Fir oil: what it is used for, what it treats, how to use it. Application of fir essential oil. Treatment of runny nose, hemorrhoids, kidneys, joints, osteochondrosis, prostatitis with fir oil

Fir oil Since time immemorial, it has been valued for its unique properties. This is a healing remedy plant origin used for many ailments. It has a minimum of contraindications and does not cause serious side effects. But despite this, fir oil is quite effective.

Medicinal properties of fir oil

Fir oil is produced directly from pine needles, using young shoots. The liquid has an unusual aroma. The composition of fir oil is very rich. This is due to a number of his beneficial properties. This remedy contains:

  • tannins - help cope with bacteria and have a pronounced antiseptic effect;
  • carotene - restores damaged cells and has antioxidant properties;
  • vitamin C - helps increase immunity and strengthen the vascular wall;
  • tocopherols - improve metabolism and inhibit the formation of atherosclerotic deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Additionally, fir oil contains:

  • phytoncides;
  • camphor;
  • myrcene;
  • bronylacetate.

Fir oil has a wide range of applications

Basic medicinal properties fir oil:

  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • helps increase the body's resistance to various infections;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • accelerates recovery from inflammation of the bronchi and lungs;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • provides therapeutic effect on nervous system;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • tones.

This natural healing remedy has been used since the time of Hippocrates. IN Ancient Rus' These raw materials were also valued. They were treated for various ailments without resorting to additional means.

Advantages of fir oil - video

Methods of external use

Fir oil is used externally for therapy various diseases.

For the treatment of runny nose and sinusitis

To treat runny nose and sinusitis, oil can be used in two ways:

  1. Blow your nose thoroughly before use.
  2. Then soak cotton swabs in fir oil, squeeze lightly and insert into the nostrils. This compress should be left for 10 minutes, then removed.
  3. You can also simply lubricate the mucous membrane cotton swab thoroughly soaked in oil.

The course of treatment is 10 days. The procedure should be carried out immediately before bedtime.

To get rid of cough

You will need to boil 1 liter of water. Then drop 5 drops of fir oil into it and, leaning over the container, inhale the vapors alternately through the mouth and nose. One procedure per day is enough. This method is effective when various types cough. A total of at least 10 sessions are required.

Treating coughs and colds with fir oil - video

For the treatment of joints

To relieve pain and relieve inflammation, you need to rub the problem area with fir oil. To do this, you do not need to use it in large quantities. A couple of drops is enough. This volume of liquid should be used to rub each joint. The course of treatment is one month or more.

For the treatment of herpes and gum inflammation

Fir oil is very effective against various viral and infectious processes. If you have a herpetic blister, it should be lubricated with this product 3 times a day for a week. As a result, there will be no trace left of the manifestations of the virus.

If the gums are inflamed, it is necessary to treat them with a cotton swab dipped in oil 2 times a day. In this case, you need to abstain from food for half an hour. Then rinse your mouth. There are 10 procedures in total.

To get rid of herpes, you need to lubricate the affected areas with fir oil

To relieve sore throat due to sore throat

In this case, the remedy will not only eliminate discomfort, but also relieve inflammation. To do this, you need to lubricate the tonsils with a cotton swab dipped in oil. Refrain from eating for an hour. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day for a week.

For headaches

Rub a few drops of oil on your temples with soft massage movements. Use as headaches appear.

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve using fir oil - video

To eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the legs

You need to prepare a bath. To do this, you need to dissolve 3 drops of fir oil in 1 tbsp. l. milk and add to a bowl of warm water. Keep your feet in it for at least 15 minutes, then put on warm socks. This procedure will help relieve fatigue from your legs and will be an excellent prevention of colds.

To eliminate inflammatory processes in the vagina

In this case, it is recommended to wash the external genitalia with a solution of fir oil. To do this, you need to add it to warm water in the amount of a couple of drops per 500 ml of water. You need to wash yourself with this solution 2 times a day for a week.

Fir oil for treating children

Fir oil is quite often used to treat children. This product is mixed with baby cream and rubbed onto the baby’s chest and back. colds and inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract.

Essential oils: helping children from the first day of life - video

Fir oil for oral administration

Fir oil is used not only externally, but also internally:

  • to lower blood pressure. You need to add 3 drops of oil to a piece of sugar and eat. After some time, the pressure returns to normal. You can take this remedy as unpleasant symptoms arise;
  • for the treatment of liver diseases. Dissolve 4 drops of oil in 100 ml of liquid room temperature. The water must be shaken thoroughly to mix thoroughly. Then take a sip 2 times a day for a week;
  • to get rid of heartburn. It is recommended to dissolve 3 drops of oil in 150 ml of filtered water and drink the contents throughout the day. You can use it as soon as a heartburn attack occurs.

Fir oil can be used internally only in a minimal dosage, otherwise it can cause intoxication and serious dyspeptic disorders.

Use in aromatherapy

Fir oil is used in aromatherapy. The smell of this plant material relieves fatigue, gives strength and improves mood. Just 5 drops are enough for an aroma lamp to fill the room with the smell of the forest. This oil is often used in the bath. You can dissolve a few drops in a basin with hot water and soak a broom in it. Then walk it over the skin affected by cellulite. In addition to eliminating fat deposits, fir will increase immunity and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the lungs.

The sauna allows you to widely use fir oil

Additionally, in a steam room, you can massage your back or sore joints with fir oil. This will increase blood circulation and help relieve symptoms of chronic ailments.

If you add a few drops of oil to the coals, the steam room will have a unique aroma of pine needles, which helps improve your mood and gives you strength. Experienced village healers used this trick to treat apathy, poor appetite and to relieve cough.


Main contraindications for use:

  • children under 5 years of age;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments (especially for oral administration);
  • epilepsy;
  • increased sensitivity to conifers;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • open wounds.

It is very important to conduct a small skin test before use, which will show whether fir oil is suitable for a particular person. To do this, apply one drop of the product to your wrist or elbow. Leave for 10 minutes. If there are no rashes or itching, then fir oil can be used.

Hello, friends!

I found a bottle of fir oil at home and thought that I hadn’t yet told you how I actively used it in the most different situations. Now there is no particular need for it, so I forgot about it. But the use of fir oil is worthy of attention.

The healing properties of fir oil are simply amazing and thanks to them, such a miracle is used both externally and internally: for a runny nose and cough, sore throat, joint pain, radiculitis and burns, mastopathy and acne.

Fir oil: medicinal properties

Fir is a very smart tree; it cannot grow in a polluted atmosphere, but only in the cleanest ecological regions, mainly in Eastern Siberia. Therefore, the natural oil produced from parts of this tree is truly pure.

Fir oil has been used since ancient times in folk medicine, it is one of the most expensive pine oils. Although industry now produces it in large volumes, so the price of a bottle of fir oil in a pharmacy is about 40 rubles per 10 ml.

Oil with the most pleasant aroma creates a unique smell of fresh coniferous forest in the premises. To do this, you can leave it in in the right place a piece of cloth soaked in oil.

A bath with fir oil calms the nerves, helps relax muscles, relieve fatigue, promotes calm, deep sleep and generally prolongs youth. It is enough to add 3-5 grams of oil to the bath.

What is the secret of the life-giving power of fir oil, how is it useful?

Fir oil contains more than 35 useful substances, which kill microbes, stimulate protective forces body, increase blood circulation in organs, improve their functioning.

Fir medicine tones, strengthens, activates the function of the sex glands, endocrine system. Relieves inflammation and provides excellent pain relief.

And most importantly - biologically active substances fir oil is able to penetrate deep through the skin and tissue to the very source of the disease.

Application of fir oil

In its properties and application, it is very similar to, to which we have already devoted a separate topic.

Fir oil for colds and flu, coughs, sore throats

When I had a cold, I first of all used fir oil.

  1. You can rub your feet, arms, chest, and back with it - up to six times a day.
  2. Fir oil for a runny nose is instilled into the nose one drop at a time. True, I didn’t really like this procedure, as there was a slight burning sensation, sneezing, and tears flowed from my eyes. Although after 15 minutes everything passed. But this is much better than instilling naphthyzin, which you get used to and then cannot get rid of. By the way, fir oil helps.

I gave preference to inhalations.

  1. Inhalations with fir oil are good for a runny nose and cough; they are effective for bronchitis, both acute and chronic, for pneumonia, and even relieve asthma attacks.

Before the procedure, do a sensitivity test to fir malt to see if you are allergic to it.

Boil water and drop 2-3 drops into it essential oil fir, cover with a large towel and breathe over the vapor for no more than 5-7 minutes.

I liked this kind of treatment, because at the same time you breathe in the pine aroma, as if you were in the taiga. And relief came immediately.

You can achieve a kind of inhalation if, after rubbing your body with oil, you cover your head with a blanket and breathe for a few minutes.

  1. If your nose is stuffy, you can breathe in the vapors of fir oil by dropping it on a handkerchief and bringing it to your nose.
  2. We also practiced taking fir oil for coughs internally - putting 3-5 drops of oil in your mouth at night and swallowing them.
  3. Likewise, for a sore throat, 1-2 drops of pure oil were dripped deeper onto the tonsils. You can lubricate the tonsils with a cotton swab dipped in oil. It is advisable to also instill fir oil into the nose at the same time.

The use of fir oil for skin problems and toothache

Juvenile acne can be easily treated with fir oil; to do this, apply it to acne and pimples before going to bed.

Fir oil is used to remove warts and treat nail fungus and herpes. The desired area is lubricated 3-4 times a day with pure oil.

For diaper rash, psoriasis, minor cuts and scratches, treat the surface with pure oil.

On large area wounds pure form Oil should not be used as it may cause burns. In such cases (for eczema, ulcers, festering wounds, lichen), make an ointment with the addition of any fat - melted butter, domestic goose, pig or badger. For 1 part oil – 2 parts fat.

The ointment is well mixed and used 2-3 times a day for up to 25 days in a row.

For bleeding gums or toothache, moisten a strip of bandage in clean oil and apply it to the gum. First hold it for 15-20 minutes on one side of the tooth, then transfer the bandage to the other side.

Fir oil in gynecology

For warning inflammatory diseases It is recommended to take baths from decoctions of chamomile, calendula, linden with the addition of fir oil. Such baths improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

For mastitis, apply compresses to the chest with fir oil, which is pre-mixed with baby cream.

Here are some recipes for using fir oil, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by the experience of traditional medicine and the results of numerous scientific studies.


Clean fir oil applied to the tonsils using a pipette or cotton swab or irrigated with a syringe. The procedure is repeated 2-5 times a day at intervals of 4-6 hours.

For chronic tonsillitis, in addition to lubricating the tonsils, 1-2 drops of oil are instilled into the nose. Initially, a burning sensation, sneezing, watery eyes, and mucus discharge from the nose appear. However, after 15-20 minutes these discomfort will pass, but healing effect will be higher.

Bronchitis, pneumonia

Combine rubbing with inhalation with fir oil. At home, it is done like this: add 3-4 drops of oil to an enamel vessel with boiling water, inhale the steam, covering your head over the vessel with a scarf. After inhalation, rub the chest with oil and cover with a warm blanket. You can also use inhalers for inhalation.

Flu, acute respiratory infections and other colds.

Rub oil into the collar area of ​​the back, chest, massage with oil along the reflex zones 4-5 times during the day, every 5-6 hours. After each procedure, the patient is wrapped in compress paper, covered with a warm blanket, given a diaphoretic infusion from a collection of herbs, put on warm wool socks. You can also drop 1 drop of oil into each nostril.

Diathesis in children

Mix 1 part fir oil and 3 parts baby cream or olive oil with added vitamin C. You can prepare an ointment from 3 parts fir oil, 3 parts sulfur ointment and 4 parts baby cream. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Skin diseases

Fir oil used as a wound healing and anti-burn agent. In many cases, it is enough to soak a napkin and apply it to the burn surface or wound.

Weeping eczema

Prepare an ointment on any fat basis in a proportion of 3-4 parts fir oil and 6-7 parts internal unsalted fat. Lubricate the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is from 8-12 to 24 days.


Fir oil used to treat wounds, cuts, scratches. Fresh, pure fir oil prevents suppuration. However: large area wounds cannot be treated with oil!

Boils, carbuncles, panaritiums

Prepare a mixture of 7 parts fir oil and 3 parts of Vishnevsky ointment. Apply the resulting composition to a bandage and apply it to the affected area, cover with compress paper and tie. The dressing is changed 2-3 times a day. In areas with rough skin, you can make bandages with a compress from clean fir oil, but you can get a slight burn (!).

Third degree burn (A and B)

An emulsion is prepared from 3 parts oil and 7 parts spermaceti for lubrication. (At home, you can prepare an ointment in the same proportion on any fat base.) Lubricate the burn 2-3 times a day.

Periodontal disease, toothache, stomatitis, gingivitis

A cotton swab or bandage is moistened with oil and applied to the diseased tooth or mucous membrane for 10-15 minutes. For toothache, repeat after 1.5-2 hours. For periodontal disease, 15-20 applications are required, repeating the course after 4-6 months. For severe periodontal disease, it is advisable to carry out at least 3 courses. It is important to avoid burning the mucous membrane!

Severe cough, whooping cough

Drop 3-5 drops of pure oil from a pipette onto the root of the tongue in the morning and before bed.

Fractures, bruises

Rubbing in progress fir oil to the area of ​​a fracture or bruise, which speeds up the process of bone fusion and healing. Shilajit-asil is taken orally, 0.5 g in the morning and at night. The frequency of rubbing is 2 times a day.

Rheumatoid polyarthritis, inflammatory arthritis

Clean fir oil rubbed into joints previously wiped with alcohol or sea water. After rubbing, the compress is repeated.

Radiculitis, plexitis, sciatica, myositis

A small amount of fir oil rub into the area of ​​severe pain. The effectiveness of treatment increases when rubbed after taking a bath or warming the sore areas. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Also used fir oil for pain in the legs, ankles, knees, and hip joints.


After the massage is completed, rub fir oil to the area of ​​pain along the spine. The course of treatment is long - 3-4 weeks, repeated after a 2-week break.

Angina pectoris

When an attack of pain occurs in the heart area, drop 5-6 drops onto the palm of your hand fir oil and rub it on the left under the nipple. As a preventative measure, you can rub in a few drops a day; if the attacks are severe, then rub in 3-4 times for 2 days. Improvement should occur immediately after rubbing. Excessive rubbing is not recommended.

Inflammation of the lungs and airways

A combination of rubbing the chest, throat and back in the interscapular space and inhalation with fir oil at home help to cope with these diseases. Duration of inhalations up to 10 minutes.

Prostate adenoma

Heat 40-50 ml of fir water to 40°C, add 5 drops to it fir oil, shake well and put into a syringe. Squeeze out excess air from it, then insert the tip into the rectum, inject the contents into it, and hold it in the rectum for 10-15 minutes. If the procedure does not cause a burning sensation, then the next day you can add 2 more drops fir oil and consistently increase the number of drops fir oil until 10-12.


At severe cough pure fir oil drop 3-5 drops from a pipette onto the root of the tongue in the morning and evening before bed. The course of treatment is up to 7 days.

Colitis, enterocolitis

Using a mixer, beat 5-6 drops of oil in 100 ml of distilled or boiled water. Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Remember! If you have a stomach ulcer, you should not take fir oil.


Take fir baths (3-6 drops of oil in the bath) for 25-30 minutes. Baths are taken every other day, for a course of 10-12 baths.

Fir oil is a valuable cosmetic product

Thanks to its rejuvenating effect, you can get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin. These properties fir oil are especially actively implemented after taking hot bath(38°C) with 3-5 drops added to it. After 15-20 minutes, a feeling of lightness and youth appears, fatigue disappears, and stress is relieved. Staying longer in a fir bath helps relax muscles, falling asleep quickly. At the same time, sleep becomes calm and deep.

It should be noted that such procedures have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and help get rid of insomnia and neuroses.

In folk medicine fir oil successfully used in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases.

Remember! Fir oil is contraindicated for diseases of cardio-vascular system and during pregnancy.

  • In some people, fir oil and other pine needle preparations cause allergic reactions. Such people use fir oil contraindicated.
  • You cannot combine treatment with fir oil and alcohol consumption. Any alcoholic drinks, even beer, during treatment and for two days after finishing taking fir oil contraindicated, otherwise there will be no therapeutic effect.
  • You should not take fir oil if you have a stomach ulcer..
  • With a runny nose It is recommended to rub a drop of oil with your finger along the bridge of the nose.
  • For sore throat You should wrap cotton wool around a wooden stick, dip it in fir oil and lubricate your throat. Four procedures are enough to completely cure a sore throat. You can use a pipette to drop 1-2 drops onto the tonsils, or apply irrigation from a syringe. After 5-6 hours, the procedure is repeated. After 1-2 days the disease will stop.
  • Flu can be cured within 24 hours. To do this, you need to wipe the patient’s body every 2 hours with a cotton swab soaked in fir oil. At the same time, place 1 drop of oil into your nose.
  • For herpes With the first appearance of rashes and painful sensations, it is recommended to moisten a cotton ball with fir oil and apply it to the sore spot for 15 minutes.
  • When coughing It’s very good to put 2-3 drops of oil in your mouth. Repeat the procedure after 4-6 hours and before bedtime.
  • Diaper rash, bedsores lubricate with pure fir oil. After 2-3 procedures, healing usually occurs.
  • Fungus on feet cured with fir oil applied as a lotion for 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is 4-7 days.
  • Periodontal disease They are treated by applying a cotton wool moistened with oil to the gums for 15-20 minutes.
  • For toothache A cotton wool moistened with fir oil is applied to the diseased tooth for 15-20 minutes.
  • For sinusitis Place 3-4 drops of oil in each nostril. Do inhalations: add 8-10 drops of fir oil to a pan of boiling water and, wrapping your head, inhale the steam for 15 minutes.
  • For radiculitis are treated with compresses using fir oil. It is advisable to make a compress after a pine bath, at night before bed. The course of treatment is up to 7 days.
  • For compresses soak a sheet of paper in oil, apply it to the sore spot, and tie it with a warm scarf. Keep the compress for 20-30 minutes, but no more, so as not to get burns.

The uniqueness of fir lies in hypersensitivity to air pollution. The tree lives only in the purest conditions environment, therefore, preparations made from it are absolutely environmentally friendly. The product is becoming increasingly popular because fir oil treats almost all ailments. It has a wide range of applications due to its numerous and very diverse properties:

  • antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • wound healing and regenerative;
  • mucolytic;
  • warming;
  • relaxing and calming;
  • tonic;
  • painkiller.

Fir oil is used in treatment large number diseases

Diseases for which fir oil is used

Folk and traditional medicine widely practice the treatment of various diseases with the help of this healing agent. However, fir oil also has a number of serious limitations:

  • renal pathologies;
  • peptic ulcers and gastritis;
  • pregnancy (especially early dates) and breastfeeding;
  • allergy to pine preparation.

Therefore, before use, be sure to visit a specialist for detailed consultation, and when using, follow the indicated dosages. Proper handling of the drug will ensure effective treatment and the desired result.

Medicine uses fir oil for external or internal use.

Ways to use aromatic product

Fir oil is used different ways:

  • in an aroma lamp or medallion;
  • in baths (general, foot);
  • for massage;
  • for compresses;
  • in inhalations;
  • for rinsing;
  • lubricating damaged skin areas;
  • for cosmetic purposes.

Healing recipes in the treatment of ENT diseases

The centuries-old experience of traditional medicine has confirmed the effectiveness of many recipes.

For sore throat chronic form combine lubricating the tonsils and instilling 1-2 drops of fir oil into the nasal passages. After instillation, sneezing, lacrimation, burning, and nasal discharge appear, which disappear after 15–20 minutes. Similar instillations into the nose are also indicated for adenoids.

Treatment for sore throat is well complemented by gargling: mix half a teaspoon of honey, salt or soda with a couple of drops this drug and dilute in a glass of warm water.

Since tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is infectious nature, fir oil exhibits its bactericidal and antiviral properties well in complex therapy diseases.

To treat sinusitis, drop 3 drops of the drug into the nasal passages three times a day and inhale. Pour into a deep bowl hot water, add fir oil (10 drops), cover your head and inhale the medicinal steam through your nose until it cools.

When treating diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis, hot inhalations and oil rubbing are combined. The inhalation procedure is described above. Afterwards, they rub their back and chest with aroma oil and wrap themselves in a warm blanket to sweat well. When the temperature increases, hot inhalation is replaced by aromatizing the room using an aroma lamp.

Help in treating hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids in folk medicine are treated with oil mixtures.

Fir oil with castor oil (1:1) is used for frequent lubrication of external components. For internal hemorrhoids Cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of equal parts of sea buckthorn and fir oils are effective. Place at least 3 tampons throughout the day. Fir oil relieves inflammation well and quickly eliminates pain.

Dental use

Toothache will subside if you apply a cotton pad soaked in fir oil to the painful tooth or gum next to it for 10–15 minutes. After 2 hours you can repeat.

Periodontal disease is often the cause of tooth loss. Its treatment is more effective with oil applications. They must be done at least 20. The course is repeated after 4–6 months. Severe periodontal disease requires at least 3 courses. The main thing is to prevent burns to the mucous membrane during treatment.

For stomatitis, it is useful to massage your gums every six months. The course of treatment lasts 3–4 weeks, the procedure is performed twice per day. The technique is as follows: drop 4-6 drops of essential oil onto a double layer of bandage wrapped forefinger and massage each gum from the outside, and then with inside. At the end of the procedure, the teeth are wiped.

Toothache will subside if you apply a cotton pad soaked in fir oil to the painful tooth or gum next to it for 10–15 minutes.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Statistics say that spinal hernia is a problem for every thousandth person, i.e. The pathology is not that rare. If official medicine for some reason cannot cope with the disease, folk medicine comes to the rescue. It offers a simple, safe and quite effective treatment.

The painful area is thoroughly rubbed with fir oil. Honey, previously diluted with mumiyo (1 g per 100 g of honey), is applied to the area heated by rubbing. Then standard massage pats are performed. Due to honey sticking to your hands, you may experience unpleasant painful sensations. We'll have to be patient. But the pain should not be too severe. After the session, the affected area is lubricated with any well-warming ointment (for example, finalgon) and the back is wrapped. It is better to do this procedure at night. Course - 30 days. During this time, the herniated spine will become less of a concern. Just trust yourself in the hands of a professional.

Arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis- types of joint diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes, pain, and limited movement. To alleviate the condition and slow down the progression of the disease, you can apply warm sea salt to the sore joints for half an hour. Then lubricate the heated areas with fir oil, rub it in lightly, and again apply a warm salt compress.

If your legs hurt, including the knee or ankle joints, warm them up in a warm bath and rub a little into the most painful places aromatic oil fir trees Do at least 10 procedures.

In case of spinal hernia, the painful area is thoroughly rubbed with fir oil.


The trigeminal nerve provides sensation to the face. With neuralgia (painful lesion) of this nerve, severe shooting pain occurs. Fir oil is very effective in this case. It's for a short time completely eliminates inflammatory process and excruciating pain. The recipe is simple. For three days in a row, rub the drug into the skin with a cotton swab up to 6 times a day. To prevent skin burns, rub with light movements, without much intensity. There may be some redness and swelling of the skin, but this goes away with the disease, and trigeminal nerve stops bothering me.

Genitourinary area

Prostatitis is a disease of men most different ages. His treatment consists of a whole complex of sequential measures. However, often traditional methods turn out to be no worse than modern medical ones, and several days of such procedures significantly improve the patient’s condition. For example, before going to bed, insert a pharmaceutical suppository with cocoa butter into the rectum, after dropping fir oil on it (up to 10 drops). The course lasts from 25 to 30 days. During this time they leave painful sensations, hemorrhoids, potency increases. Candles should be stored in the refrigerator.

Treatment urolithiasis begins with a weekly intake of decoctions of diuretic herbs in combination with natural juices (except beetroot). In the second week, the treatment is supplemented with 5 drops of aromatic fir oil per glass herbal decoction 3 times a day. This completes the course. After a three-week break, this treatment can be repeated.

For urolithiasis, fir oil is added to the decoction of diuretic herbs.

Among essential oils, fir oil is one of the most popular, thanks to its whole complex unique properties, which are successfully used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

It is also used in aromatherapy and psychotherapy for correction emotional states, in cosmetology - for rejuvenation, toning, cleansing the skin, in everyday life - for disinfection. The raw materials for production are needles and young shoots of fir - a tree that can only grow in ecologically clean regions. Therefore, fir essential oil is an exceptionally pure product, which also has high biological activity.

Properties of fir oil

  • General strengthening;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Expectorant;
  • Tonic;
  • Disinfectant;
  • Deodorizing.

Treatment with fir oil

In folk medicine, fir oil is used to combat acute respiratory infections and influenza, skin diseases, for healing wounds from injuries, bruises, burns and many other diseases. It is used to soothe toothache, rinse for periodontal disease, and rub in for radiculitis.

In general, the range of procedures used with fir essential oil is very wide - from spraying indoors and using in aroma lamps (which is wonderful prophylactic during periods) and ending with oral administration. The latter, however, should be done with great caution, and only as prescribed by a doctor. Fir oil, which is used in various procedures can speed up recovery many times over; it should also not be applied to the skin in its pure form. It must be used only on a basic basis, which can be any other oil, sea or regular salt, or fat.

Colds and flu

Inhalations with fir oil are a wonderful remedy for fighting the flu. If you don’t have an inhaler, you can use a regular bowl at home.

Boil a liter of water and add a tablespoon to it sea ​​salt, onto which you need to drop 2-3 drops of fir oil. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe the steam for 7-10 minutes.

Periodontal disease, toothache and oral diseases

Rinses with fir oil and honey are carried out: dilute a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, onto which drop 1-2 drops of fir oil. You can make applications from this solution by moistening a cotton or gauze swab in it and applying it to a sore tooth or sore gums for 20-30 minutes.

Burns, wounds, injuries

To a tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil add 5-7 drops of fir oil and apply this mixture to the affected areas of the skin.

Ulcers (boils, carbuncles, eczema)

Combine fir oil with Vishnevsky ointment in a ratio of 3/7 and apply a compress to the area where the abscess is ripening. Cover with compress paper, bandage and change compresses 2-3 times a day until the abscess has fully matured and broken through.

Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, myositis

A massage with any cosmetic oil containing fir oil in a 3/1 ratio will bring relief.


Add to a teaspoon of any vegetable oil a few drops of fir oil and lubricate with this mixture several times a day (a slight burning sensation may be felt).


Baths with fir oil will help get rid of foot fungus. Add 3 tbsp to 5 liters of warm water. spoons of soda, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt and 10 drops of oil. These baths should be done every evening, duration – 15 minutes.


Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to take advantage of the unique healing properties, which fir oil has. There are quite a few contraindications for its use:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • and duodenum;
  • gastritis;
  • allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

The latter, by the way, does not happen so rarely, so before undertaking treatment with fir oil, it is necessary to conduct skin and respiratory tests for sensitivity to it.

Sensitivity tests

Apply a drop of oil to a cotton swab or handkerchief and inhale the scent several times throughout the day. If no reactions appear - lacrimation, redness of the face, itching, discomfort in the nose - then there is no individual intolerance.

But this is not a guarantee that it will not arise allergic reaction. Therefore, after the breath test, you also need to do a skin test. Mix a drop of fir oil with a teaspoon of any vegetable oil and apply the mixture to any sensitive area of ​​the skin, for example, the inner crease of the elbow. If after a few hours the skin does not turn red, no rashes, burning or itching appear, fir oil can be used.