Why does the tongue go numb? What to do if your tongue is numb? Unilateral numbness and pain in the tongue

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A condition in which a certain area of ​​the tongue or an entire organ loses sensitivity is called paresthesia. There are many reasons why the tip, middle or root of the tongue goes numb. These include both the impact of external factors and serious diseases that require immediate medical intervention.

The main reasons that provoke numbness of the tongue include Negative influence external factors and diseases, one of the symptoms of which is paresthesia. External factors include: excessive smoking, allergic reactions to foods and medications, injuries, injuries, burns, intoxication.

The tongue goes numb when the following diseases:

  • Decreased sensitivity of the tongue may indicate that a person has malignant tumors in the larynx area, in the brain. This condition in neoplasms is not the main symptom; paresthesia accompanies severe headaches (in the case of brain cancer), nausea, low temperature and blood pressure. Oncological diseases of the larynx, in addition to numbness, are manifested by pain in the throat (as with ARVI), impaired sensitivity of the palate, unpleasant sensations and difficulties when swallowing.
  • The tongue may become numb due to an incipient stroke or heart attack. With this condition, paresthesia of the hands, tongue and lips is one of the main symptoms. Additional symptoms include acute headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can cause impaired mobility, damage and numbness of the nerve endings of the tongue. Osteochondrosis may cause pain and dizziness.
  • Violation of the psycho-emotional background. Severe stress and deep depression can provoke severe headaches, impaired sensitivity of the face, lips, and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Psycho-emotional disorders are the cause of migraine with aura - a disease in which the head hurts severely and the functioning of the senses is disrupted.
  • If the tip of the tongue becomes numb and hurts, a burning or tingling sensation occurs, it means that the person has developed glossalgia or glossitis.

Manifestation different forms glossitis of the tongue

The tongue may lose sensitivity partially or completely. It is necessary to pay attention to which part of the organ is numb, since localization may indicate a specific disease.

Paresthesia begins with tingling of the tip of the tongue, then “running goosebumps” appear over the entire surface of the organ, and only after that there is a feeling of partial or complete numbness of the tongue.

In most cases, numbness in the tip of the tongue is a sign of the negative impact of external factors. This condition manifests itself with excessive smoking, alcohol consumption, intoxication, imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body, especially with a lack of vitamin B12. Loss of sensitivity of the tip of the tongue can be caused by an allergic reaction, in which case the symptom will be accompanied by swelling and paresthesia of the oral mucosa.

Numbness of the tongue and hands, accompanied by an acute headache, requires immediate consultation with a neurologist. Paresthesia in tandem with migraine can signal a sharp drop in insulin and an increase in blood sugar. In this case, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

Neoplasm in the larynx

Paresthesia of the throat and tongue indicates the occurrence of malignant neoplasms in the larynx. Numbness of the tongue and palate may be a manifestation allergic reaction. Injuries or damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve cause the root of the tongue to become numb.

A condition in which the tongue goes numb and the head is dizzy may be symptom of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), osteochondrosis, neurological disorders and disorders, pre-infarction or pre-stroke condition.

Loss of tongue sensitivity is not an independent disease, but a symptom accompanying the underlying pathology. Only after identifying the reason why the tongue is numb will the specialist prescribe treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease or irritating factor.

In cases where paresthesia is caused by osteochondrosis, the following are indicated:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage manipulations;
  • physiotherapy;
  • taking painkillers and drugs that enhance bone tissue regeneration.

Injuries that cause the feeling that the tip of the tongue is numb are treated with antiseptic rinses and dental gels. Allergic reactions that reduce the sensitivity of the organ are eliminated with antihistamines.

VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) is treated with drugs that increase blood circulation and dilate blood vessels in the brain. It is recommended to change the diet, introduce a nutritious diet, follow the rules of rest and work: 8-hour sleep, active lifestyle.

Oncological diseases require surgical intervention coupled with drug therapy , at the initial stage of the disease, endoscopy can be done. In case of laryngeal cancer, the affected tissue is removed; in case of pharyngeal cancer, partial removal is performed, followed by restoration using plastic surgery.

Neuralgia trigeminal nerve can be eliminated surgically, nerve destruction is often required. Radiosurgery, a minimally invasive (bloodless) operation, is sometimes used.

Numbness caused by diabetes mellitus is eliminated after a course of treatment of the underlying disease. Injections or tablets are prescribed to normalize insulin levels, which eliminates dry mouth, thirst and loss of sensitivity.

Depending on the cause of numbness in the tip, root, or sides of the tongue, treatment may include methods alternative medicine. Rinses and compresses can significantly improve the condition and speed up the restoration of sensitivity.

Common Recipes traditional medicine, used for diseases of the oral cavity:

  • A spoonful of soda and 4 drops of iodine are dissolved in a glass of warm water. Rinsing is done daily, morning and evening.
  • If the cause of numbness in the mouth is a disorder of the nervous system, the use of chamomile and sage in therapy is effective. In addition to pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, plants have a calming effect. Two tablespoons of dry herb are brewed with a glass of boiling water, the decoction is infused for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion is used for daily rinsing of the mouth and for oral administration: take 1 tablespoon.
  • A tablespoon of St. John's wort and the same amount of celandine are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for about 30 minutes. The resulting infusion should be used to rinse your mouth morning and evening.
  • You can fight lost sensitivity of the tongue with the help of garlic. To do this, take a garlic clove and roll it in your mouth. The procedure should be done as often as possible. After using garlic, apply a compress with sea buckthorn oil to the tongue, which will prevent possible irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Dried femoral grass is poured with a glass of water, brought to a boil, and then boiled for about 5 minutes. The broth must be filtered and cooled. Rinsing is done twice a day, after which 1 tablespoon of infusion is taken orally.

Numbness of the tongue is a sign of a serious pathology, and not a separate disease. It is important to determine the root cause that caused the loss of organ sensitivity, and only a doctor can do this. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a therapist as soon as possible, who, after carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, will redirect the patient to the right specialist. Timely identification of the cause of numbness and timely treatment will help prevent the development of the underlying disease and possible complications.

Numbness of the tongue

The tongue is an unpaired muscular organ located in the oral cavity.

Paresthesia is a tingling sensation due to a violation of the sensitivity of a certain area (in this case we are talking about the tongue).

Doctors classify numbness of the tongue as one of the types of paresthesias.

Brain aneurysm;





  1. Alcohol abuse.
  2. Glossalgia.
  3. Hypoglycemia.
  4. Depression.

Disease of teeth and gums

Appointment with a neurologist

The tongue goes numb - what diseases can this mean?

How often do people ignore strange symptoms in their body, hoping that it will soon go away on its own. And in some cases they commit unacceptable negligence, as, for example, in a situation where the tongue goes numb.

Indeed, in some cases this may be a sign of non-life-threatening conditions, but sometimes delay can be fatal. So why does this happen and is it worth sounding the alarm when your tongue suddenly goes numb?

Numbness of the tongue different people it is felt in its own way: some get goosebumps, some feel a slight tingling or burning sensation, some may experience numbness in their tongue and lips, and some completely lose the sensitivity of their tongue. In any case, such strangeness of his “behavior” should alert you, especially if it does not go away long time or is repeated regularly.

A single case of tongue numbness is definitely not a cause for concern, but if it repeats regularly and lasts for a long time, then it is better not to delay a visit to the doctor

In some cases, to understand why your tongue becomes numb, it is enough to remember what you did the day before. Eg:

  • You could have your tooth treated. Quite often, after a visit to the dentist and anesthesia, a person may experience numbness in the tongue. After all, the roots of the teeth border quite closely with the nerve endings of the tongue, so the doctor could accidentally press or damage his nerve. Usually the discomfort goes away after a couple of days, in the worst case it can last a couple of months.
  • You may have abused alcohol or nicotine. Due to the fact that nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, tongue numbness may occur after smoking. It is best, of course, to give up nicotine or try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.
  • This could be a simple burn from a hot drink or food. Or if you accidentally get alkali or acid into your mouth.
  • If you are allergic, the condition could be triggered by an allergen. The condition can be triggered by anything - a food or drink, alcohol, toothpaste or even a brush or chewing gum.
  • This may be a consequence of taking medications. Sometimes the body can react this way to antibiotics or other medications. As a rule, the tongue returns to normal within a few days. But if such a side effect occurs, you should definitely consult with your doctor about replacing the drug with another one.
  • You might have been nervous. Quite rarely, but still there are cases when, due to stress, irritability, restless sleep or depression, a person experiences numbness of the tongue.
  • Maybe someone bit you. When bitten by a poisonous spider or snake, paresthesia may occur - numbness of the face, limbs, tongue; In addition, the person's heart rate increases, dizziness and drowsiness occur.
  • There are not enough or too many minerals in the body.
  • You took steroid hormones. In the process of taking them, taste sensations may disappear, hair may appear above the upper lip, stretch marks may appear on the stomach and buttocks, and body weight may increase.
  • It could also be adulthood. Due to violation hormonal levels in women, for example, during menopause, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, the epithelium is renewed more slowly - this explains why the tip of the tongue sometimes goes numb.
  • Or pregnancy. Sometimes this happens when the pregnancy reaches one week. In this way, a woman’s body reacts to increased blood pressure and swelling.

During pregnancy, this can happen once, since the woman’s body is constantly restructuring, swelling occurs, and blood pressure rises.

However, in addition to harmless reasons, there are others that can be dangerous to health if you do not seek help from a specialist in time. Numbness of the tongue may be one of the symptoms:

  • Migraines with aura. That's enough rare disease People prone to depression and stress are most often affected. They have a disturbance in the functioning of their sense organs - they can see flashes of light or stripes, hear some sounds, smell unpleasant odors; There may be problems with speech, numbness in the fingertips, and a tingling sensation in the tongue.
  • Diabetes mellitus. Since this is a disease of the endocrine system responsible for the production of insulin, diabetes disrupts various metabolic processes in the body (from carbohydrate to water-salt). Because of this, dry mouth occurs, a person is tormented by constant thirst, trembling in the hands and partial loss of sensitivity of the tongue.
  • Hypoglycemia. A fairly common occurrence in patients with diabetes is when the upper lip becomes numb due to irregularities in insulin intake. This happens due to a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood when it is below 3 mmol/l. With hypoglycemia, a person experiences weakness, a feeling of acute hunger, he breaks into a cold sticky sweat, his hands begin to tremble, and parts of the body and face go numb. This condition is quite unpleasant, but it can be quickly corrected by measuring your blood glucose level and then eating 20 g of foods that increase it - this could be honey, sugar, caramel or fruit juice. If symptoms of hypoglycemia recur frequently, you should consult your doctor about the dosage of the drug, by adjusting which you can eliminate the problem.
  • Angioedema. Everyone knows hives. Sometimes, along with it, damage to the deeper layers of the skin occurs, and a person begins to suffer not only from redness and raised rashes, but also from swelling of various parts of the body, a decrease or loss of their sensitivity, tingling, etc. This is angioedema, or Quincke's edema , in which the limbs, ears, lips, and genitals swell. If the larynx swells, the condition becomes life-threatening because the person may simply suffocate. This is an autoimmune disease, and the attack can be triggered by contact with an allergen. In order to determine what causes such a reaction, a special analysis is carried out.

If the symptoms are long-lasting and recur, go to the doctor immediately

After identifying the provocateur, the person is prescribed antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, hormonal, and diuretic drugs. However, even without treatment, the swelling lasts for a couple of days, and the test goes away along with unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, a relapse of the disease lasts 2-3 years, and then the body heals itself.

People suffering from this scourge should always have corticosteroids and antihistamines which will help stop the attack.

  • VSD. In fact, this disease does not exist as such, it’s just that in our medicine this is what we call a set of symptoms characteristic of human psychological disorders - anxiety or depression. As a rule, they are accompanied heavy sweating, tremor, excitability, rapid heartbeat, tingling and numbness of the limbs, face, discomfort in any organ (pathology is not confirmed), hypochondriacal moods. Making this diagnosis is possible only after consulting a doctor and excluding other pathologies. Treatment usually involves visiting a psychologist and taking antidepressants.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis. As a result of this pathology, the sensitivity of the nerves of the tongue decreases, which limits its mobility. In some cases, people with this disease even change their voice, becoming rougher.
  • Stroke. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, acute headache, paresthesia of the lips, tongue and limbs. In this case, delay can cost life - the person needs emergency assistance. medical care, you should call an ambulance.
  • Anemia. With a lack of vitamin B12 and iron in the body, a person may experience paresthesia of the fingers and toes, and may lose balance when walking.
  • Heavy metal poisoning (mercury, zinc, lead, cobalt, tin).
  • Multiple sclerosis. This disease can cause numbness in many other parts of the body.
  • Bell's palsy. The disease is characterized by dysfunction of the facial nerves, accompanied by loss of sensation in the cheeks, face, lips and tongue.
  • Glossalgia. A disease of the tongue in which there is a burning, tingling, numbness without apparent reason. Glossalgia is a secondary manifestation of an underlying disease, or occurs as a result of trauma to the mouth with dentures or after dental procedures.
  • Facial, jaw, cervical trauma, as well as hemorrhage resulting from brain damage.
  • Oral candidiasis. With this disease, a person’s tongue becomes covered with a whitish coating, and if you try to remove it, you can cause bleeding in parts of the tongue. The disease is difficult to tolerate because it is very difficult for a person to chew and eat food.
  • Brain tumors. Numbness of the tongue is not the main symptom, but still occurs with this disease. Most often, the course of the disease is accompanied by severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, low blood pressure and body temperature. Such symptoms should raise suspicion of cancer. When diagnosing, the doctor must exclude, first of all, the presence volumetric formations neck and head.
  • Hypothyroidism. With a lack of thyroid hormones, it is likely that paresthesia of the tongue will develop.
  • Lyme disease. The disease, caused by the bite of an infected tick, is characterized by disruption of nerve conduction.

A lot of diseases, including truly life-threatening ones, have a similar symptom in their description, so it’s definitely not worth “joking” with such symptoms

As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons that cause this symptom, and without a proper examination one can only guess about them. Often people ignore this phenomenon, not realizing that numbness of the tongue can be a symptom of a dangerous disease. Therefore, if this is not related to dental treatment or allergies, and the phenomenon is regular, do not delay your visit to the doctor and do not self-medicate. Go to a therapist. If necessary, he will give a referral to a neurologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, or dentist. And, of course, he will collect anamnesis and prescribe a number of necessary tests.

Source: tongue, loss of sensitivity, complete or partial, indicates disorders in the human body. They can concern only one organ or signal a disease in which the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted.

The following reasons are typical for loss of sensitivity:

  • chemical burn;
  • thermal burn;
  • mechanical damage to the organ;
  • tooth extraction (most often a wisdom tooth);
  • local allergic reaction;
  • use of unsuitable toothpastes and rinses;
  • age-related changes in women;
  • pregnancy.

Very often, the cause of tongue numbness is tobacco smoking, which negatively affects the nerve endings in the mouth. Source: flickr (Stepan Nesmiyan).

The loss of sensation in any organ itself is called paresthesia. These causes, associated with mechanical damage, relate to ordinary paresthesia, in which the transmission of nerve impulses, the so-called leakage, is temporarily disrupted. But if you are amazed nervous system, then paresthesia occurs without any visible disturbances or damage and is called chronic.

Nerve conduction disorders occur in the following diseases and conditions:

  • infectious nerve damage;
  • tumor lesion;
  • stroke;
  • neurodegenerative damage;
  • autoimmune process;
  • a consequence of diabetes mellitus;
  • consequence of alcoholism;
  • metabolic disease;
  • lack of important vitamins;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • after suffering from chicken pox.

In these conditions, desensitization of the oral organ may not be the only symptom. If the nervous system is affected, tingling sensations and loss of sensation often occur along the peripheral nerves of various organs.

Important. Numbness of the tongue is not an independent disease, it always exists causative factor, which leads to disruption of nerve conduction.

The process of numbness of a muscle organ can occur immediately or increase gradually. Also, either only the tip of the tongue loses sensitivity, or numbness occurs under this organ, on the sides.

If the tip of the tongue goes numb after eating, this may indicate an allergic reaction; if a larger area of ​​the organ is affected, then this may be glossalgia, which is a functional disorder. It often manifests itself due to disorders in the autonomic nervous system.

Infectious, vascular diseases of a systemic nature can lead to loss of sensitivity. It is very important to determine what caused it in order, firstly, to carry out therapy correctly, and secondly, to block a possible serious illness in the future. early stage.

When the glossopharyngeal nerve is damaged, the root of the tongue becomes numb or sensation loss occurs on one side of the organ. In addition, salivation will be impaired, pain will appear in the ear, oral organs, and tonsils. Nerve damage, in turn, is caused by injuries, infections, and tumors.

Loss of sensitivity on the sides of the organ or only on one side may indicate osteochondrosis, which means that a nerve has been compressed in the cervical spine. Other possible reasons include:

  • laryngeal cancer;
  • touching a nerve during tooth extraction or other operations in the oral cavity;
  • laryngeal carcinoma.

Psychogenic disorders also provoke paresthesia on both sides of the tongue. This anxious state may be accompanied by several symptoms:

  • sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • discomfort in the solar plexus area.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the diagnosis.

For diagnosis and timely assistance, you should visit a neurologist or psychotherapist.

To eliminate the symptom and treat the pathology at a deeper level, you can turn to homeopathy.

Homeopathic treatment must begin after a correct diagnosis has been made. It is important to remember that numbness of the tongue is just a symptom that indicates a disease. Homeopathic treatment is prescribed based on many factors:

  • psycho-emotional state,
  • the patient's appearance,
  • reactions of his body,
  • what symptoms accompany the disease.

When appointing, his constitutional type is taken into account. Homeopathy treats not the disease, but the person - this is one of its basic principles.

Moreover, even with the same diagnosis, each patient is prescribed an individual drug. This individual approach ensures the effectiveness of treatment. Homeopathy can be used in complex treatment as an auxiliary method.

For treatment anxiety disorders, VSD, increased nervous excitability, the following drugs are intended:

  • Nervoheel is a composite homeopathic medicine that acts as depressant, usually used as part of complex therapy, as an additional remedy for alopathic drug therapy. The drug helps with seizures and depression.
  • Barita carbonicum (Barium carbonicum) is a drug that is equally suitable for the elderly and adolescence. Can help people suffering from nervous disorders and circulatory disorders.
  • Strontiana carbonica - used for cervical osteochondrosis, which may cause tongue numbness.
  • Traumeel S is a composite homeopathic medicine for diseases of bones and joints, osteochondrosis and neuralgia.

As a symptomatic drug:

  • Natrium muraticum - prescribed for tingling in the tongue, lips and nose.
  • Cocculus indicus - for numbness of the face and tongue as well.
  • Rheum palmatum - numbness of the tongue.
  • Gwako (Micania guaco) - tongue paresis.
  • Laurocerasus (Laurocerasus officinalis) - “wooden” tongue. A burning sensation in the tongue when the tongue feels cold.
  • Natrium muriaticum - numbness and even tingling, burning sensation, feeling like there is hair on the tongue.

Source: - this is an unpaired muscular organ located in the oral cavity.

Its position depends on the function it will perform. The process of chewing and swallowing is carried out with the help of the tongue. Thanks to the large number of receptors on the mucous membrane of the organ, a person can distinguish tastes. Moreover separate plot the tongue is responsible for a specific taste stimulus. Well, an important role of this body is participation in communication.

Typically, numbness of the tip of the tongue or the entire tongue is not independent disease. This is only a symptom of some underlying diagnosis, which can increase gradually and be accompanied by a number of other symptoms. Therefore, in order to begin treatment and rid yourself of unpleasant discomfort, you should find the main cause and eliminate it.

Doctors classify numbness of the tongue as one of the types of paresthesias.

Nervous, depressive state as a cause of tongue numbness

A symptom in which the tongue and lips go numb may be a consequence of diseases such as:

Diabetes mellitus (dry mucous membranes, development of neuropathy - cause of numbness);

Stroke (the brain is affected; speech impairment, long-term headache with accompanying numbness of half the body, drooping corner of the mouth; loss of coordination; consciousness is depressed; tests show a violation of the coagulation system; CT, MRI are recommended);

stroke as a cause of numbness of the tongue and lips

Hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones, consultation with an endocrinologist);

Lyme disease (as a result of a tick bite);

Multiple sclerosis (all parts of the body become numb, the tongue is no exception);

Brain aneurysm;

Bell's palsy (the whole face goes numb);

Bell's palsy as a cause of numbness of the tongue and lips

Spinal cord cancer (local pain, decrease in all blood counts);

Brain tumor (compression of various parts of the brain - the cause of numbness).

The main complaints about numbness of the tip of the tongue are:

  1. Heavy smokers often complain of numbness in the tip of the tongue.
  2. People receiving chemotherapy.
  3. If the body lacks vitamin B12.
  4. Damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve.
  5. Side effects of medications.
  6. Heavy metal poisoning.
  7. Alcohol abuse.
  8. Glossalgia.
  9. Hypoglycemia.
  10. Depression.
  11. Excess or deficiency of minerals in the body.

Depression as a cause of tongue numbness

Quite often the tongue and lips go numb at the same time. Numbness of the lips occurs as a consequence of sensory impairment. But this is not the main problem, but becomes only a consequence of the underlying disease. You can only guess on your own which specialist you need to go to, and in no case can you make an accurate diagnosis yourself and prescribe treatment for yourself.

Lips go numb for the following reasons:

  1. Osteochondrosis cervical region spine. As a result of compression of the spinal cord, blood circulation is disrupted and thereby the nutrition of the organs is disrupted. Numbness of the lips appears.
  2. Neuritis of the facial nerve. Inflammation of the facial nerve leads to disruption of impulse transmission to the facial muscles and can be complicated by facial paralysis. You urgently need to consult a doctor to prevent such a dangerous picture.
  3. Lack of vitamin B. Lack of this vitamin leads to disorders of the nervous system. A large number of of this vitamin found in: bread, nuts, bran, liver, meat, potatoes.
  4. High or very low blood pressure. Then not only the lips go numb, but also the upper and lower limbs. Life threatening. Call urgently ambulance need to.
  5. Diabetes. One of its symptoms is numbness of the lips, clammy sweat, weakness, and trembling hands. By adjusting your blood glucose levels, the numbness will go away. You can eat honey, sugar, candy. If attacks recur frequently, insulin dosage should be discussed with your doctor.
  6. Allergy to the use of a new medicine. Quincke's edema causes swelling of parts of the body, including the lips. The cause often remains unclear. Edema is a terrible swelling of the larynx; difficulty breathing can lead to asphyxia. If an attack has occurred in your life, you should always carry it with you. antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids to relieve this condition.
  7. Migraine. Consequently nervous breakdowns, constant worries, leads to disruption of the nervous system. Headache occurs half an hour after numbness, then the limbs go numb. Numbness is a kind of aura before a headache. There are no significant changes in the analyses. Will help increased content potassium, magnesium, reduced stress and good sleep. Avoid foods that trigger migraines: wine, cheese, sweets.
  8. Disease of teeth and gums. If before the numbness of the lips there was pain in the teeth or gums, then, most likely, this is due to problems in the teeth. You need to see a dentist.

Disease of teeth and gums

9. Multiple sclerosis. It is with numbness that this disease begins. Nervous tissue cells in the body begin to be affected. Only a neurologist can help in this case.

10. Shingles. Its typical onset is itching, redness and numbness. If there is still a burning sensation in the cheek area, then this is one hundred percent shingles.

11. Bell's palsy. It affects the entire face, but the lips and eyebrows are affected first. The disease is preceded by some viral diseases(ARVI, simple herpes virus). Tingling and numbness are characteristic of this disease. May go away on its own. If treated, a course of antibiotics and antiviral drugs is prescribed. Rarely, but the appearance of inflammatory markers in the blood is possible. Facial gymnastics is necessary. The recovery process takes up to a year. In severe cases, CT and MRI examinations are recommended.

12. Infection of various etiologies, in which the nerves are affected. Very often, complications after meningitis or herpes are nerve damage with the leading syndrome being numbness.

Lack of vitamin B as a cause of numb lips

As we found out, there are quite a few reasons for numbness of the tongue and lips. After this article, you can already decide which specialist you need to contact. If you cannot associate your numbness, which torments you periodically, with any of these diseases, then you need to contact a neurologist. And you shouldn’t delay this.

Appointment with a neurologist

Don't worry if numbness occurs as a result long stay in very strong cold, after anesthesia, they lay on the lip for a long time. And at the same time there are no more complaints, and there never were.

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Source: Tongue Numbness

Numbness as a phenomenon in the scientific literature is called paresthesia, which means “loss of sensitivity.” Surprisingly, people experience their language differently:

  • someone gets “goosebumps”;

What to do?

As is already clear from the above, numbness of the tongue is a problem that can have many causes, so diagnosing patients is very difficult. Often people do not seek help in the first days, because they do not attach much importance to numbness of the tongue and do not even realize that paresthesia is side symptom many serious diseases. This problem cannot be left unresolved.

You should be scheduled for a full body check, including an examination of cardio-vascular system, blood test to detect diabetes, in rare cases, tomography of the brain, neck and spine. Treatment is prescribed only after passing through the necessary specialists, so in no case should you take any medications yourself, or ignore paresthesia.

Source: tongue is scientifically called paresthesia. This organ rarely suffers from such a deviation, but it can suggest serious illnesses, occurring in the body.

There are many reasons that cause tongue numbness, so it is worth covering all possible situations.

Numbness of the tongue manifests itself in different ways depending on individual characteristics and the reasons that caused paresthesia. The following symptoms are identified:

  • feeling of “running goosebumps”;
  • showing at the tip of the tongue;
  • complete loss of sensation on one side or throughout the tongue.

As a rule, these symptoms are not capable of causing any harm to the human body unless they are accompanied by swelling. Otherwise you need to accept Urgent measures, as there is a risk of suffocation.

There are many situations that can cause tongue numbness. Most often paresthesia is caused by:

  1. A dental procedure in which anesthesia is used and surgical intervention. The nerve of the tongue is located close to the roots of the teeth, so it is easy to touch during treatment. If this happens, the numbness of the tongue persists even after the anesthesia wears off. But this phenomenon is not dangerous, since the nerve tends to recover on its own, you just need to wait a couple of weeks.
  2. Anemia, which causes reduced content hemoglobin in the blood. As a rule, this indicates the development of serious diseases of the circulatory system, so it is worth visiting a specialist.
  3. Diabetes mellitus. The disease affects endocrine system, insulin production decreases, this affects the body's metabolism and acid-base balance.
  4. Reaction to application medicines. Some strong drugs have tongue paresthesia as a side effect. If this happens, it is better to contact the doctor who prescribed the treatment and ask, if possible, to change the drug;
  5. Osteochondrosis. The disease is serious, so it is better to start treatment at an early stage, which is indicated by numbness of the tongue. First there is tissue damage intervertebral disc, but only later the spine.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases in particular, numbness of the tongue can signal a stroke.

There are unilateral and bilateral numbness of the tongue, each of which will help determine the cause of paresthesia.

Unilateral is associated with nerve damage, this often happens when teeth are removed, especially sevens and eights.

Wisdom teeth have large roots, so removing them can easily hit a nerve. If the lingual nerve is affected, the front part or tip of the tongue becomes numb, and if the glossopharyngeal nerve is affected, the back part becomes numb.

The disorder manifests itself only in the area of ​​the tongue and on the side where the nerve was affected. In addition to numbness, patients complain of temporary loss taste sensations, localized in the damaged area.

Bilateral numbness is caused by more serious problems:

  1. Stroke. Which often happens on nervous soil as a result of severe stress shocks. Sometimes there are no changes in well-being, the mood remains elevated, but taste sensations and sensitivity of the tongue decrease.
  2. Throat cancer can also cause a numb tongue. Along with this symptom, there is a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. The disease has not yet been studied well, but more often it manifests itself in smokers, people who abuse alcohol and live in areas with poor ecology.
  3. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by Addison-Birmer disease, which causes pernicious anemia. With this pathology, the tongue not only goes numb, but there is a phenomenon of its varnishing, as if it had been scalded by boiling water. To avoid this disease, you need to eat a balanced diet.

Read more about vitamin B12 deficiency:

Brain hemorrhages and head injuries can make themselves felt through numbness of the tongue. In this case, there is numbness localized in the area of ​​the tip of the tongue. The patient may not at first attach any importance to this, but then the result will be disastrous.

As mentioned earlier, numbness of the tongue can be caused by a number of reasons that are completely different from each other. Since among them there are very serious diseases that threaten human life, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and tell them in detail about the symptoms.

It is important to inform your treating specialist about:

  • nutritional features;
  • medications taken;
  • recent visits to the dentist;
  • hereditary diseases at risk;
  • bad habits;
  • injuries.

During the diagnosis process, visits to doctors of different specialties may be required, but this is a necessity that will help identify the real cause. As a rule, tests are immediately prescribed if there is even a slight risk of serious pathologies.

Hello. I suffered stress, then later I fell head and back to the floor. Now everything hurts nervousness and the tip of the tongue is numb.

popular about dentistry.

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Source: people are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as numbness of the tongue. It can vary in localization, for example, sensitivity can be impaired only in the area of ​​the tip of the tongue or cover larger areas, and in intensity - from a slight decrease in sensitivity to its complete loss. In any case, you should consult a doctor without self-medicating and without hoping that it will go away on its own.

There are many reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon as numbness of the tongue, which doctors call “paresthesia.” For example, it can occur after treatment by a dentist if, during tooth extraction or treatment of a deep cavity, the doctor accidentally damages a nerve. In this case, the sensitivity of the tongue will recover on its own after some time. This situation is not dangerous, you just need to be patient and wait for a complete recovery.

The tongue may also become numb due to poorly placed dentures or malocclusion. For example, if dentures contain different metals, galvanic currents may occur that reduce the sensitivity of the tongue. In these cases, after eliminating the causes, the numbness of the tongue goes away quite quickly.

However, the cause of tongue numbness may be more serious. For example, it may indicate diseases:

  • cervical spine
  • thyroid gland
  • organs of the nervous and digestive system

And also for diabetes and some cardiovascular diseases.

Numbness of the tongue may be one of the symptoms of an impending heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in this case, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Often, decreased sensitivity of the tongue is caused by a side effect of certain medications. For example, a number of painkillers or drugs that relieve coughing and sputum discharge.

The tongue may lose sensitivity as a result of various allergic reactions to external irritants:

  • components of food and drinks
  • medicines
  • animal hair, household items, etc.

Even chewing gum or toothpaste can cause numbness, for example, if you are allergic to one of the components.

A lack of certain vitamins, such as B12, can also lead to numbness of the tongue. Finally, the sensitivity of the tongue can change noticeably due to experiences, increased nervousness, stressful situations, depression.

Patients' sensations when tongue sensitivity is impaired are very varied: from slight numbness at the very tip of the tongue, causing only mild discomfort, to complete loss of sensitivity, often accompanied by severe tingling or burning. This burning sensation can spread to the mucosal area.

There are so many reasons for tongue numbness that only a qualified doctor can understand this problem; making a diagnosis on your own is dangerous for your health, because you may decide that the problem is not as bad as it really is, thereby aggravating your condition.

If you feel that your tongue is numb, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, including testing for possible allergens. Most likely, you will have to visit specialists such as a dentist, endocrinologist and neurologist. It is necessary to answer in detail all questions regarding past illnesses. Last year, medications you took, your daily routine, diet, oral care procedures, etc.

In any case, treatment should begin with the elimination of all factors that irritate the tongue. If necessary, it is necessary to replace incorrectly placed prostheses, correct malocclusion, remove tartar, polish the sharp edges of crowns and fillings, making them smoother and non-traumatic. It is necessary to adjust the diet by excluding from it foods that can irritate the tongue (for example, too hot, salty, with an abundance of spicy seasonings).

Therapeutic treatment includes taking medications that have sedative effect, helping to improve blood circulation, metabolism, and also, if necessary, vitamin complexes. Since impaired sensitivity of the tongue is often associated with disorders of the nervous system, the following can help:

  • massage
  • aromatic baths
  • orderly daily routine
  • exclusion of stressful, unnerving situations

In some cases, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated. The patient needs to be prepared in advance for the fact that the treatment can be quite lengthy, and he will have to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Use any folk remedies You shouldn’t do it without consulting a doctor, especially if the cause of the numbness is not clear.

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There are many reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon as numbness of the tongue, which doctors call “paresthesia.” For example, it can occur after treatment by a dentist if, during tooth extraction or treatment of a deep cavity, the doctor accidentally damages a nerve. In this case, the sensitivity of the tongue will recover on its own after some time. This situation is not dangerous, you just need to be patient and wait for a complete recovery.

The speed at which sensation is restored directly depends on how severe the nerve damage was.

The tongue may also become numb due to poorly placed dentures or malocclusion. For example, if dentures contain different metals, galvanic currents may occur that reduce the sensitivity of the tongue. In these cases, after eliminating the causes, the numbness of the tongue goes away quite quickly.

However, the cause of tongue numbness may be more serious. For example, it may indicate diseases:

  • cervical spine
  • thyroid gland
  • organs of the nervous and digestive system

And also for diabetes and some cardiovascular diseases.

Numbness of the tongue may be one of the symptoms of an impending heart attack or stroke. Therefore, in this case, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Often, decreased sensitivity of the tongue is caused by a side effect of certain medications. For example, a number of painkillers or drugs that relieve coughing and sputum discharge.

The tongue may lose sensitivity as a result of various allergic reactions to external irritants:

  • components of food and drinks
  • medicines
  • animal hair, household items, etc.

Causes: what makes your face go numb?

  • More details

Even chewing gum or toothpaste can cause numbness, for example, if you are allergic to one of the components.

A lack of certain vitamins, such as B12, can also lead to numbness of the tongue. Finally, the sensitivity of the tongue can change noticeably due to anxiety, increased nervousness, stressful situations, and depression.

Patients' sensations when tongue sensitivity is impaired are very varied: from slight numbness at the very tip of the tongue, causing only mild discomfort, to complete loss of sensitivity, often accompanied by severe tingling or burning. This burning sensation can spread to the mucosal area.

In such cases, many patients become hyperexcitable, nervous, and experience an obsessive fear of getting cancer (cancerophobia)

There are so many reasons for tongue numbness that only a qualified doctor can understand this problem; making a diagnosis on your own is dangerous for your health, because you may decide that the problem is not as bad as it really is, thereby aggravating your condition.

What to do if your tongue is numb

If you feel that your tongue is numb, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, including testing for possible allergens. Most likely, you will have to visit specialists such as a dentist, endocrinologist and neurologist. It is necessary to answer in detail all questions regarding illnesses suffered over the past year, medications you took, your daily routine, diet, oral care procedures, etc.

If possible, it is necessary to conduct magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and cervical spine

In any case, treatment should begin with the elimination of all factors that irritate the tongue. If necessary, it is necessary to replace incorrectly placed dentures, correct an incorrect bite, remove tartar, polish the sharp edges of crowns and fillings, making them smoother and non-traumatic. It is necessary to adjust the diet by excluding from it foods that can irritate the tongue (for example, too hot, salty, with an abundance of spicy seasonings).

Numbness is one of the types of paresthesia - impaired sensitivity of a part of the body with a tingling or crawling sensation. The mechanism of the process lies in temporary damage to any area along the transmission path of a nerve impulse from the surface of the skin or mucous membrane to the brain. For many people, a similar sensation in the arm or leg is common when the limb for a long time was compressed, but numbness of the tongue or part of it can lead to some confusion. It is important to understand the reasons for changes in sensitivity, since some of them require medical attention.

Non-hazardous causes of tongue numbness

The tongue is an extremely sensitive organ, and this applies not only to taste zones, but also to a pronounced reaction to tactile sensations. Numbness of the organ is immediately noted by the person. In most cases, if the phenomenon is temporary and does not recur with a certain frequency, its cause is not dangerous. Possible non-pathological sources of numbness include:

Numbness (paresthesia) of the tongue due to diseases

If numbness of the tongue is not an isolated case, but common problem, causing significant discomfort, then, most likely, the cause of this condition is more serious than simply taking pills or exposure to temperature.


Diabetes mellitus is an endocrinological disease and involves disruptions in the process of glucose absorption and metabolic disorders in the body as a whole. Numbness in these patients often occurs in the arms, legs, and tongue. Paresthesia of the tongue is formed under the influence of one of the manifestations of the disease:

  • swelling and increased dryness of the mucous membrane. One of the main symptoms of diabetes is increased dryness mucous membranes in the oral cavity, which is associated with destructive changes salivary glands. Against this background, the tongue is one of the first to suffer - it becomes rough, injured, dries out, and this directly affects its sensitivity. Episodes of numbness in this case usually affect the entire organ, are described by a feeling of tingling and crawling, and are temporary, albeit recurring;
  • disorders of the nervous system against the background higher level blood sugar. Changes in the reactions of the lingual nerve can cause partial or complete loss of sensation, which persists for a long time or on a permanent basis. The paroxysmal form of the problem is often common; episodes occur in the morning or late in the evening;
  • a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, hypoglycemia. In addition to numbness and tingling of the tongue, when a crisis occurs, a strong feeling of hunger occurs, general weakness, outbursts of aggression, increased blood pressure, dizziness, confusion.

Numbness of the tongue in the case of diabetes mellitus is not treated separately, but goes away as the main problem - elevated glucose levels - is neutralized. For patients with the first type of disease (insulin-dependent), lifelong constant administration of insulin injections is required, and treatment of type 2 diabetes (non-insulin-dependent) involves hormone therapy. Additionally, all patients are prescribed a diet excluding indigestible fats, sugar and baked goods. If there is any suspicion of the onset of a hypoglycemic crisis, emergency medical assistance, and in cases with dry mucous membranes and destructive changes in nerve sensitivity, you can contact an endocrinologist, if possible, to adjust the basic therapy. Usually, if the treatment is chosen correctly, unpleasant symptoms such as numbness of the tongue or limbs do not occur.


The term “glossalgia” refers to a complex of sensations (burning, tingling, itching) that are not accompanied by visual changes in the tongue. The sensations can arise gradually (almost imperceptible at first, but gradually intensify) or abruptly. In most cases, it all starts with the tongue, but then spreads further - to the cheeks, palate, lips, etc. Sources of sensitivity disorders can be:

With problems of the nervous system, the localization of sensations becomes more important:

  • if the root of the tongue becomes numb, then first of all the glossopharyngeal nerve is checked;
  • if there is a change in sensitivity on the sides or at the tip of the organ, the lingual nerve is suspected.

All described conditions require correction. When contacting a neurologist, a set of examinations will be prescribed to identify the true cause of changes in the sensitivity of the tongue:

  • examination and sanitation (health improvement) of the oral cavity;
  • visiting a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, etc.

If nerve function disorders are detected, injections of B vitamins (Milgamma, Neurobion), anticonvulsants (Finlepsin, Difenin) and iron supplements can be prescribed. Additionally, physiotherapy methods are used, in particular ultrasound therapy, medicinal electrophoresis and laser puncture.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Disease of the musculoskeletal system, involving dystrophic changes in cartilaginous elements, including the spinal column. The discs between the vertebrae are compressed and destroyed, thereby limiting the functionality of the department and causing a number of unpleasant symptoms (pain, burning, tingling). With the development of the degenerative process in the cervical spine, the symptoms expand, since in this area a large number of blood vessels and nerves. When they are compressed, the following may be observed:

  • headache;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision;
  • changes in the sensitivity of the soft tissues of the face.

Numbness of the tongue is a signal of compression of the branches of the radicular nerve, and the sensation will not have a specific localization on the organ. With this problem, sensitivity may further worsen and disappear on the scalp, lips, ears, and sometimes numbness spreads to the entire head.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, due to the destruction of intervertebral discs, compression of nerves and blood vessels occurs, which impairs the sensitivity of the head and tongue in particular

Regardless of the scale of the problem, it is dangerous because prolonged compression nerves and blood vessels leads to their traumatization, and this can make the symptoms chronic and lead to serious complications, for example, the development of a stroke. Diagnosing the problem involves:

  • examination by a neurologist. The specialist listens to complaints, palpates the neck area to identify muscle tension and pain;
  • X-ray of the cervical spine to visualize the condition of the spinal column.

Numbness of the tongue due to osteochondrosis cannot be treated separately; the symptom goes away on its own when its cause is eliminated. As part of therapy, the following are prescribed:

  • massage of the collar area;
  • reflexology (acupuncture);
  • therapeutic exercises for neck muscles.

All this helps strengthen the muscle corset, relieve excess tension, and improve blood circulation. To neutralize pain and improve tissue nutrition, medications can be prescribed (painkillers Oxadol, Analgin, Tramal, chondroprotectors Rumalon, Chondroxide).

Video: therapeutic exercises for cervical osteochondrosis


Stroke as a disease of the cardiovascular system implies an acute disruption of the blood supply to the brain with the appearance of neurological symptoms. In addition to changes in sensitivity and numbness of the tongue combined with slurred speech, symptoms of the disease are:

  • numbness on one side of the face with drooping of the corner of the eye and lip (a crooked smile is formed);
  • numbness or paralysis of one side of the body;
  • impaired coordination;
  • depression of consciousness and inability to answer simple questions.

With a stroke, there is a loss of sensitivity on one side of the face with drooping of the edge of the lip, eye, and numbness of the tongue.

A stroke is a critical condition that requires immediate medical attention. The cause of the circulatory disorder is eliminated (this may require surgery), after which maintenance therapy and rehabilitation are carried out to restore sensitivity and coordination in the body (a course of neuroprotectors, anticoagulants is prescribed to prevent the formation of new blood clots, nootropics to stimulate metabolic processes).

Other causes of paresthesia of the tongue

In addition to those already listed, other reasons can cause numbness of the tongue:

  • stress and psychological illnesses(in particular depression). Increased anxiety, excessive worries, lack of good sleep- all this negatively affects the nervous system, overloading it, therefore, against the background of dizziness, headaches, increased sweating, rapid heartbeat and weakness, numbness of the tongue appears on a temporary or permanent basis. For treatment, it is necessary to visit a psychotherapist and take the antidepressants prescribed by him (Fluoxetine, Clomipramine, Bethol, etc.);

    Treatment of depression is a long process, so you should not count on quick results. Average duration depressive episode - 6–8 months, while taking medications is continued for another 10–12 months after recovery. A visit to a psychotherapist is mandatory throughout the course.

  • allergic reaction. In some cases, the immune response to the allergen affects the deeper layers skin and mucous membranes, causing tingling and loss of sensitivity, swelling of the tongue and larynx, forming the dangerous condition of Quincke's edema. When such a diagnosis is established, the doctor prescribes complex treatment with antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, diuretics and hormonal drugs- all this allows you to neutralize the allergen, relieve swelling and prevent the development of asphyxia;
  • injuries in the face, jaw, neck. At mechanical damage In these areas, the nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the tongue can be affected and injured, which can become a permanent problem. Treatment is carried out by doctors by restoring tissue integrity. In case of fractures, a period of rehabilitation with special gymnastics may be required to restore mobility and sensitivity;
  • pernicious anemia, or malignant anemia (impaired hematopoiesis due to a lack of vitamin B12). Such a deficiency negatively affects the state of the nervous system, and one of the first symptoms is numbness of the tongue. Its appearance also changes - it becomes smooth and shiny. Other symptoms: increased fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, increased frequency of heart rate, pale skin, pain in the tongue and difficulty swallowing. This problem is most often eliminated by correcting the diet with additional intravenous administration of the missing vitamin;
  • Bell's palsy, or idiopathic neuropathy of the facial nerve. Numbness of the tongue is combined with loss of sensitivity in half of the face and is usually a consequence of a viral infection (flu, herpes). The prognosis for treatment is favorable, in addition antiviral therapy, carry out special gymnastics to normalize facial sensitivity; Bell's palsy is a facial nerve disorder that causes sudden weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face.

Numbness of the tongue is one of the rarest forms of paresthesia. This term refers to a condition characterized by loss of sensation in a certain part of the body, a tingling or crawling sensation.

The cause of transient paresthesia is direct mechanical irritation of a nerve located close to the surface as a result of pressure, shock, or temporary disruption of blood circulation in a specific area. It can lead to poor conduction of nerve impulses.

Chronic paresthesia develops due to damage to the part of the nervous system responsible for the activity of a certain organ.

Why does my tongue go numb?

The tongue can become numb for a number of reasons. Very often, somatic and neurological patients complain of numbness and pain in the tongue. First, you should determine whether paresthesia of the tongue is unilateral or bilateral, as well as the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. The cause of loss of sensitivity of the tongue on one side ( unilateral numbness) may become iatrogenic damage or localized inflammation localized on the posterior lateral surface of the oral cavity.
  2. Bilateral numbness may be caused by psychogenic pain, carcinoma of the upper larynx and some related conditions, as well as pernicious anemia.

Unilateral numbness and pain in the tongue

Loss of sensation on one side of the tongue very often indicates damage to the lingual nerve. This is one of the largest branches of the mandibular nerve. It innervates the anterior part of the tongue, however, in the presence of certain disorders, attention should also be paid to back, for the innervation of which the glossopharyngeal nerve is responsible.

Patients usually complain of loss or significant reduction in taste sensations, while sensitivity in the second half of the tongue and oral mucosa is completely preserved.

To make a diagnosis, it is important to determine that the sensory impairment is limited to the tongue and does not affect the parts innervated by the inferior alveolar nerve: this area covers the lower parts of the oral cavity and the teeth of the lower jaw. If such a symptom is present, the damage is most likely localized in the oral cavity, closer to the angle of the lower jaw.

Iatrogenic damage. The most common cause of such damage is the removal of the second and third molars. The nerve may also be damaged as a result of osteotomy or similar surgical operations, as well as when incising a sublingual abscess.

A limited inflammatory or neoplastic process in the lateral region of the back of the mouth also causes loss of sensation in the tip of the tongue.

Inflammation can lead to nerve damage due to pressure or exposure to toxins. The presence of a tumor also becomes a provoking factor.

Bilateral numbness

Psychogenic pain. The cause of bilateral loss of sensitivity while maintaining taste sensations is often pain of a psychogenic nature. If pathological process If it is symmetrically localized in the oral cavity, in the corner of the lower jaw, then a decrease or loss of taste sensations is also observed.

Patients with psychogenic disorders do not experience depressed mood. In most cases, they deny the existence of problems and are demonstratively active emotionally.

Typical for this condition is the disappearance or reduction of symptoms during meals, as well as the tendency of patients to anxiety-hypochondriacal states due to a disorder in the functioning of one or more organs of the digestive system.

Patients are prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. Significant improvement also occurs as a result of a course of professional psychotherapy.

Carcinoma of the upper larynx and related conditions. The cause of numbness can also lie in very serious diseases. One of them is throat cancer, or laryngeal carcinoma. In most cases, it is localized in the upper part. The causes of the development of the disease have not been fully identified, but the obvious fact is that the disease most often affects heavy smokers, alcohol drinkers, as well as people working or living in poor environmental conditions.

Along with a numb tongue, symptoms such as a sore throat and difficulty swallowing appear.

Patients complain of hoarseness and a sensation of a foreign body in the throat. Ear pain often occurs.

The presence of any tumor in the neck area can cause numbness in the tip of the tongue. To make a diagnosis, magnetic resonance or computed tomography and endoscopy are prescribed.

The main method of treating carcinoma is surgery and X-ray irradiation, which makes it possible to carry out gentle therapy without damaging the functions of the larynx.

Pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia, or Addison-Beermer disease, is pernicious anemia, which develops as a result of hematopoietic disorders due to a lack of vitamin B12. As a result of a deficiency of this substance, the tissues of the nervous system and bone marrow are primarily affected.

In addition to numbness of the tip of the tongue, changes in its appearance may be observed: the symptom of a “varnished” or “scalded tongue” appears.

Patients often experience weakness, fatigue, complain of shortness of breath, dizziness, and increased heart rate. The skin becomes pale or takes on a yellowish tint. Pain in the tongue and difficulty swallowing may occur due to inflammation of the tongue (glossitis). The nervous system is also affected. There is loss of sensitivity, pain in the limbs, muscle weakness followed by atrophy. Subsequently, the spinal cord is also affected.

The development of the disease is facilitated by vegetarianism or poor nutrition with vitamin B12 deficiency, alcoholism, anorexia, and parenteral nutrition.

To treat pathology, the diet should first be adjusted.

To regulate the process of hematopoiesis, replacement therapy is carried out: intravenous administration vitamin B12.

Immediately after several injections, a reduction in symptoms and improvement in the condition of patients is observed.

Course duration is 30 days or more.

Trauma or hemorrhage. One of the most common causes of numbness in the tip of the tongue is various damages brain due to hemorrhage or injury.

Stroke. Numbness can be one of the symptoms of a stroke. In this case, it is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, intense headaches, tingling and numbness of the lips, loss of balance, weakness or numbness in the limbs. The speech of patients becomes slurred, and sudden loss of consciousness may occur.

If these signs appear, it is necessary to urgently call a special neurological ambulance team.

To prevent the development of changes in the brain, the patient should be given assistance:

  • unfasten buttons, belt, collar;
  • place the patient's head on high pillows;
  • provide a flow of fresh air;
  • in case of high blood pressure, give appropriate medication;
  • in its absence, immerse the patient’s feet in hot water;
  • You can use effervescent aspirin;
  • do not apply vasodilators (nicotinic acid, papaverine, noshpu, nikoshpan): they contribute to the dilation of blood vessels only in undamaged parts, while the damaged ones are not supplied with blood;
  • you can use drugs that do not have side effects: glycine, piracetam, cerebrolysin;
  • in case of severe salivation or vomiting, turn the patient’s head (without sudden movements) and clean the oral cavity.

Severe head injuries can also cause a numb tongue. In this case, urgent assistance from a specialist is necessary.

Allergy. The tongue also becomes numb as a result food allergies. In some cases, swelling is also observed, which can lead to possible suffocation.

Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, abdominal pain, rash, itching, redness, tearing, and swelling of the eyelids. An allergy can occur not only when eating an allergen product, but also due to inhalation of its smell.

In this case, first of all, you should identify the allergen and exclude it from the diet. This is not difficult, since symptoms appear either immediately after consuming a certain product, or over the next 2-4 hours. One of the most reliable ways to determine food allergies is a selective diet, during which questionable foods are temporarily excluded from the menu. At the same time, antihistamines are prescribed.

Numbness can also develop as a result of taking certain medications, with neuritis of the lingual or glossopharyngeal nerve, with diabetes mellitus(during a significant decrease in blood sugar levels), certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, colitis, etc.), hormonal imbalances - most often during menopause.

It must be remembered that numbness of the tongue never occurs on its own: it always indicates the presence of a certain disease. To make a diagnosis and correct treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

In the oral region there is an unpaired muscular process, which is known to everyone as the “tongue”. It is necessary for the process of swallowing, chewing food and the sense of taste, but why does the tongue go numb? Doctors call this pathology paresthesia. It manifests itself in the form of deterioration of sensitivity and tingling throughout the entire organ area or in certain areas.

Why does my entire tongue go numb?

Usually this unpleasant sensation is only a symptom of some underlying disease. Both the palate and the tip of the tongue can become numb, therefore, in order to eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify the main cause.

Medical experts identify a number of pathologies that are characterized by numbness of the tongue:

  1. Climax. Often, during the period of hormonal changes in women, the functioning of mucous tissues is disrupted. They become sensitive, ulcerated and thin.
  2. Glossalgia– a common disorder of the oral mucosa, which is characterized by numbness and tingling.
  3. Lack of iron and vitamins. IN. Leads to disruption of the conductivity of tissues and nerve fibers, and as a result – unpleasant sensations in the mouth.
  4. Depressive conditions or neurosis. In addition to numbness in the mouth, there is increased irritability, insomnia, and frequent dizziness.
  5. Allergy. Any allergen from mouthwash, inhaled air, toothpaste, chewing gum, and even food can cause a stiff tongue.
  6. Reflux esophagitis– uncontrolled throwing back into the oral cavity gastric juice may cause mucosal irritation, tingling and numbness. It contains hydrochloric acid, which negatively affects the lining of the oral cavity.

Often a symptom in the form of numbness of the tongue, lips, palate appears while taking some kind of medication. Neuropathy is one of the causes of numbness and develops with complex diabetes mellitus.

Compression of the hypoglossal nerve often occurs due to anatomical features cranium, as a result of swelling, high blood pressure or a tumor process in the tissues.

Brain damage or stroke is another serious cause of numbness in the entire oral cavity, including the palate, lips and tongue. With cerebral aneurysm, hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis all areas in the tongue area become numb. After a tick bite or acute syphilis, patients often complain of a similar pathology.

Why does the palate and the tip of the tongue sometimes go numb?

The lips and tongue usually go numb at the same time, but it happens that a peculiar symptom develops only on the tip of the tongue and the roof of the mouth. This phenomenon occurs when:

  • undergoing chemotherapy;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • depression;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae;
  • lesions of the glossopharyngeal nerve as a result of trauma;
  • lack of vitamins or minerals;
  • hypoglycemia ( low sugar);
  • food or chemical poisoning.

Sensitivity loss also occurs in the palate. The lips can also join these areas. This is evidence of poor circulation in the facial area, low or excessively high blood pressure. The numbness will pass, if you take antihypertensive drugs, stabilize blood sugar levels, compensate for the lack of vitamins and stabilize the mineral-salt balance.

Unstable functioning of the nervous and vegetative-vascular systems causes frequent migraines with numbness of the tongue, limbs, headaches, and dizziness. Sports help relieve this condition, good vacation and sleep, eliminating sweets and alcohol from the menu, and replacing them with foods rich in magnesium, sodium and potassium.

“Goosebumps” run and the oral cavity is constrained if there are pathologies of the gums and dentition. Help in these cases should be sought in the dentist's office. For severe damage to mucous and muscle tissues rehabilitation period quite long, including physiotherapy and facial gymnastics.

What kind of examination should I undergo?

If the discomfort in the oral cavity is systematic and repeats with a certain frequency, then you should contact specialists - neurologists, therapists and endocrinologists.

MRI and scans of the upper spine and brain will help identify the presence of neurological disorders. Thanks to Doppler ultrasound, pathologies are diagnosed great vessels. To detect diabetes, a blood and urine test is required. Add to list mandatory procedures also includes:

  • Ultrasound of the heart and other organs abdominal cavity;
  • detailed blood test;
  • MRI or CT;
  • blood for hormones.

A qualified doctor will determine the real reason numbness of the tongue and prescribe timely and effective treatment.

What to do and how to help yourself?

If a deficiency of vitamins and certain minerals is detected, vitamin and mineral supplements or intramuscular injections are prescribed. In case of an allergic reaction in the form of numbness of the tongue, antihistamines will be required. Each method of therapy is developed by a doctor individually.

Endocrine disorders are treated with hormone replacement therapy. Neurological disorders are treated with corticosteroids and sedatives, as well as antidepressants. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics kill pathological flora and relieve swelling in the mouth if numbness of the tongue is caused by an infection.

With long-term treatment positive effect provide general strengthening measures aimed at hardening the body and increasing immune strength. Sometimes facial gymnastics and rinsing are used herbal decoctions, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures - applications with medicinal drugs and healing mud, massage, electrophoresis, acupuncture and even acupuncture.

If the tip of your tongue often goes numb, you should undergo an additional examination from a dentist or ENT doctor. Often it is the diseases associated with their profile that are the cause of the unpleasant symptom. You can get rid of a single numbness yourself at home using the following methods:

  • adjust your diet by eliminating sugar and alcohol;
  • rinse with a decoction of St. John's wort or rose hips;
  • make applications with sea buckthorn oil;
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of sea salt.

Such procedures will relieve inflammation if it exists in mucous tissues, improve tissue trophism, and eliminate accumulations of bacteria. You should not delay consultation, since numbness in the mouth area may be the first sign of a stroke, stomach ulcer, or hernia of the cervical vertebrae.

First of all, you need to lay the person down, unfasten constricting clothing, open a window to let air in, and measure the pressure if you have a tonometer. If numbness is accompanied high temperature, vomiting, paralysis, then urgent hospitalization is required.

If possible, without clarifying the diagnosis, you should stop taking any medications. Many people start taking Aspirin, No-shpu or other pills that they found in the medicine cabinet. This is dangerous and may cause the condition to worsen.

In any case, numbness of the tongue is a dangerous symptom if it occurs frequently. You cannot self-medicate. This will only make the situation worse. Careful diagnosis and consultation with specialists is required.