Plantain decoction, infusion - application. Plantain, its medicinal properties and contraindications

Plantain, familiar to all of us from childhood, is an unpretentious and hardy plant. Its distribution area is quite wide; the medicinal culture grows everywhere throughout our country. The healing properties of plantain have been known for a very long time. Various variations are created based on it. medicines for the treatment of diseases. You can buy them at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself. The proposed material talks about the most effective remedy - plantain decoction.


This perennial, which belongs to the Plantain family. The medicinal properties of plantain have been known for a long time. Even in ancient times, it was used to treat coughs, as a vitamin complex, and a hemostatic agent.

The grass consists of a small basal rosette, from the central part of which leafless branches appear in summer. Small flowers form on them, and later seeds. Such processes are called flower arrows. Plantain has a very short but thick rhizome with a large number of filamentous processes arranged vertically. The root is very hard, woody, Brown. The leaves are quite wide, petiolate, and ovoid in shape. On each leaflet, 6-9 veins are visible in the middle. The leaves have a rich dark green color, smooth to the touch. Note that they are characterized by more useful properties.

Plantain flowering begins in May and ends in August. Exactly this favorable time for the procurement of medicinal raw materials. Please note: decoctions can be prepared from fresh and dry parts of the plant.

Medicinal properties of plantain

The plant is interesting because it medicinal purposes all parts can be used. The most useful properties are considered anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, bactericidal, and wound healing. The plant contains a high content of phytoncides and tannins, which have a bactericidal effect. In addition, plantain contains polysaccharides, which slow down inflammatory processes and wound healing occurs.

However, only these indicators healing properties plantain is not limited to. It will be useful to know that:

  1. Plantain strengthens the immune system and helps increase the effectiveness of other drugs in the fight against leukemia and malignant tumors. During radiation or chemical therapy, it helps protect internal organs from damage.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and increases appetite.
  3. When coughing, plantain decoction helps a lot. This composition is also effective for bronchitis, pleurisy and tuberculosis.
  4. The action of plantain has a beneficial effect on nervous system, depending on the composition, the infusion has a tonic effect or, conversely, a calming effect.
  5. Using the decoction helps lower blood pressure.

Indications for use

Plantain decoction is simple to prepare, but incredibly effective means. It helps strengthen the immune system and helps maintain health even with serious illnesses. It is used for:

  • inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease, scurvy;
  • diseases respiratory system and throat (bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, sore throat, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis);
  • stomach diseases associated with low acidity, colitis;
  • increased gas formation in the intestines, stomach, hemorrhoids, diarrhea;
  • hypertension(on initial stage);
  • arrhythmias, blood vessel diseases, headaches;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, acne;
  • urticaria, dermatitis;
  • parameterize, inflammatory diseases genitourinary system;
  • swelling, lymphostasis;
  • insomnia, exhaustion, neurasthenia;
  • oncological diseases of the lungs, stomach, leukemia;
  • malignant skin ulcers.

Decoction of plantain seeds

Preparations prepared from plantain seeds are highly effective. Such medicines:

  • help make you feel better diabetes mellitus;
  • completely cure female infertility caused by hormonal factors;
  • have a calming effect on the gastric mucosa, relieve irritation, protect against negative factors;
  • normalize intestinal motility and rid it of accumulated harmful toxins.


Before taking any herbal medications, you should first consult a doctor. For some diseases, plantain decoction may be contraindicated. You should refuse herbal medicine if:

  • thrombosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • gastritis or peptic ulcer;
  • with individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to plantain.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

Plantain leaves are harvested during flowering, which lasts from June to October. Next, the prepared raw materials are laid in one layer on a clean cloth or paper and placed to dry in the shade. This can be done in the open air, attics, verandas, etc. Leaves must be periodically reviewed and turned over; brown and yellowed ones must be thrown away.

Seed procurement lasts from late summer to early autumn. To obtain seeds, the stems are cut and dried, after which the seeds are peeled off by hand. Raw materials should be stored in clean, dry glass containers with a tight-fitting lid. The shelf life is: leaves - two years; seeds - three.

plantain leaf

The leaves of this plant help disinfect wounds and are an excellent hemostatic agent. Before use, they must be washed, then whole (however, they can be crushed) applied to the wound. As a result painful sensations will weaken and then the bleeding will stop. What does plantain decoction help with? It is used for insomnia, allergies, and is a sedative.

The leaves of the plant contain the glycoside aucubin, carotene, vitamin K, ascorbic acid, tannins, flavonoids, sorbitol, mannitol, citric acid. Please note: herbal raw materials are hygroscopic, which means that they must be stored in airtight containers. Remedies from plantain leaves (infusions and decoctions) are recommended for use for colitis, dyspepsia, abdominal pain and for the treatment of cholecystitis. In addition, compositions made from these raw materials have positive influence on the male gonads due to the fact that they are saturated with saponins, pectins and other very useful substances.

Fresh plantain leaves are used to prepare infusions, extracts, and juice is squeezed out of them. Note that in severe cases of peptic ulcer, alcohol and aqueous extracts from plantain leaves.

Plantain seeds

Based on this raw material, various poultices are prepared that will help relieve inflammation in diseases of the mucous membranes or skin. To prepare the product, the seeds are placed in hot water, after they swell, grind. In the treatment of female infertility or diabetes, a decoction of plantain seeds is used. It must be taken three times a day for 30 or 60 days according to Art. spoon. The composition of seeds of various types of plantain includes essential oil, nitrogenous substances, and oleanolic acid.

If preparations from psyllium seeds are taken daily, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Such compositions help cleanse the body of bile acids and normalize blood sugar. For hormonal deficiency in women, it is recommended to drink a decoction prepared from plantain seeds.

Seed Husk

How medicine very often they use seed husks, which are obtained as a result of their splitting. Decoctions prepared from it are used for constipation, various skin irritations, and to eliminate problems associated with the bladder.

The husk shows good results in the treatment of such ailments as hemorrhoids. Due to the fact that it contains alkaloids, amino acids, and a lot of insoluble fiber, it is a mild laxative.

Medicinal raw materials help reduce blood pressure and restore circulatory function.

The husks and seeds are often used as a thickener in cosmetology and cooking.

When combined with water, the mass swells, resulting in a jelly-like substance. It stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, while eliminating irritation of the colon. acts as a natural cleanser and promotes the release of toxins and waste, reduces the risk malignant neoplasms.

Treatment of cough and bronchitis

Folk remedies become especially relevant when patients have an allergy or a ban on medical supplies. By the way, the effectiveness of plantain preparations is recognized by official medicine. After all, they contain essential oils and natural extracts, which are the basis of most cough syrups.

Let's look at how to prepare a decoction of plantain for bronchitis and dry cough. Place a large spoonful of seeds in a thermos, add 200 ml of water, leave for 2 hours, then filter. We drink the medicine warm, 50-60 ml 4 times a day. If oral administration is combined with compresses of an alcohol tincture prepared from plantain seeds, the cough will stop faster.

Plantain syrup

This medicine is an excellent vitamin, therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for children and adults with colds and influenza epidemics. The syrup can be prepared throughout the summer and autumn, stored and taken throughout the winter. In order to make syrup from plantain, you need to take fresh leaves, wash them, dry them, cut them and cover them with sugar. The jar needs to be tightly sealed with a lid and put in the refrigerator. After 2 months, the syrup is ready for use. It is filtered, squeezed out and poured into another clean container. Instructions for using plantain: children are given the medicine 3 times a day, one teaspoon, adults - 1 tablespoon.

Treatment of skin diseases, ulcers and gastritis

A decoction prepared from fresh plantain leaves shows good results in the treatment of various skin diseases, including those of a traumatic nature. When warm, it is used to prepare dressings, compresses, and lotions.

Please note: it is allowed to take medicine for gastritis only with low acidity. Juice is used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers. Treatment is best carried out in the summer, when fresh raw materials are abundant. The leaves are washed and cut into random pieces, after which the juice is squeezed out of them. Drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals, three times a day. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Alcohol tincture

Indications for the use of plantain tincture are as follows: gynecological diseases, impotence, vitamin deficiency. You need to squeeze 200 ml of juice from the plantain, add exactly the same amount of vodka to it. Place the container with the tincture in a cool, dark place for 15 days. Should be taken once a day, per 10 kg of weight, 3 ml settings.

Plantain in cosmetology

In cosmetology, the leaves of the plant are most often in demand, from which an infusion is prepared. In addition, you can use plantain juice. A compress is made from plantain as a skin moisturizer. To do this, combine a couple of tablespoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then filter. The compress is alternated three to four times, starting with hot (applied for no more than 2 minutes) and ending with cold (for 5 minutes).

The medicinal properties of plantain allow it to be widely used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Plantain is an unpretentious plant that is found everywhere. Everyone knows about the anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and healing effects of plantain. He is an indispensable assistant for providing first aid for cuts and abrasions. The juice, leaves, root and seeds of plantain are used to treat many gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory tract And skin. The effectiveness of the plant is due to its unique composition, which together creates a universal medicine.

Composition of plantain

Plantain contains a large list of vitamins and microelements that are successfully used for medicinal purposes. Plantain contains vitamins C and K, tannins and alkaloids. The plant exhibits healing properties thanks to:

  • beta-carotene;
  • phytoncides;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • enzymes;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • saponins;
  • microelements: potassium, calcium, copper, iron and magnesium;
  • polysaccharides.

The combination of unique elements makes plantain indispensable in homeopathy and folk medicine. When considering the composition of plantain, you need to pay special attention to:

  1. Polysaccharides. They have an enveloping and antiseptic effect.
  2. Fatty oils. Promote regeneration and healing of wounds.
  3. Aucubans. Stimulate digestion, have a diuretic, sedative, wound-healing, antispasmodic and antibiotic effect.
  4. Mineral salts. Normalize metabolism and regulate water balance.
  5. Oleanolic acid. Relieves spasms, improves blood circulation and slows down the inflammatory process.
  6. Nitrogenous substances. Relieves swelling and inflammation.

The plant is effective for bleeding, intestinal diseases, liver and kidney diseases. All parts of the plantain have been used in home treatment. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from them, and are also used for external use. The plant has a medicinal effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiulcer;
  • sedative;
  • soothing;
  • hypotensive.

The healing properties of the plant are indispensable for burns, cuts, bleeding and insect bites.

Use of the plant for medicinal purposes

The therapeutic uses of the plant are very extensive. The active components of plantain are used for internal and external treatment. An infusion from the plant is used to treat symptoms of scurvy, fever, jaundice, whooping cough, atherosclerosis, heartburn, belching, flatulence and as a preventive measure oncological diseases. Fresh leaves are used as an external remedy for boils, wounds, ulcers, abscesses, burns and cuts.

Plantain leaves are crushed to a porridge consistency and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. A decoction of plantain leaves is used to rinse the mouth, wash wounds and as a base for lotions. The beneficial components in the plant are indispensable for bleeding and inflammatory diseases. The plant is used not only as a strong antiseptic, but also for:

  1. Treatment of gastritis, colitis, enthorocolitis.
  2. Increasing the protective functions of the immune system.
  3. Decrease in temperature.
  4. Removal of mucus and phlegm from the lungs.
  5. Normalization of digestion.
  6. Stops internal bleeding.
  7. Increased blood clotting.
  8. Treatment of hemorrhoids.
  9. Calms the receptors of the central nervous system.
  10. Treatment of ARVI.

Benefits of green tea

Medicinal properties do effective application plantain for:

  • to relieve inflammation and accelerate healing for boils and rashes,
  • removing pus from wounds, removing pain in the stomach and improve digestion,
  • relief from cough, liquefaction and removal of sputum,
  • to normalize lipid metabolism and reduce blood cholesterol levels,
  • relieving inflammation in the urinary tract.

The use of the plant is effective:

  • for insomnia and nervous disorders,
  • to reduce pressure,
  • for diarrhea and stomach upsets,
  • to stop internal bleeding in the female genital organs,
  • for migraines.

The herb is used to treat infertility in women and to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Contraindications to the use of plantain

Before taking medications, it is recommended to consult a specialist about the presence of contraindications. Due to the fact that the plant has a large list of components, it can cause an allergic reaction, dizziness and fever.

There are contraindications to the use of plantain in people with varicose veins veins Individual intolerance to the plant and other contraindications can cause the body to react back to active substances, contained in the juice, leaves, roots and seeds of the herb.

Main contraindications to the use of plantain:

  1. Increased blood clotting and thickness.
  2. Increased intestinal acidity.
  3. The presence of gastritis and ulcers.
  4. Individual intolerance.

The main contraindications to the use of plantain apply to people with high degree blood clotting. Grass juice promotes thrombosis and blockage of blood vessels. Before starting treatment, you must check all contraindications and consult a specialist.

Uses of plantain seeds

Plantain seeds contain the highest concentration of mucilage. The seeds have an enveloping effect and soothe the intestinal mucosa. The seeds are effective for intestinal diseases and help cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Plantain seeds are used to treat infertility and normalize hormonal imbalances. The seeds can be used to prevent diseases of cardio-vascular system and to reduce blood cholesterol. The seeds are infused and used to relieve internal inflammation, as a diuretic. The seeds can be ground and used as a poultice for the nipples of nursing mothers.

The health benefits and harms of soy protein

Uses of plantain leaves

The leaf of the plant has a disinfecting and hemostatic effect. The leaf is used as a sorbent and wound healing agent. The leaf can be washed and applied to the wound or crushed into a paste and rubbed into the affected area. The leaf has an antiseptic and soothing effect, therefore it is used to treat purulent abscesses and inflammations. The leaf is mucolytic and promotes expectoration and treatment of initial symptoms. respiratory infections. The leaves are used to prepare cough syrups and fever tinctures. The leaves are infused and used as a laxative with a mild laxative effect. The leaves are effective for stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Application of plant root

The root is the basis for making cough syrup. It is used to treat herpes. Plantain root extract is taken as a diuretic and to treat inflammation of the kidneys and gallbladder. Infusions from the root of the plant are used for urolithiasis. Beneficial features roots make it effective for rashes, eczema and age spots.

Medicinal properties of the plant

The medicinal properties of plantain allow it to be used to treat many diseases. The herb retains its beneficial qualities even in dried form, so you can make a preparation from plantain. There is a large list of traditional medicine recipes using the medicinal qualities of plantain.

  1. Infusion for expectoration.
    Grind the dry leaf to a powder. Take 1 tbsp. spoon and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours and drink 1 glass before bedtime.
  2. Cough syrup.
    Dry and grind the leaves and seeds. Add 150 grams of sugar and pour 1 liter boiled water. Leave in a dry place for 3 weeks, stirring from time to time. During this time, the grass will give up all its beneficial properties. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day.
  3. A decoction for stomach cramps.
    Grind the dry leaf and pour boiling water over it. Boil the leaves for 5-7 minutes. Take 150 ml before meals.
  4. Infusion for poisoning.
    Dry plantain leaves and seeds. Coarsely chop the leaves and finely chop the seeds. Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of herbs 2 liters of boiling water and bring to a boil. Cool. Drink instead of water all day.
  5. Wine against dermatitis.
    Grind fresh leaves in a meat grinder. Add the leaf to 750 ml white wine and stir. Let it brew for 5 days, strain. Wipe the area of ​​inflammation.
  6. Decoction for constipation.
    Grind the dry leaf into powder and add 200 ml of water. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals.

The herb is also used as an external remedy. The leaf can be used for boils or as a hand sanitizer. The herb is used in cosmetology to give skin elasticity, reduce pores and remove age spots.

The plant is not picky about soil and climatic conditions. The medicinal properties of plantain leaves, juice and seeds have long been used externally for coughs, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drugs have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and anti-sclerotic properties.


The most famous and widespread is the great plantain (Plantago major L., literally from Latin plata – “sole”, ago – “follow, lead”, major – “big”).

Other plantains have medicinal properties:

  • flea (Plantago psyllium L.);
  • lanceolate (Plantago lanceolata L.);
  • medium (Plantago media L.).

The flea variety prefers pebbles and saline areas; it is specially grown for medicinal purposes.

Fresh leaves are used for treatment, and juice is also prepared from them. The seeds are collected after flowering, dried, and brewed to obtain decoctions and mucus.

Plantain has the following medicinal properties:

  • infusions and decoctions of leaves soothe, reduce blood pressure, stop the proliferation of bacteria, and have a hemostatic and wound-healing effect;
  • the infusion increases the activity of eyelashes ciliated epithelium respiratory tract, which increases the secretion of bronchial mucus;
  • strengthens gums, it is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases oral cavity.

Preparations, infusions and decoctions from leaves and seeds, plantain juice have virtually no contraindications or side effects.


The plant is rich in vitamins A, C, K.

Plantain seeds are widely used in dietary products, since they dull, accelerate weight loss, stimulate the passage of masses through the intestines, since they swell greatly (twice after an hour, four times after 2.5 hours).

The leaves contain the glycoside aucubin, which slows down growth. pathogenic microorganisms, renders choleretic effect. Flavonoids, they have an antimicrobial effect. Polysaccharides, enzymes, flavonoids, the latter have choleretic and bactericidal properties.

The tannins included in the composition have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect. Bitterness promotes increased separation gastric juice, enhance gastric peristalsis. Alkaloids affect the constriction and dilation of blood vessels and have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Juice from plantain leaves increases the acidity of gastric juice, reduces dyspeptic symptoms and pain.

Prepared from fresh leaves pharmaceutical drug Plantain juice. His medicinal properties used externally - for cuts, wounds, purulent inflammations. And also internally - for the treatment of peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach with normal or low acidity.

The juice helps with chronic dysentery; it can be combined with antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

The common drug Plantaglucid is also obtained from fresh leaves of plantain. It is used to treat acute and chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers with preserved and reduced secretion, enterocolitis, fermentopathy, dysbacteriosis, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (rhinitis, tonsillopharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough). It helps with exacerbations and prevents relapses.

Preparations based on plantain juice are contraindicated in case of increased secretion digestive glands, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase.


To get maximum medicinal properties, plantain is collected away from busy roads and highways, industrial enterprises, and places where pets are walked.

The plant blooms from late May to August; this is the most favorable period for harvesting leaves. Some try to complete the collection before mid-June. According to folk superstition, maximum medicinal properties in plantain collected before Ivan Kupala (July 7).

It is believed that it is more useful to pick leaves with your hands and not to use metal objects (scissors, knife, sickle, pruning shears).

Collect leaves either in the morning after dew, or after sunset after evening dew, in the first week after the start of flowering, in the first phase of the moon (new month).

Partially or completely yellowed (reddened) leaves, as well as those damaged by pests and diseases, should not be harvested.

To prepare juice, the leaves can be passed through a meat grinder, then squeezed with a juicer. Some people pound the plant with a wooden masher and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

The leaves are laid out on paper or cloth in a ventilated area and stirred periodically. Store in wooden boxes for up to 3 years.

You can ask for ready-made plantain leaves at the pharmacy.

Flea plantain seeds (pharmaceutical name Seminis plantaginis psyllii) are collected after flowering, dried in a ventilated place, and used to prepare decoctions and mucus.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to eat 10-12 fresh plantain leaves every day, maybe with honey.

  • Pass 500g of fresh leaves through a meat grinder, squeeze through cheesecloth, let stand, strain carefully.
  • Heat 300 ml of dry red wine to +50..+60C, mix with juice.

Take 1/4 cup during the day, every 2 hours, the course of treatment is 10 days.

Fresh Juice plantain retains its healing and medicinal properties throughout the day, so it must be prepared anew every morning.

Another recipe:

  • Brew 2 tablespoons of boiling water. crushed leaves, infuse, strain.

Take a quarter glass three times a day for acute or chronic bronchitis, cough, hoarse voice, pneumonia.

Medicinal use

Periodontal disease. Juice from fresh plantain leaves helps after cleansing periodontal pockets from food debris, stones, and deposits. It is useful to rub the juice of the plant into the gums, which relieves inflammation and strengthens teeth.

Headache. Apply crushed plantain leaves to your forehead.

Atherosclerosis. The medicinal properties of fresh juice and infusion of plantain seeds are used.

  • Wash the leaves, cut each into pieces, mash, squeeze out the juice, add the same amount of honey.
  • Cook the mixture over low heat in an enamel bowl for 20 minutes.

Take 2-3 tbsp. in a day. Store in a cool, dark place in a sealed container.

  • Brew 10g of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave.

Drink within two days.

  • Brew 1 tsp. seeds with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 4-5 minutes, let cool.

Take the decoction warm, adding 2 tablespoons of boiling water. four times a day. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

Infertility. For inflammation in the pipes, prepare a decoction, as for menopause, take 2 tbsp. three times a day before meals.

External use

The healing properties of fresh plantain leaves are indicated for burns, suppuration, poorly healing wounds, fistulas, abscesses, and boils.

  • Wash the leaves, mash them, place them on the affected area, possibly in several layers, and secure them with a bandage or plaster. Replace with fresh ones every 2-3 hours.

Pre-soak dried plant materials in warm water.

  • Brew 2 tbsp. crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Apply a napkin moistened with infusion to the burn site. Repeat 4-5 times a day until recovery.

Vitiligo. Add crushed plantain leaves (1 tsp) with (1 g) to food.


The medicinal properties of plantain infusion and juice can be harmful if there is high acidity.

If you are prone to blood clots, you should avoid taking it, especially juice.

During exacerbation gastrointestinal diseases Take medications containing plantain with caution.

Modified: 02/10/2019

Children are introduced to this wonderful plant in the second grade of high school. Therefore, there is hardly a person who does not know what plantain is. The medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of most drugs based on it have been studied quite well by official medicine. The chemical composition of the above-ground parts of the plantain is so unique that this modest herb is used on an industrial basis to make the drug Plantaglucid. Many peoples have long used the leaves as food, which is an excellent prevention of cardiac, pulmonary, stomach diseases and, among other things, contributes general strengthening body. In some regions of Russia, plantain is called boil grass, reznik or porannik, due to its wound-healing properties.

So, today we will look at what medicinal properties and contraindications plantain has. We will also present to your attention recipes for potions used by traditional healers to treat many diseases (who knows, maybe you will choose several suitable options for yourself). But first, a little theory.

Medicinal types of plantain

More than 200 species of plants of the Plantain genus are known in the world. Medicinal properties and contraindications were found in only a few of them. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract - constipation, diarrhea, colitis and metabolic syndrome- plantain ovoid helps well. Its aerial parts contain saponins, mucus (40% in the seeds), vitamins C, K, tannins, alkaloids, bitterness, fatty oils and acids. This type of plantain has long, narrow leaves without veins and ovoid inflorescences on thin, tall peduncles. The seeds of sandy plantain, which grows in low bushes, have the same medicinal properties. Its habitat is the regions of Transcaucasia, the south and temperate latitudes of Europe. In some countries, this plant is cultivated for the manufacture of medications.

There are types of plantain (seaside, staghorn), the medicinal properties of which have not yet been confirmed (the plant is undergoing clinical trials), but people have long been eating their leaves as a vitamin supplement for salads and soups, and the seeds are used as spices.

Lanceolate plantain

Another species is widely used in medicine - lanceolate plantain. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are also quite well studied and proven. The leaves, seeds and even rhizomes of this plant have a rich chemical composition, including flavonoids, carbohydrates, mucus, cholesterol, fatty, phenolcarboxylic and organic acids, sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. Used for diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, skin ailments, pulmonary diseases, various injuries. You can recognize this plant by its dense rosette of rather large lanceolate leaves with longitudinal veins. Its flowers, collected in inflorescences, are located on long thin peduncles. The dimensions of these “spikelets” are small, 3-5 cm, and the color is gray-lilac, less often gray-white.

Large plantain

This is the most known species, widely used for treatment, especially in folk medicine. Most often, this plant can be found along roads, which is why it was called plantain. The medicinal properties and contraindications of drugs made from it have been confirmed in clinical trials. The benefits of plantain are so great that it is cultivated in many countries. Appearance The plants are quite recognizable. Its leaves are large, wide, petiolate. They are given special strength by clearly visible longitudinal veins located both in the leaf blade and in the petiole. The flower stalks of the great plantain reach a height of 50 cm. The flowers are collected in a dense narrow spike, 20-25 cm long. The seeds are very small (up to 1 mm), ripen in dense seed pods. It blooms from May to September, the seeds ripen throughout the flowering period. Long flower stalks, swayed by the wind, scatter them far from the mother plant. You need to have knowledge and experience to collect plantain seeds correctly, which is why they are quite expensive.

Chemical composition

It has been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant are determined by its unique chemical composition. The leaves and seeds of plantain contain:

  • polysaccharides (dietary fiber);
  • mucus (about 11%);
  • aucubin;
  • bitterness;
  • carotenoids;
  • choline;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • factor T;
  • organic and fatty acids;
  • microelements.

Plantain seeds, in addition, contain saponins, tannins, fatty oil, fiber, oxalic acid, and contain about 44% mucus.

Application area

In folk medicine, plantain leaves are most often used. The medicinal properties and contraindications of this raw material are such that they are successfully used for:

  • various skin injuries (cuts, bruises, burns, boils, ulcers, purulent wounds);
  • lung and gastrointestinal cancer;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, ovaries);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, gastritis, colitis, dyspepsia, duodenal ulcer);
  • pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma);
  • whooping cough;
  • hay fever;
  • lack of appetite;
  • insomnia;
  • some heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • infectious diseases (streptococcus, staphylococcus);
  • infertility (due to hormonal imbalance).

Plantain seeds, medicinal properties and contraindications

Avicenna also used plantain seeds for medicinal purposes. Much attention to this natural medicine The healers of Ancient China also paid attention. Constipation and diarrhea were treated with the help of plantain seeds; they were used for tumors, bleeding, inflammation of the eyes and internal organs, dysentery. Nowadays they are even more widely used in both folk and official medicine plantain seeds. The medicinal properties and contraindications of drugs created on the basis of these raw materials allow them to be used to cleanse the body of toxins and waste, restore gastric microflora, treat prostatitis and some types of infertility, combat excess weight and strengthen the immune system. Also, preparations from plantain seeds help remove plaques of “bad” cholesterol in blood vessels, control blood sugar, get rid of hemorrhoids, and improve skin condition.

Plantain in cosmetology

This unique grass used not only to treat diseases, but also to maintain fresh and blooming facial skin, improve hair condition, relieve tired legs and soften the skin of the hands. When making baths or preparing ointments and creams, especially for the face, you just need to remember that, being a medicinal plant, plantain has medicinal properties and contraindications. Reviews from those who have chosen this raw material to solve their health problems are extremely positive. Plantain has helped many people become parents, get rid of gastritis, cough, and excess weight. In cosmetology this representative flora also in demand. With the help of this natural healer and cosmetologist, women regain their youth and beauty. Doctors do not recommend resorting to its help only for those in whom drugs based on this plant cause allergic reactions.

Some recipes:

1. Contrast rubbing of the décolleté and face area. You need to prepare a decoction of dry (or fresh) plantain raw materials and water, taken in a 1:1 ratio, infuse, divide into 2 parts. Place one in the refrigerator, leave the other at room temperature. When wiping the skin, alternate a cold decoction with a warm one.

2. For tired legs. Prepare a bath by pouring boiling water over the plantain (the proportions may vary, most often they take 30 grams of raw material per 1 liter of water). Cool slightly. Do this foot bath for at least 15 minutes.

3. For hands. Plantain cream is prepared using a decoction of the leaves and butter. Instead of decoction, you can use powder from dry raw materials.

4. For dry hair. Prepare the rinse aid. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of raw plantain and infuse.


Like all medical supplies or medicinal herbs, plantain has medicinal properties and contraindications. Children under 2 years of age and pregnant women can use it only after consulting a doctor. Most often, pediatricians prescribe plantain syrup to children (as an antitussive). Difference this drug lies in its concentration, which can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract of young patients. In addition, treatment with plantain is not recommended for people suffering from increased acidity and thrombus formation, as well as for those who have an individual intolerance to drugs from this plant. For some types of gastrointestinal ulcers, plantain medicine can be used only as prescribed by a doctor. The seeds should not be taken by asthma sufferers and children under 6 years of age.


There are several hundred recipes from this plant. Here's a small part of them:

1. For any skin injuries, including purulent wounds, use an ointment made from powdered dry plantain leaves, for which the raw material is mixed with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:9. For fresh cuts, a plantain leaf can be chewed and applied to the wound.

2. For all lung diseases accompanied by sputum production, as well as for gastritis and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, drink plantain infusion. It is prepared in different ways. We suggest 5-7 grams of dry raw materials (leaves, seeds) pour 200-220 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave, strain and drink a tablespoon before meals. The same infusion can treat inflamed eyelids.

3. For hypertension, plantain tincture is used, which is prepared by adding 20 grams of dry raw material to a glass of vodka. All this is placed in a dark glass container and infused out of the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Drink the tincture, adding no more than 30 drops to the water.

4. Plantain syrup is drunk for the same diseases as the infusion. It is prepared like this: fresh raw materials and sugar (honey) are placed in layers in a glass container, compacted tightly (kneaded) and left for up to 2 weeks, after which the syrup is separated from the rest of the mass and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipes with plantain seeds

1. For constipation, drink a glass of warm water with half a teaspoon of seeds at night.

2. For prostatitis and sperm sluggishness, pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes and drink two tablespoons three times a day.

3. When female infertility eat a spoonful of dry seeds three times a day, always washing it down with a large volume of water, or pour a glass of boiling water over the same spoonful of seeds, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, leave for up to 40 minutes and drink a tablespoon of this infusion several times a day.

4. Seed husks are consumed with plenty of water to reduce appetite and correct weight.

The medicinal properties of plantain and contraindications have been known since ancient times. Recipes for treatment with this plant were also familiar to Eastern healers of the early Middle Ages. Avicenna mentioned this plant in his writings, speaking of its effectiveness against colds and malignant ulcers. Since ancient times, the herb has been distributed throughout Europe. IN North America plantain was accidentally introduced by Europeans, so local residents called him "the next" white man». Russian name the plant received thanks to its favorite distribution area - near the road. IN Latin the word “plantago” (a merger of the words “planta” and “agere”) means “to move the sole.”

Features of a medicinal plant

What is the healing power of plantain? How to collect it correctly and what types of this medicinal plant can be harvested? Is there any harm to health possible when treated with this popular “favorite” and “healer”?


The plantain plant is a “cosmopolitan”, it can be found in many parts of the world - in Europe, Asia, North Africa and America, India. You won’t see it except in the Far North and in the desert. Feels good in temperate, subtropical latitudes. Unpretentious, gets along well with various types plants, its growth is not hampered by trampled, dense soil, so it can often be seen near roads. But it also loves damp places, the coastal part of reservoirs, wastelands and slopes, often found near housing, on summer cottages, in the bushes. Because of the longitudinal veins on the leaf, this grass is called the “seven-veined fellow traveler.” The inflorescences easily stick to the clothes of passers-by, wheels of transport, animal fur, and thus the plant turns into a “fellow traveler”. But there are no accidents in nature. This is how plantain seeds are spread.

Plantain lanceolate, or lanceolate. Flea plantain. Plantain is average.

Types of plantain

There are about 250 species of this plant in nature. Most plantains are perennial weeds. Many of them rightfully occupy an honorable place in pharmacology. The most common “healer” is the great plantain. What other species can be collected as medicinal raw materials?

  • Lanceolate, or lanceolate. Its peculiarity is lanceolate, sharp leaves with long petioles and pubescent veins. Seeds are grooved, pressed with inside, and the inflorescence spike is denser compared to other species. Unlike other varieties, it can take root on dry slopes and tolerates heat well. It is valued in folk medicine and pharmacology in the same way as the great plantain.
  • Flea. It is also called flea, sandy, Indian, rough. What's it like botanical description flea plantain? Unlike other varieties, it is an annual with a branched, glandular stem (up to 40 cm), long pedicels on which grow small flowers in the shape of ovoid heads. The most commonly used medicine is the seeds, which contain a lot of mucilage, but the stems and leaves are also used to extract the juice.
  • Average . It has serrated leaves pressed to the ground, short petioles, flower shoots can grow up to 50 cm; The seeds are flat on one side only.

In some countries, plantain, lanceolate and fleagrass are grown for the pharmaceutical industry. Plantain, depending on the type and climate zone, begins to bloom in June and ends in September.

Botanical characteristics

Plantain. Botanical illustration from the book “Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs” by H.H. Schubert.

What does a large plantain look like? Every child is familiar with this plant. There is no need to make a detailed botanical description of it. And yet, if we resort to botanical terms, the “portrait” will be as follows:

  • root: short, thread-like and thin, with a developed, branched rhizome;
  • leaves: collected in a basal rosette, wide, oval, smooth, with long petioles;
  • flowers: located in the axils of the bracts, small, brown in color, the inflorescence is in the form of a long spike, and the straight flower stem (arrow) can be from 15 to 30 cm in height;
  • fruits: in the form of a multi-seeded capsule that opens across.


Plantain herb is valued for its leaves, inflorescences, seeds and roots. The collection of these raw materials is carried out in different time. The leaves are most often harvested.

  • Collection. The leaves can be collected from May to August, until they begin to turn yellow. Re-collection is possible after haymaking; it is carried out in August and September. The leaves are cut or the grass is mowed, and then raw materials are selected from it. It is recommended to collect plantain only in dry weather. This is explained by the fact that the seeds become abundantly covered with mucus from moisture and therefore quickly deteriorate. It is also important to pick medicinal plant in an environmentally friendly place. If plantain root is required, carefully dig it up and pull it out along with the stem and leaves, wash it thoroughly and dry it. It is better to harvest in the fall.
  • Drying. Dried naturally. Sheds, attics, closed premises with good ventilation. It is recommended to spread the leaves in a thin layer and stir them so that they do not rot. How to determine the readiness of raw materials? If the petioles crack, it means they can be packaged and stored.
  • Storage . The raw materials are placed in linen bags and protected from sunlight and moisture. Can be stored for 2 years.

In addition to drying, the leaves can be frozen and packaged in small portions. At the same time, all the healing properties of the herb are preserved. But they must be used within 6 months. Seeds are collected when fully ripe, starting in August and ending in October.

Healing effect

Why is plantain so valuable in folk medicine and pharmacology?

  • Medicinal properties of plantain root. The root extract contains substances that provide analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, the infusion and alcohol tincture from the root is used for toothache and periodontal disease. Also in herbalists you can find a recipe for a red wine tincture from plantain root, which is drunk for herpes infection. The product is used externally in the form of lotions to relieve swelling.
  • Medicinal properties of plantain leaves. People far from traditional medicine and pharmacology know that plantain leaf is the first remedy for stopping bleeding from cuts and scratches. This natural antiseptic. It is applied to the wounds whole or crushed and applied as a bandage. The leaves of this plant are unique in their chemical composition: they contain an abundance of phytoncides, potassium, glycosides, enzymes, alkaloids, resins, organic acids, flavonoids, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, proteins, steroids and tannins, chlorophyll, as well as carotene, vitamin C and K.
  • Medicinal properties of seeds. Appreciated high content essential oil, complex organic compounds(especially saponins), mucus, oleic acid. In pharmacology they are used along with the leaves.

Wide spectrum of pharmacological action:

  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiallergic;
  • enveloping;
  • emollient;
  • sedative;
  • expectorant;
  • secretory;
  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • bronchodilator;
  • antidiabetic;
  • hypotensive (lowering blood pressure);
  • restorative.

List of indications and contraindications

What are the indications for treatment with plantain? Can this plant harm the body?

  • Respiratory system . This is the first cough remedy for colds, flu, ARVI, bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis and laryngitis. It also stops hemoptysis in tuberculosis, relieves attacks of obsessive whooping cough, and acts simultaneously as an expectorant, enveloping and anti-inflammatory medicine. It thins and removes thick mucus well.
  • Digestive organs. A well-known medicine for gastritis with low acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers. It also treats diseases of the gallbladder and intestines, relieves colic, spasms in colitis and enterocolitis, and acts as a carminative and choleretic agent. Helps with dysentery, normalizes appetite and overall digestion.
  • urinary system. It is not a first choice medicinal plant for kidney and bladder diseases. However, it is beneficial for polyuria and nocturnal enuresis.
  • Metabolism. It affects cholesterol metabolism, stimulates metabolic processes, and is taken for diabetes, obesity, and cleansing the body of toxins and waste.
  • External use. They treat not only wounds, but also abscesses, boils, allergic skin lesions, phlegmon, lichen, acne, trophic ulcers, erysipelas, insect and snake bites. Can be used to rinse the mouth and throat in dentistry and otolaryngology. This remedy is also effective for inflammation and eye injuries.
  • Tonic and depressant . It is recommended for chronic fatigue, loss of strength, insomnia, neuroses, irritability. Taken for the prevention of anemia, vitamin deficiency, anorexia.
  • Analgesic and antihypertensive. Good for ear, head and toothache. Reduces pressure in hypertension, removes swelling, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Gynecology. Plantain is useful for women when gynecological diseases. It is used externally for douching for inflammation, treating cervical erosion; the herb promotes rapid tissue regeneration. Taken orally as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding(stimulates blood clotting).

In folk medicine this plant is represented as antitumor agent. It is difficult to defend or, conversely, challenge this method of treatment. There is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness, however, there are reviews of cases of healing from stomach and intestinal cancer during a course of plantain therapy. The remedy is also believed to help with external malignant tumors. Most often, plant juice is taken for treatment.

List of contraindications: any exacerbations chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, chronic gastritis with increased secretion, blood clotting diseases, thrombophlebitis, allergic reaction in the form of rash, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing. Side effects may manifest themselves in the form of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal cramps. If they are detected, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Application in pharmacology and folk medicine

What are the uses of plantain in traditional medical practice and folk medicine? At the pharmacy you can purchase medicines made from this valuable raw material. But you can also prepare decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, and fresh juice at home.

Pharmacy drugs

Decoction and infusion

Some application features:

  • A decoction of inflorescences is a good painkiller, quickly relieves intestinal colic and stomach cramps.
  • An infusion of the root is used as an analgesic, antitumor medicine, and is also effective for colds and tuberculosis.
  • If you add nettle to the infusion of plantain leaves, you get a strong hemostatic agent (drink orally for hemorrhoids, uterine, and nosebleeds).
  • Strong, concentrated infusions are used externally, applied to wounds, and treated with abscesses.

Preparation of plantain infusion

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 2 hours.

Take 2 tbsp strained. l. 30 minutes before meals. The infusion is beneficial for gastritis, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the intestines, as well as diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Preparation of plantain decoction

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist for half an hour.
  4. Strain.

The decoction can be drunk in a larger dosage - ¼ cup 4 times a day.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

  1. Take 2 parts of chopped fresh leaf.
  2. Pour in 1 part vodka.
  3. Shake well.
  4. Leave for 3 weeks in a glass container.
  5. Strain.

The product is taken in small doses - 1 tsp. before meals. Lowers blood pressure, normalizes hormonal background, stops uterine bleeding.

Juice and fresh leaves

Plantain juice is a antibacterial agent. He can stop development bacterial infection on early stage. Fights staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coli. It also gives a powerful wound-healing effect, stops purulent processes, promotes intensive growth of granulation and tissue regeneration. Plantain juice recipes with egg white- a popular remedy for burns. Fresh juice and gruel are applied to wounds and bruises.

Preparation of fresh plantain mixture

  1. Take 3 tbsp. l. crushed fresh leaves along with juice.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey
  3. Place in a closed container.
  4. Leave in a warm place for 4 hours.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals, washed down with water. The drug is taken for prevention and treatment malignant tumors. Externally used in the form of lotions.

Making cough syrup

  1. Take crushed fresh leaves and sugar in equal proportions.
  2. Place ingredients in layers in a sterilized jar.
  3. The jar is closed and the syrup is infused for 2 months in a cool place.
  4. The finished syrup is stored in the refrigerator.

Take 1 tsp. three times a day.


What does plantain seed infusion help with? Acts as an emollient, enveloping, anti-inflammatory medicine. The most valuable substance the seeds contain mucilage. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs, the digestive organs, and reproductive system. It is useful to drink for coughs, hemorrhoids, constipation, gout, especially for diabetes. It is noteworthy that the infusion of seeds is drunk cold for hemorrhoids. How else are the seeds used?

  • Plantain seeds for infertility. The product affects the production female hormones and normalizes menstrual cycle. It is prescribed for infertility caused by ovarian dysfunction.
  • Plantain seeds for men. They are prescribed in combination with other herbs for male infertility. The seeds increase sperm activity. The course of treatment is long.
  • When coughing. Can be used mixed with leaves, but for more therapeutic effect an infusion is prepared from the seeds alone.
  • External use. A paste of steamed seeds is applied to wounds and affected areas of the skin.

Preparing a decoction from seeds

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. seeds
  2. Pour ½ cup boiling water.
  3. Keep in a water bath for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave until completely cool.

Before use, strain and drink 2 tbsp. l. before every meal. It is also recommended to drink the unstrained decoction along with the seeds in the morning and evening. It helps with constipation, normalizes digestion, eliminates bloating and cramps due to colitis.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, decoctions and infusions of plantain are allowed; the medicinal plant does not pose a danger to the development of the fetus. The herb is prescribed internally and externally for the following diseases and symptoms:

  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, colds, ARVI, cough;
  • indigestion, constipation (pregnant women often suffer from this);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • externally for treating the skin and mucous membranes.

We must not forget about general contraindications. Pregnant women with acute forms Gastrointestinal diseases, thrombophlebitis, blood clotting disorders, plantain is contraindicated. Consultation with a doctor before use for any indication is required.

The beneficial properties of plantain and contraindications are known not only among the people, but are also described in detail in scientific medicine. What should you know about plantain? It is not only a powerful antiseptic, but also has wound healing and hemostatic properties. It is also an effective bronchodilator, expectorant, enveloping, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and sedative.