Medications to strengthen cerebral blood vessels. Video: vasodilators. Which medications are used in therapy?

Numerous organs and tissues of the body are penetrated by vessels in which blood circulates non-stop. Thanks to its continuous movement, the main processes in the body occur - gas exchange, heat transfer, provision of nutrients and valuable products of their metabolism.

Very rare: urinary incontinence in women. Reproductive system and breast disorders. Unusual: erectile disfunction. Very often: weakness. Description of selected adverse reactions. Dizziness, fainting, headache and weakness are usually mild and are more likely to occur early in treatment.

Heart failure is a frequently reported adverse event in both patients receiving placebo and carvedilol. The most common adverse reactions observed with carvedilol in clinical trials in patients with chronic heart failure and not observed at comparable rates in patients receiving placebo are described below.

Each organ has its own regional circulatory system, with characteristic features and individual physiology. The human brain is riddled with blood vessels.

Not only its own functions, but also health depend on a stable supply of blood to the brain nervous system body, as well as hearing, vision, speech activity.

Undesirable effects in left ventricular dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction. Undesirable effects in hypertension and chronic treatment coronary disease hearts. Profile side effects associated with the use of carvedilol in the treatment of hypertension and long-term treatment of coronary artery disease is consistent with the profile observed in patients with heart failure. The incidence of adverse events in these patient groups is lower than in patients with heart failure.

Common: dizziness, headache and fatigue, usually mild and occurring especially at the beginning of treatment. Often: depressed mood, sleep disturbances, paresthesia. Common: bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension and less syncope, especially early in treatment.

The use of vasodilator drugs for the brain allows you to maintain its activity for many years and helps to overcome many diseases.

Calcium antagonists or calcium channel blockers

Tested and widely known drugs that increase the lumen of blood vessels, including in brain tissue, are aminophylline and papaverine. In the middle of the last century, these drugs were the main helpers for patients with vascular problems. They can be attributed to the predecessors of representatives most important group medications called "calcium antagonists".

Unusual: disturbances peripheral circulation, atrioventricular block, angina pectoris, symptoms of heart failure and peripheral edema. Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders. Common: asthma and shortness of breath in susceptible patients. Rarely: nasal congestion, flu symptoms.

Often: complaints about gastrointestinal tract. Uncommon: constipation and vomiting. Skin disorders and subcutaneous tissue. Unusual: skin reactions. Blood and lymphatic system. General: pain in limbs, decreased tears, eye irritation. Unusual: impotence, visual disturbances.

The most studied representatives of this group are verapamil and nifedipine. They are considered prototypes for other, more advanced drugs developed later. Nifedipine is characterized by a predominant effect on the blood vessels of the brain and is the active ingredient of well-known generic drugs, including Adalat, Cordafen, Cordaflex, Corinfar.

Rare: dry mouth mucus, urinary problems. Isolated cases have been reported allergic reactions. Post-marketing experience. Isolated cases of urinary incontinence have been reported in women that resolved after discontinuation of use. Group action - metabolic disorders.

Beta-adrenergic blockers, as a class of medications, may cause hidden diabetes, increase the severity of diabetes, or inhibit blood glucose regulation. Once a drug is approved for marketing, it is important to report suspected adverse reactions. This allows for continuous monitoring of the benefit-risk ratio of the drug. Persons belonging to a professional medical personnel, must report any suspected adverse reactions through the Department medicines, medicines and biocidal products.

Patients with impaired blood supply to the brain in combination with increased blood pressure a course of taking such drugs is prescribed. Nifedipine is taken orally, in tablet form. What is its effect on blood flow?

Calcium ions are involved in contraction processes muscle cells body, including cerebral vascular cells. An excessive increase in ion concentration is observed during tissue ischemia and lack of oxygen. A vicious circle arises.

Symptoms of subject and object. In case of overdose, severe hypotension, bradycardia, heart failure, cardiogenic shock and cardiac arrest. There may also be respiratory distress, bronchospasm, vomiting, disturbances of consciousness, and generalized seizures.

In addition to general support, it is necessary to monitor vital important signs patient and, if necessary, aligned in the department intensive care. In case of excessive bradycardia, atropine may be required. Intravenous administration glucagon or sympathomimetics are recommended to assist ventricular function. If you need a positive inotropic effect, consider using phosphodiesterase inhibitors. If in the peripheral vascular system norepinephrine or norepinephrine is present, continuous circulatory monitoring should be given.

On the one hand, tissues suffer from hypoxia, on the other, intensive transport of calcium ions into tissues through special channels in cell membranes works to enhance metabolism and increase tissue demand for oxygen. A spasm occurs, impeding blood flow.

Calcium antagonists block transport channels and relax the smooth muscles of the brain vessels, which suffer more than others from a failure in the supply of oxygen. A concomitant effect of the drug is a decrease in blood viscosity, which leads to an improvement in its rheological characteristics and acceleration of movement in the blood vessels.

In case of drug-resistant bradycardia, artificial cardiac pacing should be used. In case of bronchospasm, a beta-sympathomimetic should be given; Intravenous or intravenous aminophylline can also be given intravenously. In case of seizures, slow intravenous injection diazepam or clonazepam.

Due to the long half-life and possible redistribution of carvedilol from deeper parts of the body, in the event of a serious overdose with symptoms of shock, the treatment described above should be continued for a sufficiently long period of time, that is, the patient should be stabilized.

Calcium antagonists include cinnarizine or stugerone. Its action is associated with a decrease in the penetration of ions of this element into the cell, but the therapeutic effect is due not only to this property of the drug.

Cinnarizine can be classified as nootropics, stimulants brain activity. The vasodilating effect is among the positive consequences of taking nootropic drugs. The first drug in this group is piracetam, which also has another name - nootropil.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: alpha and beta blockers. Carvedilol is a non-selective beta-adrenergic with vasodilator and antioxidant activities. Carvedilol causes a decrease in peripheral resistance through vasodilatory effects and inhibition of the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system by blocking beta receptors. There is a decrease in plasma renin activity, and fluid retention is rare.

Carvedilol does not have its own sympathomimetic activity and, like propranolol, has the ability to stabilize cell membranes. Carvedilol is a racemic mixture of two stereoisomers. Carvedilol is a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals and has antiproliferative properties.

Piracetam was synthesized in 1963 and is successfully used to this day because it has wide range indications related to the treatment and prevention of brain disorders. Nootropics can relieve strong symptoms and improve the course of metabolic processes, prevent cell aging and loss mental activity in old age.

Clinical studies have shown that when simultaneous action vasodilation and beta-adrenergic blocking with carvedilol the following effects are observed. In patients with hypertension hypotension is not accompanied by an increase in total peripheral resistance, observed only with beta-adrenergic blockers. Cardiac activity slows down. Renal flow and renal function remain unchanged. There is also no peripheral flow, so chills are rarely experienced, which is common symptom observed during treatment with beta blockers.


The effect of dilation of tense, narrowed and spasmodic vessels is called vasodilation. Medicines that relieve the symptoms of spasm and expand the vascular lumen are known as vasodilators. Modern vasodilator drugs for the brain can improve not only the arteries, but also small capillaries, the blood supply of which is necessary for activity the most important body bodies.

Patients with stable angina benefit from the anti-ischemic and antianginal effects of carvedilol. Hemodynamic studies have shown that administration of carvedilol leads to a reduction in pretreatment and follow-up. In patients with left ventricular dysfunction or chronic heart failure, carvedilol has a beneficial effect on hemodynamic parameters, improving ejection fraction and chamber size.

In a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study clinical trial in postmenopausal patients. Carvedilol is a substrate of the intestinal transporter glycoprotein P, which plays a role important role in the bioavailability of certain drugs. The overall bioavailability of carvedilol in humans is approximately 25%. Following oral administration, peak serum concentrations occur in approximately one hour. There is a linear relationship between dose and serum concentration.

One of the most accessible and widely used drugs in this area is nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, and a derivative drug - xanthinol nicotinate. Their action extends to the vessels of the body as a whole, including the brain, causing them to expand and accelerate blood circulation.

The effect can be so strong that there is obvious redness skin and a burning sensation on the mucous membranes. The drug is used in the form of tablets, injections and infusions.

Bioavailability and peak serum concentrations are not affected by dietary intake, but an increase in time to maximum serum concentration is observed. In humans, carvedilol is extensively metabolized in the liver by oxidation and conjugation, producing various metabolites that are primarily eliminated in bile. Animal studies have shown the circulation of enterohepatic mothers.

The effect of the first dose of carvedilol administration is significant. The drug is mainly metabolized by conjugation with glucuronic acid. As a result of demethylation and hydroxylation of the phenolic ring, 3 metabolites were shown to exhibit beta-adrenergic blocking activity. Oxidation by carvedilol is stereoselective.

The course of treatment lasts from 10 to 20 days, during which the tone of the blood vessels stabilizes, the elasticity of their walls increases, and the risk of blood clots decreases.

Cerebral vasodilators are focused specifically on the blood vessels of the brain.

These include pentoxifylline and its well-known analogues - trental and agapurine. Under the influence of pentoxifylline, cerebral blood vessels dilate while blood microcirculation improves and oxygen absorption by tissues occurs. A decrease in platelet aggregation accompanying treatment should be monitored by a physician so that the patient is not at risk of bleeding.

Demethylation and hydroxylation at the phenolic ring yield 3 metabolites with beta-adrenergic activity. The half-life is from 6 to 10 hours. The drug is excreted mainly from bile in the feces, only a small amount is excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites.

Pharmacokinetics in specific populations. Elderly: The pharmacokinetics of carvedilol varies depending on the age of the patient. In elderly patients, plasma concentrations are 50% higher than in young patients. Liver failure: In a study in which carvedilol was administered to patients with cirrhosis, the bioavailability of the drug was four times greater and the maximum plasma concentration was five times higher than in healthy subjects.

Another famous drug is one of the cerebral vasodilators - vinpocetine, its analogue is known as cavinton. The beneficial effect of vinpocetine on blood vessels is due to the action of the plant alkaloid vinca, which facilitates blood movement and stabilizes the vascular lumen.

Renal failure: In patients with impaired renal function, accumulation of the drug in the body is unlikely because carvedilol is excreted primarily in the feces. In patients with impaired liver function, bioavailability increases to 80%, which is associated with a decrease in the first pass effect.

Colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide. Ariavit quinolone. Store in original packaging to protect from light and moisture. Store in original packaging to protect from light. Pack size: 30 or 60 tablets. Not all packages may be sold. Any unused medicine or waste should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.

The effect of the drug is mild, the number of contraindications is small. Long-term use of vinpocetine in tablet form is possible.

Preparations based on natural extracts

Speaking about vasodilating drugs for the brain, one cannot fail to mention popular media based on an extract of the relict plant Ginkgo biloba. Tanakan, bilobil, memoplant are the most famous among them.

Disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Unusual: pustules on the site, local skin reactions, itching. Not known: blisters, rash, facial swelling, urticaria. General disorders and conditions of the administration site. Unusual: feeling of warmth. If any of the side effects become serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

This medicinal product does not require special storage conditions. The expiration date refers to last day this month. Ask your pharmacist to discard medications that are no longer needed. Active substances are: neinamide and nicoboxyl.

Glycosides from the leaves and seeds of the plant have an antioxidant effect on blood vessels and improve the condition of the entire circulatory system. Improvement of the brain with the help of ginkgo biloba is indicated not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes. Improving blood circulation, increasing the brain's ability to absorb necessary nutrients appears soon after starting to take the medicine.

Other Ingredients: Diisopropyl adipate, colloidal silica, white petrolatum, sorbic acid, artificial lemon balm oil, purified water. Treat hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes correctly. Treatment is mandatory for all patients diagnosed with the disease coronary artery. IN stable angina, it is intended to improve symptoms and correct risk factors, namely to slow the progression of the disease. Therefore, hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes should be treated.

Treatment improves cardiac irrigation. As for the targeted treatment of coronary heart disease itself, it includes several groups of drugs that are intended to improve the flow of the heart or cause vasodilation, such as nitrates or calcium blockers or a decrease in the “work” of the heart, like beta blockers. There is a group of drugs that thin the blood, the so-called antiplatelet agents. In general, these drugs are associated in groups depending on the specific case, see your doctor.

What to choose

To guarantee the effect of treatment, you should choose patented drugs that are produced by reputable pharmaceutical companies. Content active substance they are strictly regulated.

The need to maintain brain health can arise at any age. Even young people who spend a lot of time studying or mental work, need to prevent circulatory disorders. For older people, this need becomes urgent. Timely intake of medications that dilate blood vessels in the brain will help maintain a clear and cheerful mind and high performance for many years.

Tatiana October 23, 2015 at 2:12 pm

Bilobil was prescribed to me by a neurologist when I turned to him for help. To solve my problem, which is that when I wear a hat, in the place where it comes into contact with my ears and head, I begin to feel pain. The pain grows gradually and becomes unbearable. I had an MRI. Everything is fine there. So both my husband and I took Bilobil. And we both noted that with this drug, my head became clearer.

Valentina October 30, 2015 at 02:01 pm

In June, I had an ischemic stroke on the way to the hospital and was hospitalized. She took treatment for 7 days at home under the supervision of a family doctor and received Cavinton for 2 months. Then the neurologist prescribed vinebral since Cavinton did not give any improvement, and there was no improvement from vinebral either, dizziness, loss of coordination, the state of a slightly drunk person. What to do next?

Love November 5, 2015 at 11:33 am

I answer Valentina, you may have problems with the pituitary gland, you need to do an MRI.

Irina November 20, 2015 at 11:38 pm

IN Lately A lot of vasodilator drugs for the brain have appeared, but before purchasing any drug at the pharmacy, you should definitely consult a doctor, since only a doctor can choose a drug that will help a particular patient. My mom is suffering high blood pressure and she had to try many medications before she found one (on the doctor's recommendation) that really helped.

Maria January 27, 2016 at 03:57 pm

A neurologist prescribed Cavinton to me (I am 70 years old), but its use sharply increased my pulse rate, which was already elevated.

Katerina January 31, 2016 at 11:28 am

I want to ask the doctor a question: I am 81 years old and at Epiphany I wet myself cold water from the tap, after 2 hours the pressure rose to 190, this pressure was repeated twice during the week. My normal blood pressure is 130-140, but I have atherosclerosis. I have been taking EQUATOR for two days, but the symptoms do not go away. Given my option, which medicine is more suitable?

Drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain are indicated for disorders of different origins. There can be many causes of problems with cerebral vessels, and the main ones are the following:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • stroke;
  • head injuries (craniocerebral);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • systemic diseases;
  • hypertension.

All of the above pathologies are accompanied by dizziness, memory loss, headaches and require compulsory treatment. Therapy is especially relevant after an ischemic stroke.

What medications are used

To normalize blood circulation in the brain, drugs of different groups are prescribed:

  • vasodilators (vasodilators);
  • medications that prevent blood clots (antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants);
  • nootropic drugs that affect higher brain activity.

How they work:

  1. Dilate blood vessels.
  2. Reduce platelet sticking (aggregation).
  3. Reduce blood viscosity.
  4. Increase the plasticity of red blood cells.

As a result, blood flow increases, blood supply improves, brain cells are better provided with glucose and oxygen, and their resistance to hypoxia increases.


This is a large group of medications that are used to treat various diseases. Vasodilators dilate blood vessels and thereby improve blood supply, and therefore useful substances brain cells and central nervous system. They stimulate cellular metabolism and energy metabolism, thereby increasing brain activity. They are also used as heart medications.

Calcium antagonists

They have a relaxing effect on the arteries, while the tone of the venous walls does not change. Blockers calcium channels have been successfully used for the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies for a long time. Today the third generation of these drugs is being produced.

First generation drugs include:

  • Nifedipine,
  • Delacor,
  • Verapamil.

Second generation drugs:

  • Felodipin,
  • Klentiazem,
  • Verapamil SR.

New generation drugs are represented by a group of dihydropyridines, including:

  • Norvask,
  • Stamlo,
  • Alodipine.

These medications should be taken with caution, as they can have a systemic effect on the body.

Alpha blockers

These drugs improve metabolism in tissues and blood flow in the vessels of the brain, and help with oxygen starvation, which has developed as a result. These include Sermion and Nitsergoline derivatives.


They relax smooth muscles vascular walls and expand the lumen of blood vessels. Antispasmodics are considered the mildest and safest of vasodilators, but they should be taken with caution by older people. The fact is that they practically do not work on vessels affected by atherosclerosis and redistribute blood in favor of healthy areas. Therefore, they are generally not suitable for older people. To the people of this age category Calcium channel blockers are prescribed. The most commonly used antispasmodics are drotaverine hydrochloride and no-spa.

Antispasmodics are excellent for headaches caused by cerebral vasospasm

Combination drugs

They contain substances that have different actions. This group includes:

  • Instenon - includes etomivan, etophylline, hexobendine.
  • Vasobral - it contains caffeine and alphadihydroergocriptine.

Drugs that reduce blood viscosity

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents improve blood fluidity and reduce its viscosity, which leads to normal blood supply to the brain.


  • Warfarin,
  • Fragmin,
  • Clexane,
  • Fraxiparine.

They improve microcirculation in blood vessels and reduce blood clotting. These drugs are taken under the supervision of a doctor. To prevent bleeding, blood is periodically donated for biochemistry.

Anticoagulants are used only under the supervision of a doctor and as prescribed.

You should immediately consult a doctor if, after taking anticoagulants, bruises on the body, black feces, or vomiting blood appear.

Antiplatelet agents

Antiplatelet agents reduce blood viscosity. They are indicated for those with a tendency to thrombosis and micro-strokes. They help prevent thromboembolism. In case of violations cerebral circulation they are prescribed only after examining the patient and studying the results of all his tests. This group includes:

  • Aspirin,
  • Chime,
  • ThromboASS,
  • Ticlopidine,
  • Aspilat.

Nicotinic acid preparations

Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, dilates capillaries, but does not have a significant effect on large vessels. In some cases, drugs based on it are prescribed for cerebral circulation disorders. They reduce the fragility of vessel walls due to the ability to reduce the level of bad cholesterol. In case of impaired blood supply to the brain, Nikoshpan, Acipimox, Enduratin are prescribed.

Nicotinic acid improves capillary blood flow

Self-treatment nicotinic acid can lead to severe consequences, therefore, you need to undergo a course of therapy only under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment consists of several courses of injections, then proceed to tablet forms.


This group includes the following medicines:

  • Glycine,
  • Pantogam,
  • Phenotropil,
  • Actovegin,
  • Cerebrolysin.

Nootropics are powerful antioxidants that increase resistance to oxygen starvation and body resistance harmful factors, improve cellular metabolism of the brain and cognitive activity, prevent depression and fatigue, and enhance mental performance.

Indications for taking nootropics include:

  • mental retardation associated with vascular pathologies;
  • memory impairment;
  • asthenic syndromes;
  • impaired mental function;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • ischemic strokes;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy.

Piracetam from the group of nootropics improves not only blood circulation in the brain, but also the function of neurons

Nootropics should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. You should know that they only affect pathologically altered tissues and are not recommended healthy people. Their use in preparation for exams, with large mental stress at work and for preventive purposes is not justified in any way.

Herbal preparations

The active substances of these drugs are alkaloids plant origin. It is believed that these drugs have virtually no contraindications. They are used both for the prevention and treatment of cerebral circulatory disorders. Tablets based on plants such as ginkgo biloba and periwinkle are especially common.

Preparations with ginkgo biloba extract have a complex effect on the blood vessels of the brain:

  • enhance microcirculation;
  • relieve vasospasm;
  • strengthen their walls and improve permeability;
  • relieve swelling of brain tissue.

The following vascular drugs in this group are especially popular:

  • Ginkor Fort,
  • Tanakan,
  • Bilobil,
  • Gingium,
  • Ginkum,
  • Ginkgo Biloba C,
  • Memory,
  • Doppelgerz Ginkgo Biloba +.

It is important to know that while taking ginkgo biloba preparations, you should not take blood thinners to avoid bleeding in the brain.

Taking these medications is long-term, and the first improvements may appear after about a month of treatment. The general course of therapy is about three months.

The most famous preparations based on periwinkle:

  • Cavinton,
  • Telektol,
  • Vinpocetine,
  • Bravinton,
  • Vero-Vinpocetine.

These products have the following characteristics:

  • have an antispasmodic effect;
  • prevent thrombosis;
  • improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • normalize the metabolism in its cells.

Ginkgo biloba - raw material for large quantity medicines to improve brain function

Homeopathy remedies

Used to improve cerebral circulation homeopathic remedies, and only a doctor should select them. One such medicine is Golden Iodine. It is prescribed when the first signs of impaired blood supply to the brain appear, including:

  • memory impairment;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears.

To strengthen blood vessels

In case of cerebrovascular accidents, as well as venous outflow necessary . To do this, take vitamins and minerals:

  • Ascorutin – contains vitamin P;
  • Flavit, Flukol, Flaol - they contain dihydroquercetin;
  • dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, including potassium, selenium, silicon.

Ascorutin will replenish the body's need for vitamin C and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Drug treatment for stroke

Stroke is acute disorder blood circulation in the brain, requiring quick help and further long-term treatment. Correctly selected drugs will help save the patient’s life and increase the chances of restoring lost functions (speech, motor).

In an ischemic stroke, part of the brain is deprived of blood supply due to a blood clot formed in a vessel. The following drugs are indicated for patients with this disease:

  1. At the first sign acute stroke antiplatelet agents are prescribed. The most famous of them is aspirin. In case of intolerance, replace it with Ticlopedine, Dipyridamole.
  2. To prevent the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels, low-molecular-weight heparins, for example Clexane, are indicated.
  3. After heparins, treatment is continued (Sinkumar, Warfarin).
  4. To increase blood volume and improve its flow to the brain, molecular dextrans (Reopoliglucin) are indicated.
  5. For high blood pressure, calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors are prescribed to prevent recurrent stroke.
  6. To improve microcirculation, Trental and Curantil are used. For vasodilation - Vinpocetine.
  7. During the recovery period, nootropic drugs are indicated.

Hemorrhagic stroke associated with rupture blood vessel brain and requires other treatment. Often you have to resort to surgical intervention. Drugs prescribed include dextrans to replenish blood volume and medications to lower blood pressure.


To prevent circulatory disorders in the brain, drugs are needed that dilate blood vessels, thin the blood, and reduce the likelihood of blood clots. One of the most commonly prescribed is aspirin, but it is not indicated for everyone, so you cannot take it on your own.


There are a lot of drugs to improve blood circulation in the brain. They refer to different groups, differ in their actions and have many side effects. Uncontrolled reception These medications can be harmful, so the first step should be to visit a doctor and find out the exact diagnosis and contraindications.