash your hands, do it twice. When scientists from Columbia University studied this problem in volunteers, they found that washing their hands once had virtually no effect, even if people used antibacterial soap. Therefore, wash your hands twice in a row if you want to ward off a cold.

13. Visit the sauna

Go to the sauna once a week. For what? Because according to a study conducted in Austria in 1990, volunteers who frequently went to the sauna were half as likely to get colds compared to those who did not go to the sauna at all. Most likely, the hot air inhaled by a person destroys the cold virus. Already, most gyms have their own saunas

14. Gifts of nature

Natural remedies, strengthening the immune system are: echinacea, ginseng and lemongrass. Accept herbal infusions costs as much as therapeutic purpose, and for prevention

15. Probiotics

It is beneficial to eat foods that increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the body. They are called probiotics, their list includes onion and leeks, garlic, artichokes and bananas

If you want to be healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle. Your new motto: no more lying on the couch, more exercise and fresh air! Stress is the main enemy of immunity, drive away all sorts of worries and be less nervous. Try to get as much as possible positive emotions and take care of proper nutrition. Go ahead and good luck!!!

The definition of what a healthy lifestyle is is quite broad. It includes a lot of interconnected moments that together help a person feel active, strong and happy.

Definition of the concepts of “health”, “healthy lifestyle”

Health is the state of the body, everything functional systems which fully perform their functions. This phenomenon can also be described as the absence of disease and physical defects.

It is also worth paying attention to the definition of what a healthy lifestyle is. This is human behavior aimed at strengthening the immune system, preventing diseases and creating satisfactory well-being.

If we consider this concept from a philosophical point of view, it is not just a way of life for a particular person. This is a problem of society. If you look from the perspective of psychology, then a healthy lifestyle is considered as a motivation, and with medical point vision is a way to improve health.

Prerequisites for the development of the healthy lifestyle concept

Among other things, it is necessary to find out exactly what prerequisites helped define the named phenomenon. Healthy start of particular interest to society in the 70s of the last century. This was due to the fact that the development of scientific and technological progress radically changed human life, due to which the issue of strengthening the immune system and increasing life expectancy became acute.

As for modern times, doctors have sounded the alarm. Given the improvement in working conditions (compared to previous centuries), the expansion of opportunities to obtain quality nutrition and the availability of sufficient free time, life expectancy is nevertheless constantly decreasing. This is due to the fact that people have become more passive and susceptible harmful influences. The number of diseases is growing rapidly.

Based on the above, a healthy lifestyle is important not only for a specific person, but also for society as a whole. Only those who feel well can be active and do their work efficiently. Following helps a person become a valuable member of society.

and its components

A healthy lifestyle is a systemic phenomenon that consists of many components. These include several components:

  1. Education from early childhood (in the family and educational institutions).
  2. Creating a safe environment, which promotes the comprehensive development of the body and does not harm health.
  3. Giving up bad habits and forming negative attitude to them.
  4. Formation of a nutrition culture that involves the consumption healthy food in moderation.
  5. The need for regular physical activity, the intensity of which corresponds to the age and general condition of the body.
  6. Knowledge and adherence to hygiene rules (both personal and public).

Key Aspects

It is worth noting that healthy lifestyle has a fairly diverse definition. What a healthy lifestyle is can be confidently formulated, taking into account the combination of several aspects:

  1. Physical means maintaining good health and strengthening the body's defense mechanisms.
  2. Emotional - the ability to control emotions and respond adequately to problems.
  3. Intelligent - ability to search necessary information and its rational use.
  4. Spiritual - the ability to set life guidelines and follow them.

How is a healthy lifestyle formed?

The definition of a “healthy lifestyle” is not limited only to physical condition and satisfactory well-being. This is a multifaceted phenomenon, the formation of which occurs at several levels.

Thus, on the social, propaganda is carried out, which is carried out educational institutions, the media and public organizations. The infrastructural level implies changes in living conditions, material and physical capabilities, preventive measures, as well as monitoring the environmental situation. And personal - a person’s own motives, his life values and organization of life.

A person’s desire for self-improvement in the physical plane has a specific definition. What is a healthy lifestyle can be answered by listing the entire range of targeted actions that are aimed at improving functional state body. If you want to follow this philosophy, start following these guidelines:

  • Start every morning with exercise. Physical activity allows you to activate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.
  • Plan your meals to consume as much as possible useful substances. In winter and spring, when there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables, take a vitamin complex.
  • Practice hardening, which will protect you from colds and strengthen the nervous system. Start by washing with cool water, gradually moving on to rubbing and dousing.
  • Be sure to eat protein, which is found in meat, fish, dairy and grain products. It is this substance that is responsible for the formation of the immune system.
  • Nutritionists recommend drinking 5 cups of high-quality black tea daily. It saturates the body with theanine, which strengthens the body's protective barriers.
  • Keep track of your emotional state. Protect yourself from negativity and stress. Listen to calm music, watch funny movies, admire nature.
  • Take time to meditate. Even if you are not familiar with this practice, just relax for a few minutes, immerse yourself and try not to think about anything.
  • Give up bad habits. Smoking and alcohol destroy the immune system. However, a moderate amount of high-quality alcohol, for example on a holiday, will not harm you.
  • Every day, 7-8 hours should be devoted to sleep in order to fully restore the body’s strength for further fruitful work. But you shouldn’t sleep too long either.
  • Don't forget about hygiene. Washing your hands before every meal and after visiting public places is mandatory.

Maintaining a daily routine

As you can already judge, a healthy lifestyle consists of many elements. Its basic concepts and definitions represent numerous components that make up complex structure Healthy lifestyle Perhaps, vital role plays correct mode day. If there is a clear schedule, the body begins to work automatically. Thus, fewer resources are spent on certain tasks. Stress exposure is also significantly reduced.

The human body is complex mechanism, the operation of which may begin to malfunction if treated carelessly. The first thing you should pay attention to is proper sleep. You should go to bed and wake up at the same time. In addition, sleep and wakefulness should coincide, respectively, with dark and light times of the day.

On labor activity should be allocated no more than 8 hours a day. In this case, active work should be accompanied by short but regular periods of complete relaxation. This applies not only to professional duties, but also to home activities.


Nutrition plays a decisive role in such a task as creating a healthy lifestyle. Definition proper diet helps saturate the body with all the necessary substances that will ensure its smooth functioning. Healthy eating means the following:

  • reducing the amount of animal fats;
  • avoidance of fatty meats (preference should be given to poultry);
  • refusal of fast carbohydrates (sweets, fast food, baked goods);
  • fractional meals (frequent, but in small portions);
  • refusal of late dinner;
  • intensive fluid consumption;
  • eating fresh foods that have undergone minimal heat treatment (or no heat treatment at all);
  • matching the amount of energy consumed and consumed.


To ensure the smooth functioning of all body systems, as well as good health, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. To take this path will require serious efforts of will. However, after some time this will become a habit, and the rules of a healthy lifestyle will be carried out at an automatic level. You'll be productive and look younger.

Probably, almost every inhabitant of our planet dreams of remaining young, full of strength, healthy, beautiful and happy for as long as possible. Very often, most supporters of a healthy lifestyle resort to following special diets, visiting fitness centers and sports clubs, and also try to take walks in the square or park every evening. But few people have any idea what a healthy lifestyle really means.

In the materials of this review we will take a closer look at what healthy lifestyle– this is not just playing sports, or following a certain diet, but a whole set of healthy habits that will not only make you feel great, but will also help strengthen overall health and prolong a person’s life. After all, this is why there is a well-known saying “In healthy body, healthy mind”, which, together with adherence to a healthy lifestyle, invigorates, stimulates and directs a person to achieve high goals.

IN modern world The life of every person is filled with various events, surrounded by the latest technological developments and a bunch of different temptations. The entire working population of the country is constantly in a hurry, running and trying to do a lot.

All life consists of:

  • work to the limit;
  • constantly learn the basics of something new;
  • eat unhealthy fast foods and processed foods;
  • eliminate emerging pathologies with medications with immediate effect.

Almost no one has a second to themselves. But, sooner or later, a person’s health still cannot withstand regular stress and suffers severe disruptions, which is always inappropriate.

To avoid unexpected tricky surprises from your own health, you just need to know and follow the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle. What is healthy lifestyle?

Important! A healthy lifestyle is a whole system of useful habits, it is a way of life that affects the human body only from a positive side.

Due to the deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet and intensively developing technological progress, people’s lifestyles are becoming less and less mobile, which has a detrimental effect on their overall health. Various types of physical activity begin to appear, which for the most part provoke the development chronic diseases in people. Therefore, the definition of healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

A healthy lifestyle is one of the key factors ensuring an individual’s health. According to definition World Organization Health (WHO), health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” A person who not only does not get sick, but also feels completely satisfied with life, can be called healthy. I agree with the author of the article that in modern society Few people have the time and energy to monitor their health and maintain it.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that to maintain health in a modern world full of stress factors, psychological hygiene is extremely important. It is this that, to a greater extent, allows one to achieve peace of mind and social well-being, which, as can be seen from the WHO definition, are integral components of health. You can write and talk a lot about psychological hygiene, which is what numerous coaches, psychologists and psychoanalysts do. So I won't dwell on this. Let me just say that if you want to achieve complete health, think not only about a “healthy body”, but also about a “healthy mind”.

What is included in the healthy lifestyle system

Compliance with the basic aspects of healthy lifestyle helps each person to provide full care and concern for their body. A healthy lifestyle strengthens, increases the level of stability and physical endurance, but subject to compliance with all its aspects. Let's take a closer look at what is included in the concept of healthy lifestyle and what specific aspects it consists of.

So, the simplest healthy lifestyle scheme includes the following points:

  • balanced diet;
  • sports lifestyle;;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • hardening of the body.

Balanced diet

To maintain proper nutrition, it is recommended to eat only healthy food which will help provide the body with all essential vitamins and microelements, which are required for the optimal functioning and development of all organs and systems. People suffering from excess weight, you should follow some rules for a balanced diet.


  • include in the diet not only plant foods, but also products of animal origin;
  • the caloric content of food consumed throughout the day should not be higher than average daily norm kcal consumption, which is calculated for each individual;
  • You should eat food at least 5 times a day;
  • It is recommended to eat food slowly, without rushing;
  • be sure to eat food in liquid form (soup, broth, etc.);
  • enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • consume fermented milk products and at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

Attention! Food should always be freshly prepared.

Follow healthy food quite simple, considering that today there are a huge number of services where anyone can choose recipes for themselves and easily track their calorie intake.

Sports activities

In order to always feel good, you should make sure that your body is in order. First of all, it must be constantly used, because it is not for nothing that they say that movement is life. Therefore, a sports lifestyle is what will help you keep yourself in great shape.

It is important to understand one truth: the less a person is on the move, the higher the likelihood of developing all sorts of pathologies becomes. There are a huge number of options for sports. You can visit fitness centers, group classes, exercise on exercise machines, or dance. But, if you don’t have free time for sports, then a daily 15-minute morning exercise would be an excellent option.

Practical advice: To lift your spirits, it is recommended to run in the morning or evening, preferably in very beautiful and picturesque areas, which will also help you get rid of heavy thoughts and relieve some stress from everyday problems.

Maintaining personal hygiene rules

Hardening the body

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle will be most noticeable if you regularly condition your body. There are a huge number of ways to strengthen the body and enhance the immune system:

  • the easiest and simplest are air baths; it is recommended to be outside more often, ventilate the apartment and workplace, spend as much time in nature as possible;
  • sunbathing is also very beneficial for human health;
  • due to the fact that a person’s feet are simply riddled with a huge number of sensitive points, it is recommended to walk barefoot on grass, sand, and small pebbles as often as possible, which will stimulate the normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • rubbing with a towel, massage mitt, or washcloth, suitable for small children;
  • dousing with ice water, after which you must immediately wipe off with a dry towel;
  • A contrast shower will help rejuvenate, strengthen the body and tone up;
  • winter swimming

It is important to remember that before choosing winter swimming to harden the body, you should contact your local doctor to receive the necessary recommendations.

Eliminating bad habits

Smoking, alcohol and drugs cause irreparable negative damage to every person who abuses these drugs.

Therefore, for many years, medicine and at the present time the Russian Ministry of Health have been warning about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and narcotic drugs. If you nevertheless decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, then these bad habits should be completely eliminated, if not immediately, then at least gradually.

- the lifestyle of an individual with the aim of preventing diseases and promoting health. A healthy lifestyle is a concept of human life aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical training, morale and giving up bad habits.

Representatives of the philosophical and sociological direction (P. A. Vinogradov, B. S. Erasov, O. A. Milshtein, V. A. Ponomarchuk, V. I. Stolyarov, etc.) consider a healthy lifestyle as a global social aspect, an integral part life of society as a whole.

In the psychological and pedagogical direction (G. P. Aksenov, V. K. Balsevich, M. Ya. Vilensky, R. Ditls, I. O. Martynyuk, L. S. Kobelyanskaya, etc.), a “healthy lifestyle” is considered with points of view of consciousness, human psychology, motivation. There are other points of view (for example, medical and biological), but there is no sharp line between them, since they are aimed at solving one problem - strengthening the health of the individual.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for development different sides human life, achieving active longevity and full performance of social functions.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by the increase and change in the nature of stress on the human body due to the complication of public life, increasing risks of a technogenic, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative changes in health.

There are other points of view on a healthy lifestyle: “a healthy lifestyle is a system of reasonable human behavior (moderation in everything, optimal motor mode, hardening, proper nutrition, a rational lifestyle and the rejection of bad habits) on the foundation of moral, religious and national traditions, which provides a person with physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being in the real environment and active longevity within the framework of earthly life allowed by the Lord.”

Elements of a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is an active participation in work, social, family, household, and leisure forms of human life.

In a narrow biological sense, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person to the influences external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment. Authors writing on this topic include different components in a healthy lifestyle, but most of them consider the following to be basic:
. education of healthy habits and skills from early childhood;
. environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;
. giving up bad habits: self-poisoning with legal drugs (alcohol, tobacco) and illegal ones.
. nutrition: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the products consumed;
. movements: physically active life, including special physical exercise(for example, gymnastics), taking into account age and physiological characteristics;
. body hygiene: adherence to the rules of personal and public hygiene, first aid skills;
. hardening;

A person’s physiological state is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, some authors also highlight the following additional aspects of a healthy lifestyle:
. emotional well-being: mental hygiene, ability to cope with one’s own emotions, difficult situations;
. intellectual well-being: a person’s ability to learn and use new information to optimal actions in new circumstances;
. spiritual well-being: the ability to establish truly meaningful, constructive life goals and strive for them, optimism.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle that promotes human health is carried out at three levels:
. social: propaganda in the media, outreach work;
. infrastructural: specific conditions in the main spheres of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive (sports) institutions, environmental control;
. personal: a system of human value orientations, standardization of everyday life.

10 tips for a healthy lifestyle

There are 10 tips developed by an international group of doctors, nutritionists and psychologists that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle. By following them, we can extend and make our lives more enjoyable.

Tip 1: solving crossword puzzles while studying foreign languages By making mental calculations, we train our brain. Thus, the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities slows down; the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated.

Tip 2: work - important element healthy lifestyle. Find a job that suits you and makes you happy. According to scientists, this will help you look younger.

Tip 3: Don't eat too much. Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, get by with 1,500. This helps maintain cell activity and relieve stress. You should also not go to extremes and eat too little.

Tip 4: the menu should be age appropriate. Liver and nuts will help 30-year-old women slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. Selenium contained in kidneys and cheese is useful for men after 40 years of age, it helps relieve stress. After 50 years, magnesium is needed, which keeps the heart in shape and calcium, which is good for bones, and fish will help protect the heart and blood vessels.

Tip 5: Have your own opinion on everything. Conscious life will help you become depressed and depressed as little as possible.

Tip 7: It’s better to sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 17-18 degrees), this helps preserve youth. The fact is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

Tip 8: Move more often. Scientists have proven that even eight minutes of exercise a day prolongs life.

Tip 9: Pamper yourself periodically. Despite the recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, sometimes allow yourself something tasty.

Tip 10: Don’t always suppress your anger. Various diseases, even malignant tumors, are more susceptible to people who constantly scold themselves, instead of telling what upsets them, and sometimes arguing.

Optimal work and adequate rest also affect our health. Active activity, not only physical, but also mental, has a good effect on the nervous system, strengthens the heart, blood vessels and the body as a whole. There is a certain law of labor that is known to many. People engaged in physical labor need rest that is not associated with physical activity, and it is better if during rest they spend mental stress. For people whose work involves mental activity, it is useful to engage in physical work during rest.

Such a concept as a daily routine is becoming less and less common in the life of a modern person, but this factor also plays an important role in maintaining health. The rhythm of a person’s life must necessarily include time for work, rest, sleep, and food. A person who does not follow a daily routine becomes irritable over time, overwork accumulates, and such people are more often susceptible to stress and illness. Unfortunately, to modern man It is difficult to maintain a good daily routine, you have to sacrifice time allotted for sleep, eat only when you have time for it, etc. A correct daily routine will not only help you maintain your health, but will also better organize your time.

Our health also depends on good night. Adequate sleep is essential for normal functioning nervous system. Need for sleep different people may vary, but on average it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours. Regular lack of sleep leads to decreased performance and severe fatigue. In order to avoid insomnia, you need to stop physical or physical activity 1 hour before bedtime. mental work. Last appointment food should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime. It is better to sleep in a well-ventilated room, and it is also advisable to go to bed at the same time.

Physical activity is one of the essential means health promotion. Even a small daily 20-minute gymnastics brings great benefit. Gymnastics, athletics, outdoor games are very useful for of cardio-vascular system, lungs, strengthening the musculoskeletal system. Running has a positive effect positive influence on the nervous and endocrine systems. Walking helps you lose weight. It is estimated that up to 35 grams of fat tissue is burned in 1 hour of brisk walking.

Don’t forget about a healthy lifestyle for older people. Even an elderly person needs physical activity that is optimal for his age. With insufficient physical activity, older people develop obesity, metabolic diseases, and the risk increases diabetes mellitus, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. It is worth remembering that physical activity at this age should be dosed and age-appropriate.

It is important for everyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle to adhere to