What foods contain vitamin B17? Vitamin B17: reviews from oncologists. Where is vitamin B17 found and why is it needed?

Vitamin B17 is one of the most controversial vitamins. In the USA it is completely banned as it is considered toxic. There is an opinion that the substance can kill cancer cells. However, there is still no official confirmation of this.

It’s not for nothing that vitamin B17, also known as laetral, letril, amygdalin, is called the most controversial substance. It contains cyanide and benzenedehyde, which in turn are toxic substances. It is believed that letril is capable of destroying cancer cells without affecting healthy ones.

In addition B17:

  • helps with arthritis, reducing pain;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • prevents cells from aging quickly;
  • fights obesity;
  • increases immunity;
  • Helps the body during severe stress and increased physical activity.

As for harm, it can only come from an overdose. Since benzaldehyde and cyanide molecules are considered poisonous, when they react with each other, they form a new molecule, which is given the name B17. IN normal quantity This substance is not capable of causing harm, but if you consume more than the norm, a sharp deterioration in your condition will occur, even leading to death.

Letril is found in apricot kernels. If you consume a large number of seeds at once, there is a risk of death. Death from an apricot kernel is a scientifically proven fact. You should take this seriously and not think that this is a joke.

Indications for use B17

Vitamin B17 is taken in the following cases:

  • Constant stress;
  • When found malignant tumors(strictly as prescribed by the doctor);
  • If you are overweight.

B17 is often used in dietetics, since the vitamin is capable of breaking down fat deposits.

Daily norm

For adults daily norm vitamin B17 is 3000 mg. But this is a dose for three doses, under no circumstances should you drink it all at once! No more than 1000 mg at a time.

Due to its toxicity, letril is not recommended for children. But by eating foods containing B17, the child will in any case receive it in some quantity. Therefore, parents need to make sure that the baby does not eat too many foods with high content B17, to avoid overdose.

As for pregnant and breastfeeding women, amygdalin is also contraindicated for them.

What products contain

Vitamin B17 can be found in the seeds of many fruits: apricots, peaches, plums, apples. But these are not all sources. Below is a table listing which products contain this lethril.

What you need to know about the full absorption of B17 by the human body

When B17 breaks down, it releases hydrocyanic acid, which is considered poisonous to the body. But its proportions are so small that they can only affect cancer cells. But with the simultaneous use of vitamin and alcohol, the likelihood of poisoning with this acid increases several times.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while using amygdalin.

Can B17 cure cancer?

US doctors believe that B17 is a highly toxic substance that in no way can be a cure for cancer. Since the mid-1970s, research and testing of letril has been conducted in the fight against cancer cells. No evidence has been found that the substance actually helps treat cancer.

In Russia, the use of amygdalin as a cure for cancer began in 1945. But the substance turned out to be toxic. Then they came up with a modified version called Laetrile. It was prescribed to cancer patients and improvements were indeed noticed, but not always. Sometimes there were deaths.

Supporters alternative methods Treatments still include the use of B17 in combination with a special diet. However, according to modern oncologists, the drug cannot cure cancer.

List of pharmaceutical drugs with B17

There are quite a few vitamin complexes based on B17, but they still exist.

  • Vitalmix Recnacon 17". Contraindicated for children and pregnant women. Drink one capsule a day.
  • "Laetrile B17" with apricot, grape and almond seeds. Increases immunity and is used in the prevention of cancer. Take 1 month, twice a day, capsule.
  • "Metamygdalin." Two bottles per day, pre-diluted in water. It is not a medicinal product.

In the treatment of cancer, the effectiveness of B17 from the point of view of official medicine has not been proven. However, there are many people who claim that amygdalin helped them in the fight against cancer. In any case, you should consult a specialist before taking the vitamin.

Vitamin B17 is a compound of nitrilocides, soluble in water, mostly non-toxic, containing. There are almost 800 plant species, most of which are edible.

Probably many of you have heard about vitamins, and even the group beneficial B-substances. But few people know about the existence of B17. And there is more controversy surrounding it than about any other drug. At the same time it is called the most powerful means against cancer, and a particularly dangerous poison, doctors who use B17 in practice are equally often called “luminaries” and charlatans. So far, vitamin B17 is most actively used as a medicine in Mexico. There, the main source of useful substances are apricot kernels. And this, so to speak, is nature’s “version” of the vitamin. In addition to it, there is a synthetic analogue of the drug.

Vitamin B17: nice to meet you!

Vitamin B17, also known as lethril or amygdalin, was derived by biochemist Ernest Krebs from apricot kernels. With the light hand of a scientist, due to its anti-cancer properties, B17 received another name - antitumor vitamin.

Shortly before B17, Dr. Krebs made another discovery - he gave the world , or pangamic acid. After years of research, fully confident in the therapeutic properties of B17, and to prove the non-toxicity of the substance, the doctor injected himself with lethril into his arm. So the scientist tried to show that the substance he discovered was deadly to cancer cells, but completely safe for healthy body and does not cause side effects.

From a biochemical point of view, B17 is not a vitamin, and in the scientific literature its other names are more often found: Mandelonitrile beta D gentiobioside, Mandelonitrile beta glucuronide, Laevorotatory, Purasin, Amygdalina, Nitriloside.

This natural chemotherapy drug is found in most fruits and berries. But the main sources of B17 are bitter almonds and apricot kernels. Found in clover and beans.

Letril and amygdalin: what is the difference?

Biochemists divide B17 into lethril and amygdalin. The difference between them is simple. If a person, for example, swallows apricot kernels, then he is using amygdalin. While letril is a water-soluble substance containing amygdalin. Letril is a partially synthetic formation of amygdalin. That is, in the first case we can talk about a natural “version” of B17, in the second – about a product of the pharmaceutical industry. Natural vitamin is less concentrated and is absorbed more slowly by the body. Meanwhile, these two concepts are distinguished to a greater extent only narrow specialists. In a wide circle, the name more often used is vitamin b17.

The vitamin that quarreled the scientific world

It is difficult to find among microelements another substance as controversial as amygdalin. Some scientists convince of its incredible effectiveness in treating cancer, while others make fun of their colleagues. But what allowed us to draw conclusions about the anti-cancer properties of B17? And in general, the almost miraculous capabilities of letril - what is it: a myth or a reality that gives a chance for life without cancer?

The first experiments conducted on animals showed that B17 slows down the development of cancer, stops the growth of tumors, and prevents the spread of metastases. But when the experiment was repeated a second time, its results were no longer so inspiring.

Another group of scientists subjected laetral to experiments in laboratory conditions. Researchers removed a specific enzyme from amygdalin, which is produced under the body's conditions, and exposed it to artificially bred cancer cells. The tumors died. But after the experiment, scientists agreed: in the conditions of the human body, along with diseased cells, healthy cells would most likely die under the influence of cyanide.

A group of scientists from another clinic came to the conclusion that a properly selected dose of amygdalin can make cancer cells more sensitive to radiotherapy. As a result of the experiments, the following discovery was made: cancer cells in the center of the tumor are less saturated with oxygen than cells outside the malignant formation. And the absence of oxygen makes the cell more resistant to anti-cancer therapy, in particular, almost insensitive to radiation.

Laboratory studies have convinced scientists that B17 is capable of enriching tumor-damaged areas with oxygen and thereby increasing the effectiveness of traditional treatment.

This experiment was first carried out in 1978, since then there has been no official confirmation of the results.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, two studies were conducted by the National Cancer Institute (USA). The first phase of the experiment involved 6 patients at the oncology clinic. They agreed to test for themselves in what doses amygdalin works (and whether it works at all) on cancer patients. At this stage, the researchers were able to learn not much. The main conclusion made in the 1970s: large amounts of raw food eaten as a source of B17 causes poisoning.

The second phase of the experiment was conducted in 1982 with the participation of 175 cancer patients. But only one person showed positive changes after 10 weeks of using amygdalin. In other patients, the tumor continued to grow, and in some, metastases appeared in the liver.

But it is known that scientists have not left B17 outside their attention and continue laboratory experiments. Perhaps they will soon please the world with new information about the effectiveness of the substance.

An unrecognized anti-cancer drug

While there is no scientific basis to clearly call B17 a cure for cancer, official medicine refuses to agree with this statement.

But despite this, many people choose Letril instead of traditional radiotherapy or chemotherapy. By the way, this substance was first used as a cure for cancer in Russia back in 1845, and in the USA in the 1920s. In the 1970s, a worldwide campaign began promoting B17 as an anti-cancer agent. Later, amygdalin became part of special dietary programs.

Today, the question remains open for many: how does vitamin B17 in apricot kernels manage to kill cancer cells? Or is it still a hoax and there is no antitumor effect?

Formula B17 consists of glucose and hydrogen cyanide. This “mixture” destroys cancer cells. When an amygdalin molecule encounters a cancer cell on its way, it is split into 2 glucose molecules, 1 hydrogen cyanide molecule and 1 benzaldehyde molecule. First, glucose passes into the damaged cell, then cyanide and benzaldehyde from glucose create a special poison, which destroys the cancerous formation. Early research suggested that the hydrogen cyanide molecule was central to the anti-cancer fight. More recent studies indicate that benzaldehyde is the cancer killer.

If you bypass all the clever scientific terms and try to explain it in a simple way, this is what you get. Cancer loves sugar. In apricot kernels, sugar is surrounded by cyanide. Cancer “eats” its favorite sugar and “releases” cyanide, which begins to act only in the cancer cell. It's like a smart bomb.

And if you understand how amygdalin “works,” it becomes clear: the problem is not the toxicity of apricot kernels, but the amount of B17 consumed. On the other hand, even if you take an adequate dose of seeds, but there is too much sugar in your daily diet, this can also neutralize positive properties B17.

Therefore, when starting apricot therapy, it is important to exclude sugar consumption from the daily diet or reduce it to a minimum.

The benefits of this biochemical process have been causing heated debate in scientific circles for many decades, but so far, as some argue, this is the only effective method fight against cancer. Many doctors oppose the use of B17 as an anti-cancer drug, citing its toxicity. Meanwhile, amygdalin advocates remind: other drugs for cancer are much more toxic.

Adherents of treating cancer with letril claim that it is not only capable of destroying diseased cells, but also acts on the body as a general strengthening agent. And if it is not possible to buy pharmaceutical B17, it is always easy to obtain it from food products that contain amygdalin.

Sweet medicine

Most people chose apricot kernels as the source of B17. They taste like almonds, but are more tender. Most experts recommend consuming 24 to 35 kernels daily. Other foods where amygdalin can be found include buckwheat. However, processed grains (for example, into flour) lose their vitamin properties. But heat treatment for vitamin B17 is not terrible - it can withstand up to 300 degrees Celsius.

It is also worth paying attention to raspberries and blackberries, the seeds of which contain B17. In addition, raspberries and strawberries contain another anti-cancer substance - ellagic acid.

Many housewives, when making jam from blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and grapes, get rid of the seeds. And this is the main mistake.

It is the small grains that contain the majority useful properties. And when eating apples, at least sometimes it’s worth eating the whole fruit - along with the seeds.

These recommendations are relevant not only for patients at oncology clinics. If you don’t ever want to encounter this terrible disease, eat apricots and berries as a tasty source of vitamins and microelements, as well as for the prevention of many diseases. At least, this is what people who believe in the healing properties of B17 advise.

How it “works” in the body

The laetral molecule is capable of entering into chemical reactions with enzymes of non-cancerous cells even before it affects the malignant formation. The enzyme of a healthy cell has a detrimental effect on the B17 molecule, destroying it. Therefore, after such a reaction, B17 will not have an effect on malignant formations.

The second way B17 influences the body. As a result of metabolic processes, B17 is able to produce trypsin and chymotrypsin in the human body, and they already begin to fight cancer: they break down the enzymes surrounding cancer cells, after which white blood cells are able to identify “sick” cells and kill them.

Another beneficial side effect of the B17 diet is that the body synthesizes more vitamin B12, which, in combination with ascorbic acid is also an excellent anti-cancer agent.

And although amygdalin has not yet been approved as a drug for the treatment of cancer, Dr. John Richardson from the San Francisco Clinic took a risk. He prescribed B17 as a medicine to his oncology patients and carefully monitored changes in their condition. A risky step positive effect.

The first thorough studies, the purpose of which was to study the work of amygdalin as an anti-cancer agent, were carried out over 5 years from 1972 to 1977. Even then, a group of scientists in the USA found that the substance:

  • prevents tumor growth;
  • stops the growth of metastases throughout the body;
  • reduces pain caused by a tumor;
  • improves the general well-being of the patient;
  • serves prophylactic against foreign formations.

If you are an average resident of a metropolis with bad habits, leading an inactive lifestyle, eating fast food on the run, devoting a couple of hours a day to sleep, and nothing at all for sports activities - congratulations, you are at risk! Yes, yes, statistics point an ominous finger: it is this group of humanity (and this is the majority of us) that is most at risk of window diseases. Of course, there are many other reasons - from genetic to those that cannot be explained even by the brightest professors... But the first and most common is lifestyle. And what is important is that this is the only cause of illness that a person can influence on his own, but does not always want to... But it’s not so difficult to fortify your menu and at least sometimes go in for sports.

You don't need to have a medical education to learn how to take care of your health. All the rules are simple and have been known to mankind for centuries.

B17 and other products containing vitamins and can significantly improve health, create reliable barrier from many diseases. We’ll talk about what B17 is in a little later, but for now the most popular ones, which are always on hand: ginger, cumin, flax, raw fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, chard, chili peppers, sprouted wheat.

Pharmaceutical forms B17

Before talking about the properties of this substance, it is worth noting the most important. Under no circumstances should you take B17 without medical supervision, especially in the case of cancer. Pharmaceutical letril, like any other pharmaceutical, in case of overdose or misuse may cause serious adverse reactions.

The pharmaceutical industry offers lethrine in several forms. B17 can be taken as:

  • injections (intravenous);
  • tablets;
  • external lotions.

It is important to say that the tablet form of B17 more often causes side effects than using the drug in ampoules.

Also, the effectiveness of letril in tablets is affected by digestive bacteria and enzymes - they are able to destroy the amygdalin molecule.

Proponents of treating cancer with B17 recommend daily intravenous injections for 2-3 weeks, then taking the tablet form of the drug for some time. For skin diseases, B17 lotions in liquid form are recommended.

Letril dosages

Although the pharmaceutical form of B17 is officially banned in many countries, some still manage to obtain the drug. And if we talk about letril as a medicine against cancer, then its dosage is still only a theory, unconfirmed in practice.

  • for intravenous injection – 1-9 g;
  • in tablets – 100-500 mg;
  • as a prophylaxis – 50-200 mg.

Adherents of apricot treatment advise eating no more than 30 apricot kernels per day. Each seed contains approximately 4-5 mg of amygdalin, from 30 kernels a dose of 120-150 mg is obtained.

According to another theory, you should consume exactly as many apricot kernels per day as you eat fruit. That is, eat sweet fruit whole, rather than separating the pulp or kernels from the seeds. Some people cannot chew the bitter-tasting seeds, then you can try crushing apricot kernels and mixing them with fruit juice.

True, we must remember that there should be moderation in everything. You can’t buy a bucket of apricots and eat them all in one evening. An overdose of vitamin B17 causes intoxication.

Fortunately, the human body is a smart system. And the body is programmed to say “no” when it experiences an excess of something, thus protecting itself from poisoning.

Signs of overdose:

  • dizziness;
  • blurred vision;
  • nausea.

If any of the symptoms are observed, it is worth reducing the dose of B17 intake. If there are signs of a vitamin overdose, the first thing to do is take care of detoxification - remove the remaining cyanide from the body, having previously transformed it into non-toxic thiosulfate. Drink plenty of water. If symptoms persist, immediately apply more radical methods in a hospital setting.

But don’t be alarmed, hypervitaminosis is an extremely rare occurrence if synthetic vitamin Use under medical supervision. Natural amygdalin obtained from food is generally harmless to the body.

They also say that amygdalin in the form of a solution is free of toxicity. intravenous injections. No cyanide was found in the blood of patients taking B17 injections.

B17 deficiency

It is difficult to say what consequences a lack of B17 has on the body, since the properties of the drug have not yet been fully studied. Meanwhile, many people attribute diseases such as the cause of deficiency:

  • hypertension;
  • pain of unknown origin;
  • inflammation.

Side effects

Amygdalin, as already noted and which is the main reason for refusing the drug as a medicine, contains cyanide. And this is quite a strong poison. Its overdose causes:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • liver problems;
  • fever;
  • decline blood pressure;
  • impaired coordination and difficulty moving;
  • confusion;
  • to whom;
  • death.

It is calculated that 50-60 apricot kernels contain 50 grams of amygdalin, and this is a lethal dose for humans. Therefore, when taking B17 in tablets or injections, it is important to avoid foods that contain a lot of amygdalin. And this:

  • raw almonds;
  • ground fruit seeds, seeds, kernels;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • bean pods;
  • carrot;
  • nuts.

These products are completely safe for daily consumption if there are no pharmaceutical analogues of B17 in the diet. People with liver disease should not consume food rich in amygdalin in large quantities, since letril causes serious damage to the gland.

Considering the illegality of using amygdalin in the treatment of cancer, and at the same time its high popularity among consumers eager for self-medication, letril was withdrawn from free sale in many countries around the world, including the European Union and the United States. But those who like to shop online rejoice: it’s easy to buy literally everything online. Although biochemists have their own opinion on this - medications on the Internet are often nothing more than dummies...

However, only the patient can decide which treatment method to give preference to: orthodox medicine or experimental medicine.

Whatever the decision, it is important that it is made wisely, after carefully weighing all the pros and cons, all the pros and cons, taking into account the risks.

Side effects of apricot vitamin

  1. Low pressure. Sometimes taking medications and foods containing B17 provokes a sharp decline blood pressure. But usually this is a temporary reaction that occurs as a result of the formation of thiocyanate in the body, a substance that affects blood pressure. As a rule, hypotension under the influence of B17 does not reach critical levels, but in combination with antihypertensive drugs requires additional monitoring. Physician supervision is also important for people with cardiovascular disease.
  2. Blood thinning. Since many people take proteolytic (pancreatic) enzymes in parallel with B17, it is important to remember: this combination helps thin the blood.
  3. Probiotics. Taking amygdalin with high-strength probiotics can increase the amount of hydrogen cyanide, which can cause unwanted side effects.
  4. Combination with other anticancer drugs. Every time a person plans to combine several alternative methods of treating or preventing cancer, it is important to consider the compatibility and incompatibility of certain drugs. To find out what you can’t combine B17 with, at a minimum, the instructions for use, and at most (and most correctly), your attending physician.

Sources B17

Sources of vitamin B17 wildlife enough. Natural amygdalin is a bitter substance. And man, craving only products that taste and smell pleasant, abandoned the selection and crossing of bitter plants containing B17. Therefore, most “domesticated” plants do not contain bitterness. An exception is the kernels of some fruits, such as apricots and peaches.

Which products contain B17: comparison table
The product's name Vitamin content per 100 g of product
Blackberry Low
Wild blackberry Maximum
Cranberry High
Gooseberry Average
Elder Maximum
Quince Average
Raspberries Average
Apple (seeds) High
Apricot (kernels) High
Buckwheat Average
Cherry (pits) Maximum
Linen Average
Millet Average
Peach (pits) High
Pear (seeds) High
Plum (pits) Maximum
Prunes (pits) High
Peas Low
Lentils Average
Bitter almonds Maximum
Cashew nuts Maximum
Macadamia nut Maximum
Alfalfa Average
Beetroot (tops) Low
Eucalyptus Maximum
Watercress Low
Sweet potato Low

The “high content” indicator means that 100 grams of the product contains within 500 mg of vitamin B17, “maximum” – above 500 mg. The average level of vitamin saturation is 100 mg of amygdalin per 100 g of food. It makes sense to talk about low vitamin content of a product when B17 per 100 grams of food contains less than 100 mg.

With this knowledge, it is easy to create a menu taking into account daily requirement the body in an antitumor vitamin.

Anti-cancer diet

“Let food be medicine and medicine be food.” There is probably nothing more correct when it comes to cancer and a person’s attitude to their health and nutritional principles. We can name examples when people, having refused services traditional medicine, live successfully and happily with a diagnosis of cancer, choosing instead of medications therapeutic diet. Many nutritionists are not surprised by such examples; on the contrary, they argue that proper food many miracles are possible. But at the same time, none of them takes it upon themselves to say that it is possible to completely abandon the services of traditional medicine. Although using dietary advice in parallel with treatment is a good option. Especially when it comes to vitamins. In particular, about a substance that can fight cancer cells – vitamin B17.

Some nutritionists claim that a certain nutritional system can eliminate many diseases, including protect against cancer.

Secondly, to enhance the “performance” of B17, it is recommended to additionally take:

  • (important for transporting B17 throughout the body);
  • vitamin C;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • vitamins B6, B9, B12, A, E.

In addition, proteins are an important part of therapy plant origin. Additionally, it is recommended to take enzymes that support the functioning of the pancreas. Some suggest supplementing letril therapy with vitamin B15.

Buckwheat B17 diet

An excellent source of B17 is buckwheat. To replenish vitamin reserves and prevent cancer, it is recommended to follow a nutrition program developed by nutritionists at least several times a year.

Wellness program

  1. Eat buckwheat three times a day (at the rate of half a glass of raw cereal per serving). After cooking, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the porridge. Eat slowly.
  2. 30 minutes before meals, take 1 tablespoon of the medicinal mixture. To prepare it, take buckwheat flour, crushed rose hips and chopped lentils in equal proportions. Add to the mixture 1 tablespoon of warm boiled water, 1-2 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice.
  3. Throughout the day, drink 4 glasses of frozen and then thawed water and 4 glasses of freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice diluted with water (proportion 3:1). You can take pineapple, citrus fruits, blueberries, raspberries, black currants, blackberries.
  4. An hour before meals, drink ginger or Herb tea sugarless. Maybe with raisins.

And don't forget about clover!

But while residents of cold regions may have problems with apricots, and the fruit season is very short, then there are no problems with clover. And he, by the way, is no less effective remedy, containing vitamin B17.

For preventive purposes or in a treatment program, clover teas and tinctures, as well as freshly squeezed plant juice, are used.

Amygdalin is also beneficial for pets

Proponents of the use of letril in veterinary medicine argue that vitamin B17 is just as useful for cats and dogs as it is for humans.

For example, veterinary doctor John Craig recommends giving four-toed dogs who are underweight 1 teaspoon of crushed apricot kernels. For animals, letril in combination with vitamin C serves as an analgesic and immune booster. B17 is also used to treat cancer in animals.

But treating an animal with letril has several rules:

  • avoid overdose;
  • do not soak the tablets in water - the liquid releases cyanide;
  • treat under the supervision of a veterinarian.

And instead of a conclusion...

When it comes to vitamin B17, many (who, of course, know about the existence of such a substance) remember cyanide, a toxic substance found in amygdalin.

Meanwhile, chemists remind: hydrogen cyanide and cyanide are completely different substances. Hydrogen cyanide (or another name - hydrocyanic acid) is truly a dangerous substance. But hydrocyanic acid is formed from lethril only under certain conditions - under the influence of the enzyme beta-glucosidases, and in the human body it is found exclusively in cancer cells. That is, there is no oncology - no - no dangerous hydrocyanic acid.

Regarding the cyanide radical in B17, chemists do not deny this fact. But they clarify: the same element is found in B12 and in almost all berries.

And if you follow moderation and approach treatment and preventive health promotion wisely, there is nothing to worry about.

Is cancer treatment possible? Yes, cancer can be defeated! Mother Nature did not forget about us and took care of this by providing a natural effective remedy against cancer - vitamin B17.

But what is his secret? Why does this particular vitamin cure cancer and what is the mechanism of its action? Let's slowly and consistently understand everything so that you gain true knowledge on this topic, figure it out yourself, and draw your own conclusions.

History of vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 was discovered back in 1830. The German professor of organic chemistry, Justus von Liebig, isolated it from the seeds of bitter almonds, giving it the name “amygdalin” (from the Greek almond). It was then found in the seeds of apples, peaches, cherries, grapes and apricots. In the 20th century, amygdalin was added to the B vitamins - “B17”. For a very long time it was not possible to obtain it in laboratory conditions. And only in 1952, Dr. Ernst Theodor Krebs managed to obtain it in a purified and concentrated form, isolating it from an apricot kernel and calling it “laetrile.” Based on it, he created a drug that could be administered to cancer patients, but initially Dr. Krebs tested it on himself to personally verify its safety. Later, Dr. John Richardson also proved the effectiveness of vitamin B17 by curing several cancer patients in San Francisco.

But official medicine conducted research in 1971, during which it was revealed that any positive effect from the use of B17 in treatment cancer diseases absent. And although Dr. Richardson, with the help of journalist Edward Griffin, managed to prove that the results of laetrile research were fabricated, nevertheless, the Quality Assurance Authority food products And medicines The US (FDA) has banned the drug. And to this day, B17 and even apricot kernels are prohibited for sale in the United States, although the number of deaths from cancer has been rapidly increasing.

It's interesting that the ancient Chinese medicine For more than three thousand years, bitter almonds, which are rich in vitamin B17, have been used to treat various tumors.

Mechanism of action B17

What is the mechanism of action of this vitamin on cancer cells? How does he manage to destroy them so quickly? Let's use simple human language to understand this step by step.

The bottom line is this: B17 has the ability to attract cancer cells and destroy them, while preserving healthy tissue. But why is it harmless to healthy body tissues and does not cause damage to them? The fact is that each vitamin molecule contains a tricky warhead - a cyanide compound, which is essentially poison. But in order for cyanide to become dangerous, it is first necessary to “open” the molecule and release it, which only a special type of enzyme (a protein that plays the role of a catalyst in biochemical reactions) can do.

This enzyme is present in our body, but in very small quantities. However, in cancerous tumors there is almost a hundred times more of it! That is why, a poison called “cyanide” targets the warhead (cyanide) in the vitamin only and only in cancerous areas of the body! This is detrimental to cancer cells, but not to healthy ones - after all, they do not have enough enzyme in them and the warhead remains dormant. As a result, cancer cells die, and healthy ones continue their activities, which is what we need.

What causes cancer

In 1952, Dr. Ernst Theodor Krebs put forward the theory that cancer, like scurvy or rickets, is not caused by some mysterious bacterium, virus or toxin, but is a simple vitamin deficiency, i.e. lack of certain vitamins. The doctor's long experience told him that cancer was a simple disease of vitamin B17 deficiency. Centuries ago we used to eat millet and flax bread - rich in B17, but now we eat rolls and processed wheat bread, which contains nothing useful. For several generations, our grandmothers patiently pounded the seeds of plums, cherries, apples, and apricots in a mortar and carefully mixed the crushed kernels with their homemade preserves and jams. Grandma probably didn't know why she did this, but the kernels of all these fruits are some of the most potent sources of B17 in the world.

Many years of studying the nutrition of the peoples of the world led Dr. Krebs to the conclusion that every pre-industrial people, free from the problem of cancer, had in their diet the same factor that protected them from this terrible disease - the vitamin B17 factor. The transition from the agricultural stage of development of peoples to the technological stage for all peoples without exception occurred with the loss of this food factor. In Rus', the diet has always included rye, which contains B17 - you can also add barley, oats, and millet here. With the transition to wheat, the cancer statistics curve began to go up all over the world.

Cancers are almost completely absent in agricultural peoples whose diets are rich in B17. The transition to wheat cultivation and the general commercialization of agriculture inevitably brought with it the problems that oncology is unsuccessfully trying to solve today. Today, more than ever, it is important for a person to understand that vitamin B17 for a healthy existence is the same simplest and essential for a person substance like vitamin D (sunlight) or vitamin C.

Here is an incomplete list of foods that contain B17: bitter almond seeds (2.5-3.5%), peaches (2-3%), apricot and plum pits (1-1.8%), cherry pits (0. 8%) and nectarines, apple seeds. It is also found in alfalfa sprouts, barley, blackberries, brown rice, blueberries, lentils, sorghum, millet, corn, rye, quince, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, walnuts, grape seeds, flaxseed.

It also contains bamboo sprouts, beet tops, blackberries, boysenberries, brewer's yeast, brown rice, buckwheat, cashew nuts, cherry kernels, cranberries, eucalyptus leaves, currants, fava beans, flax seeds, garbanzo beans, gooseberries , blueberries, lentils, lima beans, flaxseed, macadamia nuts, millet, rye, millet seeds, plum kernels, raspberries, sorghum cane syrup, spinach, sprouts (alfalfa, lentils, beans, buckwheat, garbanzos), strawberries, walnuts , watercress, yams.

Previously, fruits contained B17 not only in their seeds, but also in their pulp. Today it can only be found in wild fruits of various fruits. In general, it is found naturally in abundance in more than 1,200 edible plants and is found in almost every part of the world.

Cancer Prevention

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to simply remember to periodically eat something from the above list - for example, 1-2 apricot kernels per day. Gradually, their number can be increased to 7-10 seeds per day, which will be quite enough. It is understood that you will eat the bones not at one time, but throughout the day. They need to be chewed, despite their bitterness, because they are essential in our diet. They can be added to any food product. They can be crushed and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey. As a preventive measure, Dr. Krebs argued that about 7 apricot seeds per day guarantees a person protection against cancer for life. One or two B17 tablets (about 100 mg) per day is the most acceptable dosage.

Don’t forget about the other side of the issue - limit sugar in your diet (it feeds cancer cells) and flour products made from premium flour, avoid caffeine. Avoid drinking alcohol and try to eat as many unprocessed foods as possible. Drink a lot drinking water(about 8-10 glasses per day) - it will help you remove toxins from your body.

This is where the original text and the most complete information about vitamins are located. If you are reading these lines on another site, then this text has been stupidly copied and you are visiting dishonest people. Sorry and let's move on.

If cancer has already occurred

If cancer has occurred, then the most important thing is to supply the body with maximum dose B17. All related medical skills are secondary. In almost all cases of the disease, when a person was given B17 in large doses, the cancerous tumors shrank.

Why can't you just eat apricot kernels if you have cancer? The fact is that this food simultaneously brings nutrition to the infected cells. Therefore, preference should be given to their purified extracts or tablets. In order for them to exert their full effect, extracts and nutrient tablets must be taken in extremely large doses - megadoses.

Cancer is a very serious disease and to cure it it is necessary to gain true knowledge about this disease and do own conclusion. To do this, we suggest you watch Edward Griffin's film "A World Without Cancer and Vitamin B17." Let us recall that Dr. John Richardson proved the effectiveness of laetrile (B17). But when the drug was banned, the doctor turned to Edward Griffin, a journalist specializing in independent investigations, with a request to inform the public about the merits of laetrile. After conducting his own investigation, Griffin discovered that the results of the laetrile studies were fabricated by pharmacists. In addition, Edward Griffin received classified materials regarding these studies, which indicated the opposite - pharmacists saw the effectiveness of laetrile, but hid it. These documents formed the basis of Edward Griffin's book A World Without Cancer and this film.

Where to buy laetrile (B17)

It is impossible to buy vitamin B17 in a pharmacy, but it is still quite easy to obtain. Click on the "Purchase in one click" button below and enter your details. We will definitely contact you and discuss both the monetary issue and the delivery method. If you are convinced that you or your loved ones need laetrile, then you need to act decisively and quickly. You should have Vitamin B17 as soon as possible.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: You should know that real vitamin B17 (amygdalin) is completely different from crushed apricot kernels, which is what some companies offer. For comparison: 33 capsules of 500 mg of this pseudoamygdalin are equivalent to one tablet of 500 mg of real amygdalin (vitamin B17).

Vitamin B17 (100 capsules of 100 mg)

Natural B17 is extracted from apricot seeds. Made in USA (California).

Vitamin B17 capsules (100 capsules, 100 mg each).

Other Ingredients: Vegetable cellulose (capsules), microcrystalline cellulose, ascorbyl palmitate, silica.

Price 3500 rub.

Vitamin B17 (100 capsules of 500 mg)

Vitamin B17 capsules (100 capsules, 500 mg each).

Made in the USA (California) from raw materials grown without pesticides and herbicides.

Apricot Seed Extract, B17 (Amygdalin) 500 mg

Price 6900 rub.

Amygdalin Forte

One of the most popular drugs against cancer is Amygdalin Forte. Potent and highly effective in use.

The treatment method is based on restoration immune system our body, after which it has the ability to independently and effectively deal with the disease. This method does not coincide with the dogmas of traditional medicine. Amygdalin therapy has been successfully used in foreign countries, showing excellent results.

Amygdalin Forte is a 99% concentrate of vitamin B17, the source of which is the kernels of wild apricots and bitter almonds. Amygdalin Forte is used in the treatment of cancer, effectively destroying cancer cells.

The package contains 3 blisters of 20 capsules each, 1 capsule directly contains 300 mg of pure amygdalin, 25 mg of microcrystalline cellulose, 25 mg of maltodextrin.

Anti-cancer vitamin B17 (amygdalin) in ampoules

The package contains 10 ampoules of 3 grams each.

Dosage as directed by your doctor (intramuscular/intravenous).

The contents of 1-2 ampoules are administered at a time by slow jet injection into a vein or catheter, once a day (with a 20 ml syringe of 21 gauge with a 40 mm needle).

Price 9000 rub.

Anti-cancer vitamin B17 (amygdalin 100x100mg) Mexico

The package contains 100 capsules of 100 mg each. The dosage is determined according to your doctor's instructions. We recommend.
Price 3600 rub.

Anti-cancer vitamin B17 (amygdalin 100x500mg) Mexico

The famous amygdalin from Mexico! But why has he earned such a high reputation?

Apricot seeds contain various quantities amygdalin depending on the variety. Large amounts of amygdalin were found in bitter apricot varieties, but not in sweet ones. And therefore the seeds of bitter varieties contain very high level amygdala.

This amygdalin has an active ingredient of pure vitamin B17, extracted from apricot kernels with a purity of 99.5%, and is a very stable compound.

The package contains 100 capsules of 500 mg each! The dosage is determined according to your doctor's instructions. Highly recommended.
Price 8400 rub.

Laetrile Forte

The natural preparation Laetrile Forte contains 80 capsules of vitamin B17, 100 mg of pure amygdalin each. Suitable for both cancer treatment and prevention.

It is recommended for the diet as an additional source of vitamin B17, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, fatty acids and flavonoids in order to normalize the functional state of the immune and cardiovascular systems body. Laetrile Forte contains 100 mg of pure amygdalin of 98% concentration.

The drug Laetrile Forte is manufactured in Ukraine from imported components in accordance with the EU Directive "Directive 2002/46/EC". Take 1-2 capsules daily with meals. Use in consultation with your doctor (we recommend taking it for at least one month).

Price 2600 rub.

An effective set of vitamins against cancer

The basis of the anti-cancer set is vitamin B17 (amygdalin), one of the most effective vitamins B17 among global manufacturers. Its action is aimed at the widespread destruction of cancer cells, which it successfully does.

The set is complemented by vitamin B15 (pangamic acid), which is actually an assistant to B17 - together they act much more effectively. Due to the fact that cancer cells are covered with a protein membrane, immune cells it is difficult to penetrate it. But B15 dissolves the membrane, allowing the cancer cell to be attacked directly.

The final component of the set is Super Enzymes. These enzymes have been successfully used in anticancer therapy together with vitamin B17 (amygdalin) and vitamin B15. Super Enzymes help optimize the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and protein, and help absorb B17. Enzymes are the key to health at any age - with them, wounds heal faster, inflammatory processes flow easier and end faster.

Set includes:

  • Two packs of vitamin B17 - 100 tablets/capsules, each containing 500 mg of pure amygdalin.
  • Packaging B15, each containing 100 vitamin capsules.
  • Super Enzymes - the package contains 90 capsules. The manufacturer is the world famous company "NOW".
Approximately, the “Effective set of vitamins against cancer” is designed for 1 month of use. When cancer has already occurred, many are interested in how and in what dosages to take B17, and whether it is necessary to use any additional medications for a more effective result?

The question is correct and relevant, and it is difficult to answer it briefly. Naturally, it has helpers in the form of other vitamins, minerals or trace elements. But his most important assistant is the man himself!

Among all the B vitamins, vitamin B17, amygdalin, is perhaps the most controversial. There is still heated debate about its healing properties, as well as the possible consequences of its use.

Supporters of the vitamin attribute to it the ability to be perhaps the best fighter against cancer, while opponents, on the contrary, believe that it is impossible to consume this substance in excess in its pure or synthesized form - this can lead to poisoning of the body. As for consumption by adolescents under the age of 17-18, here too you need to be very selective, consulting a doctor.

The inconsistency of amygdalin most likely lies in the political games of pharmaceutical companies, where the search for a panacea against cancer means annual funding for laboratories from the state, and a patented drug means a monopoly against cancer in sales.

History of discovery

Vitamin B17 was first discovered in 1952 by Ernst Krebs, who synthesized it from almond seeds and gave it the name laetral. Dr. Krebs is considered the discoverer of amygdalin, although back in 1802 hydrocyanic acid was found, which is a breakdown product of this substance. Dr. Krebs, after numerous studies, announced healing properties laetral in the fight against cancer.

Although in scientific world this hypothesis was not confirmed by Krebs, as well as his followers believe that in a world where more people lives by fighting the suppression of cancer than the people who die from it - the invention of a panacea against this disease becomes unprofitable.

What products contain

The artificially synthesized substance amygdalin (vitamin B17) is water-soluble crystals white, but in what foods does it occur naturally? And can the consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, and in what proportions, prevent cancer?

In addition to laetral, an artificially synthesized substance, sources of amygdalin are the seeds of many pink flowers, for example, in one dosage or another, vitamin B17 is found not in the pulp, but in the seeds of apples, apricots, peaches, pears, plums and grapes. Amygdalin is also present in such products as:

  • Brewer's yeast;
  • flax seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • bird cherry greens;
  • lentil sprouts;
  • millet;
  • alfalfa;
  • green buckwheat;
  • sweet potato;
  • cashew and macadame nuts.

Does Q17 cure diseases?

Adherents of the theory of amygdalin's anti-cancer abilities refer to the fact that our ancestors, whose life expectancy was 80-85 years, did not know what cancer was, because they ate foods rich in this vitamin. With the development of civilization and the emergence of fast foods, people feel a deficiency of vitamin B17, which makes them vulnerable to the development of the disease. Indirect confirmation of this theory is the observation that the Hunza tribe (Himalayas) did not encounter cancer, and were also long-livers (up to 90 years), since their diet contained many foods that are a natural source of amygdalin, including apricots, millet, legumes But as soon as over time, the inhabitants of the tribe began to eat according to the example of Western countries, cancer began to appear in their anamnesis. The effect of the substance on the health of adolescents under 16-17 years of age is also taken into account. It is during puberty that intake of the substance should be limited. For adolescents 16-17 years old, the dosage (if necessary at all) is calculated individually by a specialist.

In contrast to these data, American newspapers circulated a story about a couple who, due to bad financial condition was forced to eat apricot grains, the couple soon died from poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, which they contain. After this story, the substance containing cyanide became prohibited in America. At the same time, many countries, including Australia and Mexico, have classified laetral among the dietary supplements that are available for free sale. To prove the harmlessness of laetral, Dr. Krebs gave himself an injection containing the maximum permissible dose vitamin B17, which did not affect his health in any way.

Despite the fact that Krebs claimed about the properties of laetral to selectively destroy cancer cells without affecting the entire body as a whole, he had to prove this with scientific point vision has not been achieved to this day. Many independent scientists, as well as employees of the Cancer Institute in the USA, tested laetral on mice that were inoculated with sarcoma and melanoma and tried to heal with injections of synthesized laetral. The laboratory mice did not survive, but it was not the increased doses of laetral containing cyanide that caused their death, but the cancer cells that could not be destroyed with the same laetral. This means that this substance is powerless against cancer, but at the same time its harmlessness at small dosages has also been proven. Who knows, maybe Krebs Jr. is right in his statement that amygdalin does not kill cancer cells, but its deficiency in the diet contributes to the development of cancer.

Similar discoveries have been made in history before, for example, Scurvy disease manifests itself in the loss of collagen, which leads to bleeding gums and loss of strength connective tissue can be prevented simply by eating foods containing vitamin C. And avoiding anemia has become possible thanks to foods that are sources of cobalt and iron. Although quite recently these diseases were considered incurable, and their occurrence had no scientific explanations. Perhaps the appearance cancerous tumors is the body’s reaction to vitamin deficiency associated with eating habits, for example, to a lack of certain substances or their complete absence.

Hypothesis of anticancer activity

In order to understand the theory of amygdalin’s anti-cancer activity, let’s look at B17 and its properties in more detail. The chemical composition of the substance consists of four components, two of which are glucose, one benzaldehyde and one cyanide.

Cyanide and benzaldehyde in pure form are poisons capable of killing a person, but in combination with other components they are absolutely harmless, because all components are connected into one molecule. Another reason they are safe is the rhodanes enzyme found in healthy cells. While in the body, amygdalin is exposed to enzymes that separate cyanide and combine it with sulfur. This biochemical reaction converts cyanide into a neutral substance that is easily excreted from the body. It is also known that sulfur and glucose neutralize cyanide.

Cancer cells do not have such enzymes, but they do have beta-glucosidase, which is absent in healthy cells. Beta-glucosidase is an enzyme that, instead of combining cyanide with sulfur and thereby neutralizing it, on the contrary, releases it and benzaldehyde, which destroy cancer cells from the inside.

The hypothesis states that amygdalin destroys only cancer cells, while healthy ones remain intact, while other anti-cancer drugs have a detrimental effect on the entire body.

The effect of vitamin B17 on the body

In addition to its anti-cancer abilities, which are still questionable, amygdalin has the ability to slow down the aging process, relieve pain, and also have a beneficial effect on skin regeneration (especially for adolescents with problem skin up to 13-16 years old). For example, brewer's yeast extract, which is present in small quantities, is widely used as a beneficial substance for adolescents 17 years old, since it has a beneficial effect on the skin in puberty, accelerating metabolic processes and preventing the appearance of acne. In addition, amygdalin, when regularly consumed in food for adolescents under 16-17 years old, from natural sources, slows down the aging process and prolongs longevity.

However, the Association of American Physicians opposed the use of the drug Laetral in the general public due to the possible toxic properties of amygdalin during the process of breakdown into molecules. This applies not only to teenagers, but also to young children under 4-5 years old. It is believed that a compound of cyanide with hydrogen, hydrocyanic acid, can be synthesized in the human body when consumed shock high doses Laetral, and since it is impossible to control its intake, the vitamin itself is potentially dangerous.

Be that as it may, the statement of the philosopher Paracelsus that “in this world everything is poison and only the dose makes it a medicine” is still relevant today. There is no point in relying on the miraculous properties of the synthesized Laetral without scientific evidence, while consuming healthy foods can be a good preventive measure for tumors. Knowing which foods contain vitamin B17, you can regulate their consumption so that daily dose amygdala did not exceed the limit values. For example, the number of seeds should not exceed the number of fruits consumed in one meal. Also, a good prevention of malignant tumors would be the daily consumption of a handful of raisins or cashew nuts (for children and adolescents, the amount should be limited). But canned fruits and berries in their entirety can accumulate hydrocyanic acid, and consuming them with seeds will lead to poisoning.

Amygdalin - vitamin B17 - is not a vitamin in the usual sense of the word. It is a compound of water-soluble nitrilocides that are non-toxic and high in sugar. While almost every person has heard about vitamins such as B2, B6 or B12, few know about the existence of this compound.

Fierce debate continues around this vitamin. Some scientists consider it a miracle cure for cancer and other serious diseases, while others classify this substance as a poison.

What is amygdalin

This vitamin was isolated from almond seeds in 1952 by American biochemist Ernst Theodore Krebs. The scientist named the resulting substance laetrile.

Just a few years earlier, Krebs managed to give the world pangamic acid (vitamin B15), pharmacological properties which has not yet been fully studied. A biochemist isolated it from apricot kernels, and later it was discovered in legumes and rice bran.

Amygdalin is a water-soluble B vitamin consisting of cyanide and benzaldehyde molecules. The substance has the appearance of white shiny crystals that begin to melt at temperatures above 215 degrees Celsius. The vitamin dissolves easily when heated in water. In this case, the amygdalin molecule can break down into separate parts. The most dangerous of them is hydrocyanic acid. It belongs to a number of cyanide compounds, which, even in minimal dosages, can bring a person to a coma, severe intoxication or cardiac arrest.

Dr. Krebs himself saw in his discovery a very effective remedy that has the highest potential in the fight against various tumors and cancer cells. To prove the safety of using vitamin B17, he injected the substance into a vein in his arm. Thus the scientist by example was able to convince the general public that his discovery did not pose any threat to a healthy body.

Brief history of use

Despite the fact that this substance cannot be called a vitamin from a biochemical point of view, the healers of the ancient civilizations of China and Egypt were well aware of the benefits of this compound. As a therapeutic agent, healers who lived many thousands of years BC used mainly bitter almonds, which hold the record for amygdalin content.

However wonderful medicinal properties of this vitamin were conveniently forgotten, and today full-fledged studies of the compound began only in the middle of the 20th century.

Ernst Krebs, together with his father, undertook many scientific experiments to prove the effectiveness of the discovered vitamin. They believed that oncology is not caused by external factors such as bacteria or viruses, and that cancers are not contagious. In their opinion, oncology is caused by metabolic failures in the body, primarily due to poor nutrition. They tried to object to scientists, but so far no one has been able to refute their theory.

In his report at a conference in 1974 on cancer research, Krebs cited observations of the amazing Burishi (Hunza) people who live in the Hunza River valley in a remote region of the Himalayas. The average life expectancy of representatives of this people is 100–120 years, all residents are healthy until old age.

Burishi live according to nature, they have a natural healthy image life and plant-based diet. There is an interesting point in their daily routine: in the spring, when many fruits and vegetables have not yet ripened, they eat almost nothing but dried apricots. This period can last 2–4 months a year. Krebs noted this fact, as well as the fact that not a single case of cancer was recorded in the tribe.

Subsequently, numerous lab tests and experiments did not confirm the high antitumor properties of the vitamin. Moreover, the hype around the vitamin attracted the attention of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which not only did not approve the use of the compound, but also banned its use and distribution.

However, such a conclusion from the above-mentioned organization did not at all put an end to the use of vitamin B17. Many supporters unconventional methods treatments unanimously started talking about lobbying the FDA by giant pharmaceutical companies who did not want to part with an impressive part of their own profits.

Thus, the patient has to be treated for cancer with the help of amygdalin at his own peril and risk, despite the prohibitions of official authorities.

What functions does amygdalin perform in the body?

One of the largest medical experiments took place in the 80s of the 20th century, when almost 200 patients suffering from cancer took part in the research. Positive results were recorded only in a few experimental subjects after 2.5 months of active use of amygdalin. Most of the people taking part in the study did not notice any changes in cancer therapy. At the moment, experiments are continuing, but this is happening in closed laboratories due to the official moratorium on the use of the vitamin.

The hydrogen cyanide and glucose contained in Formula B17 are highly destructive to cancer cells. When meeting such cells, the amygdalin molecule instantly splits into 1 molecule of benzaldehyde, 1 molecule of hydrogen cyanide and 2 molecules of glucose. Glucose is introduced into the space of the damaged cell, and benzaldehyde, together with cyanide, produces a special poison that destroys cancerous formations.

It is clear that amygdalin may contain some toxicity, but exposure to a poison of natural origin clearly has fewer side effects than commonly used chemotherapy.

What foods contain amygdalin?

Let's find out which foods contain vitamin B17. These foods can provide the body with sufficient amounts of amygdalin with minimal health risks.

A record amount of the compound is present in bitter almonds and apricot kernels, which are not uncommon in our area; they usually go into the trash bin as useless waste. The taste of the seeds is reminiscent of almonds, but many people find them even more pleasant and tender. Experts advise eating at least 30 seeds per day. In addition, there are many other natural products where vitamin B17 is found:

  • pear, cherry and apple seeds;
  • prune, peach and nectarine kernels;
  • blackberries, gooseberries and currants;
  • elderberry, cranberry and boysenberry;
  • green peas, lentils and mung beans;
  • ginger, some types of mushrooms;
  • spinach, alfalfa and eucalyptus.

A sufficient amount of amygdalin is contained in buckwheat (it is best to use green cereals), wheat and mung bean sprouts. Almonds, bamboo shoots, cashews, sweet potatoes and beet tops are also worth including in your diet.

Flax seed, which can be purchased without much difficulty in any store, boasts a significant amygdalin content. In the process of preparing berry or fruit dishes, many housewives carefully remove seeds from cherries, grapes, apples and other fruits. However, this is strongly not recommended for the reason that most of the beneficial properties (including vitamin B 17) are present directly in the small grains.

The daily dose of amygdalin should vary from 125 to 150 mg. There is another theory, according to which the number of apricot kernels should correspond to the number of fruits eaten per day.

Amygdalin should be taken not only by cancer patients, but also by all residents of large cities and metropolitan areas. Polluted air combined with bad habits, fast food, etc. unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of sleep lead humanity to many health problems.

Use large quantity fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs and grains rich in amygdalin, avoidance of fatty, smoked and fried foods, regular physical exercise are the best preventive measure that can not only prevent cancer, but also significantly increase immunity and improve overall health.