How to improve memory and brain function? — Exercises, folk remedies, medications. How to activate your brain? Brain activation

The ability to think logically, notice and remember facts, and build chains of conclusions is what distinguishes humans from animals. The work of the brain is a subtle biochemical and electrochemical process. Attention, memory, freshness of perception primarily depend on the state nerve cells- neurons and their nutrition. It is common to think that enhancement drugs are only needed by older people, but this is not the case. Memory and thinking disorders are possible at any age and are due to a number of reasons.

Causes of brain disorders

Doctors do not recommend self-treating even minor weakening of brain function, primarily because this may be a sign of a serious illness. Memory, attention, and learning ability may deteriorate for the following reasons.

  1. Poor blood circulation in the brain - long-term uncomfortable posture, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, hypertension, vascular thrombosis, ischemia, stroke.
  2. Improving brain function is problematic when smoking and drinking alcohol, since nicotine and alcohol are strong vascular poisons. When they enter the body, the brain is the first to suffer - after all, it needs sufficient blood supply more than any other organ.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries, general intoxication of the body, past infectious diseases.
  4. Stress, lack of sleep, lack of rest.
  5. General exhaustion of the body, malnutrition, dietary restrictions. In this case, the body develops a chronic deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for brain function.

In order for brain function to improve, it is necessary to normalize the regime of active activity and rest, eat right and perform gymnastics to normalize blood circulation cervical region spine and head. It is useful to do exercises that stimulate mental activity: master new activities, solve crosswords and puzzles, etc. In case of serious memory problems, you should consult a doctor. Currently, there are various drugs to improve brain function, but they must be prescribed by a specialist. The doctor will conduct an examination, select the optimal medicine, dose and determine the course of use.

Memory tablets

All medications to improve brain function can be divided into several categories.

  • Nootropic drugs are drugs that regulate metabolism in the brain and increase its resistance to oxygen deficiency.
  • Drugs that improve blood flow to the brain.
  • Vitamins necessary for biochemical processes in the brain.
  • Amino acids involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and the production of biologically active substances.
  • Herbal remedies that have a stimulating effect on the body as a whole and higher nervous activity in particular.

It should be borne in mind that of all the above, only vitamins and amino acids are relatively harmless. All other drugs have contraindications and can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Many of them are used for serious disorders psyche, organic lesions brain and have side effects.

All drugs, with the exception of stimulants, must be taken in long courses. It is wrong to think that memory and attention will improve immediately after taking the Piracetam tablet. The duration of treatment ranges from several weeks to six months. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct several courses, taking a break between them.


These are drugs to improve brain function belonging to the group psychotropic drugs. The mechanism of action of nootropics has not been sufficiently studied. It has been revealed that they have the ability to facilitate the transmission of nerve impulses, stimulate blood supply to the brain, improve energy processes and increase the body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency. As a result, memory improves, learning ability increases, mental activity is stimulated and the brain is resistant to aggressive influences.

Unlike other psychotropic drugs, for nootropic drugs characterized by low toxicity, they do not cause circulatory problems.

The most famous representatives of this group are drugs:

  • "Piracetam" ("Nootropil"),
  • "Picamilon"
  • "Phenibut"
  • "Aminalon" ("Gammalon"),
  • "Pantogam"
  • "Acephen."

For the treatment of chronic conditions, tablets to improve brain function are prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. The therapeutic effect is observed two weeks from the start of treatment.

Drugs that improve blood circulation

In this case, due to poor condition of the blood and blood vessels, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants are prescribed to improve brain function. Antiplatelet agents include the following:

  • "Nitsergolin"
  • "Xanthinol nicotinate" ("Complamin"),
  • "Ticlopidine"
  • "Tiklid"
  • "Courantil"
  • "Pentoxifylline" ("Trental"),
  • "Acetylsalicylic acid",
  • "Clonidogrel."

For anticoagulants:

  • "Solcoseryl"
  • "Heparin"
  • "Cerebrolysin"
  • "Actovegin"
  • “Vazobral.”

Drugs to improve brain function in this group have side effects.

Nerve stimulants

Stimulants have an undoubted advantage - the result of their use is visible almost immediately. Unfortunately, you have to pay for everything. When stimulants are abused, improvement in brain function occurs for a short period of time; over time, addiction develops and all is required. high dose. It also depletes the brain, which can lead to extreme fatigue and headaches.

The most accessible stimulants are found in food.

  • Coffee contains caffeine and L-theanine, which improve blood flow to the brain and stimulate transmission
  • Chocolate and cocoa. The antioxidant flavanols contained in cocoa powder improve biochemical processes in the brain and protect it from the effects of stress factors.


With increased mental activity, it will be useful to take vitamins to improve brain function.

  • Choline. In addition to improving the digestibility of fats in the liver, choline is involved in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. To stimulate mental activity, choline is taken 0.5-2 g per day, depending on individual tolerance. Overdose may cause headaches.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are used by doctors for complex therapy age-related depression of brain functions. They are contained in oily fish, legumes, walnuts. Daily consumption 1-2 capsules fish oil completely covers the body's need for Omega-3 acids.

Amino acids

In addition to vitamins, a number of amino acids are needed to synthesize neurotransmitters and supply brain cells with energy:

  • Acetyl-L-carnitine is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and releases intracellular energy.
  • Tyrosine. Use with caution for diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Glycine improves brain function, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep. Relieves nervousness, normalizes mood.
  • Creatine regulates energy processes in brain tissue.

There are medications that include several vitamins and amino acids that are aimed at improving brain function and memory.

Complex drugs

  • The drug "Biotredin". Tablets to improve brain function containing threonine and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
  • The product "Brain Booster" is a colloidal preparation of complex composition containing plant materials and a number of neurotransmitters - substances that improve the functioning of neurons.

Dietary supplements and herbal remedies

For minor disorders, tablets are used to improve brain function based on plant extracts.

  • The product "Ginkgo biloba" - flavonoid glycosides and terpenoids from Chinese Normalizes microcirculation, has a vasodilating effect, prevents fat oxidation and has the ability to increase tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency. Do not use simultaneously with other drugs that improve blood circulation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The drug "Vinpocetine" is an alkaloid of the periwinkle plant. Improves blood circulation in the brain and has anticoagulant activity. Contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as for cardiac dysfunction, in the acute phase of a stroke.
  • “Biocalcium for the Brain” product - a set of vitamins, mineral elements, amino acids and antioxidants.
  • Asian ginseng has a general stimulating effect on metabolism, improves blood circulation and glucose metabolism. Recommended for improving brain activity during fatigue, bad mood, and increased nervousness.
  • Rhodiola rosea affects the production of dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on general state body, memory, attention, ability to concentrate and visual perception.

All of these drugs to improve brain function can be taken for preventive purposes. Just like for others herbal remedies, the course of treatment is long - at least 3-4 weeks, and on average - 2-3 months.

Precautionary measures

Deterioration in brain activity can be caused by a disease that requires examination and serious treatment. Therefore, before taking pills, consult your doctor for advice. For preventive purposes, medications are taken for plant based, and amino acids. Stimulants are used to quickly short-term improve thinking processes. They should not be abused, as long-term use leads to reverse effect and consumes brain resources without recovery.



You don’t need any sociological surveys or statistical data to say: the majority of the adult population major cities(and not only large ones) are busy with mental work. Add to this a whole army of schoolchildren and students who are naturally entitled to this. In other words, both at work and during study, the main load falls on the brain. Are we able to help him deal with it? The interview with the candidate began with this question medical sciences Sergei Aleshin.

- Sergey Valentinovich, it is known that the strength of the mind determines success in study, work and in life in general. It is no coincidence that, accounting for only 2% of total weight body, the brain consumes 25% of all energy! So, does he need appropriate food?

– The brain is extremely sensitive to dietary patterns. The brain needs activators and vitamins, and more precisely, special biological ones active substances. Before talking about them, a small digression. Simply put, the mental activity of the brain can be divided into two areas:

1. Intelligence – memory, attention, thinking, etc.

2. Emotions – feelings, will, courage, mood, level of anxiety, etc.

The course of both intellectual and emotional processes depends on special chemical substances in the brain - neurotransmitters. Nerve cells (neurons) exchange signals with each other. Along the processes of neurons, like through wires, these signals are transmitted in the form of electrical excitation. The junctions between nerve cells are overcome with the help of those same neurotransmitters. So, the health of the brain and its performance depends on the balance of various neurotransmitters. When it is disrupted, intellectual and emotional disturbances occur. You can get rid of the deficiency of neurotransmitters in the brain structures by consuming the foods from which they are formed.

– What products are these? Apparently, we are talking about the usual bread, milk or meat?

- You're right. If we are talking about the mental powers of the brain and the power of the intellect, then we primarily mean lecithin and arginine. The importance of the first of them is determined by its role in the construction of nerve cell membranes and the production of acetylcholine, the most important neurotransmitter through which signals are transmitted between nerve cells. It is worth emphasizing that lecithin is not one substance, but a mixture that includes: choline, inositol, phospholipids, phosphatidylinositol, polyunsaturated fatty acid etc. For example, students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology took 3 g of choline per day. They showed significant improvements in the results of the memory test and recall of the vocabulary list.

Arginine is better known for its sexual properties. The joy of sex is truly greater because this product is a source of nitric oxide or nitric oxide (NO). It, in turn, dilates blood vessels, which promotes blood supply to the male and female genital organs. But nitric oxide is an important neurotransmitter for the course of intellectual processes in brain structures. It is especially important for long-term memory - the basis of intelligence. This was conclusively established back in 1991 by four independent groups of researchers: T. O'Dell and O. Orancio from Columbia University, E. Schumann and D. Madison from Stanford University, P. Chapman and employees of the University of Minnesota, G. Boehme and colleagues from France.

– But why do problems still arise: exhaustion, lethargy, fatigue and brain sluggishness? Visible reasons on the surface: great mental and emotional stress during work and study. What is the mechanism of the processes occurring in the body?

– There are two amino acids that can have a strong effect on the brain’s lethargic-vigorous state. These are tyrosine and phenylalanine. It is from tyrosine (or L-tyrosine) that the well-known adrenaline and norepinephrine are formed. These are neurotransmitters, which, in particular, have a tonic effect on the brain. It is with a lack of adrenaline and norepinephrine that feelings of mental fatigue, lethargy, lethargy, etc. arise. In particular, under stress, norepinephrine is used faster than it is formed in the body. In the end, the person experiences complete exhaustion, not only physically, but also intellectually and emotionally. Phenylalanine (in the form of DL-phenylalanine) causes a feeling of vivacity, a surge of strength, and emotional uplift. At the same time, unlike drugs, it is not addictive. If coffee depletes norepinephrine reserves and after 5-10 cups a day leaves a person in a state of emptiness and irritation, then the amino acid phenylalanine helps to be at the peak of capabilities and successfully cope with stress, danger and excitement. At the same time, emotional uplift is important not only in itself, but also because emotions are the engine of intelligence.

– Is it also possible to influence the exact opposite states - sadness and melancholy, which sometimes become so overwhelming that there seems to be no way out - while performance is close to zero. Why does this happen?

– There is simply no serotonin in the brain structures. More precisely, we are talking about 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) - an amino acid that comes from tryptophan - the precursor of serotonin. Serotonin is the very neurotransmitter of happiness, satisfaction and calm. Here's why 5-hydroxytryptophan, which promotes serotonin production, is the best natural remedy from depression and anxiety. It is not inferior in strength to synthetic antidepressants. Moreover, melatonin is also formed from 5-HTP. This hormone regulates the sleep-wake cycle, ensures natural sleep and is the best natural sleeping pill.

In a word, the opportunity to help the brain, to activate it, exists (you can learn more about products containing the above substances on the website of Sergei Aleshin You just need to use it wisely.

"PROproducts for the brain"

Arginine rich in nuts, gelatin desserts, chocolate, brown rice, oat groats, raisins, sunflower and sesame seeds, wholemeal bread and all protein-rich foods.

Lecithin found in many foods, such as soybeans, cereals, brewer's yeast, fish, egg yolk etc. Lecithin is present in human milk, which ensures normal development nervous system babies, but cow's milk he's not there.

Tryptophan found in brown rice, meat, cottage cheese, milk, fish, turkey, bananas, dates, cheese, peanuts and soy products.

Phenylalanine enters the body with such food products, like soy and bakery products, cottage cheese, almonds, peanuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Title: Brain Activators
Number of impressions: 1255

Without the brain, the human species would never have achieved its adaptive success. This is the most complex structure created by nature. However, there are also ways to improve brain function. What are they?

What improves brain function - general information

Newsweek's first issue in its science pages since 2011 featured an excellent critique by Sharon Begley and Ian Yaretta on tools and methods used in the belief that they improve brain function.

Citing an assessment from the National Institutes of Health, the authors state that most actions perceived as “guaranteed” are at least questionable. We are talking about vitamins B6, B12, E, β-carotene, folic acid, flavonoid antioxidants.

Some benefits may (possibly) come from omega-3 fatty acids. The Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline in old age, but it is unclear whether its success in supporting intelligence is due to the foods it contains (olive oil, fish, vegetables, wine) or the avoidance of junk food(red meat, refined sugars, animal fats). Similarly, the use of statins, estrogens, and aspirin is questionable ( acetylsalicylic acid) and similar substances.

Problematic enhancement substance mental characteristics, is nicotine that binds to the acetylcholine receptor. Another substance, but one that binds to the dopamine receptor, is the stimulant methylphenidate. However, their disadvantage is a decrease in effectiveness after repeated use and the development of dependence.

The authors point out that only comprehensive reviews of studies and their meta-analysis and verification of new data provide reliable evidence of the effects of various substances and methods on brain performance. They point out that one cannot rely on individual papers with clearly optimistic conclusions presented by reputable journals, because they prefer to publish positive rather than “bad” reports.

Repeated specific activity causes the formation of new neurons, which ultimately leads to a marked enlargement of the corresponding brain region. However, it is necessary to know exactly which specific activities affect the respective centers.

The most amazing achievement of the last decade, which for a long time contradicted the myth about the constant death of neurons - this was the discovery of neuroplasticity (neogenesis), the fact of the appearance of new neurons throughout life.

So, what conclusion did the scientists come to? How to improve brain function? What methods increase the rate of formation of new neurons and prevent the decline of cognitive abilities in old age?

Learn languages ​​and be physically active

A person who solves crossword puzzles only trains certain areas. This activity does not guarantee that he will not forget what he wanted to buy in the hypermarket. Methods that can develop multiple brain areas include learning new things, for example, learning a new dance, foreign languages.

Current scientific literature suggests that neurogenesis, and therefore mental capacity, is supported by the environment, learning new skills, physical activity, maintaining and cultivating social contacts, and, paradoxically, the often-maligned electric shock.

Among the most recent and popular inventions for the development of brain activity are: computer games, promoting activation of attention, memory, spatial imagination, fine motor skills.

On the contrary, neurons are destroyed by traumatic activities (for example, boxing), excessive stress, alcohol and (especially before the age of 16) cannabis and other toxic substances, leading to mental disorders, depression.

Methods to improve brain function

Every adult wants to stimulate brain activity and improve memory. The brain has amazing ability– plasticity, which allows you to improve mental abilities. Plasticity suggests, and has been shown repeatedly in research, that stimulating and training certain brain centers can improve the activity of existing functions.

Adjusting your diet

Everyday nutrition (a seemingly trivial matter) affects the activity of the brain and its abilities. The state of this important body depends on sufficient glucose. The basis proper nutrition- breakfast; its exclusion leads to poorer concentration throughout the day. In addition, it is good to consume sufficient amounts of antioxidants, which protect tissues from free radical damage and improve learning ability. You can provide your body with antioxidants by eating fruits and vegetables. Foods containing choline are also important for brain function. Choline accelerates the formation of acetylcholine, an important transmitter of nerve impulses. Its deficiency is associated with other memory disorders. The most a large number of Choline contains:

  • egg yolks;
  • liver;
  • legumes;
  • peanut;
  • grain crops;
  • leafy vegetables;
  • yeast.

Cereal sprouts are also good source lecithin - an equally important substance for the brain.

The following foods to improve brain function:

  • Blueberry. It not only improves vision, but also regulates blood sugar levels, improves concentration and brain activity. According to scientists, just 200 g of blueberries will increase brain function by as much as 20%.
  • Unroasted cocoa beans. Cocoa beans contain theobromine and caffeine. Theobromine is a substance that stimulates the central nervous system, improves concentration, reduces arterial pressure. Cocoa also contains important neurotransmitters or their precursors - dopamine, anandamide, arginine, tryptophan, phenylethylamine. These are substances that create good mood associated with feelings of happiness.

Listen to Mozart

Music can help support brain function in some cases. Listening to Mozart's compositions causes the activity of 3 brain genes involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. The exact effect of listening to music is unknown, and the improvement may not necessarily be experienced by every person. But research shows that listening to harmonious music helps you relax, unwind, and therefore develop your thinking.

Train your working memory

Working memory is the part of memory that allows you to store information for a very short time, useful for forming thoughts. Working memory can be expanded with proper training.

Working memory training is not only important, but also enjoyable. It promotes the release of dopamine, which is responsible for a sense of well-being and energy. Verified and traditional methods memory training includes playing musical instrument, writing, playing chess.

Regeneration and rest

Correct drinking regime– one of the most important principles for achieving maximum functioning of the body and nervous system. Dehydration causes fatigue, bad mood, and learning difficulties. Drinking enough water is critical for the functioning of the entire body, including. brain

Getting enough sleep is the next principle of improvement nervous activity, thinking ability. Scientists have discovered that one night without good night can cause long-term imbalance in the body. Allowing the body to suffer from lack of sleep in the long term does not guarantee good brain function. In addition to the production of stress hormones, lack of sleep increases the risk of developing civilizational diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Physical state

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the brain. Half an hour of walking 3 times a week significantly improves concentration, learning, and abstract thinking skills. The reason for the improvement is an increase in the supply of oxygen in the brain, dilation of blood vessels, and improved blood circulation. Physical activity also supports the growth of new neurons.

Strengthening the connection between the hemispheres of the brain

Exercises to improve brain function are, first of all, the cooperation of the left and right hemispheres. This will help significantly improve creativity and concentration, memory, and increase brain potential.

One popular and fun exercise to increase the number of connections between areas in the brain is juggling. A creative trigger for creative processes in the brain is any change in regular activities. Try changing your usual route to work, change the activities you do free time, eliminate any stereotypes (for example, use your non-dominant hand when brushing your teeth).

Gymnastics to connect the hemispheres uses simple symbols containing crossing (as in the body, where right hemisphere controls the left half of the body, the left controls the right). We are talking about a lying figure eight or the letter X, which can be drawn on paper in the air. The movements should be accompanied by eyes or eye turns in a figure eight shape. This not only stimulates the mind, but also eliminates eye fatigue that comes from working at the computer for a long time.

Drink coffee or tea

The next factor influencing brain activity is caffeine. It can be introduced into the body with the help of coffee, tea, and tablets sold in pharmacies. The advantage is effectiveness in nervous activity. But there is also a drawback: if this stimulant is used regularly, the body gets used to it, therefore, the substance becomes less effective.

You can try guarana - natural spring caffeine The positive aspect of its use is greater efficiency and long-term impact. Guarana contains more caffeine than coffee.

Caffeine should be avoided by people at risk cardiovascular diseases suffering from sleep disorders.

Eat protein

Consuming high quality protein – important factor full brain function. The protein contains the amino acid tyrosine, which promotes the formation of nerve carriers - dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline.

Tyrosine is also part over-the-counter drugs, but their use should be checked with your doctor as they may affect the production of thyroid hormones.

However, complex proteins do not have this risk, so it is advisable to consume high-quality proteins not only for growth and support muscle mass, but also to stimulate brain activity.

Drugs that affect brain function (nootropics)

Nootropics have a positive effect on diseases of the central nervous system, in which insufficient amounts of oxygen and glucose come to the fore. These drugs normalize the functions of nerve cells by improving nutrition and supplying them with oxygen. In addition, drugs in this group rid cells of free radicals and improve blood count. Nootropics are used for disorders manifested by impaired attention and memory.

Piracetam and Pyritinol are available as over-the-counter nootropics. A well-known folk remedy, ginkgo biloba leaf extract, also has mild nootropic effects.

A similar group is cognitive drugs, the action of which is aimed at improving cognitive abilities, memory, and learning. The main use of the funds is the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Among over-the-counter medications, it is mainly the aforementioned ginkgo biloba extract that has a cognitive effect. But nootropic and cognitive effects are expressed to one degree or another in all drugs belonging to these groups.

The effectiveness (of both nootropics and cognitive drugs) greatly depends on the dose of the drug. Usually effective relatively high doses: 300-600 mg Pyritinol, 2.4 g Piracetam.

Cases in which you should consult a doctor:

  • regular use of drugs does not eliminate problems within 3 months;
  • epilepsy and others serious illnesses CNS;
  • Possibility of use by a child;
  • use during pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Exercises that stimulate brain activity

The suggested exercises may seem unusual. However, with regular training, you will feel positive changes within 2 weeks. Each exercise benefits the body by improving blood circulation, relaxing muscles, and providing flexibility. To practice, you do not need to attend yoga courses; the exercises can be easily done at home.


The activity is suitable for relaxing the body and brain after a busy day at work. Perform it in any position. Bring your fingertips together as if holding a ball. Wrists – at chest level. Face straight, gaze down. Hold this position for 3 minutes without moving.

Do at the same time breathing exercises– breathing should be deep and calm.

This exercise is extremely calming, activates brain activity, supports memory and concentration. You will be calm and your brain is more active than ever.


This easy activity is suitable for all ages. With your left hand touch your right ear, with your right hand touch your nose. Release, clap your hands, switch hands, repeat. You train daily. The exercise will improve concentration, brain activity, memory.


The following exercise is designed to relieve tension, restore mental and emotional balance (in Indian philosophy this is called “finding yourself”). Sit down and cross your limbs.

The crossing is carried out in a certain way: the ankle of the left leg is located in front of the ankle of the right, the wrist of the right hand is on the wrist of the left. Interlace your fingers and turn your joined hands outward. Hold this position for 3-5 minutes. Face straight, gaze upward.

You can do the exercise not only while sitting, but also lying down and standing.

According to kinesiologists, crossing your arms and legs stimulates the sensory and motor centers of both brain hemispheres. It improves thinking skills, focus, learning ability.


Like all previous classes, this is one of the most exciting and effective training mind. It improves concentration and establishes balance between mind and body. Experts say that this exercise expands brain functions and helps a person reveal his abilities.

Tilt your head as far to the left as possible. Right hand, extended forward, visually draw the number 8. Accompany the movement of your hand with your eyes. After repetitions (3-5 times), change hands and tilt your head to the other side. Repeat 3-5 times.


The result of long-term work at the computer - stiff muscles cervical spine, which need to be relaxed.

Sit at the table, cross your arms, place them in front of you on the table. Tilt your chin towards your chest as much as possible. Feel the relaxation in your neck, shoulders, and back. Stay in this position for 20 seconds, breathe in, raise your head, throw it back. Feel the relaxation in your back and chest.


Train your memory whenever possible. For example, lotto, chess, checkers, and cards not only optimize memory, but also develop ingenuity and intelligence. No less useful for memory training is solving puzzles, mathematical problems and solving crosswords. Explore foreign languages- one of the difficult ones, but effective ways“wake up” your brain. This influences well, develops associative thinking, and improves communication skills. However, memorization training can be started small - for example, memorize phone numbers, but not only those that you need in Everyday life, as well as those that you call quite rarely. If you are inclined to imaginative thinking, you can try to learn a long fable or poem. The more you “load” into your cranial “computer”, the higher its performance and output will be.

A few years ago, the French psychologist Francis Rocher did something that produced the “Mozart effect.” Listening to the musical works of the great composer Mozart can improve mathematical thinking. The experiments were carried out on rats, the results and scientific works were published in many languages ​​of the world. Thus, rats overcame obstacles and mazes much faster after listening to Mozart than after noisy music, for example, by the composer Philip Glass. Music is not only the most harmonious way to increase your mental abilities, the scientist is convinced, but also to improve your health in general.

Not only intellectual and musical food is important for us, but also good nutrition from the inside. Using natural products, you help your brain renew cells by circulatory system constantly deliver nutrients brain. Building materials include fatty acids plant origin(For example, vegetable oil, nuts) and minerals, namely: phosphorus, copper, sulfur, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron. Phosphorus, which promotes the formation of new brain cells, is found in abundance in legumes, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, radishes, and soybeans. Sulfur, which ensures the saturation of brain cells with oxygen, is present in cabbage, garlic, carrots, figs, onions and potatoes. Zinc, which increases mental abilities and improves blood composition, can be supplied to the body by sprouted wheat and wheat bran. And calcium and iron, which are responsible for hematopoiesis, a sufficient level of hemoglobin and blood composition, are found in apples, apricots, beets, cabbage, green vegetables, tomatoes, legumes, and rice. And finally, magnesium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the entire nervous system, enters the body along with almonds, mint, chicory, olives, peanuts and whole wheat grains.

Oxygen is the best way to activate the brain. It is enough to take a few deep breaths, preferably Fresh air(on the street, not in an enclosed space) at the moment when you need to “brainwash”. It is better to breathe through your nose and sit upright. Experiment: try to solve a simple problem in your head math problem, sitting in a stooped position and with open mouth, and then solve another problem, but this time standing up straight and closing your mouth. The difference will be obvious. By the way, light exercise will be enough for blood to flow more actively to the brain. Just ten squats, jumps and bends will “wake up” your brain. Surely you have noticed that during a fast walk or jog the flow of thoughts is more active.

Hello, friends! Today we’ll look at an important topic for life: how to activate the brain.

Exercises are given from Dr. Alexey Mamatov, host of the HEALTH AND LONGEVITY CLUB.

These exercises, called self-massage of the head, give the most powerful results.

Why do you need brain exercises?

Our brain, like our body, needs exercise. Our gray matter of the brain is also muscle, but with a special property.

And each brain muscle is responsible for its own area. And the brain has many such areas. Here are just a few of them:


  • Short-term and long-term.
  • Orientation in space.
  • Remembering people and numbers.
  • Ability to think creatively.
  • Development of willpower.
  • The ability to make decisions instantly.
  • Ability to speak quickly and coherently.

Ensuring the functioning of the senses:

  • Vision.
  • Hearing.
  • Smell.
  • Touch.

Regulation of all internal organs.

Exercises to activate your brain.

  1. Warming up your palms. Rub and warm your palms. Do this before each exercise.
  1. Soft stroking. Put left palm on the forehead, and the right palm on the back of the head and with soft stroking movements, rub them first in one direction 12 times, and then in the other direction 12 times.
  1. Washing your face. Move your palms from the center of the forehead to the edges, then from the eyes down to the chin. Do this several dozen times. This will smooth out facial wrinkles, remove anxiety, stress, and help you finally wake up in the morning.
  1. Activation of vision. Place two fingers on each hand together: the ring finger with the little finger, and the index finger with the middle finger, and move these pairs apart. Apply the separated pairs to the inner corners of the eyes at the bridge of the nose and move them with massage movements towards outer corners eye, to temples. Do this exercise 12 times. It improves vision, smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, and normalizes intraocular pressure.
  1. Activating the brain by biting the tip of the tongue . The tip of the tongue is very well connected to the brain. If you can bite him so that your head goes nuts, that’s good. In addition, this exercise relieves drowsiness.
  1. Pressing on the points.
    • Press on the “I” point. The “I” point is a great point, pressing on it enhances concentration. It is located at the very tip of the nose.
    • Then press on the magnificent point under the nose, it “turns on” the brain. The direction of pressure should be clearly towards the top of the head and strong.
    • Then apply pressure to the point between the eyebrows, where the third eye is. Here is the zone responsible for memory, speed of thinking, and will. Press the point hard, but if you have frontal sinusitis, then press moderately. Also be careful not to get your finger in your eye.
  1. Kneading the ears Press your palms to your ears. Make as many circular movements in each direction as you are old. A thumbs At this time, massage behind the ears. Exercise activates the functioning of the brain, kidneys, and improves hearing. After the first month of exercise, the ears will become soft, even if they were stiff before.
  1. Ear massage.
    With three fingers we take the edges of the ears and lightly stroke them from top to bottom. One stroke in about 4 seconds as many times as you are old.
    Then we grab the earlobes and pull down five times, then 5 times to the sides, and finally, grab the top of the ear and pull up 5 times. This exercise activates the brain, and also improves hearing and the functioning of other organs, since ears biologically related active points with the whole body.
  1. "Thunder of Heavenly Drums"
    This ancient and ever-new technique came to us from China. Let’s close our eyes. Cover your ears with your palms so that your fingers are on the back of your head. We tap the back of the head with our fingers as many times as you are old. This exercise improves hearing, improves blood circulation deep in the brain, inner ear, activates reticular formation and instantly relieves fatigue at the most crucial moment.

Watch a short video from Dr. Alexey Mamatov on how to perform these exercises.

These powerful exercises will help you:

  1. Activate brain function (improves memory of all types).
  2. Normalize intracranial pressure.
  3. Improve your hearing.
  4. Improve vision.
  5. Restore hair...

You will also achieve many other positive effects.
That's all for now.

I ask you, dear friends, to write in the comments how you liked these exercises?
I will be glad if you click on the social buttons. networks.

With respect and love, Alina Taranets .
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