Aroma oils and essential oils. Essential oils. Their properties and applications

Today, humanity knows many plants used for the production of essential oils, the properties and uses of which are included in an extensive table.Often this medicinal herbs, bones and other parts of the testes.We will tell you about the most useful of these gifts of nature.

Essential oils - properties

The essential collection is created based on the plant. It is dissolved in alcohol, or a liquid containing alcohol or vegetable oil.

The basis for clean essential agent- salt, dairy products, bee honey.

The properties of essential liquids depend not only on the plant itself, but also on the conditions of its cultivation, the production method and the part used in the solution. These fees have different ways applications, as well as reasons for use.

The effect can be absolutely varied:

  1. Antiseptic
  2. Antispasmodic
  3. Regenerating
  4. Calming
  5. Exciting

The positive effect of their use can be observed after just a few procedures. But we should not forget about the harm that essential preparations can cause harm to the body, especially if you do not take into account the recommendations of the manufacturer or doctor.

Table of the most popular essential oils

Fragrance oil Influence at physical health Impact on mental state
Azalea oil

Struggling with inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract; helps solve dermatological problemsReduces anxiety and fights depression
Bergamot oil

Has antiseptic properties, improves work of cardio-vascular system; treats scalp diseasesLifts your mood and adds confidence in your abilities
Grapefruit oil

Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves immunityInvigorates and at the same time fights depression, helps get rid of anxiety
Ginger oil

It is a natural pain reliever and prevents the spread of viral diseases.Increases sexual desire, eliminates premenstrual syndrome
Cedar oil

Works great with various types skin diseases: dermatitis, seborrhea, etc.Activates energy resources, stabilizes mental state
Lavender oil

It copes well with various types of skin diseases: dandruff, dermatitis, etc.It has calming properties and is widely used for hysterics, feelings of panic and fear.
Lemon oil

Removes impurities and toxins, brightens the skinRemoves headache and dizziness, fights depression
Rosemary oil

Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory propertiesCombats insomnia and headaches, used to calm young children


  1. It has a rejuvenating, revitalizing, brightening and toning effect. Can eliminate acne and itching. Smoothes wrinkles and removes sagging. The anti-cellulite effect is also pronounced.
  2. Sandalwood is excellent remedy for the care of oil-free, dry and cracked skin.
  3. It also stabilizes mental balance, helps get rid of the desire to commit a rash act, and has a calming effect after stress. Sandalwood is used for meditation, treating a runny nose or sore throat.


  1. It is necessary to moisturize, smooth, and strengthen the skin. Increases its elasticity and firmness. Helps smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Rose removes tension and fatigue. Eliminates inflammation, irritation, scars, peeling.


  1. It has pronounced bactericidal, antiseptic and deodorizing properties. Stimulates the body, increasing resistance to various infections.
  2. It is also an excellent remedy for combating depression, stress, and hyperexcitability.

Anise essential oil


  1. It is an excellent antiseptic, deodorant, and antidepressant. Soothes and refreshes.
  2. Helps regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Orange also has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. Promotes stimulation and regeneration of skin cells.

The smell of orange is necessary for:

  1. Toning the nervous system
  2. Relieving depression
  3. Increased performance
  4. Mood stabilization
  5. Coping with sadness and anxiety
  6. Increasing optimism and self-confidence

Orange essential oil


  1. It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. Basil also tones and refreshes the entire body as a whole.


  1. It has calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing properties.
  2. Bergamot is necessary to normalize the secretion of glands, especially when applied to oily areas of the skin. Has a narrowing and brightening effect.


  1. It is considered a powerful antiseptic, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Cloves have a beneficial effect on the skin and restore strength after fatigue, both physical and nervous.

Clove essential oil


  1. It perfectly cleanses, tones and refreshes the skin. An excellent antiseptic. Effective in the fight against cellulite.
  2. Grapefruit is also necessary to strengthen the nervous system, combat irritation and fear.


  1. It has a beneficial effect on the emotional level: it relieves tension and anxiety.
  2. Slows down the aging process, stimulates regeneration. Ylang-ylan g gives elasticity, tenderness and velvety to the skin. Cleanses pores and removes toxins.


  1. It relieves insomnia, tearfulness, and overexcitement. It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Lavender is one of the best remedies for rejuvenation and skin care.


  1. It helps increase mental activity. Calms. Juniper refreshes the skin, increases its firmness and elasticity.

Neroli essential oil


  1. The extract of this plant helps to rejuvenate and revitalize mature skin, smooth out wrinkles.
  2. It has regenerative, soothing and antiseptic properties. Neroli is essential for improving elasticity and strengthening the skin.


  1. It increases the elasticity of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, and even smoothes out existing ones!


  1. It has a stimulating, restorative and antiseptic effect.
  2. Effective in the fight against stress, depression, irritability, neuroses and mental disorders. Mint helps normalize sleep.


  1. It has a positive effect on the emotional level: it calms, causes a surge of cheerfulness, and optimism.
  2. It has antiseptic, deodorizing, antitoxic effects. Patchouli has a positive effect on the skin, rejuvenating it.

Patchouli essential oil


  1. It relieves symptoms of physical and mental fatigue, apathy, and helps strengthen the nervous system.
  2. Rosemary has a restorative and healing effect for the whole body.

Tea tree

  1. Its extract stimulates mental activity. Helps improve concentration.
  2. Restores the body after stress and depression. Relieves anxiety. Tea tree is used for purulent skin lesions, acne.

Clary sage

  1. It has a deodorizing and tonic effect. Also, clary sage is rightfully considered an excellent antiseptic.


  1. It has a tonic effect, increases activity and endurance. Fir effective in combating stress and fatigue. Stimulates immunity.

Eucalyptus essential oil


  1. It is necessary to restore psycho-emotional balance. Eucalyptus has a pronounced antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-allergic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.


  1. It has antiallergic and analgesic effects. It is used for colds. Chamomile is better than many oils for calming nervous system, stabilizes sleep and removes irritability.


  1. She is considered an indispensable assistant in the fight against acclimatization. Melissa also removes the effects of depression, melancholy, and helps treat insomnia and irritability.

Carrot seeds

  1. They improve complexion, tone and rejuvenate the skin, giving it elasticity. Remove age spots and blemishes caused by eczema and psoriasis. Carrot seeds increase resistance to respiratory diseases.


  1. It stimulates blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin. Nutmeg helps fight fungal diseases and stimulate the digestive tract.

Nutmeg essential oil


  1. It has healing properties on the emotional and physical levels: it provides the formation of positive emotions, a surge of energy and strength, and increases the ability to concentrate. Lemon also has positive effect in the fight against depression.

Application of essential oils

In cosmetology and medical purposes natural essential oils are not used, regardless of their properties. They should be used together with a base, which most often includes: wax, honey, milk, transport oils or creams.

When composing a cosmetic product, it is important to take into account the compatibility of essential oils, their properties and use in accordance with the volatility table of essential oils.

Tip: Do not apply the liquid to clean skin. Be sure to use a base. The oil is contraindicated for pregnant women and people prone to allergies.

Aromatic bath

One of the most common uses of oils that have a tonic (verbena and juniper), soothing (sandalwood, geranium) and healing (pine, lemon) effect is an aromatic bath.

Essential oils are used in bath procedures along with salt in accordance with several rules:

  1. Before the procedure, you should swim in advance, since essential oils are better absorbed into clean skin
  2. Water should be in the temperature range 36–38 ºС
  3. The best base for the extract is sea salt, which itself has numerous beneficial properties.
  4. Do not use any other cosmetics while bathing
  5. The duration of the bath should not exceed 5–25 minutes
  6. You should bathe in water with plant extracts no more than three times a week
  7. It is not recommended to rinse and dry after the procedure

Use oils correctly


Another way to use essential oils, according to their properties, is inhalation. Thyme, ginger - against flu; eucalyptus, pine, thuja - treat bronchitis; orange, calendula - stomatitis; oregano, tea tree - cleanse the face.

To perform a cold inhalation, pour a few drops onto a cloth or napkin and inhale the aroma for 5-10 minutes.

To make a hot inhalation, use an inhaler or add drops to a container with hot water, lean over the container and cover your head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is the same as for cold inhalation.

Advice: inhalations should not be used if you have asthma or other respiratory diseases.

Other effective methods of using oils are:

  1. Compress
  2. Massage
  3. Aroma lamps and stones
  4. Mixing with decorative cosmetics
  5. Aroma pendants

Cosmetic oils are a treasure trove various vitamins and minerals and, unlike artificial oils, do not have harmful impurities: dyes, preservatives and flavors. For this reason, when they come into contact with the body, they do not provoke allergies.

Oils nourish and moisturize our skin, saturating it with beneficial microelements, and have rejuvenating and softening properties. They are also used to treat various dermatological diseases.

Base oils are the main ingredient in homemade cosmetics. Unlike store-bought products, you choose the dosage of one or another component, depending on the desired result.

Solid oils used in soap making, creating creams and lip balms. Their properties are similar to human sebum, so they are easily accepted by the body and are necessary as a conductor for essential oils, which in turn have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Liquid oils no less useful. They are used in the preparation of soap, cosmetics for face and hair, nail products, and also for massage oils.

Basic cosmetic oils can act as independent body care products for maximum nutrition and hydration. They help the skin produce collagen, become more elastic and soft.

Due to the high content of vitamin E, a natural preservative and antioxidant, oils slow down the aging process, help improve microcirculation and regeneration in the skin.

List of cosmetic oils and properties:

    Avocado: moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates regeneration processes, protects against ultraviolet radiation

    Apricot: nourishes the deep layers of the skin, slows down aging, promotes regeneration, increases elasticity, prevents pore enlargement, normalizes function sebaceous glands

    Peanut: softens the skin, even the most sensitive.

    Oil apricot kernels : smoothes wrinkles, restores microdamage to the skin

    Grape seed oil: tightens pores, relieves fatigue and inflammation

    Cherry seed oil: relieves pain and inflammation, smoothes and restores damaged skin, has a whitening effect

    Mustard: prevents gray hair, restores hair structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects

    Jojoba: regulates sebum production, relieves irritation, moisturizes, prevents dandruff, treats burns

    Wheat germ oil: powerful immunomodulatory effect, promotes regeneration, increases skin tightness

    St. John's wort: anti-inflammatory, promotes hair growth, reduces acne, used for burns

    Calendula: relieves inflammation, soothes and heals. Suitable for very sensitive skin, tightens pores, prevents acne

    Cocoa: softens, nourishes, restores, protects skin from external influences

    Castor: nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation, restores hair structure

    Kedrovoe: prevents aging, nourishes and restores hair, improves skin elasticity

    Coconut: heals skin infections, nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

    Almond: stimulates hair growth, increases skin elasticity, prevents pore enlargement.

    Peach: prevents skin aging, smoothes wrinkles.

    Shea Butter: regenerates, protects against harmful effects sun.

    Rosehip: has rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effects, helps the skin with damage, dryness, dehydration, removes stretch marks.

Of course, the list of cosmetic oils is huge; we have only indicated the most popular and affordable products.

Nourishment, moisturizing, softening and smoothing are the properties of each of the listed oils, but some of them stand out for their special targeted action. Therefore, some oils are used with enviable frequency and to solve very specific problems.

List of cosmetic hair oils

Every day, hair is exposed to various physical and chemical influences: streams of hot air from a hair dryer or a heated curling iron, severe frosts, caustic hair dyes, fixatives and much more. For this reason, they need our special attention.

There are many various reasons, according to which cosmetic oils are used for hair care. We list the main ones:

    Hair structure restoration

    Giving them extra shine

    Preventing Split Ends

    Stimulating hair growth - nourishing hair follicles and scalp

    Dandruff treatment

    Reducing oily scalp

    Improvement of sebaceous gland secretions

    Protection from thermal effects (hot hair dryer or curling iron, severe frosts)

There are a number of cosmetic oils to solve these problems. All of them, in addition to the general nourishing effect, bring special benefits to the hair, which makes them popular means for hair care.

So, the list of cosmetic hair oils:



    Grape seeds



  • Pumpkin



  • Rizhikovoe

    St. John's wort

    tea tree



  • Corn

For normal hair, it is better to use corn, olive, flaxseed and almond oil. Avocado, jojoba, shea and coconut will restore dry and damaged hair, give it volume and protect against dandruff and brittleness.

Tea tree oil, like grape seed oil, normalizes the level of oiliness in the scalp. Special attention It is worth paying attention to those products that prevent hair loss.

Basic hair oils in the table.

Basic hair oils are good both on their own and in combination with other ingredients. They are added to various means for hair care, but their quantity leaves much to be desired. In addition, mass-used items may not bring the desired result.

For this reason, many resort to using homemade cosmetics. This allows you to make your hair care procedure as effective and individual as possible. Don't get too carried away with the amount of additives. Let it be from 2 to 5 ingredients, then the properties of the oil will not be lost in the total mass.

Table 1. Basic hair oils

OilAction and application
BurdockHelps strengthen hair roots, creates beautiful hair for them nutrient medium. Awakens hair follicles, promotes the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, protects against dandruff.
CoconutFor hair care, unrefined oil is used, which prevents loss of hair shine, protects against excess moisture, preventing it from being absorbed into the hair. Promotes easy combing.
AlmondSuitable for any oily scalp, nourishes it, stimulates hair growth and strengthens roots. Prevents hair loss.
CastorWidely used to restore hair after chemical influences, such as perm or dyeing. Nourishes the scalp, eliminates neoplasms. Gives hair a healthy shine.
AvocadoNourishes hair and scalp, quite thick, but absorbs well. Opposes ultraviolet radiation. Works well as a stand-alone product and can be easily combined with other oils
LinenImproves appearance and hair structure, gives it shine and volume. Contains in large quantities vitamin F. Used both as an independent remedy and in combination.
JojobaImproves the growth of eyelashes, scalp hair and eyebrows, increases their volume and improves hair structure, removing fragility and dullness.

Cosmetic oils for face and body in the table

Natural oils are one of the best skin care products for the whole body. They contain a huge number of useful components and do not contain harmful substances, unlike store-bought products, and therefore do not cause allergies.

Cosmetic oils can act as independent care products.

Can be smeared on the body after a bath or as an assistant during massage. Oils are often added to various creams, serums and lotions.

Nutritional value cosmetics determined not only by the amount of oil, but also by its properties. To understand them, consider the table.

Table 2. Cosmetic oils and their properties

OilAction and application
ApricotSuitable for aging and dry skin, significantly stimulates cellular metabolism and nourishes the skin. Eliminates peeling, wrinkles and dehydration.
AvocadoBest suited for dry and damaged skin. Promotes collagen production and good blood circulation. Gives skin elasticity.
AlmondSuitable for all skin types except oily. Relieves irritation, eliminates hypovitaminosis and dryness.
OlivePerfectly moisturizes and nourishes, smooths out wrinkles, not recommended for those with oily skin.
Sea buckthornThe oil is suitable for sensitive and problematic skin. Well nourishes, rejuvenates, rich in antioxidants
PeachIdeal for facial skin, especially around the eyes. The oil reduces wrinkles, relieves inflammation and circles under the eyes, whitens and cleanses the skin.

The choice of cosmetic oils is very large. All you have to do is choose the option that will help you get desired result. What homemade cosmetics recipes have you used? How do you evaluate the effectiveness of using oils?

Modern reality, alas, does not improve human health. And this circumstance again turned us to face the inexhaustible healing powers nature. Returning to the works of Avicenna and Hippocrates, scientists are re-examining the properties of essential oils. The demand for them on the world market is growing, as the science of aromatherapy is being revived. How will ethers help in everyday life and how useful are they?

Everything in nature is rational. Essential oils serve as protection for plants - they protect them from pests, viruses and bacteria, protect them from overheating and cold, activating enzymatic processes. Their scent attracts insects for pollination. Plants from dry and warm regions contain more esters than those from humid and cool regions.

The main raw materials for obtaining aromatic oils are flowers, leaves, stems, bark and roots. Less commonly, they are obtained from seeds and fruits.

In composition, esters are not fats, unlike vegetable oil. The latter is a connection fatty acids and glycerin. Esters are a mixture of volatile substances and organic compounds of various classes. They do not contain glycerin, and they got their name due to their oily consistency.

Unlike vegetable essential oils, they do not leave greasy stains and evaporate when room temperature, are lighter than water and do not dissolve in it. But they emulsify well in fats, which ensures their use in cosmetology, as part of massage oils and in pharmaceuticals.

Types of esters

Hippocrates also practiced scent therapy. It received the name “aromatherapy” only in the twentieth century thanks to the French chemist Gatefosse, who revived this type of alternative medicine. In the 19th century, with the development of chemistry, natural substances began to receive synthetic doubles. The broadcasts did not escape this fate either. Today on the market there are:

  • natural oils that provide maximum healing effect;
  • restored, quality close to natural;
  • synthetic esters;
  • counterfeit oils “enriched” with various aromatic additives.

The value of natural oils is not only in their aroma. They contain many biologically active components that are not found in synthetic analogues.

Like music, aromatic oils have tones:

  • top notes are called initial - this is the first idea of ​​the aroma, an ether with quickly evaporating fractions (citrus, bergamot, anise, lemongrass, mint), they affect the senses;
  • substances with less pronounced volatility have a medium or heart tonality - these are the main notes that have a greater influence on internal organs(jasmine, geranium, ylang-ylang, rose, cinnamon);
  • low tonality or base notes are the most persistent and least volatile aromas that have a relaxing effect (pine, vanilla, incense).

The effect of essential oils on the body is multifaceted. These are natural antibiotics that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They influence the psycho-emotional sphere and trigger self-regulation processes in the body.

In ancient times, residents of cities where aromatic oils were produced enjoyed excellent health, and epidemics fatal diseases happened in these places much less often.

Our ancestors did not delve into the study of the mechanism of action of aromas. But experimentally they found out that some of them facilitate labor, others make it more difficult. healthy body, still others heal the soul, while others preserve youth and beauty.

Physical Harmony

Smells, affecting certain areas of the brain, affect all human organs and systems.

Table: classification of fragrances by medicinal effect

Effect of estersOils
Pain relieflavender, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, basil, tea tree
Affect blood pressure· lowering blood pressure - geranium, cloves, juniper, fennel, lavender;
Increase blood pressure - sage and thyme
Relieves crampscloves, juniper, nutmeg
Relieves spasmslemon, mint, basil, cypress, rosemary
Stimulates physical and mental activity bergamot, lavender, lemon, orange, fir, cloves
Are adaptogenslemon balm, mint, lavender
Calm downsandalwood, oregano, anise
Disinfect the roomconifers, cloves, sage, thyme, tea tree
Relieves depressionlemon balm, patchouli, orange, rose, jasmine, bergamot, sage
Restore immunityanise, fir, lemon, pine, basil, ylang-ylang
Have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, autonomic and central nervous systemsgeranium, lavender, rosemary, neroli, mint
Harmonize the sexual spheresandalwood, nutmeg, patchouli, ylang-ylang, petit grain, pine
Affect emotionsoregano, mandarin, mimosa, jasmine, rose, marjoram

Essential oils are beneficial for skin and hair. They must be used carefully to avoid skin burns and allergic reactions from incorrectly selected odors.

Table: cosmetological effect of esters

ActionEssential oil
  • Align the epidermis;
  • heal minor injuries;
  • relieve inflammation
chamomile, sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, vetiver
  • Saturate the skin with oxygen;
  • act as an antioxidant
juniper, wormwood, jasmine, rosewood, neroli
  • Relieve irritation;
  • tone the skin
mint, tea tree, bergamot, lavender, lemon
  • Cleanse;
  • treat acne and comedones
grapefruit, tea tree, juniper, lavender
  • Relieves peeling;
  • nourish dry skin
rose, sandalwood, jasmine, rosewood, geranium, chamomile
  • Smooth out wrinkles under the eyes;
  • nourish and tone the delicate skin of the eyelids
incense, pine, myrrh, sandalwood, rose
Caring for dry hairneroli, jasmine, lavender, geranium, juniper
Suitable for oily hairgrapefruit, cedar, patchouli, ylang-ylang
Strengthens hair and protects against hair lossTea tree, pine, myrrh, nutmeg, thyme, incense, sandalwood, bergamot
Accelerate growthconiferous and citrus fruits
Get rid of dandruffCitrus fruits, eucalyptus, incense, lavender in collaboration with base oils - cedar, castor or burdock

Oil compatibility

In cosmetology and medicine, it is permissible to use several fragrances. But they need to be selected taking into account the compatibility of the esters. It comes in three types:

  • synergy - mutual complementarity and harmony when affecting the body;
  • complementarity - the compatibility of aromas (used in perfumery and aromatherapy), when one aroma is able to harmonize another;
  • inhibition - incompatibility of essential oils, when one ester neutralizes or reduces the beneficial properties of another.

A combination of incompatible oils can cause allergies, skin irritation and even poisoning. Individual intolerance to the composition is expressed in suffocation, dizziness, disturbance heart rate and skin allergic reactions.

Lavender essential oil is compatible with all aromatic oils except rosemary, and eucalyptus enhances the bactericidal effect of basil and monarda by 20 times.

In aroma mixtures it is customary to combine esters of different volatility (top, middle and low notes of aromas).

Table: essential oil compatibility

Fragrance typeEssential oilNoteWhat goes with it?
Fresh herbalEucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoramUpperMarjoram, chamomile, sage, hyssop, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa
Fragrant herbalMarjoram, chamomile, sage, hyssopAverageEucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, rose, geranium
Earthy herbalCarrot seeds, ginger, vetiver, patchouliLowerMarjoram, chamomile, sage, hyssop, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, rose, geranium
Lemon herbalLemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosaUpperLemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lavender, coriander
Fruity citrusLemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamotUpperLemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, lavender, coriander
LavenderLavender, corianderUpperLemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa, anise, fennel, Peruvian balsam
PinkRose, geraniumAverageLavender, coriander, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, anise, fennel, Peruvian balsam
FloralNeroli, jasmine, ylang-ylangAverageAnise, fennel, Peruvian balsam, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, carrot seeds, ginger, vetiver, patchouli
Zesty fruityAnise, fennel, Peruvian balsamAverageBay, cinnamon, cloves, cassia, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, lavender, coriander
SpicyBay, cinnamon, cloves, cassiaUpperAnise, fennel, Peru balsam, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, cardamom, nutmeg, myrtle, tea tree
Spicy woodyCardamom, nutmeg, myrtle, tea treeUpperBay, cinnamon, cloves, cassia, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram
woody forestCypress, pine, juniperUpperSandalwood, cedar, lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, frankincense, myrrh
BalsamSandalwood, cedarLowerCypress, pine, juniper, frankincense, myrrh, lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamot
Balsam resinousFrankincense, myrrhLowerSandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot

You should not mix soothing oils with tonic oils, or antierogenous oils with aphrodisiacs. The combination of anti-erogenous esters with stimulating ones has a refreshing effect, and with calming ones it has a relaxing effect. Oils that increase sensuality, together with stimulants, excite, and in combination with sedatives they become aphrodisiacs.

Use of aromatic oils

Esters are not used in pure form, they are mixed with emulsifiers - vegetable fats, cream, milk, honey, yogurt, sea salt. It is better to use a product obtained by cold pressing as a base oil.

All essential oils have an antimicrobial effect and restore the skin. Therefore, any cosmetic procedures with them eliminate acne and minor inflammation of the epidermis.

Esters for skin

There are many ways to use aromatic oils for skin care - steam baths, enrichment of finished cosmetics, masks, washes, anti-cellulite rubbing, bath procedures. In any case, the oil is selected according to your skin type.

Cleansing emulsion

A mixture of 100 ml of base oil and lavender, bergamot and geranium esters, 3 drops each, is suitable for cleansing the face of any skin type. Dip a cotton pad moistened with water into the resulting emulsion and wipe your face and neck with light movements (without pressing or rubbing). This must be done quickly, otherwise the oil mixture will penetrate the pores of the skin and “pull” decorative cosmetics and daytime skin impurities with it. For oily skin, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or food vinegar to the emulsion.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Combine a tablespoon of warmed honey with an egg white, 2 tablespoons of classic yogurt and 3 drops of lavender oil. Pre-warm your face with a warm compress. Apply the mask along the massage lines. Exposure time - 15 minutes.

Moisturizing soufflé

The mixture is diluted in a glass bottle with a lid. For the cream you will need 5 ml of warm coconut oil, 10 ml of almond oil, 2 drops of patchouli and chamomile, 4 drops of Leuzea ether. After combining all the ingredients, close the bottle and shake it until a light foam is obtained, then let stand for 2 hours in a cool place. The soufflé is applied to the most delicate places - around the eyes and lips. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

In winter, the air in the apartment is dried by working radiators. Oil creams help the author of these lines to save the skin from drying out. For myself, I prepare a mixture of grape oil and esters of tea tree, bergamot and lemon (suitable for oily skin). The cream is applied twice a day - morning and evening to a cleansed face. The result is that the feeling of tightness disappears, and the skin is always fresh. I prepare the mixture for future use and store it in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 weeks.

Hair care with esters

For hair care, base oil, egg yolk or honey are most often used as an emulsifier. Split ends can be stopped with a mixture of olive oil, fat-soluble vitamin E and a few drops of lavender, rosemary and chamomile.

A mixture of sandalwood and bergamot esters based on jojoba oil will get rid of oily dandruff. For dry - lavender and tea tree on any base oil. A medicinal mixture of olive oil (15 ml) and cedar, sage and rosemary esters (1-2 drops each) will stop hair loss. It is useful to add essential oils to any hair masks, choosing them depending on the problem or simply using your favorite scents. Aroma combing gives hair shine, makes it healthy and strong.

How to lose weight with essential oils

Essential oils are used for weight loss in several ways:

  • in an aroma lamp;
  • for massage, including anti-cellulite;
  • for baths;
  • in the wrapping mixture.

In aromatherapy, grapefruit ether is considered the most suitable oil for weight loss - it reduces appetite. During special diet Sessions are practiced with oils that soothe and improve mood - oregano, citrus fruits, valerian.

Essential oils, unlike plant oils, are able to penetrate deeply through the skin and have a systemic effect on the body. The best esters for massage are:

  • dill, cypress, ginger burn fat cells;
  • black pepper ether normalizes metabolism;
  • lemongrass, myrrh and tangerine tighten the skin after losing weight;
  • rose, bergamot, geranium and jasmine raise vitality.

For wraps, you can use any ether in combination with base jojoba oil.

Aroma oils for sensuality

Aroma oils Since ancient times, they have served as aphrodisiacs not only for men, but also for women. Esters can enhance mutual attraction, make feelings fuller and brighter:

  • bergamot awakens imagination and relaxes;
  • geranium puts you in a romantic mood;
  • vanilla awakens desire;
  • jasmine liberates;
  • cloves and neroli make orgasms last longer;
  • cinnamon increases sensitivity to caresses.

There are oils that excite women and men equally - ylang-ylang, ginger, clary sage. Men's aphrodisiacs - sandalwood, patchouli, orange, bergamot, petit grain. Women will be helped to relax and enjoy a mixture of oils:

  • 3 drops sandalwood + 3 drops cloves;
  • orange (5 drops) + patchouli and cinnamon (2 drops each);
  • neroli (3 drops), rose (4 drops), ylang-ylang (2 drops).

You can not use an aroma lamp, but simply light a candle and drop essential oil into the melted wax with a pipette.

Getting rid of insomnia and depression

The inability to sleep after a hard day at work is painful, and restless sleep does not give good rest. Before being treated with medications, try aromatherapy sessions. An aroma lamp, a bath or a relaxing massage can help cope with the problem. Scented helpers in the bedroom:

  • lavender, sandalwood, rose ether will calm, geranium, lemon balm, valerian, vetiver, petit grain will help them;
  • Juniper, myrrh, cypress, cedar, tangerine will help you fall asleep;
  • Chamomile, neroli, lavender, incense will make your sleep peaceful.

A mixture of rose, ylang-ylang and lavender (2 drops each) or vetiver, lime, incense 6 drops each plus a couple drops of jasmine will relax. These compositions do not have to be filled into the aroma lamp. You can drop the oils onto a cotton ball and place it near the bed or moisten the corner of the pillow with it. They are also suitable for an aromatic bath before bed.

Depressive states destroy the immune system, leaving the body defenseless against serious illnesses. Non-drug treatment methods, including aromatherapy, are good for getting out of a depressed state. Russian scientists proved back in the last century that inhaling aromatic substances strengthens the nervous system and stimulates the body's natural defenses.

Table: what antidepressant esters save from

Oils (no more than three) are mixed in a bath, diffuser or aroma lamp. For one session, it is enough to use 10 drops, repeat 3 times a week. The same compositions are also suitable for a relaxing massage when mixed with any transport oil.

Treatment with essential oils

We must remember that esters are not a substitute for drugs, but additional remedy. There are several methods of treatment - ingestion, application to the skin, inhalation, use of an aroma lamp, medicinal baths and massages.

Prevention and treatment of viral respiratory diseases

Here the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of ethers come to the fore. They not only disinfect the room, but also bring the air humidity to optimal value, which is important for colds. For prevention, fumigation using an aroma lamp is used. Compositions can be composed arbitrarily or one oil can be used:

  • lavender or lemon will require 5-7 drops;
  • tea tree or patchouli - 4–5 drops;
  • thyme or oregano - 3–4 drops.

Aromatherapy is carried out during the flu epidemic every day for 20 minutes. In the children's room, it is enough to do wet cleaning using any liquid soap (300 ml) with the addition of 10 ml of one of the oils - tea tree, oregano or lemon. To wash the floor, add 1 tablespoon of this mixture to 5 liters of water.

Inhalations relieve symptoms and help cope with all manifestations of a cold. The same oils are used as for fumigation. Hot inhalations are allowed only after completion acute period. The steam temperature should be between 45–50°C. The procedure is carried out 1–1.5 times after a meal; expectorant medications should not be taken before it.

You cannot put essential oils into a nebulizer - their smallest drops can penetrate the lungs and cause pneumonia.

For laryngitis, tracheitis and sore throat, the hot mixture is poured into a container with a narrow neck and the steam is inhaled only through the mouth. For bronchitis, use wide dishes. During inhalation, cover your head with a towel, add oil (3-4 drops) to the water and breathe simultaneously through your mouth and nose.

Essential oils help with dry and wet cough, sore throat and runny nose. Compresses will relieve high fever and chills. Add 2 drops of eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint to a tablespoon of base oil. Almond, apricot or rice oil is used as a base. Compresses are applied to the forehead and feet.

Help with asthma and COPD

Aromatherapy is also used to treat asthma. The compositions use oils with antihistamine properties - ginger, mint, elecampane, pharmaceutical chamomile. They can be inhaled directly from the bottle. Lavender, rose and geranium relieve bronchospasm, and rubbing the chest with fragrant ravensara makes breathing easier. Relieve attack bronchial asthma Washing with the addition of ethers will help - 5 drops of Atlas cedar, 7 drops of narrow-leaved lavender and 2 drops of marjoram.

In case of obstructive pulmonary disease, essential oils are allowed to be used only during the period of remission. Steam inhalations with chamomile, pine or eucalyptus oil expand and disinfect the airways - no more than 2-3 drops per session.

Oils for migraines and headaches

Migraine - serious condition when the headache is very difficult to relieve. It is impossible to do without potent drugs, so aromatherapy is given only a supporting role. Esters are used through a spray, in an aroma lamp, for facial massage, in compresses and inhalation. Preparing the mixture for massage:

  • Fill the bottle 2/3 full with almond oil;
  • drop 6 drops of lavender into it and the same amount clary sage and chamomile;
  • add 12 drops of peppermint to the composition;
  • top up the bottle with carrier oil;
  • seal and shake well.

Apply the mixture using a roller or rub it into your temples with your fingers. Lubricate back side palms and earlobes. At the first signs of an impending migraine, aromatic compresses of cool water and a few drops of oil will help. They need to be changed every 10 minutes. The compress is applied to the forehead and temples.

Multiple sclerosis and aroma oils

Little is known about the effect of essential oils on the course of the disease, Scientific research were not carried out. Aromatherapy provides a slight calming effect only in patients with unimpaired odor perception. American doctors tried to use Roman chamomile and citrus oils to treat hospital patients. Experience has shown a slight sedative effect. Anxiety in patients with multiple sclerosis Antidepressant oils combined with citrus scents help relieve. When used for massage, the effect is enhanced and back pain is reduced.

Help with cancer

Doctors never tire of looking for additional options in the fight against cancer. One of these areas was the study of the properties and capabilities of ethers. And scientists approached this issue from an unusual point of view. It is believed that the vibration frequency healthy body is in the range of 62–78 MHz. The disease develops when this indicator decreases to 58 MHz. After conducting research, scientists found that some essential oils have the ability to normalize frequency and thereby fight cancer cells. Along the way, other properties of esters in relation to malignant cells were also studied. As a result, it was found that the following have anticancer activity:

  • lavender, thyme, tarragon, sage, savory and rosemary for their powerful antioxidant properties;
  • cinnamon, thyme, chamomile and jasmine help with breast cancer (thyme was the leader in research);
  • Frankincense is effective in the fight against ovarian, liver, lung cancer, and melanoma.

Essential oils in no way replace medication and surgery oncological diseases.

To activate the body's defenses

Many essential oils have immunomodulatory properties. The phytoncides they contain several times increase the production of T cells, which are the central regulators of the immune response. The most effective are lavender, orange, bergamot, verbena and lemon. Pouring your feet with cool water will strengthen your immune system. Immediately after this, massage your feet with a mixture of base oil (10 ml) and esters of mint, lavender, orange and lemon (2 drops each). Carry out the procedure before going to bed.

Charge the aroma medallion with fragrant mixtures:

  • lavender (1 drop), verbena (2 drops), bergamot and eucalyptus (3 drops each);
  • orange, rosemary (2 drops each) and ginger (3 drops).

They will help you withstand winter cold and epidemics.

Treatment of fungal infections

All esters have antifungal properties to a greater or lesser extent. The most effective are considered:

  • tea tree, which not only destroys the fungus, but also restores tissue damaged by the disease;
  • oregano containing carvacrol - a powerful bactericidal and antifungal substance;
  • lavender enhances the effect of tea tree;
  • cloves contain eugenol, which destroys fungus, and capsacin, which relieves inflammation and pain;
  • cinnamon gets rid of yeast fungus.

Any of the indicated essential essences are applied to the affected areas. Soaked cotton pads are applied to the nails and secured with a band-aid. This compress can be kept all night. The use of ethers is only an addition to drug treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Esters for men's and women's health

Marjoram, myrrh, geranium and lavender help a woman cope with premenstrual syndrome and normalize the cycle. Jasmine oil eliminates fine wrinkles, increases sensuality and relieves depression. From the fourth month of pregnancy, it is allowed to use chamomile to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, swelling and headaches. At the end of the term, eucalyptus and lavender will relieve tension and relieve insomnia.

During pregnancy, esters are used with caution in doses three times less than indicated in the instructions. To combat toxicosis, oils are dripped into an aroma medallion; a bath with the addition of emulsified ether helps to relieve pain; in other cases, it is preferable to use an aroma lamp.

Black pepper and patchouli oils will help men with weak erections. Ginger improves fertility, neroli treats impotence. An aroma lamp is used for treatment. Natural flavors act on the subconscious of men and control physiological processes.

To reduce pressure

Taking antihypertensive drugs, with the permission of a cardiologist, can be combined with aromatherapy. Chamomile, bergamot, sage, marjoram, ylang-ylang, fir, oregano are used together and separately for application to pulse points - wrist, top part sternum (aorta), behind ears, behind the earlobe ( carotid artery). Esters must be diluted with base oil.

Sedative oils normalize the emotional background, which also lowers blood pressure.

Esters are used in the form of massage (the course gives a long-lasting effect), in aroma lamps, inhalations, and aroma medallions.

What are the benefits of oils for older people?

With age, the body's adaptive abilities, enzyme production, and energy capabilities decrease. Free radicals destroy cells, and the body actively ages. Aromatic oils mobilize its own antioxidant reserves, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, and eliminate symptoms of the disorder. cerebral circulation- irritability, bad mood, fatigue.

Eucalyptus, cajeput, lavender, spruce, peppermint- oils that improve cognitive functions, preventing a decrease in the functionality of brain cells. Lavender improves hemodynamics in cerebral vessels. To aromatize the room, use 3-4 drops of ether in an aroma lamp. For cold inhalation, 1–2 lemons on a handkerchief or cotton pad are enough, and 8 drops of lavender per bath.

Contraindications and possible harm of esters

Each person, depending on their health condition, has contraindications to the use of certain oils. They can be used independently within reasonable limits only by those who are completely healthy man. A clear contraindication is allergies. People with endocrine and cardiovascular diseases need the approval of their attending physician. Some contraindications for the most common diseases:

  • after a heart attack and with cardiac ischemia, fir and pine esters should not be used;
  • severe hypertension is incompatible with juniper, mint and basil;
  • Ylang-ylang, lemon balm and tea tree are contraindicated for hypotensive patients;
  • kidney diseases exclude thyme, pine and juniper;
  • For epilepsy and a tendency to seizures, thyme, rosemary, sage and basil are contraindicated.

You cannot combine taking iodine-containing medications with the use of lavender. Parents should not independently use jasmine, ylang-ylang, hyssop, cypress, cinnamon, lemon balm, juniper and some others oils for children who have not reached puberty.

Oils of orange, bergamot, grapefruit, St. John's wort, lavender, lime, lemon, tangerine are phototoxic and should not be applied to the skin before sun exposure. Exceeding the permissible doses causes unpleasant adverse reactions in the form of liver dysfunction and negative influence on the nervous system.

Table: safe amount of esters (in drops) for different ages

Before use in any form, all esters are tested for allergies.

The benefits of aromatherapy for children and adults, how to use it correctly, what contraindications exist. Selection of essential oils for procedures.

What is aromatherapy

Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils to treat physical illnesses and correct psycho-emotional states. Microparticles penetrate the human body at the molecular level, entering chemical reactions, they contribute to positive changes in the functioning of organs and improve vital processes in general.

Aromatherapy is based on the benefits of plants and flowers; its difference from herbal medicine is that the procedure uses essential oils, which are obtained by steam distillation. They contain substances related to the body, such as hormones, vitamins, microelements, therefore side effects there is practically no treatment.

Quality product has no color or may be slightly yellowish. Essential oils from different plants may differ in consistency: some are thicker, others are thinner. By the way, the resulting oil is not always similar in aroma to the usual smell of the plant from which it is extracted.

For aromatherapy to be beneficial, it is important to use only natural substances that are purchased from trusted sellers, pharmacies and, preferably, on the recommendation of those who have successfully used them.

Substances penetrate the body not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the skin, so aromatherapy includes procedures such as inhalation with essential oils, spraying, saturating the air with an aroma lamp, enriching cosmetics, and aromatic baths. They also practice the use of etherols during massage and for face and body masks, for wraps.

Properties of essential oils in aromatherapy

Today there are a huge number of essential oils. However, they are not used in their pure form, since the body is able to absorb them only dissolved in transport oils, such as grape seed oil, wheat germ oil, olive oil, coconut oil, shea oil, cocoa oil, jojoba oil, apricot oil, almond oil, etc.

Beneficial properties of aromatherapy

At correct dosage and correct use of aroma oils will help get rid of many ailments. Each of them has several properties, which can be found on the packaging. You should read the instructions carefully so as not to get an overdose or the opposite effect.

The beneficial properties of essential oils are:

  • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They contain substances such as terpenes and ferols, alcohols and aldehydes. They are better suited for antiseptic treatment than conventional antiseptics, since microbes cannot get used to and adapt to the substances contained in oils, and they, in turn, do not harm the skin unless there is individual intolerance. These include essential oils of pine, cedar, juniper, geranium, and tea tree.
  • Antiviral properties. Thanks to phytoncides, which are effective in combating bacteria and viruses, they are often used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Oils such as cedar, juniper, geranium, tea tree, lemon, and pine are effective.
  • Strengthen immunity. By regularly inhaling essential oils such as lemon, lavender, chamomile, rose, and grapefruit, you will strengthen your immune system.
  • Improves appetite and digestion. Filling your room with the aromas of essential oils can whet your appetite. Oils of orange, cinnamon, bergamot, and calamus have such properties.
  • Relax and relieve stress. They help get rid of nervous tension, improve your mood, get rid of stress.
    Powerful antidepressants are lavender oil, orange oil, ylang-ylang oil, frankincense oil, chamomile oil, cedarwood oil, patchouli oil, and neroli oil.
  • Invigorates and energizes. The aroma of essential oils helps to invigorate, concentrate and improve your mood. The oils that best cope with this task are bergamot, basil, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, and thyme.
  • Reduce temperature. They contain trace elements that help the body fight germs and viruses.
    For these purposes, bergamot, mint, eucalyptus and lavender oils are used.
  • Carminative action. By adding essential oils to your drink, you will reduce gas formation in the intestines, namely fennel and dill oils will help.
  • Diuretic properties. Such aromatic products remove excess fluid. Eucalyptus, lemon, sage, and pine oils will help with this.
  • Improve blood circulation. Oils help increase blood flow in tissues, which means improving metabolism. Essential oils of sage, lemon, geranium, and eucalyptus have these properties.
  • Increases libido. They act on certain receptors, thus causing sexual arousal in humans. For aromatherapy, oils of bergamot, geranium, jasmine, cinnamon, myrrh, ylang-ylang, vanilla, ginger and clove are used.
  • Choleretic properties. They prevent the formation of stones and stagnation of bile. Chamomile, fennel, rose, orange, and rosemary oils will help.
  • Help with cardiovascular diseases . Oils help reduce the number of heart contractions, increase vascular tone, lower blood pressure, and improve myocardial function. These include essential oils of hyssop, rosemary, geranium, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, mint, parsley, and rose.
  • Pain relief. When applied to a sore spot, they reduce pain, warm and relax. Painkillers include basil oil, peppermint oil, lavender oil, and tea tree oil.

Harm of aromatherapy with essential oils

However, fragrance oils can be harmful to health. First of all, this concerns truly harmful etherols, which include substances obtained from poisonous, narcotic plants or, as a result of processing, turning into poisons. Their use can lead to serious consequences, such as miscarriage, skin burns, seizures or even death.

Similar aromatic oils include ethers of arnica, ambrosia, calamus, bitter almond, bitter wormwood, boldo, camphor, sweet dill, cassia, western thuja, Cossack juniper, mustard, oregano, pennyroyal, cedar pine, aromatic rue, garden savory, savory mountain, sage, horseradish, elecampane, tansy.

Citrus essential oils increase skin photosensitivity. After applying them to the body, you should not be in open sunlight, as you can get a serious burn. skin.

In addition, lemon, orange, basil, cedar, eucalyptus, fennel, nutmeg, and thyme oils cannot be used internally, otherwise you may be poisoned.

And essential oils such as orange, cinnamon, lemon, peppermint, clove and citronella, nutmeg cause skin irritation, so if the dose is exceeded, they can cause severe skin burns, especially for cinnamon. For procedures it is not recommended to use more than 1-2 drops.

Thus, be careful when using essential oils and consult an aromatherapy specialist before using them.

Contraindications to aromatherapy treatment

Before the first use, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test: to do this, apply a drop of the product to your wrist and wait about an hour, if there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, redness, headache, nausea), then you can use it.

There are a number of contraindications for completely safe substances:

  • You should not use etherols if you have individual intolerances or allergies, as this may cause anaphylactic shock which will lead to serious problems with health.
  • Aromatherapy should be used with great caution by pregnant women, since during this period it is very difficult to predict the body's reaction to a particular substance. Allergies may occur. And all the unfavorable conditions of the mother immediately affect the unborn baby. The use of oils such as anise, arnica, basil, black pepper, camphor, chamomile, cinnamon, rosemary, sage, cloves, geranium, cedar, juniper, mint, marjoram, mustard, jasmine is best avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. chest.
  • People suffering from epilepsy should avoid using rosemary, fennel and hyssop oils.
  • You should not add essential oils to your drink without consulting a specialist, as these are very potent substances and can cause poisoning or harm the intestinal microflora.
  • Lavender essential oil should not be used while taking iron and iodine-containing medications due to incompatibility of the substances.
  • Cedarwood, sage and thyme oils should not be used together with alcohol, as they have a strong relaxing effect.
  • When treating with homeopathy, the use of black pepper, camphor, mint, chamomile, and eucalyptus oils is prohibited, as they have a strong effect on the respiratory system.

How to choose aromatherapy oils

In order not to harm yourself and get maximum benefit from aromatherapy, it is important to choose the right essential oils.

To do this, follow these rules:

  1. Clearly identify the problem you need to work with, and according to this problem, select essential oils with properties aimed at solving it.
  2. When purchasing a product, always pay attention to the expiration date. Essential oils are good for no more than three years.
  3. Buy only from trusted sellers, well packaged in dark glass containers.
  4. First of all, you should like the essential oil with its aroma, but if you have any discomfort or associations, then it should not be used. Therefore, even in the store, you can ask them to give you the etherol to smell. Many of them are so odorous that you can even smell them through the packaging.

How to do aromatherapy at home

Aromatherapy will help restore mental and physical health and enhance the effect of cosmetic care products. Because essential oils are easy to use and virtually safe, anyone can learn to use them at home.

Aromatherapy at home against viral diseases

Essential oils in the air have a beneficial effect on respiratory organs, destroy bacteria and viruses, soften mucous membranes and reduce their dryness. Special compositions of etherols have a healing effect.

To combat viral diseases and prevent them, inhalations, aromatic baths and massage are used.

Features of using essential oils to treat colds:

  • Aroma bath. Dilute tea tree and pine oils a couple of drops each, lavender and mint oils 1 drop each in half a glass of liquid natural honey and pour into a bath at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. Take for 15-20 minutes, then wrap yourself warmly in a blanket and drink hot tea or herbal infusions.
  • Oil burner. For inhalation, use an aroma lamp or diffuser. Oil is dripped into the water, based on the calculation of a couple of drops per 5 m2 of room. You can carry out the procedure for no more than two hours in a row, then you need to take a break. In total, inhalation can be done for no more than eight hours a day. First you need to ventilate the room well, and then close the windows and doors so that microparticles of oils do not evaporate outside the room. Mixtures for the aroma lamp: lavender (5 drops), eucalyptus (3 drops) and mint (2 drops) oils; eucalyptus oil (5 drops), tea tree and pine oil 3 drops each.
  • Cough massage. Dissolve in base oil (wheat germ, apricot, grape seed, olive) 5 drops of chamomile and lavender oils, eucalyptus - 8 drops.

Home aromatherapy to relieve fatigue

Essential oils improve emotional and mental condition people, relieve stress and anxiety. For relaxation, inhalations, saturation of the air in the room with aromas, massage and baths with etherols and mixtures of them are used.

To relieve tension and ward off depressive thoughts, compose the following compositions:

  1. For inhalations. Dilute grapefruit and lavender oils 2 drops each, 1 drop each of lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and cypress oils in water at 50-60 degrees and breathe, covered with a towel, for 10 minutes.
  2. For aroma lamp. Prepare a mixture of 10 drops of grapefruit oil, 8 drops of basil oil, 6 drops of lavender and rosemary oils. Perform an aromatherapy session for an hour.
  3. For a soothing massage. Enrich your massage oil or cream with 3 drops of sage and bergamot essential oils. Perform a massage for 15-20 minutes.
  4. For a relaxing bath. Dilute 1 drop of orange and rose oils plus 3 drops of sandalwood or 3 drops of grapefruit and a drop of lavender and ylang-ylang in a vehicle (honey, solution sea ​​salt or milk), add to hot water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Then take a shower.

The use of aromatherapy for joint inflammation

Essential oils are also useful for more serious diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and others inflammatory processes in the joints. Of course, aromatherapy in this case cannot be the only salvation, but as additional measures it will do its job very well. Essential oils relieve pain and inflammation.

Aroma oils for the treatment of joint inflammation are used in aroma baths, for compresses and applications, rubbing and massage.

Features of using etherols for joint inflammation:

  • Aroma bath. To relieve pain and inflammation, prepare a warm bath at least 37-38 degrees. Dilute 2 drops of mint, rosemary and basil oils in a solution of sea salt and add this mixture to the bath. Take it for no more than 20 minutes, then keep the sore spot warm for about an hour.
  • Compresses. To reduce swelling and inflammation, make hot compresses and applications using a mixture of peppermint, marjoram and lavender oils. To do this, dissolve them in transport oils, for example, olive, grape seed and others, which need to be heated to a comfortable temperature and only then add essential oils to them. Aromatic oils are very volatile, so when heated they will evaporate and lose their medicinal properties. Keep the compresses for at least half an hour, but the longer the better.
  • Massage. For arthritis, massage of the sore joint with eucalyptus essential oil is effective. For every 10 ml of massage oil or cream, use a drop of essential oil. It thins the blood, which means it improves blood supply to diseased tissues and improves metabolism.

Aromatherapy for children

Essential oils will become a good helper in caring for the baby. Aromatherapy for children is mainly used to relax and induce sleep. Today you can find ready-made compositions for a child or prepare your own.

Apply aroma oils before age 2-3 weeks is not worth it, since the child has not yet adapted to the world around him. Starting from one month of age, you can use the safest essential oils: roses, chamomile and lavender. Starting from three months, essential oils of bergamot, fennel and sandalwood are usually used. All of them have relaxing, calming properties. Lavender oil is considered the most versatile and safe.

As a rule, for children under three years of age, essential oils are used to add to bathing water and care products. As for aroma lamps and inhalations, the use is undesirable, unless for an older child. It can be installed in the room while you are getting ready for bed or reading a fairy tale.

Methods of using essential oils for children:

  1. Bath. If there is no allergy, they are added to the bath during an evening bath so that the child calms down and gets ready to relax. When bathing, to avoid direct contact with the skin, the oil must be diluted in a base, which will be milk, honey or a solution of sea salt. Children's skin is still too delicate, and pure essential oil can lead to allergies, burns and irritation. Add 1-2 drops.
  2. Massage. For a relaxing massage, you can use no more than 1 drop per 30 ml of base. And, of course, be sure to do an allergy test before first use.
What is aromatherapy - watch the video:

Aromatherapy is an excellent assistant in the fight against various ailments and helps create a good mood. It has been known to mankind for more than a millennium, but right now it is becoming increasingly popular.

Everyone should know essential oils and their properties. modern woman. This material will help you gain new knowledge. It discusses all the beneficial properties of essential oils that are commercially available. Learn essential oils, properties and uses to use this knowledge at home.

Since ancient times, women have used essential oils to maintain their beauty. Add a few drops of oil appropriate to your skin type to your face mask. This way you will significantly increase its effectiveness. In addition, all essential oils, in addition to therapeutic effect the effect they have on the skin also affects the state of mind. Therefore, by using them, you take care not only of beauty, but also of your mood. If you wish, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to your regular face and body cream.

Table of properties and uses of essential oils

The properties of essential oils in the table tell us what means can be used to solve a particular problem. Essential oils in the application table are arranged in alphabetical order.

Oil name



Rejuvenates, revitalizes, brightens, tones the skin, eliminates acne, itchy skin, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates sagging skin. Effective for the care of dry, cracked and oil-free skin. Has an anti-cellulite effect. Helps avoid impulsive actions, calms after stress. This is one of the aromas of meditation, eliminates tearfulness and insomnia. Used in the treatment of sore throat and runny nose


Moisturizes and strengthens the skin. Helps smooth out wrinkles. When used as part of massage oil, it relieves feelings of fatigue and tension. Helps smooth the skin, increases elasticity and firmness, eliminates inflammation, irritation, peeling and scars. Smoothes out wrinkles, especially under the eyes. Excellent care for skin of any type, especially dry, aging and sensitive. Helps with acne, herpes. Excellent fragrance and deodorant


Has bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorizing effects. Reduces the number of germs on the skin. Gives skin elasticity, normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis. An excellent remedy for stimulating the body and increasing resistance to infections. Increases elasticity loose skin. Fights depression and stress, eliminates children's tearfulness and hyperexcitability. Effectively used in combination with lavender, patchouli, clove and citrus oils. Combines with oils: fennel, cardamom, dill, cedar, cumin, coriander, rosewood, bay laurel, petitgrain, mandarin


It has antiseptic, antitoxic, deodorizing, antidepressant properties. Has a calming and refreshing effect. Regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Rich in vitamins A,
B, C. Use in combination with geranium, clary sage, lavender, ylang-ylang and citrus oils is effective. The aroma of orange tones the nervous system, relieves depression, increases efficiency, stabilizes mood, fights sadness and anxiety, helps increase optimism and self-confidence


It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. Recommended for caring for any skin type. Excellent tonic and refreshing product


It has a powerful calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing effect. Normalizes the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands in oily areas of the skin, brightens and tightens pores. Effectively used in combination with lemon, lavender, juniper, geranium, and citrus oils


It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Baths with the addition of this oil help restore strength after nervous and physical fatigue and have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it. Effective in combination with lavender, clary sage, bergamot, ylang-ylang oils


It has cleansing, tonic, refreshing, antiseptic properties. Effective against cellulite. Lightens and whitens oily skin, tightens pores. Restores the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. Strengthens the nervous system, relieves fear and irritation


Relieves emotional stress, relieves anxiety, stimulates sexual desire. Strengthens hair and nails. Helps slow down the aging process of the skin, stimulates the growth of new cells, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. Used to care for dry, rough, flaky skin, cleanses pores, removing toxic substances. Baths with ylang-ylang oil are recommended to stimulate immune system. Effective use in combination with rosewood and bergamot oils


Eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, depression, tearfulness. It has antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn, anti-inflammatory properties. Invaluable for skin care due to its anti-aging power. Used to care for any type of skin, especially sensitive skin on the thighs, buttocks, and upper chest. Effective in combination with clove, geranium, patchouli, clary sage, rosemary, and citrus oils


Increases mental activity. Has a calming effect. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties. Cleanses and refreshes acne-prone, oily skin, promotes its regeneration, increases blood circulation, and prevents the appearance of spider veins. Increases skin elasticity, eliminates stretch marks and cellulite. Effective against itching and irritation from insect bites


Restores strength, has an antiseptic, stimulating effect. Refreshes, awakens the skin, erases traces of fatigue and inadequate sleep from the face. Increases the protective functions of the epidermis, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. Has a cleansing effect on the skin. Effective in treatment skin itching, dermatitis, acne, capillary dilatation. Baths with the addition of mint oil restore strength and eliminate nervousness. Used for disorders of the digestive system, as well as colds and viral diseases, facilitates recovery from sunburn. Effective for stress, depression, mental overstrain. Fights fatigue and irritability. The use of peppermint essential oil is especially beneficial for oily skin. Effective in combination with lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, citrus oils


Has a calming, antiseptic effect. Rejuvenates and revitalizes tired, mature skin, smoothing out wrinkles. Eliminates skin irritation and fine vascular patterns. Promotes skin regeneration. Strengthens hair and increases its elasticity


It has antiseptic, regenerating, soothing properties. Recommended for the care of dry, mature and sensitive skin. Smoothes out wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. Rejuvenates, revitalizes, smoothes the skin, restores its elasticity


Causes a surge of vivacity and optimism, has an antidepressant effect, and stimulates sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antitoxic, stimulating, deodorizing properties. Nourishes, smoothes and renews dry, tired skin, promotes rapid regeneration and epithelization, eliminates sagging bust, abdomen and thighs. A bath with patchouli oil has a general strengthening effect and increases the body's resistance to infections. Effective in combination with oils of clove, bergamot, clary sage


Strengthens and activates the nervous system, relieves physical and mental fatigue, apathy. It has deodorizing and tonic properties. Reduces sebum secretion, evens out skin texture, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, and prevents the appearance of spider veins. Used to care for oily, acne-prone skin. Stimulates the body's defenses. Effective in combination with geranium, lavender, clary sage oils

Tea tree

It is a powerful stimulant of mental activity. Helps restore the body after stress, relieves anxiety, and promotes concentration. Has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for pustular skin lesions, acne, to relieve fatigue in the legs, to eliminate unpleasant foot odor, and has a regenerating and rehabilitative effect. Baths with the addition of tea tree oil help restore strength after nervous and physical fatigue, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it

Clary sage

Has an antiseptic, deodorizing, tonic effect. Used to care for any skin type, restoring life to aging skin. Effective in combination with geranium, lavender, and citrus oils


Tones, increases endurance and vitality, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. Contains more than 35 biologically active substances, stimulates the immune system. Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Baths with added fir oil contribute to the restoration of strength after nervous and physical fatigue, have a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening and cleansing it. An excellent aromatic agent that eliminates unpleasant odors. Effective in combination with oils of rosemary, lemon, clary sage


Restores psycho-emotional balance. It has antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-herpetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. Baths with added eucalyptus oil contribute to the restoration of strength after nervous and physical fatigue, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it


A strong analgesic and antiallergic agent. Used for colds. Reduces elevated body temperature. Heals cuts and wounds. Has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Whitens, soothes and eliminates allergic manifestations. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Stimulates hair growth, nourishes, promotes hair lightening. The smell of chamomile has a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminates irritability, and normalizes sleep


Promotes rapid acclimatization, helps with depression, melancholy, irritability and insomnia. Antiherpetic agent

Carrot seeds

Improves complexion, tones, rejuvenates the skin, makes it more elastic. Helps get rid of age spots. Suitable for dry and aging skin. Allows you to get rid of problems caused by vitiligo (lack of pigmentation), eczema, psoriasis. It has a general healing effect on inflamed wounds, dry and hard skin, scars and calluses. Goes great with almond oil.
Protects skin from frost and wind. Increases resistance to respiratory diseases. Clears the mind, reduces stress, helps fight feelings of emptiness.
Warning: It is best to avoid using carrot seed essential oil during pregnancy.


Improves blood circulation, good for the skin as a rejuvenating agent. Helps fight fungal diseases, stimulates the digestive tract


Provides a surge of strength and positive emotions. Fights depression, promotes concentration. It has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, deodorizing effect. An excellent anti-wrinkle product. Effective for oily facial skin and hair. It has whitening properties, smoothes the skin, softens keratinized areas of the skin, and brightens the nail plates. It is also recommended for hand care and skin care after hair removal. Effective in combination with oils of bergamot, lavender, geranium, orange

Do not forget: Essential oils are not used in their pure form; they are added to small quantity into bases (masks, lotions, creams, carrier oils, creams, bath salts, etc.).

Full table properties ethereal oils

Names, list and properties of essential oils

The following is a list of essential oils that you can use at home. The list and properties of essential oils can be used to solve various problems with skin. We suggest you find out the names of essential oils to make their selection easier at points of sale.

Main essential oils:

Orange - eliminates oily shine.

Bergamot - tightens pores, tones, brightens the skin.

Geranium - tones.

Cloves - restores the structure of middle-aged skin, anti-inflammatory.

Grapefruit - normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens and whitens skin pores.

Ylang-ylang - calms.

Ginger - tones.

Cypress - eliminates oily shine.

Lavender - lulls, soothes, wrinkles.

Lemon - tones, against wrinkles, removes stains on fabric.

Schisandra chinensis - tightens and brightens skin pores.

Limette - eliminates oily shine.

Melissa - tones, soothes, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Myrrh - eliminates oily shine.

Juniper - tones, has disinfectant properties.

If the skin has been exposed to adverse effects and has experienced stress, use essential oils of rosewood, chamomile, rose, neroli, ylang-ylang.

If the skin has a lot of pimples, comedones, or clogged pores, essential oils of lemon, juniper, bergamot, and chamomile will help.

Doses of essential oils

To add to carrier oils for facial care: For 1 tablespoon of oil, 2-4 drops of essential oils.

To enhance the effectiveness of creams and lotions: up to 5 drops of essential oil per 10-15 ml of cream.

For hair care: For 1 tablespoon of base (mask or oil) we take 4-6 drops of essential oils.

When caring for your body: Add 6-10 drops of essential oils to 1 tablespoon of base oil.

For rinsing: 2-3 drops of oil per glass of warm boiled water.

To scent your home using aroma lamps: 3-4 drops of essential oil (added to water poured into the bowl of the lamp) per 15 m2 of area.

For baths: 4-7 drops of essential oils per bath, pre-dissolve in the base (milk, base oil, honey, cream, bath salt).

For massage: 3-6 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of carrier oil.

For saunas and baths: 2-4 drops of essential oil per 15 m2.

Synergy- this is interaction, strengthening beneficial properties two or more different elements. By mixing essential oils, choosing their combination, you can enhance their beneficial effects.

Listed below in bold are the essential essential oils, and behind each of them are the supporting essential oils that combine with the primary essential oil and together produce a synergistic effect.

Since ancient times, the synergistic properties of essential oils have been used not only in soap making, but also in the treatment of diseases and in folk medicine.

Ammi dental
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis var. Decumbens) + ammi dentifrice (2:1) - used to prevent asthma attacks

Fennel - for dyspepsia

Bitter orange

Orange sweet
Lavender, Petitgrain - relaxing baths that relieve pain
Marjoram, Rosewood, Lemongrass, Petitgrain, Lavender - rubs that relieve pain


Noble laurel - analgesic, antispasmodic effect
Lavender, eucalyptus - inhalations to correct immune system disorders (in a 1:1 ratio)
Basil + Monarda (1:1) - recommended for inflammatory processes (boil, abscess) ( at the same time, the combination of basil with monarda suppresses the antibacterial activity of these plants by 2 times, which must be taken into account when creating compositions)



Cedar - for itching


Lavender - for skin care
Blue tansy + immortelle (2:3) - strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effective in sunburn. Recommended as a base Sesame oil(5k mixture per 5ml base)
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - treatment of herpes
Pistachio mastic, Tamanu oil - to eliminate problems associated with poor circulation

Lemon eucalyptus, wintergreen (wintergreen) - anti-inflammatory effect

Lemon verbena
Marjoram, Lavender - has a calming effect on the nervous system
Petitgrain, Mandarin - relaxes before bed and makes it easier

Basil, Peppermint - pancreatic effect
Cypress, Pistachio, Naioli, Tamanu oil - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, tromophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Cypress, Atlas cedar - impact on lymphatic system

Marjoram - irritant


Lavender, Sage, Marjoram - anti-tobacco effect
Myrtle - for skin care
Juniper, Lemon, Cedar - silhouette thinning, hydrolipid effect, conclusion excess liquid
, effect on cellulite, lumpy skin
Carrot seeds + Geranium + Sweet orange (1:3:2) - swelling, fluid retention
Nutmeg - aphrodisiac effect
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - astringent effect on the skin
Thyme thymol chemotype - to affect tired, congested skin

Grapefruit + Lavender + Vetiver (2:3:1) - for insomnia
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1:3:2) - for stress

Elecampane fragrant ( Inula graveolens)
Oregano - mucolytic effect

Saro (Mandravasarotra) - mucolytic effect
Hyssop ( var. decumbens) - bronchitis
Eucalyptus radiata - mucolytic effect (liquefaction and discharge of sputum)

Elecampane - mucolytic effect
Oregano ( Origanum compactum) + Rosemary verbenon - antibacterial effect
Cypress - antitussive effect
Cinnamon - antibacterial

Ravintsara - antibacterial action

Tarragon, Petitgrain - antispasmodic effect


Black spruce
Black Spruce + Pine + Bud Absolute black currant- adrenal exhaustion (massage in the kidney area)
Rosemary cineole - for nervous and physical fatigue

Carrot seeds - regeneration, healing, skin restoration

Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-ylang (2:1:3) - for hypertension
Geranium + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1:2:1) - care for combination skin
Lavender - for hypertension

Peppermint - carminative and gastric ameliorant
Rosewood - digestion stimulation
Savory, Cinnamon, Cloves - aphrodisiac effect

Eucalyptus, Kayaput - various diseases respiratory tract, such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu; allergy to flowers.
Lavender, Geranium - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Hyssop ( )
Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis var. Decumbens) + Ammi dental (2:1) - used to prevent asthma attacks
Elecampane - bronchitis
Ravintsara, Eucalyptus radiata - diseases of the respiratory system

Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1:1:1) - against seasickness

Eucalyptus radiata, Ravintsara, Pine, Spruce - respiratory diseases

Geranium + Lavender + Kayaput - for psoriasis.

Cedar - for acne

Bergamot - for itching
Vetiver - effect on the lymphatic system

Geranium, Melissa - repellent (against mosquitoes)
Kayaput - for acne.
Sea kritmum, Red juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus), Lavender - effect on hair
Naioli - effect on the venous system.
Fennel, Palmarosa, Lemon - effect on cellulite

Red cedar ( Juniperus virginiana)
Cypress, incense - skin softening

Bergamot + Cypress + Fennel (1:1:1) - menopause
, effects on the lymphatic system
Oregano - antitussive effect

Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, thinning silhouette.

Blue cypress
Blue cypress + Nerolina + Tea tree - enhancing antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of effects in this direction.

, aphrodisiac effect
Fennel - for dyspepsia

Ginger, mountain savory - aphrodisiac effect
Peppermint - a general stimulating effect on the body
Oregano - antibacterial

Nutmeg - effect on digestive system
Peppermint - carminative and soothing to the stomach

Lavender officinalis
Sweet orange - relaxing baths and rubbing that relieve pain

Immortelle - for skin care

Geranium + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1:2:1) - care for combination skin
Grapefruit + Lavender + Vetiver (2:3:1) - for insomnia
Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1:2:1) - care for sensitive skin
Ylang-ylang - for hypertension
Geranium + Lavender + Kayaput - for psoriasis
Marjoram, Petitgrain - relaxing effect
Myrrh - healing and pain-relieving effect
Carrot seeds - regeneration, healing, skin restoration
Rosewood, Tea tree - for problem skin
Thyme thymol chemotype - respiratory infections
Tea tree-lavender (2:1 or 3:1) - for burns
Clary sage - for hair loss

Lavender spicata (broad-leaved)

Rosemary verbenon - scarring effect
Thyme of the thuianol type - healing effect on the skin

Noble laurel
Basil - analgesic, antispasmodic effect
Cloves, tea tree, lavender spicata - antibacterial effect
Frankincense gum, Ravintsara - antiviral effect
Myrrh - anti-infective
Carrot seeds - effect on cellulite, lumpy skin
Peppermint - anesthetic, antiviral effect
Thyme thuianol type - oral infections
Salvia officinalis - regulates sweating

Red cedar - skin softening
Nard, Myrrh - relaxing, relaxing effect
Clary sage + cypress + frankincense (1:1:1) - for asthma

Frankincense gum
Rosemary verbenon - healing effect, stimulating immunity
Myrrh - healing
Frankincense gum + Myrtle + Lavender spicata - a powerful tonic effect on the skin
Naioli - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infective effect
Damask rose - astringent action

Basil + Lemongrass + Nioli (1:1:1) - for acne

Bay + Cloves + Lemon (2:1:2) - for back pain
Immortelle + Lemon + Myrtle (1:2:3) - for runny nose
Geranium - silhouette thinning, hydrolipid effect, removal of excess fluid
Hyssop - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, silhouette thinning

Litsea + Petitgrain + Ylang-Ylang (2:3:1) - for anxiety and anxiety
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antifungal action

Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieving pain
Bay + Marjoram + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for headaches and migraines
Lemon verbena - has a calming effect on the nervous system
Wintergreen (wintergreen) - irritant
Geranium - anti-tobacco effect, use in aroma lamps and other diffusers

Melissa - regulating effect on the nervous system
Petitgrain, Petitgrain, Roman Chamomile - irritant, analgesic effect
Ravintsara - neuro-tonic
Rosemary verbenon - tonic effect on the psyche
Kayaput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.


Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1:2:1) - care for sensitive skin

Atlas cedar - repellent (against mosquitoes)
Marjoram - regulating effect on the nervous system

Lavender - healing and pain-relieving effect
Bay laurel - anti-infective
Frankincense gum - healing
Lemon verbena + Rosemary verbenon + Myrrh - endocrine regulating effect

Immortelle + Lemon + Myrtle (1:2:3) - for runny nose
Geranium, palmarosa - for skin care
Frankincense gum + myrtle + lavender spicata - a powerful tonic effect on the skin
Eucalyptus, ravintsara, pine, spruce - with infectious diseases respiratory tract
Eucalyptus radiata - antitussive effect

Juniper red ( Juniperus oxycedrus)
Atlas cedar - effect on hair
Clary sage - for dandruff

Juniper (berries)
Geranium - silhouette thinning, hydrolipid effect, removal of excess fluid
Grapefruit + Juniper (berries) + Red thyme (1:1:1) - against cellulite
Juniper (berries) + Naioli + Sweet orange (1:1:2) - care oily skin
Celery + Frankincense + Juniper (berries) (2:1:3) - arthritis and rheumatism
Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, silhouette thinning

Eucalyptus, lemon wormwood - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Basil + Monarda (1:1) - recommended for inflammatory processes (furuncle, abscess) (at the same time, the combination of basil with Monarda suppresses the antibacterial activity of these plants by 2 times, which must be taken into account when creating compositions)

Carrot seeds
Geranium, Lavender, Jasmine - regeneration, healing, skin restoration
Red cedar ( Juniperus virginiana), Laurel, Palmarosa, Geranium - effect on cellulite, lumpy skin.
Carrot seeds + Geranium + Sweet orange (1:3:2) - swelling, fluid retention
Thyme of the thuyanol type - restorative effect on the liver, drainage, blood purifying properties

Rosemary, Savory, Geranium, Coriander - aphrodisiac effect
Coriander, Cumin, Cumin - effect on the digestive system

Basil + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - in case of lack of concentration
Bay + Marjoram + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for headaches and migraines
Benzoin + Peppermint + Ravensara (1:2:3) - for colds and coughs
Vetiver - pancreatic action
Cloves - analgesic, antiviral effect
Ginger - carminative and gastric ameliorant
Cinnamon - a general stimulating effect on the body
Cumin - carminative and soothing effect on the stomach
Noble laurel - anesthetic, antiviral effect
Marjoram + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - against colon irritability syndrome
Naioli - analgesic effect.
Blue tansy - antipruritic effect
Ravintsara - antiviral and anticatarrhal effect
Rosemary verbenone type - tonic, stimulating effect

Basil + Lemongrass + Nioli (1:1:1) - for acne
Vetiver - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, tromophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Cloves - antibacterial, expectorant effect
Kayaput + Pine + Naioli - for bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Atlas cedar - effect on the venous system.
Frankincense gum - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infective effect
Juniper (berries) + Nioli + Sweet orange (1:1:2) - care for oily skin
Peppermint has an analgesic effect.
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Thyme thuyanol type - antibacterial effect
Tea tree - radioprotection.
Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus polybractea cryptonifera), Ravintsara - antiviral effect.
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial effect

Incense - relaxing, relaxing effect
Clary sage - for hair loss

Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-ylang (2:1:3) - for hypertension

Nerolina + Tea tree + Blue cypress - enhancing antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of effects in this direction.

Cloves - antibacterial, tonic effect
Oregano - antifungal effect
Atlas cedar - effect on cellulite
Myrtle - for skin care
Carrot seeds - effect on cellulite, lumpy skin
Rosemary verbenone type - antiviral effect
Thyme thuyanol type - antifungal action
Clary sage - for excessive sweating
Elemi + Spike Lavender + Palmarosa (1:3:2) - from the syndrome chronic fatigue

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandalwood (1:1:1) - dry skin care

Black pepper
Basil + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - in case of lack of concentration
Marjoram + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - against colon irritability syndrome
Black pepper + Peppermint + Rosemary (1:1:1) - for muscle pain
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Sweet orange - relaxing baths that relieve pain
Lemon verbena - relaxes before bed and makes it easier
Lavender - relaxing effect
Litsea + Petitgrain + Ylang-Ylang (2:3:1) - for anxiety and anxiety

Roman chamomile - calms the nervous system
Oregano - antispasmodic effect

Tansy blue
Immortelle + blue tansy (3:2) - strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effective for sunburn. Sesame oil is recommended as a base oil (5k mixture per 5ml base)
Peppermint - antipruritic effect
Roman chamomile - antipruritic, soothing, antiallergic effect

Lemon wormwood
Monarda - bactericidal, antiviral properties

Benzoin + Peppermint + Ravensara (1:2:3) - for colds and coughs

Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon)
Immortelle - treatment of herpes
Oregano - antibacterial effect
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Noble laurel - antiviral effect
Marjoram - neuro-tonic
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Peppermint - antiviral and anti-catarrhal effect
Naioli - antiviral effect.
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia, nervous and physical fatigue
Thyme linalol - respiratory infections
Thyme of the thuyanol type - tonic effect on the nervous system, balancing, antibacterial effect
Tea tree - antiviral effect
Eucalyptus radiata - expectorant action

Immortelle + Rose + Sandalwood (2:1:1) - for depression
Frankincense gum - astringent effect
Clary sage + Geranium + Rose (2:3:1) - PMS

Lemon + Rosemary + Sweet Thyme (1:1:1) - for memory problems
Black pepper + Peppermint + Rosemary (1:1:1) - for muscle pain

Rosemary verbenon
Lemon verbena + Rosemary verbenon + Myrrh - endocrine regulating effect
Oregano ( Origanum compactum) - antibacterial effect
Lavender spicata - healing effect
Frankincense gum - healing effect, stimulating immunity
Marjoram - tonic effect on the psyche
Peppermint - tonic, stimulating effect
Palmarosa - antiviral effect
Saro - mucolytic action

Rosemary camphor
Wintergreen, Lemon Eucalyptus - anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect
Cardamom, Cumin - for digestive problems, disorders
Dill - effect on bile production

Rosemary cineole
Black spruce, ravintsara - for nervous and physical fatigue
Ravintsara, nayoli, fragrant eucalyptus, elecampane - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Eucalyptus radiata - expectorant effect

Pink tree
Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieving pain
Geranium - use in aroma lamp and other diffusers
Ginger - digestion stimulation
Thyme thuianol type - bacterial infections urinary tract
Mountain savory - aphrodisiac effect

Blue chamomile
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandalwood (1:1:1) - dry skin care
Immortelle + Rose + Sandalwood (2:1:1) - for depression
Kayaput + Sandalwood + Sweet Thyme (2:1:3) - for bronchitis
Mountain savory - aphrodisiac effect

Celery + Frankincense + Juniper (berries) (2:1:3) - arthritis and rheumatism

Currant bud absolute

Black spruce + Pine + Currant bud absolute - adrenal exhaustion (massage)
Cardamom - respiratory diseases; use in aroma lamps and other diffusers
Kayaput + Pine + Naioli - for bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Kayaput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract

Kayaput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.

red thyme
Grapefruit + Juniper (berries) + Red thyme (1:1:1) - against cellulite

sweet thyme
Kayaput + Sandalwood + Sweet Thyme (2:1:3) - for bronchitis
Lemon + Rosemary + Sweet Thyme (1:1:1) - for problems with

Thyme linalol
Eucalyptus, Ravintsara - respiratory infections;

Thyme thuianola
Lavender spicata - healing effect on the skin
Bay laurel - oral infections
Carrot seeds - restorative effect on the liver, drainage, blood purifying properties
Naioli - antibacterial effect
Palmarosa - antifungal effect
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - antibacterial effect; tonic effect on the nervous system, balancing
Rosewood - bacterial urinary tract infections;
Tea tree - broad antibacterial effect;
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial effect
Eucalyptus Smithie - expectorant, anti-catarrhal effect;

Nutmeg - effect on the digestive system
Rosemary camphor - for digestive problems, disorders
Roman chamomile - antispasmodic and regulating effect on the digestive system

Rosemary camphor - effect on bile production

Bergamot + Cypress + Fennel (1:1:1) - menopause
Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1:1:1) - against seasickness
Atlas cedar - effect on cellulite
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1:3:2) - for stress
Coriander, Anise - for dyspepsia;
Juniper, geranium, lemon, cypress - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, silhouette thinning

Pistachio mastic
Immortelle - to eliminate problems associated with poor circulation
Vetiver - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, tromophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)

Mountain savory
Rosemary, cinnamon, rosewood, sandalwood - aphrodisiac effect

Tea tree
Bergamot + lemon eucalyptus + tea tree (1:1:1) - thrush
Lavender - for problem skin
Noble laurel - antibacterial effect
Naioli - radio protection
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - antiviral effect
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antibacterial action
Thyme of the thuianol type - broad antibacterial effect
Tea tree + Nerolina + Blue cypress - enhancing antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of effects in this direction.
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial effect

Salvia officinalis
Geranium - anti-tobacco effect
Laurus nobilis - regulates sweating
Salvia officinalis + immortelle + rose hips - for slow healing wounds

Clary sage
Palmarosa - for excessive sweating
Bay, Lavender, Nard - for hair loss
Juniper red - for dandruff
Clary sage + Geranium + Rose (2:3:1) - PMS
Clary sage + Cypress + Frankincense (1:1:1) - for asthma

Basil - inhalations to correct immune system disorders (in a 1:1 ratio)
Hyssop - various respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu; allergy to flowers.
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Monarda - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Thyme linalol and thymol chemotype - respiratory infections

Eucalyptus fragrant
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Eucalyptus radiata - mucolytic effect

Eucalyptus multifloral krypton type
Naioli - antiviral effect
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antiviral effect

Lemon eucalyptus
Bergamot + Lemon Eucalyptus + Tea Tree (1:1:1) - thrush
Immortelle - anti-inflammatory effect
Rosemary camphor - anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect

Eucalyptus radiata
Cloves - antibacterial action
Elecampane - mucolytic effect (liquefaction and discharge of sputum)
Oregano - expectorant effect
Kayaput - antibacterial action
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Myrtle (CT cineole) - antitussive
Najoli ( Melaleuca quinquenervia CT cineole) - antibacterial action
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - expectorant and antiviral effect
Rosemary cineole type - expectorant effect
Thyme thuyanolny - antibacterial effect
Tea tree - antibacterial effect
Eucalyptus aromaticum - mucolytic effect
To enhance effectiveness, it is recommended to use in combination with oils containing terpenes.

Smith's Eucalyptus
Thyme of the thuyanol type - expectorant, anti-catarrhal effect

Elemi + Spike Lavender + Palmarosa (1:3:2) - for chronic fatigue syndrome

Oregano - antispasmodic effect