Stomach colic in adults - medications. Why intestinal colic occurs in adults - what to do at home. Treatment of abdominal colic in adults

Appearance stabbing pain in the stomach indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In the vast majority of cases, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis without consulting a doctor. Let's take a closer look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of intestinal colic in adults.

After examination and examination, the doctor will be able to tell what disease caused discomfort. Intestinal colic in adults can be independent pathology or be a syndrome accompanying digestive tract disorders (pancreatitis, colitis, enteritis). The main symptom of the disease is sharp, severe and paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, which is often accompanied by bloating and flatulence.

Colic often masks the symptoms of many diseases, so any attack acute pain in the abdomen, doctors recommend treating it as an “acute abdomen” and carrying out a more specific diagnosis.

The cause of spastic contractions of the intestines can be: functional disorders, which quickly disappear when adequate assistance is provided, as well as organic pathologies.

Colic in the intestines can be caused by:

The list of pathologies is very wide, and it is impossible to determine on your own which of them caused abdominal pain.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the real reason colic Taking painkillers and antispasmodics, applying heat or cold to the stomach can distort the true cause of the disorder. If abdominal pain appears for the first time or its character has changed, you should immediately seek medical help. During the consultation, the doctor will be able to clarify the complaints and symptoms of the disease and recommend examinations. Treatment can begin only after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Manifestations of the disease

Symptoms of intestinal colic include:

  • acute pain of a compressive nature, which spreads to the entire abdomen and can radiate to the genitals;
  • manifestations accompanying digestive disorders - bloating, nausea, retching, belching of air or food;
  • signs arising from impaired intestinal motility - constipation, rumbling, gas retention or flatulence;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea), which is accompanied by the release of large amounts of mucus;
  • general complaints - weakness, malaise, dry skin and mucous membranes.

Variants of intestinal colic

Depending on the location of the pain in the abdomen, there are several types of colic:

  • Rectal - manifested by a sharp urge to defecate, but bowel movement does not occur or is excreted a large number of watery mucus.
  • Appendicular - characterized by a gradual increase in pain. In this case, discomfort may initially arise in the navel area and after a few hours move to the right iliac region.
  • Lead - occurs as a result of lead intoxication in workers whose occupation is professional activity are constantly in contact with lead salts. Features pathologies - the presence of a gray border on the teeth and contact bleeding from the mucous membrane covering the gums.
  • Renal - develops sharply in the lumbar region or lateral abdomen. The pain radiates to the genitals, intensifies with urination and does not change with movement.
  • Pancreatic - pain has a girdling character, begins in the left hypochondrium, is accompanied by bloating and diarrhea.
  • Hepatic - occurs in the right hypochondrium along with a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting bile.

Treatment at home

Treat intestinal colic at home is only possible if an accurate diagnosis has been established. Before inspection medical worker it is forbidden:

  • Take medications that eliminate symptoms - painkillers and antispasmodics.
  • Give the patient laxatives, antiemetics, and cleanse the intestines with enemas.
  • Apply heat or cold to the abdomen.

Mandatory components of treatment should be diet and symptomatic treatment, which helps relieve spasm from the smooth muscles of the intestines.

Medical nutrition

The diet for intestinal colic consists of eating mechanically and chemically gentle food and involves a gradual increase in the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Basic principles:

After feeling better, the diet is expanded by introducing new dishes into the diet. If after 2-3 days the condition does not worsen, add new products, stop grinding food, allow fresh vegetables and fruits, baked goods, yeast bread.

Alternative medicine recipes

If it is determined that abdominal cramps are a manifestation functional dyspepsia, then doctors do not recommend long-term use for treatment medicines. Recipes traditional medicine help get rid of the manifestations of the disease and prevent the occurrence of colic in the future.


To eliminate colic, sedatives are prescribed:


Plants that relieve spasm from the smooth muscles of the digestive tract help to get rid of colic. For this purpose, it is recommended to take chamomile, immortelle, St. John's wort, yarrow, corn silk, and dill (fennel) at home.

For patients who constantly experience intestinal colic, it is important to remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Patients need to follow a gentle diet and periodically take remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

The pathological phenomenon - abdominal colic in adults - is not separate disease sphere of gastroenterology, but only its manifestation. Every person has experienced painful discomfort inside the abdomen at least once in their entire life.

The range of root causes is quite wide, and even an experienced specialist will not be able to make a diagnosis by eye - several types of diagnostics will be needed.

The symptom itself should not be ignored by the doctor, especially if the person’s condition gradually worsens, or new symptoms are added as it develops. It is advisable to seek medical help immediately.

Colic in adults is a painful specific sensation inside abdominal cavity, which are accompanied by diarrhea, noisy intestinal motility, nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting.

The localization of this symptom can be different, and the pain itself can migrate, which sometimes complicates the diagnosis of the disease. The patient feels that near the navel, in the right or left hypochondrium, near the iliac region is contracting muscle internal organs, then tingles, weakens after a change in body position and intensifies again, sometimes with even greater force.

Also, when the intestines spasm, gases do not pass away, which official medicine defines as "flatulence". This contributes to bloating of the anterior abdominal wall and has nothing to do with overeating. Trying to touch the abdomen or lightly press on it causes pain to the patient.
Certain actions can reduce this sensation (a warm heating pad, increasing physical activity, drinking warm milk), but they are only useful when the diagnosis has nothing to do with “ acute stomach" In medicine, this term unites everything emergency conditions requiring immediate surgical intervention. Otherwise, applying heat can be fatal.
Also, colic, which is accompanied by difficulties with the passage of intestinal gases, can provoke diarrhea after relieving tension in the abdominal wall with antispasmodics. This indicates problems with the function of the small and large intestines. It is important for the patient to take into account all symptoms that develop against the background or after problems in intestinal tract, and report them to the doctor during the examination.


Patients with chronic problems of the digestive tract have no questions about why colic occurs and what are the symptoms of this pathological phenomenon. Such people know not only the manifestations of the onset of an exacerbation of the condition, but also, as a rule, what actions to take in this case in order to help themselves by reducing pain in the right or left hypochondrium or stomach. If the condition occurs acutely, for the first time, there may be several reasons for this.

  1. Eating low-quality (expired) food. Consequences of haste, inattention when purchasing, preference for chaotic eating. The first manifestation of food poisoning is bad taste in the mouth, discomfort in the stomach, sensation of a lump rolling up to the throat. Within 2-3 hours there will be loud sounds inside the abdomen, colic in any projection of the peritoneum, dizziness, weakness, increased body temperature, weakness.
  2. Non-compliance with diet. When a person ignores the nutritional system, does not follow it, refuses breakfast, but overeats before bed, gastric and intestinal problems can't be avoided.
  3. Long-term use medicines. It is not for nothing that the accompanying sheet for each package of the drug contains information that clearly states the features of use. medication. This point was thought out by the manufacturer and the Healthcare Association in order to protect patients from possible side effects. Since colic in the abdomen in adults occurs due to reasons such as incorrect medication intake - on an empty stomach, whereas this should occur after eating.
  4. The simultaneous consumption of hot and cold foods has a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive canal. He suffers from such a reckless act protective function epithelium of the stomach and intestines. As a result, these organs are exposed dystrophic changes. In this state, there can no longer be any talk of full functioning.
  5. Inflammatory processes of the digestive organs. Depending on the damage to a particular organ, the patient experiences right-sided pain, colic can be in the left hypochondrium and umbilical region. If the disease was ignored acute form, then acquiring a chronic course, it will become aggravated quite often. Signs of exacerbation are nausea, bitter or putrid taste in the mouth, weakness, diarrhea, and frequent vomiting.

Attention! The volume of vomit is an important indicator. If attacks occur frequently, the patient loses a lot of fluid from the body. The approximate amount and frequency of vomiting should be reported to the doctor at the time of examination.

Emergency conditions that cause colic in adults

Except for situations where you can get by traditional treatment, there are urgent clinical cases: the beginning of their development is also manifested by discomfort and some pain inside the intestine. Colic in emergency situations has only one distinctive feature- they are always accompanied by pain and increased body temperature. The triad of symptoms requires immediate attention medical care, often its scope is surgery. Delay can be disastrous even for a few minutes.
These conditions include:

  • Intestinal obstruction. Under the weight feces, present inside the intestine, the loops of the tract sag, causing extreme inconvenience for the patient. The condition is caused by the presence of adhesions or tumors inside the digestive canal: they prevent the full passage of food through the departments. The patient has pain not only in the left hypochondrium, but also throughout the entire circumference of the abdomen. Treatment is often surgical.
  • Appendicitis. The spasms are cramping, similar to the description of the previous pathology, but there is never pain in the left hypochondrium - only on the right. The patient is also pale, restless, and experiences severe pain when trying to touch the abdomen. Treatment is surgical.
  • Peritonitis. Inflammation of the abdominal cavity. One of the most difficult and dangerous conditions for humans. It occurs due to the entry of a pathological mass into the free cavity of the peritoneum. Often this occurs after the opening of an internal abscess, rupture of the organ, and then the spread of its contents throughout the body, due to suppuration of the sutures placed on internal organs. It will indicate the onset of inflammation - pain, which is accompanied not only by colic, noisy motor skills, but also by bloating, weakness, and loss of consciousness. But, first of all, a reason to think is an increased body temperature, which does not decrease even after taking antipyretic drugs. Treatment is only surgery, followed by drainage of the peritoneum.

Each of these conditions requires immediate hospitalization, active infusion, and antibiotic therapy. Additionally, the patient's condition is monitored.


Regardless of the cause of colic in adults, only a doctor should establish the full range of symptoms and prescribe treatment.

Attention! If the cause of the deterioration of the condition is unknown, it is better not to take analgesics until examined by a specialist; it is contraindicated to apply heat or take hot bath. The listed actions can aggravate the process if there is bleeding or suppuration inside the peritoneum.

Before the doctors arrive, it is permissible to drink an antispasmodic, but only if the patient is sure that he is not allergic to this drug. It will not be superfluous to take activated carbon.
After hospitalization, laboratory and instrumental examination, find out what specific disease is manifested in the patient by nausea, indigestion, left and right pain. Treatment involves eliminating the underlying pathology. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and vitamin therapy is carried out. A gentle diet and regular visits to a gastroenterologist are also prescribed (if the disease is chronic).

Occurs not only in children infancy, but also in adults. The cause of this process may be a disease digestive system. What do attacks in the abdominal area indicate and how to treat this pathological process? We'll tell you.

Bloating and colic in the abdomen can act as a signal that there are problems with digestive tract. If these symptoms occur, you must immediately consult a specialist and identify the cause.

Abdominal colic in adults with such causes is manifested not only by diarrhea, but also by flatulence, increased temperature, cough, runny nose, painful sensations in the stomach, redness in the throat.

Pain in the muscle structures in the abdominal wall can intensify during physical activity. This makes it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. In such situations, you need to consult a surgeon.

Colic may indicate intestinal obstruction, impaired motility, stretching of intestinal loops, accumulation of feces, mechanical obstructions. Unpleasant symptoms may occur as a result of heavy lifting or excessive physical activity.

A woman may feel pressure on her stomach during pregnancy. This process is associated with the active growth of the uterine cavity. Against this background gastric juice rises up the esophagus, causing not only colic, but also heartburn, nausea, an unpleasant taste in the oral cavity.

There are many reasons for this process, and only the attending physician can determine it.

Symptoms of abdominal colic

Severe abdominal cramps in an adult may indicate a serious problem. Therefore it is necessary Special attention Look out for additional symptoms such as:

  • attacks of acute, unbearable painful sensations. They are often accompanied by spasms. In men, an unpleasant feeling can radiate to the groin area. In women, it affects the genitals. When palpating the abdomen, the muscle structures do not tense. But the patient complains about severe colic in a stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Such phenomena are most often observed with gastritis;
  • diarrhea, the presence of mucus in the intestinal tract;
  • weakness, aversion to food products, deterioration of general condition.

Abdominal bloating and colic in adults can signal acute intestinal obstruction. Then pain of a cramping and excruciating nature will be observed. With further deterioration of the condition, vomiting begins. First, the impurities contain food particles, then bile and feces. In such situations, a person begins to turn pale skin, he becomes lethargic, appears cold sweat. This process requires urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Classification of abdominal colic

Colic occurs not only in infants, but also in adults. They are usually divided into several types:

  1. Rectal colic. This process will be accompanied by false and painful urges to empty the intestinal tract.
  2. Colic of the appendicular type. This process is observed in the first hours of acute appendicitis. It is characterized by an increasing, strong, painful sensation in the iliac region on the right side.
  3. Colic of a lead character. This phenomenon observed in lead poisoning. It manifests itself as symptoms in the form of cramping pain in the abdominal area, tension in the muscle structures in the abdominal cavity, increased temperature, bleeding from the gums, gray plaque on the teeth. This process is observed in those people who work in hazardous industries.
  4. Renal colic. If a patient experiences such colic in the abdomen, the symptoms will manifest themselves in an intense pain sensation that radiates to the groin and lumbar region. Discomfort may increase during physical activity and be accompanied by an increase in temperature values. The patient's blood pressure drops sharply, causing him to feel dizzy and weak.
  5. Liver colic. Discomfort manifests itself in the right hypochondrium and radiates to the shoulder region. A bitter taste appears in the mouth. Nausea and vomiting mixed with bile may occur. This process occurs when gallstone disease or acute cholecystitis.
  6. Pancreatic colic. Occur when pathological processes in the pancreas. Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea,. First, a painful sensation is observed in the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the left. Then it becomes encircling.

If colic occurs in the abdomen, it is very difficult to determine the causes on your own. The symptoms are similar, and therefore it will not be possible to identify the affected area without diagnosis.

Diagnosis and treatment of abdominal colic

When colic in the stomach occurs after eating, you need to urgently consult a doctor and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Based on the complaints, the doctor will prescribe an examination.

It is as follows:

  • donating blood and stool urine for analysis;
  • performance ultrasound diagnostics abdominal area;
  • sigmoidoscopy. Using a special device, the inside of the rectum is examined. This method helps you see hemorrhoidal node, fecal stones and ulcerative formations;
  • colonoscopy. The inside of the small and large intestines is examined;
  • CT scan. This technique is used if there is a suspicion of a tumor or damage to internal organs.

Once the diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Antispasmodics in the form of No-shpa or Drotaverine will help get rid of pain and spasms. As first aid, injections with Atropine, Papaverine or Diphenhydramine can be given.

In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to remove not only pain syndrome, but also eliminate vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and dehydration. The following group of drugs will help with this.

  1. Regidron. The powder from which the solution is made. It is taken to prevent dehydration.
  2. Sorbents in the form of Smecta, Enterosgel, Activated carbon, Neo-smectin. They take out harmful substances from the body and normalize stool.
  3. To restore the flora in the intestinal canal, prebiotics and probiotics in the form of Linex, Normabact, Bifiform will help.
  4. Enzyme agents help improve intestinal motility and prevent enzyme deficiency due to pancreatitis.

To prevent the development of intestinal colic, you need to think about following proper nutrition. Should be excluded from the diet harmful products: fried and fatty foods, fast foods, processed foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

If there is colic in the abdomen, then you need to stop eating food for several days. But at the same time it is worth observing drinking and bed rest.

When the first symptoms occur, you should urgently consult a specialist, as this symptom indicates the development of a serious illness.

There are a number of problems associated with intestinal colic. First of all, these are gastritis and pancreatic diseases, in which food is not digested properly and enters the intestines in this form. Too cold or can also provoke What to do in such a situation?

First aid for intestinal colic

To get rid of a problem, you must first find out the cause of its occurrence. And to alleviate the patient’s condition until this moment, we can advise the following:

    Place a warm heating pad in the groin area - this will help relieve spasm and relax the muscles somewhat.

    At home, you can use antispasmodic drugs that act mainly on the intestines. In such cases, experts recommend drinking 1-2 tablets of “No-shpa”, washed down with a decoction of mint, 2 tablets of the drug “Platifillin with papaverine”, “Bellalgin” (available in the form of tablets and suppositories). Get rid of unpleasant symptoms The medicine "Smecta" will help. The powder packet must be diluted in 100 ml of clean still water. Sometimes an enema (200 ml) with a warm decoction of mint helps. If we are talking about ordinary colic, after the passage of gases and loose stool the pain will go away.

    It is equally important that after some time, colic in the stomach does not appear again. What should I do for this? It is best to give the intestines a “rest” and refrain from eating for 12 hours. You can drink weak tea without sugar and eat crackers.

    What should you consider before taking medications?

    Doctors strongly do not recommend taking ordinary painkillers for those who are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as abdominal colic. What to do if you can’t see a specialist? Antispasmodics are best suited. Analgesics, in turn, can cause problems with making a correct diagnosis. And, in addition, induce a feeling of final recovery. However, getting rid of the symptoms of the problem will not get rid of the problem itself. And in the future, the disease that provoked the appearance of intestinal colic can lead to more serious complications.

    Analgesics are allowed to be taken only in cases where you are 100% sure of the cause of the pain.

    When taking antispasmodics, you should remember that if the pain does not go away within 2 hours, and the cause remains unknown, you must urgently call an ambulance. We have already listed the drugs that will help you in such a situation: these are the medications “No-shpa”, “Smecta”, “Papaverine” and “Bellalgin”. These products can be used for colic of any type.

    Traditional medicine in the fight against intestinal colic

    Speaking about how to treat abdominal colic, you should separately touch on the topic of folk remedies that will help you eliminate painful sensations. Here are a few recipes that have been tested over many generations and are effective in such situations:

    Is it necessary to see a doctor?

    After use medical supplies or home remedies, you will feel relief. However, if you do not know why abdominal colic appeared, you need to visit a specialist as soon as possible. Treatment of some diseases accompanied by intestinal colic may require hospitalization and even surgery. Therefore, the sooner you are diagnosed, the more successful and faster the treatment process will be.

    Prevention of intestinal colic

    If you already know how unpleasant this phenomenon is, you should know how to prevent stomach cramps from recurring in the future. What should I do for this? If you encounter such problems quite often, you should adhere to a fairly strict diet. Namely: exclude from the menu sweets, smoked foods, fatty, pickled and spicy foods, carbonated drinks. In addition, it is important not to overeat.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen is a phenomenon that every person has probably encountered at least once in their life. Very often this happens after errors in diet or when food poisoning. In medicine, this condition is called colic. It is known that colic can be evidence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Intestinal colic - what is it?

The answer to the question of what colic is is very simple. This medical name sharp pain syndrome of spastic type, severe pain, which occurs when smooth muscle spasms occur. When talking about such a syndrome localized in the abdomen, intestinal colic and stomach colic caused by stomach cramps are usually distinguished. However, there are not only manifestations of colic associated with the stomach and intestines, but also manifestations associated with the liver, kidneys, biliary tract, etc. The root causes of intestinal colic and treatment methods are one of the most common questions from patients addressed to a therapist and gastroenterologist .

Why does intestinal colic occur?

The causes of intestinal colic are very diverse. Acute intestinal colic in the abdomen in adults differs from a similar phenomenon common in children under 3-4 months of age, when the main reason is adaptation nervous system and its excessive response to natural contractions of the intestine during digestion and gas formation. Abdominal pain in adults indicates some kind of process that irritates the nerve endings in the intestinal walls. What causes colic is generally known to medicine. However, as practice shows, one factor is often not enough, and colic in the abdomen is provoked by the complex influence of several at once. At the same time, various factors cause abdominal pain of varying duration, frequency and intensity in adults.

You should know that colic is often caused by dietary disorders: uneven diet, unbalanced food composition, consumption of low-quality, spoiled foods leads to occasional colic in the abdomen. As a rule, when the diet is corrected or the effect of the unfavorable factor ends, intestinal colic does not recur.

Traumatic lesions, anomalies and pathologies of the intestinal structure are also often accompanied by attacks of intestinal colic.

Abdominal colic in adults: causes

The causes of abdominal colic in adults can be not only gastrointestinal diseases and diet disorders, but also respiratory diseases, flu. So, for some acute infections first of all in inflammatory process are involved The lymph nodes located in the abdominal cavity. This can cause colic in the intestines. For this reason, after a few days, the symptoms of inflammation spread to the main organ of the respiratory-respiratory system. In such cases, colic in adults has reduced immunity as the root cause.

Intestinal colic in adults: symptoms and diagnosis

The initial and basic symptom of intestinal colic is painful sensations. The pain syndrome can be strongly or weakly expressed, the nature of the pain can be paroxysmal, cramping, stabbing, cutting, etc. Often the pain syndrome with intestinal colic is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, and flatulence may be observed. The pain is also often accompanied by diarrhea.

The diagnosis of “intestinal colic” can be made based on the patient’s complaints, but the main task of the specialist is to identify what caused the phenomenon.

Diagnostic measures

As part of the diagnosis, when a patient initially complains of intestinal colic, doctors carry out the following measures:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • examination of the patient, first of all, using the method of palpation of the abdominal cavity;
  • laboratory tests (general and biochemical tests blood, general urine analysis, general stool analysis, including detection of blood inclusions and worm eggs;
  • instrumental examination methods.

Anamnesis is collected by interviewing the patient. The patient is asked questions about:

  • the nature of the pain syndrome;
  • frequency and regularity of manifestations;
  • having problems with bowel movements;
  • presence of other symptoms (headache, elevated temperature bodies, etc.);
  • diet and regimen;
  • amount of physical activity;
  • the presence or absence of an appendix;
  • the presence of various diseases (pyelonephritis, cholelithiasis, etc.);
  • frequency of respiratory infections;
  • likelihood of chronic intoxication associated with hazardous production, etc.

Examination of a patient with intestinal colic is carried out primarily using the palpation method. If tension in the abdominal wall occurs during palpation, pathological phenomena are likely to be present.

Instrumental methods of examining the patient are used to clarify the etiology. May be required ultrasonography digestive organs, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, tomographic, X-ray examinations.

The conditional diagram of the need for diagnostics and its various directions is as follows. If it is known that colic occurred once and went away on its own, without the use of medications and accompanying symptoms intestinal disorders, no therapy required. This pain syndrome can often be caused by overeating. In this case, you should pay attention to nutrition and physical activity.

If the pain has passed, but intestinal disorders and stool disorders are noted, the most likely diagnosis will be related to the manifestations viral infection, consumption of stale food, etc.

Sometimes acute intestinal colic is accompanied by bloating, vomiting, stool retention, and fever. With such symptoms, colic cannot be ignored. Urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary and, probably, hospitalization on suspicion (depending on symptoms) of appendicitis, acute obstruction intestines and other life-threatening conditions.

Treatment for abdominal colic in adults

In some cases, severe pain occurs, which requires special approach to therapy. Therefore, in the general case, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to treat colic. It is important to know that symptomatic treatment with any medications(painkillers, antispasmodics), can eliminate colic, but can also distort clinical picture diseases. This will prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis, identifying the source of pain and healing the patient. Self-prescription of analgesics to relieve pain is strictly prohibited.

What to do if there is unbearable severe pain? It is necessary to call an ambulance, take a body position in which sensations decrease, and record changes in the condition (fever, nausea, vomiting, etc.).

The only exception to the rules are patients with previously diagnosed enterocolitis, cholecystitis and others. chronic diseases. If habitual colic occurs as a result of the disease, the symptoms of which do not differ from those experienced previously, you can take medications prescribed by your doctor to eliminate spasms.


The effectiveness of the diet depends on the factor that could trigger the colic. If they occur against the background of poor nutrition and irregular eating patterns, then the benefits of the diet are undoubted. If the root cause is various diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is necessary to follow the diet prescribed to patients with various diseases, and follow the prescriptions of conservative therapy.

Diets vary depending on the type of underlying disease. So, the presence of pancreatitis means limitation bakery products and baked goods in the diet, and with cholecystitis, baked goods can be consumed, but fried foods should be limited.

  • exclusion of frying as a type of food processing, including fried meat, fish, scrambled eggs, omelettes, vegetables, etc.;
  • if the pain syndrome is not accompanied by diarrhea, fermented milk products should be included in the diet;
  • It is preferable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables raw, but as puree or finely grated;
  • give preference to rice and buckwheat porridge in small quantities;
  • completely eliminate carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, coffee, strong tea.

Possible consequences

The pain syndrome itself is not dangerous, although it is accompanied by severe discomfort. However, being acute symptom, colic demonstrates that something is wrong in the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish what exactly caused the pain - spastic type obstruction, appendicitis, colitis, etc. Even if after taking analgesics and switching to the principles of healthy or dietary nutrition pain does not appear again, it is necessary to undergo examination by specialists to diagnose the underlying disease or dysfunction.

In some cases, gastrointestinal diseases occur with mild symptoms, and pain allows you to pay attention to deviations from the norm and not ignore the symptoms of the disorder.

Ignoring colic can lead to severe complications and pathologies of the abdominal cavity, destructive changes in the diseased organ. With pancreatitis, necrosis (death) of pancreatic tissue is possible. With appendicitis, taking analgesic and antispasmodic drugs can lead to the development purulent form inflammation of the appendix and peritonitis, which is dangerously fatal.

If renal dysfunction is hidden behind colic, then lack of therapy leads in most cases to acute and/or chronic renal failure.

Inflammatory processes in the liver tissues, accompanied by colic, without appropriate therapy can develop into severe non-viral hepatitis with low effectiveness of therapy.

Painful spasms due to stagnation of bile, cholelithiasis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder contribute to pathological increase bilirubin levels in the blood and the development of jaundice.

Spasms and pain in the area of ​​the colon and rectum, rectal pain may also indicate the onset of cancerous changes in the walls of the intestines. If these symptoms are ignored, painkillers are used and there is no diagnosis, the development of the tumor can reach the stage of metastasis or cause intestinal obstruction, in which even emergency surgery does not always help save the patient's life.