Sauerkraut: benefits and harm to our health. The healing properties of sauerkraut

We can safely say that sauerkraut is the national dish of the Russian people. But few people know that much earlier than in Russia, they learned to ferment this vegetable in other countries. For example, in China and Japan. Interestingly, the first mentions of this dish were found in ancient chronicles from the time of the construction of the Great Wall of China. True, the Asian recipe was very different from ours; it included white wine. Today, all nutritionists in the world praise this product in every possible way.

And this is not surprising, because it contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

Useful and medicinal properties of sauerkraut

For example, such cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamin C. Even 10 grams of this product contains about 2 milligrams of this useful vitamin. Thanks to this, cabbage strengthens immune system and prevents aging of tissues and cells.

In addition, sauerkraut contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamins K and U, as well as B vitamins.
Thanks to such a rich composition, regular use of this product is the prevention of various intestinal and stomach diseases, including gastric or duodenal ulcers.
There is a lot of iodine in such cabbage, which is very useful for the functioning of a variety of organs.

As you know, special lactic acid bacteria ferment cabbage. When they enter the intestines from the product, they improve intestinal function, suppress harmful microflora, normalize beneficial ones and eliminate dysbacteriosis. As a result, the feeling of discomfort goes away and the person’s general well-being improves.

Also as a medicine, sauerkraut is used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis, especially chronic gastritis, as well as to treat this disease.

To prevent gastritis, doctors recommend eating sauerkraut three times a day before each main meal. A fairly small portion of this vegetable, seasoned with sunflower or olive oil. It is necessary to hold out for at least three weeks. The best thing to do is to start a new habit and enjoy this salad all the time. This is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes. After all, sauerkraut effectively reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.

For pregnant

Sauerkraut is especially useful for pregnant girls. However, it is necessary to consume it in moderation, because this product contains a lot of sodium. Canned sauerkraut is especially rich in this substance. Excess salt from this product may cause high blood pressure.

In the very last months of pregnancy, a woman's body produces additional red blood cells, which are necessary for the normal development of the fetus. It is very dangerous if she has an iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia with such unpleasant symptoms like a feeling constant fatigue, weakness and bad feeling. Sauerkraut will help a pregnant girl avoid such consequences. 200 ml of this product contains almost 2 milligrams of iron. For the body expectant mother an intake of about 30 milligrams per day is required. Therefore, it is recommended to add sauerkraut to salads and other dishes.

American scientists have proven that children whose mothers ate this product are least at risk of developing cancer diseases. And, in addition, like many other vegetables, it contains special antioxidants that “know how” to neutralize free radicals in the human body that cause cancer. It is equally beneficial for the health of both the woman and the fetus.

For example, it helps to cope with all sorts of problems of the digestive system. If any products cause the expectant mother increased gas formation, then you just need to eat sauerkraut along with them. It contains pribiotics that promote normal human digestion and also remove harmful bacteria from the intestines.

One serving of sauerkraut contains more than three grams of fiber, which heals the digestive system and also regulates intestinal function.

It also contains folic acid. This nutrient, which every expectant mother must receive in sufficient quantities. After all, it prevents many birth defects of the fetus, for example, spina bifida. Also promotes proper DNA development and healthy cell division.

For men

It is very useful for representatives of the stronger sex to regularly consume sauerkraut. Scientists have proven that if you eat this product every day, a man will not only be able to significantly increase potency, but also maintain it for many years. And older men can use it as safe medicine, to regain your sexual abilities.

Sauerkraut juice (brine)

Most often in medical purposes or it is not sauerkraut itself that is used as a cosmetic product, but its juice, or rather, brine.

Benefits for the face

In order to rejuvenate your face, make your skin firm, healthy, beautiful and elastic, you can prepare a cabbage-egg mask with your own hands. To do this, three tablespoons of brine are mixed with one protein. chicken egg, whipped to a strong foam. The ingredients must be mixed very thoroughly until smooth and applied to the face, décolleté and neck. After 15-20 minutes, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature. It is also used to prepare a face mask, our other article will talk about this.

For weight loss

Girls really like sauerkraut also because it actively promotes weight loss. This product contains few calories, so you can safely consume it in large quantities without fear of gaining weight and without suffering from severe hunger.

For pancreatitis

But for pancreatitis, on the contrary, it is recommended to use it with extreme caution. It greatly irritates the mucous membrane, so if the pancreas is inflamed, it can only worsen the patient’s condition. It is best to completely abandon its use or reduce the amount of this product in the diet to a minimum.

How many calories are in sauerkraut?

The product under discussion contains less than 20 kilocalories per 100 grams. Even if you dress the salad with any vegetable oil, for example, sunflower, then 100 grams of this dish will still contain a minimum of calories - about 50. Therefore, such a salad can be eaten even on a strict diet, especially since it is tasty and satisfies hunger quite well.

It is important to note that this product has a so-called “negative” calorie content. This means that the body spends much more on digesting a given dish than it receives from it.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the fact that sauerkraut is a very healthy product for adults and children, it still has some contraindications. Although it is recommended to use it for ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, during a severe exacerbation of these diseases it is better to avoid sauerkraut.
Vegetables prepared in this way are also prohibited for anyone with high acidity. gastric juice.
It is contraindicated for diseases of the pancreas, any problems with the thyroid gland, hypertension (after all, it contains too many organic acids), kidney failure and gallstones.

Of course, if a person with any of the listed diseases really wants to pamper himself with his favorite product, despite the contraindications, then there is no need to deny himself this; it is enough just to properly prepare the sauerkraut in advance.

For example, you can bake it along with meat, fish or chicken in the oven. Heat treatment will eliminate all its possible negative consequences for an organism weakened by the disease. You can also add vegetables to a salad of fresh vegetables, if you first thoroughly wash and soak the brine in normal water. clean water. Another way out is to initially prepare this product, deviating slightly from the recipe, or rather adding as little salt as possible to it. True, the taste of the finished sauerkraut will noticeably suffer from this.
In addition, additional ingredients will help reduce its harmful effects on the body for these diseases. For example, you can add cabbage to assorted vegetables. An excellent dish in this case is vinaigrette. You will need very little sauerkraut, but it will perfectly complement the taste of the dish.

Video about beneficial properties

Traditional medicine attributes simply magical healing properties to sauerkraut. Healers recommend using sauerkraut and its juice for any ailment, from the common cold to such serious diseases as epilepsy and bronchial asthma.

It is believed that daily use sauerkraut can significantly increase potency and maintain it until old age. Women will find it useful for cosmetic purposes. A mask made from sauerkraut will give freshness and velvety to the skin, fade pigment spots, and also help get rid of acne.

Needless to say, the benefits of sauerkraut are great. However, there are also some sins behind it. For example, due to the high content of organic acids, it is contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice, pancreatic diseases, kidney failure, gallstones and hypertension.

It is also useful because it helps maintain your figure. Its calorie content is lower than even the already low-calorie fresh cabbage. At the same time, it creates a feeling of fullness for a long time. The tartronic acid contained in it interferes with the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat.

Sauerkraut is rich in valuable vitamins. So, just 200 g of this product covers almost half of the daily requirement for vitamin C.

It also contains vitamin B6, which promotes better protein absorption.

In addition to vitamins, sauerkraut contains a lot of nicotinic acid, which ensures the normal course of vital cellular processes and adds shine to hair and strength to nails.

Sauerkraut is also rich in microelements such as potassium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. This is also great prophylactic against peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Its fiber promotes digestion and improves the microflora of the intestinal tract. In general, sauerkraut strengthens the immune system and regulates metabolism. There is also a healing effect for stomach pain.

There is a “classic” recipe. According to it, the cabbage needs to be peeled, chopped, thoroughly mashed with salt so that it releases the juice, add carrots, place tightly in barrels, the bottom of which is first covered with cabbage leaves, also cover with leaves on top, then cover with a clean cloth, press down with a wooden circle (according to the diameter barrels) and put pressure on top. Cabbage should ferment at room temperature, this will take about a week, but if you put it in a cool place, the fermentation time will increase. So that cabbage does not acquire bad smell and bitterness, you need to pierce it with a knife a couple of times during fermentation in several places to the bottom of the barrel. At the end of the process, the cabbage, without removing the oppression, is taken to a cold place.

Of course, in a city apartment there is hardly room for a barrel of sauerkraut. Today, everyone decides in their own way what to ferment cabbage in and how to store it. However, some rules still need to be followed:

It is best to use glass or enamel dishes.

Under no circumstances should you use plastic, galvanized or tinned containers.

A granite cobblestone or a jar of water is suitable as a pressure, but metal products cannot be used.

Prepared cabbage should be stored at a temperature of 0–2°C.

You should not freeze cabbage; it can become soft and beige in color, and its beneficial properties are reduced.

You need to make sure that the cabbage is completely covered with brine, otherwise it will begin to darken and change its taste. As soon as cabbage is deprived of juice, its vitamin C begins to deteriorate.

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is called chronic illness, which is characterized by regular attacks of suffocation caused by bronchospasms. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and cough. The patient's breathing is often difficult.

The main cause of bronchial asthma is a change in the functioning of the bronchi, when their sensitivity and reactivity decreases. Sometimes asthma runs in families. In this case, the patient’s situation may worsen due to the impact of unfavorable environmental factors on his body.

Bronchial asthma can also be allergic in nature. It also occurs as a result of the penetration of bacteria, viruses or fungi into the body. The development of bronchial asthma can also be triggered by some infectious diseases, which include sinusitis, Chronical bronchitis, chronic pneumonia and rhinitis.

If bronchial asthma occurs as a result allergic reaction organism, the manifestations of this disease are seasonal.

Strong allergens that can cause an asthma attack are plant pollen, household dust, some medications, animal hair, hay, nutritional supplements, chocolate, strong odors, etc.


Sauerkraut is an excellent remedy for treating bronchial asthma. It is recommended to eat 0.5 kg of sauerkraut every day, mixed with 20 g of onion and 5 g of garlic.

Umbilical hernia in children

An umbilical hernia is a defect in the development of the anterior abdominal wall. It's pretty frequent illness, mainly occurs in girls.

The cause of an umbilical hernia is anatomical features abdominal wall. When the umbilical cord falls off, the umbilical ring closes and a seal forms in its lower part. The upper part of the umbilical ring is much weaker than the lower, and with weak development of the abdominal wall it closes only partially.

It is in such loose and uncovered areas that an umbilical hernia forms. A round or oval protrusion appears on the abdominal wall in the area of ​​the navel.

If the child is calm, the hernia is easily reduced into the abdominal cavity.


Traditional medicine recommends applying a compress of gauze soaked in cabbage brine to treat an umbilical hernia in children. Cut circles of raw potatoes are placed on top of the gauze, and the whole thing is secured on top with a bandage.

The compress can be removed after 2–3 hours. Repeat several times during the day. The course of treatment should be carried out within 30 days.

Impotence ( impotence)

Impotence is a disorder of sexual function, accompanied by a complete or partial loss of a man’s ability to perform sexual intercourse. The cause of the disease can be severe emotional shock, spinal injuries, alcohol consumption, taking sleeping pills, sedatives and other medications.


The cause of this disease is the pathology of the cavernous vessels of the rectum, resulting in stagnation of blood in them.

Hemorrhoids develop due to impaired blood flow, chronic constipation, sedentary work, disruption of the pelvic organs, etc. As a result, the cavernous vessels swell and form hemorrhoids.

For hemorrhoids, you can make lotions using warm sauerkraut brine. It relieves inflammation well and has an analgesic effect.

Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, depending on where the hemorrhoids are located - on the walls of the rectum or around the outside anus.

The first signs of hemorrhoids are itching in the anus and difficulty defecating. As the disease progresses, bleeding appears, which in severe cases can lead to anemia.

In the last stages of the disease, loss of internal hemorrhoids from the rectum to the outside during defecation. At first, they easily retract back on their own, but later there is a need to straighten them by hand. Lack of treatment leads to the fact that the nodes begin to fall out with the slightest load or simply while walking.

Sometimes it is possible to develop thrombosis of hemorrhoids and their strangulation. This form of hemorrhoids is called acute. Inflammation of the nodes leads to the appearance of edema, so the patient feels pain in the anus.


To treat hemorrhoids accompanied by constipation and bleeding, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of cabbage brine 1-2 times a day.


This is increased gas formation, accompanied by colicky pain and bloating. Very often this phenomenon is observed in young children. Main symptoms: abdominal muscles are tense, the child shows increased anxiety.

Flatulence in pregnant women - frequent and normal phenomenon, so there is no need to worry about this.


The patient needs to drink 100 ml of sauerkraut brine 3 times a day.

At inflammatory diseases throat and oral cavity, it is useful to rinse with fresh cabbage juice diluted in warm water in a 1:1 ratio.


Gallstone disease develops due to the formation of stones in the bile ducts, gallbladder or liver as a result of a disorder metabolic processes. The development of the disease is facilitated by disturbances in the metabolism of salts and cholesterol, infections that enter the biliary tract, and stagnation of bile. It occurs more often in women aged 35–60 years.

Gallstones vary in composition and come in 3 main types. Pigment stones consist of bilirubin and calcium salts; Cholesterol stones are deposits of cholesterol; mixed ones consist of calcium salts, cholesterol and bilirubin. The most common stones are cholesterol stones.

The development of gallstone disease is facilitated by the abuse of fatty foods, diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, obesity, as well as biliary tract infections, atherosclerosis, liver disease, increased hemolysis (the process of breakdown of red blood cells).

The disease is accompanied by hepatic colic (pain in the right hypochondrium), as well as digestive disorders. Pain may not appear if the stones are located at the bottom of the gallbladder. When they move, on the contrary, a severe pain attack occurs due to spasm of the ducts or gall bladder.

Colic can be caused by ingestion of fatty foods, hypothermia, physical or nervous overstrain. The pain is often very severe and can sometimes lead to painful shock.

As a rule, an attack begins suddenly and ends just as suddenly. This often happens at night.

The nature of the pain is cutting or stabbing. Its localization is everything right hypochondrium. It radiates (gives) to the area right scapula, shoulder, neck, jaw. Then it is localized in the epigastric region and at the location of the gallbladder.

In some cases, pain can trigger an angina attack. Sometimes it is protracted due to the fact that the general bile duct overlaps. With prolonged spasm, jaundice may develop.

Often the attack is accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting may occur. These symptoms immediately disappear as soon as the pain subsides.

The attack may last for a few minutes, but can last for hours. Very rarely the pain persists for several days. Attacks may recur with varying frequency and frequency.

The patient's condition returns to normal quite quickly as soon as the pain disappears.

In some cases, manifestations of exacerbation of cholelithiasis are reduced to dyspeptic syndrome, with a feeling of heaviness in the solar plexus area, belching, and sometimes vomiting. Pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium may be mild, and only palpation of the abdomen allows them to be identified.

The development of the disease is accompanied clinical manifestations complications - cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) or acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), signs of blockage of the bile ducts as a result of the displacement of stones.

As a result of blockage of the cystic duct, hydrocele of the gallbladder develops. It is accompanied by sharp pain. After they stop, you can feel the enlarged gallbladder. Dropsy causes a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

When an infection occurs, there is a deterioration in the general condition, an increase in body temperature, and pain resumes. If the bile duct is completely blocked, jaundice develops, the color of the stool changes, and the liver becomes enlarged - it becomes denser and more painful. In case of stagnation of bile in biliary tract and the gallbladder may begin an inflammatory process.


It is necessary to take 0.5–1 glass of sauerkraut juice daily 3 times a day 15–20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is designed for 1.5–2 months.

Vitamin deficiency C

This disease develops as a result of poor nutrition over a long period of time and leads to painful condition characterized by the following symptoms:

– headaches and dizziness;

– the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth;

– increased susceptibility to infectious diseases;

– the appearance of bruises on the skin;

– general malaise;

– bleeding gums.

To prevent and treat this disease, a diet rich in vitamins is first prescribed.


It is recommended to regularly eat sauerkraut in salads. In addition, you need to drink cabbage brine 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or take dry cabbage juice 1-2 teaspoons, dissolving it in 100 ml of water, 3-4 times a day before meals.


– developmental disorders and growth retardation in children;


– memory disorder.


To remove worms, it is recommended to take 100 ml of cabbage brine 30 minutes before meals. In addition, you need to eat 100–200 g of sauerkraut 2–3 times a day, without mixing it with other foods. If you have tapeworm, you need to drink 0.5 liters of cabbage brine per day before lunch for 20–30 days.


Sclerosis is caused by compaction connective tissue due to the death of parenchyma elements, which causes scar formation in the heart, spinal cord, brain, liver and blood vessels (atherosclerosis).


For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to drink cabbage brine 0.5–1 glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. In addition, it is beneficial to regularly eat sauerkraut and cabbage salads.

Pectins and cellulose fibers, which sauerkraut contains, prevent cholesterol and bile acids from being absorbed in the intestines and forming deposits on the walls of blood vessels or gallstones.


Constipation develops as a result of weakened peristalsis. It is accompanied by depression, heavy sweating, decreased appetite and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines. Toxins are formed in the patient’s stomach and intestines, which spread throughout the body. Treatment with cabbage helps normalize intestinal function and neutralize the effects of toxins.


Sauerkraut brine is very helpful as a laxative. It should be drunk warm, 0.5 cups 3 times a day.


Burns mean damage individual parts organism as a result of exposure to thermal or radiation energy and chemical substances. Burns come in varying degrees of severity, which is determined by the area and depth of the damage:

– I degree – redness and swelling of the skin;

– II degree – formation of blisters filled with yellowish liquid;

– III degree – development of skin necrosis;

– IV degree – deep necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues.

A burn has several stages: burn shock, acute toxemia, septicotoxemia and recovery. Burn shock develops as a result of simultaneous irritation of many nerve endings at the site of injury.

With large areas of damage, burn shock can lead to the death of the patient.

Toxemia is poisoning of the body caused by the breakdown products of damaged tissues. It begins almost immediately and gradually intensifies. In this case, the metabolism in the body is disrupted.

The next stage of the burn is caused by infection on the surface exposed as a result of the burn.

The patient experiences an increase in body temperature, anemia develops, inflammatory processes occur in damaged tissues and, as a result, swelling. Inflammation and breakdown products of the affected tissues affect the nerves, causing severe pain. There is a circulatory disorder.

With first degree burns, blood circulation soon normalizes, the inflammatory process stops, swelling decreases, and pain goes away.

With second-degree burns, all painful processes also gradually pass and after 14–16 days complete recovery occurs, if the damaged surface has not become infected and suppuration has not begun. In this case, the disease drags on for several weeks or even months.

With third or fourth degree burns, the patient experiences lethargy, drowsiness, convulsions, nausea, sweating, decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dehydration and severe intoxication. In especially severe cases, the functions of the liver and kidneys are impaired, and ulcers appear on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Minor burns can be treated on your own with folk remedies, for example cabbage. With third and fourth degree burns, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


For burns, compresses made from crushed sauerkraut leaves are effective.

To do this, the leaves must be crushed to a pasty state, applied to the affected area and applied with a bandage soaked in cabbage brine. The dressing should be changed 2-3 times a day.

Salty brine can cause a strong burning sensation, in which case it must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2.

You can make compresses from whole leaves of sauerkraut, securing them with bandages.


Wounds are external damage to the tissues of the skin and mucous membranes, sometimes penetrating deep into bones and tendons, with possible damage to blood vessels and nerves. If a weapon penetrates a cavity (abdominal, thoracic, cranial, etc.), then it is called penetrating. Wounds can be inflicted by various objects and, depending on this, are divided into the following types:

– stabbed, inflicted with a knife, needle, bayonet, awl, etc. They are especially dangerous because internal organ damage can go undetected and cause internal bleeding or inflammation;

– cut, applied with a cutting object (knife, razor, glass, scalpel, etc.);

–chopped, inflicted with a heavy, sharp object (axe, saber, etc.);

– bruises caused by a blunt object (hammer, stone, club, etc.);

– firearms caused by various fire projectiles (bullet, shot, shrapnel, etc.). Such wounds can be through (when there is an entrance and exit hole), blind (when the object that inflicted the wound gets stuck in the body) and tangential (when the object of the wound passes nearby, touching only the skin).

Foreign objects in the wound cause suppuration.

Wounds are often accompanied by bleeding, the intensity of which depends on which vessels were damaged - artery, vein or capillaries.

When a shrapnel wound occurs, extensive tissue damage occurs, often accompanied by contamination and infection.


To treat wounds you need 200g of fermented cabbage leaves pass through a meat grinder or finely chop with a knife and apply to the affected area. Apply a bandage on top.

In order to soften the wound, lotions are made from freshly pickled sauerkraut leaves.

Mastitis (breast)

Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland. It usually occurs due to cracked nipples in nursing mothers. The mammary gland swells, becomes dense, tight and very painful. The skin around the nipple becomes red and shiny. An increase in temperature is observed.

If a disease occurs, you must immediately consult a doctor to prevent complications. In this case, you cannot give breastfeeding to the baby, and the milk must be expressed and poured out.


It is necessary to wrap the sore chest with sauerkraut leaves, apply a bandage and wrap the chest with a warm blanket.

It is better to do such compresses at night.


Most often, it occurs with caries - a dental disease characterized by demineralization of the hard tissues of the tooth and their subsequent destruction, resulting in the formation of a cavity.

The causes of caries are poor diet and poor dental care.

On initial stage caries is asymptomatic and is detected only with a thorough examination. The enamel becomes matte, and White spot at the site of the lesion. However, the tooth does not yet react to cold or hot food.

At further development The disease causes pain when something sweet, sour or salty comes into contact with a tooth. Later, a reaction to temperature changes appears. Carious cavity at this stage it becomes noticeable to the patient himself.



Headache is one of the main symptoms of a number of different diseases.

The human brain is devoid of pain receptors, but the thin layer separating it from the bones of the skull does have them. Pain receptors also present in tendon and scalp muscle tissues, which contract sharply in response to physical or emotional stimuli.

A blow to the head and severe stress can cause prolonged migraines. Thus, headache is the result of injury or overstrain of the muscular layer of the skull. This kind of discomfort is most often experienced by women.

The headache can be strong or weak, throbbing or constant, depending on the reasons that caused it. It can be made worse by smoking, drinking alcohol, being overtired or listening too much.

Headaches often occur as a result of exposure to viruses and bacteria on the human body, which cause the development of infectious diseases (flu, pneumonia) and toxins (alcohol, nicotine).

Low or high blood pressure, many inflammatory processes in oral cavity(caries, pulpitis, periodontal disease) or paranasal sinuses (sinusitis) are also accompanied by headaches.



The second species lives only in underwear. Both species are dangerous because they can be carriers of pathogens and relapsing fever and a number of other diseases. The third type affects the pubic area of ​​the body.

Prolonged lice can lead to exhaustion of the patient's body.

Lice reproduce by laying small white eggs called nits that attach to hair or clothing.

It is useful after washing your hair to rinse it with water with the addition of cabbage brine in a ratio of 1:5.


A person spends almost a third of his life in a passive state (sleeping). However, the amount of time needed for sleep is individual for each person and depends, first of all, on his age, as well as physical condition.

Children and adolescents aged 8 to 14–15 years should get at least 10 hours of sleep per day. People between the ages of 15 and 45–50 should sleep at least 7–8 hours a night, while those over 50 need 5–7 hours.

Sleep disorders usually arise as a result of nicotine and alcohol abuse, as well as in the absence of sufficient physical activity. Disorders can also cause insomnia nervous system, systematic stress, nervous tension.


A good remedy for insomnia is the following: pour 0.5 teaspoon of cabbage seeds into 100 ml of hot water and boil for 10 minutes.

Mix the broth with 0.5 cups of cabbage brine and drink before bed.


This disease is characterized by an acute inflammatory process occurring in the skin. Impetigo is caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Sometimes it occurs due to infection. Children get sick more often. Men can get impetigo from shaving.

Sauerkraut brine helps pregnant women with toxicosis, having a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

In some cases, the disease may be a complication of a physical disease (itchy skin).

Impetigo comes in several forms.

The disease in the streptococcal form is characterized by the appearance of small, easily opened blisters filled with light contents that form on open areas of the skin.

After opening the bubbles, their contents dry out and amber-colored crusts form. If they are removed, an eroded surface of a bright red color is revealed, surrounded by a slightly protruding rim of the stratum corneum.

With impetigo in staphylococcal form pathological changes occur in estuaries hair follicles. Pustules form in them, the size of which can reach the size of a pea. As the contents dry out, they take on the appearance of a cone-shaped crust.

There is also vulgar impetigo, which can occur on the skin of the face, less often on the skin of the limbs and torso.


To treat this disease, as well as for burns, sauerkraut brine is used. They lubricate the affected areas of the skin.


Lichen is a group of diseases that arise for various reasons and affect skin, mucous membrane, sometimes – nails.

Lichen ruber planus

The causes of lichen ruber have not yet been established. This form is observed mainly in adults.

Of all the pickled and salted vegetables, sauerkraut has the greatest number of healing properties.

Small papules of a reddish-violet color with a shiny surface appear on the affected skin, in the center of which there are umbilical depressions.

Most often, papules are localized on the lower back, abdomen and forearms. Their formation is accompanied by severe itching.

As the disease progresses, the papules that merge with each other form small plaques. A mesh pattern appears on their surface - the Wykeham mesh. It becomes especially noticeable when wet. After the papules resolve, pigment spots remain on the skin.

Papules can appear on the mucous membrane, in the area of ​​the red border of the lips, and on the tongue. Lichen ruber can also affect inner surface cheeks, glans penis in men and vulva in women.

Redness and swelling of the affected areas of the skin and mucous membrane are characteristic of the exudative-hyperemic type of lichen ruber.

Ulcers or erosions occur, in addition to papules, with erosive-ulcerative disease. This lesion has a chronic course and occurs in patients with hypertension (increased blood pressure) and diabetes.

Herpes zoster

Shingles is characterized by two forms: simple and gangrenous. It is caused by a special virus. The disease can be provoked by hypothermia.

The patient's skin becomes red, then blistering rashes appear, which are accompanied by burning, itching, and sometimes pain.

The fusion of vesicles leads to the formation of large foci of inflammation. Such lesions are usually located along the intercostal or facial nerves.

Gangrenous form considered the most severe. With herpes zoster gangrenous, the blisters that form are filled with bloody contents, and some areas of the skin are susceptible to necrosis (death).

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor (or versicolor) is a fungal skin disease.

The disease begins with the appearance on the skin of yellowish-brown spots with a diameter of 3–5 mm. Their contours are clear, their boundaries are uneven. When scraped, the stains peel off. Most often, lichen is localized on the chest, neck and back, while in rare cases, spots may appear on the shoulders and head (on the scalp).

The causative agent of pityriasis versicolor is the fungus Pityrosporumorbiculare. The occurrence of lichen can be caused by sweating and seborrheic diathesis.

As the disease develops, the spots increase in size and may merge. Painful sensations, no itching is observed.

The diagnosis is clarified by performing an iodine test: after lubricating the spots with iodine tincture, they are immediately treated with alcohol.

The diagnosis is confirmed if the spots become dark brown and stand out sharply against the background of healthy skin.

Ringworm rosea

Pityriasis rosea is a disease from the group erythema infectiosum. The reasons for its occurrence have not been established; the disease is seasonal, appearing mainly in the autumn and spring months, which is facilitated by frequent hypothermia of the body.

After a person has suffered from the disease, he develops immunity that prevents relapses.

The disease begins with the appearance of a maternal plaque on the skin, which appears on the body. She represents pink spot with a diameter of 2 cm or more. The development of the disease is accompanied by peeling of the central part of the plaque, its wrinkling and yellowing.

The diameter of the new spots is less than the diameter of the main maternal plaque. It ranges from 0.5–1 cm. The centers of the spots, surrounded by a red border, peel off, forming scales. Ringworm causes itching.

After a few days, spots appear on the back, chest, sides, abdomen and limbs along the so-called Langer's lines.

Pityriasis rosea may change to an eczema-like form. This is facilitated by infrequent washing, sweating, as well as the patient’s predisposition to allergies.


You can use sauerkraut leaves instead of brine. They should be placed on gauze, folded in four, or cotton cloth, and applied to the skin affected by lichen.

It is not recommended to eat spicy food, canned food, drink alcohol. Hypothermia and stress should be avoided, as they contribute to the weakening of the body and the development of the disease. You should not wear synthetic and woolen underwear, because they are irritating to the skin, and it is not recommended to wet or wash the affected areas of the skin.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor, who will be able to guide and adjust treatment.

Sore throat catarrhal

Catarrhal tonsillitis is an extremely contagious infectious disease. As a rule, it occurs when the body is hypothermic.

Catarrhal tonsillitis is accompanied by chills and increased body temperature. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity dries quickly, a sore throat appears, and swallowing is accompanied by severe pain. Examination reveals redness and enlargement of the tonsils, as well as inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes.

Sore throat, ulcerative membranous

Ulcerative membranous tonsillitis usually lasts 6–8 days. If general state the body at the time of illness is unsatisfactory, more time will be required to treat the ailment. The diagnosis is made after examining a smear taken from the patient’s throat, which reveals the presence of a spirochete and a fusiform rod.

With ulcerative membranous tonsillitis, a whitish-yellow coating appears on the tonsils, pharynx, and sometimes on the inside of the cheeks, which is easily removed. Under the plaque there are always ulcers that cause bad breath. The patient's body temperature rises to 37–38°C. The submandibular lymph nodes are greatly enlarged, but palpation does not cause severe pain.

For general prevention of colds, it is enough to eat 2 tablespoons of sauerkraut per day.

Angina lacunar

The duration of this disease usually does not exceed 5 days.

Lacunar tonsillitis is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, in some cases up to 40°C, pain when swallowing and enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes. Examination of the patient reveals a typical symptom of this disease - light yellow or white coating on the tonsils, which consists of bacteria, epithelial cells and leukocytes and is easily removed during treatment.

Sore throat phlegmonous

Phlegmonous sore throat is sometimes called a peritonsil abscess. This disease often develops as a complication of other types of sore throat.

Phlegmonous tonsillitis begins to develop when an infection weakened by the disease enters the body, the focus of which is in the lacunae of the tonsils. During illness, inflammation occurs with subsequent suppuration of the tonsils.

A person recovering from a primary sore throat begins to again feel a sore throat when swallowing. His appetite worsens, his overall vitality decreases, his body temperature quickly rises and can reach 40°C. There is limited opening of the mouth, the voice becomes nasal. On examination, swelling and tenderness of the submandibular lymph nodes are detected; on the affected side of the oral mucosa there is swelling and hyperemia soft palate, the tonsil is sharply protruded, the uvula is shifted to the healthy side. The patient's head is constantly tilted in the direction on which the abscess develops.

Sore throat follicular

The average duration of follicular tonsillitis is 4 days.

With follicular tonsillitis, the body temperature rises, a sore throat and pain when swallowing appear, inflammation is observed, followed by suppuration of the follicles, which cover the swollen tonsils with small pale yellow dots. Submandibular The lymph nodes quickly swell and become painful on palpation.

Ludovika's tonsillitis

Louis's sore throat is acute inflammation oral mucosa. This disease is usually a consequence of complications caused by the lack of treatment for various dental diseases.

Louis's sore throat is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, loss of appetite, decreased overall vitality and insomnia. Examination reveals swelling of the larynx and oral mucosa. Swallowing and chewing are accompanied by severe pain, speech becomes slurred. In particularly advanced cases, the disease leads to sepsis and swelling of the trachea. The patient's breathing becomes heavy and intermittent. The final stage of Louis's sore throat is suffocation.


Sauerkraut brine is used to treat sore throat. They are advised to gargle. The frequency of rinsing is 4-12 times a day. It is also useful to drink heated brine 5-6 times a day, 50 ml.

Cabbage sauerkraut retains 1.5–2 times more vitamins than shredded cabbage.

This method must be combined with taking antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. Treatment lasts until the patient recovers completely.


This disease manifests itself on the child’s skin, but its cause is considered to be a disruption of the digestive tract. Skin rashes usually appear after eating a particular food. Since the baby’s main food is mother’s milk, she has to monitor her diet so as not to cause diathesis in the child. However, not only the mother’s diet is important, but also the state of her gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, to prevent diathesis, it is recommended to treat both mother and child.

Treatment of the mother

First of all, it is necessary to carry out internal cleansing. To do this, you need to take activated carbon 2 tablets 5 times a day for 2 weeks. It is recommended to take the drug before or after meals, with the interval between meals and intake activated carbon must be at least 1 hour.

A woman needs to monitor the state of her gastrointestinal tract, pay attention to her stool, and carefully choose food for her diet. It should be remembered that many chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be passed on to the child.

To normalize processes in the intestines and stomach, it is useful to drink 100–150 ml of cabbage brine 3–4 times a day and more often eat salads that contain sauerkraut.

Treatment of a child

In addition, you need to ensure that the child has a bowel movement every day, and, if necessary, you need to do an enema.

For skin areas with diathesis rashes, it is recommended to make baths and lotions using cabbage brine or apply compresses from crushed sauerkraut leaves.

The earth is famous for its abundance of useful and delicious dishes. Everything grown in the ground has its own positive properties, and in some cases it simply has a life-giving effect on the body. Of course, fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamins, minerals and other substances the body needs for a normal, healthy existence. Therefore, plant foods have always been considered an indispensable attribute of any table.

However, like everything in this life, any fruit, vegetable, berry, etc. may have contraindications for eating them. Some time ago, there were many cases where people were poisoned by plants and their fruits that were quite edible at first glance. One need only remember the potato riots. Of course, now civilization has moved forward significantly, and such cases practically never happen, but it’s still worth thinking about the dangers and benefits of this or that product, especially if you have any disease.

Sauerkraut, the benefits and harms of which are still controversial among nutritionists, is a product formed under the influence of lactic acid. During the process of salt fermentation, salt is released and ferments the shredded cabbage. Since ancient times, a dish with a simple name - sauerkraut - was popular on the tables of the Slavic peoples. Its benefits are undoubtedly undeniable. Russian boyars and princes considered this vegetable one of the main foodstuffs of their squad - second bread, because there were no traces of potatoes at that time. The source of incredible strength and health of the heroes was sauerkraut. Benefits and harms, how to understand the properties of this product?

So, sauerkraut is a storehouse of vitamins necessary for the body such as C, A, PP, E, B, H (biotin). It also contains a large amount of microelements - phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, and macroelements - iodine, zinc, iron, copper, molybdenum, fluorine and chromium. The brine in which the cabbage was fermented contains all the above vitamins and elements, and they can be stored for eight months. This product increases resistance to stress, strengthens the immune system and cardiovascular system, enhances the stimulation of red blood cell production, regulates metabolism, and also has a positive effect on health. Scientists have proven that eating sauerkraut leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels in the body.

In addition, due to its low calorie content - only 40 kcal per 150 grams, sauerkraut ranks first among the most popular weight loss diets. According to the Polish diet, daily consumption of 150 grams of sauerkraut with black bread for an afternoon snack for two weeks leads to a noticeable weight loss, without any complications associated with the body. Cabbage is also popular in cosmetology. Due to its presence, it perfectly whitens the skin and helps get rid of excess pigmentation. can tighten skin pores.

But sauerkraut turned out to be not so simple - its benefits and harms go side by side. There are a number of contraindications to consuming sauerkraut that you should know. In limited quantities, it is indicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice and pancreatic diseases, with cholelithiasis, renal failure, as well as for patients with hypertension. Increased content salts is typical for a product such as sauerkraut. Harm from overeating it can affect the functioning of the pancreas. In sauerkraut there is very high content organic acids, affecting the functions of the digestive systems. It should also be used with caution by those who suffer from flatulence, because this product contains a large amount of mustard oils. But in small doses, sauerkraut restores the intestinal microflora. Pickle is an excellent remedy for constipation and hemorrhoids.

Of course, this is not the entire list of properties and actions that are inherent in such a wonderful product as sauerkraut. The benefits and harms of any prepared dish undoubtedly depend on observing a sense of proportion. Therefore, look for a middle ground when consuming foods and be healthy!

Ever wondered why so many people love sauerkraut? Well, of course, precisely because great benefit sauerkraut for the body.

If you just rummage through the Internet, you can find a lot of different information about the benefits and harms of sauerkraut, about its wonderful properties and praises about it. Residents of Russia and Belarus, Bulgaria and Germany, Poland and Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and many others not only European countries They consider it their national dish.

Vitamins and nutrients in sauerkraut

In winter and early spring, when the summer and autumn reserves of vitamins, macro- and microelements are used up, this tasty and healthy product comes to the rescue. What is the list of vitamins and nutrients in sauerkraut worth:

  • This and vitamins: PP, beta-carotene, A, B 1 (thiamine), B 2 (riboflavin), B 5 ( pantothenic acid), B 6 (pyridoxine), B 9 (folic acid), C, E, H (biotin), K (phylloquinone), U (methylmethionine), PP (niacin equivalent), choline.
  • And the basic necessary macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur.
  • AND microelements: iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, cobalt, aluminum, nickel.
  • AND organic acids – apple, gluconic, succinic, chlorogenic, ferulic, coffee, tartronic, formic, lemon, etc.

In fresh cabbage, as in all vegetables, the vitamin content is long-term storage decreases. The same cannot be said about the vitamins and nutrients in sauerkraut.

Lactic acid and salt are good preservatives and allow you to preserve the vitamins and nutrients of sauerkraut under appropriate storage conditions for up to 6-8 months.

The benefits of sauerkraut for the body

The benefits of sauerkraut for the body are not limited only to the presence of the listed substances. By consuming sauerkraut, you get, in addition to vitamins and microelements, something that makes it healthier when fresh - lactic acid – a product of lactofermentation or lactic acid fermentation.

It is this acid that promotes normalization of intestinal microflora , prevents putrefactive processes and, together with fiber and pectin, improves peristalsis. The consequence of this is blood purification , since the main absorption of vital substances occurs in the intestines.

The beneficial properties of sauerkraut fiber are also important. adsorb and remove cholesterol, waste and toxins . This is a beneficial effect on the entire body through improvement of metabolic processes . And that's not all.

In winter and early spring, the benefit of sauerkraut for the body lies in the ability strengthen the immune system , helping to resist colds. And this happens thanks to vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is not produced by the body, but can be stored in sauerkraut for quite a long time. Just 200 grams of sauerkraut contains the daily requirement of this vitamin.

Eating sauerkraut helps maintaining healthy nerves and increases stress resistance . Pythagoras also noted cabbage’s ability to maintain “vigor and a cheerful, calm mood.”

This beneficial property is due to the presence of B vitamins - helpers and guardians of our nervous system. It is the amount of vitamins of this group in sauerkraut that exceeds that in fresh cabbage.

Sauerkraut, like fresh cabbage, is useful for the prevention and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers with low acidity, ulcerative colitis, gastritis with low acidity and intestinal sluggishness. And all this thanks to vitamin U - methylmethionine. It was first isolated from cabbage, and for a long time cabbage was considered its only source.

Vitamin U is also associated with the antidepressant properties and antihistamine effect of sauerkraut, which helps reduce allergies and reduce the number of attacks of bronchial asthma.

The benefits of sauerkraut for the body lie in its ability regulate blood insulin levels , thereby improving carbohydrate metabolism. Along with the low sugar content (glucose and fructose), this makes sauerkraut irreplaceable food product for diabetics .

Sauerkraut, thanks to tartronic acid, also has anti-sclerotic effect . It lies in the ability to counteract the transition of carbohydrates ingested with food into fats, thereby preventing clogging of blood vessels.

Sulfur compounds retained in sauerkraut have anti-inflammatory effect . Therefore, you can also use sauerkraut during chronic inflammatory processes.

There is often mention of the ability of sauerkraut inhibit the development of tumor processes . Research by European and American scientists in this direction shows that where sauerkraut is regularly consumed, tumors of the breast, intestines, and lungs are much less common. This is explained by the presence of lactic acid, fiber and large quantity natural antioxidants.

And one more interesting fact - just one spoon of sauerkraut contains daily norm vitamin K, necessary for normal blood clotting, healthy kidney function and regulation of metabolic processes in bones and connective tissue.

The benefits of sauerkraut for men

And one more beneficial effect of sauerkraut - normalization of the reproductive system, especially in men . It is due to the ability to bind in the intestines and remove estrogen-like substances, the excess of which is especially harmful to the stronger sex.

So the benefits of sauerkraut for men are obvious - regular use of this product can restore sexual abilities .

The benefits of sauerkraut for pregnant women

Expectant mothers may need sauerkraut as a source of probiotics - beneficial lactic acid bacteria that help properly absorb food and normalize intestinal microflora. A small portion of this product will help cope with digestive problems.

The benefits of sauerkraut for pregnant women include the presence of a large amount of vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for both the growing fetus and the expectant mother.

One of these beneficial vitamins is folic acid, which is preserved in sauerkraut. It is vital for the formation of cells of the future organism and proper development DNA.

Vitamin C contained in sauerkraut and its most stable form, ascorbigen, being natural antioxidants, neutralize free radicals in the human body. This helps the body of the expectant mother and the fetus to develop correctly and reduces the risk of developing tumor processes.

The benefits of sauerkraut for pregnant women are obvious. But the main thing is not to overdo it - use it in moderation, in no case exceeding the required norms .

Benefits of sauerkraut brine

Who doesn’t know this beneficial property of sauerkraut brine - to relieve hangover syndrome. And all this thanks to the rich vitamin and mineral composition cabbage brine, which allows you to quickly replenish the lack of nutrients and restore strength after alcohol poisoning.

Sauerkraut brine does not contain fiber, so its use does not lead to intestinal bloating and strong activation of peristalsis. So the benefits of sauerkraut brine are obvious for those who cannot eat cabbage itself.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

Such a beneficial property of sauerkraut for weight loss as low calorie content - only 18-19 kcal per 100 g - makes it an indispensable product for those who want to get rid of excess weight.

The ability of sauerkraut to activate peristalsis is also good for weight loss. At the same time, along with extra pounds, many are removed from the body in a timely manner. harmful products, which have not had time to be fully absorbed, and wastes and toxins that clog the body.

But sauerkraut not only promotes the removal of food digestion products. It is able to prevent the transition of carbohydrates into fats, preventing extra pounds no chance. This is ensured thanks to tartronic acid and choline contained in sauerkraut.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss are also ensured by the low content of sugars (glucose and fructose), which have already been partially broken down by bacteria.

Sauerkraut in folk medicine

Sauerkraut in folk medicine It has been used for centuries for liver diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, headaches, colds, bronchial asthma, allergies, not to mention hangover syndrome. Here are just a few simple folk recipes:

  • A glass of a mixture of equal parts of cabbage brine and freshly squeezed tomato juice is recommended to be consumed 3 times a day for liver diseases for a long time.
  • Cabbage brine at high temperatures will help replenish the loss of fluid, minerals and vitamins. It is better to drink it diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1 2-3 times a day.
  • Sauerkraut is useful for vitamin deficiencies and during the recovery period after long-term severe colds - bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.
  • The headache may subside when applying sauerkraut leaves to the forehead for 20-30 minutes 3 times a day. You can drink 1/2 cup of cabbage brine 3-4 times a day.
  • At cholelithiasis sauerkraut is not recommended, but can be successfully replaced with brine. You need to take it 0.5 glasses a day 30 minutes before meals for 1.5-2 months.

We warn you!!! There is still no need to treat yourself!!! Consult your doctor. After all, cabbage, like any product, has its own contraindications, which we wrote about in the “ About the dangers of sauerkraut."

Sauerkraut in cosmetology

Sauerkraut is useful not only when consumed internally. It is widely used in cosmetology as masks. Used separately or mixed with eggs, sour cream, and vegetable oil.

Sauerkraut like cosmetic product Particularly good for caring for oily skin. Weekly 25-30 minute masks made from finely chopped sauerkraut will prevent skin aging and make it soft and fresh. After removing the mask, wash your face cold water and lubricate your face with any nourishing cream. This mask is also useful for acne.

Based on sauerkraut juice with yeast and sea ​​buckthorn oil You can make a vitamin tonic mask for tired and aging skin.

For this purpose mixed with cabbage brine until the state of thick sour cream, fresh yeast is placed in a warm place (in hot water) before fermentation begins.

Then add 20 drops of sea buckthorn (can be replaced oil drops vitamins A and E in the same quantities) and camphor oil. You need to keep this mask on your face and neck for up to 20 minutes, and then rinse off first with brine and then with warm water.

Applications and rubbing with cabbage brine will help lighten your facial skin and get rid of freckles. Finely chopped sauerkraut can serve as an excellent peeling.

When using sauerkraut in cosmetology, it is recommended to use softening creams or natural softening products (sour cream, cream, vegetable oils) after procedures in order to avoid drying out the skin.

Sauerkraut in cooking

Sauerkraut is a favorite product in cooking. There are many ways to ferment it. Both with and without salt, with sugar and spices (cumin, pepper, Bay leaf, coriander seeds, cloves, garlic, etc.), with carrots and cranberries, with apples and raisins. It is almost impossible to list all the recipes.

Here's the easiest way to ferment:

Sprinkle the shredded cabbage with salt to taste, knead it slightly, mix, place and compact tightly into jars, barrels, pans, buckets (not tinned or galvanized!!!). Of course, when chopping, some of the vitamins are destroyed by interaction with oxygen. But when fermented with whole heads of cabbage, most of the vitamins are retained.

It is very important not to over-salt the cabbage. Spices, berries, fruits - everything can be added to taste and depending on the recipe.

Don’t forget to cover with a layer of clean cloth and press down with a weight until the juice appears on the surface.

The whole process has started! It lasts 2-7 days, depending on the temperature. And this process is called lactic fermentation or lactofermentation. And do not forget to immediately after fermentation, take the finished product to the cold (ideally from 0 to 2 ° C) to prevent peroxidation and the development of mold.

From sauerkraut you can make vitamin salads, stew with meat, mushrooms, sausage and frankfurters, and just like that, cook cabbage soup and cabbage soup, make cabbage rolls and filling for pies and dumplings. And this is far from full list ways to use sauerkraut in cooking.

My favorite sauerkraut dishes are pancake-cabbage cake and cabbage pie. Want to try? I share recipes.

Kapustnyak : Stew sauerkraut in vegetable oil with fried onions (not until ready), seasoning it with sugar, cumin, pepper and bay leaf. Place this cabbage in pre-cooked meat broth with vegetables (finely chopped onions, carrots and potatoes) and some cereal (millet, rice, oatmeal, egg). Boil for another 15-20 minutes. All! You can eat it immediately or on the second day, just like that, or adding sour cream, cream or butter.

Pancake and cabbage cake : Use sauerkraut stewed with onions and seasonings. Stack the pancakes, spreading them with a small amount of mayonnaise and topping them with cooked cabbage. The top pancake can be decorated. Eat for your health!

About the dangers of sauerkraut

Very often, the harm of sauerkraut is associated with overeating. Consumption in large quantities can lead to heaviness in the stomach, bloating, and nausea. This happens due to the vigorous activity of the intestinal microflora, which actively eats cabbage fiber.

Considering such a complex chemical composition of sauerkraut, you need to understand how difficult it is for the body to absorb everything it needs. Maybe that's why doctors don't recommend eat cabbage for diseases of the pancreas and limit for gallbladder diseases And renal failure .

Another not very useful property of cabbage, both fresh and sauerkraut, is the ability to remove iodine from the body. That's why for any problems with the thyroid gland It is better to refrain from using it.

The harm of sauerkraut is associated with a lot of salt , which can contribute to swelling and increased blood pressure with a tendency to hypertension. In this case, it is better to use cabbage fermented without salt. It is not stored for so long, but it does not cause any harm associated with excess salt.

Sauerkraut increases acidity in the stomach, so people should eat it with extreme caution. patients with gastritis with high acidity and it is better to refrain from using it for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis . Sauerkraut is strictly contraindicated during exacerbation these diseases.

When peroxidation occurs in sauerkraut, an excess amount of acetic acid is formed, which destroys some of the vitamins and sharply increases the acidity in the stomach. This cabbage is easy to eat it is forbidden, like cabbage, fermented with the addition of vinegar.

Consumption standards for health benefits

Considering the existing contraindications of sauerkraut, you should not consume it uncontrollably.

If you have been using sauerkraut for a long time as a remedy, take a short break from using it - 10-15 days. Listen to your body. Maybe this break needs to be extended.

Brief summary:

So, use sauerkraut and its brine as preventive and therapeutic agent possible with:

  • overweight
  • lack of vitamin C,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • constipation,
  • gastritis with low acidity,
  • oncological diseases,
  • to improve blood and metabolic processes,
  • strengthening the immune system,
  • strengthening the nervous system
  • for vitamin deficiencies...

and just like delicious food...

  • ulcers and ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • exacerbations of gastritis with high acidity,
  • diseases of the pancreas,
  • problems with the thyroid gland.

Follow the norms for sauerkraut consumption. Then this one is useful and delicious product will help improve health, give strength and vigor.

Bon appetit! And be healthy!

The benefits of sauerkraut are undeniable. Since childhood, our parents told each of us how important it is to eat sauerkraut.

Surely your mothers kept stocking up on deposits of this product in their cellars on the eve of each winter.

And this definitely made sense, since in fact, pickled cabbage has a number of positive qualities and properties for the body.

But at the same time, there are some contraindications to its use, which we will also definitely remember.

But first of all, let’s note that you can get positive benefits from regularly eating sauerkraut.

1) First of all, it is worth noting that when cabbage is fermented during fermentation, lactic acid bacteria multiply. Everyone knows that they normalize the functioning of the stomach and promote better absorption of the food you eat.

2) Pickled cabbage is more beneficial than fresh cabbage, which has been proven by numerous scientific studies. First of all, this happens because the process itself gives the product an additional list of positive characteristics.

3) When consuming sauerkraut, a systematic cleansing the body of harmful accumulations. Thus, you can easily notice an improvement if you go on a cabbage diet.

4) Pickled cabbage is endowed with ascorbic acid, i.e. an abundance of vitamin C, which benefits the entire body.

5) Among other things, cabbage contains all the B vitamins, which are so rich in beneficial effects on humans.

6) Exclusive vitamins include K and U, or as the latter of them is also called “methylmethianine,” which affect the absorption of foods.

7) Sauerkraut contains many microelements and saturated beneficial properties macroparticles. Components such as phosphorus, potassium and manganese are sure to be useful to each of us.

8) Lactic and acetic acids are introduced into the structure of cabbage already during the fermentation process.

9) It has been proven that the components of sauerkraut prevent cancer cell division, which helps to get rid of troubles with tumors and various oncological processes.

10) If you have a holistic and healthy digestive system, hitherto not affected various diseases, you can eat sauerkraut as a preventive measure for ulcers and other unpleasant phenomena with the tract.

11) Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine, perfectly breaks down protein compounds in the body. So eating cabbage and meat at the same time is not only possible, but also necessary. This way you will not recover from an excess of protein structures.

12) Peristalsis of the intestinal tract will improve if you regularly drink sauerkraut juice. Considering that the product itself contains it in abundance, one can note the undoubtedly important nature of using sauerkraut as food on an ongoing basis.

14) Cabbage also helps you lose weight because normalizes cholesterol. If you have been tormented by certain problems with the blood and the presence of these unpleasant plaques there, then you just need to lean on sauerkraut more often.

15) Cabbage also leads to the normal state of your nervous system. It prevents stress, depression and even seasonal changes moods that are not uncommon in the fall.

16) Besides this seasonal diseases will not be a problem for you due to the antioxidants present in cabbage in fair quantities.

17) The body's immunity will become much better after you establish the habit of eating cabbage.

18) Among other things, cabbage quickly saturates the body and prevents you from overeating.

19) Tartronic acid, which prevents the formation of fatty deposits, is also present in cabbage if it has been fermented beforehand.

20) Cabbage is also quite successful in regulating metabolism.

21) If you have allergies or asthma, sauerkraut will gradually bring the body back to normal and the manifestations of these unpleasant factors will cause you less inconvenience.

22) Inflammatory processes in the body every now and then become the cause of serious problems. So, it is the cabbage you have prepared for the winter that successfully prevents them.

23) A nicotinic acid PP is found in abundance in pickled cabbage. So, it leads to stronger hair and nails.

24) For men, sauerkraut is also useful because it is a natural aphrodisiac.

25) Using cabbage from a barrel, the skin is rejuvenated and cell regeneration is stimulated.

26) Masks made from sauerkraut pulp help women fight acne on their face.

27) If you have a poor appetite and some digestive problems, it is quite possible that sauerkraut will help. It is she who stimulates the secretion of secretion, which actively takes part in the digestion of food.

28) Cabbage will save you from a lack of vitamins - this goes without saying. But besides this, it will also help cope with nausea, which is a common occurrence with toxicosis in pregnant women.

Although on late stage During pregnancy, using cabbage in large quantities is no longer recommended.

29) Well, there is an important property of sauerkraut, which it would be a shame not to remember. It fights hangover well and, like any brine, quickly eliminates the feeling of “after yesterday.”

Harm of sauerkraut

But as usual, without negative aspects even in this useful product it didn't work out. These are mainly contraindications caused by past illnesses or temporary ailments of the body.

In particular, people who have suffered from gastritis, ulcers, or other problems with the digestive tract should not eat sauerkraut.

If you have problems with high pressure , also not best assistant it will become sauerkraut.

You should not prepare cabbage starter in tinned or galvanized barrels. This will make it possible for heavy metals to penetrate into the composition of the product, and their use is definitely very undesirable.

If you suffer from kidney failure, you should also limit your consumption of sauerkraut to a minimum.

Well, how can we not remember that excessive eating of cabbage leads to gas formation in the intestines. This is at least unpleasant if you are visiting.

Be that as it may, the benefits of sauerkraut are much greater than the harm.