Oat groats. Useful properties and calorie content of oatmeal and porridge

Oatmeal is used to prepare oatmeal with water or milk, soups, and as a filling for stuffing chicken, tripe, and kulebyak. It is used to make muesli, baked goods, and added to pancakes.
Oatmeal contains:
- dietary fiber - beta-glucans that bind cholesterol;
- necessary - magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, zinc;
- vitamins of group B, PP, E;
- amino acids;
- antioxidants;
- proteins;
- soluble fiber. Eating oatmeal helps improve immunity, normalize metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metal salts, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and improve skin condition.
Oatmeal- a record holder for fat content, so it should be consumed in moderation to avoid excess weight.
Oat groats
Uncrushed oatmeal is made from oats that have undergone steaming, peeling and grinding. Instead of steaming oats, steaming cereals is allowed. Uncrushed oatmeal is produced in the highest, first and second grades.
Steamed flattened groats - produced by flattening uncrushed oat groats that have previously been steamed. The surface of the flattened kernels is characterized by a grooved imprint on both sides, which is achieved by passing the prepared oatmeal through corrugated rollers. This is the difference in the production process of rolled oatmeal from Hercules oatmeal, which is passed through smooth rollers during production. Small cracks formed during flattening reduce the cooking time of the cereal. Steamed flattened cereals are produced in the highest, first and second grades.

Premium grade uncrushed oatmeal is used for the production of baby food and dietary products.


Oat flakes are made from oat grains through special processing.
The process of making oat flakes includes removing the hulls from oat grains, separating the germ, obtaining steamed oat groats of the highest grade, and flattening into thin petals as a result of passing through smooth rollers.
Oatmeal in the early years Soviet power appeared on sale under the brand name "Hercules". "Hercules" became one of the first successful Russian brands and became so firmly established in everyday life that oatmeal began to be called oatmeal porridge not only in colloquial speech, but also in cafeteria menus and cookbooks. Oat flakes are still produced today under the name "Hercules", which is associated with proper nutrition And in a healthy way life.

Types of oatmeal depending on the method of raw material processing

Oat flakes "Hercules" are produced from premium grade oatmeal.

Petal oat flakes are produced from premium grade oatmeal.

Oat flakes "Extra" - are produced from first class oats.
Oat flakes "Extra" No. 1 - made from whole oat groats.
Oat flakes "Extra" No. 2 - small cut cereals.
Oat flakes "Extra" No. 3 - quick-cooking cut cereals.


Oatmeal- aromatic oat flour obtained by grinding oat kernels that have undergone special heat treatment.

Oatmeal is recommended for children's, dietary and diabetic nutrition.
Oatmeal differs from ground flour primarily in its better taste and greater nutritional value, since all fractions of the grain are preserved in it, while in mill flour the first, most nutritious peeled fractions often go to waste.
Due to the fact that all parts of the original plant are preserved in oatmeal, oatmeal flour can be eaten without additional heat treatment. It is these qualities of oatmeal that make it one of the most popular in dietary and children's menu.
- reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
- improves functional state gastro- intestinal tract;
- eliminates constipation and hemorrhoids;
- reduces the amount of bile that is produced when eating fatty foods;
- reduces hunger, suppresses appetite and promotes weight loss.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Oats are an annual of the family Cereals, cultivated since ancient times, was originally distributed in the territory of modern Mongolia and Northern China. Oat groats are whole oat grains that have been preheated, steamed and then dried. The grains retain the bran shell and germ, which contain greatest number useful substances. As a rule, during the processing process, oat grains are hulled and lightly ground. Uncrushed oatmeal is divided into premium, first and second grades according to GOST 3034-75. Oatmeal is similar in appearance, yellow-brown in color, the grains are oblong, narrow, with a longitudinal notch. Oats have a pleasant specific smell; dry grains are almost tasteless.

Calorie content of oatmeal

The calorie content of oatmeal is 342 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Oatmeal contains high-quality, easily digestible vegetable protein, which is necessary for the construction of body cells. The product is rich in dietary fiber, which does not dissolve in digestive tract, swell and gently scrape waste and decay products from the intestinal walls without damaging the surfaces and mucous membranes (calorizator). Oatmeal contains starch, a balanced complex of amino acids, almost everything that protects nerve cells and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and condition skin and hair. Oatmeal contains antioxidants - substances that increase the body's resistance to negative influences. environment and infections. Oatmeal has the ability to reduce the absorption of sugars and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Harm of oatmeal

Oatmeal has virtually no contraindications; in rare cases, individual intolerance to the product occurs. people with weak intestines may experience discomfort from overuse oatmeal.

When purchasing whole oatmeal, you should give preference to factory packaging, in which you can visually assess the quality of the grains. The main requirements are the absence of moisture, dark spots and foreign impurities, obvious damage and fragmentation. Oatmeal is stored for 10-12 months in a ceramic or glass container with a tightly closed lid, in a cool, dry place away from light. If desired, oatmeal can be frozen, in which case the product will retain its beneficial properties and taste longer.

Cooking oatmeal

Oatmeal, like any whole grain, should first be soaked in cold water for several hours. Then, adding water in a ratio of 2-2.5:1, cook in the usual way - on the stove under the lid over medium heat for 30-40 minutes or in a slow cooker in the “Porridge” mode. With the delay function, you can load the cereal into the multicooker in the evening and get crumbly porridge in the morning. When cooked, oatmeal practically does not increase in volume, softens and acquires a delicate nutty flavor.

Oatmeal in cooking

The main use of oatmeal is in the preparation of porridges and soups, fillings and meatloaves. Ready-made oatmeal is used in fresh and meat salads, and added to dough for bread and pastries.

For more information about oatmeal, watch the video “Elena Malysheva. Beneficial features oats" TV program "Live Healthy".

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About cereals

Nowadays, this product is one of the main ones on any table. Crushed cereals are called chaff. Different types cereals have their own special properties. There are not many varieties of this product in the world:

1.: in the twentieth century it was called the queen of cereals for its colossal content of amino acids, vitamins, and microelements important for health. It stimulates hematopoiesis, promotes the development of endurance and immunity. human body. Nutritionists advise eating it raw, since as a result of chemical processing, most of the substances with which it is so rich disappear.

Buckwheat (kernel) is made from seed buckwheat - a whole grain ( buckwheat, buckwheat, buckwheat, Greek wheat), prodel (crushed grain with a broken structure), Smolensk groats (highly crushed grains), buckwheat flour, as well as medical preparations.

2.: in the process of regularly eating this unique product brain function is normalized, of cardio-vascular system, digestive organs, cholesterol metabolism improves. It also perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, which slows down the aging of the body. This is one of best sources natural energy.

Flour obtained from wheat grains is used in baking bread, making pasta and confectionery. Wheat is also used as a feed crop and is included in some recipes for making beer and vodka.

3. : a good product, which at correct use intended for the treatment of intestinal diseases, cleanses organs of mucus and expels fat. However, due to the presence of glutin and phytin in its composition, it has the properties of causing allergies and blocking the access of calcium to the body, so it is recommended not to abuse it.

Produced from durum wheat (brand “T”), soft wheat (brand “M”) or a mixture of them (brand “MT”). It is used for first courses as a filling, or in the form of semolina dumplings; for main courses - in the form of porridge, pancakes, casseroles, meatballs, cutlets; for sweet dishes - in the form of sweet semolina porridge ( Guryevskaya), soufflé, pudding, mousse, etc.; for baking a pie (so-called manna); and also for adding to minced meat.

4.: an excellent product, the use of which prevents obesity, anemia, and constipation. A decoction of pearl barley is used as a restorative medicine after illness and internal inflammation.
Pearl barley is made from barley (a plant of the cereal family).

5. : in this product a large number of natural antioxidants, on which the state of human immunity depends. Constant use stops any inflammation processes in the gastrointestinal tract and activates metabolism. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscles.

Produced from common oats or common oats (lat. Avéna satíva) - an annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Oats (Avena), widely used in agriculture, cereal

6.: helps correct the functioning of the gastrointestinal system, has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis. Used for diarrhea and indigestion, the B vitamins from its composition have the best effect on the skin, nails and hair. This product greatly helps cleanse joints and can be used for weight loss, because it contains no salts and a lot of potassium.

Rice - food product, produced from the seeds of plants of the genus Fig. It is a staple food for most of the world's population, although in terms of volume produced food grains inferior to wheat.

7.: one hundred grams contains almost two hundred and eleven milligrams of potassium, due to which it is considered extremely useful for people suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system. This product has a positive effect on the liver and also helps prevent diabetes.

Millet is a cereal obtained from fruits cultural species millet (Panicum), freed from glumes by peeling.

8. : considered a product that does not cause allergic reaction, therefore used in baby food. Her the nutritional value lower than other cereals, however, due to the fact that its protein is poorly digestible, it contributes to more effective removal fat from the body.

Corn grits are a product of grinding dried corn kernels

9. : by themselves a separate species are not a product, they are a processed grain shell. They are the most nutrient-dense part of any grain crop. The main part of bran is fiber, a component that helps normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract. Bran is a source of vitamins essential for good work nerve cells, they also have the best effect on blood composition.

10.: rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium; in terms of protein content, it can fully replace meat. Thanks to the large amount of carbohydrates, this cereal is a good energy drink.

11. : This is a leguminous plant that has cleansing properties. It is used for dietary nutrition people suffering gastrointestinal diseases, its calming feature has a beneficial effect on nerve cells.

12.: contains a lot of useful substances and minerals that have a wide range of effects. This product helps strengthen the lining of the stomach and intestines, promotes the development brain activity and improves immunity.

Also contains lysine, an amino acid known for its antiviral effect, phosphorus (normalizes metabolism), calcium - essential for bones, and potassium, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Barley (lat. Hórdeum) is a genus of plants of the Poaceae family, one of the oldest cereals cultivated by humans.

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Dishes made from this cereal have been on people's tables for a long time, but in Lately oatmeal has gained particular popularity as part of muesli. What are the benefits of oatmeal?


Oats - annual herbaceous plant, belonging to the Cereal family. The stem of the plant is a straw with a diameter of 3-6 mm, the flowers are collected in spikelets. The oat fruit is a grain wrapped in leathery flower scales. There are about 40 plant species, most of which grow in Eurasia, in countries with a temperate climate. Oats are the main grain crop in Russia, Canada, Poland and Finland.

The homeland of this plant is Mongolia and northeast China. Oats are considered one of the oldest grain crops cultivated by humans. ABOUT healing properties the plant was known to the ancient Greeks - Hippocrates advised drinking a decoction of these cereals to cleanse and strengthen a weakened body. Having been brought to Great Britain from Rome, oats, starting from the 12th century, began to be used to prepare oatmeal, which later became national dish English. Since ancient times, the Slavs also consumed oats, making oatmeal from its grains - oatmeal for baking and porridge.

The most commonly used type of cereal on the farm is oats, or common oats. The grains of the plant are used to make oatmeal, flour and oat flakes. To produce food grains, oat grains undergo special processing - peeling, steaming and grinding. Several types of cereals are available for sale: crushed, rolled and uncrushed, which differ in manufacturing technology. By flattening oat grains, oat flakes (oatmeal) are made, which are very convenient to use for making porridges, since they do not require long cooking.

In cooking, oat grains are used not only for preparing porridges, but also soups, confectionery and drinks. Oat flour is used in baking cookies, oatcakes and pancakes. Porridge is cooked from uncrushed cereals and added as a topping to soups. Crushed oatmeal is needed for cooking dietary slimy soups, milk and puree soups. Cooked from cereals, it is very healthy oatmeal jelly. This grain is added to some beers, which gives them a special flavor. But the most favorite dish of all housewives is oatmeal. They practically do not need to be prepared - just pour hot water, milk or juice. Lightly oven-roasted cereal can be eaten without adding liquid. Cereals with various additions of fruits and nuts (muesli) are an excellent breakfast for children and adults.


According to the USDA Nutrient Database in 100 g. dry oatmeal contains:

  • Water - 10.37 g
  • Proteins - 12.72 g
  • Fat - 6.25 g
  • Carbohydrates - 57.55 g
  • Alimentary fiber- 10 g
  • Ash - 3.1 g


  • Vitamin A (retinol) - 1.072 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 2.05 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1.2 mg
  • Niacin (vitamin B3 or PP) - 16.55 mg
  • Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid) - 1.1 mg
  • Folic acid(vitamin B9) - 286 mcg
  • Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - 0 mg
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol) - 0.47 mg
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 1.9 mcg
  • Choline - 40.6 mg


  • Potassium - 359 mg
  • Calcium - 352 mg
  • Magnesium - 138 mg
  • Sodium - 278 mg
  • Phosphorus - 424 mg


  • Iron - 29.27 mg
  • Manganese - 2.92 mg
  • Copper - 0.374 mg
  • Zinc - 3.54 mg
  • Selenium - 26.8 mcg

Calorie content

On average, 100 g of oatmeal contains about 375 kcal.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains natural antioxidants, which increase the body's resistance to negative environmental influences. Calcium and phosphorus in oats are necessary for development skeletal system humans, and a large amount of iron makes oatmeal a healthy food for the prevention of anemia.

Dishes made from oats are considered dietary, as they are very easily absorbed by the body. The grains of this cereal contain an enzyme that helps break down carbohydrates, as well as substances called thierostitins, which promote normal operation thyroid gland.

Oats have a beneficial effect on the human gastrointestinal tract. Soups made from crushed oatmeal are especially useful - they have anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa. Oatmeal dishes are included in the diet for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Liquid oatmeal porridges, as well as porridges made from Hercules flakes, are considered the most beneficial for digestion.

A drink made from whole oat grains is recommended for people weakened after illness to maintain strength, nervous exhaustion and insomnia.

Oatmeal jelly and rolled oats porridge are useful for constipation - these dishes have a mild laxative effect.

Nutritionists advise eating oatmeal in the morning - this light and at the same time nutritious dish is an ideal breakfast.


Oats and their dishes are contraindicated in case of kidney and heart failure, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the grain.

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Oatmeal for a healthy diet

Oat groats- the most valuable nutritious food product. Oats are the most popular medicinal grain. Oat grains are used to produce oatmeal, cereal, oatmeal, flour and oat coffee.


To maintain health and provide the body nutrients It is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons of sprouts per day.

Sprouted oats are best eaten at lunch. The grains must be washed and chewed thoroughly before use.

Add sprouts to fresh vegetable salads, porridges, mix with fruits, nuts, honey.

Oat flour

Baking from oatmeal turns out crumbly and brittle due to the content in it small amount gluten Oatmeal can serve as a substitute for wheat flour, but the content of oatmeal should not exceed one third of the total amount of flour. If you want to increase the amount of oatmeal in baking, then add flaxseed flour to the dough, which will act as a binding component.

Time of day to consume

Oats are best eaten for breakfast. Oatmeal is very tasty, healthy and nutritious. It keeps you feeling full for a long time.

How to choose and store oats and oat flakes

Fresh, high-quality oatmeal should be slightly creamy or yellowish in color. Fresh flakes have a pleasant oatmeal smell. When purchasing, pay attention to the expiration date. High-quality oatmeal should be strong and whole, not broken. They should not contain oat husks or other debris.