Woodlice treatment of joints. Do you know how to make a compress from woodlice? The healing properties of woodlice for arthrosis

Which have healing properties. Many of them are well known and widely used in folk medicine and in official pharmacology. But what kind of plant this woodlice grass is, and why it is useful, is not known to everyone, since most gardeners consider it to be destroyed.


Woodlice (chickweed) has a branched stem creeping along the ground, on which there are oblong-rounded leaves.

The stem is covered with fine hairs, and on the edges of the leaves there are cilia, when touched, moisture is felt, hence the name woodlice.

When flowering, white inflorescences are formed, and the flowers themselves resemble small stars in appearance, hence second name - chickweed.

After prolonged flowering (from May to August), fruits appear in the form of dark brown boxes that contain many seeds. The seeds ripen from July to October and during this period the capsules periodically open.
The main places of growth are farmsteads, banks of streams and rivers, roadsides, forest edges. Ideal conditions for the growth and development of this plant are provided by moist conditions and a location next to an open body of water.

You can see what woodlice grass looks like in the photo below, but we’ll find out what it has and whether there are contraindications to its use further.

Did you know? You can predict the weather by the colors of woodlice. If they have not opened by nine o'clock in the morning, it means it will rain during the day.

Composition of woodlice

It is no coincidence that woodlouse found its use in. This amount useful substances One can only envy the quality of this plant. The herb contains:

  • vitamins of groups C, E and K;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • potassium salts;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • lipids;
  • iron, zinc, boron, copper, magnesium, cobalt.

Using a plant with such a rich composition in medicinal purposes, you can easily replenish the lack of vitamins, nutrients and microelements in the human body, as well as get rid of many diseases.

Pharmacological properties

Woodlice has many beneficial properties, and there are almost no contraindications to its use. It can be used as a medicine with the following effects:

  • pain reliever;
  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • expectorant;
  • choleretic.
For medicinal and preventive purposes, the herb is used as a remedy for:
  • increasing immunity and general strengthening body;
  • accelerating recovery from colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and some other lung diseases;
  • pain relief for bruises, dislocations, sprains;
  • combating rheumatism, arthritis and joint diseases;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • restoration of strength when they decline;
  • improving heart performance and relieving heart pain;
  • treatment for diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • eliminating flatulence, constipation, treating hemorrhoids;
  • activation of hemoglobin production;
  • speedy healing of purulent and poorly healing wounds.


Woodlice, as a medicine, is used fresh, as well as in the form of juice, infusion and tincture, tea, decoction and even bath.

This herb, for preventive purposes to increase immunity and obtain useful substances and vitamins, is eaten in the form of salads, vegetable soups and sandwiches.


Standard juicing looks like this:

  1. Fresh grass is picked, no more than 500 g.
  2. Wash thoroughly under running water.
  3. The juice is squeezed out of the grass using a juicer, and if one is not available, it is softened with a masher and then squeezed through cheesecloth.
  4. The juice is poured into a bottle for further storage.
Fresh woodlice juice is used for instillation for diseases of the cornea or retina, 1-2 drops four times a day.
During lactation in women, one teaspoon of juice is mixed with the same volume of honey and taken three times a day, before meals.

Important! Freshly squeezed woodlice juice can be storedno more than 2 days and onlyin a refrigerator!


The woodlice infusion is prepared as follows:

  1. One tablespoon of fresh herbs is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 1 hour without stirring or shaking.
  3. The prepared infusion is filtered and poured into a small storage container.
  • to strengthen the nervous system - 4 times a day, 50 ml;
  • as eye drops - 1-2 drops no more than 4 times a day.


To obtain the tincture, pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into a half-liter glass jar and add 300 ml of regular forty-proof vodka. Then the jar is placed in a dark place for two weeks.

After a 2-week period, the tincture can be taken before meals for pain in the stomach or intestines, 20 drops, which should be diluted in a glass of water.

Did you know? Exists popular belief that if you find and eat a seven-petalled woodlice flower at dawn, then any, even your most cherished wish will come true.


Woodlice tea affects the body as a general tonic and sedative.
To prepare tea, pour boiling water over one tablespoon of herb and leave covered for 5 minutes. You can drink this drink three times a day, half a glass, like regular tea.

The knee joint is one of the largest on our body, no matter how physical activity it takes on a huge load. Therefore, a disease such as arthritis of the knee joint is very common. It refers to inflammation of the surface of the joint and surrounding tissues. How to treat arthritis of the knee joint, which medications are best suited for this and how to recognize arthritis of the knee joint, you will learn below.

    • Main symptoms of knee arthritis
    • Treatment methods for knee arthritis
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • Chondroitin and glucosamine
  • Ointments for the treatment of arthritis

The difference between knee arthritis and arthrosis

At first glance, all joint pathologies have common symptoms. In both cases there is a strong pain syndrome and decreased mobility. In fact, there is a big significant difference between arthrosis and arthritis of the knee joint.

Despite the fact that both diseases can cause deformation and degenerative changes in the joints, they differ from each other: the nature of the pain, symptoms and the cause of the disease. As a consequence, this greatly influences the type drug treatment.

Arthritis has inflammatory nature and occurs during action local factors, for example, an infection in the joint itself or is a consequence of allergies or reactive arthritis.

And arthrosis is the destruction of the joint structure, which occurs with age-related changes, physical activity, circulatory and tissue nutrition disorders. Sometimes these diseases occur together, then the destructive processes are combined with joint inflammation.

Main symptoms of knee arthritis

To recognize the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment, you need to identify its symptoms. They are:

Morning stiffness may also occur, when it is difficult to straighten the knees, and only by “diverging” does this disappear.

Arthritis of this nature has characteristics in children:

  • the knee hurts mainly in the morning, but during the day the child does not feel pain;
  • the disease manifests itself after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold;
  • Children often develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when the articular surface is affected and persistent deformation is observed.

A special form of treatment is also prescribed for children.

Knee arthritis: treatment

What to do with this disease? First, consult a therapist or rheumatologist, or take your child to a pediatrician. The doctor will determine the nature of the arthritis and help determine its cause. Detailed diagnostics may include the following survey components:

  • ibuprofen;
  • movalis;
  • diclofenac and others.

Knee arthritis is treated with internal medications, ointments or injections. Sometimes, for arthritis, hormonal drugs are administered, the joint cavity is washed in case of purulent form, or antibiotics are prescribed.

If the arthritis is reactive, then treatment is prescribed based on the disease. Basic therapy drugs are also recommended to prevent the patient’s condition from worsening.

In case of exacerbation of gouty arthritis, you need to follow a diet and exclude foods that include salts from the diet. uric acid and purine bases. Complete rest is also prescribed and stress on the diseased joint is completely eliminated.

Treatment of knee arthritis also involves taking chondoprotectors, they can be based on: sulfate; chondroitin; glucosamine.

These drugs help improve cartilage nutrition and prevent subsequent damage to the joint surface. Additional therapy includes vitamins and medications to improve articular blood supply.

When the inflammation begins to subside, you need to start physiotherapeutic treatment, massages and exercise therapy. Many exercises can be performed in a lying or sitting position, which relieves stress from the sore joint and helps strengthen the muscles. Common procedures:

  1. Phonophoresis and hydrocortisone.
  2. Magnetotherapy.
  3. Treatment with mud baths.
  4. Paraffin therapy and much more.

Sometimes doctors prescribe and surgery. This is relevant for arthrosis-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis of the joint, when you need to replace the knee joint with an endoprosthesis. Such prostheses are quite durable and can be used for more than 10 years.

Treatment methods for knee arthritis

If this disease worsens, you should definitely see your doctor and avoid putting stress on the inflamed joint. And to improve your condition at home, you need to take all the medications recommended by the doctor and do gymnastics.

It is also worth reconsidering your lifestyle and giving up bad habits: smoking; alcohol and drugs. Consumption of spices and hot foods, which can aggravate side effects some anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and hormonal drugs.

Pay attention to your diet and body weight, remove fatty and refined foods from the menu, and review the number of calories. On the recommendation of your doctor, you can take special healing baths or put a compress on your knee to warm up.

Treatment methods for knee arthritis may include:

  • Use of medications.
  • Health-improving gymnastics.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage.
  • Surgical method.
  • Traditional methods.

Medicines to treat knee arthritis

Now let's take a closer look at the features of the means used to treat arthritis of the knee joint. In most cases, the patient is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

Treatment of knee arthritis may include the use of drugs from one group, several, or all. The point is that everything depends on individual characteristics patient, each person may perceive a particular drug differently. Therefore, there is no single treatment regimen for arthrosis.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

In most cases, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, for example: ibuprofen; diclofenac; paracetamol; aspirin. All of them help get rid of pain and relieve inflammation.

When the knee joint is inflamed, painkillers should come first. Side effects occur with most drugs and even with simple painkillers. Over time, their effect may decrease as the body begins to get used to them.

Sometimes your doctor may prescribe stronger painkillers that are available by prescription. Most of them also have side effects(decreased blood clotting ability, problems with the kidneys and liver), but in most cases they all disappear after stopping taking the drug.

They also need to be taken correctly. Thus, when taking COX-2 inhibitors, you cannot take classical painkillers at the same time. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have had a heart attack or stroke, have hypertension, angina, or sensitivity to any of the ingredients in the product. Side effects such drugs are as follows:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Abdominal pain.
  3. Stomach upset.

Chondroitin and glucosamine

These drugs are sulfate dietary supplements that can relieve arthritis pain. They are made from animal products or synthetically. These remedies can be especially beneficial for arthritis in its early stages, if used according to instructions.

Despite the fact that these products are natural, they can still cause side effects:

  • stomach upset;
  • headache;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin.

They also interact with other medications, so you should take them after consulting your doctor.

Powerful anti-inflammatory drugs are corticosteroids, which can be injected directly into the knee joint itself for arthritis. They are used for severe to moderate pain and severe swelling. It is better not to use them if the mechanics of the knee joint are affected by arthritis.

Corticosteroids are natural substances (hormones produced by the adrenal glands) that reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and increase strength of the quadriceps muscle.

However, their use has its own characteristics and their effect is assessed unambiguously. So, often after injections, pain and swelling only intensify, infection occurs, and the joints are more affected. Sometimes, with frequent injections, the knee joint becomes enlarged.

Often injected into joints hyaluronic acid so that the joint fluid is of better quality, and gold salts and other immunomodulators are also injected.

Ointments for the treatment of arthritis

Doctors often prescribe ointments and other drugs for external use for arthritis of the knees. Among them:

For joint pain, arthritis, gout and other diseases of this nature, 2-4 grams of diclofenac in a thin layer should be applied to the area of ​​​​the painful part of the joint and rub it into it with gentle movements so as not to cause unnecessary pain;

And this is far from Full description and not all drugs that are used in the treatment of arthritis of the knee joints. Traditional medicine recipes are also common, many of which are recommended by doctors.

Whatever your treatment regimen for knee arthritis, it must be agreed with your doctor so that there are no complications and side effects are kept to a minimum.

How to remove salts from joints

If you ask ordinary person about such a concept as osteophyte, he will definitely say that he has never even heard such a word. But he is very familiar with the concept of salts and their deposition in joints.

This is explained simply: the term “osteophyte” is rarely used and can only be understood by medical specialists. For an ordinary person, the definition coined by the people is much clearer: salt deposition.

Osteophyte (salt deposition) means the proliferation of bone tissue caused by any disease of the musculoskeletal system - such as gout, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

There are several symptoms that stand out:

    a feeling of pain of varying intensity in the joint itself;

  • a feeling of numbness in a certain part or throughout the limb;
  • periodic feeling of temperature in the place where salt deposits are localized;
  • a distinct sound of crunching, clicking when moving, short-term stiffness of movement;
  • problems with joint extension (in especially severe cases).

Salt deposition is not a sudden process. Bone cannot grow without a reason, therefore, when treating any joint disease, it is initially necessary to determine the original source and degree of development.

At all aching pain, unpleasant crunching and aching in the joints, people are not inclined to mistake them for signs of disease. Due to the fact that arthrosis is more common in older people, patients attribute symptoms to age-related changes. As a result, when the patient is forced to come to specialists, it turns out that the process is so advanced that it is unlikely to prescribe treatment that can reduce pain and facilitate movement.

In the fight against arthrosis and gout, the help of traditional medicine is invaluable, however, in any case, the advisability of such treatment should only be determined by a specialist.

Deposition of salts in the knee and how to remove them from the body

Gonarthrosis is a type of arthrosis associated with the knee joint. In the process of this dystrophic disease, the joint itself is destroyed. cartilage tissue knee, deformation of the joint and disruption of its normal functions appear. What means exist to remove salts from joints with this disease?

Medicinal properties clays are known for their particular effectiveness in combating any joint disease. For the treatment of gonarthrosis it is advisable to use blue clay, since it most effectively removes salts from the joint. It is important to take into account that you need to scoop and mix such clay with a wooden spoon; metal utensils kill everything beneficial features clay.

Add a little water to the clay, trying to make it the consistency of thick fermented baked milk. Then take a thick cotton rag, carefully spread the resulting mixture and wrap the sore knee. The clay layer itself should be no thinner than two centimeters, but it should not be made too thick. Then we wrap a warm scarf on top, preferably tightly knitted or made of wool. This compress is useful if you do it regularly and walk with it for at least three hours.

Honey and cabbage also help with arthrosis, even at an advanced stage. Moreover, they can be used both separately and together, both locally and internally.

We take three tablespoons of vinegar and dilute a tablespoon of honey in them, better than May honey, since it has more beneficial properties. Then we smear the mixture onto the sore joint and cover it with a fresh leaf of aloe or cabbage. Be sure to wrap the sore knee with a warm cloth or scarf.

Such compresses are made only at night and are not removed until the leaves become completely dry. The procedures must be done for at least 21 days.

Herbs for removing salts

Toxins from the knee joint will be removed more actively if compresses are combined with taking herbal infusions and fees. You can prepare the following mixture: five lemons, 150 g of garlic, 350 g of nettle, grind in a meat grinder, then pour boiling water into a 3 liter bottle. For the course you need to make three such balloons, you need to take the infusion in increasing amounts: first 50 g once a day for a week, then twice a day, then three times a day. Try to always take the infusion before meals.

Jerusalem artichoke can help in recovery if you make a decoction of its leaves and stems. Chopped 1.5 kg of plants are poured with a large amount of boiling water. The amount of water and the volume of dishes depends on where exactly the pain is.

When the broth cools down on its own to an acceptable temperature (not scalding, but not just warm), you need to immerse the sore limb in it. This kind of steaming must be done several times and preferably in combination with medical therapy.

How to treat arthrosis using folk remedies

Arthrosis is degenerative change joint, as a result of which the cartilage tissue becomes thinner and changes, provoking inflammatory processes.

Since ancient times in Rus', bathhouses with birch brooms have been especially popular and loved, and this is not just like that. Birch can be used as most powerful tool from getting rid of salts in joints. It is noteworthy that if you steam with such brooms and drink birch infusions, the effectiveness can exceed all your wildest expectations.

It will be better if you combine a decoction of birch leaves with an infusion of string when treating arthrosis. The sequence has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a positive effect on recovery correct exchange substances. The infusion of the series is prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of herb per glass of boiling water. Just brew, let sit a little and strain. Drink in a course, before meals, and no more than two tablespoons of decoction at a time.

For arthrosis, self-made ointments are also used. If the pain has become too severe and prevents you from moving, you can prepare simple ointment: mix 50 g of horseradish, pre-chopped, with Vaseline oil. Alternatively, you can make horseradish juice and mix it with Vaseline. Rub in a circular motion into the sore joint. This will help not only in relieving pain, but also reduce inflammation.

It is useful to prepare and take another mixture, but before doing this you need to make sure that the patient does not have stomach problems. You need to take 300 g of natural red pepper, lemon and garlic. Grind everything and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Let it sit for a week and take a tablespoon on an empty stomach. The medicine is strong, but has a very specific taste.

It is extremely useful to combine such therapy with healing compresses. The simplest one: pour 100 g of cinquefoil grass with a liter of regular vodka. Let it brew and regularly make lotions using this mixture. Just pay attention that the fabric must be made of cotton, you cannot use any synthetics.

When treating arthrosis, it is important to understand that improvement will only occur if all recommendations are followed consistently. Removing salts is not such a quick process; it can take many months and will require a lot of patience from the patient in order to rid himself of the disease or at least make his life easier.

How to treat gout

Gout is the only disease in which excess uric acid salt is deposited in the joints. This is usually accompanied by severe pain. An excess of salts appears when there is a serious disruption of metabolic processes throughout the body, so during treatment the need to normalize metabolism must be taken into account.

With developed gout, nettle baths and lotions help well. A treatment regimen in which nettle baths alternate with steaming in a bathhouse using birch brooms is considered successful.

Valerian root infused with vodka helps get rid of salts in joints. You need to take this infusion three times a day and no more than 12 drops. Important: you must prepare all tinctures yourself, do not use purchased products.

Yellow primrose flowers can also be used to make healing decoction: two tablespoons of herb per glass of water. You can drink 0.5 cups. Treatment should be calculated for about a month, the decoction should be fresh every day.

At severe pain You can rub yourself with eucalyptus oil and alternate with the following ointment composition: mix Vaseline oil with crushed sweet clover and horseradish leaves. Based on the calculation: a bottle of Vaseline oil for 3 tablespoons of each herb.

Hot baths from milkweed help remove salts from sore joints. You can enhance the effect if you steam the sore limb in a rich decoction twice a day. This procedure should be done no more than two weeks. Then you need to give a break or replace the spurge with nettle infusions.

We must not forget the benefits of honey. A natural lifesaver can speed up the removal of salt from joints if you regularly rub it on the sore spot. Can add cabbage leaf, pour boiling water over it and spread with honey. Then apply it to the joint. The compress can be done until the gout begins to subside.

What is important to remember

Traditional medicine is strong. Even with such serious diseases as salt deposits, it can help restore lost health. However, everything has back side and folk recipes are no exception.

The human body is strictly individual and therefore treatment cannot suit everyone equally well. Miracle herbs that can alleviate attacks of pain due to gout, as well as relieve arthrosis, can negatively affect another organ. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor so that the treating specialist approves the advice of traditional medicine and prescribes adequate treatment.

You need to understand that removing salts is impossible only with the help of herbal medicine. Serious diseases require serious drug treatment and constant supervision by a specialist. Otherwise, self-medication can cause more serious harm and make the disease incurable.

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Rheumatism is an infectious-allergic disease in which damage occurs connective tissue joints, of cardio-vascular system, internal organs, muscles and skin. The causative agent of this disease is considered to be hemolytic streptococcus, but the main role is played by allergies, which arise as a result high sensitivity to the secondary introduction of streptococcus. Rheumatism usually develops after acute inflammation upper respiratory tract, sore throat, such a disease may occur due to dental caries. Cooling the body also contributes to the development of this disease. Before you figure out how to treat rheumatism of the joints, legs, for example, you should understand what this disease is and what its symptoms are.

General information about rheumatism

In fact, rheumatism is not as common a disease as is commonly thought. In general, this disease is typical for children aged 6 to 15 years. This disease appears extremely rarely in older people. But even in that classic “children’s” group, which is most susceptible to this disease, no more than 1 child in a thousand is sick.

Many people wonder why we hear this word so often if this disease is so rare? In this case, it is reflected that the disease used to be more common, but after medicine became stronger and antibiotics became available, the number of cases of rheumatism decreased greatly.

The second reason is even simpler - previously the word “rheumatism” meant all diseases of the joints. Doctors simply did not distinguish between them, since there was no such need - it was a choice medical procedures was small, and accordingly the treatment was almost always the same. But since the capabilities of medicine have increased, they began to distinguish various diseases joints and select the appropriate treatment for each of them. Therefore, now not a single doctor will confuse the symptoms of real rheumatism with manifestations of other diseases.

It is also worth noting that rheumatism is characterized by seasonal exacerbations, and the intervals between attacks are different for everyone and can range from a couple of months to several years. In addition, if the first attack of the disease passes without affecting the joints, then the disease may generally for a long time remain unnoticed. This latent form of the disease is revealed only after a while, when rheumatic heart disease forms. Repeated attacks of the disease in this case are much more severe.

How to identify the disease?

Generally symptoms of this disease very characteristic. As we have already said, mainly teenagers and children suffer from this disease. Most often, the disease develops several (1 to 3) weeks after the child has suffered a streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract. This could be a sore throat, pharyngitis, which is an inflammation of the pharynx, or tonsillitis, which is an inflammation of the tonsils.

The streptococcal infection itself does not always manifest itself clearly, often occurring in an atypical and secretive manner. In this case, you only have to deal with a slight sore throat and minimal fever. That is why doctors very often simply diagnose acute respiratory infections, simply not noticing the infection and not prescribing the treatment necessary in this case. As a result, an untreated infection, especially when it appears against the background of reduced immunity and reoccurs, often leads to articular rheumatism. As a result, some time after suffering an illness (pharyngitis or tonsillitis), a person faces inflammation of various large joints– shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle, wrist. But the small joints of the toes and hands are very rarely affected by this disease.

Another characteristic is the fact that the joints do not become inflamed simultaneously, but one at a time. For example, at first the knee joint may become inflamed, after a few days this inflammation goes away, but a new one appears, in another joint, then in a third, etc. It is this movement of inflammation through the joints that is a kind of “calling card” of rheumatism. Moreover, the inflammation of each specific joint is usually quite short-lived, it rarely lasts more than 10-12 days. the problem is that such inflammations usually occur several times in succession, and they cause harm not only to the joints, but also to the heart.

As a result of untreated or untreated rheumatism, rheumatic carditis appears, which is rheumatic inflammation hearts. This disease comes in three degrees of severity, and the process may involve the heart muscle, membranes and heart valves.

Forms of rheumatic carditis

There are three forms of this disease - mild, moderate and severe.

A mild form of rheumatic carditis affects only some local areas of the heart muscle. In this case, the blood circulation of the heart is not impaired, but external manifestations The disease simply does not exist, so it almost always goes unnoticed.

In case of illness moderate severity more severe damage to the heart muscle occurs, the heart itself slightly increases in size, unpleasant sensations appear behind the sternum, increased fatigue, shortness of breath, a feeling of palpitations that occurs during habitual household activities.

Severe rheumatic carditis leads to even greater weakening of the heart, while its size increases significantly. Even at rest, the patient experiences pain in the heart, and swelling may appear in the legs. As a result of this particular form of the disease, heart defects (shrinkage of the heart valves) can develop.

Another consequence of rheumatism is chorea.

Rheumatic carditis is not the only possible consequence of rheumatism that was not cured in time. Children may also develop chorea, which is a disorder of the nervous system. As a result, the child's character changes somewhat; he becomes capricious, irritable, sloppy and absent-minded. Gait and handwriting change, memory and speech deteriorate, and sleep disturbances may appear. At the same time, in early period illness is all explained as indiscipline and capriciousness, and no one even thinks about going to the doctor. Parents begin to get nervous much later, when the child begins to have involuntary twitching of the muscles of the arms, legs, torso and face.

Chorea, like rheumatic inflammation itself, goes away without a trace over time. So the most serious result of rheumatism that is not fully cured remains rheumatic carditis, which can lead to serious problems, up to and including disability. That is why it is important to diagnose this disease as early as possible and begin treatment for this disease; fortunately, everyone knows which doctor treats rheumatism.

The main task of treating rheumatism

The main task set before the attending physician is to suppress streptococcal infection, which both causes the development of the disease itself and causes its complications. When it comes to how to treat rheumatism, you usually choose one of the many antibacterial agents, most often penicillin. In this case, active antibiotic therapy lasts about two weeks, after which the patient receives intramuscular injections penicillin for prevention possible complications on the heart.

IN last years antibiotics began to be actively used to treat rheumatism " wide range actions" in tablet form. Such drugs (for example, erythromycin, ampicillin, oxacillin, etc.) have also shown to be highly effective.

During an exacerbation, various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. They act quite quickly and effectively eliminate pain and inflammation itself.

Rheumatism, despite its “secrecy” and danger, is perfectly treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, in most cases this is quite enough to completely eliminate the disease. But in rare cases, this treatment does not give the desired effect, then the doctor has to prescribe corticosteroid hormones. In combination with antibiotics, these drugs can relieve rheumatic inflammation in just a few days.

It is worth noting that painkillers are practically not used in the treatment of rheumatism, since their effect in this case is exclusively temporary, and they cannot suppress inflammation. If an anesthetic relieves pain, then the inflammation has not gone away, and a person, actively moving, causes additional harm to the diseased joint.

Woodlice treats arthrosis and varicose veins

Many people write asking for help in treating diseased joints. I have progressive arthrosis and varicose veins. Two years ago, my joints were so sore that I had difficulty getting to the clinic. I went through a course of treatment and physical therapy, but it didn’t get any better. The doctor suggested registering for disability. And last summer I started a major renovation of my apartment, purchased all the necessary building materials, but I didn’t know how I could cope with this renovation if my legs didn’t obey me at all. I'm leaving the store, or rather crawling like a turtle. I lay down on the sofa, read the newspaper and see an article about woodlice, which a craftswoman treats. And in our yard we have this woodlice at least with a sideways mow. I grabbed the package and went into the yard.
I picked a whole bag of woodlice, wrapped it around her legs, starting from the foot to the very top, bandaging it elastic bandage. I did this for 10 days in a row at night.

I felt relief immediately from the first procedure, and after 10 days there was such lightness in my legs that the repair was completed successfully and I did not feel tired. I lived the whole year without joint pain, but before I couldn’t sleep without compresses and rubbing, but all this only helped for a while. But the woodlouse just did a miracle with my legs. It perfectly relieves inflammation, draws salts from joints, reduces varicose nodes, and resolves blood clots. I have on right leg there was a blood clot, but after using woodlice, this blood clot disappeared, as if it had never existed. It is advisable to undergo woodlice treatment for a month; it is good to brew it and drink it 3 times a day as tea, it lowers blood sugar.

Chapel Ekaterina Ivanovna, Arkhangelsk

Summer borscht

Food should always be medicine, it’s just medicine that also brings pleasure. In summer this is doable. We always cook soups with wild plants. I prefer to use chickweed or chickweed for borscht. Woodlice is considered a nasty weed that is extremely difficult to control once it gets into country cottage area, in vegetable gardens and orchards.
But not everyone knows how useful this plant is. In spring and early summer, it is suitable for preparing salads and seasonings, as well as for feeding birds and small animals, which we now partially raise in our dachas. Bees love woodlice. If you are concerned about hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, coronary heart disease, liver and kidney diseases, a tendency to skin diseases, as well as for the prevention of these diseases and atherosclerosis, woodlice is simply irreplaceable. It is important that no contraindications to the use of woodlice have been identified. Leaves
woodlice can be used fresh, adding anywhere. But I thought, since decoctions are prepared from medicinal plants, it means that there is a presence in the soup useful herb will not be superfluous.

Prepare 100 g of woodlice without roots, 100 g beet tops, 2 potatoes, 3 tbsp. l. canned beans, 3 tbsp. l. chopped green onions and parsley, 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and sour cream, 1 tsp each. sugar and table vinegar. Chop the vegetables and sauté vegetable oil, cook the tops until soft. Place tops and potatoes in boiling broth or salted water (1.5-2 l), cook for 15 minutes, then add sautéed vegetables, salt, tomatoes, beans, bring to readiness, season with sugar and vinegar. Before serving, add sour cream to the plates.

If you add a handful of woodlice to the water when bathing small children, the diathesis will disappear. In skillful hands, this weed becomes tasty and healthy. Woodlice improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, has wound-healing and analgesic effects, softens and resolves tumors, and restores the activity of the thyroid gland. Compresses are used for skin diseases, a decoction for leg tumors. Weeding woodlice is very difficult. But if every day you pick several bushes of it to add to a salad or soup, this procedure will not seem so laborious: we pick parsley, onions, dill and sorrel every day for food. But when you use woodlice for food, remember that you should not treat your garden with pesticides.
Source: natural-medicine.ru

Treatment of thyroid nodules

They say that problems with the thyroid gland are directly related to the environmental situation of the region in which a person lives. Apparently this is so, because heredity does not matter in my case, both parents are healthy and have never complained about the thyroid gland. I also developed nodules. I see an endocrinologist all the time, I keep an eye on it, in a word. But the situation has changed for the better since I began to be treated with folk remedies.
As soon as fresh woodlice appears - a plant specially created for people like me - I begin the annual treatment. Not only have not a single nodule appeared anymore, but those that exist are becoming smaller and smaller, and I feel much better. There is no more lethargy or irritability.
First, I treat myself with fresh woodlice juice: I collect the grass, rinse it, put it through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice, drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day an hour before meals. I do this for three weeks. Then I take a break for a month, after which I use the infusion. I take 1 part woodlice, 1 part motherwort and 1 part rose hips. I pour 2 tablespoons of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 6-8 hours, filter, take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
I also take the infusion 1 hour before meals, the course of treatment lasts 3 weeks. After summer treatment I rest until late autumn and before winter I carry out a course of treatment with the same infusion one more time. It turns out two courses twice a year. I always prepare the raw materials myself, because for me this treatment turned out to be the most effective. At first I tried to consult with my doctor, but I was faced with complete misunderstanding. True, when the ultrasound results showed changes in better side, then the doctor herself asked me to tell in detail what I was doing. So it turns out that my doctor lives on the edge of the forest, and not in the clinic.
Svetlana Mikhailovna Morozova,
woodlice (video)

Woodlice - a useful weed for beauty and health

WHAT DO RAW FOOD CHILDREN EAT. Part 9. Salad with chickweed (medium chickweed) - look!

Woodlouse A valuable plant that grows everywhere

The herb will tell you about the beneficial properties of woodlice herb and teach you how to use it for medicinal purposes.

This weed is known to many gardeners and gardeners, because it grows on any plot of land. Do not rush to throw plucked woodlice into the trash, because it is a “real treasure” with a lot of useful medicinal and cosmetic properties.

You can find woodlice:

  • Vegetable gardens
  • Clearings in the forest
  • Garbage areas

How to recognize a plant:

  • Egg-shaped leaves
  • The leaves are slightly pointed
  • It has white small flowers
  • The flowers are star-shaped

A characteristic feature of woodlice is that even in the driest weather it never ceases to remain moist and juicy. This property allows the grass to be used as mulch for fruit bushes. Woodlouse was also nicknamed the “weather plant” for its number of characteristic features, for example, if the grass flowers remain closed even at 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning (even if there is sun), it means that it will rain soon.

INTERESTING: Woodlice is food for birds, and a favorite one at that. It has been noticed that if domestic chickens and ducks are constantly fed with woodlice, they get sick less often and produce more. This is not at all surprising, because grass is a storehouse of useful substances.

Woodlice is rich in vitamins:

  • Vitamin C - strengthens immune system, raising it protective properties and resistance to viruses, infectious diseases, pathogenic bacteria.
  • Vitamin E – nourishes skin, hair and nails, strengthening them. Improves the functioning of internal organs, especially reproductive organs women.
  • Vitamin K – improves blood clotting and helps absorb calcium and vitamin D, improves function skeletal system, condition of connective tissue.

Other substances:

  • Carotenoids - protect our cells from malignant degeneration.
  • Tannins - have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Organic acid - organic substances exhibiting acidic properties.
  • Saponins - help remove cholesterol and various toxins from the body.
  • Potassium salts - participate in the regulation of water-salt metabolism.
  • Phytoncides – necessary as a complex of antimicrobial substances
  • Flavonoids - act as antioxidants, they also enhance the effect of vitamins A, E, C.
  • Lipids - important macronutrients that the body needs on a daily basis.
  • Essential oil - normalize metabolic processes
  • Zinc - Helps skin cell renewal
  • Iron - increases hemoglobin in the blood
  • Boron - can reduce inflammation, reduce tumors and normalize fat metabolism.
  • Copper - takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin
  • Magnesium – strengthens cardiovascular and digestive system, helps vitamin B to be absorbed.
  • Cobalt - participates in the production of thyroid hormones, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Medicinal properties of woodlice:

  • Pain relief
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Calms
  • Has expectorant properties
  • Stops bleeding
  • Bile drives
  • Saturates with useful substances
  • Boosts immunity
  • Gives a general strengthening effect

IMPORTANT: To prepare medicines, you should use only the above-ground part of the plant (the root is not allowed!). Choose fresh and young grass; it can be frozen or dried for the winter.

How to use a decoction of woodlice herb to treat eye diseases?

In folk medicine, there are many recipes using woodlice. It can be used fresh, as a decoction and infusion. Many people know that the herb effectively fights eye diseases. For this purpose, the product is used exclusively externally as a lotion. You should prepare the product and soak cotton pads in it, which you will then hold on your eyes.

Preparation of the product:

  • Pour 1 tbsp into a glass. fresh or dried chopped woodlice grass.
  • Pour boiling water over the wood lice
  • Cover the glass with a saucer or towel
  • In this state, the woodlice will brew for an hour; there is no need to touch or shake it.
  • After infusion, strain the product
  • Keep as a lotion on your eyes or drop 1 or 2 drops into each eye (no more than once a day).

Woodlice: recipes for the heart

If you have chronic or acquired diseases of the cardiovascular system, it will be useful for you to regularly eat wood lice in your food and cook using it medications. Woodlice goes well with fresh vegetable salads. During the winter season, you can use dry herbs to brew healthy tea:

  • Use a thermos
  • Pour a handful of dry grass into it
  • Pour 0.5-1 liters of boiling water
  • Wrap up the thermos
  • Infuse the herb for up to 2-3 hours
  • After steeping, strain the tea
  • Drink a small cup of tea every time before meals.
  • Tea should be drunk no more than 30-40 minutes before meals
  • Course of treatment – ​​2 weeks with a break of 2 weeks

Dry woodlice herb (can be bought at a pharmacy) and salad with fresh woodlice

Woodlice for pressure: recipe

The herb has powerful hypotonic properties and therefore can effectively reduce arterial pressure. That is why chickweed should not be drunk or taken by those who suffer from chronic low blood pressure, but it is useful for those who regularly suffer from hypertension. Arrange small courses of treatment in 2 weeks with a break of 2-3 weeks.

You can add fresh wood lice to food (in salads with vegetables, herbs, fruits). Using a blender, you can extract juice from the grass (grind and squeeze out the pulp). Received mix juice with honey with an equal amount of and and take 1 tsp. before meals 30-40 minutes.

You can also regularly drink woodlice tea by brewing it with chamomile or linden in the usual way (pour boiling water over it, let it brew).

How to prepare an infusion of woodlice with vodka and alcohol for tumors and joint diseases?

Alcohol tincture of woodlice can be used to treat inflammatory processes in the joints and tumor growths. The alcohol tincture should be prepared in advance so that it has time to be “saturated” with the beneficial substances of the herb and become truly effective. The tincture should be made with pure vodka or alcohol.

How to prepare the tincture (1 l):

  • Collect fresh herbs (it is advisable to use fresh, as it contains much more useful substances than dried or frozen).
  • Lightly rinse the grass and let it dry, but not for long.
  • The herb should be chopped and crushed with a blender (into a paste, but not puree).
  • Pour this slurry into a glass container and fill 1 liter. vodka (without any flavorings or additives).
  • Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in a dark place (the tincture should stand for at least 1 week).
  • Every day this jar should be taken out and shaken (this will help the tincture to be more saturated).
  • After 7-10 days, the mass should be filtered (for this, fold the gauze in several layers).
  • The strained tincture can be further stored in the pantry, refrigerator, or on a shelf in a closet (there should be no direct UV rays of the sun).

How is an infusion of woodlice herb useful and how to use it for osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other joint diseases?

How to use the tincture: The damaged or sore area should be rubbed alcohol tincture 2-3 times a day. After rubbing, wrap the joint in a warm woolen scarf. It is good to do this procedure at night. If you are sick knee joints, loosely apply a medical bandage over the area that has been well rubbed with the infusion. Together with the alcohol tincture, it is also useful to make lotions on “sore spots” from a concentrated decoction of woodlice: to do this, apply a layer of gauze or cotton cloth soaked in the decoction and wrap everything with cling film.

How and why to use woodlice grass juice?

The fresh juice of the green plant has the maximum supply of useful substances and therefore has been used since ancient times to treat many cosmetic and health problems. Woodlice juice is very easy to perceive, since the herb has neither taste nor pungent odor - only freshness.

Woodlice juice is taken internally and applied externally. If you drink it with water and honey, you can significantly improve the condition of your kidneys and liver and regulate your thyroid function. External compresses, lotions and rubdowns can heal wounds and relieve inflammatory processes on the skin, heal hemorrhoids, acne.

INTERESTING: Regular consumption of woodlice juice will relieve you of frequent headaches, which can be triggered by pressure surges or being in stressful situations. The herb effectively eliminates fatigue and significantly improves memory. In addition, woodlice contains vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the health of blood vessels, including those responsible for the flow of blood to the brain.

In order to prepare such juice, you will need a large amount of herbs. You should drink freshly prepared juice every time. It must be consumed half an hour before meals, and can be diluted with water. A single serving of juice is 100-150 ml. Lemon or rosehip decoction will help improve the taste of the drink. The course of treatment with woodlice juice should last no more than 3 months (otherwise intoxication may occur).

Woodlice for cracked heels: recipe

Cracked heels are a perennial summer problem for men and women. Some will say that it occurs only when the heels become dry from open shoes in contact with the sun, dust and air. Others believe that this problem occurs in those who are overweight and do not drink enough water per day.

There is some truth in this, but in order to prevent cracked heels and try to heal them, you should use the whole range of procedures:

  • Prevention of cracks
  • Moisturizing the skin with creams
  • Maintaining foot hygiene
  • Maintaining water-salt balance
  • Treatment of cracks

Fresh woodlice grass will help you treat cracks:

  • Wash your feet thoroughly with a brush and soap
  • Dry your feet
  • Place freshly picked woodlice grass on the bottom of the socks
  • Put on the sock, spreading the grass where you have cracks and dry skin.
  • Walk around in these socks all day

IMPORTANT: As you press on the grass with your foot, it will release juice, which the skin will absorb. As a result, it will remain hydrated and receive the necessary amount of vitamins for healing and nutrition.

Woodlice for heel cracks and dry skin

Using woodlice for heel pain and gout: recipe

Gout is an inflammation of the tendons in the foot and heel. This disease brings a lot of discomfort to a person and pain, which resonates with every step when moving. You can relieve the pain and symptoms of gout using lotions based on decoctions and woodlice juice.

How to use the herb:

  • You can brew a concentrated decoction of fresh or dry herbs. Gauze is moistened with this decoction and applied to the heel, after which the foot is wrapped in cling film.
  • You can put fresh torn grass in socks and walk in them all day, sleep, so that the juice flows and is absorbed into the skin.
  • You can lubricate your feet with woodlice juice or ground gruel, wrapping them in film or cloth.

Using woodlice for cough: recipe

Woodlice has expectorant properties, and therefore can be used for effective treatment cough.

How to brew the herb:

  • Pour a glass of fresh and clean herbs into a thermos or jar.
  • Pour boiling water over the herb and steam it thoroughly.
  • To steam the jar, cover it with a lid and wrap it in a towel.
  • Brewed woodlice, still hot, should be drunk 20-30 minutes before meals.
  • A slice of lemon and a spoon of honey will help improve the taste of tea and improve its effect.

Expectorant medicine:

  • Finely chop or mince 1 kg. fresh woodlice (pre-washed).
  • Add 2 crushed cloves of garlic to the paste
  • Stir in 0.5 tsp. black pepper
  • Pour in 1-2 tbsp. liquid honey
  • Mix everything thoroughly and start using of this medicine three times a day (1 tsp before meals half an hour).

Can I make a compress of woodlice on my throat?

A warm compress of woodlice infusion will help ease your symptoms. sore throat, decrease painful sensations. To do this, use a steep herbal decoction. A gauze swab or handkerchief should be moistened in it. Wrap a warm compress around your throat and wrap it with an additional scarf. Keep until cool.

How to prepare woodlice ointment for psoriasis and how to use it: recipe

Psoriasis is a skin disease that is chronic. It has many unpleasant symptoms: itching, peeling of the skin, redness. Try to do effective ointment for psoriasis based on woodlice herb.

You will need:

  • Dry fresh herbs or buy dried ones at the pharmacy
  • The grass must be collected during the flowering period
  • Use a coffee grinder to grind the herb into powder.
  • Mix woodlice powder and medical grease in equal quantities.
  • The ointment should be infused for 3-4 days and only then used, rubbing into damaged skin areas.

Chickweed grass - a medicinal remedy

Woodlice: application in gynecology

Woodlice has been successfully used in treatment gynecological problems. With the help of herbal recipes, you can fight problems such as cervical erosion or fibroids, cysts. Ingesting woodlice tincture with alcohol or fresh woodlice tea can relieve inflammation occurring in the pelvic organs. Thus, you will be able to prevent infertility and eliminate diseases that could not be cured with traditional medical drugs.

How to use woodlice:

  • Make baths in a basin or take a bath with woodlice decoction.
  • Drink tea made from fresh and dried wood lice regularly
  • Eat fresh salads with woodlice

Woodlice herb face mask: recipe

Woodlice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and therefore perfectly fights skin rashes, irritations, pimples and blackheads.

How to make a mask:

  • Collect grass (up to 0.5 kg)
  • Grind the grass into a paste using a blender
  • Add 1 tbsp. natural liquid honey
  • Clean your face with soap
  • Place the mask on your face and keep it on for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse with slightly warm water
  • If necessary, moisturize with cream

Woodlice: use for hair

Washing your hair with a decoction of woodlice (both from fresh grass and from dry) will allow you to restore it vitality and shine. In order for the procedure to be effective, brew the herb 1-2 times a week and rinse it over a ladle. The grass does not have to be washed off. Let your hair dry on its own.

Woodlice grass: contraindications

Woodlice, along with its benefits, can be harmful, since this remedy is natural and has a number of contraindications:

  • Allergic sensitivity. If symptoms occur, stop taking immediately.
  • Hypotension. The decoction lowers blood pressure and therefore hypotensive people should not drink it. Those who suffer from autonomic disorders should take woodlice-based medications with caution.
  • Children. Children's body may be very sensitive to this plant and react with allergies or intoxication.
  • Stomach ulcer. In this case, only alcohol infusion is prohibited for consumption.

IMPORTANT: Do not brew or use for cooking medicines woodlice collected near the road, as it accumulates toxins. Be careful when collecting woodlice, because you may confuse it with its relative “stellate lanceolate,” which is poisonous.

Video: “Wood woodlouse: herb, medicinal properties”

100 g of woodlice contains 114 mg of vitamin C - this is 1.5 times more than lemon. 20 g of medium chickweed contains a daily dose of carotene reaching 5 mg. Besides, the plant consists of the following:

  • from vitamin E - 44 mg per 100 g of herb;
  • from triterpene saponins;
  • from alkaloids;
  • from tannins;
  • from aliphatic alcohols;
  • from lipids;
  • from wax.

The herb contains sinapic and organic acids. It is saturated with microelements - among them magnesium, iron and the following substances:

  1. copper;
  2. chlorine;
  3. potassium;
  4. cobalt;
  5. silicon;
  6. selenium.

The herb contains flavonoids and essential oils.

How is chickweed useful?

  1. Woodlice has choleretic and diuretic effects. It has the following healing properties:
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • painkillers;
    • immunostimulating;
    • wound healing;
    • regenerating.
  2. Compresses and baths made from woodlice relieve joint pain due to arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.
  3. Juice and tea from the weed are used to treat the thyroid gland: they alleviate the symptoms of nodular and toxic goiter thyroid gland.
  4. Infusion and juice of the herb are used in folk recipes for the prevention and treatment of oncology of various localizations.
  5. Eye drops are prepared from woodlice. They help with the following ailments:
    • with initial clouding of the cornea;
    • for glaucoma;
    • with cataracts.
  6. Chickweed juice increases lactation; mastopathy and mastitis are treated with compresses from steamed herbs.
  7. Tampons with woodlice decoction will alleviate the following female diseases:
    • fibroids;
    • cyst;
    • cervical erosion.
  8. Lotions with a strong infusion of herbs help with skin ailments- from rashes, acne and boils.
  9. Warm baths with woodlice decoction relieve swelling of the limbs, relieve pain from rheumatism, sprains and radiculitis.
  10. Woodlice is a remedy for scurvy.

What parts are used in folk medicine?

Only woodlice roots are useless. In folk medicine, the above-ground parts of the plant are used: fresh shoots, flowers and juice.

When is a plant useful and when is it not?

Woodlice collected in environmentally friendly places, away from roads and factories, is useful. Grass has the ability to absorb and accumulate harmful substances, including heavy metals.

Woodlice seeds are not poisonous. Collected together with grain from various crops, they reduce the quality of cereals and flour, but the sale of the final product is acceptable.

Do not forget that the weed has a laxative effect, so be sure to consult a doctor before treatment, otherwise, instead of having a positive effect, chickweed will cause irreparable harm.

As you can see, medium chickweed can be used with seeds; great benefit The seeds won't do any harm, but they won't do any harm either.

Description of the plant

Woodlice is easily confused with its dangerous relatives. To avoid mistakes, you need to know the signs medicinal plant. This is what its stems look like:

  • weak;
  • thin;
  • highly branched;
  • creeping;
  • up to 10 cm high;
  • covered with hairs.

Woodlice leaves are ovate, short pointed.

The flowers resemble stars and look like this:

  1. white;
  2. small;
  3. with petals deeply divided in two;
  4. with long pedicels;
  5. with separate leaf cups;
  6. with a pestle in 3 columns;
  7. with 5-10 dark purple stamens.

Seeds appear at the same time as flowers. The fruits are oblong capsules with 6 valves, containing brown grains with a diameter of 1 mm.


In the photo you can see what woodlice or chickweed looks like, which has medicinal properties.

Possible harm

There are toxic species of chickweed. The following plants are dangerous to health:

  • forest chickweed;
  • chickweed lanceolate;
  • chickweed;
  • swamp chickweed.

Poisonous chickweed causes poisoning. When it occurs, victims experience the following symptoms:

  1. redness and swelling of the mucous membranes - hyperemia;
  2. abdominal cramps;
  3. limb spasms;
  4. rapid pulse;
  5. weak pulse;
  6. rapid breathing;
  7. body temperature rises to 40 degrees.

Poisoning lasts up to 3 days.

When is this herb contraindicated?

Sometimes being treated with woodlice is risky. Contraindications concern:

  • people with acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding children;
  • children;
  • allergy sufferers.

Woodlice is especially dangerous for ulcers and hypotension - chronically low blood pressure, from 90 to 60 and below.

How is chickweed treated?

Woodlice replenishes the lack of nutrients.

Recipe for a healthy vodka tincture

Using vodka you can preserve woodlice juice. The tincture will concentrate the beneficial properties of the plant.

How to prepare it - step by step instructions

For the tincture, use high-quality vodka and freshly picked herbs.. After washing the woodlice, proceed as follows:

  1. Using a blender, grind 10 tablespoons of herbs into a paste.
  2. The raw materials are placed in a glass container and 1 liter of vodka is poured.
  3. The vessel is tightly closed and put in a dark and cool place. It is stored there for 7-10 days, shaking daily.
  4. The infused mixture is filtered through several layers of gauze.
  5. The liquid is poured into a clean vessel.

The finished tincture is stored in a cool place., inaccessible to sun rays. It can be used for up to 3 years.

How to take the medicine?

The tincture is suitable for internal and external use. To cope with gastrointestinal ailments, drink the medicine 1-3 times a day, stirring 20-25 drops in a glass of water.

Before resorting to traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor.

The medicine helps fight chronic gastritis and with consequences food poisoning . It affects the body in the following ways:

  • relieves pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves appetite.

Rubbing with tincture treats joints and stale bruises. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day, as follows:

  1. A towel is dipped in the medicine to rub the sore areas.
  2. Foci of pain are wrapped in a warm woolen scarf.

The dressing made before bedtime is changed upon awakening.

How else can you use weed?

Tea is made from woodlice and added to dishes.. The herb is steamed to make compresses and lotions. Useful and Fresh Juice plants.

Drinking juice

The herb is squeezed out by passing it through a blender or meat grinder. Then it is filtered using a sieve or gauze.

The finished juice is consumed as follows::

  • 4-6 times a day;
  • before eating;
  • 1 teaspoon per dose;
  • diluting with water and honey.

You can also drink undiluted juice - 3 times a day, 100 ml. Only fresh product is useful.

Use in cooking

Medium chickweed - seasoning and complete ingredient. It is included in the recipes for the following dishes:

  1. dumplings;
  2. soups;
  3. salads;
  4. vegetable stew;
  5. carotene paste.

The herb is added to light vitamin salads. For the simplest, you will need the following products:

  • fresh woodlice;
  • cucumbers;
  • green onions;
  • dill;
  • eggs.

For dressing you need sour cream.

Prepare the dish as follows:

  1. The eggs are hard boiled.
  2. Finely chop the cucumbers.
  3. The greens are chopped and mixed with cucumbers.
  4. The mixture is salted and sour cream is added.

When serving, the salad is decorated with slices of boiled egg.

How to prepare and store?

Woodlice is harvested during the flowering period - from May to August. The above-ground parts of plants, soft and juicy, are collected. A layer of raw materials up to 3-5 cm is laid out on cloth or paper to dry.

IMPORTANT Chickweed cannot be dried at temperatures above 40 degrees. Otherwise, the herb will lose its healing properties.

The plant is dried in a clean and dry place. Suitable premises should be:

  • ventilated;
  • out of reach of direct sunlight.

After drying the grass, it is crushed and packaged. The preparation can be stored for up to a year.

Side effects

People who are allergic to wood lice experience itching and skin redness.. The plant may lower blood pressure. The herb enhances gastrointestinal secretion. Conclusion Woodlice is useful if prepared and applied correctly.

The plant is not a panacea, but it will help overcome vitamin deficiency and improve results complex treatment prescribed by a doctor. ,


See in more detail what beneficial properties woodlice has in the video below: