Peppermint is Aphrodite's favorite herb, its medicinal properties and all its uses. Peppermint - medicinal properties and contraindications for health

In medicine, the analgesic, antiseptic and vasodilating properties of mint decoction are most often used. This effect is provided by menthol - a monohydric alcohol of plant nature. IN pure form It is a clear crystalline substance with a strong minty odor. It gets its Latin name Mentha from mint.

When used externally, as part of a decoction, menthol has the property of influencing the cold receptors of the skin, causing a feeling of coolness and freshness; when used internally, it increases blood circulation, improves digestion, and tones.

Mint composition

The properties of mint decoction primarily depend on the composition of its ingredients - the original plant materials, which are the leaves and herbaceous shoots of the plant. They contain a large number of essential oils, mainly menthol, flavonoids, saponins and other biologically active substances.

Chemical composition of peppermint:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • glucose;
  • organic acids;
  • polyphenols;
  • saponins;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

The essential oil for which mint is mainly valued consists of menthol and esters. Its leaves contain approximately 2-3%. In the inflorescences, the amount of oil increases and is already 4-6%. Menthol is the main active ingredient that determines the analgesic, antiseptic and tonic properties of the decoction.

Mint is also not deprived of vitamins. The composition contains vitamin A, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 6, B 9, PP. It contains a lot of vitamin C. Its amount can reach 32 mg/100 g, despite the fact that the human need for it is 80 mg per day.
Microelements include copper, manganese, zinc and iron. Macroelements are represented by calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus. Potassium is of particular importance for medicine; it is involved in the regulation of water-salt balance and is necessary for the heart, brain, and nervous system. 100 g of mint contains about a quarter daily requirement human in this mineral – 569 mg. There is also a lot of calcium - 243 mg.

Tannins - tannins - give the broth an astringent taste. They hinder growth pathogenic microflora, remove toxins, increase blood clotting. Saponins and flavonoids act in a similar way.

Interesting fact! Mint has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Mention of it is found in the Gospel of Matthew, its remains were discovered in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Useful properties of the decoction

The most commonly used in medicine are: medicinal properties mint decoction:

  • painkiller
  • antiseptic
  • vasodilator
  • soothing
  • tonic
  • choleretic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • sweatshop
  • laxative
  • antispasmodic.

The decoction also has antiemetic properties, which makes it possible to use it as a cure for seasickness. When used externally, it accelerates wound healing, disinfects and relieves pain. When taken internally, it strengthens immune system, stabilizes the heart rhythm, calms and relieves stress, increases performance, restores strength, invigorates.

Taking the decoction at night cures insomnia. In the morning it tones and fills with energy. The property of the decoction to remove toxins from the body is also known, which is used in symptomatic treatment all kinds of poisoning. Women use it to get rid of varicose veins and spider veins on the skin.

Mint decoction helps with colds. It improves sputum discharge, anesthetizes the throat for sore throat, kills pathogenic bacteria, and has an antipyretic effect. At viral diseases and influenza, the decoction helps fight infection, strengthens, and removes toxins.

Nutritionists recommend including mint decoction in your diet when losing weight, as it accelerates cellular metabolism, reduces appetite and dulls the feeling of hunger. It also helps cleanse the intestines of waste products and improves overall well-being.
At constant use Mint infusion improves digestion and helps get rid of heartburn. It also has the property of lowering blood pressure, which is very important for hypertensive patients.

Advice! You should not overuse the decoction. In case of overdose, digestive problems, nausea, and dizziness are possible.


The medicinal properties of mint decoction provided him with wide application in medicine. It is used in the treatment of diseases digestive tract, colds, heart and nervous ailments. When used externally, it helps get rid of many skin diseases, anesthetizes, and enhances regeneration processes. The decoction is also used in cosmetology. It is included in anti-aging masks and lotions.

Application in medicine

In medicine, mint decoction is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • bronchitis
  • sore throat
  • pharyngitis
  • asthma
  • gastritis
  • cholecystitis
  • angina pectoris
  • hypertension
  • insomnia
  • neuroses
  • urolithiasis
  • flatulence
  • dermatitis
  • eczema
  • flu
  • furunculosis
  • colitis
  • enterocolitis
  • enteritis.

It is also used for indigestion, chronic fatigue, stress, hysteria. During menstruation, the decoction helps reduce pain and improve mood. It is also used for obesity to enhance metabolism and reduce appetite.

Application in cosmetology

Mint decoction is used not only in medicine. It is also used in cosmetology for the preparation of refreshing lotions, rejuvenating masks, medicinal compresses. Foot baths with a decoction help get rid of sweating, fungus, calluses, relieve fatigue and swelling.

The decoction helps get rid of shadows and bags under the eyes, tones the skin, and eliminates fine wrinkles. It is also used to narrow enlarged pores, treat acne. Men with sensitive skin, the decoction is recommended in the form of compresses after shaving.


Mint decoction is not useful for everyone; it should not be taken for the following diseases:

  • hypotension
  • individual intolerance
  • acute cholecystitis.

The decoction is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. It is not advisable to give it to children under 5 years of age due to the high risk of developing allergic reactions. It is strictly contraindicated for infants due to possible violation respiratory function.

How to prepare mint for the winter, watch this video:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Chill, chilli mint, peppermint...

As soon as people don't call perennial herbaceous plant, widely used in medicinal purposes.

There are several types of mint, but the most widespread is peppery mint.

It was once bred artificially by crossing watermint and spearmint, wild varieties of the plant.

Mint is extremely popular. It is grown in garden plots, near the house. Mint useful in any form. It is used as a valuable medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic product.

The calorie content of fresh mint is about 70 kcal per 100 g plants.

Composition of mint and methods of use

The composition of peppermint is, first of all, active ingredients plants - essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, bitterness. The essential oil contains up to 60% menthol, which when rubbed causes light feeling cold.

Mint is rich in vitamins A, C, B. It contains a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, etc.

The plant has a pronounced antispasmodic, sedative, antiseptic, choleretic, analgesic effect.

Decoctions and infusions of mint are widely used in treatment various ailments:

1. Improves digestion, gives vigor to the whole body medicinal composition, which is prepared as follows: pour a couple of teaspoons of crushed leaves of the plant with boiling water (1 cup), heat the mixture in a water bath (cover the dish with a lid) for several minutes. Drink warm like tea.

2. Mint is good for the health of those people who are suffering from a cold accompanied by sore throat and cough. In this case, drink a decoction of the plant along with honey.

3. The beneficial properties of mint make it irreplaceable for sleep disorders. The plant is part of the collection, with which you can get rid of insomnia.

To begin with, combine mint leaves and dried lavender flowers (2 parts each), add valerian roots and chamomile flowers (3 parts each). Mix everything and brew 2 tablespoons of the collection with boiling water (1 cup).

Medicinal composition let it brew, then filter it and drink it in three doses throughout the day.

4. Mint is healthy at skin diseases accompanied by unbearable itching . In this case, 50 g of crushed plant leaves are poured with water (about 3 liters). Cook the mixture over very low heat for no more than 3 minutes. After this, the mixture is infused and added to the bath.

This composition is used not only for rashes, but also for nervous overexcitation.

5. Mint is good for the body with diarrhea. In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms use the following mixture: 1 tablespoon of the herb is poured with boiling water (1 glass), infused and drunk twice a day - half the dose in the morning and evening. A prerequisite is to drink in small sips.

And another time-tested recipe for preparing a healing potion for diarrhea based on mint. It is prepared like this: Brew strong tea with the addition of 2-3 mint leaves, drop 2-3 drops of iodine into it (carefully!). If you have upset stool, drink it 2-3 times a day like regular tea.

6. Mint is good for the health of people who know firsthand what it is heart rhythm failure. For arrhythmia, use the composition from 1 teaspoon of plant leaves and 1 cup of boiling water. It is consumed three times a day.

7. The plant is widely used with nervous overexcitation and, neuralgic pain, nausea.

It will help to get rid of such pathologies alcohol tincture mint. It is prepared like this: To begin with, the plant is crushed into powder, then 1 part of the raw material is poured with 20 parts of vodka (preferably alcohol).

The mixture is infused for 2 weeks, as is customary, in the dark, while not forgetting to shake the container with the contents. Drink the composition drop by drop - 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day, washed down with water.

8. The beneficial properties of mint make it possible to use it for cosmetic purposes in the treatment of acne, as well as for enlarged pores and dry flaky skin.

For washing, use a regular decoction of mint, prepared in the classical way.

9. Baths with mint relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs, are an excellent prevention of sweating of the feet and fungal diseases.

For baths, prepare a decoction of 100 g of chopped herbs and 3 liters of boiling water. The mixture is infused for at least half an hour, filtered and combined with water in a basin. Keep your feet in healing composition for about 20 minutes, after which they are rinsed with cool water.

10. Mint relieves for headaches. It is enough to rub your temples and forehead with the leaves of the plant, and discomfort will leave.

11. The low calorie content of mint allows it to be used for weight loss with some success. Of course, it is impossible to get rid of extra pounds with mint alone.

But mint is capable of:

Get rid of nervous overeating

Improve digestion

Cleanse the body

Reduce appetite

Get rid of depression

12. Mint is good for the body and therefore is actively used in cooking different countries . It is used to prepare desserts, sauces, hot dishes, snacks, and drinks.

Mint is added to pies, gingerbread cookies, rolls, cakes, and ice cream. Delicious refreshing tea (hot or cold) and cocktails are prepared with mint. Everyone’s favorite “Mojito” is prepared in two versions: with and without alcohol.

Peppermint oil is used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages, cooking, and perfumery.

13. You can use mint to cook mask for gorgeous hair . To begin with, a small bunch of plants is connected with lemon balm and oak bark (2 teaspoons each). Then boiling water (700 ml) is added to the composition and left overnight.

In the morning, drain the water and add kefir (2 cups). Then mix everything and rub the mixture into the hair roots. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes, after which everything is washed off with water.

Mint: what are the benefits for the body?

The main benefit of mint is its positive effect on nervous system human body. Ordinary mint tea, drunk after a hard day at work, can give good health, give vigor and strength.

Mint is good for health with its ability to improve brain function, stabilize heartbeat, improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels.

The plant is 100% natural product, which (in some cases) replace synthetic drugs.

Mint is extremely beneficial for digestive system. It improves appetite, stimulates saliva production and gastric juice, which in turn leads to easy digestion of food.

Mint freshens breath and cleanses the body of toxins. In addition, the plant improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

Mint fights harmful bacteria, inhabiting the skin and mucous membranes. Thanks to mint, you can achieve a gentle cleansing effect on acne. The plant makes the skin elastic.

Diseases for which mint helps therapeutic effect:

Digestive disorders


Inflammation of teeth and gums

Anxiety, nervousness, insomnia

Headaches, menopause


Skin inflammation

Gynecological problems and diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Mint: what is harmful to health?

Representatives of the stronger sex have heard a lot about the dangers of mint for potency. As is known, the plant has a pronounced sedative effect. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous, emotional people and those who got into stressful situation.

It is the calming and relaxing effect of mint that can cause a temporary loss of “male strength.” This frightens the stronger sex, although there is no other reason to believe that mint is harmful to men’s health.

A cup or two of aromatic mint tea a day is completely safe and, rather, beneficial than harmful to the health of the strong half of humanity.

But in case of hypotension, allergies to menthol, varicose veins, liver and kidney diseases, you should refrain or completely abandon the use of mint.

The harm and benefits of mint for pregnant and nursing mothers

Despite all its beneficial properties, mint is not recommended for use during pregnancy. The fact is that the plant, although natural, is still a medicine. It has its own side effects.

Mint contains a lot of the hormone estrogen, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

However, some experts allow the use pregnant women take a small amount of mint tea per day (up to 4 cups) to avoid nausea, heartburn, and bloating.

But under strict prohibition for expectant mother- mint essential oil. All doctors agree on this opinion.

As for nursing mothers, it is better for them to give up the aromatic drink for a while so as not to provoke a decrease in the amount of milk.

Mint for children: good or bad?

The beneficial properties of mint make it almost indispensable in the treatment of various ailments. Modern pediatricians still have not come to a common opinion at what age can children be given mint: from 3 years old or from 5 years old?

There is no clear answer to this question. But it is known that mint is contraindicated for infants. If you are faced with a problem: whether to give your baby tea or mint decoction or not, then it is best to seek help from a pediatrician. Knowing the characteristics of your child, the doctor is able to correctly resolve the issue.

Is mint good or bad for health? Sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent natural remedy- mint is indispensable in the treatment of many diseases.

The not too high calorie content of mint allows you to use aromatic plant when losing weight. In addition, mint copes well with skin problems. And what is a drink with mint worth, giving vigor, vital energy And good mood?

Mint is beneficial for the human body when consumed wisely.

Medicinal plants have long been used to restore human health. Healing properties mint allows it to be successfully used in many areas of medicine.

Mint: beneficial features for the heart and contraindications

It is known that regular use of mint tincture has a strengthening effect on the heart muscle and prevents heart attacks. Here are the additional properties that mint has for the cardiovascular system:

  1. Reduces high blood pressure.
  2. Increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Helps with arrhythmia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis.
  4. Normalizes heart rhythm.

Contraindications in this case are low blood pressure and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Peppermint essential oil – properties for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system:

Mint leaves - beneficial properties for the digestive system:

  • normalizes intestinal activity;
  • prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria and flatulence;
  • promotes the outflow of bile;
  • prevents cholelithiasis;
  • has a strengthening effect on liver cells, increases their protective functions;
  • relieves nausea;
  • relieves heartburn;
  • reduces increased acidity stomach and warns peptic ulcer;
  • facilitates the functioning of the gallbladder and kidneys.

The healing properties of peppermint for diseases of the nervous system

For severe headaches and migraines, it is recommended to massage the scalp with crushed mint leaves or essential oil. This procedure will have an anesthetic effect and relieve pain syndrome. It is also useful to massage your temples by wetting your fingers in mint tincture or oil.

Medicinal properties of mint for oral diseases:

  1. Disinfects mucous membranes.
  2. Kills pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria.
  3. Strengthens gums.
  4. Fights caries.
  5. Relieves tooth and gum pain.
  6. Relieves pain during the growth of wisdom teeth.
  7. Prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi on the tongue.

Mint tea - properties

Peppermint tea is not only a very tasty drink, but also a medicine. It helps wonderfully against colds, especially if you make tea with honey and lemon. This drink should be consumed warm, up to 6 times a day.

In addition, mint tea can have a beneficial effect on colitis and intestinal pain. It is enough to pour boiling water over several fresh leaves of the plant and crush them with a spoon.

Severe pain during critical days or menopause can also be relieved with mint tea. In this case, you need to make a fairly strong infusion and drink it, adding a little cinnamon.

Even if there is no need for pain relief or treatment, mint tea is known for its restorative properties and beneficial effects on the body as a whole:


Mint should not be used if you are intolerant to its components and allergic reactions. This plant is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is not advisable to use mint in the treatment of young children, except in very small dosages. Mint treatment is prescribed to men with caution, since one of the properties of this plant is a decrease in potency.

Today the plant is widely used as remedy in folk medicine, in pharmaceutical industry, as a flavor enhancer in cooking. The plant was used for treatment various diseases traditional healers. Over time, the popularity of the plant has not diminished; mint is actively used in alternative and official medicine. Let’s try to figure it out together about how mint is beneficial for the body and why the popularity of the herb remains unchanged.

The main thing about mint

Peppermint- a herb that has synonymous names: coldweed, peppermint, motherwort. The mint genus includes forty-two plant species. Kholodyanka is a hybrid product of two popular varieties of mint. The plant grows in gardens and on private estates. Mint is even grown in industrial sizes. It is unpretentious and grows in poor soils and in the shade. If desired, grass can even be grown as an indoor crop in an apartment environment. The plant grows best in moist and light soil. To propagate mint, you can use layering, cuttings or rhizome fragments. The grass blooms from early summer to early autumn. The fruits are extremely rare.

Chemical composition medicinal herb very rich:

  • menthol;
  • saponin;
  • vegetable resins;
  • tannins;
  • fatty oil;
  • various acids;
  • phytosterols.

Main advantage plant product– essential oil. The leaves contain a lot of this product. On average - from three to six percent. The menthol flavor of the essential oil provides a unique cooling taste.

Due to its rich chemical composition, the plant has wide range useful abilities.

Main properties of peppermint

The plant’s ability to help with colds is known. During illness, it is recommended to drink tea with mint; even while drinking the drink, the nose clears and breathing becomes easier. Menthol has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, helps remove mucus and improves expectoration.

It is worth noting the wide therapeutic capabilities of the plant:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasodilators;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • sweatshops.

Thanks to these properties, the plant is widely used in the treatment of many diseases:

What are the benefits of parsley for women?

In cooking, the plant is used in the preparation of meat dishes, soups, liqueurs, compotes and sweets. Particularly popular is mint tea, which has a very pleasant taste and has a tonic effect on the body. In the perfumery industry, mint is used in the manufacture of soaps, creams, lotions and shampoos.

Mint for men's and women's health

Speaking about the effect of mint on women's health, it is necessary to note the beneficial effect of the plant on the condition of the skin and hair. All preparations made from mint have a nourishing, restorative and protective effect on organs and systems. The herb is widely used for therapy gynecological diseases: for preparing baths and douching, prepare a decoction of cold water. These procedures have a soothing, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Medicines for many diseases are prepared using the infusion method. While waiting for the baby, or with toxicosis, the aroma of mint remedy perfectly relieves attacks of nausea. Excessive interest in plants during pregnancy can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother.

For men's health, the mint plant is indispensable. Mint improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, resulting in improved potency and quality of sexual intercourse. For sweaty feet, baths with mat leaves help get rid of this problem. You need to rinse your feet with the broth after washing. The plant is very effective for high blood pressure. Brewed mint leaves with the addition of honey will help normalize the condition, especially in the initial stages hypertension.

How to collect mint correctly

The plant can be purchased at pharmacy kiosk or from herbalists, or you can prepare it yourself. The last option is considered the most optimal, therefore, if you have the opportunity to prepare raw materials yourself, learn these tips:

  1. The plant should be collected in the morning, in dry, windless weather. It is recommended to collect the plant during the flowering period, since at this time the leaves and flowers contain concentrated the largest number useful substances. All above-ground parts, except the stems, are used to prepare teas and medicinal preparations.
  2. The plant blooms in different climatic zones V different time, so it is recommended to collect it according to the local calendar.
  3. To collect raw materials faster, it is recommended to tear off the stems and tear off leaves or flowers at home.
  4. The plant must be dried in a shaded place. The bright sun destroys the beneficial components of the herb. The raw materials must be laid out on a horizontal surface and turned over periodically.
  5. When the leaves or flowers are completely dry, they need to be placed in a glass container that closes tightly. You can wrap the dry plant in paper bags.
  6. The shelf life of dry mint is up to two years.
  7. It is necessary to grind raw materials immediately before use.

The benefits and harms of red tea

When is it better not to eat mint?

Despite the benefits of the plant, not everyone can use it and not always. It is especially undesirable to get carried away with mint and use the plant in large quantities. With an overdose, negative sensations appear and instead of benefit, the body experiences bad influence. For example, it is contraindicated to get involved in mint for men. This is due to an increase in the body's production of female hormones. Excessive passion for mint leads to headaches, sleep disturbances, and lethargy.

There are certain conditions in which you need to give up mint:

  • allergic conditions;
  • low blood pressure;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • the waiting period for the child;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • problems with conception;
  • early childhood up to five years.

Systematic overdose can lead to loss of sensitivity of the body to beneficial substances plants.

In case of intolerance to the product and the appearance negative reactions you need to abandon the plant in any form.

Products with mint in the beauty industry

Mint raw materials are used in the cosmetics industry. It becomes a component of creams, lotions, balms and shampoos. Mint has the ability to reduce sebum production, helps tighten pores and cleanse the skin. Most often, skin care products with mint are used for oily and combination skin. You can wash your hair with mint for any hair type. For dry hair this is nutrition, for oily hair it reduces greasiness and improves appearance.

  • a tablespoon of clean water.
  • All components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Ready product Apply to a previously cleansed face and leave for about twenty minutes until the product dries. After removing the clay mask, the skin should be moisturized with cream. With regular use of a mint mask, there is an improvement in blood supply, relief of inflammatory processes, and a decrease in the greasiness of the skin.

    Hair Mask. There are many recipes for making masks and hair rinses. Very simple and effective recipe decoction for rinsing: brewing an equal amount of linden flowers and mint leaves. For the mask you need to mix jojoba and mint oil. The product should be rubbed into the scalp and left for two hours. You can also sleep with this mask until the morning. The product is effective for hair loss, split ends, brittle and dull hair.

    Face lotion. Concentrated mint infusion helps get rid of skin problems: rashes, peeling, redness. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the raw material (fresh if possible) and let it brew until it cools completely. Wipe your face with a cotton pad several times a day. After just a week of use, the effect will be noticeable and the condition of the skin will significantly improve. Mint - very useful plant, helping to normalize the condition and get rid of many health problems. Consuming the plant in moderate dosage will be excellent natural remedy to tone the body and improve condition.

    In the article we discuss peppermint- medicinal properties and contraindications to its use. You will learn chemical composition plants, and how it is useful for women's and men's health. We will tell you how to use mint to treat gastritis, blood pressure, runny nose and burns. By following our tips, you will learn how to prepare decoctions, infusions, oils and drops from the plant.

    A little about mint - this is a herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family (lat. Lamiaceae). Latin name- Mentha piperita. Other names: motherboard, breastplate.

    Appearance (photo) of mint

    The genus Mint (lat. Mentha) unites 42 species of plants. Peppermint is a hybrid of the aquatic (lat. Mentha aquatica) and garden (lat. Mentha spicata) varieties.

    Growing mint is possible in gardens, on personal plots and at home. You can learn more about home growing from. It is grown on an industrial scale in the Voronezh region and Krasnodar region.

    This is an unpretentious plant that can be grown even on a windowsill. It prefers wet loose soil. Mint is propagated by layering, cuttings and dividing the rhizome.

    The plant has a fibrous horizontal rhizome. The erect stem reaches a height of 100 cm. The shoots are branched, densely covered with leaves.

    The leaves are opposite, pointed, oblong-ovate. The edges of the leaf blade are serrated.

    Small light purple flowers are collected in half-whorls and form spike-shaped inflorescences. Mint blooms from June to September.

    The fruit consists of four nuts. The plant bears fruit very rarely.

    Chemical composition of mint

    What's included medicinal herb:

    • menthol;
    • essential oil;
    • routine;
    • saponins;
    • fatty oil;
    • resins;
    • phytosterols;
    • tannins;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • caffeic acid;
    • oleic acid;
    • chlorogenic acid;
    • ursolic acid;
    • carotene;
    • arginine;
    • glucose.

    Thanks to its rich composition, the plant has a whole range of healing properties..

    Nutritional value and calories

    100 g of mint contains 3.8 g of protein, 0.9 g of fat, 14.9 g of carbohydrates, 8 g dietary fiber, as well as 78.6 g of water.

    Calorie content per 100 grams – 70 kcal.

    How to prepare and store

    Harvest mint in June - July, cutting only fully flowered plants. Collect during the day in dry weather, when there are no dew drops left on the leaves.

    It is better to carefully cut the plant rather than tear it with your hands. You can harvest either whole bushes or individual leaves. Place cut mint in the shade; in the sun it will lose most of its essential oils, and therefore its beneficial properties.

    Immediately after collection, rinse under cold running water and dry thoroughly on paper or regular towels for several hours. Then spread the mint in one layer on paper, dry in a shaded and well-ventilated place for 3-5 days.

    Store in glass jars or linen bags. Shelf life - no more than 2 years.

    How to choose a spice

    When buying spices in a store, pay attention to the packaging, it should be:

    • sealed, check that it is not damaged or opened;
    • opaque so as not to let in the sun's rays.

    Also, be sure to check the expiration date and pay attention to whether the spice is stored in a dry place in the store, away from sunlight.

    Beneficial features

    The healing properties and contraindications of the plant lie in its composition. The main component is menthol, which normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and genitourinary systems.

    Mint is used to treat diseases of the digestive system. It eliminates heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and has choleretic effect. Effectively relieves attacks of nausea and has a calming effect on the gastric mucosa.

    Also good for the liver and gallbladder. It is used to cleanse these organs of waste and toxins, and helps remove stones.

    Mint decoctions, infusions and teas are used for bronchopulmonary diseases. The plant eliminates inflammatory processes in the bronchi and helps remove mucus from them. Mint relieves cold symptoms and has a diaphoretic effect.

    It is also used in dentistry. The plant disinfects the oral cavity. It is useful for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease.

    Mint for women

    Benefits of peppermint for women's health lies in its beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The plant has nutritional, strengthening and protective properties.

    Mint is used in gynecology for treatment inflammatory diseases. A decoction of the plant is added to sitz baths. Such procedures have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Mint for men

    Medicines based on the plant increase potency and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Mint has a negative effect on man's health only with regular overdose. The herb is useful in moderation - 1-2 glasses of mint tea per week.

    A decoction of the herb is used externally to wash the feet. This procedure helps eliminate bad smell and reduces sweating.

    Use in cooking

    Fresh and dried leaves mint. The spice is added to sauces, salads, and drinks. The herb is combined with lamb, poultry, cheeses, fruits and vegetables.

    Peppermint oil is used in the confectionery industry. It is added to baked goods, creams, and desserts.

    Application in cosmetology

    Peppermint essential oil is used in cosmetology

    Peppermint extract is used in the cosmetic industry. It is added to creams, lip balms, masks and hair shampoos.

    Mint regulates sebum production, tightens pores and cleanses the skin. Plant-based cosmetics are used to care for oily and combination skin.

    Mint is suitable for any hair type. Mint shampoos and balms nourish dry hair, reduce oily scalp and improve appearance curls.

    Mask for the face

    Mint nourishes and tones the skin. A decoction of the plant is used to wipe the face in the morning and evening. Peppermint oil is combined with other ingredients and masks are prepared based on them. Such products are suitable for problematic and oily skin.


    1. Yellow clay - 1 tablespoon.
    2. Peppermint essential oil - 2 drops.
    3. Almond oil - 2 teaspoons.
    4. Lemon oil - 1 drop.
    5. Water - 1 tablespoon.

    How to cook: Dilute the clay with water, stir until smooth. Add oil and stir.

    How to use: Wash your face, blot off excess liquid with a dry cloth and apply a mask. Rinse off the product with warm water after 15 minutes when the clay dries. After the procedure, moisturize the skin with cream.

    Result: The mask increases blood supply to the skin, eliminates inflammation and reduces the oiliness of the epidermis.

    Hair Mask

    A decoction of the plant is used to rinse hair after washing your hair. Mint extract is added to ready-made cosmetical tools for hair care or make homemade masks based on it. They are suitable for oily hair types.


    1. Peppermint oil - 2 drops.
    2. Jojoba oil - 20 ml.

    How to cook: Heat jojoba oil in a water bath to 36-37 degrees, add mint oil, stir. The amount of product indicated in the recipe is designed for medium-length hair.

    How to use: Rub the resulting mixture of oils into the scalp with massage movements. Comb your hair with a fine comb to distribute the mask over the entire length of your hair. Wrap your head in plastic, insulate it with a towel and keep the product on for 2 hours. The mask can be left on all night. Next, rinse your hair with water lemon juice(for 1 glass of water 1 teaspoon of juice) and rinse with shampoo.

    Result: The mask prevents hair loss, accelerates hair growth and improves appearance.

    Use in folk medicine

    IN home medicine decoctions, infusions, drops and oil are made from mint

    In folk medicine, mint leaves are used as a medicinal raw material. Raw materials are harvested during the flowering period of the plant. For medicinal use medicinal herbs, infusions, decoctions, and oils are prepared on its basis.

    Like any other medicinal plant, mint has its own consumption rate, exceeding which leads to negative consequences. Daily rate fresh mint leaves - up to 15 g, mint drinks - no more than 2 glasses.

    You have learned about the uses and contraindications of peppermint. Let's take a closer look at recipes for preparing plant-based medicines.

    Decoction for gastritis

    A decoction of medicinal herbs normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of waste products and increases appetite. The drink is used for the prevention and treatment of gastritis and other stomach disorders.


    1. Leaves of the plant - 1 tablespoon.
    2. Water - 500 ml.

    How to cook: Pour boiling water over the mint leaves, place in a water bath and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, insulate with a towel and leave for at least 15 minutes.

    How to use: Take ½ glass 3 times a day.

    Result: The drink reduces the acidity of gastric juice, eliminates inflammation and pain.

    Pressure infusion


    1. Dried herb - 1 teaspoon.
    2. Water - 200 ml.
    3. Honey - 1 teaspoon.

    How to cook: Grind the leaves, pour boiling water, cover and let steep for 20 minutes. Dissolve a spoonful of honey in the drink.

    How to use: Take 1 tablespoon of the drink 3 times a day.

    Result: The infusion lowers blood pressure, calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

    Oil for burns

    This oil is used as antiseptic for treatment skin diseases and restoration of the epidermis after burns. The product eliminates inflammation and accelerates skin healing.


    1. Dried mint - 100 gr.
    2. Vegetable oil - 200 ml.

    How to cook: Cut the raw materials, place them on the bottom of a glass container, pour in oil heated to 37 degrees and close the lid tightly. Infuse the product for 8 weeks. Shake the oil periodically. Strain the finished product through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator.

    How to use: Apply the oil to damaged areas of the skin and leave until completely absorbed.

    Result: The product accelerates regeneration, softens the skin and prevents scarring.

    Cold drops

    Mint drops are used to treat a runny nose and relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. They effectively eliminate hoarseness. Menthol is included in pharmaceuticals for the treatment of runny nose.


    1. Leaves of the plant - 10 gr.
    2. Water - 300 ml.

    How to cook: Grind mint leaves, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour. Strain the finished product through a double layer of gauze. Store in the refrigerator.

    How to use: Place 2 drops in each nostril.

    Result: Drops facilitate breathing, relieve inflammation and swelling of the sinuses.

    For more information about mint, see the video:

    Use for weight loss

    Mint is used for weight loss. Tea is brewed and added to food during the cooking process. The smell of mint reduces appetite, and chemical substances It contains a calming effect on the nervous system. By removing overexcitation of the central nervous system, the feeling of hunger is also dulled. The process of losing weight becomes less alarming.

    Mint cleanses the body of toxins. And if you add a piece of ginger to your tea, the drink will help speed up your metabolism.

    To prepare tea, brew a few mint leaves in a glass of boiling water or green tea and drink 1-3 cups a day. Do not overdo it with this drink if you have low blood pressure or bradycardia.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Before starting treatment with mint-based products, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate dosage and course of administration. An overdose of mint leads to drowsiness.

    Contraindications to the use of herbal medicines:

    • low blood pressure;
    • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • children's age up to 6 years;
    • individual intolerance.

    You learned about the benefits of mint medicines and contraindications to their use. Let's summarize.

    What to remember

    1. Mint is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and home medicine, and is also used for weight loss.
    2. The beneficial properties of mint and contraindications to its use lie in the composition of the plant.
    3. Plant-based products have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects.
    4. Before using mint as a medicine It is necessary to consult a specialist, especially during pregnancy.