How to treat a runny nose at home: herbal nose drops, rinsing, inhalation. Melted butter

The benefits and harms of ghee have been known for a long time. This product has been used in the traditional cuisines of some peoples for several centuries. It differs from ordinary butter in its greater usefulness, improved properties and long shelf life. Its use is not limited to cooking: this oil is used in cosmetology and medicine.

What is ghee

Ghee is a dish of Russian and Indian cuisine. This product is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. Temperature treatment of butter changes its properties: the components of milk fat are melted out of it, which makes it more useful.

At the same time, water, some components of milk and many impurities are removed from the product. In fact, all that remains from the original components is fat in pure form.

This fat can be heated to a temperature of about +200 ° C, while carcinogens are not formed in it and it does not burn. This means that there will be no foam or smoke when frying. In addition, this procedure significantly extends its shelf life.

Composition and calorie content of ghee

The oil contains the following components (per 100 g of product):

  • vitamin A – 660.0 mcg;
  • vitamin B2 – 0.12 mg;
  • vitamin B5 – 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin E – 1.5 mg;
  • vitamin D – 1.8 mg;
  • vitamin PP – 0.1 mg.

The product also contains provitamin A (beta-carotene), cholesterol and residual water. The share of the last two components does not exceed 1%.

The mineral composition of the product is as follows:

  • iron – 0.2 mg;
  • potassium – 5.0 mg;
  • calcium – 6.0 mg;
  • magnesium – 0.4 mg;
  • zinc – 0.1 mg;
  • phosphorus – 20.0 mg.

In addition, it contains manganese, copper and zinc.

The calorie content of the product is 892 kcal. It consists of almost 99% fat, and contains about 0.2% protein.

What are the benefits of ghee?

The benefits of ghee for the body are as follows:

  • improvement of digestion due to normalization of the gastrointestinal tract (vitamin PP, sodium, phosphorus);
  • strengthening the immune system (due to the content of zinc and copper);
  • reduction of headaches and migraines (vitamin B5 and potassium);
  • strengthening bones and joints, maintaining their good shape (calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D);
  • improvement of work of cardio-vascular system(potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin E);
  • improvement of metabolism, work immune system(vitamin B5, copper, zinc);
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, diabetes, antioxidant properties (provitamin A).

The benefits of homemade ghee are manifested in the treatment of many diseases (rickets, osteoporosis, colds, radiculitis and others); it is used for injuries - bruises, fractures, wound healing.

It is also used in cosmetology, helping to preserve healthy looking skin and hair.

For pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of ghee for women appear primarily during pregnancy. As a product rich in vitamins A, E and D, oil is simply irreplaceable. The lack of these vitamins can lead to fetal pathologies. At breastfeeding a set of these vitamins, as well as phosphorus and calcium, will be useful for the baby.

In addition, ghee, rich in medium-chain fats, is much better absorbed in the body of a pregnant woman than butter, since bile is not required for their breakdown.

For the elderly

This product will be useful for the elderly primarily due to its ability to restore the functioning of joints. The normalization of processes occurring in the brain also plays an important role. By consuming the product in old age, you can maintain clarity of thinking for a long time.

Can ghee be used for children?

Children can eat this product only after the formation of a full gastrointestinal tract, that is, after they reach 10-12 months of age. The norms and rules for its use are similar to the use of regular butter. There are practically no contraindications, since its allergenicity is very low.

Important! Doctors have proven that children who did not consume oil in sufficient quantities completed the stage much later early development. We can say that this product is critically important for them.

The use of ghee is much preferable to butter: it is more easily absorbed by the body and does not contain any traces of lactose.

Treatment with ghee

In folk medicine, ghee is used for treatment and prevention various diseases:

  • Angina. Take 1 tbsp orally. l. every 2-3 hours with the addition of a small amount of turmeric. It is strongly recommended to lubricate the outside of the throat once a day.
  • Flu. The oil is mixed with finely ground black pepper in a ratio of 1 to 30. Three times a day after meals, you need to slowly dissolve 1 tsp. mixtures.
  • Hypothermia. In this situation, in order to avoid illness, when you come home, you should rub oil on your back and feet.
  • Intestinal inflammation. Dissolve 1 tsp. pure oil half an hour before meals.
  • Constipation. Make a compress on the lower abdomen using melted butter.
  • Radiculitis. Heated oil with a temperature not exceeding +45 ° C (i.e., actually melted) is applied to the back in the lumbar area, where it is kept for up to 40 minutes. To prevent the liquid from spreading, “sides” should be made on the back in the lumbar area, for example, from dough.
  • For fractures. The product should be eaten mixed with cottage cheese in a ratio of 1 to 1 once a day, preferably for breakfast.
  • For bruises and sprains. The product in its pure form or mixed with rye and cinnamon is applied locally to the damaged area.

The use of ghee in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the oil is used to create masks for hair and facial skin. His beneficial features can moisturize the skin, prevent flaking, smooth out wrinkles and eliminate minor defects. Hair treated with it has a healthy appearance and becomes stronger.

Face masks

Preparation of a mask for dry and normal facial skin:

  • in a small container mix 1 tbsp. l. melted butter and 1 yolk;
  • mix thoroughly and wait 2-3 minutes;
  • apply to facial skin for 20-30 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

Advice! This mask can be used no more than once a week.

Mask for oily skin made according to the following recipe:

  • 1 tbsp is steamed in water. l. with a slide oatmeal within 5 minutes;
  • the flakes are put into a separate container and 1 tbsp is added to them. l. product;
  • the components are thoroughly mixed;
  • in 1 min. half a tbsp is added to the resulting mixture. l. liquid honey, and the mixture is mixed again;
  • A pinch of turmeric is added to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face, where it is kept for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Repeated use of such a mask is allowed after 10-15 days.

Hair masks

The simplest recipe for a nourishing hair mask consists of simply applying the product to your hair and covering your head with a plastic cap for half an hour. After which the mask is washed off with shampoo. This procedure is not recommended to be done more than 1-2 times a week. If your hair is oily, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus extract to the mask.

A restorative hair mask is done as follows:

  • Ghee, olive oil and milk are mixed in equal proportions;
  • 2-3 drops of castor extract are added to the mixture;
  • the mask is applied to the hair and also rubbed into the scalp;
  • You need to leave the mask on your hair for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

How to make ghee at home

For cooking you need butter with 72% fat content. It is preferable to use homemade. It should be cut into pieces and placed in a dry container.

Heating begins over medium-intensity fire. As soon as the solid pieces melt, the intensity of the fire is reduced to a minimum. As foam appears, it should be removed.

Important! The resulting liquid must not be mixed!

As sediment appears, pour the liquid into a new container and continue the process. When there is practically no sediment left, the procedure can be considered complete. Cooking time for 1 kg of product is about 1-1.5 hours.

Is it possible to fry in ghee?

Ghee is ideal for frying. Its boiling point is +252 °C, while the first signs of evaporation appear only at a temperature of +205 °C. This means that you can fry any food in this oil and it will not burn.

Which is healthier: ghee or butter?

The structure of the product differs significantly from butter, and in general, from all fats of animal origin. Its main component is unsaturated fatty acids. Their share in the total mass can reach up to 35%, while in butter there is only 24%. Ghee has a higher content of vitamins A, D and E.

Otherwise, the products are similar and, one might say, identical.

However, given that the product contains only fat without impurities and water, it is cleaner. And only high-fat butter and very good quality. The product also has a significant advantage - a shelf life that is almost an order of magnitude longer.

On the other hand, ghee is higher in calories, so if you consume the same amount of both products, the weight gain from it will be greater. But this factor is subjective, since some people should gain weight and others should lose it.

Harm of ghee and contraindications

This product has only one harm - extremely high calorie content. When this product is abused, fat reserves in the body increase, obesity and related diseases develop. First of all, these are diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

The overwhelming majority of contraindications to the use of ghee relate not to any diseases, but to the volume of its consumption. In small quantities it has no harm and no contraindications. Since the milk components leave it when heated, even people with lactose intolerance can use it. Cases of allergies from this product are extremely rare and isolated in nature.

If we approach the issue of contraindications from a formal point of view, then use should be limited or used with caution by people who have the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • diseases associated with obesity (hypertension, ischemia, heart attack, arthritis, etc.)

However, there are several diseases that have direct contraindications that completely prohibit the consumption of ghee. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity of internal organs.

How to store ghee

It is recommended to store the product in hermetically sealed containers (jars with lids, wide-neck bottles, etc.). At room temperature, its shelf life is about 9 months. If stored in the refrigerator - about a year. If a freezer is used for storage, then it does not lose its beneficial properties for a year and three months.


The benefits and harms of ghee do not raise any questions now. This beautiful clean and natural product Finds application in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Its only drawback is its high calorie content, which significantly limits both the volume of its consumption and its availability for certain groups of people.

Treatment of a runny nose folk remedies often meets with approval from representatives official medicine. The effectiveness of some methods has already been scientifically proven, others are being actively researched. Many folk remedies for the runny nose (rhinitis) can be made independently by collecting the necessary herbs or mixing ready-made ingredients.

Methods traditional medicine There are several main ways to receive funds:

  1. Extracting plant juice.
  2. Boiling dried or fresh shoots.
  3. Using ready-made essential oils.
  4. Use of household chemicals (soap, soda) and food (honey, salt, oil).

Decoctions for instillation into the nose

Various preparations for treating a runny nose at home can be mixed to achieve maximum effect. 20 g of dry (or up to 100 g of fresh) plant parts are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 7-10 minutes. For more complete release into solution active substances It is recommended to let it brew for 1-2 hours. They include a wide variety of components:

  • Linden flowers. Self-collection is carried out in the middle of the generation period. Choose blooming flowers with bracts without visual damage.

Note: The bracts are located below the inflorescences, they resemble the white-yellow blades or wings of a dragonfly. The decoction promotes the formation of mucus and its active separation.

  • Mint leaves. Peppermint and Japanese mint are mainly used to make decoctions. The active substance of the plant is menthol. It relieves symptoms such as itching, swelling, burning, and has a cooling effect on the mucous membrane. This allows you to treat (using mint infusion) allergic runny nose. The composition of plant raw materials also includes tocopherols, carotenoids and phytol, which is the basis for vitamin E. This determines the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect decoction

  • Salvia officinalis herb. To independently procure raw materials, shoots with flowering tops are cut or mowed in September. For good preservation, they must be dried at sufficient high temperature(50°-60°). Then the stems are removed, leaving the inflorescences and leaves. Cineole, which is part of sage, has a bactericidal effect.
  • Herb St. John's wort. It is collected during flowering, cutting off the shoot by 15-20 cm. A decoction of St. John's wort has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect due to the phytoncides and biologically active substances contained in the plant.
  • Tricolor violet herb. It contains pectins, glycosides (mainly rutin), and flavonoids. They determine the antimicrobial activity of the decoction and its analgesic properties. The plant is collected during budding and the beginning of flowering (accounts for May - June in middle lane Russia).

Essential oils with phytoncides

Essential oils are used as an additive to the main raw materials or independently. They are extremely useful for persistent runny nose, because they relieve irritation and accelerate the recovery of the nasal mucosa. To get rid of a runny nose, use:

It is not easy to obtain them yourself from coniferous plants. As stated in patent No. 1723109 (1992): « The technology for obtaining coniferous essential oils from forest plants involves grinding raw materials (bark, green chips, twigs and green wood), preliminary and additional steam distillation.”, which is difficult to do at home.

  • Almond oil. Recommended for use in children, including infancy. It allows you to soften dried mucus and clear it from your nasal passages. In addition, the oil has antioxidant and regenerating properties; it is indicated for use for irritation of the mucous membrane and skin around the nostrils and a runny nose.
  • Olive oil. When instilling a mixture of oils, it can be used as a base due to its low allergenicity. It contains a mixture of fatty acids and antioxidants that help cleanse the nasal passages and rapid recovery mucous membrane.

  • Tea tree oil. It has antibacterial activity and is non-toxic and hypoallergenic, which allows us to recommend it for treatment of runny nose even during pregnancy. The reason for its such properties, apparently, lies in the presence of terpene alcohols in the composition, which interact with the membrane of bacterial cells, which leads to a violation of its integrity and the death of the latter. This is one of the best remedies for people prone to allergies.
  • Eucalyptus oil. Contains natural phytoncides that determine the antibacterial activity of the product.

Important: oil can cause allergies, so its use should be started with small doses.

An extract from eucalyptus leaves is considered one of the most effective folk remedies.

Vegetable juices

Traditionally, folk remedies use the juices of plants such as onions and garlic to treat a runny nose. Their antibacterial and antifungal properties are well known. Both of these plants produce a natural antibiotic Allicin. It is necessary to use fresh onions, since heat treatment causes the compound
quickly collapses. It is also not recommended to store them for a long time. The juice of plant bulbs must be diluted 5-10 times with cool water. Allicin in its pure form can damage the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Research on this substance has shown that it may be unsafe. So in the book “Chemistry of antibiotic substances” (M.M. Shemyakin, A.S. Khokhlov) noted: “Unfortunately, allicin is extremely unstable and very toxic. In experiments on mice, its lethal dose at intravenous administration turned out to be equal to 60 mg/kg of weight.”

Note. The content of aliin (an antibiotic precursor) in onions and garlic is approximately 1-1.1 g/100 g of raw material. This low content allows you to use plant juice for medicinal purposes, but you should avoid taking it for a long time.

Vegetable juices (carrots, beets, radishes) are also traditionally used to treat a runny nose. They can be instilled or taken orally. The first two products are recommended for use when rhinitis occurs in a child. Presumably, they contain phytoncides, but detailed studies of their effectiveness for the common cold have not been conducted.

Household chemicals and food

Non-traditional home remedies include:

  1. Laundry soap. It is placed in the nose, applied to the turunda or cotton swab. Use better a product containing a minimum amount of additives. The principle of its operation is that the optimal environment for bacteria is acidic, while soap has a highly alkaline environment. When it reacts with water, an alkali is formed, which is a powerful antiseptic. But it is still worth using this method when there is no more at hand. suitable means or medicines, because, firstly, the smell of laundry soap is very unpleasant, and secondly, the alkali itself and other components can injure the nasal mucosa.
  2. Melted butter. It warms up the sinuses perfectly and is suitable for instillation into the nose. To carry out the procedure, it is melted in a water bath. The oil should be liquid, hot, but not scalding.
  3. Honey and other bee products. They are used for heating, ingestion, and instillation. Honey, propolis, and bee bread contain substances with antibacterial activity, vitamins, and sugars. These products have been actively used to combat various inflammations for quite a long time.

Important! Honey and propolis often cause allergies; their use is contraindicated for children under 1 year of age.

The big advantage of the products is their ability to stimulate the immune system. Apparently, their high allergenicity is associated with this.

Separately, it is worth noting soda, salt and iodine solutions. They have received recognition from official medicine and can be recommended for use by your attending physician. The average concentration of substances should be 1-2%. They are suitable for washing, instillation, (to cleanse the pharynx from liquid secretion flowing down).

How to prepare nasal drops?

It is quite possible to make homemade drops yourself using an arsenal of traditional medicine. They help cure a runny nose and get rid of its accompanying unpleasant symptoms. To do this, mix decoctions in equal concentrations, essential oils. Perhaps the use of plant juices described above. Honey is diluted 1:4 with water before use. It, as well as propolis, royal jelly can be combined with essential oils. To prevent too aggressive effects on the mucous membrane, you should avoid mixing two or more potent drugs, for example, onion and garlic juice, horseradish and radish.

The basic principles of manufacturing and instillation are as follows:

  • The temperature of the solution should not exceed 45°.
  • It is necessary to instill 5-6 drops into each nostril.
  • Up to 3-4 procedures are performed per day.
  • If allergy symptoms appear (redness, swelling of the wings of the nose, rash), treatment is stopped.
  • Burying in childhood carried out in smaller doses, less concentrated solutions.
  • It is advisable to use fresh raw materials and prepare the drops immediately before use.

Nasal rinsing

This procedure is traditional folk methods getting rid of a runny nose. Use self-made salt solutions or purchased medications (Aqualor, Dolphin, Aquamaris). The procedure is as follows:

  1. Before you begin, you need to make sure by pinching your nostrils one by one that they are not blocked. Otherwise, it is better to instill drops 10 minutes before the procedure vasoconstrictor drops(for example, naphthyzin).
  2. To rinse, you can use a syringe without a needle, a special device purchased at a pharmacy, or a syringe.
  3. You need to tilt your head, pour the solution into the upper nostril, and after 10-15 seconds pour it out.
  4. It is important to carry out the procedure with minimal pressure, otherwise there is a risk of fluid and pathogenic microflora from the surface of the mucous membrane entering the middle ear cavity.
  5. Do the same with the opposite nostril.

There are different variations of nasal rinsing. For example, in the Indian tradition, liquid is poured using a teapot into one nostril and freely flows out of the other. Also, some people get the solution into their mouth and spit it out at the end of the procedure. Other followers of traditional medicine advise blowing your nose after pouring in the liquid. However, these methods require certain training or have the risk of spreading inflammation to neighboring areas. That's why Without proper practice, it is better to abandon them.

Inhalations at home

Can be carried out using special devices: nebulizer, inhaler. The simplest method is to inhale gaseous active substances. These can be decoction vapors or essential oils.

To carry out the procedure, you need to bend over the solution. You can cover your head with a towel to maximize the flow of substances into the nasopharynx cavity. Inhalation must be done through the nose.

When using a decoction, the steam should not be scalding, but its temperature should still be high enough.

The total procedure time is 10-20 minutes. It is performed 1-2 times a day. It is not recommended to go outside for 1 (in the cold season 2) hours after inhalation.

Homemade ointment

Pawning medicinal ointment, manufactured according to folk recipes, is also quite common with a runny nose. Healers recommend using wax or Bee Honey. It is heated together with additional components (the essential oils and vegetable juices described above). It is also possible to include:

Warming up the nose

Important! This measure is only permissible if chronic runny nose in the absence of purulent processes.

At allergic rhinitis warming up is useless. To carry it out use:

The selected item is applied to the cheek in the area maxillary sinuses and keep until cool. Warming improves blood flow and separation of liquid secretions, helps eliminate bacteria from the surface of the mucosa.

It is worth noting that only traditional methods It is not possible to quickly cure a runny nose, but using them as an additional measure can significantly speed up recovery.

Video: runny nose in the program “School of Doctor Komarovsky”

Ecology of health: According to Ayurveda, ancient science oh health, this product has amazing healing properties

Ghee is a cure for 100 ailments

What is ghee (Ghee, or Ghee)

This wonderful product is obtained by melting high-quality butter over low heat, during which protein impurities and moisture are removed from the butter, leaving only pure fat. Ayurveda says that ghee contains the pure beneficial energy of the Sun, and this energy is capable of treating various diseases, since a very large range of diseases is caused by a lack of subtle energy of the Sun in the body.

Ghee is the Sanskrit term for clarified butter. Ghee is refined butter and does not contain lactose or other milk residues (which makes it suitable for lactose intolerant people). Ghee is considered the most beneficial for cooking as it helps improve digestion and also improves complexion.

Ghee has other benefits:

    Ghee contains antioxidant vitamin E, and is also the only edible oil containing vitamin A. Antioxidants help prevent lipid oxidation, which causes atherosclerosis and DNA damage in cells.

    Ghee contains 4 to 5 percent linoleic acid s, an essential fatty acid that ensures the growth and development of tissues and organs of the body. “Essential fatty acid” means that the body cannot produce this acid itself and must obtain it from food to function properly.

    Ghee with maintains freshness for three to four months even at room temperature, it does not become rancid or oxidize.

    Ghee does not burn when frying. This is a very big advantage, since vegetable and butter oils become carcinogenic when burned, create free radicals, and are also difficult to digest.

Ghee oil also has a subtle effect:

    Ghee manifests the energy of the sun through itself, due to which it heals the body and soul.

    Ghee gives joy. Ra - joyful - sunny - wishing joy to others.

    Gives strength to act, therefore it is the main male food product. Accordingly, the prosperity of the family depends on whether the husband eats ghee.

    Warms the body and soul.

    Burns toxins directly in the body through a combination of oil and spices (masala).

Useful properties of ghee (ghee)

According to Ayurveda, the oldest science of health, ghee has amazing healing properties. Of all the oils and fats, Ghee is the purest and most beneficial, which is why it is so beneficial for human health. Possessing excellent taste and healthy properties, long shelf life, ease of preparation and wide range applications for the treatment of diseases, ghee is an essential food product and natural safe medicine from a number of diseases.

Why is ghee better than other oils? It does not smoke when frying and does not lose its beneficial properties even when long-term storage; and it can be stored at room temperature. Ghee is ideal source fatty acids and protects the body from the effects of free radicals.

In Ayurveda Ghee different ways used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Ghee is used for massage, being the base (essential oils are added to it), rubbing, and also how food product , used internally. For example, to improve digestion, you can take one teaspoon of ghee before and after meals, slowly dissolving it in your mouth - the solar energy contained in ghee increases the fire of digestion and metabolism.

According to Ayurveda, poor digestion leads to the development of numerous diseases, and in this case, ghee is the fastest and easiest way to prevent and treat diseases caused by poor digestion. It's amazing that no other oil is as gentle and effective. The Vedas say that Ghee is the most healthy oil for human health.

You should also know that ghee greatly enhances the beneficial and medicinal properties spices, herbs, natural balms and ointments, for this purpose ghee is mixed with a medicinal product.

Possessing solar power (and this is a male power, in contrast to the lunar - female), ghee is useful not only for men, but also for women, because women often lack the solar energy of joy and optimism, which is contained in ghee. To replenish this energy, it is better to eat ghee from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Ghee can be used to effectively treat physical weakness and immune disorders. To do this, ghee is taken in the morning, mixed with dried fruits, honey, spices (such as cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, saffron, licorice, etc.), almonds, cedar or walnuts. Also to this delicious and healthy mixture You can add fermented baked milk or sour cream. In addition to the above foods, it is better to avoid other types of food in the morning. The result will be visible within a few days of this simple treatment.

Ghee can be used to treat migraines. To do this, you need to rub ghee on your temples, palms and feet (and for women, also on the appendage areas) at night. For this procedure it is not used a large number of ghee - only 0.5-1 teaspoon - a thin layer of ghee on skin will be quite enough. The therapeutic effect is best manifested in vegetarians, after about 10-15 days of using such procedures.

Since ghee contains a large amount of subtle solar energy, it has a warming property, giving soft warmth that is beneficial for the body. Therefore, if you are worried about pain in the joints, lower back, if you are cold, have colds, suffer from a bad mood or have weak immunity– treat yourself with ghee. It is enough to rub your palms and feet (as well as places pain in the joints) with a little warmed ghee. This is done in the evening, about half an hour before bedtime. Oil consumption for such rubbing usually does not exceed one teaspoon. Excess ghee (if you have applied too much) can be gently wiped off with a dry cloth before going to bed.

Ghee recipe for improving digestion:

In case of reduced digestion, it is enough to dissolve one teaspoon of ghee in the mouth before meals and one teaspoon of ghee after meals. An even more pronounced effect occurs if you make a special digestive mixture of ghee and spices.

An individual recipe for such a mixture usually works well. But if it is not possible to use the services of an Ayurvedic doctor, then try using the following composition:

1 tsp ghee, 1 tsp. fennel, 0.25 tsp. black pepper, 0.25 tsp. nutmeg, 0.25 tsp. coriander, 0.25 tsp. cinnamon and 0.25 tsp. cardamom

All this needs to be mixed and used before and after meals, 0.5 tsp. You need to dissolve this mixture in your mouth until dissolved and swallow.

Other recipes with ghee:

Ghee can effectively treat immunity disorders and physical weakness. To do this, you need to take it in the morning along with honey, dried fruits, spices (cinnamon, cardamom, saffron, licorice, fennel), walnuts, pine nuts or almonds. You can also add sour cream or fermented baked milk to this nutritional mixture. Apart from all of the above, it is better not to eat anything else in the morning. The result will appear after 5-6 days of treatment.

Treatment with ghee gives good results. migraines. To treat them, before going to bed, you need to rub ghee on your temples, arms, legs (for women, appendage areas). When rubbing, use a very small amount of ghee (no more than 0.5-1 teaspoon for the entire body). In fairness, it should be noted that the therapeutic effect will occur no earlier than 10-15 days from the start of treatment.

If in winter time You are constantly cold, you are in pain joints, lower back, constant colds, decreased digestion and mood, then ghee is simple and effective remedy to restore normal functioning of the body. For treatment, it is enough to rub your hands and feet with slightly warmed ghee every night before going to bed. Consumption per rubbing is no more than 1 tsp.

Ghee not only helps in fighting external cold but also in fighting internal cold. Ayurveda calls internal cold poor digestion. According to Ayurveda, reduced digestion indicates a lack of solar energy (Tejas energy) in the body.

Also for people with all sorts of reductions mental functions(memory, quick thinking, speed and strength of concentration) It won't hurt to increase the amount of ghee in your food.

Especially good effect will be if mental disorders accompanied the following symptoms: mental weakness, passivity, depression, apathy, weak will.

Ghee removes all these symptoms and also increases the activity and concentration of the mind. This is reflected in the fact that mental performance increases significantly.

Where to buy ghee?

If you want to buy ghee, do not rush to the store, as store-bought ghee will most likely contain not only butter fat, but also other fats, which reduces the benefits of this product. Even if the package contains only ghee, you should think twice.

It is better to prepare ghee yourself; its recipe is very simple and does not require special equipment.

Recipe for making ghee at home

To prepare ghee, choose butter High Quality with a fat content of at least 80%. The higher the fat content, the better, there will be less waste. Not every butter in the store is pure butter without impurities, so if you have friends who keep a cow and make their own butter, it is better to buy from them.

Enameled dishes are suitable for preparing ghee. Melt the butter over low heat, then when it melts, turn the heat to low. Gradually forms on the surface white foam(protein and water), which must be carefully collected (and can then be added to a dish or eaten as is). A small sediment also forms at the bottom, in the form of light flakes; there is no need to touch it.

The pan should be open, do not cover it with a lid, and constantly remove foam. Make sure that the oil does not boil, otherwise it will burn and become unfit for consumption. When all the foam is gone, you will see the bottom, the oil will be transparent.

The color of the finished ghee is amber and golden. Dark oil is the result of being heated too long or at too high a heat. Freshly prepared ghee has a pleasant, creamy smell, somewhat reminiscent of nuts or popcorn.

The reheating time depends on the volume of oil. One stick of butter (200g) is melted for about 30-50 minutes. Focus not on time, but on appearance ghee.

Carefully pour the prepared ghee into a jar and let cool to room temperature, then store in the refrigerator. Properly prepared ghee can be stored for several months, or even more. It is better to keep ghee in closed containers in a cool and dry place.

Dishes made with melted butter turn out very tasty, healthy and medicinal!

Treatment with ghee

For a more complete understanding, what, how and why ghee oil treats, it is advisable to understand the basics of Ayurveda - the five primary elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth), doshas (three types of body constitution: vata, pitta and kapha), and how they interact.

Ghi oil effectively treats all diseases caused by an imbalance of air and fire (vata and pitta), and it also warms well because it has a fiery nature and penetrates deeply into the body tissues.

Ghee can successfully treat radiculitis, cerebrovascular accidents, migraines, and osteochondrosis. It helps with various violations digestion; treats diseases caused by hypothermia and drafts(treats cold neck, ears, back, etc.).

Ghi can be applied to certain points associated with diseased organs, or lubricated (rub, massage) diseased parts of the body. Massaging painful areas of the body using ghee is extremely effective method with absolute safety and no side effects.

If you're feeling bad blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, you can add finely ground (to dust) cardamom or cinnamon to the gi, mix thoroughly and lubricate this mixture deep in the sinuses of the nose, since the nose is closely connected with the brain - and cerebral circulation will recover quickly. It also helps a lot with a runny nose.

Ghee oil activates the immune system, therefore helps treat many diseases.

For the flu You can mix ghee with black pepper or mustard (finely ground) and slowly dissolve about a teaspoon several times a day - and the flu virus will be destroyed.

For intestinal inflammation you can dissolve gi in its pure form, this is also improves (normalizes) digestion.

Constipation can be cured with ghee, applying it to the navel area and slowly rubbing it in lightly (preferably clockwise). You can also apply an oil compress.

To treat the entire body, you can rub Gi on your feet at night, massaging them, rubbing the oil well into the skin, then put on warm socks, preferably woolen ones. This is especially good for children to do during the cold season.

If you frozen on the street (especially if you have a vata constitution), then in order not to catch a cold, when you come home, rub ghee on your back and feet.

Sore throat can be cured with ghee, lubricating the throat, you can add a little turmeric to the oil. If your throat is sore, you can lubricate the outside of your throat, this will also help.

Treatment of bronchitis with ghee: Mix the oil with dry and clean cow dung (which has not touched the ground or been in contact with flies, etc.), ratio approximately 1:1, and stir thoroughly. Bronchitis is an excess of fire, pitta, and cow dung has a cooling and disinfecting effect. Mix these ingredients, adding dry manure little by little until a fresh smell appears (no matter how strange it may sound) and the warm smell of the oil disappears, then the mixture will be medicinal. Then take two rags or bags, put a teaspoon of the medicinal mixture in each, and place it on left hand(in the wrist area) and left leg(above the bones). Or you can simply rub this mixture in and put a bandage on top to keep you warm and prevent wiping.

For joint treatment Mix ghee with calendula or feather grass (finely ground) and rub into the areas of the joints that are bothering you.

For bruises and sprains you can mix ghee with turmeric, oats or rye (instead of rye you can use black bread, pure rye).

For fractures Ghi mixed with cottage cheese will help - this will speed up the fusion of bones and heal the joints.

Treatment of radiculitis with ghee. Radiculitis is large cluster air (excess vata), and an “oil bath” is needed here, since gi balances vata well. You can add a little finely ground yellow mustard, which will remove sharp pain, but do not overdo it with the amount of mustard, as you may burn the skin. A “sausage” is made from the dough, which will serve as the sides (perimeter) around the sore spot on the back so that the oil does not spill. Pour warm oil at 40-45 °C into this bath so that there is a small layer of oil, leave it for 10-20 minutes, then collect the oil, warm it up again and pour it into the “bath” again. This should be done for about 40-60 minutes daily. published

Folk recipes for the runny nose, today we will talk about this. As a rule, at the first signs of a cold, the nose is stuffy and it is impossible to breathe through the nose. A runny nose or also called rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is caused by various viruses and microbes. When you have a runny nose, the vessels in the nose dilate, mucus is released, at first it is transparent, but as the disease progresses it thickens and becomes yellow and sometimes green. But a runny nose can also be allergic, an allergy can be to dust, Poplar fluff, wool, to plant pollen, in this case it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen. A runny nose in itself is not dangerous, but the consequences that a runny nose can lead to are dangerous. Treatment is carried out comprehensively.

Sea salt . The simplest recipe that will help make breathing easier is rinsing your nose with a solution sea ​​salt. To do this, boil a glass of water and cool to room temperature. Take a teaspoon of sea salt per 1 liter of water, dissolve the salt, and pour it into each nasal passage with a clean pipette. salt water, or if you have a container from a factory product, you can pour the brine solution into it.
Water with sea salt relieves swelling of the mucous membranes and makes breathing easier. Sea salt solution can be replaced with natural salt sea ​​water, and do not drip it as a medicine, but rinse your nose. For example, in the summer I collect sea water in reserve, and at the first symptoms of a runny nose, I rinse my nose and my children’s. Advice - do not make the solution very salty, this can damage the mucous membrane. The solution should taste like sea water or tears. And when rinsing children’s noses, do not allow children to swallow water. If you swallow frequently, your throat becomes irritated and your voice may become lost.

Carrot juice with butter. Carrot juice must be mixed with vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. And drip 4 drops into each nostril 4 times a day. This is more suitable for small children. carrot juice It is recommended to use it in the maternity hospital.

Kalanchoe juice. Place three drops in each nostril and Kalanchoe juice is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. For children under 10 years of age it is recommended to dilute it boiled water 1:1 because it stings the nose.

Place three drops in each nostril 4 times a day. You can mix beet juice and honey, honey should be 30%, drop three drops 4 times a day.

Ledum. You can treat a runny nose with wild rosemary oil. You need to grind dry wild rosemary herb, pour 100 ml of herb into a spoon. vegetable oil, keep in a water bath for about 40 minutes, then set aside and let cool. The oil should be strained and three drops placed into the nose three times a day.

Aloe juice should be instilled three drops into each nostril three times a day.

For a runny nose, use juice from fresh coltsfoot leaves; two or three drops should be instilled into each nostril.

The onion must be finely chopped and infused with vegetable oil, lubricating the nostrils with the mixture. They also use honey with onions for a runny nose, you need to finely chop the onion, pour 50 grams of it boiled water, add a teaspoon of honey and mix everything. Leave for about half an hour and strain. Place three drops into the nose 4 times a day. Onion juice is diluted 1:3 with boiled water and dripped into the nose.

Menthol oil. For a runny nose, place three drops of menthol oil into each nostril twice a day. You can mix menthol and camphor oil in a 1:1 ratio, allows you to get rid of a runny nose in a short time, constricts blood vessels. Drop twice a day.

Melted butter. You can also apply warm, purified ghee to your nose three times a day. The oil relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane and makes breathing easier.

Eucalyptus. Prepare eucalyptus oil by pouring 200 ml of dry eucalyptus leaves into two spoons. vegetable oil, boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, leave for about 5 hours, then strain, drop three drops into each nostril. Eucalyptus has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Calendula and St. John's wort. Prepare a herbal tincture from herbs, take a spoonful of calendula and St. John's wort, 150 grams of boiling water, infuse, strain, cool to room temperature and drip your nose.

You can make inhalations from a decoction of chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, and sage. For example, breathe in the steam while covering yourself with a towel.

For children with a runny nose, you can hard-boil two eggs, wrap them in a handkerchief and apply them to their nose until they cool down.

Can also be used for adults laundry soap. We soap the little finger and gently lubricate the nasal passages. We repeat this procedure 3-4 times a day. You need to take natural laundry soap without any additives or dyes.

Well, at the end of the article, I would like to talk about what to do if you don’t have time to do your treatment before the cold puts you to bed. It turns out there is a way out; napkins for runny noses appeared not long ago. What kind of napkins are these? It turns out that they can replace inhalation, which is very convenient for people who do not have an inhaler or nebulizer. Or maybe even a runny nose caught you on the road, this is where inhalation wipes will come to the rescue, which will relieve us of nasal congestion within 15 minutes.

Folk recipes for the runny nose are now known to you. Watch your health. Be healthy!

Ghee was widely used in ancient india. The sages claimed that such a simple product could rid the human body of many ailments. Ghee is achieved by heating the composition and removing excess water, lactose and protein from it. The composition is used to prevent various diseases. The product is also applied to damaged areas of the body.

What is ghee

  1. The product is obtained through long-term heat treatment. As a result, high concentration animal fat is obtained from butter. As a result, the baked product contains no harmful impurities.
  2. Ghee is usually extracted using two classical methods. In the first case, the product is processed on an industrial scale using a centrifuge. The second option is significantly different.
  3. The product is placed in a steam bath and heated until excess moisture evaporates from the composition and excess enzymes are released. In the second case, foam forms, which must be disposed of; it contains protein.
  4. Moisture disappears through heating and further evaporation. It is easy to bring the mixture to the ideal consistency. To do this, housewives resort to using a fine sieve or gauze filter. The composition is filtered into a separate container.
  5. In the process of filtering the product, the output is a perfectly pure mass of saturated yellow color. In ancient India, sages called the composition liquid sun or molten gold. In this form, the product can be stored for a long time.

Features of ghee

  1. Ghee contains highest percentage fat, so the product carries high nutritional value. Heat treatment of the composition at home allows it to be preserved in ghee essential vitamins(E, A, D).
  2. After the liquid evaporates and the protein is removed, the concentration of microelements increases significantly. Enzymes help maintain human health and beauty. Basically, butter is processed into ghee for longer shelf life and usefulness.
  3. If you live in a hot climate, these conditions will have a detrimental effect on your food. Classic butter is not suitable for consumption after several days of storage at room temperature. The melted composition can be kept in the same conditions for about 1 year or more.
  4. The benefits of ghee became known thanks to Indian teachings. You also don't have to be an expert to fully appreciate the richness. vitamin composition product. The composition contains a concentration of vital microelements and high energy value.
  5. In ancient times, ghee did not bypass Rus'. Experienced elders knew about the healing qualities of the product. Our ancestors actively fought against osteoporosis, rickets, poor eyesight and problems gastrointestinal tract using ghee.

  1. If you follow a number of rules for processing butter into melted butter, it can be used not only for food purposes, but also in the fight against many ailments. It is known that ghee is widely used in folk medicine.
  2. The product is loved for its effectiveness and safety for the body. Ghee, when properly processed, cannot actually harm humans. The composition is widely used for internal and external use.
  3. Oil is often applied as massage product or for rubbing various parts of the body. If you rely on the ancient beliefs of the people of India, the composition has the life-giving energy of the sun, which can warm up and cure a certain ailment.
  4. Ghee is effective for frequent migraines and headaches. It is enough to take 10 grams. product and begin to slowly rub the composition into the temples, shoulders, palms and calves. Girls are advised to rub the appendage area.
  5. If you suffer from frequent joint pain or discomfort in lumbar region, ghee in the form of rubbing will relieve inflammation and calm the nerve endings. Rub a small amount of the mixture into the areas that cause the most discomfort.
  6. Ghee is especially effective during colds. If you experience the first symptoms of the disease, it is strongly recommended to rub the composition on your palms and soles. After the manipulation, go to rest.
  7. Ghee is effective for boosting the immune system and overall tone of the body. After taking the product internally, you will soon feel better. The composition is effective against depression and malaise.
  8. Consume ghee for better health before going to bed. small quantity. This way your activity will be normalized digestive organs, enzyme production and metabolic processes. Immunity will increase and weakness will disappear.
  9. The product can also be eaten in 15 g doses. after eating. Such manipulations are carried out to relieve ailments digestive system. Soon all diseases will disappear. Ghee in as soon as possible gently restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. If the emphasis is only on boosting the immune system, then the product should be consumed on an empty stomach. It is advisable to combine the oil with fruits, honey, nuts or spicy spices. The composition is effective in combination with natural yoghurt. The result comes in the first few days.

Harm to the body from ghee

  1. Despite all the benefits of ghee and nutritional value, the product can cause harm to the body. This is almost pure fat, so if you don’t follow daily norm product may harm the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Also, ghee will significantly harm the liver and pancreas. If you have been diagnosed with pathologies associated with these organs, it is strongly recommended that you stop consuming animal products.
  3. The melted product contains high content cholesterol, so excessive use of oil will lead to the development of the disease metabolic processes and the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  4. The product should not be consumed by people who are obese. The composition is considered very high in calories, so consuming ghee can aggravate the situation and provoke an even greater gain of fatty tissue.
  5. The product is great for frying and has a unique taste. Individuals who do not experience such problems will enjoy dishes cooked in ghee. The product does not taste bitter or burn.

  1. To make ghee at home, you don't need to have special knowledge and skills. The only condition is that for quality product will only do natural composition without additives.
  2. For such purposes, you need to melt butter with a fat content of at least 82%. Chop the mixture into pieces and place in a pan of suitable size. Turn on the stove at medium power and wait for the oil to thaw.
  3. Reduce the burner power to minimum; do not cover the pan with a lid. Otherwise, the moisture will have nowhere to go, it will remain in the composition. Monitor the process carefully; do not allow the oil to boil.
  4. Do not be alarmed if at the beginning of the manipulation the composition is dark in color with a cloudy base. This process is quite normal. Do not rush to get rid of the lush foam while the product is simmering. The hat should settle a little.
  5. To remove foam, use a classic slotted spoon. After this, the oil must be simmered at the rate of 1 hour per 1 kg. product. It is strictly forbidden to stir the composition with any equipment.
  6. The readiness of ghee can be determined by the pleasant nutty aroma and transparency of the mixture. To obtain a purer composition, pour the mixture into glass jars through a gauze or fabric filter. Do not store oil in plastic.

Ghee carries great benefit for the human body. If you have no contraindications to using the product, the composition will help you improve your overall health and suppress the presence of possible ailments. The main condition remains that the product should not be abused, otherwise you can aggravate the course of diseases and provoke obesity.

Video: treatment of bronchitis and cough with propolis in ghee