What does mumiyo give under the tongue? Instilling mumiyo into the nose. Shilajit: indications for use

Mumiyo has many other names. For example, “blood of the mountain.” Some call the substance rock oil. For many centuries, people have been treated with its help for various diseases. Traditional healers believe that the mineral can prolong life.


Shilajit is a mineral that looks like resin. May differ in color, structure, and degree of transparency. This substance is usually smooth. As a rule, it has irregular shape. It can be viscous or hard and has a balsamic smell. This mineral is found in a variety of places globe. Official medicine had not yet studied all its properties, at that time traditional healers It has long been used to heal many diseases. But everyone agrees that this substance has great healing power. Doctors advise using it as aid against the background of general therapy.

What does it cure?

  1. Heart diseases and blood vessels. Such as varicose veins and high blood pressure, as well as thrombophlebitis.
  2. Disorders of the digestive system, such as gastritis, colitis, ulcers, heartburn and others. It will also help with poisoning and constipation.
  3. Respiratory system. It treats cough, bronchitis, sore throat, laryngitis and even tuberculosis.
  4. Eye diseases: stye and glaucoma.
  5. Hearing organs: inflammation, purulent otitis.
  6. Diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the system: cystitis, ulcers Bladder and others.
  7. Musculoskeletal system: dislocations, rheumatism, radiculitis.
  8. Endocrine system: diabetes, pancreatitis.
  9. Diseases and damage to the skin: abrasions, various cuts, burns of varying severity, as well as dermatitis and ulcers.

And this is not the entire list of diseases that this natural mineral helps fight.

It is also recommended to take it to prevent hemorrhoids, allergies, and diseases of the reproductive system. Taking the substance prevents blood pathologies, edema, nervous diseases. In addition, mumiyo is excellent for improving immunity. Thanks to these properties, this mineral is recognized as a unique healing agent.

Mineral composition

This miraculous substance contains proteins, acids, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, and various alcohols. In addition, it has a whole set useful to people minerals. Among microelements, mumiyo is rich in aluminum, calcium, as well as magnesium and others.

Medicinal properties

Its main healing property is its positive effect on human immunity. It is able to strengthen the body in the fight against illnesses, as well as reduce the negative impact of various factors. We can talk endlessly about the benefits of the mineral for human health.

Here is a list of the effects that mumiyo has on humans:

Types of healing mineral

To distinguish mumiyo by type, it was named according to its place of origin. For example, it can be Siberian, Himalayan, as well as Arabian and many others. etc. They are distinguished by type depending on the chemical composition and the content of metal particles contained in it.

There are four most common types:

  • Golden. It ranges in color from orange to dark red.
  • Silver is usually milky in color.
  • Copper is dark blue and azure in color.
  • Iron is the most common. Has black color.

Where can I buy?

You can purchase the mineral at any pharmacies or specialty stores. Release form: capsules and tablets. The mineral is also available in paste form. If you purchase it in tablets, you will get a low content of the substance in their composition. If you buy a balm, then the contents useful mineral there will be much more here. It is sold in jars - the mineral in this form is similar to resin. But it is best to buy plates of purified mumiyo. Here the substance content is the highest, therefore, such plates will bring the greatest benefit.

Fact! Altai mumiyo is the most common among others.

How to take mumiyo correctly?

This remedy should be used with extreme caution, in accordance with the recommendations. According to the instructions, the maximum daily dose of the substance is 6 g. But it is recommended to take half as much every day. If there are no scales on which you can weigh the required amount, be guided by the fact that 3 g of the substance is the size of a pea.

In accordance with the instructions, the mineral is dissolved in water. Drink in the morning before meals, in the afternoon - about an hour before meals, in the evening after dinner it should come at least 2 hours. These are universal rules of admission, and absolutely all diseases are treated in this way.

What is the duration of the course of treatment? Treatment must be carried out in courses, and it all depends on how seriously ill the person is. Here's what the ancient instructions say about this.

  1. If the disease has worsened, then drink the remedy for 10 days. After a five-day break, treatment of the same duration is repeated.
  2. At chronic diseases They also recommend a ten-day course with breaks. You will need to take several such courses, up to five. The main thing is to take breaks.
  3. If a person is very seriously ill, then a month of continuous use of the healing substance is necessary, and the break will be 10 days. Then again a month of admission.

How is it used in cosmetology?

Shilajit occupies an important place in cosmetology, especially due to the collagen contained in it. This substance helps keep the skin elastic. With the help of mumiyo, without any special financial costs, you can solve cosmetic problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, stretch marks, freckles, and sagging skin. The effect of the mineral on the skin of the face is irreplaceable, as it perfectly helps with age-related changes.

Mumiyo is a component of many recipes used for beauty and health. At home, the following options are used:

  1. First you need to make a solution, for which the mineral plates are crushed. Then add water and stir until they are completely dissolved. This solution can be drunk. If you drink 5 ml of it in the morning and evening, your hemoglobin level will increase significantly.
  2. The product is frozen in the form of cubes. They wipe the skin. If you wipe your face with them regularly, the number of wrinkles will noticeably decrease, and new ones will appear much more slowly.
  3. A solution mask will make the skin more elastic, acne will go away, and the skin will become more even.
  4. If you add a few tablets to your shampoo and constantly wash your hair with this composition, it will become healthier.
  5. Here is a recipe for a mask that significantly restores the structure of damaged hair. First you need to dissolve a teaspoon of mumiyo in one tablespoon of liquid honey. Add one large spoon of burdock oil and the yolk of one egg. The mixture is distributed over the hair. After an hour, the product is washed off. But do not do the procedure too often; repeating it every 2 weeks will be enough.


The benefits of this mineral have already been mentioned above. What are the contraindications to the use of this healing substance?

  1. It is important to remember that this mineral cannot be used in combination with alcohol in any doses. When you are undergoing treatment, forget about drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as medicinal tinctures containing alcohol.
  2. It is prohibited for children under the age of twelve to take products based on mumiyo.
  3. Also avoid taking during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. If you have hypertension or any nerve disorders, take this medication with extreme caution and under the supervision of a physician.
  5. Avoid taking products containing mumiyo if you have allergies.

From all of the above, we can conclude that mumiyo has an effect on health great benefit. Recently, the country's leading doctors have recognized the positive effect of the mineral on health. They recommend taking tablets with mumiyo orally, which means that official medicine recognized the benefits of this natural substance.

Video: super effective face mask with mummy

Hello! Shilajit is used in folk medicine since time immemorial, which means you can be confident in its medicinal properties. It remains to find out what diseases it will help cure and how to take mumiyo.

Where did the natural wizard come from?

Mumiyo, what is it? This organic product, having the appearance of dense resin pieces with a shiny or matte surface. How is it formed? It is unknown, but one thing is clear - the product is of natural origin. It is also known to have incredible healing powers.

Scientists suggest that this is the excrement of bats, which undergo a kind of fermentation in the conditions of mountain caves. Those who are particularly squeamish don’t even want to hear this version. There is another version that will also not suit them. But the fact that mumiyo or mountain oil has unprecedented healing power outweighs all the most terrible versions of its formation.

Let's not dwell on its fermentation; the main thing is that it has beneficial properties and treats many diseases.

Types of mumiyo

To classify rock matter, they began to distinguish it by the name of the place where it was discovered. This is Tibetan, Siberian, Altai, etc. It is also divided according to the metal it contains.

There are 4 main types recognized: Golden (its color varies from dark golden to burgundy). Silver (or white due to its milky tint), Iron, which has a black-brown color. Copper (mummy with copper has a dark blue or azure tint).

Mountain oil is a generous gift from nature

What does this mineral treat:

  • Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, heart failure.
  • Liver problems and all gastrointestinal ailments.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: from cough to tuberculosis.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Diseases of the hearing organs.
  • Kidneys, urinary system.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity and musculoskeletal system.
  • Problems endocrine system, blood diseases.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Colds, hemorrhoids, allergies, swelling;
  • Ailments nervous system ranging from headaches to epilepsy and paralysis facial nerve.

How is it useful for men and women?

Heals many diseases reproductive system. Mountain oil will help men and women overcome infertility if you drink it 0.2-0.5 g with carrot or sea buckthorn juice 2 times a day.

Treatment will take 25 days, then you need to take a break for 5 days, then extend the therapy until the 30 gram piece of mineral is gone.

For inflammatory processes in the female breast and you should drink 0.3 g with milk in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed. The course is 25 days with breaks.

Cervical erosion is perfectly treated. A napkin moistened with a 2.5% solution of mountain oil (2.5 g diluted in 100 ml of water), secure with a tampon, and leave overnight. Within two days the erosion will be cleared of pus, and on the 4th day complete cleansing will occur. The course consists of 6-10 sessions. During this time, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

A unique natural remedy will help heal many diseases. Why does it have such healing properties? Due to the fact that its composition contains the rarest elements that are not found in other mineral products.

In order for you to get only benefits from taking mumiyo, you need to take it on an empty stomach, having correctly calculated the dosage. If you need to take it internally, then the mummy is diluted in water or milk, keeping a ratio of 1:20, for example, if your weight is 90 kg, then take 0.4 g of the product and dissolve it in 20 parts of milk or water.

How to breed for children?

After 10 years: Dilute 0.1 g of the mountain product in 20 parts of water or milk. Any illness should be treated for 28 days, taking the solution 1 or 2 times a day on an empty stomach.

To measure the required dosage recommended by the instructions, you must have an accurate pharmacy scale. What if they don't exist? The optimal dose is 3 g per day. A piece of mountain oil the size of a small pea can serve as a guide. This weight will correspond to 3 grams.

If the recipes indicate a different dosage, then you must adhere to it. For example, for fractures of bones and joints: take 0.2 g in the morning for 10 days. Then a break for 10 days and repeat 2 courses again to get 30 days.

Sprains or bruises will go away faster, if 1.5 g is divided into three times, then taken orally, washed down with a fair amount of milk.

For the treatment of joints and radiculitis It is necessary to make compresses at night: mix 100 g of honey and 0.5 g of mumiyo, and drink 0.2 g in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days.

Application of the product 0.3 g twice a day with thrombophlebitis will help get rid of swelling, pain, and restore normal blood circulation. After 7-10 days the disease will begin to recede.

For diabetes it is necessary to reduce excess weight, because it is main reason appearance of this disease:

  1. Take 18 g of the product, combine with 500 ml of water.
  2. Drink 1 tbsp a quarter of an hour before meals. l. three times a day. Course – 1.5 weeks.
  3. Over the next 1.5 weeks you need to drink 3 tsp.

After a month, you will feel an improvement in your condition and lose weight, which means that mountain tar is also suitable for weight loss. By taking natural medicine, you may experience an exacerbation of the disease. Without exceeding the dosage, continue treatment.

For gastrointestinal diseases

For the stomach and duodenum, mountain oil is the best healer, especially when peptic ulcer:
Dissolve 10 g in 0.5 liters of water, take before meals, following the scheme:

  • 10 days, 3 tsp,
  • 10 days 1 tbsp. l.,
  • 9 days 1.5 tbsp. l. already after eating.

The course is 1 month. During this time you should take 30 g of the product. Healing resin accelerates the healing of ulcers of various sizes.

After a course of therapy, inflammation of the biliary tract and intestines will also disappear. Along the way, you will get rid of chronic cholecystitis and spastic colitis.

The mineral can be drunk for prevention, without deviating from the instructions, to strengthen the immune system, during the rampant flu and other infections.

Where can I get mumiyo?

It's best to go to the pharmacy. The product is available in different forms, for example in capsules. Unique drug can be purchased in tablets. It is important to know that there is not enough resin in tablets, because additional components are added to them.

You can buy balm packaged in jars. The balm contains more medicinal resin than tablets.

It is best to purchase purified mummy. It costs more, but the benefits from it will be much greater. The purified mineral can be sold in the form of plates or briquettes.

Mumiyo for beauty of skin and hair

If you have problematic skin, then pay attention to Altai resin. It will help get rid of acne, freckles, pigmentation, and improve the condition of the skin.

All women are concerned about skin changes that occur with age. Apply this product to your face regularly to eliminate many age-related problems:

  • grind the resin plate in a mortar;
  • gradually pour in water until it is completely dissolved, in the proportion - 500 ml of water will require 5 g of resin;
  • take 2 times a day before meals, 1 tsp.

Pour the solution into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Rub the cubes onto your skin 2 times a day.

To restore the skin's elasticity and blooming appearance, prepare a mask with a solution:

  • Dissolve 15 g of mumiyo in a spoon of water;
  • add 40 g of melted butter;
  • pour in 20 g of liquid wax;
  • add 1 tbsp to the cooled mixture. aloe juice

Apply the cream to the face every day in a thin layer. Instead of oil and wax, you can use baby cream.

You can also use this magical mineral for your hair. Grind 8 tablets of mountain resin and add to shampoo. The tablets will soon dissolve, giving the shampoos beneficial properties. Especially useful for hair growth and health.

You can purchase the “Active Mumiyo” strengthening shampoo. Hair masks give excellent results.

What is a mask with mountain oil used for?

For restoration and health of curls. Prepare a mask with honey:

  • mix 4 g of Altai product with 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey,
  • add 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp. Leave for 1 hour, then wash off first with shampoo, then with chamomile decoction. This mask should be applied 2 times a month!

Ointments with mountain oil

For external use, use an ointment prepared according to the following recipe:

  • mumiyo – 4 g;
  • water – 25 ml;
  • anhydrous lanolin – 35 g;
  • Vaseline – up to 100 g.

Cooking method. Heat the mummy in a water bath at 25–37 °C, and lanolin and petroleum jelly, packed in an airtight container, at 180 °C for 20 minutes.

Shilajit treats many skin ailments, it is also useful for psoriasis: make a 2% solution and treat the affected areas with it several times a day. For psoriasis, you must take it orally: 1 tablet is dissolved in a cup of water, drunk for 10 days, then a 5-day break and drunk again for 10 days. You need to drink it 3 times for 10 days.

Prepare medicinal ointment: Dissolve 2 tablets in 1 tbsp. spoon of water, add a little olive oil.

  • Properties of mumiyo
  • Why is mumiyo useful?
  • Composition of mumiyo
  • How to drink mumiyo

Mountain resin, ozokerite, tears of giants, wax of the mountains, Bragshaun, mummies, rock oil, the blood of the mountain is all about the mummy, a remedy of unknown origin overgrown with legends, which pushes people into countless debates about the need for its use.

For more than three thousand years, people have known about it and used it in the treatment of various diseases, for the rapid healing of fractures, in cosmetology and to prolong life.

But not everyone considers mumiyo a panacea. Some argue that the improvement from taking mumiyo is simply a type of self-hypnosis and a placebo effect.

Much is said about the fact that it is simply ridiculous to believe in some product and expect that it will get rid of all diseases and illnesses, restore health and beauty.

So what does mummy treat and does it really heal?

Mumiyo is a plastic natural substance like resin. The origin is mineral-biological. The color of mumiyo varies from light brown to black, and colored ones are also found. Mumiyo can be smooth and with an irregular, crumbling structure, it can be viscous and similar to frozen glass, transparent and opaque. In any case, all mumiyo found in nature has a specific balsamic smell and similar properties and composition.

Shilajit is found in mountains in various countries and regions, such as the Caucasus, Nepal, Australia, Iran, Central Asia, Altai, India, Mongolia, Russia, South America, North Africa and some others.

Mumiyo has been widely used in folk medicine for several thousand years. Traditional medicine has not yet fully studied the effect of taking mumiyo on the human body, and therefore does not have much confidence in this remedy, but has come to the conclusion that it helps sick people cope with their illness faster and recommends using it in addition to a course of prescribed medications .

Let's figure out what mummy treats? To do this, we present full list diseases and illnesses:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hypertension, post-infarction condition, heart failure.
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver and biliary tract: intestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, ulcers duodenum, increased acidity stomach, low stomach acidity, cholecystitis, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, digestive disorders, increased appetite, decreased appetite, intestinal atony, hepatitis, gastritis, cholelithiasis, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, belching, constipation, poisoning.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: runny nose, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, cough, nosebleeds, tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary hemorrhages, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, pansinusitis, sinusitis, upper catarrh respiratory tract.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision: barley, glaucoma.
  • Diseases of the hearing organs: purulent otitis media, hearing loss, inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system: cystitis, bladder ulcer, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis.
  • Oral diseases: periodontal disease, cheilitis, stomatitis, seizures in the corners of the mouth.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: fractures, radiculitis, dislocations, sprains, osteotuberculosis processes, joint pain, rheumatism.
  • Endocrine diseases: diabetes, pancreatitis, elephantiasis.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, burns, purulent wounds, abrasions, hematomas, cuts, stretch marks, long-healing stitches, ulcers, acne, psoriasis, boils, eczema.
  • Prevention and treatment of colds: acute respiratory infections, ARVI, influenza.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system: male infertility, female infertility, cervical erosion, vaginal erosion, weakened sexual function, inflammation of the mammary glands due to stagnation of milk, cracked nipples.
  • Blood diseases: anemia, radiation sickness.
  • Edema.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: epilepsy, headaches, neuralgia, migraine, dizziness, stuttering, sleep disorders, neurodermatitis, facial paralysis.
  • Low immunity.

So, we have found out what mummy treats, now let’s figure out how much mummy costs and where it can be purchased.

You can buy mumiyo at almost any large pharmacy or specialized retail outlets.

Also wide choose Shilajit is presented in many online stores.

Mumiyo can be purchased in the form of capsules, tablets, pastes, balms or in the form of small briquettes and plates.

In pharmacies, mumiyo is sold in tablet form. For a two hundred milligram package containing 20 tablets, you will be asked from 45 to 90 rubles. But in tablets, mumiyo is adjusted to the standard, diluted with additional components, so there is very little mumiyo left in the tablets.

Mumiyo in the form of a balm has a much higher concentration. This type of mumiyo is sold in small jars and has the appearance of uncured resin. For a hundred-gram jar of balm with mumiyo, on average in Russia you will have to pay 250-350 rubles.

But the most useful thing is peeled or whole mummy. Although the price of such a product is much higher. It is sold in the form of small plates. One such plate weighing two grams has a price of about 24-35 rubles.

Also, purified mumiyo can be sold in briquettes and have a slightly more plastic structure. For fifty grams of briquetted mummy you will have to pay five hundred to five hundred and fifty rubles.

It is worth noting

Having asked the question “what does mummy treat?” and having looked at the reviews on numerous forums dedicated to this product, analyzed and summarized them, we can conclude that the vast majority of people who use Shilajit are very satisfied with the effects of this natural substance.

Many people share recipes that include mumiyo, describe the entire treatment process, and the methods they used for various diseases. You can find various advice on intake, such as how to take: on an empty stomach or on a full stomach? What to dilute in: milk, water, herbal decoction or honey?

A huge number of reviews are devoted to the use of mumiyo in cosmetology. Many people have noticed positive changes in hair and skin care.

Most reviews put mumiyo in first place among many types of mumiyo. Altai mumiyo- an oriental remedy alternative medicine.

What properties of mumiyo are most relevant in our time?

The absolute advantage of mumiyo is that it is unique natural product of natural origin, with a unique biological and mineral composition, but not containing any “chemistry”. Has a wide spectrum of action.

A real high-quality mummy is a hard, shiny, dark brown or charcoal-colored substance resembling resin. Licking the mumiyo, you can feel the bitterness. Mumiyo disperses in the liquid without any residue, but unpurified, it contains inclusions of dust, sand, clay and similar foreign particles. When dissolved in water, the product turns out to be a rich coffee color.

The healing properties of mumiyo are unique. It helps in treating a huge number of ailments. During the treatment process, the healing properties of mumiyo directly affect the entire human body, including all processes occurring in it. When treating with traditional medicines prescribed by a doctor, we can be sure that we will find in each of them approximately six carefully selected components. The composition of mumiyo includes at least fifty elements, selected and arranged naturally.

Shilajit contains many important components: phosphorus, calcium, succinic acid and many others.

If you are not sure of the authenticity of the chosen product, you should pay attention to such a property of mumiyo as plasticity. In the process of kneading mumiyo in the fingers High Quality after a short time it will begin to wrinkle, but the falsification will remain solid and nothing will change. In this case, it is even possible that this is a fake.

Quite interesting is the fact that mumiyo has virtually no contraindications for use. But still, you should not take it if you are individually intolerant to the components of mumiyo. You should also be careful during pregnancy, breastfeeding and when used by children under three years of age.

Even the irrational use of mumiyo in excessive quantities will not cause negative processes on the body. The healing properties of mumiyo envelop all aspects of the organs and the body as a whole, leaving nothing out of care.

The use of mumiyo in oriental medicine has been practiced for two thousand years. The positive medical impact of the healing properties of mumiyo on the human body is still not fully understood, but, for all that, the healing properties of mumiyo are recognized by both traditional and alternative medicine in every corner of the planet.

Adding even a small amount of mumiyo extract to products that help take care of hair, face and hands takes their quality to a completely new level and gives additional positive characteristics.

The sequence of states that determine the actions of this natural healer It is incredibly difficult to understand, but it is irrefutable that mumiyo really has a special, good and beneficial effect on the organization and vital functions of a person. Taking mumiyo increases the body's defenses, stimulates them, and also normalizes disturbed conditions.

Let us list the main medicinal properties of mumiyo:

  • Active recuperation of bone and muscle tissue, skin and mucous membranes.
  • Activates the functions of the peripheral and central nervous system, helps fight headaches.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss.
  • Restores joints, strengthens cartilage, increases the elasticity of intervertebral discs.
  • Healing of various wounds, hematomas, cuts.
  • Natural restorative property.
  • Treatment of various cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, heart attack, sclerosis and them similar diseases.
  • Help in restoring fertility and women's gynecological problems.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, useful for oncology.
  • Reduces stretch marks.
  • Strengthens protective functions and increases life expectancy.

What is useful and what does mumiyo help with?

Mumiyo, due to its natural origin, is undoubtedly one of the best means, for which we must say a big thank you to nature. His abilities are almost limitless.

It is worth noting

Shilajit is not a stimulant, but a stabilizer of all biological processes in the body.

Mumiyo is classified as an adaptogenic group. This means that mumiyo simultaneously tones and stimulates the body, thereby helping it adapt to various extreme and harmful conditions.

How is mumiyo useful? Because when consumed, it gently brings the body to a new level of self-defense against various infections by strengthening natural immunity.

Even with a short period of using mumiyo, there is an increase vital energy, the person becomes noticeably more active, blush appears and overall well-being improves, health improves. This is due to the fact that taking mumiyo even in small but constant doses, a person increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood.

Undoubtedly, this clearly helps improve oxygen supply and nutrients human tissues and organs.

As a result, the performance of the entire organism as a whole is increased.

People who use alternative medicine have long stopped wondering what mummy helps with. There is only one answer: from almost everything! The natural healing properties of mumiyo could be explained by the presence of steroids, fatty acids, proteins and many trace elements in this preparation. All these elements are wonderfully combined in the structure of the mumiyo and distinguish its composition favorably.

Parents are often interested in the question: is it possible to use mumiyo to combat childhood illnesses? And what does mummy help with?

Shilajit can be given to children only in the form of an aqueous solution. To obtain the required proportion, one gram of mumiyo must be diluted in four tablespoons of water. A teaspoon of the resulting solution will contain one tenth of a gram of product.

When giving a child mumiyo, you need to remember correct dosage product:

  • Up to three months, the use of mumiyo internally is strictly prohibited!
  • From three months to a year, the daily dose is 0.03 - 0.06 grams
  • From one year to nine years, the daily dose is 0.15 grams
  • From nine to fourteen years, the daily dose is 0.3 grams

It is worth noting

Taking mumiyo stimulates the child’s immune system, and thereby increases the body’s resistance. In some preschool institutions, where children are given mumiyo, it was possible to reduce the incidence of colds by half, even in the autumn-spring period and during flu epidemics.

Modern science The presence of fungi in the composition of mumiyo has been proven, similar in their effects to penicillin. Consequently, mumiyo can be used as a bactericidal drug in the relief of infectious diseases associated with inflammatory effects, such as ARVI, stomatitis, tonsillitis and the like.

The value of using mumiyo in the treatment of children is that mumiyo is a herbal-mineral preparation and does not contain harmful chemical additives, which is certainly important for loving parents. The only negative is that not all children like the taste of mumiyo.

Children's fractures, dislocations, and simply numerous bruises and abrasions pose a big problem. For a speedy recovery of your beloved child, you can also use mumiyo. It contains all the substances necessary for this.

The benefits of using mumiyo in women are invaluable. Let's look at what mummy helps with in various female conditions.

During pregnancy, many women try to prevent stretch marks.

A simple recipe using mumiyo can help them with this:

  • Step 1. Crush 5 grams of mumiyo;
  • Step 2. Add a teaspoon of water and stir until completely dissolved;
  • Step 3. Add the resulting solution to one package of fatty baby cream and mix thoroughly.

You only need to use this cream on problem areas once a day.

It is important to know

Women in any condition always want to be beautiful, to charm, to shine. But often, instead of a princess from a fairy tale, in the mirror you can see sallow skin, dull eyes, dull hair and an aura of persistent fatigue. Is this a familiar picture? This is especially true in large cities, with an unbalanced diet and constant stress. It is known that with problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract, the body is unable to cope with toxic toxins coming from outside and function normally. The result, as they say, is obvious.

The Kyrgyz mummy can help with this. Thanks to its unique structure, slightly different from other types of mumiyo, Kyrgyz mumiyo can successfully compete with multivitamins in its composition. What is useful about mumiyo in this case is that, by helping the liver and gastrointestinal tract remove “garbage” from the body, it restores the performance of all organs and systems, which in turn increases a person’s performance, tone, mood and quality of life.

During lactation, women may encounter problems such as cracked nipples and inflammation of the mammary gland (mastitis). If you notice cracks on the nipple, you should immediately lubricate them with a 5% aqueous solution of mumiyo. Otherwise, there is a risk of breast inflammation. At the same time, the temperature may rise, and the breast itself becomes dense, as if it is being “shot through” sharp pains.

Alas, in its advanced state, mastitis can only be treated surgically. And at the beginning of the disease, taking a water tincture of mumiyo with the addition of black currant juice, together with medications prescribed by a doctor, can defeat the incipient inflammation.

To prepare such a solution we will need:

  • One gram of mumiyo.
  • Two glasses of boiled water.
  • One glass of blackcurrant juice.

Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals for ten days.

What does mumiyo consist of?

Sometimes it is fashionable to hear questions: “what is mummy made of, what is it made of?” This is a product of organic origin. Shilajit is included in creams, shampoos, medicines.

The composition of mumiyo includes:

  • alcohols;
  • fats;
  • proteins;
  • acids;
  • amino acids;
  • paraffinic hydrocarbons;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;

Shilajit can be Altai, Siberian, Caucasian, Tibetan, Himalayan, Arabian, Iranian, etc. It is named after the place where it was discovered. Based on the metal particles, most found in mumiyo, it is divided into types.

Four main types of mumiyo:

  • Golden mumiyo from dark orange to burgundy color.
  • Milky silver mummy.
  • Copper mummy is azure or dark blue.
  • Iron mumiyo (the most common) of various brown-black shades.

How to dilute mumiyo and how to drink mumiyo in tablets

For cosmetology and medicine, many recipes contain natural mummy. But you need to know the rules of how to breed mumiyo. The main thing is to use water at room temperature.

When using mumiyo in plates, they should first be crushed in a mortar and then dissolved by gradually adding water. For five grams of mumiyo you should take 50 milliliters of water. Taking a teaspoon twice a day before meals can quickly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

To get rid of and prevent the occurrence of wrinkles, you should wipe your skin twice a day with an ice cube prepared from such a solution.

Masks made from mumiyo solution will make your skin glow, give it elasticity and even out its color. Also, wiping your face with mumiyo solution will help get rid of acne.

To strengthen hair follicles and hair health, many use shampoo with mumiyo. But how to breed mumiyo in this case? Just put 7-9 mummy tablets in your favorite shampoo.

For good health, it is important to get rid of emerging diseases in a timely manner. After all, it is easier to prevent an attack of pancreatitis, rheumatism or a common headache by taking mumiyo than to suffer and treat it later. But what if you have allergies? Mumiyo will also help in the fight against it. How to drink mumiyo in this case: the main thing is to follow the dosage. The daily dose for an adult is 25 mg mumiyo.

We have dealt with mumiyo solutions, but how to drink mumiyo in tablets? It is best, of course, to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a dose that is suitable specifically for you. But if this is not possible, then the rule of 25 mg per day for an adult also applies. Take mummy tablets half an hour before meals, twice a day.

And most importantly: when taking mumiyo, alcohol is strictly contraindicated!


The healing properties of mumiyo and what diseases it treats

Good day! Before reading recipes for treating diseases with medicinal plants, infusions, various drugs (ASD, peroxide, soda, etc.) at home, I’ll tell you a little about myself. My name is Konstantin Fedorovich Makarov - I am a herbalist with 40 years of experience. When you read the article, I advise you to take care of your body and health and not immediately begin the treatment methods described below, and now I’ll tell you WHY! There are a lot of medicinal plants, drugs, herbal teas that have proven their effectiveness and there is a lot about them good reviews. But there is a second side to the coin - these are contraindications for use and concomitant diseases of the patient. For example, few people know that hemlock tincture cannot be used during chemotherapy or that when using other drugs, an exacerbation of the disease occurs and you may become confused. Because, so as not to harm yourself, it is better to consult a specialist or your doctor before using various treatment methods. Good health to you and get treated correctly.

My page in Odnoklassniki, add me as a friend - ok.ru/profile/586721553215.

Read more about me here: Herbalist Konstantin Makarov.

“Tears of the mountains” - this is what they call mumiyo in the East, a medicinal raw material, from dark brown to black in color, with a specific aroma. This healing substance found wide use in alternative medicine three thousand years ago. Even today, despite the rapid development of pharmaceuticals, doctors recognize its invaluable benefits. But what exactly is mummy useful for the body, and how to take it correctly, you can learn from this article.

Why is mumiyo useful?

The benefit of the substance lies in its special positive impact on the human body. Shilajit is considered a tonic that eliminates stagnant bile formations and also copes with inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, the substance has a number of healing properties:

  • used as a bactericidal agent;
  • regenerates and removes toxins from the body;
  • treats fungus;
  • destroys infections;
  • used for frostbite or burns;
  • Shilajit is used for fractures, as well as bruises and other wounds;
  • helps people get rid of poisoning and headaches;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • treats diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, bladder and blood vessels;
  • normalizes the nervous system;
  • perfectly strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood quality.

These are not all the beneficial properties of the medicinal substance; in fact, the list is much longer, because the composition includes more than 80 valuable components, including hormones, metals, oils, vitamins, etc.

The healing properties of mumiyo

Below is a small list of good and time-tested recipes:

  1. Mumiyo is useful to drink if you have constipation and other digestive system disorders. You will need to dilute 2 grams of powder in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and drink the product. The course of treatment with the prepared drink is 2 weeks or more.
  2. If there is damage to the skin, the substance can be used externally. To do this, you will need to make porridge from the powder with the addition of a small amount of water. Then the paste is applied to the affected areas of the skin. After complete drying, you can wash off the medicine with water. Use until the wounds heal.
  3. If you have problems with the respiratory tract, you should use honey with mumiyo, the beneficial properties of which increase significantly in tandem with bee product. To prepare the drug, you should mix 1 gram of mumiyo powder with 1 tsp. honey After this, it is recommended to leave the medicine in the refrigerator to harden. The finished medicine is taken several times a day, chewing slowly and allowing it to dissolve in the mouth.
  4. As a general tonic, it is recommended to use 8-10 grams of mumiyo per 0.5 kg of honey. Next, the ingredients are mixed and consumed 1 tbsp. in the morning, before eating. After 21 days, you should pause for 7 days and repeat the course of treatment again.
  5. If you are worried about insomnia and headaches, then about an hour before going to bed, you will need to dissolve 1 gram of powder in warm milk and drink the composition. After a couple of weeks, healthy sleep should resume and frequent headaches will subside.
  6. For people who suffer from joint pain, as well as various abscesses and other external problems, compresses should be made. Depending on the volume of application, you should use from 2 to 10 grams of the substance, which is kneaded into a cake. After this, the cake should be placed on the problem area and wrapped with a scarf bandage. It is better to leave this compress overnight and use it no more than once every three days. Otherwise, skin irritation may occur.
  7. Many people are interested in the question of how the drug is useful for women. This excellent remedy which helps fight cellulite. To prepare an anti-cellulite cream, you will need to dilute 4 grams of a resinous substance in a small amount of water, and then combine it with 100 grams of cream for children. This product is used once a day. Apply only to problem areas and store in the refrigerator.

Reading information: Peppermint beneficial properties and contraindications


Like many others medicinal products, mumiyo has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. Initially, it should be emphasized that abuse of this substance is not allowed, and it is not compatible with alcohol. The following conditions are contraindications for the use of mumiyo:

  • pregnancy and period breastfeeding;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • bleeding;
  • tumors of unknown origin;
  • high blood pressure.

Side effects are excluded if you adhere to the correct dosage.

Be healthy!


Shilajit is a bioorganic compound containing a combination of zoomelanoid and tricarboxylic acids and a complex of minerals. Nature itself has taken care of a unique composition of components that help cure a number of diseases.

Therapeutic effect Shilajit manifests itself in biostimulating and regenerative processes. Also, the bioorganic compound has an adaptogenic and endoprotective effect. The list of indications for the use of mumiyo is quite wide. If the patient is not helped by the most modern pharmaceuticals, it is worth adding mumiyo to the methods of basic therapy.

When taking a unique bioorganic compound, you can significantly enhance the regeneration process and tissue trophism, suppress growth malignant neoplasms, restore the function of the affected organs. The adaptogenic properties of mumiyo include the ability to eliminate the syndrome chronic fatigue, normalize blood pressure, hormonal background and immunity, restore excretory and antitoxic function of the liver, increase or decrease the number of leukocytes. Shilajit has a diuretic effect and helps cleanse the body of excess salt, toxins, poisons, waste, lactic acid. For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, mumiyo helps scar the mucous membrane , restoration of appetite, normalization acid balance. The bioorganic compound should be used by dissolving 0.5 g in water twice a day for two weeks. After a fourteen-day break, the course of treatment can be repeated. Liver and kidney diseases are treated with mumiyo solution. To prepare it, 3 g of mumiyo is dissolved in two to three liters of cold boiled water and 20-30 mg of solution is used 4 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals and before bedtime.

For constipation, intestinal atony, colitis, mumiyo, take 100 ml twice a day on an empty stomach. To prepare the solution, use 2 g of mumiyo and 1 liter of boiled water. The same method of use is recommended for belching, vomiting, nausea, and heartburn.

Inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, chronic allergic diseases, purulent otitis, treated with mummy, taking 0.3 g three times a day. First, the bioorganic compound is dissolved in a small amount of water, milk is added to obtain a volume of 200 ml and a teaspoon of honey. In addition, mumiyo helps in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus, headache, migraine, epilepsy, paralysis, bronchial asthma, tumors, burns, cuts, rheumatism, radiculitis, neuralgia, neurodermatitis, infertility, hemorrhoids, cystitis.

Currently, mumiyo can be bought at the pharmacy in the form of tablets, ready-made solutions for oral administration, and powder. The method of administration and dosage are indicated in the annotation.


What diseases does mumiyo help with?


Shilajit - what it is, what it treats and beneficial properties, instructions for use in tablets

Traditional medicine has been using recipes with this ingredient for more than 3 thousand years. They still use the product now, but most people don’t know why they drink mumiyo and what it even is. It is not clear from the name what this medicine is and what ailments it helps with. The range of applications for mumiyo is very wide.

What is mumiyo

If we look at it from the visual side, then mumiyo is a substance of mineral origin, similar to dark resin. Colors may vary, but they are all brown. The shape of a substance can be different, structure, transparency also have varying degrees(can be hard like glass or viscous). The benefits of mumiyo in folk medicine have been known for more than 3 thousand years, but all the qualities of the product have not yet been studied. This medicine is found in different countries, more often in mountainous areas, For example:

  • India;
  • Caucasus;
  • Altai;
  • Middle Asia;
  • North Africa.

There are several ways to take mumiyo: in the form of tablets or ointment for topical use. The choice of method depends on the goals set for treatment. Local application is often used in cosmetology. To treat other diseases, Altai mumiyo in tablet form is better suited. The price of this natural medicine is relatively low. Shilajit - the beneficial properties and contraindications of this remedy will be described below. With it you can:

  1. Treat cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, thrombophlebitis, hypertension.
  2. Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. You can treat ulcers, gastritis, intestinal disorders, chronic or ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. Taking pills will help normalize appetite and stomach acidity.
  3. Treat ailments of the respiratory system: pneumonia, runny nose, cough, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, laryngitis, sore throat, sinusitis, etc.
  4. Get rid of styes and glaucoma.
  5. Coping with hearing problems: purulent otitis media, inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss.
  6. Treat pathologies of the urinary system, kidneys: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, bladder ulcer.
  7. Get rid of oral diseases: stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  8. Treat the musculoskeletal system: dislocations, fractures, joint pain, radiculitis, stretch marks, rheumatism.
  9. Treat endocrine pathologies: pancreatitis, elephantiasis, diabetes.
  10. Treat skin ailments: dermatitis, burns, abrasions, stretch marks, purulent wounds, psoriasis, hematomas, eczema.
  11. Cope with colds: flu, ARVI. Altai mumiyo is suitable for both treatment and prevention.
  12. Get rid of hemorrhoids.
  13. Cope with allergies.
  14. Treat blood pathologies: radiation sickness, anemia.
  15. Cure pathologies of the reproductive system of women and men.
  16. Remove swelling.
  17. Boost immunity.
  18. Get rid of pathologies of the nervous system: facial paralysis, epilepsy, headaches, neurodermatitis, sleep disorders, stuttering, dizziness.

According to its characteristics, Altai mumiyo is a unique remedy of natural origin. However, with all his beneficial properties ah, there are a number of contraindications. For example, you cannot combine taking the drug with drinking alcohol. Alcohol should be avoided even when using the medication externally. Other precautions when using the product:

  • Shilajit should not be given to a child under 12 years of age;
  • During breastfeeding and pregnancy, the drug should not be taken;
  • use should be discontinued if individual allergic reaction on substance;
  • It is necessary to treat with this remedy with caution in the presence of hypertension and disorders of the nervous system.

Shilajit for stretch marks

One of the uses of this natural remedy will help girls improve the appearance of their skin. Shilajit for stretch marks is used in the form local drug. Traces may remain on the skin after sharp decline weight, childbirth, which makes girls very worried about their appearance. The healing properties of mumiyo have regenerating effects, completely eliminate fresh stretch marks and significantly reduce the visibility of old ones, the color evens out, the size and depth of the crack decreases.

There are many positive reviews among women who have tried mummy for stretch marks. It is recommended to use the classic recipe for the product. You need to apply the cream 2 times a day, massage it into the damaged skin for 20-30 minutes. The process of preparing the cream is very simple:

  1. Take 5 g of Altai mumiyo.
  2. Dissolve in 2 tsp. warm water. It is not recommended to take more liquid, because the ointment will not reach the desired consistency.
  3. Take 150 g of your body cream.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, wait 15 minutes and you can apply the ointment.
  5. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Mumiyo for face

This is another area in cosmetology where this component is used. Mumiyo for the face helps improve the appearance of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, and even out the color. You need to apply a thin layer of the product every day on your face. Cooking method:

  1. You need to melt 20 g of wax and 40 g of butter.
  2. Mix the ingredients and cool.
  3. Dissolve 15 g of mumiyo in 1 spoon of water.
  4. Mix the ingredients together, add 1 tsp. Agave juice. Achieve a homogeneous state.
  5. If you have baby cream, you can use it instead of wax and oil.

Shilajit for weight loss

The beneficial properties of this product help improve metabolic processes in the body. This helps a person convert the food that is ingested into energy rather than fat deposits. The macro- and microelements included in the composition help to achieve this effect. While using the product, you should reduce your intake of fatty foods as much as possible, eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, and completely eliminate alcohol. The instructions for the drug indicate how to drink mumiyo for weight loss. A person needs 0.2 grams per day for 3 weeks to replenish the balance of missing elements.

Shilajit for fractures

There are several types of fractures, but they all have a long recovery period. The use of mountain resin helps reduce the fusion period to 16-20 days. Shilajit for bone fractures is often prescribed by traumatologists themselves, because the remedy has positive effect on the body as a whole, for example:

  1. The stimulating properties of the component accelerate the healing process.
  2. A set of vitamins and useful elements of the tablets helps compensate the body for a negative reaction to injury.
  3. On days 14-15, the concentration of alkaline phosphatase increases, which is important during the period of bone tissue regeneration.
  4. Normalizes the level of calcium, potassium, inorganic phosphorus in the blood, which accelerates the growth of bone tissue, which controls the bone marrow.
  5. In complex therapy, the drug helps to normalize transaminase activity, which improves the enzymatic activity of the body.
  6. Helps normalize sleep, appetite, body temperature, weight, and reduce swelling.

Shilajit - instructions for use

If you bought this product in tablet form at a pharmacy, then the package must contain instructions. It will indicate that the reception is carried out either immediately after waking up, or three hours after last appointment food, it is recommended to spend another 40 minutes in bed. Mumiyo, the instructions for which come with the tablets, can be prepared independently in the form of an ointment. It is recommended to apply a thin layer of the product before going to bed.

To prevent the ointment from sticking to your hands while rubbing, you should first lubricate them with vegetable oil. The product should be taken on an empty stomach once upon waking or twice before waking (morning and evening). Duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks. If treatment was started late, then therapy can be repeated after 10 days. If the taste is too bitter, you can dilute the product with honey.

This is a special form for lovers of alternative medicine. Mumiyo tablets are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription; mountain resin extract was indeed used for production, but it was subjected to chemical and heat treatment. For this reason, some of the beneficial properties of the product are lost. This medicine will not harm anyone, but it will also have less benefit than resin. in kind.

People often buy mummy tablets because they are much easier to find, their price is lower and they are easier to drink (no need to dilute or prepare anything). The daily dose is 1-2 tablets depending on the person’s condition. Your doctor will help you choose the right dosage and will be able to immediately tell if there is a conflict with other medications. It will not be possible to treat pathologies using only mummy tablets, so they must be part of the treatment regimen.

Shilajit ointment

A person has a choice - buy a ready-made version or make it yourself from a piece of resin. Mumiyo ointment is indicated for oral use if gastrointestinal diseases are diagnosed. You can calculate the dosage of the drug based on the person’s weight. The daily amount of ointment should not exceed 0.5 g. It is recommended to drink the solution after waking up. External use of the drug is practiced in the treatment of:

  • injuries, bruises;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • burns;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • plexitis.

Methods of using mumiyo for various diseases:

Mumiyo is prescribed once a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a dose of 0.15-0.20 g, dissolved in warm water or milk (mumiyo dissolved in milk is best absorbed). The solution must be warm, since mumiyo cannot tolerate temperatures exceeding 37 degrees.
The course of treatment is 10 days, after which you need to take a break for 5-10 days, then treatment can be resumed.

  • For bone fractures, joint injuries, injuries chest, dislocations, bruises, muscle strains, rheumatism, it is recommended to drink 0.2-0.5 g of mumiyo along with rubbing the affected area. The course of treatment is 20-25 days. After a 5-10 day break, the course can be repeated. Rubbing can be carried out throughout the course of treatment without interruption.
  • For bruises with damage to the chest organs, it is recommended to drink 0.2 g of mumiyo with a decoction of caraway seeds.
  • For fractures, 0.5 g of mumiyo is mixed with rose oil and given to drink, and the fracture site is also lubricated.
  • For articular rheumatism, after reduction of dislocations, for sprains, fractures, after bruises and other injuries, it is recommended to mix 0.5 to 0.7 g of mumiyo with rose or some other oil. Take the mixture along with a decoction of beans and yolks of 3-4 eggs. Apply the same mixture to the damaged area of ​​the body.
  • For joint pain, mix 100 g of liquid honey with 0.5 g of mumiyo. Make compresses at night and take 0.2 g of mumiyo in the morning an hour before meals for 10 days. Complete treatment- 2-3 courses.
  • For radiculitis, plexitis, neurodermatitis, neuralgia, it is recommended to rub (5-6 minutes) an 8-10% mummy solution (preferably alcohol) into the painful areas. The course of treatment is 20 days. After a few days the course can be repeated. When taking mumiyo with milk and honey at the same time in parts of 1:20 (0.2 g) and rubbing painful areas, as well as light massage, more rapid decline tone of the inflamed muscle, pain, itching and other symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • For radiculitis, mix 2 g of mumiyo with 2 g of honey, rub in and leave overnight as a compress. Repeat 5-6 times.
  • A solution of mumiyo in pure rose oil with the addition of unripe grape juice is used for instillation in the treatment of ear diseases.
  • For the same purposes, a mixture prepared from mumiyo with unsalted pork lard is used. In liquid form, this mixture is instilled into the sore ear.

Recipes using mumiyo:

Directions for use: dissolve a lump the size of a grain of rice in a glass of boiled water. The prepared drink is drunk on an empty stomach twice a day - morning and evening.
The course of treatment lasts thirty days. If the disease is advanced and positive results not noted, then it is repeated after a month. In this case, the weight of the patient should be taken into account: up to 70 kg - 0.2 g of mumiyo per dose, more than 90 kg - 0.5 g. It is recommended to dilute it in milk in a ratio of one to twenty; add honey to taste.
Take 0.2 g on an empty stomach twice a day. A mixture of mumiyo with honey (in a ratio of one to eight) is used to lubricate the anus (up to 4 cm deep).
The course of treatment lasts 4 months with a break of five days after every 25 days. In advanced forms of the disease, cure occurs after six months. Instead of honey, you can use peach butter or cow fat.
Take 0.2-0.5 g of mumiyo orally, and at the same time rub the affected area. The course of treatment lasts a month. If there is no relief, then after a 10-day break the treatment is repeated.
Take 0.3 g of mumiyo orally 2 times a day for 25 days, while simultaneously taking a mixture of mumiyo with milk in a ratio of one to twenty. After the course of treatment, a ten-day break is required. Treatment helps reduce pain, swelling and volume damaged limbs, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content increases.
Take 0.3 g of mumiyo orally mixed with honey (in a ratio of one to twenty) 2 times a day on an empty stomach for 25 days. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 10 days.
Take 0.2 g of mumiyo with milk and honey for a month. Cure usually occurs within 15 days.

Many years of research at the clinic of Professor A.Sh. Shakirov. (more than 3700 patients) allowed us to develop the following recommendations. Use mumiyo orally, on an empty stomach, 2-3 hours before meals, 1 time per day in dry or dissolved form, washed down with water, tea, milk with sugar or honey; daily dose for an adult is 0.15-0.2 g, course of treatment is 10 days, interval between courses is 5-10 days. Depending on the location and nature of the fracture, 3-5-6 courses are prescribed. For fractures of the bones of the forearm, shoulder or tubular bones with precise comparison of bone fragments, oral use is limited to 1 or less than 2 courses (2-4) gr. Mumiyo has a highly effective stimulating effect on the healing process of fractures; healing time is reduced to 16-20 days. Mumiyo compensates for the body’s negative reaction to injury, normalizes the blood picture, which increases physiological functions the whole body. During the most critical period of bone tissue regeneration (10-15 days after injury), mumiyo increases the concentration of alkaline phosphatase in the blood; in subsequent days, when the need for this enzyme gradually disappears, it significantly reduces it. Mumiyo has a pronounced normalizing effect on the level of potassium, calcium and inorganic phosphorus in the blood, it promotes the growth of bone tissue on the part of bone marrow and periosteum, massive callus fills the gaps between bone fragments. Under the influence of mumiyo, the overall reactivity of the body increases, characterized by the rapid disappearance of autoantigens (tissue destroyers) and the pathological focus, rapid cleansing of wounds is observed, and decreases purulent discharge, early granulation and epithelization of wounds begins. The flow of autoantigens into the blood and the production of autoantibodies are reduced, and the quality of bone regenerate is significantly improved in cases of complicated open fractures (ostiomelitis, etc.). Usually there is an increase in transaminase activity, which is directly dependent on the degree of intoxication of the body with the products of the purulent-necrotic process. The use of mumiyo in complex therapy for open fractures normalizes transaminase activity, which is necessary for normal fermentative activity of the body. Patients show marked improvement general condition, body temperature and sleep are normalized, appetite is improved, weight is restored, swelling is reduced, and full function of the damaged limb is observed.

Drink 0.2 g. at night, make lotions with a 3% solution. Shilajit, containing a complex of microelements, stimulates redox processes directly in the wound surface and diseased tissues, which promotes active regeneration. In this case, there is a rapid elimination of wound infiltrates, edema, necrotic areas of dirty wounds, concentrations of pus and its spontaneous release, release of sequesters and foreign bodies, improving the quality of tissue regeneration when closing wounds. Healing occurs with a gentle, non-tightening scar without contractures.
Drink 0.2 g. at night, make lotions with a 3-10% solution or use a 3% ointment. Patients experience a slight burning sensation; the drug helps to quickly cleanse wounds of existing microorganisms and pus. Mumiyo has a detrimental effect on all types of microbes that are not affected by penicillin, on a number of bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, intestinal and para-intestinal coli. Mumiyo is much more destructive than penicillin; as a result, the healing process of purulently infected wounds is reduced by an average of one and a half times.

In case of an aggravated process, lotions with a 2% solution are prescribed 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes; when the exacerbation subsides, as well as in the chronic course of the process, lubrication with 2-3% ointment is prescribed during the day and before bedtime. Mumiyo has a pronounced itching and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes a faster resolution of the pathological process on the skin: inflammatory phenomena stop under the influence of lotions within 2-4 days, the cessation of itching (or a significant reduction in it) is observed on the 3-5th day of treatment. The most beneficial effect of mumiyo lotions is observed in cases of exacerbation of eczema, in the presence of hyperemia, weeping, and erosions.

Despite the large arsenal of means and methods for treating traumatic neuritis of the peripheral nerves (drug and physical therapy, orthopedic measures, surgery), it is not always possible to achieve sufficiently favorable results - a quick and, most importantly, persistent analgesic effect in painful pain syndromes, complete or significant restoration of lost functions. In the East, doctors used mumiyo locally (rubbing, massage) for diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Doctors in Uzbekistan used mumiyo electrophoresis for the first time. At the Tashkent State Medical Institute, in accordance with the permission of the Ministry of Health, clinical studies were conducted on 335 patients with various diseases peripheral nervous system (50 with traumatic lesions of the peripheral nerves, 125 with vertebrogenic diseases, 80 with trigeminal neuralgia, 80 with neuritis of the facial nerve. Mumiyo was used in the form of longitudinal or transverse electrophoresis of a 4% solution in distilled water at a current strength of 5 up to 20 mA lasting 15-20 minutes. Depending on the severity of the lesion, 8-15 sessions were carried out. Considering the complexity of the composition of mumiyo and the presence in it of microelements having positive and negative charges, it was administered simultaneously from two poles. In view of this, most elements have only positive charges, mumiyo was injected into the suspected area of ​​greatest damage through the anode, into the less affected area through the cathode. For local pain, transverse electrophoresis was used. Due to the high efficiency of mumiyo electrophoresis, there was no need to prescribe the drug orally.

Patients are treated with lidase in combination with Shilajit electrophoresis. Lidase is administered in two ways: injection into the thickness of the scar or electrophoresis into the scar area - every other day, 64 units; course of treatment 12-15 injections or electrophoresis sessions; Electrophoresis of a 4% aqueous solution of mumiyo is also used on the injury area for 15-20 minutes. at a current of 10-15 mA for 10 days. After a 10-day break, repeat the course. Depending on the severity of the injury, patients are given up to 3 courses of complex therapy at intervals of 2-3 months. The mechanism of complex treatment. On the one hand, lidase affects the prevention and resorption of the already formed scar process inside the nerve trunk, thereby creating a bed with favorable conditions for correct height nerve fibers, on the other hand, mumiyo has a powerful stimulating effect on the regenerative processes of nerve fibers, which leads to the rapid restoration of lost functions. In patients with mild compression and contusion of peripheral nerves, after 1-2 courses of treatment, full recovery all functions, while treatment with only mumiyo electrophoresis without lidase is sufficient. In patients with severe contusion of nerve trunks and incomplete anatomical interruption, a significant improvement in lost functions is achieved, all types of sensitivity are restored, the range of active movements in all joints increases, muscle strength in the affected limb, and tendon reflexes appear. In patients with traumatic plexitis of the brachial plexus with an incomplete anatomical break, already after the 1st course of complex therapy, the pain syndrome, pain on palpation of paravertebral points, tension symptoms disappear, and the zone of painful hypoesthesia narrows.

Cervicothoracic and lumbosacral radiculitis due to spinal osteochondrosis.
Patients are prescribed electrophoresis of a 4% mumiyo solution for 15-20 minutes. with a current strength of 15-20 mA, 15-20 sessions, one procedure per day. Treatment is also prescribed for patients in whom, despite the generally accepted conservative therapy, persistent pain syndrome persists, and they long time remain unable to work. Factors that provoke exacerbation of the disease are colds, cold, and infection. In most patients, after 4-5 sessions there is a significant decrease in pain and a narrowing of the hypoesthesia zone; after 7-10 sessions, tendon and periosteal reflexes are restored, and the muscle tone and vegetative-trophic disorders are partially restored. After 12-20 sessions, complete recovery occurs. So as a result clinical trials out of 125 patients, complete recovery of lost functions was noted in 114, significant (pain syndrome, symptoms of nerve tension, lameness completely disappeared) in 9, partial recovery of lost functions. Only two patients who, along with spinal osteochondrosis, had severe arthrosis hip joints, there was minor pain in this area when walking. Such a high effect of mumiyo electrophoresis is explained by its powerful regenerative effect on the trophic, sensory and reflex functions of nerve fibers. Mumiyo has, on the one hand, a strong anti-inflammatory effect, helps reduce edema and dyscirculatory disorders in the root itself and surrounding tissues, eliminate pain and reflex-neurodystrophic syndromes, and on the other hand, leads to the restoration of lost functions, both in neuralgic and neurotic types damage to roots or cords.

Neuritis and neuralgia of the cranial nerves of various etiologies(colds, flu, infectious-allergic factors) occupy one of the leading places among diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Particularly noteworthy are neuralgia and neuralgoneuritis of the trigeminal nerve, as well as neuritis of the facial nerve, characterized by a severe course, and sometimes persistent loss of function with prolonged disability and severe mental disorders. Treatment with the drug mumiyo was carried out in the form of electrophoresis (Bergonier half mask) with a 4% solution in water through the anode at a current strength of 2-5 mA for 15-20 minutes. Course 10 days. From 10 to 20 sessions are prescribed, depending on the restoration of lost functions during treatment. The interval between courses is 10 days. As a result of clinical studies, in all patients with trigeminal neuralgia, after the first course of treatment there was a decrease in the frequency and, most importantly, the severity of trigominal pain, and after the second course - their complete elimination. The majority of patients with neuritis of the facial nerve also experienced complete restoration of lost functions.
In syringomyelia, especially in forms accompanied by minor trophic skin ulcers, healing of trophic ulcers is observed already after the second course of treatment with mumiyo electrophoresis. With lateral amyotrophic sclerosis complex treatment using mumiyo leads to stabilization of the process, and sometimes to a decrease in atrophy of the interosseous muscles and normalization of tendon reflexes, improving the general well-being of patients. That. mumiyo has a powerful stimulating effect on the regenerative capabilities of nerve fibers, as well as a strong analgesic effect in various types neurological manifestations, which in turn leads to the restoration of lost functions during neurotic processes and the elimination of pain syndrome due to neurological phenomena.

A 1-3% solution or ointment is used when severe burn in combination with novocaine (0.5%) and streptomycin, also drink 0.2 g. twice a day, course 10 days, break 5 days. Treatment time is reduced by 4-5 days compared to conventional treatment; it is reduced by 7-12 days preoperative preparation in the treatment of deep burns. When combining mumiyo ointment with Vishnevsky ointment, the degree of exposure to healing of the burn space is halved. Under the influence of the drug, phagocytosis is activated, cellular elements of young granulation tissue appear, regenerative processes are stimulated, the scab is rejected earlier, wounds are quickly cleared of necrotic tissue remnants, the amount of discharge is reduced, pink non-contracting granulations and marginal epithelization are formed, pain is reduced.

Do inhalations with a 7% solution, and also drink a 7% solution according to the following scheme:
10 days 1 teaspoon
10 days break
10 days 1 teaspoon
10 days break:
so until the end of the course.
Drink with warm milk, 50g per course. Repeat the course of treatment without waiting for the condition to worsen; the break between courses is determined by the attending physician (1 month, 3 weeks, etc.)

Inhale a 7% solution once a day, drink 0.2g at night.

Gargle with a 2.5% solution 3 times a day until the condition improves, then less often.

Drink 0.2g. at night, total dose 6-12-18g. depending on the degree of the disease.

Drink 0.2g. with condensed milk.

Drop a 10% solution with the addition of peach oil into your nose.

Place a 10% solution of peach oil into your nose, 5 drops 4 times a day.

Instill a 3% solution of peach or vaseline oil into the ear, 3 drops per day, and apply a warm heating pad.


Instill a 1% solution into the eye.

WHOOPING COUGH: drink 0.05g. at night, dose 0.15-0.25g.
SCARLET FEVER: drink 0.05g. at night, dose 0.15-0.5g.
Do electrophoresis with a 4% mumiyo solution for 20 minutes at a current strength of 2-5 mA once a day, a course of 10 sessions.
Mumiyo is a fairly effective remedy that helps quickly eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, eliminate local inflammatory reactions, improving the general condition and well-being of patients, persistently stopping the progression of the main pathological process in the alveolar process of the jaws, improving the trophism of the gums and oral mucosa. Microbiological studies of the microflora of the oral cavity and periodontal pockets show that in patients treated with mumiyo, the number of bacteria possessing a complex of aggressive enzymes decreases three times faster than in patients treated with antibiotics or aloe with vitamin B.

The antiulcer effect of mumiyo is one of the main properties of the drug. Mumiyo can speed up the healing of ulcers of various origins.
For stomach ulcers, drink 0.1g. 3 times a day for 25-35 days.
For duodenal ulcer - for 20-25 days, 6-10 grams per course.
With increased secretion gastric juice mumiyo is taken 1.5 hours before meals,
With reduced secretion in 30 minutes.
With normal secretion in 45-50 minutes.
15-20 minutes after administration, the feeling of pain decreases or completely disappears, within 4 to 9-15 days. Pain on palpation of the epigastric region generally disappears during the same time. All dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn) disappear within 7-10 days; constipation disappears within 6-15 days. During the treatment process, the niche, as a rule, disappears within 8-12 days, inflammatory processes disappear, gastric trophism is normalized, hunger pains in the stomach disappear, weakness, irritability, sleep disturbances disappear, restoration processes take place in the surface epithelium and glandular epithelium, the vulnerability of the mucous membrane decreases , her catarrhal condition decreases. In the case of particularly painful pain, the prescription of mumiyo is combined with Vikalin; with this combination, pain is relieved within 1-3 days and patients recover much faster than when each drug is prescribed separately. After the course of treatment, in parallel with the disappearance of ulcerative symptoms, pain and other symptoms associated with associated inflammatory diseases biliary systems and intestines ( chronic cholecystitis, chronic spastic colitis).

Use a 3% solution, course 21 days; drink according to the following scheme:
7 days, 30 drops, increasing to 60 drops - 3 times a day;
7 days 1 teaspoon - 3 times a day;
7 days, 1 teaspoon, reducing to 30 drops - 3 times a day.
Take it with juice or mineral water.
Mumiyo has a positive effect on the functional and structural indicators of the digestive organs in liver pathology. As a result of the introduction of mumiyo into the stomach, the release of carbon dioxide is normalized in the tissues of the colon, and in the tissues small intestine oxygen consumption increases, the respiratory coefficient of the liver is restored, the decarboxylation reaction decreases, the amount of glycogen in the liver increases, and the sugar content decreases.

Use a 0.1% solution, drink a glass 3 times a day, washed down with sugar beet juice. Course 10 days. Break 5 days; conduct 4-6 courses, follow a diet.

Mumiyo is prescribed at 0.3g. per day orally 10 ml. 1% solution 2 times a day, and a third of the daily dose in the form of suppositories. When using mumiyo. When using mumiyo, the disappearance of gastrointestinal dyspepsia is noted, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, local anesthetic and stimulating tissue regeneration properties are quite clearly identified. Patients with concomitant vegetative-vascular dystonia the drug has a general calming effect. For nonspecific ulcerative colitis a course of 25-30 days is prescribed, as a result, obvious manifestations of tissue regeneration are observed on the catarrhal-ulcerative surface of the colon mucosa. In patients with chronic enterocolitis, with a good therapeutic effect, the erosive-hemorrhagic process disappears at the end of the second week, the ulcerative process with the appearance of a scar surface - at 4-5 weeks of treatment. Normalization of stool, disappearance of pain, depending on the clinical forms of the disease, occurs within 2-4 weeks of treatment, body temperature normalizes. With moderate or severe normo- or hypochromic anemia, normalization of the content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is observed, while the leukopeptic effect of mumiyo is most pronounced. For patients with catarrhal-erosive proctitis and sphincteritis with symptoms of proctalgia, burning, itching and tingling, a feeling of fullness in the anorectal part of the intestine, mumiyo is prescribed locally in the form of suppositories of 0.1 g. 3 times a day. In this case, the disappearance of the inflammatory process is observed, the disappearance of erosions and ulcers, the covering of the ulcerative surface of the colon mucosa with scar tissue, the resolution of spastic and painful phenomena. It should be noted that the restoration of the morphological structure of the mucous membrane lags somewhat behind clinical effect, therefore, it is necessary to continue the dispensary, sanatorium, and sometimes repeated inpatient treatment. Mumiyo adversely affects the growth and development of intestinal microflora, after a course of treatment there is a significant decrease in the so-called opportunistic microbes (hemolytic coli, streptococci, pathogenic staphylococci).

Use a 0.1% solution. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals. Course 14 days. Calculation of the total dose per course: 150 mg per 1 kg of weight. Promotes the occurrence of positive tissue reactions, resulting in increased secretion of the gastrointestinal tract.

Drink 0.1 g. 3 times a day. With increased secretion of gastric juice - 1.5 hours before meals, with decreased secretion - 30 minutes. before meals, with normal secretion - 45-50 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 16-20 days, 4-6 grams per course. As a result of treatment, complete restoration of the secretory activity of the stomach is observed.

Drink a 3.5% solution according to the following scheme:
10 days, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals,
10 days, 1.5 table. spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals,
5 days, 1.5 tablespoons 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
Make a solution with milk or fruit juice. Thirst disappears, excessive urine production decreases, fatigue decreases, headaches and swelling are relieved, and blood pressure decreases. If nausea occurs, you should drink it after meals or take 0.5 glasses of mineral water.

Mumiyo dramatically improves the course of radiation sickness, having a stimulating effect on the entire body. The drug increases survival. Smoothes out the picture of radiation damage and has a beneficial effect on the restoration of blood readings. Drink a 3% solution according to the following scheme:
10 days 1 teaspoon 3 times a day,
10 days, 1.5 teaspoon 3 times a day.
10 days, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
5 days, 1.5 tablespoons 3 times a day.
The break between decades is 5 days. The number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin increases, the number of blood cells is restored due to the bone marrow, the number of nucleated cells of the bone marrow and spleen increases.

Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities
Mumiyo has an anticoagulant and vasodilator effect. The drug reduces blood clotting, lengthens the recalcification time of oxalate plasma, reduces plasma tolerance to heparin, and lengthens heparin and thrombin time. Drink 0.3 g. 1-2 times a day, course 10 days, on days 3-6 of treatment the feeling of pain, degree of swelling and volume of the affected limb decreases. The general condition improves, vascular pulsation is restored or improved, by 8-12 days the skin temperature normalizes and other symptoms of the disease disappear. In case of particularly severe condition, drink a 7.5% solution according to the following scheme:
10 days 1 teaspoon,
10 days 1.5 teaspoons,
10 days 1 tablespoon,
10 days 1.5 tablespoons,
5 days 1 teaspoon.
Also apply externally 2-3% vaseline-based ointment with 0.5% novocaine.


Douching with a 1% solution in a warm form, course 10 days. Relieves pain and cramps in 10-20 minutes. Also drink according to the following scheme:
7 days 30 drops 3 times a day,
7 days, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
7 days, 1.5 teaspoons 3 times a day.
Drink before meals. Drink with mineral water.

A napkin moistened with a 4-5% mummy solution is applied to the eroded area and secured with a tampon. On days 1-2 of treatment, the wound is well cleared of purulent plaque, on days 3-4 it becomes completely clean, the bottom is made of bright granulations, from 5-6 days there is a growth of epithelium from the edges of the wound, individual nests of which are located on the granulating surface, complete epithelization occurs by the end of 2-3 weeks. Course 6-10 treatments.

Drink a 1.6% solution, starting with 15 drops, add 3-4 drops to 1 teaspoon daily. Course 10 days, drink 2 times a day 1 hour before meals, wash down with warm milk or tea, break 7-10 days. Repeat the course 5 times, re-treatment after 4-6 months, dose depending on the condition 12-24-36 g. Long-term administration of mumiyo normalizes coronary circulation and myocardial metabolism, which leads to the restoration of contractile function and heart rate.

Drink a 1.6% solution according to the following scheme:
7 days 40 drops 3 times a day
7 days 1 teaspoon 3 times a day
7 days 1 tablespoon 3 times a day
course 21 days without a break, wash down with warm mineral water or juice. For treatment 32g. It has a normalizing effect, reduces blood pressure, gas exchange increases slightly, an improvement of 40-50% is achieved, but is not completely cured.


Aqueous solution for oral administration and in the form of eye drops: boil distilled water for 15 minutes, cool to 70oC, add the required amount of mumiyo, bring the volume to the required level.

Ointments: 4% and 7.5% Composition - mumiyo 4 g. or 7.5 g., water 25 or 27 g., anhydrous lanolin 35 g., medical vaseline up to 100 g. In order to eliminate conditions for the growth of microorganisms, all initial preparations are sterilized. Mumiyo is heated in a water bath at a temperature of 70-80oC three times every 24 hours, in the intervals between heating it is kept at a temperature of 25-37 oC, anhydrous lanolin and petroleum jelly are sterilized at a temperature of 180-200oC for 20 minutes. Preparation - in a sterile mortar, dissolve the mumiyo in the prescribed amount of water, add a little molten, semi-cooled alloy of lanolin with petroleum jelly to the solution and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 20oC. 7.5% ointment has bactericidal properties.

Candles: Add a few drops of water to the required amount of mumiyo, obtain a paste-like mass, and add anhydrous lanolin for emulsification. Stir until a characteristic crackling sound appears, add crushed cocoa butter, leave until hardened, roll into rods and shape them into candles.
Pills. Ingredients: per tablet - mumiyo 0.1g, sugar 0.0976g, Excipients(potato starch, calcium stearate) - until the tablet weight is 0.22 g. Preparation - pre-dried and crushed mumiyo powder is sifted through a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.16 mm, mixed with powdered sugar, starch powder and the mixture is moistened with 96% alcohol through a spray bottle to obtain a uniform wet mass. The mass is dried at a temperature of 30-40oC to a residual moisture content of 2.5%, then passed through a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.5 mm. And dusted with calcium stearate powder. The powdered mass is pressed on an impact-type tablet machine into 022 g. Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 20oC.
Depending on the disease, mumiyo is taken orally (pills, solutions) or externally (ointments, compresses, lotions)
DOSE: orally for adults, no more than 1g. per day and no more than 0.5g. for the reception.
AVERAGE THERAPEUTIC DOSE , developed oriental medicine, is 0.1-0.2g.

  • (3 months - 1 year) 0.01-0.02g.
  • (1 year - 9 years) 0.05g.
  • (9 - 14 years) 0.1g.

The general dose calculation is (1-3) mg. per kg of patient weight.
The time of administration is of great importance: - take orally early in the morning, immediately after waking up, after taking it, stay in bed for another 30-40 minutes, have breakfast two hours later; or at night, three hours after dinner. Take one hour before meals. Apply externally before going to bed at night, lubricate your hands with boiled water before rubbing sunflower oil. Rub in for 3-5 minutes until dry, 4 procedures per cycle, total consumption 17-20 g. Take 1 time per day, for severe illnesses 2-3 times per day. Drink 0.5 glasses of milk with a spoon of honey or tea. Course 10 days. Break 5-7-10 days. Repeat courses 4-6 times. Treatment for 4-6-8 months depending on the severity of the disease.
Standard scheme admission includes 3 decades:
1st decade - the body gets used to the drug, the dose is selected depending on the severity of the disease.
2nd decade - actual treatment.
3rd decade - consolidation of the therapeutic effect.
At two last decades dosages are the same. At the end of the first decade or the beginning of the second, sometimes there is some deterioration in the condition, which is a completely natural reaction of the body. Pain in an organ indicates that the organ is sick or on the verge of disease. Do not stop taking mumiyo if severe pain reduce the dose by half. Then the pain goes away and healing begins. Not everyone experiences pain, depending on the general condition and the presence in the patient’s body of the components contained in mumiyo. During the reception, alcohol and chemicals.

Drink mumiyo for 10 days, 0.2 g. 2g per course of treatment. Repeat after 5 – 10 days. 1 – 2 courses of treatment; At the same time, apply warm compresses to the joints with mumiyo solution at night.

The course of treatment is 10 days. 2 gr. Dissolve mumiyo in 10 tablespoons of boiled water and drink 3 hours after dinner, one tablespoon at a time, with tea or warm milk (0.5 cup with honey). 2 gr. Divide the solid mummy into 10 parts. Take orally with a drink boiled water. After 5–10 days, the course is repeated until complete recovery.

Course of treatment 10 days 0.15 - 0.2 g. Drink 3 hours after dinner at night. Can be taken both in solution and in solid form. Removes headache, swelling, lowers blood pressure. After a 5-10 day break, repeat 1-2 courses.

Dyspetic symptoms (heartburn, nausea, vomiting, belching)
Take 0.2 g of mumiyo orally with milk or honey, or dissolve in a tablespoon of tea or boiled water - 2 times a day, morning and evening before bed, for 24 - 26 days. Relief occurs within 10-15 days.

For inflammatory and allergic diseases
Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract
sore throat, runny nose, cough
Take 0.2 - 0.3 g of mumiyo mixed with milk, or cow fat and honey orally in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed (in a ratio of 1/20), it is also good to lubricate the surface of the inflamed area of ​​the nostril or throat at night with the same composition using a tampon or gargling (for sore throat).
A total of 1 to 3 courses of treatment are necessary, depending on the form and severity of the disease. The course is 25 - 28 days with a break of 10 days.

When stuttering
1. For stuttering, mix mumiyo with honey in a ratio of 1:5, 1:8, 0.2 grams of extract each.
courses should be carried out two to four times a year until complete recovery
2. If you stutter, lubricate the tongue with a solution of mumiyo and honey.

Fractures of bones, joints, chest injuries, dislocations, bruises, muscle strains, tropical skin ulcers, fistulas, tumors, burns, cuts, rheumatism.
1. Oral administration in doses of 0.2 - 0.5 g, along with rubbing the affected area (depending on the affected area), the course of oral administration should be 25 - 28 days with a break of 10 days if necessary, rubbing should continue throughout the entire period of treatment without stops Relief occurs after 1 - 2 courses of treatment.
2. For bruises with damage to the chest and internal organs associated with a bruise, it is recommended to drink 0.2 g of mumiyo with a decoction of angona, caraway seeds.
3. Mix 0.5 g of mumiyo with rose oil and give it to drink, and also lubricate the fracture. (Bones grow together very quickly)

For bronchial asthma
1. Take 0.2 - 0.3 g of mumiyo mixed with milk or with cow fat and honey orally on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed (at 1:20) with rinsing. 1 - 4 courses of treatment are necessary, depending on the form of the disease. The course of oral administration should be 25 - 28 days with a break of 10 days
2. For bronchial asthma, licorice (licorice root) dissolved in a decoction usually helps especially well. 0.5 g of mumiyo is dissolved in 500 ml of water. Take 200 ml of decoction (for children under 8 years of age the portion is reduced) in the morning once a day. Store the broth in the refrigerator.


  • Mumiyo stimulates metabolism minerals in the body, under its influence, the content of calcium, potassium, phosphorus salts in the blood, as well as the most important building materials that make up bones, increases.
  • Under the influence of mumiyo, the number of red blood cells in the blood increases and the hemoglobin content increases, which promotes better blood supply to damaged tissues and has a stimulating effect on the entire body.
  • Shilajit has wide range biological activity: increases the body’s nonspecific resistance to adverse factors environment, is a general strengthening, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent, has a choleretic effect, stimulates some functions of the immune and hematopoietic system, improves metabolism, stimulates regenerative processes.
  • Mumiyo destroys rheumatic processes, opens blockages, relieves disturbances in water-salt metabolism, and enhances the activity of the sex glands.
  • Mumiyo has a positive effect on processes nervous activity. It has the property of dissolving tumors and pimples, causing an increase in bile secretion.
  • It is very effective for diseases caused by vascular sclerosis, and is successfully used for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
  • Shilajit is also very effective in treating diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis.
  • Shilajit has acquired particular importance as an activator of bone tissue regeneration (treatment of fractures) and as an antiseptic. Special experiments have shown that mumiyo relieves histamine disorders of capillary permeability.
  • It is useful for diseases of the ear, gums, liver, heart, and has a beneficial effect on a number of important indicators of the body’s vital functions: survival and increasing average life expectancy.
  • It is advisable to include the use of mumiyo in the general range of measures used for treatment acute form radiation sickness (blood cancer).
  • Rubbing mumiyo onto the skin has a healing effect for diseases of the peripheral nervous system , radiculitis, neurodermatitis, facial and trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Mumiyo treats diseases associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis). Taking mumiyo internally has both a direct effect on the esophagus and stomach walls, and on the entire body as a whole - as a general strengthener, stimulating the immune system and regenerative processes.
  • The drug improves electrocardiographic parameters and general condition, stimulates the function of the heart muscle.
  • It should be emphasized that it is not recommended to drink alcohol when taking mumiyo. With proper and regular use, mumiyo can provide the body with the majority of essential vitamins and a rich set of microelements, as well as significantly reduce the risk of immunodeficiency conditions, which promotes vigor, good health and active longevity.

    The use of mumiyo has no contraindications, has a general strengthening effect on the human body, helps to increase and restore lost energy. The result is a nonspecific stimulating effect on the entire body, as well as local action for wound healing. The stimulating effect is also manifested at the cellular level, resulting in intensive division, an increase in the number of cells, increased exchange of nucleic acids and total protein. Thanks to this, mumiyo has a beneficial effect on restoring the composition of peripheral blood, bone marrow, and spleen. Clinical, radiological and microbiological analyzes showed that when complex treatment for patients, mumiyo is a fairly effective remedy that helps quickly eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, eliminate local inflammatory reactions, and improve the general condition and well-being of patients.

    Allergic reactions and cases anaphylactic shock not detected.

    There are no contraindications to taking the drug.

    Before use, consult a specialist

Mumiyo is a natural, at the same time organic and mineral product, popularly it is also called mountain balm or mountain resin. The exact process of its formation is still being studied, but it looks like an inhomogeneous solid mass of uncertain shape and surface. Its tight, but still slightly plastic consistency includes plant, mineral and animal components. The substance is somewhat reminiscent of resin; it is dark brown, sometimes even black, with its own specific odor, because soil, rock, plants and various animal microorganisms are involved in its creation.

Shilajit has medicinal properties, it combines more than 50 chemical elements selected by nature itself; it is widely used in folk medicine to treat many diseases. Only unrefined raw material is not used in the application, quality product undergoes purification by filtration, centrifugation and water extraction.


Shilajit is a natural complex of many useful organic and inorganic substances, micro- and macroelements that the human body needs. It contains:

    vitamins C, A, D, B and P;

    potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, phosphorus, as well as cobalt, zinc, manganese and many other elements;

    many amino acids: glycine, arginine, glumamic acid, glistidine, angine, threonine and others;

    polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids;

    fulvic acids;

    hippuric and benzoic acids;

    humic acid;

    organic acids: citric, tartaric, lichen, succinic and others;

    essential oils;


    humic bases;


    steroids and ternopeids, flavonoids, carotenoids;

    okozerite ( mountain wax);




    bee venom

8 beneficial properties of mumiyo

  1. Fights infectious diseases

    Many studies show that the fungi found in mumiyo, or rather their properties, resemble penicillin. Their action is actually similar; fungi perform almost all the functions of penicillin in relation to infectious diseases such as dysentery or tuberculosis. It is used effectively when colds, flu, acute respiratory infections and other respiratory diseases.

  2. Increases hemoglobin levels

    Shilajit has the best properties for treating anemia and increasing hemoglobin in the blood. By increasing the number of red blood cells, natural balm provides a complete blood supply to all organs, which stimulates the improvement of the condition of the entire body. Biologically active substances participate in the hematopoietic process of the body, significantly improving it.

  3. Treats nervous diseases

    Shilajit is used to treat many neurological diseases and nervous disorders. Its healing properties are used to restore reduced function peripheral nerve trunks. It also actively influences DNA synthesis.

  4. Improves heart function

    The benefits of mumiyo are determined by its rich composition. It contains biological active substances that normalize metabolic processes in the body and dilate blood vessels, and this is a necessary condition for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system and the elimination of hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack and other cardiac diseases. Natural balm reduces blood pressure and eliminates tachycardia and can even regenerate the heart muscle if it is damaged.

  5. Strengthens the immune system

    Shilajit is an excellent stimulator of full functioning immune system and correspondingly protective properties body. Due to its inherent beneficial properties, the natural elixir is successfully used in children's institutions during the transitional autumn-winter period to localize and prevent influenza epidemics. It is capable of producing antibodies even for complex immunity.

  6. Good for women

    Mumiyo, thanks to his healing properties, has gained immense popularity among women, they use it for facial peeling. Its regenerating effect on cells helps restore skin elasticity and eliminate unnecessary wrinkles. The natural elixir even relieves postpartum stretch marks. It can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. Teenage girls use it to get rid of acne.

  7. Useful for fractures

    Numerous studies by medical specialists prove that mumiyo is capable of regenerating not only muscle tissue, but also bone. This natural balm stimulates further recovery and healing of limb fractures. It also significantly reduces the time for bone healing and displacement.

  8. Strengthens hair

    Shilajit is very often used to improve hair health, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews about the use of this miracle product. Natural balm is used externally as a mask or in combination with your usual shampoo. After the first week, the hair stops being brittle and falling out, the color and structure of the hair improves, and after the full course (4 weeks) the hair will become beautiful and healthy.

Types of mumiyo and how to choose the right one

It is clear that you need to be treated only with high-quality mumiyo and you need to learn how to choose it correctly. A good product becomes soft when you hold it in your hand, but a fake product will remain hard. This happens because during the evaporation process a sticky mass remains, which, when burned, burns to the state of ash, but in no case smokes. When it comes into contact with air, it becomes denser, and when heated, it softens.

There are many types of mumiyo. There is Kyrgyz, Indian, and in Russia the Altai mumiyo is considered the most popular. It is safe to say that none of these species causes harm to the body.

It comes in white and black, their properties are distinctive, but in usefulness they are not inferior to each other. Mechanism of action on the body natural healer complex, but equally useful for the functioning of the body.

It also exists in tablets, and can be purchased in city pharmacies and on special websites at an affordable price.

Indications for use

Shilajit is indicated for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including:

    stomach ulcers;


    skin diseases, including eczema;

    dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting and heartburn;


    otitis and inflammation of the middle ear;

    periodontal disease;


    gynecological diseases;


    bone and vascular diseases;

    infectious and viral diseases.

Traditional medicinal recipes

Mumiyo is very often, and most importantly, successfully used in folk medicine. There are a huge number of recipes using this product to treat many ailments. Traditional treatment– an alternative to traditional medicine, especially for people with allergies to many chemicals. Below are several recipes for use at home.

1. Hair mask

There is a very effective mask to strengthen and improve hair growth. For it you need to take 2 g. mummy, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey; when mixing honey, add a spoonful of your favorite shampoo. The finished mask should be applied to the hair along its entire length. Keep the mixture on your hair for an hour, then rinse your hair with warm water. Even one mask a week will be enough to improve the health of your hair. For daily use, you can simply add a small amount of Shilajit to your shampoo.

2. Anti-wrinkle cream

4 g of mumiyo should be diluted with 1 teaspoon of water until smooth and mixed with one tube of baby cream. The resulting new cream should be placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid and stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. The cream is applied to problem areas of the skin for three to four months. It goes very well with honey; it can be added to almost all masks and creams.

3. Heartburn remedy

2 g of mumiyo is diluted with warm water, milk or tea, and also better with honey, and is taken orally before bedtime (half an hour before). Improvement will occur within a week, but it is best to extend the course to 30 days.

4. Ointment for hemorrhoids

Mix any anti-inflammatory cream with mumiyo in a ratio of 1:6, you can add honey and a few drops of chamomile infusion. The ointment is applied to anal hole by 3-4 cm at night, course of treatment is 30-40 days. The ointment can also be made from natural fat, such as pork.

5. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis

For the prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis, take 0.3 g of mumiyo diluted in milk or green tea twice a day daily. The course of treatment is about 2-3 months, after a short break it can be continued.

Dosages and how to take them correctly

  • Mumiyo is not taken in its natural form, but is dissolved in water, honey, juice, milk and other favorite drinks. For external use, it is mixed with creams, ointments, honey, and sometimes alcohol.
  • Shilajit is a concentrated product and its overdose is dangerous to health.
  • When taken, it should not be mixed with alcoholic drinks And medicines, you need to follow a basic diet. The dosage must be followed strictly according to the recipe; it is different in each individual case.
  • Before starting use, it is best to consult with your doctor.

Contraindications for use

Mumiyo has many beneficial properties, but, unfortunately, it also has some contraindications.

Firstly, you should not take it in cases of individual intolerance to the product and its components.

Secondly, despite the naturalness of the balm, you still need to take it in moderation, avoiding an overdose.

Shilajit is contraindicated:

    cancer patients;

    children under 12 years of age;

    sensitive to the drug;

    To old people.

What else is useful?